#死/// Inquiries.
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No tag or chainmail necessary but, you are very rad and my dash doesn't feel quite complete unless i see u in it 🥺🥺
even when i'm going balls to the wall insane with my nonsense? 🥺 angel, my beloved-- i'm glad i can be a highlight on your dash, honestly and truly, even though i can get a little unhinged with it. that's all i want, to make people happy and befriend them because i'm soff, and i'm so glad you were one of my very first moots here. you have so much talent and the way you write both muzan and naraku is so, so good ! muzan struck the fear of god into me, and naraku's got a vibe about him i can't nail down. like he could be 'nice', but he can also murder and that's the bee's knees. my bread and butter. plus, you're a joy, besides <3<3 thank you so much, and i literally cannot wait to continue writing with you and having you on my dash ! <3
#死/// Inquiries.#/ <3#/ the icon is of kaede as a child#/ anyways i mean it thank you so much <3#/ i will pick you up and put you in my pocket--
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「人生親像桃花枝,有時開花有時死, 花有開花再開期,人若死去無活時。」
This excerpt is from 《桃花泣血記 (trans. the tale of peach blossom weeping blood》, a Taiwanese classic from the 1930s. It roughly translates to:
/ Life, like a bunch of peach blossoms, blooms and withers in its time.
Though flowers may bloom once more, when a soul departs, there is no returning to life. /
Very esoteric reference I know, but these lines vividly captures my thoughts on Episode Aigis (or, P3 fes reload).
I didn’t finish P3 fes when it first came out because it was exceedingly grindy. Heck, I didn’t even finish Persona 3 back then (sorry, the original P3 gameplay…is really not my thing). But I was fully aware of that this DLC carried the same narrative thrust like P3, one of the heaviest in the modern persona games.
I thought it was ingenious to let Aigis front the pursuit to find the answer to “life”. I always thought she was one of the most intriguing characters in the game, as she is a non-human whose sole purpose is to destroy shadows, but now being imbued with the mission to find her own answer to many of P3’s core philosophical inquiries anchored in existentialism, mortality and the search for meaning. And she did in the end; the realisation that life is defined not by her pre-determined design, but by relationships, choices, and embracing the complexity of human experience — even when faced with the inevitability of death, helped her to live — and not just to exist.
Aside from Aigis herself, I appreciate each SEES member manifests multi-faceted, difficult reaction when confronted with the death of a friend. (I was told that in Episode Aigis the writers made some alterations to “soften” the tension among SEES members, but not a problem for me since I didn’t play the original oops).
#Persona 3#Aigis#P3R#P3 Reload#Episode Aigis#persona 3 fanart#persona 3 reload#digital art#jrpg#digital illustration#jrpg fanart#persona fanart#Procreate
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ABOUT ME 關於東方男孩
筆名:東方之光 Pen name: Light of the East 性別:男 Sex: Male 国家/地区:哈尔滨 nationality / region:Harbin. 年龄:23岁 Age: 23 years old
Monthly Salary:$416.
Occupation: Low-level worker
Emotional status: single.
為什麼單身:我也不知道我為什麼單身。 但是我感覺大機率是因為我長的醜還窮還不打遊戲不會抽菸不會喝酒。 性格比較內向? 我之前也嘗試過追求女生但是沒有一次是成功的。 後來經過查詢才知道。 中國大部分女孩是不喜歡甚至討厭我這種男生的。 中國有百分之85以上女生都喜歡那種穿著奇裝異服的帥氣的男孩。 而且是有刺青的,吃喝嫖賭都會的那種! 但是可惜這些我都不會。 所以沒有中國女生口中的男生氣質。 我是屬於哪一個比較老實內向的男孩。
Why single:I don't know why I'm single. But I feel it’s most likely because I’m ugly, poor, and can’t play games, smoke, or drink. More introverted? I have tried to pursue girls before but never succeeded. I found out later after making inquiries. Most girls in China don't like or even hate boys like me. More than 85% of Chinese girls like handsome boys who wear fancy clothes. And he is a tattooed person who can eat, drink, whore, and gamble! But unfortunately I don’t know any of these. So there is no masculine temperament that Chinese girls say. I am a kind of honest and introverted boy.
最喜歡的網路公司是? 答案:雅虎,谷歌,臉書,微軟。 What is your favorite Internet company? Answer: Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Microsoft. 最喜歡的亞���菜:五花肉。 鍋燒肉。 茄子和馬鈴薯一起燉。 排骨和豆子一起燉煮。 Favorite Asian dish: pork belly. Pot-roasted meat. Eggplant stewed with potatoes. Pork ribs and beans stewed. 最喜歡的國家:美國,日本,紐西蘭,東南亞地區。 Favorite countries: United States, Japan, New Zealand, Southeast Asia. 座右銘:如果世界上有一些事情是用錢辦不到的,那麼用更多的錢就可以做到。 Maxim:If there is something in the world that cannot be done with money, it can be done with more money. Maxim: 你最喜歡哪個國家的女孩? 日本女孩。 因為日本女孩表面上非常溫柔善良。 東南亞女孩。 因為東南亞的女孩子都比較貞潔。 Which country is your favorite girl? Japanese girl. Because Japanese girls are very gentle and kind on the surface. Southeast Asian girls. Because girls in Southeast Asia are relatively chaste. 最喜歡的亞洲歌曲? 浮生記 Favorite Asian song? The story of a floating life.
我也知道為什麼突然開通了一個博客,一切都很突然。 我也不知道這裡的自述從和說起。 雖然有很多想說,但又說不出來什麼。 生活中的我非常內向,生活中的朋友總是那麼幾個。 我曾經透過網路心理測驗自己測試過,結果是憂鬱症或強迫症。 但是在專業醫生面前診斷總是正常健康的。 我也不知道為什麼。 (也許我在這裡可以發現真正的我,我在這裡應該會有朋友吧?我自認為我的童年是在一個黑暗叢林之中度過的,並且裡面充滿了各種恐怖的幽靈還是地獄的惡 鬼!
記得那是一個寒冷的冬天我出生在亞洲一個貧窮黑暗的小城市,我剛出生就差點去。 【新生兒硬腫症,又稱新生兒硬皮症或皮脂硬化症,早產兒和體重不足兒發病率高。 本病多發生於寒冷季節。 因新生兒皮下脂肪含熔點高及體溫調節中樞不夠完善,在低溫條件下(室溫過低或保暖不良),皮下脂肪堆積部位易於凝固而發生硬腫。 本病絕大多數兒童在生後一週內出現症狀,主要表現就是不吃奶、不哭,體溫低(≤35攝氏度)。 全身皮下脂肪多的部位出現皮膚冷、硬、呈暗紅色或青紫。 皮膚緊貼皮下組織,僵硬不易移動,依之似硬橡皮樣,伴水腫者按之可有凹陷。 硬腫常先出現在小腿、大腿外側,繼而蔓延至臀部、軀幹及頰部。 硬腫症常併發肺炎及敗血症,嚴重者可因肺出血而死亡】 (未完結等待編輯中)
I also know why I suddenly started a blog, everything was so sudden. I don’t know where the self-report here starts with and. Although I have a lot to say, I can't say anything. I am very introverted in life, and I always have only a few friends in my life. I once tested myself through an Internet psychological test, and the result was depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder. But it is always normal and healthy to be diagnosed in front of a professional doctor. I do not know why either. (Maybe I can find the real me here, and I should have friends here, right? I think my childhood was spent in a dark jungle, and it was full of all kinds of terrifying ghosts or evil spirits from hell. ghost!
I remember it was a cold winter. I was born in a poor and dark small city in Asia. I almost went there just after I was born. [Scleredema neonatorum, also known as neonatal scleroderma or sebaceous sclerosis, has a high incidence in premature infants and underweight infants. This disease mostly occurs in the cold season. Because the subcutaneous fat of newborns has a high melting point and the body temperature regulation center is not perfect, under low temperature conditions (the room temperature is too low or the warmth is poor), the subcutaneous fat accumulation areas are easy to solidify and cause hard swelling. The vast majority of children with this disease develop symptoms within one week after birth. The main symptoms are not feeding, not crying, and low body temperature (≤35 degrees Celsius). The skin appears cold, hard, dark red or blue-purple in areas with a lot of subcutaneous fat all over the body. The skin is close to the subcutaneous tissue, stiff and difficult to move, and feels like hard rubber when pressed. If there is edema, there may be a depression when pressed. Hard swelling often first appears on the outside of the calf and thigh, and then spreads to the buttocks, trunk and cheeks. Scleredema is often complicated by pneumonia and sepsis, and severe cases may cause death due to pulmonary hemorrhage] (Unfinished, waiting for editing)
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉 366_画像版 n.2551j (Oct. 26, 2023)
まず、殺人の禁止をとりあげてみよう。もし「殺人(murder)」が「正当化できない殺人(homicide)」と定義されるなら、殺人(murder)は、同語反復的に(tautologically)、間違っているということになる。しかしこれは、殺人がどんな時に正当化されるかという問題に論点を移しただけである。多くの人は、戦時や法の正当な手続きによる断罪の結果の殺人は正当化されると考える。自分の命を守る方法が他にない場合には自衛のために人を殺す権利がある、というのはごく一般的な考え方である。そこから、自分の妻や子供を守るために人を殺す権利も持っていに違いないという結論がでてくるように思われる。しかし、自分の妻を死よりも悪い運命から救うことについてはどうであろうか?(注:安楽死など) また、他人の子供が危険に瀕している場合、その子供についてはどうであろう(注:その子供を救うために危害を加えようとしている者を殺害するなど)。
Take, first, the prohibition of murder. If "murder" is defined as "unjustifiable homicide" it follows tautologically that murder is wrong. But this merely transfers the argument to the inquiry as to when homicide is unjustifiable. Most people think that homicide is justified in war and as a result of condemnation by due process of law. It is very generally held that you have a right to kill a man in self-defence if there is no other way of preserving your life. It would seem to follow that you must have a right to kill a man in defence of your wife or your children. But how about saving your wife from a fate worse than death? And how about other people's children when they are in danger? Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, (1954), chapter 3 More info.:https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-0305.htm
<寸言> 論理学者らしい物言いです。 ところで、ラッセルは、「殺人(murder)」を「正当化できない殺人(homicide)」と定義すると、「殺人(murder)は -同語反復的に(tautologically)- 間違っているということになる」と言っていますが、その言葉の意味やニ���アンスはお分かりでしょうか? その証明は以下のようになると思われます。
「殺人(Murder: 殺意のある殺人)」を"M," 「殺人(homicide 殺意のないものも含む,殺人一般)を"H"とします。 "H "は "h1"(殺意のない殺人��+ "h2"(殺意のある殺人) であることは定義上明らかです。 また、”h1"(殺意のない殺人)も正当化できるもの "h11" と正当化できないもの "h12" からなっていることは明らかです。 「殺人(murder)」を「正当化できない殺人(homicide)」と定義するというのは、
M = h2 + h12 (つまり、「殺意のない正当化できるものを除いた殺人」ということになり、偶発的な殺人であっても「正当化できない殺人」は全て含んでいます。) 従って、「殺人(murder) M」は「正当化できない殺人」の集合という定義ですので、 「正当化できない殺人」= 「正当化できない殺人」(A = A)と言っていることになり、"同語反復"ということになります。(証明終わり)
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‘Lamma IV’, A Tragic Maritime Disaster Dragging On For 11 Years In Hong Kong: Why Did The Court Of Appeal Decide, After Numerous Investigations And Hearings, That A Death Inquest Would Dig Out The Mysteries Of 39 Deaths? What Is The Legal Principle Of ‘Public Interest’?
On the night of 1st October 2012, the shocking maritime disaster took place when 2 passenger vessels the Sea Smooth (a public ferry) and the Lamma IV (a private boat) collided near Lamma Island. After the collision, the Sea Smooth remained afloat and nobody died. Horribly, Lamma IV sank within 118 seconds, killing 39 passengers including 8 young children. 97 other passengers on Lamma IV were injured, some seriously. The outpour of sorrow across the city was immediate and universal. Grave concerns about maritime safety in Hong Kong were raised. Both the victims’ families and the community as a whole expected, and rightly so, that thorough investigations were to be conducted to find out what had happened leading to many deaths; that those who were responsible should be held accountable; and that most importantly, appropriate measures should be taken to prevent the occurrence of similar incidents in the future.
One of such investigations, as one might reasonably expect from an appalling disaster of this scale, was a death inquest (死因研訊) under the Coroners Ordinance (死因裁判官條例) (‘the Ordinance’). In fact, this was exactly the recommendation in the death investigation reports prepared by the police and submitted to the Coroner in 2020. However, by a decision dated 19th November 2020, the Coroner David Ko decided that no death inquest was necessary. Having regard to all the materials before him, he simply concluded, without holding an inquest, that the victims were legally considered as ‘unlawfully killed’.
After the Coroner decided not to hold an inquest, 10 family members of the victims were very unhappy and wrote to the former Secretary for Justice Ms Teresa Cheng inviting her to invoke her power under the Ordinance requiring the Coroner to hold an inquest. By a letter dated 9th March 2021, the Secretary replied, declining to do so because she concurred with the Coroner’s view.
Some family members were very upset by such results and they pursued justice further by applying to the Court of First Instance under section 20(1)(a) of the Ordinance for an order that a death inquest was to be held.
By a judgement handed down on 24th November 2022, Coleman J refused the application because he was not persuaded that the ‘public interest’ (公眾利益) in this case would require a death inquest to be held.
Extremely disappointed, some family members turned to the Court of Appeal (上訴庭) to try to change the decision of the lower court.
Realizing that the court case involved a lot of fact-sensitive questions, the Court of Appeal examined the following facts and issues in great detail:
the 2 vessels;
the collision in 2012;
the COI (Commission of Inquiry) Report dated 19th April 2013 (Swiftly after the disaster, the Chief Executive in Council appointed a Commission of Inquiry to inquire into the facts and circumstances leading to and surrounding the collision of the 2 vessels);
the cause of the collision;
circumstances in which and as to why the Lamma IV sank rapidly;
why so many (39 persons) died? and
maritime safety and the system enforced by Marine Department (‘M Dept’).
The COI Report revealed, as a shock to the public, that there were possible mal-administration and dereliction of duty by some M Dept officers in connection with the safety issues of the Lamma IV. The Transport and Housing Bureau (‘TH Bureau’) followed up and conducted an internal investigation which was concluded in March 2014.
Since it was the government policy not to disclose report on internal investigation to the public, only a summary of the TH Bureau’s report was published on 28 April 2014. According to the summary. 17 M Dept officers, serving and retired, were prima facie found to have misconducted themselves. Disciplinary actions were subsequently taken against 13 serving officers but the details of such actions were never made public, despite repeated demands by the victims’ families.
Criminal proceedings also ensued after the COI Report. The Two coxswains of the Sea Smooth and the Lamma IV were prosecuted. The former was convicted of 39 counts of manslaughter and one count of endangering the safety of others at sea; the latter, one count of endangering the safety of others at sea. On 16 February 2015, they were sentenced to 8 years’ imprisonment and 9 months’ imprisonment respectively.
In addition to one M Dept officer Mr So Ping-chi, Mr Wong Kam Ching, as a M Dept officer, was in 2016 prosecuted and convicted of perjury for giving false evidence before the COI that he remembered counting enough children life jackets on the Lamma IV when he inspected the vessel on 8 May 2012 and was sentenced to 15 months’ imprisonment.
The convictions of the 2 coxswains were however related to the ways that 2 vessels were being controlled at the time of the accident. The convictions of the 2 M Dept officers were related only to the life jackets on the Lamma IV. The Court of Appeal thus examined some more fundamental un-resolved issues surrounding the causes of disaster. For example, due to the failure of the various parties involved in the construction of Lamma IV, the bulkhead was not made watertight. Only the immediate cause of collision was dealt with but how about the ‘structural’ causes rooted in the design and equipment on board of the vessel which could be traced back to as far as 1994 when the vessel was designed and constructed. Why were these problems, during the past many years, not discovered by the Marine Department when they inspected the vessel for the purpose of licensing? Were there any systemic deficiencies on the part of the Government that one could give recommendations as to the future improvements? This is why the deceased’s families had been thinking that some had not been brought to justice.
Upon the conclusion of all criminal proceedings, the Police finalized the ‘Death Investigation Reports’ after interviewing 91 witnesses and the reports were submitted to the Coroner in October 2020. The Police discovered some other problems such as an additional error in relation to the processing of designing, constructing and surveying the Lamma IV revealed by expert evidence and this aspect was not covered by the COI Report in 2013.
Very importantly, the Police’s Death Investigation Reports concluded that the trial of the 2 coxswains only dealt with the circumstances surrounding the collision. Though the COI shed some light upon the physical condition of the Lamma IV and how it was designed, built and approved for sailing, the in-depth investigation into the individual parties and M Dept was completed only after COI report. As a result, the regulatory body namely the Marine Department and the employers of the Lamma VI vessel crew relating to the incident have never carefully examined by any public tribunal. The Police thus recommended that Death Inquest should be held to ascertain the cause of the death of the deceased but such a recommendation was turned down by the Coroner.
In considering if a Death Inquest, because of the above analysis, should be held based on the principle of ‘public interest’. The meaning of ‘public interest’ was found being not defined in the Coroners Ordinance. The Court of Appeal agreed with the Law Reform Commission’s Report in 1988 that the primary role of a coroner in Hong Kong is to investigate the causes of the circumstances surrounding any death which:
is of uncertain cause;
is accidental;
is suspicious;
requires investigation in the public interest with a view to:-
enabling interested persons to ascertain the true facts surrounding a death;
making recommendations to prevent similar deaths;
clearing innocent persons of unjustified suspicion;
enabling early recognition of new hazards to life;
drawing official attention to preventable diseases causing death and to the misuse of drugs;
deterring persons who might otherwise be tempted to exercise insufficient care; and
uncovering cases of crime that would otherwise go undetected.
The above factors were what the ‘public interest’ in this case might be pertinent to.
The Court summarized 6 matters of concern in this scary accident relating to the above factors: especially those connected with the building of Lamma IV by the builder Cheoy Lee (財利) and inspection by the Marine Department and other professionals. There were also systemic questions for a court of public nature to rightly investigate so as to expose any found systemic deficiency in the Department concerning approval, certification and survey for passenger vessels not yet discovered by the COI.
The Court found a very strong case for the public examination of those responsible M Dept officers, who might or might not be the 17 officers identified in the TH Bureau internal investigation. Further, given the coroner hearing’s public nature and hence transparency, which differed from the confidential TH Bureau’s internal investigation, it might help enhance a great deal the accountability of and public confidence in the governance of the Marine Department.
For the reasons and other relevant points articulated in the judgement, the Court concluded that it is plainly in the ‘public interest’ to hold an inquest into the deaths of 39 victims of the Lamma IV, despite the lapse of 11 years.
A family member of the victims was interviewed outside the Court and she said, “This is the first time that I smiled in the public during the 11 years of torture!”
There is a famous saying that “justice must not only be done, but must also be seen to be done.” Judges in Hong Kong are independent and they are brave enough to make rulings according to the rule of law and judicial discretion, even if those decisions may not be liked by the government or powerful interests. Respect for the rule of law is about the faith of the public in the capacity of the law to dispense justice fairness and equality for all. Justice is not simply passed by legislations or legal principles; but they are passed in reality by the good judges in Hong Kong who can be neutral, fair and wise. The 11-year legal story about the alarming sea disaster is one of the great manifestations of justice and that Hong Kong is still a city outstanding for its Rule of Law (法治精神)! Bureaucracy is giving less than you need, but the principle of ‘public interest’ is giving us the due right that we deserve.
Maurice Lee
Chinese Version 中文版: https://www.patreon.com/posts/39tiao-ren-ming-89963621?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
Lamma Ferry Crash in 2012
Acknowledgement-Movistory HK
News of Lamma Ferry Crash Appeal in 2023
Acknowledgement – TVB Kabayan
Court refused to order Lamma tragedy death inquest in 2022
Acknowledgement – RTHK
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Joke Parody -UnderCataclysm-
This is only a joke. Don't take it seriously.lol I love Cataclysm:Dark Days Ahead. I think This is NOT an AU.
--日本語訳 (translation for Japanese)-- ネタです。真面目に取らないでください。(笑) Cataclysm:Dark Days Aheadが好きなので作りました。AUといえるほどのものではないです。 ---- ----
The 2 worlds, human and monster, were separated. One day, the 2 worlds lost their boundary and fused. Because of the fusion of the 2 worlds which principle are different from one another, humans became zombies and monsters lost control of themselves. However, you should stay alive whatever dark days ahead.
Frisk [Bottom of a Mine] Playing in the Mt. Ebott, Frisk fell down into a hole which appeared since the apocalypse. Fortunately, Frisk didn’t get any big injury and found a headlight for a miner. By the way, why is the owner of the headlight laying there? --日本語訳 (translation for Japanese)-- フリスク [鉱山] イビト山で遊んでいた所、大変動で生じた穴に落ちてしまいました。幸いな事に、大きな怪我はなく、真っ暗な中、鉱夫用のヘッドライトを発見しました。ところで、このヘルメットの持ち主はどうしてこんな所で死んでいるのでしょうか? ---- ----
Triel [The Next Summer] A little over a year has passed since the apocalypse started and shutting myself in the ruin, and I’m about to face your second summer in Hell. --日本語訳 (translation for Japanese)-- トリエル [2年目の夏] 大変動が生じて、遺跡に引きこもってから約1年が過ぎました。2年目の夏が始まろうとしています。 ---- ----
Sans [Lab Technician] Thanks to years of study and hard work in the lab, I am familiar with the basics of scientific inquiry. Only one question remains: Might I undo the very Cataclysm my boss helped create? --日本語訳 (translation for Japanese)-- サンズ [研究所の技術者] 研究所での研究と努力のおかげで、科学に関する基本的な疑問には答えられます。ここでひとつ疑問が浮かびました。上司が加担した大変動の発生により壊れた世界は、果たして元に戻るのでしょうか? ---- ----
Papyrus [True Foodparson] I am the true real star. Some might think I am just a mascot, but I know better. My scarf is blowing in the wind, I am the real star, and the only thing standing between this world and oblivion am I. --日本語訳 (translation for Japanese)-- パピルス [真のフードパーソン] 真のリアルスターです。ただのマスコットと思っている人もいますが、実は違います。リアルスターとは自分のことです。たなびくこのスカーフを見てください。この世界と希望の中間に立つ唯一の存在です。 ---- ----
Undyne [National Guard] The king activated the loyal guards to deal with the growing epidemics. Despite my best efforts, I was unable to form up before all communications ceased and I found myself alone amongst the dead. --日本語訳 (translation for Japanese)-- アンダイン [州兵] 王様は蔓延する感染症に対処するため、ロイヤルガードを動員しました。死力を尽くしましたが、隊列を組む前から通信は途絶しており、いつの間にか死者の群れの中に一人、取り残されていました。 ---- ----
Burgerpants [The Last Delivery] While the world was falling apart someone called to order some of MTT’s delicious food and they sent me to do the delivery. I’m not sure about much, but one thing is certain: that delicious food is going to get delivered even if that’s the last thing I do! --日本語訳 (translation for Japanese)-- バガパン [最後の宅配] 大変動時に何者かからMTT社のデリシャスフードの注文が入りました。よく分かりませんが、これだけは確かです。このMTTデリシャスフードを届けたら仕事はもうありません! ---- ----
Alphys [Lab Staff] I am clumsy like a dojikko in anime and made to stay behind during the lab evacuation. Find a way to escape or starve to death. --日本語訳 (translation for Japanese)-- アルフィー [研究所職員] 研究所からの脱出の際、普段のドジッこ属性が発動し取り残されてしまいました。脱出する方法を探しましょう。餓死するほうが楽かもしれませんが。 ---- ----
Asgore [Career Politician] I’ve spent my life appealing to the people, persuading many and promising much throughout my time in office. Now that my voting base wants to eat me alive, winning hearts and minds just got that much harder. --日本語訳 (translation for Japanese)-- アズゴア [大物政治家] 住民に演説する日々を過ごし、たくさんのモンスターを説得し、オフィスにいる間は様々な約束を取り付け続けていました。投票基盤となる有権者たちは生きのいい人間を食べたがっており、心を掴むのは至難の業です。 ---- ----
#undertale#parody#this is a joke#sans#asgore#toriel dreemurr#alphys#undyne#frisk#burgerpants#papyrus
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Lost in Translation (Zhongli)

In which a certain archon scrambles about his feelings and forgets the most important thing--his beloved traveller is an outlander, unfamiliar with the ways of Liyue (aka idiots in love: the fanfic). AO3 vers
A lazy day for him, a busy day for you--no matter the contrast of your agenda, you and Zhongli made it a habit to meet in the food stalls by Liyue Harbour. His presence and calm extinguished the fatigue from the many commissions and personal commitments you promised others of doing. You haven't really questioned what kind of impact you had on him, or why he seemed so dedicated on meeting with you despite your conflicting schedules.
Was it the free meals?
That was what you thought--yet he only ever orders the same kind of tea or a slight variation of it every evening.
"That will be 5201 Mora." The waitress would say on typical days. You share idle conversation together and muse about plans for the distant future.
"I'm feeling extravagant tonight." He would sometimes joke (who knew he was capable of that?) when you had missed several dinners with him. Ten Mora added to his usual set for an extra spot of tea2. You would always point out that he didn't have the right to brag about spending “extravagantly” over a paltry sum which he didn't pay for anyway, but he would only smile at you and look contemplative.
"What's wrong?"
Zhongli would sigh in response, choosing not to answer you. He would instead marvel about the beauty of the moon3 in the dark, night sky.
Was it the view?
He always found something beautiful about the weather---waxing poetry even in unpleasant storms.
"Radishes? Why would I love radishes?4 I don't get it," you would answer honestly, and he would place his hand atop your head and let it rest there.
"Everything is beautiful if you choose to believe it is."
Huh. You never thought of that.
"Well, I suppose radishes are rather filling."
You liked the sound of his laughter---perhaps it was even the reason why you looked forward to thunderstorms.
Was it the (occasional )unexpected dinner guests?
"Comrade, you're here!♡"
"Childe! I can't breathe!"
Childe didn't make it a secret that he's interested in you. In fact, he was rather vocal with his affections.
Sickeningly sweet nicknames, embarrassing confessions after sparring matches, bouquets of flowers at every opportunity--he was your most relentless suitor. You voiced out your discomforts with his overzealous..."methods" but it all falls on deaf ears. You voiced out such discomforts to the attentive Zhongli on your shared dinners.
To show his support, the Geo Archon had a habit of spending more when the Snezhnayan were around. He would order the most expensive tea set, and would make it a point to sit on the other seat beside you, whispering,
"Won't you order more, Traveller?"
...as if asking you to conspire against the Fatui with him.
"What? This tiny portion for 52013145 Mora? I'd rather buy something else!"
Zhongli would shake his head and lean closer--almost a breath away with you.
"But you aren't the one paying tonight."
For a god who was thousands of years old, it was refreshing to see he still had a mischievous side to him.
Was he even enjoying your time together at all?
Something felt off today. He was a solemn man, but he felt more...serious right now. Childe wasn't around your usual spot yet he still ordered the shop's most expensive tea set.
"Good evening, Traveller."
You could feel tension in the way he brought the cup to his lips.
"What are you drinking tonight?" You tried to bring light conversation to the awkward vibe you both had, but as he brought his cup down and looked at you, you suddenly felt embarrassed. His amber eyes seemed...penetrating. Even the honeyed tone of his voice sounded dry.
"Did something happen, Zhongli?" You cried. "Wai-- Vinegar?! Why are you drinking that?"
It worried you to see that he frowned even further at your inquiry.
"...this is unbecoming of me. I apologise. Shall we take a stroll outside?"
He didn't answer your questions again, but you relented. He wasn't the most direct person you knew. Unlike Childe who does not shy in voicing out his thoughts and his feelings, Zhongli was a lot more subdued. Sometimes, you wished he would speak out more. But given his disposition, you knew it would be impossible to ask of him.
"The moon is beautiful tonight as well, isn't it?3"
His remark made you look up at the dark, starless sky. Any indication of the glowing moon was absent. You squinted your eyes to look closer but never sighted the moon he sung praises to.
"It's an expression."
"Expression?" You turned to him with a frown on your face. You were speaking the same language, but you didn't understand him at all. "Zhongli--"
However his words confused you, the warmth of his lips on yours gave it clarity.
As he pulled away and held you close, the absence of his answer lingered--however, your pounding heart that grew bashful with his stares pestered you, as if saying that you would get your answer if you kissed him again.
"I'm not as honest as that person. I'm afraid I shy away from such bold declarations. Even now, I cannot seem to say it out loud."
"But you're talking to me just fine?"
You were relieved to hear him laugh again. The warmth of his embrace betrayed his beating heart that matched with the pace of your own.
"I wish I talked...more. I'm sorry for worrying you.
...envy brings the worst in me, I'm afraid."
He sounded bashful. "Of...the Fatui Harbinger taking your attention."
...Realising its implications made you bury your head on his chest.
"Would it be presumptuous of me to assume that the feeling is mutual?"
"You're unfair, you know that?"
The answer you were seeking for had finally been found as you exchanged another kiss under the moonless night.
"Hey, Zhongli?"
"Yes, traveller?"
You responded to the silent words he couldn't seem to say...
"I can die happily7."
...but you could hear clearly in your heart.
1 ) 520 in Chinese is (wǔ èr líng) = 我爱你 (wǒ ài nǐ) “I love you.”
2) 530 in Chinese is (wǔ sān líng) = 我想你 (wǒ xiǎng nǐ) “I miss you.”
3) The moon is beautiful tonight is an indirect way of saying "I love you" in olden Japan--the expression being credited to Natsume Soseki, a famous Japanese novelist
4) 萝卜青菜,各有所爱。 (Luóbo qīngcài, gè yǒu suǒ ài. 'radishes greens, each have that-which loves') — Radishes and greens, each have those who love them. I.e. "one man's meat is another man's poison" or "each to his own". Tweet
5) 1314 (yī sān yī sì) = 一生一世 (yī shēng yī shì) “Always / forever.” Often combined with 520 so that it becomes 5201314, or “I’ll love you forever.”
6) to drink vinegar/chī cù (吃醋) : to feel jealous
7) According to this source, the phrase 死んでもいいわ | shindemo iiwa (I can die happy) is the best response to footnote 3, translated from the works of novelist Shimei Futabatei.
Sources: one two three four five
#genshin impact#zhongli#genshin zhongli#zhongli x reader#genshin impact fic#genshin fic#genshin imagines#Genshin impact Zhongli
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continuing on the fem!lwj thought experiment. previous posts are here → [x] [x].
俗话说的好,寡妇门前是非多。Translation: as the old saying goes, troubles are aplenty upon the doorstep of the widow. Which really, is more of a reflection of society's bullshit than of widow's character because a) in a society where women aren't allowed means to financially support themselves, when their husbands kick the bucket, they'd have to rely on other men in their lives to survive. If these men aren't their immediate family like son, father, or brother, then they incite gossip/scorn from others; and b) fuck the fuckbois who try and take advantage of widows who they deem easy prey and fuck the busybodies who go around sniffing out a widow's secrets.
Previously, I threw out the idea of Badass Rogue Cultivator Lan Wangji, going where the trouble is, helping people, a literal beacon of light, the renowned but mysterious Hanguang Sanren, accompanied by her sole disciple/son Sizhui — but now, consider this. For the first couple of years after she left Cloud Recesses, in order to avoid detection and to heal from her discipline lashes, Lan Wangji camouflaged herself and Sizhui and straight up became a peasant. A young, widowed peasant with "limited" means and a young son.
(here are some nice peasant aesthetics bc we don't really get those: [x] - the hair of this one; [x] [x] the outfit style of this one; [x] - a variation of a headscarf of this one.)
Lan Wangji found a mid-sized village and a small abandoned house with a modest yard that looked like it hadn't been inhabited for some time. The reason was rather obvious - the place was a haunted. But luckily it was an entry level ghost (and I mean really entry level, like this ghost isn't even getting paid, probably a ghost intern) and a short exorcism later, it was perfectly safe to settle down in. A-Yuan wasn't even fazed; boy grew up in the Burial Mount where ghosts probably read him bedtime stories.
LWJ: 阿苑,从今往后,如果有人问起你我的事,你该怎么回答? A-Yuan:嗯。。。阿爹死��,就剩下我和阿娘了。 LWJ:好,好孩子。
LWJ: A-Yuan, from now on, if someone asks about me and you, what should you tell them? A-Yuan: Hm...a-die died, only a-niang and I are left. LWJ: Good, good lad.
Literally the next day, the local Aunties™ arrived to sus her out. Early that morning, they had seen steam coming out of the chimney and thought it was local boys causing mischief again but was surprised to find a young woman and a small child. The fact that the young woman was the prettiest thing in a 500 mile radius was not lost on the village Aunties. Lan Wangji introduced herself as Qiu Er-Niang 邱二娘 (Qiu being her mother's last name, and #-niang being a fairly non-classy, peasant-esque way of referring to women) and A-Yuan as Jiang蒋 Yuan (not the same Jiang as Yunmeng Jiang but pronounced the same and still a very common last name, a nod to WWX without it being very explicit). She spun a very simple story of how her village was devastated by bad harvest and disease and that her family, including her husband, had all perished. She was not much of a liar, but the injuries she carried on her back was fresh, so she did appear genuinely fragile and gaunt.
The Aunties were suspicious but could not find a flaw in her story. One of them was nice enough to give her some rice and flour. Not that Lan Wangji really needed it; Lan Xichen had made sure she had plenty of funds for the road, which she was initially reluctant to accept. Leaving Cloud Recesses, she wanted no part of her clan in her new life, but her brother had convinced her after he reiterated and stressed on A-Yuan's needs as a growing boy.
Second day into her new life as a peasant, Lan Wangji realized her problem. For the first time in her life, she had noisy af neighbours who were all up in her busy. Pushing aside the obvious need to hide her cultivation, she could not be blatant with her finances either. The villagers saw a sickly widow with a child; they'd expect to see her struggle with food, with clothing, with keeping it all together. If she strolled up to the nearest town and bought all the things she needed...that would be way too suspicious. Besides, she'd have to do something to make a show of "earning" her living, at least for a little while. She did not plan to stay in this village forever. Once she was fully recovered, once Gusu Lan Sect's initial searching frenzy passed and they exhausted their means, she could leave and be free. For now...she'll just have to play her part.
One of the Aunties of the village told her that one of the richer households being to a landlord of some kind was looking for female staff to do the cleaning and washing and cloth-fending. The Auntie pulled some strings with the women working there and got her hired. Lan Second Jade of Gusu never washed a single sock in her life Wangji found herself faced with Laundry Duty, Jealous Landlady and Co-Workers, and Lecherous Overlord.
Fuckboi #25: How pretty you are, sweet thing. Poor you, working with those slender hands. If you marry me, you wouldn't have to slave away for money. I'll take care of you.
LWJ: *silently contemplating how to slit the man from nape to navel*
A couple times a week, Lan Wangji worked, and during her free time, she taught A-Yuan to read and write and began his training with the sword. Beyond that, Lan Wangji put every second of her free time not taking care of A-Yuan and not playing Farmer McPeasant into cultivation. For the first time in her life, her days were simple. There was nothing to distract her, no other bullshit or duty to family or clan to restrict her against her will. She left the headband in Jingshi, and Jingshi in the past.
And when the night is dark and A-Yuan is asleep, Lan Wangji seals the house with a barrier talisman and goes into the forest to play Inquiry.
Wei Ying never answers, but soon the village starts a rumour of a Lady Ghost haunting the woods with her song.
#cql#the untamed#lan wangji#wei wuxian#wangxian#corie fics#cql ficlet#lmao more of this bullshit#might write one or two more things before i call it quits#lwj fic#f!lwj
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English vs. Japanese Mr. Compress (and Dabi) - A 294 Comparison
The past two weeks we have taken a look at the differences between the official English translation and the original Japanese version of Dabi in regards to the newest chapter. This week’s chapter mainly focused on Mr. Compress, so for this comparison, we will look at the two lines Dabi had as well as some of Mr. Compress’ lines and where/how they differ in the two versions.
Did Mr. Compress actually call them a band of egotists or was it another case of lost nuance?
One of the first things that stuck out to me when looking at the Japanese version is that there are six times during this chapter, where Mr. Compress mentions Shigaraki. While in the English translation for this chapter, he either calls him Shigaraki, Tomura, or boss, the Japanese version is pretty consistent.
There is one instance in the chapter, where it just says the Japanese word for boss - namely when he “addresses” Harima in his speech and saying that what Harima couldn’t do, Mr. Compress will “now hand off to my boss”
The Japanese line reads 「俺のボスに任せるよ」
「俺 ; ore 」-> I
「の ; no 」-> particle to indicate possession, works like an apostrophe
「ボス ; bosu 」-> boss
「に ; ni 」-> to
「任せる ; makaseru 」-> to entrust to another; to rely fully on one’s full strength/great ability to get something done
「よ; yo 」-> sentence ending particle for emphasis
= “I will hand entrust it to my boss.”
Meanwhile, the other five times he mentions Shigaraki it’s always done like here when he says that Shigaraki is the key:
The line reads 「死柄木(ボス)が。。。鍵だ。。。!」
「死柄木 ; shigaraki 」-> Shigaraki
「ボス ; bosu 」-> boss
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker particle
「鍵 ; kagi 」-> key
「だ ; da 」-> to be; is
= “Shigaraki is the key.”
You may have noticed, I put bosu in brackets. The reason for that is that the bosu is what the furigana say, even though the Kanji are read as Shigaraki.
As mentioned before, when the furigana differ from how the kanji are actually read, the furigana represent what the character says, whereas the kanji represent what the character actually means. In the case of Mr. Compress, he always says boss when talking about Shigaraki during this chapter, however, except for that one exception, we’re being shown that the meaning behind boss is Shigaraki. It’s interesting because he could just refer to him as boss all the time and we would know that he means Shigaraki, so there isn’t a need to specify the meaning with kanji. To me, this reads as a way to show that while he might use the term boss, Shigaraki he isn’t just his boss. First and foremost, he is Shigaraki, the person.
After first bringing up Shigaraki, Mr. Compress says:
“Told us to run amok, right?!”
The Japanese line reads「皆揃ってさァ暴れましょうってこったろ!?」
「皆 ; minna 」-> everyone
「揃って ; sorotte 」-> all together
「さァ ; saa 」-> expresses the speaker’s intent to get the listener to (like “come on”)
「暴れましょう ; abaremashou 」-> to act violently; to rage, to be riotous (polite volitional form of 暴れる, abareru)
「って ; tte 」-> you said (casual quoting particle)
「こったろ ; kottaro 」-> (casual form of ことだろう) indicates that the speaker is very emotional
= “You told everyone that we should all be riotous together!”
There are two key points in regards to that part. The first one being that nuance of kottaro. That expression conveys a sense of deep emotion, so for this sentence, it shows us that he isn’t simply recalling that Shigaraki brought them together and wanted them to be violent. Rather, his inner monologue is him being desperate - worried about Shigaraki and trying to remind himself that they are currently in the midst of what they set out to do. But they’re not finished, so this is no time to give up. In a way, it’s a way to remind and motivate himself to keep going despite their current situation.
The other point is the word abaremashou. The “to run amok” phrasing in the official translation is… not that great, in my opinion. The general definition of this is someone that behaves in a violent or uncontrolled way. And yes, in essence, they are being violent. But it’s not exactly uncontrolled. The word “riotous” captures their goals a lot better considering they all have a bigger goal they are trying to reach. It’s not just being violent for the sake of violence, but rioting against a system that has denied them thus far.
Shortly after, we get this line:
“It’s just as our associate Spinner says.”
I’ve briefly talked about this already in a separate post because that word associate bothered me right away when I read the official translation.
The Japanese line reads 「スピナーの仰る通りだまだ何も」
「スピナー ; supinaa 」-> Spinner
「の ; no 」-> particle to indicate possession, works like an apostrophe
「仰る通り」-> it is as someone says (honorific)
「だ」-> to be; is
「まだ ; mada 」-> yet
「何も ; nanimo 」-> nothing
= “It’s just as Spinner says; nothing yet.”
Notice how none of those words mean associate? Reading that in the official translation felt so stiff. We know - through various instances - that the League is close. Mr. Compress even later on in this chapter literally says that he loves the League. Associate feels like they are just business partners. I can kind of understand trying to make that capture Mr. Compress’ overall personality, but he literally just doesn’t say that, hence it just feels like another biased translation instead.
Just as a side note, I would also like to mention that this man really mixes the language as he pleases. Like most characters in manga/anime, he generally uses the casual way of speaking and yet he sometimes peppers in polite/honorific words, too? A real entertainer indeed...
Next, we got this line「俺。。。敵連っ。。。合好きだったぜ」
「俺 ; ore 」-> I
「敵連合 ; viran rengou 」-> League of Villains
「好きだった ; sukidatta」-> loved
「ぜ ; ze 」-> ending particle for emphasis (more casual/ruder version of yo)
= “I really loved the League!”
Yes, even the official translation got this one right. The main difference between the fan translation and the official translation is the “really” which I also included here. Although that word isn’t technically in the Japanese line, the ending particle does emphasize the line and with that, the word “really” captures that emphasis the best in English.
There isn’t much to say about this line other than that it’s nice to have him say this so directly and also how sad it is that he is saying this in the past tense and thus signaling to us that he does not expect himself to survive this.
After this we got the lines that really didn’t sound great in the official translation:
“A collection of warped minds who never bothered prying into each other’s pasts. Just a band of egotists.”
The fan translation on the other hand had told us this line says: “No matter who it was, one’s past never came into question, we were just a group of deviants. This was quite the unruly bunch.”
So which one is more accurate?
The Japanese line says 「誰も過去を詮索したりしなかった。歪んだ奴ばかりで。手前勝手な集まりだった。」
「誰も ; daremo 」-> no one
「過去 ; kako 」-> past (i.e. a personal history one would prefer to remain a secret)
「を」-> direct object marker
「詮索 」-> inquiry into; prying into
「したりしなかった ; sensakushitari shinakatta 」-> very strong never, kind of like “would never do that, no matter what” (attaches to the word that came before)
「歪んだ ; yuganda 」-> warped (past tense of 歪む, yugamu)
「奴 ; yatsu 」-> fellow (derogatory)
「ばかりで ; bakari de」-> only (in regards to the word that came before)
「手前勝手な ; temaegatte na 」-> self-centered; selfish (see explanation below)
「集まり ; atsumari 」-> gathering
「だった ; datta 」-> was
= “No one would ever pry into each other’s personal past. It was a selfish gathering of only warped fellows.”
I’ve seen a lot of people who voiced their dislike towards the use of the word selfish or egotists, when the fan translation was relatively harmless with the term “unruly bunch” and in a way, rightfully so. Yes, I translated it as selfish, too, but it’s a nuance that’s hard to put into a few words.
If you were to look up the word selfish in a dictionary, you would get many results, but temaegatte isn’t the top result. When you directly look up temaegatte you will see that it’s not considered a common word, either. So this word was chosen for a reason.
Temaegatte in itself is a combination of the words 手前 (temae) and 勝手 (katte), both of which have their own separate meanings.
Temae consists of the kanji hand + in front of and means before oneself; in front of one; nearby.
Katte consists of the kanji victory + hand and has two meanings: something convenient; to act in a way that is convenient for oneself, without considering others.
When you combine those two words together, you have a word that refers to behavior that is convenient only for oneself - “nearby convenience” if you want to be literal. This word can get used in the business world in response to being asked to do something when you want to decline. Instead of bluntly saying that you can’t do it, you would essentially apologize for being so selfish as to not accept the person’s request. It’s a soft way to decline something whilst simultaneously acknowledging the other person’s feelings etc. At the same time, the word can also be used when you are the one making a request and you want to apologize for being selfish for doing so.
Temaegatte is an adjective that connects to the word that follows, which is atsumari (gathering) - put together a “selfish gathering” but what does that mean?
Them getting together as the League of Villains was the result of them all having parted from society to put themselves first. They became villains for their own convenience, not necessarily out of selfishness, but rather because they are doing this for themselves, to put themselves first, without considering others. It might sound similar, but selfishness is more defined as being exclusively concerned with oneself. And an egotist is someone who talks too much about themselves or someone who has an exaggerated sense of self. There is a difference between being selfish/ an egotist and putting yourself first. Instead of just following society and suffering because of it, these people have decided to stand up for themselves and fight back against a system that has been against them for their entire lives.
So yes, you can translate it as selfish - but that only scratches the surfaces of what is actually being said.
This chapter felt a lot like Mr. Compress confirming that the League is actually close and caring about one another. Another panel that captures that, happens a little later in the chapter:
The Japanese line says 「解放戦線。。。敵連合の死柄木が」
「解放戦線 ; kaihousensen 」-> Liberation Front
「敵連合 ; viran rengou 」-> League of Villains
「の ; no 」-> particle to indicate possession, works like an apostrophe
「死柄木 ; shigaraki 」-> Shigaraki
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker particle
= “The Liberation Front’s… League of Villains’ Shigaraki.”
Funnily enough, the official translation did a really good job by translating this as “The Paranormal Liberation Front’s… the League of Villains’ Shigaraki…” -
which highlights it a lot more that Mr. Compress is correcting himself here. Though officially they still are the Paranormal Liberation Front, in their hearts they will always be the League. Interestingly, here, the furigana also say Shigaraki, so this time around he legitimately says Shigaraki instead of boss, which adds another nice, personal touch to the line and describes Shigaraki as a member - much like the rest of them - rather than dividing them by hierarchy. He might be their leader, but at the end of the day, they are all equals, too.
This chapter was definitely really good in showing that very real bond of the League and the fact they genuinely care about each other. Meanwhile, the official translation misses that nuance by just writing them off as egotists and associates, when they are actually a group of outcasts that have found a home with each other.
Before we end this comparison, I just want to quickly mention that short Dabi part of the chapter, too.
Starting with this panel:
which says「ごめん焦凍事情が変わった。」
「ごめん ; gomen 」-> I’m sorry
「焦凍 ; shouto 」-> Shouto
「事情 ; jijou 」-> circumstances
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker particle
「変わった ; kawatta 」-> changed
= “Sorry Shouto, the circumstances changed.”
And then this panel:
which says「轟炎司がまだ壊れてない上に気絶しちまったらこのショーの意味がないごめんな最高傑作」
「轟炎司 ; todoroki enji 」-> Todoroki Enji
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker particle
「まだ ; mada 」-> (not) yet
「壊れ��ない ; kowaretenai 」-> to not be broken
「上に ; ue ni」-> as well; in addition to; besides
「気絶 ; kizetsu 」-> faint
「しちまったら 」-> combination of しちまった (to happen completely) + たら (when) = when something happened completely (focuses on the results that come from this first part)
「この ; kono 」-> this
「ショー ; shoo」-> show
「の ; no 」-> particle to indicate possession, works like an apostrophe
「意味 ; imi 」-> meaning
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker particle
「ない ; nai 」-> nonexistent
「ごめんな ; gomen na」-> I’m sorry
「最高傑作 ; saikoukessaku 」-> masterpiece
= “When Enji Todoroki is not yet completely broken and has fainted, this show has no meaning. Sorry, masterpiece.”
This isn’t exactly different from the official translation, but it’s once again emphasizing the fact that Dabi doesn’t care about killing Shouto, the person, he only cares about doing whatever it takes to ruin Endeavor. And killing his masterpiece seems like the perfect way to hit right where it hurts. I know there are a lot of people that are upset that Dabi is willing to hurt Shouto, and again I can only repeat myself in saying that there are years of psychological issues that have led some part of Dabi to view the idea of killing his own brother as okay. But it’s also a place he can’t just get out of himself, so instead of just blaming him for being at the point he is right now, we should hope that the story will let him heal.
What’s important is that he doesn’t hold a personal grudge against him. Sure, there might be jealousy involved, yet his reason for considering harming Shouto is purely because of Endeavor. With that, Shouto still stands a chance at somehow being able to get to Dabi and help him - after his arc, of course.
Anyway, to sum this up: I continue remaining hopeful in terms of Dabi and Shouto. The League cares about each other, even if that wasn’t their original reason for getting together. They are now at a point where they are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure each other’s safety. Hopefully, and I cannot stress enough how hopeful we have to be, they will all make it out of there now and not suffer any more deaths in their little group.
#bnha#bnha 294#lov#mr compress#dabi#shouto#todoroki#translation#atsuhiro sako#touya#league of villains#mha#boku no hero academia#mine#meta#my hero academia#294
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I feel like I see a lot of EN fandom preferring Xianyun out of the three Wangxians, and often cite the “if I can use my entire life to wait for you, will you be willing to glance back at me once?” line (which I think isn’t... exactly how I’d translate it, either, I think gravitydefyingtears’ EN tls make more sense to me) but actually, I think for me, Xianyun works the least, because it’s more of a meta song - a song someone would write about Wangxian - vs a song that I feel like LWJ would write about it? Especially if we think about when LWJ would have written it in canon. To me, it’s a very “13 years of inquiry” song, and actually there’s that line about ‘Inquiry as an attempt to release me of the worries’ in the lyrics lol
I think Wuji works as a very nice, like, poetic song that describes Wangxian’s dynamic overall without being overtly 13 Years of Inquiry, and the 煮一壶生死悲欢祭少年郎 (oof this one is rough to translate.. I’ve seen this editorialized all sorts of ways, but I think the more “literal” tl of “Preparing a jar of happiness and sadness of life and death to mourn/memorialize a young man” helps get at the idea of it) line always hits me about it.
But I still find the chorus of wangxian.mp3 to be superior.
原来陈情俱是旧人 撩动心事如何能避尘 与你一曲吹彻欢同恨 千帆过还天真
The translations I’ve seen of this have been. okay I guess.
“And so, this first love was all for you” I think is how I saw the first line translated. But what that doesn’t convey, is the 陈情 (Chenqing) embedded there, and also the complexity of meanings behind how chenqing can be interpreted. I think “old love” or “old feelings” is more accurate than “first love,” because I think if we are interpreting chenqing as old feelings, it’s more old as in of the past, no longer present, with maybe not necessarily any lingering sentiments. and “jiuren” at the end of the line here is “old acquaintance”? but can also mean old friend, ex-lover even. so I’d say it’s more saying “turns out these old feelings (chenqing) was my old friend” which. sounds terrible in English lmfao how do I explain the meanings and then actually get the words to cooperate non-terribly in a line... I guess my vibe here is more like “turns out what I’m identifying now as my old feelings, it was you all along” re: said old acquaintance? I love the wordplay here tho bc I’m still more convinced that WWX’s flute Chenqing is named for “to give a full account” and not for “old feelings” etc
the next line is line “How can I deny this burning desire?” from suibian subs’ tl. But again, I want to highlight that Bichen is embedded here, in its Daoist(?) usage of “avoiding worldly matters.” I think the line is more complex than just the short it, it’s more like “arousing the matters of the heart/with the matters of the heart aroused, how can I avoid worldly matters (bichen).”
third line is fairly straightforward. the suiban tl has it as “for you, I play a song of joy and regret,” but it’s more like... (tho the first one couple for, and not you, but if I weren’t overanalyzing it I’d assuming 与你 is with you, with 与 as a conjunction, not any other usage...) “with you, I blow/play a song which pierces through joy and hate/regret” which I think is very fitting for their relationship esp way back yonder in ye olde times of conflicted feelings and also the absolute thorniness that was between them pre-WWX death :’)
and the last line of the chorus. Always hecking gets me. bc “after a thousand crises, yet you remain innocent” does not BEGIN to cover the meaning of 天真 for me. tianzhen isn’t just “innocent” as in “okay turns out you’re not guilty of the crime,” but tianzhen is, like, the innocence of babes. that unimpugnible, unmarkable innocence of the absolute artless. It’s not...necessarily an idea imo that he hasn’t committed any crimes, but that he possesses that purity of heart and of spirit. “The world has turned a thousand times, and yet your heart remains pure.” And that always Gets Me
#roz speaks#mdzs#also listen: usually I find excessive namedrops to be tacky okay#I lowkey couldn't stand the choruses of wangxian.mp3 for the longest time#bc of the way they namedropped gusu and cr and pipa lmao#but somehow? the way it's woven into the chorus?#g od the layers of meaning and the WORDPLAY and the sheer EMOTION in it#like wuji is nice but it's like poetic melancholy#and xianyun is nice but it's like pining in mourning#but wangxian. wangxian is like the turbulence of emotion and of the conflictedness that must have gone through lwj's head during that time#mdzs in translation#I just feel like the xianyun lyrics don't really hit me in CN the same way the EN tl seems to hit ppl in EN#whereas for Wuji the chorus line definitely hits me in English#like the idea of 生死悲欢 and 祭少年郎#just absolutely *hit me* lol
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Inquiry of truth
From Japan Space Forum
I participated.
"Oh my God! (I think Abe)"
The truth of the book of the Takeuchi document (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%AB%B9%E5%86%85%E6%96%87%E6%9B%B8) is described in Japanese shaman `` 神人 = kAMIHITO "has been released. He told the audience that 80% were true and 20% were camouflage.
◯ The Planet x Anunnaki is a demon
Our lifespans and abilities were altered by DNA manipulation. Ruler, not ancestor.
DNA DNA manipulation by Anunnaki can restore its original ability by different dimension surgery or self-healing
To do so, we first need to know the reality and wish to "regain."
〇Christ is a Human of another star,
It was a shaman born as an earthling.
Christ was buried on the cross in a state of asphyxia, but was rescued by telepathically telling his disciples that he was alive. This is the resurrection of Christ
Later, moved to Pakistan and lived until 88 years old
Has wives and children, descendants of Christ
Reborn, present age.
◯ Humanity is a hybrid of alien DNA and terrestrial life forms, and the soul came from some star.
◯ The pyramid is an energy device and a transmitter.
Made by gravity conversion devices by aliens. Earthlings are also involved.
◯ The earth has repeatedly contracted and expanded, and there have been five catastrophes
〇The ancient common language was Japanese.
〇In ancient times, people lived with aliens.
The snake god is a reptile alien Worshiped it
〇In the past, the emperor (Sumera Mikoto) was the emperor of the world (until halfway through the Ugaya Fukiyaez dynasty), and was traveling around the world on a sky floating boat 天空浮船(Amanomi Fune = ufo)
* 浮船(Floating ship = spaceship = ancient emperor's means of transportation)
About 80,000 years ago, mankind was created
About 70,000 years ago, It went to the world as a five-colored person
〇The sound of sound reacts somewhere in the spirit body
What has reached the spiritual body also affects the body
〇 If you use correct Japanese with good thoughts, you can link to the spirit body and cure the disease
Japanese syllabary comes from Pleiades (Subaru)
Actually 46 sounds, the same number as DNA (23 × 2).
Social evolution occurs through thoughts, speech and conducts.
Brainwashing is how to take away that energy.
The purpose of the devil is to self-destruction with negative thoughts!
Because it is not eschatological,
Don't turn your consciousness!
〇The current pole shift is starting slowly.The Ocean current is changing.
The ancient emperor divided the world into 16 cities. The governor is appointed by the emperor.
〇 As a means of activation
Increase spiritual awareness
Recognize yourself spiritually.
Recognize that you borrow your body.
It changes when dialogue and recognition with your team (guardian, guidance spirit) becomes commonplace.
You will take care of your body.
"Thank you" activates spiritual energy and the body.
Living with gratitude to your body, spirit, and your team.
◯ヘビの神は爬虫類系宇宙人である それを拝まされた
#future of the earth#universe#the spirits group of god of the universe#future#devil#sherman#soul#a meal methods to stop the war.#people
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📏 + 5'11" (if you're still accepting! )
i am not but i'll do it anyway kithkith <3
#死/// Inquiries.#/ now all of kaede's bratty nonsense just makes him look like he has little man syndrome skjdfhsdf#/ feel free to use that in the future actually it'll be so funny
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Unknown Image Series no.8 #1 山元彩香「organ」 Ayaka Yamamoto "organ" 2019. 11. 1 (fri) - 11.30 (sat)
void+ではUnknown Image Series no.8 #1 山元彩香「organ」を11月1日より開催いたします。Unknown は、インディペンデント・キュレーターのカトウチカが企画するシリーズの展覧会で、2011年より開催。シリーズ8回目となる本展は、Unknown Imageというタイトルで、5名の作家による連続個展形式のグループ展としてHIGURE 17-15 casとvoid+にて開催する予定です。
■タイトル:Unknown Image Series no.8 #1 山元彩香「organ」 ■会期:2019 年11月1日(金)— 11月30(土)14:00-19:00 ・レセプション:11月1日(金)19:00-21:00 ・トークイベント:11月29日(金)19:00-20:30 山元彩香+ 光田由里(DIC川村記念美術館学芸員)+ 中村史子(愛知県美術館学芸員) ■会場:void+ 東京都港区南青山3-16-14, 1F ■定休日:日、月、祝日 ■入場無料 ■お問合せ:Tel: 03-5411-0080/メール: [email protected]
[主催]void+委員会/Unknown実行委員会 [企画]カトウチカ [助成]令和元年度港区文化芸術活動サポート事業助成 [協力]Taka Ishii Gallery Photography / Film、YN Associates [機材協力]ソニーマーケティング株式会社
・未就学児の入場可能 / 車椅子ご利用の方は事前にお申し出ください。
Starting on November 1, void+ will present Unknown Image Series no.8 #1 YAMAMOTO Ayaka “organ.”
The Unknown series of exhibitions, launched in 2011, are planned and coordinated by independent curator Kato Chika. This eighth exhibition takes the title “Unknown Image,” and will be staged as a group show by five artists in the format of consecutive solo exhibitions at HIGURE 17-15 cas and void+.
Featured in the first show is Yamamoto Ayaka, who majored in painting at Kyoto Seika University’s Faculty of Arts, but began producing photographs during a student exchange in the United States. Recent years have seen Yamamoto traveling to parts of the world where her own knowledge, experience and language do not apply, and shooting portraits of girls she meets there. She has thrown herself enthusiastically into the project, visiting Eastern European nations including Estonia, Latvia, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, and Belarus, and this year traveling to Africa for the first time, to take photos in Malawi.
Unknown Image Series no.8 #1 YAMAMOTO Ayaka “organ” will present a new work on video by Yamamoto, along with a selection of photographic works. In conjunction with the exhibition, a talk event will also be held, featuring, in addition to the artist, guests Mitsuda Yuri, curator at Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art, and Nakamura Fumiko, curator at Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art.
<Exhibition data>
■Title: Unknown Image Series no. 8 #1 YAMAMOTO Ayaka ”organ” ■Dates/Hours: Friday, November 1 – Saturday, November 30, 2019 14:00–19:00 • Opening reception: Friday, November 1 19:00–21:00 •Talk event: Friday, November 29 19:00–20:30 YAMAMOTO Ayaka + MITSUDA Yuri (Curator, Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art)+ NAKAMURA Fumiko (Curator, Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art) ■Venue: void+ 3-16-14, 1F Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo ■Closed: Sundays, Mondays, holidays ■Admission: free ■Inquires: Tel: 03-5411-0080 Email: [email protected]
Organized by: Unknown executive committee / void+ committee Conceived and planned by: KATO Chika Supported by: Minato City Cultural Arts Support Project With cooperation from: Taka Ishii Gallery Photography/Film, YN Associates Equipment provided by: Sony Marketing Inc.
*Preschoolers welcome. Wheelchair users please let us know in advance.
(2019年10月 山元彩香)
About “organ”
When I first visited Latvia in 2011, I was woken every morning by my friend, humming. To me this felt like the continuation of a pre-verbal voice, the emission of memories unconsciously accumulating within her, in the form of sound images. The sensation was one of experiencing the very time she had traveled, at a different level from conversation. Her voice, released, become part of my body, and emitting it again in my own voice causes it to circulate and connect to others. An organ may be a body organ or a musical instrument; in Japanese the character (器) read as ki or utsuwa has these meanings, while also referring to a vessel. Back in the mists of time, the sound of a bell used in rituals, reverberating in the cavity of that bell, would apparently cause the wearer to be possessed by some invisible presence, or have such a presence circulating within them. Hopefully the sounds harbored by the body as empty vessel will put us in touch with glimmers of yet unseen things found in its depths.
(YAMAMOTO Ayaka, October 2019)
山元は、あえて言葉が通じない国に出かけ撮影する。言葉に頼らないコミュニケーションに よって被写体と共同作業でイメージをつくり上げる。個人を形成している様々なレイヤーを剥ぎ取って新たな衣を纏わせていく過程において、最後には被写体の自意識が消えてしまう瞬間が生まれるのだという。 今まで纏っていた衣服、名前、記憶、自意識、文字通りすべてを剥ぎ取り新たな姿を与える撮影は、写真が持つ本質的な暴力性を孕んでいる。しかし、作家が被写体の属性をいくら奪おうとしても奥底に残るものがあるのだという。彼女はそこに何を見出したのだろうか。異国の他者を撮影することで何を問い続けているのだろうか。その静謐なポートレートは、作家の問いであると同時に、イメージの謎そのものなのである。
カトウチカ(Unknown Series キュレーター)
Yamamoto’s photographs, at first glance reminiscent of classical paintings, show “creatures” of almost unreal beauty. The girls appear either to be vacantly staring at some point in the distance, or have their eyes closed as if dead. Or they wear a mask or veil, making it impossible to even see their expression, although something remains in the body wearing the mask, or visible faintly behind the veil. What is it? Yamamoto deliberately sets out to take photographs in countries where she does not speak the language, constructing images in collaboration with her subjects via non-verbal communication. The process of peeling away the layers that go to make up an individual and clothing them in new garb apparently, in the end, creates a moment in which the subject sheds her self-consciousness. Photo shoots that strip away literally everything previous—the clothes the person was wearing, their name, memories, self-consciousness—to give them a totally new appearance, are filled with the intrinsic violence of photography. Yet the artist says that no matter how much she endeavors to denude her subjects of their attributes, deep down, something remains. What has Yamamoto identified there? By photographing strangers from other countries, what question does she continually ask? These tranquil portraits serve at once as inquiries on the part of the artist, and the very riddle of images. In this solo outing, Yamamoto will present a video work, shot in Latvia in 2019. The organ/body as empty vessel, sings a song without words. This generates further questions about what kind of sounds are harbored by the empty vessel placed in a video/time.
KATO Chika (Unknown Series curator)
山元彩香| YAMAMOTO Ayaka
1983年 兵庫県生まれ。2006年 京都精華大学 芸術学部 造形学科洋画コース卒業。言語による意思疎通が難しい状況下での撮影は、写真というメディアが本質的に抱える性質以上に他者との様々な接点を作家にもたらし、以降、暴力的でありながらも魅力的なイメージ生成の場とも言えるポートレートの撮影を続ける。主な個展に「We are Made of Grass, Soil, and Trees」(タカ・イシイギャラリー フォトグラフィー/フィルム、2018)、「Nous n'irons plus au bois」(同、2014)など。主に東欧各地で撮影を行い、国内外で写真展やレジデンスに参加。2019年に写真集『We are Made of Grass, Soil, and Trees』(T&M Projects、2018)が「さがみはら写真新人奨励賞」を受賞。
YAMAMOTO Ayaka Born 1983 in Hyogo, Japan. BFA in painting, Kyoto Seika University, Faculty of Fine Art. In a situation in which communication through words was difficult, photography took on a value beyond its intrinsic nature, serving as a point of contact with others. Since then, Yamamoto has continued to take in a certain sense violent, yet alluring portraits. Solo exhibitions include ”We are Made of Grass, Soil, and Trees” (Taka Ishii Gallery Photography/Film, 2018) and “Nous n’irons plus au bois” (Taka Ishii Gallery Photography/Film, 2014). She photographs mainly in Eastern Europe, and has participated in photo exhibitions and residencies in Japan and overseas. She won the 19th Sagamihara Prize for Newcomer Professionals in 2019 for her photobook We are Made of Grass, Soil, and Trees(T&M Projects, 2018).
光田由里|MITSUDA Yuri
DIC川村記念美術館学芸員。専門は近現代美術史と写真史。近年の主な企画に、「描く、そして現れる―画家が彫刻を作るとき」(DIC川村記念美術館、2019)、「美術は語られる―評論家・中原佑介の眼―」(同、2016)、「鏡と穴-彫刻と写真の界面」(ギャラリーαM、2017)、「ハイレッド・センター直接行動の軌跡」(松濤美術館、2008)など。主な著書に、『高松次郎 言葉ともの』(水声社、2011)、『写真、「芸術」との界面に』(青弓社、2006、日本写真協会学芸賞)、『安井仲治写真集』(共同通信社、2004、倫雅賞)など。
MITSUDA Yuri Curator, Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art, specializing in modern/contemporary art history and history of photography. Recent exhibitions include ”Painting into Sculpture – Embodiment in Form” (Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art, 2019), “Talking about Art – The Viewpoint of Yusuke Nakahara” (also at KMDMA, 2016), “Mirror Behind Hole: Photography into Sculpture“ (gallery αM, 2017), and “Hi-Red Center: "The Documents of ‘Direct Action’” (Shoto Museum of Art, 2008). Among her published writings are Words and Things: Jiro Takamatsu’s issue(Suiseisha, 2011),Shashin, “geijutsu” to no kaimen ni[Photography, in its interface with “art”] (Seikyusha, 2006; winner of the Photographic Society of Japan AwardsScholastic Achievement Award), and Nakaji Yasui photographer 1903–1942(Kyodo News, 2014, Ringa Prize).
中村史子|NAKAMURA Fumiko
愛知県美術館学芸員。専門は視覚文化、写真、コンテンポラリーアート。担当した主な展覧会に「これからの写真」(2014)、「魔術/美術」(2012)、「放課後のはらっぱ」(2009)など。また、若手作家を個展形式で紹介する「APMoA Project, ARCH」を企画し、伊東宣明(2015)、飯山由貴(2015)、梅津庸一(2017)、万代洋輔(2017)を紹介。2017年にはタイでグループ展「Play in the Flow」を企画、実施。
NAKAMURA Fumiko Curator, Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, specializing in visual culture, photography and contemporary art. Responsible for exhibitions including “Photography Will Be” (2014), “Art as Magic” (2012) and “In the Little Playground” (2009), as well as for planning “APMoA Project, ARCH” presenting young artists in a solo show format, which to date has featuredItohNobuaki (2015), Iiyama Yuki (2015), Umetsu Yoichi (2017) and Bandai Yosuke (2017). In 2017, she planned and implemented the group show “Play in the Flow” in Thailand.
<Unknown Image Series no.8 展覧会>
この世界においては、日々膨大なイメージが生まれては消えていくが、ときに稀有なイメージが出現する。今回の参加アーティストは、三田村光土里、横山奈美、鈴木のぞみ、山元彩香、庄司朝美の5名。連続する個展の形式をとる。各回のトークイベントとテキストのゲストには、光田由里、梅津元、飯田志保子、中村史子、中尾拓哉らを招く。 シリーズの終了後にはバイリンガルの記録集を制作し、本というメディアにおいても新たな表現の展開をはかっていく。
Unknown Imageのシリーズは、イメージをテーマに、今、注目すべきアーティスト一人一人の作品とその世界を深く掘り下げ、その可能性をさらに見出していく場でもある。今回は、はからずも全員が女性アーティストとなった。
<Unknown Image Series no.8 exhibitions>
Creating unknown images
Exploring the power and essence possessed by images, to create unknown images.
A vast number of images are generated every day in this world, only to vanish, but just occasionally, some extraordinary images do emerge. The artists in this eighth Unknown exhibition are Mitamura Midori, Yokoyama Nami, Suzuki Nozomi, Yamamoto Ayaka, and Shoji Asami, who will stage consecutive solo shows. Those serving as guests for the talk events for each of these shows, and providing the texts, will include Mitsuda Yuri, Umezu Gen, Iida Shihoko, Nakamura Fumiko, and Nakao Takuya. After the series is finished a bilingual document will be produced, thus extending the exhibition into another form of expression, that of the book.
Images made by women
The Unknown Image series is also an opportunity to delve deeply into the individual work of some of today’s most noteworthy artists and their worlds, identifying further possibilities for each. This time, albeit not by design, all the artists are female.
Yamamoto Ayaka, featured in the first of the exhibitions, travels to countries where she does not speak the language, and takes portrait photographs suffused with a beauty and violence verging on the mystical. What is it that remains even when everything is stripped from her subjects, down to their names and consciousness, in an attempt to turn them into empty vessels? Suzuki Nozomi is a quiet explorer of the principles of photography and time. Endowing non-living things with a “gaze” and “memory” she gives her photos something like a physical body. Yokoyama Nami blends the vast history of painting and small personal histories to depict the beauty of everyday, insignificant things and what lies behind the bright and shiny. Shoji Asami’s lines create a narrative quality that draws the viewer in like a stage, and a corporeal painterly space suffused with the energy of life and death. Mitamura Midori is the artist in this series with the longest career. Her many very personal images and words are presented in photographs, videos, objects, drawings and installations, that go beyond individual stories or the confines of art, taking on a universal quality that irrevocably captures the heart of the viewer. The guests, meanwhile, are a varied lineup in terms of age and gender, but all individuals on the frontlines of art creation, of superb critical talent.
Once a marginal presence in art history, female artists are now at its cutting edge. What kind of images do these artists make? Why have they felt the need to produce them? The artists participating in these exhibitions have different origins and career trajectories, different ways of engaging with their themes, with history and current circumstances, and different aims. Yet their presence, and the images they create, are without exception strong and vibrant. Their unknown images will quietly shake the viewer to the core, and likely serve as a force for many types of change in the world.
<Unknown Image Seriesno.8個展スケジュール>
#1|山元彩香 [会場]void+ 2019年11月1日(金)―30日(土) トークイベント:11月29日(金)19:00-20:30 山元彩香+光田由里(DIC川村記念美術館学芸員)+中村史子(愛知県美術館学芸員)
YAMAMOTO Ayaka @void+ Friday, November 1 – Saturday, November 30, 2019 Talk event: Friday, November 29 19:00–20:30 YAMAMOTO Aya + MITSUDA Yuri (Curator, Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art)+ NAKAMURA Fumiko (Curator, Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art)
#2|鈴木のぞみ [会場]void+ 2020年夏(予定) トークイベント: 鈴木のぞみ+梅津元(埼玉県立近代美術館学芸主幹/芸術学)参加予定 テキスト執筆:梅津元
SUZUKI Nozomi @ void+ Summer 2020 (TBD) Talk event:SUZUKI Nozomi + UMEZU Gen (Curator, The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama / Art Studies) TBC Text: UMEZU Gen

鈴木のぞみ《光の独白》2015ミクストメディア ©️SUZUKI Nozomi
#3|庄司朝美 [会場]HIGURE 17-15 cas 2020年9月(予定) トークイベント:庄司朝美+光田由里(DIC川村記念美術館学芸員)
SHOJI Asami @ HIGURE 17-15 cas September 2020 (TBD) Talk event:SHOJI Asami + MITSUDA Yuri (Curator, Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art)

庄司朝美《18.10.23》2018 アクリル板に油彩 画像提供:損保ジャパン日本興亜美術館
#4|横山奈美 [会場]void+ 2021年5月(予定) トークイベント:横山奈美+飯田志保子(キュレーター)
YOKOYAMA Nami @ void+ May 2021 (TBD) Talk event:YOKOYAMA Nami + IIDA Shihoko (Curator)

横山奈美《Cross》2019 麻布に油彩 Photo by WAKABAYASHI Hayato
#5|三田村光土里 [会場]HIGURE 17-15 cas 2021年(予定) トークイベント:三田村光土里+中尾拓哉(美術評論家)
MITAMURA Midori @ HIGURE 17-15 cas 2021 (TBD) Talk event:MITAMURA Midori + NAKAO Takuya (Art critic)

三田村光土里《ここにいなければどこかにいる》2018 ピグメントプリント ©︎ MITAMURA Midor
鈴木のぞみ| SUZUKI Nozomi
1983年 埼玉県生まれ。東京藝術大学大学院 美術研究科 博士後期課程在学中。何気ない日常の事物に潜む潜像のような記憶の可視化を、写真の原理を通して試みている。現前しているが不在であるという性質を持つ写真を事物に直接定着することで、写真に触覚的な身体のようなものが付与され、過ぎ去りゆく時をいまここに宙づりにする。近年の主な展示に「あした と きのう の まんなかで」(はじまりの美術館、2019)、「MOTサテライト2018 秋 うごきだす物語」(清澄白河、2018)、「無垢と経験の写真 日本の新進作家vol.14」(東京都写真美術館、2017)、「NEW VISION SAITAMA 5 迫り出す身体」(埼玉県立近代美術館、2016)など。受賞歴多数。現在、ポーラ美術振興財団在外研修員としてイギリスにて研修中。
SUZUKI Nozomi Born 1983 in Saitama, Japan.Currently in the doctorate course of Intermedia Art at Tokyo University of the Arts.Attempts to visualize, through the principles of photography, the memories resembling latent images submerged in innocuous everyday objects. Fixing photographs, which have the characteristic of being present yet absent, directly to objects, assigns photographs something like a tactile body, suspending passing time in the now. Recent group exhibitions include “In the middle of tomorrow and yesterday” (Hajimari Art Center, 2019), “MOT Satellite 2018 Fall: To Become a Narrative” (Kiyosumi-Shirakawa, 2018), “Photographs of Innocence and of Experience: Contemporary Japanese Photography vol.14” (Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, 2017), and “New Vision Saitama 5: The Emerging Body” (The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, 2016). Among her many awards, she was recipient of the POLA Art Foundation Grant for Overseas Research in 2018, under which she is currently studying in the UK.
庄司朝美| SHOJI Asami
1988年 福島県生まれ。2012年 多摩美術大学大学院 美術研究科 絵画専攻版画領域修了。「線が引かれる。それは必ずしも天と地を分割するような境界線ではなくて、地を這う生き物が砂/泥へ残した痕跡のような、動くことで開かれていく空間がある。私たちは誰かの想像した世界を連綿と引き継いで生きている。」庄司の絵画には特定の物語がないにも関わらず、見る人はそこに様々な物語を見出す。また、絵画の空間的体験によって、自由な身体感覚が循環する生きた絵画空間が誕生する。主な個展に「明日のまみえない神話」 (gallery21yo-j、2019)、「泥のダイアグラム」(Cale、2018)、「劇場の画家」(gallery21yo-j、2017)、「夜のうちに」(トーキョーワンダーサイト渋谷、2017)などがある。「FACE2019」損保ジャパン日本興亜美術賞で大賞受賞。
SHOJI Asami Born 1988 in Fukushima, Japan. Earned her MFA in printmaking in 2012 from Tama Art University (Tokyo). ”A line is drawn. It is not necessarily a borderline of the kind dividing heaven and earth, but perhaps a space that opens up through movement, like that of a creature that crawls along the ground, leaving a track in sand or mud. In our lives we are continuously inheriting a world imagined by someone.” Despite not having a specific narrative, Shoji’s paintings reveal various stories to the viewer. They also spawn a living painterly space of circulating free physical sensation, through the spatial experience of painting. Solo shows include”Tomorrow’s Unseen Mythologies” (gallery21yo-j, 2019), “Diagram of the Mud”(Cale, 2018), “A Painter in the Theater” (gallery21yo-j, 2017), and “During the Night” (Tokyo Wonder Site, Shibuya,2017). Grand Prix winner at the “FACE 2019” Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Art Awards.
横山奈美 | YOKOYAMA Nami
1986年 岐阜県生まれ。2012年 愛知県立芸術大学大学院 美術研究科 油画版画領域修了。捨てられる寸前の身の回りの物や、ネオン管の裏側に隠された器具や配線といった主役にはならないものに光を当てることで、そのものが持つ役割の枠を取り払い、すべてのものに備わる根源的な美しさと存在意義を表現する。近年は、「LOVE」の意味を問いかける油画とドローイングを続けて発表している。主な展示に、アペルト10「LOVEと私のメモリーズ」(金沢21世紀美術館、2019)、「日産アートアワード2017」(BankART Studio NYK)、「手探りのリアリズム」(豊田市美術館、2014)、「Draw the World-世界を描く」(アートラボあいち、2013)など。 主な受賞に「日産アートアワード2017オーディエンス賞」などがある。
YOKOYAMA Nami Born 1986 in Gifu, Japan. Earned her MFA in painting in 2012 from Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music. By shining a light on things that never take center stage, such as familiar objects in the moment before their discarding, and the fittings and wiring hidden behind neon signs, Yokoyama does away with the parameters of the roles played by these things to express the fundamental beauty and raison d’etre possessed by all things. Her recent drawings and paintings continue to question the meaning of love. Solo and group exhibitions include “Aperto 10: Memories of Love and Me” (21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, 2019), “Nissan Art Award 2017” (BankART Studio NYK), “Reaching for the Real” (Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, 2014),and “Draw the World” (Art Lab Aichi, 2013). Recipient of the Nissan Art Award 2017 Audience Award.
三田村光土里| MITAMURA Midori
1964年 愛知県生まれ。1994年 現代写真研究所 基礎科修了。「人が足を踏み入れられるドラマ」をテーマに、日常の記憶や追憶のモチーフを、写真や映像、日用品、言語など様々なメディアと組み合わせ、私小説の挿話のような空間作品を国内外で発表。近年の主な個展に、グラン・カナリア(スペイン)での「If not here, then I'm somewhere else」(Galeria Manuel Ojeda、2018)、「Art & Breakfast」(CAAM – Atlantic Center of Modern Art、2017)がある。展覧会ではイギリスの「フォークストン・トリエンナーレ2017」関連企画「Leaving Language」、国内では、「あいちトリエンナーレ 2016」(愛知芸術文化センター)など。2019年にはウィーンで、日本−オーストリア国交150周年記念展「Japan Unlimited」に参加。
MITAMURA Midori Born 1964 in Aichi, Japan. Completed the fundamentals course at The Institute of Contemporary Photographyin 1994. Taking as her theme “dramas that people can step into,” Mitamura combines motifs of everyday memories and reminiscences with various media such as photography and video, household goods and language, presenting in Japan and further afield spatial works that resemble an episode of an autobiographical novel. Recent solo exhibitions include ”If not here, then I'm somewhere else.” (Galeria Manuel Ojeda, 2018) and “Art & Breakfast” (CAAM – Atlantic Center of Modern Art, 2017)both in Gran Canaria, Spain. Among her group show participations are “Leaving Language,” a collateral program of the Folkestone Triennial 2017in the UK, and Aichi Triennale 2016 (Aichi Arts Center) in Japan. In 2019, she will participate in “Japan Unlimited,” an exhibition staged in Vienna commemorating 150 years of friendship between Austria and Japan.
梅津元|UMEZU Gen
埼玉県立近代美術館学芸主幹。専門は芸術学。同館での主な企画(共同企画を含む)に「DECODE/出来事と記録ーポスト工業化社会の美術」(2019)、「版画の景色 現代版画センターの軌跡」(2018)、「生誕100年記念 瑛九展」(2011)、「アーティスト・プロジェクト:関根伸夫《位相ー大地》が生まれるまで」(2005)、「ドナルド・ジャッド1960-1991」(1999)、「<うつすこと>と<見ること>ー意識拡大装置」(1994)など。ギャラリーαMでの企画に「トランス/リアルー非実体的美術の可能性」(2016-17)がある。美術手帖や展覧会カタログなどに寄稿多数。
UMEZU Gen Curator, The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, specializing in art studies. Exhibitions he has organized/co-organized at MOMAS include ”DECODE / Events & Materials: The Work of Art in the Age of Post-Industrial Society” (2019), “A View of Prints: Trajectory of the Gendai Hanga Center” (2018), “100th Birth Anniversary, Q Ei” (2011), “Artist Project: Toward the Emergence of Sekine Nobuo’s Phase – Mother Earth” (2005), “Donald Judd 1960–1991” (1999), and “Visualization in the End of the 20th Century” (1994), as well as “Trans / Real: The Potential of Intangible Art” (2016-17,Gallery αM). He has contributed a great number of essays to the art magazine Bijutsu Techo, as well as to art catalogues and books.
飯田志保子|IIDA Shihoko
IIDA Shihoko Curator. Worked at Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery from 1998, when it was preparing for inauguration, until 2009, where her major exhibitions included “Wolfgang Tillmans: Freischwimmer” (2004) and “Trace Elements: Spirit and Memory in Japanese and Australian Photomedia” (2008/Performance Space, Sydney, 2009). She was a visiting curator at Queensland Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art in Brisbane from 2009 through 2011, and has since co-curated successive international art exhibitions. Associate professor at Tokyo University of the Arts for the academic years 2014–2017. She was Chief Curator (Head of Curatorial Team) of Aichi Triennale 2019.
中尾拓哉|NAKAO Takuya
NAKAO Takuya Art critic. PhD in art. Writes criticism on modern and contemporary art. In particular, has been exploring the connections between living (or non-art) and creative practice from the perspective of chess, in which Marcel Duchamp was also engrossed. His 2014 essay, “The Plastic, in Disappearance: From Marcel Duchamp’s Chess” received honorable mention in the 15th (1000th Issue Commermorative) Bijutsu TechoArt Writing Competition. His book Marcel Duchamp and Chesswas published by Heibonsha in 2017. Recent published writings include “One’s Public, Fifty or One Hundred Years Later: Reconsidering Marcel Duchamp Studies in Japan”(Bijutsu Techo, February 2019).
photo: Ayaka Yamamoto, “organ”, 2019
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夏季期間の対応とC96参加について - About Summer holidays and Meet me at C96!
問い合わせ対応休業時期 - Summer holidays span
2019/8/10(土/Sat) - 2019/8/13(火/Tue)
For inquiries within this period, I will reply after the period.
If you have urgent requirement, please contact the official Twitter.
開発者ohNussyが、コミックマーケット96に参加します。 - Meet me at Comiket 96!
コミックマーケット96に、Buriedbornes開発者 ohNussy本人が参加します!
About real event: ohNussy, the personal developer of Buriedbornes will go to Comiket 96.
日時/場所 - Time/Place
2019/8/11 (日/Sun) コミックマーケット96 3日目
有明・東京国際展示場 (東京ビッグサイト/有明臨海副都心)西4-L05a「FlowerMaid」サークルスペース内
参加内容 - Contents

公式ショートストーリー集『Buriedbornes short stories vol.01』とBuriedbornesアクリルキーホルダー2種をサークルスペースにて委託・頒布してもらう予定です。
公式ショートストーリー集『Buriedbornes short stories vol.01』
公開済み1~20話+書き下ろし『私の死を教えて』全8話+ohNussy手書きの解説ラフイラストを収録した、A5サイズ136ページの小説本(予価1,000円)です。 表紙は 嫁さんの趣味で ニス厚盛り箔押し装丁になる予定です。(日本語のみ Japanese only になります。悪しからず…)
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★ コートジボワールに抗議を!
在宅ロビー活動にご参加いただいている皆様、腹立たしいお知らせがあります。毎年12月に国連安全保障理事会で開催されてきた北朝鮮人権に関する会合が、一部の国の反対のため本年は開くことができませんでした。拉致問題を国際舞台で取り上��る貴重な機会が失われました! 産経はじめ各紙が報じています。 https://www.sankei.com/world/news/181208/wor1812080013-n1.html
安保理で会合を開催するには理事国15ヵ国中9ヵ国以上の賛同が必要です。2014年以来ずっと開催できていましたが、今年は賛同が8ヵ国のみで、持ち回り議長国のコートジボワールが反対したため頓挫しました。 北朝鮮の金星(キム・ソン)国連大使は11月に、アメリカ以外の理事国に「平和への流れに逆行する」と強く反対する書簡を送っていました。残念ながら北朝鮮の手紙送���キャンペーンが功を奏してしまったようです。悪が正義に勝ってしまいました。拉致被害者救出に必要な圧力が弱まってしまいました。
腹が立つのは反対した国々です。中国・ロシアは北朝鮮と同類の「ならず者国家」なので、犯罪者同士かばい合うのはまだ分かります。しかしなぜコートジボワールが反対したのか! 「裏切り行為ではないか」と思いました。
◆ 送り先 [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
◆ 例文
件名: UNSC meeting on DPRK human rights など(タイトルは個々別々のほうがいいので、できれば変えてください。From ・・とあなた様の名前を入れても構いません)
本文: Your Excellency,
It is with deep regret that Cote d'Ivoire opposed to hold a UNSC meeting on North Korea's human rights record and forced the US to scrap the meeting. We strongly urge that Cote d'Ivoire recognise the seriousness of North Korea's crimes against humanity. https://news.abs-cbn.com/overseas/12/08/18/us-drops-bid-for-december-un-meeting-on-north-korea-abuses-diplomats
There are hundreds of Japanese citizens, including a 13-year-old girl, abducted by the North Korean government and Japan is strongly demanding for their immediate return. As Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told President Ouattara when he visited Cote d'Ivoire on January 2014, the Japanese government has been placing the highest priority on resolving the abduction issue. https://www.rachi.go.jp/en/index.html
One of the most shocking crimes against humanity that the North Korean regime is committing right now is systematic killing of half-Chinese children on racist grounds. According to the UN Commission of Inquiry report, the North Korean authorities believe mixed race children contaminate the "pureness of Korean race" and a witness told the Commission: "guards put the baby in a bucket and took it away saying 'the baby is not human' and '[it] does not deserve to live because it is impure.'" (Paragraph 426) Paragraph 432 stated: "In most cases, guards at the detention facilities in which repatriated persons are held force either the mother or a third person to kill the baby by drowning it in water or suffocating it by holding a cloth or other item against its face or putting the baby face down so that it cannot breathe." http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/HRC/CoIDPRK/Pages/ReportoftheCommissionofInquiryDPRK.aspx The BBC reported North Korea's slaughter of half-Chinese children back in 2003. It has been going on for decades. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/3204509.stm
The North Korean regime is beyond redemption. On 2 May 2014, North Korea's official Korea Central News Agency (KCNA) ran a sickeningly racist article. As CNN and The Telegraph reported, KCNA called President Barack Obama a "wicked black monkey" and wrote: "Africa's national zoo will be the perfect place for Obama to live, licking breadcrumbs thrown by visitors." "How Obama looks makes me disgusted," "As I watch him more closely, I realise that he looks like an African native monkey with a black face, gaunt grey eyes, cavate [sic] nostrils, plump mouth and hairy, rough ears." "He acts like a monkey with a red bum, irrationally eating everything," "(President Obama) had a disgusting monkey look, even though he is wearing a fancy suit like a gentleman." http://edition.cnn.com/2014/05/09/world/asia/north-korea-insults-obama/ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/10818450/US-condemns-North-Koreas-Obama-monkey-jibes.html The article is still on KCNA website. http://kcna.co.jp/calendar/2014/05/05-02/2014-0502-020.html
On 20 September 2001, President George W. Bush said: "Every nation in every region now has a decision to make: Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists."
Cote d'Ivoire now has a decision to make. Thank you for your consideration.
Yours truly, (あなた様のお名前)
◆ 翻訳文
大使閣下 コートジボワールが国連安保理の北朝鮮人権会合開催に反対し、アメリカを計画断念に追い込んだことは誠に遺憾です。コートジボワールが北朝鮮人道犯罪の重大性を認識するよう強く求めます。 (コートジボワールの反対を報じた英文記事のリンク) 北朝鮮政府によって13歳の少女を含む数百人の日本人が拉致されており、日本は即時帰国を強く要求しています。2014年1月に安倍総理がコートジボワールを訪問したときウワタラ大統領に伝えたように、日本政府が拉致問題解決を最優先課題としてきました。 (政府拉致問題対策本部HPのリンク) 北朝鮮がいま現在凶行に及んでいる数々の人道犯罪のうち最もショッキングなものの一つは、民族差別に基づく中国人の血をひく子供の組織的虐殺です。国連調査委員会報告書によれば北朝鮮当局は、混血児が「朝鮮民族の純粋性」を汚すと考えています。ある目撃者は委員会に、「看守は『この赤ん坊は人間でない。汚れているから生きる資格がない』と言いながらバケツに入れて持って行ってしまった」(パラグラフ426)と証言しています。 報告書パラグラフ432は、「ほとんどの場合、強制送還された女性が拘置されている施設の看守は、赤ん坊を溺死させるか、顔に布などをかぶせて窒息死させるか、うつ伏せに寝させて息ができないようにして殺すよう、母親か第三者に強要する」と述べています。 (国連人権高等弁務官事務所HPの報告書ダウンロードページ) BBCは、北朝鮮による中国人の血をひく子供の虐殺を2003年時点で報じています。何十年も続いているのです。 (BBC記事へのリンク) 北朝鮮政権は更生の余地がありません。2014年5月2日に北朝鮮の公式メディア・朝鮮中央通信(KCNA)は、病的なほど人種差別的な記事を掲載しました。CNNやテレグラフが報じたように、KCNAはバラク・オバマ大統領を「劣悪な黒いサル」と罵り、次のように書きました。 (ヘイトスピーチ英訳と記事リンク) 記事はいまだKCNAホームページに掲載されています。 (KCNA記事へのリンク) 2001年9月20日にジョージ・ブッシュ大統領は、「すべての地域のすべての国はいま、決断しなければならないことがある。私たちの側につくか、それともテロリストの側につくかだ」と述べました。 いまコートジボワールは、決断しなければならないことがあります。ご検討ありがとうございます。 敬具
★ 総連破産で拉致被害者を救出できる!
お蔭さまで12月8日に発売された拙著『朝鮮総連に破産申立てを! 血税1兆円以上が奪われた』(展転社)はご好評いただいています。 https://amzn.to/2QqLi7p 大御所・宮崎正弘先生がブログで書評を書いてくださいました。 http://melma.com/backnumber_45206_6767187/
12月13日にチャンネル桜「Front Japan 桜」に出演し、本で一番述べたかったことを解説しました。朝鮮総連に破産申立てをすれば、破産手続中止と引き換えに拉致被害者を取り返せるという事実です。 https://youtu.be/GcuvmVaazvg?t=1h1m4s
99年4月20日に金正日は、朝鮮総連の当時の徐萬述第一副議長に対して、「総連は父なる首領様の貴重な革命遺産である、我々はどのような方法と手段を使っても総連を無条件に死守し存続をさせなければなりません」という秘密教示を出しています。秘密といっても広く知られていて、国会で西村眞悟先生が言及したこともあります。 金正恩はこの教示に拘束されます。朝鮮総連は金日成の「貴重な革命遺産」であるから、「どのような方法と手段を使っても」「無条件に死守し存続をさせなければ」ならないのです。破産申立てをされて破産管財人の管理下に置かれたら、そのままにできないのです。何が何でも中止させなければなりません。そのために日本政府に見返りを提供する必要が生じます。拉致被害者です。 破産中止は極めて有効な交渉カードとなります。最低でも数人と交換できます。
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A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships Pt.1
THE 1975による3rdアルバム

1. The 1975
今まで通り1曲目はThe 1975である。リリックが始まると同時にロックに固執されないアルバムだと悟った。そしてこのアルバムがどのように進んでいくのかと想像するとニヤついてしまった。友人も言っていたがこれは間違いなくBon Iverの3rd”22, A Million”だと感じた。
2.Give Yourself A Try
Joy DivisionはDisorderのオマージュである。先行シングルとしてアルバム発表前から聴いていたが1曲目のイントロからのアルバムのボディに入っていく疾走感がたまらない。アルバムで聴くと尚良い。
4. How To Draw / Petrichoir
僕がこのアルバムを聴いたのはSpotifyで配信された当日、ローカル線の電車で人も少ない中ゆっくり座りながら集中して聴いていた。How To Drawは2016年2ndの頃に配信されていた。Petrichoirと繋がることでこうもなってしまうとは。初めて聴いたときは本当にゾクッとした。かっ��よすぎる!って1人電車でニヤつくのを隠しいた。
5.Love It If We Made It
こちらも先行シングルの1曲。MVが出されたときセンス良すぎて「これが世界トップか…」と感心した。トランプ大統領、リルピープ、シリア空爆、チェルノブイリ、難民児の溺死。現代の問題だけかと思えば少し前の問題も映されたり考えさせられるものであった。このmvはMichael Jackson”Man In The Mirror”と非常に近いものを感じた。
アルバムタイトル”A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships”とこの曲は何か繋がるものを感じる。今の時代に対する問いかけ。
6.Be My Mistake
7. Sincerity Is Scary
Be My Mistakeで少し切なくなった後にこの曲が流れて歌詞を気にしなかったら「まあ、頑張っていこうよ」みたいな曲調かもしれない。しかし、この歌詞が前曲よりよっぽど切ない。友人として良い関係を結んでいたのに付き合ったらもう友達みたいな関係できないんだよな。
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