abwwia · 1 month
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Shazia Sikander: Scroll, 1989–90.
Courtesy Shahzia Sikander
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cricketcat9 · 2 months
HATE ACT - a sculpture by Shazia Sikander beheaded in Houston
From "Art News": "The female figure, whose braided hair forms a pair of horns, wears a lacy collar in allusion to similar ones worn by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the late Supreme Court justice.
The sculpture was installed in a plaza at the University of Houston after five months of display to critical acclaim at Madison Square Park in New York City. But when it traveled to Houston, it drew criticism from the anti-abortion Christian group Texas Right to Life, which called for a campus-wide protest “to keep the Satanic abortion idol out of Texas.” The University of Houston responded by cancelling a planned opening and artist talk, as well as choosing not to show an accompanying video work also by Sikander.
It’s worth noting that Sikander’s artist statement about the work contains no mention of Satanism. “The rams’ horns are universal symbols of strength and wisdom,” Sikander told Art in America earlier this year. “There is nothing Satanic about them.”
“The calls to remove this proud symbol of female autonomy unintentionally underscored the reason Sikander had created it in the first place,” Eleanor Heartney wrote in that profile of Sikander.
Sikander described the vandalism of Witness as “a very violent act of hate” and told the New York Times that it should be investigated as a crime.
The artist doesn't intend to repair the sculpture. UofH - cowards...
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Project Proposal and Timeline
My objective throughout this project is to use my knowledge and newfound interest in postcolonialism and more specifically in the islamic and religious history side, to create provocative and engaging works. I want to create power dynamics throughout my working process, focusing heavily on narratives, historical events in relation to postcolonialism, and create a broad body of research and experiments to guide me through my artistic journey. I got hooked onto the ideas surrounding postcolonialism when it was first introduced to us through our Critical practice lecture, hence why I’ve chosen it as my preferred route. I am heavily inspired by artists such as Imran Qureshi and Shazia Sikander, two artists who use textiles and religious concepts to create beautifully enticing works. I also strive to work with textiles as well as mosaics as both techniques will produce outcomes similar to historic pieces of art. The technique flows in tandem with the narrative imagery and they both are of equal importance.
January - It's already quite late into January. My plan for the remainder of January is to research further into my chosen route. I have chosen postcolonialism and would like to base my research around my chosen theory, my artistic influences and my unique processes of working. All in all I want to have solidified (or at least some) solidified ideas for carrying out my project. I plan to order some supplies this month that will help me in my creative flow. Having everything at hand now means I don't have to worry about it when I'm deep into the making process. I plan to also take research outside of my home, hopefully visiting some museums to get a clearer idea of the paths i may want to take, and how far I could possibly go with my ideas.
February - I plan to create many experiments using different mediums and techniques, my aim is to have a range of diverse working methods that I can narrow down and begin to use as developments. I not only aim to change my working styles,  but also narratives and imagery. The evolution of my experiments will be documented as well as my research. The idea is to make quick, insignificant pieces of work that I can kater develop if it fits with my theme, or abandon. 
March - By March I plan to take a step back from my experiments and do some self reflection. Make sure my tumblr blog and any outstanding work is completed. In this stage, I would like to decide possible places and ways I’d install my work. Doing this early on in the project builds a base for my developments as I also take into consideration which experiments have the most impact. I aim to edit and take pictures of my experiments installed and in different locations. This part of my creative process should only take a week or less. I will make decisions of what work to progress with and take it to the development stage. Considering its impact on narrative, installation, my theme and its overall significance, what sets it apart from other works. This will undeniably be the most busiest month when it comes to my project. I aim to get started on my finals by the end of march. 
The remainder of April - April will be the month of wrap up. I will be working through my finals and a steady pace. Being time conscious but also keeping an eye out for the quality of my final work produced. I will update my tumblr in tandem with the c reaction of work. Considering sites for installation and connecting it to how traditional work was presented/installed. 
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lickorice · 2 years
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nununiverse · 3 years
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Shazia Sikander writing
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niramish · 4 years
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“Promiscuous Intimacies”, Shazia Sikander.
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urienclasedepintura · 4 years
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The Perennial Gaze, 2018
Glass mosaic mounted on plywood in brass frame
178.4 × 109.9 cm
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Portrait of the Artist, 2016
One in a suite of four etchings
68.6 × 53.3 cm
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Promiscuous Intimacies, 2020
Patinated bronze
106.7 × 61 × 45.7 cm
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Shroud, 2020
Ink and gouache on paper
261.9 × 145.1 × 5.6 cm
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Singing Suns, 2016
HD video animation with sound; Music by Du Yun
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SIKANDER, SHAZIA (Pakistán, 1969)
Artista estadounidense pakistaní. Esta artista se dedica a varias ramas artísticas, la pintura, el dibujo, el collage, lo audiovisual… Ha trabajado desde sus comienzos la miniatura indopersa. Utiliza el imaginario tradicional de este arte para el desarrollo de su obra en otros ámbitos también, utilizando temas como y elementos humanos, animales, decorativos propios de este estilo oriental. Es por esto que en toda su obra vemos referencia a escenas típicas religiosas, bélicas o culturales orientales, tratadas con un detallismo muy cuidado. Esta artista ha expiuesto alrededor de todo el mundo en diferentes galerías y centros.
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martalosada · 4 years
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Singing Suns, 2016
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Reckoning, 2020, HD video animation with sound; Music by Du Yun; Animation by Patrick O'Rourke, Edition of 7 + 2AP
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Malala, 2018, Ink and gouache on paper, 16 x 11 1.2 in
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ferrerocubo · 4 years
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Shahzia Sikander es una artista visual pakistaní-estadounidense. Sikander trabaja en una variedad de medios, incluyendo dibujo, pintura, grabado, animación, instalación, performance y video. Sikander actualmente vive y trabaja en la ciudad de Nueva York. Nació en 1969 en Pakistán.
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IMAGEN 1 - Singing Suns, 2016
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IMAGEN 2 - Reckoning, 2020, HD video animation with sound; Music by Du Yun; Animation by Patrick O'Rourke, Edition of 7 + 2AP
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IMAGEN 3 - Malala, 2018, Ink and gouache on paper, 16 x 11 1.2 in
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IMAGEN 4 - Portrait of Adrienne Rich: Diving into the Wreck, 2019, Ink and gouache on paper, 40.6 x 29.2 cm 16 x 11 1/2 in
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databass3 · 4 years
Concept art
Tomma Abts
Lawrence Abu Hamdan
Franz Ackermann
Richard Aldrich
Brian Alfred
Francis Alys
Kai Althoff
Yoshitaka Amano
Ghada Amer
Even Amundsen
Hurvin Anderson
Richard Anderson
Wes Anderson
Tadao Ando
Ida Applebroog
Juan Araujo
Tauba Auerbach
Laurel Austin
Michael J. Austin
Andrew Baker
John Baldessari
Antonio Ballester Moreno
Matthew Barney
Darren Bartley
Georg Baselitz
James Baxter
Carole Benzaken
Cesar Biojo
Benjamin Björklund
Aaron Blaise
Rob Bliss
Michael Borremans
Lisa Brice
Cecily Brown
Glenn Brown
Borja Buces Renard
Bernard Buffet
Rafal Bujnowski
Ricardo Cabral
Varda Caivano
Francisco Calvelo
Brian Calvin
Helen Cammock
Gonzalo Cárcamo
Gillian Carnegie
Merlin Carpenter
Maurizio Cattelan
Gigi Cavenago
Vija Celmins
Zeen Chin
Chuck Close
James Coleman
Philipp Comarella
Iris Compiet
Sarah Crowner
Ángela de la Cruz
John Currin
Amy Cutler
Henry Darger
Ian Davenport
Noah Davis
Philippe Decrauzat
Benjamin Degen
Dominik Derow
Rineke Dijkstra
John Dilworth
Markus Döbeli
Peter Doig
Kaye Donachie
Pierre Dorion
Vladimir Dubossarsky
Marlene Dumas
Geirrod Van Dyke
Cecilia Edefalk
Thomas Eggerer
Tim Eitel
Franz Erhard Walther
Marco Espinosa
Helmut Federle
Roberto Ferri
Eric Fischl
Tom Fox
Moby Francke
Lucian Freud
Bernard Frize
Michael Fullerton
Julio Galan
Jorge Galindo
Ellen Gallagher
Fran Garcés
Mario García Torres
Tim Gardner
Jennifer Gennari
Nikolay Georgiev
Kim Jung Gi
Geng Gianyi
Ari Gibson
Wanjin Gim
Wayne Gonzales
Katharina Grosse
Mark Grothan
James Gurney
Wade Guyton
Peter Halley
Josephine Halvorson
James B. Ham
Peter Han
N. S. Harsha
Eberhard Havekost
Mary Heilmann
Sophie von Hellerman
Lubaina Himid
Mah Hirano
Damien Hirst
Howard Hodgkin
Gary Hume
Jackqueline Humphries
Steve Huston
Callum Innes
Toyo Ito
Eliza Ivanova
James Jean
Ruan Jia
Chantal Joffe
Chris Johanson
Jama Jurabaev
Yishai Jusidman
Johannes Kahrs
Alex Kaneuski
Jacob Kassay
Alex Katz
Kurt Kauper
Anselm Kiefer
Karen Kilimnik
Martin Kippenberger
R. B. Kitaj
Martin Kobe
Jutta Koether
Ayami Kojima
Satoshi Kon
Peter Konig
Alex Konstad
Karl Kopinski
Kekai Kotaki
Elke Krystufek
Kengo Kuma
Stefan Kürten
Studio Laika
Jim Lambie
Maria Lassnig
Sol LeWitt
Songsong Li
Wanjie Li
Fang Lijun
Michael Lin
Dela Longfish
Rael Lyra
Jorge Macchi
Marcin Maciejowski
Elizabeth Magill
Michael Majerus
Victor Man
Finnian MacManus
Margherita Manzelli
Marta Marcé
Louis de Masi
I Nyoman Masriadi
Gbariele di Matteo
Leonard McComb
Crash McCreery
Ian McKeever
Lucy McKenzie
Jonathan Meese
Julie Mehretu
Beatriz Milhazes
Yue Minjun
Steve Mitchell
Dianna Molzan
Baran Mong
Guillermo Mora
Sarah Morris
Justin Mortimer
Olivier Mosset
Hamoudi Moussa
Craig Mullins
Haruki Murakami
Oscar Murillo
Catherine Murphy
Ishbel Myerscough
Yutaka Nakamura
Yusuke Nakano
Yoshitomo Nara
Shirin Neshat
Ernesto Neto
Yasushi Nirasawa
Guillaume Normand
Kazuya Nuri
Albert Oelhen
Kazuo Oga
Julien Opie
Silke Otto-Knapp
Karla Ortiz
Blinky Palermo
Philip Pearlstein
Stuart Pearson Wright
Enoc Perez
Burno Perramant
Raymond Pettibon
Elizabeth Peyton
Richard Philipps
Lari Pitman
Sigmar Polke
Richard Powell
Richard Prince
Charlotte Prodger
Vitaly Pushnitsky
R. H. Quaytman
Joe Quesada
Neo Rauch
Blake Rayne
Paula Rego
Carol Rhodes
Daniel Richter
Gerhard Richter
Matthew Ritchie
Paul Robertson
Scott Robertson
Clare Rojas
Georges Rousse
Royal Art Lodge
Nick Runge
Robert Ryman
Vyacheslav Safronov
Andrew Salgado
David Salle
Dennis Sarazhin
Juliao Sarmento
Wilhelm Sasnal
Jenny Saville
Adrian Schiess
David Schnell
Maaike Schoorel
Max Schulz
Sean Sevestre
Tai Shani
George Shaw
Kate Shepherd
Mª José Sicilia
Shazia Sikander
Amy Sillman
Dirk Skreber
Sylvia Sleigh
Matt Smith
Glenn Sorensen
SPA Studios
Hito Steyerl
Ken Sugimori
Tatsuyuki Tanaka
Furio Tedeschi
Mark Tennant
Francisco Toledo
Robbie Trevino
James Turrell
Luc Tuymans
Nicolás Uribe
Adriana Varejao
Max Verehin
Ángel Vergara
Pieter Vermeersch
Jack Vettriano
Glenn Vilppu
Bill Viola
Takumi Wada
Kara Walker
Corinne Wasmuht
Steve Wang
Jonathan Wateridge
Alison Watt
Jeff Watts
Robert Watts
Matthias Weischer
Morgan Weistling
Wendy White
Terryl Whitlatch
Richard Williams
Sue Williams
Christopher Wool
Zhang Xiaogang
Santiago Ydañez
Lynette Yiadom-Boakye
Yoh Yoshinari
Donglu Yu
Liang Yuanwei
Lisa Yuskavage
Luiz Zerbini
Su Zhang
Feng Zhu
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lakeeren · 3 years
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Was thrilled to catch Shahzia Sikander’s exhibition : Extraordinary Realities@Morgan Library. It is really incredible to view these works finally close up. Congratulations Shazia not only for these path breaking works, but the tremendous knowledge and scholarship that informs your practice. #not to be missed until September,26, 2021. 1. Cholee Kay Peechay Kiya/ Chunree Kay Neechay Kiya?, 1997 watercolor and tea –stained wasli paper 2. Ready to Leave, 1997 watercolor, gouache, and ink, on tea-stained wasli marbled paper 3. Pleasured Pillars, 2001 4. Turmoil, 2001 5. Venus’s Wonderland, 1995-97 6. Hood’s Red Rider NO. 2, 1997 7. Uprooted Order, Series. 3, No. 1, 1997 8. The Scroll, 1989-90 (at The Morgan Library & Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQq_IH9r6yd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Shazia Sikander (at Sean Kelly Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIwUaL4gmXL/?igshid=ep1ufxqutqab
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lickorice · 2 years
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nununiverse · 3 years
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Shazia Sikander
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niramish · 4 years
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Arose - Shazia Sikander
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