#Ruin can’t get me this pressed and he’s killed TRILLIONS
puppet-strung-moon · 1 month
I just need to say this.
I’d kill Lord Eclipse to save Servant Sun. Why? Lord Eclipse invokes a rage in me very few antagonists can and he struck a nerve.. SO- I will personally beat the daylights out of that wretch until my rage is reduced.
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sara-scribbles · 4 years
Fandom: Genshin Impact Childe/Lumine Word Count: 1,801 Note: I’ve been playing a lot of this game and I think I’m addicted. I love the characters so I’ll probably write for some. Warning: Not canon (but who cares). Some slight spoiler I guess from the 1.1 update trailer.
The chair was uncomfortable no matter which way she sat. Eventually Lumine gave up trying to find a good position to sit. Standing up, she began to pace the small room. The sole occupant in the bed laid motionless even as her footsteps clicked on the wooden floor.
“Lumine, don’t worry,” Paimon said, trying to reassure her. “The healer said he should be fine with some rest. Chill-day is too tough to die.”
She paused her pacing to study the unconscious man. “He looks...peaceful.” Even though he always had a smile, there was something strained and tense in his face. His eyes didn’t quite light up with emotions whenever she talked with him.
“Paimon thinks it’s because you gave him a good butt kick.” She hovered over his head. “Hopefully he’ll have a nasty headache.”
“It’s what he deserves for causing us so much trouble!” she protested, her tiny fists balled up. “Kicking us around like that...hmpf!”
Sighing, Lumine sank back down in the chair. “He had his reasons… Even if we don’t agree with them, Childe had his reasons for what he did.”
“Even though he lied to us?” She floated over to the blond to sit on her shoulder. “You have a big heart, Lumine. Paimon can’t forgive him that easily. He’ll need to spend a mil-no a trillion mora on food for us before he can be forgiven.”
“You just want free meals for life.”
“Hmm...maybe.” Lumine laughed quietly as Paimon fell into deep thought.
His entire body hurt. He could barely feel his fingers as they flexed. Even opening his eyes hurt. Looking at an unfamiliar ceiling, one thought ran through his head.
“Why am I alive?”
After the battle with Lumine, that he had lost, he remembered seeing her sword raised for the last blow. In that moment he couldn’t wait to embrace death. Not because he was sorry for his actions. Not because he nearly destroyed Liyue.
It was because of the look Lumine had given him in that moment. Eyes filled with tears and teeth clenched tightly, she looked utterly devastated. He knew his actions would ruin whatever bond they had formed, but he hadn’t prepared for how it would hurt him so much to see her hurting.
He hadn’t guarded his heart as well as he had thought. Somehow, someway she had slipped through his armor. She had slipped past his defenses and settled in his heart.
Forcing his thoughts back to the present, Childe slowly and painfully sat up. From the looks for the room, he had been brought to a healer. Perhaps one of the Fatui agents had found him.
However once he turned to his left, he knew it wasn’t one of the Fatui. Sitting in an uncomfortable chair was Lumine. Her elbow was propped up on the arm rest, and her chin rested on her palm. Eyes closed and mouth slightly open, she was fast asleep. Her disheveled appearance told him she had been there for a long time.
Again he was reminded of the look on her face just at the end of the battle. Yet, she hadn’t finished him like he had thought. Instead she had brought him to a healer.
“...Lumine.” He quietly stood up even as his body protested. Leaning down to eye level, he studied her sleeping face. Dark circles lined her eyes. A bit of drool was forming in the corner of her mouth.
Childe wanted to reach out and touch her, but held himself back. He didn’t have the right.
Moving away, he left the room. Thankfully it seemed no one was around as he snuck to the nearest open window.
Just as he was about to climb out, a familiar voice called him. “You’re just gonna sneak out like that, Chill-day,” Paimon demanded.
Floating right behind him, she had her arms crossed as she gave him her sternest look. Chuckling, Childe slipped into an easy smile. “You caught me. Thought I’d leave before causing a scene.”
She huffed. “Well that’s just rude! After Lumine dragged your body all the way here and begged for someone to heal you, you’re just going to leave. Na-uh! You owe us!”
Scratching the back of his head, he searched on his person. “I don’t have any mora on me. But if I go to the bank I c-“
“Paimon doesn’t want your mora!” She stomped her foot in mid-air. “Paimon thought long and hard about what you can do to make it up to us.”
“Oh?” He tilted his head to the side. He was curious to know what the small creature would demand.
“First, apologize to Zhongli, Liyue and me. Second, apologize to Lumine for hurting her. Third, eternal servitude.” She ticked off each request on her fingers.
“Eternal servitude? Isn’t that a bit much?”
“Um...fine! Ten years of servitude should be good.” She nodded to herself before glaring at him. “If you can’t do that at least don’t run away until you’ve faced Lumine.”
He sighed deeply as the smile dropped from his face. “I don’t think she wants to see me after everything I did. It’s best if I just leave quietly.”
Paimon was not amused. “Lumine cares a lot about you. She was willing to help you even when you tried to kill us. If you care for her like Paimon thinks you do, then you’ll talk to her.”
For once the small creature sounded mature. Childe shook his head and put one foot out the window. “Let me think about it…”
Lumine woke with a snort. Blinking the sleep from her eyes and wiping the drool from her cheek, she looked around the room. She could hear the birds chirping. The empty bed made her stomach drop.
“He’s gone…” She had hoped that if he did wake, he would stay. At least long enough for her to say goodbye.
Leaving the room, she yawned and stretched. The chair had done a number on her back. “Paimon? What are you doing there?”
She was sitting on the ledge of an open window. “Paimon wanted to get some fresh air and thinks you should too.”
“Mhm…guess you’re right. Maybe I’ll walk around town.” Lumine was trying her best to sound normal. Still the fact Childe had left without a word hurt more than when he hit her with an electro attack.
“Paimon thinks you should go to the beach. The nice salt air is good for you.” She pointed to the beach out the window.
Brows drawing together, Lumine glanced out the window. “The beach? I guess I could go there…”
“Great! Paimon’ll be at Wangshu Inn! Their almond tofu is the best!” Floating up, she gave Lumine a wave before quickly flying out the window.
Taking Paimon’s advice, she went to the beach. The scent of the salt waves did calm her down. Just a day ago, the waters had been dark and foreboding. Everything was now calm as if nothing had happened.
Walking along the shore, she picked up a starconch. Inspecting the blue shell, she was about to toss it back in the water when she spotted a mess of orange hair just a bit further down.
Not believing her eyes, she slowly made her way toward the figure. She started picking up her pace as she got closer. She was all but running by the time she was a few feet away from him.
“Childe!” She collided with him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Pressing her face against his back, she felt a sense of relief that he hadn’t left just yet.
“You found me…” He sounded tired.
Pulling away, she took a few steps back so she could look at him. He smiled weakly as he met her golden gaze. “I thought you left.”
“I couldn’t leave just yet.” His eyes flickered away from hers.
She looked down at her feet. She was still clutching the starconch tightly in her hand. “Are you feeling better?”
“Why?” he whispered.
Her head snapped up as she stared at him. “Why what?”
“Why do you care? Why did you save me?” Desperation colored his eyes. He reached for her but stopped and let his arms fall to his side. “After everything that happened, you still saved me. Why?”
Licking her suddenly dry lips, Lumine inspected the starconch closely. “I…didn’t want to leave you. A part of me knew you were using me, but that didn’t stop me from caring about you.”
She held up the starconch. “When we first met, you were all smiles, laughter and jokes. But I quickly learned it was all a mask. Behind that mask, I saw someone who was alone. Someone who craved a connection but was afraid to let himself be vulnerable.”
A dry chuckle left his lips. “You really saw all that? I guess I wasn’t as good at hiding as I thought.”
The corner of her lips twitched. “I’m just good at observing people for a long time. It took me a while to figure you out. And even now I’m not completely sure.”
“You’re mostly correct, which is a feat in itself. You’re a smart girl,” he praised.
Her stomach did an odd flip at his compliment. “W-well what are you planning to do now?” She quickly changed the subject.
Childe tilted his head back to stare at the endless blue sky. “I’m not sure. I doubt I’ll be welcomed back to the Fatui after my failure. Punishment seems more like it…”
Inhaling deeply, she held the starconch out to him. “You could come with us. Paimon and I plan to visit the other countries.”
“Are you sure you want me to come with you? I’m kind of a bad guy.” Yet, he took the starconch from her, inspected it, and placed it in his pocket all the while holding eye contact.
Lumine peered up at him. “It’s okay. I trust you.”
He blinked owlishly at her. “...really?”
“Yes.” Her eyes sparked with determination. “I believe you’re not as bad of a person as you want me to think you are. You’ve done some bad things, but it doesn’t mean you can’t make up for them.”
A slow smile formed on his face. He moved with lightning fast reflexes even as his muscles protested. Leaning over her, he tilted her chin up with one hand and pressed his other against the small of her back.
“You’re very naïve, Lumine. If you’re not careful, I just might take advantage of you again,” he murmured, his lips inches from hers. His hold was loose enough that she could push him away.
His eyes that once held no emotions, were swirling with them. Sorrow, happiness, fear, hope all seemed to clash inside him. He was looking for something from her and she knew what it was.
Her hands grasped at the front of his shirt. “I forgive you.” Three simple words. His body relaxed and he closed space between them.
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cobwebsaint · 5 years
AHHHH YES alright obligatory NSFW warning and link to the original if anybody is compelled to leave some sweet kudos or a comment or anything. The garbage stays under the cut for the sake of your eyeballs and your dash.
[Before we even get into the meat of this mf let it be known I was BULLIED into participating in the Slipknot body fluids garbage trend and I still hate it but god was it all downhill from there. Y’all know who you are. Bitch.]
Corey really did have a hard fucking time shutting up, and it almost always got him in some level of shit. After getting the shit kicked out of him at bars and parties and shows approximately three trillion times, you would have thought he’d learned his lesson. 
He did not. 
[I have never spoken a word that was not true. The Corey Taylor gremlin is just an obnoxious big mouthed creecher. He cannot help thise.]
The man had no off button. He knew it, everybody else knew it— it was just something they all had to live with. Jim especially. Jim signed on for this bullshit every single day.
That was his own fault.
[Ah yes, the birthplace of what is now known as the domestic nightmares AU. I promise I’m actually gonna write it. I have a whole sandbox doc. But point is they’re stupid and they’re gross and they’re boyfriends.]
He was off on some godforsaken tangent again about nothing in particular, which Jim had tuned out a good ten minutes ago. Sometimes he felt a little bad about how easy it’d become to turn Corey to white noise, but then he caught something about what Ted Bundy did right or pounding back all the Kool-Aid at Jonestown (“It’s Flavor-Aid, James.”) and decided it wasn’t such a terrible thing after all. Some things were just better left alone. Letting Corey babble while Jim mindlessly twisted his fingers through his curls was a pretty good option in Jim’s book.
Of course, that was all up until Corey inevitably realized he was being ignored and made it a point to get the spotlight back. 
[In which Jim shares the same emotion towards Corey and his Sagittarius center of attention disease as the rest of us.]
Jim shifted away from the finger that was jabbing him hard in the ribs, pulling a face and looking down at Corey who had propped himself up on his chin, laying on Jim’s stomach. “What’d I do this time? Jesus.”
“You better be thinkin’ about something real fuckin’ important.” 
[Bold of him to assume Jim is experiencing thoughts at all tbh.]
“Oh yeah. Daydreaming about the day you’re finally able to sit and shut up for more than ten seconds.”
[Aren’t we all.]
Corey narrowed his eyes, punching Jim in the side, satisfied with the “Ow!” he earned in response. “You fuckin’ prick. You don’t get to complain.”
“I get to complain the most. Nobody else sitting here listening to you talk about the logistics of having a conjoined twin, y’know. I’ve earned that right fair and square, dude.”
“What, you’re telling me you haven’t thought about how you’d—”
[Just in case you were wondering, (you probably weren’t) the gremlin is thinking about how you’d fuck with a conjoined twin.]
Jim rolled his eyes and shook his head, but he still couldn’t hide the dumb little smirk that wanted to tug at the corners of his lips. “God, what the fuck is wrong with you?” 
Corey started up again and Jim immediately cut him off, reaching over to clap a hand over his mouth. “Ah! Don’t. Just. Shut up.”
[Jim: asks that question
Corey: starts telling his entire life story for the sixtieth time that week]
Corey batted Jim’s hand away, pushed himself up, crawling in close enough to swing a leg over Jim, straddling his hips. He leaned in, probably half a millimeter from Jim’s face, hands planted at either side of his head, curls cascading down around him. He was still pretty even when he was being a bastard and it was total bullshit. 
[You’re just mad your dick won’t you stay mad at him, James.]
“Make me.” 
Jim snorted a laugh. “Just say you want me to choke you out and be done with it.”
“Nah, that’s you. ‘Sit on my dick and strangle me, it’ll be great.”
“Don’t make me out to be the fuckin’ pervert when you’re the one begging me to step on your balls,” Jim retorted, barely even batting an eye. 
Corey sat up a little, leering down at Jim and running his tongue over his teeth. Eventually he just resigned to it. “Fair. But you’re still gross.”
[Points were made. There ain’t no winning here lbr.]
“Mhm. Right.” Jim reached up, threading a hand messy through Corey’s hair to bring him into a kiss. “You done bitching yet? Can I go back to only kinda hearing the crazy shit that comes out of your mouth again?”
“Hell no,” he said, shaking his head for that extra touch of dramatic emphasis. “Do you even know who you’re talking to? If you weren’t the size of a goddamn skyscraper I’d swear you just crawled out of whatever pit you came from.”
“Maybe I’m dumb, but I’m not that dumb. The great big mouth will never be silenced.” Jim giggled, bringing a knee up to knock Corey over beside him. He rolled over, pinning him down instead. “Y’know, except maybe when you’ve got a dick shoved in your face. Still making noise, but at least you’re not fuckin’ talking.”
Corey got a look on his face like he’d just reinvented the wheel, squinting his eyes up in a shit-eating grin, and Kill Bill sirens started going off in Jim’s head. No. Nope. We are under attack. This couldn’t be anything good. 
“Okay, but just consider— AND HEAR ME OUT, OKAY?” Corey cut in, watching the idea of interrupting him again flicker through Jim’s head. “What about two dicks? I bet I could fit two dicks in my mouth.”
Well. Huh. Maybe that did have Jim some sort of interested. He sat back a little, looking Corey up and down. “…You have my attention.”
“Listen, I know this chick and—” 
Jim had to laugh, ‘cause Corey thinking he was actually gonna share had to be the funniest goddamn thing to happen to him all week. He didn’t consider himself the jealous type. Maybe a little possessive sometimes. But he had to keep a tight leash on Corey Todd “Himbo” Taylor. Him being certified Awful was what got them into this mess in the first place. Jim just had a bad habit of catching feelings. Whatever, clearly Corey was more than okay with it.
[Yes I did use the word himbo in this fic and no I do not accept criticism. Also a bit of lore is that Corey essentially annoyed the absolute dick out of Jim until he was about ready to commit a murder all as an elaborate plan to get a date.]
“Nope, try that again.”
“Alright, what about Mick or—”
“Is that supposed to be better?” 
Corey groaned, punching Jim in the shoulder. “Why you gotta ruin all the fun? Can’t a dude get his face fucked and not get a bunch of shit for it?”
“Never said you couldn’t,” Jim mused. “But if you think I’m gonna let anybody else have that kind of satisfaction, you’re dead wrong dude. I’m the only one around here who deserves it. Take it or leave it.” 
Corey cocked his head to the side, staring Jim down like he was supposed to take him seriously. Like Jim didn’t already know the answer. Like he didn’t know that Corey was physically incapable of turning down the chance to get his shit rocked, whether it happened the way he wanted it to or not. 
“Fuck you. Fine.”
[Okay so this WHOLE FIC was deadass prompted by that stupid fucking picture of Corey with his fist shoved in his mouth skdjfg. So I was talking to Marina and I was like. Y’know. I bet he could fit two dicks in there. And I just kinda went buck wild. Jim was supposed to split the little bastard’s lips and shove a dildo in there too but that. Did not happen. Maybe someday.]
Content, Jim rolled off of him, got to his feet, and made a ‘well?’ gesture. Corey didn’t move, instead shooting him a look. A challenge.
Still playing that game. Alright.
Jim reached down, twisting Corey’s hair around his fist and dragging him towards the edge of the bed. “Really gonna be stubborn when you’re the one who’s begging for it?” 
“You want it all for yourself, you’re gonna have to work for it.” 
[Sir that is not how this works.]
Smug little fucker. Corey had put him through the same act at least a billion times now but somehow he still managed to find a way to get Jim to want to smack the ego right out of him. 
Corey slipped off the bed, knees buckling without (a ton of) struggle when Jim pushed him towards the floor. He tilted Corey’s head back, getting a firm grip on his jaw. 
“How you manage to be so cute while being such a pain in the ass still fuckin’ blows my mind, y’know.”
A giggle bubbled up in Corey’s chest. He strained against the hand in his hair, trying to wriggle his way out of Jim’s hold. He knew it wasn’t gonna happen, but hey— couple fingerprint shaped bruises never hurt anyone. 
[I didn’t realize how weird the wording here was until after I posted it ngl. Like. He’s angling Corey’s head back by pulling his hair and holding him there by holding his jaw. Just. To clear that up. I’ve been obsessing over this one little line for months cuz it’s a little weird but I Am Not Changing It.]
“You love it. Wouldn’t have put up with me this long if you didn’t. It’s okay, Peach. You can admit I’m hot shit.”
“Shut up, would you?” Jim tugged back, drawing a surprised noise out of Corey that only served to melt back into a laugh. “Jesus.”
“Come on, don’t be so touchy. I’m right.” Corey slid a hand up the inside of Jim’s thigh, pressing his palm into him and grabbing his already half-hard cock through his sweats. “If I’m not, then explain this away. Pavlov ain’t got shit on me.”
Nah. Nope. That was more than enough out of him. Jim wrenched Corey’s hand away, taking his hands off him just long enough to shove his sweats and boxers down and free his cock. “Open. And hands to your fuckin’ self.”
Thankfully, that was the one thing that Corey didn’t try and fight. He leaned his head back, opened his mouth, and locked his gaze with Jim’s. Stupid pretty blue eyes practically sparkling, knowing damn well he got Jim good. Fuck. Asshole couldn’t turn it off for a second, could he? 
Jim grabbed him, holding him in place as he guided his dick into his mouth. Warm and wet and fucking perfect as always. This little shit was gonna give him a heart attack some day, he just knew it. 
He started off slow, watching Corey melt into it. Eyes fluttering shut, cheeks hollowing out around him, hands clasped behind his back. Tongue laving expertly around the head of Jim’s cock like it was second nature. Hot shit was a stretch, but hot was a different story. 
“Fuck yeah, that’s good,” Jim groaned, hand anchored on the back of Corey’s head as he rolled his hips into his mouth. “All bark and no bite. Think it would be easier to just say you wanna get used like a toy. Least you’re good at it.”
Corey made a pleased noise, leaning into it, taking Jim’s length deeper. He opened his eyes again, looking up at Jim through his lashes and whining softly. A plea for more. More ‘cause he was a greedy little bastard. 
Jim took the cue, snapping his hips forward, tightening his grip. He heard Corey sputter around him a bit, which only served as further encouragement. He fucked into his mouth in quick, deep thrusts, Corey practically going limp before him. The heat, the way Corey pressed his tongue against the underside of his cock, face contorting a bit every time Jim’s dick hit the back of his throat. Jim was already wrapped tight around the axel but god, it was too pretty of a sight to give up this early in the game. 
Even if it was giving Corey exactly what he was trying for— a happy Corey was a quiet Corey.
Or quieter.
When Jim let up to let Corey catch his breath, he probably lost about half his brain cell count. Drool running down his chin, lips pink and swollen, crystal eyes brimming with tears— Corey looked practically ethereal. Like, fuck wings and halos. This was as close to angelic as someone could get and Jim fucking loved it. Shit. 
[He do be pretty tho. Also idk where the sudden religious imagery came from but like. I sure did stick with it huh. Whatever it works.]
Jim dragged his thumb over Corey’s bottom lip, breaking strings of spit that connected with his cock. He hooked his thumb under Corey’s chin, slipping two long fingers in his mouth and pressing down on his tongue. 
Corey closed around them, running his tongue between them before bobbing his head and taking them deeper. He moaned around the digits, shifting on his knees a little like he wanted to buck his hips into something that wasn’t there.
Satisfied, Jim retracted his fingers, rubbing them over Corey’s lips and chin and smearing spit across his face while he caught his breath. Jesus fucking Christ. He was feeling more and more like a ticking time bomb by the minute here, and Corey’s stupid obnoxious pretty blissed out face was doing him no favors. 
[At this point I was like. Hmmm. How many different ways can I ruin this stupid little rat’s entire career. This is really just the everything but the kitchen sink fic.]
No matter how good and perfect and fucked up and fucking slutty he looked down on his knees, taking whatever he was given, that didn’t change a damn thing. He was still the same terrible little demon that Jim knew and loved for some godforsaken reason. 
“‘S that it?” he rasped out, in between heavy breaths he knew he was gonna need to savor.
Nevermind. Jim was gonna kill him. Like, absolutely decimate him. 
He thrust back into Corey’s mouth, finding the same fast pace as before. Haphazardly pulling Corey into it, meeting every rut of hips, making him struggle more this time around. Jim watched him squirm, nails biting into his wrists, but they stayed where they were locked behind his back. 
This was that sweet spot, where Corey felt filthy and used and amazing all wrapped up into one. Sure, he could ask for it, but it wouldn’t be nearly as fun. All the back and forth was part of the game that made the end goal that much sweeter. And yes, he was terrible and loved every minute of bugging the shit out of Jim until he finally snapped. It got him the attention, didn’t it?
[I started to veer off into this sort of perspective shift thing and I didn’t know how I felt about it while I was writing it but honestly I really like how it made the story flow.]
He was worlds away for a while, reduced to nothing more than a hole to be filled while Jim fucked his face. All moans and sloppy wet sounds, soaking up every little sensation— stingy pain of his hair being pulled, jaw starting to ache, cock fucking throbbing and leaking a wet spot into his boxers every time he got the least bit of friction. Jim thought Corey was an angel and this was most definitely heaven. 
Of course, Corey only stayed on cloud nine for so long. Jim hit the back of his throat again, holding him there this time. He only gagged a little at first, tears spilling over onto his cheeks. Corey’s eyes shot open and he whimpered around him, but Jim stayed put.
The second wave was worse, and he finally had to unclasp his hands and bring them up to grip onto Jim’s hips— his sign to let up.
Jim let go and pulled back just in time for a full body wretch to hit Corey. He doubled over, bracing himself on his hands, thick, stringy deepthroat spit dripping from his mouth. He hung his head, breathing hard, and Jim felt his cock twitch. 
[Don’t @ me I had just been subjected to not one but SEVERAL puke fics and I was feeling an emotion okay.]
“Oh fuck me,” Jim said out loud, because Jim was a gross horny fool. 
He knelt down, laying his hand against Corey’s cheek, making him lift his head again. He looked positively ruined. Eyes red, cheeks tear stained, whole mouth wet and well used, the front of his shirt starting to go sheer from all the drool. God, all Jim wanted to do was kiss him.
“Good?” Jim asked, and Corey gave a weak nod. Jim moved in a little closer. “Hey, talk to me. You okay? Need to stop?”
“Yeah, ‘m good,” Corey sighed, leaning his forehead against Jim’s. “Don’t wanna stop, no. Was into it, trust me.” He let go of a gravelly laugh, “Just gimme a minute.”
Jim nodded his head, running his thumb along the curve of Corey’s jaw. “Fuckin’ pretty, y’know.”
[Oh no they’re sweet.]
“Shut up. Don’t just look at me like that. You look dumb.”
Jim rolled his eyes, “You shut up.” He curled his hand around the back of Corey’s neck and closed what little gap was left between them with a kiss. He tasted like cigarettes and salt and skin and it made Jim’s head spin and his stomach do backflips. Which I mean, was definitely due in part to the fact that his dick was cocked and ready to blow like a shotgun straight through the wall next to him. But Corey— the feel of his skin and the taste on his tongue and his weight on top of Jim when he was being dumb and pretty and needy and refusing to be anything less than the center of attention— well, that never helped Jim’s case. 
Soft little whimpers from Corey were muffled into Jim’s mouth, hands sliding around his broad frame and hiking his shirt up so Corey could trace over the curve of Jim’s spine. Little bit of contact, closeness that was lost when it wasn’t Jim balls deep inside of him. This was okay though. More than okay, fucking fantastic. Good to the point that Corey didn’t even try and fight when Jim pulled away. Especially not when he tugged his head back, making him look up at the ceiling as he licked a stripe from the very bottom of his chin, back to his lips. He kissed him again, like he needed to be attached at the mouth to survive, tongue easily gaining entry into Corey’s mouth and pulling more throaty moans from him. 
[Jk they’re still gross and in love.]
It was over all too quickly, Corey making a sound in protest as Jim pulled away from him and rose to his feet again. Jim yanked his head back, catching his lower lip with his thumb, mouth falling open once more. Before the thought even had the chance of passing through Corey’s mind of what the hell— Jim was bent over him, holding him in place as he spit into his mouth. Or rather back into his mouth. 
Oh. Shit. Alright. 
[Again, everything but the kitchen sink here boys.]
Several emotions flashed across Corey’s face before he settled in at acceptance, staring up at Jim with big, glazed over eyes as he towered over him.
“You want more?”
Corey nodded a very enthusiastic yes.
“Gonna be a good boy for me?”
That was met with some hesitation, knit brows and a shrug of the shoulders like he was weighing his options. Jim just shook his head. “If you’re gonna be a shit, then you can do it your damn self now. Prove you deserve it.”
Corey shot him a look, but he didn’t exactly try and argue. Wouldn’t be the first time he sucked a dick to make a point. Definitely not the last either. He sat up on his knees, wrapping his hand around Jim’s length, working him in slow, even strokes as he teased his tongue over the head. Jim about had an aneurysm from the looks of it and Corey couldn’t help but giggle. 
Jim knocked his knuckles against the side of Corey’s face. Not hard enough to hurt, but still enough to make him knock it the fuck off.
Stupid slut. 
[This still makes me giggle. Like you bap a fucking cat on the nose dksgdfj.]
Sucking the tip of Jim’s dick into his mouth, Corey gave a contented hum. He bobbed his head up and down, keeping pace with his hand, Jim lazily tracing his fingertips over the stubble on his cheeks. He mumbled a string of praise— ‘fuck yeah, baby’ and ‘so fucking good’ and ‘shit, just like that.’ Caught up and fucked up all over again. Corey Taylor was a bastard and Jim wasn’t about to give him up for a goddamn thing. 
Corey pulled off of him with a filthy ‘pop,’ wasting little time between then and ducking his head down to tongue at Jim’s balls. For what had to be the billionth time in the past ten minutes, Jim was briefly convinced he was going to leave this earth entirely. It was all he could do, to watch dumbly as Corey worked from left to right, sucking and moaning and swirling his tongue in just the right way to make Jim’s dick visibly twitch in his hand 
“Jesus fuck, baby.”
Jesus fuck, indeed. He was already seeing stars and he still hadn’t come yet. Here he was, giving the incentive of more when his knees were about to buckle. Who’s the jackass now?
[Me: writing oral sucks it’s always awkward and repetitive
Also me: stretches the oral to 5k]
Jim’s head fell back as Corey worked his way back up his length, running his tongue along the underside of it before damn near hilting him on his first try. He choked a little, pulling back to center himself before he tried again. Obscene sounds and lascivious moans filled the air, Jim’s eyes squeezed shut as he focused on the heat burning in the pit of his stomach. All he needed was a minute or two and to watch Corey’s eyes roll back in his skull to be pulled taut and ready to snap at any second. 
“Fuck me, I’m so close. Come on baby, don’t stop. Know you want it too.” Jim’s hand had found its way to the back of Corey’s head again, forcing him further down, finding that perfect rhythm again. Call it a sign of encouragement. Or something. 
Yeah, encouragement.  
Corey worked him as hard as he could, sucking and licking and slurping and swallowing him whole until the vibrations from one final groan around Jim’s cock brought all these sensations to a crescendo. Jim held him down as he came hard, spilling down his throat, swearing and gritting his teeth. Corey nursed him through, sucking him slow as Jim’s arms and legs turned to jello. Watching through his lashes as he tensed and moaned, breathing in sharp, ragged inhales until he finally had to shove Corey away ‘cause shit. 
Jim sighed heavily, pushing his hair back and out of his face, staring down at the stupid cocky look on Corey’s face. Were he able to form a coherent thought, he would have taken his ego down a notch— unfortunately, mentally he was still somewhere off in orbit. Without being entirely aware of his own actions, Jim was grabbing Corey by the collar and getting him back up off his knees. He shoved his hands underneath the hem of his shirt, fingertips studying inches of skin, the hair on his stomach, sides damp with sweat, every bump and imperfection before finally pulling the ratty spit-soaked tee over his head. 
[And to your left, you see Service Top Brain immediately taking control the second Jim no longer has enough brain cells to resist it.]
He pulled Corey to him, hands on his waist as he backed up to the bed, knees giving way when they hit the edge of the mattress. Jim hit the bed and laid back, bringing Corey down with him and directly into a kiss. Strong arms circled around Corey’s frame, bodies pressed snug, mouths melded together as one. Whatever post-nut trance Jim was in, it was perfectly fine by Corey. This was close and safe and comfortable and I mean, with the way Jim was rocking him against his stomach, you weren’t gonna hear much more than the sound of his brain cells popping like balloons ‘cause his dick was taking up all the blood flow. 
[They may be stupid but you gotta admit. They are pretty tender too.]
A high pitched whine that (it was safe to assume) was supposed words fell from Corey’s lips as Jim’s connected with the center of his chest. He had pulled away panting, working his way down— mouthing at Corey’s jaw, nipping at his earlobe, leaving a trail of hickeys down his neck. Maybe it had caught Corey off guard a little, not getting told off for being a shit and all, but any and all attention was welcome here with open arms. 
“Fuck, Jim c’mon,” he barely managed to gasp out. Forming sentences wasn’t about to be the first to go. He had a reputation to uphold here. “Better not start messin’ with me now.”
Teeth clinked against metal, Jim tugging on the ring through his right nipple and ripping all the thoughts straight from his brain for a moment. He swirled his tongue over the hardening flesh before biting down. Corey shivered and bit back a moan, pain radiating through him and twisting up in his gut. Like he wasn’t already prepared to implode as is. “Mother fucking Mary. Now you’re just making it a point to be a dick. Nobody likes a tease, Peach.”
[Also calling Jim peach is Corey’s thing in this universe. It’s gross. And soft. They’re the worst.]
Nothing. Not even an upwards glance. 
Corey wanted to scream. He wanted to slam his fist down on the bed, call Jim some new variant on ‘cunt,’ fight back, take control. But he also really didn’t want this to stop. He was so hard it fucking hurt and Jim had him right in the palm of his hand where he could barely keep his head straight and honestly? He was perfectly fine sitting right there. He was probably just missing some cue. Off by a beat and too whiny and stubborn to realize it. (Which he was. Corey never claimed to be smart. Especially not when his lizard brain was kicked into overdrive and all he could think about was getting split in half.) 
[He’s so STUPID. God. Bratty ass dumbass.]
While the idea was pretty appealing, he couldn’t even begin to collect the agency he’d need for any of that anyway. There was now a hand dangerously high up on his thigh, thumb tracing line where it met his hip, and there was no goddamn way he was gonna be able to focus on anything else. 
So Jim still did want him dead. Cool. 
“God baby, what do you want?” Corey whined, raking his nails over Jim’s chest, watching red marks appear in their wake. “I wasn’t even that bad. Did everything you wanted, barely even gave you shit. What, you want me to get you off again? ‘Cause I can do that. I’ll gladly do that if it gets you to quit fucking dragging me along. I’ll do all the work and fuck you myself if I gotta. Could smash my face into a wall and call me a soul sucking whore for all I care. Jesus Christ, just give me more.”
Jim’s fingertips dipped into the elastic of Corey’s boxers, dragging across the front between his hips, just barely brushing against his cock before the waistband snapped back against his skin. Corey yelped, heels of his palms digging into Jim’s collarbones. He had no doubt Jim was thoroughly enjoying this, but the joke wasn’t all that funny anymore. Wasn’t very funny to begin with, actually. 
“Fuck me, Peach please. Please, I’ll do fucking anything. Just quit doing that.”
Suddenly Corey’s back was against the sheets again, Jim sliding back off the bed to tear his boxers down and toss them in some vague direction (he was only really going for away.) He nudged Corey’s legs apart and kneed back up between them, fingers curling around his cock. Corey’s hips immediately jerked up into the contact and he let out a hiss. Good god, he was so fucking sensitive he wanted to die. He made a noise that sounded more like a sob than anything, grabbing at Jim’s wrist. If he stopped he was going to scream but if he kept it up Corey was about to be launched into space and land on fucking Neptune. 
“Was that really so hard?” Jim questioned, and yeah. Maybe it was. Getting Corey to ask nice instead of being a colossal brat was like pulling teeth from an alligator. Fortunately for Jim, he was currently on a one way flight to the next realm. It was a little harder to keep all that up in the moment. 
Another “please” was all Corey managed— clearly asking for something else, something more— but Jim couldn’t just let him have that. 
“See, now you’re getting the hang of it!”
[Jim: See I can be an asshole too]
Corey snaked his arms around Jim’s neck, pulling him down to eye level. “Is it your goal in life to be a giant fucking pain in the ass?”
[Yes. That and buy a bike.]
“As much as it is yours, baby.” Jim laughed, nuzzling against Corey’s cheek. He mouthed little kisses against his jaw, slowly stroking him, pulling a frustrated growl from somewhere deep in his chest. 
He clawed at Jim’s shoulders, threading his hand through Jim’s hair and tugging back hard. More than anything, he was just trying to keep himself some semblance of centered. It wasn’t working very well. “Fucking hell. More, give me more. Give me your hands.”
Jim lifted his gaze, meeting Corey’s eyes, staring at him blankly. 
The grip around Corey’s cock let up and he groaned again at the loss of friction. It was gonna take next to nothing to make him fall apart. Callused fingers fingers slip up his torso and caught on his bottom lip, still kissed and swollen. “I’ll do that for you, but you might have to remind me how you earned it.”
Corey barely let him finish before he had his lips wrapped around two digits, working his tongue along them. He held onto Jim’s wrist, forcing them back and making himself gag hard. At this point, he didn’t care what it took. Besides, it was either keep his mouth busy or run it anyway. He flashed a look back up at Jim, batting his lashes and making sure to give him a little show before finally pulling off and kissing his fingertips. Is that wasn’t enough, then he didn’t know what the fuck would be.
And thank fucking buddha Jim’s mouth was enveloping his own just a moment later, one of his thighs being pushed back for a better angle and some leverage as Jim’s other hand slid between his legs. Slick fingers pressed against his entrance, drawing a pathetic noise from his throat, his legs twitching in eager anticipation. 
The first eased in, sunk home, and Corey could have sworn he saw the light in that moment. Glitter and gold and pearly gates, fluffy white clouds, and giant fucking bearpaw hands that were holding his entire fucking being in their palms. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to that— Jim being that big. I mean sure, his dick alone could take out a whole city easily, but it was all of him. Limbs and chest and hips and hands. Oh good god, his hands. Say what you want about how dumb and awkward he was otherwise, but he always knew exactly what he was doing with his hands. 
[HE DO BE LANKY AND AWKWARD. Also I still can’t help but think of how weird his hands are. Like they’re so SMALL in proportion to the rest of him but they’re still HUGE. James what the fuck is that shit.]
 Corey moaned into the mouth locked with his own as Jim started to pump in and out of him, the stretch nearly impossible feeling for just one finger. Maybe it was that he was already desperate, ready to burst, that had him so beyond himself. Maybe it was just the fact that Jim knew exactly how to poke and prod to make him start to come apart at the seams. 
He started to relax more, lean into it (or as best as he could with the weight on top of him.) Steady chants of ‘yes, yes, yes, more, fuck’ swarmed around whatever little bubble they’d been encapsulated in. Corey practically had Jim in a chokehold, holding him down as close as he could possibly get, foreheads pressed together. Completely and totally consumed. 
Another finger worked inside him, curling and twisting and scissoring him open, making him flutter around them and writhe to find just the right— 
“There, there. Don’t you dare stop. Holy shit.” Corey cried out, arching up off the mattress, holding onto Jim for dear life. “So fucking good. Feels so fucking good.”
Jim brushed his fingertips against Corey’s walls again, hitting that sweet spot and eliciting another borderline embarrassing moan. “Yeah, that’s it. Not so tough like this, are you? Fight so hard to get what you want and you still come undone for me just the same. Real good when you want to be, y’know.”
Whatever Corey wanted to say came out in an incoherent mumble— something something for you and something something damn lucky. His orgasm was already twisting and burning in the pit of his stomach, and his was still only very loosely tied to this realm. Beyond taken and fucked up and he loved every minute of it. 
[Fighting to the very end, even with fingers in his ass. Just shut up already you stupid slut.]
He couldn’t take his eyes off Jim as he wormed his way out of his grasp, sat back, spread his legs a little wider apart. He leaned down, and Corey was vaguely aware of him spitting before he felt like he was being properly split in two. A third digit joined the other two. God, it was almost too much. Impossibly full and tight and overwhelming, all thanks to James and his inhumanely big hands that were surely going to be Corey’s cause of death here one of these days. 
Corey couldn’t even breathe now, squeaking out another little plea for more, honed in on Jim like a deer in headlights. He knotted his hands up in the sheets, finally able to roll his hips and fuck himself against Jim’s hand without him pinning him in place. The blood rushing through his ears still wasn’t quite loud enough to drown out Jim’s encouragement— “So good, so pretty, look at you, perfect little slut. All mine. Come on baby, let me see you come.” 
That alone was enough to make Corey’s eyes roll back in his head, but one last perfect angle of his hips was what finally sent him over the edge. He came so hard his vision went fuzzy, limbs giving out as he spilled over his stomach and cried out, “Oh god, fuck daddy.”
[THERE IT IS. One of the terrible influences who shall not be named popped into my DMs like “Consider: unnegotiated honorary in a moment of carnal horny and then Jim just straight up CACKLES” and I was like well. Guess That’s Getting Throw In The Pile Too.] 
There was a minute of blank, overwhelmed and far away and completely beyond himself. Jim milked him through it, still working his fingers in and out as the aftershocks made him twitch and whimper, until he started to come back down again. Actually, the only thing that snapped him back to the here and now was realizing that Jim was laughing. Not just laughing, giggling like a goddamn school girl. 
You had to be fucking kidding. 
Corey reached out, attempting to smack him but missing entirely. “Fuck’s so funny?”
“Daddy? Dude. You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kidding right?” Jim dissolved into another fit of laughter, eyes scrunched up in a big grin. 
“Shut up. Shut your fucking mouth now. You don’t get to hold the shit I say when I come against me.” Corey huffed, sitting up on his elbows and trying to scoot away. Unlucky for him, Jim was still big enough to lean over him again and still be eye level. 
He pushed Corey’s hair back, pressing a kiss to his lips with a deep chuckle. “Quit your whining. You alright?”
Corey rolled his eyes, collapsing with a sigh and (albeit begrudgingly) circling his arms around Jim’s neck. “Mmm, peachy. Just shut up and cuddle me, you fucking demon. And you tell no one about that.”
[ANYWAY. This fic took me like three wholeass months or something so I hope it was worth it. There’s also a coinciding playlist that goes with this beast if you click on the AO3 link back at the top. Thank you for reading this disaster.] 
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darthkieduss · 6 years
Reasons I hate Fat Donnie Trump (will update frequently)
#Republican, duh. #Narcissistic Personality Order #He lost the Popular vote. #No previous political experience #Has unrealistic ideas about how to solve America's problems, such as getting Mexico to pay for a wall to keep illegal immigrants out. #Vice President is a crazy fundamentalist Christian homophobic wackjob who thinks electroshock therapy cures homosexuality and can't be alone with a woman without his wife present. #Believes in unscientific ideas such as the idea that vaccines cause autism (I am autistic so this is a bit personal) #Has made comments alluding to sexual harassment. #Can't let any slight go. Even comments made about his sign. Jeez, Obama simply shrugged off the trolls and haters. #Won't stop bitch-tweeting. #Enacted the separation of children from their parents. #Tried to ban trans folks from the military. As long as they serve our country, who cares? #Suspended CNN's press pass after some tough questioning. #Is imposing insanely high tariffs on imported goods, mostly from China. #Supports unconstitutional profiling of Muslims. #Supports killing civilians in war. “We gotta take our their families” WHO THINKS LIKE THIS? #Posted troops on the border just for political advantage in the 2018 mid-terms. #Is a shameless self-promoter. #Can't admit his own faults. #Believes he's qualified for president because he's rich (said this in 2013) #Has passed insane tax cuts for the rich, which only increase America's budget deficit and national debt. TRICKLE-DOWN NEVER WORKS. #Had to be discouraged from invading Venezuela, who hasn't done anything to us and poses no threat to us. #Gets advice from Fox News. #Pulled out the Iran deal which was working. #Thinks that the way to show strength is by being a dick. #Cheated on every one of his wives and lied about it. We impeached Bill Clinton for it. #Has increased the military budget way too much. We spend $664 BILLION on the military. It doesn't need anymore. #Claimed Obama spied on him by wiretapping the Trump towers. Provided no evidence. #When he is criticized for something, he claims “Obama started it...” *facepalm* #LIES ON A CONSTANT BASIS. I think he lies just to see what his fans will believe... #He won't admit he lost the popular vote. He says "If you deduct the illegal voters." Oh please... #Is undoing everything Obama did just because it was Obama that did it. If he could bring back Osama bin Laden, he would. #WORLD LEADERS ARE LAUGHING AT HIM AND US #He has his cabinet kiss his ass on a constant basis. #He committed campaign finance violations during the election. #He fired FBI Director Jimmy the Giant Comey just because he wouldn't swear loyalty to him and was investigating him. That’s Obstruction of Justice. #Attacked former Attorney General Jeff Sessions for not closing the Mueller investigation. #He said he wanted to lower the minimum wage back in 2015. #The infamous "Mexicans are rapists" Comment. #Attacked the late John McCain for being a Prisoner-of-War. #Gave out a Senator's cellphone number out of spite. #Blamed Megyn Kelly's tough questioning on her period. #He said "Bring back torture EVEN IF IT DOESN'T WORK". (2015) ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! #Tried to have his political opponents locked up. #"Jokes" about being president-for-life. If Obama had "joked" about this, the right would've lost their shit. #Threatened martial law in Chicago. #Praised Protestant bigot Norman Peale, who only opposed JFK simply because he was Catholic. #He violated the Presidential Records Act. #One of his tax cuts gave the poor $40, the ultra-rich $940,000 #He appeals to insecure men. #He and Jeff Sessions said it is ok to discriminate against gay people. #Complains about people not respecting the flag, says the guy who molests it. #Wants North Korean-style Military Parades. #Started that Obama birth certificate bullshit... He only said Obama was born in America in 2016...when it was politically-convenient. (*cough* back-pedaling) #He believes women are beneath him. #Doesn't believe in Global Warming. #Wouldn't stop saying interrupting Clinton in the debates. #Has more in common with the criminal Richard Nixon than anyone else. (Edit: He called for an end to investigations like Tricky Dick did in ‘74) #3.2 MILLION Americans lost their health insurance in Trump's first year. #"A terror attack would help me politically bigly." or we could NOT have a terrorist attack, thank you. #Claimed he would've run into a school shooting to confront the shooter without a weapon. BULLSHIT. #His lawyers say "I can't let him testify because he can't stop lying." #His budget obliterated funding for Science, Education, EPA & labor. #He encourages Republicans to break the law. #Tweeted FAKE photos to convince his fans that the border wall is being built. #Has committed obstruction of justice. (Edit: Confirmed by Mueller) #Said he's in favor of bombing civilians. #He had the USAF bomb an antivenom medical facility in Syria. #He said he only received $1 Million from his father. HE GOT $400 Million. ANOTHER LIE. #He makes everything about himself. Even 9/11. Who makes 9/11 about himself? #Claims he's completely immune to lawsuits over constitutional violations. Nixon said that, but it didn't work for him. #He's driving us to another Great Depression. #He threatened to punish the media if they weren't nice to him. #He calls the press "The enemy of the people" when they don't kiss his ass. #He calls Sean Hannity every night. Sean Hannity is a partisan hack who wouldn't turn on a Republican president even if he found out he was using JFK's Eternal Flame to light farts. He’s so far up Trump’s ass he can taste his lunch. #He still uses his private NON-SECURE cell phone, creating HUGE National Security problems. #He admitted his attacks on the media are just to discredit negative stories. #He claims he has the power to pardon himself. NO THE HELL HE DOESN'T. #Giuliani said Trump can't testify because his memory keeps changing. #THE MOST THIN-SKINNED PRESIDENT. #He is against the protections for pre-existing conditions. HE is a pre-existing condition. #When told Kim Jong-Un is a murderer, he responded "He's a tough guy." #He says Americans should obey him like North Koreans are forced at gunpoint to obey Kim Jong-un. #He trusts brutal dictators, but not our closest allies. #He is jealous of Kim Jong-Un's absolute grip on power. #He lied about the German crime rate to justify his immigration policies. #He suggested destroying the Constitution so he can deport immigrants faster. #Authorized USING LETHAL FORCE ON UNARMED MIGRANTS!!! #Lied to the United Nations, saying poverty in America doesn't actually exist. I PERSONALLY know people who are living in poverty. #He issued a gag order to stop government employees from talking to reporters. #He said, on tape, that if Senator Elizabeth Warren proved she was Native American, he would donate $1 million to a charity of her choice. When she did, and someone pointed it out, he said "I didn't say that." Whether or not he’s obligated to pay, he said he would but now he’s saying he didn’t say it. #Says people who criticize him are a threat to America. #His trade wars have cost 100,000+ American jobs. #People who work for him tend to be convicted of crimes... #Makes slanderous lies about us Democrats. #Told German Chancellor she owes him $1 Trillion even though she doesn't him shit. #76% of the claims Trump makes during his rallies are LIES. #He has committed at least NINE impeachable offenses. #He said he believes Russian president Vladimir Putin over OUR OWN intelligence agencies. #He once said in December 2016, "Fuck the law! I don't give a fuck about the law! I want my fucking money!" #Claimed we've won the war on poverty, so let's cut food stamp programs. No we haven't. #He threatened to nuke the economy to spite China. #He said he'd drain the swamp, yet he was 86 lobbyists on his staff. #He thinks everyone else is as stupid as he is. #Corporations are PRAYING that Trump tweets us into a war. #He told a crowd "reality isn't real" so they should ignore it. #Wages have tanked after Trump's wealthy tax cut. #Nixon was guilty as hell and Trump sounds just like him. #He actually claimed you need a Picture ID to buy cereal....CEREAL...WHO IS THIS STUPID?!?! #He claimed people will die if we don't make cars less fuel efficient. #By August 2018 his lie count topped 4,200+. By May 2019, it’s now 10,000+. #His administration is now allowing more toxic asbestos into our daily lives. #His wife plagiarized Michelle Obama in a speech during the election. #He watches tapes of his rallies to marvel at his own "brilliance", if that's what you call it. More like jerking off to himself. #He said military might is more important that jobs. #He said violating ethics rules to meet with Fox news is in "the public's interest" #Discreetly called for Hillary Clinton's assassination by firearm (”Second Amendment people”) if she had won. #Claimed he would ONLY accept the results of the 2016 election IF HE WON. #Said "Let's fucking kill him" of Bashar al-Assad. Yes, Assad is a bad man, but WE DON'T ASSASSINATE PEOPLE. #He said he wants to separate migrants kids from parents INDEFINITELY. #He acted like a total ass on the 2018 9/11 anniversary. #He denies that 3,000+ Puerto Ricans died in Hurricane Maria. #Pentagon officials had to stop Trump from tweeting us into a war. #American taxpayers spent $77 MILLION on Trump's Golf trips. #Criticized Obama for golf trips...has taken more golf trips in 3 years than Obama did in 8. #Said the FBI is a "Cancer to the country". #His administration cut cancer research funding to pay for child prisons. #Puerto Rico won't get statehood simply because they were mean to him. *His administration said Planet is burning down, so let's just ruin it now. *Says he loves North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un. “We fell in love”. *Talked about his dick at the debates. *He is being investigated for tax evasion and fraud. *Hates immigrants, married two Eastern European immigrant, son of a Scottish immigrant and grandson of a German immigrant. *Claimed Iraq War was wrong, yet he has increased troop numbers there. *Compared sexual assault victims to arsonists. #He denied Saudi Arabia financial interests...AFTER bragging about them. #He hasn't condemned Saudi Arabia for their murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. #He mocked decorated Navy SEAL, saying they should've gotten Osama bin Laden sooner. WHAT? #He banned 2 Million Federal workers from discussing his impeachment at work. #He demanded that he leave the G20 during the climate change discussion. #He told about skyrocketing national debt: "I won't be here." when it explodes. #Called a US Senator "The Dick". #*His hush money payments were done ILLEGALLY, with campaign cash. #His cult sent bombs to everyone he criticized. Not saying he's directly responsible but that's how cultist his fans are. #He threatened to bring Saturday Night Live to court simply for making fun of him. Awww poor baby, is someone making fun of you? Good. #Never has a president been under so much investigations except Richard Nixon. #He pulled us out of the Paris agreements. #His 2018 government shutdown lasted 35 days and was over a stupid wall. #He only works 40% of the day. He's the laziest POTUS ever. #He pulled us out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. HE STARTED A NEW COLD WAR. #He won’t release his taxes. If he’s got nothing to hide, why HIDE EM? #He threatened us Democrats, saying he has the support of the police, the military and “Bikers for Trump.” Bikers for Trump=BrownShirts. #Claims that windmill causes cancer and kill birds...Are you fucking kidding me? #His son Donny Douchebag got a crowd to chant “AOC sucks” like the douchebag he is. #Claimed his father was born in Germany. Fred Trump was born in NYC, how stupid can you be to not know where your parents were born... #Claims he should get 2 more years added to his term because those 2 years were “stolen” by the Mueller report. *facepalm-cringe* #He told 4 Progressive non-white Congresswomen to “Go back to where you came from”. 3 of 4 were BORN HERE, YOU FUCKING RACIST #One-uped the “go back to your country” but viciously attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore in a racist Twitter tirade. #Extorted the Ukrainian President to investigate Joe Biden (finally being impeached) #He's always blaming everybody else, complaining, never taking responsibility. #"I inherited a mess." You inherited millions of dollars, you whiny...little...BITCH!
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newstfionline · 3 years
Thursday, May 27, 2021
2020 vote controversy continues (The Hill, American Association for Public Opinion Research) A new Reuters-Ipsos poll released Tuesday reveals that 53% of Republicans think that Trump remains the “true president” of the United States, despite losing to President Biden last year by roughly seven million votes nationally. Even more—61%—believe either strongly or somewhat strongly that the 2020 election was “stolen” from the former president. 56% of Republican respondents said that the election had been marred by illegal voting or “election rigging,” a claim that Trump has made repeatedly for almost seven months since Election Day.
The American parole system is an endless trap (Washington Post) When William Palmer was 17, he put on a ski mask and tried to rob a man—a crime that landed him in prison for three decades. Now 49, he’s out and on parole. He had barely been out of prison a year, and already he’d been back to jail three times for a total of 20 days. That’s because, though Palmer was out of prison, he was now on parole. As such, he had to comply with a state-mandated list of supervisory conditions, along with 31 “special conditions” that had been imposed on him specifically—or risk getting sent to prison again. The conditions affected where he could go, the activities he could join, with whom he could socialize and the amount of privacy he had. In 2018, 1 out of every 58 American adults—roughly 4.4 million people—was under community supervision, the catchall term for probation and parole. The average supervisee must follow 17 standard conditions. If they break any of these, they could be reincarcerated. As Jake Horowitz, director of the Public Safety Performance Project at the Pew Charitable Trusts, explains, “The system is feeding on itself.” Or look to Hamlet, who famously quipped, “There’s the rub”: A supervision system meant to encourage rehabilitation outside of prison often stands in the way of its own goal. And so, people like Palmer end up living in limbo, no longer incarcerated but trapped by a government that doesn’t trust them to be free. “I’m not breaking laws,” Palmer told me. “I’m not hurting people. I’m doing life the best way I can. ... You begin to wonder, ‘Is this what I got out for?’ I thought parole was supposed to help me, and all it’s doing is preventing me from doing the things I was prepared to do.”
George Floyd’s killing sparked a global reckoning (Washington Post) The murder of George Floyd sparked moments of reckoning that reverberated far beyond the United States. The graphic video that captured the Black man’s final moments under the knee of a White police officer on a street in Minneapolis found broad resonance, sparking demonstrations that forced countries to grapple with their own histories of police brutality, racism, inequality and colonial transgressions. The global movement raised expectations for change. Protests in Australia, Brazil, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and elsewhere turned Floyd’s name and some of his final words, “I can’t breathe,” into a rallying cry heard around the world. In the rubble of a ruined building in Syria, artist Aziz Asmar painted Floyd’s face, telling Time that the scene of police brutality thousands of miles away struck a chord with civilians who faced gas attacks. Other murals in tribute to Floyd sprang up in England, Italy, Kenya, Pakistan and the West Bank.
The Central California Town That Keeps Sinking (NYT) In California’s San Joaquin Valley, the farming town of Corcoran has a multimillion-dollar problem. Over the past 14 years, the town has sunk as much as 11.5 feet in some places—enough to swallow the entire first floor of a two-story house and to at times make Corcoran one of the fastest-sinking areas in the country, according to experts with the United States Geological Survey. Subsidence is the technical term for the phenomenon—the slow-motion deflation of land that occurs when large amounts of water are withdrawn from deep underground, causing underlying sediments to fall in on themselves. Each year, Corcoran’s entire 7.47 square miles and its 21,960 residents sink just a little bit, as the soil dips anywhere from a few inches to nearly two feet. The casings of drinking-water wells have been crushed. Flood zones have shifted. The town levee had to be rebuilt at a cost of $10 million—residents’ property tax bills increased roughly $200 a year for three years, a steep price in a place where the median income is $40,000. In Corcoran and other parts of the San Joaquin Valley, the land has gradually but steadily dropped primarily because agricultural companies have for decades pumped underground water to irrigate their crops, according to the U.S.G.S. California Water Science Center.
Countries eager to reopen to travel as pandemic recedes (AP) Countries reliant on tourism are racing to reopen borders and revive economies decimated by the pandemic. The World Travel & Tourism Council estimates that the sector lost nearly $4.5 trillion and 62 million jobs last year. Airlines alone lost $126 billion last year and are on track to lose another $48 billion this year, according to their largest trade group. The rollout of vaccines against COVID-19 is giving government officials in many countries new confidence to welcome visitors. But time is critical. “Summer is a strong season for most markets, particularly Europe and the U.K. We really hope to see restrictions ease,” said Virginia Messina, interim leader of the World Travel & Tourism Council.
Pentagon Accelerates Withdrawal From Afghanistan (NYT) United States troops and their NATO allies intend to be out of Afghanistan by early to mid-July, well ahead of President Biden’s Sept. 11 withdrawal deadline, military officials said, in what has turned into an accelerated ending to America’s longest war. But the race to the exits, which has picked up steam as planeloads of equipment and troops are flown out of the country, leaves the United States grappling with huge unresolved issues that officials had thought they would have more time to figure out. The Pentagon still has not determined how it will combat terrorist threats like Al Qaeda from afar after American troops leave. Nor have top Defense Department officials secured agreement from allies about repositioning American troops in other nearby countries. And administration officials are still grappling with the thorny question of whether American warplanes—most likely armed Reaper drones—will provide air support to Afghan forces to help prevent the country’s cities from falling to the Taliban.
AP Investigation: Myanmar’s junta using bodies to terrorize (AP) Two black pickups speed down an empty city street in Myanmar before coming to a sudden stop. Security forces standing in the back of the trucks begin firing at an oncoming motorbike carrying three young men. The bike swerves, crashing into a gate. More shots are fired as two of the passengers run away, while the third, Kyaw Min Latt, remains on the ground. Moans are heard as officers grab the wounded 17-year-old from the pavement, throwing his limp body into a truck bed before driving off. The incident lasted just over a minute and was captured on a CCTV camera. It is part of a growing trove of photos and videos shared on social media that’s helping expose a brutal crackdown carried out by the junta since the military’s Feb. 1 takeover. An analysis by The Associated Press and the Human Rights Center Investigations Lab at the University of California, Berkeley, identified more than 130 instances where security forces appeared to be using corpses and the bodies of the wounded to create anxiety, uncertainty, and strike fear in the civilian population. Some people have been disappeared or arrested one day and returned dead the next, their corpses mutilated with signs of torture, witnesses confirmed to AP. Though the incidents may seem random and unprovoked—including kids being shot while playing outside their homes—they are actually deliberate and systematic with the goal of demobilizing people and wearing them down, said Nick Cheesman, a researcher at Australian National University, who specializes in the politics of law and policing in Myanmar. “That,” he said, “is exactly the characteristic of state terror.”
In France, Lebanese army chief pleads for help as economic crisis worsens—sources (Reuters) Lebanon’s army chief Joseph Aoun warned France on Wednesday that an economic crisis had put the military on the verge of collapse and Paris offered emergency food and medical aid for troops in hopes of preserving law and order, sources said. France, which has led aid efforts to its former colony, has sought to pressure Lebanon’s squabbling politicians who have failed to agree on a new government and launch reforms to unlock foreign cash. Discontent is brewing among Lebanon’s security forces over a currency crash wiping out most of the value of their salaries. According to three people with knowledge of his visit to Paris, Aoun told senior French officials that the situation was untenable. Two sources said France would provide food and medical supplies for military personnel, whose salaries had fallen five or six fold in value recently, forcing many to take extra jobs. Lebanon’s pound has crashed 90% since late 2019 in a financial meltdown that poses the biggest threat to stability since the 1975-1990 civil war.
A thick blanket of ‘sea snot’ is wreaking havoc on Turkey’s coast (Washington Post) For months, Turkish fishermen in the Sea of Marmara have been running into a problem: They can’t catch fish. That’s because a thick, viscous substance known colloquially as “sea snot” is floating on the water’s surface, clogging up their nets and raising doubts about whether fish found in the inland sea would actually be safe to eat. Scientists say that the unpleasant-looking mucus is not a new phenomenon, but rising water temperatures caused by global warming may be making it worse. Pollution—including agricultural and raw sewage runoff—is also to blame. As the Guardian and numerous Turkish news outlets have reported, high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the Sea of Marmara, situated between the Black and Aegean Seas, are leading to an explosion of the phytoplankton populations that discharge “sea snot.” Though the mucus itself is not necessarily harmful, it can become a host to toxic microorganisms and dangerous bacteria such as E. coli. And when it forms a layer that covers the water’s surface, it can set off a harmful chain of events, preventing fish from being able to breathe, causing mass die-offs, which in turn leads to plummeting oxygen levels that choke other forms of marine life.
Assad Heads for Fourth Term (Foreign Policy) Syria’s presidential election takes place today across government-controlled areas of the country as President Bashar Al-Assad is all but assured of a fourth term. Western countries have already denounced the election. Regardless of its credibility, the vote underscores Assad’s resilience, ten years after the Syrian conflict began with the Arab Spring protests of 2011, and 21 years after he took over from his father Hafez. Today, he presides over a broken country, with much of the land east of the Euphrates controlled by Kurdish fighters, with smaller pockets elsewhere in both Turkish and rebel hands. Assad, along with the two nominal challengers in today’s vote, Abdullah Salloum Abdullah and Mahmoud Ahmad Marie, has vowed to turn around Syria’s economy. The country’s currency has collapsed in recent years. Syria’s pound traded at 47 to one U.S. dollar before the conflict, the ratio is now 4,000 to one. The toll taken on Syria’s population has been severe; 13.4 million Syrians are in need of humanitarian aid, a 20 percent increase on the previous year. Ninety percent of Syrian children are in need of humanitarian assistance, according to UNICEF.
As Gaza fighting ebbs, Israel’s communities eye each other warily (Reuters) Two days after Hamas and Israel began launching rockets and air strikes, Israel’s president called a TV station to plead with his fellow Jews and the country’s Arab minority not to turn on each other over the conflict. “Please stop this madness,” he said on May 12. The communal violence continued. At the end of it two people were killed—an Arab who died after being shot by Jews and a Jewish man who died after Arabs threw rocks at him. The manifestation of tensions that have existed in Israeli society since the country’s birth in 1948 left some questioning whether, even after Gaza-Israel hostilities subsided, inter-communal suspicion could poison relations for years to come. In mixed Jewish-Arab cities like Haifa, Acre, Lod and Jaffa, memories of far-right Israelis shouting “Death to Arabs!” and Arab youths dragging people from cars may take time to fade. For members of Israel’s Arab minority—who account for 21% of the population and are Israeli by citizenship but Palestinian by heritage and culture—it did not come out of the blue. Muslim, Druze or Christian, most are bilingual in Arabic and Hebrew, and many feel a sense of kinship with Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza.
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im-gabriels-bitch · 7 years
Falling Stars
Tags/Warnings: Sabriel fluff, Sam’s just tired, Lots and lots of stars, stars represent angels, maybe some angst???, Sad Gabriel, Comforting Sam
Word Count: 1303
Summary: Today's prompt is stars. Gabriel shows Sam the stars. I meant it to be just fluff, but it turned pretty angsty at the end, so sorry about that. :P
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"Oh Saaaaaaaammyyyyyyyyyyy"
Sam groaned as someone shook him awake in the middle of the night. He rolled over to see his boyfriend Gabriel with a shit-eating grin on his face.
"Wha- Gabriel?" He stuttered, "What the hell? What time is it?"
"2:06 am kiddo. Rise and shine!" Gabriel teased, shaking Sam some more.
"2:06?? What are you doing up at 2 am Gabe?" Sam asked, still very confused.
"Well Samsquatch, one, I don't sleep, and two, I want to show you something!" The archangel explain gleefully, attempted to tug the blankets off Sam. However, Sam was much stronger than he was, so he failed miserably.
"Gabe, can't it wait til morning?" Sam grunted, burrowing back into the blankets.
"In all seriousness, no." Gabriel said, voice suddenly mellowed from it's previously happy tone. Sam turned back and saw the pleading look on Gabriel's face, and finally submitted.
"Ugh ... fine." He sighed, "What is this anyways?" He questioned, and the archangel returned to his giddy state.
"You'll see."
Sam slowly rolled out of bed, throwing on a t-shirt and his slippers, and followed Gabriel through the bunker. The pair traveled through the residence wing, into the war room and up the entryway stairs. When the reached the door, Gabriel came to a halt and turned to Sam.
"Close your eyes kiddo."
"Close your eyes." The archangel asked hopefully, "Please?"
"Alright, I'm not gonna get pied or anything am I?" Sam questioned, still slightly reluctant to be out of bed.
"No, this isn't a trick, I promise." Gabriel assured as Sam gingerly closed his eyes. He opened the bunker door and took his boyfriend's hand and lead them outside. Sam shivered as the cold winter air hit him, but continued to follow Gabriel. He felt Gabriel fly them somewhere, he didn't know where, but soon enough he heard him whisper,
"Open your eyes."
He opened his eyes to find himself standing on the roof of the power plant built over the bunker. However, something was a little off. Even though it was night out, it seemed unnaturally bright. He looked at Gabriel, only to find him with a mischievous grin on his face.
"Look up."
Sam tilted his head towards the sky, and gasped when he saw billions ... no, trillions of glittering stars shining above him.
"Gabe! Look at ... did you do this?? How? I mean, it's n-not possible! What with light pollution, and ... other things?" He stuttered, completely astonished. He'd never seen anything like this in his life, since he was constantly travelling from city to city with his father and Dean.
"Archangel kiddo. I do what I want!" Gabriel smirked, walking up to his dumbfounded boyfriend. "Do you like it?"
"Do I- Of course!! It's amazing! I've never seen anything like it!" Sam continued to babble, "How did you do this?"
"Oh, just sent the entirety of Lebanon into a temporary blackout." He laughed, and Sam turned to him in shock.
"Did you actually?! Good god Gabe, you can't just send entire cities into power-outages! We could get in serious trouble if they figured out you were the cause!" He shouted, but Gabriel just laughed some more.
"Relax Samantha, I'm kidding. I just put up a sort of shield on the sky." He assured, "If anyone else is awake, they're seeing this too!"
Sam let out yet another breathless wow before he continued babbling, "You know, if you put that ... 'shield' up every night, it could help a lot of people! It would be so much easier for scientists in cities to track stars and constellations, and to discover new ones, and-" He was cut off by Gabriel before he could finish his sentence.
"Sam, can we please not talk about science mumbo-jumbo," He chuckled, "and just enjoy the moment?"
Sam laughed a little and kicked himself. "Sure babe, sorry."
Gabriel just laughed back and replied, "Don't worry about it kiddo."
The pair walked over to the edge of the roof and sat with their legs hanging over the edge. Gabriel reclined to lie flat on the roof and Sam soon followed. Soon it was the just the two of them, lying together, gazing at the billions of beautiful stars overhead.
After what seemed like hours, Sam startled and sat up, pointed to the sky.
"Gabe, look! A shooting star!" He cheered, but when he looked the Gabriel for his reaction, what he saw surprised him. Gabriel looked peacefully ... sad. Grief-stricken even.
"Gabe? Gabriel, what's wrong?" He asked, frantically yet collected at the same time. What he heard was completely unexpected.
"An angel just died."
Sam looked at him in disbelief, and soon enough Gabriel kept talking.
"You see Sam, stars represent angels. The really bright ones are more significant angels, like heads of garrisons and such. The darker ones are rebels, like Castiel." He sighed, remember his brother's star once shining bright and proud, now solemn and dull. He continued, "And archangels are constellations. Me, I'm pegasus. Mike is Orion, Lucy is Scorpius and Ralph is Phoenix. Every time an angel gets killed, their star falls out of the sky."
When he finished he was shaking. Sam noticed and promptly pulled the archangel into his arms. He felt Gabriel's chest heave lightly as he let a single tear roll down his cheek.
"Hey ... shhhhhh Gabe. It's okay." He soothed as he stroked Gabriel's back light. He held him until he felt his partner's breathing slow down and begin to pull away lightly.
"It's just ..." He gritted, "recently, angels have been dying off left, right and center. We used to be such a strong species, nothing could get to us, but now we're ... we're going extinct."
"But Gabe, there's so many stars in the sky! Look, there must be trillions up there!" Sam interjected, but Gabriel just shook his head and continued.
"The sky used to be so full of stars it was blinding. Literally, no human would be able to look at it and not go blind." A full body shiver wracked through him, but he still went on, "The worst thing is, I have the power to make more. All the archangels do. I could create more angels and restore them to their former greatness. Only I don't. I hide down here like a damn coward."
He spat the last words and huddled into his bomber jacket, tears streaming down his cheeks once more. Sam moved to pull him into his arms, and held him tightly.
"What the hell is wrong with me Sam?"
Sam took Gabriel's face in his hands, green eyes staring into gold ones.
"There's nothing wrong with you Gabriel." Sam began to plead to the broken archangel, "You're brave, you stood up to Lucifer for us and Kali. Heck, you died protecting us! And you're supportive, you helped Cas create an army and struck down Metatron. You're powerful, clever, smart, willing, generous, kind, and proud. And, you're beautiful, Gabriel. You're the love of my life and I can't live without you."
With that he kissed Gabriel on the lips. It was passionate, but not heated. Long, but not needy. They kissed for what seemed like hours until Gabriel pulled away, smiling weakly.
"T-thank you Sam." He stammered, pulling Sam tighter against him.  
"No need to thank me, love." Sam reassured, pressing kisses into Gabriel's golden hair. For a while there was silence, until Gabriel sighed rather solemnly.
"I'm sorry Sam," He started, "I didn't want tonight to end up like this. I wanted it to be magical and wonderful for you, but I ruined it."
"Hey hey heyheyhey." Sam retorted, "You didn't ruin anything. I'm happy to just cuddle, as long as you are." He smiled, and Gabriel smiled back. They pulled each other impossibly tighter and laid together under a sky full of stars.
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hellostarlight20 · 7 years
I Will...6/10
Ten x Rose Rated T Telepathy (telepathic marriage bond) Angst Fluffy laughter Not exactly a rewrite Dimension Hopping Rose JE fixit Happy ending! Beta’d by the ever fabulous MrsBertucci, without whom this chapter wouldn’t exist AO3 and TSP and on Tumblr Chapter 1 (the corrected!) 2, 3, 4, 5 Part of the The Adventures of Bad Wolf and the TARDIS…and their Doctor series
…find a way
“Mum and Pete are taking little Tony to Broadchurch this weekend,” Rose told him.
“You’re not going?” The Doctor asked, looking at her askance. “Where’s Broadchurch?”
“Little beach town in West Bay, Dorset.” Rose paused then rushed on. “I…I might go. There’s not much left to do at Torchwood with the canon, and Mickey—well, Micks convinced me that spending time with them while I can might be the best thing.”
The Doctor did his very best not to let his jealousy bleed through their link. He tried, really. He gave his success rate as maybe 68%. Rose didn’t hit him but she didn’t look at him, either. No, she kept her head on his chest, fingers running lightly through the hairs covering it.
“How’s his Gran?” He didn’t want to talk about Mickey Smith in their bedroom as they lay in bed, drowsy and content and naked, but they promised never to hold back, not to keep secrets while they were separated.
More than that, he knew something bothered Rose. The Doctor didn’t know if it was their separation, the lack of progress on the cannon, or loneliness.
The same loneliness that choked him and made him contemplate desperate things—like dismantling the dead Daleks in a 1930 New York sewer and using whatever he could from them to punch through the Void. They did it, they broke through and with a few tweaks he could as well. After all, he was far smarter than a Dalek.
He hadn’t. Well, all right, he had dismantled them. He’d taken them apart with cold precision and destroyed the cavern they’d used for their hideous experiments.
But he hadn’t punched through the Void.
The TARDIS somehow alerted Martha who lectured him on destroying the universe and demanded to speak to Rose. Not the first or last time that had happened. And Rose. His beloved, his hearts…
He held her tighter, his own grief and loneliness swelling through him.
Or maybe it was hers.
If asking after a beach trip or Mickey’s Gran helped Rose, then that’s what he’d do. He had to be there for her, even if it was to talk about vacation plans with the family and her best mate. Plans he couldn’t participate in.
“They moved into the mansion. Rita-Ann wasn’t too sure of that, she remembered this world’s Pete and Jackie and, of course, heard all the gossip. Everyone heard about Jackie’s death.” She paused and sighed, and the Doctor ran his fingers through her hair, hoping that small movement, the slight press of his fingers on her scalp, soothed her. “But Mickey convinced her. Best place for her. Best place for all of us. And it’s nice, having Mickey around.”
“So, Broadchurch, eh? Nice place?”
“So I hear. Sleepy little town, but it’ll be nice to get away.”
The Doctor kissed her and tugged her closer to him. He loved telepathic sex with Rose, but he missed touching her physical body as badly as he missed sharing their adventures.
“We’re heading to Cardiff,” the Doctor told her.
Rose rubbed her leg over his, head on his chest, and kissed the spot between his hearts. “Going to refill the TARDIS?”
“She deserves it. Doesn’t need it often, but after being powered down for the three months I hid from the Family and then being caught by the Angels when we were separated...” The Doctor shuddered and tightened his hold on her.
“Almost had to take out a mortgage,” Rose teased. But she kissed him gently and cupped his face. “Whatever would you have done?”
The Doctor caught her gaze and held her hand to his cheek. “Bad enough that flat had curtains.”
“Didn’t have carpets at least.” Rose lay her head back on his chest and held him tight. “And you had Martha. I’m glad she was with you—she’s good.”
“She’s a star, Martha Jones is.”
“Shame we can’t communicate through the watch anymore.” Rose sighed, though he didn’t feel her soft breath on his chest. The loss cut through him. “I miss being a part of your life.”
“You are my life.”
The Doctor swallowed and shuddered, pushing his loneliness and fear as far back into the screaming pit of darkness he carried with him. She didn’t need that. She needed him. His support, his love, his telling her of how he spent his day even if it was wandering through marketplaces with Martha looking for elusive TARDIS parts.
“I don’t need you two ganging up on me again!” He pulled her even closer. He’d give a regeneration for Rose to be in the same universe, galaxy, planet, TARDIS, room with him, she and Martha teasing him.
They were both right when they told him that his plan to evade the family wasn’t his best. Being with Rose in the watch greyed out a portion of their link; in a way it was fantastic, being with her all the time. As if they hadn’t been separated.
However it wasn’t the same, and him being John Smith had killed a lot of people and ruined an entire village. Not to mention how he’d hurt Joan Redfern. And Martha.
“It’s impossible now, without my mind in there. No way to connect the two of you.”
“No, I know. Still, it was nice having a friend…” Rose trailed off and the Doctor looked down at her.
She never talked about it, but then the Doctor knew everything that went on in Rose’s mind. She was lonely in the other universe. Achingly so. Not only because she missed him but because that world treated her like an interloper.
Half of Torchwood thought she was a vacuous daddy’s girl bleeding money from Pete—of course half of the UK thought she was a vacuous daddy’s girl who resurfaced as Pete Tyler’s daughter to bleed him of money.
It didn’t matter how smart she was or how uninterested in money she was. It didn’t matter she donated her Torchwood salary to President Harriet Jones’s charity, Feed the United Kingdom. It also didn’t matter that Jackie made a miraculous return from the dead and that she completely embraced Rose as their daughter. (A convoluted story the Vitex PR department had a hell of a time spinning.)
Other than the handful of dimension canon scientists and technicians assigned to work with her, ostensibly to study the feasibility of interdimensional travel and the impact on the environment, both Earth’s and the universe’s, Rose only spoke with Mickey and Jake. At least she had them, and for that the Doctor had never been more grateful to Mr. Mickey.
“How go the jumper calculations?” He asked, changing the subject.
Rose shrugged. “Still at a standstill. Not because it won’t work,” she amended and kissed where his right heart beat beneath her touch. “You and Mickey both agree on the calculations, which—” she raised her head and glared at him—“I never want to go through again. Had a migraine for a week, I did, having the pair of ya go back and forth on dimensional coordinates verses galactical verses Earth Prime.” She shuddered and scowled. “No, those pinpricks in the Void walls aren’t big enough.”
Neither said those pinpricks might never be big enough for her to jump through. Neither had to. They both knew the risks. For now, it didn’t matter. She’d been trapped a year there, already.
Not enough time for anyone to notice the changes in her. Not yet. But then he hadn’t even realized Bad Wolf changed her to begin with. It’d taken months and months; only after she and the TARDIS merged again to fly the ship to pre-Revolutionary France had either of them realized anything had changed in Rose.
“The TARDIS is still scanning,” he promised. And his amazing ship hummed insistently in his head, promising she was, in fact, looking hard for any way to reunite the three of them.
“I know.” Rose sniffed back tears and the Doctor moved just enough to cradle her face in his hands. To show her, as tenderly as possible, the depth of his love for her.
“Don’t cry, my hearts,” he begged. “Please don’t cry.”
“I miss you.” She looked up and grinned at the ceiling. “I miss you, too, darling.”
The TARDIS preened, but Rose’s voice broke and the Doctor couldn’t even roll his eyes at the pair of them. All he could do was blink back his own tears, his own grief, and hold his wife close.
Clung to her might’ve been a better descriptor.
“We won’t be in Cardiff long,” he told her, kissing her gently. “Any suggestions for our next trip?”
“Have you taken Martha to that asteroid bazar?” Rose wound her arms around his neck and slid her leg over his hip. The Doctor couldn’t feel her tears on his chest and hate that more than he loathed the fact she cried. Unable to say anything around the lump in his own throat, he held her closer. “The one with the eight-foot-tall troubadours in that anti-gravity well?”
“Herschel Asteroid.” He nodded in agreement.
“The one discovered by the first English female astronomer, yeah?”
“Take her there. I think she’ll like it. Lots to see, good ice cream, too.”
They never made it to Herschel Asteroid. They didn’t even last long in Cardiff. The Doctor tried to joke about no one ever expecting Jack Harkness, but it fell flat.
“Hello again.” The Doctor frowned down at the body as Martha raced inside the TARDIS for the medical kit she insisted on keeping handy after a small (very slight) problem with Daivander Stinger Bugs which most definitely was not his fault! “Oh, I’m sorry.”
“Here we go.” Martha pushed him out of the way and knelt beside Jack. “Get out of the way. It’s a bit odd, though. Not very hundred trillion. That coat’s more like World War Two.”
“I think he came with us,” he said and wondered how he could keep this from Rose.
She slept now, he had carefully calculated his and Martha’s trips so he could spend the maximum amount of time with Rose in their telepathic world. Rose needed her sleep, she pushed herself to develop the dimension cannon, and he was loathed to deprive her because he was lonely.
“How do you mean, from Earth?” Martha squinted up at him.
“Friend of mine,” the Doctor was forced to admit. Martha frowned. “Used to travel with me, back in the old days.”
“With Rose?” Martha asked softly.
His gaze jerked from Jack’s body to her, though he really didn’t see Martha. He didn’t see this planet or Jack or even care. He saw the three of them, Team TARDIS Rose had called them. “Yeah. We—before. The other me—we traveled together.”
“Oh.” Martha nodded and the Doctor was suddenly relieved he’d told her about regeneration. Especially since Jack might or might not know about it, and either way this barren land wasn’t the place to describe what happened.
“But he’s—I’m sorry,” Martha whispered. “There’s no heartbeat. There’s nothing. He’s dead.”
Of course Jack wasn’t and when he woke up, he scared ten years off Martha. The Doctor, uncomfortable, sad, and desperately trying to figure out how to tell Rose, couldn’t even grin.
“Nice to meet you, Martha Jones.” Jack winked. The Doctor did roll his eyes then.
“Doctor.” Jack stood and helped Martha up as well.
He tried not to watch Martha as he and Jack exchanged what could only be called forced polite hellos. Not even all that polite.
“Just got to ask. The Battle of Canary Wharf. I saw the list of the dead. It said Rose Tyler.”
His hearts squeezed and for a moment his world stopped. The Doctor frantically reached out for Rose, despite her slumber, and for a moment—a lifetime—held her close. “Oh, no! Sorry, she’s alive.”
Stunned, Jack’s façade fell and his smile bloomed. “You’re kidding!”
“Parallel world.” The words cut through him as surely as any sword. “Safe and sound. And Mickey, and her mother.”
“Oh, yes!” Jack hugged him and the Doctor let him. And for a moment, reveled in the lie. That he could find Rose any time he wanted to. That he could see her whenever the fancy took hold of him—
As simple as crossing a bridge.
“Wait a minute.” Jack pulled back and squinted at him.
“Yes,” Martha said and stood between them, allowing the Doctor distance and he seriously wanted to fall to her feet in gratitude. “Great reunion and all,” she interrupted. “But we’re a hundred trillion years in the future. Let’s explore, eh?”
It wasn’t until they were in the silo, with Jack in the radiation chamber that the Doctor admitted what he knew Jack wanted to know.
“You married her,” Jack said, stunned. “Even knowing—?”
“I—yeah.” He and Rose had only told Jackie about what Bad Wolf had done to her, how opening the Heart of the TARDIS and looking into the Vortex fundamentally altered her, increasing her longevity, her healing, her overall health.
Once it became clear to both of them he couldn’t pilot the TARDIS through the remaining gaps in the Void, Rose finally told Mickey who just nodded and shrugged. “Yeah, that don’t surprise me none,” he’d said and they returned to their cannon work.
“She’s not just in the other universe, Jack.” Each word chipped at what little composure he maintained outside his and Rose’s telepathic bedroom. He hadn’t been in their real, physical, bedroom since losing her. “I can’t reach her. The walls closed after the Time War and it was only because the Cybermen punched through that the gaps opened in the first place. She’s trapped there.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah.” Yeah. He was, too.
“What happened?” Jack asked, and his tone caught the Doctor. Lived through the entirety of the 20th century—yeah, Jack knew all about loss and loneliness. Grief. Even waiting a hundred years to see Rose again, Jack mourned her as if they met for tea only yesterday.
So, the Doctor told him—Bad Wolf, merging with the TARDIS, flying back to save him. Them.
“If you’re married…” Jack let the sentence trail off. “Oh. I’m sorry,” he said again.
“Yeah.” He repeated. “How could I say no to her?” the Doctor whispered. “She was everything to me.” He sniffed, looked away from Jack. “Still is.”
And then all hell broke loose.
The Doctor grabbed Jack’s wrist and flicked through the sonic’s settings as quickly as possible. They needed to leave this place before either the riot reached them, the atmospheric shell dissolved, or the Master decided not to take any chances and return to kill him anyway. Freezing the TARDIS’s controls wouldn’t last long, not on another Time Lord, but the Doctor knew his beloved ship wouldn’t let someone like the Master break into her systems.
They landed hard, with Rose screaming in his head and that sickening feeling of transporting through the Vortex minus a TARDIS making him dizzy. Rose railed at him, fists beating against his chest for not only lying to her about Jack but about her part in his change.
“My hearts.” He grabbed her hands and held her close as she spat at him, tears streaking her beautiful face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t—I couldn’t—”
“There’s no excuse, Doctor,” she said, hard and flat and too silent for anything other than furious anger. “You lied to me after promising me never to do so. After telling me that sharing a bond opened up everything you were to another.”
“I—yes. I did. You’re right, there’s no excuse.” He took a breath, though that did nothing but allow him to taste the air. “I buried it deep, far too deep for you to find, and I did it on purpose.” Jaw clenched, he met her gaze. “And I did it because I’m a coward. I ran from Jack because he’s wrong, time-wise, yes, but you’re right. I could’ve returned.”
“Why didn’t you?” she demanded. “Any time you could’ve said, we traveled for months together before we found out about Bad Wolf—and then for a year or so after that! WHY?”
He ran his hand through is hair—now wasn’t the time for this conversation and he knew it, but he’d lied to his wife, his bond mate.
“I was afraid!” he shouted, more at himself than her. “I’d kept it from you for so long and then I didn’t know how to tell you. I was terrified you’d—” he cut himself off.
Rose crossed her arms over her chest. “That I’d what?”
“That you wouldn’t forgive me for being more concerned over you, over keeping you safe. I was regenerating, Rose, and you’d just looked into the Heart of the TARDIS. Forgive me for being more concerned for you than Jack.”
“And later?”
He swallowed and closed his eyes, the weight of his lies caving his chest inward. “I didn’t know how to tell you. Even when I promised never to keep anything from you, you believed me because it was the truth. By then—by then,” he said softer, “I’d buried Jack and what happened to him so far back I meant every word.”
“The TARDIS is chiming in my head.” She closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tight. Pulling back, Rose kissed him fiercely, hungrily. “We are by no means finished with his, mister.” She pecked his lips and stepped out of his arms. “But do what you need to do to stop the Master.”
“I love you, my hearts.”
Rose nodded. “I know. I love you, too, Doctor, even when I’m furious with you.”
The Doctor opened his eyes and found himself on a street with Jack and Martha—no. Martha wasn’t there.
“Where is she?” he demanded.
“I don’t know,” Jack admitted, looking pale and worried. “The Vortex Manipulators work on multiple people when everyone is holding on, and I know she was.”
The Doctor felt sick—if Martha let go, she could be floating in the Vortex. He had no way of tracking her, no way of finding her if she was lost.
“She’s all right, Doctor.”
“She’s in the TARDIS. We’ll look after her.”
“Rose says Martha is in the TARDIS.” He looked at Jack, who looked confusedly intrigued, and shrugged. “At least she’s safe.”
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spectrumscribe · 7 years
Things change, except they don’t.
Part of my Voltron/TMNT AU, they’ve escaped death by space lasers, but now they’re about to land on an alien planet. Karai’s family life never does get any simpler, does it?
Previous fic. First fic.
There was a pause of relieved silence, when they all exited the wormhole and left the Galra ship behind. Karai breathed out a silent sigh, and let some of her instinctive panic drain away. Whatever had happened to her on that ship, it hadn’t been good, and seeing it again had caused an uncontrollable swell of fear in her.
Karai brushed her bangs out of her face, tucking the shock of white back behind her ear, and got ready to call a sound off of her brothers’ conditions. But before she could-
“I can’t believe we’re in space,” Leo said in a quiet, but definitely excited voice.
There was a beat of silence, and then everyone groaned.
“What? We are!” Leo said, gesturing at the planet their giant apparently semi-sentient lion was flying them towards. “This is incredible, we’re about to land on an alien planet. You can’t tell me none of you are excited about this.”
Karai shook her head, and reached out to muss Leo’s short hair. “I almost forgot, you’re a total space nerd.”
Donnie made a distressed sound, face palming. “We’re billions- probably trillions, if not quadrillions- of light years from earth, stuck in a giant alien robot that may or may not be leading us right to our doom, we have no way home, and oh-” He shoved his tangling, damp hair out of his face. “-I’m still wet. So no, I am not excited, Leo.”
“Well sorry,” Leo said, hunching his shoulders. “I just thought that at least one of you guys would be. We were all training to do this sort of thing.”
“I was only there because Donnie sent the most cryptic email in existence,” Raph said, and Karai could hear her brother rolling his eyes. “I would’ve been perfectly happy just staying on earth.”
“And I quit the garrison,” Mikey added with a shrug. “So I dunno about Karai, but I’m pretty sure none of us want to be here in this mess you got us into, Leo.”
And there was Leo’s responding bristle. “Excuse you, I had nothing to do with this,” Leo said snappishly, trying to turn his head away from flying them to glare at Mikey. Karai grabbed the sides of his head, and forced Leo to remain focused. “This thing has a mind of its own, and I have no control over it taking us down right now.”
“You say that like it’s supposed to be comforting,” Donnie muttered, sparking similarly muttered agreements from Raph and Mikey, and starting off Leo’s irritations again.
Karai clapped her hands together loudly, snapping her four very endearing, but very frustrating siblings’ attentions back to her. “Okay, so we’re going to fight later and land now, alright?” Karai wasn’t really asking a question. That was more so an order. “We’re about to break the stratosphere, so I’d like to think you could all get your collective shits together long enough that we don’t die on an alien planet. Can you all act like reasonable adults until then?” She gave her brothers a stern look each. “That wasn’t a suggestion.”
Her brothers all dropped their eyes away, mumbling yeses and okays, and Karai sighed. Nice to see that even with an enormous and unsettling amount of her memories missing, the year she’d lost hadn’t really changed her family.
Well, maybe a little. She didn’t recall Leo and Mikey fighting quite this much, or Mikey making plans to drop out of pilot training. Or Donnie having more hair than all of them combined. Or earrings.
Raph seemed to have remained the same. Gruff but concerned, as always. That was one thing that Karai could hold onto for some sense of normalcy. Now if Karai’s head would stop throbbing now and then, and she could tone down the awareness of her arm being gone and replaced by alien metal, and she could remember what the hell had happened to her all these months… she’d probably feel better about everything.
Like the fact that they were nearing the planet’s surface, and they still had no control over that. Leo could level them out, prevent their entrance from being at a tilt that made Raph look greenish, but Karai’s brother could turn them back around. Not that there was really anything to go back towards… the stars surrounding them were completely foreign to Karai, and they probably wouldn’t get lucky with a wormhole again.
And then there was the Galra warship bearing down on earth, searching for the lion robot they’d just barely escaped in…
Karai’s head gave a throb, trying to think of the Galra. She didn’t even have context for the ill feeling in her gut, but she very nearly gave a full body shudder at them. Her shoulder ached, and she was still adjusting to how her new arm felt. It was weird, and uncomfortable, but also… something that she felt like she’d had for a while, and only just noticed.
Karai took all those thoughts, and bundled them up for much later. Much, much later. Focus. She needed to focus on making sure her brothers didn’t all get their untrained selves killed. Martial artists they may be, but deep space explorers they were not.
Karai felt Mikey push his way to the front, knocking his elbow against Karai’s side and then Leo’s back of head. Donnie and Raph were pressing themselves to the windows, watching avidly- and with trepidation- as the ground got closer. The two sets of conversations brought a smile to her lips, despite their dire circumstances.
She might not have remembered the year she lost, but she could feel the length of time since she saw them. Her four very rowdy, very stupid, very lovable brothers.
They were a long ways from home, but Karai felt like she’d gotten back a piece of it anyways. Four pieces, in fact. And those four pieces were enough to give her strength to push away the fear for their missing father, and for…
Karai repressed the swell of aching worry, and forced herself to remain present. Drifting off right now would get one or all of her brothers killed, and Karai as well. She needed to be vigilant and at the ready, especially since they tended to attract disaster when they were all together.
Karai sent up a quick prayer that today would be one of the few times they didn’t bring every conceivable disaster onto themselves. Please, for the love of god. There were already so many things going wrong, they didn’t need more.
Karai’s eyes went wide as they flew over a swell of hills, and an enormous structure came into view. The white steeples stood out against the peaceful, rather earth like landscape. Spiraling towers coming straight out of an ocean cliff side, pristine and totally… alien.
That was a pun. Dammnit. Mikey’s old tendency towards puns was still sticking to her; Karai never could fully shake it.
“Is that a castle?” Leo asked, then grumbling as Mikey, Donnie, and Raph all tried to shove their way to the front window. As the three of them did, they nearly squished Karai completely, and she took the elbows and shoulders to her bodily person with a single sigh, and a sense of tired fondness.
Ah, family. That was one thing that never did changed.
Karai repressed a smile, and started to shove her brothers away. Time to whip them into semi-functional order, and see what new problems were waiting for them on the ground.
    First thing Karai noticed as they disembarked was that they could breathe. That was a pleasant occurrence, since there were exactly zero air tanks in the giant space cat.
The next was that the winds were very strong around the seaside castle, and that Donnie clearly regretted taking his hair out of its braid earlier. His long hair got whipped up in the gusts of wind, and flew right around to smack him in the face. His exclamation of dismay and frustration was almost as funny as his flailing to remove the hair from his mouth.
“I swear to god, I’m just going to rip these stupid extensions out,” Donnie half shouted, yanking his hair out of his face. Mikey started snickering, which set off Leo, which set off Raph, and Donnie turned on all of them a ruddy cheeked glare. “Oh yeah, ha fucking ha, laugh at the idiot who put up with this for months because you’re all disconnected assholes. Brilliant plan. I’ll see that you’re plagued by spam mail for the rest of your days.”
“Oh for- Donnie, bend down,” Karai said, shoving a still snickering Mikey out of the way. Donnie turned his embarrassed glare on her, and she stood with her arms crossed. “You heard me. Bend down. We don’t have time for you to fuss with your air, and if you get distracted during a fight you’re screwed. Bend down so I can braid it again.”
Leo coughed something that suspiciously sounded like a joke about hairballs and angry cats, and Donnie shot him a furious look. “I will ruin your online life, Leo,” Donnie hissed. “Don’t tempt me. You know I could.”
Karai snapped her fingers, and resisted the urge to kick the back of Donnie’s knees so he would just bend already. “Bend, Donnie. Or better yet, just get on the ground. You’re too tall for me to do this any other way.”
Donnie grumbled, finally electing to ignore the laughter from their siblings, and knelt down so Karai could reach his hair without cramping her arms.
The black strands were tangled pretty badly, but Karai had been dealing with Shini’s hair for years. She knew how to handle wily long hair, even after exposure to zero gravity and space adventures. Karai gently tugged the hair into order, and set about braiding it into something that would hold up in a fight. If they had more time, she’d suggest cutting it off, but Karai didn’t have any tools with her to do so.
It was weird, feeling but not quite feeling with her metal arm. Only her flesh hand could feel the textures of the hair; her metal one only picked up that something was there and that she was touching it. It was… unsettling. A bit sad as well, since it wasn’t something she could change.
“Hey, Don,” Raph asked suddenly, eyeing the castle warily. “How high are our chances that this is a trap and we’re all about to die?”
“Aren’t you cheery today,” Karai said, tightening the last parts of the braid in her hands. She held out a hand to Mikey, and crooked her finger. “Elastic, please.”
“Astronomically high,” Donnie replied to Raph with a heavy sigh. “And before you ask, the chances of us getting home in one piece, or even at all, are sitting in the negatives right now. We’re hooped and all I can say is that I should have expected this sort of insane ending, dealing with you four.”
“I don’t know, maybe thing will work out,” Leo said, staring up at the lion robot. “I mean, she got us all here, and kept us safe from that battleship, so… I think we’re doing okay? No one’s dead, and no one’s come outside to shoot us or anything. Maybe our luck will hold.”
Raph reached out and smacked Leo’s shoulder. “Well now it won’t, since you went and jinxed us.”
Mikey scoffed at both of them, and produced an elastic from his pockets. Karai knew her brother always had one on him; something to play with in his hands when he got twitchy. “If we all die, it’s on Leo,” Mikey said offhandedly, handing Karai the elastic. “Not me.”
“No one is dying,” Karai said in her most big sisterly voice, the one she always needed to use on her brothers when they were looking to start trouble. She tied off Donnie’s long braid, and patted his head. “There you go, Donnie. All done. And now we go inside and not die, and see what all…” She gestured at the castle. “This is about.”
Donnie stood up, running a hand down the braid now holding his hair back. He gave Karai a small smile, looking down at her with a grateful expression. “Thanks,” Donnie said, dropping the braid and pushing his glasses back up his nose. “It was really starting to annoy me. I don’t know how Shini does it.”
Karai thought about her missing friend, and shook her head at the twinge of pain. “Honestly, I have no idea either. It’s short hair or no hair for me.”
“You’d look pretty badass with a buzz cut,” Mikey commented thoughtfully. “Channel some Furiosa or somethin’.”
Karai scoffed. “I’ll do it when you do it, Mike. See how you look without those curls of yours.”
“I think I’d look damn good,” Mikey replied, tossing his hair dramatically. “Better than you or Leo do, at least.”
“Wow, rude,” Leo said, raising an eyebrow. “At least our hair is military approved; you got three demerits one time just because you couldn’t get your helmet on within a reasonable amount of time.”
Mikey turned on Leo, and looked ready to start yet another catfight between them both, but Raph’s interjection stopped the fight before it could begin. “Can we focus on the alien castle matter?” Raph said, pointing at the imposing structure. “Because that’s still a thing, and just because no one’s shooting us yet doesn’t mean they won’t.”
Right. Castle, aliens, mystery to solve. Fun times.
Karai squared her shoulders, and stood up straight. No more time for sibling banter; they had important things to attend to. “Alright you four, fall in and don’t get lost. The first thing we need to do is find a way in, maybe a side door or-”
The ground rumbled suddenly, and the wide front doors to the castle began to open. The huge hallway revealed inside slowly lit up with torches, coming up as the light of day spilled into the corridor.
“Ooooor we could go through the front door,” Karai said, pursing her lips. She did not like where this was heading.
“We’re all going to die,” Donnie muttered belligerently as they started towards the doorway. “And I have to do while wearing extensions.”
“Cheer up, Donnie,” Karai said, patting her brother’s shoulder. “You look alright now that it’s out of your face.”
Donnie’s responding groan brought an indulgent smile to Karai’s lips once more, and she gave his shoulder an encouraging squeeze. He’d put up with a lot the last while, all for her and their family. The steadfast loyalty and care Donnie gave their family never seemed to falter, even with the fights he and their siblings had on and off over the years. The months using his old pronouns must have been rough, and Karai sympathized with her brother’s troubles.
She’d sit down and spend some time with him later, maybe help get those extensions out. For now though…
Karai steadied herself and her nerves, and led her brothers into the cavernous hallway of the castle. Unsure of who, or what, they’d find there.
Next fic. (pending.)
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ya-boi-hawkeye · 8 years
A mission of peace, to a small village in the Outer Rim. That’s why Martin was there, there with ambassadors from The New Republic. There with his former Master, Master Finn. If Martin was being completely honest, some days he forgot he was a Jedi Knight in his own right, that Master Finn was no longer his master. The village was small, peaceful. Located on the outskirts of a forest, a forest Martin decided to take a walk through, when it became clear that he wasn’t needed at the moment. The air was crisp, cool, the forest well into Autumn, nearing winter, and the cold air stung his lungs as he breathed in, numbed his face as he walked. It was nice, up until a chill ran down his spine at a familiar presence. No, not a chill. More like talons, cold and sharp, raking into his very being. It was an old presence, one he had not felt since… Ren. Ren was here, nearby, and in a split second decision Martin swore to himself that the man would not escape justice again. He hid his Signature and took off running, using The Living Force to guide his way through the trees, to lead him to his prey. Part of him wanted to return to the base, to tell the others. To see Kylo Ren arrested and imprisoned, and sentenced to die for his crimes. But another, greater part of him urged him against this. Told him The New Republic would never execute the man, even with his mother dead. That Ren would simply be imprisoned, and Martin wouldn’t be able to stand the thought of the man living. Not in Republic space. Not where he could reach his mother. Martin exited out into a clearing, at least he assumed it was one. He could feel no trees near him, only sense the grass beneath his feet. And Ren. Bringing a hand up he used The Force to freeze the other man in place, drawing pleasure from the fact that it had been Ren himself who taught Martin this. “Martin,” Ren said, not sounding even the least bit afraid. He sounded at peace, he felt at peace, and damn it all if it wasn’t the most frustrating thing in the galaxy. Ren had found peace, when Martin still would climb into his mother’s bed at night, just to make sure she was still there. He didn’t deserve it, he deserved anything but it. “I always figured you would be the one to kill me.” It was tempting. It was oh so tempting. To just tear the man apart, cell by cell, atom by atom, until nothing remained but a memory. To keep him conscious the whole time, as his very being was shredded into nothing. He wanted to so bad. But then what would Finn say, what would Rey think? Would Master Luke’s spirit look down with sad eyes? Would it truly take away the pain? It wouldn’t change the past, bring back the years he had lost. Bring back the people he had lost. Ren had always seemed a monster in his memories, towering and wild. Now he felt smaller, tamer. His presence was lighter than he remembers, much of the Dark gone, though there was an ugly weight to it. Ren didn’t feel like a monster anymore. He felt like a man. Just a man. Martin found himself not wanting to kill him anymore, yet still there was a rage in him at the injustice of it all. “You’ve been here this whole time,” he said. “After everything you’ve done you’ve been here this whole time, living in peace with the natives? You don’t…you don’t deserve that!” His anger flared, his grip tightened, and Ren let out a small cry of pain. Part of him recoiled, another part cheered. He stood frozen, listening to Ren pant, before speaking again. “You took everything from me,” Martin said. “I can’t sleep at nights because of you. My mother can’t sleep at nights because of you. You murdered Kane and Victory.” He blinked, tears coming to his eyes. “Why should you be allowed to find peace?” “I haven’t,” Ren said simply.
“Nerfshit.” Martin growled. “Don’t you lie to me, not now. Not when I can feel the truth.”
And he could feel the truth. Ren’s entire presence in the Force had settled. It was twisted, ugly, scarred beyond belief but he had lost that hurricane madness that Martin remembered from his nightmares. Martin found himself tempted, tempted to the Dark in a way he’d never been before, and he knew it would be easy. Easy to just give in and end him.
“Your training has come along well.” Ren pointed out, the non-sequitur creating a suitable distraction from his internal turmoil. “I recognize my uncle’s teachings. But it’s more than that, something new… it was Finn, wasn’t it? Who finished training you.”
“I--what? Yes.” It was bizarre, here he was face to face with the creature that had single handedly ruined his life, and they were talking about his training. His kriffin’ training!
“Shut up!” Martin shouted, tightening his hold, feeling the groan of Ren’s ribs. “You don't get to talk to me like you didn't ruin everything you bastard!”
Ren turned his attention to Martin, and he thought absently that he wished he could see his eyes. He had always imagined them to be a cruel, sickly yellow, that the monster had to be a fully realized Sith. Feeling his presence through the Force, though, Martin wondered if it wasn't for the best that he couldn't. He didn't want to look at Ren and see that he was completely human… Martin didn't know that he could stand it.
“What I did to you, your mother, hell everything on Depredador?” Ren’s voice was rough, harsh. “Do you have any idea where it compares in the list of my war crimes?”
Martin didn't answer, didn't know how to, and clenched his fists as he waited for the man to continue.
“It's low. It's low but it still keeps me up at night. So how do you think the big things affect me?” Ren pressed. “You say I'm at peace? I've got a trillion souls pressing down on me, waiting every time I close my eyes. I will never be at peace.”
He let out a harsh, bitter laugh. “I can hear your thoughts, you think I'm evil, some subhuman monster. I wish that was the case, I wish I had half of the apathy you seem to attribute to me. But I don't. And I carry the weight of my sins with me constantly. Every night I go to bed, every morning I wake up…”
And Martin believed him.
He didn’t want to believe him. It would be a lot easier if Ren was lying, if he was as truly evil as Martin remembered. Killing him would be a service to the galaxy, would bring justice to all of his victims. He should do it, should be able to do it without feeling guilt.
But that wasn’t the case. Because he felt guilty. Martin didn’t know if it was the thought of killing Ren, or the thought of spitting in the face of what Master Luke and Master Finn taught him, that made him so hesitant. He couldn’t say, for certain, if he was doing this for justice, or for vengeance, if this would make him just as bad as Ren, or if he’d be doing the right thing.
Did Ren deserve to die?
Yes. That he believed absolutely. It was as he said, the man had committed countless war crimes.
Martin could feel the truth to Ren’s admission though, could feel the weight of the ghosts that haunted him. He couldn’t imagine, having that many lives pressing down on him constantly, clawing at him, it would make death seem like a mercy.
“That was your problem.” He realized, releasing Ren with a sharp exhale. “You feel it. You feel too much. You’re more in tune with the Living Force than you ever wanted to admit, because it meant admitting that you could feel the touch of every single person you’ve killed.”
And he knew his truth; the words rang with it as he spoke.
“But you still turned. You had so many chances to differentiate right from wrong, to walk away, and come back, and you gave yourself more and more to the dark.” He didn’t try to mask his disgust.
Ren’s response was just as telling, a simple “yes,” wheezed out between ragged breaths.
Martin shook his head, turning from the older man. “You wanted me to come here and kill you. I’ve done it before, I’ve taken lives out of self defense, to protect the innocents. It would be simple, you would deserve it.”
“But I wouldn’t.” He shook his head. “I’ve let you haunt me for so long, this horrid, ugly ghost. I’m tired of it. I’m tired of living in fear that you’ll find us again, tired of being chased by some phantom in my nightmares, always left wondering if my freedom was the dream. If I’ll wake up and find my mother back in chains.I’m tired of everything just the memory of you continues to do to me and… and I’m tired of you.”
He turned his back on Ren, something that, even a day ago, should have been impossible. He was tired, tired of letting the man continue to control even some aspect of his life. It wasn’t fair to him; Martin deserved freedom, he deserved happiness, and he deserved a life that wasn’t haunted. Ren didn’t deserve any of that, and it occurred to him that in death he would be absolved of his sins one way or another whether he was cycled back into the Living Force, or if he was taken by the Void.
Martin didn’t know if what he was doing the right thing for the rest of the galaxy, but he did know that he was doing the right thing for himself.
“I don’t need to kill you.” Martin shook his head, “You’re already dead to me.”
Those words, in of themselves, were freeing. It felt like he’d passed some grand, unforeseen test, like a weight had been lifted off of him. It reminded him of the cave on Dagobah, only amplified. He’d gone through this trial and come out scrubbed clean.
He was done.
“You’ve come a long way.” Ren said, “Skywalker would be proud of you.”
Martin hesitated, feeling the shift in the Force, feeling the presence at his side and wondering if Ren could feel it too.
“He is proud of me.” That was that. It was done.
Martin walked away, without feeling even a remote need to look back.
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theguidedarts-old · 7 years
Brithday Story 3: A Horrible Trequel!
This is the one you’ve been waiting for.
Things have been building up in the previous two episodes, so FINALLY we will be getting to the meat of the story. Get ready to chow down. Or not. It’s all up to you after all. 
You just pressed the button, and boom, your spaceship goes zoomy zoom.
[1] Waste Step 1, because you already did what should have taken at least 3590 steps in the introduction.
[2] Think about how nice your writer is for only wasting 1 Step- Oh bloody, she just wasted another step, when will this curse end?
[3] Nobody knows.
[1] Waste Step 1 Again. Oh, okay.
[2] Plot setup: As everyone should know, this is a direct sequel to the Birthday Stories that came before, and is a direct prequel to 4, 5, 6, and all of those. This is also mentioned in another post.
[3] Old Man says something. “Hi” You reply. “Hello.” “Why are we greeting each other, like we just saw each other after weeks of not?”  “Who knows.”
[4] Alright, down to business, you say. Okay.
[5] You walk over to the brand new control panel, and look around you.  You notice there is a sliding door where the door was, and now you notice that where there was a large hole, there is now glass filling said gap. OR something transparent material. 
[6] But.. This thing must be ancient? Like, it looks really old, like maybe one of the temples from that game you once played, or from that other game you played.
[7] Explore this room. There’s not much at all to see here, for now at least.. 
[8] Look out the window again. Now, it would seem you’re in space. You wonder how far away you are from the Old Man’s Island, so you ask him if there’s any way you two would find out.
[9] He looks at the control panel again, which just says, “103.49 KM away from START_POINT.”
[10] Take a closer look at the inputs. There is a screen, with a button. You press the button.
[11] The screen says: “Create new WAYPOINT?: START_POINT”
[12] There is a red and a green button. You press the green one, as you assume that means yes.
[13] The screen says: “WAYPOINT created.”
[14] Tell the Old Man of your achievements. You do this.
[15] The Old Man says, “Okay then, I guess we can go back if we need to then.”
[16] You then see a planet.
[17] Meanwhile: You just brought TWENTY-SIX (26) equally-sized outside of your house, and placed ONE (1) california king mattress in the middle of this icositehexagon, following the steps of a very helpful guide.
[18] You feel very sleepy...  And that mattress just sitting in the center of the icositehexagon... It beckons you. And you give in.
[19] You lay down on the mattress. As you do, you think you see the pillows that formed the shape... Floating. And then the trees and buildings around you going down... No, you’re going up! But you’re too tired to care... This is probably just a hallucination anyway.
[20] Have a very interesting dream. In this dream, you see someone that used to go to your school. You recognize this kid as the person that disappeared just a few months ago, on their birthday, with rocks teleporting around them.
You haven’t seen them in months, and at the same time, this experience is so real. 
You walk up to the edge of some platform you’re standing on, and see differently-colored rubber inflatable platforms, with a leather design on them. 
You don’t know why you know, but you know to jump on them. And you do, and when you get to the other side you have some sort of party.
[21] Wake up. You wake up on your bed, surrounded by pillows. It seems like these pillows created something of a bubble around your bed, protecting you from the spacey-elements. 
[22] Look around the room you’re in. You look around, and it reminds you of the temples of a game you once played, and also of a different game you also played once, or twice, or however many times.
[23] You walk over to a recess in the room, that looks like a sliding door would be there. The door opens, and you see the kid that disappeared months ago, as well as an old man you’ve never seen before but seems familiar.
[24] Back to the main character.  “Wow, look at that planet!” “Yeah, looks pretty interesting.” “Hi.” Says the person you did not know was in the room.
At this point, I’m sure everyone’s confused, so everyone will be named permanently today.
The main character is now named AA,  the Old Man is named OM, and the third person who intruded into the story by doing some ritual will be named CC. Back to the story.
[25] This new person surprises you. AA: Wha- How? CC: Well, so far it looks like I read something on the internet and it told me to place equal-sized pillows on the ground around a California King Mattress and then I felt tired so I went to sleep on it (because it seemed convenient enough) and then I was here. OM: Are you... Serious? How many pillows did you have? CC: Yeah, pretty much. OM: And you’re not offset by any of this? CC: Well, I kinda am, but hey, if you get a California King Mattress and 26 pillows, what do you think would happen? OM: Nothing? CC: Exactly.
[26] Look back at that planet you’re hurling at. You know, that planets getting bigger... and bigger... and bigger. You know, you should probably hit the fancy [STOP] button that the console’s telling you to press.
[27] Press it about 10 seconds before hitting the planet. You forget to specify a time! Everybody dies and it’s your fault for not being direct.
But I’m feeling generous. I’ll give you a second chance to fix your ways and not fail us.
[28] Press it exactly 10 seconds before you hit the planet. Something tells you that you need to specify the time exactly in order to not die. You do this.
[29] Put on your favorite jam. You are sure this song is great. Too bad you can’t hear it yet though.
[30] Question why this song is on your spaceship.  You have no idea, and stop questioning it. It’s not like this could be important at all.
[31] Get a better look at the planet. All of the sudden, the planet gets smaller. You move closer.
[32] Go closer when it gets smaller.
[33] This seems familiar.
[34] Nah, it isn’t familiar. It’s the exact opposite of the similar situation.
[35] You see, You’re fairly sure that this “similar situation” had a rock that was continuously getting larger. Yes, exactly.
[36] The planet gets smaller again! Go faster towards it. Close the distance.
[37] You ram right into the planet, but it’s so small by that point it doesn’t really matter. Right?
No. You idiot. This planet was Earth! You just destroyed Earth! You idiot! You weren’t supposed to go closer! You were supposed to observe as Earth got smaller and smaller until it got larger again, but look closer and realize you could go home but you ruined it and now everything is bad and the whole world is ruined.
[38] You really don’t care. Who’s this person to tell you what you do and don’t care about, anyway? It’s not like you had friends there or something. You have to go back in time to stop yourself from this happening.
[39] Tell the others. They say they heard the voice too, that you aren’t special. What are THEY to say, though, you’re a very special person and you will not let anyone tell you otherwise!
[40] Try to hide the fact that you are secretly guilty for the death of 7 billion people. Only 7 billion? I’ll have you know there at least 1 trillion species (source: https://www.livescience.com/54660-1-trillion-species-on-earth.html, and yes I know what MLA citing is and NO I am not going to waste my time doing it, as according to the plot of this story, Earth just stopped existing in time for me to conveniently not need to bother with MLA citing or any kind of citing other than putting a link there and hoping for the best. After all, it’s not like you’re going to be releasing this comercially, right?) so killing 7 billion people should not matter to you. You didn’t just threaten biodiversity, you ended it entirely. You monster.
[41] Go on a quest to save Earth before it’s destroyed, or something. Now, while we could compact this into one step, and we should, but the rest of this step will be shown in the... (to be continued in maybe the next guide maybe in 20 years.)
[42] Party. You succeeded. Now what? Well, it just so happens after your wonderful adventure, you found the same room that you found in your dream! So you party there.
[43] Take a closer look at the room around you. You’re in one of those kitchen/dining room double packages, from the 1970s or something. The door next to you leads to the path with the platforms that flash in and out of existence.
[44] Eat something. On your adventure, the Old Man, you, and “Couch Cook,” as they are now referring to themselves (they cooked a couch, it’s a long story) are waiting for one of the Old Man’s robot servant things to feed you a meal.
[45] However, you are kind of bored. So you talk to each other. 
[46] You talk about your adventure. However, since you the reader cannot comprehend what they are speaking about (since you were not there to experience it) you cannot hear their conversation.
[47] That or the writer is lazy and wants to get this over with.
[48] Probably, the latter.
[49] Waste the last step on something pointless.
[50] You go back to the temple.
The end.
Goodbye. Just wait for tomorrow, then it’ll make more sense. I guess.
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