#SF9 romance
raleigh-edward · 4 months
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Garden of Eden face-claims | Part 7
Hwiyoung (SF9) as Dong Hyun
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chrispychanniem · 6 months
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My Honest Opinion:
I wasn't expecting this series to become one of my top 5 all time comfort BL series. To be honest with you, at first, I watched the first episode halfway through and dropped the series. But I came back and gosh now I can't stop watching this series over and over again.
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Personally, I relate to this series on a spiritual level. I mean, unrequited love and being in love with someone who is always surrounded by a bunch of people and is always too busy to even have a peaceful conversation with you, is something I am extremely familiar with.
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Hence, in my opinion, everything was so well executed that I think everyone should watch it at least once.
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flowerygn · 6 months
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parkjayssi · 8 months
which romance trope do you and your fs belong to?
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like & rb if resonates i'm a beginner in tarot so please take everything with a grain of salt it is a general reading so only take what resonates
WARNING: a bit of nsfw in pile 1, nothing too explicit
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🔥 | pile one!
if you got this pile, goddamn, i shall say the sexual tension is high af. this trope isn't necessarily how you'll feel about your fs but it is for the small percentage of people out there. as for the others, it is merely small rivalry, not anything major. or maybe you both meet through or during some kind of competition. even a school test, yes.
you both are so bound by your duties/work and have a want to do the best. this is exactly the trait that will bring you both together. there will be ups and downs due to either/both of you being stubborn and sticking to your own plans. communication is definitely necessary and so is understanding. high possibility that you two might also break up because of this huge ego problem that either of you might have in order to rekindle.
as for the bond between you two, let's just say you both are willing to devour each other. i'm not kidding. interpreting the shufflemancy messages really said "i want you, but i can't admit that because i have a huge ego." like they want you so bad, it's not funny (and so do you). even during the small squabbles lies this high need of just riling each other to see if you both end on the bed or not-
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🌟 | pile two!
whole. some. that's it. this is something the majority of this pile would be with their fs. for some of you, twin flames too. but this pile is beautiful because you would feel that your fs/ you is/are a shooting star, fulfilling the wish to be loved, genuinely.
it feels like everything was planned from the start and you both wouldn't regret it. either of you might have been going through a whole ass storm in life before an umbrella magically appears. this storm is meant to be a trial to build a strong foundation together in order to face it head on.
as for the bond, it's really sweet and warm. it's like those indie romance movies where just a glance between the leads would send a warm tingle in your body. you both are so supportive of each other and make sure to take care of each other. it feels like spending time near the fire on a cold evening. my favourite pile <333
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💓 | pile three!
a new beginning, and a perfect one at that hmm? that's the perfect trope for you and fs, pile 3. getting over an ex probably seems a major theme here, or just getting over something and starting something new and exciting. it screams "right person at the right moment"
the best part is right off the bat, sparks fly high and it feels more than a crush even if you've known the person for a single day/date. not to mention, the majority of your fs's are charming, their personality makes you dive down a deep hole, damn. but being rational is necessary and taking everything slow seems to be the best option, otherwise the hole might suck either of you to darkness.
as for the bond, you both might be a bit secretive but it's honestly better this way. you both are willing to listen to each other's opinion and make sure to encourage each other. can't really pick much up since both of you like to keep your private life a secret. but nonetheless, you both are adorable <3
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espresseo-cafe · 11 months
life is still beautiful | johnny | ch.1
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genre: cappucino, romance, angst, university!au, dad!au, drama, slice of life
pairing: collegestudent!johnny x fem!reader
bean count: 4k
a/n: i’m so excited to be sharing this with you! it has been in the works since 2020 on and off and omg i can finally post this fanfic. this whole series has mentions of characters from different groups other than nct- red velvet, dreamcatcher, seventeen, sf9, etc to avoid confusion with people of the same name! note: this is only a work of fiction, it doesn’t reflect the artists’ personalities in any way.
growing up, the continuous tingling feeling whenever you see your parents arguing at the end of your hallway always broke your heart. the raised voices, objects getting thrown around, and the banging of slammed doors against the doorframe deafened your ears. you remembered you had to knock on every single apartment on the floor; same, above, and below- to apologise the nuisance your parents caused. some with good hearts would understand out of pity for you, others would provoke to kick your family out of the building. so far, you’ve made it to several years without any notice from the landlord.
with that background, there weren’t any doubts that it affected the way you perceive everything in life. silence overpowered the joyous you like a large coat, it has been that way. the younger you wouldn’t understand the clash of your parents. the younger you wouldn’t know the problems they had. most importantly though, the younger you wouldn’t receive any love or support from them at all.
it was like you never existed.
as you hit the eighteenth mark, you’ve made the bold but practical decision to move out. the toxicity they emitted were too much for you to handle. with every penny or dime you’ve been saving everyday since you were twelve and some extra cash from various part time jobs since you were sixteen, you had your small carry on luggage packed and left first thing in the morning one summer. a dilemma kind of held you back whether to leave a note for your mom and dad, only deciding not to and tell them not to find you.
if there was anything you were blessed with even if you were put in a dire situation of a broken home, you had to pat yourself at the back for never failing your grades. just average and sometimes in the honorable mention’s list. thanks to that, you’ve secured a place at a university far from your family home.
and of course, choosing a location far off was more than intentional.
the first few months were a challenge, the surroundings took you sometime to familiarise. adjustment was never an issue though, running away from home was worth the change. as you expected, your parents didn’t bother to look for their only daughter. scoffing at the past, you realised it had almost been three years since you left.
making friends was easy too, to your surprise. known as the loner and depressed type in high school, you tried to change yourself a bit and managed to befriend a new crowd of people. of course, you were discerning on people who are worth to befriend, not the ones who’d waste your time. one of them being kim yoohyeon, who’s now your best friend and roommate.
“y/n, i’m going out to the store, want anything?” she asked while putting on a cardigan.
you hummed and rolled your eyes playfully, “hm, two packs of ramyeon and chips. you’re paying alright?” she threw a crumpled ball of tissue at you, gasping at the very direct response. “what? it’s two in the morning and i’m helping you pull an all-nighter for your fashion thesis due in two months and a half. i deserve a treat. be thankful i don’t have class tomorrow and that my part-time’s in the afternoon.”
“okay fine.” she dramatically slouched her shoulders down, “be back in a jiffy bub!”
as the door closed, you sighed and stretched your almost numbed body. yoohyeon’s project was half done, just needed a little more tweaking and you could say hello to a convenience store feast.
yoohyeon was the first person you met at orientation, she seemed to extract innocence at first glance. though as you got to know her, she was a meme in real life who possessed extreme talent in singing. you and her clicked, she had problems in her home but they were immediately managed. so she was all smiles from ear to ear. it was something you were envious of; to have a healthy relationship with parents, however, it wasn’t working with you at all.
sometimes you wondered how it felt like, to have someone love you like family. your aunts or uncles would message you to check on you, and whenever they brought your parents up, you shoved down the topic back to its grave. it’s dead conversation anyway. the latest update you heard from them was two years ago. they still lived in the same damned roof where they argued a lot, you wondered why they were still stuck to each other like glue. the only difference was that your dad worked the night shift while your mom on the mornings. so they probably never see each other eye to eye.
when they did though, all hell broke loose.
you were brushed off your thoughts when yoohyeon opened the door, “okay, here’s your food, time to pig out!”
“finally, i’m starving.” you had the hot water boiling before she arrived, immediately putting the ramyeon in the pot.
“so,” she started, opening a bag of potato chips.
“when are you planning to date? it’s been theee years since uni started and i’ve never seen you on dates before.”
you pressed your lips into a thin line, “not right now.”
“why not? you’re pretty, you can cook; you’re even taking an early childhood education course, specifically in special education.” she plopped one into her mouth and chewed shamelessly, “i bet you’re good with kids too.”
“so apparently that makes me an ideal girl?”
“an ideal girl worth to have!” she exclaimed, later reaching for your unlocked phone. “guess what, download this app and go have some fun.”
“if that’s tinder you’re planning on brainwashing me with, i’m not interested.” you joked, mixing the sauce and toppings with the now cooked noodles.
“you never know, it might work.” she singsonged.
you sighed, yoohyeon has been pushing you to date because she felt like you were like a hermit, always stuck in your own shell and would only go out if needed to. not that you were interested, you just wanted to get school done and make a stable living. love will come anyway.
she clicked on the app store and downloaded a trendy app named ‘love click’. “it’s an app solely made for university students within the state. kinda like tinder but you play anonymous with a made up nickname, no one will know how you look like.”
you raised a brow. “that’s dangerous than tinder, y’know?”
“this is different, they can detect fake accounts and do a facial recognition. anyway, once you put your actual photo and real age, it will automatically pair you with others similiar with yours; interests, and hobbies. then it will change your face to a random avatar if ever you do a video call.” she tapped away. “that’s how i met hwang minhyun.”
“eh, i still think it’s risky. besides, you just got lucky. you scored a hottie.” you slurped on the noodles. “i could never.”
“just try, you could always quit and they’ll never find you. and who knows? you might even receive the whole package.”
you sighed, “okay fine. i’ll do it just once, for you alright?” you finished the rest and threw the excess soup away. “i’m not doing any after that.”
“cool! all your details are in here already. let me know if someone messages you.” she gave you a playful wink before working on her project once again.
johnny stretched his limbs after a quick power nap, he haven’t had enough rest since he was on the clock 24/7. he turned to his side to check the time, sighing a relief when it was only 3pm. as if it was waiting for him to be awake, a text message from his mom appeared on the screen.
[ mom] : “don’t forget to eat, my dear john. you’ve got two mouths to feed ❤️”
johnny smiled at his mom’s reminder, he was relieved that the messages were reduced to a low, knowing how protective she was.
a loud thud on the floor made johnny stand on his feet and rush to the door next to his. his worried demeanor soon changed to a soft one when he saw a little smile beamed at him from the ground.
“youngmin-ah, what’re you doing on the floor? did you hurt yourself?”
the child just giggled, softening johnny’s heart every single he did so.
he remembered the night when the almost two year old came into his life. it was a rough beginning, but he managed himself and was proud how he actually did while still in school.
his friends were in full support of this unexpected scenario and would take turns in looking after the child while he worked the night shifts at a café. like any other people, his friends were in doubt at his decision of bringing him to lectures.
johnny again proved them wrong.
what surprised them wasn’t how the baby managed to be quiet in all of the classes, but how johnny effortlessly handled him if ever a fuss was made. kun recalled that in one of their exams in biology major, johnny had the baby cradled in one arm as the other wrote the quiz. the professor wanted to hold the baby boy while johnny did the exam, but young man refused to, saying that he could handle it. he wouldn’t want the baby crying in a stranger’s hold while everyone was so stressed for the exams. adding that the baby’s wails would be a distraction.
he became viral at the university page when a photo of him feeding youngmin a bottle of milk, that certain scenario made girls want him as a husband. sometimes they would stop by to say hello to him and the child.
“dada.” johnny smiled at title, the little toddler fiddling the bottle in his hand while his feet stretched up.
“seems like you’re alright.” he poked his nose, earning a giggle from the two year old. “i still have to check any injuries. say youngmin, your birthday’s coming up soon. what would you like?”
youngmin hummed, as if he understood the question clearly.
johnny was caught off guard that he tickled the little toddler as he smiled. “buddy, you already have a mama though.” his phone dinged, indicating an incoming text message. “speaking of her, she just texted me.”
[ kim minji ]: sorry babe, couldn’t make it tonight for dinner. i got singing rehearsals.
[ johnny ]: it’s cool. how about tomorrow?
[ kim minji ]: i’ll see first, pretty busy.
he put his phone back into his pocket, sighing at the same excuse his girlfriend gave. he didn’t want to overthink but it had been like this for a while, he wondered if she had fallen out of love. shaking his head, he shrugged off the thought to the back of his mind.
youngmin turned his full body to the side before standing and climbed onto johnny’s kneeled figure, the bottle still in between his baby teeth. “mama, where?”
“she’s not coming home tonight. maybe some other time.” he ruffled youngmin’s soft hair, eyes closing due to exhaustion. but then the little toddler smiled and patted his cheek and johnny wrapped his arms around the little frame. “come on, let’s get you dinner, we’re having your favourite!”
“lasagna!” youngmin put arms up, and johnny could melt anytime.
“hey you said it perfectly this time! well done my so-“ he paused as his phone dinged, a snapchat notification from taeyong appeared on the screen. making the toddler tilt his head to why the young man stopped mid-sentence. “let’s go to wash your hands alright?”
while youngmin nodded then hopped away towards the bathroom, swiping to unlock his phone, a snap video that his said friend sent made his eyebrows meet in an ugly mood.
[ taeyongss ]: bro is that jiu? your mj?
it was his girlfriend giving a lap dance to someone he couldn’t seem to recognise due to the flashing lights, she was enjoying it and the shocking thing was, she wasn’t drunk at all.
kim minji, his girlfriend since senior high, had a few names labeled on her. one of them was jiu (pronounced as ji-yoo) a nickname everyone called her in school, being one of the main solos for the choir.
some of the juniors called her a pink princess because of her obsession with the said colour. owning almost everything in it.
and mj was a form of endearment that only johnny used. his expression changed from a smile to a frown, throwing his phone on the bed that it bounced off and landed on the ground; earning his phone a crack on the screen.
“dada?” youngmin peeked through the bedroom door. now it was him to hear the thudding sound. “happen?”
johnny jumped a little seeing the child standing by the door with a towel in his hands. “my phone fell. come on, let’s eat.”
lasagna was a favourite dish youngmin adored eversince he brought him to an italian restaurant. meatballs were a favourite too, but something about lasagna topped it. as youngmin was busy making his hands dirty, johnny called his mom at this hour, she was probably home by now.
“ah my love johnny! i’m glad you called, what is it?” her voice still bright and lively.
“um, i was wondering if i could drop youngmin off tonight?” he played with the fork. “taeyong messaged me and i think i need to have a drink and hang out for a bit.”
his mom’s soft laughter brought relief to his ears, “oh sure my dear, your dad and i could need some company. it’s been quiet around here since you’ve grown.”
johnny smiled at the reply, “great, we’ll be there in ten.”
“see you later.” she singsonged.
after dropping youngmin off, he made his way to the bar where his girlfriend was. everyone who met johnny knew that he could be reckless when someone crossed over the line, who knows what scene he’d make tonight?
“johnny.” taeyong called out after seeing him enter the bar, johnny walking towards the bar where his friend was stationed at. “please don’t make a scene. my boss let you off the hook the last time you broke loose.”
johnny’s eyes scanned the area, looking for mj before looking at back at taeyong. “don’t worry. i won’t. this johnny won’t do anything.”
“better keep your word. she’s by the corner over there.” taeyong pointed with his head, “she’s been here for the past three months. good thing i’m the only one from campus who has seen her. if anyone else did she’d lose her solo spot at the choir. so called ‘angel’, huh? no offense.”
“none taken, but thanks bro. see you later at the dorms.” johnny said, then he walked through partygoers, the blasting music was deafening so much he hated it.
“i know right? he’s such a sweetheart.” mj said to her friend as she patted the guy’s shoulder who she danced with earlier. “i’d love to-“
“mj.” johnny’s cold voice rung in her ears, sending shivers to her spine. what is he doing here? “i’m guessing rehearsals ended early or it never existed.”
“babe i-“
“ey johnny suh!” the guy seated next to her greeted him drunkenly, the more he looked closer in the dimmed light, his blood boiled. “haven’t seen you since you had a baby! minji has been great to me recently.”
it was his high school rival, takuya terada.
“we’ll catch up soon won’t we?” johnny said sarcastically. takuya wouldn’t know anyway, his vision probably already blurry to even comprehend a straight conversation. he looked at minji, who averted her gaze towards him as she rolled her eyes. “we need to talk, outside.”
he took her by the wrist and he didn’t care if he was hurting her. she hurt him first; for a while now actually. he just had to put up a front before he vent out when they exited the bar.
“what the hell, minji.” he threw his grip away, minji holding her wrist and tsk-ed at the attitude. “is that why you’ve been missing out lately? you were cheating on me with takuya?”
“missing out? johnny you’ve been missing out too!” she raised her voice, “i don’t know if you have noticed but it’s been straining on the both of us recently!”
“so your solution was to hang out with another guy when you could’ve voiced out to me about your feelings? mj, we’ve talked about this!” he wiped his face frustatingly. “i don’t think-“
“i don’t love you anymore, john.” she said blankly, her face didn’t emit any pain she felt, it was like she wanted it out there. “that’s why i’ve been ‘missing out’.”
“you don’t.. love me anymore?” johnny stood in shock, his voice shaking a little.
“i fell out of love. i’m sorry.. i’ve been planning to tell you but i couldn’t.” she hugged her arms. “i didn’t want to hurt you.”
“my gut feeling told me there was something up. i was hurt just thinking about it. i don’t know but somehow i knew it all along that you were out of it. i didn’t bring it up because i held onto hope and believed my guts were lying that you cheated on me.” he said, his hands rested on his hip. “turns out i was right.”
“i’m sorry.”
“save it. i’m not hurt at all. maybe i just had to come here to confirm if it were true. you can live with that guilt that you’ve broken me already before you even said anything. i’ll raise youngmin myself. we’re done.”
johnny walked away while the cold wind sliced through his cheeks. usually in a breakup, one would break down. him and minji dated since high school, and there were on and off arguments here and there. they would always make up through talking, but to be told that she was cheating on him by another person sure sucked. he’d rather find it out himself and vent out right then and there.
guess this timing was actually better. though he told minji he was broken, he was actually so much more than that. he expected to at least shed a tear, he didn’t, for youngmin’s sake. even though he felt like an elephant was lifted off his shoulders, his heart was anchored deep below.
he felt so heavy with betrayal that his heart ached so much in a way he didn’t expect.
he wanted to break down so bad.
the door swung open of his family home and youngmin screeched a high pitched tone loud enough to startle the old man beside him, who was reading a newspaper. “oh john’s back.”
“dada.” the little one ran towards him, hugging his long legs for a second before johnny picked him up. “back!”
johnny’s mood changed like a shooting star whenever youngmin’s in sight. “hey little buddy! i’m back, i had to meet a friend earlier.” he kissed his cheek, “were you good to granny bear and papa bear?”
“he was an angel, john!” his mom gave her son a quick peck on the cheek. “who knew you could raise him very well? plus singlehandly!”
“he got it from me, my dear.” his dad took the chance to say, “are your studies going well though?”
“still a dean’s lister, dad.” johnny’s ears tinted a light shade of pink.
“that, he got it from me.” his mom winked at his dad, who scoffed at the remark. “where’s minji? you haven’t brought her here for a while.” the look on johnny’s face was too readable that his mom knew in an instant.
“we broke up. she had another guy behind my back.”
the sudden snickers from his parents left him in question, were they laughing? “great ‘cause we didn’t really like her for you!”
“really?.. wait, what?” he asked in disbelief, “anyway, i broke it off and i kinda knew she was out of it already.”
“took you a while to realize it, john.” his father just sighed, “are you going to get a new one?”
“what? no.” johnny chuckled awkwardly, “anyway we’ll take our leave now.” johnny shook youngmin a little before his parents bid them a goodbye. he walked towards his car and buckled him up. “ready to go, buddy?”
“ready.” he wiped his eyes, sleep covering him very soon. “music please.”
“which one?” johnny asked as he set the rear mirror to get a good look at him, knowing well what youngmin was going to say.
“coldplay!” they said simultaneously.
“now that, you got it from me.” he laughed heartily while they made their way back to his shared apartment with taeyong, jungwoo, and kun.
the clinks of the apartment keys had the boys look up from their game on playstation. jungwoo sighing frustratedly when kun defeated him thrice in a row. “seriously? you’re cheating, kun hyung!”
kun stretched, “clearly not. you’re just a bad player.”
“could one of you dumbasses get the kimchi from the table?” taeyong shouted from the kitchen, only to be greeted with youngmin having the wanted side dish in his tiny hands. “see, youngmin just got here and he did a better job than you two!”
“it’s loud in here, damn.” johnny took his shoes off while youngmin had his phone in his hands.
kun sat on one of the couches, eating the kimchi fried rice taeyong just made. “so you met up with minji, how did the dinner go?”
taeyong nudged the younger boy, and jungwoo looked confused. johnny couldn’t blame the two, they didn’t know what actually happened. “these two lovebirds called it quits tonight.”
“yup.” johnny popped his lips, “takuya terada”
kun’s eyes widened, “like.. takuya from high school?”
“they suit each other anyway, the biggest flirts of ____ high.” jungwoo chewed on a kimbap. “no offense.”
“none taken, i feel relieved anyway.” he sat down spotting taeyong busy typing on his phone. “you still looking for girls on love click?”
“well yeah, someone should at least find me attractive.” he replied.
jungwoo snickered before choking on his food, “as if anyone would see your face through a filter system on the app. just what is the university thinking?”
“ha, wait until they see this handsome thing for real.” he turned to johnny, “bro you should try looking for new love, you’re in need of it right now, you know?” taeyong locked his phone to continue eating the almost midnight dinner.
“please, i’m still freshly ‘heartbroken’, don’t tempt me.” johnny rolled his eyes.
“mama.” youngmin shook the huge phone, a selfie of johnny and minji flashed the screen.
“not mama anymore.” he told him, then youngmin clicked on another app.
“mama.” he showed them the love click app; the color scheme of red and pink caught his attention. and johnny scrunched his brows, the other three smirking at each other.
“seems like he wants a new mama.” kun teased, earning a death glare from johnny. “what? that whole daddy look of yours is attractive to almost every girl in campus. just wife someone up already!”
shaking his head, he couldn’t believe the encouragement from his friend. “too soon my bros.” johnny chuckled, “maybe i’ll give it try after a few weeks or so.”
johnny sat by the bed while youngmin slept with his sausage pillow. now that he thought about it, the little boy hadn’t seen minji in months. it was obvious that he’d look for her. but what he didn’t get was that he showed love click; a dating app he didn’t remember installing.
“mama.” he recalled youngmin say.
he dimmed the lights and sat beside youngmin, patting his bottom gently as he drifted away into slumber, he too was getting sand in his eyes. he pressed his lips into a thin line, halfheartedly created an account just in case he really needed it.
“this is stupid.”
taglist: @titanmaknae29 @joepomonerof @lovesuhng @studyingthemind @cheyehc
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loserlvrss · 4 months
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the world crumbled a long time ago. humanity could've died off — and, some would say it had — but, in reality, all it did was prosper under new circumstances. broken shreds of what remained, nature reclaimed, intertwining with the wires of the programming. Some would die just to be in the network of higher-ups, and some would rather watch the world burn a hundred times over. the question wasn't, which are you? it's who are you? In a place where somebody is really nobody.
a place where technology hadn't died: the sector one. the place where nobody who was ever somebody lived. a distant place to almost everyone else. only handing itself out on a silver platter to the, self-proclaimed, elite of the elite — old money, nepotism and pure coincidence — people lied, stole, betrayed, killed and died just for a place amongst the best of the worst. no one deserved the title this place disguised them with, wasting and polluting an already hellish world.
but, there was a whisper against the wind. the monarch's reign would soon come to fall — the reapers alongside. sector one would no longer prosper off the graves of its people. the walls would crumble as the old habits died. all it would take was eight pirates and one so-called princess to overthrow reality and start a revolution where everyone could be anyone.
there weren't mercenaries anymore, just a new world. and, all you had to do was step into it.
all rights reserved copyright © loserlvrss 2024
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genre // romance, dystopian, cyberpunk, cybercore, drama, alternate universe, action, enemies to lovers, suggestive, smut, love triangle, multi x reader, series, comedy, post-apocalyptic universe, chapters
estimated word count // ≈ 32-50k
theme warnings // language, descriptive death & fights, blood, gore, sexual & suggestive content, substance abuse (drugs & alcohol)
status // ongoing, will post when i have time <3
playlist // wake up ateez, poison love dreamcatcher, wet dream snow wife, predator lee gi kwang, xs rina sawayama, do or die dpr artic dpr ian, i’m not a woman i’m a god halsey, coma dvii, silver light ateez, supernova aespa, ganma lexie liu, cyberpunk ateez, addicted pixy, another life key, gottasadae bewhy, daisy ashnikko, this world ateez, bad alive wayv, django ateez, claws kim petras, nightmare trendz, bound key, break it off — bonus track pinkpantheress, new world ateez, spoiled bitch tiffany day, eenie meenie chungha hongjoong of ateez, gods league of legends new jeans, dune ateez, the bat nct u, what do you want from me? bad omens, side by side bewhy, misa misa! corpse scarlxd cordhell, set it off league of legends dpr live jimmycline, halazia ateez, rpm sf9, iris pastel ghost
author’s note // tag list open !!
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chapter one chapter two chapter three chapter four chapter five chapter six chapter seven chapter eight ++ more to be added !!
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j4ystar · 1 year
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➞ BEFORE YOU READ if you don't understand the premise of click your heart. you are able to choose the path you desire when it comes to which boy you want to pursue the heart of in the story. there are four different endings, you'll have to navigate through the chapters in order to get the path of the member you want. or if you'd like, you can read through each members path!
➞ SYNOPSIS jake sim is a star soccer player, popular and loved by many, but stuck-up and stubborn. park sunghoon is the senior class' top student and a childhood friend who has always been there for you. park jay acts like a cold hearted delinquent but has a soft heart for those who earn his trust. lee heeseung is an ex dance team member who struggles to find a reason to keep dancing. which boy will capture your heart?
➞ GENRE fluff, slight angst, romance, comedy
➞ STATUS ongoing
➞ TW profanities
ᓚᘏᗢ aj — this is heavily inspired from the 2016 webdrama called 'click your heart' which features a few SF9 boys. a lot of this series is going to follow the storyline of the original webdrama. i recently rewatched it with a friend. watching it made me think of the enha hyung line. ALSO thank you so much for the love towards the current stories out, especially attention, please! IM SO GLAD EVERYONE ENJOYED IT.
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episode one — bad luck charm
episode two — who is park sunghoon to you?
episode three — past + present
episode four — well played
episode five — butt broadcasted
episode six — = future
episode seven — just a girl
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taglist will be open for anyone who wants to join! please comment or send an ask to be added!
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - When good chemistry goes bad
May 2023 Wk 3 
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
La Pluie (Sat iQIYI) ep 4 of 10 - yes it jumped to the top of the standings, the kiss was THAT good, best of the year so far. So soft and yet so sweet and yearning and with a proper chemistry - body, breath, everything. Also... there was plot happening this ep, but who cares about that? Some additional thoughts, now my brain has rebooted from that kiss. I do suspect Pat of still being a player: he is awful smooth, and he may want revenge for being jacked along for 2 years (I would). Ep 4 is early for a kiss like that, which means pacing-wise we may be in for a separation/break up around ep 8. 
Step By Step (Thai Tues WeTV & Gaga) ep 5 of 10 (MDL still says 12, but Gaga still says 10) - Pat, dear, your gay is squirting all over our screens. Meanwhile… That is the smallest presidential suite bed I’ve ever seen. Lucky for us of course. And lucky for Jeng. Me with the side dishes = UH OH. 
Our Skyy 2 (My School President) eps 9-10 - Alt reality where Tinn is in charge of the music club and Gun is the school president with the crush. Basically, it’s an excuse for them to play each others’ parts (which just highlighted how well they were cast, originally). Ultimately, Gemini is a better piner, and Fourth is a better tsundere. Although the reversed “holding it over his head” was v funny & Fourth IS a decent seme. (I also realized what I like so much about Fourth, like Saint he’s one of those rare full body actors.) Sound was a great uke and I loved how they changed his makeup for the role (did you notice?). TiwPor were as adorably ridiculous as ever. I liked the minor baby pairing for Aun, too. Still my NO SIGNING holds (although there was lots of dancing to counterbalance). In the end, all this really did was make me wanna rewatch the original. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. FYI The MV was a parody of HCTM, BB, 1k*. 8/10 
A Boss and a Babe (Fri YouTube) ep 12fin - It was a cute sappy ending for a cute-ish sappy-ish show. I cannot abide that the mom who condoned the rape of her daughter got forgiven. No. Stop it GMMTV. Review below. 
The Promise (Thai Weds YT & WeTV) ep 9 of 10 - I'm in trouble when I'm rooting for everybody BUT the main couple. I guess Nan doesn’t have a NO SINGING policy. Also I guess Nan was waiting for Phu all along? This show. ALSO could we not have just ended it here? 
Past-senger (Thai Weds Gaga) ep 11 of 12 eps - I don’t understand. What? Where did all these new characters come from? Do we care about the hets? Not even slightly. What is anyone doing? What’s going on? do I care abotu anyone anymore? No. Please make it stop. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 7 of 10 - OMG so adorable, so repressed, so reserved, so soft, so awkward, so special. Heart melting. Also. Hungry. The WAY Minoru looks at Yutaka when he’s eating (now that he knows the history). The way we got to see the exact moment that Minoru realizes he is in love. Perfection. 
Star Struck (Korea iQIYI & Gaga) ep 1-2 of 8 - Zuho (Kpop SF9 - noted good egg) opposite rookie actor Kim In Sung (the one with the crush). icky is being weird about it but it looks like Gaga also picked it up? Depends on your territory I suppose. Anygay: Friends since childhood, jock/nerd, puppy/cat and I sense bi-himbo confusion and pining introvert gay. There’s family strife plus class issues and it has some interesting things to say already about the nature of friendship, romance, and jealousy. I like it, weirdly reminds me of something that might have come out of China. Not early CBL, but some of the later stuff that was censored but hearkened to Addicted. This has the feel of what China could have made now (were things politically different). Because of this feel, I’m not confident in this being an HEA or even a true BL but it is interesting enough for me to bump it way up the ranks. 
Happy Merry Ending (Korea Thurs Gaga) eps 7-8fin - I get why SJ pushed JH away, but I kinda agree that SJ is too much work. Abused or not, I wouldn’t put in the damn effort - so I guess I’m glad SJ took a year off to figure his shizz out? Far be it from me to agree with a year break in a Kdrama, tho. I didn’t even mind that they were separated most of these 2 eps: it was nice to see a Seme told no, who actually backed off and did as he was told. Plus the running of the gays (how Japan of you SK). I’m assuming that this was the final episode and that Viki thinking that there are 2 more is bonkers? Because this felt like a finale. For me this one had a stronger finish than any other aspect of the show (odd when the couple spent the bulk of it apart). Oh! And someone give Shin Myung Sung (the surfer bestie) his own damn BL, m’kay? Review below.
Love Mate (Korea Thurs Viki) eps 5-6 of 8 - Longest elevator ride in the world. Honorifics discussion! My favorite! And, “there is only one bed but they slept together on the floor anyway” trope. A BL staple. Also the tie/lanyard grab. Another fav. Still pushy puppy stalker remains creepy manipulative obsessive warped hotness. Basically KBL version of trash and… I’m into it. We all got our kinks, I guess. 
Vian the series (Vietnam YouTube ) - Such a cat. I’m reminded of Milk. It’s cute. They cute. I like it.
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 6 of 12 - So is the nude dining meant to be some kind of weird allegory for repressed gayness? 
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It’s Airing But ...
My Story (Pinoy Sat YouTube) 10 eps - I bounced at ep 4. Someone will tell me if I should bother with the rest. 
House of Stars (Thai Mon iQIYI) 12 eps - I bounced at ep 3. Will binge if told it is worth it at end. 
The Day I Loved You (Pinoy YouTube) eps 6-7 of 10 - Terminal illness for the sunshine. I bounced at ep 6. DNF. 
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Ended this week
Love Syndrome finished its run on WeTV (I stopped at ep 2) - anyone wanna weight in with thoughts on the ending and whether I should binge or not? I do love Lee Long Shi.
Happy Merry Ending - Stars Lee Dong Won (KNK) as an ex-idol turned wedding singer with an abusive ex and a panic disorder + the sunshine pianist who falls in love with him. Timid tsundere & sweetheart gay is an interesting match. They’re gentle together, almost kindly and there is a calm ache to their pairing. However, it lost its way as a BL, being more about the main character’s struggle than the romance. It had a strong finish but ultimately the premise & characters meant this was never going to be one of my favorites. 8/10  
A Boss and a Babe - With an inconsistent narrative and self-sabotaging characters this was not the Thai BL office romance I was hoping for. I spent most if it feeling manipulated without good reason and sorry for ForceBook. They did their best with a shoddy script (AGAIN!) and none of its flaws were their fault. This show was all over the place and so am I about it. It’s better than Enchanté but that’s not really saying much. 7/10 I guess
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In Case You Missed It 
BL Express reported that Taiwanese production companies have announced 7 new BLs (4 of these from Vidol.) Stories range from office romance to crime drama. 
Someone did a survey on KBL watchers. 
Build Jakapan has been cleared of all charges. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Starting this week: 
5/26 Be My Favorite prev title: You Are My Favorite (Thai YouTube) Adapted JittiRain y-novel (2gether, FUTS, ToL, Vice Versa) one of those “rewrite the past to change the future.” Stars Krist (SOTUS) + Fluke Gawin (DBK, Not Me). Expect this to be v low heat, full of LIES and manipulation.
5/27 The Luminous Solution (Thai ????) 10 eps - Thana is having trouble at work and in his relationship. He can't seem to catch a break. So he makes a wish to change everything. The wish has a price.
5/27 Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa (Japan) - NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS (but that has never stopped Japan before) and no, I have no idea where to get it, why would I ?????  (Say it with me everyone: Oh Japan, must you?*)
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
This Week’s Meta Moments 
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naturellement (Step By Step naming its trope.)
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The Promise calling out the uke archetype, Mary Sue much? 
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ALL THE DANCING. Live the dream! Live the trend! Live the trope! 
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4 tropes in one! Drinking, piggyback, feed him, product placement. Very nice GMMTV & GeminiFourth. I’m impressed.  
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(all My School President’s Our Skyy - kinda a masterclass in using ALL THE TROPES and ALL THE BL references.) 
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The unmitigated irony of so-called fans of ZeeNunew coming after this show for this moment (not to mention the self sabotage). Truly mind boggling. (Step by Step)
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The two boys who didn’t win the boy but totally should have. This show makes me wanna drink too. Next week... soju! (The Promise)
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Yes please and thank you GMMTV. (My School President) 
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I do love the kinkification of Phi. (Boss & Babe) 
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These tiny idiots it turns out are, in fact, totally hilarious. La Pulie (side dish friendship group)
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? Key & Taeyeon’s Hate that... (which if it wasn’t an OST SHOULD have been)
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beautifulchris · 1 year
of darkness and rainbows
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pairing: demigod!lee felix x fem demigod!reader
featuring: han jisung, hwang hyunjin, sf9's dawon, golden child's bomin, nct's doyoung
summary: a demigod au in which you enter the camp after losing your mom, and you swear to yourself you'll avenge her no matter what
genres: demigod!au, s2f2l!au, mutual pining, slowburn, action, fantasy, adventure, greek mythology, romance, mild fluff, angst
tw: monsters, parental abandonment, death of a mother and a brother, murder, blood, physical injuries, use of weapons (swords, knives, bow and arrow), VIOLENCE, nightmares, grief and loss depiction, battle scenes, monster and creature slaying, mild language, fainting, magic, ghost
rating: +16
wc: 12,7k
notes: wow. this is my longest work yet and i'm proud of it, please let me know what you think!!
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels @whipped-kpop-creators
permanent tag list: @badwithten send an ask/dm/comment to be added!
It was the end of June, and your mom said a trip to Long Island —you’d never heard of that place before— would be the greatest gift she could offer you for your twelfth birthday. You didn’t believe her after she gifted you an agate necklace, your favorite stone.
Unfortunately, it had nothing to do with the trip you’d imagined.
After getting to Montauk, and spending a few hours on the beach, she drove north. You then walked up what you thought was a random hill. When you were almost on top, you turned towards your mom to tell her you wanted to go back, that you’d rather go home and watch a movie. She was sobbing. It took you aback and broke your heart to see her that way. You wanted to hug her so badly.
She grabbed the backpack she had over her shoulders and put the handle in your hands.
“You must go further north, alright? You’ll find someone who can help you,” she instructed as she kneeled in front of you, stroking your face affectionately.
“What are you talking about, mom? I don’t want to go anywhere without you.”
“It’s going to be alright, sweetheart. You have to trust me. You’re so special, you don’t realize how much. You must go on your own path now. It’s time.” Her voice cracked a little. “Go, you’ll be safe there.”
“This doesn’t make any sense…” you mumbled and stood your ground.
“Maybe because your mommy failed to mention why you’re here,” an icy voice said, making you flinch. Your mom quickly got up and put a protective hand on your shoulder, “and why you’re both going to die today.”
“You’re too late. My daughter will live.”
A light yet threatening laugh left the woman’s throat. She was extremely beautiful, but there was something wrong with her. Not physically, it was more of a feeling.
“We’ll see about that.”
As the woman charged, your mom pushed you out of the way.
“Run!” she yelled as she shielded you with her whole body, turning her back on the woman. You didn’t want to leave her but what could you do? You ran as fast as you could to the top of the hill, still being able to hear what was happening behind you.
“I’m Keahi,” the woman said as she grasped your mom’s arm and forced her to spin so that they faced each other. “Might as well know my name, since I’m the last person you’ll ever see, mortal. You’re going to die knowing it was for nothing.”
You only turned around when you heard a sharp gasp.
You watched helplessly as your mom’s limp body fell to the ground with a loud thud. The woman had blood dripping from her hand— no, her claws. It dawned on you that she had murdered your mom and you were next. You turned around and resumed your sprint. Due to your fear and teary eyes, you realized too late that now that you were at the top, you’ll be going down.
You braced yourself as you could for the fall. Your body got scratches from a few low branches and brambles. When you arrived at the bottom of the hill, you looked up to see if the woman had followed.
It wasn’t the beautiful woman you saw earlier anymore, she had flaming hair, white skin and glowing red eyes. You could only see her head, but it was enough to get nightmares. She bared her fangs and turned around, like she couldn’t get to you anymore.
You tried to breathe but it came out ragged, hands shaking and lips trembling. The sun was heating up your skin. The birds were chirping happily while the despair you were feeling was starting to become unbearable as you clutched at your sides. Tears were streaming down your face, blurring your vision. Not that you had much to look at, anyway, except trees.
You closed your eyes and before you could register what was going on, a paradise appeared before them. There was grass, trees, farm animals, a waterfall and sky in different rainbow colors, plus a rainbow in the background. It obviously wasn’t real, but for some reason the colors perfectly matched. It made you feel at ease. A drastic change from the state you were in mere seconds ago. It momentarily made you forget about it, the sight filling you up with warmth and peace. It only lasted a couple minutes, although by now you breathed normally again, tears dried up.
When you opened your eyes and turned around, you could see a huge amphitheater in the distance, a volleyball court and… were these strawberry fields? Off the corner of your eye, you caught sight of a boy smiling sheepishly, seated a few meters away from you. Blinking a few times, you let out a long sigh.
“Are you okay?” the boy asked in a raspy voice.
It doesn’t match his angelic face, you thought.
He had freckles, a fair and soft skin, short blond hair and brown eyes. He was wearing an orange t-shirt, shorts and sneakers.
You nodded, getting up painfully. Your limbs felt sore, the cuts on your face and arms started to ache.
“I can bring you to the infirmary if you want.”
Maybe you shouldn’t have trusted him right away. Maybe he was with the monster. But he didn’t look evil. He didn’t feel evil, either. So, you followed.
“I hope my illusion helped you feel a tad better.”
“What I saw when I closed my eyes, you did this?”
“Yeah. I’ve been practicing.”
He had a peaceful aura that calmed you down instantly. He was so sweet with you, but all you could think of was: what did you do to deserve this kindness? You had just abandoned your mom to her death.
“Why?” You were trembling, and your voice was just above a whisper.
“Why what?”
“Why did you create this illusion?”
“Oh. You looked like you needed a cheer up.”
A surge of gratefulness engulfed you and you smiled.
“Thank you.”
“I heard voices over the hill and when I came, I saw you falling down. There was a monster at the top.”
Your smile disappeared. “I— she killed my mom.”
Eyes widening, the blond boy internally slapped himself for making you sad all over again after all his efforts to make you feel better. “I’m sorry.”
You arrived at the infirmary after a few minutes of awkward silence, and quiet amazement on your part at the amphitheater you could see more clearly, the pavilion full of white tables, more than twenty houses differently decorated and a hearth in the center, even an arena, with kids and teens from different ages all around.
A brown haired guy was tending to a sleeping kid around your age, bruises, cuts and burns all around their face and arms. They were wearing jean overalls with an orange t-shirt, all covered in soot from head to toe.
“Jisung!” the boy next to you called as soon as he spotted him.
“One sec,” he replied without looking up. He brought the teen’s head up with one hand and poured some amber liquid down their throat with the other. He rested their head back delicately on the mattress, got up and turned around to greet the newcomers.
“Hi F— Wow, hey there! Sit here,” he motioned toward an empty bed, “I’ll be right back.” He left through a door made of white sheets.
“Do I really look that bad?”
The blond boy chuckled, slowly shaking his head. “By the way, I didn’t give you my name. I’m Felix.”
You looked up at him, managing a side smile. “I’m Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you, Y/N.”
You didn’t have time to answer that Jisung was back with medicine. He cautiously cleaned your wounds with the same yellowish liquid he used to treat the other kid. It felt like he was treating you like porcelain.
Then, he brought a golden cube up to your mouth.
“What is this?”
“A bit of ambrosia. It heals demigods, but too much can have bad side effects.”
“Eat it, you’ll feel better.”
With newfound trust in strangers, you chewed on the sweet food. It tasted like the mac’n’cheese your mom would make on rainy days. The memory comforted you, but also induced some pain within. Your wounds started to fade until they were completely healed.
“Thank you,” you murmured, in awe at the product. You definitely needed this stuff.
“Of course, it’s my job,” he beamed. “So, Felix,” he turned to his friend, “where did you find this stray kid? Tell me you didn’t go on a little quest on your own—”
“I found Y/N near the border, she’s new,” he interrupted him.
You were thankful he let out the details of your encounter.
“Oh, my bad! I guess you have to take her to the Big House, then.”
He nodded, extending his hand your way. You stared at it, then at the freckled boy, then back at it. Taking it slowly, he walked you to the Big House, which lived up to its name. You choked when you saw a centaur —an actual centaur?!— walking out of the front door.
“Greetings, Chiron!”
Chiron? From the legends??
“Felix. Welcome to the camp half-blood, young lady. I’m Chiron, activities director. Have you been claimed already?”
“I didn’t see anything,” Felix answered. “I see. Perhaps we’ll know tonight at the campfire. Can you show our new recruit around? I’m off to archery class.”
He thanked Felix, sent a smile your way and galloped away to the west. The realization you were still holding the boy’s hand made you blush, but before you could retract it, he pulled you with him to different places.
He explained the purpose of the strawberry fields and the society name —Delphi Strawberry Service— covering the camp. He showed you the climbing wall with lava, the dining pavilion, the forge full of Hephaestus kids, the armory —he tried to make you choose a weapon but you refused—, the Pegasus stables —with actual pegasi!—, the arena where demigods trained, the archery field where Chiron was teaching, the camp store —you could buy an orange t-shirt there later—, the arts & crafts center —you saw a beautiful black-haired boy painting there among other kids—, the canoe lake, the forest— you weren’t keen on entering after Felix told you what was in it. You finished the tour next to the hearth in the center of the houses you saw earlier. You could swear you saw a woman in the fire, but when you looked more closely, she was gone.
He explained everything except the reason why you were here in the first place. “This is all charming and interesting, but why am I here?”
“I was getting to that. These are the cabins of the major Greek gods and some of the minor ones. Here,” he gestured to the most colorful cabin out of the bunch, “is my mom’s, Iris, goddess of rainbows.”
It explained the illusion. The cabin looked like a huge trailer with a platform on the front and a little rainbow as antenna. It looked chill and welcoming.
Felix gave you the names of all the gods and goddesses’ cabins present on this camp, making hypotheses on who your dad might be.
“Do you like mechanics? Are you good at poetry or archery? Or swords? Do you enjoy grape juice? Maybe you’re a trickster? Do you enjoy sleeping? I mean, do you spend most of your time sleeping? Can you control light? If none of those… Maybe you’re a child of one of the Big Three.”
“Who are the Big Three?”
“Zeus —god of the sky—, Poseidon —god of the sea— and Hades —god of the dead and king of the Underworld.”
You pondered. “This is a dream. I’m gonna wake up.”
He chuckled —an endearing sound— and shook his head. “I think I’d know if it was one. No, you’re a demigod, Y/N. For real.”
When you didn’t respond, he glanced at you. You were lost in thought, wondering who your father could be, why you’ve never seen him before and why he never came to see you.
“Come on, there’s one more thing I’d like you to see.” He tugged at your hand and dragged you towards the beach.
The sun was setting. You sat on the sand, looking at the horizon. It was really pretty. But you couldn’t avoid reality for too long. A tear fell down your face thinking about how your mom would’ve loved coming here, looking at this scenery with an arm around your frame.
She was gone.
From this moment, you swore to yourself that, when you were ready, you would find the monster and avenge your mom, no matter what. Felix saw your determined eyes staring in the distance. It gave him an idea on who your father might be.
At the campfire, you realized a lot more campers than you initially thought were here. You’ve seen a bunch during the tour, but right now, when the whole camp was gathered around the fire, it felt like you were a couple hundred.
Some had musical instruments and were preparing for what you guessed was a concert. A dozen, more or less, were looking all dressed up and pretty, a few were playing with balls of energy —magic?—, others were dozing off wherever, from another kid’s shoulder to the floor. The rest looked somewhat normal, apart from the kids with hands partially tainted with soot. Might be tough to get rid of it when they spend so much time in the forges.
Some kids greeted Felix and welcomed you into the camp, which felt nice. Although you couldn’t remember every name, you were grateful for their kind words.
It seemed that the Apollo cabin was actually preparing for a singalong. Everyone sang, cheered and overall had a good time. Felix nudged you from time to time to check up on you and offer you bright smiles. So bright, in fact, that they were almost blinding. But you didn’t mind. His sole presence was enough to give you peace of mind. Maybe because looking at him reminded you of the illusion he created for you.
The campers were asking for an encore, when silence abruptly fell and every pair of eyes were on you. Or above you, to be precise, but it felt the same to you.
Exposed, vulnerable and embarrassed.
You glanced at Felix, who was looking up too. He lowered his gaze, locked eyes with you and motioned for you to look up as well. It was a glowing golden helm hologram suspended above your head.
“The bloodline is determined. Hades, king of the Underworld. Hail Y/N L/N, daughter of the dead and riches.”
Every camper kneeled, including Chiron and Felix, and you wanted to disappear from the Earth. Was it just because you ended up being a child of the Big Three? Or did every camper have the privilege of experiencing such a stressful moment?
At last, they all got up and resumed the singalong for a well-deserved encore.
An older guy walked to you from a corner. He was tall, had dark eyes and a harsh resting face. You recoiled in your seat, scared of what he might do. But then he showed a toothy smile with dimples and extended his hand for you to shake.
When you did, he said: “Welcome home, sis.”
Once alone in your bunk —you had slipped away before the end of the campfire— you sobbed, hugging the backpack your mom put in your hands earlier that day.
It smelled like her.
Calming down a bit, curiosity took over and you opened it. There was a pocket knife, pepper spray, a pack of matches, a flashlight, tissues, a sleeping bag, a water bottle and food.
It struck you. She knew what you were long before you did.
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Felix shouldn’t have laughed.
The whole scene was just so ridiculously funny, he had to.
You were training at the climbing wall like every other day, except today, someone had the good idea to change the mode from normal to full lava-and-earthquake while you were on it. Needless to say it took you by surprise. You fell to the bottom, earning smoking holes in your t-shirt and singed arms' hair.
Felix helped you get out of the lava floor, miserably trying to suppress his giggles. “Are you okay?”
“Who turned the climbing wall into a frenzy? I just wanna talk!”
Your eyes showed you were being serious, although a little smile appeared after looking at your best friend’s face.
Turns out it was a Hermes kid, obviously.
To get back at him, you created a hole under his feet. He screamed as he sank up to his ankles. He lost balance and fell on his butt. A few kids that fell off the climbing wall with you clapped their hands and laughed.
Oh yeah, my bad. I forgot to tell you you could do that, among other things.
Being at Camp Half-Blood year round was actually a great thing. Undeniably, between that and being with your mom, the choice was clear, but since she was gone… All you could do was train to be able to protect mortals like you should’ve protected your mom and avenge her as well.
I know what some may think. It wasn’t your fault (and it wasn’t. really.) but you couldn’t make peace with it just yet. Guilt still ate you up at night.
After understanding what it meant to be a kid of Hades, you tried to find and talk to your mom. A ghost appeared instead of her. It looked like a staff member, with greek armor and a formal look. He told you your mom was in Elysium, that ‘she wanted you to follow your own path’ and that ‘she didn’t want to see you until you were old and had a full life’. It felt so unfair. You tried to argue but the ghost didn’t stay to hear your complaints, leaving you in your grief.
You ended up entering the armory. Even if you were against violence, you came to terms with the fact that you couldn’t protect others by solely making holes on the ground. Felix showed you all the best pieces of celestial bronze weapons. He made you try on several, making you swing swords, throw knives, shoot arrows… It was unsure what would suit you best.
At last, your eyes caught sight of a dusty black metal in a corner, behind javelins. Dusting off the sword a bit, you felt like it belonged in your hand. It wasn’t too heavy, nor too light. It just felt right.
“It’s stygian iron,” Felix explained, “Hades’ own sword is made of it.”
Did you resent him? Probably… yeah. If he had been there, two years ago, he could’ve saved your mom. But you never saw him, ever. You often wondered if you were even worthy of his presence.
Your head shot up, “yeah?”
“You looked out of it. Are you okay? We can stop looking for weapons if you want.”
“No, I’m good. I’ll take this one.” It hasn’t left your side ever since.
Felix proposed to train together. It was fun, both of you ending up at the infirmary more often than not. Jisung was always there to treat your wounds while cracking jokes.
Dawon, the Hades’ cabin’s head counselor that scared you on your first night, was actually really cool. He showed you around the cabin, welcomed you like a true sibling. You enjoyed eating with your siblings at the dining pavilion, talking strategies and kicking ass during capture-the-flag and chariot races, chatting before bed and getting ready together in the mornings.
Other than that, you didn’t spend a lot of time with them. No, Felix was practically attached to your hip at this point. He has been a huge pillar to your recovery. If it wasn’t for him and his bright aura, you would’ve been morose and sad. He probably knew that too.
When you passed by the arts & crafts building, you often saw the pretty boy. The sun would often reflect on his face, making his skin glow. His stance was elegant, his features soft and flawless. He had sunlight in his shoulder-length black hair and his long fingers seemed to be working effortlessly against the canvas. In a way, watching him paint for a while was relaxing. Curiosity always got the best of you as you wanted to see his next art piece.
All you knew about him was that he was a child of Aphrodite and an amazing painter.
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“I did not sign up for this!” you grunted, slashing your sword across monsters left and right.
“You didn’t sign anything,” Jisung recalled, twirling to avoid a clawed hand and slaying the monster with an arrow in its chest.
“It feels like, no matter how much we kill, there’s always more,” Felix puffed.
Hopefully he was pretty good with a sword, because he couldn’t rely on his mom’s powers in the darkness. After what felt like an eternity, the last monster was slayed by your sword.
“Alright, enough practice. Let’s head back before more monsters arrive,” you offered. They didn’t protest.
You were all worn out, sweating and breathing hard. The trip in the forest left very few monsters left to slay. Whoever took care of that would have some work to do. 
“We managed pretty well, didn’t we?” Jisung grinned, eyes half closed. You nodded while Felix agreed.
It was practically nightfall. At seventeen, you were more trained than ever and felt ready to face the world.
The next day, there was an emergency meeting with Chiron and the head counselors. Everyone saw them hastily leave the dining pavilion during breakfast after Argus came running to them.
A few dozen minutes later, you were summoned to the Big House. You entered the meeting room and sat next to Dawon around the ping-pong table. Chiron didn’t waste any time and recited the unprompted prophecy they had heard by the current Oracle.
Child of Underworld must retrieve their father’s accessory
Magnificent Mile holds a piece of the way back in its last breath
The King’s circle’s won by defeating an old vampire enemy
The last challenge in Yellowstone ends in half-blood death
Vampire. It was about an empousa. It was enough for you to want to come, even if the last sentence worried you a bit. You were about to speak up when Chiron raised his hand.
“The sole reason you’re here is because we think it’s about you.”
“Indeed, you’re the only one I know that has an empousa as an enemy,” added Dawon as he nudged you with a smile.
Yeah, the details of your arrival ended up being known around camp. It was apparently common to arrive while chased by a monster, but not every parent died at the same time.
“If you need anything for the quest, we’re here to help,” proposed Bomin, head counselor of Poseidon’s cabin.
“To make sense of the prophecy, for example,” said Doyoung, the Athena cabin’s head.
“Do you know who you’re going to ask to join you?” Chiron asked.
The only thing you knew for sure was that you were going to get your revenge. And you only needed two friends for this.
“Yeah. All I need to know now is where to begin.”
Doyoung coughed and rearranged the glasses on his nose. “Well, my friend Johnny is from Chicago and last time we spoke about his hometown, he mentioned the Magnificent Mile. He said it was the most famous avenue. Now, I don’t know if the prophecy refers to the city globally or this place precisely… But, either way, I think you need to go there.”
“Thank you for your insight. Do I have a deadline?” you inquired, turning to Chiron.
“You have until the end of the month.”
It sounded like a lot of time, then you remembered the date. “We’re the 29th.”
“Indeed. You have three days, starting now.”
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And so began your journey. You had a backpack each, filled with medicine, spare clothes, food, water and money —drachmas and dollars.
Argus was driving you to New York on board the Delphi Strawberry Service van. Jisung kept fidgeting with the beads on his necklace.
“You’re thinking about them, aren’t you?” He squirmed uneasily. “You’ll get back alive, I promise you.”
A promise he knew you couldn’t keep, but it did reassure him a bit. He knew you were going to do everything you could so that you’ll all get back to camp alive.
Felix took your hand in his, squeezing it gently. The sudden contact brought warmth to both yours and Felix’s face and ears. Jisung chuckled at the exchange until he realized he was going to third wheel the whole trip. Then, his face dropped, a groan leaving his lips.
Before Felix could ask what was wrong, Argus pulled up in the train station’s parking. You thanked the camp’s chauffeur and entered the Pennsylvania station.
“I found a direct train,” you told them after talking with an employee, “it’ll take around nineteen hours and thirty minutes. Shall we?”
When you talked to them about the prophecy, they didn’t waste any time and said they’ll come with you. Trying to talk them out of it was useless.
As comfortably installed as possible, Felix and you in the direction of travel, Jisung in the opposite direction, the brown haired boy thought the prophecy over, again.
“Child of Underworld —that’s you, Y/N— must retrieve their father’s —Hades, obviously— accessory. What can it be? What are the known accessories he owns?”
You shrugged while the freckled boy answered his friend’s question.
“There is his bident, or staff, his sword, his helm of darkness, Cerberus, which we cannot call an accessory per say and his golden keys.”
“Is there anything more?”
“Yes, but those are the main attributes he possesses.”
“It can’t be Cerberus or the golden keys, because it’s specifically an accessory, singular,” you commented.
Felix nodded. Jisung continued, “so it’s either the staff, the sword or the helm. OK. Next line is ‘Magnificent Mile holds a piece of the way back in its last breath’. The only thing we know is that Magnificent Mile is an avenue in Chicago. I don’t like the sound of anyone’s last breath, honestly.”
“It’s probably a beast,” you proposed. “It says ‘its’.”
“That’s the most logical option we got,” Felix agreed.
“It better be. ‘The King’s circle’s won by defeating an old vampire enemy’.”
“‘Vampire’ means empousa. I guess we need whatever the King’s circle is for the rest of the quest,” you noted, “do you guys have any idea?”
They shook their heads in unison. “No, but we’ll get back to it. ‘The last challenge in Yellowstone ends in half-blood death’. Not gonna lie, I hate this one the most.”
“Yellowstone… If it’s a place, I don’t know it,” Felix said, thinking about it.
“There’s a Yellowstone national park in Wyoming, but I can’t tell for sure if it’s gonna be there,” you shared.
“It might be,” Jisung voiced and bit his lips, “but it’ll also be the last challenge, and, in case any of you forgot, it’ll end in death. Possibly one of ours.”
He was right. However, dwelling on it so soon would not help anyone.
“Let’s think about that part later, OK? Let’s focus on getting to Chicago safely.”
After four stops, the train passed over the Broadway bridge in Albany. The train weirdly shook.
“Of course,” you muttered, “this couldn’t be a nice, eventless trip.”
People started walking in our direction from the end of the train. They didn’t look particularly alarmed, like it was natural to change wagons while the train was in motion.
Felix looked up through the window and frowned. “I don’t see any—”
The train’s wheels shrieked against the rails, abruptly stopping it. Felix and you fell forward on Jisung, who grunted, obviously not enjoying the voyage so far. Then the sound of metal being crushed like a soda can filled the air. The brown haired boy looked at his friends and gulped loudly.
“Remind me why I was so eager to come?”
You tried to open the doors but they wouldn’t budge. You got closer to a window and unsheathed your sword.
“Get back.” The boys did as told, stepping back to the empty opposite seats.
You hit the glass with the pommel of your sword. It shattered, but before you could step over the wall, a glowing orange eye appeared, surrounded by glistening dark green flesh and a gigantic triangular red maw.
“What’s that smell?” Jisung gagged, closely followed by Felix.
You held your breath and stabbed the monster in the eye. It screeched in pain as it released the hold it had on the train, although not completely. Despite that, you all knew you had a few seconds before the beast would attack.
“I think I know what it is,” Felix said, “help me get on the train.”
“You already are,” Jisung retorted.
“I meant on the roof.”
“It’s too dangerous,” you cut in.
“Y/N, you were about to do it.”
“Yes, but—”
“Do you trust me?”
“Of course, b—”
“We don’t have time.”
True enough, the serpent’s mouth flew inside the wagon, missing Felix’s head by a centimeter. You used this opportunity to pierce its other eye. It flew out of the train’s window in a cry. If it wasn’t trying to kill everyone, you would’ve felt bad for it. Although now it was blind and very, very angry.
Felix finally got to the roof with Jisung’s help while you covered them. The snake was so long —around thirty six meters— it wrapped itself around the train at least four times. It had flatten it with its strong hold. Felix wondered how the bridge hadn’t fallen into the river by now.
He silently prayed to his mom and concentrated on creating a rainbow. The sunny afternoon and the river’s reverberation helped greatly. When the serpent’s head was in front of him, he generated multicolored flames from the rainbow to destroy the monster. He felt dumb when he realized it didn’t do anything, its skin extinguishing the flames on contact.
How could he expect to kill a sea snake with fire?
Scolding himself could wait. He rolled over when the monster tried to swallow him up. He unleashed blasts of multicolored energy, penetrating and burning the monster’s skin in the process. Jisung was shooting arrows from the open window, while you were slashing at the monster’s body everywhere you had access to it through the broken windows.
Finally, with one last blast of energy on the serpent’s head, it disintegrated, leaving a damaged train and exhausted demigods. Felix was wondering if the train could get powered up again and carry them all the way to Chicago, but before he could finish his thought, he collapsed on the roof.
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Obviously it wouldn’t be a dreamless sleep.
Felix was at a train station. A sign read “Chicago”. He felt relieved. It probably meant they’d make it there.
His consolation was short-lived, however, as he saw a huge lion a few meters away. It seemed to be patiently waiting for them, laying down on the nearest park. The worst part was the 2,50 meters tall giants behind him. They were playing rock paper scissors and one of them didn’t like to lose. He stamped his foot on the ground so hard it felt like an earthquake.
The dream changed. He was outside in the dark, perhaps on a mountain. He could tell by the chilling breeze and the glowing stars. Felix saw a woman not too far, chanting in a language he wasn’t familiar with in front of a large cauldron. He found her beautiful and delicate until he caught a glimpse of the rest of her body. From her waist down was a serpentine body, which oddly resembled the Carthaginian serpent he killed earlier.
He shuddered. When she finished chanting, she turned to Felix, boring her glowing green eyes into his.
“Oh dear, I didn’t mean for you to see me like this,” she said in a seductive way.
She snapped her fingers and the snake part of her body disappeared, replaced by a regular woman's body, wearing a thin black dress.
“There. Better, isn’t it?”
Mist, he thought.
“If you survive your little journey, I’ll be glad to feed on your flesh, even if you’re not quite a child anymore.”
If Felix wasn’t terrified before, he surely was now. He tried to speak, but no sound would come out.
She walked over to him, whispering in his ear, “I’ll drink the Apollo’s kid’s blood and eat his flesh. Once I’m done with him, I’ll deal with you. I’ll take my sweet time. And then, precious Y/N will finally feel my wrath, and eventually die.”
His blood boiled, anger and fear filling his body to the brim. He couldn’t let that happen. Before the woman could sink her crocodile teeth into his neck, Felix woke up in a cold sweat, a few minutes before the Cleveland stop.
It was night, Jisung and you were munching on homemade sandwiches. You had retrieved Felix from the roof together and laid him on two seats in an empty wagon with windows intact. Jisung had fed Felix some nectar and let him sleep for about eight hours.
No matter what the mortals saw, they succeeded in making the train move again and the passengers were seated at the front of the convoy. There was a constant shrill metallic sound coming from the bottom of the train. It was low, but definitely annoying.
“Felix,” you called, “how are you feeling?”
“Like I’ve drained myself to the point of collapsing,” he groaned, sitting up.
“Do you need more nectar?” Jisung asked.
“No, thanks. Besides, we should keep our supplies for as long as possible.”
“Take that sandwich, then.” The brown haired boy tossed him a sandwich and they ate in silence, until Felix told both of you about his dream.
“So, the good news is we’re gonna make it to Chicago,” you said.
Jisung continued, “the bad news is, we’re gonna die in Chicago.”
“I have a few hours to think about a plan while you two sleep.”
You tried to protest but Jisung’s loud yawn put an end to the debate before it even started.
Your dreams were filled with nightmares, like every demigod ever.
It started like every other night. Your mom smiling down at you, her hand stroking your hair, then her being stabbed to death by Keahi. This time the woman smirked and whispered, “I’ll enjoy killing you more than I did your mother.” You were about to curse her when the dream changed.
It was night and in the open space, although a bonfire brightened Felix’s liveless body lying on the ground and Jisung’s limp corpse against a rock a few meters away. You wanted to scream, tears running down your cheeks. A triumphant laugh came from everywhere around you, cutting through the dead of night.
The next dream was so different, it shocked you. You were back on Half Blood Hill, except there was no sign of your mom or the empousa. Instead, there was a tall, shoulder length black haired man with fairly white skin and intense black eyes standing around ten meters away from you. What surprised you the most was the black flowing robes he was wearing, filled with evil souls threaded into it.
Despite his morbid appearance, he was looking at you with unexpected tenderness. You were wondering who this man might be when he spoke up.
“Y/N,” he called, “I’m sorry it took me so long to appear.”
Then it clicked. Of course. This intimidating man was Hades, your dad. A surge of hatred ran through your body beyond your control.
“Where were you? All this time, when I got kicked out of school every other year, when I was made fun of, when mom died? Where were you? Did you even love her?”
His eyes flared with purple fire for a second, his face hardening, but you were too furious to be afraid of the consequences. Just as fast, he calmed himself.
“I did love her, yes. But I couldn’t do anything, to protect you and because I can’t meddle with my children’s lives. You had to forge your own path for it to mean anything. You still do.”
You scoffed. “Bet you say that to all your kids.” The uneasy look he gave you proved you were right. “Gods, you do have a healthy way with kids, huh?”
“I understand your rage. But right now, you must focus on your quest.”
“Easy for you to say,” you muttered.
“You must not fall into a blind rage when you see her. You must control your thirst for revenge.”
“You sure love to tell me what to do for someone I just met.”
“Y/N… If you don’t control your powers, bad things could happen. Your friends might pay the price.”
“Oh so now you’re threatening my friends!”
He sighed, visibly tired. His form began to fade. “I have to go. Remember my words when you face the empousa.”
Before you could make a snarky remark, he vanished. You woke up feeling so angry your friends could practically see it.
“Usually we wake up confused, terrified, or determined, but as angry as you are, I’m afraid to ask about what you saw,” Jisung started joking, but then recoiled in his seat in front of you.
Felix gave you a worried look.
“I’m okay.” You were still fuming but they knew better than to push it.
When you sat up, the blond boy sat next to you and took your hand in his. It calmed you down more efficiently than you’d care to admit.
“We’re almost there. And I have a plan.”
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The Great Hall was majestic, with columns all around and a barrel-vaulted skylight bathing the room in soft light. It was giving Greek revival vibes, which comforted you if only for a moment.
You were firmly holding the grip of your sword, mentally preparing for the fight ahead. The lion was waiting for you three outside the station, but there was no giant in sight.
The fact that Felix had a plan didn’t ease your nerves that much, because plans rarely unfolded as expected. But he knew stuff about monsters and Greek mythology as a whole, so it was helping.
“He’s not that big,” Jisung shrugged, “just the size of a pick-up truck. We can totally get him.”
He nocked his arrow as the Iris kid and you unsheathed your swords.
Not two minutes into the fight, you realized that Felix was right. The lion’s pelt was deflecting all your weapons. It was pointless to attack from behind and by surprise. You tried to keep him occupied until Felix could find an opening.
“Guys, I’m no Hercules, so don’t expect me to asphyxiate him with my bare hands!” Jisung shouted. He tried to shoot an arrow into the lion’s eye, but he somehow saw it coming and protected himself.
“It would’ve been easier with a cornucopia but…” Felix threw his backpack into the lion’s maw. As he bellowed in disgust, your friend shouted, “now!”
Jisung fired arrows into his open mouth. He dissolved except for his pelt. “Great. I’ve always wanted to resemble a caveman.” The Apollo kid’s wry comment made you smile.
He somehow succeeded in putting it away in his bag, at the same moment the three giants decided to show up. They were coming from the park, their iron clubs laying low.
“Where is the lion? There was a lion, right?” one of them asked.
“Already defeated, useless scamp! And guess what? You’re next!” Jisung raised his arms wide, like he was waiting for a group hug. Then, he gestured to the giants with one hand. “What kind of ogres are you, anyway?”
Felix nudged him. “They’re Laistrygonian giants, dude. Muscular tattooed man eaters.”
“You look awfully smug for our next lunch, half-blood,” the tallest of the giants said.
“In your dreams, you witless gollumpus!” He didn’t waste any more time and shot arrows at them. They deflected the projectiles with ease except for the smallest giant, who apparently wasn’t paying much attention. He crumbled into dust. 
The other two roared in outrage and sprinted your way, brandishing their clubs high above their heads. Felix sidestepped when the giant swung his arm, rolled between his legs and stabbed him in the back.
Two down, one to go.
“You’ll pay for that, demigods!” the tallest giant bellowed before laying his arm down on Jisung.
You cut off his arm with a swirl of your sword. He yelled, turned and tried to crush your throat with his remaining hand. He was circling your neck with his huge fingers, but Felix thrusted his celestial bronze sword into his side. He disintegrated.
“Thank you,” you breathed with difficulty, locking eyes with Felix.
He dropped his blade and enveloped you in a comforting hug that lasted more than the average.
“Are you okay?” he inquired, cupping your face with his hands. He searched your face for any sign of hurt, sadness, fear… But there was only relief and tiredness. You nodded.
“You fought bravely.”
You turned, raising an eyebrow at the sight of a beautiful woman with black eyes and blond hair. She was wearing a black gown and carrying two old-fashioned reed torches. She was surrounded by green light and Mist was everywhere around her.
Felix let go of your face and unconsciously grabbed your hand instead. He studied the goddess, picking up on the details that showed who she might be. Unfortunately, he wasn’t sure you could trust her.
“Why, thank you mysterious woman! So, which one are you?” Jisung questioned, a bit wary.
“Hecate,” Felix murmured.
“Well done, Iris kid. Before you ask, I’m here to offer guidance. You’re about to—”
“Sorry, but, um… You’re the goddess of magic, you created empousai. Why would you help us?” you asked. It didn’t make sense to you, knowing the prophecy, which you were sure she knew about too.
“As I was saying, daughter of Hades,” she continued with a neutral voice, “you’re about to face great danger.”
“What, more than the usual death threats? What a bummer,” Jisung snorted, crossing his arms.
“Your insolence isn’t helping your case, Apollo kid. My children —or creations, whatever— don’t always follow my orders. We’re not obliged to share the same faith. They’re free. Like my children back at camp half-blood.” You waited for her to continue.
“Jisung, joking around helps you hide your scars, but you need to embrace them to properly move forward. Sharing your burden might do the trick. You’re also worth more than you think.”
She then turned to your freckled friend. “Felix, you need to stop putting everyone before yourself. You cannot control everyone’s happiness. You’ll soon have to prove you can keep your distance, for your own sake.”
Finally, she set her eyes on you. “Y/N, I know you think you’re not worth being here, going on this journey. You feel helpless, because you haven’t slayed any monster yet. But do not worry, your time will come soon enough, and with that, your greatest challenge. You have so much more power within than you might believe. This power needs to be used wisely.”
A wave of uneasiness washed over the three of you, Hecate’s words touching some nerves. Her words echoed your father’s. You regretted your outburst in your latest dream because you could have used this opportunity to ask which one of his attributes was missing. That would have made one less question unanswered.
“Well.” She clapped her hands. “I should probably tell you, now that there’s no more ground means of transport to Wyoming —I mean, you’re not going to steal a car, are you?— you’ll need to use aerial transportation.”
“But how—” Felix started, but got cut off.
“Off I go. Remember, you have two days left to get back to camp safely. Good luck on your quest, demigods. I hope Tyche can lend you some.”
She disappeared in a cloud of Mist.
“If I didn’t feel good then, I definitely do now!” Jisung sarcastically smiled.
For the first time since you’ve known him, you realized Hecate was right about the guy. Behind all the jokes and smiles, he had a sadness in him that was hard to decipher. But you were aware now. Felix was visibly concentrating, eyes closed and face facing the sky.
“Do you want to talk about what Hecate said?” you suggested. “About sharing your—”
“Well, I’d love to, trust me, but I’m fine. But hey, it seems you were right. Yellowstone is a national park.”
Deciding prying wasn’t gonna help, you nodded and turned your head towards the sky. You noticed a faint dark form in the horizon. Squinting your eyes in an attempt to identify what was coming for you this time, Felix left out a relieved sigh, then a chuckle. You spotted the sweat on his forehead. A few seconds later, you recognized winged horses.
Three of them.
“Did you summon them?” you questioned Felix, who was grinning.
“One of my mom’s powers. I’m glad it worked.”
Two of them were white and one was brown. They came to a stop in front of you, the brown pegasus neighing, gently nuzzling Felix.
“Thank you for coming, guys,” he said as he scratched the horse’s head. He turned to Jisung and you. “Are you ready for a ride?”
After a few hours flying high in the sky, you could finally make out the mountain you had to go to. You were about fifty kilometers away from the destination when you heard screeching from behind.
Jisung whined. “Come on!”
“Dozens of Gryphons! We’ll have to fight!” Felix yelled.
He brandished his sword, turned around and lashed out at them. You followed, while Jisung kept his distance, shooting arrows at the dozens of enemies. Dusk was only a few minutes away. The sky’s colors —blue, purple, red, orange, yellow— looked peaceful and pretty compared to the fight that was breaking out under it.
Four monsters succumbed to your blade before another one planted its talons in your pegasus’ thigh as you slashed its right wing. You cursed under your breath when the winged horse squealed, pitching up while flapping his wings frantically. He was bleeding.
You almost fell, but managed to hang on his mane and kill the gryphon. Unfortunately, another one immediately took its place and pecked your mounting’s neck with its sharp beak. He was losing too much blood, the liquid staining his beautiful white coat.
As he was dropping altitude, you were slowly and painfully losing your grip on his mane. You were falling to your death together. But not without taking the monster with you.
You squeezed the pegasus’ flanks to keep balance and brought down your sword on the gryphon’s neck. It disintegrated. You thanked and apologized to your companion for a few hours, hugging his neck in an attempt to stop the bleeding and preparing yourself for the impact. However, he crumbled into dust a few hundred meters above the ground, leaving you free falling on your own.
Felix swooped your way on his brown pegasus and caught your waist. Your arms immediately wrapped around his torso. Jisung took down the last gryphon in your peripheral view. You started to smile, but the brown haired boy’s eyes widened. He shouted: “Look out!”
The actual last monster seized the pegasus’ gaskins with its claws and pulled them, making him go upside down. Felix and you fell face first off the winged horse, holding each other tightly. You couldn’t even see the gryphon butchering its prey. Jisung slayed the monster with a well-aimed arrow and sped up to catch you both.
He wasn’t quick enough. You were swallowed by the shadows, leaving the Apollo kid behind with a pegasus as confused and worried as he was.
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Felix woke up in a cave with low light coming from torches dispersed on the walls. You were passed out on the floor but didn’t look injured, which was good.
He scanned his surroundings. It was a rectangular room with a door on the far left. It seemed like there was no one else with you. He sat on his legs, put down his sword and brought your head on his lap. He poured a little amount of nectar into your parted lips.
He felt a presence behind him, but was too late to act. The invisible form dragged him away from you, your head hitting the ground with a soft thud. He tried to fight back but got tossed head first in the dirt. With a grunt, he got on his knees and looked around, but there was no one. As he got up, he felt claws scratch his chest, ripping his orange shirt in the process. He yelped, took a knife out of his belt and aimlessly sliced through the air all around him.
He saw your body move. Thinking you were waking up, he let down his guard and ran to you. He tripped on something metallic and fell down. Looking behind him, there was just the muddy floor.
“Get on your knees,” a feminine voice ordered, her words resonating dangerously across the room. “Don’t move.”
He was now on his knees, facing you with a blank expression as if he wasn’t in control of his body anymore.
The first punch he received in the gut hurt like hell, but his face and body remained motionless like a doll. Then, he received blows on his ribs, his cheeks, his jawline. It was enough for him to faint. The pain was blinding him but he kept his eyes open. He watched, helpless, as you slowly stood up, glaring his way. No, you were looking somewhere above him.
“Show yourself, blood sucker, so I can make you pay,” your voice was calm yet threatening.
Keahi laughed, moving Felix’s face so you could see all the bruises she gave him. It was a bad idea on her part because you were now fully pissed. Seeing him like this… After what she did to your mom, you wanted to end her life so badly.
The ground blackened around you and the air dropped to freezing. A black flood of anger, pain, guilt and grief poured out of you in waves, hitting the monster and Felix. The latter experienced your worst memories. The pain, guilt and grief from the death of your mom, your hardships, the anger —no, hatred— you felt towards the empousa that made your life miserable.
“Stop this!” she taunted.
It seemed to get Felix out of his trance.
“Y/N…” he murmured and hit the floor.
All the pain he received in the last minutes knocked him out. This scene made you more furious, if that was even possible at this point. The waves became thicker and stronger, making Keahi loudly hit the nearest wall.
“You’re just a kid! You might be powerful, but not powerful enough to destroy me and my sister.” Desperation was evident in her voice. “If you keep going, you’ll kill the boy too.”
You went at it for several more seconds. It was hard to stop, you wanted her dead and your emotions took over your judgment. Although, one look at Felix’s limp body was enough for you to snap out of it.
You reached for your sword and threw it in her direction like a javelin. It planted itself in the wall. The empousa disintegrated and a golden ring fell on the floor. The waves stopped and the flood slowly dissipated. Before you could take a step towards Felix, you passed out again.
Jisung was patrolling from the air, alert for any movement on the mountain, without being certain you were even there. Several minutes later, he saw black smoke coming from a strange rectangle on the ground. Getting closer, he realized it was a hatch.
The pegasus landed on the floor next to it. Jisung dismounted and opened the hatch to a dark corridor. He waited for the dark Underworld stuff —meaning you were probably there— to disappear completely before venturing inside, his bow ready.
At the end of the damp corridor was a single door. He entered and found his friends’ bodies on the floor, a hand extended to each other’s direction. He flew to Felix’s side, poured nectar into his mouth, winced when he caught sight of his bruises and chest, then gave you the same treatment, relieved to see there weren't many physical injuries.
He didn’t want to leave any of you alone and he couldn’t move both of you at the same time. He was about to sit down when he spotted your sword in the wall. He grabbed the hilt and pulled it out with much effort. Something golden was on the floor so he picked it up. It was a golden ring.
Spoil of War? It didn’t seem like it, but how could he know? He wasn’t there. He put it in his pocket anyway. Felix opened his eyes and immediately went to your side. He reached for his backpack.
“I already gave her nectar.”
Felix’s head turned so fast his neck cracked. “You scared me!”
“Sorry.” Jisung walked over. “Let’s go, this place is creepy.”
The Iris kid was sending worried looks your way the whole time they spent carrying you outside. He related his version of the facts. How he was manipulated and hit by an invisible woman, experienced your pain, and passed out once the charmspeak wore off.
“It’s been a hell of a couple days, huh?”
“Tell me about it.” Fresh air and sunlight did Felix some good.
“Let’s sleep a bit before facing death again, shall we?” Jisung offered.
They took sleeping bags out of their backpack, Jisung with a bit more difficulty due to the lion’s pelt taking up most space. Both enveloped you in yours, then they argued on who should take first watch.
The brown haired boy won. He wasn’t injured and Felix visibly needed rest. He changed into a new t-shirt and insisted on being woken up a few hours later, though.
He dreamed he was in the same dark place again. The fire was cackling, lightening up the monster’s face and body. He was definitely terrified of her.
It felt like she was waiting for him. “Tomorrow we meet, demigod. Tomorrow, you die.”
He wanted to yell: “We’ll defeat you, like we did all our enemies until now.” but no sound could leave his lips.
“Oh, but they’re nothing compared to me,” she exclaimed like she heard his thoughts somehow. “Fighting me will make everything you endured so far feel like a walk in the park.”
That didn’t make him feel any better about the whole quest and their chance of survival. He was scared for his friends, for himself.
Hecate’s words replayed in his mind. “You’ll soon have to prove you can keep your distance, for your own sake.” Even if he thought his encounter with the empousa was a proof in itself, he felt dread. Something even worse was about to happen, he could feel it.
Felix woke up alert, but it was night.
“Jisung!” he complained, but he found him fast asleep next to him.
You, on the other hand, were awake, preparing a snack and humming an old song. You were so pretty with the sun lighting your hair and skin.
“Hello, Rainbow Boy. Here, eat this.”
You handed him toasts of cheese and an apple cut into quarters, but he just stared at you instead of taking them.
“Y/N,” he murmured like a whisper, a relieved sigh.
He engulfed you in a bone crushing hug, his nose buried in your neck. You hugged him back like you could, the food still in your hands.
“Are you okay? I was so scared.”
“I would be better if I could breathe,” you joked.
He apologized and let you go but stayed close, thanking you for the food.
“What happened back there? Do you know what monster it was?”
Your smile turned into a hard look. “None other than my mom’s murderer, Keahi.”
He reached for your hand, drawing smoothing circles on the knuckles with his thumb.
“I wonder how she made herself invisible. It’s not an empousa power,” he wondered.
“There was a ring.”
“A ring that makes its wearer invisible… Sounds familiar.”
“I have no clue where it is, though. Perhaps still in that cave.”
“Wait. King’s circle? Gyges was a king who found a golden ring in a cave. ‘Circle’ could mean the ring. Was it golden?” You nodded. “Then we need to get it back. It could help us on our next step.”
“No need,” Jisung yawned as he stretched, “I have it right here. Call me Bilbo Baggins.” He took the ring out of his pocket and gave it to you.
“You’re a lifesaver, I hope you know that,” you thanked him.
He smirked, “I do know, but being acknowledged is always appreciated.”
“So… If, hypothetically, I put this on…” you said, doing so. “I’ll become invisible.”
“You literally are, right now.” Felix tried to touch your shoulder but you weren’t there anymore.
You sneaked behind them and pressed a finger on their sides, watching them squirm and whine.
“OK, OK, sorry.” You took out the ring and threw it in Felix’s direction. “You should keep it.”
He had great reflexes, so he caught it easily. “Why me?”
“I already got the lion’s pelt and it’s taking way too much space, so a ring would be too much,” Jisung answered, shrugging innocently.
Rolling your eyes, you elbowed him. “You’re the best choice. You’re the most selfless out of us. I trust you.”
He wanted to argue but decided against it.
He trusted you too.
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Jisung took a few minutes to say goodbye to his pegasus. He thanked him, stroked his mane and gave him a treat. Felix apologized for his companions, for which the winged horse nudged him and bowed before flying away.
“Before we go, I think I need to tell you guys something,” the brown haired boy mumbled.
Felix and you exchanged glances and offered him sympathetic smiles.
“Let’s sit,” he continued. Once you were, he took a deep breath and got into it right away.
He talked about his past. How, when he was seven, he lost his half brother in a car accident. How he ran away to the park near his house after an argument with his step dad, how his little brother went to look for him then. How he was busy pitying himself when he heard the crash. How he blamed himself for the whole thing. How he swore to never run off again because he didn’t want his mom to end up this way too. How he decided to bury his feelings and never speak of this, ever.
“Jisung… None of it was your fault,” you assured. “You were so young… I’m so sorry.”
“Ji, thank you for sharing this with us. We’re here for you. It wasn’t your fault.”
“Thanks guys… I had to tell someone before we went to our ultimate death.”
“No way you’re dying today, I won’t allow it. You’ll get back to your crush.”
“OK, chill Y/N, I don’t have a crush.”
“The redness on your face says otherwise, buddy,” Felix laughed softly.
Jisung had lessened his burden like Hecate had suggested, and it worked. He felt better, ready to move forward.
The sun was rising. You had to get to the mountain next to the one you were currently on. The only way now was by foot. And you had to be back by the end of the day.
Easy enough. No, it was definitely not easy.
But you had to try.
On your way to the monster, you explained the plan you fashioned to the boys while they were asleep. After a lot of complaining and no’s, they finally accepted it (mostly because they didn’t have better ideas). Although Felix refused to use the ring.
Three hours later, the boys and you finally set foot in the clearing. All around were old trees and, in the center, was a large cauldron on top of a bonfire. Next to it was a block of stone with a bronze helmet on top of it. So it was the helm. The monster was there, chanting in a language that resembled latin.
“Lamia,” Felix whispered, swallowing loudly.
“Ah! Children, at last,” Lamia exclaimed with a charming yet dark smile.
“We came for my father’s helm.”
“The same dad that abandoned you?”
It was true, you still resented him, but bringing everyone back safely was a priority.
“Yeah, I guess. It’s that one I presume?” you asked as you pointed to it.
“Busted,” Lamia laughed falsely before putting it on her head.
She became invisible and the fear emanating from the helm paralyzed the three of you.
It was unsure what exactly happened. Was it your survival instinct or were you more powerful than the helm itself? Whatever it was, you were able to parry the attack with your sword. There was no time wondering how you could manage that.
Without being able to see or hear where she was, you warded off every attack she threw. You were about to get the upper hand when she grabbed Felix’s mortified body. You could see it in his eyes.
“Your sister tried that and regretted it,” you spat.
Lamia reappeared when she took off the helmet, keeping it under her unused arm.
“She’s weak. I’ll make sure to let her know when she’s back.”
Of course monsters will always be back, no matter how much we slay them.
“You know,” she resumed, “your dad thinks he’s all mighty and powerful because he rules the Underworld. Yet his precious helm was too easy to steal. And he sends his beloved daughter to death for this?”
Her claws enveloping Felix’s neck and Jisung’s shattered breath gave you a hard time thinking about your next move. You couldn’t be reckless again.
You had to save them.
“Leave them alone. Let’s do this one on one.”
“Why would I accept your proposition when I have the upperhand, sweetie?”
You scoffed. “Come on now. Are you scared to face a kid? You’re acting all-powerful and invincible, but fighting me is too much?”
Her expression hardened. Pride touched.
Lamia shoved Felix on the floor, a vicious glare throwing daggers at you. You had to restrain yourself from jumping her right this instant.
Distancing her from your friends was vital. She put the helmet back on as you were moving around to cause her back to face them. Not wasting any time attacking, you slashed your sword here and there, not letting her ripost. However, you were getting tired. She took advantage and ripped your arm with her claws. You stumbled and closed your eyes, groaning.
“Already down? You’re making this too easy,” she mused after taking the helm off again.
Felix and Jisung regained their senses away from her. They were ready to fight. Jisung was bow ready and Felix was summoning light.
When you opened your eyes and got to your feet, you realized they were waiting for a sign. From you.
The pressure of leading was growing but you tried to bury it inside. You couldn’t deal with more anxiety at the moment. You focused on Lamia, who was grinning from a false feeling of victory, and shouted, “NOW!”
The three of you gave your all and hit her at the same time. As Felix struck her with blinding light, Jisung shot her in the back and you pierced her heart. You enjoyed her look of surprise when she disintegrated in a shrill scream. All that was left was the helm of darkness falling to the ground with a clang.
Clenching your arm, you fell on your knees. Felix engulfed you into a tight hug.
“This is gonna sound controversial, but I think that went well,” Jisung said as he picked up the helm.
“You must all be fools if you think you can take me down that easily,” a feminine voice taunted.
She was at the other side of the open space, Mist slowly dispersing around her. How did she do that? The marks on your arm were real, so when did she create the Mist? How could you not have seen it coming?
Realizing he actually didn’t have anything in his hands, Jisung quickly shot arrows her way but she managed to dodge them and put on the helmet. Felix couldn’t get up, fear keeping him grounded.
You witnessed, helpless, Jisung’s body being thrown across the clearing. Anger building up inside you, you got to your feet and charged.
Certainly you couldn’t hear or see her, but you could feel her. Probably due to your connection to the underground. But despite your best efforts, you couldn’t seem to have enough to wound her. It was almost as if she didn’t need the helm at all, like she could end you all with or without it. Like she only used it for extra fun.
Your limbs started to ache. Panting, you planted your sword on the ground. You could feel Lamia laugh triumphally.
Concentrating, you opened a crevasse that allowed skeletons to rise and surround the monster. They closed in on her, and eventually started attacking all at once. She effortlessly took them down one by one in an elegant dance.
There was only one thing left to do but your friends were here and the least thing you wanted was to hurt them.
“I have a question. Does your mom know what you’re doing? Aren’t you scared of retaliation?”
It was interesting enough for her to take the helmet off. “What are you talking about, mortal? Hecate does not care about whether you live or die today.”
Felix joined Jisung at the far end of the open space. It was now or never.
“I wouldn’t be so sure. She came to see us yesterday, you know. She might punish you later when I’m done with you.”
“I do not care about Hecate!” Her voice was trembling, though. “You’re irritating. I’ll deal with you first.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” you whispered to yourself.
As she put the helmet back on for the nth time, the floor blackened. You let the flood of black smoke leave your body while the temperature dropped. It wasn’t as strong as when you faced Keahi, but anger and pain were still present. It affected her, but not enough to end her.
Felix analyzed the situation and summoned light, except he didn’t know where to hit. You tried your best to show him by sinking Lamia into the floor to her calves. The movement caught his eye. Rainbow sparks shot from the sky into her skin. You felt her scream in pain.
It still wasn’t sufficient. She was getting restless and you were getting desperate. What more could you do? It seemed to have worked the first time but it wasn’t real, how could you be sure it would work this time?
The flood was getting thicker, your hand tightening around the tilt of your sword. Of course, you could just try it again and if it didn’t work… then you would have tried until the end.
Breathing heavily, you walked up to her. Raising your sword, you whispered a “good bye” before slowly but surely pressing the blade into her heart.
Lamia didn’t just sit back. She yelled, sinking her claws into your chest and arms at the same time. You endured the pain but gasped when an arrow pierced through her neck and passed you by a few centimeters to finish its course in the nearest tree. Multicolored flames burned her too, until the helm of darkness fell to the ground in front of you.
“Y/N!” Felix ran to you. “No, no, no…”
Blood was dripping from the multiple claw marks. He caught you when your knees gave out, helping you down and maintaining your head on his hand.
“Jisung,” he desperately called, “you need to do something.”
“Already on it…”
Felix pressured on your shoulder wound with his free hand while the brown haired boy roamed through his backpack. Blood ran through his fingers.
“Stay with me, Y/N, please.”
You smiled faintly. “We won this time, right? That’s— that’s good.”
He brought you closer to him. “Yeah, thanks to you.”
“Move, loverboy,” Jisung ordered.
The Iris kid did as told but kept pressuring your wound. “You’re gonna be okay, I promise.”
These were the last words you heard before fainting.
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You woke up to a moving vehicle, your chest and arms tingling with every bump it rolled over. Jisung was talking to someone you couldn’t see, and Felix’s hand was intertwined with yours. More than that, you were seated next to each other, your head comfortably laid on his shoulder.
Jisung looked behind him and gave you a gummy smile. “Sleeping beauty’s awake at last!”
“Are you okay?” the boy next to you asked as you sat up straight.
You nodded and realized you were in a minibus. Unless you were mistaken, there was no vehicle whatsoever on the mountain last time you checked.
“Indeed! You needed a drive home. That’s where I came in,” a man said joyfully.
You blinked when you saw Apollo driving and waving you hello through the rear-view mirror.
“I had the brilliant idea to offer the lion’s pelt and the ring of Gyges to my dad and hoped he would grant us a little help to get back to Olympus safely and quickly,” he explained with a satisfied face.
It was exceptionally brilliant that he accepted.
During the rest of the road trip, Apollo was relating some of his adventures to whoever listened. The return was smoother than the outward, allowing you to rest a bit. The blonde boy had a worried face whenever he laid his eyes on you.
On Mount Olympus, Hades was here with the Olympian Gods, on his seldom used throne. His proud stare was weird to witness, especially when it was directed towards you. You gave him back his helm under Apollo’s loud praise for his ‘son and his companions’ bravery on this perilous odyssey’. The Gods thanked the three of you and got on with their immortal lives.
Iris winked at her kid, mouthing “I’m proud of you.” and they all left the palace.
You did the same, the boys walking to the elevator while Hades, who was following you, asked for a chat. You agreed, staying back to hear what he had to say.
“I know that blessing you with this much power made you a target. Honestly, I can’t take them back. But I know you’ll use them well. You proved during your journey that you were mature and strong enough. You’ve made me proud.”
Hearing these words filled you with a warm feeling, which you despised. It was too soon for you to warm up to him.
“I didn’t do it for you. I did it for mom.”
He nodded in understanding. “She’s in Elysium you know? She wants you to live a long, fulfilled life before seeing her again.'' 
You were about to tell him you’ve known for years, but he turned around and left.
You thought about your mom, and how at peace she was right now. At that moment, you decided to let go of the negative thoughts obscuring your judgment and decisions. Your mom was waiting for you, and you intended to make her proud of you.
Jogging to your friends, you smiled, happy that was finally over. Obviously you knew more danger was coming, but you’d be okay as long as your friends were there with you.
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Back at camp, the three of you were acclaimed, the respective head counselors of your cabins personally greeting each of you. They looked particularly proud. The fervor of the return having dissipated, you sat in the Big House with Chiron before dinner time, to relate your journey.
“So yeah, it turned out we had to get the helm of darkness back from Lamia,” you said.
“The piece of the way back was the lion’s pelt and the last challenge was in the Yellowstone national park in Wyoming,” added Jisung.
“The King’s circle was Gyges’ invisible ring,” Felix divulged.
“I’m glad you’re all back safely,” Chiron smiled.
“I have a question, though,” Jisung raised his hand. “Half-blood death. Did it not come through?”
“It did. Lamia was a demigod, daughter of Hecate and Queen of Libya,” Chiron explained, “she was turned into a monster by Hera.”
“Explains a lot,” you muttered.
Jisung returned to his crush friend from the Hephaestus cabin while Felix and you walked together to your cabins. During your little walk, the Aphrodite kid, AKA the pretty painter, came to see you. It shocked you to see him in front of you, and it shocked you even further to see the two greet each other like old friends.
“I’m glad you’re back, Felix,” he said, a genuine smile on his face.
“Thanks Hyunjin. I’m happy to be back.”
“Hello Y/N.”
He knows my name!! How does he know my name??
“Huh, hi…”
“Felix talks about you a—”
“That’s great,” the blond boy cut him off, ears reddening, “but we have stuff to do before dinner. Bye Hyunjin, see you around!”
“Lix,” you called as he rushed you to the cabins, “how do you know him?”
“We came to camp together. Why?”
Realizing he was ‘just’ a pretty painter for you and that you were more interested in Felix than him, you smiled sheepishly.
“Nothing, I never asked how or when you came to camp.”
“Oh, well, we were seven kids on the run after monsters attacked our school, and satyrs finally found us and brought us here. We were between six and ten.”
He stopped in his tracks when he realized you weren’t following anymore. When he turned around to face you, you hugged him, burying your face in his neck. He stroked your back affectionately.
“It must’ve been hard. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s okay, we made it without too many problems.”
After a good dinner and a wholehearted singalong, you ended up on the beach, eyes fixed on the stars. Hearing footsteps approaching, you only looked over when he sat next to you.
“Pretty cloudless sky, huh?”
“Yeah,” you agreed, “but the stars are prettier on your face.”
It was unknown which one of you was blushing more.
“You first,” you offered, hiding your face into your cold hands. Or was it your face that was hot?
“I came to a conclusion while on that awful quest,” Felix announced, folding his arms on top of his knees. He looked at the horizon. “I can’t bear the thought of losing you. Seeing you hurting tears me apart, and I think what Hecate meant by ‘my own sake’ wasn’t my safety, but rather my heart after seeing you suffer.” He sighed. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that… I love you, Y/N,” he finished, daring to turn your way.
He was met with you facing him and staring at him intently, tears forming in your eyes. “Felix… There are not enough words to express how much you mean to me. I literally cannot live without you. I love you so much.”
The embrace you two shared was worth a thousand words.
As you let go of each other, his eyes trailed on your collarbone, where a mark was visible above your orange t-shirt. You followed his gaze and touched your bruised skin. You locked eyes with him and smiled softly.
“These will make badass scars.”
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please let me know and here's the masterlist<3
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raleigh-edward · 5 months
It might be just me, but I think Castiel resembles Rowoon more than that ZB1 guy
I'm assuming you're talking about Sf9 Rowoon.
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Castiel has sharper eyes similar to Hanbin from ZB1, Rowoon on the other hand seems to have softer features. At least that's what I think.
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Another picture for reference.
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jalwoorideul · 2 years
Yeona’s Dating History
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taglist: @sakuurra, @raybans4, @enhacolor, @mythicalamphitrite, @amethyistheart,
Noh Kyungnam
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Period: January 2016 - April 2016
Current Status: Acquaintances
Public/Private: Private
Kyungnam and Yeona have known each since before her debut. Both were dancers in practice and in the period that Yeona was training to become a professional, they met. When she started training to become an idol, they lost touch and only got to talk again in early 2016. Yeona and Kyungnam were extremely compatible. Even their friends noticed that they had a lot of similarities — which could have been the reason for their breakup. They were so similar that they didn't have the chance to grow with one another and soon they fell out of love. It was short lived but it was a good breakup. They said to remain as friends but they didn't really tall much after that.
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Period: February 2017 - October 2018
Status: Supportive Friends
Public/Private: Private
Her first serious relationship. Taeyang and Yeona met numerous times on music shows and award shows. With the dozens of encounters they've had since both SF9 and Seventeen were actively promoting, it was nearly impossible to have these two not be attracted to one another The two made a few small talks which soon developed into more when they got each other's numbers. Even their members were pleasantly surprised to have two of the shyest members of their groups find comfort in the other much quickly. Later on the two began dating and it turned out more serious than they thought. They considered the other their first love, but sadly the romance wasn't enough for them to last. After almost two years, the two of them finally called it off after busy schedules and conflicts over not having enough time. Yeona thinks it would've been the best because she thinks that if they stayed they would've only hurt the other more with the constant fighting. Nonetheless, the two reconnected after having some time to cool off and continued to stay friends.
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Period: October 2021 - current
Current Status: Dating
Private/Public: Private
This one took a long time before it actually happened. The two were in the same group together and Yeona had this philosophy that she shouldn't date any of her members after receiving so much hate over the mere thought that she was "seducing" them when she was not. All the feelings they for one another at the beginning were platonic and friendly. Yeona didn't even think she'd consider to like him, but eventually she began drawing feelings for him in 2019. At first she thought that she was just attracted to hin physically (because who wouldn't), until she began to notice that the actions Wonwoo would do in the past seemed to have a different effect on her now. Wonwoo on the other hand didn't notice any of his feelings until she began seeing Taeyang. Once he thought he was just being over protective of her but soon he realized that it was because he likes her. He kept it a secret for so long because she was in a happy relationship and because he know that she didn't want to get involved with any of the members. Then as soon as 2021 happened, they began to show more of their feelings to the other. The other members were more than happy on the other hand to see some progress between the two because they've been noticing their feelings toward the other for a while now and thought that they should leave it between them to figure it out. On October 2021, Wonwoo finally opened up his feelings after hiding for years which Yeona reciprocated. The pair have been dating since.
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tm-trx · 8 months
currents.02 [2024]
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"Watch It" / The Boyz
"Strings" / SF9
"Stay for a Night" / Minho
"I don’t think a lot of thought was put into writing this, but I can’t stop reading it. This is why soap operas do well." - Lee Do Hwa, Extraordinary You, episode 26
You hit the nail on the head, kid.
Seoulmates by Susan Lee - YA contemporary romance - pretty good for the genre; I'd read more by this author
Extraordinary You - This was a fun teen romance kdrama with a fantasy twist. It's a "comic characters become aware" plot and I thought it was interesting that the characters didn't try to actually leave the comic and instead just tried to change their 'setup' (fate), with varying levels of success. I enjoyed it a lot.
For Him - This episode fell so flat for me. I loved the girl squad. I liked the two friend groups teaming up to get their respective friends talking again. I loved how how firm Nail still is with Te's 'flirting.' He's not giving Te any reason to think he has a chance and walks away the first chance he gets. But nothing happened and the plot didn't move forward until the very end, so yeah. Flat as a pancake. And I don't like pancakes.
Pit Babe - I love this show and I love Charlie and Babe so much. I find it amusing that the Mama/Papa kinky talk has now morphed into pet names. I didn't quite expect the level of Way's desperation that was made clear this week, but I'm here for it. I honestly didn't think the show would go that dark (despite the extremely dark premise), but all the actors did an amazing job. Pavel is a stand out and once again he sold the emotions fully. He's so good.
The Sign - Another great episode from the Thai BL-sphere this week. But has anyone else noticed the 3D filter on all the CGI flashbacks or is it just my old eyes? It makes all those scenes slightly blurry so I basically check out of all those scenes, and unfortunately there was a lot of it this week. Apart from that, it was a whump-tastic episode that I thoroughly enjoyed, starting with Phaya's dream and ending with Tharn devastated at the side of the river. Both actors did an outstanding job selling their respective scenes without going over the top.
previous Currents posts
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kbandtrash · 1 year
Rich Boy SF9 Bullet Point AU (Hwiyoung x Reader)
Yeah I did it again. And Jaeyoon is technically in the works. Also it's wild to me that Hwi and I are both 99 liners that's weird
Content: strangers to lovers, fluff, kissing, pretending not to know him, not exactly office romance, cooking, some rich ajussis are mean to you
Word Count: 4k
The first time you met him
At a meeting between your businesses for some legal negotiations
He was cold and chic and only said what he needed to say
The second time you met him
At the press conference announcing the collaboration of your companies
He was still cold and chic, but he had a little more charisma
But the third time you met him
At a public weekend cooking class your friend had promised to take with you
(She bailed)
He was unrecognizably warm and charismatic
You were unsure that he would recognize you because of the large difference in positions at your respective companies
He being the heir to his
And you being the lead public relations specialist in yours
So you chose a table sort of behind and across from him so you could both observe him and watch the teachers at the same time
Now you know that boy was raised rich
And if you weren’t 100% sure that you recognized him and the luxury brand watch on his wrist
You would have thought that he had a doppelgänger
What was a guy like him doing in a public class like this?
Didn’t he have the money to pay for someone to do this kind of stuff for him?
But he watched the teachers so intently and he looked like he knew his way around this stuff a lot better than you did
This was the first time you had seen him genuinely engaged and looking like he wanted to be there
Like sure at work he had nice eyebrows and he was admittedly pretty handsome or whatever
But wow when he was in his element he was positively radiant
Even if you hadn’t known who he was beforehand you probably still would have been staring at him
Somehow you managed to make it through the class without burning the food or yourself
But then you got paired with him for taste testing and you wished you were the fire on your gas stove
That is to say
Gone. Put out
If he recognized you then what
Pretend to be someone else?
You weren’t sure why you didn’t want to talk to him
Much less have him try your food
Probably something along the lines of he was so much higher than you on the business chain and how on earth were you supposed to just interact like you were equals
Too late he introduced himself
“Hi I’m Hwiyoung”
Oh good
“Hi I’m (Y/N)”
Lots to unpack there
He didn’t recognize you but he introduced himself casually and so you felt like you should too but oh man you knew who he was and that was totally out of line
But he did not care so you were just going to pretend like you didn’t care too
“Can I try yours first?” he asked
“Oh yep sure go ahead”
You were still speaking casually since he was and boy did it feel wrong but you couldn’t stop it from coming out of your mouth
It was also weird watching his face while he took a bite like no this dude is so much higher up on the social scale than you could ever hope to be but oh boy you really hope he likes it
It’s like anime sparkles were in his eyes
“Oh yours is different than mine! I like how you did it”
Insert joke about getting a good grade, which is both normal to want and possible to achieve
“I have strong opinions about garlic,” you said
“I can tell,” he responded, taking another bite
He let out the tiniest “oh wow”
This was both extremely gratifying and embarrassing at the same time
At the beginning of the class you were very excited to tell your coworkers what you had seen but now you thought you might die if anyone else found out
“Ah sorry!” he interrupted your thoughts, setting the plate down “I forgot you need to try mine too”
Honestly you were a little scared by his reaction to yours
If he thought your cooking was that good then his must be…subpar to say the least
But no even though you felt immense pressure to react positively as he watched you expectantly
You didn’t have to fake your reaction at all
His version of the dish fit your taste perfectly
He read your reaction wrong though
You had frozen stiff in surprise and he thought it meant that it was bad
But no no no you had to reassure him that you just had a bad case of rbf and actually it was really good
The next time you saw him at a meeting he did not recognize you
You figured he must meet a lot of people and rely heavily on context in order to recognize them
Plus you didn’t know if the cooking class was a secret or not so you didn’t want to out him accidentally in a professional environment
Not to mention he was back to his cold and quiet demeanor so that was intimidating
So you let the meeting pass without trying to say anything potentially out of line
And when you met again in your cooking class on the weekend he waved you over to share a station with him
You tried to make small talk with him about who he was and what he did just to make sure he really was the person you knew that he was
But he kind of steered away from any specific answers and that in and of itself was sort of confirmation
“What do you do for work?”
“Oh I work at X Group”
“That’s pretty prestigious what do you do there?”
“Just some administrative stuff you know”
You did know
And then he asked you the same questions
“So how about you what do you do?”
And you realized that if you answered then you would end up giving him a lead on who you were and that actually you had met in other circumstances
But like what are you going to do lie???
“I work at K Company”
“Oh right we’re doing some stuff with them these days. Are you involved with that?”
“Um yeah just some pr stuff though I’m not actually on the collab team”
He nodded you know the way you do when you’re like okay nice that’s your life
And then he froze in the middle of stirring the pan
Face just melted in realization
“We already know each other don’t we”
Oh no
You didn’t want to make him feel bad because you didn’t have any hard feelings that he didn’t recognize you
But also you didn’t want to make him feel awkward or threatened because that was how you already felt and you had no intention of holding anything over him
And you didn’t want him to go into business mode either because that was boring
But more importantly this was clearly supposed to be a comfortable space for him and you didn’t want to be an intruder
“I should have said something earlier,” you apologized
What next
What were you supposed to say next huh???
“But you were cute, so…”
His ears flushed red and his eyes went wide
Attention went right back to the pan
And yours went back to cutting up the garnishes
“You’re um…”
He cleared his throat
“You’re cute, too”
This was only week two of cooking class
If anything was supposed to happen here it should have been down the line
No no no none of that nothing was “supposed to happen here”
He was like your boss-in-law that wasn’t allowed
But it wasn’t like you had approached him on purpose knowing who he was
It was kind of him that made the first move right?
Also it wasn’t like you technically met at work or anything so I mean
Maybe if he meant it then you could accept the compliment at least
Looking up as you shredded a carrot, you noticed his ears glowing like traffic lights
He was laser focused on making sure the pan was cooking evenly
“Oh um…thanks”
“Plus I like the way you balance spices” he added
“Oh um…” you repeated, apparently out of things to say “thanks?”
He cleared his throat and let the awkward silence build
For the rest of the class
In fact even as you said goodbye he just gave you a shy wave in return
And you knew you had broken this for him
You debated not going the next week
Or ever again
But also you had the same right to be there as he did and like just because he was some rich ceo heir dude didn’t mean he had more of a claim to that space
If he really wanted he could just hire a personal tutor probably
But still though you felt bad
You saw him at another meeting between your two companies
Yeah he recognized you this time you could tell
You tried very hard to focus on the notes you were taking for the press release stuff
But that was hard when he was making it obvious that he was trying not to look at you
You were starting to think that maybe he wasn’t like actually cool and chic
Maybe he was just raised as a sort of loner type and he was bad at talking to people
And maybe you had sort of tricked him into opening up to you in the cooking class
Whatever he was a rich boy heir to a company why did he need your sympathy??
Also he started it so you didn’t trick him into anything
But did he know that
Perhaps not
When the end of the meeting came he decided to say goodbye to everyone who came personally
(Side note we have a word for say hello (greet) but not say goodbye and this makes me angry every time I remember it)
But yep said goodbye to everyone
Shook their hands and thanked them for coming with a professional smile
But when it came to you it was hard for him to keep up his act
So he shook your hand and made shy eye contact for just a second before he looked back down at your hands
“I’ll see you next time, Miss (L/N)”
You were the last one out and it didn’t seem that anyone from your group was waiting for you
So you felt you had time to reply
“At the next meeting? Or…”
“I was hoping on Saturday,” he responded
“Unless you would rather not”
So he was okay
Then you were allowed to be okay with it, too, right?
You didn’t have a problem with it unless he did
So you smiled too
“I would like to see you on Saturday, too, actually”
It was like looking through a tinted window, but you could see a bit of the version of him you saw in the kitchen classroom for a second
And you know what.
Yeah okay it was cute
When you told him he was cute the first time you just meant like. It was sweet like aww good for you buddy
But now when your brain told you cute it meant oh dear he’s attractive
That was not ideal
He’s just a dude he’s just a dude
But he’s a rich and handsome dude
Not that the rich and handsome should matter necessarily
Doesn’t hurt
But the cutest things about him were 
1) he was so excited about cooking like passions are super cute
And 2) it kinda looked like he might be interested too? Lol?
Mutual attraction law something something if he’s attracted to you first then like that’s the main thing that attracts you to him?
I believe in the power of that to some extent
Anyway that’s definitely what was going on here
May or may not have kept you up at night a bit
So when Saturday came and he wanted to share a station with you again
Keeping your composure and looking like a sane person that was totally okay with just being friends required 99% of your energy
Unfortunately the topic of the class was not something you could breeze through with the remaining 1%
So you were left either to be an incompetent mess of a student
Or an incompetent mess of a human being
Luckily that was not a conscious choice for you to make
Luckily being used in loosest of ways
And you ended up being both an incompetent mess of a student and a human being anyway so there went everything
Your supposed cooking prowess
Your potential as a friend found in an unlikely place
You were a shame to your ancestors, who had all clearly found love and reproduced if you were alive
How many hundreds of people had lived before you in order for you to be alive
And you couldn’t manage to do the same thing
He was a terrible mess as well
Both for the cooking and the human-ing aspects of the day
Partnered up at the same cooking station once again
Not even both of your combined efforts could make a successful dish
And the conversation the whole time?
Awkward and stilted enough to have been between two poorly built chatbots
Every time your eyes met it seemed like an accident
By the minute you thought he was handsomer and handsomer
And he kept turning redder than the cherry tomatoes you were supposed to be roasting
But by some miracle
He managed to work up enough conversation skills to ask you to dinner with him
“We didn’t manage to make anything edible today, so should we see how professionals do it?”
And like how can you say no
Turns out he had made a reservation for some super fancy place you’ve never heard of
And your brain is like okay let’s break that down
Fancy place very expensive way out of your budget
But he made the reservation so he planned on paying right?
He made a reservation wow
This was pre planned he wanted to take you to dinner anyway
Regardless of if what you made in the cooking class was edible
That was just an excuse
He wanted to spend more time with you and he had planned on it
Now you were a little scared of rich people shenanigans
So you were still wary of picking up this extremely obvious hint
Like normal boy? Yeah of course he’s into you
Rich boy? He might want something and this is a manipulation tactic
But in class he was a normal boy
He was so down to earth and awkward and cute
So you really wanted to take this at face value
Honestly at this point with any other boy you might have asked him out yourself already
But with rich people there’s a pride factor and you were kind of scared about it
Strangely though pride was not an issue here today
At least in terms of clothing
Neither of you were up to dress code at all for the restaurant because you were coming straight from the cooking class pretty much
But the staff recognized him apparently and they were cool with it?
When you looked at the menu and the prices you wanted to disappear immediately
The cheapest thing on the menu was daunting
But he pulled your menu down from your hands and put it on the table
He flipped a few pages and pointed to a dish
“I wanted to take you here because I thought you would like this one”
Okay yep you got that one loud and clear
This was a date and he wanted to spend time with you on purpose
He had been at a place like this and he had thought of you
Well then.
Guess it was time to let him know you thought of him the same way
You ended up ordering what he suggested for you and he was absolutely right
He also let you try a bite of what he ordered
And that was really good too
“But,” he said, “I don’t think it’s as good as how you might do it”
Challenge accepted
“If we buy the ingredients tonight then maybe we can try to make it tomorrow?”
His eyes lit up and his mouth stretched wide in a smile at your suggestion
And it was a plan
But then you were interrupted by some very well dressed older men
And unfortunately they recognized Hwiyoung
He didn’t seem terribly thrilled by this
But they made him talk to them anyway
They didn’t seem rude but they weren’t being terribly polite either
It felt weird to just sit there but you had no idea how to insert yourself into a rich people interaction
Plus by the way he glanced at you it seemed like he didn’t want to get you involved
But this guy is anti-smooth unfortunately so looking over at you inadvertently drew attention to you as well
And they started asking questions rather disdainfully
As he answered them honestly and with the most positive light he could, you were amazed at the lack of shame these men had in talking about you as if you weren’t there
Or as if you had no right or ability to contest the opinions they were forming about you
It seemed that Hwiyoung was more hurt by this than you were, somehow
When they finally left, he sat down with his business personality
“I think I’ve lost my appetite,” he admitted disappointedly
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t defend you properly, but if I tried, they would use more than their words to tear you down”
You shrugged
“They seem pretty wrapped up in their own importance”
His mouth twisted into a sad snicker
“It’s not a fun world to navigate”
You made a few more jokes at the expense of the rude rich dudes
And it kind of worked to bring him back to you
By this first experience with the upper class, you weren’t particularly fazed
But you wondered, if you stayed by his side, what the tenth encounter might do
The hundredth
The thousandth
You were so jumping the gun but they were valid thoughts to have it you were thinking about dating a guy that lived in this realm of wealth and self-importance
But as you wandered the supermarket aisles with him, picking out ingredients
You also wondered if he couldn’t do anything now because you were still testing the waters
He didn’t seem the type to let comments like that fly under the radar
So you wanted to give him another chance
He walked you back all the way to the front entrance of your apartment building
He could have driven
But, he bashfully admitted, he wanted to spend more time with you
It was hard not to invite him up, but it felt a bit improper
If you were the one storing the groceries, it would have only been natural
But since you would be cooking at his place the next day
And since he had more storage space anyway
He was taking everything with him
You felt sort of bad watching him walk away with like four bags of groceries
But it was also uh
Kind of hot
Plus like he volunteered himself for it he would be fine
The next day he greeted you at the front gate of his (ridiculous) house
With only the boyfriendiest of boyfriend vibes
It already felt like you were official honestly
It was such a weird and fast jump but it felt like you had always been together rather than this being like. Your second date
You spotted some hired workers trying to stay hidden as they spied on you
That was a little weird
But fumbling around and learning to cook this dish was far more captivating
And the boy? Far far far more captivating
It really didn’t feel right that you had only met a few weeks ago
That fact itself was more surprising than the moment you suddenly found yourself inches from him with his hand around your back and his other hand intertwined with yours
And you swayed back and forth to the music that was somehow exactly perfect for the moment
Yeah that just felt natural honestly
Last night you felt improper about letting him up to your apartment
Now here you were slow dancing in his kitchen
In matching aprons
Yeah you were done for
Head over heels he was your man now
Your free hand magically made its way up to his face and cupped his cheek
He was leaning in and your eyes fluttered closed and then
A timer going off startled you both into remembering what got you here in the first place
So you finished your dish and then sat down to taste test
And he was absolutely right
It was better when you made it together
The smile on his face told you everything you needed to know
The sparkle in his eyes when your eyes met was confirmation
It was so strange the next time your companies had a meeting
Employees on both sides were so confused
Since when did President Kim…….smile
Or speak in a voice that wasn’t monotone
Something changed……weird
By some miracle no one noticed the expressions you two exchanged
Neither of you were being subtle
But I guess if people don’t want to see it then they won’t
And your funny little secret totally flew under the radar
Also the next time you were caught by mean old chaebol men at a restaurant
He kinda let them have it when they tried to make disparaging remarks about you
He was so well-spoken too like you could tell he rehearsed it twelve hundred times in his mirror
They just kinda left with slightly humbled expressions
And he sat down with this disgruntled little huff and apologized to you again
His parents are like “well hmmm you’re not exactly who we hoped he would end up with…..”
You could see it in his eyes Hwiyoung was ready to go off on them
But then they were like “but. this is weird. we raised the boy and nothing but cooking ever makes him smile this much. welcome to the family”
Now he’s self conscious about how much he gets excited apparently because HE didn’t think he was that stonefaced
(You totally were babe. I almost didn’t recognize you the first time we met)
(It’s work!!!! Why do I have to be excited about business!!!!!!)
But he’s YOUR stonefaced ceo chef boyfriend so
He supposes it doesn’t matter that much as long as you like him that way
Anyway once again I shall leave you with your first kiss
It happened the same day as when you went over to his house to make that dish
After you had eaten you could tell he was a little nervous about something and you couldn’t figure out what it was
Were you accidentally being mean to him and you thought you were being flirty
You didn’t think so but now you were nervous about it
No turns out he was just thinking about how you totally would have kissed if that stupid timer had gone off even like five seconds later
And he was trying to find an entry point back into that mood because he was kind of scared to just like. kiss you
Anyway he ended up mumbling that when you asked him if he was okay and you barely caught any of it
But you managed to catch the message
So you asked him if he had a good view of the sky from anywhere in his house
Yes he did have a nice balcony with a perfect view of the sunset
So you let him take advantage of the slightly chilly spring evening and the golden hour
And he kissed you properly
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shakespearerants · 1 year
Song Tag
Rules: Pick a song for each letter of your URL, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL.
Summerwunne - Estampie
Heaven - Bryan Adams
Abertausen Fragen - ASP
King of Bones - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Ein Kompliment - Sportfreunde Stiller
She kissed me first - SERA
Pocahontas - AnnenMayKantereit
Easy Love - SF9
Abracadabra - Steve Miller Band
Retaliation - The Rumor Said Fire
Every Time We Touch - Electric Callboy
Rhinestone Cowboy - Glenn Campbell
Aicha - Bayta Ag Bay
Nachts Weinen die Soldaten - Saltatio Mortis
Too Much Love Will Kill You - Queen
Superspreader und die Kosmonauten - Blond
Wow this was...harder than expected. Thank you so much for the tag @frubeto ! Tagging @birdylion @evolutionsbedingt @freizusein @perchingowl @bi-vexual @clueless-dullahan @queenofpickles @neverland-in-space @shadowvalkyrie @lachricola @schuerk @mona-liar @dancingbycandlelight @twostepsfromtemerant @almostmymoon @bookshelfdreams - have fun!
If you would like to know what I almost put - outtakes under the cut
Sag mir wo die Blumen sind - Marlene Dietrich/Salute to a switchblade - tom t hall/Schüsse in die Luft - Kraftklub/Sea or Heartbreak - Don Gibson/Sedona - Houndmouth/Seemann - Apocalyptica, Nina Hagen/Sesame Syrup - Cigarettes after sex/Severed- the decembrists/shady Grove - doc Watson/shame- Peakboy, george/she kissed me first - SERA/Sinnerman - Nina Simone/Sleeping Single in a double bed - Barbara Mandrell/Somebody to love - Queen/Song for someone - U2/SOs - Abba/Sternenhimmel - Hubert Kah/Summerwunne - Estampie/Sunday Bloody Sunday - U2/Superspreader und die Kosmonauten - Blond/Surrender the Night - My Chemical Romance
Habibi - Tamino/ Hallelujah California - Luna Shadows/Halloween - Aqua/Headfirst Slide into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet - Fall Out Boy/Heartaches by the numbers - Guy Mitchell/Heaven - Bryan Adams/Heute Hier morgen dort - Hannes Wader/Heyr Himna smidur - Schola Cantorum/Hopeless Romantic - Michelle Branch
Kaputt wie ich - Tarek K.I.Z./Katherine, Katherine - Steinwolke/Killing me softly - Roberta Flack/King of Bones - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club/Küssen kann man nicht alleine - Mad Raabe
Ein Kompliment - Sportfreunde Stiller/Easy Love - SF9/ Easy Lover - Phil Collins, Philip Bailey/Eighties Goth Suicide Note - This Cold Night/ Every Breaking Wave - U2/ Every time we touch - Electric Callboy
Please don't let me love you - Hank Williams/Paper cut - Linkin Park/Pet Sematary - The Ramones
Rain - Project Pitchfork/Randy Dandy Oh - Sean Dagher/Rat A Tat Tat - Fall Out Boy/Rasputin - Boney M./Relax Take it Easy - MIKA/Rock Your Like A Hurricane - Scorpions/Rose Tattoo - Dropkick Murphys
Nåden - Garmana/Nicotine - Panic! At the Disco/Nobody Knows You When You're Down - Nina Simone
Take me on the floor - The Veronicas
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maninthemiroh · 6 months
Hi, I'm Kittithorn! I go by he/they/it pronouns and I'm a kemetic, asexual, homoflexible, and afab Thai-American boy of color (about everything but white; my ancestors weren't fucking with Europeans). Anyway, I'm a shifter, K-Pop stan, anime fan, and V-Kei enjoyer.
Before you follow: I have Dissociative Identity Disorder as well as autism, Tourettes, and a bunch of other bullshit I dislike about myself. Additionally, I might curse quite a bit and vent post, maybe. Please, soft-block me to unfollow, inform me if I make you uncomfortable, and tell me if you need trigger/spoiler warnings for anything.
Don't interact if: You fit the dfi basis, are NCT ot21 or less (I don't support Taeil, but I do support LuSungTaro), anti reality shifting, Seunghan, eaJ, my artists or J-Rock/K-Pop/etc. as a whole, pro-Isreal, an akgae/regular solo stan/sasaeng, RCTA, InSomnia, a proshipper, support the Dream SMP, Nicki Minaj, Doja Cat, Hyuna, or go by an ethnic name that you don't biologically identify with.
More specifics below the cut :]
DR masterlist
My ult stan list: Block B, Cravity, E'Last, Exo, JustB, NCT, P1Harmony, Seventeen, SHINee, StayC, SuperM, and The Boyz.
My regular stan list: ATBO, Bae173, BoyNextDoor, BLITZERS, BtoB, BTS, DKB, DKZ, eaJ, Enhypen, Epex, Everglow, (G)I-dle, Kard, Kingdom, Luminous, Monsta X, nine.i, OneUs, OnlyOneOf, Omega X, RIIZE, SB19, SF9, Stray Kids, Tempest, The Rose, TRENDZ, XIKERS, TxT, TVXQ, WEi, and ZeroBaseOne.
Groups I'm learning about: &TEAM, CIX, BOY STORY, Kep1er, NTX, ONE PACT, ONF, TNX, XODIAC, Vanner, VeriVery, and YOUNITE.
Disbanded groups that I still support: 1Team, Cherry Bullet, CLC, D1ce, D-Crunch, GFRIEND, IZ*ONE, Mirae, miss A, NU'EST, TFN, and TO1
Bands I listen to: Ashmaze., Beyond, Black Panther, Bomb at Track, BUCK-TICK, Daylotus, DazzlingBad, Deadmans Espirit, DEVILOOF, DEXCORE, DEZERT, Dir En Grey, 魚條, Flesh Juicer, Galaxy Express, Guckkasten, gulu gulu, 刺猬Hedgehog, Jiluka, kluaythai, L'Arc-en-Ciel, Lucy, Madmans Espirit, Malice Mizer, Miserable Faith, Moi dix Mois, New Pants, Ninth in Pluto, No Party For Cao Dong, OneWe, Plastic Tree, Retrospect, Royz, Sorry Youth, Sweet Mullet, 董事長樂團, The Darkest Romance, the GazettE, VAMPS, Versailles, XAAXAA, XANVALA, Xdinary Heroes, etc.
Other media I like: Alice in Borderland, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Boku No Hero Academia, Black Clover, DC in general, Brooklyn 99, Carmen Sandiego, Cookie Run, Criminal Minds, Danganronpa, Dead by Daylight, Death Note, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Descendants, Dungeons & Dragons, Elementary, Ever After High, Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them (fuck JKR, tho), Genshin Impact, Girl from Nowhere, Gravity Falls, Haikyū!!, Harry Potter (see previous parenthesis), iZombie, Jujutsu Kaisen, Little Nightmares, Maze Runner, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, Monster High, My Little Pony, NCIS, Peanuts, Pokémon, Resident Evil, Riverdale, Saiki K, Scooby-Doo in general, Scream, Soul Eater, Spiderverse, Tales of Arcadia, The Amazing World of Gumball, The Dark Pictures Anthology, The Umbrella Academy, The Quarry, Total Drama, Until Dawn, and Vox Machina, etc.
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crystalr143 · 7 months
New and in need of ideas of stories to write.
Helllooooooooooo everyone. My name is Crystal and I need something to write about. I can write about anything and everything even up to fan fiction. I mostly write fantasy, gore, horror, real-life things, and whatnot so nothing is off the table. I will take anything I can get. All I ask is that you guys have a little bit of patience with me seeing as I am also a human being with a life of my own. Other than that I ask for nothing more or nothing less. With fan fiction, I know I can write things about K-pop, rock bands, and certain movies/television. K-Pop groups that I know are ATEEZ, ENHYPEN, GOT7, Jackson Wang, MONSTAX, NCT, P1Harmony, SEVENTEEN, SF9, Stray Kids, The Rose, Tomorrow X Together (TXT), And Xdinary Heros. For Rock Bands Andy Black, Arctic Monkeys, Black Veil Brides, Boy hero, Breaking Benjamin, Call Me Karizma, CORPSE, falling in reverse, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Get Scared, Johnnie Guilbert, LP, My Chemical, Romance, Palaye Royale, Oasis, panic at the disco, Poorstacy, Sleeping With Sirens, The ghost club, the relentless, Three Days Grace, twenty one pilots, TX2, Vantavoid, Weathers, and YUNGBLUD. Like I said nothing is off the table so I'm willing to write anything. Thank you and hope you guys have a wonderful
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