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i3utterflyeffect · 8 months ago
Funny idea: the cg learn of the word "dad" from Purple, and then they all decide to start calling untitled and user!Alan that. then Chosen overhears and starts calling untitled that. Untitled does not know how to react.
one correction: he would probably cry once he processes exactly just what happened kdjslgdkgjdg
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ask-postcrash-curly · 4 days ago
sorry can s.omeone please helpme please and quicker this time its worse sorry thankyou justneed it to stop fast please, i am quite afraid its fucking fireworks isnt even thesaem thing that happened to me,and itsnot real why does ithurt that s so pointless im sick of it im nevergoing to be able to be a person again if i have a panic ove r eveyrthing i nwant to go home soon now
pleasmake it turn off fast thank you love you help im scared
supposed to be strong this isso stupid hahaha. ow ow ow ow
cananyone haer me. pleas em ake it turn off cant do this one forso long its makingme panic every time oneofthem goes off haha it doesnt even soundthe same it was muchlouder when iitreally happened
what if the asteroid goes into a star a sun and idont die because im not allowed ever and i ahve to beo nfire forever!! that would be bad i don t want that . oh my god what the fuck am i talking about. maybe i shoudl just scream really loud and then jimmy will come and maybe he'll hit me hard enough to make itstop
no hah okay nope im not goingt o do that . thatss not a good plam at all! then iwould probably cry and he owudl hitme more!! cheers!!!!!!!! hahaha
are any of you there i want it to stop fast please. please can the time delay things not work this time idont want to wait that long .
nooo no it's fine i mean cmon the only reason that it took so long last time's because oft hhe dleays and then all the good videos came at once and it was good theyll . theyre not going to ignore me its okay that will not happen. oh god but i cant wait that long not again pleasecan you break the itme delya this time i dont want to i dont want to do this anymore
i migth start screming by accdint . i dont want to do that i t will make anya upset and jhimmy wuill be angyr and. i dont want him to be angry he might . be agnry. whyis eveyrone angyr with me all thetime i dont try to be frustrating i dont i reallydont . i dont want to be by myself anymore can you please. the rescueline disconnceted and no one can do anything to helpme please acn soemhone help me befroe i make it worse and scream haha oh mygod no i was wrong its the same its the same the sound is different but the way the colors burst across youreyelids when you shut themisthe same and tehn you cant shut them anymore and it hurts it hurts andeverything is white and then its red and youcant even scream youcant move and its just burnign and it takestoo long to pass out why did it take so long i felt evyrting it ev en when iw asnt awake i oculd feel it burnign
and i think i think he left me in there on purpose i think hewanted to make sure i coldnt get better i think he wanted to hurt me i htink he was angyr stilll about the firing an waht i sadi in the cockpit afterhis eval i think maybe thats why he hates me now i didnt i didnt know jimmy i wouldnthave said that if iknew why are you angry i wanted. to help why would you hurther jim she didnt do anytihng to you why would you why would you hurt her why would you hurt me wgy do you keep hurting me. idont ressist anymore so youdont have to push so hard dont have to reach sofar why do you . you want to hurt me yeah? you want to and itsnot because ofanything but you and me. jimmy anya soembdoy cann you make the fireworks go away for me please i will be better
please can aynoe hear me im sc ared im so scared i dont want to beon fire agian it hurt so much and wheni. woke up i couldnt stop screaming . i ocudnt stop im going tos cream aagain and hes going to hit me but nope he wont kill me he wont knock me out because i have to feel it i have to feel veyrthing all the time i cant even sleep!!! that woudl be too peaceful and i dont get to have it peaceful no no no!!!!!!! not allowed for curlly to hvave peaceful i have to be feleing all of it
i onyl had two days i only had two days iwanted to help but i was scared ishouldntmake excuses im sorry nevermind nevermind im sorry anyaimsory shoudnthave been you never you never anybody else i shoudlvedonesomething i shoudlve let us both die whenwe werekids ojgod no no i cantwant him todie hewas. my firned no no no he hurtssherbieng selfish why did i tell them why did i let her tell him why did i let him go in there why did i go in there
i wish it had killed me then it woudlnt stil hurt its been so so so so long forever humanbody isnt supposed to fele this way for so long icant do it anymore iwish they ddint all ahte me s omuch i dindt crash thesip i didnt do it i didnt i neverwouldve done it whyd theybleve you so easilyi am i thiat easy to, did anyoen ever likeme or did they all feel the same as you jimmy is that why. deado pixels everywehr theye all dead pixels and i ahve to bealive its not fair no no haha it is fair this is this is what happens when you dont do anythign now you dont get to!!!!!!cant fix anythuing no matere how muchyou want toooo
cant do anything ever and iut always hurts and shes aways crying andhe doesnt smile anymore and i dont seehim naymore hes drinnkinghismelf to death and none fo them aluagh they used to laugh i miss mmy parents i miss closing my eyes i miss when thinsgs were soft andpeople hugged me evenif it was just pretend and they didnt care i could believe it sometimes and it didnthurt
i wanna go home
i wnana go to sleep
im reallyscared that im going to scream soon not onpurpose
can anybody hear or amitalkingto nothing . can anyeone hear me? icanrt. see anything exceot, the
hah ha am i tlaking too much . i think i am . why would you give this to me. youknow it would hurt me . why does eveyrone liek to hurt me am i that awful or is it that fun . ah hahaha. it jus. it kepe s on going. ahahahaahaha. and anotheranotther anohter another another!!!! is htis because i c omplaiend about the fireare youmad at me because iwouldnt stop saying it overand over wouldnt shut up god it's so annoyign haha right thats it yeah? youask ove and over and nothing chagnes so you have to stop before you get hurt because therse a reaseono they dont listen and if you keep asking againanda again and again forever theyll make you pay.
im soryr ill. be quiet
youdont have to make it go away this time , i can. deal with itthis time until it ends if you dont do it agian. could we make that deal, is that all right can we
amibeing punished
i think i am
or maybe not . only persons get punished im not a perosn im a toy i think . thats it thats all it is anymore and hwen a toy breaks you break it moreandmoreandmore and thneyou throw itawya into the incinerator to burn forever yeah?
everyneos going to go away. whoeven cares right? got thier own lives. own worlds other worlds better worlds. better world where im gone!!! got real friends haha got reaaal families real sons. and the firworks keeo going and eveyrone goes away!!! boom boom boom thats anotehr oen gone. jsut me just me all by mysefl in th empty
oh no no no
no no nonoonnononononono im cryingnow i need to stop no ones in here and if he hears me he might
please imsorry if anyones still there please hlep i acnt stop hes going to hear me pleaseimscared
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theoldsports · 1 year ago
Coriolanus Snow x Reader. 6.1k words.
18+ some smut, but it’s dicey. dubcon, biting, fingering, nudity, nonconsensual touch, drugs/alcohol? rehab discussion briefly, threats of violence, the shower, struggle against media, one reference to a line from scripture, possessiveness, manipulation. it’s dark. prolonged exposure to it is bad for you.
longest one yet! chronologically follows Married 1+2 in the TRUCULENT series fairly rapidly. i really learned to love this one. upon editing, this story became way more about gaslighting and headfucking someone good and hard into relying on you. special thank you to @heavqn for beta-ing and ridiculous amounts of support and ideas. a lot of our pre-editing convos made this make much more sense to me. + votes are in: next installment/current WIP will be the wedding.
The hand against her shoulder shook her for a moment, then much faster. The shaking lasted seconds or even minutes before [Y/N] pried her eyes open. Everything in the bedroom looked too real, too clear. Coriolanus stood above her. His hand had been doing the shaking. He looked like he had just returned from a run due to his clothes and sweat-stained hair. His hair had grown back more beautifully than before. [Y/N] remembered seeing him when she saw him in the stacks of Philosophy books at the library right after he had returned from Twelve. It was jarring. She had always fancied him a pretty boy even if she loathed him throughout their childhood. He was much different upon his return.
Coriolanus pulled himself up out of the comfort of their bed almost every morning, far too early, to go for a run. [Y/N] didn’t know how she would endure a lifetime of his too chipper morning behavior once they were married. Coming down after a night on morphling was hard and still, she did it over and over again. Coriolanus knew he couldn’t stand in the way of a little fun, but he wouldn’t allow it in their home, so [Y/N] had become involved in using it socially when it was available to her.
“Great. You look like a bum.” Coriolanus said, noting the dark and sunken crescents under her eyes.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning. You look like a bum.”
“I’m not a bum.” [Y/N] replied tiredly. She rubbed her eyes.
Last night, [Y/N] had gone out dancing with some of her friends. It was not a bachelorette party in so many words, but it filled the same purpose. It was also a stretch to call the people she went out with friends in so many words, but they filled the same purpose. [Y/N] hadn’t felt that she had people other than Coriolanus for sometime now. She had gotten very drunk and very high the night before, resulting in frustration from Coriolanus when she returned home. He always waited up by the front door when she was gone so long. Coriolanus did not like it when she wasn’t home with him. She would make it up to him somehow— she always did.
“Come on, up with you.” Coriolanus commanded. He sat on the edge of the bed and pushed her up to a sitting position. His voice was harsh, but his touch was soft. [Y/N] adored Coriolanus’ careful, yet guiding touches. Unless his dick was in her, he only touched her with care like she was a porcelain figurine.
“Why all the rush?” [Y/N] yawned.
“You don’t remember?” Coriolanus sighed. He was upset in that pompous way of his. He rubbed his creased forehead. “Seriously, [Y/N]. I ask so little of you and you can’t even behave well enough to remember that we have an interview in…” he checked his watch. “Three hours.” Coriolanus said. It was false that he asked so little of [Y/N]. Sometimes, he asked too much.
An hour exclusive on Lucky Flickerman’s daytime chatter joint. Shit. That woke [Y/N] up. “That’s today!” She exclaimed. That was the only caffeine she needed to wake her up. “Fuck, I’m sorry, Coryo. I didn’t think—“
“No. No Coryo. No, you didn’t think,” Coriolanus said. He needn’t elaborate. “Shower. We’ve got to beat downtown traffic.”
[Y/N] swore Coriolanus scheduled things like this at the worst possible times just to make her look worse than him.
She pushed her shaky legs off the bed. As soon as she stood, [Y/N] felt like she was going to fall. Perceptively, Coriolanus stood and placed his ever-vigilant hand on her lower back to steady her. “You’re a mess.” He said flatly. [Y/N] could tell that Coriolanus felt damp from his run. It crossed her mind that Coriolanus drank bitter coffee, did his work on time, smoked very little and went on a run daily. [Y/N] regularly got too high to see straight and cried when she didn’t get her way. Some pair they were.
“‘M not.” she protested messily. She didn’t want to admit that Coriolanus was right.
Coriolanus huffed indignantly, but did not reply otherwise. He walked her to the bathroom like marching a child to the naughty step. [Y/N] was set down on the low counter-top. “I’m concerned you’re going to slip and give yourself a black-eye,” Coriolanus said. “I don’t want people to think I hurt you.” He pulled his track jacket off and dropped it on the floor and reached over to take her short magenta teddy off. She felt desperately bare in front of Coriolanus as she was striped mechanically like a child’s doll. The teddy she wore was one of her favorites, with the delicate lace on the bust. She appreciated that Coriolanus was equally as delicate as the lace when handling it. He must have remembered how much [Y/N] liked it. Coriolanus remembered everything.
[Y/N] was simply impressed she had gotten herself into pajamas after last night at all.
“You’re going to ruin yourself if you keep doing this, you know.” Coriolanus said, starting the shower water.
“So you keep telling me,” [Y/N] shivered due to her bareness against the bathroom tile. “I’m sorry.”
Coriolanus deflected with a shake of his head. He turned to her. Coriolanus was obviously thinking about speaking as the water heated up. Hot water whenever desired was Coriolanus’ number one favorite thing about rebuilding the Snow fortune. That’s why he took his showers too hot; to prove that he could. The thought gave him the confidence to speak. “Do I make you feel so ill that you have to run around and treat yourself like this? Did I do something?” The insecurity of that question made [Y/N] raise an eyebrow. Sometimes when she looked at Coriolanus and realized he was still a boy in many regards. Twenty-three wasn’t very old at all. His frontal lobe wasn’t even finished developing. His primary desire was to be enough for himself, for her, and for everyone else too. [Y/N] feared that he worried he hadn’t figured that out yet. The girl was far from figuring that out herself as well. She rarely saw vulnerability slip through the cracks in the finished marble exterior that built Coriolanus Snow. But who knew if what he said was a true feeling of his or not.
“No,” [Y/N] said. She looked down at her manicured toes. “I did this before we were, y’know… You’ve seen me at house parties since the Academy. You know it’s not you.”
“It has to stop,” Coriolanus started, dashing that fear from his mind. [Y/N] permitting a discussion without blocking him out unpowered him to share his concerns. “It worries me when you’re out late with who knows who. With so many people seeing you. It’s not just part of an act, it’s bad for you.” He said, but what he meant to say was it’s bad for me.
“I knew you had jealousy problems, Coriolanus, but being worried you can’t personally compete with your girl’s partying habits is… hilarious.” [Y/N] attempted a joke. She saw the vein in Coriolanus’ neck throb. His eyes got cold when his vulnerability, no matter how shallow, was met with rejection.
“Get in the shower.”
[Y/N] cast her eyes down, took off her panties and did what she was told.
“It’s so hot!” She all but screamed.
[Y/N] let the water scald her skin. She didn’t want to complain at his trying to help her. “You’ll deal with it,” Coriolanus said, sliding the shower door shut behind the both of them. [Y/N] hadn’t even noticed him undressing, but here they were. They had never been in the shower together before. It wasn’t unpleasant, but the circumstances were. “For the record, I don’t have a ‘jealousy problem.’” He said after a moment of allowing [Y/N] hair to get damp enough to shampoo.
“Really?” [Y/N] bit back, reaching clumsily for her shampoo bottle with slippery fingers.
“Really. Jealousy isn’t a problem when you understand what’s rightfully yours,” Coriolanus said. Normally, she blocked Coriolanus out when he spoke like that. Maybe it was physical proximity or toxic prolonged exposure to Coriolanus, but that made her blush red in the face. Ignoring it, [Y/N]’s fingers closed around her pink and brown shampoo bottle, but Coriolanus snatched it out of her fingers effortlessly. “Let me. I want to be sure it gets done,” He muttered with a passive aggressive edge. That attitude seemed like a put-on to [Y/N]. She wondered if he wanted an excuse to be close to her. She made those up sometimes to be close to him. Maybe she was just flattering herself. Coriolanus squeezed some shampoo into his palm and set the bottle down on the shower ledge. “Who were you out with anyway?”
“Um… Some of the girls. Lysistrata. Oh, Clem. Some others.” [Y/N] braced a hand against the damp wall to steady her feet on the slippery ground.
“Clemensia?” Coriolanus asked, sliding his fingers into her hair, careful as ever. It felt newly intimate in a way that Coriolanus typically avoided with her.
“Who else?”
“I see. You know she’s—“
“I know you don’t like her.” [Y/N] said. Coriolanus was silent.
“I don’t like when you go out without me. I just worry.” He finally said.
“I’m sure you do.”
It was silent between them. Coriolanus worked the shampoo into her hair easily. A man known for his rough intensity being gentle with anything was a surprise to her.
“Did you see anyone else?” He asked nonchalantly.
[Y/N] sighed. Even casual conversation turned to interrogation. She wasn’t sure if he meant it, or if it was all he knew how to do. “Do you mean… Was I photographed behaving in some unsightly way? I dunno. I probably was. I wasn’t unfaithful, if that’s what you’re implying.”
“Stop.” Coriolanus said, leaving no room for further argument.
It was quiet again. “Thank you for washing my hair. That’s, uh, it’s very kind.”
“Don’t mention it.” He replied, coaxing [Y/N] back under the water to rinse out the suds. His long fingers combed back through her hair over and over again. [Y/N], soapy, turned around and stared at Coriolanus’ wet face and hair. Even when appearing like a drowned animal, his imposing figure was statuesque.
[Y/N] leaned up and kissed him quickly. “I’m sorry I forgot about the interview,” she whispered, barely louder than the shower water. She apologized more than he did, but he responded well to knowing someone other than him was in the wrong. “Do I really look like shit?”
Coriolanus sighed, more familiarly this time. He loved when she needed him. He would insult her all day long if it meant he got to give her more validation later on. “No,” he slipped a hand under her breast and gave it a squeeze, his thumb danced across her nipple. “No, you don’t,” His other hand wormed its way across her cheek to brush away that disgusting makeup residue from the night prior. “You just needed a little polish. Let’s finish up. Go get dressed. Coffee’s on in the kitchen.”
“You poison it?”
Coriolanus frowned exasperatedly. He reached the hand cupping her breast around to her ass and gave it a hard, wet smack. “You bitch.” He smirked.
Sins almost all forgiven.
Every time [Y/N] was in a car with Coriolanus, it felt like a coaching session. Hand on her thigh with, don’t say this, say that instead, let me speak first, don’t embarrass me.
No point in elaborating on the most familiar part of their normal day-to-day since it really was habit at this point. [Y/N] always ached to snap back at him after these times. One day, don’t embarrass me was going to hit so hard that she did.
When they got out of the car a few blocks from their destination, [Y/N] had dawned her bright purple sunglasses. Coriolanus hated them and had tried on multiple occasions to buy her new ones to no avail. The daylight was still too bright for her tired eyes, so they were going to be worn on the walk to Capitol News.
After half a block (and so close to a news building), they were swamped by people clicking away at them. It made the bright sun burn hotter. Coriolanus’ white blonde hair and intimidating stature was much too easy to pick out in a crowd for their sunglasses and long jackets to disguise much.
Right now, besides Games news, they were the hottest topic of discussion in the Capitol. Their engagement party had been wild, [Y/N] was typically wild, and Coriolanus was characteristically unwild. It made for good TV.
Coriolanus leaned in to whisper something. [Y/N] couldn’t hear it. All she could do was smile and tell any reporters with microphones ‘no thank you,’ or ‘you’ll have to watch Lucky’s to answer for that.’ Coriolanus merely smiled a smile that was not his smile and said ‘not now folks, we’ll be late,’ or ‘don’t worry about them, Darling.’
[Y/N] was leashed by Coriolanus’ hand on the back of her neck as he guided her through crowds. He had two dressbags of clothes for the show tossed effortlessly over his shoulder as they walked. They were a newsroom’s wetdream. She was exuberant and he was magnetic. And they were both trouble. Power, wealth, youth, stability and status. Everyone liked to watch them at their best and loved to watch them at their worst.
“How do you put up with it, Mr. Snow!” A bland-looking man with a microphone called.
“How was the party last night, [Y/N]!” Called another. They always called [Y/N] by her first name because, frankly, she was fairly certain they didn’t know her maiden name and technically she wasn’t Mrs. Snow yet either. Coriolanus’ grip on her tightened at the question.
She smirked at how the power of her own name took away power from her family and their name; the thing they desperately wanted a morsel of.
Considering a future where she inevitably became Mrs. Snow, she thought about how her lifetime of indiscretions would be tied to Coriolanus forever. She smirked wider at their folie a deux.
[Y/N] felt like a doll again, being pushed by Coriolanus like that. She didn’t hate it entirely, though. She liked it when he manhandled her a little. It helped with all the noise that surrounded them these days to be able to turn her brain off and let Coriolanus handle it for her. She would never admit it, but being a good doll for Coriolanus for the foreseeable future didn’t seem too bad. Her stomach churned wicked for thinking that. It made her antsy to not have an exciting retort in front of reporters. [Y/N] usually did, but her head ached too much this morning. Instead, she looked helplessly up at Coriolanus. He glanced down at her, an eyebrow raised. “Overwhelmed?” He asked quietly, but not too quietly. [Y/N] nodded. “Don’t worry, my dear. We’re almost there.” Coriolanus said like a good husband should. [Y/N] thought about how he was rarely such a good husband when other people weren’t looking. Then why had he seemed to care so much that morning? She must’ve been mistaken about one part or the other.
[Y/N] leaned up and kissed him for in part for his kindness. The crowd aww’d. Kisses were a good way to distract a man. Any man, receiving or watching. Coriolanus’ hand slipped down from her neck to the back of her waist. Her fingers went into the soft hair at the bottom of his neck. She felt him inhale sharply. She knew he hated that. “What was that for?” Coriolanus asked when he pulled away, referring to the kiss.
“Wanted to make sure you were real. None of this feels real.” [Y/N] laughed dizzily. It was true, but she felt stupid saying it. She had spent a lot of time feeling stupid recently and this morning was no exception. The hangover and the whirlwind of voices and flashes had emptied her brain completely. Coriolanus leaned in to whisper in her ear again. This time she caught what he said:
“Stop this. We’ve ten steps until we’re in the building. I’ve told you not to touch my hair.”
He pulled away from her and put on his brilliant, effortless smirk that rich boys his age always had. Coriolanus yanked [Y/N] the remaining distance into the news building.
As soon as they entered, they were whisked away to dress for that afternoon’s broadcast. [Y/N] was dropped into a beautician’s chair to make her face look like someone else’s. She groaned at the duty she held.
Makeup brushes and blowdryers and curling irons and spray bottles of who knows what clouded [Y/N] of vision.
She wished Coriolanus was in her immediate vicinity so she could glance over him and laugh cruelly about how stupid all this is. He was always good for a laugh at the expense of things like this.
“Honey, who does your hair on the regular? I suggest you switch to someone else.” The obscene-looking woman pulling her hair back asked.
[Y/N] laughed, but said nothing. [Y/N] wanted to strangle her.
Not long after that, [Y/N] was pulled up to her feet and forced into a dress that she at least knew she liked. Tight around the waist and thighs, capping off at the knees. It was higher necked, but was so tight that it left little to the imagination. She knew Coriolanus would get frustrated with a fluffy dress, so she picked one that would make his eyes bug out instead. It was off-white with a delicate floral pattern outlined in a brighter white.
[Y/N] looked great. She knew this as she admired the contrasting bulk of the shoulders and flowing sleeves with the clinging exposure of her curves everywhere else. She didn’t exactly look like herself, though. Especially with her hair and makeup done so precisely. She wasn’t precise, she was messy. Precise didn’t suit her.
[Y/N] wondered if the her that stared back in the full-body mirror was the real her now. Messy her was gone. A Capitol wife remained. A doll.
She slid her black ankle-breaking heels on and shook the thought away as she entered the sound stage.
[Y/N] always forgot how noble Coriolanus was capable of looking, considering he was distinctly the opposite. She stared at him. Mauve coat, black trousers, crisp white undershirt, white tie, white rose. Clearly, he had let someone touch his hair. Even if it was a stylist.
Coriolanus gestured for her to walk over to where he stood and Lucky sat. It was difficult to walk with the dress clinging around her knees and the height of her heels. Her short, intentional steps felt demeaning. Most things in her life felt vaguely demeaning, but she kept turning a purposeful blind eye. The stage lights were too bright. Coriolanus’ teeth were too white for the amount of throats he’d ripped out.
Capitol magic.
“Hello Darling. You look lovely.” Coriolanus said as she approached. He took his hand in her and kissed it. Coriolanus’ eyes never looked up at hers because they were too busy looking at how her body fit the dress.
“Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself,” she replied neutrally. “Hi Lucky. Green’s really your color.” [Y/N] lied. Lucky’s green, wintery tux was vile and everyone with eyes and a modicum of taste would see that.
Coriolanus coughed into his shoulder to cover a scoff. He wrapped a strong arm around [Y/N]’s waist.
“Thank you, [Y/N]! Good to see you, pleasantries, pleasantries, yada yada. Shall I call you [Y/N]…? Mrs. Snow… The network doesn’t really know what the hell to do with you.” Lucky beamed from his chair.
“Oh, uh… I’m not really Mrs. Snow yet. It’s not necessary. My first name will do. I’m not picky, though.”
She felt Coriolanus deflate a little beside her as he dropped her waist and folded himself into the gaudy patterned armchair the network provided. [Y/N] felt a sting of guilt. Maybe she should have let him carry on with the Mrs. Snow thing. Coriolanus would have to get over it. “Sure thing, hon. Anyway, go ahead. Take your seat. Some of these questions are tacky, tacky, tacky, but do your best and humor us. Panem wants to know the real you.” Lucky beamed.
“I’m sure they do.” They don’t. And they won’t.
“You kids really are… Wow, lovely to share the stage with. You make me look old and sad comparatively, damn,” Lucky joked. “It’s been a good while since I’ve had the pleasure of sitting alongside Coriolanus like this. You were a child then. Crazy, the passage of time.” He continued.
“Lucky, it’s always an honor.” Coriolanus said. Coriolanus hated Lucky. [Y/N] marveled at his ability to lie so gracefully.
A group of production folks stepped out of the shadows to give them bottled water and let them know the show was about to begin. The studio audience poured in through side doors.
[Y/N] quickly leaned over to Coriolanus. “I thought this was a pre-tape.” She whispered frantically.
“You didn’t remember this interview existed three hours ago. You’ll deal with it.” He replied, with a note of his own panic he was unable to squash.
Fifteen minutes of seating and then a live camera inches away from [Y/N]’s face. “Well, we really thank you for having us on your show, Lucky.” She smiled. The audience analyzed them like vultures. This was the most wicked game designed for them, but Coriolanus didn’t lose. [Y/N] would have to be perfect.
“Of course! Always a pleasure, [Y/N]. Let’s get to some of these questions on my handy little list of questions, huh?” A few shallow questions about what designers they were wearing, what their morning routine was like to look so gorgeous, Coriolanus leaning over to hold [Y/N]’s hand across their chairs (the audience sighed lovingly). Coriolanus curls, stubborn as he was, fell out of the hold of the hairspray like they always did. She smirked and reached up with her left hand to push them out of his eyes. Oh, he hated that. [Y/N] could tell. Lovely.
“Oh, look at that ring,” Lucky said. “The ring we’ve all been talking about. Let’s get a closeup on that rock,” the camera pushed in to [Y/N]’s hand obediently. A large ruby mounted on a white gold band. She had been assured it was real. [Y/N]’s other jewelry, silver, sat patina-ing in a wooden box because of it.“Beautiful. Must’ve cost you a pretty penny, Coriolanus.”
“Yes, Coryo, how much did it cost?” [Y/N] asked. Coriolanus shifted in his seat. Money was not a thing Coriolanus discussed.
“A bit.” He replied stiffly. [Y/N] grinned.
“Uh, you both are mighty famous for that ring. I suppose it’s time to discuss that crazy engagement party. I was there to witness the whole thing firsthand, of course.”
The Snows-to-be nodded.
“These questions can get uncomfortable, but I’m sure you’ll answer all the same. So, your relationship seems… Alarmingly happy today for two people debating splitting over infidelity at the celebration of their engagement.”
“Please, we only debate it when I’m drunk, Lucky.” [Y/N] said much to the audiences joy. They laughed heartily.
“Which is too often, if you want my opinion.” Another laugh from the audience for Coriolanus, never one for being outdone. She knew, in his mind, she deserved that.
“Rehabilitation is always an opinion.” Lucky joked darkly, not knowing what to say.
“Being wild is fun, though, isn’t it? I’m not from privilege and grace as much as my fiancé. He’s always been elegant. I’m learning; I have a good teacher. But you only get your youth once. You would know, I’m sure, Lucky. When someone loves you as much as Coriolanus loves me… He always forgives my mistakes. He’s too good me. He’s patient.” [Y/N] said. He was patient, but it came out in the way that he played the long game. His impulses along the way were markedly less patient. Coriolanus squeezed her hand tightly as a warning.
Lucky smiled bitterly. “Well, I’m sure he’ll learn to keep you on a shorter leash eventually. Actually, I hear you were out last night as well.”
“Yes, bachelorette party, you see.”
“The studio’s telling me,” Lucky clutched his earpiece. “They have some photos from your last wild night as an unwed woman.”
“Oh. Is that so…? Haha,” [Y/N] said. Coriolanus squeeze her hand until her own knuckles were white. Neither one of them had a clue what they were about to throw up on that screen. Coriolanus inhaled shakily, but maintained neutrality. “Can’t be worse than the sides you saw of us a few months back at the—“
It was worse.
The dress was short, but Coriolanus had known that when she stopped into his office to tell him she was going out. He had responded with a “That? Really? Okay…” with quiet anger that the dress wasn’t being worn for him.
Then there was the dreaded miniature morphling vile empty between her fingers. It was obvious she was trying to talk with her friends under the flashing lights. They were all wearing similar fare. Six or seven drunk, high young women pictured together wasn’t that bad, even for some of the old school Capitol prudes.
None was more damning than the strange man’s hand planted firmly on [Y/N]’s ass. His smile was too wide. The [Y/N]’s in the picture’s grimace at the stranger over her shoulder was uncomfortable. It screamed DON’T-TOUCH-ME. She looked like she was telling him to stop, but her eyes were wide and her lips were pulled into a frown. The subtext implied by the woman in the photo was Coriolanus is going to kill me. She sighed. The crowd gasped. Coriolanus inhaled sharply.
[Y/N] had said her behavior the night before was inherently not unfaithful. Coriolanus didn’t feel the need to not believe her since she was the one who brought it up. The apples of Coriolanus cheeks grew red with rage. The stranger’s smile was too big. He knew he was touching Coriolanus Snow’s fiancée. He knew was taking advantage of a helpless girl and her friends. He knew he was defacing someone else’s property.
Coriolanus Snow was going to find this man and ruin his life.
[Y/N], humiliated, looked over at Coriolanus. She had a hazy memory of telling some guy to “knock it off” the night before. Truly, she did remember this, but of course, she hadn’t thought this would be a big deal. This was a part of her life she had had to deal with since she was a young woman. This man’s action was undesired, but not unexpected. Taking in the photo and the look on his fiancée’s face as she shook her head slowly at him was enough for Coriolanus to determine that this touch was unwanted. [Y/N] looked guilty, but she had little reason to be. He hated seeing that look on her face in a situation he didn’t create.
[Y/N]’s only crime was going out without Coriolanus. She knew he hated when she did that. If he had been there, he would’ve handled the situation there and then. She was never going out alone again. She needed him. Right now, he was going to be the man she needed.
“Take that off the screen.” Coriolanus said firmly to Lucky.
“Well, first, let’s have—“ Lucky tried.
“I don’t think you heard me. I said take it down,” Coriolanus continued. He turned to the cameras and those behind them. “Now.”
Coriolanus watched a young woman at a screen immediately buckle at his demand and begin scrambling to pull the image. The show’s graphic was returned to the monitor. “Thank you,” Coriolanus said in the woman’s direction. [Y/N] stared at the floor, beet-red. She was trying not to cry, but what would it matter if she did? Coriolanus knew too well the meaning of her tell-tale sniffle and avoidant eye contact. He turned back to Lucky. “I think that was extremely rude of you and your production group to put up an image, without consent, of my fiancée getting touched without consent. It’s apparent to me from looking at that photo that my fiancée did not welcome that touch. Would you agree?”
“Possibly, but since the engagement party—“
“I think you forget I trust [Y/N]. Are you the one marrying her?”
“… No. But hey, this is my show, kid. Let’s get back on track with—“
Coriolanus knew better than most people that what was said and done on live television was as good as forever. He would use that to his advantage. Nobody came for Coriolanus’ belongings and left with the hand that tried to snatch them.
“I’m not finished,” Coriolanus snapped. [Y/N] reached for Coriolanus’ hand again to signal that that’s enough, dear. He took it and looked over at her. He was angry; normal person righteous angry. Not manic, not cold. That was a new face. Coriolanus had so many pretend faces that clipped on and off. [Y/N] had previously thought she had seen them all. “Were you wanting that touch, Princess? Did you know him?” He asked [Y/N]. She shook her head with her eyes damp and downcast. “As I implied, you don’t know us. Don’t ever embarrass my fiancée like that,” or me, [Y/N] assumed his subtext as he spoke. “Whoever this moron in the picture is has another thing coming. What kind of self-respecting news network aims to humiliate guests for something they couldn’t help?” Coriolanus said. [Y/N]’s heart raced. He cared. Maybe it was for selfish reasons, but his support mattered. No one else was going to do it.
Sometimes he was absent, yes, but Coriolanus always came through when [Y/N] needed him. She was grateful that he wasn’t angry with her, even if that part came later in private. She was grateful for now that his way of easing his own pain eased hers too. She could get used to that. [Y/N] let out tears of temporary relief and reached for the box of tissues on the round table between guests and host.
Coriolanus stared Lucky down and settled himself further back in his seat with a sigh. “Next question?” The blonde man said.
The ride home was nearly silent. [Y/N] had started crying the second she sat down in the car. Coriolanus hadn’t say anything, but he kept his hand in hers the whole time. He didn’t even fight to let go when his palm got sweaty. [Y/N] pulled his hand close to her chest. She had done nothing wrong, yet she felt that everything was her fault. She had failed Coriolanus. This media wreck wasn’t just a game for photographers and journalists, this one embarrassed her genuinely. This one embarrassed Coriolanus and she was constantly told she was not supposed to do that. Don’t embarrass me rang against every corner in her brain.
The car stopped in front of their building. Coriolanus, as he always seemed to, opened her car door before the driver could get out. Coriolanus thanked the driver and put an arm around [Y/N] and led her up the stairs to their townhouse. The door closed behind them. Coriolanus locked the deadbolt with a heavy clunk. Safe from eyes that watched every failure with glee. They could be people again.
“I’m sorry, Coriolanus,” [Y/N] said, mascara down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know him. Really, I didn’t. I told you this morning. I—I didn’t know him.” She backed herself protectively towards the couch and away from Coriolanus in learned preemptive panic.
“I know,” Coriolanus said. “Nobody but me gets to touch you like that. I know you’re smart enough to understand that. I cannot fathom how another man thinks he can do that to you and get away with it.”
“That’s… That’s been happening my whole adult life, you can’t magically make that—“
“I don’t think you understand, Darling. I can. I don’t want to know that anyone has ever touched you like that. I swear on my mother’s grave. I will fucking murder them.” His winter blue eyes could vaporize a perpetrator on the spot.
“Coriolanus, that’s extreme.”
“Not to me. Not when you’re involved.”
“You can’t hurt people that looked at me funny. It’s hardly a crime.”
“Isn’t their some old line about not coveting another man’s wife?”
“…Yes. You have a future. You can’t interrupt your opportunities because some shithead—“
“It won’t interrupt anything. Wouldn’t it make you feel better to know that a creep like that was off the streets?”
“Well, then we agree. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. Don’t you worry about a thing.”
[Y/N] blushed and looked down. “I’m sorry.” She didn’t know what else to say.
“Don’t be. I’m not angry with you about this. I know I can trust you. I do. You know I do. I don’t worry about that. I cannot trust other people around you, especially when you use that filthy drug,” Coriolanus said. He extend a hand to [Y/N] as he approached like he would approaching a scared animal. That hand went slowly to [Y/N]’s waist. Coriolanus pulled her in closer so they were chest to chest. “You are not going out without me to some party like that ever again. Disrespecting you like that means disrespecting me, too. I won’t stand for either.”
Coriolanus was going to get what he wanted all along: [Y/N] alone with him always. How could she need anyone else? Everyone out there wanted to hurt her, touch her, make her feel bad about herself. Not Coriolanus. Perhaps, he should be thanking that man instead of cutting his fingers off one at a time. “No. Let me keep you safe. That’s all this is. I want you safe. I’m to be your husband. That’s my job. Won’t you let me do my job, [Y/N]?” He said too calmly. His blue eyes stared deep into hers. Coriolanus had a fantastic talent for telling someone something and letting them think it was a question; letting them think it was their idea— letting them they had a choice.
He was right. He did make her feel safe. Holding on to her like this made her melt. In Coriolanus’ arms, [Y/N] felt secure. He was moody, but Coriolanus was frustratingly reliable. He wanted to make himself the bedrock of [Y/N]’s life. She had no choice but to allow him that. [Y/N] breathed out and he felt her breath fan out across his face. “Let me take care of you. I won’t let that happen to you anymore. I promise.” Coriolanus muttered.
He tipped his mouth slowly into her neck and hungrily sucked at the place below her ear. A gasp caught in [Y/N]’s throat at the surprise sensation. Her knees wobbled and her dress and shoes didn’t make it any better. She put her arms around his neck for support. “Coriolanus…” she whispered. Coriolanus loved the vibration in her throat beneath his lips.
Helplessly, [Y/N] tipped her head back to give her fiancé what he wanted. Coriolanus had sucked a few hickeys on her neck and chest before, sure. Never before had he bitten her. This time, he bit her hard enough to bruise and scab. It was harder to cover an indent with makeup than a simple bruise. If she were to go out even to the grocery store, other men had to understand that [Y/N] was off the market. If an engagement ring wouldn’t do it, this would. Coriolanus bit her with such force that the tears started to well again.
The position they were in felt like a dance. His hands on her waist, hers on his neck, their bodies flush together. [Y/N] fell deeper into the black hole of Coriolanus Snow. This must have been on purpose. He knew she loved to dance with him and made it a weapon. Damn him. She would always say yes to a dance, wouldn’t she? Wasn’t this whole relationship just a fucked up dance?
The man reached one hand down and pulled up [Y/N]’s dress as much as he could get it up and tore it the rest of the way. [Y/N] could swear she had been torn out of a third of her clothing recently. Coriolanus pushed her panties to the side and pushed his fingers into her. It would have hurt if she hadn’t been so wet to begin with. She bobbled on her heels. Once Coriolanus has pumped himself fingertip to hand in and out of her a handful of times, [Y/N] was holding herself up entirely by his neck and shoulders and the fingers that impaled her tenderly. Coriolanus had complete control over the situation. The only thing left for her to do was moan and she didn’t hold back.
Coriolanus was unrelenting. He marked a disturbing black and blue column on her throat the way he liked. Slowly, the pair rocked back and forth from foot to foot, as Coriolanus nipped, fucked and sucked. A fucked-up slow dance to the song of the traffic on the other side of the window.
@badwicht @stelleduarte @cinnamongirl127 @prettyppetty @soulessien @bejeweledreverie @jjstyles @arminsarlerts @chmpgneprblem @co1dmountains @miscellaneousmoonchild @lille999 @pumkinnxsmut @taykorsyogurt @ndycrls @watermelonharry @nananarwhal @ohantonia @catlover420sstuff @justaproudslytherpuff @notarabellasstuff @scarytiger111 @zucchinimalfoy @secretsicanthideanymore @h-l-vlovesvintage @dannydevsbbg @clintsupremacy @lookclosernow @10ava01 @or-was-it-just-a-dream @lucielsstuff @fairyydvst @spencereidbasis @a-mellifluous-life @daenerysqueenofhearts @heavqn @dangelnleif @lapisthelovely @wotcherpeak @24kmar
apologies as always for the little tags that couldn’t.
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archivedblog16 · 2 months ago
my new years resolution is to block everything having to do with vivziepop for the sake of my mental health after being a on and off fan whos stuck it out since 2019, and i think i feel so bad about it, because i still feel this deep sense of injustice at everything viv has gotten away with. im left with all this knowledge of her misdeeds, (the playbill BS where she wouldnt be honest about the delays on twitter, the one website she cant seem to stop using, her near nepo baby origins she lies about, the ghost fuckers millie suicide attempt leak, her lying about hh being delayed because of the 2023 hollywood strikes, the multiple taxidermy peacocks, viv asking her own crew for money for the $5000 lackadaisy producer donation where mel implies it was a "group effort" in a deleted tweet, all the people shes screwed over like dave and ashley and ken and kyra and erin, the recent livestream signing she deleted just a day afterwards for seemingly no reason, the transphobia screenshots even though i KNOW thats her, she posted a discord light mode screenshot with her and sam talking about how no one knew what she meant with that same exact pfp on her twitter after she announced they could finally release queen bee, and now you cant even find it easily because of her privating her twitter,) that i cant do ANYTHING about since fans dont care and youtubers dont care because *lyle lipton voice* Money, and can only hope that when these shows are closer to their end in 4 to 6 years from now, that someone with a platform can talk about this growing pile of evidence that shows that she might not be a great person after all. its just a burden to carry at this point. fan content doesnt make me happy, rewrites dont make me happy, and even critique i AGREE WITH doesnt make me happy anymore, because a majority of people refuse to address the ROOT of these issues due to a "separate the art from the artist" mentality, even though with how much creative control she has over these projects, i think its near impossible to do that. and i do truly think the root of all of them is viv and no one else, im sorry to say, even if that does sound like a personal attack like SC says. (genuinely, why would that be a personal attack? and even if it is, why should i care? since viv is 10 times richer then most people like me will ever be anyway? cant she just turn her phone off and buy herself more things to make her happy and show off on her insta, instead of learning how to make sincere connections like the average person does when they dont have that much disposable income?) maybe people will eventually catch onto this stuff. maybe they wont. but it wont be my problem anymore, and i'll avoid spindlehorse like the plague until i can binge watch everything in one fell swoop, instead of waiting with baited breath for something i know will inevitably disappoint me. but i wish the best of luck to anyone who will stay for the ride into the new year and beyond until it finally ends!
Happy new year! Wait, she lied about Hazbin Hotel being delayed because of Hollywood strikes and her nepo baby experience? Oof. Regardless, you are valid for feeling this way and I don’t blame you for being upset. It might take a while for most people to completely realize Vivziepop’s patterns and behaviors. There are people such as Ayy Lmao who have a big platform will defend Vivziepop.
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jordynbreeloa777 · 1 year ago
Why are you method, technique hoping and all the above just because someone had success with doing something different then you? Why are you getting jealous, upset, mad, or angry at the fact that someone manifested their dream life in 2 days while you been “trying for a month.” Everyone’s journey is different. I don’t care if they manifested instantly in two seconds. I don’t think you guys understand that THE PERSON WHO GOT INSTANT RESULTS, HAD TO GO THROUGH THE SAME THING YOU DID. They had to have a mental diet, watch their thoughts as well. I promise you nobody got instant results with a shitty mindset, bad sc, quits, spirals, cries and gives up as soon as they seen the 3D hasn’t conformed. (UNLESS THEY HAVE THE ASSUMPTION WAVERING DOESN’T CONTRADICT THEIR MANIFESTATIONS) NOO, I guarantee that they also had a journey and a story! Everyone is different, you are on your own path and way. Be happy for them! You know that you day is coming and your faithful to the 4D, so that means you get the same instant, overnight results like they did! Change your mindset, and quit the victim mentality of “aw they got a button nose in 2 days, I wish I can manifest that quickly” or “I can’t manifest fast” , “I been waiting for the 3D to catch up for my hair to grow 5 inches but it’s still so short🤓” what ever the case may be. Your 3D is NEVER DELAYED. KEEP PERSISTING IN IMAGINATION AND THE 3D WILL REFLECT WHAT YOU ARE! Happy Manifesting!💝💝
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arcaneoccontent · 2 months ago
A New Home
(This is fanfiction with an oc, if you don't like that scroll:p)
Summary: Young Caitlyn gets a hunting dog of sorts
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She didn’t know what was going on. She fell asleep in her bed and woke up in a crate. Was it another appointment? She had all her shots though. She looked through the door of the crate. This definitely wasn’t anywhere she’d been before. It looked so fancy, and it smelled of lilac. It was such a decorated room. The room was covered in gold and green, a reddish rug? She thought colors gave her trouble at times. Being part dog was great till colors stopped making sense. She could see furniture too, a table, some chairs? She couldn’t fully see those, and some kind of family portrait maybe?? The crate was cutting off her view, but it seemed to be hung above a set of stairs. Who had this much gold?
“The dog will do her some good dear, help her understand her place.” That was a woman’s voice. She didn’t know whose though. She’d never heard it before but it seemed to be coming from behind the crate.
“Are you sure Caitlyn even wants a dog?” That was a man, still she had no idea who. Certainly wasn’t the breeder. Had she been adopted out? Finally. Her tail wagged at the idea. A home, an actual home a permanent one. 
“She was quite fond of our Dobermans growing up. Besides I’m certain it will make a fine hunting compainon. It has a pedigree and a fine heritage.” That was the woman’s voice again. Those were a lot of big words. She thought about saying something, but she was wondering where this conversation was going. 
“It? My dear I’m sure she can hear us in their.” That was the man again. She waited for the woman to speak. To respond to the man, but she didn’t answer him. 
“Caitlyn!” Instead she called for someone named Caitlyn. It echoed in the room, she wondered if whoever this was could hear it. If they weren’t in this massive room. Then she heard it, someone coming down those steps. Then she saw them, a girl, in her teens maybe? The girl seemed to notice her first, tilting her head a bit. Her short blue hair falling to the side, as her blue eyes sparked with curiosity.
“Mother?” She asked, so this was the Caitlyn they were speaking about. So the people speaking must have been her parents?? Right.
“We have a gift for you. As a congratulations for your win.” That was the woman again. Shortly after the latch on the door was released, and it flew open. She ran out the crate, her tail wagging as she ran about the room. Picking up random things putting them down, sniffing stuff, exploring the room. 
“A girl?” Caitlyn asked, she casted an unsure glance at the creature. It wasn’t quite human, not with those ears and that tail.
“A pet. Though I didn’t realize it would be so ill-behaved.” That was the woman again, the mom. Then she went running up to this Caitlyn her tail wagging as she hugged the new stranger nearly taking her over.
“Hi! Nice to meet you!” She said excitedly. A new home? Hopefully, someone to play games with.
“It’s nice to meet you too,” Caitlyn said patting her head gently, before pushing the dog-like creature off her, “Mother she’s not an It.”
“She may need a different home.” the woman spoke wrinkling her face a bit. Clearly not happy with the over-excited behavior. 
“She needs time.” Caitlyn said looking at the creature with a soft gaze. She was just happy to be here. She didn’t understand why this mother person was so upset, “She’s excited, how long has she been in that crate?”
“Caitlyn don’t act like that. They had to transport her some how.” the woman said sounding over her daughter’s antics.”
“Hey, do you have a name?” Caitlyn asked gently, turning her attention to the creature. She looked over at Caitlyn thinking for a moment, getting distracted by her height. Then she remembered shed been asked a question. She shook her head towards Caitlyn, who seemed to frown at that information. 
“How about Scoutt?” Caitlyn asked the girl. She nodded her tail wagging. A name, she’d been given a name.
“Scoutt.” She repeated with a bright smile, which seemed to infect Caitlyn.
“Seems it can behave, I was worried we’d have to return it.” the woman said watching the two. Scoutt tilted her head at the woman. She had bought Scoutt right?? So why did she seem so annoyed.
“I promise she’ll be well-behaved mother.” Caitlyn said in a bit of a restrained manner. That made Scoutt feel even more confused.
“Good I’m sure it will be ready by our next hunting trip.” The woman spoke once more. Caitlyn’s face hardened a bit.
“She has a name now, you could at least call her by her name.” She said holding herself up rigidly. It felt like their was some sort of argument here but Scoutt couldn’t figure out what. Then this woman let out a sigh.
“Take Scoutt up to your room. See too it she doesn’t tear up the house.” She said. 
“Come on Scoutt.” Caitlyn said gently leading her away. Up the stairs, further into the manor and into her new life.
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spicywhenspeaking · 1 year ago
If I'm There: Chapter Twelve
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read from the start
summary: Noah and Natalie meet in high school and developed a relationship through their love of music and art. Falling in love, innocent and young, they think nothing can keep them apart. However, sometimes in the pursuit of your dreams the things we love the most get left behind.
warnings : mentions of alcohol abuse. this story contains mature themes, minors do not interact.
taglist : @lma1986 @cookiesupplier @notingridslurkaccount @blackveilomens @thisbicc @thebadchic
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It's the first Saturday in a while that I don’t have work and all I want to do is watch movies and rot in my bed. I decide to wait to talk to Noah about the voicemail, I don't want to think the worst It doesn’t stop the feelings from festering but I’m trying to be mature.
 I head downstairs to grab something to eat for breakfast and I see a letter on the kitchen counter addressed to me. It’s from the scholarship fund I applied for last year. 
Dear Miss Howlston, 
We regret to inform you that we are unable to process your application due to it being incomplete. You are therefore ineligible for the McGovern Scholarship Fund……
My breathing goes rapid as I read the words. Inside is the application I sent in. I flip to the end page, tears welling into my eyes and blurring my vision, and see the highlighted section where my Mom was supposed to sign. It is empty. I asked her over and over and over. I even sat in front of her with a pen but she was too preoccupied with opening her next bottle of wine to pay any attention. I should have just forged it. Why didn’t I forge it?!
“What the fuck.” I whimper out as heavy tears fall like raindrops.
“What the fuck!” I repeat. My limit has been reached. I cannot hold it in anymore.
I crumple the paper, forgetting the bowl of cereal I prepared on the counter, and run upstairs as sobs begin to wrack my body. I get to my room, slam the door, and dive head-first into my pillows as another sob leaves my mouth. I grab my phone and try Noah’s cell, the feelings of jealousy are pushed away for the moment, I just need to talk to him. 
Ring ring ring ring *click* “Hey Natty! It’s Nick, sorry Noah just ran out with Alex to grab everyone coffees. I guess he forgot his phone, what's up?”
 A teenage girl can only handle so much in so little time, I cannot handle this. One hit after the next and now when I need Noah, just to hear him and talk to him he's with some other girl he didn't even tell me about. “Nick, I-” I pause. “Just forget I called. I’ll talk to you later.” I say and as I press the red end-call button I hear Nick's “Wait, Nat-” click. 
The emotions I’m feeling are in an epic battle for dominance. The sadness and anger I feel towards my Mom, the loneliness and heartache I feel towards Noah. Is this life with him? Just waiting and hoping I hear from him. I should have told him how I felt about it before now, now I’m upset. I’m angry. I lay back against the pillows as fresh tears fall onto my cheeks and I hear a soft knock at my door.
“What?” I call out. 
“Um, can I come in?’ Kyle asks softly.
“Sure.” I roll away from the door so my back is facing him as he opens up and takes a step inside. 
“So I saw the letter in the kitchen,” he says and walks towards the bed. I feel it dip as he takes a seat on the corner. “I’m so sorry Nat.”
The tears fall harder and he places his hand gently on my shoulder and squeezes. 
“It was the biggest one” sob “I ca-can’t afford the sc-schools I applied to without it.” I wipe the tears from my eyes. “The money I’ve saved from work is supposed to go towards moving and housing. Fuck. Why did I think art school was a good idea? What was I thinking? I’ll be stuck here for the rest of my life while everyone else is off living their dreams.” I know I’m being melodramatic but I don’t care. 
“I have some money saved from working with Dad this summer,” Kyle tells me in a soft voice. “you could have it for school.”
I turn around, surprised at his offer. “Kyle. I couldn't accept that. You earned that working for Dad, having probably a horrible summer.” He laughs at my comment.
My phone lights up with Noah's contact photo. I stare at it for a few moments before hitting the end call button sending him to voicemail. 
A few seconds later its ringing again and I reject the call and turn off my phone. I just can’t talk to him right now. 
“Um, is everything alright?” Kyle asks awkwardly after noticing me decline Noah’s calls.
“Yeah…well. Sort of? Not really. It’s complicated. I need to talk to him but I don’t want to right now. It’s.-” I look at Kyle and he has an unnatural look of concern on his face. “I know you don't want to hear about my relationship drama. You said so yourself.” 
A look of shame crosses his face. “I was an asshole, in more ways the one and I’m sorry for saying that. You can talk to me about anything Nat.” I sniffle as more tears continue falling. “I appreciate that Ky, I really do. I just don’t want to think about this thing with Noah and this scholarship thing, you know I didn’t even get to apply for financial aid because Mom didn't give me her proof of income. I’m totally screwed.” I wish I could call her. Yell at her for ruining my future. Scream at her for being so selfish, for being sick, for making Kyle and I take care of ourselves for so long. “I can apply for student loans I guess,” I mumble out, the last thing I wanted to do was build a mountain of debt. “Ugh, I don't want to think about it anymore.”
“Do you want to watch a movie or something?” Kyle asks.
Sitting up in bed I wipe the remaining tears from my face. I know my eyes must be puffy and red but with a small smile on my face I agree to the movie. “As long as it's horror, no lovey stuff right now. Just blood and guts.” Kyle laughs, “deal” 
We go downstairs and decide to watch “Sinister.” It offers an escape from my current thoughts and after watching Kyle tells me he’s ordering a pizza for dinner. Dad texted that he’s staying at his house near his job site since he has an early morning, not much of a surprise. 
When I get into my room I turn my phone back on and see I have some missed texts from Noah.
Noah: hey Natty :) Nick said you called, you ok? 1:20pm
Noah: Sorry I didn't call last night, the show ended late and we all stayed up until like 4am. 1:20pm
Noah: Natty? Everything okay? 1:35pm
Noah: call me when you get a chance, I miss the sound of your voice. 2:26pm
I stare at the messages. “Everything okay”  I repeat in an annoyed voice. “No, everything isnt okay. My future is fucked and I have no plan.” I say to myself.
I take a deep calming breath and call Noah. 
Ring ring- *click* “Natty! I’m so glad you called. I miss you so much.” Noahs voice is light and happy and I just wish he was here. Two weeks between tests or projects goes by with lightning speed, two weeks without Noah moves at a glacial pace.
“Hey Noah.” My voice is soft and I have to clear my throat to break through the tightness forming. “I miss you too.” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t call last night,” but you did call, you just didnt know. “We didnt leave the venue until like midnight, it was wild. So much fun, I wish you were here.” 
“Yeah, sounds like you guys were having a really great time.” I’m trying to hide the emotions in my voice, just wanting to hear him and pretend nothing is wrong, but that can’t last forever. 
“Is everything alright Nat? You sound…weird, not weird but..you don't sound like yourself.” Noah says. 
Fuck, so much for hiding my emotions. “um I just got some news from my scholarship application today that was upsetting, and last night -” I try but Noah’s voice cuts me off. 
“Was it less than you expected?” He asks. 
“They denied me the scholarship and last ni-.” Noah cuts me off again. 
“What??!” Noah almost shrieked and I had to pull the phone from my ear. “Denied? With your grades? And you got first place in the last youth art contest last month, how could they deny you? When did you find out?”
“Um yeah, it's because my mom didn't sign something, I didn't realize it was sent in without it. I feel like such an idiot.” I mutter out defeated.
“Fuck, Natty. That sucks. Did something else happen? You called this morning and then just disappeared.” Noah questions.
“Well yeah, you did call me last night Noah.I guess you pocket-dialed me.” I tell him. “You were talking to some girl and she was asking you about the next leg of this tour. She was saying how much she’d miss you if didn’t go with them.” 
“Oh. Shit.” he breathes. “I’m sorry about that. It’s just Alex from the band we're opening for on the tour, she doesn't mean it like anything.”
“But you said maybe.” my voice is small.
“Well I have to consider it..Nat. it's a huge opportunity. You understand that right?” He sounds exasperated, like wondering how I could be opposed. 
“And school? What about that?” I ask, with more edge in my voice than I meant.
“Alex dropped out and her band is getting huge, I don’t need a high school diploma to make my dreams come true,” he responded with a slight sting in defense. 
“Oh, and whatever Alex says goes huh? You're just dropping out?” And now I’m getting angry, the festering feelings that disappeared with the movie are returning with white-hot intensity. “You were with her last night after you said you’d try and call me and then this morning I got that letter that absolutely destroys my future and when I call Nick answers and you are busy again with her..” I bite out.
“What are you implying?” he asks.
“I’m not impling anything, I tired to call. You were busy. Thats a fact.” I bite back.
“I’m sorry Natty, but nothing happened on the trip, with Alex if that's what you're thinking,” he says. “This kind of exposure is exactly what I’ve been working for. I thought you would be excited for me? I thought you believed in me?” Now his voice is small, like he’s genuinely upset and I feel sick that I’m the one that would have caused it. 
“I don't think anything happened. I trust you, Noah. I'm just going through a lot right now. I hung up on Nick because I was upset and then I didn't return your texts because I was still upset. With you, with my mom just about everything. I needed you.” I take a deep breath before continuing. “Of course, I believe in you Noah, but I mean you're talking about just leaving school? We're seniors, so close to graduating already why throw it all away when you're so close.
“If I don't take this chance now I'll be throwing away this dream, there's no guarantee I'll get this opportunity again.” 
“So what? Do you want me to just sit around and wait for you to call? I mean that is if you call?” I ask him. 
“Why is this a fight? I thought you'd be happy for me?” Noah’s voice is rising with frustration.
“It’s not a fight Noah, I just thought you’d take the time to at least talk about it with me about it first. I mean you talk all the time about our futures like you want them to be together but you’re making these huge decisions and not even telling me about it first.” I try to keep my voice steady but I know it's wobbling a little.
“I haven’t even decided yet, you’re talking like I’m doing this to hurt you. I am thinking about our future Natty, you could alway come with me?” He says and I scoff. 
“You’re not serious, are you? I could graduate early but not until the spring and after all the work I’ve done with my GPA. You’d ask me to just drop out?” I ask.
“You’d ask me to say no to this opportunity?” Noah questions in response. 
“You know what Noah? I think we should just talk about this when you get home. I have a lot of homework that I need to work on and this is just too much right now on top of everything else.” I tell him in a defeated voice. 
“I’m sorry Natty, I love you. I didn’t want to talk about it like this. I can’t stand you being sad because of me.” 
“I love you too Noah, It'll be okay. Let's just talk later okay?" 
We finish our goodbyes and I toss my phone back on the bed and take the homework out of my backpack.
The rest of the week is slow. School and work are uneventful. Noah and I barely text and it feels awful, what happened? It was great for months and he leaves for two weeks and falls apart? Is our relationship that fragile? 
Friday I’m working behind the counter while a jazz trio plays for the night as our live musical guests. I don’t hate it, I guess. Noah is supposed to get in tonight but we didn't really make plans, I’m not sure if I’ll see him. I’m busy checking the syrups and making sure all of the milk options are full in the fridge when I hear someone clear their throat behind me.
I turn around and like just the thought of him caused him to appear Noah is standing in front of me. 
“Hey Natty”
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Next chapter here!!!! Thank you besties!!!!!!
divider from here!
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knwatchesninjago · 1 year ago
S1E2 Home
Alright then. What I am waiting for? Let's get into it!!
But I honestly love how it's focused on Zane in a way. I'll write my view on Zane in this ep at the end of this post.
Okay, I love how Wu's first instinct was to check the gaming room!! Absolutely hilarious!!
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Okay.. lemme make this clear. I feel absolutely sorry for this dude
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Alrighty, let's move on tooooo....
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It wouldn't be lloyd if he didn't regret his life choices, now would it?
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Alright in the beginning we can see Jay, Cole, and Kai complaining to Wu and saying that Zane was weird.
I honestly love Wu's wise response:
"What is weird? Someone who is different? Or someone who is different than you?"
We then get a few flashbacks where Zane acts a bit odd. Okay... not that big of a deal as of rn.
The scene then shifts to the group at dinner. Zane comes walking in with a delious-looking turkey, wearing a pink apron.
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As expected, the group laughs. Even Master Wu (totally not responsible and kind of u, Wu) joins in with the laughter.
After clearing up that mess they decide to have a food fight. Now on the surface, nothing seems wrong about that. (except for the fact that they're wasting food. my asian parents would never allow that in our house, loll)
But pay close attention to Zane.
He isn't smiling. He isn't laughing.
He's upset.
When Jay throws a piece of food at him, he FLINCHES!!! In his mind, all the time and love he spent making the meal is being wasted and underappreciated as his family throws it around as if it's nothing. They're all playing around and joking, but he isn't laughing...
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And when he goes outside and sees the stars, look how happy he is!
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This is one thing I love about Zane: he finds happiness in the most simplest of things.
When he sees the falcon fly away to an unknown location. He hesitates. He looks back at the monastery where you can STILL hear their laughter. His smile fades. Then he looks at the falcon and decides to follow it. And he follows the falcon with a SMILE.
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Time skip, we see Zane and the team find Lloyd's treehouse. (a pretty impressive treehouse, ngl)
Just so I don't spoil the entire ep to you, I'm gonna ignore all the fighting scenes. When the ninjas come back, they see that their monastery is destroyed. And what do they do?
They yell at Zane. They blame him.
And what does Zane do? Nothing.
He doesn't retaliate. Doesn't try to put the blame on others. He does nothing. He takes all the blows.
He leaves and we later find out it's because he saw the falcon.
But... Y"ALL! When everyone apologizes, he doesn't act smug or try to rub it in their faces-- he asks them why they were apologizing.
In his innocently, pure mind, he doesn't take anything into account. He forgives them.
This is such a pure action, that's so simple but still so deep. He loves his team so much and nothing they ever do will affect that love he has for them. (im crying y'all)
AND THE LAST SCENE!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
(first of... Jay and Kai run really weirdly... why are their arms flapping around!?!)
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"I am proud of you, Zane. One day, I promise, we will find your family."
And Zane's responce... 😭😭
"But... I've already found them"
*sniff sniff*
*breaks down into happy tears*
Y"ALLL ZANE IS SOO... SO FORGIVING!!!! I can't with this nindroid😭
And lastly... look at this wholesome scene.
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Here we can see a huge contrast to the beginning scene. Here Zane initiates the throwing of food. And here, everyone is laughing.
It's only a joke if everyone is laughing. It's only funny if everyone is smiling. It's only "playing around" if everyone is okay with it.
I know that this review was a bit deep, but I'm only in the 2nd ep of season 1 and I'm absolutely loving it!! I'm so glad I decided to rewatch Ninjago!
Anyways, this is all I have for now. See y'all for ep 3!!
~KN out~
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maudiemoods · 6 months ago
Any updates on your will wood tickets? Were you able to get them?
Omg thanks for asking!!! Yes I got some!! Had to cancel at the venue in GA but I got some in SC!! Whole time I was freaking out!!! I called the ga location asking why I was charged but had no ticket confirmation and they said something went wrong on their end! Only option was to cancel them and re buy them but the show had sold out and those tickets would have gone to the first people on the wait-list instead!! Honestly not upset because the sc location is actually an hour closer so yay!!!
I'm so so so so excited!! If I wasn't a coward I'd get the VIP tickets and get a signature but! I literally can't! Anxiety be damned!!
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caesarflickermans · 2 years ago
What's sparked the rebellion? Was it Katniss' volunteering for Prim, Rue’s death, the berries, or was it before all of that?
How does many THG victors joined or being recruited for the rebellion?
Thank you 😊
What's sparked the rebellion? Was it Katniss' volunteering for Prim, Rue’s death, the berries, or was it before all of that?
i'd reject the notion that there's "the rebellion". if we talk about the capitol group around plutarch (and tigris and cressida and caesar) then we inevitably are talking about people who
"[...] have been, for several years, part of an undercover group aiming to overthrow the Capitol" (CF)
but that means little to bonnie and twill, where their home district has only been plotting since the 74th games, so roughly six months at best:
Ever since the Hunger Games, the discontent in District 8 had been growing. It was always there, of course, to some degree. But what differed was that talk was no longer sufficient, and the idea of taking action went from a wish to a reality. The textile factories that service Panem are loud with machinery, and the din also allowed word to pass safely, a pair of lips close to an ear, words unnoticed, unchecked. (CF)
in mockingjay, haymitch asks during what moment katniss alone had touched the rebels. many come up with different opinions, and while i'd argue it's the accumulation, the total sum of them all, that made katniss the mockingjay, personal rebellion, the want to revolt, can start at many different times:
"[...] So, let's all be quiet for a minute. I want everyone to think of one incident where Katniss Everdeen genuinely moved you. Not where you were jealous of her hairstyle, or her dress went up in flames or she made a halfway decent shot with an arrow. Not where Peeta was making you like her. I want to hear one moment where she made you feel something real." (MJ)
The moments begin to come thick and fast and in no particular order. When I took Rue on as an ally. Extended my hand to Chaff on interview night. Tried to carry Mags. And again and again when I held out those berries that meant different things to different people. Love for Peeta. Refusal to give in under impossible odds. Defiance of the Capitol's inhumanity. (MJ)
so i'd say there's many different moments for the 74th in particular, and for rebellion in general.
but i'd like to return to the captiol rebellion, because that's my small litte niche interest, and i'd like to point to several things here:
SC: Propaganda decides the outcome of the war. This is why Plutarch implements the airtime assault; he understands that whoever controls the airwaves controls the power. Like Snow, he’s been waiting for Katniss, because he needs a Spartacus to lead his campaign. There have been possible candidates, like Finnick, but no one else has captured the imagination of the country like she has. (Collins interview, 10th anniversary)
“Not just against the other tributes, but the Capitol, too,” I say. “You know they didn't expect that to happen. It wasn't meant to be part of the arena. They never planned on anyone using it as a weapon. It made them look stupid that he figured it out. I bet they had a good time trying to spin that one. Bet that's why I don't remember seeing it on television. It's almost as bad as us and the berries!” I can't help laughing, really laughing, for the first time in months. Peeta just shakes his head like I've lost my mind—and maybe I have, a little. “Almost, but not quite,” says Haymitch from behind us. I whip around, afraid he's going to be angry over us watching his tape, but he just smirks and takes a swig from a bottle of wine. So much for sobriety. I guess I should be upset he's drinking again, but I'm preoccupied with another feeling. (CF)
those statements have made me develop a theory, namely that plutarch gained inspiration from haymitch's games and the first bread crumbs of a rebellion began right then and there. haymitch's backstory is given a whole chapter in catching fire, and it feels a rather purposeful decision to give so much time to the second quarter quell. outside of the obvious "haymitch's end is shown as a warning to the younger generation and serves as a warning to katniss and peeta, too" i feel like the connection with the rebellion nonetheless exists: the forcefield. using the forcefield against the capitol happens in both, an it was enough to make me think:
what if plutarch gained inspiration from the second quarter quell, and in turn haymitch's games, and began to think on a rebellion through using the arena to his advantage? he is young enough for it to aid in his ambition to become head gamemaker--a strong enough person who can manipulate and aid from the outside.
katniss and haymitch are mirrors of the other, so why not a mirror in this regard, too? after all, we know that plutarch has been waiting for a mockingjay for at least ten years--since finnick's games, as SC mentioned him--so his initial inspiration lies before that. there's no other relevant event mentioned other than the second quarter quell.
How does many THG victors joined or being recruited for the rebellion?
this, again, is my personal headcanon.
other than haymitch, the other person of note we know existed back then was caesar flickerman. he's seen interviewing haymitch. i headcanon caesar to have been in his first years of his career, and having went from excited to reserved; he's noticed there's something off, that the capitol has been manipulating their perception on the games, and he's grown to resent what they present. with a closer touch to the tributes, plutarch decides on the brave step of recruiting caesar to the cause--not without some hiccups.
together, they are the mind (plutarch) and the heart (caesar) of the rebellion. plutarch does the planning, recruits the spies, finds opportunities to exploit the system where he can. caesar recruits the victors; he's always been close to them, always been kind (katniss herself observes that about caesar). caesar is the best person to ask for propaganda on both sides; he can let tributes rise and fall, he can determine who receives attention an who does not. he can use the interviews to the advantage of the rebellion.
out of all people within the capitol, katniss is in contact with people who are directly responsible to her district. her prep team. cinna. portia. effie. outside of those, she only really is in contact with caesar. and caesar, in contrast to the other ones, knows every tribute, every victor.
if you are planning a rebellion through the arena, you'd ideally want someone on your side who can read the tributes and their potential, and who would be close enough to recruit them without making it seem suspicious.
caesar is the only one who fits that bill, and he's the best person to recruit the victors.
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xb0rder-7inex · 10 months ago
I'm probably going to keep checking all day but I think at some point today I'm just going to accept it. I'm disappointed but I'm not at all surprised and I thought I wanted to cry about it but I can't.
I feel like I want to. I don't think I will though. Weird. That was really easy to rewire in my brain.
I wish it was just as easy to convince myself that it's time to let him go but he always comes back at the last fuckin minute. Always just in time but never on time. What an eggshell to be living on.
I don't even care if he actually has other plans. It isn't normal for someone to stay mad at their partner for that long. He also talked some shit about having girls lined up and said I did it so it's okay for him to say that shit too so I know it isn't fucking true lol. Even if it were... Good riddance. He can go abuse somebody else. Give me another reason to tell the full truth on the stand. Eventually he will end up in jail and I won't feel sorry for him when he puts himself there.
If he doesn't sleep it off and unblock me during the day I know for sure he's just trying to control my emotions. I bet you anything he's just going to keep me blocked on SC and wait until tonight when I log on to RS.
I'm not going to let him.
I'm not going to think about the shit he talks because not once has it ever been true and I know why he said that because I triggered him from a past experience that genuinely hurt him so I have him a pass for that but if he takes too much space, like... Idk what he expects tbh. I'm not going to keep putting my life on hold to wait for him. I don't have anything that I can lose right now. At least nothing that would be a major loss.
Not even him lol. Idk if he's recognizing that and he doesn't like it or if hes just upset or if he genuinely doesn't care.
I can't predict the future and just because I think something doesn't make it true. I obviously don't want him to be that person but look at all the shit he's doing to make himself look like a true abuser.
I can't save him. I have to save myself.
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maria021015 · 10 months ago
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“I don’t know what I did, but I know I did something,” Stiles complained as he and Scott carried their gear back to the Jeep. They’d been practising Lacrosse at the local park now that school was closed due to summer break, despite it being the off-season. It would keep their fitness up for Cross Country when Junior year commenced in August. “I’m telling you, Scott. She’s mad at me. I haven’t seen her since we got back to town.”
“Didn’t you say her brother grounded her?” Scott raised a brow, trying to follow his best friend’s ramblings.
“Yeah, but it’s been two weeks and she hasn’t tried to sneak out once.” Stiles resonated, shutting the boot to the car with a loud thud.
“Maybe she’s just following the rules.” The wolf shrugged, not seeing the significance.
“But her replies to my messages have been really weird. Look,” Stiles pulled his phone out and brought up his message thread with Zaida, flashing his friend the screen.
“This just looks like a normal conversation…” Scott peered at the messages, not seeing anything he’d deem out of the ordinary. “She’s still responding to you, right?”
“Scotty boy, there’s something you gotta learn, and it’s that not all girls are like Allison. She might completely cut you off when she’s mad at you, which makes it easy for you to tell, but most of them don’t do that. Most of them - like Zaida - will tell you it’s fine when really nothing is fine, and everything is about to explode in your face!” He rambled theatrically, his features moving exaggeratedly as he shoved his phone back into Scott’s face. “Look, there’s no pop-culture references, or little rants about movie plot holes, and it’s all grammatically correct.”
“Why does the grammar have anything to do with it?” Scott frowned, not understanding much of anything at the moment.
“Because, Scott, usually when she messages she gets all excited about what she has to say and her brain moves faster than her fingers so she ends up making a bunch of spelling and grammatical errors. Sometimes her sentences don’t even make any sense.” Stiles sighed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “But these all make perfect sense. Ergo, she’s absolutely furious and plotting all the ways she’s going to completely eviscerate me when she gets un-grounded.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re unnecessarily dramatic?” Scott turned away climbing into the passenger seat of the car.
“Yeah, all the time, but what does that have to do with anything?” Stiles brushed it off and slid into the driver’s side. Scott’s blatant insinuation went right over his head in his distracted state. “I texted Lydia to ask her if she knew if Zaida was okay, and she said nothing was wrong! Can you believe that?”
“Believe what? Doesn’t that mean that she’s fine and you’re overthinking it?” The wolf clarified and then backtracked to what he’d just heard. “Wait a minute, you got Lydia’s number, and instead of gushing about that for hours you’ve been decoding Zaida’s messages like some kind of Shakespearean book?”
“Okay first off, that means that Zaida’s not just upset in general, she’s just mad at me specifically, which is infinitely worse. Secondly, Shakespeare wrote plays, not books. And thirdly, YES, keep up!” Stiles rolled his eyes and stuck his keys into the ignition, the engine rumbling to life.
“Right,” Scott nodded slowly, trying to wrap his head around the situation. “And are you sure you still like Lydia?”
“Yeah, duh. What does my hopeless crush have to do with anything? I’m not talking about Lydia right now, I’m talking about Zaida, and the fact that she’s going to use her powers to cook me from the inside out like a Stiles-sized microwave dinner!” He blurted and then froze when he realised what had just come out of his mouth. “Oh, shit.”
“‘Use her powers’?” Scott straightened in his seat, repeating his friend’s slip-up. “What powers? I thought she still wasn’t presenting?”
“Yeah…about that,” Stiles chuckled awkwardly, not knowing how to backtrack now that it was out in the open. If Zaida wasn’t mad at him before - which he knew she one-hundred percent was - she definitely would be now. “So, we kind of discovered that the reason why she didn’t turn into a werewolf when Peter bit her was because she was already something else. Her powers have slowly been developing over the past few months and you know how I told you I couldn’t hang out because I was sick with the flu? Well actually, I took her to her beach house in Monterey and we found her family’s Bestiary in a secret room hidden behind a bookshelf, which told us that she comes from a long line of Nymphs.”
“You guys did what?” Scott gawked at the new information that was being revealed to him. “You’ve both been working on this for how long? Who else knows?”
“Just us two and Lydia. Oh, and Derek kind of knows a little, I guess. Which means Isaac probably knows a bit too,” Stiles trailed off, trying to make Scott feel better about being left out but actually accomplishing the complete opposite. “But Allison definitely doesn’t know anything.”
“So Allison and I are the only two people who had no idea about any of this?” Scott muttered, slightly offended that Zaida hadn’t trusted him with this. He knew they weren’t exactly the closest out of the group but he’d thought that with everything they’d all gone through they’d be beyond keeping such secrets.
“Look, it was a personal thing that had a lot to do with her family and her parents’ death. She just wanted to figure it all out before she told you guys. Or, at least, before she told you. She doesn’t want to tell Allison anything because she’s convinced she’ll get another crossbow bolt to somewhere a bit more important this time - like her face - and I’m not yet entirely sure that she’s wrong. At the very least it would put her on the Argents’ map.”
“What is a Nymph, anyway?” Scott swiftly changed the subject, not really wanting to talk about Allison’s place in her family’s business right now.
“They’re nature spirits tied to different elements.” The boy explained in the simplest way he could put it. “Zaida’s a water spirit, so she can manipulate good ol’ H2O, but that also comes with a myriad of other cool powers.”
“Like healing?” Scott nodded.
“Yeah, like healing.” Stiles nodded in confirmation. “But she can also feel other people’s emotions and even physical feelings like pain. We’ve been working on creating mental blocks to keep her shut off from it.”
“So that’s how she knew something had happened to you at the Lacrosse final, she could feel you,” Scott recalled how panicked she’d been when he had found her on the field and how she’d been desperately searching for the boy.
“Exactly,” Stiles continued. “Her abilities are stronger with some people rather than others and we think it’s got something to do with an emotional connection. The stronger her connection with someone, the easier it is for her to tap into deeper abilities with them, the more she feels and the harder it is for her to block it out. Apparently, this is just the beginning of her power. Deaton thinks it can extend to being able to manipulate emotions too and project feelings onto other people.”
“Deaton knows too?” Scott interjected in protest.
“Oh. Yeah, I forgot to mention him,” Stiles ran a hand through his almost completely grown-out buzz-cut with a sheepish smile. “Sorry, buddy. But hey, in our defence, you neglected to tell us that you were conspiring with Gerard and double-crossing him by slipping wolfsbane into his pills. So, I guess we’re even now.”
Scott couldn’t argue with that logic.
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“And here’s your change! Have a great day!” Zaida smiled and handed the lady her bag as well as a handful of coins. When the shop was finally empty again she adjusted her bra straps beneath her uniform, hating the way they kept slipping off her shoulders. The uniform was bad enough on its own - the black pants with the matching polo shirt weren’t awful in and of itself, but it was the neon pink apron she was forced to wear on top of it all that she hated. It was stiff and uncomfortable and obnoxious. She despised the colour pink unless it was in a much quieter shade of pastel. However, pretty much everything else about her summer job was great. She got to eat the defective products whenever she wanted, and she got to play whatever music she liked - as long as it was appropriate - and she got to spend hours taking photos and videos of products and running the social media sites for advertisement purposes.
“You work in a Candy Shop!” Came a loud gasp from the front of the store as Stiles entered with a broad smile on his face, his wide eyes scouring the multiple shelves full of bright candies in a manner of colours and flavours and types. “That is so cool!”
“Hi there, boys.” Zaida rolled her eyes at Stiles’ antics and nodded to the werewolf who trailed after him. “What brings you here?”
“Oh, nothing. We were just hanging out at the mall, you know? Doing some shopping, trying on some dresses- uh, clothes! I meant clothes.” Stiles chuckled nervously, trying to name any mall-related activities he was familiar with. Unfortunately, his mind immediately recalled the last time he was here with Zaida when she’d tried on her Winter Formal dress. “Fancy seeing you here!”
“Uhuh, and you two just wanted some candy, right?” Zaida nodded, playing along. “This surprise visit has nothing to do with the fact that Lydia told you I work here now?”
“Whaaaaat…? No, of course not.” Stiles drew out the word in a high-pitched voice, turning to look at Scott as he walked up to lean on the front counter in an attempt to appear casual. “Did you know Zaida worked here? Because I didn’t know she worked here.”
“Stiles, cut the crap. I know she told you.” The brunette rolled her eyes. “And you know I’m grounded. I’m only allowed out of the apartment for work, and if Xander catches wind that you’ve come to visit me, he’s going to make me quit. The only reason he let me get this job - other than the fact that I literally begged him for it - is because he thinks it means I’ll make more friends. Non-supernatural friends, because he’s banned me from seeing you, remember?”
“I am being discriminated against, I tell you.” Stiles pouted and Scott just watched the interaction wordlessly. “And since when have you done what Xander wants?”
“Ahh yes, the crippling oppression of the straight, white, male population is really working against you here, Stiles.” Zaida’s words dripped with dry sarcasm. “I have to do what he wants, or he’s going to sell the apartment and move us back to San Francisco.”
“Ahh, but you forget, I am also neurodivergent.” The boy pointed out. “And he’s totally bluffing, by the way. You said he’s been working towards being a deputy for years, he wouldn’t give that up and jeopardise the trajectory of his career just to keep you away from a harmless friend. You’re the supernatural one in this relationship. My dad should be trying to keep me away from you, not the other way around.”
“If your dad knew what I am - and what Scott is - he definitely would be keeping you away from us,” She rolled her eyes and busied herself with fixing up the displays at the counter, trying to avoid looking at the boy who made her heart thunder in her chest. These past three weeks she’d managed to keep herself relatively distracted from the fact that she now knew she was crushing on Stiles. By distracted, she meant she’d completely avoided him and pushed her feelings into the furthest corners of her mind, covering them with a heavy blanket of despondence.
“Nah, there’s no way. My dad likes you guys more than he even likes me.” Stiles snorted sceptically. “Which should really bother me more than it does, you know?”
“Stiles, I’m working. You need to leave.” She hissed at him under her breath and swiftly turned to smile at a regular customer approaching from behind him, gesturing for them to come forward to the counter. “Hello Janet, how are you today?”
“See, I told you she’s mad at me,” Stiles whispered to Scott, deciding to take the hint and leave.
“That seemed like a completely normal conversation.” The werewolf shook his head at his best friend as they walked out into the main section of the mall.
“Seriously? You didn’t notice how she wouldn’t look me in the eyes? Or how she kept fiddling with things to avoid paying attention to me? Or the glaringly obvious way she just kicked us out?” Stiles exclaimed, flying through his words and his hands moved about expressively.
“I don’t know man,” Scott trailed off. If he was being completely honest, he didn’t think Zaida was mad at the boy at all. In unintentionally reading her chemosignals he knew Zaida’s frustrations were directed towards herself. Towards Stiles, she had been feeling something entirely different…
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ryo-hirakawa · 2 years ago
thoughts on aus f3 sprint:
i'm going into this with the knowledge that franco got dsqed not sure why but i say it wasn't his fault 🫡
oh no ollie
franco already p3 slay
medical car out too? wasn't he only beached
it was a puncture 😔
were they. thinking about team orders at hitech
oh jesus
hitech: ok luke nothing stupid ok
luke: aight bet
jokes aside he straight up flew that's gotta bruise. hope he's ok
oh no caio
girl so much is happening so fast
franco to the lead!! damn he was dsqed from a win wasn't he.
safety car again wha
oh geez ido was backwards
pepe up 14 places ok word
hmm luke is upset. i need to hear that hitech debrief man
"if you look forwards you go forwards" makes me think of if i look back i am lost (iykyk)
franco's sc restarts always give me anxiety
luke 10s F. ok but juan got 10s for spinning jack in f2 so i guess they are being consistent?
my god that car...
also tommy smith is the most generic name i have ever seen sorry tommy
that was a big whack
luke is not having a good time huh
he even has a cringe compilation replay 😭 also he flew over the kerbs again christ
oh and if he retires rn he gets a grid pen. man luke ig you just gotta grit your teeth and get through it
i am so curious about the dsq...why
prema infighting is spicy. sebas is still a prema guy in my mind too tbh so count him in as well
safety car again...
it was all 3 mp cars?? technical infringements?? JAIL.
wait does this mean that paul gets a podium after those war crimes bdhfhsk oh lord dino will be mad
also chris points! small wins
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steamishot · 13 days ago
month 4
it's been a pretty decent month. overall, i feel more adjusted and more comfortable in my day to day life. i still feel emotional at times but a lot more stable. i feel comfortable driving again, almost like 70-80% comfort? i can navigate the car quite well again, and don't feel scared going 80mph. my body was so used to traveling less than 50mph on a train.
work: two of my teammates left at the end of january. i knew AG was leaving due to some personal issues and being unable to work out of state. it was a real pain training her because she was slow and distracted. she was with us for a whole 8 months which i think was a pretty decently long time, but she kept referring to it as "very short". i never fully transitioned out of this role that was meant for AG. VB abruptly left at the same time, for a better opportunity in her family business. she had been upset for a while about how the department was treating hourly employees with strict rules about clocking in and out. now i'm waiting for the new employee to onboard so i can train them. VB's position is still open.
ceramics: i just completed week 4/6 at my new studio. people here are so much friendlier. i'm starting to play around with different types of shapes. i can now make a vase-ish looking thing and want to make matcha bowls next. i've already signed up for another 6 week session after this one ends. there are 3 other asian girls in my class, and it's funny because we basically dominate the class in terms of demographics lol. two of the asian girls let me know they also will sign up for the same class again.
workouts: finally starting to become more active on classpass again. our treadmills at the apartment are really old and don't work after a couple minutes. i had opened up a ticket for them to investigate but it's a long process. i really hope they can just replace them. now i have two studios that i like enough to return to that are literally walkable from my apartment (though i drive to the yoga one): stride and one life yoga. matt and i still frequent kinship yoga at least 1-2x a week on his off weeks.
friends: after almost 5 months, i finally did a virtual workout/video chat with SC from NYC. i felt like a bad friend for waiting so long before calling her. it was also really hectic settling in the first few months. after seeing her again, i felt like she completed a piece in the puzzle in my life. my friend who i saw at least monthly and chatted with frequently suddenly was demoted to texting only for such a long time.
after moving out from NYC, i defaulted to trying to have a clean slate and focused on building my new life in LA, which is also why i had issues with grief and feeling emotional. in hindsight, i too abruptly tried to close the door on that chapter. now i understand that things don't have to be white/black. things with SC don't have to be sad just because i'm living cross country. we can still be close friends. after this video call, we talked about doing more together! so i think we're meeting up again tomorrow and it may be a weekly or biweekly thing.
i'm still seeing people for the first time after a while, but less often. like i saw BT at work after a year - she intentionally came into the office to see me even though she can work full remote. i still feel kinda uneasy/uncomfortable seeing people until maybe like 3-4x of meeting? i really feel i'm experiencing a reverse culture shock. it takes me a while to pick up the social pace and understand what people talk about in conversations here, what to share with friends, etc.
books: not very consistent per usual but i'm reading/skimming the following books- money for couples, behave, new happy and don't believe everything you think.
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16th october, 2024, 04:50
im really scared. like, really really scared. im afraid of everything thats going on at school. im afraid i might be falling back in love with sage, which scares me. the butterflies in my stomach could however actually be my stomach churning with the anxiety of talking to them. yeah wait, im definitly not crushing on them, im just terrified of every interaction i have with them. im also scared about all of the stuff going on with harry. its scary. i dont know what hes saying to my friends about me. i know he told ares that i had a crush on ares (which is insane) and he texted ares telling him not to date me. i actually called him and talked to him about it. i wanted to make sure that he wasnt spreading that to our other friends. i also wanted to make sure he knew what he was saying wasnt true. he told me he said it to hades but that he didnt believe it. i have a bad memory but i remember that vividly. i then asked why he said it and i cant remember whether or not he answered. he either said he did it just because, or he changed the subject, or he went on a ramble and never actually gave me an answer. he mightve given me something that seemed like an answer but wasnt. i dont remember. but i asked him later in the call and he said that he never said it, even though he admitted to saying it earlier in the same fucking call. i was so mad. i also asked him about the text, because he cant deny that, there's a screenshot. and i was talking to him about it and was saying "hey i want you to know that that isnt going to happen. if ares tries to make romantic advances on me i probably am going to be completely oblivious but if i recognize whats happening ill shut it down right away. also, in order for him to date me, i have to consent, which i WILL NOT never will i ever. i see him as a man through and through, and i am a full blown lesbian." he told me that someone said i had changed my sexuality, but he wouldnt say who. i wish i told him to tell whoever it was that i am still a lesbian and i never changed anything
i actually wrote down everything so that 1. i would know what bases i wanted to cover and to get out what i wanted to say so i want going in blind, and 2. to have a record of what i said so he cant say i did something i didnt.
this is basically what i said:
"hey, i wanted to talk about the stuff that ive heard you said about me. ares told me you said that i have a crush on him, and i saw a sc of you telling him not to date me. that kind of stuff made me feel like i had to get involved, which i now realize isnt true, so im going to try to back off from both of you. but with this still looming over me, i feel like theres still some unfinished business.
i want you to know that i am a lesbian through and through, i completely see ares as a man and in no other way, i dont even think id be able to see him as anything else. i wouldt want to date him even if i didn't, the notion is honestly kind of disgusting to me, like gags
and even if that werent the case, after everything that happened with sage there is no way that id ever, ever date anyone in the friend group ever again.
please stop saying things like that, it makes me upset and i feel like youre trying to turn all of our friends against me, and thats literally my biggest fear.
at first when i heard that you said that, i kind of thought you were joking, because it was almost like you really belived the rumors about hades cheating on you with me.
i also want to explain the fact that ares and i suddenly grew closer because thats the way our schedules worked out. not because we suddely had some newfound romantic interest in each other. im in the same rti room as him, and i have multiple classes with him, one where we got to choose our seats. in this rti room and that class, it was obvious that i would opt to sit next to my friend rather than with a stranger or by myself. so yes, him and i have grown closer, but it was simply because it just worked out that way."
at least thats what i wrote down. i wish id recorded the call. i always record the stuff that happens in classes so i can go back and understand assignments or notes or if i forget to write down the homework. one plus of that is that i can come back to conversations i had with friends and pull stuff up so that we dont forget it. i wish ares did the same.
im also scared that harry is trying to take(?) or like turn my friends away from me. and im afraid that its working this time. it might be my anxiety telling me that its working but i still do feel like he says bad things about me disguised as venting. or he doesnt realise hes saying bad things about me to MY friends while hes venting. i get that theyre his friends too. im not trying at all to take that away from him. i just want him to recognize that theyre also my friends too. idont say mean things about him to them because i know it feels like shit when people say bad stuff about your friends. i just feel like theyre only getting his side of the story. im probably gonna sit alone at lunch tomorrow. i might go to guidance and eat lunch in ms deweeses office. i kinda wanna ask micha to go with me. i want to talk to micha more. i miss them, so much. im terrified of losing my friends because of some silly squabble and i feel completely powerless right now. fucking hell
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andthebubbles · 5 months ago
heartstopper 3x02
aaaah so this ep .. parts of it felt like i wasn't the target audience, which is fine, i'm not, really!!! (like, that last convo with nick and his aunt, it was heavy-handed but that's probably what 16 y/os need to hear)
hayley atwell coming out of nowhere skjfngkfg but is she a psychiatrist or psychologist... am always suspicious of media not getting this right
kinda awkward that nick was even on that trip skjfgnkfg like what is he even doing there
charlie's dad serving up the most unappetising looking dry chicken breast!!! yeah i'd struggle to eat that too. everything else on the plate looked better though, why can't he season chicken like he seasoned those veggies
i LOVE tori, i think she's one of my fave characters (along with tara and darcy)
feeling sorry for isaac, i relate a lil bit (being left out, feeling grossed out by lovey dovey-ness)
also more people need to learn alt+tab i guess?? hskjdfk
i feel like there was one more tech thing that made me 👀 but i can't remember what it is now
oh yeah, the teachers were pretty cute lmao
btw. gcse results get handed out in person??? whaaa. okay well i can't remember how we got our SC results but hmm... HSC was definitely online. anyway, hecc, that must be kinda awful to open up your results in a room with everyone else and if you did badly that'd feel horrible
so, darcy didn't take the 'i need space' as rejection. whew. her gran's rather lovely in fact. and she drives a mini lol. i need her tinkering with it and servicing it in the garage pls
btw the ... idk what it was, but that final scene on the beach, it felt like ~we have to wait till nick is done with his prescribed monologue, then i can hug him even though he's already obviously upset from like sentence no. 2 (or whatever)~ skjfgnkfjgn
okay if i think of any more i'll add it later but now i want a roast dinner, sigh XD
oh! that shot of jb (or i should say, jack maddox) on insta stories :3 halp
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and here's a shot of the roast dinner. nom nom it's HUNGRY HOURS
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