aethelredism · 10 months
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randomslasher · 7 months
You guys guess what, I met Princess Azula yesterday! (Aka Grey DeLisle-Griffin). I got a picture with her and she said in character voice "You should have feared me more. I banish you from the fire nation!" I FREAKED OUT it was so cool!!!
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too-many-rooks · 6 months
Spoiler warning: Long rambly notes I took while watching season 3, disclaimer that a lot of this is just character moments/lines I found interesting and initial bones of an au idea for a burgeoning, extremely self indulgent slightly-darker-Alex in season 3 wip I’ve started.
Also it was the middle of the night and I was very tired and wired out of my gourd on some mix of cheap white wine and floods of hyperfixation-sourced dopamine. Also also I only started taking notes at ep 3?
Episode 3
Alex is SUCH a better spy this season than when he began even in the first few episodes prior to SCORPIA training he’s more careful and precise and the team feels better organised - he did so well on that boat I’m so proud of my baby
I’m actually enjoying Tom and Kyra fucking about more than I expected. Tom pulling Kyra together after the boat explosion suprised me by how emotive it was. But I do want them to.. go away. Alex should more isolated/desperate/have NO other choices than SCORPIA.
Everything in Malagosto seems so staged to just see how Alex will react to it all - here’s an unlocked door, here’s an Alex sized vent and a dead spot in the cameras, what are you gonna do about it? +Alex absolutely speaks French I think he’s just not giving that away yet
Oh yes yes lingering bad touch from Julia Rothman hitting the right notes even though that costume is a WILD kaftan moment. Evil carmen sandiago/noir femme fatale aesthetic where are you I miss you so much
Ohhhh Julia saying Ian walked away and abandoned him and that was what hit him worst oh my goooooooooood
(Outfit change from julie mean day change or is she just a multiple outfits a day kinda person. Believable, I guess)
Julia’s gaslighting I ssoooo crazy ‘we trust you. We want you.’ After having his closest people not trust him, and now maybe questioning if Ian even wanted him!
Julia fucking loved this, she’s totally thrilled by her own power. Queen 👸🏻.
God Jones and the department is going THROUGH IT THIS SEASON, just suddenly surrounded by corpses
Julia : offers irrefutable proof, upsets him, then presses him to continue believing what he did before and belittling his objections - very subtle but more firm tone of voice, less motherly/accepting, very clear that the noose around Alex’s neck is always there.
She’s so delighted at the prospect of making Alex into the perfect soldier
Julia: “I want you to meet your tutor”
Me: ‘here he here he comes here he comes.’ And then I threw of my blanket, pushed myself onto my knees, and started bouncing and palm clapping in sheer delight. I basically never happy stim like this but MY GOD the flood of dopamine is IMMENSE.
More manic laughter at the start of episode 4 realising I’m about to see John and young Yassen. Nicuragua! 18 years ago!
God nervous baby Yassen with a gun
HES!! SO!!! BABY!!!
Baby boy already got his colour scheme locked down
Baby Yassen has curls - is it just the humidity or maybe does he have naturally curly hair that he straightens so he looks less cute?
Johns actor has a real resemblance to Ian (and Jack Lowden) but less so to otto
Ohoho scar moment scar moment bc Yassen was nervous and fucked up two people one bullet
“Close your eyes” as I tell these people I’m going to shoot you and have faith
“Leave the past behind us.” “Ian rider was a professional. It was not personal it was my job.” “Think of this as a school and your dead by the end of the day” (actual honesty for the first time)
Alex not committing to being able to work with Yassen is perfect
Yassen taking Alex TO HIS KNEES so easily besties not been slowed down too much by a bullet to the chest
Soaking wet!!!!!!!!
Alex shooting scene amazing, as was Yassen bursting into his room immediately after for a murder pep talk. Alex has no privacy privileges from Yassen
Yassen removing the humanity from his targets, names/faces/lives are irrelevant, they are just blank targets. “One day you’ll have to murder them.”
“That’s not gonna happen”
Yassen *be so ffr rn face*
Really interesting to see the other side of the department covering up an agent death and lying to the family - I like the department with more humanity/emotional resonance than pure ruthlessness
Shitty Malagosto communal dorm room and matching drab grey hoodies my beloved
Shame there’s no ‘your not afraid of a little prick are you?’ ‘I wouldn’t call you that’ line. (But switching out the ‘getting vaccinated will implant you with secret nano tech that will kill you’ plottline probs a good idea)
Ooooh Julia creepily poisoning him so excited making me think of her delighting in drugging him in a cocktail of ‘let me take care of you’ ways
Yassen pulling rank to break up the fight!!
Ooh Nile wants to take down Yassen so bad.
Toms film skills coming in clutch recording/ documenting things so Alex will be taken seriously, glad to see him be… less of a dead weight to the team
Begrudgingly-impressed-at-Alex Yassen, even with the “come on that’s a bad idea”, “yeah, but!” Teenagerisms
Yassen’s core (suppressed) emotions: fear, doubt, panic
Alex: love, hope, friendship (okay dear, 🙄 but remember you’re literally becoming an assassin why are you so niave all of a sudden?)
Alex insisting John saved him bc he had compassion and was his friend and that Yassen’s rejection of that makes him lonely oh oh my heart my heart
I LOVE how much fun Nile has being evil at his job of threatening children.
Episode 5
Oh my god HIT HIM ALEX where do you think you are? How do you think you’ll actually manage to get those trainees to trust you? Stop whining and hit the man with a wooden sword, christ
Smithers (in reference to Alex) “he’s out there being a teenager because of us” *cut to Alex, very much in danger, contemplating his capacity to kill*
Julia: “no one leaves,” [scorpia, me, interchangeable to her]
mission with Yassen!
Packing for the mission with Yassen!!!
Yassen can’t read his handwriting!!!
“You’ve put… lockpick?”
“I left my last one in Nile. “
Alex bitching about his meagre gadgets at point Blanc 💯
Matching tactical turtlenecks!!!
“I don’t want you to fail. I don’t want you to die.”
Alex and Yassen are a team but Yassen gives Alex command of them oh boysieeeee
Again glad they dropped the vaccine bit: vaccines aren’t dangerous, but vaping is!!
Of on a road trip with Yassen!!
A murder road trip!
Love Kyra seeing the shot and the body - I know why it didn’t happen but I do kinda wish for a more corrupted violent Alex coerced/bargained into firing it himself
That Tom confrontation was great - I do want to see it as like a ‘your getting in my way’ intentional cruelty to push him away and keep him safe when Alex is too deep in SCORPIA to be deluded about thinking he can go home
Alex rejects intimacy with Julia and she cracks down her authority ‘no one leaves’
Ep 6
Love Alex spooky in the cemetery, SCORPIA hot on his heels
Sharing a grotty safe house together god SO GOOD
“We trust each other. You should try it sometime.”
“If it’s not emotional why do you do it?”
“Because it’s my job. (Identity/life/personal connections/sacrificed everything for) I work for SCORPIA. I’m good at it. You could be too.” Olive branch of intimacy - wants alex to be more like him, so they can be equals, can share this life that he apparently finds satisfaction in, not thinking or making decisions beyond how best to achieve his goal/finish the task(/order)assigned to him/subject himself to feeling emotions/thinking about his life beyond his attempts to depersonalise himself as just a weapon - just a professional with no emotions, and that that is fundamentally who he is. Evidently having some inconvenient feelies about Alex tho.
Oh no his delivery disguise makes him look like a caveman. Glad he took off the accessories for the Jones confrontation, his hair actually looks great there all tousled. (Beginning to realise how important characters hair is to me bc I still hate Julia’s I want some dark perfect waves this Bob is ough)
I’m really glad they settled on Yassen NOT knowing about John - he twists it that John didn’t betray him bc he had nothing to gain from being kind to him, so it wasn’t false, but he is so 100% loyal to John, eager to twist any criticism. I do wish we’d seen more of their relationship, but expecting some Russian roulette bits was overly optimistic
“I know my place” he’s IMMEDIATELY off to rescue his boy (actually, where did he go? All of that last episode I was just WHAT ABOUT YASSEN? Was he just plotting a rescue that didn’t need to happen and waiting for his boy to show up?)
Dare I say… good for blunt? Stephen dillane is just so charming I can’t help but like him. And you see some flashes of his ruthlessness like when he talks to Greif but he’s not a 24/7 conniving monster. Also Jones in charge and Alex possibly (definitely) returning to spy work in a couple of years? I like that. Totally abandoning it would have felt unsatisfying.
Loved that moment on the roof - missed opportunity for them to awkwardly wave at each other, but I’m so happy I predicted wrongly and Yassen gets to live and walk away and put down his weapons. There’s so much space for how they can reconnect in that.
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 79. brb x oc
Tumblr media
i will beat the shit out of you how dare you
check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: Michael and Bea have a talk, Bea has to heal from some shit and Rooster has an idea uwu
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2 @emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads
“You know I’m not going to stop you from living your adult life, I just would've liked to have known about it.” Michael says while twirling the thick boba straw in his cup, slurping it loudly as the two are seated on the outside tables that overlook the busy streets on that Monday afternoon.
“We just wanted to resolve everything before we told anyone.” Beatrice answers, drinking her own boba tea with her brow furrowed just enough, “It wouldn’t make sense to say we were moving in together without a house.”
Michael hums in reply, popping the tapioca bubbles as he does so, with his sunglasses low on the bridge of his nose, “I guess it makes sense.” he mutters, crossing one leg over the other, bouncing the one supporting it quickly, “Did you tell mom and dad yet?” Beatrice shakes her head, holding the plastic cup with both hands on top of her lap, focusing her eyes somewhere else.
‘I will tell them,Mike. I’ll also…have to tell them something else.” her older brother’s inquisitive ‘oh?’ made her grimace, “I did a photoshoot…last week.”
“A photoshoot?”
‘Yeah, um, a friend of Evelyn’s who is a fashion designer asked me to be his model and I accepted because…it was really good money and I needed to save some for the car and…well the pictures were nice, they were just…swimwear.”
A tapioca bubble almost entered his lung when she said it, which in turn makes the fourth oldest Schiavoni cough up like a miner who spent forty years underground inhaling coal fumes. He hits his chest with his fist, clears his throat, then turns his eyes to his sister, who looked as guilty as before, “No, no,” he coughs again,” Don’t feel bad,I’m just surprised. You are a grown woman and you-” another one “You can make your own choices. So you had a swimwear photoshoot, so what? Good for you.”
“You don’t need our permission.” Michael explains once he finally gets his breathing pattern back, “You stopped needing it the moment you turned eighteen but some people in our family don’t think that way.” she knew he meant their parents and Guillermo, even if he didn’t say it outloud, “So listen, if it was fun and you got paid then what the hell do I care? It’s not like you were killing anyone.”
Beatrice’s lips curved in a thankful smile, looking down at the bright pink cover on the boba tea cup as she took in his words. He was right, she didn’t have to elaborate why she chose to do certain things anymore. She wasn’t a child. “Thank you,Mikey.” she says, her brother just waves his hand as if to say it was nothing for her to worry about, “And thanks for joining me on getting a new car.”
She did get the red Jeep wrangler she wanted, but she wouldn't be able to take it home until the end of the week,which was when all the paperwork and insurance would be resolved. But she was more than happy. Thankfully Michael was with her at the time, because he would casually lean over a Jeep, make a face and then turn to another one. Not to mention he knew more than the guy selling the actual cars, which made it easier for the transaction to happen.
“Do you think dad will be mad at me though, because of the pictures?”
“What is he going to do? Kick you out of your own house?” Michael scoffs with a smirk, gesturing to the air with his tea, “Bea, you’ll be thirty this saturday. You no longer need mom and dad’s permission for anything, if they get mad, well, that sucks because they don’t pay your bills or anything like that anymore.” he had a very good point, he always did, especially when it came to their parents.
Michael was the second middle child, making him the fourth Schiavoni sibling. He always said it was the ‘middle child curse’ that made him so opinionated and rebelled when it came to their family. Michael was never really afraid of their parents, he did respect them but he also called them on their bullshit often that he had to move to NYC with Guillermo when time came. 
Beatrice never told him, but she admired his no nonsense attitude a whole lot. He was the wild child, the rebel one that got tattoos at seventeen by lying his age, who would do the craziest shit without thinking if he’d get hurt or not. Having his support meant a lot to her, because she knew if anything bad happens because of this, he’d have her back. Well,Leo and Marina too when she tells them, “But I have a question.” he begins, making his sister look towards him with her eyebrows furrowed in question, “When is the,” he taps his ring finger with his thumb, “Going to happen?”
It takes Bea a few seconds to understand, but when she does her face flames up “W-We aren’t thinking about that yet.” she lies, knowing very well that she was thinking about that a whole lot and way more often than she’d like ever since she saw the bridal shop, “We are just moving in together, Mikey.”
“And what’s the very next step people take? Marriage!” she blushes so much more when he says the word, sipping her mango tea loudly to keep her mind anywhere else, “Plus, you two look married already, it’s just about popping the question.”
They never talked about it, she knew she wanted to but she didn’t want to pressure Rooster into something like that. Especially with them already taking such a big step now with the new house and such, “I…I don’t know,Mikey. I-I’ll have to…check everything.” she murmurs, trying to remove the thoughts of her wearing a wedding gown, “Plus w-wouldn’t you think it’s too soon?” says the woman who voiced her love for him after two months. Oh the irony.
Michael arches one of his thick eyebrows, the one with the scar on it and makes a face, “People get married in Vegas after four hours of knowing one another.”
“That's a terrible example.”
“Okay, let me make it simpler for you, sis.” he wets his throat with tea before continuing, “Do you love Brad, don’t even answer me I know you do. And he loves you, because the dopey, love dovey look he gives you every time is enough reason for me to believe that. So what are you two waiting for?”
Beatrice frowns, biting her lower lip, “I…I don’t know? We never talked about it Mike,” she repeats, emphasizing on the words “And…w-what if he’s not ready? What if I push him to go through it and he just notices it’s nor worth it and–” Beatrice continued her rambling with her older brother just staring, his face unimpressed but yat amused, leaning back on his chair to slurp the last tapioca balls since he was pretty much done.
He leans on an open hand, watching his sister use her fingers to number the reasons why it’d be a bad idea to do it right now, which to Michael made no sense…but he also knew her. She was very anxious, of course she’s gotten better now, but it’s about her own thoughts running wild that he worries. If she wants to take a while to talk to Bradley about it, she would, if she wanted to make sure he wouldn’t force her either, “Alright, alright, fine, I get it. You want to wait a while, that’s fine.”
Beatrice lowers her hands to her lap, rubbing her thumb over her knuckles with a small frown, “It was just an innocent comment, Little Bitty. I’m just asking because, well, everyone really likes Bradley…even Guillermo.” he pauses, “...It is very weird to think about it, but he does seem less constipated when he sees Brad so I take that as a win.”
She laughs softly, giving her brother a smile and a gentle squeeze of the hand, “Thanks Mikey. I’ll…I’ll work on it, okay?” if her mind lets her do it, that is. She didn’t want it to get too nervous thinking about it either, so it was time to change the subject. So she did, she ended up asking Michael about his new place, that was apparently just a few streets down her soon to be old house and his new job.
He was going to be a boxing trainer at his friend’s gym, which was understandable considering how long Michael was a boxer alongside Guillermo - except Guillermo chose another career path as an engineer since it’d be a more stable job for him. “I’m happy you are back.” she says with a smile, seeing his own lips quirk in a grin, “I missed you.”
Michael pouts his lower lip, slapping a hand over his chest, ‘Oh, my heart– but I missed you too. I know adult life makes you go distances you’d never plan to but I really missed Cali, I really missed…not having to wear clothes heavier than myself during winter.” he murmurs, earning a soft laugh from his sister, “Plus,I’ll be an uncle again so, guess who is going on a shopping spree buying every size of ‘my uncle is the best uncle’ onesie? Me.”
“Leo’s baby will have another uncle though, Mike.”
“I’ll print huge a huge Michael on it, then we’ll know.” he laughs, looking down at his watch to check the time, “What do you say we just walk around, like the old times- is Mr.Scoops still open?” Beatrice nods, making her brother groan in anoyance, slapping his forehead, “Why didn’t we just go there? Do they still have the Freeze Burn milkshakes?”
“I think so–”
“We are getting those then,” he says, already standing to his feet and tossing the empty plastic cup to the trash bin, Beatrice blinking her wide eyes and trying to keep up with his long strides to the car.
“But, we just had something sweet!”
“There’s never enough sweet stuff!” he adjusts the sunglasses over his eyes, “Come on! Live a little! Have a sugar rush before you turn thirty!” Beatrice noises out a complaint, but sighs and nods, following him into the car since she had no other choice. As soon as she enters the car, her eyes suddenly lift to a vehicle, a vehicle that she hasn’t seen in ages.
A blue Corvette, one of many that Eric owned. Now the person inside the car was too distant for her to identify clearly, but she kept her eyes on it until it disappeared by a roundabout, narrowing her gaze when Michael turned on the car, driving the opposite direction and furthermore making her lose the blue car from view. It’d be insane if it was Eric, she knew Shells said something about seeing him somewhere when she was with Bob but…no, it was just a coincidence.
That’s all it was, nothing more nothing less.
She just leaned back on the car seat, sighing through her nose and watching the buildings go by as Michael drove them away.
When they get to Mr.Scoops she refuses to get anything besides water, trying to hide her disgusted face when Michael grabbed the sweetest and artificially colored milkshake they had there, already slurping it soundly as they walk by the park close by. Beatrice just sips her water, feeling her own stomach turn just by watching him by the corner of her eye, “You don’t know what you are missing.” he says with the straw in his mouth.
“A violent stomach ache, that’s what.” she replies in a muttered tone, walking alongside her older brother down the stone path. She couldn’t help but remember how her first date with Bradley ended up there, on a bench not too far from them, making out and completely forgetting about their ice creams. Seems like it's been more than seven months now, “I don’t know how you do it.”
“It’s easy, it’s all about self control.”
“Which you don’t have.” Michael’s only response was a bored ‘eh’ and a shrug, continuing to sip his milkshake like a little boy who just got his favorite treat.
“You know, when I found out about you and Brad,I’ll be honest, I got a bit confused.” he says suddenly, making Beatrice turn to face him with her brows low, “Not because I didn’t think you’d be able to get someone like Brad, but because he’s a military man and such. I just thought that you know, with him traveling so much you wouldn’t get used to it.”
“He got deployed a few months back,” she explains, closing her water bottle, “I was okay during it.” she wasn’t okay, she was able to manage it.
“How long.”
“Two months.”
Michael nods, “I mean I know some people spend years away, two months is child’s play isn’t it?” Bea frowns at his words, she knew he wasn’t trying to be mean or pessimistic about it, but she couldn’t help how her frown deepened, “I mean how the hell are you going to give me nieces or nephews with him gone?”
Of course.
“Michael!!” she scolds, eyes wide and face a violent red, slapping his shoulder with more force than necessary “Michael what the hell!” her brother hisses in pain, pressing the cold plastic cup against his red biceps to cool it down.
“That’s the very next step after the next step!” he defends, shrugging his shoulders, “What? He likes kids! You like kids! Make the kids to I can be the cool uncle again!” of course his reasoning would be that, “The more the merrier.”
Beatrice groaned, looking away from him to glare at a group of trees not far from where they walked, crossing her arms below her bust, “You are worst than mom, I swear…God and when she finds out about us moving in together, I’ll never get any sort of silence because of that.” the amount of teas, herbs and random gifts her mother would give because she wanted another grandchild would be astronomical, “Didn’t I say how we didn’t even talk about the ‘m’ word? WHy do you think I talked about the ‘c’ word?”
“What’s this? Middle school? You can say those words outloud, the fuck.” Michael murmurs, chewing the end of his straw to chew the flavored ice stuck in the plastic recyclable tube, “I’m just saying, that when it happens, you already know who will be the baby’s favorite uncle. Maybe I’ll even buy more onesies and keep them saved for you.”
Beatrice narrows her eyes in his direction then shakes her head thinking how her brother was just relentless and would never stop doing that. But…he wasn’t wrong, ever since she accidentally bought that duck onesie she couldn’t help but think about it. She had seen pictures of Bradley when he was younger, when he was a little baby with a scrunched up face and light blonde hair, he was an adorable child. Would it be wrong, or weird to think about it without talking to him?
Yes it would so she should just stop thinking about it right now.
“You are just awful.” Beatrice mutters bringing the water bottle to her lips, feeling the cold liquid travel down her throat and hit her stomach, the siblings kept on walking on the park until they reached a bench where Michael sat down without telling her, Beatrice just turned her head when she could no longer hear his footsteps only to see him with his legs crossed in front of him, sipping the rest of his milkshake.
“I’m not awful,” he says when she sits down next to him, “I’m just saying that hey, it’d be cool if you got married and gave me nephews and or nieces, I don’t mind either.” he chuckles, enjoying how his sister’s face warmed up and how her eyes rolled so hard she was sure she could see her brain. But she leaned back on the stone bench, watching the few people walking by that afternoon alongside Michael.
“You know what this reminds me of?” she hums in question, waiting for him to continue, “When nonna used to take us bike riding. You were still really young then but, man, she’d just get us after school and she’d even ride a bike herself.” he chuckles, shaking his head, “...crazy lady. Hard to believe it’s been seventeen years since she was gone.”
Beatrice frowns, biting her lower lip, “Yeah.” furrowing her eyebrows “It’s hard to believe.”
“She used to keep those soft candies in her music box, do you remember? I don’t know how she did it, but you knew every time the tinkling music showed up you’d get a caramel or something of the sort.” Michael chuckles softly, his own eyelids lowering at the memory, “I haven’t heard it in years. The music box.”
“Dad keeps it at home.” she says,”In his room.”
‘Hm…you know she left it for you right?” he says and she nods, still looking away, “Why don’t you take it with you when you move in with Brad? I think nonna would like to know you have it.”
But the brunette just chewed the corner of her mouth, crossing her arms tighter over her chest, “I don’t know if it’s a good idea. I haven’t touched it since–well, it’s been seventeen years since I touched it.” and she wasn’t sure if she’d be ready to get it again, to see it once more would probably bring back the tears she held for so long. It seemed selfish but she didn’t want to have that as a memory, she knew she’d remember a lot of things the second she held it in her hands.
“...did you allow yourself to grieve?” Michael’s sudden serious voice startles her, his eyes looking ahead, “Or did you cry for a little bit, got sad and moved on?”
“Of course I did!” she almost sounds offended when he says, “Why wouldn’t I?”
Michael’s green eyes turned to her light toned ones, licking his lips before he spoke again, “I just think it’d be good. You have avoided it for seventeen years, I don’t think you fully allowed yourself to cry and be sad about it.” 
She frowns when he cuts her off, glaring at the ground below her feet with her teeth clenched, “Michael I just…why would that–I mean…”
“Because,” he begins, using his half empty milk shake to gesture his words, “Nonna wouldn’t want you to hold onto that, especially when you are going to get with someone you love.”
Michael had a point. He always had a point. Okay, maybe she didn’t allow herself to feel sad, to cry and let go but it was because…knowing her nonna wasn’t there to see her live with someone she loved, to find the love she always wanted was…very disappointing. She wanted her to know Bradley, she wanted her to be there when she eventually got married, she wanted her to be there at the special moments.
But she wasn’t. And she didn’t know how to deal with it now. “...okay.” she says, quietly, knowing there was no way to win this argument. “Okay.”
“Good!We’re going to get it when I’m finished here.”
“What? But–”
“Ooh!I’m finished look!” he tosses the empty plastic cup into the trash can, “Time to get it!”
Bradley opens Beatrice’s front door with the extra key she gave him, blinking when he saw that her living room was quiet and empty, not even Jolene was there, “Baby?” he calls, not expecting to hear her voice coming from the bedroom in the loft area, it was too early for her to go to bed. He steps over to the staircase, seeing Jolene’s head pop over the last step with her body shaking excitedly upon seeing him coming up.
He pets the pittie gently, but his eyebrows furrow when he sees Beatrice sitting cross legged in the middle of her bed, supporting her face on one hand with a small box in front of her, “Hi.” her voice sounded quieter than normal, almost cracked and upon close inspection once he approached the bed, he could see the tear tracks on her cheeks.
‘Baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He wastes no time in kicking off his shoes so he could climb on the bed with her, wrapping her in his arms so her head touched his shoulder, “What’s the matter?”
Bea sniffles, dropping her hand to her lap as if it was dead weight,”Do you remember how I said I never opened my nonna’s music box?” she asks quietly, his brain wracks for the memory and he nods, “This is it. I got it today from my parents’ house.”
Bradley’s eyes drop from Beatrice’s head to the vintage looking music box with floral patterns on the lid, the latch bronze in color and the wood a reddish brown, “Michael suggested it.” she explains after a few seconds of silence, “He was right, I didn’t…I didn’t grieve a lot and I guess…I guess I needed this.”
“Okay.” he murmurs, kissing the side of her head, “Did you open it?” she doesn’t move for a few minutes, but then he feels her arm reach from under his and unclasp the lid, slowly opening the small box. A tinkling music surrounds them, a tiny ballerina spins in a circular platform in the middle of the music box, where there were two compartments on the sides with a few pieces of jewelry in them.
Beatrice picks a specific one, “This was her engagement ring.” she whispered, holding it up for him to see, sniffling quietly, “She wore it until the last years of her life, then she kept it here in fear she’d lose it while washing dishes and whatnot…I thought she’d want to be buried with it.” It was a beautiful ring with a small diamond in the middle and two gems on the sides. He couldn't figure out what it was.
Beatrice was so focused on explaining what it was she didn’t see Bradley’s eyes intently staring at the ring. Earlier that day he ended up visiting a bridal website - for curiosity of course- hoping to find a ring that’d scream Beatrice’s name…but everything was too big, too fancy, nothing that would remind him of her. But this one. This one was a lot more of what he had in mind for her, small yet beautiful. “It’s really pretty.” he says after he noticed he got too quiet, but Beatrice didn’t seem to notice.
She holds it above her finger, “She had long fingers,” but she doesn’t try it on, “You know? She was…yeah…” she smiles sadly still holding it, “She was something else.”
“Are you okay?”
Beatrice’s response was a weak laugh, but she nodded, “I am.” she inhales deeply, still pressing her temple to his shoulder, “It’s just…strange I guess, to see everything again after so long…but Michael was right, my nonna would want me to do this.”
He didn’t know what sort of conversation she and Michael had, but she seemed a lot lighter than she usually was, like a weight dropped from her shoulders. “I’m going to take this to the house when we move in, I think it’d be like…a blessing of some sort you know?” she smiles, “She’d like to be there.”
“...Yeah I get what you mean.” the box of memories his mother kept would also go, he had decided a few days back that he’d probably get some things off the box to decorate the halls of their new home, maybe not everything, but some of the things would be good to look at whenever he walked around the place. “You think your nonna would like to know we are living together?”
“Well she was old school, Brad.” she murmurs, gently placing the engagement ring back inside and pushing the lid closed with a soft ‘click’ “She wouldn’t know how this works.” she chuckles, “To her it’d be strange that we uh…live together before anything.”
She didn’t say outloud, but he knew what it meant, “...would she be upset about it?”
“No, not upset.” she says a bit too quickly, her face reddening, “Just…confused I guess. But she’d like you so that’s always a bonus.” she smiles, picking the music box gingerly with both hands before she kisses his cheek, “I’m going to put this away.”
Bradley nods with a little grin, but his eyes drop to the side in thought when she walks away. He wondered if…no, he wasn’t wondering, he was going to do something about it after her birthday. He had to, he had to prepare. While they never talked about it, it was there, in the air, like a waft of something that never left: she’d want that, she would. Just by the way she spoke about it or the way she held her nonna’s engagement ring was enough of an answer for him.
While he was excited about the birthday party for Bea, he was even more excited for what would come after. And he just had to do some things first and foremost.
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faithdeans · 1 year
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codegeassfacts · 2 years
Code Geass Bokura No Hibi 15 & 16 & 17 (The end !) // Novels// Non Canon
Here is the last set of Bokura No Hibis novels ; For more information about those, Check the post For Bokura no Hibi 1 & 2, right below (Check the others stories as well !)
Bokura no Hibi 1 & 2
Bokura No Hibi 3 & 4
Bokura No Hibi 5 & 6
Bokura No Hibi 7 & 8
Bokura No Hibi 9 & 10
Bokura No Hibi 11 & 12
Bokura No Hibi 13 & 14
Bokura No Hibi 15: 15th period of Time
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Kallen: Ngh. ......ngggh. ......nnnnngggghhh. (sigh) It's no use. I've been brushing it forever but my hair just won't straighten out. This is why I don't much care for the dry winter air. The brush gets all tangled up in my hair, too, and then I have static charges to deal with. Pretending to be frail and sickly while my hair is in Lively Persona-mode doesn't sit well with me, either... it has to be one or the other. Besides, I've been shown on TV as a Black Knight with this hairstyle -- it's probably for the best that no one here sees me like this.
*Door opens*
Milly: Anyone he~re? Oh, hey, Kallen. ......That's quite the hairstyle you have there. Got yourself a makeover? Kallen: (undertone) Oh drats! Uh, erm -- Kaichou. This is, um.
Milly: Oh! Or is your hair naturally like this, all unruly? Do you straighten it out every morning, before coming to school? How do you do it? Hairspray?
Kallen: Um, yeah...... well...... My hair just won't stay straight for long in this dry weather......
Milly: Why not try curling your hair inwards to sort of neutralize things? Ooh, I've got it. Why not go all the way and get yourself some Emperor Curls? Kallen:Absolutelynot. Milly: Well, yeah, your hair isn't long enough for that, huh.
Kallen: That's not why I'm objecting......
Milly: Still, this hairdo actually looks quite becoming on you. Though I s'ppose it does make you look real tough. Kallen: R-really? But...... Milly: Ye~ah. You're pretty much a different person altogether. Like the sort to go on a wild ride out on the streets in short shorts, navel exposed. Wouldn't put riding about on a Knightmare past you, too, come to think of it-- Kallen: ...... (grips Killer Pouch) Milly: Like, ahahahaha, that's completely out of touch with your inner self now, isn't it? The little princess ought to behave like one. Makes things easier. Kallen: (Sigh of relief) Yes, yes indeed. Oh, really, maybe I should just put on a hat today......
Milly: Al~righty then, Milly-san humbly offers her services to personally fix your hair! (excited) Kallen: Huh!? Why? I mean, I'm fine, you don't have to! There's a lot of electrostatic in my hair. Milly: Static charges don't bother me in the least. (giggle) Well then, here I come!
Kallen: (Crackle!) Augh! That was really electrifying...... Milly: Was it a premonition of love? Kallen: How did you come up with that, exactly? Milly: Oh no, we can't~ Just for the record, I am straight, you know.
Kallen: Your thoughts tend to run off in that direction, don't they? Milly: Oh, what's this? A slender, yet surprisingly firm nape, I see. Kallen: Wha-- where are your hands fondling!? And those are practiced hands, too! Ah! No, please, not the ear!
Milly: (lecherous old man-tone) Ufufu, it's all good, iiiiiit's aaaaaaaaall goooooooooood...
Kallen: Eeeeeeeeeeee--- *****
*Door opens* Shirley: (Speechless) Kaichou, Kallen, what are the two of you...?
Kallen: Sh-Shirley, help m......
Shirley: ......I-I'm so sorry for just walking in like that... I'll be on my way now......
Kallen:Waiiiiit! And I mean that in both senses of the word! ((END))
Translation notes:
Just to clarify (though it shouldn't be necessary):
"Waiiiiit! And I mean that in both senses of the word!"
1. "Wait! Don't misunderstand!" 2. "Wait! Don't go!"
Bokura No Hibi 16 : 16th period of Time (Stage Unknown)
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Rivalz: Hmm, well this is certainly odd. Kaichou actually asked for me by name. Wonder what she wants. She sounded strangely serious about it, though.
......Wait! Could this be, you know, that? Romance love are-you-free-tonight? I-don't-want-to-go-home-today let's-have-some-private-lessons -- THAT SORT OF STUFF!?
Woohoo! Badumpbadumpbadump......
*Opens door*
A-hem. (cool-and-suave act) Oh, Mil...... Kaichou. What's up? That was pretty sudden, calling me out and all.
Milly: Rivalz~...... I, I can't hold it in any longer...... so, so......
Rivalz: Whoaaaaaa! It really is coming!
Milly: So this is now the 1st Conference for the Development of the New Cafeteria Menu! Dadadum, paparapaa~.
Rivalz: ..................Excuse me?
Uhhhhhh -- wuh?
Milly: I am so totally fed-up with the current menu. And don't get me started on lunch boxes, they're always the same ol' thing. I am truly, painfully aware of the need for drastic reform. And so we'll be replacing the menu, all of it! Rivalz, you're in charge.
Rivalz: ............I suppose I sort of had this vague inkling it'd be something like this, yeah.
So, like, what do you want to eat, Kaichou?
Milly: Fresh prawns. And crabs. Not the frozen kind, mind.
Rivalz: Hmm yeah not possible.
Milly: As long as you have GUTS! you can do it.
Rivalz: Nope, no can do.
Milly: Grrrrrrr. Okay, fine, lasagna~ And pot-au-feu. Baked herbal chicken. Whole wheat bread and liver pate and bean soup and ham and sausage and salad plate.
Rivalz: ............I'm afraid to ask, but are you thinking of having all that cooked from scratch in the kitchen?
Milly: We eat only three meals a day. I am deeply reluctant to feed the students microwaved canned food. This is what you call parental love, you know.
Rivalz:You don't want to eat stuff like that, you mean.
Milly: What about you, Rivalz? What do you want on the menu?
Rivalz: Me? Hmm, roast beef sandwich.
Milly: Hmm, yes, standard staple.
Rivalz: Tacos with a huge heaping of minced meat, dressed with tongue-burning spicy salsa sauce.
Milly: Oooh, I like those too!
Rivalz: Crunchy hamburgers filled with heaploads of pickles and ketchup and mustard.
Milly: ......Hold on, all your ideas are basically sandwiched meat.
Rivalz: What's wrong with that? I'm just a commoner, perfectly happy with a slice of meat between two pieces of bread.
Milly: You're just lazy. Give it some serious thought, now!
Rivalz: Do I haaaaave to?
(C.C.: ......Pizza.)
Rivalz: Huh?
Is it just me, or am I hearing things with uncanny clarity...... Pizza?
Milly: Ah, pizza's good. So it's decided then. Rivalz's requested menu item: Pizza.
Rivalz: Wuh? Ummm, no, I......
Milly: Well, that's pretty much it. Do a survey and write me a report by next week, 'kay? I'm leaving it all to you. Ciao~
Rivalz: Eh? Uh, right...... Ciao~ ......
(Mystery voice [C.C.]: Fufufu......)
Bokura No Hibi 17 : 17th period of Time (Stage unknown)
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Suzaku: (sigh) The afternoon classes have already started......
I've been continually late and absent these days, so it's kind of difficult for me to walk into class...... I suppose I could kill some time in the Student Council Room, at least until the next class starts.
On second thought, no, that just isn't right of me. Gotta hurry.
--Wait, there's a really familiar person taking a good ol' hearty afternoon nap on the lawn...
Lelouch: ......Suzaku? Did you just arrive?
Suzaku: Did I wake you up, Lelouch?
Lelouch: Nah, don't worry 'bout it.
Suzaku: If you're just going to sleep anyway, why not show up for class and sleep through it using your usual pose?
Lelouch: Confining myself to the classroom on a beautiful day like this makes for a pretty sad life, don't you think?
Suzaku: Eh, I thought earnestly showing up for classes is one of your principles in life.
Lelouch: Looked like I was going to be late, so I decided to skip it. Doing things half-assed is an even bigger display of a lack of sincerity, I find.
Suzaku: Your logic is as mind-boggling as always......
Lelouch: (yawn) ......I had a few dreams.
Suzaku: Good ones?
Lelouch: So-so.
Suzaku: I don't really dream. Always dead asleep, I am.
Lelouch: Apparently most artists, artisans and athletes don't dream much.
Suzaku: Uh, I don't think I fall into any of those categories......
Lelouch: True, but what I'm saying is that someone like you who's always rushing about in top gear juggling military duties, school life and the Student Council wouldn't have the time to dream. My advice: Just do a passable job and take things easy.
Suzaku: Thing is, I don't quite know how to slack off and cut corners. Unlike you, Lelouch, I'm not the cunning sort.
Lelouch: I wish you'd say that I have a 'thorough grasp on the proper allocation of resources' instead.
Suzaku: Wow, would you listen to him! (laugh) Still, I didn't think someone as neurotic as you would be able to sleep out in the open.
Lelouch: I've been well-trained. I can sleep on the floor, too.
Suzaku: On the floor?
Lelouch: 'Sides, I like the nostalgic smell of grass. I also like the blue of the sky, the way it's always the same no matter where you are. The sound of running water from the stream over in the courtyard calms me, too.
Suzaku: You can actually hear the sound of running water?
Lelouch: If you lie still and listen closely you'll start to hear it, little by little. You can even hear the movements of the riverbed.
Suzaku: If you can hear even that you've got some amazing ears......
Lelouch: Try it. You'll get what I mean.
Suzaku: That so?
......But you're right, it does feel great......
Lelouch: Doesn't it feel as though the static noise in your body's evaporating into the warm sunlight?
Suzaku: Kinda feels like I'm about to melt......
Lelouch: Closing my eyes and watching the red darkness behind my eyelids like this makes me feel as though something important, something nostalgic is coming towards me from up above.
Suzaku: ......Yeah.
......It really does feel that way......
Lelouch: Aren't you going to class?
Suzaku: You're evil. It's simply impossible to go now.
And that's about it for the Bokura No hibis ! Those were some fun novels about our favorite Student Council with some C.C. added in the mix; Hope you enjoyed if you discovered those or hope you enjoyed discovering them again; Once again those are novels so non canon material but headcanon is always pretty fun.
Translation curtesy of Our Geass translator Queen, Celiss Galvea, who really fed us with plenty of material, scans and translations during the Geass airing days.
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almalvo · 1 year
STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE S4E18 "In A Mirror, Darkly Part 1"
oh my god its the freaking scene from the tng star trek movie. of vulcans landing and meeting zefram.
i like scruffy hair archer not hedgehog man XD PORTHOS NO COME BAKCK BEAGLETHOS linda and archer idk about that but also oml how archer caught her knife
oh my god first time we getr to see on screen tholian
im sorry but when archer said "break him"… sorry but some of hte best anger ive seen in post tos star trek series is archer. eugh hearing a dude as the computer voice is so odd majel come bacvk man if i could draw my face while watching all this ent mirrorverse haha blakc haired archer interesting OH MY GODDDA AAAAA ITS AN NC CONSTITUTIONAL CLASS STAR SHIP OH SHIIIT
THE FUCKING GREEEEEEN SHIIIIIIIRRRRRRT IM FUCKING CRYING IM IN TEARS HELLP MEEEEE FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUC FH THE PANTS IM im gonna faint oh my god im going to me l t help help me dude. what a fucking honour it must be to get to wear those clothes, hold those props, press those buttons, see those lights, hear those sounds… from where it all began….. what a f u c k i n g honour. G GG G G GORRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
whooAAAAAAAOHAAA seeing that animated gorn hol y shit i miss the disco eyes and the dress BUT IS HE WEARING THE DRESS THOUGH? THE DRESS? sorry seeing archer slide in from archers let was funny they should make a fucking star trek escape room. please. please. why has this not been done yet. PLESE. oh m;y god lok at the interiouir i want my house to ook like this i dont fucking care THE COMMUNICATORSS no but that green shirt works great on archer oh my god tpol has eye shadow THE FUCKING EYE SHADOW ugh the og phaser looks so nice to hold it looks so nice in the hand ugh i love all of it im fucking i cant contain myself OH OHHHH THATTTT GORNNNNNNNN THOUGHHHH??? NO I MISS HIS DISCO EYESSSSSS BRING BACK THE DISCO EYESSSS OH MY GOD HE HAS THE DRESSSS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR HEEEE HASS THEEE DRESSSSSSS FUCKKKKKKKK YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 3D CHESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS nobut gorn looked the BEST in tos… am i wrong though. am i wrong. oh my fuck.
im not into mirror linda park and archer lmaoooo ugh yesss the colourful wooden slices for data chips yesss AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE WAYYYY HOSHIIIII HOLDS THE KNIFEEEEE SULLUUUUU MY BAAAYYYYBEHHHHHH oof sorry but to see tpol punch like taht is so ummfph please i want to eat a vulcan knuckle sandwich
nah not my linda park sorry but damn she LIVES her roles love it. oml EMPRESS PARK ill TAKE IT.
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noisydiary · 2 years
☾ | i think i'm gonna keep author's notes before, rather than after ^^ this is a little warm up before i get to work on a halloween thing.... it's also kinda a follow up to this: overthinking with no clear answer | also inspired by this!
"Gloria-- can- could I talk with you about something?"
"Huh? Yeah, sure."
"Great," Jess grabbed Gloria's arm and dragged her to the back room. She slumped to sit near the exit door and huffed, with Gloria following suit to sit next to her.
She let off a reassuring smile as she got settled, "Soo, what's up, buttercup?"
"…I think- Iii think I need to talk about Faith…"
"Ooooookayyyyy…? What about her?"
It took a moment, before Jess let off a groan as she pulled into herself, grabbing at her hair as her thoughts ran off with her- all of the little things connecting then and there, and each little one mounting to ram her like a truck. "Goooooooooood…!!!"
"Okay- okay, calm down, Jess-"
"No, I'm not going to calm down!!" Jess hissed, pulling at her hair before her head snapped up…
In trade, Gloria pressed in, "What's wrong with Faith?"
"Nothing is wrong with her, that's the problem!"
"If nothing's wrong, then what's the problem?"
Another beat paused, as Jess' cheeks filled red hot, her head bowing away as she mumbled, "…I think I like her."
…And Gloria laughed- a sweet kind of laugh that earned her a smack to her arm from Jess. "What?!"
"It's not funny!!"
"Sorry-- just… glad to see you're over me," Gloria rubbed her neck as she spoke.
"…I've been over you for a while, Gloria."
"Uhuh, right. So you still blush when I do something you like for no reason?" Gloria's voice all too smug for Jess' liking-… especially because she's right.
Nevertheless, however, Jess sighed, "Still working on that."
Another laugh from Gloria as she shook her head, turning away the conversation. "Sooo…. You like Faith, and that's… a problem? What's wrong with that?"
"I-!! Might like Faith. And, I don't know… Because it's weird?? Because unlike with you, there's no way she would like me back."
It took every bone in Gloria's body not to laugh at that one, holding back by looking away and covering her mouth with her hand.
"Nothing!" Gloria's voice sharp and squeaky, biting her lip after, "Just-… okay. So… You might like her, and you're worried about it…"
Jess gave a solemn nod, huffing as she held her chin in her hands, "…I don't know, I just- ugh…"
Silence sat for a beat, as Jess let everything stew. Yeah, she was thinking about this last night, and yeah, all of her thoughts made her feel sick to the point of throwing up… Godd don't throw up here-
"Wellll… You could try and tell me what you like? That might help you figure out if you like her more than just a friend." Gloria's voice got Jess' attention, snapping her out of her own head.
Gloria nodded, "Yeah! I mean- if you think you like her, what's the harm in talking about her?"
"…I might like her more-"
"Oh, so you want me to help you forget you like her."
A pang ran through Jess' chest, her heart racing at the thought.
"Right? I mean, isn't that the easiest solution?"
Something about it, the concept of forgetting- it roiled her stomach, making her feel sick all over again. She could feel heat in her cheeks, her teeth gritting as she shut her eyes to stop them from welling up… miserably shaking her head after a moment.
"No?" Gloria's tone almost sounded surprised… Almost. There was a layer of understanding underneath it- or maybe rather, a note of wisdom, as if knowing how the concept made Jess feel.
"…No…" Jess croaked, lifting her head to look at Gloria- who gave another reassuring smile in return.
"Okay, then… what's the sitch?"
Jess bit her inner lip-
"…or did you just want to come to me like I'm some priest to admit your sins. 'Oh, Sister Gloria, I love another…'"
And- that got a laugh from Jess… just a small one, but it eased the aching in her chest.
"Yeah, that's what I thought. That's what you sound like right about now. So, go on, tell me. Spill, spill!!"
Jess mumbled, "…It's- going to sound so cheesy…" "So what!! It's not like your reputation is on the line here."
Easy for you to say… "Okay, fine…"
A beat passed as Jess stretched out, adjusting how she was sitting so that she could just… gaze out into the store- to look off and forget the context, and just… speak.
"…She's pretty- really pretty. But- not in a traditional way, I guess. Like, I wouldn't say she was pretty when I met her. I- think I remember meeting her and thinking, 'God, what a prissy, nosy, prim kid'. But, now…? Fuck… I think she grew on me- because now when I look at her I just get distracted…"
"Mm… thinking about how she still has growing up to do?" Gloria's voice teased, but another little pang ran through Jess as the words settled in her head.
"…ohGodyeahsheisfourteenisn'tshe-" Jess let off a groan as she started to ball up again- before Gloria stopped her by lightly pressing on her shoulder.
"Yes, she is-"
"God!! That's so weird--"
"I mean, you were dating at fourteen." Gloria shrugged, pulling back her hand.
"Okay, but I was also definitely more reckless than Faith. It's not like Faith would outwardly chose some asshole."
"Well, if it helps, you're almost seventeen, aaand she'll be fifteen a few months after that."
Gloria gave a short nod, glancing off as she pulled out her calendar, "Iiiif I remember right…. Ah, yep! February 14th, Valentines day, and Faith's birthday."
"…her birthday is Valentines day." The amount of sheer astonishment in Jess' voice could clear a small town in Ohio.
"…makes sense why she's such a hopeless romantic." Nonchalant as it was, Jess glanced over to Gloria and saw her biting back something again, "What?"
"Nothing. Just-- back on track. So she's pretty, what else?"
Jess shrugged as she zoned out again, "…She's smart, not like- Reggie smart, but smart. She has a good head on her shoulders, but in the same sense, she's also so in her own head she forgets common sense sometimes- it's… A little cute. She'll be absorbed in writing something that she doesn't hear anything… or she'll get really excited over a new series coming out, and talk about it for weeks."
"Really? She doesn't do that with me…"
"No shot- it's like, her favourite thing to do."
Gloria pursed her lips as she shrugged, giving as vague a hint as she could, "Guess she's not as close to me."
"Huh… well- anyway…" Aaaaaaaand the hint went over her head. Jess continued anyway, "…I dunno, I guess a lot of it is little things- like she has this laugh when she's excited… or how she'll try to keep herself contained and reasonable, but it bubbles up until she can't take it anymore and needs to spill. It's nice to see her be herself when she's with us during meetings- but… I guess I feel bad for her when she gets dragged in to our shit. She hates those movies… same as Maria… Well- Maria has a deeper reason, but Faith just- she gets so scared. She's always so shaky when I see her, especially if someone's hurt. She's really good at taking care of them, but… I dunno, I guess whenever she helps me, I need to calm her down- or she's going to break down and panic."
Gloria interrupted, giving Jess a moment to catch her breath, in a way. "And you don't mind that?"
Jess shook her head, giving back a rather dull response, "Not at all."
"Huh… well, I guess it's because she cares a lot about her friends."
"Yeah! That too… I guess it's just… something along the lines of how she tried to get us to all be friends when we started up VHS meetings…" Jess paused, glancing off, "I didn't really like that to start, but- well… I guess I fell into the idea of being friends with her."
"Or more…~"
"That's what we're here to talk about, Jess!! I can tease you about it all I want."
Jess pouted at that response, but accepted it as an answer.
0 notes
i-am-become-a-name · 2 years
#prepare ahead in the notes for spoilers because i don't want to put them in the main text#gallifrey spoilers#lalalalalalalalalalalalalala cover your eyes#OH MY HEART MY DARLINGS#and they still speak of ace. god i want her back in gallifrey. and i want her to eat braxiatal ALIVE#you risked your life. your only life./of course. and i'd do all over again leela. i- i. / i know. i also know you want to ask me a question#and you know my answer. i cannot. / i think i've known all along.#though we are apart you are no longer alone narvin. / no no. i'm not. none of us are.#god it was so goooooooooood#ace might still be out there..... please sophie...... don't tease us like that .........#all those half finished sentences and knowing each other. god. it's been seventy or eighty years for him. and god knows how long for her.#and they thought each other dead. god.#they carry each other with them. and narvins carries ace and they both carry romana#i was... conflicted during the first two audios. because jesus there's a huge amount wrong with calling her a savage and literally fcking#collaring her. like holy sht wtf. and even with the collar gone it's still there. she's shackled and disrespected and her life isn't her own#and jfc the threat of Vibax if she didn't comply or wasn't good enough. it's sick.#but for once she's also being respected. the general (and who are you sir I'm sure you're going to be someone i'm too sus of you) genuinely#respects her opinions and trusts what she says where EVERYONE including narvin and romana have distrusted and dismissed her in the past#but he's also one of her. idk. one of the men with his hand on the button of her future.#LET ME LOOK AT YOU#oh sean honey talking about how he believed tw4 might have actually been the end of narvin and that's why he tweeted that video. oh darling
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buckgasms · 2 years
My brain really likes to write angst and it woke me up with this one, I hope you enjoy
Bucky stood at the door of the hospital room, hands shaking and fidgeting. Beyond the door was someone he had thought long forgotten, by him and by time itself.
Her. His doll. His girl. The one he had left behind in the war, the one who always promised to be his. He felt like he could hardly breathe, an achy but cold feeling in his chest that kept him from just opening the door.
"I know you're out there," he heard an old woman's voice call sweetly from inside the sterile white room. With a shaky breath, and a possibly even shakier hand he opened the door to see her laying there.
She still looked so much like her, even after time had changed her hair white and the wrinkles set in. Her eyes still held that light that he couldn't recall up until this point. She smiled at him, and he was instantly enveloped in memories of how they danced in her apartment at night, all the drives, and all the dinner dates. He could recall the way she felt in his arms, and tears started to prick his eyes.
"Oh, James..." While she didn't say anything else, her face told him all he needed to know. She still loved him, even after all this time. He moved closer, slowly, still scared of himself. But as soon as she could reach him, she pulled him closer, keeping his hand in hers as he stood at her bedside.
He tried to speak but no words came out, and he was sure that even if they did, they wouldn't make any sense at all. She looked up at him, with all the love and adoration that she had always held for him.
"I stole your life away." Is what he settled on, she pulled his hand closer.
"James, you never stole anything from me but a few kisses, and even then I let you. You didn't steal anything from me, you hear me?"
"You never..." Moved on, her mind filled in.
"That was my choice. I chose that. You know better than anyone that no man ever made me do anything."
He chuckled, for the first time in a long time, he chest felt free of the crushing guilt and anxiety that plagued every moment of his existence.
"Why?" He couldn't stop himself before the word snuck out of his lips, finally looking in her eyes, the ones he now remembers to have loved so much.
"Because I have always been your girl. Nothing was ever going to change that. Death or anything else. I knew I was yours till the end of time the moment I saw you."
Tears crept down his cheeks, eyes stained pink as sobs built in his throat until it was was too uncomfortable to keep them there. He collapsed to his knees on the floor, sobbing as she pulled his head to rest on her as he cried.
He gripped her tight, well aware that at any second he may loose her again. She pet his hair gently, running her hands through his recently cut hair, he hadn't physically changed much at all from the last time she saw him.
He was still around the same build, his hair looked the same now, he was even more handsome that she had remembered him to be. With the stubble that now coated his jaw, a few years older, and all dressed in leather.
"You're still so handsome." She told him, he looked up at her for a moment, brows furrowed in confusion. He didn't say a word, only moved his right hand up to rest on the side of her face.
She leaned into his palm, taking his other hand in hers and removing the leather gloves from his fingers, he looked down in shame and embarrassment.
"Hey, look at me, James," he took a few moments but eventually looked at her again, "You. Are. Beautiful. Nothing is ever gonna change that. Everytime you look in the mirror now, I want you to think about me, when I was still pretty, standing there behind you. Reminding you just how beautiful and courageous and perfect you are. If no one else sees that, it's their loss, okay? I never gave up on you, so just remember that okay, whenever you need it, I will always be right there next to you."
Oh my goooooooooood 😭😭😭😭😭
This is amazing and beautiful and perfect!! Thank you so much it's just the perfect ending even though my heart is brokeeeeen!!
Your writing is gorgeous my gal 😘
Read the inspo here
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lowkeyanakin · 3 years
ahsoka for character asks !
ask and you shall be given <3
favorite thing about them
the fact that she's balanced. she might not think of herself as a jedi by the end of rebels etc, but she truly embodies what jedi SHOULD be: she's kind, brave, fair, compassionate and loyal. she's got the best of the two men who raised her (which will always make me very emotional, don't mind me) and i wish we would have seen her training a new generation of jedi. she's my girl, and i love her to death
least favorite thing about them
terrible taste in men. gurl, you can do much better. (not but seriously i love her to death and can't really find something i don't like)
favorite line
i'd say anakin. their friendship is truly something special and i loved how it gradually grew.at first anakin was almost an asshole to her because well, he's a former teenager charged with a stubborn teenager. but to see the two of them become best friends slowly over the course of the years it's my favourite thing ever.
I HAVE MORE THAN ONE ACTUALLY. first and foremost rexsoka. i just,,,,,,, the softness, loyalty and dedication???? don't make me start. then i LOVE her with maul in modern aus/time travel aus/in-universe canon divergence (he's younger). fixing him? nah, she will actively make him worse. but also she's there for her troubled man, and they are the actual sweetest (like, maul would kiss the ground she walks on, let's be real about it) (i may or may not have planned an high-school au with them).
lux bonteri but i don't think it counts lmao. then there's like anakin/ahsoka because i truly cannot see it tbh, for me they work best with a sibling-like dynamic or the equivalent of father-daughter but you're the parent of a feral kitten.
random headcanon
she likes to co-sleep with anakin and obi-wan (or rex and some other clones when they're not available) because torgutas nest with the members of their family and she can hear their heartbeats with her lekku, which makes her feel safe and loved. also, it helps with nightmares and ptsd.
unpopular opinion
i get shipping her with barriss because yes same she's the one i use when i want to give her a background romantic relationship but i wish there was someone else. like, nevermind what they did to her character in tcw, but hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh where is another woman i can ship the shit out of her with? do i really have to make her myself? (yes i have read the ahsoka's book and no side characters don't count)
song i associate with them
oh god??????? i never thought about it?????? but Big Girls Cry by Sia seems fitting for her
favorite picture of them
i know, not very original lol but LOOK AT HER
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send me a character !!!!
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fairydust006 · 3 years
May I just say last nite episode of the Cleaning lady was good!So goooooooooood!!!If you are not watching you are missing!!
Watching Thony sing🎤 damn she has a lovely voice!!
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Thony singing and looking directly at her husband but thinking 🤔 of Arman .Well…😍
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Arman at the bar daydreaming about Thony in her red dress serenading him..Oh my gawd!!!!!🤣I mean Armando!IS IN LOVE!Periodt!(the opening sequence of this episode!!!!)The SONG!!
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That Armony scene !!!!That scene is everything!The singing,song and lyrics!!Both of them in their feelings!My Armony heart ♥️ has melted into pieces!!
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eclectic-confusion · 4 years
Neighbors - Sherlock x FtM!Reader Pt. 3
Part three!!! Whooooo!!! I’m so so SO excited for y’all to read this! Things are gettin’ goooooooooood~ ALSO! If you guys want me to make a taglist for this fic (or for all my future Sherlock fics!) please let me know!!! I’d be happy to make one ^3^
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four
AO3 and Wattpad links
Word Count: 1075
Chapter: 3/?
The Game is On
~Reader POV~
You took a deep breath, clearing your head before starting your examination of the scene; it wouldn't help anyone if you let your emotions get the better of you. While you loved your job, it was sometimes difficult keeping your empathy at bay.
The door handle's broken - the locking mechanism looks like it was tampered with quite a while ago. Whoever did this had planned it.
You walked further into the apartment, continuing your search.
The body's in front of the couch; seems a bit stale. She was attacked from behind based on the stab wounds covering her back like sprinkles. The TV's still on - she must've been relaxing when the killer snuck in and surprised her. This place is meticulously decorated...so why is there an awkward blank spot over there?
Your gaze landed on the wall opposite the couch; eyebrows furrowed.
There's nails sticking out - something was hung here. The killer must've taken whatever it was with them. Nothing's stuck to the nails, though; no stray fibers or anything. I have no idea what it could’ve been.
Peeking into the kitchen, you noticed something else odd.
There's a knife missing from the stand. He used her own knife to kill her and grabbed a souvenir on the way out - but why?
Walking back out to the living room you noticed Sherlock and another man walking through the front door, examining the handle as you had done not five minutes earlier. They looked up as you approached them.
That must be Sherlock's flat mate - John, I believe. Even if Sherlock was rude, I should still be civil. We're at work, after all.
"Hello, Sherlock. And you must be John." You said professionally, smiling and holding out your hand. His grip was firm as he shook it, grinning brightly. "I'm Dr. (Y/F/N), head of forensics. It's nice to meet you."
"Mrs. Hudson mentioned that you'd moved in downstairs. It's great to meet you, too." John said, glancing around as Sherlock wandered off to examine the body. "So what've you found so far?"
"The victim is in their mid-seventies and has blue eyes - just like the first victim. She lived here alone, and judging by the lack of photos she didn't have much of a family. The door handles' lock was jammed some time ago, so the killer's been planning this for a while. The TV was left on and the body's not fresh - meaning that the victim was having a night in when she was attacked. The killer stabbed her repeatedly with a knife from the kitchen and took it with them when they left. And judging by the extensive décor, they also took whatever was hanging on the far wall. Nothing else was disturbed, so we can rule out robbery as a motive. Comparing this murder to the others, it seems like the killer wants their victims to suffer; but I'm not sure why." You finished, blushing slightly as you realized you'd been ranting.
"Mrs. Hudson was right..." John muttered, smiling fondly and looking over your shoulder. 
"Huh?" You asked, following his line of sight to see Sherlock staring at you intently a few feet away. He cleared his throat as you caught his gaze, snapping out of his trance and coming to stand by John.
Was he...blushing?
"It seems I may have...underestimated you, (Y/N). I'm sorry." Sherlock said stiffly, clasping his hands behind his back and refusing to meet your eyes. You felt your blush deepen,
"Thanks, Sherlock. All's forgiven." The faintest hint of a grin ghosted over Sherlock's face; leaving as fast as it had appeared. 
"What'd I miss?" Lestrade asked, walking over to your small group. 
Heckin' heck when did he get here?
"Ah, well-" You were cut off by Sherlock gently grabbing your arm and dragging you to the door.
"(Y/N)'s coming with me and John to the other crime scenes." Lestrade watched you get hauled off with a curious expression.
"Why am I going with? I mean, I'm happy to help, but...why me?" You asked as the three of you stepped outside.
"I need a second opinion, and yours might prove to be especially valuable." Sherlock answered, hailing a cab. 
"Then why am I here?" John asked.
"I'd be lost without my blogger."
"Blogger?" You asked as you all got into the taxi.
"I have a personal blog where I've typed up all the cases Sherlock and I have been on."
"I suppose the life of a consulting detective's rather exciting, then?"
"You have no idea." John answered with a chuckle as the cab pulled up to an expensive-looking apartment building. Sherlock practically leaped from the car once it'd stopped; you and John followed after paying the cabbie. 
"This is the first victim's apartment, yea?" You asked, following Sherlock up the stairs.
"Yep." He answered, heading to a door covered in police tape.
"I got it." You knelt in front of the door and grabbed the bobby pin fastened to your sleeve. You kept it there for moments like these. Less than a minute later the door popped open with a ‘click’. You smiled at the boys and noticed they were staring at you - one intrigued, the other bewildered. "What? It's a good skill to have."
The studio apartment was bare save for a couch, a TV, some boxes, and a bed. A tape outline of the body marked the floor in the middle of the room. 
"Just moved in." You noted, peering into an open box labeled ‘work’ while Sherlock studied the furniture and John looked at the outline.
"She'd only been here two days." Sherlock noted, moving from the couch to the bed. 
"Looks like she was a sex worker." You said, seeing the copious amount of risqué clothing in the box. "I want to say jealous client, but that doesn't account for the other two murders."
"She had a girlfriend." You looked up, seeing Sherlock holding a pillow from the bed as well as a picture. You walked over to him and smiled - the picture captured a beautiful moment of two women kissing under fairy lights.
Sherlock set down the photo and took out his phone, typing something quickly before going to the door. 
"We're leaving already?" John asked as the three of you headed back out to the street.
"We got all we needed." 
"Next crime scene, then?" You asked.
"Absolutely. The game is on!"
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CAN I REQUEST SOME SAMSON/ANDERS HURT/COMFORT? Bonus if it’s Anders who is sick or injured and Samson has to try and deal with that. Angst is good! Softness is good! Them being grumpy is goooooooooood.
I know you said angst but.. uuh... this happened.
There was a chicken sitting on his bed.
There was a chicken sitting on his bed.
It was plump and fluffy, with a small round head and a yellow beak. Its feathers were shiny and bright, which, if he wasn't mistaken, indicated good health. It stared at him with its bead-like eye. It smelled of hay and damp fabric. It was a chicken.
An attempt at moving exploded like a ton of gaatlok inside his skull; he winced and moaned, briefly blinded by the pain. His mouth felt so dry the mere act of breathing resulted in agony. Trying to stay as still as possible, he squinted and locked eyes with the bird sitting at his feet.
“Cluck,” said the chicken. “Cluck-cluck.”
Anders took a moment to look around. The bed wasn’t his, at a closer inspection - he was in Hawke’s guest room, where he’d stay on occasion when a templar raid came knocking on his door, or when he simply had nowhere else to go. Here, the sheets were always clean, the flowers on the window always watered, and whence he entered, an inexplicable relief of homecoming would wash over him. Not today, though. There was a fucking chicken in his bed. And Hawke was nowhere to be found.
And why does his head hurt so much?
He traced the slippery thread of his memory back to yesterday’s eve. He had finished work earlier than normal, and no danger lurked on the horizon. Samson was sulking; his body wasn’t giving him the time of day again. That’s why, instead of heading to see Hawke, Anders scooped his doorkeeper by the collar and headed to the Hanged Man.
Little did he know, Hawke was already there. Then...
“Well, look who’s up.”
Talk of demons. Ever lanky, bony, spotty, Samson was leaning on the door frame, studying Anders with a smirk. His smiles were rare and far between, and each time his face appeared to crack open like an egg, as if it were never intended for displays of joy. His grin made Anders itchy; it couldn’t mean anything benevolent.
“Ughh,” he remarked, though his original intention lay along the lines of ‘what the fuck’.
“Yeah. Take it easy.” Samson straightened up. He was looking sideways, like an embarrassed kid. “Shoulda known this’d happen. My bad.”
He helped Anders up and stacked an additional pillow under his back, the way he would for the patients in the clinic. He also placed a wet cloth on Anders’ forehead, and life at once has begun to seem more bearable. Samson had that kind of effect on people - or rather on Anders in particular. Something about him being so down to earth, he settled naturally into the role of a... bodyguard? caretaker? enabler and often direct accomplice?..
He’d make a great father, Anders thought often, with fondness he had never suspected in himself.
“I told Nora to handle the patients. She’ll cope for a day or two. Rest.”
“Thanks, I think. Uhm, Raleigh...” It was time to address the bird in the room. “What is that?”
“Hm?.. Oh, that. I believe that’s a chicken.”
“I know what it is. What is it doing here?”
“She’s helping.” Samson offered the bird a curved finger, and it gladly allowed him to scratch its soft back. “You’re helping, arncha, girl?”
“Cluck-cluck,” it agreed.
“And what valuable services does she provide?”
“This, for once.” He passed Anders a glass filled to a half with clear golden substance. “Also, moral support.”
Anders looked at the chicken. It fluffed up its feathers and shifted its wrinkled pink legs. It appeared to have taken a great liking to its new owner, and as he kept ruffling her plumage, a string of content clucks bubbled up within its breast.
“I don’t feel very supported.”
“Not for you. For me.”
Anders opened his mouth, had a second of rumination, and closed it right back. There was evidently no point in further questioning of the bird’s presence, seeing how so far the answers provided have only confused him further. He decided to change the subject.
“I assume,” he began, wrinkling his brow in contemplation, “her... arrival... has something to do with last night’s events?”
“Yup.” Samson chortled. “I guess you’ve got less in your head than a baby nug right now, huh?.. Well, the short version is, we hit the Hanged Man. Hawke kept whining to me how Justice won’t allow you to drink and how you’ve got a stick up your ass long enough to reach the Black City... which I agreed with... then we made a bet on who’d get you to fall off the wagon. I won.”
That explained the headache and amnesia. Not the chicken.
Anders let out a deep sigh. He was painfully aware that his unique circumstances could make his company dull at times. Not only the inability to relax, but the constant threat of entering a mad frenzy, the bad dreams and subsequent insomnia, the habit of talking to himself and forgetting of his surroundings...
It’s often tough to be friends with someone who hurts all over, all the time.
“What happened next?” he inquired tiredly. Might as well get the shameful part over with.
“You want a list?.. For starters, Justice got all riled up. Threatened to squish us like maggots, but Hawke talked him down. Proposed a duel of minds instead.”
“Duel of minds?”
“Grace. Shoulda been an easy way out since you suck at it so much. Turns out the glowy fucker had a few tricks up his sleeve. Not sure what he needed Hawke’s breeches for. Wasn’t keen on asking.”
“Oh Maker.”
“Then we hit the town. Thought some fresh air might clear his head. About half-way down the market he spotted our Polla here.” Samson patted the bird, and was rewarded with a loving peck on the finger. “She was out for sale. Your pal Demon du Bitchface started raging about her being a victim of oppression. We tried luring him away before he’d wake the entire street. But when we looked away for a minute, bastard yoinked the bloody thing and bolted.
 We chased him down to the Docks, where he rammed into a templar patrol. Thought they’d chop his head off right on the spot. But Polla helped.”
“Yeah. Pecked the poor sod right on the nose. It was them or us, and, well...” He shrugged, briefly pulling on a mask of indifference - the best defense he had when it came to the conflict of interest between his new friend and old comrades. “Anyway, after that whole display messere Justice decided to keep her. Said she’s a true knight of honor.”
“You’re kidding me, right?.. Justice knighted a chicken?”
“She’s ser Polla now. We held a small ceremony at the Alienage. But then her owner showed up, so we had to scram.”
Anders rubbed the bridge of his nose. The headache still pounded on his ears with every little noise, meaning the story was at least partially true to reality. He felt as if he’d awakened after a nightmare, only to discover said nightmare manifested before his eyes.
“Alright.” He braced for another round. “So we got, uuh, Polla... Maker, I feel like I’m gonna die...”
“Drink your egg. She made it for you.”
He stared at the glass, which in light of Samson’s tale he’s completely forgotten about. He heard something about raw eggs and their use as a hangover remedy. They could give food poisoning. He weighed suffering the migraine versus risk of vomiting, then shut his eyes tight and gulped the ghastly substance down.
He was not at all delighted by this experience. The egg was slimy and cold and somehow got stuck in his throat, so he had to swallow hard before his body has agreed to accept it. The absolute disgust he felt did jolt him into a more upright state, but it came at a cost.
“Nice,” Samson praised him, and took the glass from his hands. “So yeah. After that we decided to bring you here, just in case. But on the way up we passed the Blooming Rose-”
“Oh no.”
“Justice took the fight to the girls there... Something about them being treated as cattle by the clients. I think he mentioned ‘unionizing’. They didn’t mind, actually. But I don’t think you should poke your pretty face in there in the nearest future.”
“Uh-huh,” Anders agreed. He sensed the same thing could be said about the entirety of Kirkwall.
“About an hour later we finally got the girls to leave him alone. Headed home right after. Hawke’s out for the day. Told me to look after you. That’s the story... more or less.”
Anders should’ve gotten angry that they got him to drink. Instead, his eyes were itchy with a wet stamp of guilt. His friends wished to have fun and relax, and instead were forced to chase him across the city while he was throwing fits left and right. Maker knows what Samson neglected to mention.
“I suppose you got what you deserved,” he offered at last with a hint of bitterness. To his surprise, Samson laughed with utter delight.
“Exactly. Wouldn’t change a thing.”
“Wouldn’t change a-Raleigh, you could’ve been killed, there could be-”
“We could’ve been killed at the Hanged Man, or back home, shit, even here.” Samson scowled. His scrappy paw tugged at Anders’ wrist. “Hey. Trouble’s trouble. That’s kinda what friends are for, right?.. And frankly, I haven’t had this much fun since... a long time ago.”
Anders suddenly felt a powerful urge to kick something. He was all tingly, and the hangover had nothing to do with it.
Samson pulled him up from the bed.
“C’mere. I wanna show you something.”
He helped Anders reach the window, step by step and with plenty of breaks. Triumphant, they finally hunkered over the windowsill and peeked outside, down where marble streets of Hightown carried their gleeful flow of merchants, nobles and guards, all reduced to a handful of hats floating over the crowd. Above all of it, drifting between the gardens, stood the golden Chantry. And on its wall...
On its wall was depicted something that, to the best of Anders’ knowledge, had absolutely nothing to do with Andraste. Or the Maker. Most appalling was the level of anatomical detail, but the scale was nothing to sneeze at either. A group of servants could be seen toiling beneath the wall, trying to scrape to profane image off the marble. So far they have not been very successful.
“Well?” Samson demanded, puffing with unironic pride. “What do you think?”
“It’s...” Anders had to search for words. “It’s beautiful. How did we?..”
“You on my shoulders. Since my hands were busy, Hawke had to fight off the guards. I don’t think he’ll be allowed there anymore.”
“That does sound probable.” Anders felt a bleak smile creep upon his lips. “Hey, Raleigh.”
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daydreamrry · 3 years
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 years
Hey, I've just had that soft little slightly AUish idea and thought that you might like it, so: while they were on the run in the 3A, Red and Liz somehow* came to a conclusion that they sleep better if they sleep together as in one bed.
So, after Liz was exonerated and the necessity to stick together passed, they still sort of moved together and continued to sleep in one bed not because they were dating (not yet) but just because they both have things that are plaguing them at their most vulnerable — when they are asleep — but each other's presence somehow keeps those things away, letting them both have a night of decent, fitful sleep.
And if one of them does have an occasional nightmare, it is so much easier for the other to soothe them ( Red tries to wake Liz up and almost always succeeds and then proceeds to hold her tight because that's what she asks of him and because her distress awaken the protective part of him and Liz rarely succeeds in waking Red up but she found another way of calming him down — she just slips into his arms, snuggling close to him and allowing him to hold her and with her in his arms he somehow calms down even without waking )
*In my mind, they came to this conclusion because Red had a nightmare and Liz couldn't wake him up but felt the desperate need to do something to soothe him because he was so distressed so, in a leap of faith moment, she slipped into bed and close to him, shifting his arm slightly (another little headcanon of mine is that Red prefers to sleep on his stomach) so he was holding her and that somehow did manage to calm him down and then he was holding her and she thought about getting up and out of the bed again but that meant she'd have to move his arm which in turn could wake him up but he looked so peaceful she didn't want to disturb him again so Liz just closed her eyes and fell asleep and it was the most restful night she's had in weeks if not months (her motel-hopping time included).
Hey, anon!! 😄 Omg, yesssss, soft AU ideas are my favsssss 😭 And this one is just perf imo 🥺 Headcanon? Accepted ✅ CAUSE I MEAN, it's basically canon that both Red & Liz have awful trauma-induced nightmares, right?? We've had so many gratuitous shots of Red brooding & drinking alcohol late into the night, I feel like it's kind of a given, especially with his violent past. So, whenever he does manage to sleep, it sure as hell isn't for long. (And Red sleeping on his stomach? His arms folded under his head? His face mashed in his pillow? Come on, cute af) So, it totally makes sense that Liz would have been privy to a nightmare or two on the run and - given the fabulous relationship they had at that point *stares wistfully into the distance, dreaming of 3A* - Liz would totally have wanted to help. And, lbr, Liz getting hurt is what Red has nightmares about anyway, so her sliding into bed & shimmying under his arm is 1000% guaranteed to soothe him. And the trope of unexpected-best-night's-sleep-ever-in-the-arms-of-the-OTP? Classic.
And dear goooooooooood, I just love the concept of them recreationally sleeping together after they're not on the run anymore, not even anything sexual yet, just a standing appointment every night at Liz's apartment. Red just lets himself in with his toothbrush & his PJs & joins Lizzie in bed, cuddling up close with a combined sigh of relief from both of them bc only then can either of them get any sleep. Can you imagine Aram or Ressler swinging by in the morning to give Liz a ride to the Post Office or bring her a coffee or something and Red is just sitting there in the kitchen reading the newspaper or slipping on his vest after he very obviously just took a shower or casually sailing out the door with a "Same time tonight, Lizzie? See you then!" or something equally hilarious??? 😂
In short... I like the way you think, anon 😏 Thank you for sharing this gem, especially in these trying times, I appreciate you!! 🥰 Much love to you, my friend!! ❤️
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