#polly reindeer
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trixlvania · 2 months ago
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She’s trying so hard you guys
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targetslovelyworld · 1 year ago
Stampy’s Lovely World Dashboard simulator
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🍪 randomwordotd Follow
Random word of the day: Frogs!!!
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🎄 hollyjollypolly Follow
Only 342 days until Christmas!
🥔 bubblingconcoction Follow
Halloween is better
🎄 hollyjollypolly Follow
I disagree with that personally.
🥔 bubblingconcoction Follow
You can’t disagree with me I’m right
🦫 sillybillybeaver Follow
This your house?
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🎄 hollyjollypolly Follow
🧜‍♀️ lovelovepetalz Follow
Oomfies fighting on the tl again
#its funny though #reblog # // not flowers
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🏹 freeing-this-world Follow
Who put Stampy Cat in charge of the weather I feel like I’m going to get heat stroke just stepping outside
🧸 longshot-btg Follow
its not that serious bro
🏹 freeing-this-world Follow
It hasn’t rained in 4 years what the fuck do you mean its not that serious
🧸 longshot-btg Follow
that sounds like a you problem
🏹 freeing-this-world Follow
When I get my hands on those dogs I will exile you
#its gonna happen #his dogs WILL be mine #just you wait and see
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🥧 pumpkinmunchkin Follow
new hit the target plan leak hes going to steal the dogs by taping a photo of stampy cat onto his head with the hopes that the helpers wont catch on
#he would be stupid enough to try to pull this off
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💿 giraffeconstructionsite Follow
i think i botched the recipe this potion isnt kicking in
💿 giraffeconstructionsite Follow
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🏹 freeing-this-world Follow
Nobody decided that Stampy should get to rule over everyone. The fact that so many of you people are complacent in his regime is sickening to me.
☃️ christmasmiracle12242012 Follow
im henry i am a snow golem and i like snowball fights and playing in the snow :D
🏹 freeing-this-world Follow
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🍪 randomwordotd Follow
Random word of the day… BERRY
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🐱 mr-stampy-cat Follow
Making a cake with my favorite helpers! Such a lovely morning.
🏹 freeing-this-world Follow
Your days are numbered.
🐱 mr-stampy-cat Follow
Not much of a threat coming from you, Mr. “I spent thirteen years consistently failing to take one guy’s dogs and now I’m salty about it”
🏹 freeing-this-world Follow
Not much of an insult coming from you, Mr. “I don’t let anyone else speak except for me because I’m self-obsessed and don’t care what others have to say in the slightest”
🦫 sillybillybeaver Follow
This is why your wife left you.
🏹 freeing-this-world Follow
Go fuck yourself
#imagine being so desperate to win an argument that you drop the veeva card #that should be an indicator that your argument fucking sucks #bringing up a lads divorce as a gotcha moment #how typical of a brainwashed helper
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🌆 is-veeva-dash-dead-yet Follow
🥔 bubblingconcoction Follow
Go to hell William
🌆 is-veeva-dash-dead-yet Follow
Who is this “William” you speak of? I am very clearly is-veeva-dash-dead-yet
🥔 bubblingconcoction Follow
Two can play at that game.
🎇 is-william-beaver-dead-yet Follow
🦫 sillybillybeaver Follow
Wow! Unprovoked, Veeva!
🎇 is-william-beaver-dead-yet Follow
If I have my way I’ll be posting the word yes tomorrow
#and nobody will miss you
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197 notes · View notes
iris-the-illustrator · 2 months ago
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25 notes · View notes
samthecookielord · 1 year ago
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Happy Lovely World Finale, everyone!
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staampyslov3lyw0rld · 5 months ago
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Velvet is a really yucky thing. god bless. he did throw it at them afterwards
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cybergrapeuk · 1 year ago
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It's Polly Reindeer!
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idkhowtonamexme · 2 months ago
Stampy's lovely world characters relationships in my AU
During and after lovely world
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Also i didn't use my designs because they look silly in this form
Feel scared to post this because i feel like i'm the only person who likes Polliam on tumblr and is going to be judged for that🙁
Anyone who's seeing this and disagree with me remember, this is MY AU not yours thank you❤️‍🩹
(Sorry if i sound rude there i just have bad experience with these kinds of posts🙁)
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statuamlapis · 4 months ago
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Weeeell, while on the topic of flowers
What are the helper's favorite flowers? :3
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nev3rlaand · 1 year ago
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Cringetober Day 12: Niche Interest
okay this one ? means something to me personally for once ^_^
i have been watching this funny little orange cat for literal YEARS and from when im posting (20th of october <- shows you how late i am to starting cringetober) this they're all DYING TOMORROW. 21st at 8pm they are DEAD
i love you stampy you are really stupid and i wish you would just look up and to your left to see the very ominous hot air balloon that just floated across your screen <3
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helloree1 · 1 year ago
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moonprismpowr · 1 month ago
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Polly & Veeva should kiss right now
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trixlvania · 2 months ago
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Polly Reindeer Re-design (she looks like an actual reindeer now)
Genuinely couldn’t decide which fur coat I liked better so I’m posting both
(Old design)
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targetslovelyworld · 5 months ago
Stampy’s Lovely World Dashboard Simulator 2: The Squeakquel
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🍪 randomwordotd Follow
Random word of the day… Oscillation
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🗾 slippery-fellow Follow
Just got fished out of the lake again
🗾 slippery-fellow
They’re taking me to their fishing boat
🗾 slippery-fellow
Just moved into the fisherman’s house
🗾 slippery-fellow
I live here now 👍
🥧 pumpkinmunchkin Follow
squid no
🗾 slippery-fellow
I’m no longer homeless
#squiddy posts #slippery status updates
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🎄 hollyjollypolly Follow
Hit The Target will be put on the naughty list for the 6th consecutive year in a row
🏹 freeing-this-world Follow
Not going to happen.
🎄 hollyjollypolly
Santa Claus knows what you did
🏹 freeing-this-world
Every day I fight for a better future, free from the tyranny of that wretched feline. You may laugh now, but the virtuous rise to the top in a crumbling world.
🦫 sillybillybeaver Follow
Looks like someone got coal in their stocking this year
#hit the target moment #lmao
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🍄 epic-big-c Follow
Grew a mushroom today
💿 giraffeconstructionsite Follow
hell yeah that’s where it’s at
💿 giraffeconstructionsite
can we get a hell yeah from all my fungus mutuals
🦷 toothfairy-official Follow
I want to see the mushroom
🍄 epic-big-c
Tooth fairy how much do you owe in undeclared taxes
🦷 toothfairy-official
Lovely World is a tax haven. I don’t pay anything in taxes, I just do my civic duty collecting teeth!
🐸 angelfrog Follow
Can we get a hell yeah from all my teeth mutuals
💐 rosie833 Follow
your WHAT mutuals
🐸 angelfrog
Hey sometimes it’s nice to yearn for a life you can never have
#i dont have teeth
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🐧 faithle55angel Follow
i love fishing. gotta be one of the activities ever
💐 rosie833 Follow
Fishing is awesome, I caught a seahorse last week
👑 finballs-fabulouskingdom Follow
This post is doing numbers. Follow my blog for more fabulous posts like this one!
🐧 faithle55angel
🐧 faithle55angel
who are you
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✴️ rayman-daily Follow
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🍪 randomwordotd Follow
Random word of the day is chocolate chips!
🍪 randomwordotd
Wait that’s two words
🍪 randomwordotd
I’m counting it as one word anyway because this is my blog.
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🦊 stacy-the-fox Follow
Pumpkin pie fans assemble!!!
🥧 pumpkinmunchkin Follow
you rang?
🦊 stacy-the-fox
We’re on pumpkin pieblr now
🥧 pumpkinmunchkin
apple pie fans will be blocked on sight
🎄 hollyjollypolly Follow
= :-(
🥧 pumpkinmunchkin
wait no im sorry i take it back
#sorry polly
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🐉 justdragonthings Follow
Anyone else been using pistons a lot lately
#ooc #dans originals
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✴️ rayman-daily Follow
🐸 angelfrog Follow
Craz how did you post this you’ve been asleep all day
✴️ rayman-daily
Did you think I did all my posts manually
🐸 angelfrog
I mean it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that
✴️ rayman-daily
Yes it would nobody runs a daily gimmick blog manually they use the queue like any reasonable person would
🍪 randomwordotd Follow
I run mine manually
✴️ rayman-daily
why would you put yourself through that
🍪 randomwordotd
Because its fun!!!
#not random words
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🚹 staff
Anybody else’s dividers fucked up or just mine
#art credit to idkwhattonameme
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🧀 cheesydubh Follow
just bought that magic fishing rod from the special mart.
🧀 cheesydubh
finally i can do land fishing.
🗾 slippery-fellow Follow
Dinner’s on you tonight!
🧀 cheesydubh
its just giving me rocks.
#two stars #ash updates
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💿 giraffeconstructionsite Follow
favorite c418 music disc. no “see results” button. no nuance. pick your favorite
🏹 freeing-this-world Follow
Where’s 11?
💿 giraffeconstructionsite
this guy’s favorite disc is 11 😭😭😭 lmfao edgelord
🍪 randomwordotd Follow
Where’s 11
🧜🏼‍♀️ lovelovepetalz Follow
Where’s Precipice?
🐱 mr-stampy-cat Follow
That’s not C418. Sorry Amy
🥔 bubblingconcoction
Get with the program, Amy.
🦫 sillybillybeaver Follow
You know you could always just try being nicer or more pleasant to be around. That’s always an option. Nothing is stopping you.
🎇 is-william-beaver-dead-yet Follow
Wish he was tbh
💿 giraffeconstructionsite
waking up to the most insane beef ever under my own post is hilarious this isn’t even about the poll anymore
🍪 randomwordotd
Where’s 13
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iris-the-illustrator · 2 months ago
After weeks of debating with myself on if I should or shouldn’t post this I finally decided to do it.
Listener Netty AU
A certain family’s tea party
Summary: After finally escaping from the Watchers games for good Martyn and Netty want nothing more then to make up for lost time. However, they’re both too scared to face each other after so much time apart and are struggling to settle down after all they went through. Perhaps they just need a bit of encouragement to help them get back on track.
Relationships: Netty x Martyn, Stampy x Sqashiey
Netty stood there frozen from what she had witnessed, the body’s of Scott and Impulse left to rot as their blood tainted the grass. Martyn had won, she should be proud she should be happy but something wasn’t right.
She eventually snapped out of her daze and walked slowly towards him, before freezing in her tracks when Martyn turned around. His body was tense and stained head to toe in the blood of his victims, his face twisted into a wicked smile and his eyes glowing purple.
“You…” she whispered her voice quivering in terror, she gently reached out her hand but before she could react Martyn lunged at her, sword still drawn. He pinned her to the floor as she thrashed desperately to free herself, it was no use though. Martyn lifted his sword into the air and in one quick motion drove it into her chest.
Netty shot up gasping for air, clutching her chest tightly as she tried to catch her breath. After a moment she relaxed and took in her surroundings, she’d almost forgotten where she was until the obvious came rushing back to her. She was in Sqaisheys guest room sitting up in bed, she glanced at the closed curtains noticing the harsh sunlight seeping through. Just then she heard the distant sound of foot steps, she knew she was safe here, she really did know that, but that fact didn’t stop her shoulders from growing tense.
“Are you awake yet? Can I come in?” Stampy asked lightly tapping on the door, “no, I’m getting ready” she lied, her voice hoarse. She felt tears in her eyes that formed during her nightmare and she didn’t want to explain herself, not just after she just woke up.
“Alright, there’s left over cake in the kitchen, Fizzy is currently guarding it for you in case you wanted something for breakfast” Stampy huffed, he sounded amused yet disappointed, “ok, I’ll be right there” she crocked. Netty didn’t move a muscle, not until she couldn’t hear her brothers foot sleep anymore. Carefully she got up and rummaged through the chest in the corner of the room, slipped into her favourite hoodie and leggings right before she threw opened the currents, wincing slightly at the blinding light that beamed in through the window. It was much later in the day then she expected, as the sun was almost at its peak yet despite the sleep she just had she still felt exhausted.
Wandering out of the guest room towards to kitchen, dragging her feet slightly as she started to get lost in thought. She was brought back down to earth when she saw movement in the corner of her eyes, as Stampy had told her there was cake on the table with an elephant marching back and forth in front of it. She couldn’t help but snicker at sight, “for me?” she asked pointing at the cake. Fizzy nodded enthusiastically “aww how kind, thank you” she smiled picking up the plate. Just as she finished her sentence Fizzy had already left the room, Stampy and Sqaishey both knew Netty and Martyn would need time to adjust to their more quiet life and instructed the helpers to give them both space, some taking the instruction more seriously then others.
“Good morning!” Sqaishey chirped from the other side of the room “morning” She said through a mouth full of cake. “So is that what you’ll be wearing or have you not decided yet?” Sqaishey asked, Netty blinked and tilted her head not entirely sure what they meant. Sqaishey waddled towards the window not noticing Nettys blatant confusion “I did a bit of flying this morning, for the most part the skys seemed clear but there was this really big cloud I saw that might be heading this way. You could probably still wear a dress, but I’d recommend bringing a coat just in case” “umm” “Oh and welly boots to, if it dose rain we might as well make the most of it and enjoy the puddles!”she quacked excitedly. Netty rubbed her eyes sleepily “what?” She yawned, Sqaishey turned to face her then glanced at the calendar on the fridge. Netty followed their gaze and then it hit her like a mace, “oh.. OH! The tea party!” That was today!? How had the week gone by already?
She then caught a glimpse of herself in the window, she looked atrocious, her hair mangled and greasy, her clothes worn and baggy, her eyes still red and heavy. she couldn’t go out, not like this. Before Sqaishey could question her sudden panicked expression she clumsily dashed out the room, forgetting to put her plate down.
Meanwhile, in a small shack on the edge of the town.
Martyn sat on the end of his bed, starring at the ground with uncertainty. He wanted to see Netty again, to catch up after all these years apart. Yet he hadn’t spoken to her since he came to this world, he hadn’t really spoken to anyone in days.
Stampy and Sqaishey invited him to join them for many different activities, from dinners, to mini games, to afternoon dog walks, yet he declined every offer. Whenever one of them asked why he would tell them he just needed time to adjust, or that he was too tired, or just not in the mood. No matter the excuse they were patient with him. They were lovely people, they really were… too lovely.
It all felt too good to be true, years of being tormented by a higher power, years of being trapped in a cycle of death, years of betrayal, violence and paranoia. All that and more only to be welcomed into a bright and colourful world with open arms, by people who not only had no desire to hurt him, but wanted him to feel happy and welcomed.
Suddenly he heard a deafening, BANG! He leaped to his feet in alarm, he snatched his sword out of his chest before he sprinted to the door. As the door flew open he had to shield his face from the blinding light that struck his eyes, as he struggled to keep his balance. “William be carful! You think we should cover up that cave entrance before more googlies crawl out?” Stampy paused when he saw Martyn “hello” he started “hope we didn’t wake you up” he chuckled sheepishly, “no, no I’ve been up for ages” Martyn muttered.
“so are you exited? For this is afternoon?” Stampy asked struggling to find the right words, Martyn nodded tiredly before Stampys words had a chance to sink in. ‘This afternoon’ he repeated in his head, he was so exited yet so nervous, but he didn’t know how to express it. Stampy seemed to notice the lost in space look on his face and asked, “did it sneak up on you?” “No” he chuckled ‘yes!’ he thought.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll have a great time” Stampy smiled reaching to put a hand on Martyn’s shoulder “yeah” he nodded weakly ‘easy for you to say!’. Stampy looked up to the clear, sunny, skys before turning back to Martyn “besides you’ve got plenty of time to get ready, need any help with anything or would you rather I left you to it?” Before Martyn could respond he looked down realising he was still in his pyjamas.
“Yeah, nah, I’ll be fine, just give me a minute “ He half yawned before waving Stampy off, then quickly walked back into the shed he made for himself before- “Hay!” He shouted when he saw a beaver rummaging through his chest, “shoo! get out of there!” The beaver stood up and dashed out of the room. “William where are you going!?” Stampy called after him as he charged off into town, “sorry about that, I’m not sure what’s gotten into him today” he was clearly lying through his teeth but Martyn couldn’t be bothered to ask questions. He looked into the chest that the beaver took such interest in, nothing appeared to have been stolen it was just an unorganised chest filled with Martyn’s clothes.
Martyn was almost certain that Stampys helpers didn’t like him that much, or at least the beaver and the potions girl didn’t. He would constantly catch them glaring at him and trying to sneak up on him, he hardly ever left his home so they never got the chance to steal from him but that didn’t stop them from lurking outside.
He never brought it up before though, if he did he’d probably be informed it was all just a massive misunderstanding, but he didn’t want that. If anything the familiarity of being under constant watch was almost comforting, as if this non existent tension between him and the others somehow justified his distrust in this new word.
He was so lost in his own head he’d almost forgotten Stampy was still hovering just outside his door, “are you alright?” he asked tilting his head with concern, “hmm? Yeah, just give me a second” Martyn shut the door slightly harder then necessary.
Netty considered her options carefully, a skirt or dress would probably be the best fit for a tea party but then she remembered what Sqaishey told her this morning. If a large rain cloud was heading their way she should probably wear something water proof, or at the very least something warm. Although it will be autumn soon, so she should probably make the most of the last sunny days they’ll have before the weeks upon weeks of heavy rains and grey skys.
This shouldn’t be so hard, she had a week to prepare but it all slipped her mind until last minute, she needed a second opinion. She cracked the door open slightly before poking her head out into the corridor “Sqashiey” She called… no response. Netty tightened the knot on her bath robe and readjusted the towel around her neck, “Sqaishey?” she wandered around the brightly lit halls and up the birch stairs.
“Yeah?” Sqaishey quacked, sitting comfortably in a large nest gentle preening their wings, “sorry to barge in, but I need a second opinion”.
Back in the guest room they both examined the options, “so what look are you going for anyway? Want to go all out and look fancy or were you looking for a more casual look?” “I don’t know, that’s why I wanted to ask you” “hmm” “how certain are you it’s going to rain?” Sqaishey gestured vaguely with a puzzled look on their face. Knowing her luck it probably would rain, so it’s best to be prepared.
“how about this?” Sqaishey asked pulling up a fancy blue and purple dress that was covered shoulder to skirt end in glittering sequins “this would look pretty good with your coat” Netty shook her head “not if I’m wearing welly’s” “ok, how about I get William to straighten out your hoodie and you can wear that?” she shook her head again “no, no too casual” Netty didn’t want to admit that for the first few days of her stay she had been sleeping with it on, and that it would probably take more than just a quick ironing to sort it out.
Why did she leave all this planning till last minute?! How could she have forgotten it was today?! didn’t she want to see Martyn again?! It had been so long they had both been stalling this meet up ever since they arrived here, after so many years apart did she just not care anymore?! What if Martyn felt the same surly he had his own reasons for stalling as well perhaps he wouldn’t feel the same anymore! What if-
“Are you ok?” Sqaishey finally asked, “yeah!” Netty squeaked as she swiftly turned away and pretended to look through a pile of clothes on the other side of the bed. Netty felt a firm grip on her shoulder, she didn’t turn around “this looks cute” she stuttered trying too hard to keep her voice steady. “What’s wrong?” Sqaisheys voice was firm yet sympathetic, “I… don’t know” she started her eyes starting to water, “I’m just nervous I guess” “but why?” “I don’t know!? It’s just been so long, and things might be different now!”
Netty knew she had to pick her words carefully, she never told anyone about what she or Martyn went through she knew explaining everything would be too much for her right now. “Because.. I haven’t seen him in so long!.. people go through stuff, they change and they meet new people!” she kept pausing to take sharp breaths “What if he doesn't like me anymore? What if he’s not… himself anymore, or at least the version of him I used to know”
Sqashiey patiently waited until they were sure Netty had said all she wanted to before opening their arms silently offering her a hug, to which she hastily accepted.
“Are you ready to see him again? Do you want to see him again?” Sqashiey gently stroked Nettys back as she sobbed “I want to… I want to see him, more then anything… but I don’t know if he wants to see me”
Martyn and Stampy walked across the river bank, it was an awkward situation to say the least. Martyn wasn’t entirely sure if he had chosen the right outfit but once he accidentally expressed that concern somehow Stampy managed to convince him to walk into town together, for a “last minute browse” or something along those lines.
He could hear Stampy chattering about something but he was only half listening, the town was an interesting place to say the least, colourful, welcoming, fluffy… somehow? It was almost unsettling how a place he’d never been to before could feel so, nostalgic? For lack of a better word.
He didn’t deserve this, he knew that. Why was everyone so patient with him? why were they so friendly? How could they not hate him? They had to have a motive, their had to be strings attached, their had to be-
“So what’s the main issue?” Stampys words finally reaching Martyn’s ears “yes!” he answered a little too quickly. Stampys tail twitched in mild irritation “are you even listening?” “Run that by me one more time” Martyn asked hoping whatever he was about to ask wouldn’t require extra context.
“Every time me or Sqashiey invite you to join us for anything, you mention how you don’t feel up to it. I understand you need time to adjust I honestly do, but locking yourself up away from everyone it can’t be good for you” “it’s like you said I just needed sometime” Martyn stated he didn’t meet Stampys eyes instead he glanced at the shops around him.
“It’s not just you, Netty also acts like that to an extent as well” that got Martyn’s attention “is she ok?!” “I hope so, we’ve tried asking her a few times but she refuses to elaborate, she tells us she alright and sometimes tags along when we invite her out but…” Stampy took a breath looking as if he was struggling to explain “I know I shouldn’t pry but as her brother I felt the need to understand what was wrong, I was hopping to get some answers out of you”
Martyn didn’t want to explain, he couldn’t explain, their was too much to go over it was such a long story. Not to mention he didn’t want to speak on Nettys behalf, but most of all he was confused, Netty didn’t tell anyone about what had happened?
After everything he had done, after everything he didn’t do and after everything Netty had gone through for him, she was still looking out for him. Keeping the whole story and its gory details hidden from her family just so they wouldn’t hold it against him… what did he do to deserve her?
His internal turmoil seemed to show on his expression as Stampys looked at him with worry, “look… I’m sorry, you don’t have to answer I shouldn’t ask you to speak on her behalf” “it’s just… I miss her” Martyn interrupted he shouldn’t open up, not in public and not to him of all people but it was too easy to here, and keeping up an obsidian hard exterior was near impossible is such a place.
Stampy took his hand and guided him inside an empty cafe for them to finish their conversation, “I just.. want to make it up to her” Stampys fur bristled and Martyn could see the cogs turning behind his eager eyes. he knew part of him wanted to pry, but the other part was patiently waiting for his permission. Martyn wouldn’t give that permission though, he would share at his own pace and give no more then what he thought was necessary.
“It’s been awhile and she’s… done a lot for me” his eyes darted along the floor cherry picking his explanation of any specifics, “it took me a long time to realise just how much it was, and… I don’t think I really deserve it.” “I’m worried that I may of… unwillingly hurt her in some way… and now she might realise that all she did for me should have been done to someone, worth it”
It felt strange to admit any of it, a voice in the back of his mind screamed at him to shut up, that he had no clue what he was talking about, and to an extent that voice was right. He didn’t fully understand how he felt, even now it just felt like he was babbling on about nothing, but whatever this nothing was it felt good to get it off his chest.
“But above all else, I miss her… I miss her so much” something got trapped in his throat but he held onto it tightly, refusing to let it escape his lips.
Stampys eyes were filled with empathy, of course he would empathise with him. Losing Netty must have been horrible for him as well. Martyn was so caught up in his own worry’s he’d completely forgotten that someone else would feel a similar way. But that’s the problem, similar was not the same, Stampy didn’t know about what had happened he didn’t understand the situation like Martyn did, all though perhaps in a way that made it worse.
The sorrow and anxiety boiled into frustration in his heart, he couldn’t open up, he shouldn't open up. Not about this, not about anything. What gave Stampy the right to pry anyway? Why did he have to start interrogating him about everything that happened and make him feel guilty? Just because Netty was Stampys sister don’t mean he can bother him when she doesn't give him the answers he wants. He knew they had a motive and he finally found it! Martyn was grasping at straws and he knew that, but he needed to justify his anger he needed to be frustrated it was easier then being vulnerable and much more painless then being empathised with.
He wanted to push back, or to shout accusations, or just grab his stuff and make a run for it,
“you know, I’ve been thinking about the get together recently and well… it has been awhile since Evo hasn’t it?” “Yeah it has!” He growled, he didn’t want to think of the years they lost to those monsters. “And well, you haven’t seen Netty in ages and well…” “well what!” He snapped, catching even himself off guard.
“What! What do you want! I’ve already played along with your interrogation so you want me to tell you all the gory details! You couldn't get answers out of Netty so you come bother me and expect me to let you guilt trip me into talking! What do you even want me to tell you?! How happy I am at the idea of sitting at a table surrounded by strangers!? I’ve been dreading this day all week how can I ever face her again after everything that’s happened?!
Stampy reached out a hand, but Martyn swatted it away.
“And Netty, oh sweet Netty, how can I ever face her again after everything they did to me!? after everything they did to her and everyone else?! AFTER EVERYTHING I DID!?”
Martyn needed a moment to catch his breath, Stampy just stood there in shock at the sudden out burst. “Well? What!?” He chocked, snarling at Stampy like a rabid dog.
He wanted confrontation, he didn’t know why but he need him to fight back. He needed Stampy to say the hard truth that he had been nothing but kind to Martyn since the day he’d arrived, while he’d been nothing more then a miserable burden on his live a disgusting stain on this beautiful colourful world.
For him to say he would never understand what his sister ever saw in him, to say that she deserved something better and that if she did justifiably never wanted to speak to him ever again he wouldn’t blame her in the slightest!
Instead he waited for his turn to speak, his expression shocked, sad, perhaps even a bit sympathetic, but not angry. “As I was going to ask, would you prefer it if You and Netty spent the tea party together and for me and the others to leave you in peace” of course he would say that…
Martyn just stared blankly at him trying to recollect his scattered thoughts, and rebuild his shattered composure. What was he even supposed to say?
The silence was unbearable, Martyn wasn’t sure on what to do so they both just stood there waiting for the other to make the first move. Until-
“there you are!” a voice startled them both as someone walked in. “Hello Sqashiey!” Stampy greeted his voice as cheery as usual, showing no trace of the conversation (more like one sided shouting match) he and Martyn just had.
“Going to a cafe before a tea party? Honestly that’s greedy even for you Stamps” Sqashiey teased earning them a playful nudge. “Hay! I’m just show Martyn around, what have you been doing all day?” He jokingly asked trying to hold back a laugh.
Wherever their conversation went from there Martyn didn’t know, he wasn’t paying attention to what they were saying, he was distracted. Watching them giggle over nothing, playfully teasing and leaning into each other closely. It was so sweet it made Martyn feel sick he couldn’t tell where that emotion had stemmed from, perhaps envy? Or was this just regular second hand embarrassment?
“Is that ok with you Martyn?” Sqashiey asked, Martyn nodded absentmindedly and before he knew it he was leaving the cafe with Sqashiey dragging him around town and Stampy going the other way.
Netty fussed with her necklace and pushed part of her fringe to one side, once she was happy she made her way down the stairs she was just outside the door before being stopped in her tracks. “Hello again!” Stampy waved from across the bridge “hi” “all ready for this afternoon?” “Yep!” Netty nodded trying to show her enthusiasm while hiding her nervousness, “you’ve still got a bit of time, want to do anything before it starts or were you planning on getting their early?”.
The idea of sitting alone in suspense sounded like torture at the best of times, now especially would be horrible. “I’m not sure” she signed, “you know Polly and Fizzy actually wanted me to come get you, I think they were saving this in till afterwards but they got it done quicker then expected. If you’re ready now, I’m sure we have time to see whatever they’re working on” he suggested clearly trying to not give too much away.
She nodded and walked along side him, it felt nice to finally get out after getting ready, she felt fresh and almost relaxed. “So are you exited?” Netty hummed and nodded but didn’t make eye contact. “I wonder, what could they be up to” he said clearly trying to bait her into guessing, she thought it might be a fun to play along “umm I bet its… something to do with… food” Stampy didn’t make eyes contact, not confirming or denying her guess “ok, maybe it’s something to wear? No actually that’s sounds more like a William thing umm… yeah I’m going with my first guess probably cookies… or perhaps it’s not food some sort of new game for us to play?”
Netty could see Stampy trying to hold back a smile, as he pretended to inspect something that wasn’t there to avoid looking at Netty. “Can I get a hint?” Stampy considered her but shook his head. “a stress toy maybe? Something for me to use to keep my mind off things… things that can go wrong” she squeezed her hands tightly causing them to shake for a few seconds “what kind of things?” Stampy questioned.
“Anything really…” she muttered, “Anything you say?” There was a hint of concern in his voice “Even an Alien invasion?” He joked trying to loosen the tense atmosphere. Netty forced a laugh as they continued down the path. “You know, I’ve been thinking about this get together” he began carefully, “yeah me… me to” she replied. “Been think about it all day” she really wasn’t in the mood to have this conversation but tried to hid that fact to the best of her ability’s.
“I had a brief… chat with Martyn and we considered the idea that just maybe it would be for the best if the tea party was more private”
Netty glanced at her brother with a confused look in her eyes. “I know you’ve both needed space since you got back-” “I’m sorry” she whispered guiltily “No, no, no! don’t be please, I understand you needed it but we don't want to overwhelm either of you that’s all. So if you’d prefer it could just be between you and Martyn, me and the others can give it a miss”.
Nettys heart sunk like an anchor, she was already nervous with how things would go with her brother and his friends there, now she had to face this by her self! “Are you sure?” She asked her voice uneasy, “I mean we’ve been back for ages surly he’s gotten to know you by now?” Stampy shook his head “I’ve hardly seen him since he arrived here, none of us have really… not even you?” he questioned. Netty took a deep breath she already went over this with Sqashiey it felt silly to get emotional over a none problem that she already discussed with someone else, she didn’t need to get emotional, so why was this so hard?
“Can you at least be there for some of it?” She squeaked “I know I’ve been reclusive lately and I’m sorry but please, I need someone there with me.. I’m not ready, I don’t think I’ll ever be ready. But, if I’m going to go through with this can I at least have you there with me” she pleaded, her eyes large and shining.
Stampy looked conflicted at her words, glancing back and forth between her and the ground. Eventually he turned back to Netty “Of course, I can stay” before Netty could sigh with relief Stampy continued “but before I fully commit to this, how about we all discuss what we want together?” “Me and Sqashiey were the ones to set up the dates, the location, everything really, you guys said you were ok with everything but if your both having second thought wouldn’t it be best to plan this together?”
Netty felt a sting of guilt at her brothers words, she knew all along Stampy and Sqashiey were doing most of the work for her and Martyn, but hearing him say it aloud made her feel incredibly selfish. They had gone out of their way to make them comfortable and even planned a get together for them and now all she did was complicate things with her unnecessary feelings.
But still even if her feelings were built upon baseless paranoia they were still hers, she needed this, she needed someone to be there for her and tell her that no matter what happened everything would be ok.
She finally nodded, “ok, sounds like a plan” as they continued down the pavement.
Eventually they saw someone approaching them it was Polly, she pranced down the pavement merrily her bells jingling as she moved. “There you are, is it ready yet?” She nodded excitedly and bounced away, before turning around beckoning them to follow her.
She could see Fizzy standing in front of something on the side of the pavement, perhaps a table? Fizzy and Polly looked at each other and jumped away in unison the ground shaking slightly when Fizzy landed, on the table was a rapped box unevenly tied with string and messily decorated with bells and glitter.
Netty couldn’t help but smile fondly at their work, they put in all that effort just for her? “Go one open it” Stampy nudged her forward and she reached for the box, she tried to carefully open it without Ruining it but glitter stained fingers tips, and several bells fell off as soon as she picked up the box.
Once she managed to untie the ribbon on the box and tear off the rapping paper she lifted the lid, inside were several large cookies stacked on top of each other, with a thick layer of icing in between each one and decorated with apple slices making it look like a cake. Netty looked at them with the biggest smile on her face, “thank you guy!” she beamed before closing the box again, as tempting as the idea of keeping it to herself sounded it was clearly made to share, that’s probably why they were saving it for later originally so they could bring it to the tea party and they could all eat it together.
She was about to explain her thought to the other when the reindeer jumped in front of her franticly waving her arms around, when Netty tried to step passed Polly she mirrored her movement blocking her path. “excuse me polly” She tried to politely squeeze past her but she wasn’t letting her continue. “What? What’s the matter?” She huffed before being presented a large book, (Polly had a note book filled with simple sentences for when she needed quick communication) Polly clumsily flicked through the pages before she shoved the book into Nettys face.
Netty took the book and looked down as Polly tapped her hooves against the word ‘late’, then it hit her “we’re late!”.
Martyn followed Sqashiey down the road, they seemed rather pleased with the situation although he didn’t know what they needed from him. But he didn’t want to ask because that would require admitting he wasn’t listening to their conversation in the cafe, he then bumped into Sqashiey when they made a sudden stop.
He turned to see what Sqashiey was looking at, in front of them was the local clothes shop, Martyn groaned internally at the sight. They were still going to make him do this? Really? Now? Brows and buy something to wear at the literal last minute?
He sheepishly followed Sqaisheys lead as they skipped inside and then to his surprise went behind the counter into the storage area, he passed several stands of brightly coloured clothing as they walked down the woolly corridor.
He then noticed two people standing by the door at the end of the corridor William and Veeva Dash, without even realising it Martyn instinctively gripped the hilt of the sword at his waist, bracing himself for confrontation.
“So it’s ready right?” Sqaisheys asked, the two noded as William reached for the doorknob, he then flung the door open and gestured proudly at the manikin in the centre of the dressing room.
Inside was a finely tailored suit, it had a pure white long sleeved shirt, a dark green vest, a bright green tie and a large black coat draped over the stands shoulders almost like a cap. William smiled confidently waiting for Martyn’s reaction, Martyn stood their his face twisted into a look of shock, confusion and something that was almost amazement.
He approached it slowly and walked around the manikin inspecting it from all angels as he got close he caught the faint smell of the forest coming off the fabric, he stared sheepishly glancing between the clothing and the people in the door way who eagerly awaited his opinions.
Thoughts rushed through Martyns mind like a flooded stream,When did you make this? How did you make it so fast? Is it for me? Will it even fit? If it does how did you know my size?! A small and breathless “What?” Was all he could manage to say.
Williams smile faltered slightly as Veeva twitched with anticipation… “do you not like it?” Sqashiey finally asked breaking the deafening silence.
“No! I mean yes! I mean it’s very nice thank you very much but… why?” He spluttered embarrassing, “well, Everyone wanted to make you feel welcome here, but like you kept saying you needed time for yourself so we instructed everyone to keep away for awhile” “right…” Martyn nodded “but these guys wanted to make something for you, so well, here you are, William made you this and you can probably smell the potion Veeva dash put on it, it’s a special potion that gives it a fresh smell and also makes it glow in the dark.
Sqashiey demonstrated by creating a gust of wind with their wings blowing out all the touches in the room, just as they promised the suit started to glow as bright floral patterns previously invisible appeared on the vest and coat. As Martyn admired the work speechlessly William had already re lit the torches in the room causing the hypnotic glow to fade along with the patterns.
“All this trouble just for me?” Martyn whispered more to himself then the others, William shook his head “don't under estimate them it’s no trouble at all, a bit last minute but still” Sqashiey insisted.
Martyn was at a lose for words it’s was beautiful, he didn’t know what to say so he didn’t say anything. Suddenly he flinched at the sound of a farmiliar hissing, “Creeper!” He shouted As he unsheived his sword in alarm and spun around to find the source of the noise.
Sqaishey and William stood to attention but their was no creeper, Veeva Dash then pointed to the ceiling and they all saw two large parrots flying over them mimicking the hisses of a creeper. “Veeva Dash! Sorry about that Martyn those peaky birds just love mischief” Sqaishey apologised, Veeva dash then started pointing to something in her hand, it glittered in the torch light before she grew impatient and matched over to Martyn practically shoving it into his face. It was a clock…
“It’s almost time” he started before William got behind him and pushed him closer to the manikin before shooing everyone else out of the room closing the door behind him. Martyn took the hint and started taking the clothing off its stand.
The set up was nothing spectacular, just a simple table and umbrella with enough seats for everyone. The two groups walked towards the table on opposite ends reaching the spot almost at the same time.
As soon as Netty and Martyn saw eachother they stopped dead in their tracks, in the background they could hear the cluttering of cutlery and the placing of plates as the helpers were getting ready to eat. They were so close yet everything felt so far away as if nothing existed except for Netty and Martyn, both trapped in a silent void waiting in anticipation for the other to make the first move.
Thankfully that was soon decided for them as a question caught their attention, “so how do you want to do this?” Stampy asked looking between the frozen pair. “What?” They both echoed back to him, Stampy gave Netty and encouraging look and nod, as if trying to tell her to speak up about the situation and after a moment she realised what he meant. “I.. well how dose everyone else fancy doing things? You guys did pretty much all the work, what do you think?” She glanced at Stampy who subtly shook his head, “umm depends what do you mean” Martyn Questioned. “You know what it doesn’t matter we’ll just do it how we intended” Netty stuttered.
“alright, have fun then” Sqaishey shrugged “were are you going?” Martyn asked “wasn’t that the new plan? You guys wanted to be alone?” “NO! I mean yes, I mean we wanted to talk about that actually” Netty shivered as the general breeze picked up and turned cold. Everyone seemed to be uncomfortable, but why? This was just a simple misunderstanding, in fact it wasn’t even that they just needed to discuss a last minute change of plan.
They finally heard someone speak up, “what do you want Netty?” She turned to the source of the noise, it was Martyn. “what do you want?” He repeated softly “I’m, so sorry. I’m not really sure, I just want us all to enjoy ourselves together… but if you’d rather it was less crowded I’m sure that-” “no, no… it’s ok” he nodded “you’ve all gone through the trouble so might as well, you’ve all made me feel so… welcome here, thank you” he smiled.
They all sat down to enjoy the food they brought, cakes, pies, cookies and so much more. It was clear they all brought way too much but no one seemed to mind, Netty let out a whisper of relief as she watched the others laughing as they ate together, she felt the her anxiety’s melt away being replaced with a bubbly excitement quickly finding herself laughing along as well.
She honestly had no clue why she was so worried and even though she doesn’t know it yet Martyn felt the same way. She looked across the table at Martyn as the subject of the conversation changed and he looked back at her, the background chatter fading away as the world around them grew darker.
“Thank you” Martyn smiled gratefully, Netty smiled shyly “no thank you, I’m having fun this is very nice, you look great by the way” “why thanks you look quite smashing yourself” he winked as Netty giggled.
Martyn scratched the back of his head as he considered what to say next “I’m sorry, it took so long to talk to you again.” “No it’s ok, I also needed time after… everything” “I missed you, I missed you so much, I’m sorry that you had to see all that” “No! Please it’s ok I’m sorry I couldn’t find away to bring you all home sooner, I wanted more then anything to tell you all I was looking out for you, but I couldn’t risk drawing their attention…”
They both reached over the small table and grabbed each other’s hands, it felt so warm and tender. It had been such a long time since they had been able to experience such a simple pleasure. Just then a sparkle caught both of their eyes, they leaned forward to get a better look as they both refused to let go of earth others hand.
The glittering light was coming off two matching rings, both golden and gem increased, one dawning bright green emeralds and the other shining diamonds, it was there engagement rings. “You kept it? After all this time” Netty whispered “of course, even when it seemed like I’d never see you again. It was something I wanted to hang onto.”
Netty remembered the day Martyn proposed to her, it caught her so off guard she nearly stumbled over in surprise and even thought it was just a joke, but no it was true. They were meant to spend the rest of their lives together, that life and the countless that would come afterwards… until the day the Watchers took him away.
The two stared entranced into each other eyes with a look of longing and grief, so much time they had lost to them, so many years apart believing their truly was no hope and they would never see each other again, and yet here they were, against all odds and against even the will of the Devine they were both here, together again.
They both leaned in closer their hands firmly locked together, until… a roaring thunder crashed over head startling them both, they snapped out of their enchantment and looked up as rain drops fell from the sky “oh on!” Stampy hissed snatching up the few cakes that had somehow remained untouched until now as Sqaishey grabbed the pie tins “come on everyone inside!” Sqaishey instructed, both running back to Sqaisheys house as the helpers grabbed their share of food.
“Oh gosh” Martyn groaned before feeling a sudden slash of water at his legs, Netty had kicked a small puddle of water his way after grabbing what was left for her. “race you back!” She laughed skipping down the puddle covered pavement, “Hay get back here!” Martyn barked running after her kicking up puddle water with a mischievous grin as they both followed the others.
Note: This is my first fan fiction so please go easy on me, any and all feed back is appreciated. Thank you for reading have a lovely day.
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your-blorbos-are-queer · 1 year ago
character pride icons pt. 68: animation pt. 1
canon queer characters
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reo niiboshi, mabu akutsu, enta jinnai (sarazanmai) - gay
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willow park (the owl house) - pansexual | circubit (the pink corruption) - gay | cube (tpc) - bisexual
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fionna (fionna and cake) - bisexual (implied) | cracklin (ion) - gay (canon) + transgender (headcanon)
queer headcanons
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fizzy (stampy's lovely world) - non-binary + asexual
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polly (stampy) - sapphic + demigirl
bonus! pride flags color-picked from the characters
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feel free to use these for any non-commercial purpose, as long as proper credit is given!
if you'd like to see a different combination of character + flag, my ask box is always open for requests
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staampyslov3lyw0rld · 5 months ago
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🍎 Polly Reindeer 🔧
Polly the pink-nosed reindeer, had a redstone-y nose, and if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows.. FUN FACTS!!!
She is the youngest of all the helpers at 24! Fizzy is 28 and William is 31!!
makes a MEAN apple crumble, and a MEAN apple strudel, and a MEAN apple tart, and a M
Is the only reindeer in her family to be born flightless. She was bullied for this, but she found a lot of acceptance after meeting stampy, another person who should but didn't have the ability to fly!
Yes, she wears the bells everywhere. And yes, she is incredibly loud wherever she goes!!
She once tried to make an annual "redstone contraption building contest" but quickly ended it after the first event due to Veeva Dash joining in, and blowing up everything with a TNT duper
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