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ahogedetective · 2 months ago
Shuichi was slightly taken aback by his cold demeanor. Even if the other says he could stay, it really didn't seem like he wanted him to.. "U.... Understood....th-thank you..." He's not sure what he means by "not doing anything stupid", but he will definitely not touch him. Not that Shuichi would have, anyway, but something tells him that he'd better not provoke this guy.... Which should probably be all the more reason to just leave him be, but... well he's already said he could stay, and he highly doubts he'll want to chat with Shuichi, so... Long as he keeps his distance and leaves him be, it should be fine....
"N-No, it's fine. You was here first, so I'm the one intruding on you... but I promise to not be a bother. I just...." He trails off in surprise when seeing the big hug his knees and hide his face. "Wh... Wh-Why do you say that? Is everything alright...?" ("Is it... because of me...?")
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Such a strange guy, this one is... He wondered who he was, exactly... The mask and fancy suit honestly reminded him of phantom thief characters from the mystery novels he reads. But no, that couldn't be: a detective, encountering a thief on the balcony of a party setting... literally a scene right out of a mystery novel! But he has to be wearing that mask for a reason... Though he's not sure if he should ask. Something tells him it would be a really bad idea if he did...
Nobutoshi liked parties, they were always fun when his brain choose to cooperate with him. This didnt parties weren't enjoyable when his Kleptomania struck though; looking at every clothing and accessory, planning a way to steal it in his head, counting the yen and dollar he could get and making escape routes around the room was fun! Tiring, but fun!
Not tonight, though.
Trying to have a small talk with people while one half of your brain is screaming at you to "take this and take that and that and this" is hard. Unfortunately, shutting himself around the buffet only provided very little protection, especially since his brain also started to count the amount of cash he can take out of the snacks, the glasses, the little decorations, the foodware and th-
This was the idea behind his move to the balcony, to take a fresh breath and gather whatever IQ left in his skull before returning. The least thing he needed was to have a mental breakdown in front of everyone. Therefore, he choose to slip to the empty balcony, thanking quietly when he could find no stupid decoration that'll keep driving him insane. He took his fedora between his hands and leaned his head on the cold railing, flipping his beloved hat between his hand as he focused on the cold air of the night.
Unfortunately, universe hated his guts more than he hated anything.
He corrected his posture when he realized someone entered in, slipping his hat back over his head and turning around to press his back on the railing. Nobutoshi fixed his blazer and mask while squinting at the new student. He wasn't an idiot, he knew that this academy had two detectives and right now, he was looking at one of them in the eye.
He grunted quietly and rolled his eyes when Shuichi bowed at him. Ugh, such a fake behavior! Why don't he just rip the band aid off and get on with this already? "İt's fine, you can stay," Nobutoshi replied with a wave of his hand. "As long as you don't touch me or do something stupid, than i don't care. But yeah, I'm not planning to leave this balcony anytime soon. Tough luck if you want to shoo me away or whatever."
Nobutoshi bit back an exhausted sigh, before sliding down to the ground and hugged his knees. "But I'll be honest. It was a mistake for me to come here at the first place. I don't know what i was expecting." He grumbled before burying his face on his knees. He didn't want to look at Shuichi for too long. He didn't want to know what he can cash out of the beloved detective's body. İn another day, he would not mind nor give a fuck who saw him nor who could be his victim. He trusted in his physical strength and determination. Not tonight, though, where the entire academy stood few feet away from the Favorite Boy of the teachers. He knew that'd end terribly for him more than it'd end for Shuichi.
Let's just hope that he would not stab his stomach with his broken leg bones and bleed out to death when he attempts to leap out of the balcony.
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ts4ritsa · 7 months ago
Hiiiiiii could you plssss write (separately) korekiyo\ shuichi and rantaro with the fluff alphabet J plsss
And also could it please be mlm
₊˚ପ⊹ jealousy headcanons ;
ft. shuichi saihara, rantaro amami, & korekiyo shinguji from danganronpa * ˚ ✦
tags / cw: male!reader, established relationship, what makes them jealous and how they handle it, a sprinkle of angst for rantaro
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- it’s no surprise that shuichi has issues regarding his own self-esteem. and while it is something he actively seeks to improve on, there are times where some people really make it hard for him to do so
- when a person approaches you with a flirty tone, he is kind of just stunned that they unabashedly disrespected your guys’ relationship. well, even if not everyone knows that you are his boyfriend, he is still hurt and gets nervous about what could happen
- he will try to say something, although it’ll come out pretty awkwardly. possibly resulting in him not being taken seriously. shuichi also hopes that you will speak up too and kind of relies on you to be the one to shut down their advances
- he’ll try his best to stay near to you as he finds comfort in your closeness. even clinging to you a little, wanting to lower the chances of someone taking you away from him as much as possible. he may go a bit quiet and come off as aloof to others, but shuichi can’t help feeling cautious and protective of you in these types of scenarios
- even rantaro, a man known for his cool demeanor and tendency to be relaxed and carefree, can be unsure of himself and act out-of- character from time to time
- some days he is just feeling particularly under the weather and self-conscious because bad memories resurface, and in the midst of it he can’t help but feel anxious that he is not proving himself worthy of being your partner when he sees you laughing and smiling with others who openly show how much they care about you
- you would find that rantaro tries to close himself off and handle his intrusive thoughts on his own. he doesn’t want to dump all his troubles onto you, as his boyfriend you only deserve the best, him at his best
- when he is in a better state of mind, rantaro will immediately apologize for his behavior and tell you what’s on his mind if you ask him to. he will openly communicate how he feels in hopes you will understand where he is coming from and give him the reassurance that he seeks
- korekiyo isn’t one to be easily bothered, he places a lot of trust in you and doesn’t mind seeing you interact with others as you please. he is completely faithful to you and certain that you are the same with him
- alongside his trust, he is able to read you like an open book and knows how you act like when there is romantic interest present
- so what could make korekiyo jealous? being directly challenged by other people. he can tell when people have a thing for you, always. when others try to make a move on you, the man he is literally dating, that’s when he is provoked. such lack of respect! he knows you would never cheat, but is still quick to make himself known to other person with a direct-indirect approach
- but if they continue to pursue their ill intentions, korekiyo will start to feel threatened. he’ll find a way to confront them when they are alone and have this long conversation with them about how “it’s best to let go of what was never meant to be” and shut down any delusions that they might have
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© ts4ritsa
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thelemoncoffee · 6 months ago
what are y'all's headcanon petnames for Saiouma? like what pet names do you hc they use for one another?
i got quite a few but the one that's currently living rent free in my head is my Shuichi calling Kokichi "Magpie". it originated as me going "ooo funky corvid that makes a cute petname, and Shuichi could give it for him collecting shinies" but after actually googling magpies i have discovered the nickname is signifigantly more accurate than i initially thought
Magpies are crazy smart, they're known for beeing cheeky lil bastards and chatterboxes, they're very protective of their families and like to commit crimes with the homies, they have fruity lil struts, depending on the culture they can be symbols of both good luck and bad omens, and they have the dendancy to try and provoke some of their preditors by singing at them
dude that is just Kokichi in bird form. my hc Shuichi clearly picked the peak nickname for his clown
anywho yeah- i just wanted to talk abou Magpies in relation to Kokichi really. do share your hc petnames tho! i wanna know y'all's though process and perhaps get ideas to add to my own roster
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theamityelf · 8 days ago
I FORGOT ABOUT KOMARU OMG. HOW DID THEY EVEN TAKE TOKO WITH KOMARU ALWAYS AROUND HER??? Komaru's probably so pissed right now and Makoto is absolutely right she would hurt so bad after this.
I love Makoto angst. I wish there were more of it.
God, do the rest of the survivors take sides in the Shuichi vs Fuyuhiko argument? Does something more come of it? God that's nit even getting started on how Hajime feels about everything
(previous post)
They definitely take sides. The details depend on who's left. With the five other THH survivors dead, and assuming this is post-Trial 4 (because it feels like post-Trial 4 to me) that means at least three non-THH characters would be dead. (If Trial 3 had two victims, like usual.) I already said Kaito and Maki would probably be dead by this point. We can also spare Kokichi and/or Kazuichi (if this is in the continuity where Hajime got Despair Disease in Chapter 3, allowing for a SDR2 person to die). (One of these days I'll stop making Kazuichi my disposable SDR2 character, lol.)
Which means the currently-alive characters are Sonia, Akane, Fuyuhiko, Himiko, Hajime, Shuichi, and Makoto.
I think Himiko actually agrees with Shuichi that they should get to Makoto right away, assuming she had a similar character arc here as in V3 canon; at this point, she's trying to be energetic and pull people out of any funk they fall into, so she believes they should be doing that for Makoto. BUT, she's been in a social group with Makoto and Fuyuhiko this whole time, which inclines her to side with Fuyuhiko anyway. Which is why she mostly just breaks up the conflict.
Akane is openly on Shuichi's side, because she's worried about Makoto being by himself and because she's been in a social group with Shuichi the whole time and they've only grown closer now that Hina is dead. When things start to get kind of aggro between Shuichi and Fuyuhiko, she is ready to back Shuichi up.
Hajime is on Fuyuhiko's side, if only because he knows he can't face Makoto right now. He really feels like he's betrayed his friend by consciously letting this happen. And he understands Fuyuhiko well enough to know that it's better to just agree with him in the moment and go behind his back later than provoke his protective rage.
Sonia agrees with Fuyuhiko because she's used to having to conceal her negative emotions for the good of her people, and she understands that that's what Makoto is trying to do (even if she doesn't have full context, without her memories). She wouldn't want someone to barge in when she's trying to regulate bad feelings, so she won't do that to Makoto.
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catgirl-catboy · 2 years ago
I don't think total drama's writing is bad just when it comes to ships this fandom is a mess, they still argue Duncney vs Gwuncan like rabid dogs
Total drama Z? I never heard the new season I'm a total dingus, I will watch it
And I read you like Tenko -my bi queen- can I take a Tenko analysis before I go watch total drama Z?
And well I guess we quite get along well, I'm happy about it. Autistic to autistic communication ig? Lol
Yesss! A fellow Bi Tenko headcanoner! I am pro headcanon whatever the fuck you want, but the fact that lesbian Tenko is the popular headcanon disappoints me because it is the most shallow way to read Tenko. "She hates men because she's a lesbian" is boring. I want to hypothesize a different explanation, because why take her at her word when you can overanalyze her so much. It got long, so I put it under a readmore. By long, I mean 2000 words. Honestly, I might crosspost this to ao3 later, since I legit love this.
The love hotel is dubiously canon at best, but ideas from it are shown in her FTEs and character development in chapter three, so I do think it works for me. That being said, if you are part of the fans that hate it I do get why.
Elephant in the room for a lot of my thoughts on Tenko... I think she was abused by her master. I actually have a lot more evidence than the Kiyo was a victim of abuse headcanon, which I also subscribe to!
She shows a lot of symptoms of abuse that were played for laughs. In her intro we get the line:
"If any degenerate tries to touch me, my reflex is to grab them and throw them across the room."
That could just be because shes an Aikido master, but it paints a very disturbing picture with the rest of the context.
In her first FTE with Kaede, we get the line "Master told me degenerate males always have perverted fantasies running through their heads!"
So her master is intentionally telling her bad things about men. He must know about her sexism. He probably even encourages it!
In the same FTE, when she talks about attacking Shuichi, she describes it as "pre-emptive self-defense" small problem, wouldn't it be pre-emptive defense of others? It was brought up in the context of protecting Kaede. Honestly, I really wish I knew Japanese so I could see the original text for this line.
I don't think it was the first time she used this logic/excuse.
There's Tenko's repeated insistence to Kaede that she doesn't consider herself cute reeks of low self esteem. If her Aikido master was like a surrogate parent to her, shouldn't he have caught on to this negative self talk? Should he have told her she was cute, since she's basically his daughter.
If you tell her that her passion is her secret weapon, we get the line "My passionate energy, huh? I have been told that it gives people headaches!" Her parents haven't been in the picture from a young age, so who would be telling her this?
Onto Shuichi's FTEs, we get this line after Tenko attempts to provoke him by growling. "Give me a reaction already! I don't know what else to do!" She acts out for attention, and will thrive on negative attention and positive attention all the same. Remember that. Its not related to my Tenko abuse theory/headcanon, but its interesting that someone who thrives off other's reactions to her falls for the least emotive character.
(I don't think she's as oblivious with Himiko as she wants us to think. I think, on some level, she knows.)
This next bit of dialogue is a reach even for my standards, but its fun to think about.
Tenko: I am calm! Upset, but still calm! Shuichi: You don't seem very calm. Tenko: It may not seem like it to a degenerate, but I'm super duper calm for a girl!
If she's currently under the impression her master was a woman, than she might be emulating him here. I don't think her master was a very calm person, so she has unreasonable standards of calm.
If you try to apologize to her, you get "Do you think you can fix it just by apologizing!?" which is totally something an abusive parent would say. HOWEVER, if you tell her to be quiet...
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She legitimately gets scared. This is the same face she makes when she discovers a body, so its not like this sprite is always used ironically.
In order to try to calm her, Shuichi touches her shoulder and gets thrown. In Tenko's defense, she did try to set this boundary earlier and was clearly scared.
They talk about it in the next FTE:
"Shuichi… About before…I'm sorry for throwing you. But it's because you're a degenerate male. Blame yourself for being born that way."
You can write this off as trademark Tenko sexism, but why would she apologize when she clearly isn't sorry. Its a step she takes to appease him, in case he wants to hurt her worse. I think this apology comes from a place of fear.
Then we get something really interesting.
"I woke up in bed… Did you carry me back to my room, Tenko?"
"I didn't want to…but I couldn't just leave you there. It was bothering me."
Tenko is okay with touching men (even if she doesn't like it) so long as she initiates the touch. She also did not have to do this, and I don't think she would if she hated men as much as she claims to.
I think its more accurate to say she's afraid of men. That better describes what I'm seeing.
We get this line in the same FTE
"Yeah… My parents told me I used to have anger tantrums similar to an exploding volcano." Told her. Not tell me. They don't currently tell her. She hasn't improved her temper in the slightest, so why won't they still tell her this?
According to Tenko, her parents were worried she wouldn't be able to fit into society... so they sent her to live in an isolated temple? The logic is questionable. The timeline is also questionable. If she "used to have" tantrums, then why send her away now. Did she stop and then start again?
Her parents are never mentioned again after this. I think Tenko was abandoned by her parents.
This is another reach, but if we assume Tenko had one mom and one dad, I think it is interesting that it's never mentioned she had beef with her bio dad. (a heteronormative assumption, but Danganronpa tends to stick to traditional family structures unless specified) It is possible that she didn't hate men at that age yet.
Despite all of this, Tenko praises her parents and clearly cares for them.
These lines are also noteworthy:
"During my mental training at the temple, I called the head priest, "Master.""
"Master was very pleased about this and added a new rule to the temple. He declared that he was the Master of martial arts!"
So this guy gets called Master once, gets an Ego, and then decides to appoint himself in a position of power. Shuichi speculates on her master's nature, but this paints a pretty clear picture.
In the next FTE, she tries to teach Shuichi Neo Aikido. Her methods are incredibly harsh. She plans to engage Shuichi with no explanation of any moves, and little warning. You could argue that she is just doing this to Shuichi because she's sexist, but she specifically says "Whaaat? There's no such thing as "basics" in Neo-Aikido!", implying this is how she was taught as well. Reminder that we don't know how old Tenko was when she first came to the temple and met her master.
Since we never actually get to see this sparring match, we have no idea what Tenko's definition of sparring is. Except we do in the main story, when we unlock Tenko's lab. Where she attacks Shuichi with no warning... again. This is a pattern. Shuichi cries out in pain from the resulting attack, implying she did not go gentle.
In this scene, we get a disturbing line.
"instead of training, we just fight head on!"
In case you were wondering if this is just Tenko's sexism kicking in, she does the exact same thing to Himiko right after.
That paints a very disturbing tone for Tenko's sparring with her master. Allow me to re-quote her introduction to you...
"If any degenerate tries to touch me, my reflex is to grab them and throw them across the room."
Reflex. Not desire. She specifically states its a reflex.
The next FTE is where she tells you about all the supposed limits of Neo Aikido. Namely that "If you get too excited about Christmas or Valentine's Day, your moves become weaker!"
I find it odd she mentions Valentine's day, such a romantic holiday. It usually isn't considered a main holiday, and something like her birthday would make a lot more sense to mention.
What does she follow it up with?
"In my case, my moves become weaker if I interact with males."
this is the second time she mentioned her master instilling these ideas in her. Also, despite this (perceived) limitation, she still chose to carry Shuichi to his room.
The next line says it all for me.
"I will master Neo-Aikido! That's why I can't be touched by males!"
What happens if she masters Neo Aikido? Her training sessions with her master might slow or stop. But since she's just a child, and still learning... her master must have thrown her all the time, just like we see her doing in her lab.
In her mind, this creates an endless cycle. So, if she represses information about her master's gender, maybe she has a chance at winning. Of being free of her training.
Speaking of her training, during one of Tenko's anti-male rants, she drops this line.
In Neo-Aikido, you can use weapons! You can even attack before the match starts! Those are Master's teachings! Now do you see how invincible it is!?
Tenko... did your master use weapons on you? Did you have to use weapons to defend yourself from your master?
In the beginning of her last FTE, she drops this line. At this point, it could easily be referring to her master, but it also makes sense if its just like,,, random men that saw what's going on.
"Thank you, but I know males actually have an ulterior motive when they give sympathy!"
If her master taught her that specific line, it specifically discourages her from listening to any male that tells her the way she is treated is wrong.
Also, contrast this
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with this gem from FTE two.
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(Tangent, from what Tenko demonstrates, its okay for males to throw her to the ground with little warning, but Tenko feels the need to do a strained apology when she does the same thing before taking on the "Master" role with Shuichi.)
The conclusion of Tenko's arc in her FTEs?
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She begins to question her master's teachings, but then comes up with an explanation that lets her keep her existing worldview.
Even Shuichi's thoughts cast what she's saying into question.
Even despite their heart to heart, she's still scared of losing her Aikido abilities by shaking Shuichi's hand. She's still too scared of getting caught in that infinite loop, but she's starting to doubt if its real.
To end this meta, I'd like to circle back to where we began...
Her extremely controversial love hotel.
It starts like this:
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I think that Shuichi being senior is important here. Specifically, I think Shuichi is a standin for her master in a universe where she masters Neo Aikido and surpasses him.
Does this make the whole thing very Freudian? Yes. and? This love hotel was brought to you by the creators of the Kiyo incest plotline.
Also, thicker than blood. Interesting choice of words there.
If you buy into my theory of Shuichi being Tenko's master in this, then the fact that Tenko perceives him as male is vitally important because it suggests on some level that she does understand her master's gender.
Shuichi's thoughts in this role reversal likely mirror Tenko's own thoughts.
But even in this perfect fantasy for Tenko, she still gives Shuichi the power in this situation. You'd think this is the opposite of what she wanted.
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Her master is mentioned in this, but I don't think its a deal breaker because Shuichi is a standin for an idea rather than her actual master.
In the context of fights, "the winner can do anything he wants to the loser" has some dark implications considering who she fights with in canon.
Even when Shuichi protests he doesn't want to do anything to her, Tenko encourages it. She expects something to happen. She expects abuse.
Can I remind you that during the fight where Tenko throws Shuichi and later apologizes for it, she specifically asked if shutting up was an order and then started panicing? This bet feels a lot like ordering someone around, even if the word was never used.
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These are the most interesting lines in the whole thing. You can interpret them one of two ways:
1.) This is Tenmiko shipping fodder and acknowledgement that she understands Himiko doesn't feel the same way about her.
2.) This is about her master, and the fact that she on some level gets that his only love was for the power he had over her. Either way, there's this theme of Tenko preferring negative attention over no attention.
I'd like to leave you with this one line from the love suite.
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If that doesn't sound like an abuse victim pleading for forgiveness I don't know what does.
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more-than-a-princess · 1 year ago
"That is correct!" Sonia announced, loud enough for several people at nearby tables in the library to turn and look at them, glaring. She was undeterred, as she gestured to Shuichi in a dramatic fashion: something she'd picked up in her time spent with Gundham and hadn't realized that no, most people didn't address their friends so directly and with such flair. "You have so much to offer the world, Saihara-san! Your most daunting task is not impressing the judges for your midterms, it is believing in yourself and your abilities! When you are able to do that, you shall pass with flying condors, fo' sho'!"
She'd meant 'flying colors,' but Sonia hadn't realized her mistake as she grinned, taking a seat back in her chair. Her bold proclamation of his self-discovery journey had necessitated her getting on her feet to fully embody that of both friend and personal cheerleader. And she wasn't even the best at that, either: the cheerleader part, or better yet, the coach.
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"You are most welcome," She chuckled, exhaling with a contented sigh. "But really, if it is ever moral support you need and want a professional in the matter, I highly suggest you seek out Nidai-san. Yes, he will most likely make you run laps and do push-ups, but he will coach and motivate you towards greatness. I do not think his skill is limited to sport, either!"
Of course, some of his success allowed his pupils to get out of their own heads. Sonia included: when she fretted over an important speech or royal visit, she'd come to her classmate and friend to vent about her problems and in turn, Nidai had her running and practicing throwing boxing punches and jabs with a bag and hand mitts. Something about punching her worries out always ensured a successful official appearance later on, though she couldn't explain the reasoning behind it.
At least she could explain her reasoning behind her choice for Shuichi's treat upon passing the midterms. Sonia grinned as she put the menu away after he'd perused it. She'd even gone to the cafe itself to get it, the strong smell of coffee beans intense enough that she'd bought a piece of pound cake partly to sniff, partly to eat, while pocketing one of the paper take home menus. From the look of things, it seemed like the place that frowned upon adding sugar or excess milk to their beverage, and she wanted to blend in when they inevitably visited the establishment together.
The corners of her mouth twitched as she stood. Her smile was still there, but it was tightened at the idea of trying to acclimate herself to coffee before the main caffeinated event. Thus far, her self-imposed limited exposure came from Starbucks Frappuccinos and the occasional sweet, limited edition latte. "We will meet again the week after next and go over your plans for the exam," She instructed him, "And then once more, if needed, before the exams itself. I am interested to see what you decide to present to the examiners, Saihara-san. I am sure you shall find a thought-provoking case to solve!"
"Yeah... and they may think no one notices it, but people with a keen enough eye... they do." Something Shuichi could state from experience, and in general. Occasionally during his cases, he dealt with dishonest people: especially ones who ended up part of the problem or full on guilty, themselves. He personally could not stand people like that. It made him also wish, that Sonia didn't experience what it's like, dealing with people like that, too....
"And I know you won't: your duty as a princess, is something that you always take seriously. And I know it only become more difficult over the years as you handle more and more responsibilities, but... I'll always be here for you, cheering you on and being your biggest supporter. Ehehe: and I'm happy that you are my mentor! You've been a great help to me. That's why I hope I can return the favor to you, by at least helping your time here as a regular high school student, be as relaxing and fun as possible." Had anyone else been his mentor for this project, he, more or less depending on the person, probably would have been much more nervous. But with Sonia, she was one of the few people he could just relax around, and be overly formal or shy with.
That, and she helped him try to feel more confident in himself. That's why when she says that he should have more pride in himself, or else he won't be able to convince others he truly has something to offer- "Ah..." It made him realize, that even if he was trying to sound more confident: there was still that self-doubt in his voice, and not seeming too sure that Interpol would recruit him without a doubt. "...You're right. You're absolutely right. I'm sorry: that should go without saying, and yet I still... okay. I... will correct myself; I do have something to offer, and I will prove it to the judges, and to Interpol in the future. I... became an Ultimate Detective for a reason. I won't allow myself to forget that. Thank you, Sonia-senpai: I'm sorry you always have to knock some sense into me. I promise I will have more pride in myself."
("Relax, Shuichi... stop letting self-doubts cloud rational thinking. Sonia-senpai is right: there is no reason not to believe Interpol would not consider me. I must... prove to everyone, that I am a worthy detective...!") With a soft exhale, he feels his body relax some more. As she tells him about the level of security around precious artifacts in the castle, he hums in intrigue.
"I see... with that level of security, I doubt that even the most skilled of thieves would have much success trying to hide or steal anything, especially if they wanted to get into those storage rooms. Yeah, let them try their luck on their own until they get caught!" Another chuckle leaving his lips, his smile softens at her encouragement. "Yes... and thank you. Your support always means so much, and makes me feel all the more confident that I can do this!"
As he watches her begin taking something out of her bag, he asks: "...! Something for me? To celebrate together with you once I pass my midterms? Th-Thank you! I'm fine with you wanting to show me early." Then at the mention of Glitch Coffee, he gives a curious head tilt. "Glitch Coffee? Hmm, I don't think I have." He leans in slightly to give the menu a better peek. As she explains, he gasps in amazement at the concept, and at the selections he sees. "Ohhh...! That sounds amazing! It's practically like having your own personal barista making your coffee for you. And you can even see them do so, huh? O-Oh my god, I absolutely want to try this place. I can just imagine they'll have the best coffee and treats choices." There were some flavors that even he hadn't heard of or tried, before. This made him all the more excited to try this place after he finishes his exams. He was going to make sure without a doubt, that he passes them, 100%. "I already know I'll enjoy it, especially with you: thank you so much! I promise to do my absolute best so that your reward does not go to waste!"
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dangan-meme-palace · 4 years ago
Kokichi isn't paranoid.
Not trusting a detective that is blatantly biased, that lies for people he knows are guilty (Kaede) and people the evidence pointed towards (Maki, Kaito), and is best friends with one of the people most likely to make an unsolvable murder, Maki, The Ultimate Assassin, and Kaito, the one constantly getting other people in dangerous situations? That makes logical sense.
Not trusting the Maki, the Ultimate Assassin, when she lied to the group, tried to kill him for telling the truth, who has a talent that would make winning this game so easy she could practically do it on a whim, and actively threatens not only him but other characters as well? Makes sense.
Not trusting and eventually locking up Kaito, who almost gets multiple groups of people killed with his rash plans, has a violent and impulsive temper, and also hates Kokichi? Makes sense.
Not trusting literally anyone else when there's a mastermind among them and he's painted a giant target on his back by being the antagonist on purpose? Makes sense.
More than that, he HAS wanted to work with people and open up to them. Kaede, Gonta, and Miu were all people he has either supported or relied on during the game. He also occasionally tells the truth about his feelings and tentatively let's people get a peek at his true self, and while he does backtrack on it when he gets a negative reaction or whenever he has to make sure people believe he's still antagonistic, why would he ever be truthful and reach out in the first place if he really was so distrusting?
If he's so paranoid then why is he working with people? Why is he constantly hinting at his true self? Why is he trying to save people? Why is he offering for people to join DICE left and right?
Not trusting dangerous/stupid/biased people isn't paranoid, it's common sense. Even more so when you're in a killing game.
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years ago
Hajime x reader x Nagito NSFW and SFW headcanons
request; omg could you please (of course, only if it isn’t a bother) do the polyamorous SFW and NSFW headcanons like you did for kokichi and Shuichi with Hajime and nagito? gn! or fem! reader, please 🛐
Warnings; unedited, minor spoilers, long af, polyamory, anggggsssst, fluff, the timeline is bullshit, voyeurism, praise kink, degradation kink, orgasm denial/edging, cock warming, BDSM, gn!reader, I tried making the reader’s parts gender-neutral, anal, fingering, hair pulling, cum eating, mentions of choking
Note; I feel like I made this more different compared to the Shuichi and kokichi one, but I still hope you enjoyed it nonetheless, thank you for requesting! (i also had so many more things to add, but it was becoming quite long so I had to hold back a bit qwq)
- mod chia
◊ TSUNDERE HAJIME AHHH- I’m so sorry, I just had to.
◊ But yes, Hajime is absolutely the cutest tsundere ever.
◊ It’s especially amusing when you and Nagito both gang up on him, kissing or cuddling him randomly just to see him flustered. You’d both randomly start being super affectionate towards him, turning him red. A thing you and Nagito would do is lean on both sides of his shoulders at the same time, or hug him from the back and front. Maybe some cheek kisses from both sides, he loves those but he won’t tell you that.
◊ I headcanon Hajime to be a protective boyfriend. If he ever found out someone had been rude to you or Nagito, he would throw hands. He is willing to beat up anyone for the two of you, you can’t talk him out of it.
◊ Hajime would get jealous easily, as a result of his insecurity about his talentlessness. If he ever saw an ultimate putting the moves on either of you, he’d probably get uncomfortable and try to pull you away or be extra affectionate.
◊ He gets kind of upset and envious of the ultimates Nagito praises, it makes him wonder if you and Nagito preferred someone else that had talent. So please assure him that he’s everything you both want and more, he needs the confidence and comfort.
◊ If he felt particularly insecure one day, you’d both sandwich him in a cuddle and tell him how important he meant to the both of you. He would refuse at first, saying that he was alright and all, but you two don’t fall for it.
◊ As you two are always there for him, he’s always there for you too.
◊ If he’s ever stressed during a class trial and you or Nagito’s stadium was next to his, he’d instinctually hold hands with either of you, feeling his nerves calm down a bit at the reassuring squeeze. 
◊ He has a sense for when you two are feeling upset, he always knows when something is up because he has a ton of experience himself. So he can recognize all the symptoms because he’s seen them in himself.
◊ Hajime somehow always knows the right thing to say and the best stuff to give to you when you’re feeling down in the dumps. He always reassures you that no matter what, your feelings are valid and that you can always come to him or Nagito when you aren’t feeling like yourself. 
◊ I headcanon that Nagito has some trouble detecting when something is wrong, I feel like he’d be too blinded by how amazing you two were that he’d overlook some symptoms of something wrong, brushing it off. He wouldn’t really think about the fact that you two could have issues in the first place, as a result of him viewing you so highly.
◊ Nagito is a great listener if you ever want to talk, and he will provide the warmest cuddles if you need them. He isn’t great at comforting you or advice, but he will whisper the sweetest things in your ear when you’re feeling insecure. 
◊ Nagito is a pretty thoughtful boyfriend, he remembers everything about the two of you(i.e. Favourite food, flowers, colour, material, etc.) though he can’t even remember to take care of himself. 
◊ He remembers all of the things his loves enjoy, and getting them for you two makes him extremely happy. He spoils you both rotten even though Hajime insists he doesn’t have to, but he does anyway.
◊ Nagito sometimes thinks he intrudes between the relationship with you and Hajime, he has thoughts of leaving the both of you because he thinks your relationship would be better without him. He’d see you two being adorable with each other, and think of how lucky he is to have you two.
◊ Almost too lucky. He worries that his presence in the relationship will somehow harm both of you, he’s convinced that something terrible will happen. So he’s constantly paranoid around the both of you. With everything good that occurs, something terrible follows; That’s his ultimate.
◊ In the early stages of your relationship with him, he’s pretty distant, always trying to edge himself out so you two could be happier together. But you two would notice his behaviour, asking him what was wrong. 
◊ As he explained, your hearts broke from his reason as you both smothered him with love. Hajime would aggressively love him, telling him he shouldn’t think that and that you both would be extremely upset if he had left. 
◊ He’d cry from the affection he’d receive from the two of you, feeling incredibly grateful for the both of you. After that, he’d stop being distant, realizing that he was just being selfish and hurting his loves. He’d realize that he had been doing the opposite of making you guys happy, and all he wants is for you two to be happy.
◊ I headcanon that Hajime and Nagito both have a teensy bit of trouble initiating kisses or contact, you’d have to initiate most of it. Hajime being too awkward and a tad shy, whereas Nagito doesn’t feel worthy of your touch.
◊ Buuuut, Hajime can and will initiate affection if you tease him to the point where he just wants to shut you guys up with his lips. He’d kabedon you guys and everything.
◊ Nagito’s favourite thing to do to you both is cooking and giving gifts. He loves acts of service because it makes him happy to know that he’s making you two happy from what he’s doing. If you let him cook or do anything for you, he’d be extremely happy. All he wants to do is to please the both of you.
◊ It’s cute seeing him dance around in his little apron while he cooks, it leads to one of those rare moments where Hajime initiates a back-hug. You’d join shortly after, not wanting to miss out on the cuddles. Nagito would be pretty surprised, but he’d let you two cling onto him as he kept on cooking with a wide smile on his face.
◊ A thing Hajime unconsciously does is hold your guys’ hands, he doesn’t want you two to wander off and him to lose you. It’s kind of a mom’s instinct.
◊ A thing you like to do is steal both of their clothes, wearing them around the house as if they were yours. The boys love seeing you in their clothes, their hearts just melt from how adorable you look. Hajime would flush and then question you for it,
◊ “Why are you wearing my clothes?” You clenched your hands around his material, bringing it tighter around your body. “Because it smells like you.” Hajime rolled his eyes but didn’t tell you to take it off, “Y-you’re such a perv.” He walked away, “But I’m your perv, right? Right, Hajime??” 
◊ Nagito would question you for it, but for different reasons. “Ah yes, of course, you still look stunning in my garbage hoodie. Speaking of, why are you wearing my trash clothing? I can buy you your own hoodie, you know.” He walked up to you, tugging at the hem of his hoodie you were wearing, “Do you want me to take it off?” You teasingly pouted as Nagito panicked, “N-no! I mean… If you’d like to, it’s your choice. But if you decide to keep it on, I wouldn’t be upset- Hell! I’d never be upse-” You shut him up with a bear hug, “Don’t worry, I’m not even wearing anything underneath this in the first place.” “Oh. Haha, wait wha-”
◊ I think Hajime secretly loves cockwarming but would never suggest it because he’s afraid you two might think it’s weird. During movies where one of you decide to sit on his lap, all he’s thinking of is sinking his dick inside either of you, walls squeezing around him comfortably.
◊ I headcanon Hajime to be a switch, it depends on his mood if he’d rather be a top or bottom. He goes along with you two are more comfortable with.
◊ I can imagine Hajime tied to the bedpost as you sink down on him, Nagito watching you both with his cock in his hand. Nagito joins after a while, Hajime looked so vulnerable, it’s alright if he’s selfish just this once right? He’d slip himself underneath Hajime, his dick sliding in Hajime’s ass as he cried out pleas and moans. 
◊ Hajime’s eyes would be rolling in the back of his head as you both bounced on and thrusted into him, the pleasure mind-numbing. He’d be drooling from the intense pleasure he received from the both of you, Nagito whispering praises on how good he felt around him whilst you lost your mind writhing and grinding against his dick. 
◊ I headcanon that Hajime wouldn’t really enjoy hardcore degradation, maybe some small stuff to make him submit, but any personal degrading turns him off.
◊ Now, I don’t think this is a popular opinion but, I can see Nagito getting off on degradation. You or Hajime could call him a slut, and he’d be cumming from words alone. He doesn’t really think about whether you truly feel that way about him, he goes into that mindset and he kind of forgets all of it, focusing solely on the pleasure he was giving to you two.
◊ Hajime likes being told he’s making you feel good, it reassures him that you’re actually enjoying it and it’ll get him to go harder and faster.
◊ When Hajime tops, I think Hajime wouldn’t really be a soft or hard dom, he’d just be in the sweet middle spot. He’d never go too far but he wouldn’t be too gentle with either of you. Ultimately, it depends on his mood. For example. If you both had provoked him beforehand to the point he was done, he would go feral and hard dom the shit out of you both, not even giving you a chance to breathe.
◊ It’s kind of hot when you see his face turn red and his neck pop a vein, but it’s even better when he starts releasing all that sexual frustration into you both.
◊ He’d have Nagito on his dick while Nagito sucked the life out of you. Nagito wouldn’t even have enough time to protest, Hajime would already have his tip teasing Nagito’s rim with Nagito’s head pushed down in between your thighs.
◊ He wouldn’t stop thrusting until he came, using you both for his pleasure and his pleasure only(kinda hot ngl). Even when he did feel either of you reach your high, he’ll pull away when you could practically taste it.
◊ He loves edging, the distress on your faces when he pulls away at that last moment gets him off in a sadistic way. 
◊ Though, he would never let you two go without an orgasm unless you or Nagito acted bratty even after the many punishments. He punishes the both of you until you two finally break and submit completely to the point where you had no brat left in you.
◊ Nagito’s praise kink is more giving than receiving, though he will never complain if you did praise him. It makes his heart full when you tell him how good he is, he’s glad he’s making you feel good. You two always make Nagito feel good, so he always makes sure to let you know how good you make him feel.
◊ It’s kind of hot when you see his face turn red and his neck pop a vein, but it’s even hotter when he comes back to release his frustrations into the both of you.
◊ Nagito definitely puts the pleasure of his loves first, he always makes sure you two cum before him. 
◊ Nagito wouldn’t insert his dick in either of you unless you begged for it, he doesn’t think he deserves the pleasure, he prioritizes both of your orgasms first.
◊ Nagito as a bottom would always ask before he could cum, he wants to be good for the two of you and never wants to disappoint you. He doesn’t even think he is worthy of an orgasm himself, so if you said yes, he would hysterically thank you as he gasped and whined from the intense pleasure his orgasm brought him.
◊ Nagito is very vocal during sex, and god bless because I think we all know that Nagito has the breathiest, sexiest moans.
◊ I headcanon Nagito to be the softest dom, I cannot imagine this man degrading or hurting you two in any way. He loves you two too much to hurt you, even if it’s for sexual purposes. Though he may sometimes accidentally(?) overstimulate you at times, losing himself in the moment. 
◊ Nagito as a bottom enjoys any humiliation, degradation, choking or pain you put him through, he loves it all. His sexual reactions are definitely the best, he makes the prettiest moans as you or Hajime insert kanye west loves fingers in his ass, drool trailing down his chin as he arched his back. 
◊ Hajime loves pulling hair as much as Nagito loves having his hair pulled. 
◊ Nagito mostly gets off by watching the two of you fuck, pleasuring himself as he watches the both of you with dilated pupils. You two often have to beckon him to join, eventually resorting to ordering him after his many refusals that you didn’t have to.
◊ A thing Nagito does after sex is licking up every single drop of cum you two had given him, not letting a tiny bit go to waste. He thinks your cum is ‘hopeful’ and it’s precious to him, so he doesn’t want to seem unthankful for the cum you gave him. He makes sure to lap you both up clean, maintaining eye contact as his tongue slides up your guys’ skin.
◊ Hajime’s hard dom demeanour changes completely after sex, however tired he may be, he always makes sure the both of you are alright after the rough treatment he had given the both of you before he passes out. 
◊ Nagito would praise the both of you after sex, holding both of you close as he let you doze off in his arms.
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nekoma-not-lee · 3 years ago
Tickletober Masterlist
Tickletober 2022
I will ONLY be writing for strictly C!Technoblade, no longer writing for CC!Technoblade, just a warning to those who won’t feel comfortable reading even C!Technoblade content.
The only fics that are STRICTLY PLATONIC are the ones from the Dream SMP, that feature siblings (like Lumine and Aether), or that have a young character (think Qiqi, Diona, Sayu, Klee, etc) the others, since they are fictional characters and not related, may be interpreted as platonic or romantic, whichever makes you more comfortable.
1. Teasing
Genshin Impact - Tomo/Kazuha
Tomo and Kazuha are playing Kazuha’s favorite game, arms up, of course Tomo is being a little shit and teasing like crazy, making Kazuha drop his arms every time, which after 3 times, after he drops his arms, he gets tickled…
2. Chase
Genshin Impact - Lumine/Aether
Lumine and Aether are finally reunited, and decide to engage in some playful fun. of course that leads to a chase with Lumine on Aether’s tail. Of course, she had almost forgotten how ticklish he was.
3. Suspense
Dream SMP - CC!Wilbur/CC!Tommy
Tommy is in a lee mood, he goes to Wilbur to provoke him, and of course Wilbur drags it out because he knows that Tommy is in a lee mood.
4. Games
Genshin Impact - Thoma/Ayato
Thoma and Ayato are playing one of their favorite games, basically Ayato has to keep his arms up while Thoma gives him gentle tickles, if he drops his arms, however, it gets a little more intense as a sort of “punishment”.
5. Magic
Genshin Impact - Raiden Shogun/Kazuha
Kazuha goes to the Raiden Shogun to get some artifacts, it doesn’t go as planned.
6. Hiding
DSMP Passerine - Pass!Wilbur/Pass!Tommy
Tommy finally convinced Wilbur to play with him, they play hide and seek with a twist, if you get caught before the time limit ends, you get tickled.
7. Machine
Dream SMP - C!Tubbo/C!Tommy
Tommy gets caught in a piston machine, Tubbo goes to help Tommy out, and then gets an idea, seeing how exposed he is.
8. Trapped
Dream SMP - Siren!Wilbur/Apollo!Tommy
Wilbur decides to mess with Tommy a bit and use his power to his advantage, and of course he uses his power to tell Tommy to hold still and keep his arms up like a little shit >:3
9. Unusual Tool
Dream SMP - C!BadBoyHalo/C!Skeppy
While Bad is giving Skeppy platonic affection and cuddles, his tail accidentally brushes against Skeppy’s side, adorable chaos ensues.
10. Interrogation
Danganronpa V3 - PhantomThiefAU!Shuichi/PhantomTheifAU!Kokichi
Shuichi gets visited again at night by Kokichi, of course while he’s in the middle of solving a case relating to the phantom thief himself, and decided that this was the perfect opportunity to get some information out of him.
11. Endurance
Genshin Impact - Kazuha and Thoma/Gorou
Kazuha and Thoma tickle Gorou and claim it’s for “endurance training”…we all know that’s a lie and they just wanted to tickle the fox boy.
12. Invisibility
Origins SMP - C!Technoblade/C!Wilbur
Wilbur gets stuck when he was trying to scare Techno (while he was invisible of course), his knees and wrists stuck in the stone he was gonna jump out of. Of course, this happens often, but this time, Techno was feeling a little mischievous.
13. Puppet
Dream SMP - C!Wilbur/C!Tommy
This occurs when Tommy is 6 and Wilbur is 13, Tommy has a nightmare and to make him feel better, Wilbur plays with shadow puppets. Of course after that, Tommy still doesn’t wanna go to sleep, so he tickles him.
14. Self-Insert (oc x canon)
Dream SMP - C!Tubbo, C!Ranboo, C!Tommy/C!Nekoma
Tubbo finds out some interesting information about Nekoma, and uses that information to get them to loosen up a bit, and then of course, Ranboo and Tommy walk in, seeing him struggling (bc Neko’s strong lol), and decide to help him.
15. Spider
Dream SMP - C!Shroud/C!Tommy
Shroud gets a little needy sometimes when he wants cuddles, and sometimes, those cuddles can get a little tickly.
16. Ghost
Dream SMP - C!Tommy/C!Ghostbur
Tommy wants to see if ghosts can be ticklish, and of course, Tommy being the gremlin he is, decides to test this out on Ghostbur. But of course, Ghostbur doesn’t mind, right?
17. Shadows
Dream SMP - C!Ranboo/C!Tubbo
Tubbo sees some shadows outside and him being paranoid, tries to get out of bed to check it out, but it seems that Ranboo is enderwalking, and won’t let him leave.
18. Nightmare
Dream SMP - C!Technoblade/C!Tommy
This happens during the arc where the two are living together. Tommy has a nightmare about Dream and ends up screaming, this wakes up Technoblade, after talking with Techno about it, he offers a distraction, Tommy accepts, and incoming gentle tickles!
19. Demon
Dream SMP - C!Skeppy/C!BadBoyHalo
Skeppy is wondering whether demons are ticklish or not. When he asks Bad, of course he doesn’t give Skeppy a straight answer, so he decides to test his theory and chaos ensues.
20. Create a Tickle Monster
Only drawing for this one!
21. Haunted House
Dream SMP - CC!Tubbo & CC!Ranboo/CC!Tommy
Tommy, Ranboo, and Tubbo go to a haunted house for halloween, and of course, Tommy may not be the best with scary things like that. Of course when they get home, Ranboo and Tubbo know a way to help him feel better.
22. Vampire
Dream SMP - C!Sapnap/C!Quackity & C!Karl
Sapnap gets a little invested in his vampire costume, and looks like Quackity and Karl have to deal with it.
23. Forest/Plants
Dream SMP - C!Quackity/C!Karl
Karl gets tangled in some vines in a forest, Quackity finds him and takes advantage of the situation.
24. Candy/Potions
Dream SMP - CC!Ranboo/CC!Tommy; C!Philza/C!Technoblade
Candy - Tommy is hogging all the Halloween candy to himself, Ranboo puts a stop to it.
Potions - Techno gets injured in a fight, Phil offers to help heal him, Techno is reluctant but eventually agrees, forgetting how much the healing potion tickles.
25. Ticklish Non-Human Attribute (i.e. horns)
Dream SMP - C!Tubbo/C!Ranboo
Tubbo find’s out the base of Ranboo’s horns are ticklish, chaos ensues.
26. Reward/Punishment
Dream SMP - C!Wilbur/C!Tommy; C!Ranboo/C!Tubbo
Reward - Tommy gets in a lee mood and of course is being a little shit and Wilbur just happens to be the one who has to deal with it. Of course he makes Tommy ask for tickles eventually and gives him what he wants
Punishment - Tubbo stole Ranboo’s crown, of course Ranboo knows who took it. Of course he really didn’t mind that Tubbo took it, he wasn’t super attached to it like Techno was to his crown, but he decided to dish out a “punishment” for taking his crown, as an excuse to tickle one of his favorite lee’s.
27. Trick
Dream SMP - CC!Ranboo/CC!Tubbo
Tubbo keeps playing pranks on Ranboo and he finally had enough.
28. Treat
Dream SMP - CC!Tubbo/CC!Ranboo
Sequel to day 27! Tubbo gets Ranboo back when he sees Ranboo eating all the candy.
29. Scary Movie
Dream SMP - CC!George & CC!Sapnap/CC!Dream
Dream isn’t really good with scary things in general, whether it be a game like Five Night’s at Freddy’s, or a movie like “The Possession of Hannah Grace���. But of course, Sapnap and George are more than welcome to take his mind of of it.
30. Halloween Party/Costumes
Dream SMP - CC!Tommy and CC!Ranboo/CC!Tubbo
After the Halloween party the 3 went to, they went home to take off their costumes, but it seemed that Tubbo didn’t feel like it, so of course, they wreck him as they know he was just trying to be a little shit.
31. Aftercare
Dream SMP - CC!Ranboo/CC!Tubbo
After Ranboo nearly tickles Tubbo to death (sequel to Punishment), Tubbo is met with his favorite part of being tickled, the aftercare.
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alterofnaught · 4 years ago
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Just some of my thoughts about this exchange right after Kirumi’s execution. Kokichi gets reduced to solely being a shit-starter which he is of course don’t get me wrong. Right before this he was provoking Kirumi, making sure everyone knew she was trying to manipulate them to sacrifice themselves for her. But he is not being overly antagonistic at this point in the game. He recognizes people don’t trust him and see him as a liar and uses it to his advantage and of course messes with Miu and Kiibo and is silly and dramatic during parts of the trial but beyond that… he’s not just constant chaos like I see people make him out to be. The only time he was really overly ‘disruptive’ in Trial 2 was when he tried to get Kaito and Maki to argue and that was less about messing with the trial and more about the fact he wanted Maki to admit she was lying both about her talent and her conversation with Ryoma (which matches his strategy of mind games to get people to slip up in their lies). Cause while he lies a lot just like he says. He does tell the absolute truth when it matters to solving the case (e.g. telling Ryoma about the video+ his time with Kirumi + what he planned to do with the videos) while he knows Maki is telling lies that could prevent them from solving the case to protect her identity . There is a very clear method to his madness. But this little exchange really highlights how Kokichi drops moments of honesty and insight into his views and that the others can recognize the points he’s making. Even Kaito who’s stubborn and determined agrees that running away to win is a valid option. It’s a nice moment of foreshadowing refusing to play the game in CH6, that running away from the end that Danganronpa wants is actually what Shuichi ends up doing. Facing the truth was absolutely not enough to succeed in the end and it’s interesting that this idea is presented so early in the game (and that we get a moment of these three actually being on the same page despite how differently they approach things). Also, this happened before this exchange but I do think it’s important that Kokichi quickly admits that he was wrong in this case as well. The moment he realized that Kirumi’s video gave her new memories that motivated her to kill, he says that maybe they actually were better off NOT seeing the videos. Unlike Kaito who constantly refuses to admit when he’s wrong and sticks to his guns no matter what, Kokichi quickly accepted that his plan may have done more harm than good if it gave them memories like Kirumi’s did. Preventing more death is more important to him than being right. As opposed to people like Tenko and Kaito who out right say they will let the group die because of how much they think they are right.
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thelemoncoffee · 3 years ago
Hey thought you might like my not-so-spectacular idea of scp kokichi
And I'll just uuuuhhhhh copy n paste it here-
Scp-KO49 is a Euclid-class scp that should be kept in a very large room, with a large play-place and a few arcade machines in order to keep it busy. movies should also be put on for it. SCP-KO49’s containment consists of his general play-place room, arcade and space. Outside is thick walls, in the middle being an intense electric current which should be kept on at all times and another layer of walls beyond that. Underneath his containment is a pool of water that can also have an electric current sent through them. only do this when SCP-KO49 is acting aggressive and thrashing about the place. SCP-KO49 should be given food regularly with a few choices to pick from, and a beverage of some kind. SCP-KO49's appearance is a human-like entity, (with its arms mildly out of proportion, down to his knees) of a boy with purple, flailing hair and eyes of the same colour. It also has sickly pale skin, wearing a traditional Japanese military-style school uniform, andnit wears a checkered bandana on its neck.
multiple sections of SCP-KO49's body drip with an unknown, black substance, that it uses to cover its entire body before being able to reform itself completely. The liquid is known to be reactive with certain substances or elements, such as water, fire, electricity, etc. However, it can burn through almost any metal. Its acid is containable in glass. It evaporates in water, which then its body without the black sludge covering it can be seen. SCP-KO49’s acid produces by SCP-KO49’s ability to mutate its cells at will, pushing the acid out yet somehow it always sticks to its skin unless it willingly throws it off. More tests are to be made over SCP-KO49’s unknown fluid. (Note, that when the acid is under reaction, SCP-KO49 may pass out due to exhaustion and/or pain.) SCP-KO49 is known to shapeshift with no limits, and walk-through walls like a supernatural entity. It stuns and paralyses anything sentient that may be in its path in order to leave the facility. There is no known way to physically stop it, so it must be lured back to it's containment. SCP-KO49 may mimic another researcher’s appearance to trick other staff, and this has happened multiple times. SCP-KO49 has an extreme liking to carbonated drinks, its favourite and most effective being grape soda. SCP-KO49's unknown liquid that sticks to it's body idly occasionally can grow, and shift his appearance around a bit. If it covers his entire body, it will look entirely like a shadow, with two wide, pupil-less eyes and a wide grin, and a few more eyes plastered around on it's body. It is still being experimented how SCP-KO49’s acid works. The expression when the liquid covers its body, is known to be grinning, yet it looks quite relaxed and unbothered when its idle. However, this can change if provoked. Upon coming into contact with SCP-KO49’s acid, it will seep through your skin, flesh and bone, and cause great pain, however it is survivable if it hasn’t hit a vital organ. On that note, SCP-KO49 only seems to strike to the staff’s legs or arms, normally leaving out the torso and head. Other than wishing to escape, when SCP-KO49 is bored, it will attempt to leave its containment to trick and prank a few researchers or even breach one of the scp containments. It seems to get very amused by this and emit a scraping guitar-like noise, similar to laughter. Most of the pranks appear to be harmless, and mainly cause an inconvenience to the researchers. it is unknown whether SCP-KO49 wont or cant speak to the other members of staff, and all forms that attempt to communicate with it failed, as it seems to refuse. The only sound it has ever made is its laugh, which is a distinct sound as previously mentioned. Another test was made with it to test its behaviour, and a few key notes was that its behaviour is mostly playful, carefree, yet extremely clever and deceitful. In its recorded history, it seems to be against physically harming someone to the brink of death or extreme pain. Its unknown if its aware how much its acid can harm a human specimen. SCP-KO49’s body system works similar that to a human male, and experiences regular emotions. it seems to have a certain distrust or otherwise a curiosity around new staff members or other scps, but to a selective handful that its comfortable with, it will make an effort to get their attention. Discovery: SCP-KO49 was recovered on [REDACTED]. tracked down after passer-by noticed a collapsing house due to acid, as they noticed large steam rising from it as well. after the authorities arrived, they found no clues of the attacker other than the unidentifiable black acid. after the foundation noticed the amount of burned houses and rumours, they soon dispatched a couple units and retrieved SCP-KO49 who was residing in a small cave in a forest, following the trail of burned trees with the same acid on them. The neighbourhood and home it destroyed had no apparent residents. side note saihara is basically the dude researching him cuz in all other attempts of there being a different person trying to research
kokichi all ended up with some hole in their limb- but yeah shuichi beeg brain and was a bit more softer and patient on him and thaaat worked yay
Xtra stuff:
One time the chaos insurgency (basically "get the scps outta there") crashed into his containment to yoink him but then got distracted by kokichi's sick arcade skills and they just crowded around the arcade machine going "HOLY SHIIIIII" and shuichi had to watch all of that while a sleep dart was in his neck
Then theres also lore of how kokichi became said scp but ehhhh
okay- that took me a hot second to read but i love it!
i don't really have anything to add, but it's a great concept
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gtdanganronpa · 4 years ago
  Sizeshifter Shuichi x Kiyo
  Shuichi had seemingly grown since he's been yelling at the male. However, after he has finished his lecture it seemed that he'd gone back to his normal height. It was almost definitely interesting. Sometimes it seemed the male was shorter than before. One time he was standing next to Himiko, and seemed only a few inches taller than her. How had anyone not noticed?
  Regardless, Kiyo realized that his crush, Shuichi, seemed to shift size. Most likely depending on emotions. And most likely, he couldn't control them.
  So Kiyo, being the curious cat that he is, decided it wouldn't hurt to do a bit of... experimenting.
  It started off plain and simple. He would personally provoke emotions inside the smaller boy, then record them. Of course, he'd do this away from others. He was not so cruel as to divulge his secret. He simply wanted to study this strange ability.
  One day after class, he hung around with his friend group. Nothing too out of the ordinary. When the boy laughed, it seemed that his hat ended up falling over his head, like it was too big. Kiyo didn't personally have to do anything, and it seemed his secret was still safe. Good.
  Of course there were feelings Kiyo had to rely on other things for. He couldn't think of a way to provoke sadness in him. But... he could scare him.
  Shuichi was in the bathroom. Kiyo had... admittedly stalked him there. Once the door opened, Shuichi walked out and Kiyo quickly stepped right out from behind the door. Seemingly out of nowhere, causing the smaller boy to yelp. Well... he was smaller. For only a split second it seemed the male grew to almost the same height as Kiyo. Not enough for someone to think he had an ability. One would probably just think they mis-saw something. Shuichi quickly went back to normal size. Ah...
  "My apologies. I did not mean to startle you." Kiyo said, giving a slight bow as a sorry before disappearing into the bathroom.
  Very interesting. He wondered how the male would react to severe amounts of stress. Well... that was rather easy to figure out. He knew his reaction to it would probably divulge his secret if anyone around. That's why Kiyo distracted him his entire week he had to study for a test. That's why on the day of the test, when Shuichi rushed out of the room to the bathroom, Kiyo followed him.
  The male had locked himself in the bigger stall, and Kiyo, of course, wasn't going to intrude. But, he did knock on it. Just to spike some more stress. Nice. "O-Occupied!!"
  The voice definitely belonged to the detective. But it was a lot louder than he felt it should've been. There was a loud thud. "..." Kiyo simply walked out. No need to cause any damage to the actual room. The male seemed to grow a good amount when under stress.
  For maybe a month these experiments continued. He was able to examine his behaviors and record them. However, one last emotion. But judging from what he'd seen, he'd also judge it wasn't too difficult to cause it.
  Constantly, while Kiyo had been studying him, he found Shuichi looking at him. Sometimes Kiyo could see him staring when he thought he wasn't looking, and Shuichis hat would get bigger again. It fascinated him. Of course, after some digging he was able to get out of his more eccentric friend, Kaede, that the male did have feelings for him.
  Oh, how wonderful!
  It was time for the last emotion he needed to record. After extra curricular activities, he stopped outside of Shuichi's club room. Everyone exited, and that left Shuichi in there, alone. He entered.
  Shuichi tilted his head and looked back to see who came in. It seemed the smaller boy was getting ready to leave. Normal size. "Oh... hey, Kiyo. Did you need something...?"
  He asked, with a curious tilt to the head.
  "As a matter of fact... yes. I'd like to talk to you about something. Maybe ask you a question or such." He hummed in thought, walking directly up to the boy. Probably too close for comfort.
  And he got a little bit smaller. He took a few steps away. "Oh... am I... did I do something...?" He blinked a few times, seeming a little nervous.
  And Kiyo continued taking steps forward. "Oh no, you needn't worry. It's nothing... wrong." He shook his head. The more steps he took, the more Shuichi took back. He seemed to be getting a little shorter. Kiyo ended up hovering over him, Shuichis back against the wall.
  He leaned down so that they were eye level, putting a hand on the wall behind him and leaning forward a little bit. "..." Shuichi's eyes were wide. There was a red tint in his cheeks. It seemed he was processing what was happening. "What, exactly, are your feelings for me, dear Shuichi?" Kiyo's voice was low, and soft. His face was close to the others.
  Finally, it seemed the past few events caught up with the detective. His face began a flustered color. "I-I..." oh jeez. Shuichi had no idea what he was supposed to do. He covered his face with his hands, attempting to try and calm himself down. And then he was engulfed in darkness.
  Kiyo blinked a few times. He did... not expect that. He knelt down onto the ground, carefully sliding two bandages fingers under the bill of the hat, lifting it. Wow... 
  Shuichi Saihara had shrunk down to the size of a freakin paper clip. Kiyo's eyes were wide. He didn't know his size could fluctuate this much. How beautiful!
  Shuichis hands were still over his face. Kiyo very carefully poked the boy's side with his finger, wanting to get his attention. Shuichi slowly lowered his hands as he felt the boy poke his side, though it felt more than a small poke. His eyes widened. Oh. O h. Shuichi was panicking now. He couldn't get smaller than this, so he didn't have to worry about that at least. But- he'd shrunk. Right in front of Kiyo.
“O..oh...” was all the smaller male could manage to say. Just ‘oh’.
“I was not... expecting you to become this small.” Kiyo murmured under his breath. He carefully took the top back of the boy’s shirt with two of his fingers, lifting him off the ground. Shuichi squeaked as he felt himself get plopped into the bandaged hand of the normal sized male.
“H-huh...” Shuichi couldn’t focus enough to try and calm down and turn back. He felt smaller than ever, so he was gonna stay small. Whether he liked it or not.
“...it truly is a fascinating thing, fluctuating size...” Kiyo murmured, bringing the boy close to his face to examine him. Shuichi stared at him wide eyed, trying not to get scared or flustered.
“...h-huh-... so you...”
“Knew? Yes, I’ve been knowing. Though I must admit, seeing you at such a smaller scale... you really are quite adorable.” He hummed. Shuichi seemed paralyzed, unknowing what to do. Why would he ever even be prepared for this? Why would he ever think hed be in this situation?
Kiyo didn’t respond. He just held him there in his hand, staring at him. “...I suppose it would be best if I were to bring you to your home. It doesn’t seem you’ll be going many places this size, and I don’t believe you’ll grow while I’m near. But I cannot simply leave you, since we’ve no idea when you’d grow back in general.”
“...w...was that what that was?” Shuichi frowned softly.
Kiyo blinked, tilting his head. “Was that what what was?” He noticed Shuichi had gotten maybe an inch bigger.
“...p...pinning me against the wall like that. Getting close... asking that question...” another inch bigger. Shuichi still felt relatively small, so of course he’d stay that way. But, he was slightly... well, he didn’t know. But it made him grow a little bit. “J...Just so you could see the outcome...?” His voice sounded bitter.
The anthropologist blinked a few times. “...” Was that the only reason? The answer was no. Kiyo did wanna see what would happen. But also... he wanted confirmation. He needed confirmation about the boys’ feelings towards him. “No.”
“...” Shuichi looked up at him, waiting for him to tell him why else he got that close, said those things, spoke that way, etc. but Kiyo simply picked up Shuichi’s things. Everyone in their class knew everyone’s address since they had weekly hang outs, so he easily knew where he lived.
Shuichi didn’t speak at all the whole time, but remained small. Eventually shrinking back a few inches to when he first originally shrunk. Tiny one inch detective. Once Kiyo pulled up to his door, he searched Shuichi’s bag for a key and unlocked it. He placed his bags down inside and left the key on the counter. He looked at the boy in his hand one more time.
“...thanks... thank you.” Shuichi murmured. He was glad that... even though someone found out, at least it was Kiyo.
“...” The male pulled down his mask, and softly placed a kiss on the boy, though got lipstick over his clothes and such. He was tinier, so the male’s soft lips kissed the entire male. He quickly pulled up his mask after, setting the boy on the counter without explanation or saying and quickly left.
Shuichi just stared. He kissed him? Like- kissed him? Kissed him- like lips? Like lips kiss? Hsjdjfjrjgjfd. The male curled up in a flustered ball, but then felt himself seem to fall off the counter. “!!!” Ah. He was back to normal size, so no harm done as he hit the ground. He blinked. How come he was back to normal?
Ahhh. Shuichi curled up again, smiling slightly to himself.
Yay. Ok. Uhm. The end. Uhm. Yes.
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shslprince · 4 years ago
Harukawa and Shinguuji Analysis: What it means to kill for “Love”
Ok hear me out on this.
A quick comparison between the two characters because I think it’s interesting both of them are people that have a history of killing with motives tied to the aspect of “love”. More below:
I don’t think it’s a coincidence Shinguuji was the culprit in the same chapter maki was outed as an assassin.
 With the exception of Momota and Saihara, the class shunned and ostracized her, to the point the student council stops her at nighttime to tell her how dangerous she is to be left alone. This paranoia isn’t unjustified though. Maki is a trained killer, one that openly admits to killing in self defense and will do so if provoked. She warns them outright to stay away from her and will reject any offers to hang out until she opens up a little more to Shuichi later in the chapter.
Yet the whole time they were (rightfully) keeping an eye on a dangerous assassin, everyone was unaware there was a serial killer on the loose, one that was actively looking for countless victims. 
Shinguuji wasn’t very discreet about his intentions. If you finish his free time events as Kaede, he mentions making preparations for her to meet “Sister”. With Shuichi, he laments that were he not a boy, he would've also made an excellent “friend”. Throughout chapter three if you try to interact with him during free time all he talks about is the Caged Child ritual. And during the investigation after he not only killed Angie but Tenko, he tries to convince everyone to do the ritual again and take a third victim!!
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Yet despite how obvious he is, Shinguuji operates on “So suspicious it’s too obvious” rules so he’s not considered a prime suspect until the titular trial itself. He even lampshades this way back in chapter one’s investigation, where he admits how suspicious he looks and that he’s used to being accused of being a serial killer.
Except he totally is a serial killer.
Now how this ties back to Maki and Shinguuji’s relationship is more how they relate each other to the act of killing and also what it means to love.
Maki despises herself for being an assassin. After every mission she wonders what would’ve been like if she was just a normal girl, if she just stayed in the orphanage and didn’t drench her hands in blood. She tells others like Gonta not to become used to the sight of death like she has in the beginning of chapter 3’s investigation, and that no one should become used to it. She may have become desensitized to death and doesn’t excuse herself or her actions, but there is a sense of remorse of what she’s become.
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Shinguuji on the other hand kills with a sort of reverence, that it is his own twisted sense of love and offering to his Sister. He makes certain comments in earlier trials like him understanding what it's like to kill for a loved one, or even challenging the notion that killing is immoral as early on as the first chapter. He’s deluded himself to thinking killing is an act of “pure” love. But only his killings are considered “pure” mind you.
Maki and Shinguuji considerably hate each other throughout the game, but most notably in chapter 3. Throughout the investigation Maki despises the caged child ritual, calling it a sham multiple times in front of Shinguuji’s face to the point she cuts him off immediately whenever he brings it up. Likewise, Shinguuji considers Maki (and Iruma) to be unworthy of becoming Sister’s friends, both due to the fact she killed multiple people in the past for the sake of money, but also just because of how unpleasant and rude she is. 
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(It’s also rather funny that despite the two of them hating each other so much, their Japanese voice actors - Maaya Sakamoto and Kenichi Suzumura respectively- are not only married in real life but tend to voice popular couples in fiction such as Zack and Aerith from FF7. This is one of the few times they voice characters that explicitly hate each other.)
How they view killing in relation to love is also interesting. Technically, they both kill for the sake of “love” but in different manners. As stated before Shinguuji considers the murders he makes as an offering to Sister, and a true testament to their twisted “bond” (or his delusion of one). Maki on the other hand, kills as a need of sacrifice. In order to make sure the orphanage and the friend she loved is safe, she dirties her hands in blood so they never have to.
Which is why I think this scene really stands out when Sister finally appears and calls Maki “A sad girl who can't even believe in the power of love.”
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It highlights the contrast between ideals of fellow killers, and definitely struck a nerve with Maki if her reaction is meant to show anything.
But it also shows how Maki is only now beginning to break down her walls, and realize what her emotions mean to her, both with her feelings towards Momota and her feelings of self hatred. It is fitting that after this chapter and being confronted with these feelings she begins to stop being uncooperative and help the group, thanks to Momota and Saihara’s bonds.
Anyway, this sure was a wall of text. Not sure how comprehensive this is but I think the comparisons and contrast between two “killers” in one chapter and how they view said killings is an interesting thought. I hope to also look into Maki’s relationships with Saihara, Ouma, Yumeno, and of course Momota in the future and how they affected her arc in multiple ways and wanted to start off with a curveball.
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gundhams-pandemonium · 4 years ago
The Dating Game
@fandom-goddd and @bakablyat
[Chapter One of my Shinsai Salmon Mode fic, Dm me for the Ao3 link. Nothing Explicit BUT some implied V3 spoilers]
"... A dating game?" He echoed the bear's words as he lay on his dorm room's bed. It was already strange to wake up in a locker, introduce himself to fifteen other people, and have a mechanical bear talk about how the 'original program changed' and this was 'a different mode'.
[Something about a killing game... Shuichi would rather not think about that too hard]
It was quite frankly... a mess. He should probably get to talking to people if he expected to find love. At the same time, how was someone supposed to find love in ten days?
[However there was an undeniable feeling and even partial truth that he knew these people. Like when Momota (who instituted on being called Kaito), someone he supposedly never met, called him 'sidekick' and it just felt right. Or how Akumatsu, the girl he woke up in the same classroom as, commented she was proud he took off his hat... it was odd to be with familiar strangers]
A knock at his door brought him to his senses. He opened, cautiously peering out until he saw the enthusiastic Piano Player.
"Hey! Shuichi!" She gave him a motivated greeting, her smile wide.
"Oh, hello Akumatsu," He returned her smile, though his not nearly as big.
"You know you can call me Kaede, but nevermind that. So, come on tell me, who do you have your eyes set on," She gave a teasing poke to his shoulder. He only stepped back, face flushed red.
"E-eyes on?" She hadn't already begun this 'dating game', did she?
"Mhmm," All of sudden her eyes went wide "You have started talking to the others, right?"
"Umm, No But- Hey!" He was grabbed and now being dragged out of his room.
"Nope, come on! Let's find you someone nice to hang out with," Soon he was released and following behind her.
He really was being dragged into this, huh?
"Hmmm, I see Kaito is with Maki. Kiibo is over there talking with Rantaro while Kokichi is spying on them. Himiko is being fought over by Angie and Tenko. Well, at least they look like they're having fun," Kaede talked about his 'potential suitors' (her words not his), her arms crossed as she carefully considered everyone. The detective only looked over at whomever she was talking about and began to feel tension in his chest. "Ooo maybe- wait no Tsumugi is taking a rest in her room last I knew. We were running in the gym, to try something new for the both of us, and I think I wore her out".
"Um, I don't want to be seen as being too pushy but maybe we can hang out?" At least comparatively she seemed very approachable, and he already felt semi-comfortable talking with her.
"I would love to! But... well actually, I'm about to go spend some time with Kirumi. However, Miu wanted something to eat first and I wanted to see how you were doing so it worked out. But, I don't think we'd have enough time to 'hang out' 'hang out', make sense?"
"Yeah, that does..." A little disappointing, but he wasn't going to be upset at her. Really, he should be thankful she's making an effort for him otherwise he'd probably still be contemplating in his room.
"Hey! Anyone not busy!" She called out and Shuichi really wished he had his hat to hide under. "Well that didn't work- wait! Shinguji, are you with anyone right now?" Her energy knew no bounds as she spun on her heels and headed toward her attended 'target' dragging the other teen behind her.
She was speaking to the long haired teen who'd been sitting quietly on the bench; from what the detective could recall his full name was Korekiyo Shinguji, and his title was the Ultimate Anthropologist. He was a bit strange, but he had no obvious qualms with him.
Korekiyo's eyes looked up from the book he held in his hands and glided from Kaede to lock with Shuichi's. His golden eyes piercing, and though he couldn't see due to the black zippered mask on his face he could imagine a smirk to go along with it. As if the detective was something to study-
He blinked his thought away, not sure exactly where they came from. Afterall, he'd hardly had a conversation with him. How could he guess if he was smiling much less what his thoughts were.
[At the same time, the idea in his head remained. And though it wasn't up and fore front it hadn't fully left him]
"With anyone? " He repeated, turning back to her.
[How.. How long were they looking at each other? Was it not really long at all? Was it in his head?]
"Yeah, for the game we're currently in," She replied, hands on her hips.
"Kehehe, no. I'd been reading, and when I wasn't I was just watching all around. This place is truly beautiful isn't it?"
The pianist in reply bit her lip, and Shuichi couldn't help feel the response was slightly... strange. Well, all people were different. Just because someone talks differently then how you expected didn't mean they were bad or anything.
"It is a nice day out, and you know who you can enjoy the day with! Shuichi," She splayed her arms out like the woman showing a prize on a quiz show. And before Shuichi could tell her anything else she raced off.
Well, she gave him no other choice. At least, despite his odd demeanor, he didn't seem cruel or crude [There were many crude people he decided against... dating]. Actually, sitting and reading a book was quite a common thing that he liked to do himself.
[He could hear Kiyo reading aloud. A text he couldn't focus on due to getting lost in his voice. Another odd, sudden, thought that he pushed back with anything else of this nature that appeared in his mind]
" I believe your friend just 'set you up' with me" The anthropologist brought a hand up to his chin, resting his palm against it.
"D-dont phrase it like that! Makes it sound so sinister..."
"Oh, really? Kehehehe..." His laugh trailed off.
Great, they were sitting awkwardly in silence. Not something you'd do just trying to meet someone, and especially not someone you were attempting to speed date.
"So, what book are you reading?" Certainly this was a good starting point.
"The Necronomicon," Or not.
"The... what?"
"Kehehe," He laughed. Oh, he was joking? With how serious he sounded he didn't even realise.
Then he turned the book around, for the title to be showcased. It read "The Necronomicon". His mind blanked, was he supposed to laugh too? Was he to question this book? Would he be offended by his shock?
"Not that I believe this book to be factual..." Oh thank- " While spirits are real, you can not just bring the dead to life. Though, it Is amusing in a way to read."
Shuichi felt like he was getting hit by a pillow only to turn around and to get a swift kick to the gut. It wasn't necessarily painful to talk to him, but he couldn't keep up with these constant surprises that blindsided him.
"Where did you find it?" That can't be too outrageous, nor have him completely confused by the answer.
"My dorm room. Monokuma, which refers to itself as headmaster, told me it was a reward. Though for what he did not specify. Curious don't you think? I've never met before yet he implies he knows me well and that I'm deserving of this for something I've done in the past. If it is a present due to my talent... Well I don't see why since my Ultimate Lab is enough."
Once again they fell into silence, though this one was more thought provoking. An intermission, so to speak, to pull the clues together and to start bouncing theories off each other.
"Maybe, it's not that we've been here before but that they've tracked us? After all, I walked past Kaede's Ultimate Lab and it was completely customized to her. And they took us from various places..." Shuichi said, already feeling ridiculous. This probably wasn't what the guy was aiming for, to make actual theories. They were just here for a simple conversation and now he was making him ponder their odd (and slightly horrifying) situation.
"They did kidnap us all for a purpose, and made sure we are Ultimates... They did mention this was like a reality show? Perhaps us being Ultimates, and teenagers, is supposed to draw in the viewers. Make them believe this is something extraordinarily ordinary. Ridiculous really, romance is romance and human romance has beauty in all forms. Whether it be the start of one, the end, or even the middle it holds a plethora of emotions; romance is celebrated in all cultures in some way, whether it be marriage or otherwise. Did you know about the Celtic wedding tradition that later was adopted into Christian ones? You see, they used to throw rice at the newlyweds. It is still done today, albeit rarely due to it affecting birds. The rice was to symbolize growth, expansion really, of the family. So... beautiful. Food has always been so precious but love triumphs that."
The anthropologist rambled on, and he couldn't help but feel enraptured by each word. It was fascinating, and to hear someone he first thought wasn't talkative at all... well it lifted a weight off his shoulder that he would have to lead the conversation.
"You seem to know a lot about romance. Do you read romance novels?"
"Know a lot... ah, you have misunderstood. This is simply what I've gathered from careful observation and analysis. Not from novels, though, if from any books they'd be nonfiction. Those are my prefered choices after all," he looked at the book he'd brought with "And I'd hardly call this a usual book for me... do you like to read, Saihara?"
"Oh yeah, I read from a lot of different genres. Though, as cheesy as this sounds I prefer detective novels. If it's a good one I like to try and put the clues together before the protagonist can,"
"Very cliche as you put it. But what is expected of a detective, you must constantly be prepared,"
"I'd really hardly call myself a detective, I just enjoy puzzle solving. For example, I couldn't solve a murder case in real life or anything but a book I could... I only solved one missing persons case, it was originally my Uncle's and..." Shuichi could already feel a wave of shame and guilt come over him; he didn't deserve this "Ultimate" he was just a glorified puzzle-solver. He ruined someone's life and now he was living in a dream-like world where his only goal was to find love.
"There is nothing wrong with preferring puzzles, nor nothing wrong with only solving one case. You have a talent, and if that is evident in the academy then it doesn't matter what you've done and rather what you will do,".
Shuichi wasn't sure he wanted to do much of anything more with being a detective but... well he appreciated the kindness in the other's words.
"... Observation," Korekiyo stated, as if it made sense on its own.
"You would make a good anthropologist, or at least it may interest you slightly. It is all about observing, and to solve something you must do some observation," Though his eyes were looking at him, they seemed not to see him. As if looking beyond him "Would you be opposed to being taught about the subject?"
He froze at the question. That was... quite a sudden leap? Although, looking at his fellow classmate, it was as if that is what had been on his mind the whole time. He didn't have anything against learning, knowledge was something he always enjoyed, yet he felt something stop him from immediately saying yes.
Why did his hands suddenly feel so sweaty, and why did his mind buzz with sudden anxiety? He would never deny that social situations were not his strong suit, but something like this hadn't happened before.
Swallowing his fear (and the dryness in his throat), he responded.
[This next choice will affect the rest of your route...]
[Accept ] <-----
[Reject] <------
[Accept] ✅
"Well, you are an expert on the subject! I think learning more on it could be interesting, especially if-"
"Excellent!" Korekiyo blurt out, and for the first time Shuichi saw his emotions shine. It was a sudden burst of energy, one he quickly composed himself to cover up "...this evening, after meal-time, meet me in the library. Preferably around seven and no later than nine. The books will, hopefully, be more informational than the one in my room. I will see you later, Saihara. Be prepared for your eyes to be opened upon seeing the beauty of humanity."
Without another word, or a response, the anthropologist left him.
He certainly got himself into a commitment...
It was lunch, and Kaede proposed they sit together.
"Do you wanna sit with Kirumi? Oh, unless your, uhh, date didn't go well?" Shuichi asked, the bouncy girl shook her head.
“We were fine! But she's serving everyone food, and I wanted to sit with you. Y'know," She gave a wink and a smile "I was wondering how you and Korekiyo hit it off."
"You make it sound so... official," His face reddened and she laughed "I think it went well? We're going to meet in the library at seven," He explained, trying to pull at a hat that wasn't there.
[He couldn't remember ever taking it off... but he also remembers it being in his room...]
"Oh? Really? That's so exciting! See, a date!"
"Well, we all are going on dates... that's the point of this all," He mumbled out.
"But he wants to talk to you more, that's promising! Unless..." her voice trailed off "Do you like him Shuichi? If not then obviously you don't have to-"
"I-its nothing like that!" He cut her off, immediately feeling regret doing so "It's... I'm not sure what to think of him? I've only known him for a few hours. He seems nice, but what if...what if he's just a friend type?"
"Well, I guess you'll have to find out!" She gave her companion a pat on the back. "Don't stress too much, this situation may be strange but it isn't the worst. Keep your head up high, and get to know some people. Even if you are nothing more than platonic, it will be worth meeting him, right?"
"... You're right! Thanks Kaede."
"No problem! Now let's get something to eat!"
"Perfect timing, Saihara," He stepped into the library, the smell of mold already hitting his nose. It was a dirty,dingy place, it couldn't even be argued that it was old in the "cute aesthetic way". His eyes scanned, seeing the piles upon piles of books that were stacked not only on the shelves but the floor.
Korekiyo was sitting in the corner, a small table and a pile of books beside him.
He wondered, silently, if the stuffiness of the area even bothered him slightly.
" How many books is that?" Shuichi sat down across from his, drumming his fingers on the table.
"Hm, just twelve. But they are merely for reference or in case you want to study a topic further. I prefer explaining things myself," His golden irises didn't even seem to dim in the dingy room, as if they were glowing "But where to start?"
He felt more in a college lecture, than on a date. If lectures were between two people, that is. Maybe more of a study group... well it certainly didn't feel romantic. Somehow, that eased his worries. This was to get to know each other, he didn't have to prepare himself for hand holding nor kisses right away.
" Well, I know that anthropology is the study of people, but how about you give me your definition?" This would certainly get him talking.
"Hm, that certainly is a good place to start. Anthropology studies the thoughts behind traditions and customs. It delves into the topic of folklore, and the way differnt tales from all over have similarities. Or even how the same story has differences. It is all based on how people interrupt as well as putting one's own feelings into the tales. It's not just with folklore, though certain anthropologists only study folklore, you would be able to do the same with customs. Anthropology is a truly human study through and through, so your definition isn't wrong just lacking in the specific details, " One would find it hard to read someone's expression when half thier face was covered, But where he lacked his hands flowed in joy. It wasn't overtly distracting, otherwise his point would be null and void, instead in tune with how he spoke. " Anthropology is everywhere, and is constantly changing, which is why my studies will never be fully done. It is why I must observe and research continuously- It may be hard to some but it is merely routine for me."
Hearing him talk about something so passionately piqued his interest. He'd never thought of anthropology as a topic of interest besides mild, but if Kiyo was leading the discussion he sure he wouldn't mind.
The conversation continued to flow; with Kiyo's long rambles and Shuichi asking questions which would either continue the topic in more detail or the conversation to move to a different part of the vast subject.
"Shuichi, have you ever traveled before?"
"Traveled? What do you mean?" That came out of virtually nowhere; though he was discussing field work in different countries, he hadn't suspected being asked himself.
"Taken trips, whether they be on your own or with others. Or, do you tend to stay in one place?" Shuichi was about to explain before a noise cut off his sentence.
"Ding, Dong, Bing, Bong," An almost chilling chime played on the speakers.
[All he could remember was blood splattered on the shelfs, and pooled on the library floor. The victim lay- Wait, what? He wasn't a homicide detective...]
"It is 10 pm, officially nighttime," Monokuma's announcement rang through, the Monkubs chiming in once and a while to add on with little remarks.
"Hm, I suppose we should leave and retire for the night... we shall resume tomorrow, at the same time? "
Tomorrow as well? Well, he could hardly refuse, and he was still curious about the topic.
"That sounds good; well I'll see you then, it was really interesting talking about anthropology with you," He gave a smile, and the other looked pleased.
They went their separate ways, and Shuichi was pleasantly surprised with the outcome of the "date". Whether he'd become friends... or... either way he could see his relationship growing positively.
[End of Day One]
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forbidding-souda · 5 years ago
I really really loved the request you did for hajime and shuichi (you write them so well!!) so if its not too much to ask i was wondering if i could request 45 and/or 46 from the prompt list for them again? preferably with the same pronouns ówò tysm!! have a good day
45/46: “I know you love me. I know you too well.” Hajime Hinata & Shuichi Saihara (masc S/O)
Omg!!! Thank you for saying I write them well!! I worked on that fic for like a solid 24h it was so fun! I try my best :D
-Mod Souda
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Hajime Hinata
He closes his eyes, letting himself take a breath.
You sit down, and he remains standing, ignoring your presence.
All you can do is continue to doodle with a pen you stole from Togami. 
You had the command to watch over him, so now you are stuck with him in the same room, the lights not a yellow tint but instead red, helping the atmosphere.
You know Hajime wouldn’t hurt you.
But does he know that?
Irritation laces his brow at the confinement. Something irks his mind. That’s a common feeling for him. But something about this feels different.
“I know you, don’t I?”
You ears perk up at the sound of his voice. When you look up, you find yourself caught off guard by something you thought you got used to, a golden eye and a red eye glaring down at you.
“I’m your kohai.” You say with a smile, to which he stays unemotional.
So you change your response, “I’m the class below you, Hajime.”
Something about the way you say his name provoked a feeling inside of him. He doesn’t exactly understand it. So he looks away and tries to blink away the warm feeling in his chest.
You eye him for a little longer, but his face is turned away from you, so you end up just returning to your sketches.
That doesn’t last very long, however, because you are quickly distracted by him pulling up a chair to sit next to you. 
This easily brings warmth to your cheeks. Warmth you don’t want to be there.
“And you haven’t seen me for awhile.” He suggests, obviously still stuck on the topic.
“A very long while, Hajime.”
The use of his name again. He pauses. A long pause. But you don’t dare break eye contact with him. 
“We went to school together.” He adds on. It’s hardly a question.
“Hope’s Peak Academy.”
Anticipation drips into his eyes, for just a moment, before he quickly throws it away. He wanted you to say more. But he’s already put everything together in his head the moment you repeated his name. It’s just a matter of if he can get you to say it.
“How did we meet?”
You smile, the memory seeming like ions ago.
“You slammed a door against me. It was on accident, of course, and you wouldn’t stop apologizing.”
He watches your cheeks burn and the way you calmly set down your pen.
“When was the last time you saw me?”
Instead of a sad look, as he expected, your smile just grew.
“Well,” you start with a flirty tone, “no, nevermind.”
That just made his eyebrows furrow. So it’s true. 
He eyes you up and down, taking in the figure he must have seen every inch of. Interesting, he says in his head, he is surely different.
You had no shame even giving him that hint, as well. You were laughing about it. 
“I think it’s time to go,” you say through your laughs, which now come off as a result of timidness instead of joy. 
No, his head commands. 
You stand, pushing in your chair and putting the pen behind your ear before walking past him.
A gust of air passes your figure. You don’t even notice is at first until a hand is in front of you, blocking your path, and slammed against the wall.
You exclaim, “What’s your deal?”
His hair is cut short like Hajime’s, one of his eyes remains a familiar shade of gold, and he dresses like Hajime would dress. But Hajime was not an impulsive person.
He speaks breathlessly, forcing out the words.
“I know you love me. I know you too well.”
It was a battle with his mind. His emotions got in the way, they corrupted his way of thinking. He shouldn’t have done that. It was rude, on one hand, but it did give him the answer he wanted from you.
You put one hand on his cheek, stroking the sensitive skin. He shudders at the touch.
“And I know you love me, too. You always have.”
What should he do? His mind is is shambles. He can’t even think. What would the old Hajime do?
His hand falls, but not to his side. It lands on your hips. But gentle. He’s kind to you.
The invisible line that connects you to shortens while he leans in. You can’t even believe that your words affected him. You still thought he was still emotionless, unhopeful. 
Maybe he still is. But that doesn’t stop him from kissing you.
Shuichi Saihara
Liar. The word runs through your head. Shuichi can lie? Isn’t he supposed to be on the side of truth?
Maybe Ouma is starting to get to him.
You stand behind your podium calmly, hands resting on the metal while your eyes move left and forth between the people arguing.
As long as time is being wasted, it doesn’t matter to you.
“Come on, Shuichi, it’s soooo fucking obvious!” Iruma calls out again. “But because he gives you a huuugggeee boner doesn’t mean he’s innocent!”
He glances at you, and so do the other 13 students. 
“S/O would never do anything like that!”
Ouma pitches in, “Come ooonnn, Shuichi, what happened to addressing every possibility?”
A blush forms on his cheeks. He’s not flustered though, it’s the anger and embarrassment he feels when trying to protect you, especially when you aren’t responding back to him.
“It’s because he loves me.”
Shuichi freezes to the sound of your voice, one of his hands gripping onto his heart. It’s not true, he tries to soothe himself, it’s not true.
“Wh-What?” His voice still shakes and his heart quickens. A million of thoughts run through his head. 
“I know you love me. I know you too well.” The words come smoothly from your lips. You say it casually - too casually. 
His mouth goes dry. He thinks about the last week and all the times he spent with you. Whether it was going through the newly found rooms or escaping at night to talk underneath the stars. How sensitive he was and how softly you held him all came together to make one thing clear.
It was true.
You sigh, leaning your face into your hand. “So he’s not going to lay it all out.”
Maki rolls her eyes. “So you’re admitting to it?”
“No way!” The words slip from your tongue before you could catch them. So you continue on with your useless defenses. “There’s no reason for me to even kill them!”
But there was.
And that was the problem.
They came at you first, which is the truth, so you smashed their head open and left. No part of you wishes to share this. Instead, you’re going to become the villain. The evil antagonist for him to defeat. You know if he knows the truth - how helpless you were - he would try to fight for your life. 
But you need to die. To save everyone else. And you accepted your death the moment you walked out of that room.
Everytime you look at Shuichi you see the time you two spent at night, laying on the grass and looking up. You told him how beautiful he was, and how soft his hands felt when you held them, and how much you wished time to be back to normal.
All of that just looks like a lie as you stand behind your podium, defending your faux innocence like the antagonist should.
You wonder how Shuichi will grow from this one.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years ago
Any headcanons for if the killing harmony boys(and or girls) were the remnants of despair?
I have HCs for Kokichi and Kaito! As for the rest:
Abandoned Atua and worships Junko as a goddess, claiming to be her “vessel” after she’s long gone.
Goes around convincing others to listen to “Junko”’s word.
She’ll ask for sacrifices of blood, families/loved ones, and art supplies.
Which she uses to paint gruesome graffiti art all over Japan, her “followers” doing the same to spread despair.
Parallel to Servant--she exists to carry out the will of others.
But unlike her old self, there’s no request she won’t deny if it allows her to spread as much despair as possible.
She’s used/abused a lot by the otjer Remannts, but the despair she feels makes it worthwhile.
She abandoned her nation and let it fall to ruins while she joined DICE as Kokichi’s bodyguard.
Has her Argument Armament outfit and weapons.
Ironically, he wants to live and see all the despair he can.
Took his Ultimate to the streets, slaughtering the last of the mafia who killed his loved ones.
He broke into his former prison and killed the inmates who hurt him in the past, before letting everyone go free.
Does this for other jails and create a significant spike in crimes across Japan.
Hosts seemingly harmless piano recitals.
Which are actually brainwash attendees into despair, making them kill themselves or attack others in the audience, before survivors exit to attack others outside.
It’s basically like the “outbreak” that SCP-701 causes.
She has her Argument Armament outfit, too, though it’s stained with the blood of her "fans".
Very aggressive and easy to provoke. He’ll take on Future Foundation armies with his bare hands.
Dangerous bugs (wasps, hornets, etc.) are always swarming him like a protective shield.
Any venomous ones (spiders, scorpions, etc.) inject despair poison into their victims when they bite/sting.
Uses her cosplays to gain people’s trust before killing them with her weapon props.
Basically turns into her mastermind-self in terms of personality: crazed, obsessed, and arrogant.
Becomes the de facto leader of the Remnants, who see her as a “reincarnation” of Junko.
Emotionless and brutal.
She fought and killed all her former masters for the sake of despair.
Usually fights FF armies alongside Gonta, trying to get more kills than him.
Travels the world to spread despair and convince civilizations to join in despair.
Like Angie, he’ll encourage blood/human sacrifices, leaving books and instruction pamphlets wherever he goes.
He’s abandoned all obsessions with his sister, continuing his killings to give Junko “new friends” in the afterlife instead.
Goes back to her ruthless ways as an assassin.
She doesn’t kill for anything else but despair.
Slaughters the parents of children and spares them only to give them (and herself) maximum despair.
Uses her faux “Ultimate Child Caregiver” title to sway them to her side.
Plots grisly, nearly unsolvable murders, making it difficult for justice to be delivered.
But besides that, he remains in the shadows, alone and..kinda remorseful over giving into despair.
He just studies everything he can about serial killers, tampering with crime scenes to mimic ones they're notorious for leaving.
With some simple reprogramming, his original personality was scrapped and he becomes like a Terminator.
Miu upgraded him with dozens of weapons to maximize destruction.
He ruthlessly murdered his “father” for the sake of despair.
Is the equivalent to a mad scientist, inventing the most bizarre weapons that’ll maximize despair in the world.
Responsible for giving Remnant!K1B0 his upgrades.
Uses her own electrohammers and such to kill.
Though she prefers to attack from the shadows. She’s still cowardly when not in her lab.
Has shows to draw in large audiences and uses hypnosis to make them convert to despair.
Usually performs tricks on the hypnotized “volunteers” that end with them bloody/dismembered.
Her doves are trained to peck out of the eyes of anyone who jeers at her shows.
The only thing he did as a Remnant was slaughter his sisters as sacrifices for Junko.
After that, like Shuichi, he hid away from society.
He genuinely didn’t want to hurt anyone else.
Plus, the loneliness brought him despair, considering how he used to be surrounded by loved ones all the time.
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