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ernestdescalsartwok · 1 month ago
ENTES-VIDA PROPIA-CENTRAL TERMICA-FIGOLS-ARTE-PINTURA-CERCS-CALENTADORES-GASOIL-DETALLES-OSCURIDAD-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: ENTES-VIDA PROPIA-CENTRAL TERMICA-FIGOLS-ARTE-PINTURA-CERCS-CALENTADORES-GASOIL-DETALLES-OSCURIDAD-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- En la oscuridad de la gran habitación, en la parte de arriba de la antigua y cerrada CENTRAL TERMICA de FÍGOLS y Cercs, dos calentadores de gasoil me contemplan como Entes con Vida Propia, sus ojos me observan con recelo, no vaya a enturbiar su descanso antes de su desparación total, estan condenados a desaparecer convertidos en chatarra, creo han entendido que los amo en su descanso eterno, ellos eran agentes muy activos enla funcionamiento de Central Térmica, ahora son temporales supervientes de la descomposición del lugar. Espero que con mi cariñosa compañía hayan vivido para siempre en mi Pintura que quiere ser documental y histórica. Detalles de los cuadros del artista pintor Ernest Decals, siempre he creído que algunos detalles albergan verdades profundas.
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minglana · 1 month ago
the catalan last christmas:
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justinspoliticalcorner · 2 months ago
Amanda Marcotte at Salon:
Even by the reality-TV chaos standards of our political moment, this one was a doozy: Pete Hegseth, Donald Trump's nominee to lead the Department of Defense, called out as an "abuser of women" by his own mother in the pages of the New York Times. To be fair, Penelope Hegseth's 2018 email excoriating her son, who was then a Fox News contributor, was not intended for public consumption. But the email, which seems to have been passed around Hegseth's social circle at the time, was leaked to the Times over the weekend. In it, Penelope Hegseth calls her son a man who "belittles, lies, cheats, sleeps around, and uses women for his own power and ego." Pete Hegseth, then 37 years old, was in the midst of his second divorce.
While Penelope Hegseth has since disavowed her 2018 declaration, those accusations were backed up by a New Yorker investigation showcasing years of complaints from colleagues that Hegseth ran his veterans organization in "a hostile and intimidating working environment," where sexual harassment — and even attempted sexual assault — was blown off or blamed on victims. Hegseth himself was characterized as a heavy drinker who "treated the organization funds like they were a personal expense account — for partying, drinking, and using [the organization's] events as little more than opportunities to ‘hook up’ with women on the road." This follows reports that Hegseth was accused of rape in 2017. Criminal charges were not filed, but Hegseth reportedly reached a financial settlement with the alleged victim in exchange for a non-disclosure agreement. 
In the years since, Hegseth — now on his third marriage — has claimed that he rediscovered Christ, saying "faith became real" to him in 2018. He became deeply involved with the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS), moving to Tennessee to enroll his children in a branch of this fundamentalist organization. He also joined the associated denomination, the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches. Both are led by Doug Wilson, an untrained and self-proclaimed pastor who advocates for Christian nationalism and has become famous for his trollish promotion of his far-right political views. At the center of Wilson's philosophy is a misogyny so overt that it's sometimes hard to believe he's serious.  "Wilson holds the most extreme views of women’s submission found in any form of Christianity," Julie Ingersoll, a professor of religious studies at the University of North Florida, told Salon. "Women are taught that submission to their husbands (and other male authorities) is submission to God. Independence of any kind is cast as sin."
[...] While Wilson is focused on sex and discomforting descriptions of what he sees as women's sexual obligations to men, his demeaning attitudes about women expand beyond the bedroom. In a recent video titled "The Natural Use of the Woman," Wilson argues that God designed women "to make the sandwiches" and chastised women who believe "men have a responsibility" to care about the marriage the same way wives do. During the election season, he argued that women's suffrage was a mistake and part of "a long, sustained war on the family." He recommends that husbands who are dissatisfied with a wife's housework skills "call the elders of the church and ask them for a pastoral visit." Stankorb explained that this implies excommunication, "a serious threat for women who have no job or independent income."
Hegseth doesn't just attend a CREC church and send his kids to an ACCS school. He has associated publicly with Wilson's Christian nationalist teachings in multiple ways. Hegseth is a forceful advocate of the ACCS school system and championed Wilson's efforts to fight pandemic restrictions. After being nominated by Trump, Hegseth went on the "CrossPolitic" podcast, hosted by one of Wilson's pastors, and argued that ACCS schools allow Christian nationalists to "build [their] army underground" for an eventual takeover of American society. Hegseth has blamed sexual assault in the military on "equality," claiming that the issue was "exacerbated" by letting women enlist in the first place. This aligns with CREC teachings that male sexuality is ravenous and the tendency to blame victims for "immodesty" when sexual violence happens. If Hegseth is confirmed to lead the Pentagon, Bell predicted he "would not be worried about rape in military circles," because of these views. 
Pete Hegseth’s mother Penelope told him to get some help. Instead, he joined up with Douglas Wilson’s church that is grossly misogynistic and Christian Nationalist.
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guillemelgat · 1 year ago
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Hello everyone, @minglana and I have been working on trying to compile a playlist of all the incredible folktronica-adjacent music coming out the Iberian Peninsula in the past couple of years, and it's finally here and ready for your listening pleasure! Including everything from electro-fado and trance-like muiñeiras to arrangements of 14th century liturgical chants and revamped jotas, and spanning from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, the playlist is roughly ordered by geographical location, starting in Portugal and moving up across the north from Galicia and Asturias through the Basque Country to Aragon and the Catalan Countries, then south to Andalusia and Extremadura. Languages include Portuguese, Galician, Asturian, Basque, Aragonese, Catalan, and Spanish. If there's any artists or song you'd like to see included, let us know and we'll add them!
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thisbibliomaniac · 6 months ago
Trad Guy #1: He's such a simp.
Trad Guy #2: What's a simp?
Trad Guy #1: It's what we call guys who are nice to women, because they're simpletons.
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livelaughlovepedri · 9 months ago
lyon in the final oi this is personal to me
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quatregats · 2 months ago
The Longest Johns have a version of "The Cutty Wren" now which means you all had best be giving that song a proper revival this St Stephen's
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aroaceofthesea · 9 months ago
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Ho faig o no (es una bestie de primaria, no ens hem vist des d fa com 5 anys, lestiu passat em va obrir ella pero al final no ens vam veure)
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tornoaserjo · 8 months ago
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apricior · 2 years ago
i wish more of you knew about spanish culture so you knew what i mean when i say that the oak-garcías are all perroflautas
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ernestdescalsartwok · 2 months ago
CENTRAL TERMICA-FIGOLS-PINTURA-ART-DIPOSITS-OXIGEN-RELIQUIES-FUNCIONAMENT-ENERGIA-ELECTRICA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: CENTRAL TERMICA-FIGOLS-PINTURA-ART-DIPOSITS-OXIGEN-RELIQUIES-FUNCIONAMENT-ENERGIA-ELECTRICA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Reliquias en la abandonada CENTRAL TERMICA de FÍGOLS, antiguos depóritos de oxígeno necesarios para el funcionamiento del centro energético y la generación de energía eléctrica, en la entrañas de la cerrada Central Térmica puedo Pintar estos lugares que forman como bodegones tecnológicos, distintos colores, distintas formas, pero enlazadas entre ellos por las tuberías, preciosos elementos en los vibra el color rojo y el color azul, me encantan los tubos de conexión en un lugar con cierta luz entre la oscuridad. Pintura del artista pintor Ernest Descals sobre papel de 50 x 70 centímetros con la historia y sus piezas concretas, todo ello en una mágica atmósfera de otros tiempos. Obras sobre las minas de carbón del Berguedà, en Cataluya y la generación de electricidad.
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saltcover · 2 years ago
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Putz, como eu nunca subi isto aqui? O dia em que satirizamos um console de videogame - também, com esse formato é bem mais fácil, diferente de um outro que está vindo por aí... rs Nunca tive nenhum dos dois, curiosamente. O único Sega que a nossa família teve foi o Game Gear, no qual tive o privilégio até de jogar Sonic 2, que só cheguei até a terceira fase uma vez. Mas era legal pra caramba. (E dizem que é um dos mais tristes da série, tinha que ser o único que eu mesmo joguei no console original na época....) Sei lá, a Tec Toy me traz muito boas lembranças. Aquela virada de 1989 pra 1990 teria sido muito mais deprê sem eles! Os consoles até tem uma lore própria, que é algo além dos seus próprios jogos, como as caixas com um fundo quadriculado e uma tipografia serifada meio incomum para vender games.
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Ah, espero que os produtos da vida real tenham sido bem mais resistentes que o da marca que nós inventamos, rsrs
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unwelcome-ozian · 2 years ago
CREC Saint-Cyr definition of the enhancement of the combatant under the terms: “Enhancing a soldier is the action of rendering him/her more efficient during military operations by strengthening or optimizing intellectual skills (mental, psychological, cognitive to assist in decision making help or perception) and/or physical abilities (to last), or by letting the soldier acquire new ones (like seeing at night);
Using technological equipment worn by the soldier to enhance performance;
Using non-therapeutic substances or using static dynamic implants (nanomaterials, prostheses) or applying suitable gene therapeutic treatment;
For short or long-term use that can even be irreversible provided its effects are controlled. By efficiency we mean operational efficiency. In other words, an individual’s capacity to achieve results in fulfilling a mission. This definition is intentionally broad in scope and unrestrictive to encompass enhanced performance derived from different techniques.”
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guillemelgat · 1 year ago
Here's another song translation, by Mallorcan band Reïna! Since they're from the Balearic Islands and I don't think I've made a post about that dialect of Catalan I thought this would be an interesting chance to do that as well. But also the song is just really pretty, so I hope you guys enjoy!
Ja m’ha quedat clar que ara vols ser tu es dolent It’s become clear to me that now you want to be the bad guy I que m’escoltes per a no estar tot sol amb es teus pensaments And that you listen to me not to be all alone with your thoughts I que tots es camins que no fèiem encara hi són And that all the roads we never took are still there Tot i que ara semblin més llargs i torts Even though now they seem longer and more twisted
Ja m’ha quedat clar que no tenc clar si t’entenc It’s become clear to me that I’m not clear if I understand you I que te m’acostes per no estar tot sol en es mals moments And that you get close to me not to be all alone in the worst moments I que tot es temps que teníem s’ha fos And that all the time we had has melted Entre es dits que ara semblen més llargs i torts Between fingers that now seem longer and more twisted
[ TORNADA: Ets tan dolç que per dins me mata You’re so sweet that it kills me inside Te tenc tan a prop que sempre m’enrampes I hold you so close that you always give me a shock És tan fort que ja no té importància It’s so much that it doesn’t matter anymore Ets tan dolent que m’arriba a fer gràcia You’re so bad that it’s become funny to me ]
Ja m’ha quedat clar que ara ets tu es dolent It’s become clear to me that now you’re the bad guy I que m’enyores només quan saps que ho has fet malament And that you only miss me when you know you’ve done a bad job I maldament mos enteníem, ara ja no And even though we used to understand each other, we don’t now I d'ençà es dies crec que tornen més llargs i tot And from hereon out I think the days are becoming longer and all
Here are some features of Balearic/Mallorcan Catalan which you can hear in the song:
l'article salat - instead of el/la/els/les it's es/sa/es/ses
different distributions/realization of the neutral vowels - /ə/ can also be pronounced in stressed syllables (generally where you would have /ε/ in Central Catalan) and there's similar vowel reduction to Valencian of /ɔ/ and /o/ to /o/ rather than /u/
Using the pronomial clitics me/te/etc. which in Central Catalan usually only come after the verb before verbs instead of the forms em/et/etc. - also note mos (= ens/nos) which also occurs in lots of other dialects of Catalan
importància and gràcia are pronounced importanci and graci (this is common with a lot of words ending in -cia)
tenc = tinc
maldament = encara que
Bonus: Pronouncing /k/ as palatal /c/ - this is much less common, but the lead singer of Reïna does it which I thought was interesting (in contrast to Maria Jaume who doesn't seem to)
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thisbibliomaniac · 2 months ago
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Some of the most unreasonable ✨ couple behavior ✨ I've ever seen was from this same couple. She brought him home for Christmas, and I went to their family's nye party. A group of us invited the two of them to play taboo with us. They said they would only play if they could be on a team together, which was fine, but in taboo, you're on a team with every alternating person sitting around the table. They said they wouldn't play if they couldn't sit next to each other. Which was fine, but then they couldn't be on the same team. They said they would only play if they could sit next to each other and be on the same team. That's not fine, that's not how the game works. So they refused to play, or even sit with us at all, and sequestered themselves in the corner close-talking all night 😂
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error404vnotfound · 2 years ago
segurament acabaré per traduir el que pengi avui
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