#Ryoma is one of my personal favorites so I always adore getting to write for him
monomonomagines · 4 years
Prompt #23 Caramel Apples with Ryoma
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While there were plenty of fun fall activities to head out to do on date night, Ryoma was normally the person who'd rather have a night in with you. It wasn’t that he hated going out per se but rather that being around all the large crowds and all could make him a bit uncomfortable at times. He was closed off and didn’t really concern himself with the hustle and bustle of the big festivals nor did he desire anything that was of high value unless you were counting that by a scale of intrinsic value.Yes, Ryoma was just content getting to be close to you in your shared apartment with your pet cat where you two were safe and sound, as if you were in a space that was fully secluded from the outside world.
There was no way you’d ever drag him away from the safety and warmth that he had at home. Even if it was tempting to, you knew that if you were going to be enjoying any of the typical fall festivities you’d be far better off bringing the fun home and directly to Ryoma rather than making him go out. Thus, came about the idea to make some caramel apples together where you knew he was sure to have fun.
It didn’t take much time at all with the kits available at the store to finish shopping for the necessary ingredients you needed so by the time you finished with set up it was rather easy to get started. All you had to do was to clean off the apples, stick a skewer into them, and heat the caramel so that you can dip them in it. Seems easy enough you thought so may as well just jump in head first after you decide how to split the work between the two of you.
You knew of course how Ryoma tended to dislike working in the kitchen at times with his height causing so many problems for him even with all the stools and other items you had to help him so you both decided to give him what you thought was the easier of the tasks. He’d wash and skewer apples while you’d head the caramel mixture.
As you grabbed all the ingredients to set next you on the counter closest to the stovetop you gave him a smile, happy to see that this didn’t seem to stress him too much.
“Hey, you gonna be ok with those apples all by yourself?” You quip, struggling not to let out a small giggle as he keeps a rather straight face.
“I’ll be fine. Are you going to be fine working with all that hot caramel? There’s been a few close calls when we’ve cooked before.” He replies smoothly, saying it in a half teasing manner and half remindful one so that you would remember not to get too careless even if your task seemed to be an easy one.
It was embarrassing to know that he did catch onto your mess ups but rather than let it get you down you instead laugh it off. “I’ll be fine! I promise so you can have fun skewering apples while I get this started!”
Of course, you wouldn’t call it “fun” necessarily to just do such a mundane activity as cooking alone but both of you seemed to reach the same sentiment that so long as the two of you were together even small things like cooking side by side weren’t simple tasks anymore. Now they were acts of love and kindness, something that you can end up doing with an effortless smile on your face as you think of the happiness it’ll bring the other.
Now with a small nod of understanding on each of yours end it was time to begin your task! Heating caramel as worded within the instructions on the back of the kit you had bought. First, add milk and the caramel mix, put it on high, and once it starts to come to a boil, put it on medium and let it start to solidify slightly. It certainly seemed like a lot when you first gave it a readover but it didn’t seem to be that many steps regardless. Now focusing on the mixture with utmost concentration, you add the necessary ingredients and turn on the stovetop. The only sound between the two of you being light banter, the sound of a skewer piercing the flesh of an apple here and there, and the low bubbling of the caramel mixture.
Within a fairly short amount of time though, the sounds on Ryoma’s end stopped as he walked over a tray of skewered apples ready to dip to you, having to hand them off to you so that he can go get his stool to help him see the stovetop from the same perspective as you.
“Done already?” You ask, surprised by his speed as the caramel mixture still didn’t do so much as continue to lightly bubble in the pot you were working in.
“Yeah, it doesn’t take much work to skewer a few apples.” He admits bluntly, looking over to the mixture himself. “Do you need any help with the caramel?”
Blushing a bit at how long your end is taking you shake your head. “Nah, nah! I think I’ll be ok so long as the mixture starts to boil.”
Not seeming to take your answer to heart though, Ryoma only continued to look down before returning his gaze to you and bluntly asking, “Isn’t there supposed to be milk in the caramel?”
Milk! That’s right you forgot to add it but you had it already out on the counter nearby. “You’re right! Can you hand me the measuring cup next to you?” You blurt out, flustered by your mistake.
“Sure.” Is all he replies, handing you the measuring cup as gently as possible, making sure not to let go until it was securely in your grasp.
“Thanks!” You reply, blushing as you add the milk and see the mixture instantly improve. “You’re definitely more on top of things than I am!” You joke, trying to cover your embarrassment as he shakes his head.
“I’ve just done this before.” He admits, his tone sounding more distant than usual. “I told you before, my girlfriend used to really like to make sweets so sometimes I’d watch her or help out.”
Feeling a tug on your heartstrings you take your eyes off the stove to face him, taking a small hand in your own and giving it a squeeze. “Is this too much for you? You could’ve told me if it’s too much.”
“I know I can. It’s not too much...really...it’s just that it’s been a while since I’ve done anything like this.” He replies, not elaborating though you can tell from the soft expression on his face that he’s doing ok. “Let’s just finish up the caramel apples and watch a movie like we planned ok? We can talk more about that later.”
You wanted to agree but rather than any words coming out all you could do was nod as you quickly gave him a small hug and peck on the cheek. You were happy to know that he felt comfortable around you enough to open up back then even if it wasn’t much. You knew how big of a step that was for him and decided that you may as well work even harder now to make this a great experience!
Turning down the heat as the caramel finally came to a roaring boil, you gently pluck a caramel apple from the tray Ryoma had brought over to you ready to try your hand at coating it in caramel the way you’ve had at pumpkin patches and festivals. With an encouraging but sleepy looking smile, Ryoma gives you a thumbs up as if you signal that now is the time, allowing you to take that first step and dip your first apple.
You admit you’re no five star chef but as soon as that first apple came up with a clean coat of caramel sitting pretty on it you were absolutely beaming at him, determined to make sure the others were sure to be as great of a result. Of course, it may seem a bit funny even to admit but with Ryoma watching over and coaching you on how to dip the apples it was a pretty easy process even if it felt as if he was something as silly as the ultimate caramel apple dipper and you were his trusty apprentice learning the trade for your first time. But regardless of any of those soft and silly moments shared or your few clumsy mistakes, you were happy to look at a successful tray of caramel apples now just waiting to be eaten.
“Ryoma, we did it!” You cheer, nearly hugging him off of his stool out of excitement and earring a small deep laugh from him.
“We did. You did a good job, S/o.” He praises giving you a small peck on the cheek this time as a small smile crosses his features once again. “How about we take a small break to enjoy them.”
Nodding in agreement with a small hum you smile at him sweetly as you pluck an apple in each hand and place one in his hand as gently as he had been with you earlier.
“To us!” You half joke, happily taking a bite into the fruits of your labor (literally).
Smiling as he watches you he can’t help but utter out something under his breath. “It’s sweet,” you think you catch though he hasn’t taken a bite out of his apple yet.
“What's sweet?” You inquire, tilting your head to the side like an inquisitive feline.
“Moments like this. I’m glad I met you, S/o.”
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Crawls out of trash can
Don't ask why I was there! Anyway, danganronpa V3 and danganronpa 2 crossover ;) the reader acts like one of the girls in danganronpa goodbye despair, each different girl for a different person though it can repeat. Not me hoping you will write Hiyoko because she's one of my biggest kins
- Mod Junko
My house- I JUST FINISHED CLEANING IT- *grabbing the trash* HOMIEEE
Also Ayy Hiyoko fan, she freakin adorable and cool. Can we appreciate how she’s the only gremlin in the game that tries to do better.
“Hey hey Shuichi!” You ran over happily, “Whats up my brotha! Imma help you with the next target at hand.” He nods. “Alright we’ll we’re investigating this new world at the moment.” You grin viciously, “So you want me to sniff out the goods!” You pick him up. “LETS ROLL!”
As you can tell, you’re the practical twin of Akane. You practically loved Kirumi….well no you asked to marry her and Shuichi got a bit jealous and carefully moved you away. Then you tried to race Kaito, and won, and Kokichi thinks you’re gullible…you’re not you just get gullible for food.
One day Shuichi was doing push-ups and you had him sit on your back. He did and just laid on you for awhile, The man is sometimes happy to be your friend. Until he found out you were related to Miu, now he’s having complications with life. “You and her…related?” You nod.
“My sister is a freaking genius. I’m sure she told you that already.” It was weird but he admired your love towards Miu even though she was a total jerk sometimes.
Himiko even wanted you as the sister instead so you adopted her as your daughter and sometimes carry her and Kokichi around. “That’s your woman?” Kaito would ask to which Shuichi would reply angrily. “Yes and I prefer it stays that way you talk purple plum!”
You met her and she met you, the two of you swore to protect everyone but you specifically protected her.
“Kirumi-“ you held her as monokuma’s Kubs attacked then got ready to grab your sword. She blushed at this and avoided eye contact with you.
On occasions when she was busy cooking you’d be by the kitchen silent as a mouse and listening to everyone. Whenever someone came around you’d aim your sword at them cautiously, “Do you have an appointment with her?” Would be repeated so much that Kirumi would come out and gently warn you it was alright.
Sometimes whenever she told you to ease up you’d blush and request the same thing but she’d take it as an order. “….Kirumi- I…” you hesitated but then hugged her close. “I’ll always be by your side okay?”
You meant it even though you scared half the group itself you truly meant it. But why did you not let her kill when she needed to save everyone!?
You held the stick whilst Ryoma stared up. “Go Ryoma…” he ran off and you set the stick aside then held her close. “….To tell you the truth. This motive was nothin more than bait, I’m sorry you nearly became a blackened for the sake of something not true.” She stayed silent.
Kirumi didn’t understand what you meant until you had to be executed. “She didn’t commit any crime!” “Phuhu no but she ruined a perfect murder…and I hate that.” The woman ran out to save you.
But you slashed her right eye. Tears poured from your face then you held Kirumi and ran away from the bots before covering her form. “(Y/N)….” She held your arm then the two of you were in the air.
Suddenly you both fell into a pile of flowers: white Lily flowers. She held you close to her chest, whilst you rested peacefully. Monokuma hums… “Hmph…I guess I’ll let this slide.” Everyone was filled with relief.
“RANTAROOOOO! Gimme a (Y) GIMME AN (N) what does that spell! (Y/N)! (Y/N) wishes to spend quality time with her favorite guy in the world.”
You’re the ultimate musician who likes to sing death metal…but You’re so sweet- yes loud but so sweet…how could an Angel sing death metal?
Here’s why: Kokichi annoys you, Miu annoyed you. You always smiled though even with the sweetest smile ever: oh and Angie kept mentioning atua and demeaningly spoke down to you, then there’s Monokuma. You walked off and grabbed your microphone, before yelling loudly “RAAAAAAAHH PUSHING THE BUTTONS WHEN I CAN’T FIGHT BACK! THESE FREAKING KIDS ARE THE BANE OF MY LIFE! LOOKING AT THEIR FACE JUST MAKES ME SICK! THAT DUMBASS LITTLE BEAR IS SUCH A DICK!!!”
Everyone can hear you when you rage. “CHOKE ON MY RAGE!!!! CHOKE ON MY RAGE!!! Aaaaaahh!!!” Rantaro loves you, and the word love is an understatement. He just relates to most of these songs and supports all of it if you had a concert for these he’d be there immediately.”
One day however Kokichi pushed your buttons and you got up only for Kaito to whine. “(Y/N) come on you can’t leave the meet up now!” You then grabbed Kaito by the shirt and started raging. “I DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THIS DAMN MEET AND GREET!” You then stamp your feet on the table, “THIS MEET AND GREET IS SUCH A GOSH DAMN DRAG!” Rantaro covered your mouth whilst you raged then rubs your hair. “There there my adorable ray of sunshine.”
You’re not always angry he swears you just have a strong passion for music. Sometimes when you’re enjoying yourself you’re busy cheering Shuichi on with the cases or even chilling with Tenko or Gonta…mostly Tenko. Kaede is your older sis so hangin with her wasn’t gonna happen, it does but that means cuddling and she does that without the eyes of society. Ironically enough you cuddle him in public or you’d hum a soft melody for when he’s tired…he always looks tired.
His raspy yet soft voice also makes you sleep as well. Not in a boring way but it calmed your nerves.
“My name is (Y/N) Nevermind!” You smile at Kore. He wasn’t sure why but he felt the need to bow, so he held your hand and did. You blushed but immediately told him there was no need, “I hope we can be friends. As the ultimate prince I’ve never had friends.”
Korekiyo followed you around for a bit and you admired his work very much. His stories and admiration towards other cultures sorta reminded you of some horror films you’d watch, “Maybe you and I can watch Friday the thirteenth together!”
He ended up watching that weird alien movie with you and then went to watch some resident evil. It wasn’t as scary but it did bring up some suspense, sometimes you’d lean on him during the movies.
He mentioned his sister to you once and you couldn’t help but furrow your eyebrows. “What’s wrong?” “You said your sister was sick…and then said she’s always with you..Korekiyo: the way you said those last sentence, did something happen?”
You weren’t a physician but you could tell he was hurt you weren’t sure in what way though. So rather than prying you hugged him happily, “For now on we’re friends. And you and I are only friends I just wanna befriend you, not your sister. Besides I don’t think guys can befriend her right?” He slowly nods then blushed when you kissed his head.
Tiny brat? Or tiny sweetheart? Doesn’t matter because Gonta likes you and is very good gentleman! “Gonta pick me up!” You demand and he did, you hug him close, “Nyehehe! I could take over the world at this point.”
Guess who’s your twin? Hiyoko, you always bullied anyone who tried your patience. Like Miu, you and Kokichi both would drag her then laugh when she got mad: but Gonta? The one who helped you? Nope, if Kokichi even tried he’d suffer your wrath.
“What did you just say about Gonta you tiny little gremlin!? Trash breath! Say that again! Gonta is an adorable gentleman and if you got something to say I’ll freakin pull your hair off!” Gonta picks you up, “(Y/N) don’t do that. Gonta no worry about what others say. Only worry about you.”
He’s your giant teddy bear. You like holding his hand a lot, something about baby hands and giant hands….or maybe you just like giant hands hold your hands and face.
Once a awhile you’d dance for Gonta or even perform some bug dances for him. He’d immediately guess which ones they are based on the movement. Until you performed the spider dance, the male was so confused until you sang the song.
Bugs, you actually had to sadly admit that you squished some ants when you were younger, he forgave you because you said younger if you did it now then he planned on never forgiving you.
One day Gonta kissed you on the cheek so you squealed but then chilled out and replied softly. “Thank you…your kisses are nice.” “Gonta likes your kisses too (Y/N) your lips are very soft!” You wheezed so hard and started squeaking.
Another Hiyoko twin? You absolutely love Kaede, that’s your big sis! Your crush your favorite pianist ever, all you do is drag her around. Hold hands maybe even wash up together just for fun!
Whenever you’re getting all snappy it’s usually when SHES not looking, if she gently told you off you’d nod then scratch your cheek: “Sorry Kaede.” After that the girl is smothering you.
Sometimes when you two Wanna cheer everyone up you both perform together, your graceful dancing and her sweet melody were in perfect sync how could anyone hate you? Even though you’re a practical gremlin like Kokichi…
It’s even worse when you’re related to him. The two of you stand side by side and cackle happily before pointing ahead, “Take that you pig barf!” Kaede suddenly picks you up and Shuichi was picked up by Kokichi. Next you both got carried away. “MAN FUUUUDGE!”
Talking to her on your end was sorta hard, Yep this is you. Mahiru’s Doppler; she didn’t want you near her at all but you somewhat persisted.
The only thing that caught her attention with you was the pictures. Himiko and Angie both would insist you’d take photos of them, Tenko even urged you on as well which you did but Maki would scare them away.
“Do you mind taking a picture of um…” she stays silent, and you smile a bit. “Sure I’ll take a picture of those lavenders you liked.” She averted her gaze and played with her hair. “Thanks.”
You went off and took a few pictures then returned them to Maki she looked at them curiously then a smile rose on her face. You snapped another picture then handed it to her again, “Woah…” the girl suddenly felt water flooding her eyes. “….That’s my smile?” “Don’t worry I didn’t look I just snapped a quick photo.” She blushed some more before leaning on your arm. “Thanks (Y/N)”
The ultimate photographer and the ultimate assassin: you two were sorta inseparable even Kaito congratulated you on helping ‘Maki Roll’ open up. “Hehe thanks.” You blush and she held your hand. “Come on we better get to training before Kaito bugs us.”
How can this world be so cruel!? You the ultimate gamer!? Didn’t have games that you liked so you slept on Kaito all the time.
Yea he finds that to be cruel: every moment you got you’d play your game or you’d sleep on him, Chiaki would be proud…if you weren’t her doppler. You slept on his lap, his chest. Or you’d have him lay on your chest while you slept.
Training? Kaito wouldn’t dare bother you, so you’d sit on his back or you’d do yoga with him and stretch out.
“Kaito why are you letting her sleep on you again?” He sobs. “Because shes so damn cute and I don’t wanna wake her….” This man was actually crying wow: this maybe be a shock but you really enjoyed cuddling him.
Now for videogames, you’re on his lap or you’re teaching him how to play. This man does use this to advantage occasionally but he’s respectful of it, whenever he needs help you’d press up to him and he’d playfully kiss your cheek. To which you’d smile then chuckle quietly, before kissing his cheek as well.
How romantic…until you both play cuphead. Guess who’s wheezing while you’re busy quoting Coryxkenshin. Kaito, the man is trying so hard not to wheeze or die but you just keep raging. His favorite board is the blimp Hilda berg.
Watching the stars is the best you’ll lay on him and watch them shine so beautifully before cuddling up to Kaito then falling asleep. Peaceful in his arms
“Sorry I’m late I was trying to- AAAH!” You tripped then flopped onto the ground, as Mikan’s twin and little sister this was common for you. It was always the darn boots you wore, “I’m sorry…” Ryoma helped you up and just pats your hand. “No worries.”
He watched over you occasionally. Whenever Miu or Kokichi bullied you it was sorta not the sight to see, “I-I do-don’t m-mean to be a nuisance please forgive me.” At first the male would defend you but he tried to teach you to be brave.
One day you snapped and started yelling. “Not fair not fair not fair not fair not fair! WHY WON’T NEITHER OF YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!? It’s always me! *hic* I-I’M DONE- you hear me!” You yell angrily. “I’M THROUGH WITH BEING BULLIED!” Suddenly Kokichi replied snappily. “It was just a joke (Y/N).” “Kokichi- shut up.” Ryoma walks over to you but grunts as you ran off crying.
“Hey (Y/N)…?” The male knocked on your door you opened it then let him in and hugged the balloon: he offered as soon as he walked in. “Made it myself.” You nuzzle the item lovingly.
“….I have a problem..” he sits down. “We all do kitten..sometimes we gotta face those problems head on.” You sniffle, “Why are we demeaned as bad people? Yo-You did what you d-did to protect your loved ones and for vengeance…” he sighs. “Kitten…I’m not sure…But I don’t think I need to worry about that. I have you.”
You smile a bit before looking away with a blush. “That means a lot.” He can’t help but blush while admiring your adorable blushy face. ‘Cute’
You hold his hand often. Alone without the eyes of everyone around you, he’s not good with something you crave so you initiate the physical emotion and intimacy.
Kisses? On the cheek from you and head from you? Lips? He does that and you squeal softly.
Cuddles? Well…Ryoma’s big spoon but somehow his s face is always pressed up to your chest. “(Y/N)!” His muffled voice would go off and you’d back away then hug him sadly. “I’m sorry.”
Whenever you helped nurse people back to health you’d occasionally check the scars on his back. For a small guy he was pretty buff which you expected from him.
He disliked his scars, you paid no mind because they didn’t define him. But on some days you’d hold him close and whisper soft nothings to Ryoma.
Shuichi one day asked you about the next motive. On account to the first trial you called out Kaede’s intentions and told her to lay off but she still died along with Rantaro. So this time you pointed out Kirumi, he confronted her with Kaito: turned out she had her motive. “Nice one Kitten.” Ryoma winks, you squeak then giggle softly before blushing madly. “Thank you.”
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despaired-hcs · 5 years
DRV3 boys x Short!reader Headcanons
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Art not mine!!!
Word count: 1k+
Requested: No
Warnings: None
A/N: Hello! These are my first hcs for the danganronpa fandom but I’m certainly going to write more. I just love these boys with my whole small heart You’re going to notice Korekyo doesn’t appear in these and be like “Oh, lala, you dummy, you forgot Kyo!” but I do remembered him, I just choose not to write about him. Ever. Anyways, enjoy!
Gonta Gokuhara
Omg you’re so tiny next to him
Gonta is extremely careful with you, he’s afraid his superhuman strength will break you
He will help you with anything he can
Oh, you have to grab something at the higher shelf? Gonta can lift you no problem
You sprained your ankle? Gonta will gladly carry you home
He has to scoop whenever you two will kiss, so you tell him it’s okay to lift you up a little if it will ease his back
So expect lots of him picking you up and spinning before sweetly kissing you
Really, Gonta gives the softest kisses
When you’re both siting he gently holds you close by your waist and leaves quick pecks all over you face and neck
And he absolutely adores when you cup his face with your tiny hands
If you want to heat things up you’ll have to sit on his lap, straddling his legs
He’ll be a blushing mess but will keep kissing you as the soft baby he is
So it ends up with you firmly grabbing his shirt and kissing the life out of him
Gonta will surely show you his insect cage and compare you with the little ones
“You so tiny and cute, remind Gonta of ladybug!”
Later you notice how he refers to the ladybug by your name
“Today Gonta no could feed (Y/N).” He murmurs to himself, intensely staring at the insect
So pure
Gonta will fight anyone who insults or makes jokes about your height
Kaito Momota
You’re so cute he can’t handle it
He’s always there when you can’t reach something just so he can show you how tall and strong he looks as he reach the thing you need
Really, he will appear out of nowhere if you need him
He passes one arm around your waist and leans down to kiss you passionately whenever he’s proud of you even if it’s just for changing a light bulb
Kaito definitely gives you nicknames because of your height
“Little (Y/N)”, “Small bean” and “Baby girl” are the ones he uses the most
But he will get pissed if he sees anyone calling you that especially if it’s Kokichi
If you’re into high hells he’ll gladly buy you some
Cause he just loves the smile on your face when you’re just a little bit taller
He absolutely loves when you’re on your tiptoes to kiss him
Or when you pull him down by his jacket to reach his lips
Especially in public, he likes being seen with you
He likes putting his hand on the top of your head as he explains something to you
“See, little (Y/N), you can’t just trust people like that.”
And he would totally be that person who leans forward with their hands on their knees to be the same height as you
And he would regret it forever cause you got PISSED
Kaito will also throw fists at anyone who mentions your height as something bad
Kiibo doesn’t really care about your height
But he does like the fact that he’s taller
It makes him feel stronger and shows you how you’re safe around him
So expect him to ask if you need help literally all the time
“Yes, Kiibo, I need help. Come here and kiss me.”
He will be blushing and overheating as he quietly obeys and leans to kiss you
And later he realizes you didn’t need him to kiss you, you were just messing with him because he was bothering you
And he blushes even more
So since that day he stops to admire how you overcome your small stature with smartness
From grabbing a chair to reach the cabinet with the plates to throwing pillows to kill mosquitoes
He just finds you amazing
Kiibo will do anything if you ask with those puppy eyes and mentions how tall he is
He gets really nervous when you ask him to carry you on his shoulders, ‘cause he’s afraid he’ll drop you
But then he just can’t stop smiling at how you keep excitedly telling him how tall you are
So he loves carrying you around and making you feel taller
You made him the happiest robot when you sweetly asked him to lean down just to kiss him when he did so
Kiibo argues with anyone who makes fun of your heigh
Kokichi Oma
You being short is a big deal here
He never says it, but you know he’s kinda insecure about his height
People not believing he’s a supreme leader and not taking his advices seriously cause he’s short, it all stresses him
So yeah, he really likes the fact that you’re short as well
And he’s constantly bothering you because of it
He likes to enter your room while you’re off and hide things you like the most (like your favorite shoes) in the higher shelves
Just so you have to climb over chairs and boxes to grab them
No, he doesn’t do it because he has a great view of your butt while you’re up there searching
If you ever do the same with him, he will reply with “come on, (Y/N), grow up! I told you it wasn’t me!” and run off before you can hit him
He absolutely adores your hugs, since he can rest his cheek on your shoulder and you can do the same on his (the supreme hug)
And he loves how he can just pass one arm around your waist and keep his other hand in the back of your neck and take his time while kissing you
He actually encourages you to wear high heels sometimes
And when you do he always asks “so how is the view?”
But he also goes like “aww, my little (Y/N) finally grew up!”
It’s good to see you from other angles from time to time, but he never admits he likes it
Kokichi could totally get used to when you’re taller than him, with your arms around his shoulders, and slowly leaning down to kiss him
  Bonus if you two are kissing and you get out of your heels, it makes his heart flutter (and he blushes a little too)
Kokichi will make anyone’s life a living hell if they dare to make fun of your stature
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro loves everything about you
And that includes your height
He loves hugging you and resting his chin on the top of your head, calmly rubbing your back
He will try leaving important stuff at the lower shelves
And will always be there if you need help to reach anything
Sometimes you mess with him and keep asking him to grab things you actually don’t need just to watch him
And when he notices what you’re doing you’re so screwed
He tickles you until you ask for mercy (and since he’s way taller than you there’s no escape)
He loves your laugh and loves tickling you, but he knows the limits
Rantaro likes to hug you close by the waist and kiss you passionately, your back slowly arching as he leans in
He also likes it when you quietly approach him from behind and leave kisses all over his shoulders and back
Especially if you’re doing it to catch his attention so you can properly kiss him
Wear his shirts, just do it, he’ll blush so cutely
Rantaro will never forgive anyone who insults you about your height
Ryoma Hoshi
Even though you consider yourself short, Ryoma is shorter
And he’s okay with it
He likes how there isn’t that much height difference between you two though
Ryoma tries to act cool and let you be, but he’s always there when you need help
His house has shorter wardrobes and shelves and he already said you can stop by whenever you want or need
Ryoma will blush a lot when you pretend to whisper something in his ear and kiss his cheek
(And even more when you take advantage of his embarrassment to kiss his lips)
He’s afraid he will hurt you so he tends to keep some distance from time to time
But when you two are close again he’ll tenderly hold your hand and won’t let go for a long time
Ryoma kisses you slowly and with so much love you almost can’t take it
He’s ready to kill anyone who makes you feel bad about your height
Shuichi Saihara
This boy is so soft for you
He keeps staring lovingly at you even when you’re just existing
Shuichi never mentions your stature or make jokes about it
But he does like it when you ask him for help
He feels so useful and he’s just glad he can do something for you
Shuichi usually kisses your knuckles and forehead, too afraid to go for your lips
So you have to hold his sleeve to make him lean a little and stand on tiptoes to kiss him
And once you do, Shuichi won’t let go for quite some time
He will blush madly and giggle if you ever wear his hat
Or his shirt and coat
He just loves when you’re wearing his clothes
Just like Kiibo, he will do almost anything if you ask with puppy eyes
Shuichi doesn’t like to see you wearing uncomfortable high heels just to get a little bit taller
But if you really like them, he’ll get used to it and sometimes buy a pair
His favorite view of you is when you’re in front of him with your arms open wide, asking cutely for a hug
Shuichi won’t let anyone talk about your height in his presence
PS.: Requests are open, guys!
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crystalelemental · 3 years
Since I don’t always recruit them and am once again building perspectives, rankings of the Fates children, because I have a day off and this is how I choose to live my life I guess.
Kana - Honestly not too bad, though god I hate that stupid dragon language bit.  Like okay, thanks for the ancient meme reference, english translators.  C-rank.
Shigure - I don’t like Shigure.  I don’t have any particular reason, he just seems completely uninteresting and is mostly only invested in joining because “I guess I gotta fight some time” like no you don’t that’s the entire point of the deeprealms, why are you so eager to go to war, child?  D-rank.
Dwyer - Honestly alright.  Nothing exceptional but I do appreciate that he’s someone who actually has the ability to do things and just doesn’t seem as invested in it.  B-rank.
Sophie - She’s okay? A bit of a ditz, which I admit isn’t always my favorite archetype with nothing else offsetting it, but she’s inoffensive enough.  B-rank.
Midori - She’s cute, I like her.  She’s doing her best to prove herself, though is a bit...naive?  She doesn’t really think through the danger of going after a thief to retrieve her herbs back, considering that story-wise she’s suggested to not be much of a fighter.  I like her though.  A-rank.
Shiro - All of his conversations thus far have been telling Ryoma off for not actually raising him or preparing him in any way for his inevitable role.  I greatly appreciate this aspect of Shiro.  However his general personality and temperament isn’t my general preference, so on balance we’ll call it a B-rank.
Kiragi - He’s the hyper kid.  I honestly don’t much care for him, but he hasn’t done anything bad.  Just a personality type I really don’t care for.  D-rank.
Asugi - Points for shit-talking his parent for being bad at this, but also does nothing I can appreciate.  I don’t like Gaius, and somehow they made Gaius but with daddy issues.  D-rank.
Selkie - Frankly she’s kind of annoying.  Not the worst, but definitely not the best.  Kinda Kiragi-like, in that it’s mostly just whimsy and goofing off with absolutely nothing to balance that personality trait.  C-rank.
Hisame - I didn’t know it was possible to be this unfathomably boring.  D-rank.
Mitama - I kinda like her?  She just wants to sleep, and is more of the creative type with her haikus.  I don’t think she’s all that interesting, but it’s amazing how she turned out despite her shit dad.  Also, I feel like her desire to just relax and enjoy life is...exactly the point of them being in the fucking deeprealms?  Like you throw all your kids in here to keep them safe from war, she actually achieves a life of peace, and somehow it’s like “Why are you being so lazy?”  Let the girl nap.  A-rank.
Caeldori - She’s fine?  I don’t get a strong sense of adoration for her, but she’s a diligent and nice kid.  B-rank.
Rhajat - Honestly we were doing great until the Corrin scene at the end.  She was frankly hilarious, cackling like a crazy person summoning all her Faceless, and introducing them to Hayato as his grandchildren.  I kinda loved it, but the obsessive thing toward Corrin does dampen the mood.  We’ll say B-rank overall.
Siegbert - Honestly kinda boring, and his main claim to fame here is more that he’s willing to put his own needs secondary to the needs of those around him, showing a decent leadership quality.  He also just seems like a sweet kid in general.  But he’s, again, really boring, so B-rank.
Forrest - S-rank.  Forrest is the shit.  “I’m not leaving to spare your feelings, father.  You’re unworthy of me.”  Fucking go off, kid.  God I love him.
Ignatius - I kinda like him.  He’s a bit of a coward, but puts on a brave face for others and does his best to defend people.  He wants to be like his father, who he looks up to and respects as a fearless defender of the people, and it’s super sweet.  A-rank.
Velouria - Not as much fun as I expected her to be.  She’s fine and all, but doesn’t have as much going on as I remembered.  Or at least she was until the supports.  She’s a lonely kid who finally is around her parents and just wants to snuggle in.  It’s pretty damn cute.  A-rank.
Percy - I really don’t like this kid.  I get it, he’s young, so kinda dumb, but joining in with a bunch of people to attack us by setting us up as bandits?  Dick move, kid.  D-rank.
Ophelia - She’s a goober, but she’s a fun goober in the same was Odin is.  I absolutely hate her outfit, but otherwise she’s fun.  A-rank.
Soleil - S-rank.  Like is it even a question?  Soleil’s cool as hell.
Nina - I don’t actually like Nina.  Like, at all.  Most of this, however, comes from the memetic focus on her thinking any two men interacting is a thing to write lewd fanfiction about.  But having met her, and knowing that her stance is more as a thief who steals for the common man...I still don’t care for her all that much.  I dunno, it’s better than I thought but still not a favorite at all.  C-rank?  C-rank.
So that’s everyone.  I’m kinda surprised no one got a failing grade.  There are plenty I really don’t like, and quite a few that are just boring as all hell, but no one was so awful that I literally couldn’t stand it.  If I had to pick an outright worst kid, probably Hisame.  Because I literally cannot remember much of anything about him, and I did his chapter this morning.  Best is Forrest, but Soleil is a really close second.  I love them both.
On the whole, not as bad as I remember, but oh boy do I really not like the Fates kids on the whole.
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hawopro · 5 years
Prince of Tennis (2019) meme
I was tagged by the lovely @sandreeen​ on my main (@rupru-russiaxprussia​) but anyway, I’m going to do this here! Never done this before, was I supposed to response with reblog or?? :D?? Original post here
Tagging: @zhuxinjie @wndrnvrlnd @luckycheesefoodie321@kdramapit @pillarpair @tsukkiyume if yall wanna do it, and other who’s watched this show and need to rant like I did months ago.
Lmao like I’m doing now actually, bc these answers are long............ Let me know what you guys think! I’m always down to talk about this show bc this fandom is so little hahaha
1. Favorite character(s)?
2. Favorite school team(s)?
3. Favorite coach(es)?
4. Favorite supporting cast member(s)? (characters who aren’t regulars, aren’t on tennis teams etc.)
5. Favorite original character(s) in the adaptation?
6. Who do you think enacted their role best?
7. Favorite singles match?
8. Favorite doubles match?
9. Favorite story arc?
10. Most amusing tenipuri scene(s)/moment(s)/running joke(s)?
11. What did you like most about the adaptation?
12. What do you think the adaptation could have improved on?
13. Any other thoughts you want to share?
1. Favorite character(s)?
Childhood favorite is Zhuo Zhi (Fuji) BUT now my taste in fictional guy is douchebag with character development, therefore Ji Jingwu (Atobe) is my favorite hands down. And Ming Ren did such an amazing job that I swooned tbh... perfect amount of arrogance, charisma, with mushy inside (letting Shishido back on team and caring about Siyang like come on). But I love this adaptation of Siyang (Tezuka) as well, anime Tezuka was too dry for me. Yu Shirota’s Tezuka was good, but I love this dorky Siyang.
2. Favorite school team(s)?
Rokkaku! They’re so pure and adorable, super chill and quirky af! So accepting of Lu Xia (Ryoma) into their midst. Babies.
3. Favorite coach(es)?
Rokkaku’s coach! Mr. Six, old wise man. Where can I find one? I need life changing advice.
4. Favorite supporting cast member(s)? (characters who aren’t regulars, aren’t on tennis teams etc.)
Echizen Nanjiro (I forgot his Chinese name). Is he supporting cast?? Haha I love that he’s obsessed with a singer, make weird food, but really love Lu Xia. None of that perverted bs from anime. I approve. Especially love his and Qiao Chen’s (Momo) interaction over the singer (how Qiao Chen called him Dage and then switched to Shushu in front of Lu Xia lmao). Most striking scene is when he and Lu Xia shared a blanket. My heart.
5. Favorite original character(s) in the adaptation?
Qi Ying’s friend Peng Xiang (Sakuno’s friend uhh Tomoka?) I thought she was kinda annoying in the anime, but Peng Xiang is supportive af, always there with encouragement for Qi Ying. So funny when she said she won’t look at men other than Yu Qing and then Rokkaku walked in with sleeveless shirts.
6. Who do you think enacted their role best?
I think everyone did really great! I think the director and writers really know the anime personalities. Kudos to them for awesome in making characters well-rounded and realistic in this adaptation. Side characters from other teams didn’t get much thoughts, but I’m sure that’s due to budget and time constraint.
7. Favorite singles match?
First thought would be Siyang and Jingwu’s match. But that’s bc I’m biased. Upon thinking more, I like Lu Xia and Zhuo Zhi’s match during practice in the rain. They are a good match up, and it’s a shame we never got to see the end of it (in any adaptation.) Zhuo Zhi was actually being serious haha. It’s like they’re battling for the title of Siyang’s no.1 favorite.
8. Favorite doubles match?
OH i gif this so hard, but the Rival pair match!!!! god I love their dynamic and their development on the court! I swear when Golden pair graduates, and Baiyang (Kaidoh) and Qiao Chen became capt and vice capt, they’ll be the new Golden pair. Who else know you better than your rival amirite. New recruits would whisper behind their backs “are you sure that’s Yu Qing’s golden pair? they’re fighting like cat and dog” and then be flabbergasted when witness their teamwork during game.
9. Favorite story arc?
Studying for exam arc and training camp/power up arc. I’m a sucker for those slice of life team interaction. It’s not a sport anime without the studying bootcamp at a team member’s house. The training camp arc has nice interactions with Yu Feng (Fudomine) and you can really see that while Yu Qing is one of the top tennis schools, they really have a lot of flaws and have to work really hard to be better! That and the pillow fight scene during the power outage. And Yu Feng thought they were training. All I’ve ever wanted. Very nice.
10. Most amusing tenipuri scene(s)/moment(s)/running joke(s)?
This adaptation is hilarious! I love the whole Yan’s juice (Inui’s juice) running joke and Nanjiro’s inedible cooking with crawfish and durian and weird stuff. I also love how everyone just fainted when drinking it hahaha even Siyang couldn’t handle it. Stretcher bros are funny af, that one time they’re so used to carry stretcher and needed to bring it everywhere hahaha. And when they tried to paint each other omg. Also love when Qiao Chen crashed into Nanjiro, and Nanjiro was drawing chalk line around them to preserve evidence afd;sjlkda i died laughing. And when Qiao Chen swerved his bike and Lu Xia fell off. And Qiao Chen and Lu Xia’s double practice... there are a lot more, but I will shut up now.
11. What did you like most about the adaptation?
I’d say refer to my post Things I loved about... but basically I love how there are a lot of nuances from the anime in this adaptation. Everything is as similar as possible to anime but not forced. So I def prefer this adaptation to the JP movie or the Taiwanese series.
12. What do you think the adaptation could have improved on?
The tennis and cgi could be better imo. The JP live action movie had amazing cgi for the special techniques and they didn’t look outlandish or cringey... Also I might be wrong, bc I’m no tennis expert, but most of the actors didn’t seem to know how to play tennis? Their serve, smash and sometimes forehand really cringed me... no way those forms are legit... that ball would have flew into the fence... it’s a bit distracting and kinda embarrassing when I tried to get my friends to watch this hahaha “here watch this tennis show, but don’t watch the tennis in it”
13. Any other thoughts you want to share?
oof I spent way too much time writing this instead of studying... please come talk to me about this show! I love it so much! If yall ever write fic on ao3, please link me, I’d love to read bc there’s so little content for this fandom that it hurts me! Thanks for reading my rant until the end hahaha
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seigaku9th-blog · 7 years
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july 15th to july 23rd 2017 ➜ tenimyu’s seigaku VS rikkai
after years of dreaming, i finally had the chance to watch tenimyu in person. I saw VS rikkai 5 times within 1 week, and it still wasn’t enough! read on to hear my thoughts, my interactions with the actors & various other reports.
where to start. probably with how i started tearing up just from hearing the classic tennis ball sounds as the room is pitch black opening sequence.
the show started off with a rikkai number. they are. wonderful. i’m a HUUUGE fan of rikkai 2nd--they are my favorite rival team along with higa 2nd--so my expectations were set very high... but rikkai 3rd managed to reach them--and some of them completely surpassed my expectations. not even 5 minutes in, i was already blown away by their powerful singing voices.
seigaku’s opening number is a new song: and hikaru sings the second!! line!! In it, and god. GOD. each time he sang it, even after seeing the show 5 times, my hand would instinctively go up to my chest, i was just overwhelmed with emotion... the VOICE this boy has. mindblowing. i cannot wait for the DVD & OST of this show so i can add his new lines to my compilation of his singing. one of my friends, when we met during intermission of the first VS rikkai show she saw, the first thing she said was; SINCE WHEN CAN KAIDOH SING!?!??!? hehehe.
the ryoma VS kirihara match was amazing to watch. i feel like ryu is 50% genki & 50% motohisa, so i think everyone will be able to love him! he has the perfect attitude, demeanor and behavior down. his face is also very interesting to watch!! but what mostly amazed me about this match were nichika’s stunts during it. i had to go rewatch dori & yuuki’s performances to make sure i wasn’t exaggerating just how cool nichika was. i wasn’t. the way he knocks off his feet and falls each time kirihara hits his ankle is so believable and intense! it’s honestly scary! he did his stunts as intensely throughout the whole week. i’m really amazed by this kid. i really love kirihara+marui+jackal’s new song too, ruby eyes. it’s so catchy! it’s been 6 weeks and i could probably sing it off the top of my head still~
the hospital scene… i love how niou would touch yukimura’s shoulder or hair or fix his clothes when he walked in hehe. yukimura’s slow solo song following this scene was much longer than the one in previous seasons. and amazing. toshiki’s singing voice is incredibly powerful, heartfelt and beautiful. this was the only solo that consistently got an applause at the shows i went to. i’m really excited for everyone to get to hear his singing... his musical voice is MUCH better than his idol band thing voice. XD
rokkaku were always there to lighten the moood and make the crowd laugh. the banedabi higawari were especially funny... the best one was when bane-san turned into jijii... and i loved saeki’s solo!! kaname’s singing is sooo wonderful, it makes me especially excited to hear him sing The Best Song ever in VS higa.
D2: kaidoh+momo VS marui+jackal. this has always been one of my favorite matches in the anime, and i loved ikeoka & kamitsuru’s version of it as well!! i don’t think hikaru & jonathan have exactly as much chemistry as their 6th cast counterparts did, but their individual performances as kaidoh & momo are incomparable. kaidoh’s solo changed a little, with similar lyrics but a different rhythm & melody. i think they’re really adapting their musicals to let hikaru’s singing skills shine, which, god bless them. yusaku is an ADORABLE jackal, and his marui feels(tm) are exactly what i like to see. as for taka, i think he impressed everyone, marui fans or not. his performance is just SO much FUN!! he has amazing stage presence! marui has a solo song now... with backup vocals by jackal... i do wish it were a legit duet, but the song is just AMAZING, so i can live with it. take~ it~ easy~ take it take it easy~
D1: golden pair VS illusion pair! i was so happy to finally see sei-chan and yu play doubles together! they were so cute. yu is an angel. i really loved his performance throughout this whole show... and i can tell sei-chan is getting better by the minute! it’ll be fun to see him play singles soon. but i especially LOOOVED yuuta and dai’s performance. they are so fun to watch together, and amazing performers and singers. i’d normally be disappointed that they changed the petenshi song, as iconic as it was, but the new one is SO. MUCH. FUN!! they perform so many magic tricks/illusions during the song, and there’s some i still haven’t deciphered. it’ll probably look even cooler and even more convincing on DVD! and... ahem. excuse me for a second. *puts on I♥YAGYUU headband & rips off jacket to reveal I♥YUUTA shirt*. Yuuta Is. My Dream Yagyuu. ok that’s it thanks
S3: inui VS yanagi. data pair’s match was possibly my favorite part of the show. isawa really impressed me considering he was the member i was the most wary about when the cast was first announced... but he looks WONDERFUL in his yanagi costume and makeup, and his singing is beautiful. but sho... sho. oh man. i LOVE this guy. since we didn’t get to see much of him in VS rokkaku, i was really looking forward to seeing what he was capable of. and he certainly did not disappoint. i’m a very big fan of inui actors and inui himself has always been one of my top 3 favorite characters, so i always expect a lot. and sho did everything right. he is exactly what i want to see in an inui. i’ll be straight up: sho’s inui is my favorite inui. i feel like he combines every previous inui’s best traits: inagaki’s appearance, arai’s smile, teruma’s singing voice, ryosei’s charisma, basshi’s weird, arayan’s extra. and their cumulative love for kaidoh, tezuka, momo and ryoma. and cumulative sexy--*i am suddenly run over and cannot write anymore*
but seriously! sho has 2.5 solo songs during this match, and he performs all of them so well. his singing voice is LOVELY, and i feel like he is constantly improving. i also think he’s the best dancer in seigaku after yuu, which should make no sense considering his size? he emotes and acts so well, and i think he really understands the balance of calculating weirdo creep and impossibly kind, loving and emotionally perceptive goof that inui is made of.
also, as an OT4 shipper, i must mention that ryoma gets really intense cheering during this match, yelling DO YOUR BEST INUI SENPAI!!, that momo has the cutest reaction and hugest smile, legit fangirling, when a tired inui leans on his shoulder after the match, and...!! tenimyu finally included this scene from the anime, where kaidoh hands inui a towel and they smile at each other huhuhu... well, sho’s hand didn’t touch hikaru’s like how they do in the anime, but. close enough, right!!
S2: fuji VS kirihara!! fuuma was sooo pretty and threatening and soft-looking but scary-acting... i really enjoyed his solo. you have to give it to fuuma for being such a good actor and by that i mean convincing us that fuji is still in love with tezuka even if fuuma seems to be unable to stand yuuya LOL... the part where fuji loses his vision is also so much more convincing and heart tugging than it has ever been before. as mentioned earlier, ryu’s kirihara is a gem. i’m looking forward to seeing his performance at senshuraku on the DVD, since i could feel him improving with each show! at first, i wanted him to be a bit crazier/shriek more ((since that’s my favorite thing about anime kirihara & motohisa’s kirihara, beautiful crazy shrieking child)), but by the last show i saw, he had it down so well.
i couldn’t believe they hadn’t changed mou mayoi wa nai, sanayuki’s duet... i’m always conflicted between laughing or crying when it comes on... i was expecting an update with a modern tune with more romantic lyrics, but by the end, i learned to love it... because of toshiki and shogo’s singing, of course. they’re both amazingly talented. and look amazing together. and sound amazing. and have great chemistry. however, i think shogo was having a hard time adjusting to the deeper voice he’s been using as sanada, because he sounded very rough and sore by the 23rd? which led to toshiki singing even more powerfully during their duet on that day... it was wonderful.
S1: ryoma VS sanada! nichika has been growing, both physically and has a performer, so fast. he was a lot of fun to watch during this match... the best moment is when he does this 360 spin and his sweat forms a misty halo around him. that sounds very bad when written down doesn’t it. anyways. shogo is so intimidating and scary and manly as sanada!! it really surprised me since he’s so beautiful and cute out of costume!! i really love him. well, i love both actors, i love both characters, and i ship this pair, but god, isn’t this match always a little too long, be it manga, anime or musical? i found myself watching the benches a bit too often XD. until samurai comes on, of course! it was impossibly difficult to stay still each time it came on!! i had to sing & dance to it at the karaoke to get my love for this song out of my system between the shows i saw.
3rd season has been amazing from the beginning, and VS rikkai was no exception. i have nothing but positive thoughts, and am proud of every single actor. (but especially toshiki and sho, who’re my personal MVPs of the show. also hikaru’s legs)
the encore is always SO much fun! I’m actually rather happy that they changed it to in my heart in time for me to go see tenimyu, because i can’t even do the bunbun moves properly in my living room... i don’t remember all the calls we got during the shows i went to, aside from yuuta’s laserbeam and shogo’s tarundoru. i was definitely shouting way too loudly during them... i was just so happy...
15th: i got WAAAY too lucky. during my first first FIRST ever show, i got a high touch from sho. I’ve always liked him, but the way his smile got so much wider, and his handsome face, and his kind eyes... i’m totally gone now... bye... that was honest to god my favorite and most heartfelt interaction with any actor after ikkei-san, sorry to all the other inuis and tezukas who actually held my hands and talked to me
right after sho high touched us, chiba ran by and had to jump to reach our hands and high touch us! It was so cute!! also yuuya ran by and i physically reeled away in fear
19th: when i was on the balcony for once, and had an alley seat, yuuta was slowly going thru the alley and looking, waving and thanking each of us, one by one. It was so sweet and so gentlemanly. he’s my favorite member of rikkai and i’m a huge fan of yagyuu, so i was super excited and happy. I think i yelled I LOVE YOU in my daze... i probably need to be banned from tenimyu
23rd: i got ANOTHER!! high touch from sho!! I was so happy!! and then!! yuuya too!! I saw this show with a friend who’s a big fan of tezuka, so we were both so excited ;_;
funnily enough, i didn’t get any high touches or interactions when i was in the 5th row, nor in the alley seat of the 3rd row... XD
one particular aspect i didn’t expect to be so weirdly excited/traumatized about was the graduates sitting in the audience to watch the show. as we all know thanks to blog posts and selfies, there are past cast members who go see the tenimyu performances in tokyo almost every day. what i didn’t expect was to be so cursedly lucky about who would show up on the days i went...
15th: satsuki, akki, kohei, ogaken & kaminaga attended the matinée show. i wish i had noticed ogaken & kaminaga earlier since i’m a fan, but i couldn’t see them too well from my seat! but i did see satsuki and akki being SUPER into in my heart and being very dedicated to doing all the moves. so cute!
19th: hideya, ryosei, miura, ikumin & mikata attended this show. now. as you may or may not know. hideya is my #1 favorite actor ever. and i was very, very sad that i wouldn’t have any chance to see him during this trip. Well. imagine my reaction when he shows up on the one and only day where my seat was in balcony 1 rather than arena, in the row of seats right next to the one where the graduates always sit. actually i didn’t really have any visible reaction bcuz i was trying very hard to respect their privacy and not stare too much bUT!!! AH!! seeing ryosei again 3 days after meeting him was kinda funny. oh, miura is sooo cute and sooo pretty. he was sitting next to the other guest seats and was super friendly and chatty with those family members. at some point he leaned over the railing and looked so cute and childish… he also leaned over ikumin to whisper in ryosei’s ear which i thought was hilarious. poor ikumin. so unloved. but the funniest was how mikata kept talking and no one reacted or replied to him... hideya and ryosei were talking together pretty much the whole time, which made me VERY happy since i’m such a fan of the both of them, and also because inutezu. I also loved how they got the biggest reaction from the audience XD everyone is always polite and respectful and doesn’t bother the guests, but you could see everyone in the arena turning around to look at them and people whispering OMG HIDEYA OMG MIURA all around me wwww
20th: aibacchi attended this show! i didn’t know it was him until the blog posted pictures of him because he was wearing a face mask, hat and very plain clothes. i just figured it was a 1st season dude since even famous 2nd & 3rd actors rarely bother hiding their faces.
23rd: sana and masa attended this show!! oh my god. i was in the last row of the arena so they were right behind me. I was feeling very conflicted about how i had just paid 130$ to see sana from the 21st row of a theater, only for him to sit right behind me... masa & him NEVER stopped talking, it was kinda funny. classic sana becoming buds with everyone because he has no notion of respect or seniority. i actually thought masa was a 3rd season guy i wasn’t recognizing due to how friendly they were with each other!!!!! but now that i think about it, they were probably just gushing about how much they love yagyuu. me too, guys. during the encore, sana’s face was like (THIS) the entire time. so cute. yuuya went up to the two of them to bow & say thank you.
just walking around TDC was so... emotional... walking around places i’ve seen in backstage videos for years... i felt silly because all my friends have been tenimyu veterans for years while i was freaking out so badly over everything that i couldn’t even finish my bowl of ramen okay actually i’ll blame that one on sho’s high touch a few minutes before
it was also really fun to go to all the shows with friends. back home, i only have one tenimyu buddy, and i feel like in general, a lot of fans are more fixated on 1st and/or 2nd season, so being able to talk about the actors and the shows with people who love tenimyu 3rd just as much as i do was so much fun!! thank you for the emotional support, hot gossip, gifts, restaurant visits & good times sam, emma, josie, tina, jillian, vivi & keiko 😭💕
i’ll keep it simple. seeing VS rikkai 5 times wasn’t enough, and i’m already dying to see it again. oh, and i bought my plane tickets to go see VS higa in february already. so, yes, i guess that i did enjoy seeing tenimyu in person. ((it was the most wonderful experience of my entire life, even as an avid theater & concert goer. nothing could ever quite compare.))
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shenanigumi · 7 years
Easing the boredom (I hope)! So, I thought I'd just state some random Hakuouki thoughts and see where that goes! :P 1. My favorite characters are always the more serious/stoic characters, so Saito, Amagiri, and Yamazaki lead the pack for me. 2. I think my minor issue with seeing Heisuke romantically involved is because I am OLD and he just seems like a kid to me... :P 3. Kyo Shiranui is an EPIC character and I would LOVE to see more one-shots with him as the key role! 4. I dislike Okita.. :(
Yay! An interaction!! I was so worried there’d be radio silence and then I’d just have to go “…never mind” before I went to bed, so thank you for breaking the ice in some way!! ^w^
Hey, it’s always nice to have a handle on the ‘type’ of character you like! And those three are all great characters; I can’t say that I like them all specifically because they’re stoic, but I do like them all—and more than that, I like them because they’re all slightly different kinds of serious, which is nice because then they’re not the same character cut-and-pasted into different situations. Anyway, my ‘type’ is a tad more specific than yours, anyway: silver/white-haired badasses that operate in moral gray areas, which often translates into villainy. (You can guess why Hakuōki appealed so much to me.)
Makes sense based on how he acts, but of course you know Heisuke’s actually the same age as Saito. Less mature, maybe, but they’re both 19 in the beginning. And Chizuru’s only 16 at that time, so really, there’s not much choice but to ship the young folk. I get what you mean about how childish he acts, though.
Hell yeah! I hear Shiranui makes some more appearances in Shinkai, so I’ll totally write some once I play through that. He’s particularly prominent on Ryoma’s route, if I remember right—which makes sense, since they both work for the Choshu. And look alike. And both have pistols. Seriously, I swear they’re related somehow.
From what I hear, the fandom is pretty polarized on Okita. Everyone I’ve talked to either adores him or dislikes him; I don’t know too many middle-grounders. I love Okita, but I can certainly understand why he’s not everyone’s cup of tea; he’s not what I’d call a ‘good person’, and his brand of chemistry with Chizuru can be a little off-putting at times. Not to mention, from what I’ve seen, those who love Okita can be pretty… intense… about that love. See, he may be my personal favorite husband, and I may ship OkiChi, but I’m more than willing to admit his character and his ship with Chizuru both have their flaws.
Thanks again for engaging!!
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monomonomagines · 5 years
what would the v3 boys think of a s/o that wears lolita/harajuku (fashion wise). love your blog btw, keep up the amazing work ♡
Thank you for calling my work amazing anon! I'm a huge fan of Lolita and Harajuku style so I thought it best to split this into two parts, one about the boy's opinions on Lolita fashion and the other on Harajuku fashion. I hope you don't mind and that you enjoy this as much as I did writing it.
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Since Rantaro's a fashion expert he'd love seeing you looking as cute as a doll.
He's a fan of all the frills and lace and loves to see the intricate details you put into each ensemble.
To put it bluntly, he'd already know a lot about Lolita fashion thanks to being so fashion savvy himself and may even recommend more pieces for your wardrobe.
He doesn't judge others on their appearance but he'd be a fan of the western look of certain pieces since it reminds him of traveling.
Ryoma is more of a fan of the punk style himself but he wouldn't hate to see you dressed up so cutely.
He'd probably think it makes the two of you look horribly misplaced next to each other though.
His favorite part of the style would be when animal themes or motifs are involved but aside from that, he wouldn't have much of an opinion on it.
Ryoma is a firm believer in not judging a person by their appearance so it's not like his lack of response is from not caring.
He'd only really be uncaring if you suggested something cute like that for him.
He loves the fairytale aspects of this style.
Regardless of what type of Lolita fashion you wear he'd be a huge fan thanks to it reminding him of so many tales he's read.
He'd prefer the Gothic Lolita style most likely but he wouldn't be against others.
He may recommend some pieces to you similar to Rantaro if it stood out to him but other than that he can seem as indifferent as Ryoma.
Like Rantaro he loves the way you look.
You look like a lady befitting of a true gentleman (which he is even if he thinks otherwise).
He'd be a bit nervous because of how delicate it'd make you look but that'd be his only qualms with the style.
That aside, he really loves how elegant and princess-like it makes you look and wants to try even harder to look as dignified as a prince at your side.
Kokichi isn't really the type to care much about stuff like what someone else wears but he doesn't hate it.
He just doesn't enjoy how sometimes the clothes can get in the way of his antics.
Truthfully, he wouldn't think much like Ryoma.
He'll just complain whenever it slows the two of you down.
Out of all the lolita subtypes, he'd prefer Kodona style since it's better for mobility and his childish antics but even if you wore that he'd still poke fun at you all the same.
This is one clueless idiot when it comes to fashion.
He'll compliment how cute you look but he'll wonder if that whole getup is worth all the time and effort it takes to maintain.
He isn't a huge fan of the style himself but like Kokichi he doesn't hate it.
He'd be a big fan of the Sailor style of Lolita clothes because he'd think it's a little more functional but he wouldn't be against the other styles.
He always thinks you look adorable either way.
He'd love anything star themed, and would probably also like how lots of lace and bows look on you but probably wouldn't know how to properly convey it.
You can just tell by his obvious reactions, like his gaping mouth or his eyes lighting up at the sight of you.
Kiibo doesn't know anything about fashion but he'd love how you look.
He loves the soft romantic sides of the style and would prefer the cutesy pastel shades but he wouldn't mind any style on you.
This boy doesn't care about how unfunctional some styles can be or how some may look a bit odd because he truly thinks you can pull off anything.
He's not as big of a fan of the style as Gonta or Rantaro but know that he does enjoy it.
Shuichi is very gentle himself but he's more of a fan of simpler clothes.
He probably wouldn't be super crazy about the style simply because he feels so underdressed just standing next to you but he wouldn't mind the Kuro style.
He's a big fan of black and other dark colors so he thinks it would help him look a bit more acceptable next to you.
Don't think that any of this is him hating on the style though. He thinks you look beautiful in anything he just prefers more casual styles.
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reduxroyal · 8 years
What are you thoughts on fire emblem heroes so far? And who's on your team?
lol okay buckle the fuckle in kids this is gonna be a ride
(also thank you for this ask and I’m sorry you’re about to get way more info than you probably wanted)
We’ll start with the short answer, so people who aren’t really here for a fucking Fire Emblem history lesson can dip:
Heroes is a fun little game that is honestly a good test to see if you’d like proper titles because the mechanics are identical. They use smaller versions of the original maps, and even pull a lot of the classic music. It’s fun, it works, and there are some nice nods to the older games. My team is Lazlow, Tiki, Niles, and Frederick, all four star or below because the gotcha gods hate me.
Here’s the long answer. Like, really long answer.
Fire Emblem is, historically, not what we’d call a raging success in the US. The first six titles were Japan-exclusive. So from 1990 until 2003, nobody in the US really knew or cared about Fire Emblem because there were no fuckin games for them to play. So what happened to change that?
Melee. Melee happened.
Marth and Roy (for whatever fucking reason I still don’t know why) were on the roster of the 2001 fighter Super Smash Bros. Melee and boy howdy were they popular. You may remember that all of their voice lines were in Japanese, and that’s because they literally didn’t have English voice actors, because there were no English Fire Emblem titles. To be fair FE didn’t use cutscenes at that point so there were probably no voice actors period but like whatever.
So Roy and Marth become like, overnight sensations, and that coupled with the success of Intelligent System’s other tactical RPG, Advance Wars, prods Nintendo to give it a shot and release Blazing Blade internationally for the GBA in 2003. Blazing Blade is the story of Eliwood, Roy’s father, as well as Lyn and Hector, two other big names in FE lore.
But Blazing Blade only sells so-so. In fact, over the next eleven years, Fire Emblem hits a slump, both in Japan and abroad. Titles like Sacred Stones (the first video game I ever played) Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn (why would you put a tactical RPG on anything other than a handheld literally why why why it makes no sense omfg) and Shadow Dragon (which is a rehash of the first game, Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light) all do pretty mediocre.
So now the year is like 2010-ish and FE’s not picking up it’s lost revenue or interest, so Intelligent Systems starts planning what is essentially going to be the franchise’s finale, and that’s Fire Emblem Awakening. Intelligent Systems pulls out all the fuckin stops to make the best game they possibly can so it will be a proper last hurrah. If Awakening didn’t sell well, Fire Emblem was going to be shelved forever.
Awakening, of course, due to many things like good advertising, the right platform, a really fucking solid game with cool new mechanics, likeable characters, a decent plot, and fucking gorgeous cutscenes, becomes the best-selling game in Fire Emblem’s twenty-three year history. Which leads to the somewhat awkward question of what the fuck do you do when the thing that was supposed to be your franchise’s finale becomes the most popular installment of the whole goddamn series?
Well, if you’re Nintendo, you try to recreate it.
That’s what Fates is: a recreation. They (understandably) want to make that magic happen again. So they put together the same artists, a lot of the same voice actors, and everyone’s favorite marriage-to-child mechanic (that just does not make sense in Fates okay I’m sorry I love it and I’m here for it but we all need to agree that it just doesn’t make sense) and Fates does pretty well. Fire Emblem’s back in business.
But you’re left in this curious situation where more than half of your fanbase is only familiar with two out of fourteen titles, so it’s hard to decide where to go. Awakening and Fates are not traditional Fire Emblem games. They are so very, very different in so many ways. The pace of the games, the length of the games, the unit-recruiting process, roster size, the way Support works, even the buying and selling and acquisition of weapons like…there’s just this huge gap. How do you bridge it?
A…mobile game, I guess?
Which like don’t get me wrong, Heroes’ shortcomings have nothing to do with its platform. Like I said before: it’s cute and it’s competent. My issue lies more in the marketing of the game.
I’m sure we all remember the polls that went on to decide which Fire Emblem greats were going to be playable characters in the game, right? And you could pick anyone. Literally anyone. It didn’t matter if they were only apart of your roster for a map and a half. It didn’t matter if they were an enemy unit. It didn’t matter if they were some like, random archer you got in the third chapter so you could learn about ranged attacks. You could vote for any character from any Fire Emblem game, period.
Except, that means it’s essentially boiling down to a popularity contest between twelve practically unknown or rarely known Fire Emblem titles and the two newest, best-selling, fan favorites. Which isn’t upsetting so much as it is, like, dumb? Like of course the majority of people are gonna vote for Chrom and Camilla, that’s what they know. One of the best Fire Emblem characters (in my opinion) is Prince Innes, from Sacred Stones. He has a hilariously arrogant attitude, is bold and brash, and a sick fucking sniper who constantly insists he should be on the front lines and not in the back of the party with the rest of the ranged attackers.
Innes, of course, didn’t make the list. Because ten out of the chosen twenty male heroes were from Awakening or Fates (that ratio is 13:20 for the ladies if you were curious) So this game that was intended to like, I don’t even know, revive interest in old games or at least make them relevant, ends up not really doing that at all. Especially because out of the first eight chapters (that’s as far as I’ve gotten) four of ‘em explore the worlds of Awakening and Fates.
What about Path of Radiance? What about Sacred Stones? What about literally anything besides the last two games in the franchise because it’s not that I don’t like those games, it’s that you promised me a game that embraced all of Fire Emblem, and this ain’t it. Also you went to the trouble of giving Eirika official art and she’s not even a character you can draw what the actual fuck is she in this game or nah
BASICALLY (we’re almost done you almost made it) I think it will be interesting to see how Fire Emblem: Echoes plays out. Echoes is a remake of Fire Emblem Gaiden, a 1992 Japan-only exclusive that I, personally, know nothing about, but can tell you with relative confidence that it’s not like Awakening or Fates because nothing in FE is like Awakening or Fates. It’s coming out in May of this year and like…I’m really curious to see how the “newer” (and by the way newer does not mean in any way that you’re like less of a fan. I don’t care if the only Fire Emblem game you’ve played is Awakening, I’m just fucking glad you’re playing Fire Emblem, let’s be friends) fans will like it. The official description for it is: “Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia recreates classic Fire Emblem gameplay with a modern twist, mixing in exploration of dungeons crawling with enemies.”
I have never played a FE title that had a dungeon of any kind, unless you count the Tower of Valni from Sacred Stones. I don’t even know what that means in the terms of a tactical RPG but like, I guess we’ll see. 
tl;dr I like Fire Emblem a whole lot and will always be bitter over Eirika’s bullshit outfit in Awakening’s DLC
Thanks for reading!
Hi! I’m back again! And at this point lots of things have changed in regards to this post! Most notably: Heroes has added lots of older Fire Emblem characters to the game (including Innes which makes my earlier complaint look really dumb) and Echoes came out and it’s genuinely one of the best games I’ve ever played, and easily one of the best games in FE’s franchise.
Here’s the thing that past me writing this post didn’t get: newer fans are just as invested as old fans, they just don’t have as much to be invested in yet. I can prattle on and on about Sacred Stones and Binding Blade and Shadow Dragon and all the titles I’ve played, but newer players (under-fucking-standably) aren’t going to go back and play games with bad graphics from the late 90′s and early 00′s, so they just hang out with the titles they have played, which for some people, is just Awakening, or just Fates.
Echoes was universally adored by the fanbase. There were a couple times I saw comments like “well, where’s the avatar unit?” or “why can’t I marry other units and have kids?” and like, I wanted to be mad, because those aren’t staples of Fire Emblem, but if anything it’s Nintendo’s fault for making two games back-to-back that promoted the hell out of those features. How could someone who only played Awakening and Fates (which is the majority of this game’s base) know any differently?
And Heroes has really done well with bringing in more characters from other games. Every single game in the franchise (even fucking Tharcia 776) is represented by at least two characters, and they’re always adding more. I think they’re genuinely doing the best they can to please everyone, and the only people throwing a fit are "older” fans who think they deserve more because, what? They’ve put more time in? They’ve somehow “earned” it?
Nintendo is a business, and businesses rely on popularity to fucking succeed. That’s just how it works. Like it or not, the realistic faces of this franchise are characters like Lucina, Ryoma, Corrin, Camilla, and Robin. That’s just how it works. Characters like Math and Lyn will always endue because they’ve been built up as legends, but now there’s so many new characters, and so many new fans, so of course things have to change and the attention has to shift.
And new fans are picking up the old characters just as much!! Characters that haven’t gotten fanart in a fuckin decade are suddenly getting a bunch of attention, because a new fan pulled them in Heroes, didn’t know who they were but liked their design, and went to town.
tl;dr - you aren’t more important just because you’ve “been a fan” longer, it makes complete sense that Nintendo would shift the focus to games like Awakening and Fates, and if you’re waiting for a certain character to show up in Heroes give it some time.
That’s all for real this time.
Also my new team (if anyone cares) is Innes, Leo, Azura, and Raven. I don’t want to talk about how much money I spent trying to gotcha twelve year-old video game characters.
I, uh, I just really like Fire Emblem.
also for all the Path of Raidance and Radiant Dawn fans who sent me asks saying those games were the highest-selling games for their consoles: you’re wrong, and here are the fucking receipts
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