#I want trucks
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mastertuki · 3 months ago
Another day, another episode of Big Truck pups...
... and it was awesome!!
I'll start with something very clear: Photography. It's REALLY important in this kind of subseries, because they have big trucks, and they need to show the feel of seeing a vehicle with such proportions and... They did!!
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Look at them! You need to think the original pup vehicles are INSIDE the bus, and the new trucks are the SAME SIZE of Ryder's Bus, so the scale is... Incredible!! I love them!!
I can't choose one favorite... Ok, maybe Al's truck, but hey! I love everyone of them! It's just Al's trucks reminds me of my dad's truck, but the rest are huge and full of color!!! I'll hope I'll see better Rocky's truck.
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And the pups? C'mon, they all look soooo gorgerous with mittens and jackets!
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So, you see, that's where the trouble began. That smile. That damned smile.
And it's the first time I can see for real Chase and Marshall are the big pups. Zuma looks so cute between them!
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And Al is a big trucker in his heart. This is the clue: sometimes he needs to drink less caffeine XDDDDDD. I hope he won't teach to the others the power of the coffee: Marshall will be unstoppable.
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Photoshop hates me after this gif, but I don't care.
For now, this episode made me laught many times:
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But I need to see moooore trucks, so tomorrow I'll watch another episode of Big Trucks Pups. Just to see more trucks and more Al!
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C'mon!! I want a plushie of him!! But I can't find it on amazon!! That's not fair!
Edit: Ouch! Right! I forgot to show to the world Al's truck. Let's fix this:
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Yep. I'm going to put this on my desktop.
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za1ka · 3 months ago
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noooooooo Aziraphale don't turn around you won't survive the cunt this diva is serving
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arealtrashact · 2 years ago
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Trained animal
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rainscenes · 1 month ago
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im-totally-not-an-alien-2 · 9 months ago
Danny crawled down the aisle of the GAV, his stomach churning with every sharp turn and honest to ancients barrel rolls his parents suped up war car was doing while speeding down Gothams city streets.
He didn't think it was possible for anyone to be a worse driver than his dad, but it turned out the GAVs own Ai was powered by ectoplasm.
Who would have thought ectoplasm could be affected by Scarecrows Fear Toxin? Not Danny.
So now here he is, lying on the floor of his parents' car as its firing missiles and lazers, and the Bats are trying to beat it up.
The GAVs ring tone suddenly rang through the air, and Danny had never been so grateful to hear a Katty Perry song in his life. Hoping it was his mom calling so he would be rescued from this nightmare, he yelled out, "Answer!"
"Hello," an unfamiliar robotic voice chimed in from the speakers. Okay, so not his mom.
"Hello." He replied without thinking, his Midwestern hospitality kicking in despite no one actually being in here with him. "How can I help you?"
"Are you able to stop the machine?" Oh, so it's straight to business. Danny could respect that. "No. All the controls are on the fritz. But I think I know what caused this." He didn't give her a chance to respond before he continued, "There was a leak in the fuel line under the GAV. All my parents' tech runs on ectoplasm, which is sensitive to emotions."
"The fear toxin." The voice was still mechanical but held an undercurrent of realization, "You're a meta," the voice stated, though Danny had no idea how they knew. Scratch that. He had used his powers in Gotham a few times already. Guess the bats really do see everything, huh. "Can't you use your density sifting ability to get under the vehicle and fly underneath to repair the damage? I've seen you work on your parents' weapons before."
Danny laughed mirthlessly, "No, the GAV is specifically designed to have energy shields that I can't pass through. Besides,the problem isn't actually the leak. It's the fear. If you could force a new emotion into the ectoplasm, it might override the fear, and while I have many abilities, the Care Bear Stare isn't one of them."
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loop-lover-central · 2 months ago
Imagine you died but instead of heaven or hell or nothing you're just stuck with all the other dead versions of you and you have to watch the next iteration of you make the same mistake AGAIN like a fucked up twitch chat because you ARE unfortunately the universe's favorite OC and instead of letting you truly die they just keep copying you in slightly different iterations over and over again.
First you find out that all the others were watching you fuck up before. And now you have to watch the next one fuck up even though YOU GOT YOUR HAPPY ENDING.
And none of them have the beam into your head tutorial power but Loop so the only way to communicate with them is through Loop. So Loop has to do this AGAIN. All while they have three other idiots breathing down their neck and arguing about the best way to get through this. And technically there are even more of you running around but they're so old or fragmented they're more like ghosts than anything???
How long has this been going on?
Nobody is sure. Even the oldest one there has seen the ghosts running around.
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Anyways welcome to the nightmare blunt rotation.
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 2 months ago
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The truth
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ihatebrainstorm · 10 months ago
Happy TF Earthspark s2 part 1 release day!!! (I am 12 minutes late damnit) Have some scribbly doodles i made while watching it lol (contains spoilers)
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I want to eat. Alex Malto's food. so. badly.
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moonlightcycle571 · 4 months ago
Lmao I just had a fantastic vision.
The JL fighting a multiversal threat, and the for keeps disappearing into different universes/worlds. While everyone is coming up with ways to travel to apprehend the foe, Captain Marvel has an idea.
Batman: so far, our current multiversal technology is subpar and unable to go at the rate the villain is going.
Flash: while I can travel through universes, it’s going to take a while to l’acte which one they’re on, and even then, they can leave before I even do anything.
Superman: we need a reliable tracker and transport system. Both being crucial elements we don’t have
Captain Marvel: I have an idea.
Cue to the JL all on a random sidewalk, with the clear instructions to ‘wait until they arrive’ and to ‘not move or interfere in any way shape of form’.
Random Truck: *appears out of nowhere, hitting a random pigeon*
JL: huh
Marvel: well that’s going to be an interesting story. Anyways, there you are! Guys, meet Truck-kun!
JL: excuse me???
Marvel: Their a bit shy ☺️
JL: …
Truck-kun: *blushes*
JL: how is that even possible??!??!?
They proceed to go in and go through some weird interdimensional car chase, passing by random worlds, spawning through random streets (for some reason, most of them are in Japan), and more importantly, hitting A LOT of people. Old, young, middle aged, animals, even a vending machine at some point. It’s just a slaughter.
The JL is horrified, and Cap is just sitting in his seat, all chill.
Marvel: yup
Marvel: nope
Batman: Captain that kills people
Marvel: it’s not killing, more like transporting them into a different universe that is more suited for them. Had we not hit them, they would have died either ways within the hour. Now they get a second chance of life.
JL: *existential crisis*
Even after the villain is apprehended, they found out they only managed to get this far is because they had a magic car*
Hawkwoman: *stares at the car* how does one come across thee vehicles
Marvel: well I met Truck-kun cause he’s besties with my magic Train. Train-chan told me that Truck-kuns little brother Car-kun got abducted, which is why Truck-kun was so willing to help.
Flash: I’m going to go lie down.
Batman: *mentally adding magic vehicle community to his conspiracy board*
Green Arrow: *retelling what happened* -and then some random Truck pulls up
Conner Hawke: lmao you met Truck-kun
Green Arrow:
Black Canary: … how do you know that name?
Conner: w h a t
Bonus 2:
Naturally Conner tells Damian, who tells Jon, who tells Kon, who tells the Titans and basically the whole thing spreads.
Arsenal, lying on the road: TAKE ME
Bonus 3:
Static Shock: next you’ll be telling us you know Archie’s magic bus
Marvel: well I’m not sure I know who this ‘Archie’ is, but Train-chan does have a cousin called Bus-san.
Titans: *explode*
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andstuffsketches · 8 months ago
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yj redraws
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mastertuki · 3 months ago
Another day... Another Big Truck Pup
... Let's catch it like Mayor Goodway catches Chicaletta!
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Mayor Goodway spidergirl in action!
This time I have had TWO episodes in one! And for the first time I had a very close look of some Big Trucks!! Not everyday I have had this opportunity! I always took a better look of big trucks in real life, so I was very, very happy! I'm going to dive in like Ryder does!
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I want a slider... For science purposes.
Yay! But first... I want to show the Basset face of satisfaction:
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This is the first time I can see better Skye's Big Truck! And I can say... It's beautiful!
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And the moment Ryder calls the chivalry... Gorgerous:
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Marshall is taking the situation very seriously!
I'm loving these episodes because every pup is getting proper attention! Zuma, who disappeared in the early seasons, now has the spotlight on him! And look, he is the very incarnation of happiness and optimism in every way:
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You want a good ol' trucker? Ryder's Delivery Service coming at your truck with a good solution: Al himself!
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Don't worry Humdinger, actually, he is a puppy! But put on the seat belt, please. Code of the road.
But, god, I love Al with a Mission Imposible Style
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The thing I had with these episodes... Are the trucks. I'm sorry, I'm in love with them. So take a look at these: Big truckers in action!
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And, of course, Al dancing. It's late, but tomorrow I'm going to make a gif of him dancing. Promise:
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Like he said: good things happens when two truckers work together!! I love him, and I love their adventures as truckers! :D
And thanks, Ryder, to take the time for drawing Al in your cute powerpoint style:
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Extra ball: I'm the only one who thinks Al is sooo short and chonky?? I want to high five him!!
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Helping people is part of the code of the road!
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aidenwaites · 7 months ago
If I may I'd like to recommend a single player ttrpg I tried out tonight, VOID 1680 AM, a game about running a radio broadcast and building a playlist using a deck of cards and a six-sided die
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sluckleykinard · 2 months ago
a lil' snippet for that truck
It’s quiet inside the truck as they watch Eddie’s car and U-Haul disappear from the street, becoming a small dot until he makes a left and is gone. Buck keeps watching, until a warm hand resting on his thigh brings him back. He looks to the side, soft, patient, warm blue eyes looking at him with care and worry.
“Are you okay?”
“He… He’s gone,” is all he can muster up to say, sighing as he looks back to where Eddie’s car vanished. The hand squeezes his thigh, reassuring, present, grounding.
“He’ll come back,” Tommy’s voice is so certain, Buck is too weak to fight it and not believe him. “They’ll both come back.” The hand from thigh disappears and re-appearing on the back of his neck, fingers caressing his now damp curls from the light drizzle. Buck looks back at the man, his lips curled into a nice, reassuring smile. “Not everyone who leaves is gone forever.”
It's a powerful sentence that makes Buck think it’s not just about Eddie that Tommy is talking about right now. And even though the clear and most recent example is sitting right next to him, he can’t help but also think about Maddie, who left him so many times, but got back every single one, always finding her way back. Sure, he has a long list of people who are gone for good, but the ones who mattered most… They always came back.
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rainscenes · 5 months ago
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BUCK AND EDDIE in 2.06, “Dosed” bonus:
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mango-dot-yum · 17 days ago
I desperately need more Starlight Express content on YouTube that isn’t just clips from the show. I need people talking about it. It doesn’t even need to be a deep dive, I’ll take almost anything. Reading tumblr posts(with credit), talking about your favorite costumes, rambling about characters, talking about theories- anything! I don’t care if you fill in a recording studio or on your phone, I need something (╥︣﹏᷅╥᷅)
Here is an example video thumbnail + title I made for inspiration
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balfeys · 6 months ago
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