#Ryan Mackenna
simplepotatofarmer · 2 years
Hi! You seem like the person to know this, but what are all the pets Techno ever owned on the dsmp specifically? Also, is there a number for how many dogs were tamed for Doomsday? ty :)
tumblr crashed this post the first time, this is forbidden knowledge apparently.
i don't have an exact count for the number of dogs in the hound army but i know that around and on doomsday there were about 180! there could've been more that got left behind in the tunnels since it was so difficult to unsit them all but i'm pretty dang sure that 180 is a close number <- definitely gave up more than once
as for other pets:
carl: fourth fastest horse and the best
steve: emotional support polar bear
blitz: white fox. he has a sword. :)
edward: enderman
andrew: technically the fastest horse
moon: a jerk skeleton with a jack'o lantern head
hubert: a zombie piglin with a jack'o lantern head (he got both of them during the spooky stream!)
toby: a turtle from the turtle stream
baba: polar bear
ryan: white fox
aura: white fox
ed: polar bear
bob: the remaining cow from techno's cow farm by pogtopia
as for the names of the hounds, i can give the ones i remember or have written down for research purposes! they are:
apollo, skypowergirl, cami, rachie, em, fossilnet, technochan, dream has a house, banana, jabber, gordon, dorian, max, finn, eyebite, shield_of_hope, chloe, mackenna, ari, dice, jon, liz, person, andie, poggings, mandy, clayson, noah, youngling, xepyy, nico, troy
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agrpress-blog · 8 months
Trent’anni fa moriva l'attore americano, interprete di film quali Il giardino della violenza e L’uomo di Alcatraz di John Frankenheimer, Il promontorio della paura di Jack Lee Thompson, La battaglia dei giganti di Ken Annakin, La vita corre sul filo e Joe Bass l’implacabile di Sydney Pollack, Quella sporca dozzina di Robert Aldrich, I guerrieri di Brian G. Hutton, Città violenta di Sergio Sollima, Una ragione per vivere e una per morire di Tonino Valerii, Operazione Siegfried di Peter Duffell, e noto per la serie tv poliziesca Kojak. Nato a Garden City - nello stato di New York - nel gennaio 1922 da genitori emigrati dalla Grecia, dopo aver combattuto durante la Seconda guerra mondiale si laurea in Psicologia. Giornalista dell’Abc, arriva alla recitazione in tv alla fine degli anni Cinquanta. Al cinema esordisce due/tre anni dopo. E’ un tenente di polizia in Il giardino della violenza (1961) di John Frankenheimer, con Burt Lancaster, un detenuto amico di B. Lancaster nel carcerario L’uomo di Alcatraz (1962), anch’esso di J. Frankenheimer, tratto dal libro di Tom Gaddis The Birdman of Alcatraz ed interpretato anche da Karl Malden, un detective nel thriller Il promontorio della paura (1962) di Jack Lee Thompson, con Gregory Peck, Robert Mitchum, Polly Bergen e Martin Balsam, un militare in La battaglia dei giganti (1965) di Ken Annakin, con Henry Fonda e Robert Shaw, un folle fanatico nel celebre Quella sporca dozzina (1967) di Robert Aldrich, con Lee Marvin, Charles Bronson, John Cassavetes, Jim Brown, Donald Sutherland, Clint Walker, Richard Jaeckel, Robert Ryan, Ernest Borgnine, Robert Webber e George Kennedy, il capo dei banditi nel western Joe Bass l’impacabile (1968) di Sydney Pollack, con B. Lancaster e Ossie Davis, un militare in I guerrieri(1970) di Brain G. Hutton, con Clint Eastwood e D. Sutherland. Tuttavia, il vero successo arriverà solo in televisione, come protagonista della celebre serie poliziesca Kojak (1973-78, oltre novanta episodi). A partire da fine anni Settanta/inizio Ottanta lavora soprattutto per il piccolo schermo. Fra gli altri film ricordiamo Gangster contro gangster (1961) di Burt Balaban, La pelle che scotta (1962) di David Swift, Il piede più lungo (1963) di Frank Tashlin, Il granduca e Mister Pimm (1963) di D. Swift, con Glenn Ford, Johnny Cool, messaggero di morte (1963) di William Asher, Squadra d’emergenza(1964) di John Rich, A braccia aperte (1965) di Jack Lee Thompson, Gengis Khan il conquistatore (1965) di Henry Levin, La vita corre sul filo (1965) di Sydney Pollack (al suo esordio alla regia), Con le spalle al muro (1968) di Brian G. Hutton, Buonasera signora Campbell (1968) di Melvin Frank, Assassination Bureau (1969) di Basil Dearden, L’oro di MacKenna (1969) di J. L. Thompson, con Gregory Peck e Omar Sharif, Gangster tuttofare (1969) di Jim O’ Connolly, Bruciatelo vivo! (1969) di Nathan Juran, Agente 007 - Al servizio segreto di Sua Maestà (1969) di Peter R. Hunt, Una città chiamata bastarda (1971) di Robert Parrish, Il piccione d’argilla (1971) di Lane Slate e Tom Stern, I tre del mazzo selvaggio (1972) e Horror Express (1972) di Eugenio Martin, Operazione Siegrid (1975) di Peter Duffell, Killer Commando - Per un pugno di diamanti (1976) di Val Guest, Capricorn One (1977) di Peter Hyams, Amici e nemici (1979) di George Pan Cosmatos, L’inferno sommerso(1979) di Irwin Allen, Ecco il film dei Muppet (1979) di James Frawley, Border Crossing (1980) di Christopher Leitch, La truffa (1982) di Matt Cimber, Lacorsa più pazza d’America n. 2 (1984) di Hal Needham, Ipnosi morbosa (1994) di Fred Olen Ray, Backfire! (1995) di A. Dean Bell, uscito postumo. All’inizio degli anni Settanta lavora anche in Italia, diretto da registi come Sergio Sollima - Città violenta (1970) -, Alberto De Martino - L’assassino... è al telefono (1972), I familiari delle vittime non saranno avvertiti (1972) -, Sergio Corbucci - La banda J. & S. - Cronaca criminale del Far West (1972) -, Tonino Valerii
- Una ragione per vivere e una per morire (1972), con Bud Spencer e James Coburn -, Alfredo Leone - Lisa e il diavolo (1972) -, Silvio Narizzano - Senza ragione (1973). Fa anche un’esperienza dietro alla macchina da presa, dirigendo (e interpretando) Al di là della ragione (1977), con Diana Muldaur.Attivo anche in televisione, è apparso in vari film tv - Morte sui binari (1973) di Herchel Daugherty, La legge di Hellinger (1981) di Leo Penn, Donna di cuori (1984) di Rod Holcomb, Quella sporca dozzina - Missione mortale(1987) e Quella sporca dozzina - Missione nei Balcani (1988) di Lee H. Katzin, Hollywood Detective (1989) di Kevin Connor - ed in alcuni episodi di serie e miniserie - oltre al già citato Kojak, anche in Ai confini della realtà (1961), Indirizzo permanente (1963), Dakota (1963), La legge di Burke (1963-65, tre episodi), Gli inafferrabili (1964), L’ora di Hitchcock (1964), Bonanza (1965), I giorni diBryan (1965), Il virginiano (1966), Il transatlantico della paura(1979) di Douglas Heynes, Alcatraz (1980) di Paul Krasny, Il brivido dell’imprevisto (1981), Love Boat (1985
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naturalstitches · 4 years
I have to be stronger or at least much stronger than I've been
Like a father or the son, holy spirit, amen
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hufflepuff-nerd · 7 years
Ashling University Chapter 1
There was confetti raining from the ceiling and cheers echoing off the walls of the Great Hall. Small Zonko fireworks danced above the fresh graduates. Another year had come and gone and another class full of graduates were on their way to the big bright world. Everyone was excited and happy about the next step of their lives, that is, all except for Saorise Mackenna.
Saoirse knew two things at that moment; she was going to miss Hogwarts and she wasn't done learning. How could she step away from magic education? Life at Hogwarts had been all that she'd known for the past seven years! The only time she went home was over the summer and even then she just counted down the days until she could go back! Her brother, Ewan, he was the lucky one. He still had another three years left of magic moving castles and learning about the first and second wizarding wars and dragons. She scanned the crowd for him and found his forest green eyes. She swam through the swarm of people and hug him tight.
"You happy to be graduating?" He asked her, a big crooked grin on his face. putting an arm out for her.
"No, this place is too cool to leave. Lucky." She mumbled and took his arm, walking out into the courtyard. Even though he was only fourteen he was a solid foot taller than her.
"So, what's next for you?" He inquired as the sat down.
"I'm not done learning, not by a long shot." Saoirse thought for a long while and looked back at the castle. "I'm coming back here." Her voice was suddenly serious and determined.
"Well you can't graduate from here twice." Ewan joked.
"Remember when all those colleges came through and talked about furthering our magical knowledge?" She looked up at him.
"Yeah like the three schools in America. Are you seriously going to go all the way to the states just to come back here?" He studied her face, he wasn't used to his sister being serious.
"I'm getting a degree in magic education, I want to teach here. I don't want to leave Ewan!" She insisted.
He was quiet for a moment, "What are you hoping to teach?"
"Divination, maybe astronomy. Those are my best and favorite subjects." She smiled.
"Of course." He rolled his eyes. "You know, mom and dad are going to ask you a thousand questions about this, right?"
"I know." She laughed lightly, "You going to hate me if I move to America for a couple years?"
"Hate is a strong word, you're still gonna visit right?" He closed his eyes as he leaned on a pillar.
"Yeah of course! Not going to abandon you guys." She poked his side and he jumped.
"Then it's alright with me I guess." He smiled.
"Thanks Ewan." She hugged him and stood up.
"Mackenna!" A familiar voice called out.
"Eddie!" Saoirse yelled as she ran and pounced the imposing boy.
"Congrats you two!" A girl called out.
"Congrats to you too Frankie, well you and Eddie and Ryan." Saoirse giggled.
"So, what's everyone's plans now that there are no more exams and no more homework in our future?" Frankie asked the crew, yelling over the cheers in the hall
"Well, I'm being trained to take over dad's broom shop." Ryan proudly stated.
"I'm taking up Oliver Wood's offer and joining up with Puddlemere's quidditch team!" Frankie could hardly contain her excitment.
"I'm just going to travel a bit before I settle down." Eddie said as he tied his hair up in a bun.
"What about you Saoirse? What are you doing?" Ryan asked, the others echoing the sentiment.
"Well, I'm going to college." Saoirse nerviously replied.
"College? Really?" Eddie asked, furrowing his brow.
"Yeah really, college. I want to teach magic, I wanna come back here some day and teach here." Saoirse stood her ground.
"There's so many other things you could do though, especially with your grades and test scores." Frankie trailed off looking disappointed.
"Can you two give us a minute?" Eddie asked Ryan and Frankie. They nodded and went to catch up with Ewan.
"Saoirse, I was hoping that after Hogwarts we could be together. It's what we always talked about." He looked in her eyes as he took her hand.
"Eddie, I wish I could but I feel like my place is in a university. I feel like Hogwarts is a part of me now. You can't expect me to just give up my hopes and dreams." Saoirse tried to make him see.
"College is unnessecary when you have worked so hard here. Just forget all that and travel with me." Eddie insisted and went in for a kiss.
Saoirse pulled her hands back and pushed him away. "If you can't support my dreams, you aren't worth dating. I'm going to go to college and no one and certainly no lovesick boy is gonna stop me." Saoirse firmly stated as she turned and walked away, Ewan running after her.
No one was going to keep Saoirse down, she had bigger plans and bigger dreams than being some secretary for the Ministry.
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thealmightyemprex · 3 years
Top 10 Westember villains
Cant have a westerns without black hatted bad guys,and these are my favorite western baddies I saw during november
10.Amos Troop from Gunfight at Comanche Creek (1963)
Now did I pick this guy soley cause he was played by Deforest Kelley?.....Yes
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9.Orville Miller from Catlow (1971)
Now did I pick this guy soley cause he was played by Leonard Nimoy....Yes
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8. J.P. Stiles from Tall Tale (1995)
Scott Glenn delivers a good performance and he is a good mirror for our young hero
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7,Angel from Maverick (1994)
Now did I pick this guy soley cause he was played by Alfred Molina-YES !!!....I promis this is the last time I'll make that joke on this list
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6.Drake from Ace High (1968)
Appears very late in the movie ,but makes one hell of an impression
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5.Joe Erin from Vera Cruz (1954)
Burt Lancaster is wonderfully slimey here
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4.Rufe Bennett from the Gambler (1980)
I like this guy cause he is so desperate ,still an abusive jerk ,but the fear of Kenny Rogers's character is palpable
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3.King Fisher from The Lonely Man (1957 )
(Best picture I could find,he's the one with the walking stick ) I had a choice between TWO Neville Brand villains ,between this and the Tin Star ,he's great in both but this one I was really impressed with ,an intimidating ,intense ,revenge obsessed guy who has no intention of playing fair
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2.Ben Vandergroat from The Naked Spur (1953)
I like this guy cause while he is the villain....He tricks you for a while .He's a wanted criminal ,but he is so charming and laid back in comparison to our obsessed grumpy hero ....Of course it is an act ,but Robert Ryan makes Ben really engaging
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1.John Colorado from Mackennas Gold (1969)
A charming bandit and very three dimensional villain. He is a man tired of being a thief and is obsessed with getting the gold so he can retire to Paris as a rich man ,and it his greed that brings mayhem in his wake.He is nearly the main character and Omar Shariff delivers a phenominal performance
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@ariel-seagull-wings @amalthea9 @filmcityworld1 @marquisedemasque @lord-antihero @princesssarisa @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
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actiobellicahq · 4 years
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Happy Holidays, students! We here at ABHQ wanted to say a huge thank you to all of our members. You’ve all participated so well in recent events, and have made our rp holidays so special! We love you all dearly, and we wanted to give your characters a little holiday gift of their own just to say thank you for being wonderful.....
It will never be discovered just who was behind it, but each and every student awoke this morning to find a present sitting on their doorstep, or to find an owl interrupting their breakfast, nearly dropping a parcel in their cereal bowls. A small note seems to be attached to every single gift, neatly detailing what they all were in need of, or what their heart desired, whether they knew it or not. Better not tell the professors if you received something scandalous, students!
The following gifts were delivered:
Amycus Carrow receives a charmed suit jacket that changes colour on command. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the charming chameleon.’
Ajax Graves receives a box with a puppy inside, a red ribbon around it’s collar. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your personal therapy.’
Alecto Carrow receives a gold lighter that never runs out of flame, along with a note that says ‘For your pyromania and love of tobacco.’
Alexander Yilmaz receives a golden quill with infinite ink, along with a note that says ‘For the pursuit of eloquence.’
Alice Macmillan receives a defensive charmed bracelet, which sounds when someone is about to cast a spell. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the protection of the one who protects others.’
Ambrosius Burke receives a ring that changes colour when he’s being lied to. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the truth to be revealed.’
Analiese Crabbe receives a live crab, with a note that says ‘For you to have a Crabbey friend.’
Andromeda Black receives a kit of paint brushes that never fray, along with a note that says ‘For your colourful passion.’
Antigone Graves receives a soft blanket, charmed to have the scent of her home. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the girl who needs a bit of her past.’
Antonin Dolohov receives a small vanishing chest, with a note that says ‘For the man with something to hide.’
Araminta Valentine receives a small zirconium dragon for her bracelet, along with a note that says ‘For someone who’s spirit never gets extinguished.’
Archibald Graves receives a brooch of his family crest, along with a note that says ‘For your homesickness.’
Arthur Weasley receives a Rube Goldberg machine, along with a note that says ‘For the most muggle wizard I’ve ever known.
Bellatrix Lestrange receives a fine silver and emerald bracelet with ‘BL + RL’ etched into the back of it. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your recent vows.’
Benjy Fenwick receives an indestructible football he’d been eyeing up in Hogsmeade, along with a note that says ‘For someone with lots of energy to burn.’
Bilius Weasley receives an extensive healing kit, with a note that says ‘For you to start down your path.’
Calista Travers receives an antique jade hair ornament, with her initials etched in the underside of it, along with a note that says ‘For the jewel of her mother’s eye.’
Charlie Wood receives an older but breathtaking violin, along with a note that says ‘For the ears of your closest.’
Dahey Ryan receives a first edition copy of Theories of Transubstantial Transfiguration, which is signed by the author. Enclosed is a note that reads ‘For the boy who yearns for knowledge.’
Daisy Hookum receives a mini garden of self-watering succulents, with a note that says ‘For the sun that shines through your window.’
Damocles Belby receives a phial containing werewolf fur, along with a note that says ‘For the most curious of us all.’
Declan Macmillan receives a colour changing scarf and a smaller matching one for Sir Sprinkle. Enclosed is a note that reads ‘For you and the little one to stay warm.’
Dirk Cresswell receives a trunk that automatically organizes his belongings, along with a note that says ‘For your knick knacks.’
Dolores Umbridge receives a white fluffy ball resembling a kitten. The collar jingles when she’s picked up. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For someone who will never have enough cats.’
Dorcas Meadowes receives a book of advanced old texts, along with a note that says ‘For you to put to good use.’
Doris Purkiss recieves a journal that hides any entry the reader wishes, along with a note that says ‘For your secrets.’
Edith Fortescue receives a locked box with no key. The outside seems to have carved ancient runes, one on each side of the box. What ever could they mean? Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the riddler among us.’
Ellerie Kiriakis receives an enchanted painting of her mother, along with a note that says ‘For her spitting image.’
Emmeline Vance receives a framed enchanted collage of her favourite places, along with a note that says ‘For those days when you’d rather be somewhere else.’
Evan Rosier receives a sneakoscope, along with a note that says ‘For the devious and deceitful.’
Evelyn Kiriakis receives a Mappa Mundi, along with a note that says ‘For the seeker of creatures of every kind.’
Fabian Prewett receives a phial of Angel's Trumpet Draught, along with a note that says ‘For protection or defense, whatever you shall need it for.’
Frank Longbottom receives an Auror official study manual, along with a note that says ‘For you to be prepared.’
Gideon Prewett receives a jacket with his last name sewn into the back, which magically fits ever so perfectly. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For someone who deserves to show off his name.’
Gilderoy Lockhart receives a charmed handheld mirror that compliments it’s owner, along with a note that says ‘For someone who never gets tired of flattery.’
Guinevere Montague receives a box with a small egg. Who knows what will hatch out of it? Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your love of all things destructive.‘
Gwenog Jones receives a new set of Quidditch leathers, along with a note that says ‘For the player who’s fire on the field.’
Halim Gamal receives a small pouch of glistening seeds. What will they bloom? Enclosed is a note that says ‘For every season.’
Harriet Arya receives a copy of Moste Potente Potions, along with a note that says ‘For good, not for evil.’
Isabella De Rose receives a colour changing blush, along with a note that says ‘For the fairest.’
Jackson Flint receives a beetle broach. It seems to light up every now and then, but why? Enclosed is a note that says ‘For not only your secrets.’
James Potter receives a box of infinite-refilling bertie botts every flavour beans, along with a note that says ‘For your insatiable sweet tooth.’
Jimi Macintosh receives a leather jacket that never fades or tarnishes, along with a note that says ‘For the punk rock icon of the school.’
Kingsley Shacklebolt receives a foe-glass, with a note that says ‘For keeping an eye on those who’s hearts are not as pure.’
Lily Evans receives a pair of platform shoes that she’d spotted in Hogsmeade a few weeks earlier and loved. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the girl who gives her all without expecting anything in return.’
Lorcan d'Eath receives a self-tuning guitar, along with a note that says ‘For us all to enjoy.’
Lucius Malfoy receives golden horseshoes, along with a note that says ‘For the most pampered, prestigious Malfoy.’
Ludo Bagman receives an extremely large first aid kit, along with a note that says ‘For your love of getting injured.’
Mack Yaxley receives a silver lighter that never runs out of flame, along with a note that says ‘For your love of watching things burn down.’
Mara Lovelace receives an antique chest filled with equipment to press flowers, along with a note that says ‘For the most precious flower among us.’
Marlene McKinnon receives a pair of rollerskates that won’t ever fray or tear, along with a note that says ‘For the adventurous lion.’
Mary Macdonald receives a box full of Hogwarts themed cookie cutters, including a very Fabian looking Quidditch set. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the girl who bakes to make others smile.’
Mason Macdonald receives a pot plant that apparates whenever it’s needed, along with a note that says ‘For your mobile plant needs.’
Millicent Bagnold receives an everlasting sugar quill, which one can write with. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For bursts of creative energy.’
Molly Prewett receives a chicken, along with a note that says ‘For the weirder Prewett.’
Mordred Abbott receives a large book of sheet music, which is charmed to show an entire piece on a single page, no matter how long. It moves with the music. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For music to our ears.’
Morgana Killick recieves a small pouch of False Pennyroyal seeds. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For a rare soul to have a rare flower.’
Narcissa Black receives a boxed moth, one of the rarest kinds in the world. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the weird and wonderful.’
Nikoli Gallagher receives coloured charcoal that never runs out, along with a note that says ‘For those days when you’re feeling inspired.’
Nimue Mackenna receives a box of rare records, all by her favourite artists. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For an old soul.’
Otto Bagman receives a toaster that mysteriously cooks every slice of toast to perfection. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your curiosity of everything muggle.’
Pandora Joubert receives a deck of beautifully hand drawn tarot cards, some of which sparkle in the light. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your love of the future, past and present.’
Paris Avery receives a pure silver flask with his initials etched into the front, along with a note that says ‘For your coping mechanism.’
Peter Pettigrew receives an indestructible hamster wheel, along with a note that says ‘For the one with whiskers.’
Ramona d'Eath receives a vial of unicorn blood, along with a note that says ‘For a lost soul.’
Reginald Cattermole receives a bass guitar that he’d been eyeing in Hogsmeade, along with a note that says ‘For your love of music.’
Regulus Black receives a leather bound notebook, along with a silver quill that has infinite ink. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the prodigal son.’
Remus Lupin receives a stone that gives off sunlight when touched, along with a note that says ‘For those times where the moon is too bright.’
Rita Skeeter receives a green quill that has an infinite supply of ink, along with a note that says ‘For someone who never tires of words.’
Rodolphus Lestrange receives a watch with ‘RL + BL’ etched onto the back of it. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your recent vows.’
Rust Wilkes receives a large diamond-shaped rock, which seems to have something enclosed inside of it, along with a note that says ‘For the curious and the cursed.’
Sebastian Laviscount receives a box of infinite-refilling Norwegian candies, with a note that says ‘For that post-Quidditch sugar rush.’
Seraphina Parkinson receives a pair of dragon hide defensive pads, with a note that says ‘For the girl who likes to play rough.’
Sirius Black receives a set of keys, along with a map of the black lake that has an ‘X’ scribbled in the center. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For my entertainment as well as yours.’
Sybill Trelawney receives a large crystal ball (disguised in a hat box), along with a note that says ‘For the future.’
Sylvie Moody receives The Monster Book of Monsters, along with a note that says ‘For your biting kink, or your thirst for knowledge, whichever is stronger.’
Ted Tonks receives a shape-shifting mustache, with a note that says ‘For all your disguising needs.’
Tilden Toots receives a single flower that changes colour depending on the day of the week and the weather, along with a note that says ‘For our beloved gardener.’
Tobias Hemming receives a sketchbook that enables the sketches to move, along with a note that says ‘For your art to come to life.’
Tristan Mulciber receives a set of embellished brass knuckles, along with a note that says ‘For whatever or whoever your heart desires.’
Valerie Petrov receives a very old, well cared for book on Magical Creatures. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For both personal and professional use.’
Walden Macnair receives a velvet clothed cage, that very suspiciously squawks. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the man on the bench with the bird seeds.’
(Please note that if your character has received a pet or item of some kind that doesn’t comply with Hogwarts rules or one that can slide under the radar safely, they have been delivered to and must stay at their character’s home!)
Some of these gifts aren’t obviously the most attainable or realistic of gifts, but that’s all part of the fun! We wanted to spoil you all and show you just how much we appreciate you being a part of the rp, as we fast approach the one year mark!
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deathvalleyqueen · 4 years
OC Bio Tag
I was tagged be the lovely @archetypesinthefog​ thank you so much so lets learn a bit more about MJ... 
I am going to tag @trialandseed​ @bluemojave​ @shallow-gravy​ @josephseeds-rosary​ @bigprincess-energy​ @renoscientia​ @lobanhart​ @funkypoacher​ - no pressure and like if other people want to do it go ahead and tag me so I can see your OCs!!!
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The Basics
Full Name: 
Mary Jane MacKenna -Maiden Name
Mary Jane Duncan - Original Married name (and the name that appears on her collage diploma btw)
Mary Jane Seed - Legally changed after John changes his name back to Seed.
MJ - Mostly her brothers
Mary - The Seeds and what John calls her most often
The Confessor - What Eden’s Gate knows her as... 
“The Bride of the Baptist” - more of a nickname that is given to her by members of Eden’s Gate. 
“The Queen of Holland Valley” - A nickname started by Mary May that takes root among the Resistance 
Birth Date: June 13th 1988
Birth Place: Rome, Georgia 
Nationality: Irish - American
Eden’s Gate - While some consider her one of the Heralds - Joseph does not, her role is more public relations and community outreach. this leads to many dubbing her the “Public Face” of Eden’s Gate with John as more people see one of them than Joseph.
Former Affiliations: 
She was attending her first year of law school around the time that Joseph and John reunited. She had goals to word with in the Criminal Justice system ideally as a defense attorney.
Her father ran a small criminal operation out of the family bar that Mary Jane was aware of and participated in most of her life. Mostly loans, gambling and some gun running in later years. Though her father’s operations were eventually absorbed into Eden’s Gate.  
*rest under the cut to save the dash*
Family and Friends:
Father: Patrick Michael MacKenna
Mother: Catherine Marie MacKenna
James “Jimmy” MacKenna - Eden’s Gate
Michael “Mac” MacKenna - Eden’s Gate
Colin MacKenna - Resistance/Deputy Role
Sean MacKenna - Resistance/Eden’s Gate... boy waffles a lot
Robert “Bobby” MacKenna - Eden’s Gate
Other Relatives: Most of her extended family is back in Ireland and she doesn’t know them very much at all, technically speaking by Marriage she is connected to the rest of the Seeds.
John Seed - Married prior to Eden’s Gate
Lily Claire Seed - Daughter
Rosalie “Rose” or “Rosie” Faith Seed - Daughter
Grace Lynn Seed - Daughter
Archer Ryan Seed - Son born 6 years after the collapse 
Height: 5′ - though she will tell everyone she is 5′1″
Weight: 115-125 lbs depending 
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color:  Pale, slightly freckly 
Any Scars?:
She has a few -
She obviously eventually in the course of her story ends up with ‘Wrath’ Carved into her chest by John. 
There is another one on her leg from childhood when her brother’s shoved her off their bunk beds and she broke her leg so badly she had to have surgery. 
A small barely noticeable scar above her lip from when her mother’s dog bit her. 
Lastly she has a c-section scar because Lily was stubborn and never wanted to turn all the way.... she is John’s daughter...had to make the most dramatic entrance possible... 
Any Tattoos? 
Why yes... yes she does. I like to HC most of them were done by John save her first one which he took her to get on a date. 
She has a fairly large sleeve that is all flowers that was done over the course a few weeks by John when Lily was a year old... MJ drew the design herself and John did the tattoo. 
She has small birds, similar to the tattoos John has along her ribs. I HC that her and John got the bird tattoos together on their first real date after they had been living together for several months but never actually had a proper date... 
On her ring finger of her left hand she has three little stars that mirror the stones of her engagement ring... 
she has others but these are the main one’s people would see or are majorly important. 
Any Piercings?
She had her tongue pierced when her John were dating but took it out around the time they decided to follow Joseph. 
Other Notable Features: 
Mary Jane is actually horribly self-conscious about her body and appearance, it’s part of the reason she always makes sure she looks very put together. This self consciousness is really reflected in the way she presents herself. Always looking like she spent hours getting ready (because she did) with perfectly matched outfits and impeccable make-up and hair... which is almost never seen in Eden’s Gate many with in the group say the only reason Joseph lets her vanity pass is because she is John’s wife.  
Random Fact:
MJ is an avid reader though rarely fiction. She instead really enjoys history and particularly books relating to crimes and murders (she jokes its to help her understand John) at one point she even brings up to John that Joseph isn’t trying to form a new Church he is starting a Cult after reading several books about The Manson Family. John tells her she is reading too much into similarities that aren’t really there and takes the books from her and suggest she reads something a little more pleasant... 
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adhonoremrp · 3 years
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canon characters:
alastor moody (dominic sheerwood fc) +1
narcissa black  (elle fanning fc) +1
dorcas meadowes (zendaya fc) +1
daisy hookum (lana condor fc) +1
lucius malfoy (danny griffin fc) +1
alice fortescue (sophie turner fc) +1
arthur weasley (george mackay fc) +1
kingsley shacklebolt (keith powers fc) +1
tilden toots (ryan potter fc) +1
antonin dolohov (avan jogia fc) +1
frank longbottom (charles melton fc) +1
rita skeeter (carlson young fc) +1
marlene mckinnon (imogen poots fc) +1
alecto carrow (hannah john kamen fc) +1
hestia jones (zazie beetz fc) +1
damocles belby (justin h min fc) +1
peter pettigrew - (dane dehaan fc) +1
doris purkiss (naomi scott fc) +1
sirius black (douglas booth fc) +1
oc characters:
paris avery (cody fern fc) +1
harriet gray (aslihan malbora fc) +1
ramona morgenstern (adelaide kane fc) +1
sebastian laviscount (toby regbo fc) +1
antigone graves  (eliza scanlen fc) +1
seraphina parkinson (devery jacobs fc) +1
guinevere montague  (emma dumont fc) +1
florence marie (anya taylor joy fc) +1
juliette mclaggen  (malese jow fc) +1
calista travers (samantha logan fc) +1
valerie petrov (alisha wainwright fc) +1
nimue mackenna (camilla mendes fc) +1,
mara lovelace (anya chalotra fc) +1
araminta valentine (abigail cowen fc) +1
cordelia greengrass (lulu antariksa fc) +1
jackson flint (dacre montgomery fc) +1
mason mcelreath (robert sheehan fc) +1
the roleplay will be opening on the 1st of april, and our first acceptance date will be the 30th of march, so there’s plenty of time to get in for any of these characters if you’ve been eyeing them! acceptances will be posted on a rolling basis following opening day.
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affcgato-archived · 4 years
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        tag drop: Luke “Mac” Mackenna, original character ( fc: Matt Ryan )
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kingswoodhq · 6 years
Here’s a list of starters that have been posted within the last two weeks! Tumblr’s tagging system is still messed up but we don’t want that to mean people’s starters are getting glossed over, so please try & give some love & attention to as many of these as possible. (Friendly reminder of our rules that open starters or closed starter calls must be posted once every two weeks, and that closed starters are not to be tagged with kings:start as it gets confusing). Thank you!
Ordered from oldest to most recent (but all equally worthy of attention):
Margot Baldwin
Aniston West
Evie Nichols
Ryan Trudeau
Mackenna Wexner
Lane Dalton
Caroline Lee
Adam Carter
Mackenzie Wexner
Jessa Ainsworth
Hailey Dallas
Carson Taylor
Tomislav Medovic
Ginger King
Michael Joel
If I’ve missed any please send the link to us here on the main and we’ll get it added to this list right away!
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danielwatcrs-blog · 6 years
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You guys, hi, i’m Anna and i’m so excited to be here! Please have my lovely little lad, Daniel Waters -- his actual identity is Aedan MacKenna-- Cousin to Ronan and Ryan. Affiliates to the MacKenna’s. But he’s a runaway because he wants out of the family business. 
His bio is up, if you would like to take a look at that, but if anyone wants to plot or or create some sort of connection, that would be great.
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southboundhqarchive · 6 years
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You’ll never guess who I just saw walking around town…
Adrastos “Ady” King (Elliot Fletcher) played by Kasper
Aisling MacKenna (Kate Siegel) played by Rebecca
Casper Donovan (Jordan Connor) played by Becca
Celeste Tudor (Elizabeth Olsen) played by Ellie
Edward ‘Eddie’ Lachman (Jon Bernthal) played by Ophelia
Gabriel Lockhart (Callum Turner) played by Thatch
Genevieve ‘Neve’ Channing (Adelaide Kane) played by Lucia 
Josephine Ryan (Maika Monroe) played by Lucia
Lennox Holm (Alexander Skarsgard) played by Fen
Mallory Goode (Lucy Boynton) played by Jolie
Mateo Álvarez / Matthew Beckett (Froy Gutierrez) played by Honey
Oliver Weebley (Cody Fern) played by Becca
Ophelia Miller (Elizabeth Gillies) played by Lucky
Rose Crain (Dakota Johnson) played by Ivy
Truman Wake (Ben Barnes) played by Thatch   
Welcome and congratulations, everyone! You now have 24 hours to send in the link to your character’s blog, please adhere to the checklist and follow your fellow townsfolk!
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Hey, Have you entered Terri Reed's giveaway to win Robyn M. Ryan asks, "What's in yout beach bag?" yet? If you refer friends you get more chances to win :) https://wn.nr/sBvvkh
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authorrobynmryan · 2 years
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Role                        Contributor
The Doctor              Jodie Whittaker
Graham O'Brien      Bradley Walsh
Ryan Sinclair           Tosin Cole
Yasmin Khan           Mandip Gill
Grace                      Sharon  D Clarke
Tim Shaw                Samuel Oatley
Karl                         Jonny Dixon
Rahul                      Amit Shah
Sonia                      Asha Kingsley
Janey                      Janine Mellor
Ramesh Sunder      Asif Khan
Andy                        James Thackeray
Dean                        Philip Abiodun
Dennis                      Stephen MacKenna
Gabriel                     Everal A Walsh
Director                    Jamie Childs
Writer                       Chris Chibnall
Series Producer        Nikki Wilson
Executive Producer   Chris Chibnall
Executive Producer   Matt Strevens
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Timely Assist by Robyn M. Ryan is now live!
Available On All Platforms
She has no time for romance. He’s not looking for love. Neither sees the slap shot life sends their way. Shannon Mackenna’s life revolves around her family, with her 4 year old daughter at the center. She knows first hand how life can change in an instant. Her parents’ unexpected death taught her never to take things for granted. She lives with no regrets—not even the one-night-stand with a minor league hockey player that resulted in a surprise pregnancy. When she tried to contact him, he denied even recognizing her and Shannon vowed to raise her daughter on her own. Cliff “Cam” Camden embraced the bad-boy-athlete persona the moment he was drafted. He enjoyed all of the perks and has long stopped counting notches on his hockey stick. Now, Cam wants more than off-ice conquests. It’s time to put his career first. He’s not looking for distractions—until he meets the beautiful, sassy owner of Shamrock Fitness. Intrigued by the elusive, private woman, Cam hopes for the chance of something more. Shannon fears her past has collided with her carefully scripted life but she finds it difficult to resist Cam’s devilish smile and brilliant silver-blue eyes. His thoughtfulness outshines his obvious sex appeal, and every time she sees him, her heart skips a beat—and not just because of the way his touch lights up her whole body. Neither denies the mutual attraction, but Shannon must protect her secret at all costs—even if it means walking away from her happily ever after. **Timely Assist is a standalone book in the Tampa Suns Hockey series. This sweet and spicy full-length novel can be read on its own—no cliffhanger, no cheating and a guaranteed Happily Ever After. You may enjoy meeting and following a growing group of friends connected by the Tampa Suns professional hockey team. Some characters are introduced in the Clearing the Ice Trilogy, Healthy Scratch, and Risky Move.**
About the Author: Chicago born, honorary Atlanta native, Parisienne at heart. Proud 60’s Flower Child. “Fearless” barrier-breaker for female sports journalists and minor league “batpersons.” While at UGA, scored PR internship with Atlanta Flames NHL team, during its first season. Interviewed future MLB and NHL Hall of Fame members, published in a variety of print media. Wife, mom, PR professional, and finally, 35 years later, published author. Two Westie grand-dogs pretty much run our household. The Clearing the Ice hockey trilogy includes This Piece of My Heart (nominated for the 2016 Summer Indie Books awards), This Piece of My Soul, (2017 Readers Choice and Summer Indie Book Awards nominees), and This Piece of Our Being(2018). Besides writing, her passions include following NASCAR and the New York Rangers, and splitting time between homes in Atlanta and Palm Coast. Connect with Robyn! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorRobynMRyan Website: https://www.chicksdigsportsromance.com Bookbub: http://bit.ly/2S0CQbF Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/RobynMRyan Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robynmryan/
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