theoculus124 · 1 year
this is not a drill, i repeat THIS IS NOT A DRILL
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iizuumi · 2 months
NaruHoshiReno but Narumi's really invested in a new game and hasn't noticed Hoshina and Reno have already started the foreplay
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used this prompt for warmup doodling today ehehe narumi please take some time to reconsider your priorities in life sjhgjkhgfsdf
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astarab1aze · 4 months
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"All this talk about eating ass and no one's after mine."
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The way that I thought I couldn't love the wereroomies more and then you keep replying to asks about them 😭 my babiesssssss I wonder if Chris (the wolf and the real chris) feels the same kind of need to protect that I feel? Because I'd do anything for them lmao
I wanted yo ask if you have any favorite fantasy fics? Or anything you'd recommend in general? ty 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
i love replying to your wereroomies related asks !! they inspire me a lot ! they also help me organise my thoughts better when it comes to the AU, cuz a lot of things are just floating aimlessly in my head lol
as for fantasy fic recommendations.... my masterlist🫡 nah, i'm kidding. fun fact that you didn't ask for: i started writing for this fandom in the first place bc i couldn't find enough fantasy AUs. i'm a fantasy AU girly and when i tell you i CRAVE those stories i mean it sdkjfhsjkdf.
with that being said, here are some i dug out from my rec tag. most of these writers have many fantasy related fics that i haven't gotten to yet, so make sure to check out their masterlists as well !
Untitled by @caseiloveu - shapeshifter!bang chan x witch!gn!reader.
Call of the Siren by @tasteleeknow - siren!minho x fem!reader.
Iridescent by @tasteleeknow - fairy!minho x fem!reader.
Given by @tasteleeknow - Human!Jisung x Succubus!Reader
The Little Mermaid by @j-0ne25 - humanprince!jeongin x mermaidprincess!reader.
Swan Lake by @j-0ne25 - prince!felix x princess!reader.
Blue and Silver by @ppiri-bahng - fox!jeongin x reader.
Felix Navidad by @candlewaxandp0lar0ids - Santa'sHelper!Felix x F!Reader.
Monarchs: Revitalization by @abiaswreck - Vampire!Jeongin x Human!Reader.
From Eden by @lvandrmoon - Chan x F!Reader (this is a Gods AU that i don't know how to portray the pairing's role without spoiling too much sdjkfhskdjfh).
Ritual by @healinghyunjin - Minho x F!Reader (also related to Gods and rituals).
literally @lettersfromaphrodite 's entire masterlist. she's just so creative.
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filmdesque · 7 months
@chaos--mode || CONT.
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ☪︎ . *. ⋆ ANY SENSE OF CONFUSION, any sense of bewilderment that the other expressed in his movements or features ran by jonathan completely undetected. had he been perhaps a tiny bit more AWAKE, perhaps he'd be able to catch himself, to realize what it was he'd done and have the decency to take an awkward moment of silence.
they both deserved it, given after what had happened to them both. well, mainly steve; the worst that had gone on for jonathan was learning that his feelings were unrequited. a bummer, but better to RESPECT the other's feelings. a sentiment he'd always tried to live by.
steve interrupts what would become that awkward moment of silence, and jonathan would've thanked god or whatever, but instead he sits up and gives a nice long STRETCH, arms above his head, before slumping back against the couch with a thick sigh.
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❝ sure, i'll have some, ❞ he responds, his voice slightly dry && raspy from sleep. he'd never been much of a morning person, but he felt well-rested enough to at least start to get moving. a bit FUZZY, thanks to the edible he'd taken before bed, but rested.
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inun4ki · 10 months
📏 + 5'11" (if you're still accepting! )
i am not but i'll do it anyway kithkith <3
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titxxn · 2 years
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( ksjdhfskjdf i've uhhh been thinking about starting a h.0rny titans oneshot collection lmao. i have a lot of uh. feelings about some of these characters okay. i mean. stares at my man dick. he's fine as fuck. lmao. )
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deadveiled · 2 years
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( kinda wanna try and find an older fc for carl, anyone have any ideas?? )
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kdramamilfs · 2 years
21. for the ask game.
21. What children’s story/nursery rhyme scarred you as a child (or as an adult)?
not a children’s story in that sense but when i was in kindergarten, there was a girl who told everyone that someone she knew just disppeared out of their room overnight and was never found? like looking back i think she made that up on the spot but i was scared to go to sleep for weeks lmao
thank you for asking!
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acollapsar · 9 hours
@verreprincesse || cont.
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Her crying did little to nothing to stir any kind of sympathy within him, even if his expression might say otherwise. Furrowed brows and a crimson gaze reflecting pity, the man clad in black had tilted his head a tad to the side as he allowed the woman to weep in her self woe. He let her. Apparently it was quite a liberating experience for humans to cry their eyes out once in a while, and who was he to deny her such liberation?
It wasn't until she was done talking and the room was fell into silence - only ever interrupted by her sniffles and moans - that the man let out a brief sigh. “ Dear me, ” The tone of his voice was seemingly that of pity, yet internally he could not give a single bother about her predicament. He pulled out a pristine handkerchief from his sleeve, rose from the chair before kneeling before the woman - resting his free arm against his own knee.
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“ There, there, ” Gently, he stroke the tip of the handkerchief against her skin - wiping off the newly fallen tears. He offered her a ( perhaps too ) fond smile. “ You are right. You could be sleeping on the streets; perhaps even building yourself a quaint little shack to escape to world outside - or finding an unoccupied one. You could be selling yourself just for the sake of half a bread - or simply wonder when your next meal might be. And you could be wearing nothing rags, even during cold winter nights... ”
He lowered the handkerchief, placing it her hands before he rose to his feet again. With a light shrug of his shoulders, he continued. “ But really now, ” The man couldn't help but letting out a brief chuckle as he made a vague gesture of his hand at their surroundings - finding it quite ironic. “ How is that life any different from this? ”
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hiisheart · 1 month
( hhhh guys moon walker and the moon city walkers are so good ..... 😭😭 )
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peachyfnaf · 4 months
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and on todays ffagcs: absolute fucking Murder skjdfhsdf
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astarab1aze · 2 months
booty check but for every one of our ships
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"Ma princesa, I been sayin' it since day one an' m' opinion ain't changed, ain't moved an inch: Tha' ass don' fuckin' quit. I's e'erythang. M' reason an' sole purpose fer livin'. Delectable in e'ery way, I could eat it righ' now like a full course meal an' it'd be a pleasure an' a privilege t' catch another public indecency charge t' get on m' knees an' spoil ya right' now-- Aight, aight, y'wanna real answer? Tha' ass don' quit an' 'm 'appy i's mine. Wha' more can I ask for 'an a fine, fine lady wit a perfect ass, who loves me an' lets me go a lil crazy spoilin' 'er, huh? 80085 outta 10, babycakes. Phenomenal, supple, ohhh 'ow it quakes wit e'ery step ya take--"
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"Mm, vulgar for you, Denali, but I'll bite. It's mine, isn't it? Certainly fits snugly in my grasp, when I'm kissing you in places you didn't know you had. Would it disappoint you to learn I don't think much about it beyond that, this almost instinctive drive to claim it all over again the second I have it in my hands? Quite addictive, in its own way. In fact, come here, sit in my lap - and we can talk some more about how... hungry you make me."
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"You want me to...rate you? No, I don't think i'll be doin' that. Quantifying timeless beauty is wrong. That isn't to say you aren't incredible from the top of your head to the soles of your feet, rather that attaching a value to what's inherent about you may serve only to diminish your esteem-- but I will say this, oh, and quite this; Every part of you, your heart and soul, your body too, all of you is to be appreciated and treated with the reverence and adoration you deserve. Which I, happily and humbly, offer you now-- Yes, quite, what beauty, what a privilege it is to gaze upon thee--"
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faffreux · 11 months
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Scrubbing time 🫧🛁
This makes me so happy I cannot even properly express it skjdfhsdf. AUUUGH THIS IS SO CUTE THANK YOU SO MUCH
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borom1r · 1 month
I have never had a tarot reading I'm down 👀
ayo???? honored to give u yr first reading holy shit skjdfhsdf
anyhow if u have a specific Thing yr curious about, feel free to send another ask— I just pulled three cards for general insight
we've got the Ace of Swords, Seven of Swords, and Knight of Swords (sword-heavy pull for you)
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card one is the essential energy or heart of the matter and card two is an influencing factor; these two form a snapshot. Ace of Swords and Seven of Swords. there's some conflict that needs addressing, or will soon, and you haven't caught onto it yet. this deck's Seven card emphasizes the aspect of hidden deception, depicting the trolls' argument after Gandalf tricks them. something is causing injustice and confusion, and like the eagles, you need to cut clean and swift to the meat of it.
the third card, the Knight of Swords, is your guidance. the balance of the situation needs to shift. it's time to reexamine and make sure you're tackling things in a truly logical manner. considering the Seven, it's probably time for an outside opinion. if there's something that's bothering you, something that feels unjust, but you just haven't been able to tackle because you wouldn't even know where to begin— the Knight tells you to call on your allies and get a fresh set of eyes on the situation. they might notice something you've missed, and what seemed like insurmountable odds will suddenly turn in your favor.
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dorakonia · 1 year
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What's your phone's wallpaper: A fanart piece of Pantalone from Genshin Impact skdjfhsdf it's been there for the past half a year, and it's funny because I used to change my background fairly often before but nowadays I'm just too lazy to change it. So I guess he'll be there until I find something new that I really really like.
Last song you listened to: Idk man, I'm listening to music daily so songs come and go every 4-5 minute skdjhfsf But I guess I could put down the song I'm listening to right now while typing this - "You Are My Sunshine" by Johnny Cash.
Currently reading: Kuroshitsuji. I'm really bad at sitting down and reading books so I usually listen to audio books instead but I love collecting books for some reason skdjfhsdf, but keeping up with the Kuroshitsuji manga is easy since one chapter is released every month, and ngl, I would do the same to other on-going manga series but that would require me to... y'know, sit down and read a lot just to catch up skdjfhsd but I do have Vanitas no Carte in the backburner that I'll eventually get to reading in full. Same goes for the Sailor Moon manga, which I actually own the entire collection of, and I have read at least 3 volumes of it + the volumes with the bonus stories. But in general the collection is just... sitting on my bookshelf collecting dust 😭
Last movie: Uhhhh.... I used to watch movies so much but nowadays I'm too addicted to youtube content to really sit down and watch movies, because it's always such a hassle because every time a movie is over I'm sitting there like 'ok now what to watch' and then I get stuck in limbo of what I feel like watching skdjfhsd And youtube is endless. But I think that the last movie I watched was "Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back - Evolution" with @jinanreona :3
Last show: ... Same thing here, I don't watch a lot of shows either. And if I do, I usually rewatch shows I'm already familiar with ksdjhfsdf I think the last show I watched in whole was The Walking Dead back in February. And a couple of weeks ago I watched a few Kuroshitsuji episodes with @dokitm! But I think that's about it skjdfhsdf
What are you wearing right now?: .... That is kind of a personal question, isn't it😏
Piercings/tattoos?: No tattoos, but I'd like to have one one day when I'm financially stable to get one skdjhfsd I've had plenty of piercings tho. I got my ears pierced when I was 7 and I still have those, and then when I was 15 I pierced them again so I had two beside each other on each ear. Then when I was 17 I got one for my nose but I let it grow away like 3 years later because I thought it always looked like I had a giant decorative zit on there skjfsd Then I got a navel one when I was 21, and I actually loved it a lot and had it for years. But then one day the jewelry came loose and I couldn't be bothered to get a new one and that one too eventually grew away. I've always wanted a tongue piercing, but it has just never really happened yet. Maybe some day~
Glasses? Contacts?: Reading glasses~
Last thing you ate: My lunch today - salmon in white sauce and boiled potatoes~
Favourite colour(s)?: For stand-alone colours my favorites are black and blue. For colour combos, my all-time favourite is black/white/red, and I also really like purple/pink/orange/yellow.
Current obsession: Uh... I'm very particular in the way I obsess about things skjdfhsdf I don't have a lot of things that I obsess over, but I have a couple that I keep switching between depending on what kind of content I'm exposed to and/or engage in at the moment. Like, for example, right now my current obsession is Breath of the Wild because I'm replaying it to get into the hype for Tears of the Kingdom that is coming out tomorrow (!!!!), and I've been obsessing about it for at least 2 months straight now just because of that. But like... even tho I've been playing a lot, I still don't play every day. And the days when I don't play, I'm obsessing over any of my other interests. And whenever I'm not obsessing over those, I'm obsessing over the one remainder thing. The other day I was obsessing over Warcraft lore because I was spending a whole day playing WoW, and before then I was obsessing over Genshin, and before then it was something else. I obsess over the same things but I do it in phases, and I rarely get new obsessions ksdjhfsdf And ofc, in-between all of these interests, I'm constantly (tho subconsciously) obsessing over Kuroshitsuji and Twisted Wonderland ( Sebastian and Malleus specifically ofc ) :'3 It's like when my mind isn't occupied with anything in particular, Sebastian and Malleus is always living rent free in my head, and I spend my time drawing fanart of them.~
Do you have a crush right now?: Nope. Thus is the life of a demi.~
Favourite fictional character: If I don't say Sebastian Michaelis here I cannot in good faith call myself the biggest Sebastian apologist to have walked this Earth.... but Malleus, Yuugi (ygo), Howl (howl's moving castle - mostly the book version because he's such a little shit there and i absolutely love it, but the movie version is what i was introduced to and it will forever hold a special place in my heart), Zhongli (genshin), Fiore (sailor moon), Mamoru (sailor moon - manga and smc have him much better fleshed out and i love it, but he 90s anime will obviously always have a special place in my heart because it is what i grew up watching ♥ ), Lady Mipha (loz: botw), and Harley Quinn (btas as well as the newer animated harley quinn series) are all ofc huge faves of mine as well ;w; There's absolutely more but.... we'd be here all day~
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TAGGED BY: @gosutm , @jinanreona , @pomfiores (thank you guys!!) TAGGING: I think almost everyone has already done this one so I'm just gonna uhhhh tag some that I don't think have done it so uhhhh @casketdweller, @svmmoning, @niiveusx, @decayedhearts, @chxmpionofjustice, @universestreasures, && @ofcryptid!
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