#SLW Headcanon
reindash--yuri · 2 years
SLW Literacy Headcanons (The Helpers)
William Beaver – Reads and listens to audiobooks pretty evenly, most of the time he does at the same time. Though, he listens to just audiobooks when he's digging or doing something that doesn't involve his hands/require him to be aware of his surroundings. Sucker for romance and contemporary novels, he also follows a few book subscription boxes, typically leans towards YA. Though, he will read what the other recommends. Prefers hardback over paperback.
Polly Reindeer – Reads way more than listens to audiobooks. Will typically listen to an audiobook if she has already read the book. She will typically read non-fiction (science and memoirs) and realistic fiction, though will occasionally dive into historical romance, heavily leans towards Adult. She will actively avoid horror/thriller novels and novels that involve kidnapping. Prefers digital copies over physically copies, but will order paperback of novels she considers 5 stars to put in her library.
Fizzy Elephant – Has not touched a book since high school, only listens to audiobooks. Has no preference for genre or demographic (Adult, YA, Middle Grade, ect), he'll listen to about anything. However, he'll only listen to short stories and poetry, he will not touch a novel, might touch a novella if the prose is flowy enough or if the author has released a couple of poetry collections in the past. He can not finish a novel and only has 75% chance rate of finishing novellas.
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targetslovelyworld · 1 month
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(Remind me to add an image ID)
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idkhowtonamexme · 6 months
Small headcanon to craig (SLW)
He likes to dyed his hair orange, his natural hair is blonde
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wetwaluigi · 11 months
lost hex hc sludge, anyone
so ive had this.. sudo-headcanon about sonics world for a while- meaning its something that crosses my mind on occasion and makes sense on a technical level but realistically they were never going for but there keeps being little coincidences that make me WANT to, so. anyway reminder that the zones in LW are inspired by existing classic sonic zones- some are more blatant than others, windy and green hill for example obviously this was for nostalgia bait but eventually i kinda wondered how from a LORE standpoint they would be similar? what i settled on was that over eons, tiles of the lost hex fell down onto the surface periodically, and as thousands of years passed those fallen tiles began to somewhat... spread/infect the world below, making it weird and sonicy this also is an extension of me believing the lost hex follows a minor flightpath which also means its reach would extend over multiple islands, such as south island, or what i specifically want to mention, the northstar islands so superstars came out recently, and me being zeti-pilled made me keep an eye out on similarities between the northstar islands and the lost hex since they're both classic inspired and theres surprisingly a lot more than i thought? for example (sorry for the picture quality, took these on switch handheld)
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why is this the second time we're doing 'beach level with jet streams everywhere and unexplainable gigantic fruit littered all over the place'
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why is this the second time we're doing a frozen base with a red machinery color palate another frozen base example in a more modern setting is white acropolis, but not taking place on an island, it looks nothing like these too i feel like this one couldve easily come from idea drought because its very weird how similar the themes and aesthetics are
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its hard to explain the similarities of these two past 'ooga booga jungle' without being in motion but i cant be the only one even act 2s focus on darkness when theres a darkness level with no lights in silent forest too is just kind of. weird (considering im pretty sure those are the only two darkness levels in the series?)- didnt get a pic of it but you know what i mean if youve played both
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floating brown platforms in the clouds is not like. an obscenely unique idea but id be remissed to not mention it although superstars' reminds me more of sonic adventure than SLW
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this 100% means nothing since its a generic pattern, just consider it a silly bonus because it was the first thing i thought of when i played golden capital
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(unrelated side note but the aesthetic of this level obliterates pinball carnival and golden capital- anyway) hopefully these are enough examples for now- one of them is a bit too spoilery to show this soon this is a weird hc territory where it absolutely was not what they were going for, but theres a lot of little coincidences here and there that make it work for me personally? most of the coincidences absolutely stem from the fact that both of these games have overall very generic level themes so theres bound to be some overlap, but oh well, its a thought
anyway just figured id rant about this, theres not enough rants on this page despite the amount i have bouncing around in my head
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malheury · 3 years
My SLW character headcanons (not at all based on my TikTok video /sarc 😋)
Love/Loveself | Lovegender greysexual gay
Stampy is a very creative person, however, love can panic about things going wrong veeery quickly.
Stampy has PTSD from all of the times HitTheTarget has stolen loves dogs. Love has a hard time opening up about loves true feelings and doesn’t like showing all of the scars love’s gained from loves battles with HTT (partly from guilt).
As mentioned previously, Stampy has a difficult time opening up about loves true feelings, especially to loves closest helpers. Love doesn’t want to say anything love’ll regret and panics when somebody doesn’t take something love says how love meant. Love doesn’t want any of loves closest friends turning out to be like HitTheTarget, or like Veeva Dash.
Stampy fears the nether, as most times love’s entered the nether, something has gone wrong (whether it be meeting HitTheTarget or being hacked).
Asian | He/She/They/It/Arrow | Genderflux minsexual
HitTheTarget is quite an unruly and hotheaded person, they make rash decisions and is only kept on the right path by Veeva Dash.
HitTheTarget has panic disorder and PTSD, from all of her enemy’s attempts to get rid of it. The nether is a major trigger for them, but sometimes she has the ability to overcome his trauma for (in arrow’s opinion) the greater good. Although having a major part to play in the creation of the soul campfires, he is incredibly afraid of their power.
HTT is a burns survivor, he gathered many burns from arrow’s time in the afterlife and fully blames her enemy. Unlike their enemy, HTT loves showing his scars, as its not afraid of being proud of arrows failures.
Veeva Dash
Asian | She/Her | Femme integragender lesbian
Veeva Dash is a calm and collected person, she makes the plans and (mostly) makes sure all preparations are seen to.
She is the only person HTT can confide in about arrow’s ~8+ years of trauma, and the only one they can talk to about the fear of his own castle.
Although she has no trauma from the enemy, she does sometimes have to think about her relationship with HitTheTarget as she has doubts about their friendship due to the situation her friend has put her in.
She has strong feelings for Polly despite being enemies.
Black | He/Him | Vincian bedrockgender
William is the fearless helper, he’s not afraid of charging into battle as long as there’s a plan. He’s always prepared for any situation.
Black | She/They | Faunic demigirl
Polly is the brains of the helpers, she’s a natural leader and the greatest redstone engineer in SLW. They would, however, never hurt a soul, not even HTT or VD.
She has strong feelings for Veeva Dash, however being enemies isn’t exactly the best for their relationship.
Muslim blasian | They/Bubble | Aromantic autigender bubbleboy
Fizzy is the creative helper! Although bubble isn’t a leader, they’re quite fearless and would run into action at any given moment if it was imperative. They’re also very creative and funny, and sometimes a bit of a prankster.
Bonus! They’re all autistic <3
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amagicalmoonlight · 2 years
I don’t think I ever mentioned this but I headcanon all the three modern helpers in SLW to be a-spec
William is aroallo
Polly is alloace
Fizzy is aroace
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galionne-speeding · 2 years
Idk if your still doing head cannons but, in the past when SLW was still being advertised I think in one advertisement they were referred to as guardians? I’ve always had the thought of the Zeti being the rulers of the Lost Hex with each of them being the most powerful of their specific kind. It would be an interesting concept since I see all of them as different ruling styles to their respected (kingdoms?) coming together as a whole as the Rulers of the Hex.
I know the headcannons doesn’t really make sense anymore due to the D6 already being a pack together. But, hey. It was a cool idea and most of the concepts. I’m probably the only one who is really into this headcannon but, hey I just wanted to share it. I’m a writer and world builder I like to find lore when there isn’t any.
(I love love love hearing about other people's headcanons, my askbox is always open for them!)
I had no idea about them being refered to as Guardians in the ads but I kinda have that headcanon actually! (I talked about it here, tho I'm probably going to change 95% of what comes after the first two bullet points).
As for them all being rulers that's actually really cool? It does make wonder how each of them got into power and what it's like to live under their reign.
I have a feeling Zazz came in one day and just obliterated the previous ruler of Windy Hill and everyone has been too scared to try to remove him from the throne since. Meanwhile, Zeena has probably elevated herself to the status of a goddess at this point and makes her people worship her day in and day out.
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SLW Neurodivergant Headcanons??? - 🍉🚢
Fizzy: Autistic, high empathy, dyslexia
Polly: Autistic, low empathy
William: ADHD
Veeva: ADHD, seasonal depression
Hit the Target: Autistic
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staampyslov3lyw0rld · 2 years
Got any headcanons involving what salads the cast of SLW would like??? - 🍉🚢
1. no 2. why do you ask me these things lucian
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More Lovely World+ Headcanons
I accidentally posted this before the list was completed, so the contents of the post below the cut may still change in the future when I think of new ideas
Character =/= actor. I’ll be sticking with exclusively MC!verse interpretations of characters for this post, and meta concepts will be given in-universe explanations -- if anyone responding to this post makes this weird™, I will not hesitate to punt your ass into the sun
So yeah, this post is also half a fanfiction in itself because I just can’t sit down and write proper content for once these days
Due to the implications across several series that various Worlds are connected, I will stick to a mixture of canons -- the Lovely World takes place in a shared universe with Feather Adventures (very heavily implied in Sqaishey’s songs, but never outright stated, and Stampy makes no mention of Feather Adventures in the SLW), Finnball’s Kingdom (mutual acknowledgement of existence), etc.
If you read several certain TV Tropes pages, you’d probably find some of these headcanons and theories familiar... because I helped contribute to those pages
Hybrid AU(ish) -- and y’all know what that means :)
Lovely World (Angst with a hint of Fluff, Stampy exclusive)
In the Hybrid!verse, the SLW was established to be a safe space for hybrids... and it works :)
It's kind of obvious that Stamps is a cat
He has slightly better night vision if he switches into cat eye mode
He would still need glasses on his human side -- cats don't have the best resolution when it comes to vision and definitely don't have 20/20 vision -- inspired by a WMG by @madamegemknight (the full colour human vision was pure luck -- normal cats are what humans would call colour-blind)
Enhanced hearing, the whole purring thing, perching, lessened fall damage… just cat quirks, I guess
But he isn't immune to creepers and phantoms
But then let’s get back to canon...
Like I mentioned in some previous posts, HTT attacks were definitely traumatic
Stampy still makes baked potatoes the way Veeva Dash liked them when she was a Helper and now it’s just plain sadness central
An attack that turned out to be more traumatic than I originally anticipated was Ep375, Evil Plan -- because it lines up with at least part of Stampy’s behaviour in Sqaishey’s song Jungle, which takes place not long after the episode (see the Fridge pages on TV Tropes for both the SLW and Feather Adventures for details)
Ep526, Saving the World is surprisingly dark... and its aftereffects: Stampy checks up on his Helpers more often after that. And from what I can gather from the episode, it’s implied that he definitely took some of HTT’s accusations to heart, and he’s scared of becoming the tyrant HTT speaks of...
Ep670, Hacked is the meta episode and here’s to explain the meta: HTT and Veeva Dash managed to gain access to and steal the Heart of the World -- which is like a control panel / command block thing that controls the players’ permissions and world settings. Having access to the Heart is like being made into an moderator or even admin of a server, or the host of a console world (Stampy’s always had access to it but he doesn’t use it much these days)
Ep683, Darkness was one of the less dark attacks but I’m pretty solid on the idea that Stampy’s Elytra is clipped after getting shot down (even if he did eventually regain stability in flight, the aerial battle ended shortly afterwards)
He's definitely obfuscating stupidity. Definitely. You can't fight a war for 8+ years and still be an absolute dumbass. He just prefers to stay oblivious sometimes because it takes less of a toll on his psyche and mind to be “innocent and naïve”. Yeah, he is definitely a bit oblivious but not to the point of utter stupidity
Some non-HTT angst: Stamps still visits his dogs' graves on their deathdays. You can cry now
Sometimes Barnaby crawls into bed with him... I reckon it’s the PTSD thing
But then there are the “days off” -- basically spent on maintenance and farming... sometimes you just want them to catch a break and do something that’s just soft/slice of life/domestic
And the marriage applies in the SLW too, since the SLW is in a shared universe with Feather Adventures, and the marriage is canon there (Sqaishey mentions it in Ep308 on her end)
Sqaishey + Feather Adventures
Obviously, Sqaishey’s a duck, and hybrid!Sqaishey has wings but cannot fly
When their initial world, Quacktopia, crashed, they lost the ability to fly -- their wings were too damaged/weakened by the loss of their World, and they had been determined to regain their ability to fly since (and they succeeded in Feather Adventures because of them getting Elytra in Ep212, Search for Wings)
The Elytra basically helps stabilize their flight
The Elytra that Stampy got for Xmas in 2017 was given to Sqaishey as a present so that they could fly in his World, which is why Stamps had to go out of his way to get his own Elytra 3 years later
They have waterproof feathers!
In the Lovely World, they still help out behind the scenes even though they're not an official Helper anymore -- they help with resource gathering and offer off-camera assistance
Even though they don't appear on-screen these days, they're basically the current second in command in the SLW, which explains how they're able to tell Barnaby to follow her during their 2017 April Fools video
Stampy also totally helped them build the time machine they used in Quack If You Wanna, and it’s implied it functions better than the one Stampy has in his not-so-Secret Base (it’s portable and travels with the user through time, for one)
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reindash--yuri · 2 years
Since Polly is technically considered canonically disabled (with her lack of ability to fly unlike the rest of Santa's Raindeer).
Consider the SLW Headcanon- Polly with a cane/crutches.
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crusherthedoctor · 6 years
Miles "Tails" Prower
Favourite thing about them:
His good nature, and his reliability as a friend. :)
Least favourite thing about them:
The fact that he can’t do anything nowadays without people throwing a fit over it. SLW and Forces might as well be Vietnam to these fans if they think a throwaway quip in TSR is comparable.
Serious answer, how he’s sometimes reduced to Mr. Exposition.
Favourite line:
“Someday… If this world finally knows true peace… If this world no longer needs weapons or wars… If we can make this world a truly peaceful place when we’re older… If we can make a world where there’s only laughter… Do you think we’ll be able to play with Emerl again…?”
The aforementioned Sonic and Tails.
Don’t really have one. TaiilsXAmy is cute I guess, provided they’re a bit older of course.
Random headcanon:
Every now and then, he uses his genius to make surprise gifts for his friends. Even Shadow.
Unpopular opinion:
Unleashed degraded Tails just as much as later games did, and I reckon that gets ignored because Unleashed has become a sacred cow in the fandom.
Also, the argument that he can’t join in with final battles because “he’s a kid” is nonsense, since this kid has already braved through adventures filled with destructive robots, and this isn’t exactly a franchise that treats the characters’ ages realistically anyway.
Song I associate with them:
The Ending music for Sonic 2 on the Master System.
Favourite picture of them:
His Mania artwork. Classic Tails is always adorable when he’s all “:D”.
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idkhowtonamexme · 8 months
Well this is my "introduction" because im really bored at 2:30 AM
-My online names are beaver / duck and "idk" but i go more frequent by beaver!
-i go by she/he/they pronouns (im genderfluid)
-lesbian/ sapphic (basically i like girls lol)
-my interest are stampy's lovely world, dlh (destripando la historia), skullgirls, fnaf, wonder quest, the fnaf novels, DSaF and i recently started to like Malice Mizer
-im chilean lol
-i like to draw as you can see in my account and animate stuff
-i have ADHD and im really stupid so please be patient with me
-english isn't my first language so sorry if i spell somethings wrong or just bacically dont make sence
-my fav games are skullgirls 2nd encore, skullgirls mobile, ACNH, super smash bros, minecraft, fnaf world.
-i respect everyone that has headcanons, ships (expect proships) aus and more!
-i have a YouTube named "idkwhattonameme" where i post anything my small brain can process and make slw videos
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greenyvertekins · 6 years
favorite thing about them
He’s a cute, dependable little brother :>
least favorite thing about them
Pretty much everything about his SLW portrayal.
favorite line
“Someday… If this world finally knows true peace… If this world no longer needs weapons or wars… If we can make this world a truly peaceful place when we’re older… If we can make a world where there’s only laughter… Do you think we’ll be able to play with Emerl again?”
With Sonic
random headcanon
After bathing, he has to spend at least half an hour brushing the fur on his tails so they don’t get matted and tangled from moisture.
unpopular opinion
Tails consistent mishandling since 2010 has been one of the biggest problems in the series’ modern era writing-wise.
song i associate with them
Never really thought about it.
favorite picture of them
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@Xx--P0t10nm4st3r3r--xX is a Stampy's Lovely World roleplay blog of Veeva Dash. Note, this not a kinnie/fictive blog. This blog is canon divergent, heavily headcanon based and will not follow the canon events of Stampy's Lovely World exactly.
Overall stuff about Xx--P0t10nm4st3r3r--xX!Veeva Dash
She/her pronouns and feminine titles.
Trans woman and pansexual
Witch! Specializes in potions.
She and HTT aren't dating in the main universe/Pretty Little Things verse! They're just friends.
Things to note.
While I (OP) and the character are adults, please do not send extremely NSFW asks, NSFW jokes are fine though.
If a thread has #*character/RP Blog* [closed RP] (for example: #Veeva Dash and Hit the Target [closed RP] or #Xx--P0t10nm4st3r3r--xX and *Specific HTT RP Blog name [closed RP]*, then don't add on to the thread (typically only added to in universe/lore RP threads) especially when it comes to the second tag!
This blog's has main "universe" will include interactions with:
MyLovely--Blog (made, but not ready for interactions yet).
fnffzzybsh (made and ready for interactions)
Hitthetarget4 (made, but not ready for interactions yet)
Carolingredstonereindeer (made, but not read for interactions yet),
whatever Pretty Little Things!William Beaver's blog name is* (not made yet).
However, I (OP) am fine with interacting other c!Stampy/current helpers/Veeva/HTT RP blogs as long as they don't try to be apart of the main universe/lore. RP Blogs of Lunar Friends, Old Helpers, other SLW residents, Mirror World residents, etc are fine to interact/influence in the main universe/lore, just ask if you want your RP blog be canon to the universe. 
If you want make a different universe independent of the main universe, just ask and we can come up with something!
OCs are fine with interacting with the main universe, just don't assume a past relationship with Xx--P0t10nm4st3r3r--xX!Veeva Dash unless we talked in DMs first.
Unless stated otherwise within the ask, I (OP) will assume all asks take place in the main universe.
I (OP) used void/it/fir pronouns (order of preference)! No they/them.
If you need anything to be clarified feel free to send an ask here or to @reindash--yuri
Tags and banners under the cut!
General tags -
#Potion.Maker - In-character posts, replies, self-reblogs, and asks.
#Coffee.Cup - Catch all angst tag
#Anon - Anonymous asks.
#OOC or #OOC: *Sentence* - Out of character posts or in-tag comments of in-character posts
#Oooo.Media - Fanart tag and reblogs without replies.
#Art.of.Making.Potions - tag for threads and description RP.
#Pretty.Little.Things [verse] - Main universe/main lore tag.
#// word - CW/TW tag, though if you need a specific tag that uses tw/cw/etc instead of // feel free to tell me and I'll tag it.
Character tags (blog dependent)
#pussy [Mylovely--blog] - [Pretty Little Things verse!Stampy]
#asshole [PLT!William Beaver's URL] - *Whatever Pretty Little Things!William's Blog will be*
#not.an.Asshole [Carolingredstonereindeer] - [Pretty Little Things verse!Polly)
#bitch [fntmfzzybsh] - [Pretty Little Things verse!Fizzy]
#mOTHERFUCKER [Hitthetarget4] - [Pretty Little Things verse!HTT]
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fntmfzzybsh · 2 years
@fntmfzzybsh is a Stampy's Lovely World roleplay blog of Fizzy Elephant. Note, this not a kinnie/fictive blog. This blog is canon divergent, heavily headcanon based and will not follow the canon events of Stampy's Lovely World exactly.
Overall stuff about fntmfzzybsh!Fizzy Elephant
He/they/neos/ Any title (ms/mr/mx etc)
Genderfluid and pansexual!
He absolutely hates raisin cookies and gingerbread.
Things to note.
While I (OP) and the character are adults, please do not send extremely NSFW asks, NSFW jokes are fine though.
If a thread has #*character/RP Blog* [closed RP] (for example: #Fizzy Elephant and Hit the Target [closed RP] or #fnftmfzzybsh and *Specific HTT RP Blog name [closed RP]*, then don't add on to the thread (typically only added to in universe/lore RP threads) especially when it comes to the second tag!
This blog's has main "universe" will include interactions with MyLovely--Blog (made, but not ready for interactions yet), Xx--P0t10nm4st3r3r--xX (made, but not ready for interactions yet), Hitthetarget4 (made, but not ready for interactions yet), Carolingredstonereindeer (made, but not read for interactions yet), *whatever Pretty Little Things!William Beaver's blog name is* (not made yet).
However, I (OP) am fine with interacting other c!Stampy/Fizzy/other current helpers/Veeva/HTT RP blogs as long as they don't try to be apart of the main universe/lore. RP Blogs of Lunar Friends, Old Helpers, other SLW residents, Mirror World residents, etc are fine to interact/influence in the main universe/lore, just ask if you want your RP blog be canon to the universe. 
If you want make a different universe independent of the main universe, just ask and we can come up with something!
OCs are fine with interacting with the main universe, just don't assume a past relationship with fnffzzybsh!Fizzy unless we talked in DMs first.
Unless stated otherwise within the ask, I (OP) will assume all asks take place in the main universe.
I (OP) used void/it/fir pronouns (order of preference)! No they/them.
If you need anything to be clarified feel free to send an ask here or to @watermelon--craft
Tags and banners under the cut!
General tags -
#Toots of an Elephant - In-character posts and replies
#Hoots of an Elephant - In-character reblogs without replies
#Burnt Cookies - Catch all angst tag
#Firework ingredient - In character ask tag
#Anon - Anonymous asks.
#OOC or #OOC: *Sentence* - Out of character posts or in-tag comments of in-character posts
#Super Duper Fantastical Art - Fanart tag
#Elephant Tales - tag for threads and description RP.
#Pretty Little Things [verse] - Main universe/main lore tag.
#// word - CW/TW tag, though if you need a specific tag that uses tw/cw/etc instead of // feel free to tell me and I'll tag it.
Character tags (blog dependent)
#Apple Pie Cookie :) - Carolingredstonereindeer [Pretty Little Things verse!Polly]
#Oatmeal Carrot Cookie :) - *Whatever Pretty Little Things!William's Blog will be*
#Cherry Cookie :) - Mylovely--blog [Pretty Little Things verse!Stampy]
#Gingerbread Cookie :( - Xx--P0t10nm4st3r3r--xX [Pretty Little Things verse!Veeva]
#Raisin Cookie :( - Hitthetarget4 [Pretty Little Things verse!HTT]
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Banner made by: @staampyslov3lyw0rld
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