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cantoghalpon · 11 months ago
Eu cada vez que boto gasoil
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viejospellejos · 1 year ago
Precio del gasoleo en España antes y después de los impuestos:
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metalmerchan · 18 days ago
Si tienes un coche diésel, ojo con esta fecha: entra en vigor la tasa que subirá el gasóleo diez céntimos el litro
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profesor-javaloyes · 1 month ago
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Los combustibles fósiles se ha anatemizado del tal forma que viven un auténtico... calvario.
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12endigital · 7 months ago
La Generalitat compensa al sector pesquero por el aumento del precio del gasoil derivado de la guerra de Ucrania
El conseller de Agricultura, Agua, Ganadería y Pesca, Miguel Barrachina, ha asegurado que constituye una prioridad para el Consell “apoyar al sector pesquero y seguir ayudando con subvenciones para que puedan hacer frente a la situación que están viviendo derivada de la guerra de Ucrania por el incremento del precio del gasoil”. El conseller de Agricultura, Agua, Ganadería y Pesca, Miguel…
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lumina-d · 11 months ago
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Empty city ⛽️
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t-a-f-a-r-i · 1 year ago
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palayeshcood · 2 years ago
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coreforelegal · 2 years ago
Letter of Intent for Jet Fuel & EN590 10ppm
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN We would like to request a Full Corporate Offer from your esteemed company, with full authority, on behalf of our clients.  Please, issue us the FCO/SCO with full pricing, payment terms and specifications. PRODUCT: JETA1FUEL Volume: 5 MILLION BARRELS PER MONTH (1-year contract) DeliveryProcedure– FOB TANK TO TANK Rotterdam PRODUCT: EN 590 10 PPM Volume: 100,000MT PER…
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elinconsistente · 2 years ago
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Cómprele al país. 📸 @clau_marcu #gasoil #surtidoresantiguos #backlight #ypf #surtidorypf #surtidornafta #surtidordenafta #surtidorantiguo #yacimientospetroliferosfiscales #fuelpump #fuelpumps #oldfuelpump #oldfuelpumps #vintage #classicfuelpump #vintagefuelpump #vintagefuelpumps #surtidordecombustible #surtidoresdegasolina #surtidordegasolina #surtidoresdecombustible https://www.instagram.com/p/CQj4MLHAR2g/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Fossil fuel. Combustible fósil.
Word of the week. Palabra de la semana.
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Source / Fuente : Gasolina LETRA (INSTRUMENTAL KARAOKE)
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ernestdescalsartwok · 3 months ago
ENTES-VIDA PROPIA-CENTRAL TERMICA-FIGOLS-ARTE-PINTURA-CERCS-CALENTADORES-GASOIL-DETALLES-OSCURIDAD-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: ENTES-VIDA PROPIA-CENTRAL TERMICA-FIGOLS-ARTE-PINTURA-CERCS-CALENTADORES-GASOIL-DETALLES-OSCURIDAD-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- En la oscuridad de la gran habitación, en la parte de arriba de la antigua y cerrada CENTRAL TERMICA de FÍGOLS y Cercs, dos calentadores de gasoil me contemplan como Entes con Vida Propia, sus ojos me observan con recelo, no vaya a enturbiar su descanso antes de su desparación total, estan condenados a desaparecer convertidos en chatarra, creo han entendido que los amo en su descanso eterno, ellos eran agentes muy activos enla funcionamiento de Central Térmica, ahora son temporales supervientes de la descomposición del lugar. Espero que con mi cariñosa compañía hayan vivido para siempre en mi Pintura que quiere ser documental y histórica. Detalles de los cuadros del artista pintor Ernest Decals, siempre he creído que algunos detalles albergan verdades profundas.
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malibuzz · 6 months ago
Vol de Gasoil chez EDM SA - Décryptage d'une Crise et des Perspectives de Redressement
Le récent volume de 24 bidons de gasoil au sein de la centrale de Balingué met en lumière des problématiques plus profondes concernant la gestion d’Énergie du Mali SA (EDM SA). Alors que l’entreprise est en pleine phase de modernisation, les défis liés à la fraude, à la capacité limitée des infrastructures, et à une demande croissante en énergie s’accumule. Ce vol s’inscrit dans un contexte plus…
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kingonews · 1 year ago
La junte au pouvoir du Niger a décidé de fournir  le Mali, le Burkina Faso et le Togo en gasoil. La décision a été rendu public à travers un communiqué signé du ministre du pétrole en date du lundi 16 octobre 2023. L’autorité ministérielle a instruit le Directeur Général de la société de raffinage de Zinder (SORAZ) de mettre à titre onéreux 10.000 m³ de gasoil à disposition de chacun de ces trois…
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haveyouseenthisskeleton · 8 months ago
How would your skellies react to an S/O who has a green thumb? It seem like every plant S/O takes care of comes back healthier and better.
Undertale Sans - Well that's a good thing because he's a mass plant murderer. You're balancing each other lol. Every plant someone trusted Sans with ended up dying a horrible death somehow, so you're kinda saving the day by somehow reviving them. He doesn't understand how you're doing this. He swears he tried a ton of things and nothing worked. Ok, maybe most of the time he remembers he had to take care of the plant after two weeks to two months, but still.
Undertale Papyrus - He's good with flowers but he's a bit bored with the classic species. He wants cool-looking flowers and you're here to help. After two months, plants turned into a hyperfixation for Papyrus and you're living in a jungle, congratulations.
Underswap Sans - He thinks plants are boring honestly. It does nothing, it doesn't last long either, and it takes so much energy to take care of for only a few days of nice-looking moments. That's your thing, and it will say your thing. He's not patient enough for this.
Underswap Papyrus - Mr "I'm-allergic-to-everything" is not making the task easy for you lol. You're struggling to find plants and flowers that don't make him sneeze all day long. But it's a little victory every time you find something that he tolerates. Honey loves to help. Well, he loves to be included in everything his S/O is doing, but taking care of plants actually makes his anxiety shut up so he's always happy to help a bit.
Underfell Sans - He's doing his best to help but somehow he makes things worse every time he's helping. Like that time he watered your plants with gasoil and only noticed avec the twentieth flower :') He's not doing it on purpose, he's just terrible with plants.
Underfell Papyrus - You two are fighting on which plants to keep inside the house. Edge actually loves plants too, but he loves plants you hate... And you love plants he hates. He waits for you to leave the house to replace the plants, and you're doing the same. It's an eternal war. Maybe someday you'll find one you can agree on.
Horrortale Sans - He actually learns with you. At first, he doesn't show that much interest, but the more you do, the more you notice him staring behind your back. He's a bit clumsy and forgets half of the things he has to do, but it actually keeps him occupied. It actually helps his memory too since he has to water the plant every day, which is training his memory. He thinks it's a really relaxing activity and he would love to do it more often with you.
Horrortale Papyrus - He doesn't have that much of an interest in plants, but he's curious about what his S/O is doing and he's always happy to help if he can. He gladly appreciates your advice on his vegetables though. He had some difficulties growing them in the beginning but you showed him how to improve his fields and he's delighted with the result!
Swapfell Sans - He doesn't have any interest in the activity, but he likes having plants around. It makes his house look even more expensive and he's a material girl so he's really happy. You pretend like you don't see his black-and-white edge lord photos on social media next to your plants lol.
Swapfell Papyrus - I mean, you can do what you want but... Do you really want to have plants in a secluded area where Rus lives? Your plants are living in fear, never knowing if they're going to see the next day. That guy has no limits and can accidentally set the house on fire at least once a week. He's dangerous to all living things, please reconsider.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Wine surprisingly likes to take care of plants too. It was a true shock the first time you discovered that because that skeleton usually hates more things than he likes some. Of course, he will never say it out loud, or show he likes it. But you can sometimes catch him watering the flowers or cutting some disgracious leaves from your plants. He gives you the "what are you even looking at?" kind of look every time you see him though lol.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He saw you cut leaves and he wanted to help! So he cut leaves on all your plants. And by that I mean he cut 75% of each of your plants. When he sees your face, he goes from very proud to kicked puppy in three seconds. Maybe it's best if Coffee stays away from your plants from now on.
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diesfortunae · 5 months ago
Hi guys for a few days I've been brainstorming a fan zone and, besides the guardian, I have quite a lot of things planned.
I don't have a name for it, all I know is that it's cream / tan colored.
Behold, because I will go into a bit of detail.
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I'm still not totally sure about the architecture of the place. It's like a miniature claustrophobic city, if that makes sense. It's littered with advertisements for some sort of beverage... I wonder what it could be?
More below the cut :}
Ok so since you found this interesting enough to read more, let's directly get into the gist of it:
What the hell is gasoil?
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Gasoil is the signature element this zone specializes in, it's their main source of income as they also ship it to other zones, either raw or processed.
When raw, it is used as fuel for machinery and electricity.
When processed, it becomes edible. The every-day beverage of every elsen!
Due to the consumption of gasoil, the elsen of this area are friendlier and extroverted, I'd imagine one of them would greet the Batter when he first steps into the place.
And yes! You read that right! It can be mixed with sugar. However, the elsen of this area are immune to sugar craving, as gasoil breaks down the addictive component of sugar, and also gets sweeter. They don't consume sugar unless with a cup of gasoil.
Gasoil also makes elsen more productive! Truly the beverage of all time, this should be sold everywhere and everyone should consume it immediately OUCH YEOCH MY ARM WHAT THE FUCK
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The last bullet point of that little image was that gasoil is addictive.
Elsen can become addicted to it due to the overconsumption of it, resulting in tachychardia, deliriums, vomiting, etc. Upon dying, these elsen immediately turn into sugar, as their insides are burning.
Rabid elsens are extremely dangerous so please don't approach one ever (thumbsup)
What's the aquarium?
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Whales produce gasoil by absorbing plastic into their spiracles, to then excrete it in the form of raw gasoil. The raw gasoil is then harvested, and either sold raw or processed.
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At the building known simply as "The Aquarium", it's where investigations about the beverage and whales occur. There are groups of people specialized in hunting and breeding these whales to achieve the best quality of gasoil. So far, not much progress has been made.
These seems quite insane and all
But where's the guardian?
This is where my silly drawings end because I have no idea what to do for the guardian, however I do have some other ideas:
(I love writing)
At the beginning, this guardian's plan was to bring out the potential of every man that would step on their land. Fierce like a militar, but caring like a mother. This guardian thought everyone had an ultimate version of themselves that, with a bit of digging, it could be brought out.
However, this guardian didn't really like the performance of their elsen, it saw them as too frail and dependent. With the discovery of gasoil, this guardian saw that the consumption of this beverage would make their elsen more productive in their tasks, however since it was in its raw state, the elsen would fall sick and do even worse after the effect of the beverage wore off.
This guardian then, invested their whole spirit into researching this new element, that could transform men and bring their potential out. Like this, "The Aquarium" was founded. Processed gasoil was invented, and it was perfection in a cup.
Contacting the guardians and signing agreements did really well in the economy of their zone. Zone 1 specially, as it had a lot of the components necessary for elsen to live, in exchange this zone would export gasoil (raw or processed) as well as men, since I don't think Dedan would mind a few more workers.
Zone 3's sugar became important, since it would make gasoil sweeter and friendlier for elsen with a weaker palate.
This zone was simply utopic. Every man had a job that they were comfortable with, with holidays and sick leaves and what not. With a loving guardian and the graph of the economy looking like Mt. Everest, what could possibly go wrong?
The elsen became mad when this guardian decided to put regulations on the consumption of gasoil. The massive production of it made the demand for it weaker, and the only costumers of it would be the elsen of this same area. It was still being exported to other zones though, just not in large quantities.
The guardian had noticed that its elsen were becoming addicted to it, once again dependent on something. The elsen ravaged and rebelled against their governor, wanting an explanation for the sudden cut in their diets and lives.
These manifestations would evolve into threats, and from threats to fights with the guardian. The guardian knew that if they were to answer these attacks it would get significantly worse, and also because they already had certain reputation of being really nice to their men (this would really affect the economy!). It decided to leave and exile themselves in the farthest point of the zone, reflecting on how permissive, and even uncaring, their actions were, thinking that it was their fault that their men became obsessed with it. This wasn't the way they envisioned "bringing someone's full potential out".
This is basically all I have planned lol. Also the way I see spectres in this is that the player would think that the stupid ghosts are interrupting elsen just wanting to do their work and drink their whale water. What the player wouldn't realize is that they're helping their addictions, spectres are beneficial here, and even the guardian will scold The Batter.
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