Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n3036 (Feb. 22, 2025)
The real education in justice can only come where there are other children. This is one of many reasons why no child should long be solitary. Parents who have the misfortune to have an only child should do all that they can to secure companionship for it, …. Source: Bertrand Russell: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 7: Selfishness and property. More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/OE07-020.HTM
a brief comment: We tend to translate justice as "正義 (seigi)," but in this context, "公平 (kohei)" seems more appropriate. "公平" (fairness) is different in meaning and nuance from "平等" (equality). Giving the same amount of delicious food to both an adult and a young child is "equality," but it is not "fairness." Providing an amount that the child cannot finish in the name of "equality" is not desirable.
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n3036 (Feb. 22, 2025)
公平さ(justice)についての真の教育は、他の子供のいるところ(環境)でしか得られない。これは、なぜ子供を長いあいだ独りのままにしておいてはいけないかという多くの理由のなかの一つである。運悪く子供が一人しかいない親は、その子に仲間を確保してあげるために、出来る限りのことをすべきである。 The real education in justice can only come where there are other children. This is one of many reasons why no child should long be solitary. Parents who have the misfortune to have an only child should do all that they can to secure companionship for it, …. Source: Bertrand Russell: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 7: Selfishness and property. More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/OE07-020.HTM
<寸言> "justice"には「正義(seigi)」という訳語をあてがちですが、「公平」と訳したほうがよい場合がかなりあえります。「公平」も「平等」とは意味やニュアンスが違います。おいしいものを大人も幼児も同じだけあてがうことは「平等」ですが、「公平」とは言いません。必要以上の量をあてがう「平等」は好ましくありません。
We tend to translate justice as "正義 (seigi)," but in this context, "公平 (k?hei)" seems more appropriate. "公平" (fairness) is different in meaning and nuance from "平等" (equality). Giving the same amount of delicious food to both an adult and a young child is "equality," but it is not "fairness." Providing an amount that the child cannot finish in the name of "equality" is not desirable.
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n3035 (Feb. 21, 2025)
勇気は、肉体上の英雄的資質にとってと同様に、知的誠実さにとっても不可欠である。 Courage is essential to intellectual probity, as well as to physical heroism. Source: Bertrand Russell: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 2 The Aims of Education
More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/OE02-210.HTM
<寸言> 安倍総理(当時)にまつわる疑惑はかなりありますが、「森友学園問題」もその一つです。Wikipedia には次のように書かれています。
犠牲になるのは常に弱者であり、実際に改ざん行為をした財務省近畿財務局職員の赤木俊夫さんは、真実を語らないまま、罪悪感から自殺に追い込まれてしまいました。 先日、大阪高等裁判所で、森友学園めぐる文書の不開示の決定を取り消す判決が下されました。幸いなことに、石破総理の決断もあり、国は控訴しないことになり、判決が確定しました。開示によってどこまで真相がわかるかわかりませんが、少なくとも佐川局長の個人的判断でやったことでないことはわかると思われます。そうでなければ、そのようなことをやって栄転するはずはありません。
There are quite a few allegations surrounding then-Prime Minister Abe, and the "Moritomo Gakuen Scandal" is one of them. Wikipedia describes it as follows: The Moritomo Gakuen Scandal is an issue concerning a piece of state-owned land in Toyonaka City, Osaka Prefecture, which was purchased on June 20, 2016, by the school corporation Moritomo Gakuen, which operated kindergartens and other institutions in Osaka. The land, initially valued at 956 million yen as vacant land, was sold for 134 million yen after an approximately 800 million yen deduction for the removal of buried waste. Since then-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s wife, Akie, was set to become the honorary principal of the elementary school planned for the site, the process of determining the sale price, as well as the involvement of the prime minister and his wife, became the subject of extensive media coverage. Together with the Kake Gakuen scandal, which also involved allegations of Abe’s involvement, the issue was collectively referred to as the "Moritomo-Kake Scandal" (often abbreviated as "Mori-Kake Scandal"). Does the famous saying from The Bad Sleep Well apply here? Then-National Tax Agency Commissioner Nobuhisa Sagawa, who was accused of instructing the falsification of official documents, managed to evade responsibility with evasive testimony in the National Diet and was never held legally accountable. It remains unclear whether the document falsification was solely Sagawa’s decision or if Prime Minister Abe had given him some form of instruction. However, Sagawa himself showed little of what Bertrand Russell would call "intellectual probity." Perhaps as a reward for successfully protecting Abe, Sagawa was later promoted to Commissioner of the National Tax Agency. It is always the weak who suffer. In this case, Toshio Akagi, an official at the Kinki Local Finance Bureau of the Ministry of Finance, who was directly involved in the document falsification, was driven to suicide out of guilt, without ever having the chance to tell the truth. Recently, the Osaka High Court overturned the government’s decision not to disclose documents related to the Moritomo Gakuen case. Fortunately, thanks to the decision of Prime Minister Ishiba, the government has chosen not to appeal, making the ruling final. While it remains uncertain how much of the truth will be revealed through the disclosure, at the very least, it is likely to confirm that the falsification was not simply Sagawa’s unilateral decision. If it had been, he certainly would not have been rewarded with a promotion.
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n3035 (Feb. 21, 2025)
Courage is essential to intellectual probity, as well as to physical heroism. Source: Bertrand Russell: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 2 The Aims of Education More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/OE02-210.HTM
a brief comment: There are quite a few allegations surrounding then-Prime Minister Abe, and the "Moritomo Gakuen Scandal" is one of them. Wikipedia describes it as follows: The Moritomo Gakuen Scandal is an issue concerning a piece of state-owned land in Toyonaka City, Osaka Prefecture, which was purchased on June 20, 2016, by the school corporation Moritomo Gakuen, which operated kindergartens and other institutions in Osaka. The land, initially valued at 956 million yen as vacant land, was sold for 134 million yen after an approximately 800 million yen deduction for the removal of buried waste. Since then-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s wife, Akie, was set to become the honorary principal of the elementary school planned for the site, the process of determining the sale price, as well as the involvement of the prime minister and his wife, became the subject of extensive media coverage. Together with the Kake Gakuen scandal, which also involved allegations of Abe’s involvement, the issue was collectively referred to as the "Moritomo-Kake Scandal" (often abbreviated as "Mori-Kake Scandal"). Does the famous saying from The Bad Sleep Well apply here? Then-National Tax Agency Commissioner Nobuhisa Sagawa, who was accused of instructing the falsification of official documents, managed to evade responsibility with evasive testimony in the National Diet and was never held legally accountable. It remains unclear whether the document falsification was solely Sagawa’s decision or if Prime Minister Abe had given him some form of instruction. However, Sagawa himself showed little of what Bertrand Russell would call "intellectual probity." Perhaps as a reward for successfully protecting Abe, Sagawa was later promoted to Commissioner of the National Tax Agency. It is always the weak who suffer. In this case, Toshio Akagi, an official at the Kinki Local Finance Bureau of the Ministry of Finance, who was directly involved in the document falsification, was driven to suicide out of guilt?without ever having the chance to tell the truth.
Recently, the Osaka High Court overturned the government’s decision not to disclose documents related to the Moritomo Gakuen case. Fortunately, thanks to the decision of Prime Minister Ishiba, the government has chosen not to appeal, making the ruling final. While it remains uncertain how much of the truth will be revealed through the disclosure, at the very least, it is likely to confirm that the falsification was not simply Sagawa’s unilateral decision. If it had been, he certainly would not have been rewarded with a promotion.
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n3034 (Feb. 20, 2025)
Given secure peace, it is of course a gain to mankind when ways are found of increasing the productivity of labour. But in time of war, or when there is an imminent threat of war, everything that makes labour more productive is a misfortune, since it sets free a greater proportion of the energies of nations for the business of mutual extermination. Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, part II: The Conflict of Passions, chapter 6: Scientific Technique and the Future, n2 More info.: https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-2_0602.htm
a brief comment: Many people understand that a war between major powers would be catastrophic, and for this reason, such wars have not occurred for a long time. In contrast, conflicts and wars between small countries, as well as wars of aggression by major powers against smaller nations, continue to happen. Unfortunately, even conflicts and wars between small nations or between minority groups have become increasingly deadly due to advancements in science and technology, which have led to more sophisticated weaponry capable of mass killings. Ethnic cleansing has even become possible. The absence of war between major powers does not mean we can afford to feel secure. Fortunately, Japan has remained in a state of peace. However, it would be highly concerning if politicians emerged who, believing that Japan is safe under the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, argued that limited military action should be permissible when necessary. Since the Abe administration (at the time), Japan has been promoting policies to increase arms exports, but how many citizens truly recognize the dangers of this? The government claims that weapons will not be sold to countries engaged in conflict, but once a conflict erupts in such a country, Japanese-made weapons will inevitably be used. Furthermore, there is no way to completely prevent arms smuggling.
Meanwhile, the stock prices of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Kawasaki Heavy Industries, both of which produce and export weapons, continue to rise, and these companies make large political donations, primarily to the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. Bribery is an inherent part of the arms trade, and many politicians and business leaders are scrambling to take advantage of even the slightest opportunity for profit.
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n3034 (Feb. 20, 2025)
平和が確保されているならば、労働生産性を増す(種々の)方法が見つかることは、もちろん人類にとって利益である。しかし、戦時や戦争の差し迫った脅威がある時には、労働生産性を高めるあらゆるものは不幸(をもたらすもの)である。なぜなら、それによって、国々のエネルギーのより大きな割合が、相互殲滅のために使える状態になってしまうからである。 Given secure peace, it is of course a gain to mankind when ways are found of increasing the productivity of labour. But in time of war, or when there is an imminent threat of war, everything that makes labour more productive is a misfortune, since it sets free a greater proportion of the energies of nations for the business of mutual extermination. Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, part II: The Conflict of Passions, chapter 6: Scientific Technique and the Future, n2 More info.: https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-2_0602.htm
<寸言> 大国同士の戦争は悲惨なことになるのを多くの人々が理解していますので、長い間起こっていません。これに対し、小国同士の紛争や戦争、あるいは大国による小国に対する侵略戦争はあいかわらず起こっています。そして、不幸なことに、小国同士や少数民族同士の紛争や戦争であっても、科学技術の発展により武器は高性能化し、大量殺戮が可能となっています。民族浄化さえ可能となっています。大国同士の戦争が起こらなければ安心とは言っておられません。 幸いなことに、日本は平和な状態が続いていますが、日米安保があるから安全だということで、必要な場合なら小規模な武力行使なら行ってよいと考える政治家がでてきたら大変です。安倍政権(当時)から海外への武器輸出を増やす政策を進めていますが、その危険性をどれだけの国民が認識しているでしょうか? 紛争当時国には武器は売却しないと政府は主張していますが、そのような国でもひとたび紛争が起これば日本製の武器も使用されるはずです。また、武器の横流しも防ぐことはできません。武器を生産し輸出している三菱重工や川崎重工の株価は上昇し続けており、それらの企業から多額の献金が自民党中心になされています。武器の売買には賄賂はつきものであり、少しでもおこぼれにありつこうと多くの政治家や経済人が跋扈しています。
Many people understand that a war between major powers would be catastrophic, and for this reason, such wars have not occurred for a long time. In contrast, conflicts and wars between small countries, as well as wars of aggression by major powers against smaller nations, continue to happen. Unfortunately, even conflicts and wars between small nations or between minority groups have become increasingly deadly due to advancements in science and technology, which have led to more sophisticated weaponry capable of mass killings. Ethnic cleansing has even become possible. The absence of war between major powers does not mean we can afford to feel secure. Fortunately, Japan has remained in a state of peace. However, it would be highly concerning if politicians emerged who, believing that Japan is safe under the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, argued that limited military action should be permissible when necessary. Since the Abe administration (at the time), Japan has been promoting policies to increase arms exports, but how many citizens truly recognize the dangers of this? The government claims that weapons will not be sold to countries engaged in conflict, but once a conflict erupts in such a country, Japanese-made weapons will inevitably be used. Furthermore, there is no way to completely prevent arms smuggling.
Meanwhile, the stock prices of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Kawasaki Heavy Industries, both of which produce and export weapons, continue to rise, and these companies make large political donations, primarily to the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. Bribery is an inherent part of the arms trade, and many politicians and business leaders are scrambling to take advantage of even the slightest opportunity for profit.
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n3033 (Feb. 19, 2025)
Any man who contemplates writing a book or engaging in any forms of preaching or propaganda should be obliged to do an hour's digging or other outdoor manual work before breakfast. By that time breakfast would be such a delight that throughout the rest of the day he would be incapable of thinking that all is vanity. Source: Bertrand Russell: Why are we discontented? In: Mortals and Others; Bertrand Russell's American Essays, v.1 (1975) More info.: https://russell-j.com/YOKKYU.HTM
a brief comment: On cold winter mornings, I am reluctant to get out of my futon (bed) and don’t feel like having breakfast right away. I know that doing some light exercise or taking a walk before breakfast would make the meal more enjoyable, but establishing such a habit is difficult. However, once NHK’s Television Taiso or taking a walk becomes a routine, strangely enough, it no longer feels like such an effort.
If Mr. Trump were to develop such good habits, he might get rid of his bad habit of nitpicking at the world and focus more on pursuing happiness for himself and his family rather than taking pleasure in others' misfortunes. But no, it seems impossible for him to reach such a state of mind during his four years in office. As the saying goes, “Let sleeping dogs lie,” so let’s just ignore Mr. Trump altogether.
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n3033 (Feb. 19, 2025)
本を書こうとしたり、何らかの形で人に説教や宣伝活動に携わろうとしたりする人は、朝食前に、1時間の穴掘りか、その他の野外での肉体労働を義務とされるべきである。1時間の穴掘りが終える頃には、朝食は非常においしく感じられ、その日は一日中、世の中の全てが空虚だなどとは思えなくなるだろう。 Any man who contemplates writing a book or engaging in any forms of preaching or propaganda should be obliged to do an hour's digging or other outdoor manual work before breakfast. By that time breakfast would be such a delight that throughout the rest of the day he would be incapable of thinking that all is vanity. Source: Bertrand Russell: Why are we discontented? In: Mortals and Others; Bertrand Russell's American Essays, v.1 (1975) More info.: https://russell-j.com/YOKKYU.HTM
<寸言> 寒い冬の朝は布団(or ベッ���)から出たがらず、朝食もすぐにとりたいとは思いません。朝食前に軽い��動をしたり、散歩をしたりすれば、朝食をおいしくとれることはわかっていても、そのような習慣づけは困難です。 しかし、朝のテレビ体操でも散歩でも、一度習慣になると、不思議なことにそれほど無理をしていると感じなくなります。 トランプさんも、そういったよい習慣をつければ、世界中に難癖をつける悪い習慣はなくなり、他人の不幸よりも自分や自分の家族の幸福を追求をするようになるのではないでしょうか? いや、大統領在任の4年間はそのような境地は無理そうです。「触らぬ神に祟りなし」ということで、トランプさんのことは無視することにしましょう。 On cold winter mornings, I am reluctant to get out of my futon (bed) and don’t feel like having breakfast right away. I know that doing some light exercise or taking a walk before breakfast would make the meal more enjoyable, but establishing such a habit is difficult. However, once NHK’s Television Taiso or taking a walk becomes a routine, strangely enough, it no longer feels like such an effort. If Mr. Trump were to develop such good habits, he might get rid of his bad habit of nitpicking at the world and focus more on pursuing happiness for himself and his family rather than taking pleasure in others' misfortunes. But no, it seems impossible for him to reach such a state of mind during his four years in office. As the saying goes, “Let sleeping dogs lie,” so let’s just ignore Mr. Trump altogether.
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n3032 (Feb. 18, 2025)
I like to think that civilisation will continue to improve, and the opposite thought when it comes, as it sometimes will, is depressing. In these days, when the immediate outlook is somewhat gloomy, the thought of a more distant future is often cheering. Source: Bertrand Russell: Taking long views, Mar. 30,1932. In Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975 More info.: https://russell-j.com/LONGVIEW.HTM
a brief comment: Would it be fair to say that the prime years for active social engagement are usually from the late 30s to the early 50s? In contrast, whether fortunately or unfortunately, those who hold power in the political world today tend to be in their late 50s or older, and many continue to govern with outdated sensibilities even as they approach 70. The United States has historically seen relatively young politicians in active roles, but at present, it is Trump, who will soon be 79, who holds the greatest power. The entire world is watching his every move and being swayed by his actions. When we are young, we tend to have various expectations for the future. However, as we age and become more aware of our limitations, we stop having overly optimistic expectations about what lies ahead. When Russell said, “When the immediate outlook is somewhat gloomy, the thought of a more distant future is often cheering,” he was 60 years old, a relatively young age, at least by his standards, as he lived to be 97 (laughs).
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n3032 (Feb. 18, 2025)
I like to think that civilisation will continue to improve, and the opposite thought when it comes, as it sometimes will, is depressing. In these days, when the immediate outlook is somewhat gloomy, the thought of a more distant future is often cheering. Source: Bertrand Russell: Taking long views, Mar. 30,1932. In Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975 More info.: https://russell-j.com/LONGVIEW.HTM
a brief comment: Would it be fair to say that the prime years for active social engagement are usually from the late 30s to the early 50s? In contrast, whether fortunately or unfortunately, those who hold power in the political world today tend to be in their late 50s or older, and many continue to govern with outdated sensibilities even as they approach 70. The United States has historically seen relatively young politicians in active roles, but at present, it is Trump, who will soon be 79, who holds the greatest power. The entire world is watching his every move and being swayed by his actions. When we are young, we tend to have various expectations for the future. However, as we age and become more aware of our limitations, we stop having overly optimistic expectations about what lies ahead. When Russell said, “When the immediate outlook is somewhat gloomy, the thought of a more distant future is often cheering,” he was 60 years old, a relatively young age, at least by his standards, as he lived to be 97 (laughs).
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n3032 (Feb. 18, 2025)
私は文明が(今後も)改善し続けると考えたい。そして、時々そうなるように、まったく逆の考えが頭に浮かぶと憂鬱になる。(ただし)今日、当面の見通しがいくらか暗い時には、より遠い将来のことを考えると、しばしば元気づけられる。 I like to think that civilisation will continue to improve, and the opposite thought when it comes, as it sometimes will, is depressing. In these days, when the immediate outlook is somewhat gloomy, the thought of a more distant future is often cheering. Source: Bertrand Russell: Taking long views, Mar. 30,1932. In Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975 More info.: https://russell-j.com/LONGVIEW.HTM
<寸言> 社会的に活躍する世��は、通常、30代後半から50代前半と言ったらよいでしょうか? これに反し、幸か不幸か、政治の世界では、力を持っている者は、現状では、50代後半からであり、70歳近くになっても、時代遅れの感性のもとに政治をおこなっている者が多数います。 アメリカは比較的若い政治家が活躍してきましたが、現在は、もうじき79歳になるトランプが最も権力をもっており、世界中がトランプの一挙一投足に注目し、振り回されています。 若い頃は将来にいろいろ期待しますが、歳をとって限界を知るようになれば将来に過大な期待をしなくなります。ラッセルがここで「当面の見通しがいくらか暗い時には、より遠い将来のことを考えるとしばしば元気づけられる」(when the immediate outlook is somewhat gloomy, the thought of a more distant future is often cheering.)と言っているのは、97歳まで長生きしたラッセルの60歳という比較的若い時(笑)の発言です。
Would it be fair to say that the prime years for active social engagement are usually from the late 30s to the early 50s? In contrast, whether fortunately or unfortunately, those who hold power in the political world today tend to be in their late 50s or older, and many continue to govern with outdated sensibilities even as they approach 70. The United States has historically seen relatively young politicians in active roles, but at present, it is Trump, who will soon be 79, who holds the greatest power. The entire world is watching his every move and being swayed by his actions. When we are young, we tend to have various expectations for the future. However, as we age and become more aware of our limitations, we stop having overly optimistic expectations about what lies ahead. When Russell said, “When the immediate outlook is somewhat gloomy, the thought of a more distant future is often cheering,” he was 60 years old, a relatively young age, at least by his standards, as he lived to be 97 (laughs).
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n3031 (Feb. 17, 2025)
The discovery of how to utilize atomic energy is one of the most important that mankind have ever made. Attention has been mainly concentrated hitherto upon its importance in warfare, but it would be quite wrong to neglect its possible peaceful uses. It will very soon be supplying new sources of power that can be used especially in transport on land, on sea, and in the air. It has already proved itself very useful in medicine and it may in time cure nearly as many people as it will kill. … What is fairly certain is that in many directions it will replace coal and oil as a source of energy and will thereby make labour more productive. Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, part II: The Conflict of Passions, chapter 6: Scientific Technique and the Future, n1
More info.: https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-2_0601.htm
a brief comment: There are mixed feelings of expectation and anxiety regarding atomic energy. During the time when Bertrand Russell was deeply engaged in the struggle against nuclear weapons, the threat of nuclear war was a very real concern. For this reason, he expressed the idea that "it may in time cure nearly as many people as it will kill." Today, nuclear war is less likely, but there remains a slight possibility that a superpower leader, facing the risk of losing power, might resort to using nuclear weapons under the pretext of "ending the war quickly." However, in the modern era, the primary concern regarding atomic energy is not its use in warfare but rather the risk of major accidents at nuclear power plants, such as reactor explosions or large-scale radioactive contamination. Unlike vast countries such as the United States and the Soviet Union, Japan has limited land, making it impossible to locate nuclear power plants more than 50 km away from populated areas. In the event of a severe accident, widespread panic would be inevitable. Moreover, if a major accident were to occur at the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant in Shizuoka Prefecture, it could sever both the Tokaido Shinkansen and the Tomei Expressway, threatening to divide Japan’s transportation and logistics network between east and west. In the distant future, such concerns may eventually disappear, but when will that be? Until then, it seems preferable to rely as much as possible on renewable energy. However, in all likelihood, criticism will be deflected through measures such as the promotion of small modular reactors (SMRs), and the use of nuclear energy is expected to increase once again.
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n3031 (Feb. 17, 2025)
原子力(atomic energy)の利用法の発見は、人類がこれまでに成し遂げた最も重要な発見の一つである。これまでのところ、その軍事的な重要性に主に注目が集まってきたが、平和利用の可能性を軽視するのは全く誤りであろう。原子力は、まもなく陸上・海上・空中輸送をはじめとする新たな動力源を提供するようになるだろう。すでに医学の分野では非常に有用であることが証明されており、将来的には、原子力がもたらす死者とほぼ同じ数の人々を救うことになるかもしれない。・・・。 比較的確実なのは、原子力が多くの分野で石炭や石油に代わるエネルギー源となり、それによって労働生産性が向上することである。
The discovery of how to utilize atomic energy is one of the most important that mankind have ever made. Attention has been mainly concentrated hitherto upon its importance in warfare, but it would be quite wrong to neglect its possible peaceful uses. It will very soon be supplying new sources of power that can be used especially in transport on land, on sea, and in the air. It has already proved itself very useful in medicine and it may in time cure nearly as many people as it will kill. … What is fairly certain is that in many directions it will replace coal and oil as a source of energy and will thereby make labour more productive. Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, part II: The Conflict of Passions, chapter 6: Scientific Technique and the Future, n1 More info.: https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-2_0601.htm
<寸言> 「原子力」(atomic energy)に対しては期待と不安が入り混じっています。バートランド・ラッセルが核兵器反対闘争にあけくれていた時代には、核戦争は現実的な心配事でした。そのため、「将来的には、原子力がもたらす死者とほぼ同じ数の人々を救うことになるかもしれない。」という表現をしています。現在では、核戦争はあまり考えられませんが、超大国の権力者は失脚の恐れがある時には、戦争を早く終わらせるため」といった名目で、核兵器の使用に踏み切る可能性もわずかですがあります。 しかし、現代における原子力に対する不安要素は、戦争での使用よりも、原子力発電所等における重大事故(原子炉の核爆発や大量の放射能漏れ)です。広大な国土を持つアメリカやソ連などとは異なり、日本は国土が狭いので、人里から50km以上離れた土地に原子力発電所を設置するようなことはできません。万一重大事故が起こればパニック状態になってしまいます。また、浜岡発電所(静岡県)が重大事故が起これば、東海道新幹線と東名高速道路が分断され、日本における物資や人の流れは、東西に分断される危険性があります。 遠い将来には、そういった心配はなくなるでしょうが、それはいつのことでしょうか? それまでは、エネルギーは極力、自然エネルギーに頼ったほうがよさそうですが、多分、小型原発の開発促進などによって批判をかわし、原子力の利用は再び増加していきそうです。
There are mixed feelings of expectation and anxiety regarding atomic energy. During the time when Bertrand Russell was deeply engaged in the struggle against nuclear weapons, the threat of nuclear war was a very real concern. For this reason, he expressed the idea that "it may in time cure nearly as many people as it will kill." Today, nuclear war is less likely, but there remains a slight possibility that a superpower leader, facing the risk of losing power, might resort to using nuclear weapons under the pretext of "ending the war quickly." However, in the modern era, the primary concern regarding atomic energy is not its use in warfare but rather the risk of major accidents at nuclear power plants, such as reactor explosions or large-scale radioactive contamination. Unlike vast countries such as the United States and the Soviet Union, Japan has limited land, making it impossible to locate nuclear power plants more than 50 km away from populated areas. In the event of a severe accident, widespread panic would be inevitable. Moreover, if a major accident were to occur at the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant in Shizuoka Prefecture, it could sever both the Tokaido Shinkansen and the Tomei Expressway, threatening to divide Japan’s transportation and logistics network between east and west.
In the distant future, such concerns may eventually disappear, but when will that be? Until then, it seems preferable to rely as much as possible on renewable energy. However, in all likelihood, criticism will be deflected through measures such as the promotion of small modular reactors (SMRs), and the use of nuclear energy is expected to increase once again.
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n3030 (Feb. 16, 2025)
幸福な人とは客観的に生きる人であり、自由な愛情と幅広い関心を持つ人であり、それらの関心や愛情を通して、また、逆に、他の多くの人びとの興味と愛情の対象になるという事実を通して、自らの幸福を得る人である。 The happy man is the man who lives objectively, who has free affections and wide interests, who secures his happiness through these interests and affections and through the fact that they, in turn, make him an object of interest and affection to many others. Source: Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap. 17:The happy man More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/HA28-010.HTM
<寸言> 自分に厳しく自分の幸福を追求しない人もいます。そうして、自分の幸福を犠牲にして社会に大きな貢献をした人が歴史上にたくさん存在しています。しかし、大部分の人が幸福を追求すべきではないとしたら、幸福であること自体が良いことではないことになってしまいますので、個人的な幸福の追及の否定は、一般化できない道徳原理ということになります。 しかし、意識的に幸福を追求することによって、かえって幸福を得られないということもめずらしくありません。やはり、ラッセルの「幸福な人とは、客観的に生きる人であり、自由な愛情と幅広い関心を持つ人である」という言葉は、含蓄のある言葉です。
There are people who are strict with themselves and do not pursue their own happiness. Throughout history, many individuals have made great contributions to society by sacrificing their own happiness. However, if the majority of people were not supposed to pursue happiness, it would imply that being happy itself is not a good thing. This means that denying the pursuit of personal happiness cannot be a universally applicable moral principle. However, it is not uncommon for people to fail to attain happiness precisely because they consciously strive for it. Indeed, Russell's words--"The happy man is the man who lives objectively, who has free affections and wide interests"--are profoundly meaningful.
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n3030 (Feb. 16, 2025)
The happy man is the man who lives objectively, who has free affections and wide interests, who secures his happiness through these interests and affections and through the fact that they, in turn, make him an object of interest and affection to many others. Source: Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap. 17:The happy man More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/HA28-010.HTM
a brief comment: There are people who are strict with themselves and do not pursue their own happiness. Throughout history, many individuals have made great contributions to society by sacrificing their own happiness. However, if the majority of people were not supposed to pursue happiness, it would imply that being happy itself is not a good thing. This means that denying the pursuit of personal happiness cannot be a universally applicable moral principle. However, it is not uncommon for people to fail to attain happiness precisely because they consciously strive for it. Indeed, Russell's words--"The happy man is the man who lives objectively, who has free affections and wide interests"--are profoundly meaningful.
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n3029 (Feb. 15, 2025)
例えば、勝利を得るにはある外国を侮辱するのが最善の道であるとあなたは考えるかもしれない。もしあなたの視野(思考の範囲)が現在に限られているか、あるいは、重要なのはいわゆる効率のみだという教義を信じ込んでいるなら、あなたはそういう疑わしい手段をとるだろう。その結果、あなたは目先の目的には勝利を収めるだろうが、より遠い将来の結果は破滅的なものになるかもしれない。 For example, you may find that the best road to victory is to insult some foreign nation. If your mental purview is limited to the present, or if you have imbibed the doctrine that what is called efficiency is the only thing that matters, you will adopt such dubious means. Through them you will be victorious in your immediate purpose, while the more distant consequences may be disastrous.
Source: Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap. 15:Impersonal interests More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/HA26-030.HTM
<寸言> 日本人の平均寿命は、1923年(大正12年)当時は男性が42歳、女性が43歳でしたが、2024年には男性が81.09歳、女性が87.14歳に伸びているそうです。これだけ平均寿命が延びれば、人々には余裕ができ、短期的な結果を求めなくなりそうですが、実際は逆のようです。
The average life expectancy of Japanese people was 42 years for men and 43 years for women in 1923 (Taisho 12 nen), but by 2024, it has increased to 81.09 years for men and 87.14 years for women. Given such a significant increase in life expectancy, one might expect people to have more leeway and become less focused on short-term results. However, the reality appears to be the opposite.
In the past, both goods and information were limited, meaning that stimuli for human desires were also relatively scarce compared to today. Now, however, a vast and diverse array of goods and information is supplied in large quantities every day, continuously stimulating people's desires. Many of these things cannot be obtained or enjoyed without money, which naturally leads people to take an interest in opportunities for instant wealth, such as stocks or lotteries.
The mass media constantly show us images of the wealthy enjoying their lives. However, since most people cannot join the ranks of the rich, frustration among the general public continues to build. Politicians need to address this frustration and promote public happiness through policies. Unlike during Japan's high-growth era, however, this is now almost impossible.
As a result, it becomes necessary to divert public dissatisfaction away from the government and politicians. The quickest and easiest way to do this is by stirring up hatred toward a hypothetical enemy nation. Which country is chosen as the hypothetical enemy depends on the politician's stance, some target China, others South Korea, and others North Korea, while some consider all three to be enemy nations. Few people regard the United States as a hypothetical enemy, and almost no one does so with Australia. Could this, too, be a form of "hatred toward those who are closest"?
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n3029 (Feb. 15, 2025)
For example, you may find that the best road to victory is to insult some foreign nation. If your mental purview is limited to the present, or if you have imbibed the doctrine that what is called efficiency is the only thing that matters, you will adopt such dubious means. Through them you will be victorious in your immediate purpose, while the more distant consequences may be disastrous. Source: Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap. 15:Impersonal interests More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/HA26-030.HTM
a brief comment: The average life expectancy of Japanese people was 42 years for men and 43 years for women in 1923 (Taisho 12 nen), but by 2024, it has increased to 81.09 years for men and 87.14 years for women. Given such a significant increase in life expectancy, one might expect people to have more leeway and become less focused on short-term results. However, the reality appears to be the opposite.
In the past, both goods and information were limited, meaning that stimuli for human desires were also relatively scarce compared to today. Now, however, a vast and diverse array of goods and information is supplied in large quantities every day, continuously stimulating people's desires. Many of these things cannot be obtained or enjoyed without money, which naturally leads people to take an interest in opportunities for instant wealth, such as stocks or lotteries.
The mass media constantly show us images of the wealthy enjoying their lives. However, since most people cannot join the ranks of the rich, frustration among the general public continues to build. Politicians need to address this frustration and promote public happiness through policies. Unlike during Japan's high-growth era, however, this is now almost impossible.
As a result, it becomes necessary to divert public dissatisfaction away from the government and politicians. The quickest and easiest way to do this is by stirring up hatred toward a hypothetical enemy nation. Which country is chosen as the hypothetical enemy depends on the politician's stance, some target China, others South Korea, and others North Korea, while some consider all three to be enemy nations. Few people regard the United States as a hypothetical enemy, and almost no one does so with Australia. Could this, too, be a form of "hatred toward those who are closest"?
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