#Ryder Mitten
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Another day, another episode of Big Truck pups...
... and it was awesome!!
I'll start with something very clear: Photography. It's REALLY important in this kind of subseries, because they have big trucks, and they need to show the feel of seeing a vehicle with such proportions and... They did!!
Look at them! You need to think the original pup vehicles are INSIDE the bus, and the new trucks are the SAME SIZE of Ryder's Bus, so the scale is... Incredible!! I love them!!
I can't choose one favorite... Ok, maybe Al's truck, but hey! I love everyone of them! It's just Al's trucks reminds me of my dad's truck, but the rest are huge and full of color!!! I'll hope I'll see better Rocky's truck.
And the pups? C'mon, they all look soooo gorgerous with mittens and jackets!
So, you see, that's where the trouble began. That smile. That damned smile.
And it's the first time I can see for real Chase and Marshall are the big pups. Zuma looks so cute between them!
And Al is a big trucker in his heart. This is the clue: sometimes he needs to drink less caffeine XDDDDDD. I hope he won't teach to the others the power of the coffee: Marshall will be unstoppable.
Photoshop hates me after this gif, but I don't care.
For now, this episode made me laught many times:
But I need to see moooore trucks, so tomorrow I'll watch another episode of Big Trucks Pups. Just to see more trucks and more Al!
C'mon!! I want a plushie of him!! But I can't find it on amazon!! That's not fair!
Edit: Ouch! Right! I forgot to show to the world Al's truck. Let's fix this:
Yep. I'm going to put this on my desktop.
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4th Anniversary of The Eye on the Galaxy
Released four years ago on Christmas Day, this is the one fan fiction of which I’ve become rather proud. Not only does it transition nicely between Season 2 and the still-sitting-on-the-shelf-because-the-higher-ups-assumed-nobody-was-interested-in-more-episodes Season 3, but it gives many side characters a chance to shine, even those who haven’t spoken since Season 1. I already have a background made for it. I’ll get around to making a visual for the shorts… eventually.
Just to recap, here are the shorts, their summaries, and the featured interviewees. The ones in bold were seen in The End of the Galaxy while the ones italicized remain unclear. Whoever has an asterisk (*) may be hidden in the crowd even though we cannot see them.
1. The Rulers - Andy learns about the leaders of their own people and their concerns.
King Bingleborp
The King of Flendar + the Flendarians
The King of Sherblorg 7
Beeza + the Ballzerians
Queen Zeeba (the queen from The Axe)
Prince Cashmere + the Baa-hallans
Dracor + Demurra + their guards
Destructor + his subjects (partial)
2. The Elderly - Andy speaks to some of the galaxy’s resident senior citizens.
Stella Starbella + Mittens
The lost and found guy
Trudi Traveler + her clones
The slug boss + his two custodians
Papa Doom + his gargoyle assistants
Ms. Myrtle via Eye Drone and telephone
3. The Teammates - Andy gets the scoop from various groups and troops.
Badlands Dan + his gang
Oink* + the Motorhogs
The blue and red ants
The Insurgent Generals (General Outrage, Brainz, Wild Card*, Clipper) plus a phone call from Robomechabotasquad
4. The Youth - Andy chats with some children, teens, tots, and the supervising parents.
Melodie + Angela + David + Jamie and Hank
Olive + her mother
The three slug grandkids
The rock lady + her babies
Huckleberry Knucklehead + his parents*
Camera father + camera mother + smartphone son
Teen leader + weasly teen* + obvious teen
Dracor and Demurra’s triplets
5. The Gutsy - Andy talks with the tenacious and converses with the courageous.
Thrax + 3 cohorts + 1 other cohort*
Harvax + Stok
The slug nephew
Ryder via Eye Drone.
6. The Reformed - Andy finds out what’s next for the ex-villains/ex-tyrants.
Destructor + his subjects (continued)
Major Threat
The Black Cube + Tracy
Something the So-and-So (picked, but not started), as well as a postcard from Westley and the half-torn photo strip from The Bot
7. The Business Folks - Andy gathers information on changes in the workplace.
The Blarpee’s cashier
Okeydokian diner manager + Michelle
Apple head and lemon head bartender
Landlord + fast food manager
Garbage collector
Dr. Scrivellix (the dentist)
Clancy Shmancy + Nancy Shmancy + construction workers* + waiter
MOGA curator
Weasel (owner of Weasel’s Watering Hole)
Okeydokian director 1
Okeydokian director 2
Hat shop owner
8. The Mysterious - Andy asks some extraordinary individuals how they’ll get home.
5 lords of illumination (I like to think one of them had a Bloo mask on.)
Fortune teller
High Gnee council + Gluteus/Todd + the buttler
Celestial star being via Eye Drone plus a brief appearance of the intergalactic guru by a holographic smoke effect
9. The Creatures - Andy has questions for the critters who sought refuge on the planetoid.
The rabbit (The Good Deed)
The pit monster (The Birthday Boy)
The fire lion (The Little Guy) - assists Andy in the next ten lines
Monster dog (The Stray)
Hoarder scorpion (The Epic Quest…)
Tigrex of Nil (The Epic Quest)
Electric birds (The Liar)
Frankenstein monster (The Heebie Jeebies)
Squills (The Wanders)
Hufflerumples (The Good Deed)
Diurnal animals (including those from The Breakfast)
Nocturnal animals (The Night)
Frederick (The Rider)
Mother and child (The Egg) via Eye Drone
Gracknore (The Good Deed) via Eye Drone
Tagathorian animals (The Enemies) via Eye Drone
Buster (The Ball) via Eye Drone
Giant worm (The Hat) via Eye Drone, which promptly gets eaten
10. The So-and-So - Andy brings an eager, but unsure, guest to his desk.
Something the So-and-So (two blips to suggest time passage)
11. The Rest - Andy speeds through the interviews with the remaining refugees.
Hogs (The Good Deed)
Bobbles (The Party Animal)
Zetuons (The Catastrophe)
Flankarians (The Cool Guy)
Tiki beings (The Liar)
Bunny-like beings (The Show Stopper)
Mr. Brittle + Mrs. Brittle (The Rider)
Ornament beings (The Gift)
Balloon man
Dragor the Distractible
Princess Galactia
Princess Veronicron + Jim the Neon Knight
Gelatinous Bob animatronic + Joey Protozoa animatronic + drummer animatronic
Fleeblebort* + Marsha + the two hillbilly families
Flower-headed birds (The Good Deed)
35 screens featuring distinctive incidentals from previous episodes (The Fugitives, The Box, The Nice Guy, The Time Bomb, The Helper, etc.), including the furry slug man (from The Toddler and The Night Out)
Cloaked refugees
Brad Starlight + Remora (The Hot Shot) (I did spot about one or two other ladies from that episode in a crowd close up)
Hooded refugees
Surprise appearance by Wander and Sylvia, both of whom lead the Skullship (with Hater and Peepers inside) to crash into Andy’s desk
So there you have it.
Of course, I’ve yet to know exactly who would be on the formerly secret planet and climb aboard the Star Nomad. That’s why I wish to share this information with Craig McCracken himself and gather anything that only he and the crew would know. In case you haven’t guessed by now, he has an account on Bluesky. As long as the fandom thrives, we’ll learn something new about WOY in the future. What could be more exciting?
And with that, happy holidays!
[Link to the shorts]
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Daniel 11,24
Mitten im Frieden wird er in die fruchtbarsten Gegenden eindringen und tun, was weder seine Väter noch seine Vorväter getan haben: Beute, Raub und Reichtum wird er unter sie verschleudern, und gegen die Festungen wird er Pläne schmieden; und dies wird eine Zeitlang dauern.
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Gelungene Rückkehr zu den Wurzeln - Tim Burtons zweiter Akt mit "Beetlejuice"
Nach 36 Jahren kehrt Tim Burton zu einem der bekanntesten (und im Aufbau frappant an das Dörfchen in Edward mit den Scherenhänden erinnernden) Stadtmodellen und einer sehr bunten Version des Jenseits zurück. Dieses ist bevölkert von Wartenummern ziehenden Toten in unterschiedlichen Verwesungsgraden, verwinkelten Fluren im schwarzweißen-Karomuster und dem andauernden Beweis, dass in nahezu jeder Situation das Sterben möglich ist. Eine Neuerung ist der Putzmann, welcher dem jungen Franzosen (und ersten Toten im Film) den Weg zur Aufnahme weist (dargestellt von Danny DeVito) und ein selbsternannter Sheriff-Schauspieler – mit einer Einsatztruppe aus Untoten, dargestellt von Willem Dafoe. Beetlejuice hat sich auf unbekannte Weise von seinem Schrumpfkopf befreit und führt ein Büro mit schrumpfköpfigen Bobs in überdimensionierten Körpern wie Anzügen. Jenseits ist auch eigentlich die falsche, viel zu hehre Bezeichnung für diese Zwischenwelt. Die Reise ins endgültige Jenseits lässt sich erst mit dem Soul-Train bewerkstelligen, zuvor müssen die Geister ihre Zeit an ihren Todesorten absitzen. Daher wird der Weg zum Soul Train gefeiert – mit einer ordentlichen Portion Soul-Musik und Musicalmomenten in einem ansonsten komischen bis absurden Film voller fantastischer Elemente. An der Autorschaft lässt sich keine Sekunde zweifeln, ein selten gewordener Moment im populären Kinoprogramm.
Beetlejuice gehört nicht zu den gewöhnlichen Geistern, er ist Teil der Dauerbevölkerung der Zwischenwelt. Ob er Antagonist oder Protagonist ist, darüber soll hier nicht gerichtet werden. Aber neben seiner Seelen verzehrenden Ex-Frau (dargestellt von Monica Belluci) wirkt der schambefreite Poltergeist schon fast zahm und liebenswert. Neben dem Aufbau des Intros, der Titel-Musik und der bewahrten Stammbesetzung Winona Ryder, Catherine O���Hara und Michael Keaton zitiert Burton einige seiner bekannten Szenen und verunsichert seinen Zuschauer mit vermeintlichen oder tatsächlichen Traumsequenzen. Besonders zu betonen: am Grab wird von einem Kinderchor mit Jump in Line das Abschlusslied des ersten Teils gesungen, ein stilistischer Kontrast zu dem Schwebetanz von Winona Ryder auf das groovende Original. Bei der Einblende der Produktionsfirma fühlt es sich einen Moment an, als würde gleich Michael Keaton als Batman auf die Leinwand zurückkehren. Dann wird die Kamerafahrt durch das Modell des Städtchens angeschlossen und am Ende findet sich der Zuschauer wieder in dem alten Haus auf dem Berg wieder – und nur durch einen kurzen Cut getrennt mitten in einem Fernsehstudio. Diese Ebenwechsel machen den Film spannend und kontrastreich. Zudem verwischen so die Grenzen zwischen Phantasie, Traum und Totenwelt.
Neuzugang Jenny Ortega übernimmt das Erbe ihrer Filmmutter Winona Ryder und gibt den abweisenden Teenie – welcher aus Protest nicht an Geister glaubt und logischerweise einem solchen auf den Leim geht. Die Beerdigung ihres Großvaters bringt die exzentrische Familie im alten Haus wieder zusammen. Vor dem unter schwarzen Tüchern versteckten Anwesen ereignen sich noch bei der Beerdigung seltsame Szenen. Am Halloweenabend spitzt sich die Annäherung zwischen irdischer Welt und Geisterreich bis zu einem berauschenden Finale zu, in welchem sich Tim Burton keine Grenzen in Bezug auf die Exzentrik setzt und damit wieder seine Originalität beweist. Schon nach wenigen Minuten ist auch ohne Einblende klar, dass es sich um einen Burton-Film handelt, inklusive von bunten Gothic inspirierten Kostümen (designt von Oscar-Preisträgern Colleen Atwood), teils derben Witzen, handwerklich konservativer aber im Detail sehr origineller Musik und vor allem mit einer großen Portion burton‘scher Fantasiewelt. Auch die Stop-Motion-Elemente werden nicht ausgelassen und die Dune-verwandten Sandwürmer sind auch in dieser späten Fortsetzung anzutreffen – in prominenter Rolle.
Der prominenteste Neuzugang neben DeVito und Dafoe ist Monica Bellucci, deren erste Szene ein voller Zärtlichkeit inszeniertes Zusammentackern der Einzelteile ihres zerstückelten Körpers, beginnend vom Gesicht bis hin zum letzten Finger ist. Die Seeleneesserin jagt Beetlejuice und hinterlässt auf ihrem Weg entleerte Leichenkörper. Die Naht entstellt das Gesicht des einstigen Schönheitsideals, aber dadurch wird diese erst besonders hervorgehoben. Neben diesen Anspielungen auf Frankenweenie, Edward mit den Scherenhänden und den Vorgänger verortet sich Tim Burton eher in seinen frühen Werken, den Filmen einer anderen Zeit ohne Computeranimation und noch mit einem Anflug des Außenseitertums. Die klassischen Gruselelemente finden hier alle ihren Platz. Neben Geistern sind auch Monster, Vampire und Monster aus Frankensteins Monster zumindest Paten der Figuren. Die Werke der letzten Jahre blieben hinter den Erwartungen zurück, obwohl darunter mit Dumbo der einzige gelungene Real-Versuch der Disney-Studios und mit Alice im Wunderland eine letzte perfekte Johnny Depp-Kulisse zu finden sind. Erst mit der Serie Wednesday konnte sich Burton in diesem Jahrzehnt wieder behaupten und diese Produktion ist nicht nur wegen der Besetzung mit jenny Ortega als Nachwehe dieses Erfolgs zu sehen. Als Erbe bleiben die geschmückte Siedlung aus Edward mit den Scherenhänden, die langen Schatten der Totenfiguren in A Corpse Bride und natürlich die modellhaften, mit Puppen und Illusionen gepflasterten Kulissen von Beetlejuice haften. Stilistisch ist hier noch die Nachstellung des Unfalls des Familienvaters hervorzuheben, da hier neben den Stop Motion-Elementen auch eine klassische Zeichentricktechnik zur Anwendung kommt. Damit umgeht Burton nicht nur den Einsatz des verurteilten Sexualstraftäters, sondern er verdeutlicht, dass sich der Verlauf in der Fantasie seiner Tochter entwickelt, ihre Vorstellung aus den Worten der Mutter visuelle Eindrücke bastelt. Und genau dies macht Burton in seiner Produktion selbst: er gießt seine Gedanken, Ängste und Sehnsüchte in Bilder, deren Eigenwilligkeit in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten nicht an Wirkung eingebüßt hat.
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice bleibt bis zum letzten Moment spannend und die von der Orgel bestimmte Musik des Abspanns endet mit dem letzten eingeblendeten Schriftzeichen genau auf den Punkt. Die Musik von Danny Elfman begleitet Burtons gesamte Karriere und sticht trotz konventioneller Kompositionsmittel aus der Fülle lapidar verschweigbarer Filmmusikkomponisten heraus. Diese meisterhafte Verbindung von Perfektion und Nonchalance zeichnet diesen Filmemacher seit jeher aus. Dazwischen liegen skurrile Momente, große Szenenaufbauten und enthüllende Szenen, welche ihren Modellcharakter betonen, statt sie zu vertuschen. Tim Burton bietet keine pseudo-realistische Fantasiewelt, wie sie durch die alles bestimmende Computerspieloptik der letzten Jahre gern gewählt wird, sondern eine handgefertigte Traumwelt, welche weder Absurdität noch Morbidität oder „altmodischen“ Grusel scheut. Der Tod wird nicht glorifiziert oder klein geredet, da hier jeder unter den Toden geliebter Menschen zu leiden hat. Ob es sich gelohnt hat nach fast vier Jahrzehnten eine Fortsetzung zu machen? Unbedingt. Und ist der blödelnde Outlaw und große Romantiker Beetlejuice noch tragfähig als Figur? In jedem Fall.
Im direkten Vergleich bietet sich derzeit Borderlands als Prototyp des typischen Blockbusterkinos der Gegenwart an (wenn auch ein nachweislich misslungenes Beispiel) und in diesem Vergleich gewinnt Tim Burton auf allen Ebenen – auch auf der der Wahrhaftigkeit und spürbaren Liebe zum eigenen Werk. Während an der Spieladaption zu viele Köche an Text und Produktion die Suppe versalzen und unkenntlich gemacht haben, beweist der eigenständig und allein agierende Tim Burton hier erneut seine Klasse und seinen Mut wie sein Zutrauen zum Publikum. Auch wenn ein dritter Teil die Gefahr birgt, den Beetlejuice nur durch die Nennung des Titels aus dem Totenreich zu rufen, ist der Gedanke reizvoll dieses spielfreudige Ensemble noch einmal erleben zu können.
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Holidays 11.21
Agriculture Day (Australia)
Air Assault Forces Day (Ukraine)
Armed Forces Day (Bangladesh, Greece)
Community Day
Dignity and Freedom Day (Ukraine)
False Confession Day
Furniture Memory Day
General Framework Agreement Day (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska)
Gerard d’Aboville Day
Good Thigh Day (Japan)
International Day of the Bible
Marie Tharp Day
Mayflower Compact Day
National Ask Her To Stand Day (UK)
National Dennis Day
National Red Mitten Day (Canada)
National Tree Day (Italy)
National UTI Awareness Day
No Music Day
Nostalgia For the Future Day
René Magritte Day
Tweety Bird Day
World Day of Cloistered Life
World Day of the Dress
World Fisheries Day
World Hello Day
World Male Day
World Television Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Gingerbread Cookie Day
National Stuffing Day
Pumpkin Pie Day (also 12.25)
Ritz Crackers Day
3rd Tuesday in November
Harassment Day [Tuesday before Thanksgiving]
National Entrepreneurs Day [3rd Tuesday]
National Grief & Bereavement Day (Canada) [3rd Tuesday]
National Working Daughters Day [3rd Tuesday]
Parents Day [3rd Tuesday]
Prematurity Awareness Day [3rd Tuesday]
Presidential Turkey Pardon Day [Tuesday before Thanksgiving]
School Pride Day [Tuesday of American Education Week]
School Related Professional Recognition Day [3rd Tuesday]
Independence Days
General Framework Agreement Day (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
North Carolina Statehood Day (#12; 1789)
Feast Days
Amelberga of Susteren (Christian; Saint)
Ashi Vanguhi (Holy Blessing; Ancient Persia, Zoroastrian)
Clone Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Columban (Christian; Saint)
Digain (Christian; Saint)
Dimpley Fraggle (Muppetism)
Maurus of Parentium (Christian; Saint)
Franciszka Siedliska (Christian; Saint)
Gelasius I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Mazarin (Positivist; Saint)
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian)
Quetzalcoatl’s Day (Pagan)
Register a Complaint Day (Pastafarian)
René Magritte (Artology)
Rufus of Rome (Christian; Saint)
William Byrd, John Merbecke and Thomas Tallis (Episcopal Church (USA))
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 54 of 60)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [55 of 57]
An American Tail (Animated Film; 1986)
Anastasia (Animated Film; 1997)
Anthology I, by The Beatles (Compilation Album; 1995)
Anything Goes, by Cole Porter (Broadway Musical; 1934)
The Bank Busters or The Great Vaults (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 127; 1961)
Beautiful Trauma, by Pink (Song; 2017)
The Best Years of Our Lives (Film; 1946)
Black & Blue, by the Backstreet Boys (Album; 2000)
Bolt (Animated Film; 2008)
The Broken Ear, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1932) [Tintin #6]
Enchanted (Film; 2007)
Fanny Hill, by John Cleland (Novel; 1748)
Frankenstein (Film; 1931)
Gaucho, by Steely Dan (Album; 1980)
The Ghost of Tom Joad, by Bruce Springsteen (Album; 1995)
Girls! Girls! Girls! (Film; 1962) [Elvis Presley #11]
Golden Years, by David Bowie (Song; 1975)
Happy, by Pharrell Williams (Song; 2013)
Hell’s Bells (Disney Cartoon; 1929)
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 1 (Film; 2014)
I’m Beginning to See the Light, recorded by Harry James (Song; 1944)
Life of Pi (Film; 2012)
A Night At the Opera, by Queen (Album; 1975)
Pluto’s Christmas Tree (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (Animated Film; 2018)
Rise of the Guardians (Animated Film; 2012)
Robin Hood (Film; 2018)
Rocky (Film; 1976)
Runaways (TV Series; 2017)
Shadow of the Thin Man (Film; 1941)
Spy Game (Film; 2001)
The String of Pearls: A Domestic Romance, by James Malcolm Ryder and/or Thomas Beckett Prest (Short Story; 1846)
Supergirl (Film; 1984)
Sweet Violence or The Yegg and I (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 128; 1961)
Symphony No. 5 in D Minor, by Dmitri Shostakovich (Symphony; 1937)
Talk Dirty to Me (Adult Film; 1980)
The Thanksgiving Song, by Adam Sandler (Song; 1992)
They Died with Their Boots On (Film; 1941)
Tokyo Mater (Pixar Cartoon; 2008)
Twilight (Film; 2008)
Urkel Saves Santa: The Movie! (WB Animated Film; 2023)
Warlock, by Oakley Hall (Novel; 1958)
Today’s Name Days
Amalie (Austria)
Marija, Mavro, Valentina, Zdravka, Zdravko (Croatia)
Albert (Czech Republic)
Maria (Denmark)
Pilve, Pilvi (Estonia)
Hilma (Finland)
Maur (France)
Amalie, Amelia, Edmund, Rufus (Germany)
Despoina, Maria, Mary, Soultana, Virginia (Greece)
Olivér (Hungary)
Maria (Italy)
Andis, Jonass, Zeltīte (Latvia)
Alberta, Eibartė, Gomantas, Honorijus (Lithuania)
Mariann, Marianne (Norway)
Albert, Alberta, Albertyna, Janusz, Konrad, Konrada, Maria, Piotr, Regina, Rena, Rufus, Twardosław, Wiesław (Poland)
Elvíra (Slovakia)
Celso, Demetrio, María, Presentación (Spain)
Helga, Olga (Sweden)
Cade, Cadence, Cadell, Caden, Caiden, Cayden, Kade, Kaden, Kadence, Kadin, Kadyn, Kaiden, Kayden, Kaydence, Valda, Velda (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 325 of 2024; 40 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 47 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 22 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 9 (Gui-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 8 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 8 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 25 Mir; Foursday [25 of 30]
Julian: 8 November 2023
Moon: 64%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 17 Frederic (12th Month) [Mazarin]
Runic Half Month: Nyd (Necessity) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 59 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 29 of 29)
0 notes
Holidays 11.21
Agriculture Day (Australia)
Air Assault Forces Day (Ukraine)
Armed Forces Day (Bangladesh, Greece)
Community Day
Dignity and Freedom Day (Ukraine)
False Confession Day
Furniture Memory Day
General Framework Agreement Day (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska)
Gerard d’Aboville Day
Good Thigh Day (Japan)
International Day of the Bible
Marie Tharp Day
Mayflower Compact Day
National Ask Her To Stand Day (UK)
National Dennis Day
National Red Mitten Day (Canada)
National Tree Day (Italy)
National UTI Awareness Day
No Music Day
Nostalgia For the Future Day
René Magritte Day
Tweety Bird Day
World Day of Cloistered Life
World Day of the Dress
World Fisheries Day
World Hello Day
World Male Day
World Television Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Gingerbread Cookie Day
National Stuffing Day
Pumpkin Pie Day (also 12.25)
Ritz Crackers Day
3rd Tuesday in November
Harassment Day [Tuesday before Thanksgiving]
National Entrepreneurs Day [3rd Tuesday]
National Grief & Bereavement Day (Canada) [3rd Tuesday]
National Working Daughters Day [3rd Tuesday]
Parents Day [3rd Tuesday]
Prematurity Awareness Day [3rd Tuesday]
Presidential Turkey Pardon Day [Tuesday before Thanksgiving]
School Pride Day [Tuesday of American Education Week]
School Related Professional Recognition Day [3rd Tuesday]
Independence Days
General Framework Agreement Day (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
North Carolina Statehood Day (#12; 1789)
Feast Days
Amelberga of Susteren (Christian; Saint)
Ashi Vanguhi (Holy Blessing; Ancient Persia, Zoroastrian)
Clone Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Columban (Christian; Saint)
Digain (Christian; Saint)
Dimpley Fraggle (Muppetism)
Maurus of Parentium (Christian; Saint)
Franciszka Siedliska (Christian; Saint)
Gelasius I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Mazarin (Positivist; Saint)
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian)
Quetzalcoatl’s Day (Pagan)
Register a Complaint Day (Pastafarian)
René Magritte (Artology)
Rufus of Rome (Christian; Saint)
William Byrd, John Merbecke and Thomas Tallis (Episcopal Church (USA))
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 54 of 60)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [55 of 57]
An American Tail (Animated Film; 1986)
Anastasia (Animated Film; 1997)
Anthology I, by The Beatles (Compilation Album; 1995)
Anything Goes, by Cole Porter (Broadway Musical; 1934)
The Bank Busters or The Great Vaults (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 127; 1961)
Beautiful Trauma, by Pink (Song; 2017)
The Best Years of Our Lives (Film; 1946)
Black & Blue, by the Backstreet Boys (Album; 2000)
Bolt (Animated Film; 2008)
The Broken Ear, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1932) [Tintin #6]
Enchanted (Film; 2007)
Fanny Hill, by John Cleland (Novel; 1748)
Frankenstein (Film; 1931)
Gaucho, by Steely Dan (Album; 1980)
The Ghost of Tom Joad, by Bruce Springsteen (Album; 1995)
Girls! Girls! Girls! (Film; 1962) [Elvis Presley #11]
Golden Years, by David Bowie (Song; 1975)
Happy, by Pharrell Williams (Song; 2013)
Hell’s Bells (Disney Cartoon; 1929)
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 1 (Film; 2014)
I’m Beginning to See the Light, recorded by Harry James (Song; 1944)
Life of Pi (Film; 2012)
A Night At the Opera, by Queen (Album; 1975)
Pluto’s Christmas Tree (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (Animated Film; 2018)
Rise of the Guardians (Animated Film; 2012)
Robin Hood (Film; 2018)
Rocky (Film; 1976)
Runaways (TV Series; 2017)
Shadow of the Thin Man (Film; 1941)
Spy Game (Film; 2001)
The String of Pearls: A Domestic Romance, by James Malcolm Ryder and/or Thomas Beckett Prest (Short Story; 1846)
Supergirl (Film; 1984)
Sweet Violence or The Yegg and I (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 128; 1961)
Symphony No. 5 in D Minor, by Dmitri Shostakovich (Symphony; 1937)
Talk Dirty to Me (Adult Film; 1980)
The Thanksgiving Song, by Adam Sandler (Song; 1992)
They Died with Their Boots On (Film; 1941)
Tokyo Mater (Pixar Cartoon; 2008)
Twilight (Film; 2008)
Urkel Saves Santa: The Movie! (WB Animated Film; 2023)
Warlock, by Oakley Hall (Novel; 1958)
Today’s Name Days
Amalie (Austria)
Marija, Mavro, Valentina, Zdravka, Zdravko (Croatia)
Albert (Czech Republic)
Maria (Denmark)
Pilve, Pilvi (Estonia)
Hilma (Finland)
Maur (France)
Amalie, Amelia, Edmund, Rufus (Germany)
Despoina, Maria, Mary, Soultana, Virginia (Greece)
Olivér (Hungary)
Maria (Italy)
Andis, Jonass, Zeltīte (Latvia)
Alberta, Eibartė, Gomantas, Honorijus (Lithuania)
Mariann, Marianne (Norway)
Albert, Alberta, Albertyna, Janusz, Konrad, Konrada, Maria, Piotr, Regina, Rena, Rufus, Twardosław, Wiesław (Poland)
Elvíra (Slovakia)
Celso, Demetrio, María, Presentación (Spain)
Helga, Olga (Sweden)
Cade, Cadence, Cadell, Caden, Caiden, Cayden, Kade, Kaden, Kadence, Kadin, Kadyn, Kaiden, Kayden, Kaydence, Valda, Velda (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 325 of 2024; 40 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 47 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 22 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 9 (Gui-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 8 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 8 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 25 Mir; Foursday [25 of 30]
Julian: 8 November 2023
Moon: 64%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 17 Frederic (12th Month) [Mazarin]
Runic Half Month: Nyd (Necessity) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 59 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 29 of 29)
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Welcome to my blog
I hope you enjoy your stay
#yandere oc#yandere male#oc x reader#oc#werewolf oc#yandere oc x reader#Lia Smith#Ryder Mitten#Silas Inman#yandere headcanons#yandere scenarios#yandere reactions#headcanon#reactions#scenarios
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One more, then sleep...
#mine#bernie memes#bernie sanders#bernie's mittens#inaguration#beetlejuice#betelgeuse#tim burton#winona ryder
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I just got an idea for what Wan and Syl got a good chunk of ’em in The Gift!
King Bingleborp: Free hugs, just like the Binglebops!
Baby Puffball (Honey Junior, I call her): Reins
Fistfighters: Hand-sewn mittens
Balloon Man: Little balloon babies
Ants: Tiny elf hats!
Captain Tim (as seen in an unused end tag): The squeepy-beepy from The Search for Captain Tim
Badlands Dan: A very tiny watering can (his giftbox is so teeny!!!)
Cashmere: A scarf to match his cape!
Lords of Illumination: Fuzzy knee-socks
That worm that ate Wander: Antacid
Westley: Cellphone (Wander and Sylvia are both on the contact list!)
Rongruffle: Meat cleaver
Killbot 86 87: Super-expensive upgrade
Potted Plant: Too much fertilizer
Beeza: Bubble tape
Brad: Shield
Demurra: Bow and arrow
Draykor: Sewing machine
Their triplets (you’re welcome, Sig): DIY friendship bracelet kits
That big purple pit monster: Even more dog biscuits
Harvax: A cardboard medal hand-crafted by Wander that reads, “Even though you cheated, you gave it your all, and that’s what counts!” (Harv appreciates it a lot more that he thought he would 😋)
Stok: Harvax plushie
Janet and Maurice: White-rose seed packets (to plant on their children should they ever have any)
That completely random Flendarian: Pickaxe
Kragthar: Lava lamp
Those Two Guys From That Time (the Kremlon blorbos next to Outrage, Brainz, and Killbot): Rubik’s Cube (it takes them all of S2 and possibly even S3 to solve it)
Sourdough: Napkin boat
Trudi and her clones: Postcards
Thrax: Succulent
Lil’ Bits: Something with a bit too much catnip
General Outrage: Cologne
Brainz: The last known copy of Platinum Aries (the WOY version of Sailor Moon) Volume 12
Wild Card: A jar of bingleberry jam (Instead of eating it, he dresses it in an old tuxedo of Brainz’s that had shrunk in the wash and calls it Dwight. It’s his most prized possession now. ♪)
Clipper: Scissors that are like 50 times the size of his usual ones
Mooplexians: Kaleidoscopes
Ryder: A whole-ass motorcycle. Don’t ask how Wander managed to fit a whole-ass motorcycle in such a tiny little giftbox. I’m not sure I even want to know.
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I meant for these to also be included in that post i made earlier but yknow how tumblr mobile gets so
#personal tag#karli plays mea#Ellijah Ryder#i love jaal and his big ol mitten hands#ad how his cheeks go so full when he smiles#i sat at my desk clutching my chest for a good 20 minutes after this scene was done and over#just. recovering.#i love Jaal so much he’s just so good???
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The Lucky Batch
hey y’all! i’ve been working on this for a hot minute — turns out i am incapable writing anything shorter than 5,000 words, so sorry in advance for how long this got. a huge thank you to @cosmicghostie for being the ultimate writer's cheerleader and to the rest of the lucky batch for giving me such amazing characters to work with! you all genuinely brighten my day, so i hope this brightens yours! ♥︎
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Lucky: a few days in the life of Clone Force 37’s unofficial therapist
content warnings: blood/injury, weapon use, lots of emotional distress (but also some fluff to make up for it!!)
Thumbs didn’t know when he had become Clone Force 37’s unofficial therapist. It just kinda happened.
His original role as the squad’s battle strategist shifted after he realized that his usual skill-set wouldn’t be helpful to a squad who typically threw strategy out the window.
Yet even without a set strategy, the unconventional group somehow had a relatively high success rate when it came to their missions. Thumbs had assumed it was their unpredictability that gave them an advantage. Or the fact that each of them had unique abilities, unlike any soldiers he had ever met.
However, the longer he was with Clone Force 37, the more he started to notice just how special his batch-mates were.
The twins, Foxy and Pepper, had caught his attention first. Both were skilled in their own ways, but what stood out to Thumbs was how each was fiercely protective of the other. He wasn’t sure what the pair had gone through to end up on the Clover, but he couldn’t help but notice the weight of Foxy’s quiet around strangers or the subtle promise behind each sticker that Pepper placed. Thumbs knew more than anyone, love was always accompanied by fear.
He saw this fear in Master Kenhla, every time she glanced towards the two padawans she had come to mentor. Despite her powerful posture, Thumbs could see how she carried the galaxy on her shoulders; not so that she could manage more, but so her brothers could bear less.
Brothers like Rane and Skip, who had lost everything, everyone, before finding their place with the Lucky Batch. Or Sparks and Ryder, both of whom blamed themselves for tragedies of the past.
They all had lost so much… Yet, by some miracle, they had found each other.
Thumbs would do anything to make sure it stayed that way.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
This particular day had started normally, which for Thumbs meant wincing as three screaming forms barreled towards where he sat knitting at the back of the ship. He set his needles down, knowing he would not be getting back to work anytime soon.
“Here we go,” he mumbled under his breath as his batchmates shouted from across the hull.
The small stampede, which was revealed to be Sparks, Ballast, and Luna, raced towards him, each one attempting to outpace the other.
“Oh Maker, Ballast, what did you do?”
The batcher in question skidded to a stop, mock-offense written across his face. “I didn’t-”
Thumbs gave each of his batch-mates a once-over, scanning them for injuries. “Should I get Pepper? Is anyone hurt?”
“Not yet,” the two mechanics both mumbled under their breath.
Thumbs sighed in equal parts relief and exhaustion. Ballast and Sparks had been ‘friendly’ rivals for as long as he had known the pair. Unfortunately for him, their rivalry often extended outside the realm of mechanics and into the everyday affairs of the Lucky Batch, with Thumbs usually acting as the chosen mediator of these disagreements.
Sparks pointed at Ballast, pleading his case. “He ate all the cookies Jack made me!”
“You’re overreac-”
“And drank all my caf.”
Now Thumbs understood the near-murderous look on Sparks’ face.
His brother had always done so much for the batch and asked for very few things in return, one of those things being his morning cups of caf: a simple but necessary pleasure that allowed him to function throughout the day.
Thumbs brought his attention back to the pair in front of him, wondering whose word to trust more. Then he brought his gaze down, to a much more reliable source.
“Luna, what happened?”
The padawan looked up nervously, her eyes partially hidden behind choppy bangs. Thumbs smiled when he noticed she was wearing the mittens he had knit for her. He had originally made pairs for both her and Brisk while they were stationed on a colder planet, but now Luna liked to wear them for fun, claiming they made her look like an ewok.
The young girl shrunk from the attention that was suddenly on her, moving closer to Ballast’s side.
“What happened is he drank all my caf.” Sparks stepped forward, jabbing another accusatory finger towards Ballast. “The caf that prevents me from strangling my brothers when they get on my nerves.”
Thumbs spoke up, attempting to diffuse the rising hostility. “I thought you didn’t even like caf, Ballast. I always see you drinking that tea Jackal likes.”
The mechanic shifted on his feet nervously. “Well, I…”
Thumbs looked towards his brother curiously, confused by his sudden change in demeanor. Something about the whole dispute seemed off, almost like Ballast was covering for someb-
“Wait,” a small voice piped up from behind the three brothers. “B-Ballast didn’t take your caf, I did.”
“You-” Sparks spun towards the voice with an instinctive glower before recognizing its source. His features softened almost instantly. “What?”
Luna shrugged sheepishly. “I wanted to see if it was good… It was! And Master Ken said I was exceptionally energetic during our training afterwards.”
Thumbs fixed his gaze on Sparks expectantly, curious how he would react to the young batcher’s confession.
“I’m sorry,” she continued, wringing her mittened hands. “I know I should’ve asked.”
Sparks cleared his throat awkwardly as he waved off her apology. “No, it’s uh... It’s fine.”
Luna’s expression remained uncertain and Ballast elbowed Sparks in the side, urging him to reassure the young girl.
“Really, I mean... I shouldn’t even be drinking that much anyway,” he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck guiltily.
Ballast grinned at Sparks, eating up the moment.
Thumbs couldn’t help the smirk that crept onto his own face as well. For a squad of soldiers who had fought countless battles and overcome powerful enemies, they sure did surrender fast when it came to their padawans. No one onboard the Clover was immune to their effortless charm.
Luna eventually looked up at Thumbs, seeking his own approval, which he happily granted with an encouraging thumbs up.
There was a welcome moment of silence before Sparks’ head jerked upwards once more.
“Wait, what about my cookies?”
“Hmm...” Ballast looked to the floor dramatically, feigning deep thought. “You mean the chocolate chunk cookies with sea salt and a fine caramel drizzle?” He smirked before continuing. “I have no idea.”
Sparks took two threatening steps towards Ballast and within seconds the two of them were chasing each other throughout the Clover with Luna giggling in their wake.
For the clones, who quite literally were forced to grow up too fast, the padawans’ presence reminded them of what a childhood should be. It kept them grounded, desperate to preserve that feeling for the young girls for as long as they could. And if that meant that Luna could get away with stealing Spark’s caf, then so be it.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
That evening’s supply trip was supposed to be easy. A quick in and out operation to gather necessary materials for the coming weeks. But it had already been three hours since Ballast, Sparks, and Foxy’s expected return and no one on the Clover had received an update on their whereabouts.
Thumbs wasn’t someone who paced often. While the rest of the galaxy seemed to be in constant motion, Thumbs always tried his best to remain still at its center. But the longer he waited for his batchmates’ return, the more he felt like he was spinning off his axis, unable to stop the repetitive trajectory of his feet throughout the hull.
He wasn’t even aware of his own movements until they were interrupted by the sound of distant yelling. Strained shouts echoed from outside the Clover’s walls, nearly imperceptible amidst the intensifying wind. Their tone, panicked and desperate, was more bone-chilling than the rain that had started to fall around them.
Storms had always scared Thumbs. He hated seeing flashes of lightning, understanding that the explosion of thunder would follow, but never knowing when. Deep down he knew that thunder was harmless, that lightning posed the greater threat, but at least it was quick, unexpected, gone in a flash. Thunder was slow, deafening, inevitable.
When the Clover’s ramp finally lowered to reveal a bloodied Sparks cradled in Ballast’s arms, he knew that the lightning had passed.
This was the thunder.
Thumbs watched in silence as his brothers stumbled into the hull of the ship, a trail of mud and blood left in their wake. Ballast and Foxy eased Sparks onto the closest bunk, removing his armor to better assess the injury. Luna and Brisk dashed into the room, their eyes widening at the horrific sight. Luna’s breaths came in labored bursts as she called for Pepper, tears streaming down her face.
The squad’s medic came running, following the worried gaze of the two young girls who stood near the bunks. He spared a brief glance at Foxy before quickly donning a pair of gloves and shouting orders to nearby batch-mates. Hearing the commotion, Master Kenhla arrived and immediately ushered her padawans out of the room, not wanting them to witness the sight of their brother in pain.
While before Thumbs had been unable to sit still, now he felt frozen, cold as the ice on Hoth. His brothers were right in front of him, yet he felt as if he were watching the scene unfold from millions of miles away.
He kept thinking back to that morning — Sparks had been fine, albeit cranky over his lack of caf, and now…
Thumbs hated it. He hated how things could change so quickly.
He watched as Ballast, usually explosive in his mannerisms, now held Sparks’ hand in his own, whispering words of comfort as his brother lay motionless on the cot.
Thumbs suddenly felt sick to his stomach, a shrill ringing filling the air around him. The echoes of a memory that had been stagnant for years, forced into the depths of his mind, suddenly emerged:
An argument, a battle, another brother gone. A hand desperately squeezing his own before going limp, devoid of all life.
Another hand, this one from the present, landed on his shoulder, dragging him out of one nightmare and into another. A voice was speaking, asking if he was alright, telling him to sit down.
Thumbs’ guilt only increased. Hands that should be helping his fallen brother were instead on his own shoulders, urging him towards the nearest seat. He shrugged them off with an uncharacteristic roughness, finally taking a few shaky steps towards Sparks.
He had almost made it to the bunk when the same pair of arms wrapped around his torso, pulling him back.
“Thumbs, stop,” the voice urged. “You need to let Pepper help him. There’s nothing you can do.”
He knew the words were supposed to be comforting. He had spoken the same ones to almost every soldier who had come to him burdened with the invisible weight of survivor’s guilt. Sometimes it was what they needed to hear; other times, it wasn’t.
The last thing Thumbs saw was an oxygen mask being lowered onto his brother’s face before eventually succumbing to the arms around him, letting himself be removed from the scene.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Thumbs woke up the next morning with a headache.
Foxy, who had been the one to escort him out of the room the night before, filled him in on what had happened during the supply run.
Apparently as the trio had made their way back to the ship, bandits had intercepted them. The ragtag group of thieves were lacking in both numbers and artillery and hadn’t been particularly difficult to subdue. Sparks had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time, caught in the unforgiving crossfire of a supply trip gone wrong.
Thumbs wished he had been there. Maybe then he could’ve shouted to his brother in warning or pulled him out of harm’s way. Stars, he would’ve jumped in front of the deathly bolt himself if it meant Sparks was still standing at the end of the day.
The two of them had grown close over the past few months, especially after Thumbs learned the story behind Sparks’ name. He could tell that his brother’s outwardly gruff attitude was just a shield used to protect the sensitive, guilt-ridden soldier beneath. Even one offhand criticism of his work as a mechanic could bring him back to the accident and a past he wished desperately to forget.
Because of this, Sparks would often work through the night, losing himself in the wires and circuits of the ship to ensure he didn’t make the same mistake twice. Thumbs was always at his side reminding him to take breaks, to drink water when he was thirsty, to eat when pangs of hunger hit...
But there was little he could do for Sparks now as he lay unconscious in the hull of the Clover.
Pepper had done everything he could, luckily managing to stabilize their brother within a few hours of the incident. Sparks was slowly showing signs of improvement — he had even woke up briefly in the early hours, mumbling something about watering Percy, before slipping back into the depths of unconsciousness.
Percy was the name of one of Sparks’ plants, something Thumbs discovered after walking in on his brother affectionately repotting it in a moment of assumed privacy.
He smiled at the memory, shaking his head in disbelief. It was just like Sparks to be worried about keeping his plants alive while he was barely clinging to life himself.
With nothing to do but wait until his brother woke up, Thumbs made his way into the hull of the ship where he found most of the batch engaged in a lively game of Dejarik. It was a tradition, meant to keep the batches' spirit alive when faced with tough times.
He almost started towards them when he felt a presence to his left, distanced from the laughter of the others.
Thumbs’ gaze landed on Ryder as he stared out of the cockpit window absent-mindedly, though he knew from his expression that his mind was anything but absent.
Thumbs approached slowly, not wanting to startle the squad’s weapons specialist.
“Hey Ry, you alright?”
Ryder glanced up, a flash of surprise illuminating his expression, before looking back down, his face once again shrouded in darkness.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” A barrage of laughter sounded from the other side of the room, where everyone was still gathered. “Think I’m gonna go for a ride though.”
“Oh, okay…” Thumbs replied, wanting to say more to his obviously-distracted brother. “Mind if I tag along?”
“You always do,” Ryder said, shooting him a small smirk.
“Hey!” Thumbs laughed, punching his shoulder lightly.
Ryder chuckled, nodding for Thumbs to follow him to the far corner of the hull. Once there, he opened the weapons cabinet, extracting a couple blasters and holstering them on his form.
Thumbs looked at his brother questioningly.
“Just in case,” Ryder said, carefully checking over his chosen artillery.
Thumbs nodded quickly, admonishing himself for not thinking more practically, especially after what happened with Sparks. It was a dangerous thing to give the galaxy the benefit of the doubt.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The planet they were currently docked on was beautiful. The hues of its rolling hills were softened by the dying light, the gentle breeze transforming the tall grasses into golden waves. The sky’s colors evolved with each passing minute, all evidence of the previous night’s storm lost to its changing shades.
It was Thumb’s favorite time of day. At dusk the light never seemed harsh; it was sympathetic, understanding. It hovered, never fully settling, like a cloud. But dusky light was also ephemeral. Thumbs wished he could freeze it, trap it in a jar and release it when he needed its soft companionship.
He knew too many people like dusk: perfect, until they were gone.
“It’s pretty here,” Thumbs eventually broke the silence, a welcome distraction from his own thoughts.
“Yeah,” Ryder replied as his eyes traced the horizon, “It is.”
“That why you’ve been coming out here so often?”
Thumbs knew his brother liked to take his speeder out on rides whenever he needed a break from the confines of the Clover. He would even accompany him from time to time. But recently he had been escaping much more frequently and Thumbs couldn’t help but worry that something else was going on.
Ryder chuckled lowly. “I didn’t think anyone noticed.”
“Hey, you’re kinda hard not to notice.” Thumbs smirked, gesturing a hand towards his brother’s head: “Ya know, cause of the hair.”
Ryder grinned, blowing a stray strand out of his face. “Yeah, sure thing curly.”
Thumbs ran a hand through his own coily locks with a shy shrug.
The two brothers fell into a comfortable silence as fireflies blinked to life around them. Thumbs pretended they were shooting stars, closing his eyes and wishing for the speedy recovery of Sparks back onboard the Clover.
After a while, the air seemed to become heavy and Thumbs could tell that Ryder needed to get something off of his chest.
His suspicion was confirmed when he heard his brother sigh deeply, preparing to speak.
“Lately…” he started, tugging on the end of his turquoise braid. “I’ve been thinking a lot.”
Thumbs nodded and moved to sit beside him in a subtle gesture of comfort.
“About them?”
Ryder nodded, knowing Thumbs was referencing his past squad.
“I’ve been having the dreams again.”
Thumbs’ face fell. He remembered the night he found out about Ryder’s nightmares as if it were yesterday.
He had been awake in the hull of the ship, too afraid that something bad might happen if he allowed himself the privilege of closing his eyes. Ryder had started tossing in his sleep, muttering the names and numbers of unfamiliar clones. Thumbs shook his brother awake, eventually guiding him outside of the ship when he struggled to regain his breath. The two of them had sat on the Clover’s ramp until long after the sun rose, each finding comfort in the other’s presence.
Since then, the nightmares had decreased, but every now and again they would return. The guilt would return.
“In the dream, I’m back on the venator,” Ryder described, his voice hoarse. “First there’s the flashing lights. Then voices, their voices, but they eventually fade away and then there’s just static. For a moment, everything is quiet, just a faint buzzing...”
Thumbs gave his brother’s shoulder a gentle squeeze, letting him know he was still there, still listening.
“And then I’m in the escape pod. As I’m drifting away, I look back towards the ship, but it’s not the venator anymore. It’s the Clover.”
He paused, swallowing thickly.
“And then it’s just gone. Swallowed by fire.”
The unsettling images unearthed feelings that Thumbs never had the courage to voice out loud, but the anxious thrumming of Ryder’s fingers on the side of the speeder reminded him of his current task: to show his brother that he was there for him now, regardless of what happened in the past.
“Ry, I know there’s not a lot I can say. But know that they would’ve been so proud of you, of the soldier and brother you’ve become,” Thumbs reassured gently. “We all are.”
“Yeah, I guess,” Ryder mumbled.
Thumbs frowned, knowing his brother wasn’t convinced.
“Well, this was supposed to be a surprise, but it looks like you need it now.”
Thumbs pulled out the pack he had brought with him, rifling through it until he found a small bundle. He nervously presented it to Ryder, who observed the way it had been carefully packaged in colorful gift wrap and adorned with stickers, most likely donated by Pepper.
“I made this for you,” Thumbs spoke as Ryder opened the parcel. “It’s a blanket, obviously, but it’s… Well, it’s got a little more to it than that. Each row of stitches is made of yarn from all the different places we’ve been to as a batch. Thought it could be cool to see how far we’ve all come. But I also know how important it is to you that we honor our pasts, so down here,” Thumbs pointed at the bottom left corner, “I stitched in the names of CT-2019 and CT-1882. And over here is General Lyle’s.”
Thumbs looked up at Ryder, trying to gauge his reaction.
“I know it doesn’t change anything, not really, but I thought maybe it could help you sleep at night.”
There was a long moment of silence as Thumbs began to doubt the impact of his gift. The whole idea was starting to sound stupid now. Maybe if he had-
“I… Thank you, Thumbs.” Ryder finally spoke, his voice cracking slightly. “Really. It’s- It’s perfect.”
Thumbs grinned, glad to see the glimmer of hope return to his brother’s eyes. “Of course, anything for my vod.”
Ryder held the blanket close, tracing his finger over the carefully stitched names of his old squad. His eyes scanned over the various colors and textures that Thumbs had incorporated, recognizing yarn from planets they hadn’t been to in years. How long had his brother been working on this?
He was just about to ask when a subtle movement drew his own gaze downwards. Thumbs was quietly bouncing his right leg, a nervous habit that Ryder had picked up on throughout their time together. He doubted that Thumbs was even aware of his own anxious mannerism, but Ryder could tell that something was on his mind.
“Hey, vod?” Ryder placed the blanket down, his focus now on his brother.
“Yeah?” Thumbs replied, still staring straight ahead.
Ryder thought back to something his companion had told him just moments ago, something that had made him feel important, valuable, seen.
“People notice you too.”
 Thumbs chuckled, thinking back to when he invited himself to join Ryder on his impromptu speeder trip just hours before. “Yeah, I guess my constant pestering makes it hard not to.”
“Yeah...” Ryder continued, almost hesitantly. It would be harder getting through to his brother than he thought. “But we also notice why you do that.”
“And why’s that?” Thumbs asked casually, not quite sure where Ryder was guiding the conversation.
“Because you care.”
At this, Thumbs finally met his brother’s eyes, confusion painting his features. The words were simple, yet something about them did not fully compute.
“No matter how many idiotic things we pull, you’re always there for us.”
Thumbs held his brother’s gaze, considering his words intently, before looking down to his feet. He frowned before mumbling something, barely audible above the light breeze:
“Not when it counts.”
The words sliced through the air, contrary to the soft tone in which they were spoken. Ryder couldn’t help the immediate snap of his head towards his brother.
“What do you-”
“Yesterday, with Sparks,” Thumbs interjected, his voice gaining strength. “No amount of pestering could’ve helped him.”
There was something about the way Thumbs was speaking — something that Ryder had missed before, something familiar — that was unravelling with each passing moment.
“But he’s okay now, he’s fine,” Ryder tried to console, his brow furrowed.
Thumbs scoffed. “That was just luck. I heard what Pepper said: If his injury had been just an inch to the left…” He ran a hand through his hair frustratedly.
“Well, luck is kinda our thing,” Ryder said, repeating words that Pepper had spoken to him when he first joined the batch.
“But I don’t want it to be!”
Ryder looked up in shock. In the entire time he had known Thumbs, he had never once heard him raise his voice. But shock soon turned to concern when he noticed the tears streaming down his brother’s face.
“I don’t want to rely on luck,” Thumbs choked out, his voice softening. “Not… not when it comes to the people I care about.”
Ryder was well-acquainted with the feeling — the image of his former general on the other side, the wrong side, of an escape pod window, forever etched into his memory. He tried to think of something to say that could comfort his brother, but the only words that came to mind were the ones Thumbs had already spoken to him moments before.
The whole batch knew that Thumbs had always struggled to take his own advice and that reminding him to do so never seemed to have an effect. It was unusual to see him in such a vulnerable state, something the former-strategist was well aware of as he avoided his brother’s gaze, shame written across his tear-stained features.
Ryder cringed at the sight, knowing he would need to take a more unconventional approach to offer his brother reassurance, one that would hopefully provide him with a fragment of control in a galaxy that seemed to feed on chaos.
Ryder nodded once, steeling himself, before reaching down and pulling his twin blasters out of their respective holsters.
“You know,” he started, attempting to keep his voice level, “I got these from CT-2019 and CT-1882. They were graduation gifts.”
Thumbs turned his head curiously, wiping away a stray tear in the process. A small part of him fought back the urge to smile: unlike his brother, he had been given craft supplies and a book for graduation.
“I could teach you how to shoot ‘em, if you want.”
Thumbs looked towards his brother incredulously.
“Ry, I’ve shot a blaster before...”
Ryder exhaled breathily, a playful grin gracing his features. “Ah, not ones like these. These here are DC-17 hand blasters.” He held his weapons in front of himself reverently. “They’re more powerful than your standard blaster, more efficient too.”
Thumbs hesitated, his confusion at the sudden shift in topic still evident, before nodding slowly.
“Alright, sure.”
Ryder spent the next few minutes guiding Thumbs through the best way to handle the blasters — helping him correct his stance, improve aim, and prepare for recoil. The process was strangely reassuring, giving Thumbs something tangible to hold onto, something he could control.
“Hey, Ryder?” Thumbs asked, looking down at the weapon in his hands, the echoes of its former owners serving as a comforting reminder that those who were gone could still protect their brothers who lived to fight another day. Maybe when Thumbs was gone, he could do the same.
“Thank you.”
Ryder had just begun to respond when a noise sounded from behind them.
Thumbs startled and spun on his heel, impulsively throwing the first thing he could think of towards the nearby bushes: Ryder’s blaster.
He mentally facepalmed as his brother jumped off of the speeder, aiming his remaining blaster towards the sound. He held out a hand as he crept closer to the bushes, silently telling Thumbs to stay back.
A tense moment passed, before a tooka revealed itself from behind the bush.
Thumbs sighed in relief before looking up at Ryder guiltily.
“Probably not the best use of the blaster,” he said with a cringe.
“What, you wanted to shoot it?” Ryder questioned breathlessly, a smirk growing across his features.
“No, of course not!” Thumbs smiled, relieved that his brother didn’t seem upset over his moment of panic. The tooka sauntered up to him, rubbing its head against his legs.
Ryder retrieved the discarded blaster and walked back towards the speeder, the remnants of a smirk still visible on his face. “Well, looks like good things can come from bad luck.”
“Yeah,” Thumbs huffed, looking down at the small animal by his feet. “Guess so.”
And maybe that’s what Clone Force 37 was: a group of outcasts who were all in the process of turning their histories with bad luck into good things — good luck.
“C’mon, hop up,” Ryder said as held out an arm. “Let’s get back to the ship.”
Thumbs let himself be pulled into the speeder, the firm grip of his brother’s hand a silent reassurance: I’m here for you.
He leaned back, his eyes reflecting the stars that had started to appear above. He wondered how many of them he couldn’t see, how many millions of lives were being lived just out of his view.
Thumbs glanced over to the brother at his side, thinking about how lucky he was to have crossed paths with him, with all of them, in a universe of infinite proportions.
“We should probably pick up some caf for Sparks on the way back… I know he’ll want some when he wakes up,” Thumbs spoke, laying all the way back in the speeder.
Ryder nodded in agreement as they lurched forward. The sun had finally disappeared from view and the two soldiers soon became mere silhouettes against the dimming night sky.
But anyone familiar with Clone Force 37 knew that they were so much more than two small blips on the horizon:
They were brothers.
And Thumbs was positive that nothing in the galaxy could ever change that.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
@the-lucky-batch @lavenderstaars @lynnpaper @foxlock @maygalodon @mango-peachjuice @radbatch @letsunity @burnthashbrown27 @generaltano @catboy-tech @cosmicghostie @namesmox @monako-jinn-stories @longearedowlfromouterspace @lusiawonder @just-another-dreamerr
#the lucky batch#clone force 37#fam force 37#cf37 thumbs#cf37 sparks#cf37 ryder#cf37 ballast#cf37 luna#cf37 foxy#cf37 pepper#cf37 kenhla#cf37 brisk
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S3 Character Appearance Probability
Taking into account the details about the long-shelved third and final season of Wander Over Yonder, including the hints brought up by @suspendersofdisbelief, I have prepared a list of characters and their likelihood of appearing in that third season. While it’s likely that characters who appeared in The End of the Galaxy will reappear in the S3 premiere, most numbers are less than 10 because the probability of certain characters appearing in S3 is unclear.
As we already know...
Wander - 10/10
Sylvia - 10/10
Lord Hater - 10/10
Commander Peepers - 10/10
Lord Dominator (as she appeared at the end of The End of the Galaxy) - 10/10
Emperor Awesome (and his Fist Fighters) - 10/10
3 new unnamed main characters - 10/10
Andy - 10/10
Barry - 10/10
Bob - 5.5/10
Chef - 4/10
Drill Sergeant - 4/10
Giuseppe - 4/10
Jerry - 7/10
Moose - 4/10
Pete - 5.5/10
Scientist - 6/10
Ted - 5.5/10
Teddy - 5.5/10
Tim - 5.5/10
Pretty much every other notable Watchdog has a mid-to-high likelihood of appearing in S3.
Oh, and Westley - 4/10
Now for the others (I’ll think up names for unnamed characters one day)...
King Bingleborp and the Binglebops - 9/10
Mother and Child from The Egg - 3/10
Doom dragon(s) - 2/10
Celestial Star Being - 2/10
Characters from The Fugitives (including Rock Lady, Balloon Man, and red and blue ants) - 5/10
Captain Tim - 9/10
Characters from The Good Deed (including rabbit, hufflerumples, Fleeblebort, Marsha, hillbillies, birds, Gracknore, hogs, fortune teller) - 5/10
Badlands Dan and his gang - 7/10
Two-headed bartender - 3/10
Oink and the Motorhogs - 6/10
Papa Doom and the gargoyles - 5/10
Prince Cashmere and the Baa-hallans - 9/10
The Troll - 3/10
Lords of Illumination - 5/10
Giant worm from The Hat - 2/10
Rongruffle - 4/10
Killbot 86 - 4/10
The Potted Plant - 4/10
Beeza and the Ballzerians - 9/10
Buster (Surely S3 might have an episode explaining what happened to him.) - 9/10
Brad Starlight - 5/10
King Dracor and his guards - 10/10
Princess/Queen Demurra - 10/10
D&D's Children (Seriously, what are their names and who was supposed to perform them?) - 10/10
Pit monster from The Birthday Boy - 4/10
Blarpee's Cashier - 8/10
Olive and mother - 4/10
Harvax and Stok - 6/10
Sourdough/Evil Sandwhich and servants - 10/10
Kragthar - 9.5/10
Black Cube - 10/10
Kremlons - 3/10
Princess Cellophania (That’s the name of that invisible lady.) - 2/10
Trudi Traveler and clones - 5/10
Ziziks waiter - 3/10
Planet Janet and Maurice - 3/10
King of Flendar and the Flendarians - 9/10
Bobbles - 6/10
Emperor Awesome’s mother - 3/10
Huckleberry Knucklehead and his parents - 6/10
Lost and Found Guy - 6/10
Princess Galactia - 3/10
Dragor the Destructible - 3/10
Princess Veronicron - 3/10
Jim the Neon Knight of Nalpraxis - 4/10
Any other characters/creatures from The Epic Quest... - 2/10
Intergalactic Guru - 5/10
Destructor - 8.5/10
Destructor's father - 4/10
Destructor's people - 6/10
Thrax and his cohorts - 6/10
Tiki-like beings - 4/10
Electric bird mother and three chicks - 4/10
Little Bits - 9.5/10
Insurgent Generals (General Outrage, Brainz, Wild Card, Clipper) - 7/10
Locksmith - 4/10
Plumber - 4/10
Okeydokian restaurant manager - 7/10
Michelle - 7/10
Okeydokian movie director 1 - 5/10
Okeydokian movie director 2 - 5/10
Other Okeydokians - 4/10
Cluckons - 8/10
Mooplexians - 5/10
Mr. and Mrs. Brittle - 4/10
Ryder - 6/10
Weasel - 5/10
Scuzzbuckets - 4/10
Frederick - 6/10
Dr. Scrivellix - 5/10
Gelatinous Bob, Joey Protozoa, and drummer - 4/10
MOGA Curator - 5/10
Dr. Screwball Jones - 9.5/10
Squills (squirrel-like critters) from The Wanders - 2/10
Alien Queen from The Axe - 6/10
Stella Starbella (We’ve got to find a replacement for June Squibb in case she becomes senile... or worse.) - 8/10
Mittens - 10/10
King of Sherblorg 7 - 8/10
Mandrake the Malfeasant (and his ‘robuts’) - 9.5/10
General McGuffin (still in chicken bucket form) and his wingmen - 9.5/10
Something the So-and-So - 9/10
Some other minor villains - 2/10
Flankarians - 5/10
Zetuons - 5/10
Major Threat/Jeff - 10/10
Schmartians - 9.5/10
Stacy and her new boyfriend - 5/10
Landlord and fast food boss - 4/10
Teen Leader, Weasly Teen, Obvious Teen - 6/10
Tracy (The Black Cube’s new girlfriend) - 8/10
Hooded Refugees from The Secret Planet - 9.5/10
Clancy and Nancy Shmancy - 6/10
Camera family tourists - 6/10
Cloaked refugees - 4/10
Hat Shop Owner - 5/10
Bunny-like beings from The Show Stopper - 4/10
Bot 13/Beep Boop (in picture strip form) - 6/10
Bill, Phil, and Gil - 6/10
Dorothy - 6/10
Gram - 6/10
Sylvia’s father (in a flashback) - 8/10
Melodie, Angela, David, Jamie and Hank - 4/10
Buttler, Gluteus/Todd, and High Gnee Council - 4/10
Major Threat’s right-hand squid-man and minions - 3/10
Admiral Admirable - 5/10
Orbble and Wilmur Wright - 6/10
Chad - 5/10
Princess Remora (alongside Brad Starlight) - 5/10
Slug Boss, Nephew, Grandsons, and Mummy Thugs - 5/10
Ripov - 10/10
Arachnomorph Queen - 2/10
Frankenstein Monster - 1/10
Phantomimes - 1/10
Ms. Myrtle the Eternal Turtle - 7/10
Neckbeard - 10/10
Bitties - 1/10
Robomechabotasquad (from the end tag) - 2/10
Giant Bee - 1/10
Space Ape (Whom I think Wander might call “Hubert.”) - 10/10
2 new unnamed regulars - 10/10
In the case of new minor characters, I’m thinking the following might appear: a karate sensei, a therapist, a madcap sidekick, a ranger, a sentient vehicle, a rapper, a pop idol... that’s all I’ve got for now.
If you have any other thoughts and predictions about who is likely to appear in S3, feel free to share them!
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Hold Me Tight ch. 1
Next Chapter | AO3
Fandom: Frozen (Disney Movies) Relationship: Kristoff/Anna
Rating: M Notable Tags: Friends to Lovers, Sharing a room, Modern AU, Mutual Pining, Smut, Slight Angst, Fluff
Summary: Anna and Kristoff were invited to a ski trip. This would be romantic, if they were dating and not just friends. Good thing Anna has a plan to change that. But what if it doesn't go according to plan?
Kristoff stared out of the window of his truck, lost in thought as he waited for Anna to come out of her apartment building. They were invited to go to along with Elsa and Honeymaren to a ski resort for a short trip. His breath fogged the window as he checked his phone for any sign of Anna. He sent another text.
[Kristoff] You coming out yet?
[Anna] omg yes!! so sorry!! walking out now!!! :)
He smiled as he pictured her saying that out loud in excitement. Her eyes would light up, specks of green sparkling amongst sea blue and her smile stretching across her face. Kristoff has always loved that about her. It was the complete opposite of himself. He always adored how she would be like an open book, her feelings and heart worn on her sleeve.
Kristoff pushed his head back against the car seat and groaned. He was absolutely smitten with his best friend’s sister, but had no idea how to go about it. On one hand, he thought she felt the same way about him, but he had little to no experience with women. He hadn’t even pictured himself with anyone, planning on living with his dog, Sven, for a while, alone in the mountains. Preferably with no one around in the next five miles around him. He had a general dislike and distrust of people, which is why he had gotten along with Elsa so much in college, and why they were best friends.
And then he met Anna.
The complete opposite of Elsa but her exuberance and love for life drew him in like a moth to a flame. Though he had tried to stay away and keep his distance, Anna would have none of that and kept on trying to talk to him and befriend him. And her efforts had paid off. Kristoff considered her one of the most important people in his life, and he found himself being happier in general. Along with the feelings of love, he had found he had a burning desire for her .
What was even worse was that he felt like such a pervert thinking about her like that. She was so innocent, and she didn’t even know that her daily habits would leave him panting in the shower, and he needed a lot of cold showers lately. Things like eating strawberries and sucking on her fingers after to get the juice off, her pouty lips wrapped around them, all soft and luscious.
He found himself wanting to kiss her sweet, pouty lips, and finding out how far her freckles went down her shoulders and chest. He wanted to slide her sweater up and feel the smooth expanse of her pale skin, and wrap his hands around her petite waist as he tilted her head in order to kiss—
A light tap on the passenger seat window drew him out of his thoughts and he shook his head, desperately wanting his thoughts to go away. God, he was such a pervert. He faced the window, seeing Anna’s smiling face and she gave a wave, a blue mitten in her hand. Kristoff unlocked the door.
“You’re late,” he admonished her teasingly.
“I know, I know! I’m so sorry, I realized I had forgotten something and then I tried to find it, but I had no idea where it was and so I had to basically look around and turn over my entire apartment until I found it…”
Kristoff chuckled and shook his head. His life was definitely more interesting with her around, and he couldn’t picture it in any way else. He started the car, Anna bouncing excitedly next to him. Her fiery hair bouncing with her underneath her slouchy knit beanie.
“Ahh I’m so excited!” she began, “I can’t wait to see how the resort will be. I wonder if Elsa and Honeymaren are already there. Isn’t Ryder coming too? I can’t wait to see them again, it’s been so long!” Her gloved hands waved in front of her face and Kristoff smiled. “I just wish Sven had been able to come with. It sucks that the ski resort doesn’t allow pets.” Her mouth turned into a cute pout.
Kristoff shrugged. “He’s fine, he’s probably having the time of his life since he’s staying with Grand Pabbie and Bulda.”
He remembered dropping him off along with some food and supplies that very morning, the giant mountain dog giving him a shrewd look that basically said, “You better tell her your feelings for her during this trip.”
“Shut up, Sven.” He blushed uncharacteristically.
“I’m serious. You’ve had feelings for her for too long.” For a dog, Sven was surprisingly expressive.
Kristoff knew he was right. Or his imaginary voice for Sven was right. If he didn’t tell her soon he would explode. He wanted to be more with her. He couldn’t stand to be without her. His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter.
“Kristoff?” Anna’s voice brought him back to reality. A reality where Anna was next to him and real. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” He tried to smile at her but she looked unconvinced.
“You don’t really look like it. Do you want me to drive?”
“Oh, no, no. I’ll be fine.” He started to sweat thinking about her driving his car, past experiences weren’t so great with her in the driver's seat.
“Hey, I’m not too bad at driving!”
“Yes, you are.” He smirked at her. He couldn’t resist teasing her a bit.
“No, I’m not!”
In a few hours of driving, they finally reached the ski resort in the mountains. Anna talked the entire way there, her excitement spreading to him. He parked his truck and hopped out, going over to the passenger side to help Anna carry on her things. She smiled at him gratefully and his heart sputtered in its tracks. She was just too pretty. He coughed and said that it wasn’t a problem and the two made their way into the large wooden mansion like building.
In the distance, he saw a blonde figure dressed in sky blue parka.
“Elsa!” Anna excitedly bounced and ran towards the figure. Kristoff couldn’t help but stare at her perfect, round— Ok, Kristoff. Stop looking! He chastised himself.
He saw Elsa smile at her dear sister and Kristoff smiled privately to himself. He knew there was some distance between them before while Elsa had dealt with her own issues, but the two sisters were closer than ever before.
“Hey, Anna. I’m glad you got here alright.” Elsa spoke regally, as if she was a queen.
“Yeah, she was a bit late getting out of the door though. Had me waiting for a bit.” Kristoff came up behind them and nudged Anna’s petite shoulder with her own. Anna blushed and he couldn’t help but admire how the pink of her cheeks highlighted her freckles.
“It wasn't my fault! I forgot to pack something so I had to look for it, and it just took longer than I expected…” She trailed off as the two of them stared at her, Kristoff with a smirk and Elsa with one eyebrow raised. “Ok, so it was my fault. I’m sorry.” She admitted with a sheepish smile.
“Hey, I’m only teasing. No harm done.” Kristoff shrugged and Elsa laughed.
“C’mon, you two. Let’s go inside. Honeymaren is checking us in.” The elegant blonde gained a soft look in her eyes mentioning her girlfriend of two years.
At this, Anna gave a huge smile and turned to Kristoff excitedly. She grabbed his arm, his hands carrying her suitcase and his duffel bag on his other shoulder with ease, and started to pull him towards the entrance. “Let’s go, let’s go!”
“Whoa, take it easy there.” Though he couldn’t help but smile with her. he couldn’t help it, her excitement was contagious.
Elsa gave a hug and a sweet kiss to Honeymaren, sporting her own tan parka and a white beanie, allowing her straight bangs to peek out and flowing over her shoulders. Next to her was her was Ryder, keeping watch over their luggage.
“I found them,” Elsa said, gesturing with her head towards Kristoff and Anna.
“Great! It’s so good to see you again.” Honeymaren gave a hug to Anna, which was returned. Alongside them, Ryder gave Kristoff a half hug, which he appreciated. Him and Ryder had become close friends as well, especially since they shared a love for animals, especially dogs.
“So, how about we go to our rooms? I’m so excited to go skiing!” Anna exclaimed.
“That’s a good idea, we should get settled in,” Elsa nodded. “Honeymaren and I are sharing a room.” Honeymaren smiled and snuggled up to Elsa’s side.
Ryder stood up and pointed a thumb to himself. “And I paid for my own room.”
Kristoff’s eyes widened at the realization. “But that means-”
“Yep. You two will share a room.” Elsa’s cool stare made Kristoff gulp, as if she knew what he thought of her little sister. If that was a good or bad thing, he didn’t know, but he didn’t even want to think about the consequences if she didn’t approve.
“I mean, there aren’t any more rooms?” Anna said nervously. Kristoff mentally groaned, she didn’t want to share a room with him? It was probably for the better, he didn’t know what would happen if he was alone with her.
“They’re all booked for the week. This place is pretty popular.” Honeymaren shrugged.
Kristoff looked towards Ryder, who held up his hands in defense. “Hey, man. You’re my buddy and all, but you snore like crazy. And I need my sleep.” The gruff blonde rolled his eyes.
“Well, should I room with Ryder then?” Anna asked.
Everyone turned towards Kristoff. “I mean, no.” He said more calmly. “He wants to room alone anyway.” He looked towards Ryder who, thank god, nodded his head agreeingly.
“Everything should be ok. Let’s go check out our rooms.” Honeymaren said.
Kristoff mentally groaned. he had to prepare himself for rooming with only the love of his life, just the two of them, at night. Stop it, Kristoff!
He felt Anna walk alongside him and hoped she felt better about this than he did.
Anna was over the moon with excitement, butterflies beating in her chest and stomach. She couldn’t help but thank heavens that Elsa was on her side during this trip, and had agreed to give her and Kristoff some alone time. When she told her older sister that she had feelings for Kristoff, she had expected to be met with anger. Instead, Elsa gave her a warm smile and a hug, saying that Kristoff was a good man, and that they’d be good for each other.
Anna had wanted to proclaim her feelings for him during the trip, and now she would have just the opportunity to do so. Amongst other things, she hoped. What she had told Kristoff about forgetting to pack something wasn’t entirely false. She had forgotten to pack her new lingerie that she had brought, a baby pink nightdress that barely left anything to the imagination. Yes, it didn’t really cover up her freckles on her shoulder that she was insecure about but she could cover it up with her hair.
She bit her lip as she snuck a peek at the tall blonde. He didn’t really seem excited at the prospect of sharing a room with her. Anna started to get second thoughts. Maybe he didn’t have feelings for her? But Elsa had seemed so sure… and that was why she had enlisted her help in getting a room just for her and Kristoff. No matter. She would still go along with her plan tonight.
They reached their rooms and headed on inside. The cozy room had a fireplace in the living room, kitchenette, and hallway that led to the bathroom and bedroom.
Kristoff and Anna made their way over to the bedroom to stash their suitcases and duffel bag there. But when they got to the doorway, Kristoff froze, and Anna bumped into his back.
“Ow! Kristoff, what the heck?” Anna rubbed her nose with her hand. For all the times she had admired his broad shoulders and back, right now was one of the rare times she didn’t appreciate it.
Then she looked around him and found the source of his frustration. Oh yeah. She thought. This was also part of her plan. She looked up at Kristoff who had a look of intense annoyance on his face.
“Oh, that’s why.” Anna acted like she didn’t know anything about the situation and that she didn’t see it coming. Yup, completely unplanned.
“Anna, I’m gonna go talk to the front desk and see if we can get a different room.”
“Oh, no! You don't have to do that. Kristoff, you heard Honeymaren, there are no more rooms available. I can just sleep on the couch!” She tried to assuage him, though she had no plans of sleeping on the couch, and she didn’t have any for Kristoff either.
“Anna, you shouldn’t sleep on the couch,” Kristoff said in annoyance.
“Why not? There’s a warm fireplace in front of it too!”
“No.” he turned to look at her and she had to tilt her head upwards to face him. He really was taller than her by so much.
“I’ll sleep on the couch, ok?” Kristoff smiled at her.
“No buts!” He shook his head resolutely, and Anna pouted.
“Ok, Kristoff.” She shrugged. Though in her mind she was coming up with ways to get him in the bed, with her. Hopefully with him on top of her, with him thrusting into her warmth, being wrapped up in his strong arms and his mouth leaving love marks all over her neck and chest. Anna shook her head, her braids whipping about with her. No use getting flustered at the moment, she thought resolutely.
“C’mon, let’s go and hit the slopes.” She smiled brightly at him and she could see his earlier discomfort melting away as she played it off as if it wasn’t a big deal. In reality, it was, and it was pivotal to her plan.
“Alright, lead the way.”
And the two went out to meet the rest of the group to enjoy the rest of the afternoon in the snow.
The snowy mountains held a romantic appeal to them, Anna thought. This time was perfect for him to let loose a bit and have some fun. He was a natural snowboarder, she admired, as he slid down the slopes with practiced ease. She could see a group of girls squealing and admiring him too, and she scowled. Of course he would have lots of attention here.
As for Anna herself, she was on the ground. She couldn’t get her feet in the right position to ski properly, and she didn’t know how to slow down or turn so she found herself falling in the snow far too many times.
Well, some plan this is. Anna thought. He probably thinks I’m such a big clutz.
“Need some help?” Kristoff slid down towards her and slowed to a perfect stop in front of her.
“Ugh, please.” Kristoff smiled at her frustration, and handed her ski pole back to her. For some reason it ended up far behind her as she fell. He helped her up, his large hands engulfing hers. They were so warm, and Anna felt herself unwilling to let them go. But she had to, as she felt herself slipping again. And she wasn’t even moving!
Geez, Anna, way to go!
But Kristoff only chuckled. “Here, it’s better to put your feet in this position.” He demonstrated after he got off of his snowboard.
“Wow, Kristoff. Is there anything you can’t do? Skiing, snowboarding, you got it all.” She teased with a smirk. And to her immense satisfaction, he blushed. Maybe there was some hope for this plan after all.
“Just do it, Anna.” And she let out a giggle. A flustered Kristoff was always so cute.
“Ok, ok. Like this?” She actually tried to put her feet in the right position. Actually tried, but her next attempts at trying to slide down were utter failures. And in the next few seconds, as her right ski got in the way of her second ski, she found herself falling to her left, where Kristoff was.
“Whoa!” Kristoff exclaimed a Anna let out a soft yell of surprise.
But instead of the cold snow, she was met with the warmth of her best friend, as his arms wrapped around her to shield her from the fall. Laying in the snow with him, she couldn’t find it in herself to be sorry as she felt his strong arms tighten around her. Now if only they didn’t have any clothes on...
Way to go, Anna! She cheered mentally this time. At least her clumsiness came in handy.
“Are you ok, Anna?” He asked quietly, concern laced in his words.
She started giggling. She couldn’t help it.
“Yeah, I’m ok.” She kept giggling as she finally faced him, and stared into his gorgeous amber eyes. They were so close, and she could feel his breath mingle with hers. Just a little closer--
“Oh my god! Anna, Kristoff, are you guys ok?”
Anna mentally groaned as she turned towards Honeymaren, who was skiing down towards them. The moment was ruined as she felt Kristoff sit up and therefore, dislodging her from his warm embrace.
“Hey, Honeymaren, Yeah, I’m fine, I’m just really bad at skiing.” She bit her lip.
“I’m fine too,” Kristoff said.
Elsa followed up behind Honeymaren, her gaze all knowing and she smirked at Anna, who returned it with a small glare and a pout.
“They seem fine, Honey. C’mon, let’s go. I’ll race you down the slopes.”
“Oh you’re on!” Honeymaren’s competitive streak rushed in and they skied down the slope together.
Kristoff turned towards Anna, as they both got up from the snow.
“Hey, with a little practice, I’m sure you’ll be racing down after them.”
“Yeah, right. Elsa’s a natural born skier,” she rolled her eyes. “So are Honeymaren and Ryder.”
Kristoff smiled down at her. “But I wasn’t.” Anna looked up at him with large doe like eyes. “I had to practice to get the hang of snowboarding. And now I love it.”
She smiled back at him. It was obvious how much he did love snowboarding.
“Alright. Can you teach me?” Anna said.
“Of course, Princess.” Kristoff smirked at her and she huffed at the nickname. Though she didn’t exactly hate the endearment.
The rest of the afternoon wasn’t exactly according to plan, as she didn’t wow Kristoff with her extreme skill of skiing, but they did get to spend lots of time together as he taught her how to ski. Now, she was a bit better at it. Just a bit. She made it down the bunny slopes, after all.
Dinner was a fun affair as they sat around the table laughing and telling stories, just like the good ol’ times, where they were still in college, eating pizza around a table after exams.
And it was nice to see Elsa so happy. Her eyes lit up as she listened to Honeymaren speak and make jokes. Anna hoped that Kristoff and her would become like that. Happy and so obviously in love.
Now they were back in their room. With only one bed. Anna went into the bathroom to take a quick shower and change, and she stared at herself in the mirror, the baby pink nightdress in her hands.
No going back now, Anna. You can do this.
Kristoff was in the living room looking through his duffel bag for his pajamas. The fire was up and running with a roaring blaze that easily warmed the entire room. He considered going down to the front desk to ask for more pillows and blankets so he could sleep on the couch in the living room area. Surely, Anna had to sleep on the bed. He couldn’t allow her to sleep out there. What if Ryder came in their room and she was sleeping? No, he had to take the couch.
Thinking of Anna brought him back to that afternoon when she fell into his arms. He didn’t want to admit it but it felt so right to have her there. He wanted her there forever, and she fits perfectly within them. Her petite body was so warm, and her soft pink lips were so close, he wanted to take them with his own in a searing kiss and find out it if it tasted like strawberries she loved to eat so much.
Kristoff groaned and shook his head. He knew he had to tell her how he felt, but how?
His thoughts were interrupted as he heard the door opening. He didn’t look up as he kept looking for his pajamas in his bag.
“Hey, you finished? I’m gonna shower in a moment, just looking for my pajamas.” He finally found them, nestled in the side of the bag, and he pulled them out. As he looked up, he froze.
There she was, standing in the doorway, shyly but wearing the sexiest thing he could ever imagine on her. The soft pink nightdress reached down to mid thigh, showing so much of her legs, and the lace cups hugged her breasts snugly, her cleavage so prominent. He wanted to kiss that area so badly.
Her hair was out of her signature cute braids, falling in delicate waves over her shoulders and down her back. It looked so soft and inviting, as if waiting for his hands to run through them as they made love.
Kristoff gulped audibly, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away. He felt himself harden immediately and knew he had to get away before he did something he regretted.
“Ah-Anna?” He asked. “Is everything ok?” That’s better, Kristoff thought. Just act normal.
“Yeah, everything is fine.” Anna stepped closer to him from the doorway and he stared down at her. He actually took a few steps back as he saw more and more of her skin, and felt his resolve slipping away.
“More than fine.”
Kristoff felt the sofa behind the back of his knees and he sat down on it, Anna climbing into his lap, biting her lip. He wanted to take her lip into his own and bite it. Her eyes were a stormy blue with lust, her pupils blown wide open. He gulped and looked away, but Anna took her hand and cupped his cheek to face her again.
“Kristoff.” She whispered, her breath washing over his face and he closed his eyes in bliss. He felt her arms wrap around his neck and her breasts pressing into his chest. The slightly cold air of the mountains made her nipples more prominent and he was hyper focused on that detail as he felt them harden against him. What would they feel like in his hands?
And he felt her lips press against his. They molded together with his, and they were so warm and he dreamt of this for so long. So long. And it was everything he thought it would be. Her lips were soft and pliant, and it tasted like the strawberries she so loved to eat.
But this was different in his mind. He wanted to give her everything she deserved. Candlelit dinners, a romantic stroll in the night, all the works. She didn’t deserve him taking advantage of her.
He broke the kiss, Anna trying to be closer to kiss him again, but he turned his head away from her.
“Kristoff?” She asked quietly.
“This isn’t right, Anna.” He said resolutely. This wasn’t how he saw it happening, but oh did he want it to happen so, so badly.
“You-you don’t want this?” Anna asked, her voice breaking.
Kristoff turned towards her and felt his heart break into pieces at seeing her beautiful blue eyes fill with tears. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she looked like a sad puppy.
“Wait, Anna that’s not what I meant.” He tried to reassure her, but she climbed off of his lap. He tried to grab onto her waist with his hands but she slipped out of them. He quickly felt the warmth of her body leave him and missed it immediately.
“I’m sorry, Kristoff.” She whispered brokenly. And she ran off into the hallway, the bedroom door closing with a resolute slam.
“Anna!” He tried to follow her but the door was locked. He put his head on the doorway and groaned.
Everything was ruined now.
Thank you so much for reading! :)
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Mating Season (Chapter 3)
This is the final chapter of Northuldra Anna/Black Mountain Kristoff; thank you for reading! And thank you @the-spastic-fantastic who especially helped me with Ryder’s brilliance here.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Anna was right. Anna was right, but she didn’t want to be. They didn’t touch each other all night long and she was also ridiculously uncomfortable all night long.
She read to him from her book and he told her a story of the constellation that was best seen from the top of the Black Mountain in spring; antlers of a mighty stag who could bless or curse when called upon for help. They said goodnight formally and each went to their own bed, turning their backs as they took off their clothes. The rustle of falling clothes was deafening and it brought a thrill all the way up Anna’s body, from her toes to each individual hair on her head.
She laid on her cot and he laid on the one usually occupied by Ryder and she felt she had never been more awake. He looked so large and out of place on it, his feet hanging off of the end and his shoulders wider than the frame of it. He had taken his shirt off and she watched as the shadows made by the flickering candle danced and moved along his chest and arms. The pattern of it looked as frenzied as she felt. She had a wild thought that she wanted to trace the path of the shadows, to feel the skin beneath and see if the heat she felt was there as well.
She couldn’t sleep. Longings she never felt for Ryder had her mind imaging what she would rather be doing than just looking at him. Kristoff’s breathing, the size and weight of him...it was unfamiliar but not unwelcome. He took up space in the cabin differently. Things felt hot and crowded and every time she breathed she was aware of where he was and where she was and how much distance was between them.
Kristoff heard Anna leave her bed and turned to watch as she opened and peered around the cabin door, gently shutting it after faint light spilled into the room. He sat up and she turned her head to look at him, speaking quietly. “The sun’s coming up.”
‘Yes.” He rubbed a hand over his eyes, though they weren’t bleary from sleep. It had been a restless night, full of tension and the hope and worry of what ifs. He hadn’t slept and he was sure she hadn’t either.
“So it’s not night anymore.” She walked closer to him, pulling on the end of one of her braids. He sat up on the cot and turned sideways so he sat on the edge, his feet on the floor, his back against the wall.
“And nothing happened at night. Between us. Just like I said.”
“Yes.” He licked his lips and then stopped, realizing what he wanted to be doing with his lips, and hoping he wasn’t making her uncomfortable.
“But it’s not night anymore. It’s day.” Her knees bumped against his as she stopped walking to stand right in front of him, and he wondered if her heart was beating as quickly as his.
“So. If I kiss you now, I’m not proving you right. Because it’s day.”
Kristoff’s breathing hitched and he wanted to hear her say it again, to be sure he had heard her correctly. Did she want what he wanted?
He slowly lifted his arms and circled her waist, gently pulling her closer and trapping her legs between his thighs.
“I have never cared less about being right. And it’s fine if you and Ryder have...you know. But I hope you don’t anymore. Because I want to be that for you. I want to be with you.”
“Ryder and I have never. Well, we kissed once when we were still kids and it was so gross I thought maybe I was like Elsa.” She gave a high-pitched laugh before clearing her throat. “That maybe I liked girls like she does. Women. Not the ice powers stuff. But I don’t. I like boys. Or men, I mean. I like men. I like you.”
He lifted his head up and she brought hers down and her braids fell across his bare shoulders. She heard his sharp intake of breath as she reached out to tangle her fingers in his hair and he answered “I like you too.”
She brushed her lips against his and he deepened the kiss with an intensity that made the heat that had been steadily building in her middle all night flare. He suddenly stood and lifted her up, her legs going around his waist and her hands still deep in his hair. He walked with her over to her bed and laid her down, running a hand along her face and whispering “I would very much like to kiss you right now. May I? May we?”
“Yes.” She reached for him, and their hands and mouths and bodies spoke in ways they had been longing to over the course of that night, the past few weeks, the past few months.
Later, Anna awoke to a light knocking on the cabin door. She wrapped a blanket around herself and answered, only poking her head out into the cold midday air.
He smiled. “I brought you provisions. I thought you might need them after your night.” He handed her a basket full of food, the warmth and smell of it a welcome thing. “Seara helped me make it. She was very happy to welcome me last night, so thank you for that.” He waggled his eyebrows and bowed his head to her. “I’ll come get my bag later. I think this will be the new permanent arrangement.” He leaned in close. “Unless you tell me things didn’t go well. Because she can wait. She loves me enough to wait.”
Anna smiled and took the basket. “Everything is perfect. Thank you for coming to be sure.”
“There’s a tree there. And there. And there. Kristoff, we’re in a forest. Near a mountain covered in a forest. There are trees literally everywhere.” They walked leisurely through the forest, holding hands, eyes scanning the surrounding woods. Kristoff knew what he was looking for, but Anna did not. Their boots padded softly through the thin layer of snow, almost as light as frost. Sven trotted behind them, stopping occasionally to scratch against the satisfyingly rough bark of a tree.
“We’re looking for a very specific tree.” He paused to put his hand on a tree trunk, then shook his head. “Not that one.”
“What kind? I grew up in a forest. I am actually pretty good at finding very specific trees.” As much as she enjoyed holding his hand and walking, she felt too aimless without a task.
“Birch. Specifically, a birch burl. And I know you can find one, but I was also hoping to make this sort of a surprise.”
Anna was familiar with burls, the gnarled, knobby parts of a tree that looked like deformed bulges. Woodworkers liked them for carvings or furniture, the beauty of the burl’s insides revealed in swirls and knots and intricately radiant lines. “Are you making something?”
“You need a guksi.”
Anna smiled at that, thinking about the tradition Seara had told her about Black Mountain men carving and giving their beloved a guksi to demonstrate their willingness to provide and care for her. Beloved. That was the word Seara had used. Was it a word Kristoff would say to her when it was made?
Kristoff stopped by a particularly large burl on a medium-sized birch tree. “This will do.”
Anna took her mittens off to run her hands over it. “I love burls. Scary on the outside, waiting for their inner beauty to be revealed. Like someone I know.”
Kristoff laughed. “I’m scary?”
She smiled. “Well no. You were though. Gloomy at least. Now you smile all the time.”
Krsitoff leaned in close to her mouth, she could feel the heat from him as he spoke. “Hmm. I think I know why.”
She moved the last inch between them to press her lips against his and he smiled into their kiss. Kissing him outside in the woods was even better than kissing him inside the cabin: the smell of snow, the bark of the tree against her back as he leaned against her to deepen the kiss, the chill of the wind making the press of his body and the heat it brought to her even more welcome.
As they walked back, she thought about how he really was like a burl. Formed in the aftermath of injury or disease, a tree turned in on itself for a time, wild and arrested. Instead of giving up, it created something singularly beautiful. She held his hand tightly, grateful that he had chosen to persevere instead of give up, hope over despair.
Several weeks later, Kristoff entered the cabin as Anna sent out three children. They collided with him, giggling as he dropped the bundle in his hand. One of the girls picked it up and gave it to him with bandaged hands. “Do you live here now?”
Kristoff looked over her shoulder and through the door to Anna, tilting his head in question. He wasn’t sure how to answer. He spent most nights in the medical cabin with Anna. The only nights he spent away were those spent camped by the frozen lake for harvesting or in a kota in the woods hunting a day or more’s journey away from the main village. He didn’t want to answer for her, but she seemed more amused than embarrassed by the question, smiling and shrugging as she was. “Uh, yes, I live here now.”
The children giggled again and then ran off. Kristoff knocked snow off of his boots on the doorframe and then pulled the door closed behind him. “They didn’t seem sick. Thankfully. What trouble did they get into?”
“Oh they managed to find a patch of stinging nettles, though how that’s possible when it’s not quite March I don’t know. Maybe the Black Mountain has magic after all.” She had gloves on and picked up a stem of the offending plant. “Could the hot springs keep vegetation heated in the winter? I might set up a medicinal greenhouse near the springs if so.”
Kristoff took off his hat but kept his mittens on to take the plant from her. It had brillianty green leaves, wide at the bottom and smaller at the top. “I think my mother made soup with these.”
“She probably did. It’s edible when prepared the right way. We can also use it to help a mother with milk and to treat breathing problems. You just have to handle it correctly. The children had some burns but it was nothing a little cold pack couldn’t cure.”
Kristoff gave the nettle back to her, and watched as she expertly stripped it and then ground it with her mortar and pestle. He came behind her and rubbed her shoulders as she worked. “I’m so glad you came here. We’re lucky to have you. I’m lucky to have you.”
Anna turned to face him and his arms slid down from her shoulders to her waist. She took her gloves off, then put her hands on his shoulders. “I like being here. And if I strip the seeds just right, whoever is in this cabin next will have a wonderful row of nettles right outside the door in the plot you helped me stake out. We’ll have to plant right as the reindeer start calving, which will be tricky, but I’m sure we can manage. I’m determined to leave this cabin in good order for whoever takes over.”
Kristoff’s grip tightened on her waist and his heart sank with her words. She spoke so certainly of leaving. He wanted to ask her to stay, but was that fair? To ask her to leave her family and her home? She had been training several women in the various remedies she made, and he knew she had plans for training several more people during the calving so they would know how to do it for the next season. But he didn’t just want her for her knowledge of reindeer and medicine. He wanted her.
She brought a joy and a light to his days, a warmth he had thought would remain absent. She had become his family. But he didn’t know how to tell her. And he didn’t know if she felt the same way.
“I made you something.” He reached behind her to where he had placed the bundle on the work table. “I hope it didn’t get damaged when I dropped it.”
Anna took it eagerly and unwrapped the fabric covering, folding it neatly. It looked to be a handcloth she could use for any variety of treatments or medicine applications. As her hand touched the hidden gift, she gasped.
“Oh! It’s the guksi! You made this? It’s so beautiful!” Her hands stroked the deep well and smooth handle. She looked closer and noticed a carving on the edge, right where her hand would grip it when drinking. She rubbed it and felt the shape, a shining sun next to antlers. “The People of the Sun and the People of the Black Mountain! Thank you Kristoff. It’s perfect.”
She hugged it to herself until he reached for it. “May I? You should have a drink out of it.”
He dipped it into the basin of water and held it up to her and she drank deeply. He had a vague memory of his father doing the same for his mother and instead of feeling lonely like memories of his parents had often made him feel, this one made him feel aglow in love and belonging.
In April the pregnant reindeer were so cumbersome that Ryder complained of the extra work it required. Anna scoffed at that.
“Extra work? Are you the one internally carrying a beast with four hooves?”
Seara laughed and Ryder shook his head. “I just mean I’m ready for the calving. Though, I’ve been meaning to tell you, Anna...I’m not ready to go back to Northuldra. I mean, I will go back with you. But just to safely see you home and say goodbye.” He put his arm around Seara and they shared a smile. “I’m going to stay here with Seara.”
Anna clapped her hands in delight. “Oh that’s wonderful!” She reached to embrace them both around the neck as Kristoff rode up to them on Sven. She saw him and a thought she had been pushing away emerged in the space made by Ryder’s news. Did she want to stay as well? Would Kristoff want her to?
“It’s time.”
Reindeer calving was a messy business. And even though Anna had been present at many, she still marveled at the miracle of it: a fully formed reindeer, emerging from its mother in little more than half an hour. A whole herd completed the process in about ten days. Her mother had told her the reindeer did it that way to overwhelm predators as a way to protect the young, but Anna thought it must also be a way to overwhelm the humans who kept the reindeer in their care. At the end of the ten days she felt overwhelmed with the beauty and blood and sleeplessness of it all.
When it was finally over, Kristoff took her back to her cabin on the back of Sven and then carried her inside. He bathed her, the blood and dirt difficult to scrub off of her work-worn hands. He gently lifted her out of the small washtub and wrapped her in blankets, carrying her to her bed where he hoped sleep would right the deep shadows under her eyes. She pulled him down with the strength he had seen on display in the past few weeks, but nevertheless it surprised him coming from one so exhausted.
“Are you sure? Don’t you want to wait until you’re rested? “
She spoke into his ear. “I am sure. And I don’t want to wait.”
In May he tilled the earth for her and watched as she carefully placed seeds in the thawing ground. “I hope it’s not too early to plant these; but we’ll be leaving soon.” Anna made signs with detailed pictures and he carved in the symbols his people would recognize. She straightened the bottles and vials and bowls and folded the bandages and checked on the reindeer daily.
Kristoff wanted to ask her to stay, but still hadn’t found the words. He could show her - giving her a blanket or making her a guksi or even singing with her by the fire. That was easy. But telling her outright . . . he had no idea how to do that. And he wasn’t sure she wanted him to. Would she ever want to leave the woods she spoke so lovingly about? Or the family she was counting down the days until she would see again?
“Remember to keep the ones who haven’t shed their winter coats yet out of the sun! They’ll collapse from sun stroke. And harvest that boska soon; it will be ready!”
Seara nodded. “Yes, Anna. We know. Just go! The sooner you go the sooner Ryder comes back to me.”
Ryder reached for her in one swift motion and dipped her low for a kiss, then righted her once more. They both laughed and then he kissed her again on the nose. “I’ll be back. And you won’t believe the proposal. You’ll be so surprised and happy that I don’t even know if you’ll remember to say yes.”
Seara laughed again and waved him away. “Stop telling me about it if you want it to be a surprise.”
Ryder and Anna rode the reindeer part of the way and walked part of the way, telling each other stories and making guesses about what their families and the rest of the Northuldra had done in their absence. Eventually, talk turned back to the people they had just left behind.
“What’s this proposal you promised to Seara?”
Ryder smiled and rubbed his hands together. “I told her about our tradition of proposing with the herd of reindeer and a smattering of butterflies and a beautiful speech about the bride-to-be’s best qualities. She probably knows I plan to do it, really, but we’re both pretending it’s a surprise.”
“That’s sweet.” Anna stretched her arms as they rode, feeling stiff after sitting so long in one position. “Do they have proposal traditions?”
Ryder nodded, frowning. “Yes. But it involves asking her parents for her hand, and well, they died. So many of the parents did. That’s why I thought to tell her about how Northuldra do it. I thought it would make her laugh.”
“I’m glad you found each other. Though I’ll miss you.”
“I thought for a while you might stay too. Or at least have a long goodbye with Kristoff this morning. Where was he?”
Anna swallowed, suddenly feeling sick and sad.
The night before, she had told Kristoff not to see her off in the morning. It would be too hard. She loved their time together, she would treasure it always, let’s kiss now and let that be our goodbye.
But it had not made things easier. Each snap of a branch or distant grunt of a reindeer made her turn and look for Kristoff and Sven. Though she was eager to see her parents and sister again, over the past few months she had begun to think of Kristoff as her family. Of course, he had never said as much to her. He gave her thoughtful gifts and spent more time with her than any of his kinsmen. And yet he had remained silent about extending her time with the Black Mountain. Anna thought with a bitter laugh how after years of dismissing men for being “too” something, it was now Kristoff that apparently hadn’t found her “enough,” at least not enough to ask her to stay.
Ryder saw the bright sheen in her eyes and didn’t push for an answer. He reached over to hold her hand and then her tears started to fall.
“Anna! Oh, Anna! It’s so good to see you!” Elsa, Agnarr, and Iduna ran up to Ryder and Anna and crushed her into a hug. Ryder joined the pile and then patted Anna on the shoulder.
“I’m going to go tell my parents and Honeymaren the good news!”
Elsa watched him go and then looked back at Anna. “What good news?”
Anna smiled and tears filled her eyes again. “He’s going to go back to the Black Mountain. He’s going to marry a girl there, Seara.”
Agnarr put his arm around Iduna. “I believe that means I win a certain wager. Your mother thought you might be the one to come back a married woman, or even a mother-to-be.”
Anna tried to keep smiling, but it slipped, and the tears fell down her cheeks faster than she could wipe them away.
Iduna reached for her, stroking her face with hands Anna had missed, and it made her cry even harder. “Oh Anna, what is it?” She pulled back abruptly. “Anna, are you…” she placed her hand on Anna’s face, noting the deep circles under her eyes, the glow of her skin and luster of her hair. “Anna, you’re pregnant. Maybe two months? Three? How do you feel?”
Elsa and Agnarr looked like twin expressions of shock, their mouths open and eyes wide, and they gripped each other’s hands as Iduna’s felt around Anna’s middle and then stroked her hair.
“Mother, no, I don’t...I don’t know. I suppose I could...Could I?” She cried harder. “He didn’t ask me to stay and I wanted to. I missed you so much but I would have stayed. He's not too irritable or serious like I thought; he's patient and leads well and he's compassionate to the point of ridiculousness and I love him so much and why did I leave? Home is with him.”
Iduna stroked her hair and let her cry. “It’s alright, Anna. It’s alright. Everything is going to be alright.”
Anna had felt relief at her mother’s words, but she didn’t see how they could be true.
Ryder, Honeymaren, and their parents came into her family’s kota for an evening meal. Iduna had been preventing Agnarr from bothering Anna with questions, but he seized the opportunity to ask Ryder all about Kristoff.
“And how did he treat our daughter? Was he true in his affections?”
Ryder took a large bite of meat and nodded, answering with his mouth still full. “Oh yes, he was definitely true. I mean, they did get married.”
Agnarr, about to ask a follow up question, sputtered. Anna choked a little on her sip of water, wiping some with her sleeve as it dribbled down her chin. Elsa opened her eyes wide and asked “Wait, what?” in an incredulous voice.
“Yes, some ancient traditional way. There wasn’t a ceremony or anything. I didn’t realize it, but apparently all of the Black Mountain people did. Seara told me.”
Anna shook her head, completely confused. “What are you talking about? We didn’t get married.”
Ryder was emphatic. “You shared a guksi in public. He made her one as a gift. You sleep in the same cabin and sang together at gatherings. He gave her a blanket with his family’s pattern. You planted seeds.” He startled at the strangled noise Agnarr made. “Actual seeds. That’s not a metaphor.”
Anna covered her mouth with her hands half-laughed, half-cried into them. Elsa put an arm around her. Before she could figure out how to respond to that revelation, she heard the sound she had been longing to hear since leaving the Black Mountain. A distinctive reindeer grunt and a voice calling out “Anna! Anna! Where are you?”
She pushed her way out of the tent and saw him. He was sweaty and had a slightly crazed-look in his eye, one she recognized from their search for Sven. With a sharp stab of happiness and relief, she realized that now she was the one he was desperate to find.
He ran to her and crushed her into a hug, nestling his head down to her shoulder. “I left a few hours after you did. Seara found me moping and told me I was being an idiot and she was right. I forgot. I forgot how to tell people that I love that I love them. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t ask you to stay. But please come with me now. I love you. I want you with me always.”
He pulled away from her and saw her tears. Her family had come out of the tent, and Ryder with them.
“Kristoff! Clear this up, will you? They don’t think you two are married.”
Kristoff looked at Anna and scratched at the back of his neck. “Well, I didn’t realize it, but Seara told me. We performed the rituals, and they were witnessed, but Anna you didn’t know and I’ll not hold you to them. I love you and do want to marry you, but you can’t be held to what you didn’t know. It’s an old tradition, I didn't even remember it.”
Anna laughed and wiped at her face, still wet from so many tears. "Well it just makes sense as a tradition. Those are obviously things that people in love do; we did them. And I would like to keep doing them with you forever." Kristoff’s face broke into a grin and he took a relieved breath, shoulders heaving. Even Sven seemed to be grunting in a happy way.
“But oh! I didn’t realize it Kristoff, but my mother, she did. We’re going to have a baby. In seven months or so.” His mouth hung open and he reached for her, lifting her high in the air and twirling her around and setting her down gently.
“Oh! Should I have not done that?” He looked to Iduna. “Is she alright? Did I just harm the baby?”
Iduna shook her head. “She’s as fit as a fiddle and I’m sure the baby is too. But maybe don’t head back to the Black Mountain tonight.”
Agnarr stepped forward and extended his hand. “Join us for a meal. After all, you’re family.”
That night, they huddled together not out of cold or fear but out of gratefulness that they had found one another. Kristoff rubbed his nose behind her ear and laid a hand on her stomach, whispering. “I love you. Both of you.”
She reached over to stroke his beard. “I love you too.”
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Don’t Tell Ryder; III: Welcome to the Crew!
Chapter 3 of Don’t Tell Ryder (Master List)
Pairing: Evfra de Tershaav + OC
Words: 3387
“The Moshae, yes, she is our spiritual leader, and an expert on the Remnant!” Jaal said with a smile, clearly fond of this woman on a personal level. He deliberately did not look in Evfra’s direction, the angry field coming from the Resistance General was enough for him to know that Evfra did not want him talking to Cassiel about the Moshae.
“Oh! Where is she? May I speak with her?” Cassiel cringed at herself, turning back to face Evfra. “Not to circumvent your leadership, or anything, I’m sorry-that wasn’t what I-” Evfra cut her off.
“She is gone,” he sighed, running a palm down his face, drawing Cassiel’s eyes to the human-like hands, however three of the digits were fused together, making the angaran’s hand look more like a mitten.
“Gone as in..?” Cassiel prompted, hoping that this spiritual leader was alive and just off planet somewhere. The creature nudged her again, and she continued to scritch it between the two horns on its head.
“The Moshae was captured by the Kett recently,” Jaal said sadly, head bowed. Cassiel’s face turned hopeful, and determined, as she straightened and stared Evfra in the eyes.
“We can help,” she said, talking over his disbelieving scoff. “At least let us try to prove ourselves, and if we fail, then it means no more to you! The Resistance will not have lost anything!” she implored him, leaning forward, unaware of the General’s heart rate picking up. The General held her gaze for a moment, face giving away nothing, before he looked away with an annoyed expression.
“Fine,” he sighed, hands moving to rub at his temples in clear exhaustion.
“I’ll accompany them!” Jaal volunteered not a second after, both Cassiel and Evfra’s heads snapping to look at him in surprise.
“Absolutely n-”
“I know you can spare me,” the purple angara pushed with a smirk, and Evfra scowled, not that his resting face was much different. Cassiel was witness to a stare off, neither males moving or even changing their facial expressions, however Cassiel was unaware of the battle between their fields, leading to Evfra eventually acquiescing with a small nod. Jaal smirked in victory before turning to the door.
“I will accompany you back to your ship,” he said to Cassiel, gesturing for her to follow him, but Evfra piped up.
“I will join you,” he said, and suddenly became aware of the disbelieving stares from everyone in the room. “I want to see the alien’s ship up close,” he said, and Cassiel nodded.
“Of course! I could give you a tour if you-”
“Just the outside!” Evfra rushed out, not wanting to interact with more aliens for the moment, and Cassiel flinched at his loud tone.
Jaal led them back through the large doors Cassiel came in through, Evfra walking by Cassiel’s side with a reasonable distance between them, and the creature walking on her other, emitting soft purrs and seemingly skipping. Cassiel was too caught up in trying to take in the beautiful city this time to pay any attention to the hostile whispers coming from some of the angara they passed, and the woman was also oblivious to Evfra’s curious stare.
This woman was confusing, not necessarily in a bad way, just in a curious way, is what Evfra concluded. She seemed to fluctuate rapidly between confident and eager to shy and inarticulate, though standing next to her made him realize how tiny she was and Evfra could kind of understand why she would be so intimidated. Her head didn’t even come to his shoulders, and the flanjaak looked huge next to her, only coming up to an angara’s hip but on the human woman it reached her chest.
Before either the Resistance General or the human realized, they were back at the docks and all standing in front of the ramp onto the Tempest. Cassiel startled when she saw it, but took a deep breath and turned to Evfra.
“Thank you, for giving us a chance,” she said with a small smile, and Evfra simply grunted at her in acknowledgement. Cassiel nodded, already understanding he was a man of few words, and turned to Jaal.
“Everyone is going to meet us in the vidcon room so I can inform them of the situation, I’ll take you straight there, and we can do the tour a little later, okay?” she asked, beginning to step up onto the ramp as Jaal nodded.
“I will relay the message to the Pathfinder,” SAM said, getting her hint to send the crew a message.
Cassiel paused when she noticed she had a tail that wasn’t Jaal, and turned to the creature.
“You can’t come with me, sweetie, you belong here,” she said with a sad smile, pointing back to the city. The creature sat stubbornly on the ramp, whimpering when Cassiel gave it a nudge to try to get it to go back.
“He’s bonded to you, you should take him with you,” Evfra said with a sigh, melting at the sad look in both the flanjaak and human’s eyes.
“Really?!” Cassiel’s head snapped up so she could shoot him the happiest smile he had seen in a long time. “Thank you!” she gasped, extending her arms and rushing towards him, instinctively going to hug him before she thought better of it, lowering her arms awkwardly and coming to a stop a few feet in front of him. The General cleared his throat softly, feeling a little awkward at the affection the human had almost given him. “Uh… what kind of creature is it?” she asked instead of hugging him, and Evfra went to huff before realizing that obviously the human wouldn’t know what it was, despite it being a common pet among the angara.
“He is a flanjaak,” Evfra said, and Cassiel beamed at him.
“A flanjaak,” she repeated, looking to Evfra to confirm she got the pronunciation right. He nodded. “Thank you!” she repeated, and turned to bring both the flanjaak and Jaal onto the Tempest. Jaal, before he turned to follow the human onto her ship, looked back at Evfra, his field teasing the general’s.
“Go,” Evfra huffed, rolling his eyes and turning to go back to Resistance HQ. Jaal shook his head with a smile and turned back to get on the Tempest.
Jaal tried to be subtle in his observation of the ship as Cassiel led him up two levels to the vidcon room, but failed when Cassiel turned to look back at him.
“She’s a beauty, isn’t she?” she asked, and Jaal tilted his head.
“She?” he repeated, and Cassiel giggled a bit.
“Oh sorry! Most of the Milky Way species refer to ships and pieces of machinery as a ‘she’, but I’m not actually sure why…” she trailed off, a pensive look on her face, and Jaal realized she was speaking about the Tempest.
“It is a beautiful ship,” he admitted, allowing himself to gawk more openly at the sleek design.
“So do you have specific missions we can do to work towards gaining your trust?” she asked, and Jaal nodded, explaining the situations of both Havarl and Voeld. He followed Cassiel up a ramp and looked wide-eyed at the viewports wrapping all around the room.
“Yeah, I like that feature too,” Cassiel smiled at him when she noticed what specifically he was gawking at. “It’s nice to just stare out at the stars,”
Before Jaal could vocalize a reply, he was startled when a human male ran up to Cassiel.
“You brought a pet?!” he asked excitedly, crouching down and staring at the flanjaak, hands fidgeting as if he was unsure whether or not to pet it. Cassiel raised an eyebrow.
“That’s what you’re taking away from this?” she asked, wishing she was more surprised at her older brother. “Really?”
“What’s its name?” he pressed, ignoring the woman’s unamused expression. Jaal was just staring as the two interacted. Without any introductions, he could safely assume that this man was Cassiel’s brother, the Pathfinder, with how casually the two interacted. Cassiel pondered for a moment as she crouched down in front of the flanjaak as well, peering into his eyes as she rubbed his floppy ear.
“Mr. Tumnus,” she finally said, beaming. Jaal’s brow ridge rose, pondering the odd name.
“Narnia, really?” a dark skinned human asked, snorting in laughter. Cassiel just glared at him. The casual, easygoing nature that had surrounded the group could only last so long, though.
“What is he doing here?” Cora demanded with a scowl, pointing a finger at Jaal as she came to stand next to the Pathfinder, who straightened up. Jaal noted Cassiel’s flinch at the woman’s voice. Cora tapped her foot impatiently, and Cassiel schooled her expression, standing up and turning to look up at the woman. It was only then that Jaal realized how short she was, even for a human. He had assumed she was average for human height, despite being comically small next to the angara, but not so. Her brother stood about a foot taller than her, and the blonde woman had almost a whole head in height over her.
“First of all,” Cassiel said, hoping Cora didn’t notice the nervous lilt that had snuck into her voice when addressing her, “don’t point, it’s rude,” Cora’s eyes narrowed into an even harsher glare as she slowly lowered her finger, while Colin’s eyes widened at the bravery his little sister was displaying in front of the alpha female who she was, frankly, terrified of. “This is Jaal ama Darav,” Cassiel introduced, turning to address the whole room. “He’ll be coming with us as we work to gain the trust of the angara,” she said, and Colin piped up.
“So that’s what they’re called, the angara?” he confirmed, and Cassiel nodded. Cora just scoffed.
“Why do we need their trust?” she challenged, and Cassiel sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose in clear irritation.
“Do you see this planet?” she asked, rhetorically of course. “The angara have a functioning vault that could be the key to activating the others! We need their help! And honestly, they could benefit from ours! So we need their trust!” she explained, and Colin got in between Cora and Cassiel before the confrontation could progress any further in front of their new crewmate.
“Cora, back off,” he said with a glare, and the woman nodded curtly, striding over to stand near Liam.
“What happened?” Peebee finally asked. “I wanted to look around!” they sighed, and Cassiel mirrored it.
“The angara aren’t comfortable letting us just ‘look around’ their city,” she explained, and Drack turned to look at Jaal.
“Well why not?” he asked, and Jaal stayed silent, not really sure if the huge alien was addressing him. Liam spoke, looking nervously at Jaal.
“Do the… do the translators work?” he asked, and flinched when Jaal answered.
“They work,” he confirmed, and Cassiel rolled her eyes at the jittery behavior of everyone else.
“Can you… give everyone a quick rundown?” she asked, hoping him telling them the angara’s side would help smooth things over.
“One day, about 80 years ago,” he began. “The Archon and the kett arrived in Heleus, and the horror began,”
“They declared war?” Vetra asked, and Jaal shook his head.
“Nothing so easy to define, or fight,” he sighed, and Cassiel nodded slightly, speaking up.
“The kett kidnap angara, their people disappear without a trace. What if they were us? Or what if we’re next?” she asked, and Drack grunted.
“You know I’ll fight kett all day long, kid, but that’s no plan,” he said, and Peebee nodded.
“I agree, we need to get into that vault!” she looked to Colin.
“Surprisingly, I’m with Peebee,” Cora confirmed, saying nothing of how Cassiel said that was why they were doing this in the first place. “Our own mission has to take priority!” Cassiel rolled her eyes.
“We have a plan, and even though nothing about this is a straight shot to settling in Andromeda, it is still our mission,” she looked pointedly at Cora before turning to Jaal. “Jaal, do you mind showing everyone the options you told me about?” she asked, leading him to vidcon and quickly showing him how to pull up different coordinates. Jaal nodded, and began to speak, telling himself this was just another briefing.
“The Resistance is stretched thin. I was tasked with traveling to two of our worlds at our briefing this morning,” he explained. “And you will accompany me,”
“Because?” Liam prompted confrontationally, and Cassiel was so close to just throwing her hands up and letting everyone try to force their way into Aya’s vault.
“Because then, Evfra will see you as trustworthy, and you want that,” he explained, as if he were speaking to a child.
“Who is Evfra?” Colin asked, and Cassiel took over for Jaal momentarily.
“Evfra de Tershaav is the leader of The Resistance, the angara’s fighting force against the kett,” she said, then turned to Jaal and motioned for him to continue.
“The two worlds are Havarl and Voeld,” Jaal said, pulling up a hologram of both, before magnifying Voeld. “Before the Scourge disaster, Voeld was a thriving planet of billions, a shining center of technology and life,”
“And now?” Vetra asked, and Jaal’s jaw clenched, not at the turian, but at what Voeld had become.
“It’s the center of our ground war against the kett. Our Resistance base is fighting Kett Command for control of the planet,”
“What about the other?” Cora asked, and Jaal’s tone took on a slightly nostalgic note.
“Havarl is the birthplace of the angara. It’s started to degrade, to become wild and dangerous, we suspect Remnant,” his voice was sad as he explained.
“Now we’re talking,” Peebee muttered, and Cassiel rolled her eyes fondly at the Tempest’s resident mad scientist.
“We’ve recently lost contact with our scientists,” Jaal continued as if Peebee hadn’t spoken.
“Still don’t get how any of this helps us,” Drack piped up, and Cassiel smirked over at him teasingly.
“Stop being such a pessimist, Grumpy!” she said, and Drack growled at her.
“You’re lucky you’re not even big enough to be a good sporting game, or else…” Drack trailed off, and Cassiel beamed at him.
“It’s your call, Colin,” she turned to her elder brother, and he pondered for a moment before looking up at everybody.
“Havarl seems like a solid bet for now,” he said, and everyone else began to go their separate ways. “Dismissed… I guess,” he sighed, and Cassiel gave him a quick side hug.
“You’ll get there,” she said encouragingly, and Colin nodded before turning to Jaal. He opened his mouth a couple times, but each time no words would come out, and eventually he just turned to Cassiel.
“Would you mind showing Jaal around?” he asked, and Cassiel giggled.
“Can do,” she said, walking down the ramp and gesturing for Jaal to follow her.
“I um… I apologize for Lieutenant Harper’s behavior,” she said with a sigh. “She tends to be… hostile… to everyone,” she explained, careful not to let her own feelings bias how he forms his opinion of Cora. It was true, Cora was standoffish, if not plain hostile towards everyone she met.
“I understand,” he said, before remembering how Cassiel flinched at Cora’s appearance. “What has she done to hurt you?” he asked, and Cassiel tensed.
“What?” she laughed nervously. “I don’t-”
“It’s obvious that she has hurt you,” Jaal cut her off before she could deny it. “And she is more hostile than warranted towards you specifically,” he pressed, and Cassiel sighed.
“It… it’s complicated,” she said finally, and Jaal raised a brow ridge.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he pressed, looking pointedly at Cassiel. The small human eventually groaned after a moment of silence, and explained it to him, knowing he wouldn’t drop it.
“She was my father’s 2nd,” she explained. “And while she admires Colin and Cody, she thinks I’m a disappointment to him, since I never joined the military,”
“Cody?” Jaal asked.
“My older sister, she and Colin are twins,” she told him. “Something went wrong when they were taking her out of cryo, and she’s in a coma right now,” Jaal’s eyes widened.
“I’m sorry,” he said, and Cassiel shrugged.
“She’ll wake up eventually,” she said, and Jaal nodded awkwardly.
“I can understand,” he said after a moment, and Cassiel looked at him curiously. “Other’s disappointment, I mean,” he clarified. “My family, the ama Darav name, is full of strong fighters, leaders, and even though I am respected in the Resistance, I sometimes feel as though I haven’t lived up to my name yet,” he said, and Cassiel smiled softly, glad that he felt comfortable enough to share something so personal.
“I’m glad you told me,” she said, hesitating before resting a hand on his bicep, and Jaal smiled at her, letting her know the contact was okay. She squeezed lightly before letting go, and turning to look at the ship, thinking of where to start the tour.
“Would you like to figure out where you’ll be sleeping or see the ship first?” she asked, and Jaal hummed in thought.
“Sleeping,” he said simply, and Cassiel nodded, bringing him across the research station and over the glass walkway.
“That was the research station,” she explained. “Colin also handles colony business there,” she slid down the ladder, Jaal quickly following after. Cassiel walked through the bathroom to the crew quarters.
“This is the bathroom, ya know, shower, toilet, all that jazz,” she explained. “Most people don’t lock the door unless they’re using the toilet, with so many of the crew being military, they’re not really bothered by showering in stalls, but there is a locking mechanism,” she pointed to the panel, and Jaal nodded as they walked into the crew’s quarters. “This is the crew’s quarters, we have an empty bunk there,” Cassiel pointed to a bottom bunk, and Jaal shifted from foot to foot awkwardly. Cassiel noticed this, and smiled warmly. “But if it makes you uncomfortable sleeping with the rest of the crew, we can find somewhere else?” she asked, and Jaal nodded eagerly.
“Please,” he said, and Cassiel brought him back the way they came.
“Most of the crew hunker down somewhere else anyway, despite having their own bunk. I mean they all still occasionally use their bunks, but they all have their own spaces,” she explained as she turned left at the end of the walkway. Vetra nodded at Cassiel and Jaal as they turned into the tech lab, having been at one of the consoles next to the door.
“Okay, this is the tech lab,” Cassiel said, gesturing around the room. “I bet we can fabricate you a bed or something, and we can grab the mattress from your bunk and drag it up here,” she said after a moment of thought, briefly wondering if they could even detach the mattress from the bunk.
“Thank you,” Jaal said with a slight smile, giving Mr. Tumnus a pat on the head when he walked up to him.
“Of course!” Cassiel responded with a sweet smile. “I’ll leave you to settle in, just come find me when you’re ready for the tour, then we can grab the mattress too,” she said, turning to leave, but Jaal stopped her.
“Wait!” Cassiel paused and turned back to the angara, waiting for whatever he wanted to say. “How will I find you?”
“I can direct you to Cassiel,” SAM said, Jaal jumping in shock at the disembodied voice.
“What is that?”
“Oh! That’s just SAM,” Cassiel paused, wondering if she should really divulge that they have an AI both integrated with their ship and her and Colin’s brains. “He’s our… assistant of sorts,” she said, figuring that was a vague but truthful enough answer to satisfy Jaal, and also not seem like a lie if and hopefully when the angara and Initiative species are on good enough terms to share stuff like that.
“Hello, Jaal ama Darav,” SAM greeted, Jaal flinching slightly this time. “I am SAM,” Jaal nodded, his eyes wide and shoulders hunched. Cassiel saw how tense he was and gave him a soft smile, hoping it was reassuring.
“I’ll leave you to it!” she said, turning and leaving the tech lab.
Next Chapter
#Mass Effect#mass effect fanfiction#mass effect andromeda#Evfra de Tershaav#jaal ama darav#OC#Romance#Ryder#Don't Tell Ryder Mass Effect
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Workers of the Featherly Casino:
Gamble Dealers:
Axel Joker: Age 25
Francisco Venom: Age 27
Lorenzo Ramirez: Age 25
Cocktail Servers:
Willow Mittens: Age 24
Amelia Widow: Age 23
Christopher Poppins: Age 26
Hope Husky: Age 20
Connor T. Mint: Age 26
Melissa Cake: Age 24
Security Guards and Guard Dogs:
Drake Fang (Left): Age 26
Kevin Fang (Right): Age 26
Springy: Age Unknown
Mitch: Age 2 (In Dog Years)
Landon Sorbet: Age 26
Ryder Mice: Age 25
(It took a while but it was worth it I finished the Workers for Evelyn’s Casino. I hope you like them and if you have questions about them feel free to let me know.^^)
(I also would like to thank @angiewolf09 a whole bunch for Francisco, Lorenzo, Willow, Christopher, Hope, Melissa, Drake and Kevin, Landon and Ryder.^^)
#workers of featherly casino#casino#workers of featherly family#my ocs#my art#my artwork#if you have questions let me know#hope you like them#^^#reference sheet#reference
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