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英国の哲学者バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell, 1872-1970)の言葉
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russellian-j · 2 days ago
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n3004 ( Jan. 21, 2025)
Social institutions have two main roots in human nature: internally, the correlative impulses to command and to obedience determine the social hierarchy and give authority to government; externally, another pair, cohesion and rivalry, are the determining factors. Impulses of co-operation and impulses of combat are equally primitive. Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, part II: The Conflict of Passions, chapter 5: Cohesion and Rivalry, n.1 More info.:
a brief comment: A society that is as equal as possible and free from excessive competition is desirable, but such a society cannot be achieved under anarchy. To realize and maintain such a society, power structures and government are necessary. However, it is also true that "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely," making it extremely important to tame and control power effectively.
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russellian-j · 2 days ago
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n3004 ( Jan. 21, 2025)
 社会制度には、人間の本性に基づく2つの主要な根源がある。内面的には、命令と服従という相補的な衝動が社会的な階層を決定し、政府に権威を与える。外面的には、もう一組の衝動である結束(団結)と競争が決定的な要因となる。協力の衝動と闘争の衝動は、どちらも同じくらい原始的である。 Social institutions have two main roots in human nature: internally, the correlative impulses to command and to obedience determine the social hierarchy and give authority to government; externally, another pair, cohesion and rivalry, are the determining factors. Impulses of co-operation and impulses of combat are equally primitive. Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, part II: The Conflict of Passions, chapter 5: Cohesion and Rivalry, n.1 More info.:
<寸言>  できるだけ平等で過当競争のない社会が望ましいですが、そういった社会は無政府状態では実現できず、そういった社会の実現及び維持のためには、権力機構も政府も必要です。ただし、「権力は腐敗する、絶対的権力は必ず腐敗する」というのも事実であり、権力を手なずけることは非常に重要です。 A society that is as equal as possible and free from excessive competition is desirable, but such a society cannot be achieved under anarchy. To realize and maintain such a society, power structures and government are necessary. However, it is also true that "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely," making it extremely important to tame and control power effectively.
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russellian-j · 3 days ago
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n3003 (Jan. 20, 2025)
We could, if we chose, all have more leisure. We could, if we chose, educate our children so as to enable them to give artistic expression to their impulses, rather than so as to be convenient units in a regiment. We do not do this because we love power more than we love beauty.. Source: Bertrand Russell: In praise of artificiality (written in Nov. 9, 1931 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975. More info.:
a brief comment: Many people desire power because they believe it is necessary both for living a good life and for obtaining beautiful things. If they think they cannot hold power themselves, they seek to follow those who have power and try to acquire it indirectly. If this were not the case, politicians would not wield as much power as they do. Otherwise, it would be incomprehensible how someone like Trump, who is brimming with self-assertion and a strong desire for power, could have gained so much influence. If most people found Trump’s methods too forceful and distasteful, he would not hold the kind of power he currently has. Even if all Americans advocate for 'America First,' if people outside of America refuse to submit to the U.S., neither America nor Americans would be able to maintain their current level of power.
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russellian-j · 3 days ago
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n3003 (Jan. 20, 2025)
We could, if we chose, all have more leisure. We could, if we chose, educate our children so as to enable them to give artistic expression to their impulses, rather than so as to be convenient units in a regiment. We do not do this because we love power more than we love beauty.. Source: Bertrand Russell: In praise of artificiality (written in Nov. 9, 1931 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975. More info.:
a brief comment: Many people desire power because they believe it is necessary both for living a good life and for obtaining beautiful things. If they think they cannot hold power themselves, they seek to follow those who have power and try to acquire it indirectly. If this were not the case, politicians would not wield as much power as they do. Otherwise, it would be incomprehensible how someone like Trump, who is brimming with self-assertion and a strong desire for power, could have gained so much influence. If most people found Trump’s methods too forceful and distasteful, he would not hold the kind of power he currently has. Even if all Americans advocate for 'America First,' if people outside of America refuse to submit to the U.S., neither America nor Americans would be able to maintain their current level of power.
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russellian-j · 3 days ago
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n3003 (Jan. 20, 2025)
 私達は、選択次第で、皆もっと多くの余暇を持つことができます。また、私達が選べば ― 子供達を軍隊組織の便利な構成単位(歯車)にするためではなく ― 子供達の衝動に芸術的な表現を与えられるように教育することもできます。(それでも)私達がその選択をしないのは、美よりも権力を愛しているからです。 We could, if we chose, all have more leisure. We could, if we chose, educate our children so as to enable them to give artistic expression to their impulses, rather than so as to be convenient units in a regiment. We do not do this because we love power more than we love beauty.. Source: Bertrand Russell: In praise of artificiality (written in Nov. 9, 1931 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975. More info.:
<寸言>  よい生活をするためにも、美しいものを手に入れるためにも、力(権力)が必要だということで、多くの人々が権力を持ちたがります。自分は権力を持てそうもないと思えば、権力のある人に従い、間接的に権力をもとうとします。そんなことはないとしたら、政治家はもっと力をもっていないはずです。どうして、自己顕示欲が強く権力志向のかたまりのようなトランプがこれほど力を持てるのか理解できないはずです。トランプのやり方は強引過ぎて嫌だと大部分の人が思っていれば、現在のような力をもてないはずです。アメリカ人が皆アメリカ・ファーストを主張しても、アメリカ以外の国民がアメリカに従属するのを拒否すれば、アメリカやアメリカ人が今のような力を持てないはずです。 Many people desire power because they believe it is necessary both for living a good life and for obtaining beautiful things. If they think they cannot hold power themselves, they seek to follow those who have power and try to acquire it indirectly. If this were not the case, politicians would not wield as much power as they do. Otherwise, it would be incomprehensible how someone like Trump, who is brimming with self-assertion and a strong desire for power, could have gained so much influence. If most people found Trump’s methods too forceful and distasteful, he would not hold the kind of power he currently has. Even if all Americans advocate for 'America First,' if people outside of America refuse to submit to the U.S., neither America nor Americans would be able to maintain their current level of power.
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russellian-j · 4 days ago
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n3002 ( Jan. 19, 2025)
Why is it that, if Satan and Beelzebub were nominated as the official candidates and the Archangel Gabriel stood as an independent, the Archangel would have no chance of being elected ? For that is the fact, strange as it may seem. … We have the politicians we deserve. Source: Bertrand Russell: On politician (written in Dec. 16, 1931 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975 More info.:
a brief comment: Sincere candidates tend to appear as 'weak candidates,' while slightly forceful individuals (in other words, 'candidates who appear strong') are more likely to be seen as 'better candidates' who can fulfill people's wishes (desires). In reality, even a 'candidate who seems weak' can, in most cases, turn into a 'strong candidate' if they receive the majority of votes. However, before that happens. specifically, at the time of voting, many voters tend to cast their votes for the 'candidate who appears strong,' which is a reality (a fact that actually occurs). It is worth noting that translating 'fact' as '事実' (fact) in this context may not be appropriate. This is because while 'winning the election' is a 'fact,' the 'lack of a chance of winning' is not a 'fact.' Therefore, translating it as '事実' could create a sense of discomfort or inconsistency."
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russellian-j · 4 days ago
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n3002 ( Jan. 19, 2025)
 仮に悪魔と堕天使が党公認の候補に指名され、大天使ガブリエルが無所属で立候補するとしたならば、ガブリエルに当選の見込みはないのはなぜだろうか? なぜなら、それが現実(注:fact 実際に起こる事実)だからである。不思議だと思うかもしれないが。・・・。我々は我々にふさわしい政治家を選ぶのである。 Why is it that, if Satan and Beelzebub were nominated as the official candidates and the Archangel Gabriel stood as an independent, the Archangel would have no chance of being elected ? For that is the fact, strange as it may seem. … We have the politicians we deserve. Source: Bertrand Russell: On politician (written in Dec. 16, 1931 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975 More info.:
<寸言>  誠実な候補は「弱い候補」と映り、多少強引な人物(つまり、「強そうに見える候補」)のほうが「自分の思い(願望)」を実現してくれる「ましな候補」に見えがちです。実際は、「弱そうに見える候補」でも多数が投票(支持)すればほとんどの場合「強い候補」に変わりますが、そうなる前には、つまり、投票時点では「強そうに見える候補」に多くの有権者が投票してしまうという現実(実際に起こる事実)があります。  なお、「fact」はここでは「事実」と訳さないほうがよさそうです。なぜなら、「当選するかどうか」は「事実」ですが、「当選する見込みがない」のは「事実」ではないので、そのように訳すと違和感を与えてしまいます。 Sincere candidates tend to appear as 'weak candidates,' while slightly forceful individuals (in other words, 'candidates who appear strong') are more likely to be seen as 'better candidates' who can fulfill people's wishes (desires). In reality, even a 'candidate who seems weak' can, in most cases, turn into a 'strong candidate' if they receive the majority of votes. However, before that happens. specifically, at the time of voting, many voters tend to cast their votes for the 'candidate who appears strong,' which is a reality (a fact that actually occurs). It is worth noting that translating 'fact' as '事実' (fact) in this context may not be appropriate. This is because while 'winning the election' is a 'fact,' the 'lack of a chance of winning' is not a 'fact.' Therefore, translating it as '事実' could create a sense of discomfort or inconsistency."
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russellian-j · 5 days ago
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n3001 ( Jan. 18, 2025)
 この新しい天文学の世界は広大だが、冷たい。どこにも人間的な温かさを求める心が慰めを見いだせるものはない。こうして、古代の体系を支持する人々は唯物主義を非難し、科学が精神的価値を忘れていると訴える。このように語る人々は、神話が人類にもたらしてきたものを見落とさざるを得ない――長い時代にわたる人身供犠、残酷な儀式、火刑、そして知識を追求した者への罰を見落とさざるをえない。・・・。知識は解放者だった――それは残酷さを正当化する神話的な言い訳を破壊することによってもたらされたのである。 This new world of astronomy is vast, but cold. Nowhere is there anything in which the longing for human warmth can find comfort, and so the upholders of ancient systems complain of materialism and say that science is forgetting spiritual values. Those who speak in this way are compelled to overlook what myth has done for mankind--the long ages of human sacrifice, of cruel rites, of burnings at the stake, and punishment of those who sought knowledge….
Knowledge has been the liberator by destroying the mythical excuses for cruelty. Source: Bertrand Russell: More info.:
<寸言>  広大な宇宙のなかでは人間は塵のような存在です。しかし、人間をそのように見たくない人々は、科学的な世界観や物質的宇宙像を素直に受け入れることができません。重要なのは科学の成果ではなく、科学的な考え方やものの見方ですが、彼等はそのことをよく理解することができません。 Within the vast universe, humanity is but a speck of dust. However, those who do not wish to view humanity in this way cannot readily accept the scientific worldview or the materialistic conception of the universe. What is important is not the results of science but the scientific way of thinking and perceiving things, yet they fail to fully grasp this.
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russellian-j · 5 days ago
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n3001 ( Jan. 18, 2025)
 この新しい天文学の世界は広大だが、冷たい。どこにも人間的な温かさを求める心が慰めを見いだせるものはない。こうして、古代の体系を支持する人々は唯物主義を非難し、科学が精神的価値を忘れていると訴える。このように語る人々は、神話が人類にもたらしてきたものを見落とさざるを得ない――長い時代にわたる人身供犠、残酷な儀式、火刑、そして知識を追求した者への罰を見落とさざるをえない。・・・。知識は解放者だった――それは残酷さを正当化する神話的な言い訳を破壊することによってもたらされたのである。 This new world of astronomy is vast, but cold. Nowhere is there anything in which the longing for human warmth can find comfort, and so the upholders of ancient systems complain of materialism and say that science is forgetting spiritual values. Those who speak in this way are compelled to overlook what myth has done for mankind--the long ages of human sacrifice, of cruel rites, of burnings at the stake, and punishment of those who sought knowledge….
Knowledge has been the liberator by destroying the mythical excuses for cruelty. Source: Bertrand Russell: More info.:
<寸言>  広大な宇宙のなかでは人間は塵のような存在です。しかし、人間をそのように見たくない人々は、科学的な世界観や物質的宇宙像を素直に受け入れることができません。重要なのは科学の成果ではなく、科学的な考え方やものの見方ですが、彼等はそのことをよく理解することができません。 Within the vast universe, humanity is but a speck of dust. However, those who do not wish to view humanity in this way cannot readily accept the scientific worldview or the materialistic conception of the universe. What is important is not the results of science but the scientific way of thinking and perceiving things, yet they fail to fully grasp this.
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russellian-j · 5 days ago
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n3001 ( Jan. 18, 2025)
This new world of astronomy is vast, but cold. Nowhere is there anything in which the longing for human warmth can find comfort, and so the upholders of ancient systems complain of materialism and say that science is forgetting spiritual values. Those who speak in this way are compelled to overlook what myth has done for mankind--the long ages of human sacrifice, of cruel rites, of burnings at the stake, and punishment of those who sought knowledge…. Knowledge has been the liberator by destroying the mythical excuses for cruelty. Source: Bertrand Russell: More info.:
a brief comment: Within the vast universe, humanity is but a speck of dust. However, those who do not wish to view humanity in this way cannot readily accept the scientific worldview or the materialistic conception of the universe. What is important is not the results of science but the scientific way of thinking and perceiving things, yet they fail to fully grasp this.
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russellian-j · 5 days ago
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n3001 ( Jan. 18, 2025)
 この新しい天文学の世界は広大だが、冷たい。どこにも人間的な温かさを求める心が慰めを見いだせるものはない。こうして、古代の体系を支持する人々は唯物主義を非難し、科学が精神的価値を忘れていると訴える。このように語る人々は、神話が人類にもたらしてきたものを見落とさざるを得ない――長い時代にわたる人身供犠、残酷な儀式、火刑、そして知識を追求した者への罰を見落とさざるをえない。・・・。知識は解放者だった――それは残酷さを正当化する神話的な言い訳を破壊することによってもたらされたのである。 This new world of astronomy is vast, but cold. Nowhere is there anything in which the longing for human warmth can find comfort, and so the upholders of ancient systems complain of materialism and say that science is forgetting spiritual values. Those who speak in this way are compelled to overlook what myth has done for mankind--the long ages of human sacrifice, of cruel rites, of burnings at the stake, and punishment of those who sought knowledge….
Knowledge has been the liberator by destroying the mythical excuses for cruelty. Source: Bertrand Russell: More info.:
<寸言>  広大な宇宙のなかでは人間は塵のような存在です。しかし、人間をそのように見たくない人々は、科学的な世界観や物質的宇宙像を素直に受け入れることができません。重要なのは科学の成果ではなく、科学的な考え方やものの見方ですが、彼等はそのことをよく理解することができません。 Within the vast universe, humanity is but a speck of dust. However, those who do not wish to view humanity in this way cannot readily accept the scientific worldview or the materialistic conception of the universe. What is important is not the results of science but the scientific way of thinking and perceiving things, yet they fail to fully grasp this.
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russellian-j · 6 days ago
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n3000 ( Jan. 17, 2025)
I shudder to think what would become of immense numbers of intelligent and high-minded men and women who at present earn their livelihood by advocating some reform which is very unlikely to be carried, if, by some magician's stroke, all their various measures were to be achieved. The ranks of the unemployed would be swelled most dangerously. Source: Bertrand Russell: On societies (written in June 8, 1932 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975 More info.:
a brief comment: I used ChatGPT to generate an image based on the text above. However, the part describing "immense numbers of intelligent and high-minded men and women who at present earn their livelihood by advocating some reform" didn't quite turn out as I envisioned. Still, with some adjustments, it seems possible to create a more fitting image. There are quite a few organizations and institutions in the world that might be deemed unnecessary. Many people serve as executives or board members in such entities. However, if those organizations were to fully achieve their objectives, their very reason for existence would disappear, and their officials would lose their positions. Naturally, such things are not ordinarily done. Of course, if the justification for maintaining an organization no longer holds, instead of dissolving it, a new rationale might be created to establish a similar organization under a different guise.
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russellian-j · 6 days ago
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n3000 ( Jan. 17, 2025)
���ほとんど実行されそうもないある種の改革を提唱することで現在生計を立てている膨大な数の知的かつ高潔な男女が、魔法使いの一撃で彼らの提唱する種々の施策が達成された際には一体どういうことになるかを考えると、私は身震いする。失業者数は危険なまでに増えるだろう。 I shudder to think what would become of immense numbers of intelligent and high-minded men and women who at present earn their livelihood by advocating some reform which is very unlikely to be carried, if, by some magician's stroke, all their various measures were to be achieved. The ranks of the unemployed would be swelled most dangerously.
Source: Bertrand Russell: On societies (written in June 8, 1932 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975 More info.:
<寸言>  ChatGPTを使って、上記のテキストをもとにイメージ画像を生成してみました。テキストのなかの「ある種の改革を提唱することで現在生計を立てている膨大な数の知的かつ高潔な男女」の部分が思い通りの画像になっていませんが、これをもとに手を加えていけばよいものができそうです。  世の中にはなくてもよいと思われる団体や組織がかなりあり、理事などの役員をつとめている人たちも非常にたくさんいます。しかし、その団体の目的を達成してしまえば、その団体の存立理由がなくなり、役職者は失職してしまいます。したがって、���のようなことはもちろん通常やりません。もちろん、団体維持の理由がたたなくなれば、その団体をつぶす代わりに、新しい理由付けをして、似通った別の団体をつくることはありそうです。 I used ChatGPT to generate an image based on the text above. However, the part describing "immense numbers of intelligent and high-minded men and women who at present earn their livelihood by advocating some reform" didn't quite turn out as I envisioned. Still, with some adjustments, it seems possible to create a more fitting image.
There are quite a few organizations and institutions in the world that might be deemed unnecessary. Many people serve as executives or board members in such entities. However, if those organizations were to fully achieve their objectives, their very reason for existence would disappear, and their officials would lose their positions. Naturally, such things are not ordinarily done. Of course, if the justification for maintaining an organization no longer holds, instead of dissolving it, a new rationale might be created to establish a similar organization under a different guise.
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russellian-j · 7 days ago
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n2999 ( Jan. 16, 2025)
When it was found that the average weight of a man's brain is greater than that of a woman's, this was held as proof of his superior intellectuality. When it was pointed out that an elephant's brain is even heavier, the eminent scientists scratched their heads since they could not admit that their wits were elephantine. Somebody suggested that the important thing is the proportion of the weight of the brain to the weight of the body. But this had a disastrous result : it seemed to show that women were, on the whole, cleverer than men. This would never do. So they said that it was not mere brute weight that mattered but delicacy of organisation. Source: Bertrand Russell: Are men of science scientific? In: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975. More info.:
a brief comment: Focusing on one’s own emotions (or the emotions of the group or nation one belongs to) and then seeking justifications that align with those emotions is a common approach in many matters. If more people could develop the habit of setting aside their own emotions (or the emotions of their group or nation) and thinking calmly and logically first, conflicts would be significantly reduced. Such attitudes and reasoning skills are best cultivated through education, but most countries prioritize patriotism in their schooling, fostering a sense of nationalistic self-centeredness that prevails worldwide.
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russellian-j · 7 days ago
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n2999 ( Jan. 16, 2025)
When it was found that the average weight of a man's brain is greater than that of a woman's, this was held as proof of his superior intellectuality. When it was pointed out that an elephant's brain is even heavier, the eminent scientists scratched their heads since they could not admit that their wits were elephantine. Somebody suggested that the important thing is the proportion of the weight of the brain to the weight of the body. But this had a disastrous result : it seemed to show that women were, on the whole, cleverer than men. This would never do. So they said that it was not mere brute weight that mattered but delicacy of organisation. Source: Bertrand Russell: Are men of science scientific? In: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975. More info.:
a brief comment: Focusing on one’s own emotions (or the emotions of the group or nation one belongs to) and then seeking justifications that align with those emotions is a common approach in many matters. If more people could develop the habit of setting aside their own emotions (or the emotions of their group or nation) and thinking calmly and logically first, conflicts would be significantly reduced. Such attitudes and reasoning skills are best cultivated through education, but most countries prioritize patriotism in their schooling, fostering a sense of nationalistic self-centeredness that prevails worldwide.
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russellian-j · 7 days ago
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n2999 ( Jan. 16, 2025)
 男性の脳の平均重量が女性のそれよりも重いことが分かると、それは男性の知的優位性の証拠とされた。(しかし)象の脳は人間の脳よりも重いと指摘されると、著名な科学者達は、自分達の知性が象並みだとは認めたくないため、頭を抱えた。(そこで)ある科学者が重要なのは脳の重さと体重の比率であると示唆した。しかし、これは悲惨な結果をもたらした。つまり、それは女性は概して男性よりも賢いことを示しているように思われた。これは容認できなかった。そこで科学者達は、重要なのは単なる重量ではなく、脳組織の繊細さであると言った。 When it was found that the average weight of a man's brain is greater than that of a woman's, this was held as proof of his superior intellectuality. When it was pointed out that an elephant's brain is even heavier, the eminent scientists scratched their heads since they could not admit that their wits were elephantine. Somebody suggested that the important thing is the proportion of the weight of the brain to the weight of the body. But this had a disastrous result : it seemed to show that women were, on the whole, cleverer than men. This would never do. So they said that it was not mere brute weight that mattered but delicacy of organisation. Source: Bertrand Russell: Are men of science scientific? In: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975. More info.:
<寸言>  自分(あるいは、自分の属する集団や国家)の感情を重視し、その感情にあう理屈付けを考えるというのは、非常に多くの事柄に関して行われています。自分(あるいは、自分の属する集団や国家)の感情を脇に置いて、まず冷静に論理的に考える習��を多くの人が身に着ければ、紛争はずっと少なくなるはずです。そのような態度や思考力は学校教育によってもっとも身に着けることができますが、どこの国も愛国心を重視する教育が行われており、自国中心主義が世界に蔓延しています。 Focusing on one’s own emotions (or the emotions of the group or nation one belongs to) and then seeking justifications that align with those emotions is a common approach in many matters. If more people could develop the habit of setting aside their own emotions (or the emotions of their group or nation) and thinking calmly and logically first, conflicts would be significantly reduced. Such attitudes and reasoning skills are best cultivated through education, but most countries prioritize patriotism in their schooling, fostering a sense of nationalistic self-centeredness that prevails worldwide.
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russellian-j · 8 days ago
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n2998 ( Jan. 15, 2025)
Fear produces the terror of ghosts; hope produces the anticipation of heaven. If there are earthquakes, it is because we have sinned. If the crops prosper, it is because we have been pious. The whole process of causation in the outer world is along the lines of our own feelings. Not that it is all as we could wish, but that, when it is not, this is due to the anger of powerful beings. The world is like a large quarrelsome family, uncomfortable at times, but always cosy and homelike.. Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, part II: The Conflict of Passions, chapter 4: Myth and Magic, n.12 More info.:
a brief comment: Humans created gods in their own image, making them both cruel and compassionate, just like themselves. They justified their own cruel actions as expressions of divine wrath and granted clemency to their imagined enemies, calling it divine forgiveness. In the end, it seems that human self-serving tendencies are well reflected in these beliefs.
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