4ggravation · 19 days
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rewatched boothill's trailer. did i ever mention to you all how much i want this man dead
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beeqisch · 11 months
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idea by @thief-of-eggs idk if thats what u imagined but ahaha first thing that came to my mind tho (while i was in the middle of drawing this one of my friends said "tim cloning kon" and i died a little bit)
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purrgilpawkins · 10 months
Burning Love
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Summary: After an encounter with Hotstreak, Virgil takes it upon himself to kiss and make Richie better. (Also available on AO3)
Pairings: Richie Foley/Virgil Hawkins
Warnings: n/a
Notable tags: fluff, established relationship, first degree burns, aloe vera usage
“Ow!” Richie yelped, snatching his hand from Virgil’s grasp and the Terrorsome Tweezers he was using to remove the fabric stuck to Richie’s hand.
The fabric that stuck to his hand after Hotstreak had managed to catch Gear off guard, grabbing hold of said hand just as he’d been about to take off, and burning Gear’s glove badly enough so it wouldn’t come off without a fight. Luckily, Static had come to the rescue before Hotstreak could do any real damage.
Back at the Gas Station, the dynamic duo checked the damage and both heroes had determined it wouldn’t require a doctor’s assistance (not that they’re knowledgeable enough to make that call.)
Virgil sighed an ever patient sigh and gently took Richie’s hand in his, pulling it back toward him to resume his ministrations.
“Chill, Rich. I’m almost done,” Virgil said, trying not to feel guilty over Richie’s flinching that accompanied every plucked piece of synthetic fabric.
With another piece plucked and another hiss of pain from Richie, Virgil clicked the tiny tweezers together twice as he turned Richie’s hand over and back, looking for any more bits of the gruesome glove. Virgil sighed again, relieved that the worst was finally done, and placed the tweezers beside himself on the rickety coffee table he was using as a chair. He then reached out for the bottle of aloe lotion, stubbornly not looking at the table as his hand bumped into a roll of bandages and the tweezers he’d just placed down. Finally, Virgil’s hand found the smooth plastic bottle and picked it up.
“I’m done tweezing, dude. You can stop bracing for impact.”
Richie opened his eyes a smidge and untensed his shoulders at the sight of Virgil squeezing the lotion into his hand. Setting the bottle down, Virgil began rubbing his hands together, coating his hands completely, and reached out to take Richie’s hand in his once more. Richie inhaled sharply, bracing for sudden pain, but exhaled upon the immediate relief at the cool feeling enveloping his uncomfortably hot hand. As Virgil rubbed it in, he couldn’t help but be glad that Richie’d had the foresight to buy the aloe for electrical burns (both of the technological and Static variety.)
After the thorough rub down, Virgil reached back toward the table and grabbed the roll of bandages he’d knocked around before. He waited for Richie to finish shaking his hand to dry the lotion and began wrapping it loosely and delicately. Once carefully wrapped, Virgil tore off the end and taped it in place, placing the roll back on the table and doing a final inspection of Richie’s hand.
“Am I gonna make it?” Richie joked.
“Maybe,” Virgil mumbled, bringing Richie’s hand to his lips and tenderly kissing the back of it.
Richie’s face flushed immediately and he looked away from Virgil, embarrassed at his bright red face and dopey grin he couldn’t quite control. Virgil gave his hand another kiss and Richie squeaked.
Virgil smiled mischievously and gave Richie’s hand another kiss before releasing it. Richie took his hand out of Virgil’s range and rubbed at it affectionately, still trying to wipe the stupid grin off his face. Virgil gave Richie’s cherry tomato face a once over before gasping loudly. Richie snapped his head toward him at the sound.
“What? What’s wrong?”
Virgil brought his hands up and cradled Richie’s face in between them. “You didn’t tell me Hotstreak got your face too! Here, lemme make it better.” He then pulled Richie’s face toward his, peppering kisses on Richie’s reddened cheeks, making them even redder. It’s a wonder how Richie didn’t pass out with all the blood rushing to head.
“Virg!” Richie giggled as Virgil went back and forth between cheeks, leaving no bit of skin unsmooched. Richie pushed Virgil back slightly amidst the laughing from them both, wrapping his arms around Virgil’s neck and leaning in to press their foreheads together. “I think,” Richie said in between laughs, “I’ll be alright, V.”
“I dunno, Rich,” Virgil began, trying to hold back his own laughter, “your lips are looking a little pink. Hotstreak might’ve gotten you there too.”
“Hmm, you may be right about that, dude. Guess you should kiss ‘em and make ‘em better. Just in case.”
“Well, I mean, if you think it’s necessary…”
“Oh, yes,” Richie said seriously, “very necessary.”
Virgil and Richie leaned in at the same, lips pressing softly against each other, noses pressing less softly against each other. The kiss broke quickly as the two couldn’t keep their laughter in anymore.
“Man, you are such a goof.” Richie wiped at his eyes, trying to catch his breath.
“Yeah, but I’m your goof, you goof,” Virgil responded with a grin, giving Richie another quick kiss as he took Richie’s bandaged hand in his.
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p33p33p00p00 · 1 year
im more comforted by "good boy" by dog park dissidents then i have been by my family since 2019
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nostalgic-muffins · 8 months
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butterflieswhisper · 3 months
okay so what i've gathered is beastlife season three finale + semifinale is going to be absolutely miserable for me and i should clear my schedule to deal with the emotional impact. fantastic. swagever
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watatsumiis · 10 months
If U send ppl ano/n ha/te btw I have no respect for you as a person and also I'm killing you with a stick
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wubbforbrains · 2 years
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spiderwebd · 7 months
why do you bite
uhhhh I panic the social anxiety then I bite in perceived self defense at the perceived danger/silly
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kaoharu · 7 months
tomorrow is valentines day omg . . . .
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woodsteingirl · 11 months
you all disappear the second i start don juan posting. god forbid a girl talk about a shitty guy… i’m not even an apologist…….. 🙁
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gallonsoblood · 1 year
I heart my mutuals i wanna draw some of yall at some point as a little appreciation thing but i have to scavenge for reference so feel free to leave some in my ask box *giggles cutely and skips away in a field of flowers in the sunlight*
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renemesis · 1 year
My babies are being sent away. To The War. Sniffles
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joepelling · 2 years
in a very weird emotional state rn so i almost started crying because i love yellow guy so much
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0ut0fnameideas · 2 years
do you like balls
depends are they yours
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the-acid-pear · 7 months
I wanna electrocute myself again
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