#SG-2 is like you right here boi
Rich Cougar in her late thirties.
Sees hot older man in a beat up vehicle.
Clearly doesn't give a shit.
She senses big dick energy
#3 minutes cellular communication#I am tempted for fat diamonds in the ears over hoops#....or a couple onyx's would be nice#thanks for following!#lead unknown follow willingly or get me out if the wya#you: i am the mysterious bad girl you dream about Eve#me: I like looking at this#girl at the fair 😏#Jason's mom thought they were into him... 😏#handwriting analysis: you a yes a brief flicker of the fair good#what a hilarious advantage you have over me and yet I can reduce you to a wet spasming mess#there is a certain beautiful balance there#and dTL of the sandbox and crescent I see now it was wooden shoes asking me the question about signs and astrology compatibility#now that you mention it#like sometimes I am a deep thinker but I never thought about sharing a birthday with my blue eyed beautiful woman#to see a record stating I was born California it is asinine#SG-2 is like you right here boi#a hard spire for a lower case magnetic spire#99 is also having two g's and that's VC Puthick#you look around at your colors and what not it appears you have all protection installed#the O of Arthur#how profound#people are like waiting for Arthur to return and Merlin keeps him across the hall already in the flesh again#He is a man who lived through all that crazy 20th century shit#also#Eat Sleep Cheer#folded over I am like eat sheep#and then I remember Melva cooking that raw ass lamb#a visit with old Melva (these old value systems you know)#I should have been like I don't know about God but grandpa was busy with you one way or another
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sitp-recs · 5 months
What Drarry fanart would you use a cover art for your favorite fics :-)
Omg what a brilliant ask!!! I love it 🙌 ok so this took me ages because I tried to match art I’ve seen with my favourite fics, meaning some fics I really love aren’t here because I couldn’t find the corresponding art. I’ve had so much fun doing this, thank you!
1. Far From the Tree by aideomai can’t be paired with anything but @bluebutter-art’s brilliant art, dilf Draco to the rescue!!!!
2. this art by @istehlurvz gives me big The Boy Who Only Lived Twice vibes, power couple!
3. art by @kk1smet and art by @creeeee for @tackytigerfic’s Modern Love, eternal fave
4. art by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm for Away Childish Things by lettered, perfection
5. this art by @zigster-ao3 is a lovely fit for korlaena’s A Sword Laid Aside
6. King Draco & Knight Harry by @swymsuyt for astolat’s The Compact 👑
7. @bluebutter-art’s gorgeous posh Slytherin Draco for Astolat’s Slithering
8. this art by @missmrah always makes me think of Super Rich Kids by @thusspoketrish
9. this art by @bluebutter-art for Turn by SG 🥺
10. this art by @artdecielle fits Little Red Courgette by @blamebrampton like a glove
11. this art by @danasauurr would be perfect for Mijan’s Eclipse
12. this art by @trashcanprince for Aideomai’s Dwelling, one of my favorite scenes
13. art by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm for All Our Secrets Laid Bare by firethesound, my heart!
14. this art by @zurka-durka takes me right into the comfort of Like Lightning at Your Fingertips by potterwatch
15. this art by @ginkirikirikiri for eleventy7’s Running on Air, a classic!
Bonus: the amazing The Liars Department by @dorthyanndrarry already has an exceptional cover art by @snarkyships-drarryside and same goes for this breathtaking art @bluebutter-art did for @pennygalleon’s Game On. Love these!
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jadelotusflower · 9 months
Stargate rewatch: 1x20 Politics
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We pick up right where the last episode left off, Daniel getting his shoulder wound treated and trying to explain the alternate reality to his sceptical team.
It’s funny to see the team not really believing Daniel because it’s still early in the run, whereas later on any of them could say the weirdest shit happened and the rest of them would just roll with it no questions asked.
Jack: “And you were there, and you were there, and there’s no place like home.” Daniel: “As a matter of fact, you were there.” Heh. Is Daniel just frustrated or did he not get the Wizard of Oz reference? Works either way.
I’m curious how the team thinks Daniel got shot by a staff weapon if it was all a dream though.
“Yes but the defining event, the death of Ra, took place in both worlds.” A bit of a logic leap by Daniel but hey, it’s what he does.
This is a clip show. I give SG-1 a lot of credit for actually making an effort with their clip shows, always building them around an in-universe plot to give context and cause. They’re still annoying to watch in these days of binging, but they’re as successful as they can be.
Written by Brad Wright (not including excerpts) and directed by Martin Wood.
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“How’s our boy?” I find this very cute? Hammond really is the mama duck to SG-1’s ducklings, the epitome of restrained affection.
His absolute and obvious disdain for Samuels is also a real treat. He rolls his eyes!
Samuels is played by Robert Wisden, who was also briefly in Smallville as Chloe's father Gabe. Both shows were based in Vancouver, and both ran for ten seasons, so there's quite the guest star crossover.
In a private meeting with Jack, Hammond goes from “this is what I look like when I’m not laughing, Colonel” to almost laughing when Jack cracks another joke. I love Hammond so much.
I think Ronny Cox as Kinsey is actually the longest running villain in the entire show? Apophis finally bites it in season 5, but Kinsey makes it all the way to season 8.
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“And this must be the drain through which the money flows” is such a great line for a pontificating blowhard politician, as is his hypocritical speech. You immediately know who Kinsey is, and you hate him even though he’s actually right about a lot of stuff.
“Oh you’re right, we’ll just upload a computer virus into the mothership.” lol, the shade at Devlin/Emmerich here.
We get a date for the Chulak mission - 10 February (presumably) 1997. The computer in the previous episode indicated it was December 1997 so assuming time was the same in the alternate universe, it's been approximately 11 months since the pilot which seems about right.
The purpose of the mission is described as “to rescue both Dr Jackson’s wife and her brother, and determine the Goa’uld threat” which is the first mention we’ve had of Sha’re and Skaara in a while.
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lol, Jack looking to Sam to give the correct pronunciation of Goa’uld because he doesn’t want to.
Lt Colonel “secondary objective” Samuels being the one to read from Jack’s report about Skaara being chosen really twists the knife.
“Because what is right cannot be measured by strength.” Great Teal’c line.
Argos gets discussed and it’s mentioned that SG-2 made recent contact with them - a nice little background aspect of the show that they do check in on the worlds they’ve visited from time to time.
Much is made of the lack of benefit to the Stargate program - guess that wonder drug from Emancipation didn’t pan out? Or maybe everyone just wants to forget that episode happened.
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Sidebar - with all the clips it’s obvious that Daniel’s hair has been getting longer throughout the season - irl because Michael Shanks’ hair was shorter and was growing it out as filming progressed to get that Daniel look, but my headcanon in universe is that Sha’re used to trim it for him on Abydos, and since her abduction he can’t bring himself to get it cut
There’s an ongoing metaphor by Kinsey for the Stargate being a Pandora’s Box that’s kind of apt, the box (jar) being a gift from the gods intended to punish mankind after Prometheus gifted them fire, with humanity as Pandora, eternally curious and unable to resist peeking inside.
The show never had a Goa’uld character who took on the persona of Prometheus, Epimetheus, or even Pandora, which was kind of a missed opportunity.
Samuels the slimeball is “sorry it had to end like this” and Hammond rightly tells him to gtfo.
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Nice crossfade, Mr Wood.
The Stargate shut down, the threat of an imminent attack - all in all, a good setup going into the season finale!
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texasdreamer01 · 4 months
Getting to Know You Meme
Tagged by @spurious!
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? Nah
02) What was your dream growing up? I liked a lot of things, but hadn't particularly settled on any idea
03) What talent do you wish you had? Baking
04) If someone bought you a drink what would it be? Hot chocolate with whipped cream
05) Favorite vegetable? ... Cabbage?
06) What was the last book you read? Oh, finished reading - that was a while ago, but currently I'm reading some diary from WWI off-and-on
07) What zodiac sign are you? Aquarius sun
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Just the ear piercings
09) Worst Habit? I don't even know what classifies as a bad habit uhhh I guess needing to write in the same ink colour for my notes?
10) What is your favorite sport? Archery
11) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? I'm life will sort itself out, but it needs a few good kicks to start it - dunno if that's optimistic or pessimistic
12) Tell me one weird fact about you. ?? I'm on tumblr, what qualifies as weird, here?
13) Do you have any pets? Nope
14) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? I think it depends on the clown tbh
15) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? Nicer nails, I guess?
16) What color eyes do you have? Brown
17) Ever been arrested? Nope
18) Bottle or can soda? Bottle
19) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? How much is left after taxes?
20) What's your favorite place to hang out at? home tbh
21) Do you believe in ghosts? I've lived in a lot of haunted places, so, yes, definitely
22) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Reading, writing, listening to music
23) Do you swear a lot? Nnnnoooo?
24) Biggest pet peeve? People attributing one thing for another thing because they think doing so makes them look good/smart/moral/whatever
25) In one word, how would you describe yourself? ummmmmmmm. odd
26) Do you believe/appreciate romance? yes! i'm weird at it but i like it.
27) Favourite and least favourite food? Fave: bread, least fave: cauliflower
28) Do you believe in God? If god is real, I'm owed rent money
29) What makes you happy: Not being stressed
30) Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Moonlight Sonata
31) Favourite place to spend time: i like! to be! at home!
32) Favourite lyric:
Sometimes before it gets better, the darkness gets bigger/ The person that you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger/ Oh, we're fading fast, I miss missing you now and then
33) Recommend a film: The Wandering Earth 2
34) Recommend a book: The Modern Herbal Dispensatory: A Medicine-Making Guide by Thomas Easley & Steven Horne
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: So Much (For) Stardust by Fall Out Boy
36) Recommend a TV show: Stargate SG-1
37) Where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? I've been all over the US, so no, don't live where I came from
38) Do you have any pets or animals in your life? How did you find/get them? Nope
39) What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? Whatever gets thrown into the pan right before I go grocery shopping.
40) How did you 'find' fandom? MySpace! I was actually recommended to check out FFN, and I poked around from there.
41) Make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. Book, book, another book, hand sanitizer, lotion. Pens?
42) How do you style your hair? Pinned up.
No pressure tags: @pandora15, @ygodmyy20, @variablejabberwocky, @stinalotte, @strangelygleeful, @obscurefrost, @dedkake, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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livfastdieyoung69 · 1 year
(Ch.2) A Nikki Sixx Story.
Rowan woke once again to a kick in the ribs with a groan.
“You know I’d be a lot happier if you stopped kicking me every morning.” Rowan grumbled into the same grimey, sweat stained pillow they had a week ago.
“Still not morning. And you have to go to that audition thing that one guy invited you to.”
“His name’s Mick.” They mumbled, moving to look over at their beloved guitar, a shitty worn down Stratorcastor modified to play their signature tone, only to find it missing. “Where the fuck is my guitar?”
“I had to take it last night when you came home at 4 am and started playing Iron Maiden songs as loud as you could turn your amp to.”
“Fuckin’ love Iron Maiden, man..”
“Yeah, I know. Do you know where this is and do I have to drive you? Cause Dotty asked if I could come in and if you want a ride we have to leave in like five minutes.” Holly rambled, her words getting faster as she tossed her light brown waves over her shoulder. Rowan took a minute to process what Holly had said.
“Uh…its..just up the road. I’ll just walk, Hols it's fine.” They finally spoke looking up to the girl towering over her from their place on the mattress.
“Are you sure? I don’t mind driving you.” Holly was always concerned about Rowan, which was fair enough with all of the dumb shit they seemed to do.
“Really it’s fine, I could use a walk. And a smoke.”
“Alright, well, I’m heading out then. Call the diner if you need anything, ok?”
“I will. See you, Hol!”
“See you, Ro!” She yelled before slamming the apartment door shut. Rowan struggled to get up from the mattress with a groan and a few sighs before finally getting ready for the day.
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A harsh knock sounded on the apartment door, bringing the attention of the small group inside. A faint shout could be heard through the poorly built walls before the door knob began to twist. The door almost seemed to wobble as it was opened, a gust of wind giving off from the quickness of the skinny man on the other side.
“What can I do you for, dude?” Maybe man wasn’t such a good word. He was more of a young boy with a shining smile and mop of hair, the same complexity of Hollys, to match. A pair of drumsticks were sticking out of his belt.
“Um, Mick gave me your guys’ address.” They picked their guitar case up from off the ash-covered, cement ground. “I’m the guitarist- rhythm guitarist, I guess.”
“Oh, right on, man! Come on in, Mick just got here too. I’m Tommy and Nikki’s taking a piss but he's the bassist.” Rowan threw Mick a small wave from his place by his amp- M.M. carved subtly into the top. “Oh, and that’s Greg.”
The bathroom door opened to reveal who Rowan guessed was Nikki, still fixing his studded belt back on, and pulling the attention away from the blonde man- supposedly the other rythm guitarist they had at the moment. He looked up after closing the bathroom door behind him and clumsily pointing over at Rowan.
“Who’s this?” The question came out through a sigh as his eyes shifted over to Tommy’s. 
“I’m Rowan. Mick thought my sound would be cool with yours, so..” They finished with a shrug, eyes trailing through the room. 
“Wait- what the hell is this?” Greg spoke, clearly frusturated- or maybe threatened was a better description- by Rowans presence. 
“Chill, dude. They’re just someone Mick knows and we figured- might as well try it out.” Tommy tried to settle the man, the quiet of the apartment quickly returning very awkwardly.
“We have an extra amp if you need it.” Nikki spoke up, carrying an extra amp over to them.
“Uh, yeah thanks. Sorry, I couldn’t carry mine over, but I’ve got the cords and all my pedals.” Rowan finally set their guitar case down and opened it, shoving the cords over to Nikki so he could plug it in and lifting up their guitar- a dark red SG with pinstripe work Rowan had done themselves over many grueling hours and a couple homemade add-ons to the model that gave it just the right sound. 
“Tune that however you want, and we’ve only got one copy of the sheet music so I guess just play whatever feels good.” Rowan tuned the amp- which was smaller than the others, but not by much- as he continued talking. 
“That's fine. Can’t stand that fancy-ass sheet music shit anyways.” They mumbled in response. Nikki glanced over at Tommy’s drum set to find Tommy with the same amused look, mouthing “Mick 2.0” at him. Nikki chuckled at the younger boy before moving his eyes over to Rowan who continued with their tuning. 
“You can tune all your shit and we’ll play with….him first and then when we’re done we’ll play with you. See what sounds better.” He started walking over to his bass while he talked, pulling the strap over his head and strumming the strings of the unplugged instrument while he continued talking. 
They began quickly, Tommy counting the others in. Mick sounded just as good as he always did, which was fucking fantastic, but the Greg guy was too slow. Everyone else was pretty clearly aggrivated everytime he missed a note or fell behind. They didn’t even finish the song, Nikki had gotten annoyed and just stopped playing in the middle of it. 
“I’m ready when you are.” They spoke, flicking their pedals on with what was left of the rubber sole of their worn-down sneakers.  The amps hum grew from behind them, and Nikki seemed to be holding on to any sort of hope that they would sound good. 
The wooden sticks in Tommy’s hand clung together in the correct beat before Mick started strumming his guitar, Tommy and Nikki joining in shortly. Rowan stood with their eyes closed, hands twitching up and down the fretboard as they searched for the perfect note and listened to the others at the same time. As the drums picked up, Rowan waited for their opporunity to jump in, and did so quickly and effortlessly. 
Nikki and Tommy looked at each other once more, amazed at the sound coming from the SG- unheard, and unbelieveable. Mick watched them play with a sense of pride, but Rowan was oblivious to it all with their eyes still closed and mind on nothing but guitar. Nikki couldn’t have found a better fit- it was fucking perfect. Now to get rid of this Greg dipshit. Before Nikki could do anything about, Rowan did. 
“Yeah, so, I’m obviously better. You can, uh..” Rowan trailed off, clicking their tongue and pointing towards the door with their thumb. Greg laughed in a tone as if to say, “unbelievable”.
“Look, I was here first, alright. Tommy, tell them.” The clackering of Tommy’s drum stick made Rowan turn, finding Tommy bent over. “Nikki? Come on!” Nikki only shrugged. Greg didn’t even think of looking at Mick, they weren’t on good terms to start with. “Really?! You’re gonna listen to this weirdo over me?” Rowan gave the man a sardonic smile as he yelled over them at Nikki who only looked to the ground. 
“Then fuck you guys, man! And your shitty fuckin’ band.” He unplugged his guitar, and made a dash towards the door. It kinda sounded like he was crying as he slammed the door. Tommy let out a laugh from behind his drumset. 
“Well. Free amp.” Rowan spoke. They really were a bunch of assholes, huh?
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“So….what's with the eye?” Apparently Tommy had a thing for asking rude questions to guitarists after admitting them into the band. Nikki sent him a frustrated whisper of his name, receiving a clueless look in return.
“What?” Sometimes Rowan forgot their left eye wasn’t normal, or functioning. “Oh! Uh,” Their hand moved to play with the dent left from a scar in their left eyebrow above the once brown, but now a cloudy white eye. “Just- somethin’ that happened when I was a kid.” After Rowan's avoidance of the question, the group of four went back into silence, the sound of Mick’s beer bottle clanging against the patio table set in the living room as one meant for dining
“Anyways..” Nikki looked over to Tommy while he spoke, still iriated with him. “We really need a fuckin’ singer. And I’m not about to settle for some regular looking, normal sounding asshole. We need a dude that looks like David Lee Roth with a vibe like fuckin’ Bowie.”
“So..we’re lookin’ for a skinny, blond fucker.” Mick stated.
“A skinny, blond fucker with moves.” Rowan corrected him, finishing off the rest of their beer, the same clashing that happened seconds earlier reoccurring before Tommy got the chance to respond.
“Wait-wait, I think I know our guy dudes.”
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rowan got that dawg in em winning everyones hearts over in like thirty seconds
I’m actually pretty happy with this, and im really glad to be writing again, i actually think im boutta start writing the next chapter rn nikkis just been on my mind so much recently, my motley obsession comes back at least three times a year and i just reread the herion diaries and got his other two books so thats def not helping (also this is giving me an excuse to rewatch the dirt for all of the lines)
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
So @spookyprincetothesun added these tags to this post:
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[Image ID: #op PLEASE talk about how you figured out the timeline I'm fascinated #taz #edit if he'd done Magnus first it would've been such cool foreshadowing for bringing Barry back though omg End ID]
And I thought I'd make it a separate post lol
(Also, you're super right about how great foreshadowing it would have been if Magnus came back first lol)
So, I figured out first that Midsummer would obviously be in June, right? Because that's when the summer solstice/midsummer is in our world, so that would be the equivalent reference for Faerûn. And the Suffering Game happens right before Midsummer because it was only a few days before the Hunger was due to arrive and a year after the festival.
Then during the interlude after SG, Griffin said it was about 14 months since their adventure began, which would have made Here There Be Gerblins happen in April of the previous year.
At the beginning of Murder on the Rockport Limited, Griffin said it was about 3 weeks since Phandalin which would have made that arc happen in around May
Then there's no specified time that he said Petals to the Metal happened during that arc, but he did say that the Crystal Kingdom happened a couple of months after Petals did. Crystal Kingdom happened on Candlenights, so that would be at the end of December, and two months before December is October.
Then at the beginning of the Eleventh Hour, he said it was a month or two after Crystal Kingdom, but he also said it was late winter/early spring. Bringing us to late February/early March. (I personally head canon that it happens early March because in writing the Julia Burnsides vs Canon Lore fic, I want to write a couple of scenes where the boys, Lucretia, and Davenport are dealing with the anniversary trauma of the Hunger and how Julia helps with that, and I wanted that to happen before TEH arc. And I head canon that to happen in also late winter/early spring because it doesn't make sense to me that the crew would have left on their mission on New Years like I've seen some people head canon that happening because New Years is a holiday, and it would be weird for the Institute to have them leave on a holiday. So I'm making that happen at the end of February)
Then, of course, Suffering Game is Midsummer, so the timeline is:
Here There Be Gerblins: April
Murder on the Rockport Limited: May
Midsummer Harvest Festival: June
Petals to the Metal: October
The Crystal Kingdom: December
The Eleventh Hour: late February/early March
The Suffering Game/Story and Song: June
(Also, as someone who lives in a desert, it is absolutely still hot in October, so Griffin's description of them sweating their balls off in the crate and out on the track still makes sense lol)
Thank you for coming to my TED talk lmao
Edit: Oh yeah! I guess I can talk about how long Lup was in the umbrella for too lol
So it had been ten years from when Lucretia erased everyone's memories to the start of the adventure right? And Lup disappeared about a year before that (because Griffin said that she left 14 months into being on Faerûn, and then the erasing happened 2 years into being on Faerûn.)
Then it took a little over a year to get to S&S which added all together would have made Lup being stuck in there for about 12 years lol
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soundcrusher · 2 years
Let’s visit the market
Who's ready for part 3 from season 2 of my ongoing story set in the universe of the sentient sg/ll from @cuppajj ?
Today, our boys go shopping. Yay!
Trigger Warning: None
Phoenix was getting restless on their small ship. Rodimus could see it in the way the young spark would rummage through the piles of items left behind by his former crew, or when he looked through the things he brought from the Lost Light, or when he swung his, well, Drift’s sword carefully in the back of the ship. 
On the Lost Light, Phoenix always had something to do. Be it discovering new rooms, cleaning anything he could, finding the remains of the crew or talking to either him or Lightlost. There was always something to do, to take his mind away from the problems haunting him, but here? Rodimus knew that now, Phoenix could only either help him steer the small ship or try to distract himself with something he brought with him. 
Maybe that’s why he decided to land their ship on one of the neutral cybertronian colonies he remembered. Even when it was a hard fight to get Phoenix out of the ship and towards the next settlement. 
“I don’t want to go out there! Lightlost said that the ground of other planets can eat you up, or, or what about the rust plague! Or, OR, the mechs with pointy teeth!” Rodimus could hear the sheer and utter fear in Phoenix’s voice, as the youngling counted off every lie Lightlost told him to keep him with them. Granted, Rodimus won’t deny that some things were true, but they weren’t on every planet. At least, as far as he knew. Although, what concerned him the most was the way Phoenix’s optics would widen concerningly while his whole frame shook in terror, before mutttering quietly. “Wh-what… What about the Sparkeaters?”
“What about them?” Asked Rodimus, as he turned towards the entrance of the ship. Throwing his hands out to gesture wildly around himself. “If Sparkeaters were here, they would have attacked me right away, don’t you think?” Asked the prime, before putting both servos on his hips and giving Phoenix a rather cocky smirk. “Now, get out of there, or are you too much of a Robo-chicken?” This seemed to get Phoenix’s attention, because the young spark’s fearful demeanor turned from surprised to offended in a sparkbeat. 
“I am… I am NOT a Robo-chicken!” Yelled Phoenix. “I have never been a Robo-chicken!”
“Are you sure?” Asked Rodimus with an even wider smirk. “Because, right now, you’re very much acting like a frightened Robo-chicken.” Rodimus laughed, before letting out a surprised ‘Eep’ as he was being tackled to the ground by Phoenix. Who was, much to the prime's amusement, softly hitting his chestplate while exclaiming that he was, indeed, no Robo-chicken. 
However, Phoenix was quick to stop hitting his brother, as soon as he realized that he was no-longer inside the safety of their ship. In fact, he was some feets away from the ship and its door was closed. This revelation caused Phoenix to slowly get up and take a few more steps away from the ship. Staring at the blue sky above him, while his wings fluttered together with the light breeze blowing in the clearing. This was new. This was a new sensation for the young spark, who only knew Cybertron and the confinement of space crafts. 
The green stuff on the ground and underneath his pedes was new. The tall organic things growing towards the sky were new. And then there were the sounds of strange creatures calling each other in the distance. And, there was a strange animal with antlers looking at him, but when Phoenix took one step towards it, it ran away. Leaving the youngling awestruck.
“That was a Robo-deer. They’re a very shy type of cybertronian animal.” Explained Rodimus, after getting up and making his way over to Phoenix. Placing one servo on the youngling’s shoulder. “I guess the neutrals who moved here somehow managed to take some with them and they multiplied on this planet. Before the war, there were many of them on cybertron and some of us used to hunt them for their antlers, but now? They’re all gone. I guess they were the first victims…” Said Rodimus before grabbing Phoenix’s servo and leading him out of the clearing and towards the neutral settlement. 
And if the Robo-deer left Phoenix awestruck, the utter harmony the neutral Cybertronians lived together with the organic world around them filled the young spark with nothing more than pure amazement. His crew, or at least some of his crew, often talked about how annoying it was to work either with organic life or on organic planets and often said that it was impossible for Cybertronians to live on such planets. But here? All Phoenix saw here was mechs and femmes going about their usual business. Using big organic structures, Rodimus told him that they were called trees (at least the prime thought they were trees), as bases to build giant homes onto them. Rodimus told him that they were called ‘Treehouses’ by humans . And Phoenix could see why. Some were homes, some were stores, one very big tree was even holding something that looked like a hospital, and over all, those structures very much resembled the buildings Phoenix has seen on Cybertron. 
But while the treetops held the buildings, the ground held the market. Or, at least Rodimus told him this was a market. Phoenix himself couldn’t really understand how someone could call this a market. Every mech and femme, who wasn’t buying something, was either sitting on the ground by their wares or standing behind a woodent structure with a table underneath a shirm? Rodimus said those things were called stalls, but the youngling couldn’t associate the word with anything.
“Where are the shops?” Asked the confused youngling, to which Rodimus only replied. “There are none. At least, not in this settlement. All the Cybertronians selling their things either use stalls or simply place their stuff on the ground and sell it there.” This answer didn’t help Phoenix’s confusion, but he decided not to dwell on that any longer. The locals surely had their reasons to sell their wares like this.
So, while Rodimus was doing the shopping, Phoenix was allowed to wander a little bit around. As long as he could still see his brother, that is. And wander, he did. There were many new things after all, and Phoenix couldn’t help himself from exploring as much as he could. He even bought himself some paints and a few brushes with the Shanix Rodimus gave him. Phoenix was planning to decorate the insides of their ship a little bit, and he thought that painting something on the walls would be fun. He did paint a little bit on the walls of the Light lost too after all. Granted, some of those paintings did disappear, but others were still on the walls when he checked on them. Hopefully his paintings won't disappear this time. 
“Phoenix, I’m done with shopping. We should head back and… Phoenix?” Rodimus called, before realizing that he could no longer see his brother. Which sent the prime into a frenzy to find the missing youngling. What if someone kidnapped him? What if the Lost Light catched up to them? Or worse, what if Phoenix somehow got himself killed or kidnapped by a lunatic! Okay, some would also call Rodimus a lunatic, but that was different. There were some serious dangerous mechs and femmes out there, who were even worse than Rodimus himself. And that alone says a lot about them.
“Phoenix! Please, this isn’t funny!”
“I’m right here Roddy….” Answered the youngling, as he pushed past two taller Cybertronians blocking the path. “Stop shouting, everyone is already looking at us.”  
For a second, Rodimus thought that his spark had stopped. Is this how the Lost Light might have felt when they made their escape? They probably did, only… differently to how the prime felt, because even if he shortly lost Phoenix, he wouldn’t start locking him up or forbid the youngling to go and explore some other planets. 
Primus and Unicron both strike him down if he ever did something like that.
“Come Phoenix, let’s go back to our ship. I think we had enough adventure for one day.
Back at their ship, Rodimus put away his shopping items, while Phoenix started to paint one of the walls in the back of the ship. Making sure that Rodimus couldn’t see what he was painting everytime the prime would walk past him or try to get a look. After the tenth try, Rodimus decided to wait for the time Phoenix would show him what he was working on. Which was sooner than he had expected.
“Okay… I can recognize me and you… but who are the others?” Asked Rodimus with a light tilt of the head, as the youngling pointed at the painting of a tall femme with the same colouration than Phoenix. “ Yup, I painted my family. That’s my mother. Her name is Tankcrusher, but she prefers being called Big Bessie.” Explained the youngling, as his wings gave a small happy twitch. “And that’s Old Man. He was kinda like a grandfather to me. He was the one who always protected me from my crew. And the darker one is… is…… Lightlost…” Phoenix crew quiet after muttering the name. 
Rodimus only gave a small nod, before patting Phoenix’s shoulder. Some things are harder to let go than others. He knew that. 
“I think it’s wonderful, and… I’m honored that you see me as family.” Said the prime with a smile. 
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clarabowmp3 · 9 months
HAHA yeah i did read a bit about him and apparently he lived in sg until he was like 8 and then he moved to the states and he wrote these books as a way to remember the days he spent in singapore. also he’s wanted for evading ns even though he hasn’t been in singapore since he was 8 LMFAO
i do recommend reading the books though they’re absolutely hilarious and shed a lot more light on the whole rich people society. and yes you’re so right about the singapore cost of living!! it’s definitely lower than here esp like meals but also i get so shocked when i look at the prices of groceries 😭 are you seeing the price of ice cream. this is why every time i go back i run to the nearest primary school to get ice cream instead of the nearest giant. also fresh produce is so ex which i kinda get but like 😭😭😭😭
LMAOOO not the hunting him down for NS 😭😭😭 tbh i do feel its kind of unfair that the boys have to have their whole uni thing pushed back by 2 years :((
and YEA everything is just getting more ex every day from the gst hike to the skyrocketing COEs like bro....how am i supposed to afford living yk. I dont rlly eat at hawker centres so idk abt there but this year my school had to give a whole assembly to inform us of the increase in canteen prices by like 40-80 cents cuz of inflation hhhh (and its so interesting ive never gotten ice cream from giant?? i always get it from ikea but also i havent been in a giant in yearsss)
also bestie what whyyy are u running into primary schools. how are you allowed to do that. what
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Fox and palpatine? or just how the Coruscant Guard are treated by the people they protect
Oh shit boi whaddup, time to wring out the old wrinkly rag Palpatine
The Chancellor's office
When his alarm pings on his comm, he looks down at his wrist to read the next item on his list.
Seeing 'SC meeting - 1700', Fox pauses in the hallway.
Staring at his comm for a moment too long, he takes a deep breath and turns to the Guard patrolling the Senate floors with him.
"Hold guard. Continue your shift," he instructs curtly, and his fellow Corrie (coming to perfect attention, obviously) twitches and makes a sharp nod.
Fox turns about face to make his way to the service elevator, shared with the CG, now (Clones aren't allowed in the public ones), when the trooper calls out to him.
"Boss?" Yaro calls hesitatingly, as there's no one around, "Is it...-" They jerk their head upwards, gesturing to the only place they could be asking about.
Fox forces his posture to relax as he nods.
"Duty calls, trooper."
Yaro nods tensely in reply.
"Is it..." Fox listens to their nervous words, unable to help them. They're in public, they can't be seen like this. But... as much as Fox knows this is adding to his lateness, he can excuse a little bit of tardiness for one of his Corries. "Is it gonna be about... be about what happened yesterday?"
The Commander in Red is honest to his trooper.
"Probably," he replies quietly, bearing the small ache in his chest at his inability to help his vod'ika as they hold their blaster just a little bit tighter, "I'll sort it out. You get back to patrol. After, you've got a 2 hour rest."
"Yessir," Yaro replies in a tight breath, as Fox turns on his heel and forces himself to march down the corridors.
The air feels colder as the elevator rises to the floor of the Chancellor's office.
Against his training, against his self-control, against his will, he feels his heart rate increase and his veins flood with pre-emptive fight-flight noradrenaline as he walks down the unwelcoming hallways. Its a response he can never control, no matter how hard he tries, and it enrages him just as much as it floods him with fear.
The dark doors to the Chancellor's office sit at the end of the hallway, guarded not by his troopers, but by the tall red of the Senate Guard.
Thank the Light he doesn't have to post his troopers up here.
With a salute and a polite "Ma'am," to Sly Moore sitting at her own desk nearby - the pale woman staring him coldly down as usual - and he nods to the SG. The one on the right bangs the end of his electro staff into the floor, and the voice inside answers.
Fox's heart skips a beat.
The Guards open the doors, and in he strides.
"Ah, Commander Fox!" The Supreme Chancellor crows. Fox walks past the comfy armchairs and comes to a perfect shun, not before his desk but, at the foot of the dais the desk sits on. "Just the man I wanted to see."
Fox salutes - perfectly, never anything less than perfect - and asks, eventhough he knows exactly why he's here.
"How may I assist you, Supreme Chancellor?"
Palpatine's grandfatherly smile falls a bit as he sighs - the simpering sigh fills Fox's heart with pure dread.
"Unfortunately, this isn't a social call, dear Commander -" When is it ever, "- as as a result of yesterday's blunder, Senator Honiu has not been placated no matter how hard I tried for him to drop the matter."
Fox's ramrod posture is a result of the ice crawling down his veins.
"I'm afraid," Palpatine sighs, rubbing his temples, inconvenienced, "That you're going to have to send... what was it? Ah, Tulu squad back to Kamino, for reconditioning. Senator Honiu was simply not convinced that your Guards' service was good enough. CT-86009 is to be decommissioned."
Palpatine tsks in defeat and sits back in his seat.
"Such a waste," the old man titters. Fox's mind is empty as he coldly comprehends what he's hearing. His heart doesn't feel like its beating anymore. "It's a waste of funds to send them back all the way to Kamino, but Senator Honiu's support of the armament bill on his planet is paramount to the war. The credits for retraining will have to be allocated from inside the Guard, though I understand, what with this war dragging on, the Coruscant Guard have been struggling. But... what needs to be done, must be, for the good of the Republic."
Palpatine smiles gently, his thin lips pale on his drooping old face.
"You understand, Commander," the wretched man soothes.
"Yes, sir."
Oh, I understand perfectly.
"It will be done, sir."
A mysterious pirate attack on the ship carrying the troopers. All lives lost.
"Wonderful, Commander. You and your troopers lives are the shield of the Republic. You are dismissed."
"Thank you, Sir."
Tulu squad, Yaro... I need to pull another favour.
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samsaintjames · 3 years
okay so: fic recs
So this is gonna be really long and rambling (I'm sure), but we start with the basics.
If you're only ever going to read one and only one fanfic in your entire life you have to read Increments of Longing. It's a Jaina Proudmoore/Sylvanas Windrunner fanfic, but it's AU enough and so well written, that you probably do not actually need to know anything about Warcraft or World of Warcraft and the respective lore and backstory to enjoy it. Just look at it like a very good fantasy novel about an arranged marriage. [...]“But you would tell me what you want?” Sylvanas asked in a voice that was far too controlled to be truly nonchalant."[...] I could not even tell you why, but this line there from the second chapter? It gives me feels (and I could not even tell you what exactly I'm feeling, but yeah).
Anyway, read it (I've read it twice now)!
Okay, from the same author I also whole-heartedly recommend you search the mountain. Which is another Jaina/Sylvanas story, again AU, with Jaina being Drust. You do not necessarily need background info - there even is a map of Kul Tiras included - but you'd probably benefit from it. Particularly the early chapters, when you get to know Arthur, made me laugh and giggle quite a bit, even though the story itself is - since it's about the Drust and a civil war - a bit of a horror story/military fiction crossover I'd say. Good read.
And my kinda guilty pleasure (also from the same author) is no end in sight. It's a story about Suramar (and healing). And when I started playing WoW towards the end of Legion, shortly before the Argus patch, I absolutely fell in love with that region/city and the Nightborne - probably because I wasn't stuck on the repetitive content of it for forever lol. So this story about Thalyssra and Jaina and the other Nightborne NPCs is awesome. I was actually considering to also write about Jaina/Thalyssra, simply because just imagine the insane magic those two could do when working together (I mean they kinda do in Nazjatar), but knowing me, this will probably never get past the conception stage.
Inevitability is also absolutely amazing (it's another - you probably guessed it - Jaina/Sylvanas AU, with both of them being professors - considering I've been working in academics for the last 15 years that's kinda my jam). And I have a lot of thoughts about it, which for the sake of not boring people to death I'm gonna abbreviate (but well I'm ready to talk people to death if they are interested). One: I'd love to meet this Sylvanas. Two: I'd never have the guts to talk to her, but I'd totally want her to take me home lol (and I'm not even sure I'm gay). Three: life at universities around here is very different from - I'm assuming - the US.
(Also if you're into AUs, go check Fearless - which features witches and ghosts and is fun.)
Okay, so now we're coming to how I actually fell into the whole Jaina/Sylvanas thing. It's because of Daugthers of Sea and Snow. Which is a Frozen/WoW crossover featuring Jaina/Elsa I found by looking through Frozen Fanfics when I was bored around the time Frozen 2 came out and then completely forgot - it was still work in progress then; I found the still open tab in my browser like four to three weeks ago, saw it was finished now and devoured the whole thing. And while I was there, I looked at the other things that author had written - and that's how I stumbled upon Jaina/Sylvanas, like two years late. Which is probably kinda ironic, since I played BFA a lot (mythic raiding beginning with Uldir), loving the Storyline in Kul Tiras and being absolutely enamoured with Jaina especially after her Warbringers vid (I still sometimes humm the song) - and liked Sylvanas since Warcraft III. Sometimes life is weird.
So and after that I jumped down this particular rabbit hole while doing a thrilling backflip. There is an assortment of other stories that I very much enjoyed.
A Touch of Arcane - the first fix of political marriage AU for Jaina and Sylvanas that I got (I think it was actually the first Jaina/Sylvanas fic I read period). And boy did I get hooked to that.
Along the same lines but different are Worth the Trouble and Two Rooms.
If you're into AUs for that pairring, you'll find a lot of intereseting ones from the Author katofthenorth. The one about diving is really cute.
Stories not yet finished that I thoroughly enjoyed so far (most of them political marriage AUs - lol I'm a sucker for those okay, it's not my fault!):
Ink and Honor is amazing. I came for Jaina/Sylvanas, but I love the Thalyssra/Vereesa storyline just as much - it's sooooo cute, like even Genn ships them ^^.
threads of silk.
climb the walls.
Measure of the world. They aren't married (yet, it's a possibility though I'd guess and I haven't even reached the end of the so far posted chapters yet, but enjoyable read nonetheless).
The Lighthouse. Amazing AU, I love the idea - and it's not political marriage! I cannot wait for the next chapters.
I've dug too many holes into this thawing ground. This story gave me a lot of feels too.
Honorary mentions for stories that I'm assuming might never be finished, but are amazing reads.
Shot in the Dark. Fuck that is awesome! Secret agents and spies - okay technically snipers, but it's the feeling that counts, right? (and Tyrande in a suit is a nice bonus).
Trust in Me. Sylvanas as Jainas bodyguard AU.
Okay so... I still have like 250 tabs or something ridiculous open in my browser (that's not overstating it, it's fact, in fact I might be understating it at this point and it could already be 300) and I haven't obviously read all the amazing Jaina/Sylvanas fanfics out there yet, particularly short ones or one shots or series might have gotten lost, since I usually filter for high wordcounts only. So, if anyone feels stuff is missing, it does not mean I didn't like it, it could be I've just not read it yet.
And now for something completely different.
I want to point towards one of the coolest crossover stories/series I've ever read: Felicitas. Which is an Arrow/Highlander/Raven crossover that imagines Felicity as an ancient immortal. And it's just soooooo good, I've been following it for years. (That being said, I never watched Arrow past season 2 and I probably never will considering what I know about how the story of the show continues, I've been burned once with Bering and Wells, I'm not going there again. But that's totally fine, because Felicitas also only goes as far as Season 2.)
And then there's still waters and quiet men. I'm not even sure what to say about it. The sheer lunacy and the insane escalation present in this story should not have amused me as much as it did I think, but I remember laughing tears when reading this, because while it's actually really sad that some people might find this kind of behaviour of male characters in fiction normal, it was abso-fucking-lutely hilarious in my opinion. (That said, I've probably only read it halfway, but still, it's hilarious! Well if you have the same maybe weird sense of humor I have anyway.)
New Beginnings is a FemShep/Liara crossover with Stargate SG-1. So it's combining my favourite TV show with my favourite Videogame of all time. And it's brilliant.
So yeah that's my fic recs for the time being. If you just want a tl;dr, go read Increments of Longing. (I just cannot stress enough how amazing that story is.)
I'm only tagging Jaina/Sylvanas since most fics are about them.
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alittlefrenchtree · 3 years
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Helloooo! Guess who’s back? The Dune notes! yaayyyyy!
ok, chill.
SPOILERS BOOK 2 : MUAD’DIB (Chapters 1-4)
Chapter 1:
I’m still struggling to get all the politic aspects and understand who’s on which side but that’s not what I’m focusing on right now. Once I’ve read the whole thing and had the whole picture, I’ll study all the details of this part of the story.
I loved this quote:
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in the French translation, and thought it was beautiful to see Arrakis through Paul’s mind and eyes only to find out that the original quote said stuff like Cheddar-colored. Damn you, American people.
Chapter 2:
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Bless you, Muad’Dib, your father and Princess Irulan. Might your words be heard loud and clear on every planet of every universe.
I love, love, love this chapter. This whole conversation between Hawat and the Fremen, the world building made through it and through the Fremen is really good. I don’t think the Fremen has a name because he’s exactly what he describing of his people. He’s only one to serve the whole clan.
Many interesting stuff about the conversation and the scene.
First, I wonder if the Mentat’s abilities can work on Fremens? This part seems to say that they can’t : "But still he did not know what this Fremen wanted and this rankled. Mentat training was supposed to give a man the power to see motives." Then here again : "He said worm. He was going to say something else. What? And what does he want of us?" It’s funny to see how Hawat’s powers seem to be limited after we saw part of what Jessica and Paul were able to do.
"You must make a water decision, friend."
is my favorite quote of the chapter. The whole chapter is built to make Hawat and the reader really understand how primordial the water is. Blood doesn’t exist in the Fremen’s mouth, life is all boiled down to water. They doesn’t seem to care about the Spice either. When he’s thinking in terms of currency, it’s not about the Spice or money, it’s still about water:
"You think we have the Byzantine corruption. You don’t know us. The Harkonnen have not water enough to buy the smallest child among us."
It’s one thing I find fascinating about sci-fi/fantasy writers who are creating whole new worlds in different universes. It’s not only about thinking about crazy new technologies or super powers or anything like this. It’s when they shift the whole logic because context is different and you see it in the smallest details, in ways of speaking, in turns of phrases. It’s where you find so much richness for a fandom. And get so easily immersed in the said new universe. Every time I'll get really thirsty in the future, I'll think about this chapter. And the water decision.
I’m guessing water is one of Dune’s real plot? Every stranger coming to Arrakis comes for the Spice, thinking it’s the goldmine of the planet, the way to conquer it and truly owns it. But it’s not and the Fremen are still the one owning the desert powers because they’re the only one seeing that Arrakis needs to be ruled by water and not by the Spice? I don’t know. But that’s where my guesses are heading at the moment.
About this,
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I’m really curious about how they’re going to handle on screen the deep religious roots of a large part of the story. We all know how tricky it can be. Is it going to be tone down? Are we going to see people living in the desert worship a young white male? We’ll see.
Chapter 3:
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It’s cute to see how, even if Paul sees himself as a some kind of monster or as something else and undefined, he’s still sensitive to what he sees with his powers of prescience. But it's difficult to get a grip on what he is exactly, and how he feels.
Ok-- wait a minute. Last time I’ve heard about Liet, it was supposed to be a local divinity and now… Liet is Kynes. Ok. If you say so. — does it mean there going to be some kind of competition between Liet and the Muad’Dib? About who has the biggest divine aura? About who’s supposed to lead?
Anyway, what Kynes says, it goes with what I mention earlier. About how all the different people who came on Arrakis have failed to make it a Paradise because they were all focused on the Spice instead of the water.
I love how convenient Paul and Jessica are as characters to introduce the descriptions of every room they step in. You can go wild on details and just be like that’s not me, the bene gesserit/mentat/whatever Paul is things are calling for all. the. details. I should do that. Only write characters who allow me to naturally waste 7 lines of words on the pattern of a wallpaper. Frank Herbert doesn’t do that, but I definitely would.
Again, it’ll be interesting to see how Tim is going to handle the Paul and Kynes’ confrontation/conversation. We’ve seen him touch on these kind of feelings and behavior with The King but Paul seems to require a lot more of everything. So I’m impatient to see.
And I’ve already leaked the quote but let's look at it once more time. Quickest way to prove Timmy is the right cast for Paul.
"In this moment he'd give his life for Paul, she thought. How do the Atreides accomplish this thing so quickly, so easily?"
Because that’s what Timmy does, right? Makes people ready to give their life for him.
Ok about Duncan… We’re back at it, right? He’s not dead until I’ve seen the body. And I didn’t see the body so, he’s not dead. I think? Paul’s abilities don’t seem to be 100% reliable (at least not yet) so even if he believes Duncan’s dead, he might not be. I certainly hope so. My boy Jason deserves more.
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I still wonder how the power of prescience is working. Are the blind spots blind because Paul is living through them at the moment and can’t have knowledge of the immediate future OR would they have been blind even if he had looked in their direction long before?
I was also wondering if Paul was going to rely too much on the new dimension of his abilities and how long it was going to take until he realized he made that mistake. It was… quick but I guess it’s Paul, so it shouldn't be surprising.
And that fear litany ❤️ I could kill to write something as iconic and powerful. I could read it every day and still got the chills each time.
Chapter 4:
The Baron is like me, he needs to see bodies to believe in death. I’m delighted to have common ground with that creepy, disgusting asshole. Delighted. To be honest, I’m not that interested with the Baron himself. So far, he’s been nothing but clichés over clichés and really not the best ones. He’s the evil character so he's all the kinds of evil. Shocker. I usually like evil characters (very often more than I love "good" ones) but not him. Really not him. I hope it'll change but I’m afraid he’s too far gone and beyond redemption.
I’m very interested by what’s Hawat is going to become though. Will he turn his allegiance to the Baron? It kind of remind me of Teal’c in Stargate SG-1, but the other way around. The Baron opposes two things : Hawat’s loyalty and his admiration towards those who calculate without emotions. Based on what we know about Mentats and how the human part carried by the human body overpower the Mentat’s education and training, I’d say loyalty should win? And the part of me who is part Mentat agrees on the loyalty so, we’re all good. But it can be an interesting storyline, so I’m waiting for it.
What’s funny about this quote
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is that he could very much be talking about Paul and still be right. Or the baby sister. Or Lady Jessica. All Harkonnens are waiting.
And what’s also funny is how The Baron thinks of Feyd-Rautha. In addition of being absolutely disgusting there are some similarities between what the Baron wants for Feyd and what Paul is meant to be/already is.
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I wonder if Feyd is meant to become some kind of opposite alter-ego to Paul. A better, more subtle opposant than the Baron. Could be fun.
You know what? Every time I start this kind of post, I said to myself: I'm pretty sure I haven't that many notes this time, it should be quick. And then here we are again 🤷🏻‍♀️ See you next time! 🌖💛
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
BTS at Golden Disc Awards 2021
by Admin 1
On the 9th and 10th of January 2021 BTS attended the Golden Disc Awards, and performed on the second day as well. Being there they won the Digital Bonsang for Dynamite on the 9th and the Bonsang, as well as the Album Daesang for Map of the Soul : 7, on the 10th. Amazing achievements which I sincerely congratulate them on.
When it comes to the performance, it was, most certainly, another amazing collection of stages bringing something new once more, even if they presented songs we’ve already seen at previous award shows this season. The opening came in form of Black Swan, though they didn’t sing any of it. It was more an intro showcasing the entrance of the members and highlighted Yoongi’s return to the stage, at least partially. 
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The stage featured big metal winds, low lighting, and the members clad in black and white clothing including leather elbow length gloves for Namjoon and Yoongi, and pretty chockers for Taehyung and Jimin. The highlight though was Jungkook’s hair which isn’t dark anymore, but instead has been bleached and dyed a pretty blond. Personally I think it suits him pretty well. 
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More below the cut since this is shaping up to be pretty long:
Next up was ON, which was powerful and fierce, though still missing Yoongi, which is all too understandable. Even though he can stand on stage again and hold his mic in his left hand (his surgery was on the left shoulder), it will still be a while until he’ll be able to dance with the members. ON has certainly grown a lot on me and I enjoy their performances of it immensely, and it was much the case this time as well.
The transition from ON to Life Goes On came in form of the stage being made to look like their individual rooms from BE which appeared on the digital walls around them. Their clothes were mostly comfy, though Jimin’s resembled their outfits from all the way back during I NEED U/RUN era. The transition/VCR like moment ended with the instrumental to We Are Bulletproof : The Eternal and the stage looking much the way the MV did with the whale swimming around them in an ocean of shades of purple, blue and pink.
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For Life Goes On they had miniature versions of some of their most iconic MV sets on pedestals. It was a really cute idea and I enjoyed the execution a lot. The members seemed relaxed and enjoying themselves, Jimin and Taehyung even having their little moment of looking at each other twice, these moments certainly having become something I always kind of look forward to when it comes to LGO stages. 
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Another tiny Jimin and Taehyung detail was Jimin sending a brief, barely noticeable (by the viewer) finger heart which I hadn’t even noticed until my fourth rewatch. It definitely fits with all these other small gestures we’ve seen from these two in recent months, like the finger hearts and kissy faces during their Lotte Family Concert performance of Boy with Luv or hugging each other on day 1 and doing a fun handshake and dance on day 2 during Dionysus at the MOTS ON:E concert visible only on one of the side cameras, not the main one.
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The grand finale was the Slow Jam remix of Dynamite which worked perfectly with the chill out lounge/bar atmosphere created on stage fitting with the Great Gatsby theme. The members wore mostly suits in white, blue in Namjoon’s case, and a bright yellow when it comes to Taehyung, as well as Hoseok who had a white button down which Tae did not. While a normal person would look ridiculous in it, Taehyung looked absolutely stunning and made it more than work. After so many energetic performances of Dynamite since its release, seeing such a calm version was really nice and refreshing, showing how versatile BTS and their music are, how they can captivate an audience with fast songs made for big choreographies and stage productions, but also these slow, more chill types of tracks. A marvelous idea, truly.
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There was also an encore stage where they sang ON again but this time along with Yoongi on stage which had some hilarious moments, especially Namjoon and Seokjin being silly waving their arms around while kneeling opposite each other on stage during Jungkook’s bridge. Cute.
Afterward the members were at something like a red carpet after interview where they took pictures with their awards (Jungkook and Taehyung even making their Bonsang and Daesang awards kiss much the way film director Bong Joon Ho made his two Oscars kiss last year) and were asked to do a relay of saying something to each other. 
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All translations of their words are taken from Vernal_Bom on twitter.
J-hope to Jimin 
“I didn’t feel lonely in 2020 thanks to Jimin. Thank you for making me laugh. Give me happiness and laugh in 2021 as well.”  Jimin (turning to Namjoon): “It seems he can never live without me” 
Honestly the bond between Jimin and Hoseok is so cute and wonderful and you can see, and hear in their words, how important they are to each other, and how grateful Hobi is. We know the members were having a really hard time in 2020 so it doesn’t surprise me that Hobi would highlight the other members, or in this case Jimin, as one of the main reasons why he made it through it. After all we also know that those two made a song together which unfortunately didn’t make it onto BE. Hopefully we might get it one day at least as SoundCloud release, or perhaps on the next album instead.
Jimin to RM 
It was you who made us pull ourselves together to go through 2020. I am always grateful, and it’d be nice if you share you height a little with me in 2021, be healthy and happy. RM: Okay thank you
I love how Jimin used this (public) opportunity to tell/remind Namjoon of how important he was for them especially in 2020, as leader and surely also as friend, yet still also made a little joke to still keep the atmosphere light. After he was done speaking Jimin also hugged Namjoon, which showed once more how tiny he is in comparison.
RM to JK 
It’s finally today, Jungkook-si, in 10 years! You are Golden Maknae! The day that you will prove your nickname! You are proving it right now with your hair color, but in 2021, I hope the year will be filled with gold, like your nickname. Stay healthy. Let’s ‘Jje-kkit-up’ together this year too! (check it up.. the usual Namjoon saying lol)
It’s quite something to think about and realize, isn’t it, this year 10 years pass since Jungkook became a BigHit trainee and moved into their first dorm with Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and Seokjin. I’m curious if Bangtan, as well as BigHit, have some kind of plan for JK specifically for this year that Namjoon chose to highlight his Golden Maknae nickname in such a way, or if it was more of a reminder to JK, that he’s so worthy despite how he doubts himself, and despite how he himself said he’s been going through tough times in 2020.
JK to V 
V hyung, when we were trainees we were getting along so well, (V: We are not now???) No!!! i didn’t mean it. You are becoming so much of an stand-up (reliable, I assume in this context) guy. Thank you for doing all the schedules with us.  jhope: who’s hyung here?
The bond these two share might just be one of the biggest mysteries and causes for conflicts and fights within the fandom, or particular parts of it. After their conversation In The SOOP, I’d like to believe they’ve figured out whatever issue might've arisen between them in the past, found a way to solve and move past it slowly, and rekindled their friendship once more. Seeing at how well they’ve been getting along (on camera) these past few months, I think it might've been so. It’s curious to me though that JK chose to say this instead of something more akin to what Jimin said to Namjoon, or Hoseok to Jimin.
V to Jin 
V: (turns to Jin)  Jin: This is too close V: I listened to Abyss and that makes my heart ache too... Jin: Thank you V: hyung, your song is so good. Make more songs in 2021, let Army and us listen to your song more. Jin: Okayokay  V: and I play game with you to relieve stress.... sorry for talking in ban-mal (informal form). —(also speaking in informal way) Jin: No no it was so fun V: I love you Jin: I love you too
I absolutely adore the bond these two share and I love that Tae chose to say what he did. We know Seokjin has been going through a hard time in 2020, that he dealt with something I’d call imposter syndrome, so I’m glad we got to know even more about how Tae was there for him, something we otherwise would’ve never known. Certain people try to portray Tae as the one member that is almost estranged from his other members, who barely has anything to do with the group outside of schedules, and yet it’s moments like this--as well as Seokjin telling us in his birthday vlive that Tae organized for everyone including his non-BTS friends to send Seokjin birthday wishes in video form to show him how loved and appreciated he is--are the proof that those people are wrong. Tae is very close with his members, and he’s the ambassador of OT7 or nothing, the members his closest friends and brothers, his found and chosen family.
Jin to Suga 
Jin: Yoongi ya, do it well. Suga: Okay.... Jin: Do well on your rehab, and...uh... let’s do well going forward. Suga: Okay.. I will...
These two are so close yet due to their introverted nature their interactions such as this one are just so hilarious and adorable at the same time. Their dynamic is wonderful and this just seems like peak Yoongi-Jin behavior.
Suga to j-hope 
SG: (unable to look into hobi’s eyes) Our hobi JH: Suga! SG: You did work hard in 2020 (evading eye contact) JH: hahhahahah and? SG: Let’s not fall sick in 2021, and hwaiting...  JH: “Hwaiting hyung, and take good care of your health!”
The saga of Yoongi being unable to look Hoseok in the eye continues and it’s just as precious as ever. They stood so close, and while Yoongi wasn’t able to look into Hoseok’s eyes, it’s funny how he was the one who initiated the whole “them standing so close together” thing. I love the difference between how Seokjin didn’t even try to make eye-contact while Hoseok playfully challenged Yoongi and tried to coax him into it anyway knowing it’ll make Yoongi laugh and smile. It’s such a Yoongi-Hoseok thing, I love it.
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And with that, the award was over and now also my post. I hope you enjoyed reading it! :3
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improvidus · 3 years
I was tagged by our darling @impossiblepluto [hugs]
1) How many works do you have on AO3? I currently have 65 works on AO3 (but about 2/3 of that is fanart.).
2) What’s your total AO3 word count? 88,098
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? So far, I’ve posted works in 10 fandoms, those being:
MacGyver (2016)
Stargate: SG-1
Jack Ryan (2018)
NCIS: New Orleans
Gotham, Prison Break
The Martian
The Border Trilogy
Friday Night Lights (2004).
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Panic! At The Day Show
My Darkest Hour
Sat Phone + Heat Stroke + GPS
Mac + Drugs + Riley + Braids
5) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Heh. Green Lantern, for sure. Second to that, maybe All That Remains in My War-Ravaged World?
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? Oh, boy. Most of my fics at least end hopefully, I think. Maybe Scientific Method + Markers or Mac + Drugs + Riley + Braids. The ending of Sat Phone + Heat Stroke + GPS makes me happy, but I’m not sure that’s the same thing. :P
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? I haven’t yet, but I’ve brainstormed a few. And I’ve definitely slipped in a few names from other fandoms here and there.
8) Do you write smut? If so what kind? That’s a nope from me, dawg.
9) Do you respond to comments, why or why not? [weeps softly] I did respond to all my comments, and the goal is to get back on track. We’ve been having some WiFi issues at my house, and the comments kind of piled up faster than our situation would let me keep up with them. I plan to go back through and respond to all the ones I can. They mean so, so, SO much to me, and I’d hate for anyone to think I don’t care. They make my day. Week. Month.
10) Have you ever received hate on a fic? Not that I recall...I’ve gotten hate for a character in my fics, but hey. We all like what we like, right?
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? I’ve not had a fic stolen (to my knowledge?), but someone stole some of my art a few months ago. Huge thanks to the pocket friends who noticed and let me know!
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? I have not. That would be absolutely rad, though.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? Ron Khatri was co-created with a slew of magical pocket friends, so I just slipped him into a little oneshot. Beyond that...Stay tuned. :)
14) What’s your all time favorite ship? I really loved Michael + Sara from Prison Break.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I had this LaSalle-centric case fic I was working on for NCIS: NOLA. I was SO pumped and the words were flying right up until they weren’t. Now I’m not as deeply into that show as I was, and I’m not sure I’ve got the steam to finish it.
16) What are your writing strengths? Hmmm. I’m pretty comfortable with dialogue and characterization.
17) What are your writing weaknesses? Plot. Clarity. Plot. Finding the balance between trusting the reader to find the emotion and slapping them in the face with it. Did I mention plot?
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I think I’ve only done this once, in The Overstretched Arms of Our Spoiled Hopes. I probably wouldn’t have done it on my own, but I was trying to emulate the style and feel of the book it was based on, so I felt I had to. It was Spanish, which I’m a little more familiar with, but still. Guys, if I butchered it, I am so sorry.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for? Prison Break. I wrote a post-season 5 oneshot involving Michael and Sara at home, settling in, and the aftermath of nightmares in a sketchbook from a friend, and then I tore it out so no one would see.
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? It’s a toss up between The Overstretched Arms of Our Spoiled Hopes, Sat Phone + Heat Stroke + GPS, I think. I’d be curious to know what your favorites are!
 Tagging: @refinedbuffoonery , @holbytlanna , and @appalachianapologies​ <3
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whatudottu · 4 years
Because I've held this off for too long, once again it seems that @nukeli has beaten me to the punch with colour schemes. Damn my procrastination or whatever, but I only just realised that I didn't put any mention of the 'fodder' classes (Vehicons, Insecticons and I suppose Autotroopers since I'm including them) and wanted to put down my thoughts before writing this up.
An added bonus here is that certain character have different alts (based on character changes and even the heavier focus of 'robots in disguise' that these Decepticons are after) so it's not just me ranting about colour schemes.
Yes, this was why I was complaining about the wiki altmodes, so deal with the vehicles I found instead. May or may not be due to me using images as references haha.
The Autobots (you are here)
The Decepticons Part 1
The Decepticons Part 2
Going in order of my notes, we begin with Cliffjumper. He’s obviously a 1970 Dodge Challenger and what colours I’ve given him are on the image below. Nothing much to say about a definitely dead character other than I didn’t just wanna make him blue.
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Next on the list is good old Doctor Ratchet. I’ve had it in my mind ever since Nuke’s one post that SG!Ratchet was like Medic from TF2, so I guess I took it and ran.
To play an opposite to regular Ratchet, he comes across as affable and friendly but is really just doing the things he loves to people he hates. Autobots, Decepticons, hates everyone. He despises Optimus Prime too, but he can’t do anything unless he wants to be cooped up in his berthroom reattaching his limbs for it. Believe him, he tried.
As for altmode and colours, I spent way too long finding that he resembles a Mercedes Benz G-Class ambulance that I was ticked to find out he wasn’t at all. I special looked for the green coloured ambulance because Synth-En, duh!
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Breaking in after the Doctor comes our local wrecker Bulkhead. I don’t have much of a read on this guy, other than the fact that I thought it’d be a cool idea for him to lose a lot of his memories after ‘TMI’, ya know, from the Synth-En recipe? Certainly not set in stone, but it could very well contribute to my accidental theme of memory (which only has some small links in the posts I actually created).
With the help of my car enthused cousin I have given our not so loveable mech a Terradyne Gurkha, a little more military than the wiki’s off-roader Lamborghini that I’m too annoyed to bother to look at. I thought that the military origins and the black colour scheme sorta allude to something something mindless military man. yada yada.
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Following him is our ever wonderful Optimus Prime, or maybe Lord Prime? Haven’t thought too much about that. What I have thought of is this master manipulator who mayhaps also be a little bit delusional idk we’ll decide in the car.
I always loved the idea of a smiling SG!Prime, as if there’s still hints of this benevolent leader that the original has, but it’s warped and meant to add fodder to the war, encouraging mechs to fight to their deaths all in the name of not only the Autobots, but their Prime. Also as a warped version of the original, I wanted Shattered Glass Optimus to be deluded in the fact that Megatron will change, change at least, to submit to the real leader. Ain’t happening. That’s sorta there with Ratchet too, but well, you read Ratchet’s piece didn’t you?
SG!Prime is consistently purple and black, and whilst I have found a Peterbilt Semi Truck with that wonderful colour, it comes with white instead. Think about it, this typically evil colour paired with often innocent white, that’s like perfect for what I’m going for.
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Fitting that he’s next, it’s time for Prime’s Second In Command Ultra Magnus. I’ve... really got nothing for him. Maybe he’s still by-the-books but like he finds loopholes just to commit atrocities? I don’t know.
I’ve given this boy a Mack Trident alt instead of Prime’s Peterbilt, just for differences sake.
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After Magnus, we got our little bug Bumblebee... or is it. Because I wanted to change his colours a bit without going into Beast Hunter territory, I wondered if bees come in different colours and, low and behold, they do!
As for the boy himself, I think he was one of the bots manipulated by Prime himself to join the cause and, given his almost rewritten personality, has only lived through to this point in the war by sheer luck. This mech is an absolute menace, feral and powered by the need for Prime’s approval, tearing others with denta and servo more often than with stingers and blasters.
Now you’ve noticed I haven’t been using his name? That’s because he’s now Blue Band (I just realised he’s still bb haha)! He gets his name from the Blue Banded bee, and I found a Chevrolet Camaro to match.
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In line with BB’s younger status, feast your eyes on Shattered Glass Smokescreen! Oh boy isn’t he a delight. His hero worship has essentially turned him to a prime (pardon the pun) candidate for Optimus to form into his perfect super soldier, who already would die for this deranged mech even before laying optics on this grand Prime.
So, he’s an absolute suck up, a straight up spoiled brat that has it harder than Blue Band for Prime’s acknowledgement, and is actively showing off and bragging that he’s Optimus’ favourite (he’s not, he just encourages it because that’s the easiest way to get Smokey to do what he wants).
Almost to reflect that (perhaps another pun) I found this gaudy Chameleon Chevy Corvette that absolutely SCREAMS show off.
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Regrettably partnered up with him after the passing of Cliffjumper, Arcee has run out of patience. Not everything she does is motivated by Airachnid (what kind of character would that be? not a fun one) but she does often enjoy killing those connected with her. After Tailgate, she’s gotten a little mad, but her effectiveness otherwise increased so others never bothered to ‘fix’ her.
Having lost both of her partners, when she absolutely hates another (read; Airachnid and Starscream because he still kills Cliff) the best kind of revenge is putting her opponents in her own pedes. Oh, that mech’s growing attached to one of his comrades? Slice and dice them before their optics. Oh, that femme is finally coming out of her shell and making friends? Gore out their spark and hope that humans don’t decide this would be the perfect time to practice what they preach and save the life of that same mech with a hard to perform surgery that may or may not have been lost to time.
Okay so she’s obviously a Kawasaki Ninja (haha that’s kind of fitting) and I was tempted to make her pink like other Arcee iterations, but look at this fancy stuff right here. He hoo glowy look pretty!
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Almost in leu of an Airachnid archetype, Wheeljack comes in. Though still quite the wrecker and ever the bomb enthusiast, instead of actively celebrating his impacts and going solo to stop the rust settling in, he’d rather be offed whilst mechs are distracted by his pretty explosion and lay forgotten in the dirt.
I may have accidentally rooted the unintentional memory theme deeply with the wreckers (Breakdown included) and maybe just took it and ran, giving everyone else a little connection, but Wheeljack is probably the most explicit in this idea. He hates nicknames (which i super Ratchet uses to mock him here in Shattered Glass) because that’s like... naming something you’re going to keep to quote that specific fic which, honestly, I can’t remember. Wheeljack split from others to stop them from remembering him and put himself closer to a situation where he can die alone, as morbid as that sounds. No grand death, no stupid death and no straight up suicide (generally that’s a VERY impactful kind of death) so just a mediocre end is what he’s been looking for for a little bit too long.
As for his colours, I apparently have no taste and should not have a car because I really like what this image has going for it. This C3 Corvette is probably one of the few cars that fits the straight up box of a sports car that Jackie’s got, so I’m sticking to it, so no, don’t show me the wiki I’m ignoring it this was too painful to give up dang it!
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Okay, finishing off the bots, I have the Autotroopers. Sure, I’m not using a reference of a car to show off the colours, mainly because there’s also going to be flier troopers too, maybe... surely... definitely. Most depictions of them are white, you know, goodie goodie, and I’m tempted to just laze around and do just that. Instead, I think a goldish colour would be fun.
Aside from sharing a key colour with Ultra Magnus, essentially a war lawyer, which is perfect for subjects made to obey, a nice glimmering finish almost feels like they’re all manipulated by Prime to believe in the Autobot cause. I suppose the special devision, if there is one, would be a nice Prime purple, sorta like if it’s Optimus’ personal guard if he actually had any belief they would do their jobs.
Oh boy this is so long...
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soundcrusher · 2 years
A trip to the Amusement Park!
Oh, what's this? Part 6 of season 2 of my ongoing story set in the sentient SG/LL au from @cuppajj at the same day I posted part 5? Well, would you believe me if I said that I was very motivated to make two parts today?
Either way, I hope all of you like the boys having some fun and Phoenix finally getting to act like a normal kid.
Trigger Warning: none
Rodimus was right, Phoenix wasn’t happy about having to leave the first planet behind. In fact, this might have been the first time his little brother had ever glared at him, let alone raised his voice at him for leaving Softstreet and Fungus without ever saying goodbye. But Rodimus could understand it. He could understand Phoenix, and he could understand why his brother was angry at him. Finally, Phoenix had found a place where he could be himself without having to worry about others hating him for looking like Rodimus, and they had to leave. Rodimus didn’t even tell Phoenix why they had to leave. He thought that it would be better if he waited a little while, before revealing that they have been found by Thrillchaser. Especially with Phoenix’s nightmares getting worse with each passing day. 
Ever since the youngling realized that the Stranger and Lightlost were one and the same, Phoenix’s dreams have become one twisted nightmare after the other. If his brother didn't wake up screaming his spark out, he would start crying in his sleep before opening his optics and curling up tightly in Rodimus’ arms. Refusing to go to sleep unless Rodimus promised time and time again that he wouldn’t leave him alone with Lightlost. That he would stay with him. That he wouldn’t let them hurt him again. And Rodimus, despite knowing that he can’t promise these things for sure, still swore on his spark that nothing would ever hurt him ever again. 
This is also why Rodimus decided that the next planet they would land on, was one mostly known as a ‘Decepticon Planet’. It mostly meant that this planet was part of the Decepticon’s faction during the war, despite it housing more neutral Cybertronians than anything else. Either way, Rodimus still put on the cowboy hat and poncho he got from Fungus, and made Phoenix do the same. Even though he knew that this get-up wouldn’t fool anyone, Rodimus still hoped that it would, at least, make them blend in better with the crowd. Most of the neutrals on this planet did wear something similar to human hats and cloaks after all. 
“Roddy? Why are we… here?” Asked Phoenix, after stepping out of their ship for the first time since weeks. The youngling didn’t really feel like going out much anymore, ever  since his nightmares became worse. “And why are we wearing the things Fungus gave us?”
Rodimus smirked as he used his thumb to push up his cowboy hat. “Well, we’re wearing this, because most mechs and femmes on this planet wear hats and cloaks, and I don’t want us to stick out like a turbofox in a Robo-chicken coop.” Dang it, Fungus' speech has infected his processor. Damn that old farm wolf! Either way, he shouldn’t curse that mech. Not when has been the first positive influence in a long time… next to Phoenix. “And we’re here, because I thought that you might like visiting an amusement park.” Said Rodimus, as he grabbed  Phoenix’s servo and started to lead him away from the ship and towards one big shiny gate with many lights on it.
“What's an amusement park?” Asked Phoenix, as he looked up at the prime with that adorably confused face only he could pull off. A look that sent Rodimus squealing internally, while remaining cool and collected on the outside.  “An amusement park,” explained Rodimus, “is something where you go to have fun. It has many different rides, booths, stalls, and other fun things to have, well, fun with. I thought it might help you with taking your mind off of things.” He said, before walking over to the ticket booth and getting two tickets. One for Phoenix and one for him. After that, they entered and Rodimus had to bite back a laugh, as he saw how Phoenix’s eyes widen in pure amazement and wonder.
Sometimes he forgets that Phoenix was still a kid…
“Alright. What do you want to do first? There are some good rides around here. Like this one roller coaster that goes really fast, I think it’s called the Blitzflügel, or there’s that ride called Zero Gravity. That one’s really fast too. Or…” While Rodimus went on with listing off every fast ride in the amusement park, Phoenix let his optics wander. Looking at everything that wasn’t trying to break any speed records, or launching someone into the sky. And the youngling did find the right ride. 
A Merry go Round with Cybertronian animals to ride on and bright lights flashing in rhythm with the music. Overall, it was mesmerizing from the first moment the youngling laid his optics on it. And despite it not being on Rodimus’ list, Phoenix wanted that ride to be his first one. So, he tugged at his brother’s servo, before pointing over to the colorful ride. 
“That one.” Was the only warning Rodimus got, before he was dragged by an excited young spark over to a ride too slow for his own taste. But when he looked down at  Phoenix, while they were waiting in line, and saw the sheer excitement in those optics, while his brother tried his best not to start jumping up and down from excitement, Rodimus found himself accepting his fate. Which meant he was sitting on one of the side benches while watching Phoenix excitedly searching for the right cyber-animal to ride on, choosing a Cyberhorse, and squealing in excitement as soon as the Merry go Round started. And after the ride was over, Phoenix already had set his eyes on the Bumper Boats. And after that ride, it was off to the Scooters. And then, finally, Rodimus managed to convince Phoenix to go on some Roller Coasters with him. 
Although, as soon as they got to the Blitzflügel, Phoenix started to get scared. So much so that Rodimus offered to skip the ride, but the youngling only shook his head at the suggestions. “How about you go on the ride, and I wait here?” Asked Phoenix, before quickly adding. “I won’t move too far away and I’m going to stay out of trouble. I promise!” Rodimus was unsure, but he couldn’t stop Phoenix from pushing him towards the Roller Coaster while pointing out how he sat out theMerry go Round and how it would only be fair if he did the same. So, with a sigh, Rodimus simply nodded and walked towards the Blitzflügel, while Phoenix went and sat down on one of the benches. 
However, the youngling didn’t stay where he was for long. No, he soon enough stood up and took a look at some of the boots and stalls standing in a line. Some had fun games to play, some sold food, and then there was one stall with two manning it. A big one with four arms and a small one with funny things on his shoulders and…. was that a turbofox by his side!
The promise he gave was completely forgotten, as he made his way over to the booth. Pushing himself through the crowd of park visitors, before ending up on the other side and before the booth. Taking a look at the various flyers for a charity supporting victims of the war, before looking at the two mechs and waving. “Hello, can I play with your turbofox?”
Helex was surprised to see someone approach their booth, let alone talk to them. After all, they weren’t as well visited as other booths around the area. Mostly because everyone wanted to do something fun and not be reminded of the war that plagued their race for millions of years. Then again, they did tend to get the attention of some, as soon as they saw Dominus. But usually they would ask what a turbofox was doing here and not if they could play with him. 
“Ehm… I am not sure. He doesn’t like unknown mechs and femmes…” Said the tall cybertronian, as he saw the disappointment slowly settle on the younglings face. At least, he thought he saw it. It was hard to tell with that big hat covering most of his face. “A-ah, but maybe I can interest you in one of our cookies? The Shanix we get from them is used to support various charity organizations.” That seemed to get the kid’s interest, because he was now looking at the various flavors they offered and no longer looking disappointed. “How much Shanix do they cost?” Asked the youngling, to which Helex answered. “Usually as much as someone wants to donate, but we settled on 5 Shanix a box, because some don’t want to give us more than that.” 
“Can I have one box?” Asked the kid, to which Helex nodded and handed over one of the cookies flavors most popular with younger Cybertronians. “Thank you sir! Oh, and here, you can keep the change. Goodbye to the three of you!” Chirped the kid happily before taking the box of cookies from  Helex and placing 100 Shanix down in the open servo. After that, he made his way back through the crowd, while the two members of the DJD suddenly had their servos full with mechs and femmes coming over, after seeing someone buy cookies from them. 
Although, none of them noticed the turbofox raising his head and watching the youngling go back to where he came from. 
The Blitzflügel was a fast ride, Rodimus had to admit that much, but it wasn't fast enough for him. Or maybe he had put too much faith in a ride he never rode on. Yes, that’s probably it. 
“I think you were right with not going on that ride Phoenix, it wasn’t that… interesting…” Said Rodimus, after sitting down next to Phoenix, but as soon as he saw the box of cookies and his brother happily munching on one of them, he started to trail off. Where did Phoenix manage to get cookies from? Did he miss a stall? One especially made to sell this type of treat? “Well I guess someone was hungry.” Chuckled the prime, as he took the cookie Phoenix handed to him. Eating it slowly while thinking about where they could go next. The Ferris Wheel was an option, but he wanted to keep that for the end. So, that only left the various game booths. Booths he was sure were rigged, but he was Rodimus Prime, he sure could win some of the games.
And he sure couldn’t win any of the games ,and neither could Phoenix. No matter which gaming booth they visited, be it the various ‘Roll a Ball’, ‘Balloon Balls’, ‘Ring a Bottle’, ‘Shoot the Cyber-Duck’ or anything similar to that, both of them just didn’t seem to win. And if he had to see one more smug looking booth operator looking at him after losing his third game, and talking down to Phoenix for being a ‘shitty player’, Rodimus wouldn’t promise not to beat the smugness out of them. Primus and Unicron, he might as well strangle them, until they just handed them the prizes. Maybe then they would finally win something. Either way, they still had to try the claw machines scattered around the amusement park, but none of them seemed to hold any prize his brother liked. Until they came across one machine with plush toys from earth. 
“Roddy… Can I have that one?” Asked Phoenix, as he softly pulled on Rodimus’ servos and pointed over to the big shark laying ontop of all the other plushies. And despite it looking like an easy win, Rodimus still sighed and shook his head. “Sorry, but I don’t think I could get that one. Not with the luck we’ve had with all the other games we tried.”
“Maybe I can help!” Said someone from behind them. And with the voice sounding like one he’s heard before, Rodimus quickly turned around, while pushing Phoenix behind himself.
The prime took one look at the Decepticon before him and groaned internally. Of course it had to be someone from the DJD. Was this Primus or Unicron’s punishment to him for leaving Phoenix alone, while he rode the Blitzflügel? If so, his luck really was walking out on him today. Or, at least partially, because Tesarus didn’t seem to recognize them, well, him. (Rodimus really has to thank Fungus for the cowboy hats and ponchos the next time he sees them.)
“Are you good with claw machines?” Asked Phoenix, as he stepped out from behind Rodimus, before the prime could stop the youngling. “Because I want that big gray and white thing on top of all the other soft looking animals.”
“You want the shark?” Asked Tesarus, before grinning. “Nothing easier than that kiddo!” Said the mech, before putting some Shanix into the machine and trying to get the shark. All the while Rodimus had to explain to Phoenix what a shark was, and Phoenix getting even more excited at the prospect of getting the toy. Although, Phoenix’s excitement turned into disappointment as he saw Tesarus nearly getting the toy, only for it to fall so that its head was laying over the opening where the toy was supposed to fall in and its body still with the rest of the other plushies. 
“Hey, don’t look so down kid. You gotta stay jaw-sitive, because you’ll de-fin-itely get that shark.” Said Tesarus, which caused Phoenix to chuckle and Rodimus to roll his optics. Although, true to the Decepticons words, the youngling did get the shark. Even though it took them some tries. But who was counting, when the youngspark was smiling like a kid on christmas as he hugged the plush shark tightly to his chestplate. Saying a quick, ‘Thank you!’ to Tesarus, while Rodimus quickly pulled him away and towards the exit of the park. 
It was time to go after all, and now that Rodimus knew that the DJD was walking around, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to stay any longer in this park, let alone on this planet. 
And Phoenix was already looking tired. So, they wouldn’t have stayed longer either way. 
While the brothers were walking out of the park and back to where they left their ship, none of them noticed the Turbofox quietly following them. 
“Yes Helex?”
“I don’t want to alarm you… but where is Dominus?”
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cat-26 · 4 years
Okay so I basically wrote down all my impressions as I was watching Techno’s stream for MCC 9 (this is basically me commenting to the void)
My main takeaways were:
- Techno is so relaxed and calm!? This is great. Also he is getting back in contact with his friends, yes please. No need for pressure Techno.
- F1nn is awesome! (Also, the cosplay??)
- Techno has played too many Skywars game; even without knowing what is happening, he dominated Skybattle
- Techno might join them for Among Us tomorrow?!
- Apparently next MCC is different? (And Techno doesn’t know if he wants to sign up?)
Now, for all the void-screaming:
~Start of the stream~
F1nn5ter cosplayed as Techno!! I heard he would but this is awesome! 
Also poor Techno he can’t breathe Game 1: sky battles "Weeellllcooome guyys to another episode of Skywars!!" - YESSS Techno was so lost but thousands of skywars videos made him invincible Techno to F1nn: "Dress for the job you want, and you dressed as Technoblade!" Game 2: TGTTOSAWAF I actually like that Techno seems not to have so much pressure this time. Like, of course he wants to win but he seems more relaxed. I like the dynamic in this team. Techno has mentioned Tubbo multiple times. I really want to see them interact. (I would love a Tommy/Techno/Tubbo team next mcc, but it probably can’t happen) Decision dome: They get 4 crossbows to kill chickens? I thought it was 1/team, 4 is kinda too much? Game 3: parkour Pete is not doing well? Techno is on 8-1 and Pete just completed stage 6... I wonder what happened.I’ll see why in his VOD I guess. "Believe in the me that believes in myself" - Techno He was so happy to be tied for 1st in parkour hahaha Making fun of people for practicing: "they could have watched anime like me like a real winner" Game 4: HITW “What's battle box?" "It's PvP" "Now I really want to play hole in the wall" Tubbo won!!! GO TUBBO!!! The leafblower guy really knows Techno's schedule! (Please tell us Leafblower man, we would like to know) (Let's hope he's a good omen) TUBBO GOT TOP 5!!! Break time/audience takeover Tubbo is trending hahaha of course he is, he’s in Dream’s team
The whole discussion on the duel hahaha “How could we determine who is a better player? What if...” I definitely like this team dynamic
About his chat calling him bad: "My viewers know that I have the potential to be the best ... This is not a coping mechanism." TECHNO WON AUDIENCE TAKEOVER!!! HOW? The duel really was for who stayed on youtube Game 5: Battle Box "We might not win but it's fun" YES TECHNO PLEASE KEEP THIS MINDSET, HAVE FUN, NO PRESSURE!! The made it so you can't see the power ups hahaha Once again, Techno broke the game They destroyed the Blue Bats (poor fruit) Techno: “Good job Finn”  F1nn: “Someone clip that so I can hear it at night”
Techno is DESTROYING F1nn killed Dream!!! You go, Finn!! "Killing Dream is a lucrative business model" - Techno Techno dragging Scoot for stealing his team/friends. Tommy killed Techno hahaha he’ll never hear the end of it They lost to Green and Red! Did Red only win against them? I am amazed at Techno relaxed attitude. I really hope this stays the same.
Techno is truly too good at 1.16 PvP now Game 6: Ace Race He did so well. He is being suppotive :')
All of them making fun of F1nn pfff hahaha Game 7: Survival Games Calvin "you have me!" when Techno is stressed about doing SG Blue bats are GOOD they’re winning this Awww he went to spectate Phil specifically (before realizing he killed him hahaha) I love how people thought the Blue Bats were underdogs HAHAHAHA BUT 7000 POINTS? Game 8: Sands of Time Techno: How much sand do we have? Finn: A lot? Techno: How much!? I NEED A NUMBER Finn: 7, I have 7 Techno: Oh, ok, that's good"
Techno and his chat have a chaotic relationship Did Dream get the coal dispenser trap? The one Pete’s team got (~2 MCCs ago?)  I'm so mad at MrBeast about how he treats Techno... (I don't hate him, just his treatment of Techno) Dodgebolt: Techno is being so petty hahaha but honestly good for him, he’s had way too much hate and salt  "Last time I dropped out of the top 5 because Dream died in Sand of Times - to be fair he did really good in the rest of the tournament" - even when he is making fun of him he stays nice Dream fans: don't be mean to Techno! Dream is the 1st Techno fan, so hating him is dumb.  Long monologue vs Dream, go Techno! You deserve the love "For at the people that always cite MCC individual rankings: now they have to cite speedrunning!" I'm so surprised than Cyan didn't do better BLUE BATS!!!! What a comeback!!!! Also HBomb won 3 times now, right? He deserves it! He takes this championship so seriously, and he believed in his team from day 1 End of the stream: Okay I am so happy for Techno! He is so happy and relaxed and he deserves not having all the pressure in the world. Like, I know he wanted a good individual placement and that's pressure but that is nothing compared to usual. He seems way better now Techno joined Reeeed  He is so confused by George-simping hahaha I feel so bad for himm he can't talk to his friendsss
He left. Honestly, I would have done the same I really feel the jumping from call to call by Techno, that's me at parties He really wants to keep streaming, it seems like?
I hope we get a Techno-HBomb team one day. It would be great
Philzaaaa So many screenshootss hahahaha
DreamSMP CAMEO???!!!! YES PLEASE it would really funny Bannerlord got murdered by the the training arc "my wife, abandonned"... poor Sora and Dora Haha the screenshot bm to Clavin Among us YEAH "I feel like I've changed over the years (...) I just want to be a good guy that find the TRUTH" Philzaaa joined!!! Dream is so mad (Techno is so nice because he is really trying to not be too mean) "That reddit is going to rot your brain" - Philza, that is why I don't go there I love this chat with Philza. Yes I really want Techno playing Among Us! (And he wants to start playing tf2 with them again! Yes Techno be healthy and happy!) They are talking tf2, I understand nothing. But they are happy so good! Oh they didn't know he was still live hahaha typical Oh Tommy is here now, it'll be fun. Tommy: “I breathe good air” Techno: “That is one of your most admirable qualities” I can't, everything he says is gold "This is a hostile takeover of the Sleepy Bois" - Techno to Scott Tommy is part of the sleepy bois!! Hahaha but RIP vlog gun They are negotiating Philza hahaha (maybe a Phil-Techno team next time?) Tubbo is in the same call as Techno... good enough I guess?  Among us tomorrow?? Yes please Okay Tommy is really the little brother to Wilbur Techno is so uncomfortable with the Shubbles conversation, he just wants to beat up people with his knockback stick but no one is there
~this is the end of me screaming into the void!~
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