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usnewsper-business · 1 year ago
Shell and BP Seek Help to Resolve LNG Trade Dispute, Boost Energy Cooperation #BP #broadertraderelations #diversifyenergysources #energydemands #EuropeanUnion #exemptions #financiallosses #increasedcooperation #liquefiednaturalgasLNGexports #LNGimports #RoyalDutchShell #Russianenergyimports #tariffs #tensions #tradedispute #USLNGexports #USEUenergyrelationship #USEUTaskForceonEnergyandEnvironment
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biglisbonnews · 2 years ago
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Biden approved new drilling on federal lands in Alaska after promising he wouldn't The Biden administration announced its formal approval of a sprawling oil drilling project in Alaska on Monday (March 13), despite campaign promises to ban any future drilling on federal lands. President Biden is also announced new restrictions on offshore oil drilling in Alaska’s North Slope region and across the…Read more... https://qz.com/biden-oil-alaska-drilling-willow-conocophillips-1850221110
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giorgiogostblr · 2 years ago
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@meeting_art_spa ASTA=2880 LOTTO=127 OLIO CASTROL SALVATO NELLA CAPSULA DEL TEMPO PER L'ANNO 6.000 AUCTION=2880 LOT=127 MOTOR OIL SAVED IN THE TIME CAPSULE FOR THE YEAR 6.000 #giorgiogost #museo #museums #museiitaliani #musei #gallery #gallerist #artwork #instagram #instaart #fontana #contemporaryart #contemporary #art #future #vintage #usa #france #nederland #united #unitedkingdom #london #paris #royaldutchshell #mobiloil #castroloil #exxonmobil #valvoline #motuloil https://www.instagram.com/p/CnSJJ6zomqY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nietterugnaarnormaal · 5 years ago
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De oliesector heeft in westerse landen politieke slagkracht verloren. Personeelsleden van fossiele bedrijven raken gedemoraliseerd: vrienden en familie vragen of ze niet voor het verkeerde bedrijf werken. Een bedrijf als Shell heeft last van een burn-out epidemie en het lukt steeds minder goed om jong talent aan te trekken. Daarnaast wordt oliewinning moeilijker en duurder, de concurrentie van duurzame energiebronnen groter, en de ‘social licence to operate’ van de oliesector in het algemeen brokkelt in veel westerse landen steeds verder af. Binnen de olie-industrie begint het door te dringen: de dagen van deze almachtige industrie zijn geteld. Nu zijn daar in het nog jonge 2020 twee gebeurtenissen bij gekomen die de olie-industrie verder naar beneden hebben getrokken en voor altijd zullen veranderen: een prijsoorlog tussen Saudi-Arabië en Rusland, en, natuurlijk, de Corona crisis. Het internationale vliegverkeer is grotendeels stil komen te liggen, over de hele wereld werken mensen thuis (er zijn amper nog files) en de vraag naar olie is in elkaar gezakt Shell hoopt een deel van de klappen op te kunnen vangen met haar lobbyisten. Er wordt in Den Haag en omstreken druk gepleit voor het overeind houden van deze ‘vitale economische sector’ (het woord vitaal is in relatie tot de grote sterfte door het coronavirus uiterst dubieus, in feite gelijk gekaapt). Binnen Nederland gaat het om belastingpauzes, arbeidstijdverkorting en publieke investeringen die de olievraag weer zullen aanjagen. Daarnaast zal er druk worden uitgeoefend om bepaalde klimaatmaatregelen te vertragen of uit te stellen. In andere landen gaat de olie-industrie verder: Belastingkorting, het door de staat inkopen van olie, direct geld of minder afdrachten, het opheffen van controles op milieuvoorschriften of veiligheidsregels. #corona #coronavirus #coronacrisis #shell #shellmustfall #royaldutchshell #systemchangenotclimatechange #graffiti #amsterdamnoord (bij Amsterdam Noord) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAhafeblv-z/?igshid=ge5twl5i8e65
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arons8 · 5 years ago
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Odeeline.com Launching Soon.. To be continued... #investing #wall #wallmart #royaldutchshell #chinanationalpetroleumcorporation #stategridcorporationofchina #exonmobil #berkshirehathaway (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-nKlpbnXCF0gk5vaOp7lLD_LRdc9fBE552P0E0/?igshid=y9z01w3gtkd6
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dcar70 · 5 years ago
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This is a triumph for the #electricvehicle in general. You now have one of the largest petroleum companies deployment charging stations! Go #royaldutchshell #forthewin www.facebook.com/hdlivewire Visit/join and like the fastest growing most influential #harleydavidson #livewire group and page where enthusiasts, owners and riders share experiences, tips and tricks about this #electricmotorcycle #linkinbio for easy page/group access #findyourfreedom #rideon (at Montebello, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-fM4Hvhjg5/?igshid=6cg4crqy78mr
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lidrauniverse · 6 years ago
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Shell Motor Oil Vintage Emblem T-Shirt at @Redbubble from 21€/24$, find it at my gasoil vintage emblems colecction or using the following url : https://www.redbubble.com/people/lidra/works/37961056-royal-dutch-seashell-vintage-emblem-v01?asc=u&body_color=brown&p=t-shirt&rel=carousel&style=mens 
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krenshawkrawdad-blog · 8 years ago
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@shell #chevron #shell #royaldutchshell #shellgas #royaldutchshellgas #gas #chevrongas #gasstations #gasstation #gasstationsigns #gasstationlife #oil #logo #logos #logologo #logoswitch #logomixup #logoswap #logobrand #logogram #logoart #brand #brands #branding #brandname #brandnames #brandnamelover #corporate #corporatebranding #corporatedesign #corporateworld #corporateart #corporateimage
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usnewsper-business · 10 months ago
Shell and BP Seek Help to Resolve LNG Trade Dispute, Boost Energy Cooperation #BP #broadertraderelations #diversifyenergysources #energydemands #EuropeanUnion #exemptions #financiallosses #increasedcooperation #liquefiednaturalgasLNGexports #LNGimports #RoyalDutchShell #Russianenergyimports #tariffs #tensions #tradedispute #USLNGexports #USEUenergyrelationship #USEUTaskForceonEnergyandEnvironment
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biglisbonnews · 2 years ago
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Climate lawyers are suing Shell's directors personally over the oil giant's emissions Activists are finding all kinds of ways to pressure companies to act on climate change. The latest: In the UK, a group of climate lawyers is suing Shell’s directors personally for putting the oil major at risk by refusing to make a better climate change adaptation plan. Read more... https://qz.com/climate-lawyers-are-suing-shells-directors-personally-o-1850092880
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dnekurdi-blog · 7 years ago
له‌مه‌ودا #عێراق پشت به‌ #كرێكاری #خۆماڵی ده‌به‌ستێت
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peterestevez · 7 years ago
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A riveting account of ambition, oil, and greed, Breaking Rockefeller by #PETERBDORAN The life of #JohnDRockefeller and beginning #StandardOil #ExxonMobil and #RoyalDutchShell #amustread #SU #ExO #disrupter #MTP #read #books #readmorebooks
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ct3ch · 7 years ago
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Shell preps for the future with acquisition of EV charging network Royal Dutch Shell (or just Shell, if you're into the whole brevity thing) has already committed…
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news247worldpressposts · 4 years ago
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#Breaking: #RoyalDutchShell swings to loss, takes $16.8 billion impairment Source: Twitter
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biglisbonnews · 2 years ago
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Shell is more serious about share buybacks than renewables Shell’s profits hit a record high of $42.3 billion in 2022—double what it made in 2021, and perhaps the highest profits posted by any British company in history. How Shell spent those profits left little doubt about its priorities: $26 billion went toward dividends and buybacks for its shareholders, an amount 7.4…Read more... https://qz.com/shell-cares-way-more-about-buybacks-than-renewables-1850072118
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giorgiogostblr · 5 years ago
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MOTOR OIL SAVED IN THE TIME CAPSULE FOR THE YEAR 6.000 #giorgiogost #gazprom #gazpromneft #championsleague #agip #amoco #esso #essooil #exxon #exxonmobil #castroloil #castrol #royaldutchshell #shelloil #shellvpower #totaloil #total #bpoil #automotive #bardhal #caltex #f1 #elfoil #elf #fuel #liquimoly #lubrificants #motul #petronas #motogp #motul https://www.instagram.com/p/B9mYl0IIdrr/?igshid=1prckgwcfdeie
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