#Running Fence
sing-you-fools · 1 month
I think, in the Olympics, in addition to all the regular serious stuff, each sport should have one Goofy Event.
Divers get an event where they do three dives - a bellyflop, a canonball, and "freestyle" where they just run flailing off the diving board still in their regular clothes (yelling "COWABUNGA" is optional).
Swimmers have a dog paddle race.
Runners, get ready for some elementary school field day shit. One of those relays where you gotta carry an egg in a spoon the whole time. Three. Fucking. Legged. Race.
Fencers are going to reenact the swordfight from The Princess Bride. (Really, the event is to reenact a swordfight from a movie. They just all choose The Princess Bride.)
All of these events are scored as the regular ones are. The medals, however, are made of chocolate.
(feel free to add more in the tags! I don't know enough about sports to imagine what other sports might do)
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playlovethink · 2 years
Christo e Jeanne-Claude
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(Image: Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Wrapped Reichstag, Berlin 1971-95. © Christo and Jeanne-Claude Foundation)
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virtues-end · 3 months
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✦ virtue’s end — game update 24 june 2024
word count: ~51k (excl. code)
this update marks the completion of chapter one! 🥳 so far, in this chapter, you can:
learn about the world, and your place in it as a helvling.
establish your relationship with your Keeper, Shea.
fight against a many-limbed helspawn.
save a child (or not).
customise your helvling, including skin, hair, and eye colour, hair texture and length, facial hair, body type, unique features, etc.
spend time with either shea, penrose or elexis. pet a horse, eat some treats, play a card game, or go lick your wounds (or shea's).
the length of your playthrough will vary depending on your choices. please let me know if you come across any continuity errors or other bugs! 💜
virtue's end is an 18+ interactive dark fantasy novel set in a sunless, medieval world struck by catastrophe. you play as a helvling, a cursed monster hunter with a (barely) suppressed monstrous side, bound to serve a human Keeper as you travel through broken lands teeming with danger.
✦ play virtue's end
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ryan-sometimes · 11 days
Recently I’ve been getting anons and comments doubting the validity of some of the stories I tell on here. There’s nothing I can do to convince you that the stories I tell on here are completely genuine. All I can say is that they really are. I only post the wackiest, most interesting or funny stories of my life on here. You don’t get much of the boring day to day stuff.
Truth is, I come from a very long line of crazy people. When my dad was in med school he and some friends planted a small homemade bomb in an abandoned bathroom at their university. His roommate stole a pancreas from the corpse lab and put it in a girl’s backpack. The entire med school was suspended because no one owned up to it. My uncle would sneak out at night with my grandma’s car and she’d find out because she’d check the mileage and see it’d gone up, so my uncle started driving her car backwards since that didn’t increase the mileage. He got arrested driving her car backwards on the highway to another town. My uncle would steal my grandpa’s shotgun, tell his friends to jump in the pool, and start firing it randomly at the backyard. My cousin genuinely had two weed smoking girlfriends who were also girlfriends with each other. My great uncle had an affair exposed by having his intimate photos and videos with his mistress sent to the family groupchat by people who stole his phone, all because they were salty that my aunt told them to go fuck themselves when they messaged her asking for money. My aunt took out all her life savings and moved to another state to build a bunker because she believes the apocalypse is coming, and she didn’t even take any of her children. I don’t know how to tell you this, but life is just stranger than fiction sometimes. The sample size of life stories you get on my blog are just the instances in which that’s true.
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hcnnibal · 3 months
sees blues and yellows u say? like a dog u say?
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dog boy forever
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a-realproblem · 3 months
they hurt more than anything because they deserve happiness more than anyone in this damn show
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sylenth-l · 1 year
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If you're planning on swinging your Dawnblade like a stick, then don't bother shaping it into a sword.
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tiger-grace · 2 months
please can we get Jason Todd on the Olympic shooting team. In fact can we get Gotham to be recognized as its own country/team and it’s just batfam members in each category
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iwatcheditbegin · 8 months
Not to sound like a boomer Swiftie but it’s crazy to have Taylor just give us the album cover, title , release date, and tracklist.
We literally had to Easter Egg our way though the entire Lover release, girl didn’t even give us the title and when we correctly guessed it in a mv we were lied to
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applesandbannas747 · 2 months
i wanna hear your thoughts on the fence challengers: long shot preview pages if you want to share!
oh mAN I have so many and they are all over the place!!
The first one is a little thing, but I bet Seiji had a crush on Marcus Washington when he was a kid--Nick's horror, Harvard's teasing, and Seiji's indignant blush imply as much.
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And a fun fact, Jo posted a mini preview of baby Seiji to Patreon on February 14th...maybe I'm reading into it too much, but that's nothing new XD
Next couple of things are about the scene with the trophy case. It was really interesting and fun to see side-by-side redraws of Robert! It really illustrates the way the style has evolved, and also I gOTTA say it feels like Jo is more invested in Robert based on the level of detail she put in--like it's not just a style comparison, it's also just obvious a lot of attention was put into these shots when a) she could have just reused old shots (which she's done before, so I know it was an option), or kept it more simplified like she did when drawing the original shots.
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I also think it's sweet that the redraws have Robert looking much more like Jesse than the originals.
And I am sure I will get flack for this, but I have incredible second-hand embarrassment from Nick leaving his newspaper clipping + note in the trophy case jfhdasl like bestieee noooo anyone can see that shit now oh my god please stooop
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Onto some Nichoji thoughts! I love that Seiji's been confirmed as a before-bed reader! Him having a Kindle makes sense for the sheer efficiency of it too lmfao. Of course it's also adorable to see him in reading glasses <3 And then my favorite detail is Nick's stupid nightlight...notice where it is?
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Rather than illuminating Nick's side of the room, it's peeking around the curtain and lighting up Seiji's reading, which is beyond adorable and sweet. I wonder whether Seiji stole it or Nick put it there knowing Seiji likes to read before bed, and I love both scenarios.
Also, it's fucking adorable that as soon as Nick mentions their date appointment, Seiji takes off his glasses and lowers his Kindle because it's got his full attention and investment.
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And a quick pitstop to the locker rooms!
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I like the visual metaphor here with Aiden and Bobby both very casual about changing and both literally having their shirts open; meanwhile, Seiji's straightening the cuffs on his button-down, which is already neatly tucked in and complete with his tie. It just highlights how Seiji's a lot more closed off than the others, and I think this was a neat trick to remind us of that.
In regards to plot, I'm still...really disappointed in the pacing. I know most people feel like it's a slowburn/it's taken a long time to develop, but if you waited to read Fence at all until it was complete and then read it all in one sitting, I think you'd see how unbalanced it is. Williams says that their first match will be in three weeks back right after tryouts:
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which means everything between issue 12 and CHALLENGERS has happened in 3 weeks. Seiji and Nick's relationship is so sweet and cute, but it went from resentful rivalry to puppy love overnight with very little 'screen time' dedicated to the actual transition from resentment to friends (which I could write a whole essay on but this is not the post for that lmfao). Furthermore, the fact that it's the first match of State Championships rather than first match of the season is crazy to me. I'll admit, I didn't fence in high school--it wasn't even an option because we didn't have a team. And despite hours of research, the structure of high school team fencing is not entirely clear to me. However, I do know that typical high school sports go through the season, facing every other team in their division or whatever. Based on performance in those matches, they can qualify for state, and then their win ratio determines their seeding order for the state championships that happen in like 1-2 days. Seeding order is who you go up against in a bracket, so it's what this diagram is, basically:
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(side note, but it appears there are 24 schools competing at state). Again, fencing could be different, but it kinda seems to me like we skipped over the season and went right to State Championships, which just cuts out so much development and build-up. It's like we're speed-running the entire story to get to the end faster. We cut out showing the development in the romance, and now we're cutting out the development of the plot. There's still plenty that we can do at state, of course, but imagine how much more it would mean to see Nick fencing in front of Robert if we'd built that up more. I just don't understand how we spent 12 issues on try outs, 4 on a practice match, 8 on camp, and none on the fencing season. It feels so abrupt and unbalanced. Tryouts and camp were my favorites arcs because they felt pretty well-paced as self-contained pieces of the story. I just feel like we needed waaaaay more relationship development between those two arcs to be satisfying, and I feel like there should be waaaaay more build up during the fencing season between camp and State Championships.
and now, the moment you've all been waiting for: my devastation over Eugene's role (???) in the story. I honestly question why he's in the story at all--at this point, it would have made more sense to have him flat-out not make the team. Except that keeping him this long lowkey backs up the theory I've had on his role since Striking Distance/RIVALS: Eugene is here to make everyone else look better/cooler/more impressive. The very first thing that struck me when reading the first look was this:
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The dialogue here suggests that only one reserve actually gets to be on the team in the end, and the reserve is Nick. And, worse, everyone expected it to be Nick. Sure, it's sweet that Seiji thinks Nick's the better fencer, but all I can think about is how hard Eugene's worked for ten years trying to make the team as opposed to Nick's three months of fencing. Now, I love an underdog story. But it's interesting because Pacat stated in an interview (I'd have to go find where for the specific quote) that he always feels bad for the person who's been working to be #1 their whole lives only to be knocked out of the running by an upstart underdog--which I've always assumed would influence the path taken in Fence...and it seems like we may well let Seiji and Jesse remain above Nick in skill (or at least it seems like we won't be dethroning Seiji, even if we go for Jesse), but Nick's overcoming smaller obstacles. And those smaller obstacles hurt worse to see crushed because Eugene almost made the team in a way that mattered, only to have that taken away. It would have been less cruel to him and his fans to let Nick take the reserve slot back in issue 12, but instead we brought Eugene along to serve as a means to make Nick out 'secret weapon' and elevate his story.
I will say though, this page is one of my favorite Eugene moments because I see the character I selfishly want Eugene to be in it. From the context of the panels above, this page is likely Williams telling them that only one will be fencing in State Championships, and this is their reaction. Eugene's immediate concern for Nick and the comforting hand on his shoulder followed by a bright smile and a thumbs up--he just cares so much about other people and it so used to smiling through his own pain/disappointment and comforts Nick through being positive (and as seen back in issue 12, up playing his competitiveness) and acting like it's no big deal.
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Eugene deserved better, but if this is where he goes out, I think I can live with it. Better to see him go now than continue to be a means to uplift the rest of team by being less than. but, man, I was really hoping we were turning it around after his moment in REDEMPTION being the only KR boy not to lose his bout
anyway, thank you sm for listening to my rambles!!! <33
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nostalgicfun · 10 months
This is probably Too Niche, but to the vivid dreamers out there: do you ever get nostalgic for a place from your dreams that isn't real? I have recurring locations in my dreams that just. don't exist. And I find myself thinking about them or having "memories" about them even though they don't exist and never have. But they're real in my heart even though I'll never go there.
(tell me about these places in the tags, I'm so curious)
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stergeon · 1 year
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"hey harrow how good do my glutes look doing this"
live nonagesimus reaction cam:
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somewhere aiglamene is screaming about gideon's atrocious form
paintless pinup:
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automatonknight · 1 year
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here's the prick i was talking about^ i have so many thoughts and notes about him but they're mostly incomprehensible so when i organize maybe them i'll post them who knows
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necrophiliak · 21 days
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lavandula-ipsum · 4 months
so do you pick mares on purpose when you play Red Dead Redemption 2 so you can hear Arthur say "good girl" every once in a while or are you normal
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claracivry · 2 years
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Well done, my prince
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