#Ryan Lilly quotes
wocado · 7 years
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Entrepreneurs see what others can't ~ @ryanlilly
Entrepreneurs see what others can’t, do what others won’t,
dreams, dreams quotes, business, business quotes, enterpreneurship quotes, pioneer, pioneer quotes, enterpreneurship, enterpreneur, accomplishment, accomplishment quotes, difference, differ, difference quotes, Ryan Lilly quotes #PICTUREQUOTES, #QUOTES
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thepersonalwords · 14 days
Those without passion are often passed and shunned.
Ryan Lilly
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youngveinsworld · 8 months
quotes from a recap of the young veins' show at the beat kitchen in chicago on 10 april 2010
I went to the first ever Young Veins concert in Chicago April 10th, and let me tell you- along with only one other day, it was THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. It was so amazing beyond belief. I still can't believe it was real.
they are a small band right now so they were playing a tiny club. There was a room about the size of half a school gymnasium, the stage was 3 ft off the ground, and there was no backstage. The band had to walk past the crowd, no barrier, to get on stage.
The doors opened at 7 but we got there at around 5. My dad got in line (yes, I brought my dad, this is a bar, you know) and Lillie (my friend) and I walked further to see what was going on by the alley. All of a sudden my eyes landed on a sight so ultraviolet that my lungs shriveled into the size of my ears. My knees turned into noodles. My heart started beating as if it were afraid of the dark and wanted to bust violently out of my chest cavity. I felt like I was going to poop, throw up, and faint at the same time. I saw Ryan Ross loading things out of a trailer 20 feet away from me. I kinda blacked out for a moment. Lillie had to hit me in the arm to get me to say anything. I seriously have butterflies right now just remembering it. He was wearing his soldier-looking jacket, some striped pants, blues brothers sun glasses, a yellow shirt, and his pointy shoes. Then out of nowhere I see a guy with the same hair but in a maroon shirt and pants- Jon Walker was pushing some amps into the staff entrance. And then I saw Nick White and Andy Soukal and Nick Murray. All I could say was "Wha......?????" I seriously couldn't comprehend that my idols that I've loved for 2 and a half years were standing right by me. I needed a moment.
After I cooled down, standing by my tree, I took out my blank CD case (I was going to have the band sign the black case and then when June 8th comes around, I'd put the CD and the jacket in that case). I started small. I was going to ask Nick White, the newest member and pianist, to sign the case first. He started to walk from the trailer to the door and I called out, "Nick?" and he stopped and turned, kind of suprised, I guess not a lot of people were able to recognize him yet. I asked, "Would you be willing to sign this for me? I'm going to put the album in it when it comes out." and he was like, "Sure, sure.". He signed, said thanks for coming, and went back to his buisness. I forgot to take a picture (god damn it). But that's okay, he was nice.
Okay, one down, 4 to go. Next I saw Andy, the bassist, and called out his name. Again, kind of not expected. I asked if he would sign my case and take a picture with me. He said he could only stop for a miinute and I said, "Oh, yea, sure.". He signed my case and Lillie took our picture and he, also, was on his way.
Ryan and Jon were busy setting things up inside so they weren't coming out for a while but I DID see Nick Murray come out. I called his name and asked if he could sign my CD case and he said, "Um, sure, just give me five minutes?". So a couple trips later, he, himself came back to us and said, "You wanted to see me right?" and I was like, "Yea, I wanted to know if you could sign this and take a picture, I'm going to put the album in it." and he said, "The album?" and I said, "Yea, you know, Take a Vacation." and he was like, "Ohhh, yea." 
Finally I had the courage to talk Jon (My courage was also fueled by the fear that he wouldn't come out again). He was so handsome and like and inch taller than me (and I'm 5'7), and thinner than I expected, and he was just Jon Walker. He walked past us and I said, "Jon?" and he came over and I asked him to sign the case and take a pic ect. And then I said, "So is Ryan being sneeky? I haven't seen him in a while." (p.s. I'm a creeper). He giggled and said, "Yea, well, Ryan's always sneeky." and I just said, "Haha, yea." and he thanked us for coming out and went on his way.
Finally Ryan came out again. I HAD to talk to him. He walked past and I said, "Ryan?" and he was like, "Hi.". I asked him to sign my CD case and stuff. He was kinda busy so after a picture and a very breif amount of small talk about being excited and thanks for coming out and stuff he was on his way. I imagined him taller, but he WAS thin, now I can believe it. They, for some reason translate not as thin in pictures, I guess because it's 2D.
I saw Cassie (Jon's GF, duh) walk in the building and Jon came out to say hi to several friends of his that came to the show (cuz, duh, he lives in Chicago). Cassie was so cute. She looked so nice and sweet and her little summer dress and boots were adorable. She had Starbucks which I later saw Jon share with her. He also looked through her bag for something and that made me go "Awwwwww" barely quite enough to not be stared at.
So we finally got in and we saw the merch and I told my dad to buy me one of everything of The Young Veins' and ran off to get a place (later we found out that Nick Murray was helping sell the merch and he sold my dad the shirts). Jon was at a booth in the bar having a pre-show-drink with his friends and Cassie which was so amazing and Ryan came into the stage room to check out the crowd and mingle a little bit.
The Young Veins came on and got their equipment ready and fixed their sound and stuff for 10 minutes. 10 minutes I got to watch Ryan Ross and Jon Walker from 2 feet away, just doing exactly what they were born to do. I was so happy.....
They went through their set, Jon sang two songs. I ruined the audio on all of my videos because I was singing out of tune AGAIN (this happens to me EVERY concert).
After their set I remembered a picture that I drew for them a while back that I left in the car that I HAD to get. We left even before Foxy could get in the room and got the picture. I would've kicked myself if I didn't give it to them.
I grabbed my photo and went back to my tree and watched and waited for The Young Veins. They were packing their stuff up. Ryan and Jon started talking with different fans and I was going to give it to them but then I saw Nick Murray. This crazy drunk guy was talking to him about the most random shit and I realized my life's destiny- Save Nick Murray From the Crazy Drunk Guy. Nick was looking very awkward and scared. He tried inching away but tried to stay nice at the same time, this was getting him nowhere. We walked up to them and I said, "Excuse me." The drunk guy and his drunk girlfriend moved aside and we talked to Nick and I finally handed the picture to him and said, "I drew this for the band and I just wanted to give this to you guys." Nick was like, "Cool, cool. This is yours" and I was like, "Yea *confused*, wait, what do you mean?" and he said (OH MY GOSH) "Oh, well, I've seen this before, it's cool." and then I remembered that I sent all the members the picture on Twitter, he read my comment and liked my picture. I'm getting warm and flushed just thinking about it. How cool is that? We talked to him a little more and let him go to mingle with the rest of the fans that left before Foxy (because honestly, I already SAW his mustache and so I don't really need to be blinded by it's magnificence again).
I'm adding this to my "Best Day Ever" list. I have two best days ever, neither better than the other. But this has to be my favourite concert that I've ever been to. LOVE LOVE LOVE. That's all can say.
– from this blog post by Michele
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It's gonna get really, really bad before it's okay.
AJR // My Play.
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barclaysangel · 3 years
Ben, to himself: I will NOT be awkward today.
Beverly: Hi!
Ben: Good, thanks.
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Jackson: How do I even begin to explain Hannah Montana?
Becca Weller: Hannah Montana is flawless.
Lilly: Her closet has a revolving clothes rack and an endless supply of shoes.
Rico: I hear her hair's insured for ten thousand dollars.
Thor: I hear she did a movie in Tennessee.
Saint Sarah: Her favorite animal is a horse.
Amber: One time, she met Jake Ryan on the set of Zombie High.
Ashley: And he told her she was pretty.
Oliver: One time, she popped a bubble of licorice gum on my face. It was awesome.
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Just As You Are
Beverly: I don’t think anyone could really like me
Ben: I like you, Bev
Beverly, sighing: Yeah, apart from the smoking and the reputation, the scary dad and...ah, my-
Ben: No, I like you very much. Just as you are.
Beverly, shocked: Oh.
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Legacy accounting: Will you have been an asset or a liability on the world's balance sheet?     ~ Ryan Lilly
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Name: Up To Player Species: Human (Hunter) Occupation: Up To Player Age: 18-30 years old Played By: OPEN Suggested Face Claims: Shay Mitchell, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Camila Mendes, Sophia Lillis, Will Poulter, Ryan Potter, China Anne McClain
“Quote up to player.”
Most hunters came from a family of hunters or ended up orphaned and abandoned when the job took their parents too soon. Not you. You grew up in a normal household only you weren’t quite like your siblings. You could run faster, your bumps and bruises healed quicker, and your senses always seemed a little sharper. Sometimes you wondered if you were adopted, if that was the reason you felt so different from your family, why you got those strange sensations when passing certain people. No one could ever provide you with an explanation. That was until you came face to face with a monster. Maybe you fought your way out on your own or maybe another, more experienced hunter stepped in to help. Now that you know there might be a reason why you’re different, you can either dive in head first or try your best to keep pretending everything is normal. Either way, now you can’t avoid seeing the supernatural all around you.
Character Facts:
Personality: Up to player
3-5 Facts, Up to player
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wocado · 7 years
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Entrepreneurs see what others can't ~ @ryanlilly
Entrepreneurs see what others can’t, do what others won’t,
dreams, dreams quotes, business, business quotes, enterpreneurship quotes, pioneer, pioneer quotes, enterpreneurship, enterpreneur, accomplishment, accomplishment quotes, difference, differ, difference quotes, Ryan Lilly quotes #PICTUREQUOTES, #QUOTES
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undefined5posts · 5 years
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I've already expressed my love about IT and wanted to talk about IT chapter two in more details so let's do it.
So when the movie was in theatres, I forced my friend to go and watch it with me, I was 15 minutes early too since I didn't want to miss a single second.
Let me just say, I adored it. I know the critics said that it wasn't that scary, and I personally don't really get scared by horror movies so I can't really say anything about this but my friend did find it frightening. And for me, even though I know this isn't how most people percieve it, the IT saga is about this amazing strong connection between 7 friends that all went through so much, always getting repelled by the rest until they finally found enough power in each other to beat the biggest monster, their own fears, more than it is about an atrocious killer clown. IT feeds on our fears, if we're brave enough, it will die of hunger and we will beat our inner demons.
Now let's state the obvious, Andy Muschietti, the director of both movies, and the rest of the crew did a remarkable job at creeping us all. Bill Skarsgård, Finn Wolfhard, Jack Dylan Grazer, Jeremy Ray Taylor, Sophia Lillis, Wyatt Oleff, Jaeden Martell and Chosen Jacobs were phenomenal as usual, they only got better. Now for the adult cast of the losers club, James McAvoy, Bill Hader, Jessica Chastain, Jay Ryan, James Ransone, Isaiah Mustafa and Andy Bean were all breathtaking. Most of them are already big names so they have nothing to prove but they certainly didn't disappoint.
Personally, I found Bill Hader's performance absolutely outstanding, we already know he's an incredible comedian, but he's also a stupefying actor. The scene were Richie witnesses the deadlights was spectacular, the way Bill changed his facial expression so quickly was really impressive.
Now in terms of the storyline, the charachter's growth, the new IT encounters and childhood flashbacks were all great. I loved seeing the charachter's future, their reactions to seeing each other 27 years later, their memories slowly coming back and the new adventures that they went through.
For me, the main event that stood out was definitely Richie finally accepting himself (spoiler alert), seeing him being proud of this love that he felt for all this time while not being able to express it, scared of what the rest might think of him. Seeing him confront his greatest fear was heart warming. Eddie's and Stanley's death were truly heartbreaking, especially that they are some of my favorite characters, but what was even worse, was seeing Richie in such deep pain after Eddie's. He was willing to die, he wanted to stay with him, and if it wasn't for his friends that literally dragged him out of there, he wouldn't have left him. He didn't think life would be worth living without this man that he has been in love with since they were kids. Richie never got to express his emotions, he never got to admit his love, he saw his favorite person get killed right in front of him, and yet, he found the courage to go back to the kissing bridge and carve out him and eddie's initials one last time so he can symbolically affirm his love and care for Eddie.
Stanley's speech during his bar mitzvah, and his letter for his friends were also fantastic, I loved every word. If you want great inspirational quotes, I think you could find a lot there.
In conclusion, that movie was sensational, and it is obviously a subjective opinion, but I would advice you to go watch it.
Thank you for reading ❤ Spread love and you'll float too 🎈
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theobligatedklutz · 6 years
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I hope this is what you wanted anon.
This was the third time this month that Cyrus had been stood up.
Normally, it wouldn't hurt as much because of how used to it he was at this point. This time around though, Cyrus had picked his favourite place for their dinner date and he'd told Andi that if this Ryan guy she'd set him up with was a no-show, he'd never try blind dating or dating, in general, again. And now, Ryan had not only caused a sharp plunge in his self-esteem but he also tainted the one place that brought Cyrus any joy.
Cyrus' favourite restaurant was this beautiful Italian place with soft lights set up in a quaint corner of New York City. He had stumbled upon it on his way to work one Tuesday afternoon and had fallen in love with the feeling of the place. There were gold framed photos of different NY tourist attractions covering almost an entire wall on one side of the restaurant. The other walls were painted a blush pink with little vegetables drawn and coloured in thin strokes. There was a bar on the far corner of the restaurant and tables and booths set up in the centre.
The second thing he fell in love with was the bartender who'd smiled at him on a particularly bad day, pushed tequila his way and told him it was on the house.
He wasn't a good flirt but talking to hot blond bartender TJ Kippen was easy. They had become friends fast. TJ was cool, he was down for anything, his smile was contagious and his eyes were this rare shade of green that you could just drown in. And best of all, he had easily become Cyrus' speed dial. When Cyrus wasn't exhausting himself by going on dates with jerks or no-shows, he was usually with TJ at the local green house. That was the thing about TJ, as much as he was an intimidating tattoo-covered beauty, he had a soft heart and gentle hands when it came to Daffodils and Tiger lillies.
More than once, Cyrus had found the courage to ask him out but then he'd see TJ smile at the other customers and the small voice inside his head would go
You're not special to him, he smiles at everyone the same way he does with you.
You really think he'll say yes, have you looked in the mirror?
If TJ rejects you, how many guys would that be?
So, he never did. He'd rather have TJ as a friend than ask him out, get rejected and make it awkward between them.
"Hey Cy-guy, should I get you another drink?" Jonah asked him as he wiped down the chestnut countertop, picking up five shot glasses in one go.
The restaurant was busy tonight with couples occupying almost every table and friends taking shots and laughing drunkenly. Cyrus felt so out of place, sitting there alone and fidgeting with his glass of coke and rum.
"Uh, no." He said gingerly, looking at the three shots he'd already consumed. He sighed, pulling out his wallet and throwing a few bills on the counter.
"Will that cover it?"
"Put that away. It's on the house." Jonah said smiling.
"I've heard that one before." Cyrus narrowed his eyes, suspicion creeping in.
"Yeah, TJ's covering it but only if you, and I'm quoting here, 'turn around doofus.'" Jonah responded nonchalantly, mixing a drink for a young woman on the other side of the bar and slipping it over to her.
And ever so abruptly, the song playing in the restaurant had diminished and people directed their eyes to a bright spotlight somewhere behind Cyrus.
"Turn around, Cyrus." Jonah chuckled, reaching across the bar and pushing at his stool to turn it towards the curtained stage.
Cyrus' eyes widened, watching as the curtains slowly pulled open to reveal a grand black piano. TJ sat at the edge of the bench in front of it, his back straight as his fingers trudged lightly over the gleaming black and white keys. It was a bizarre sight seeing a man sporting a black muscle tee and gelled back hair look so graceful sitting at a piano. The bright lights hit the edges of his cheeks and put a glow in his eyes that had Cyrus' heart hammering wildly.
He looked up at Cyrus, smiling tenderly before bringing his face closer to the mic.
"This one's for Cyrus Goodman. You make the world a little easier to live in."
Cyrus couldn't decipher what was happening as he watched the man in front of him look down at the black instrument, take a deep breath before laying his fingers back on the piano.
The smooth notes of the beginning of a song were expected but what Cyrus didn't anticipate was TJ humming softly as his hands gently danced across the keys. Cyrus' mouth fell open and his breath stopped entirely when he heard the smooth yet raspy voice as TJ sang.
How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I can.
How long will I need you
As long as the seasons need to
Follow their plan.
TJ directed his eyes up at Cyrus again, trying to get his point across. IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou.
But what made his heart stutter a little was the way Cyrus' lower lip quivered as he sat frozen in his seat. TJ almost stopped. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, maybe Cyrus wasn't in a good place right now. But that thought dashed the minute Cyrus' mouth curved up in an easy smile.
How long will I be with you
As long as the sea is bound to
Wash up on the sand.
The song picked up and that was like the pressure that broke the dam. Before Cyrus could even comprehend it, there were tears leaving his eyes.
How long will I want you
As long as you want me to
And longer by far.
TJ sang even louder now as if confessing his love to the world. He extended his words and grinned like a mad man. He kept his eyes locked on Cyrus Goodman. Cyrus, whose eyes twinkled in the ceiling lights and who had never looked more beautiful than he did right then and there, watching TJ on stage. TJ felt a warmth coursing all through his body at the dopey look the man he loved gave him.
How long will I give to you
As long as I live through you
However long you say.
It felt like an out of body experience the way Cyrus stood up from his bar stool, weaving through couples who had gathered around to watch and stepping in front of the stage as TJ hummed the last of the notes. TJ beamed at him as he stepped away from the piano and Cyrus hardly heard the applause as the world disappeared around him. The only focus being the man who descended the stage stairs now, walking briskly towards him.
"Cyrus, I-" TJ started but never finished. Because Cyrus had pulled at his shirt, pressing close and kissing him so surely it caught TJ by surprise. But he reciprocated just as enthusiastically, wrapping his arms around Cyrus and holding him like if he didn't, he'd wake up from this dream. And what a dream this was.
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thepersonalwords · 8 days
If all it takes to motivate you is a quote then this quote has nothing to say – except to go soar with the freakin’ eagles.
Ryan Lilly
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oldquotes · 8 years
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'You can't force creatives into a box. If you try, they'll no longer be creative. And no one will want your box.' -Ryan Lilly | Visit Old Quotes for more life quotes.
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douxreviews · 5 years
The Handmaid's Tale - ‘Unfit’ Review
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"I've never seen anyone so devoted."
Like the Canadian story line, the flashbacks in this show are often a welcome relief from the horrors of present day Gilead. This time, not so much.
Let me start by saying that Ann Dowd is absolutely awesome as the fearsome Aunt Lydia, and a flashback to her past should have done more to explain her character. Instead, even in her past, Lydia was taking children from their mothers while pontificating about her good intentions. She is just as conflicted and confusing as she always was. Maybe there's just no explaining people like Lydia. Or anyone who fits in Gilead.
Lydia Clements was a fourth grade teacher who used to work in family law. She went from judging Noelle, a poor young mother with a bad job, to helping her financially and giving her emotional support (which was lovely), to initiating legal proceedings that successfully took Noelle's son Ryan away from her. A remarkably bad thing that followed a remarkably good thing, and note how Lydia's clothing and hair style changed from loose, comfortable and attractive to a Gilead-like shapeless outfit and restrained bun.
This was tied in to Lydia's possible new boyfriend, Principal Jim. Lydia and Jim seemed so well matched: both were single again with careers in education, and clearly religious since they both quoted the Bible in casual conversation. Jim even said grace in the karaoke bar before they ate. (Karaoke "Islands in the Stream." Too cute, and adorably out of character for Lydia.)
Why would their aborted lovemaking on the couch push Lydia over the edge into such overwhelming shame, into violently destroying her own image in a mirror? Was it because she finally allowed herself to acknowledge her own sexual needs, and being rejected was too heavy a blow? For that matter, why did Jim stop? His wife died three years ago. Was it really too soon for him, or did her aggressive move on the couch turn him off? And why did this incident make Lydia turn on Noelle? Because Noelle had encouraged her to date again, had given her makeup?
Tying this into our lead character, we've all been wondering how June is still alive considering how badly she's been acting. I think June is too angry right now to be frightened of what could happen to her. Maybe Aunt Lydia sees June the way she saw Noelle, as someone she would try over and over again to push in the right direction – until she didn't. This doesn't bode well for June.
I enjoyed the three gossipy aunts around a table matching Handmaids to Commanders more than the flashbacks. This was background that we needed. Aunt Lydia complained about June's misbehavior, but then she talked about June being misled. "We never had issues with Ofjoseph before the Waterfords. A problem household, to say the least. And she was there for all that business with Emily." Aunt Elizabeth added, "And Lillie." It's an explanation for why June is still alive and undamaged. Not a great one, but an explanation.
During the almost comical testifying scene in the gym, June did acknowledge that Frances' death was June's fault, and that Hannah would suffer for what June did. And then June took that opportunity to turn on Ofmatthew, saying truthfully that Ofmatthew didn't want her baby. We learned that Ofmatthew thought her baby was going to be a girl this time, and she didn't want to bring a daughter into Gilead. I so can't blame her.
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During their shopping trip to Loaves and Fishes, June smiled as Ofmatthew snatched the guardian's gun and went on her desperation spree, and then she nodded when Ofmatthew was aiming the gun at her. I think June was ready to die. When Ofmatthew changed her target to Aunt Lydia, I was yelling, "Kill her!" Sadly, no. The death of Ofmatthew and her possibly female fetus, along with the death of Ofandy's baby girl, felt like a metaphor for the murderous sickness of Gilead's culture.
Racism in Gilead
This is the second episode in a row that featured the horrible death of a black woman. It's also the first time race was so much as mentioned. During that fascinating scene with the Aunts and the sherry and the files on the lazy susan, Aunt Lydia said that one of the Commanders didn't want a Handmaid of color. Racial prejudice exists in Gilead, but it is kept on the down low. Under the table, pun intended.
Critics of this show talk a lot about intersectionality, how jarring it is that Gilead is all about the misogyny while racial issues don't seem to exist, and really, I totally get that. It's a major change from Atwood's book. In reality, a fascist, misogynistic society like Gilead would almost certainly be deeply racist as well. I initially thought I understood why the producers made this decision. They wanted the focus of this fictional dystopia to be the oppression of women, period. There is also the practical consideration that if they had adhered more faithfully to the source material, the entire cast of this series would be white.
While I was thinking about what I would write about this episode, I realized that I hadn't thought through that assumption. They could have kept Gilead logically racist by having Handmaids of color while all of the Commanders and Wives were white. White slave owners in the past often raped and impregnated their black slaves, didn't they? And of course, June could have still had a black husband and daughter. I wonder why they didn't go that way? It would have made a lot more sense.
More glowing comments about the photography
As usual, the photography in this episode was spectacular. I was particularly struck by the from-above shot of Handmaids circling Ofandy with comfort and hugs, June in the snow with a red umbrella on her way to Loaves and Fishes, and the camera attached and moving with Ofmatthew's gun. The most striking was the line of red blood on white tile as Ofmatthew's body was dragged out of the store; it reminded me of the red ropes they use for hanging.
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And the flashbacks were so pretty that they often looked unreal – the diffused lights on the Christmas tree, the sparkling clothing and hangings at the nightclub, the New Year's Eve glitter. I'm sure that was on purpose. The unreality, I mean.
Do they celebrate Christmas in Gilead? Has it been mentioned? It seems unlikely. But I didn't think they would have dancing, either.
— The name of Hannah's Martha wasn't mentioned in the previous episode, but here, the very first scene started with June talking about Frances, and what an ordinary life she led before Gilead. Much like Lydia.
— Janine was kindness itself toward Ofmatthew, and when Ofmatthew lost it in Loaves and Fishes, she beat the crap out of Janine. It would have made more sense if Ofmatthew had attacked June, instead.
— During the birth scenes and the testifying, the Handmaids were acting a little like a bitchy high school clique. "Crybaby! Crybaby! Crybaby! Crybaby!" actually made me laugh.
— June told Joseph Lawrence that he wasn't protecting Eleanor, he was suffocating her. Lawrence didn't take the bait. I'm starting to think the Lawrences are in danger. Gilead turns on its own on a regular basis. No one is safe.
— The Lydia/Ryan twenty questions scene that opened the flashback began with Ryan asking, "Am I alive?" I wonder. Is he?
— Gold acting stars for Ashleigh LaThrop, who played Ofmatthew. I wish we'd known her character's real name. Maybe we'll find out what it was at the beginning of the next episode.
Aunt Lydia: "Tell your friends to cool it." June: "I'm sorry, Aunt Lydia. I don't know what you're talking about. You want to take my tongue out? Burn my arm? Better hope they don't need me on TV again for Nichole."
June: "How did that rhyme go? The one we'd jump rope to? Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief. A game to tell what our children would grow up to be. The list is a lot shorter now, especially if it's a girl. Martha, Jezebel, Handmaid, Wife." What about "Aunt"?
Noelle: "You're a fucking coldhearted bitch!" Lydia: "I forgive you."
Aunt Lydia: "Sometimes it's the apple, and sometimes it's the barrel." Aunt Lydia has decided it's the barrel this time. She wants to transfer June to another household. Uh oh.
June: "I hurt her. and I enjoyed it. The wives and aunts, too, grieving over Ofandy's dead child. And Lawrence. They all deserve to suffer. It's an acquired taste, seeing others in pain. Like that smoky scotch Luke got as a gift once. I grew to like that."
June: "I finally know how Oflgen felt, what made her put on that bomb vest. […] And I know how Emily felt, right before she stuck a knife in Lydia's back." Again, it sure sounds like June is ready to die.
This is the second episode in a row that I didn't much like. Two out of four smoky scotches.
Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.
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barclaysangel · 3 years
Beverly: Here is my wall of inspirational women.
Ben: Is that a picture of you?
Beverly: I am big enough to admit that I am often inspired by myself.
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