#Roxy's Race Way
theangrycomet-art · 1 year
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Foxy Crew: Concept Poster- Roxy Raceway
I eventually want to draw this out in the art style of the other posters in-game for Security Breach, I've got the idea down at least.
One of Bangle and Bitty's roles, aside from being Foxy's crewmates and right and left hand foxes are to help the other animatronics at their locations when if the animatronic is getting overwhelmed by patrons.
Bangle and Bitty will get sent in-between show times and help lighten the load for them.
This happens with Roxy the most, as one of her big draw in's for the race track is the patrons being able to race her personally. As a side effect, she has the least amount of time to scope her whole area.
Since Bangle and Bitty are also the easiest animatronics to change the outfits on- they have custom uniforms per area. Racing jackets, jazzercise leotards, golfing attire, even space cadet jumpsuits for fazerblast. These serve two purposes- a) to keep Bangle and Bitty from standing out TOO much in an attraction and b) beta test any potential clothes merchandise for the pizzaplex.
(I also now have a Kofi!)
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Anyway. Fun thing while I'm still stuck in brain fog land.
Trans Femme Freddy from a while back. Ya know, Francine Fazbear? Now that I like to give Freddy and Roxy a 'fuck you. FUCK YOU TOO' kind of relationship, there's some new layers to Francine to explore.
My Roxy is trans. She has a fun gender, and she does what she likes. She is not male or female, she's not a man or a woman, she's not a secret third thing, she's just Roxy. That's it. She has problems with the gendered aspects of her body, and if she's able to change that? She's very well supported and is clearly over the moon about it.
She said she liked any pronouns, but still favoured she/her and there was no name change. She didn't want any of that! She's always been Roxy! She just gets to decide what that looks like now! She can be as masc or as femme or as gender neutral as she wants! She will do whatever she wants and still be Roxy! By the time this stuff happens, she's been dealing with this gender stuff for so long, and understandably, kept the majority of her thoughts and feelings about it all to a very close circle of friends. Of which Freddy is not a part of.
Now, if we take Freddy and sail him down the river towards Francine, in my head, I get something that'd be interesting to explore in a fic of sorts.
After Roxy is free to do whatever she wants with her presentation, and makes a few changes to her body she's wanted, it gets Freddy thinking. He's barely seen the tip of the iceberg of her gender related problems, but now that he really thinks about it, the few issues he did see start to make sense. Truth be told, Freddy has always struggled a lot with his own assigned gender, something he's vaguely expressed to Bonnie and Chica, but never said outright. He never let himself wonder what he could be. He never took the time to really consider what he wanted because it would never be possible. There would be no point. All he knows, is that he's not a boy. He's not a man. He's not a dad or a boyfriend either. Those words just don't fit. A lot of things just don't fit, but there's nothing he can do about it.
But Roxy has just shown him something can be done. He's there in the group as she briefly talks about how she feels about it all, saying that she doesn't know exactly how she wants to present, but that she's got ideas for days and she's ready to see what sticks. He's there when she talks about the various attempts to do something like this before (against Fazbear Entertainment's wishes) that have gone South, and even remembers a few of those instances himself. He'd never understood why she did those things and he'd wondered at the time why she clammed up and gone completely quiet when he confronted her about damages, rule breaking or going against the company. Normally, she would have told him straight away why she'd done something. She was always loud and proud but not in the moments she talks about. Now Freddy gets it. For once, Roxy makes sense to him. He gets it.
And he doesn't like it.
He's staring at himself in the mirror. He's worried, he's nervous, and he keeps thinking about how Roxy did it. How Roxy is happier now. How she said she took her time, went slowly with it and had DJ and the Minis he very rarely sees behind her every step of the way. How Roxy has what Freddy wants but not quite.
He tries not to think too hard about it. Convincing himself that it's still not possible. He's Freddy Fazbear! He can't be anything but Freddy Fazbear! That's just how it is! It's not going to change!
But he keeps thinking. The questions keep coming and the answers aren't there. The words 'boy' and 'boyfriend' and 'man' start sticking more. He can see Roxy getting referred to as a boy sometimes, with he/him pronouns, they/them and even some random ones he's never heard of and he's starting to get so fucking jealous and it spikes every time she smiles after someone uses she/her for her. He wants so badly not to be bothered by any of this, but he is and it's starting to hurt when there's someone right there that might have the answers he's looking for... but fucking hellfire does he hate her. He's painfully aware that feeling is mutual.
He can't just go to Roxy. They're not even allowed to be left alone in the same room together after they got into an actual, physical fight a few years back. The tension has dwindled since then, but it's never left. They still fucking hate each other. That will never change, he's sure.
But no one else has the answers. No one else could possibly have the answers. No one else has done it before. He wants to know what he's feeling is okay. He wants to know that there's an option and he needs someone to be there that understands. But he'd rather die than rely on Roxy, and he's sure she'd rather die than help him. He's certain that out of everyone, she'd be the one to turn him away. He's certain she'd use it as her next backhanded compliment, or ammunition in their next sniping match. Why wouldn't she? She uses everything else against him, and he's just as guilty of it, so he won't ask. He won't say a word. He'll watch, he won't be sad, he won't think about it, and he'll occasionally seethe with frustration and envy right beneath the surface.
Until it's just too much.
Freddy was there when some bigotted parent started shouting. That this gender stuff is a game. It's all a money making scheme. It's all nonsense and it's just a phase. They shouldn't be encouraging any of it! Why can't they just be normal about it? It's making kids believe it's okay to throw their lives away because everyone else is doing it! I mean, what's next? Freddina Fazbearella? He says nothing. For the first time in his life, violence feels like the only good response. The thought scares him, and he does nothing.
Roxy steps in. She laughs in their face with all the confidence in the world and says "Lady, gender is a race and I'm winning. Don't be a sore loser now!" and a few minutes of her taking the abuse with a smirk on her face later, they're removed to the sound of applause. Little kids that had barely paid Roxy any attention before were suddenly enamoured. She's not a boy or a girl?? You can just be anything???? Wow!!! That's so cool!!! Suddenly she has a group of little kids, trading dolls and toy trucks and playing a game called Anything where they can be anyone they want. Chica and Sunny are there now, rallying them to play dress up and have fun with who they are and Freddy just watches on in silence. Little boys in dresses are princesses of the castle, little girls are racing trucks with fake moustaches. Two kids swapped names and shirts. They're all encouraged to try everything and find what they want to be and the game is so full of fun and laughter. He leaves when no one is looking. He has a lot to think about. Is it really that easy?
No, he decides. It's not. That's a simplified version for the kids. Roxy didn't teach them about her issues, or walk them through any feelings. She just taught them to be themselves, like she's always done in her own way. Would she do the same for him? He doesn't think so... but that person's words are on loop in his head. He can't just ignore this anymore. What he felt in that moment wasn't who he is, he can't let it go on like this. So he takes the gamble.
He shows up after hours. She's on the roof of her salon playing her keytar. She's not supposed to be up there... A Mini Music Man alerts her that he's there and he remembers she's territorial. She doesn't like anyone walking in after hours unnanounced. Monty's the same. She sets her keytar aside and leaps down. He can already tell she's angry and he wonders for the millionth time today if he's made a mistake. He hears her growling and demanding to know what he's doing on her turf, she barely tolerates him during the day, and he wants to answer 'Nothing. I am sorry to have bothered you.' but he doesn't. For once he can't say a word. He doesn't know where to start. He's frozen and while he wants to back out, he can't move. She gets louder and he notices the Minis have pretty much vanished. Are they scared too...? She gets closer, gets in his face and asks if he's fucked up his ears or something. She jabs at him and he can't keep the impassive mask in place. He expects her to grab him, to drag him out of her territory like she's done a few dozen times before...
Instead, Roxy pauses. She looks him up and down and takes a few steps back with narrowed eyes. She looks around and suddenly looks uneasy. "You're alone." she says. "I am." he answers. She's expecting the worst, he's sure. A death, or something, perhaps. "Why." It's not even a question. It's a command. It kicks something in his head and suddenly five words spill out of him and he turns his head down to glare at the floor and brace himself for whatever her repsonse may be.
"I am not a boy." He'd said. He's not sure if he wants to cry, melt into the floor or just be happy he's finally said it. There's such a long silence. He's never felt afraid to look before.
"You're not...?" She sounds utterly lost and he shakes his head. Why does she sound like that? Does she not know this feeling? He was certain she would! "Okay... so... w-why are you telling me...? Of all people??" she asks. He looks up and she recoils in shock at what must be a mess of emotion on his face, a far cry from the controlled mask he always wears with her. Never before has he felt so exposed and so afraid of what he's doing.
"What do I do?" He feels like he's almost begging. Perhaps he is. He's been ignoring this for so long, he needs an answer. What does he do now?
Roxy's face falls thoughtful. She leaves him waiting for a while, and for once, he's glad she's taking the time to find her words. She sighs and nods to herself. He's left staring in confusion as she turns and walks towards the salon entrance. She looks back at him after he doesn't move and gestures more pointedly for him to follow. And follow he does. Without a word. She takes him into the back, through a door he noticed behind the shelves before, and into the warmly lit tunnel system of play areas he's never really been in before. They sit in a comfy, surprisingly cosy spot and she starts to talk, or more accurately, starts prompting him to talk.
It's awkward. It's difficult. He's never struggled to articulate himself before but he is now. She doesn't just hear him like she always does. She listens. She nods, and offers comparisons so she can clarify what he's saying and it's like she knows and like she gets it. She tells him that nothing will leave this spot that he doesn't want to take with him and while they've never been close and he's never truly taken the time to know her, he knows she'll keep this promise to the bitter end. Like he knows she always does. She answers when he asks about her own experiences, but noticeably keeps it brief to focus on him. A few things suddenly seem obvious to him, while others still make no sense, and she stops him every time he insists he can't be who he feels he truly is. He fumbles a few times, says he shouldn't be telling her this and she just shrugs and tells him this isn't exactly something she thought she'd be doing either, but now that he's here, she wants to do it. He didn't believe her, but he's still here. And so is she, her full attention on him.
He doesn't get an answer to his question. She can't give him that, he's learned. Yet, he leaves Roxy's territory a little lighter than when he went in. He's learned a lot, about himself and Roxy too. He wonders as he walks if maybe Bonnie rubbed off on her just a little bit. Or maybe she's not as bad as he's always believed she was...
And maybe she's right. If gender is a race, then maybe it's about time he got off the starting line.
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Roxy design because I draw her too much. Chica next?????
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Charles jealous and possessive, i love your writing! Smut please!
Expensive Affection || CL 16
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x stripper!reader Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, smut, oral, rough sex, choking, biting WC: 1.8k
F1 Masterlist
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You weren’t even listening to the song as your body fell into the familiar routine and the metal of the pole warmed in your palm as you twirled around it. Cold hands reached from the bar stools lining the stage, their fingers damp from the condensation on the beer bottles they nursed. You plastered a fake smile on your ruby painted lips as they slipped cash into the flimsy thong and helped themself to a grope of your ass despite the keen eyes of the bouncers standing in the wings.
It galled you to dance for these men night after night but living in Monaco wasn’t cheap and it beat working minimum wage. There was one perk to working at the exclusive strip club and he was sitting in the shadows at the back, a bottle of Belvedere Vodka unopened on the table of the large booth he had to himself. 
Charles never came with anyone, not like the other men who brought their friends or business partners, or the girlfriends their wives didn’t know about. He always came alone and he always left alone. But you made sure his time in the club was never lonely.
The song ended as your feet touched back down and you gathered the diamante bra that you had come off during the chorus along with the cash that littered the stage floor before blowing one final kiss to the top tippers and sashaying off so Roxy could take over. You didn’t even make it to the changing rooms behind the stage before a finger snapped your way and Dwight pointed to the dark corridor leading off from it. 
“Room three,” he said as he tapped his watch. “One hour.”
You nodded and rushed into the changing room so you could toss the cash in your locker and change into the red lace babydoll Charles loved so much. With a quick check in the mirror, you reapplied the lipstick that matched the outfit and swapped the thigh high boots for the pair of Louboutins he had gifted you. 
The man had an obsession with red.
Charles was already in the room when you closed the door behind you and you waited for the blinking red light in the corner of the room to stop before either of you spoke. The cameras were supposed to record every second of the private dances but Charles paid enough to ensure his privacy was kept exactly that, private.
You drank in the sight of him, lounging comfortably on the velvet chaise with a crystal tumbler of vodka dangling from his fingers as he swirled the clear liquid around. At some point between leaving the mainstage and arriving here he had tugged his tie from his collar and now the top two buttons were open, teasing you to reach forward and bare even more of his skin.
“You’ve been busy,” you said as you poured yourself a drink and watched him over the rim of the glass. “I was starting to think you weren’t coming back.”
He curled a finger and you stepped closer as he beckoned you to take a seat on his lap. “If that were true, you wouldn’t still have this waiting in your closet for me.” His fingertips teased across the hem of the babydoll across your thighs as his lips whispered the words across your collar before he kissed your racing pulse.
“It was wishful thinking,” you purred as your fingers pulled his shirt from where it tucked into his suit pants. “I missed you.”
“Did you?” He took a deep breath in as he took your glass away, reaching over to place it with his on the table. When he turned back you caught the way his eyes narrowed and he stood up abruptly, turning and caging you beneath him. “It didn’t look that way when you were shaking your ass for those guys out there.”
You bit your lip to stifle your laugh but the corners of your lips still curled up in amusement as he pressed his in a tight line. 
“Something funny?” he dared as he traced a thumb over your ruby lips before his hand trailed down the column of your throat. 
The weight of his body pressed against you and your lips parted with a gasp when the cold metal of his belt buckle touched your clit through the thin lace. “Yes…” you answered as you reached between your bodies and began unbuttoning his shirt. “It’s hilarious actually. I couldn’t give a shit about anyone out there. They can look all they like but there’s only one man who can have me.”
“I hate that they see what’s mine,” he growled before he crushed his lips to yours, his tongue dominating yours as his fingers tightened enough to remind you of their controlled strength. He bit your lip enough to draw a surprised yelp from your lungs before he tore the babydoll open and roughly palmed your breasts. “I hate that I have to share these with those fuckers.” 
He pinched one nipple and rolled it between his fingers as his mouth sealed over the other, sucking it to a stiff peak before dropping to his knees on the plush carpet. “Who do you belong to?” he asked as he spread your legs and bit the soft skin at your inner thigh. 
“Ah, Charles!” you cried out but the pain quickly turned to molten fire that ignited your core. 
“That’s right,” he chuckled against your skin before licking your pussy through the lace that was already damp with your arousal. He hummed deeply as he tasted you before pushing the thong aside so he could devour you completely. “You belong to me.”
Charles’ nails left half moons in your skin as his fingers gripped your thighs and tugged you closer to push his tongue deeper inside you and your head fell back as you saw stars. His name filled the room but not a sound would be heard outside the thick walls so there was no holding back when he replaced his tongue with his fingers, curling them deep into your cunt while he lapped at your clit. 
“Oh, Charles, right…there…” you moaned as you combed his hair back, your fingers clutching the soft strands to hold him right where he was as the tightening in your core erupted into ecstasy. 
Your fingers released the hold on him but he wasn’t finished with you just yet as he added another finger and sucked your puffy clit until your legs trembled around him. You screamed with the rapid orgasm that chased the first and wet warmth gushed from you as his fingers found that perfect spot that left you helpless to the release. 
“Fuck, you are perfect,” Charles stated proudly as he rose to his feet. His half unbuttoned shirt was damp from where you had squirted over him and he licked his fingers clean before snapping his belt off and shoving the trousers down his legs. 
You wanted a taste of him when you saw the creamy beads of pre-cum that he smeared around his tip with his thumb before fisting his thick shaft and pumping it lazily. You were ready to beg for a taste until he erased your ability to think and speak when he slapped your overstimulated clit with his dick before spearing your cunt with a hard thrust. 
“Oh, fuck you’re tight,” he moaned as your pussy stretched with a sweet burn.
Your nails dug into his ass, spurring him to move as he tried to be a gentleman and wait for you to adjust to his size. “Just fuck me already, Charles. Make me yours.”
He rose to the challenge, grabbing your knees and pushing them up to your chest so he had the perfect view of his cock disappearing inside you as he slowly rocked his hips. You knew he was teasing you, you knew he wanted to drive you wild. From the frustrated sound that came from deep in your belly he knew it was working.
“Touch yourself, bella. Touch yourself like you did while I was away.”
You reached between your legs and circled your clit as he started to move faster and he moaned as your pussy clenched in response. His bottom lip pinched between his teeth when you took his hand and brought it up to your throat where he didn’t need any more encouragement as he gently squeezed the sides. 
“Harder,” you begged breathlessly.
He didn’t question you, he knew exactly what you could handle as his fingers tightened and his hips snapped forward until the sounds of your bodies colliding filled the room as loud as your moans.
Unintelligible words tumbled from your lips as lightning flashed across your vision and your clit throbbed beneath your fingers as you came again. Your walls clamped down on Charles and his hand slipped from your throat to your hips so his grip could leave bruises where he pulled you against his thrusts. His rhythm faltered and he buried himself as deep as possible with a shuddering breath and you felt his cock pulsing inside as he painted your walls with his release.
He collapsed breathless atop you and left delicate kisses across your shoulder that were a stark contrast to how rough he had been. Charles was complex that way, and more expressive than anyone you knew. There was no hiding with him, if he was upset he wasn’t afraid to show it, if he was jealous…or sated. He could express himself freely within these walls. 
You lazily brushed his hair as he rested his head between the valley of your breasts and asked him about his time away. He huffed at the question and muttered that it wasn’t good before explaining how everything that could go wrong with his race did. 
“I just wanted to come home,” he said as he peered up at you, “see your beautiful face.”
“I missed you too,” you admitted before sighing and pushing him back so you could sit up.
He moved off you, tucking himself back into his trousers before catching your hand as you stood up. “Where are you going?”
“You only paid for the hour,” you said as you forced your shaking legs to carry you to the door, his fingers slipping from yours. “I have to get back to work.”
“How much?” he asked as he reached into his jacket hanging over the back of the chaise and pulled out his phone.
Your hand froze on the door handle and you turned to him with a frown. “For what?”
“You.” He turned his screen to show his bank account, more zeros than you could comprehend in his balance. “How much for every hour?”
“I’m done sharing you.” Two long strides brought him chest to chest with you and he pinched your chin to keep you from looking away as he shoved his phone into your hand. “You are mine, I don’t care what it costs. You belong to me.”
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karlatakicker · 1 year
i’m very attached to roxanne, and after the dlc i am very attached to cassie too! so here’s my thoughts on the both of them and why their relationship is just so unbelievably special to me
1. it’s implied that they both don’t really have any friends, as sad as it is. Roxanne says to Cassie in their conversation that she thinks that her friends will come to her party this time, which obviously means Cassie’s friends are either nonexistent or aren’t very nice. it’s also implied that Roxanne is disliked by the other children in the pizzaplex because of her desire to win and lack of empathy thus unawareness that children are upset by the idea of losing. so, the idea of them both becoming friends and acknowledging each-other is truly special if they have nobody else.
2. Roxanne’s desire to win on her race track is overridden by her kindness and feelings towards Cassie. in their conversation Roxanne remembers Cassie because she beat her twice on the track, which leads to Roxanne almost sounding proud despite being beaten which she usually expresses anger for. (I’ve been told this doesn’t mean what I think, Number 1 twice refers to Cassie’s birthday, but you can argue that it still shows something between them by the fact Roxanne is willing to say Cassie is Number 1, despite Roxanne constantly wanting to be Number 1.)
3. Cassie’s clear empathy towards Roxanne as her favourite - she pities and feels for Roxanne when she’s crying in the salon. despite seeing the horrid conditions that all the other animatronics are in, Roxanne as Cassie’s favourite is the only one she truly feels for.
4. Roxanne’s infatuation with herself does not inflict with her remembering details about Cassie. Roxy asking about and sharing Cassie’s love of carrot cake (and remembering her birthday) shows an attachment that Roxanne seems to have with no-one else, as thinking of herself does not conflict with thinking of Cassie.
5. in the cutouts of Cassie and Roxanne standing side by side, they’re mirrored. Cassie has similar makeup on to Roxy, and is holding her mirror the exact same way. Cassie wants to be exactly like Roxanne, to the point of copying her actions and being dolled up like her. these images of the two of them are simply to establish a connection between them, so it hurts a lot more when it comes down to de-activating Roxanne.
6. Roxanne, despite being so angered at the idea of not being pretty and being so damaged, has no hesitation in jumping to save Cassie despite possibly getting more damaged or even being completely broken because of it.
7. the line “it has been some time since i saw you last” can be interpreted as Roxanne had thought of Cassie since the last time she had been to the pizzaplex. it makes their reunion all that more heartbreaking because when Roxanne meets her again, it’s for Cassie to deactivate her.
8. Roxanne asking if Cassie had booked her party yet, is essentially Roxy asking if Cassie was going to come back and see her - Cassie, the only kid that Roxy is shown to have a connection with.
9. Cassie stroking Roxanne’s fingers before deactivating her, as if to give her the last comfort she’ll ever feel.
anyway that ends my rant. they’re just so special to me despite them having like 3 interactions. they are the true little sister/big sister animatronic and human pairing we needed. if I don’t get an ending where they’re sitting on the hill eating carrot cake, the developers are going to get a very strongly worded email.
(just to clarify months on from this post, the developers have received a very strongly worded email.)
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All In 7
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, power imbalance, low self esteem, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: you meet a mysterious man on a night out with your sister. (petite!reader)
based on the winning option for this poll
Characters: casino owner!Bucky Barnes
Note: another week...
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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When Bucky leaves, you feel less than relief. It’s easier to breathe without him around but your heart continues to race. You don’t move until you see him drive away. You steel yourself with the manufactured lie before you go back inside. 
As you do, you’re surprised to find Roxie beside your mom, both of them close to the front window. You sigh. Were they watching? You guess you can be thankful Bucky hadn’t done more than talk. 
Your mom faces you with a sheepish grin, “so... did you get it?” 
You look between her and your sister. Roxie has her phone in hand and an arch in her eyebrow, “I’d die for a boss like that.” 
“I...” you glance the screen before she can hide it. Oh. She had a picture of him pulled up on Google. So, they both know exactly who he is. 
“He must be really hands on if he came all the way down here to offer you a job,” Roxie tilts her head. 
“That’s the sign of a good boss,” your mom insists.  
“Really, I think his eyes were the kicker. So blue.” 
“Rox,” your mom nudges her. “A man like him, he’s got line ups, I’m sure. Besides, she’s too young for him.” 
“Well, I’m older,” Roxie smirks, “maybe she can get me a job too.” 
“Er, uh,” you wring your hands, “I should start dinner.” 
“You didn’t say if you go the job,” Roxie challenges. 
“Yeah,” you utter softly, “I got a job. Just cleaning.” 
“Hey, it’s better than nothing,” you mom assures as she comes to you. She puts her hands on your shoulders, “I’m so proud of you.” 
“Mom,” you try not to look pained as you return her smile, “it’s nothing. Really. A cleaner.” 
“We all gotta start somewhere.” 
“Yeah,” Roxie scoffs, “most of us a lot sooner.” 
“Oh, don’t be such a downer,” your mom lets you go to spin on your sister, “don’t rain on her parade.” 
“Whatever. I’d rather hand out flyers than clean toilets,” she rolls her eyes. 
You purse your lips and shy away. You feel worse that they believe you so easily and why wouldn’t they? No one would think that someone like you would merit such a preposterous offer from a man like Bucky. You still can’t really believe it. 
Maybe it’s just some twisted hallucination. You could wake up tomorrow and be just like you were before. You never thought you would long for that but now, being alone, being the loser, that feels safe. Being noticed, being someone, that’s terrifying. 
You take your time making dinner, a brief escape from reality. The distraction keeps you busy enough that your chest stops thrumming, yet your nerves are still spastic. You’re not very hungry once it’s done but you make yourself eat. 
Roxie heads off for work shortly after you gather up the dirty dishes and your mom goes to change into her pajamas. She startles you as you scour the pan you used to bake the chicken. You splash yourself and hiss. 
“Sorry, hon, I was just coming to check on you,” she leans against the counter, “you’re nervous, aren’t you?” 
You shrug, to fraught to answer. 
“You get restless, I can tell. You do everything just to keep from fidgeting,” she says, “it’s going to be okay. You’ll be just fine and you’ll see, it’ll be nice to have your own money.” 
“I know, mom,” you murmur, turning your face down to the sink, “it’s not that I don’t want to work, I just... I guess it’s the change that freaks me out.” 
“Change is good, even if it’s scary,” she says. “You’ll see.” 
“Mm,” you hum and try not to shatter, “I just want to help out.” 
“Hon, you worry about yourself. Please--” 
“No, I owe you.” 
“Owe me? I’m your mother. I just wish I could give you more,” she smiles and squeezes your arm. “If you’re not some busy working girl, we’ll celebrate on my day off.” 
“Sure,” you accept grimly. 
She leaves you and you’re silent as you finish up the dishes. You put them away and wipe the counters. When you finish, you shut off the lights. You say good night from the doorway and retreat into your room. Tomorrow. That’s all he said. That’s the only detail you go before he strolled off. 
You grab your phone and fall back on your bed. All you want is to lose yourself in a fic or a discussion board or even just scrolling mindlessly. You can’t. It’s like he’s taking over everything. There it is, that little icon you rarely see, a new message.  
You pull down the menu and stare at the preview. Two hours ago. You’re surprised he didn’t show up to check why you hadn’t answered. Again. You will at least need to send something before the night is over. 
‘Hey doll. I’ll send a car tomorrow morning at nine. Just bring yourself.’ 
You shudder and stare at the blue bubble around the text. Oof. Nine? That’s early for you. You suppose it’s about time you break that bad habit. 
‘Sorry. I was making dinner. Nine is good. Thank you.’ 
You hit send and put your phone down. You slide your laptop across the bed and open it up. You’ll watch something. That old BBC drama you found on the free streaming service has been pretty interesting, but you think you only have one episode left. That’s good, you can’t be up all night. 
Your phone buzzes. Shoot. Alright. You can do this. You have to get to it. You swipe up your phone again, surprised to find it’s still shaking.
Oh no. He’s calling! 
You panic and nearly hit decline before you manage to drag your thumb the other way. You put the phone to your ear, unable to muster even a squeak. What do you say? 
“Hey, doll,” Bucky’s voice drawls from the speaker, “hope I didn’t interrupt dinner.” 
“No, er, we’re done.” 
“Ah, and are you alone?” 
You frown, “yes?” 
“Good, good. Isn’t that sweet of you, cooking dinner for your family. That’s what I like about you. You take care of those you love.” 
You gulp. You don’t know what to say. 
“What was for dinner?” He asks as you hear a soft rustle. 
“Um, chicken and potatoes,” you answer bluntly. It’s an easy question. 
“You’re not busy or something?” He wonders. 
“Uh uh,” you shake your head even though he can’t see, “I’m just... in bed.” 
“Early night, huh?” He asks. 
“I guess, I was going to watch a show.” 
“Right, right,” he clicks his tongue as something taps followed by other indiscernible movements, “you in your pajamas? Bet those are cute?” 
“Not... yet,” you croak. 
“Mmm,” he purrs, “I just got out of the shower.” 
“You... did?” 
“Getting ready for tomorrow,” he explains, “gotta admit, I’m a bit impatient. You’ll see that about me, doll. When I want something, it’s hard to wait.” 
“Uh, oh...” you stutter out. 
“For you, I can,” he vows, “doll, do me a favour.” 
“A favour?” You echo thinly. 
“Mmm, yeah, I want you to get in your pajamas and send me a picture. Just to tide me over,” he coaxes. 
“A picture?” You open your eyes wide and gape at the wall. 
“Sure, just a taste. I wanna know what I should imagine next to me when I lay down.” 
“What?” You squeak, shocked by his insinuation. Imagining you?! 
“I can’t help myself. It’s lonely here.” 
“I...” you pick at your lower lip, “one sec. I... I gotta...” 
You put the phone on the bed and push yourself off the mattress. You trip on your own feet and hope he can’t hear you stumbling around. Your pajamas are kind of silly. You don’t really have any sexy ones. Maybe if he sees them, he’ll change his mind. 
The only matching pair you have have snoopy on the top and a large check bottom on the pants. You fish them out and change. It’s okay. He can’t see you at that moment. Still, it feels like he is watching you. Just as his presence has lurked around you all day. 
You go back to your phone and fumble around, “sorry, I... just... figuring out the camera.” 
You hear his timbre but can’t make out his words from the small speaker. You open the camera app and flip the camera. You move around, trying to take the pic, and lean the phone on the top of your dress. You angle it and mutter to yourself as you struggle to set the timer. 
You take several pictures before you’re not entirely discontent. You look awkward in all of them. The pants, like all your pants, are too long and gather around your feet. You don’t know how to pose either. Quite frankly, you look frightened in every single one. 
“Alright, I think...” you babble and find your way into the conversation and choose the least egregious frame. You hesitate and close your eyes as you push your thumb down on the arrow. 
You bring the phone back to your ear, “are you still there?” 
“Always, doll,” he assures and once more, the phone shifts around noisily. “Mm, Snoopy? I like it. More of a Woodstock myself but... Mm mm mm, you look good.” He pauses as you wriggle and your cheeks burn hotly. “Sexy.” 
“No,” you burst out without thinking. 
“No? You don’t think I’m telling the truth?” 
“I didn’t... say so, it’s... just pajamas,” you sniff, “sorry, I didn’t mean to argue.” 
“Doll, relax. Thing about you, you don’t even have to try.” 
You don’t reply. You have no idea what to say or even if you should believe him. You saw the picture, you look in the mirror every day, you know what you are. It still feels like some weird game. 
“Here, gimme a sec,” he says from his end. 
More rustling and the noise of a digital shutter. Your phone vibes shortly and you pull it away from your cheek. You squint at the screen as it lights up and an image buffers in the conversation. 
“Huh, uh, it’s not loading. My phone is--” you nearly swallow your tongue and gasp. 
Oh gosh. It’s a picture of him in almost nothing. Just a towel. His long hair is damp and pushed back and his dark beard contrasts his bright blue eyes as he aims the lens of his phone at himself in the mirror. His stomach is ridged with muscle, his chest trimmed with hair that trails down, and the towel hangs low, giving a generous hint of his pelvis. The vee above the fabric feels overly salacious. 
“Doll?” You hear the low tone of his voice and make yourself look away. You raise the phone again to your ear. “Everything okay? You got really quiet.” 
“You like what you see?” He asks coyly. 
You put your hand to your forehead, your flesh is fiery. It’s so much so fast. Just that morning, you’d convinced yourself you would never see or talk to him again. And now he’s sending you pictures like that and... flirting with you? 
“Yes,” you eke out then cover your mouth. He snickers and you clear your throat before you peel your hand away, “sorry, I mean... you’re... you... you must work out.” 
“Doll, you’re too adorable,” he says. 
You don’t say a word. You’re mortified. He knew you saw that. He knows you’ve seen him like that. He sent it! 
It’s all too much. You’re lightheaded. You rub your chin and shiver. 
“I should... sleep.” 
“Mm, me too,” he says, “hopefully I dream of you.” 
You giggle nervously, “really?” 
“Sure, doll. All I can do is dream. Until tomorrow,” he sighs, “and what about you? You gonna dream about me?” 
You squeak and stammer, “I... I... I...” 
He laughs again, “you really are so cute in those pajamas.” 
“Please,” you blurt out, “delete it.” 
“Now, why would I do that?” He challenges. 
“I don’t... know.” 
“I love it,” he insists, “you’re not deleting mine, are you?” 
“N-no, no, I’ll keep it.” 
“Hm, good,” he intones, “it’s all for you so don’t you go showing me off to all your friends.” 
It’s your turn to laugh. “Promise, I won’t.” If only he knew you don’t have any friends to show. 
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navybrat817 · 10 months
The man spread. 🤤
(Also the face he's making....)
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(Also, hi! ❤️)
Hi, lovely! You know I couldn't resist doing something for Titan and Starshine for you!
Pairing: College!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: You love one of the photos Roxy took of Bucky, but he isn't having it.
Word Count: Over 1.5k
Warnings: Fluff, insecurities, kissing, established relationship, college love, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he’s a warning, okay?)
A/N: Another small ficlet for Titan and Starshine.❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the lovely @saradika . Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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If there was one thing your roommate took seriously, it was her photography. It wasn’t just Roxy’s major, but her way of expressing herself. So when she asked for your opinion on the photos she took of Bucky and Steve, you answered as honestly and diplomatically as possible. You selected the ones you thought captured the project’s essence in the best possible way. You also reminded her that you weren’t a photographer, so your word shouldn’t hold a lot of weight.
She disagreed.
“I still don’t get why you asked for help. I don’t have a keen eye the way you do and I can barely take a photo on my phone,” you said, having to look away from one of the images of Bucky that seemed to stare right at you.
Though it was just a picture, it was like he knew you downplayed yourself and was trying to figure out why. He loved reminding you on your off days that you were one of the brightest students on campus. The compliments usually sent a wave of heat through your body, especially because he stated them unprompted and meant every word.
Roxy playfully rolled her eyes. “You know you don’t have to be a photographer to have a good eye. I not only value your opinion as my roommate, but also as Bucky’s girlfriend. You even managed to stay impartial, so give yourself a pat on the back.”
A laugh bubbled up as you nodded in agreement. While you did stare more at Bucky’s photos than Steve’s, your heart racing with each one that Roxy laid out, you choose an even amount between the two. It was only fair.
“Thank you for asking. I’m glad I could help,” you said. It meant a lot that she wanted your opinion on the finalized product,
“Me, too. And I can’t believe you didn’t tell me to throw Steve’s photos in the garbage,” she joked, carefully looking over one of the images of him hitting a punching bag. “I’m impressed.”
“I wouldn’t do that to you. Besides, Steve’s just as photogenic as Bucky,” you pointed out as her eyebrows shot up. “Okay, almost as photogenic.”
Steve was admittedly one of the most gorgeous men on campus. The blonde haired, blue eyed Adonis with the kind yet almost reserved smile turned many heads. So did Bucky. Two men who looked like a couple of heartbreakers from a glance, but were far from it.
“The camera really does love them,” Roxy stated, chewing her bottom lip as she scanned the images again with a careful eye. After a moment, she smiled from ear-to-ear. “I am so getting an A.”
“Yeah, you are,” you agreed. And the fact that she had such a tough time choosing which images to share when she normally had no problem doing so showed just how many good ones she had at her disposal.
There was one shot of Bucky, however, that she had no problem removing from the film hanger and handing to you to keep for yourself.
He had his powerful thighs spread and wasn’t quite biting his lip, but there was something irresistibly sexy about the pose.
What were you thinking about, Titan?
“Not that I don’t love me some manspreading, because I do, that wasn’t exactly the look that I was going for,” she joked, snapping you out of your thoughts and making you smile so wide your cheeks ached. “What exactly did you say to get him to pose like that?”
“Me? I didn’t say anything,” you smiled, ignoring Roxy’s knowing look as you glanced through the rest of the photos once more. At least, you didn’t think you said anything.
She didn’t believe that for a second. “You act so innocent, yet weren’t you warming his cock when he-”
“Hey, weren’t there supposed to be some photos of Bucky and I together?” You casually cut her off as you pressed your thighs together, wishing your boyfriend was there at that moment.
When Bucky pulled you into his lap during the shoot, you tried to keep your hands to yourself. It didn’t stop the two of you from kissing when Roxy instructed you to. Not that you needed any additional prompting. Bucky had the most kissable lips you ever had the pleasure of feeling against your own.
Your roommate smirked a little. “Oh, I have those tucked away so I can give them to you together,” she said, nudging you toward the door when your phone went off. She must’ve spotted that “Titan” popped up on the screen. “Go. Thanks again. Make good choices. Don’t let him impregnate you, but let him give you all the orgasms you deserve. We’ll allow those.”
“You’re ridiculous in the best way,” you giggled, making sure you had your keys and the photo. While neither you nor Bucky were ready for a family, it didn’t embarrass you in the least that Roxy encouraged the physical side of your relationship with him.
“Don’t forget to show him that photo!”
“I won’t forget!” you promised, smiling as you left and read Bucky’s message.
“Waiting downstairs, Starshine.”
“Be right there,” you messaged back, a skip in your step as you went to greet him outside of your building.
You found yourself staring into the depth of Bucky’s steel eyes as he stood a few feet in front of the door. Tall, athletic, and somehow yours, he managed to stand out in his jeans and t-shirt. Or maybe he stood out to you because he was your guy.
“There she is,” he warmly smiled as you walked toward him.
Suddenly, you felt self-conscious about your casual outfit before you remembered there was no need. Bucky had seen you in the mornings without makeup and still called you beautiful. “Here I am,” you smiled.
He nodded toward your right hand. “What’s that?”
“One of the photos Roxy took. She has others to share with us later,” you answered, holding it up to show him. His eyes narrowed as he stared at it, but gave nothing else away to show if he liked it or not. “But she said I can keep this.”
He pushed a hand back through his hair before he tried to take it from your hand. “Burn it,” he ordered.
That wasn’t the reaction you expected and it made you giggle. “Burn it? I will do no such thing,” you said, moving backward as he advanced on you. “Why should I get rid of this?”
“Because it’s a terrible picture of me,” he huffed.
He’s adorable.
“Not to stroke your ego since you’re acting a little vain, but you’re extremely photogenic. I don’t think you can take a bad photo,” you told him, taking another step back. “I’m keeping this forever because it’s very alluring.”
“There are plenty of other photos you can keep,” he argued as you held the picture out of reach again. His nostrils flared and it took everything in you not to giggle again before he frowned. “Did you say I look alluring?”
Wait, does he really think he looks bad? He’s James Buchanan Barnes. A god among men.
“Bucky Barnes, my Titan, yes. You’re sexy and enticing and I never thought I’d see you worked up over a picture that isn't bad to begin with,” you teased, almost jumping when your back hit the building door. It gave him the perfect opportunity to box you in with his hands, a rush of heat going through your body as he brought his face close to yours. “Do you honestly think you look bad? Because you don’t. Not to me.”
He brought his hand over to cradle your cheek and leaned in until his forehead touched yours. “I just wanna look good for you,” he admitted in a small voice.
It was almost embarrassing how wide your eyes got, so used to his confidence that you forgot that he sometimes had off days, too. Your heart ached to see his self-assurance shake for even a moment and you wondered if it was how he felt when you spoke negatively about yourself. It put things in perspective when you thought of it like that.
“You do. You always look good. I’m more attracted to you every day. To your looks, your brain, and your heart. You’re incredible,” you assured him, in no hurry to move away from the door. “And just like you remind me of how incredible you think I am, I’ll do the same for you.”
“You think my brain is attractive?” He asked, his usual smile back on his face as you nodded. You knew that was how happy you looked when he chased any of your insecurities away. “I sounded crazy, didn’t I?”
“No, you didn't," you said, putting a hand over his. "You sounded human."
“Thank you for making me feel better,” he whispered, brushing his lips against yours as your heart pounded. “But I still think you should burn it.”
“Not a chance,” you smiled before his mouth covered yours.
Swept up in Bucky’s kiss, you both missed the fact that your TA was mere feet away, watching and wishing that it was him that you were kissing instead.
And if he has his way, you will.
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Hmm. I wonder who the TA is. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
hope you're taking requests cause hear me out: what about reader waking up from a nap and eddie goes to hug her and realizes that she's really angry because she had a nightmare where he cheated on her with another girl. He's like wtf and she's like yeah you know what you did asshole (except he doesn't). Pls i am so in love with joseph quinn that i've been thinking about this all day 😩
I can't blame you, I think about him all day, too. This one was quite easy for my fingers to runaway with. Hope you like it!
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𝐈𝐧 𝐌𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬
(Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader)
warnings: little bit of angst, imagined infidelity, plenty of comfort and fluff.
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Your eyes glare daggers at the back of Eddie’s head, simultaneously willing him to look at you while also kind of wanting his hair to spontaneously combust into flames. You were curled up on his bed, bundled up in blankets with your head pressed into one of his flat ass pillows. You’d been awake for a good ten minutes, having ‘accidentally’ fallen asleep when Eddie brought you over after school and you immediately settled into his bed with the excuse that you were simply resting your head and would not fall asleep on him, fully knowing that was your intention from the moment you’d sealed your fate last night and watched The Dark Crystal again. You’d stayed up until almost 3:00 a.m. to finish it. But it wasn’t your fault! You couldn’t be blamed, it was due back at Family Video and your mom planned on dropping off the rentals on her way to work so you had to squeeze in one last watch, for Fizzgig.
You were regretting it now as a mixture of anger and anxiety swirled deep in your stomach, you’d had a bad dream, a nightmare. Not anything gory or violent, although you thought you may have preferred to have Freddy make a shish kabob out of you or even Jason shanking you with his machete, anything over seeing Eddie cuddled up with a girl who most definitely wasn’t you. The longer you stare at the back of his head, at the frizzy mess of curls while he scribbles fervently in his DnD notebook on the ground, back leaning up against the bed, the more you think about the evil scene you’d been forced to witness in your own damn dream. It felt so real, and you hated it.
You’d been on your way out of the school, easily maneuvering through the crowd also headed for the school entrance to flood out into the parking lot where you knew Eddie would be waiting for you by his van. Only he wasn’t waiting for you. He had Roxy Campbell—the pretty, stupid Volleyball player who made her interest in Eddie ridiculously clear despite the fact that he was yours—pressed up against his van. It was obviously an intimate moment, you could see her stupid, pretty blue eyes staring coyly up at him through her lashes as he pressed his forehead to hers, whispering something that made the corners of her lips curl up into a flirtatious smile as she reached a finger, you wanted very desperately to break, up to twirl a lock of his hair around before she grasped the back of his head and yanked him down to meet her in an open mouthed kiss.
Your eyes had shot open the moment you had felt your dream heart plummet from its place in your chest to a deep, dark cavern you didn’t know existed in you. Your actual heart was beating wildly, tears already prickling at your waterline regardless of having just woken up. And despite your biggest fear coming true in a hellish nightmare, your Eddie wasn’t making out with Roxy by his van. Yet.
You’d allowed yourself to just lay there as your anger brewed, mind racing with various scenarios regarding what the dream could have meant; all of them coming to the conclusion that Eddie fucking sucked. The girls on the Volleyball team were well known for their asses, mainly because of those ludicrously tight, booty shorts they wore, but your ass was significantly better than Roxy’s and you both knew it. Along with being with Eddie, it was one of the reasons why she despised you and you were proud of that. So why would Eddie want her instead of you?
Think of the devil, Eddie glances over his shoulder, his dumb beautiful, baby cow eyes lighting up the moment he realizes you’re awake.
You scowl back and hiss out, “Bitch.”
Then you yank the blankets up just below your nose and roll onto your other side, leaving your back to him.
Eddie’s mouth drops open, eyes wide in disbelief at the sudden anger you were directing at him. The fuck did he do?
“Excuse me?” He closes the notebook, before tossing it and his pen aside as he stands and leaps onto the bed. You pay him no mind, scowl deepening as you’re jostled by his actions. Eddie doesn’t let that stop him; despite how tense you forced your body to be, he drags you into his arms, attempting to cuddle you.
“I didn’t quite catch that, wanna repeat it for me?” He mumbles, nuzzling his face into your neck as he presses a kiss just below your jaw. You refuse to budge, aware that he’d heard you in the first place. When you don't respond, Eddie just keeps pressing kisses to your skin, nose brushing up against your neck as he begins to trail kisses up towards your ear. “I said say that again, baby.”
But you refuse to comply, it was obvious he was daring you to repeat your insult, goading you to give him a reason to snap. Normally, you loved to play his games, but you weren’t in the mood now.
“‘Lemme alone, don’t act like you don’t know.” You demanded, voice muffled by the blankets but you knew he heard you when he went taut and then he pulls away, a ring covered hand grabbing your shoulder to press your back to the mattress, forcing you to stare up at him.
Eddie’s eyebrows were pulled together in exasperation as he glowers down at you. In any other circumstance, you’d find him and your current position ridiculously hot but right then you could only feel satisfaction at having got on his nerves. Serves him fucking right.
“Okay, what the fuck is your problem?” Eddie cuts straight to the point. He’d tried playing nice, but he knew you; knew you wouldn’t succumb to his seduction, encouragement or coaxing and he knew he didn’t have the patience to wait around for you to eventually tell him what had you so upset because you were prone to holding everything in, happily hanging on to any grudge you could develop, so there was a legitimate chance that you’d just never tell him and hold it against him instead of working it out. You loved to self-sabotage but he wasn’t about to let that happen.
“You!” You lower the blankets, reaching a hand to push him off of you. Eddie was much stronger than you, though. He didn’t budge, still glaring down at you as you try to wiggle away.
“Me?” Eddie’s annoyance morphs into confusion, nose scrunching up as his eyes squint, “What did I do?”
“You kissed her!” This time when you shove at him, Eddie’s body gives away, he allows you to scurry off the bed, though you didn’t do much but crawl towards the dresser, back pressed up against it as you turned to face him, expression still set in a scowl. Despite your current brattiness, Eddie couldn’t help but think about how fucking cute you looked all worked up. Your hair was a mess, but that just made him want to tangle his fingers in it, and your lips were pursed in a pout that he was fighting to not kiss away.
Speaking of kisses, “What?! What are you talking about? I haven’t kissed anyone but you!”
“Roxy!” You spit out, body heating up with your anger.
“I have never, ever kissed Roxy. Nor do I want to, where is this coming from?” Eddie moved to sit on the edge of the bed, legs spread out as he leans his elbows on them, watching you with careful eyes.
“You kissed her in my dream,” you knew the moment you said it, he’d probably think you were being irrational but you didn’t care. He wasn’t the one that had to imagine the person he loved kissing someone else.
Eddie’s exasperation returned, “You’re mad at me for something I did in your dream?” See? You knew it! He was making it seem like you were being childish and maybe you were but, again, you didn’t fucking care!
“How am I supposed to control that?! It was just a nightmare!”
“If it was a nightmare, then why did it hurt my feelings?” You snap back and Eddie softens, he had chalked this all up to you being bratty but it was obvious to him now that you were genuinely upset about it. He could see how glossy your eyes were, and now he could make out the hurt beneath the rage. You’d had a nightmare about something you were insecure about, you were hurt by a version of him—trusting and loving all versions of him—so you lashed out and here he was being an asshole instead of comforting you.
“Dreams mean things, Eddie! This one was a-a bad omen! Or something! Clearly, you want her or you’re interested in her, or there’s some sort of underlying issue!”
“Oh, there’s definitely an underlying issue,” Eddie sighs and stands, making his way over to crouch near you and you tensed further, like you were waiting for him to confirm that you were right and that makes him feel even more guilty, “the love of my life believes there’s a chance that I’d want someone else when I’d rather die and go to my own personal hell where I’m forced to watch a cheer squad composed of clones of Principal Higgins’ in a pep rally, that never ends, than be without her.”
You want to be angry, you really do because the moment your anger is gone you’ll just feel silly but you can feel the tension easing away from your body and you play with your fingers, refusing to meet Eddie’s eyes, “. . . Really?”
Eddie hooks a finger under your chin, tilting it until you’re forced to look at him and you can see the sincerity and love in those pretty, chocolate eyes. You’re positive you’re melting. “I’m in love with you, only you. Told you I’m gonna marry you someday, and I mean that. Besides, Roxy tries to steal Jonathan’s seat in front of me during History sometimes and I’m now keenly aware that she doesn’t wear deodorant or any alternative so I promise you, baby, she is not and has never been your competition. No one compares to you. Even if she did smell decent, you’re the only person I’ll ever want, ‘kay?”
You launch yourself at him and both you and Eddie go crashing to the floor behind him, though he breaks the fall for you, arms winding themselves around your waist to hold you tight against him as you pepper kisses all over his face. When you pull away, you admire the kiss stains, left behind by your lipstick, that map his face and he’s staring up at you, looking absolutely love sick, if he were a cartoon character, his pupils and irises would be heart shaped. You were wrong; Eddie doesn’t suck. He’s the most loving boyfriend to ever exist, and he’s yours. And your Eddie, in the flesh, is better than any Eddie that can exist in your dreams.
“I love you.” You smile, leaning down to nuzzle the tip of your nose against his before giving it a kiss.
Eddie’s hands finally get to tangle in your hair as he angles you down for a kiss, if it can even be called that. He’s smiling too much for you to even do it properly but you don’t really mind. “And I love you. I’d fuck up that other Eddie though, no one hurts my girl’s feelings and gets way with it.”
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bag-chips · 11 months
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The Security Breach sillies!! Been meaning to post them for a while so here :) Headcanons under Keep Reading!
- The most advanced of all the generations, the animatronics use complex AI learning making them the most lifelike and sentient robots even outside of Fazbear entertainment. Each has unique personalities that can be moulded and changed by outside factors.
- The designs are made to capitalise on 80s nostalgia, taking inspirations from fashion of the time and utilising a vaporwave aesthetic. To hark back to previous generations, the animatronics are designed to look as though they have a face plate. The mechanical parts are also mostly hidden by complex joints to give them a more lifelike appearance.
- The Daycare Attendant is actually the most primitive in terms of technical ability and design. Fazbear Entertainment were able to find some of Henry and William’s scrapped designs, which were changed very little for the final product. Originally designed for the theatre, a last minute change meant that the animatronic would be used for the daycare. Although its ability to change its appearance is a marvel, it being based on design plans from the 70s means that they are prone to damages, needing almost constant maintenance. Even so, the Daycare Attendant is one of the most popular animatronics amongst customers.
- Glamrock Chica is the smallest animatronics of this generation. Fazbear Entertainment learnt very little since the early days, and once again programmed her to consume actual food. Like her 1st Gen counterpart, she is prone to having rotten food, maggots and cockroaches inside her. In this AU, she has the Valley Girl accent.
- Monty Gator is considered the strongest of all the animatronics. He is also one of the most aggressive. This is because he was originally programmed to be a ‘sore loser’ in Monty Golf, however a bug in the complex AI learning morphed this into excessive anger issues. He can easily knock down heavy displays and claw his way through gates. He was originally designed to be the mascot for the golfing area, however after the disappearance of Bonnie he was reprogrammed to become the new member of the band. His golfing motif still persists in his outfit.
- Roxanne Wolf’s outfit is inspired by racing gear, with her also acting as the mascot for the short lived hairdressing service. She is fully capable of cutting and styling her. In all their wisdom, Fazbear Entertainment programmed her to have anxiety and confidence issues to make her more relatable to teenagers. This has backfired massively, with Roxy’s AI learning exacerbating these qualities.
- Glamrock Freddy successfully won over fans after years of mixed opinions on the company’s mascot. With him being the mascot of Fazzer Blast, he has an alien motif in his outfit. Programmed to be best friends with Bonnie, the AI learning has developed this bond into something more. He misses him greatly.
- Glamrock Bonnie was laid back, playful and sassy. He was decommissioned by Monty. However, Monty was taken over by Vanessa’s programming, as a test to see if said programming worked. Monty has no recollection of this. Parts of Bonnie were used to reconstruct Afton
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Thinking again about New Management AU and it just occured to me
If I go the blorbo route and stick to Roxy as being the first one because she's one of the biggest pains in the ass they have to keep making compromises for, then wouldn't she kinda go mad with power
Like, there's no way she'd believe she was given any power out of nowhere like that! Wouldn't she test this by making the stupidest demands possible just to be like "Ha! I told you I had no power!"
The question is, what would she do to test it? Something very much against the rules probably.
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s1llydr3amscape · 4 months
Maybe it was the friends we made along the way!
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My security breach cast re-imagined when we first got the posters and merch leaks!!! I changed them into ocs because after seeing their in game designs I fell in love <33333
Another reason why Vanny is my fave is because I don't have to design her clothes /j
Extras and ramblings under the cut :
Zoomed in because I drew them on the same canvas like a goober :
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Many reasons why I chose to make the way it is are cause hehehehe
-I didn't like Roxy at first because off that funko leak being a reused model of Foxy. So I made her a hyena recolor using his model because I think they're cool, yet I still kept the fact she's the shortest because of Foxy in fnaf 1 being the shortest!!! And it did sorta happen with her being his replacement 😭She has short hair because I think one of her main appeals would be she would change up her hair every other week.
-Freddy is a moon bear because I miss Lefty. Also cuz I thought Fazbear Ent developed enough technology so that they could change colors during the night/dark like in the posters making them blacklight/neon. Also once again I miss Lefty and Also Nightmare. He had blue eyes freaky like that because I think FazEnt was developing new technologies to recognize guests by having their main stars test them out. And it did happen in the game so yay!!!
-I genuinely didn't think Bonnie would show up because off the leaks but at the time everyone designed their own version off him and so did I!!! I made him white and brown as a homage to Vannys help wanted mask. The blue streaks in his hair also relates to my Vanessa design. Reasons for this is because with how advanced the AI it was to trick them into thinking they were eachother friends. Why because the heartbreak would've been catastrophic.
-Chica didn't change much but I added brown because I love the color brown it is my top 1 color with purple following behind. Also because I love gradients I fucking love gradients you bet your ass if I add gradients I could <333 She has feather hair like that because off Big Bird I saw in a short fnaf sesame street horror yt video and that scared and gave me nightmares because of this one scene of a lady giving birth to his kid??? Idk it scared me alot. She's my favorite tho <3333
-Monty didn't change except he had circular glasses because I wanted him to match with Roxy as the newest additions to the Fazbear brand!!! Also man I wish one of them was a drummer but I couldn't decide between if Roxy or Monty would get it. I also didn't know Roxanne would be racing and gave her rock climbing. Reasons cause imagining her chasing you being able to climb walls would be scary. My only wish Is that I made his snout longer I want you to be able to hold it like a weapon
-They all have eyelashes because I think that is epic!!!
-Freddy is the tallest. Bonnie and Chica are the same height and Roxanne is the shortest
Might redraw them in my oc world version (if anyone would be interested it's basically also a robot story with my old fnaf oc's now turned rivals to Fazbear Entertainment) and not simplified but my other wips need me they are calling for me they are telling me to finish them and I must!!! Probably
And here's my older art after we got to see the game and the designs are wack oughhh :
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They would've fought with my pink yellow blue Vanny design!!! Which is the only one I redesigned because I love Vanny to much... You can see her pre-design here and oughh Pink Vanny <3333
-If you look closely Vanny has a Dino looking tail!!! And that's because I thought hey imagine each time we defeated an animatronic she'd sew a piece off their body onto her suit! So when we killed Monty she'd scavenged and get his tail!!! With Chica she got her chicken feet!! And with Roxanne she gets her teeth!!!
-Why because I associate her with Pinkamena cupcakes so much. Also to add onto my previous statement with Bonnie looking like her old mask. She changed her suit in the final act to solidify herself as the bad guy (final boss) who had been using the animatronics for his own gain.
-Man I never draw Chica with her head bow now that I think abt it same with Vanny's whiskers god what was I thinking!!!
Also sorry they're oddly cropped I watermark my stuff to remember what year I made them in and my old username is bad 💀
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sommerbueckers · 2 months
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬⁵
𝐇𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐘𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲
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AS THE PEOPLE OF New York City walked carefree with their heads high and smiles bright, Myla realized that she was the only one feeling uncomfortably bothered. She was taking her usual route to the Starlight Lounge, the route that had once felt so familiar to her now felt dark and cold. Had it always been this way? Perhaps it had and she had been too in love to notice.
After what felt like hours, she finally reappeared on the main street. The first thing she spotted were the bright red lights of the very nightclub she was heading to, and it was only then that she could physically feel the anxiety coursing through her body. It had been years since Myla last set foot in the Starlight Lounge. While her avoidance was largely intentional, a deeper part of her seemed to impose an unspoken limit, preventing her from approaching within thirty feet of the establishment.
She had never anticipated returning, let alone for the very reason that had driven her away initially. As she found herself at the end of the line, she wiped her hands on her jeans for what felt like the tenth time that night, making a concerted effort to maintain her composure. The line progressed swiftly, and it wasn't long before Myla reached the front.
The Starlight Lounge was as packed and vibrant as always; servers walked around in their provocative uniforms, young women pranced around with old rich men at their sides, and Myla found herself sitting at the bar as she waited for one specific bartender to come up to her. Though this time, she was dreading the conversation they'd have.
Two nights prior, everything had been perfect. Myla had been nestled with Roxie on the bed, chatting with Paige, their smiles unwavering. However, the following morning, Myla awoke to a message from the last person she had anticipated hearing from—the last person she wanted to hear from. A surge of dread enveloped her as she read the message, and she spent the entire day contemplating it before mustering the courage to respond.
The curly-haired woman reread the messages repeatedly, her brow furrowing as she struggled to comprehend their meaning. The task proved futile; only one person could quell the tumult of thoughts racing through her mind, and that person happened to be setting a drink down in front of her.
Her short, dark waves were styled in a half-up, half-down arrangement. The double slits in both of her eyebrows appeared newly done, as did the array of unfamiliar tattoos adorning her arms. She placed the White Russian on a small napkin and lightly patted the counter, pressing her lips into a thin line to offer Myla the most genuine smile she could muster.
"I go on break in five, we can talk then."
For those five minutes, Myla sat in uneasy silence. Her drink remained untouched on the counter, slowly dampening the napkin beneath it. She declined all offers of food and sidestepped attempts at conversation, unable to focus her thoughts. The urge to cry seemed to intensify as the night progressed. Just before she buried her face in her hands, she heard the faint buzz of her phone on the counter.
Paige: Everything ok?
She had been ignoring Paige all day, not because she wanted to, but because texting Paige and her...Ghost at the same time felt wrong. She would respond to Paige eventually, but she had to take care of business first. When the uncomfortably familiar face reappeared before her, it was her signal to rise and follow her through the back. She had frequented this area countless times for far more pleasurable reasons than the one that brought her here now. Yet, as circumstances shift, some things remain unchanged.
Ghost pushed open the back door and the two were met with a small parking lot and a few dumpsters. They stood in silence for the first few moments, the taller girl scrutinizing Myla as she shifted uncomfortably under the intense gaze. She hugged her sweater tightly against herself, the night was chilly but she did it for comfort.
"You really haven't seen it?" the dark haired girl asked, her brows heavenward as she looked down at her.
"Seen what?" Myla's voice dripped with irritation. The entire time they had been texting, Ghost kept talking about some video that Myla had to see. Not failing to express how shocked she was that the model hadn't already seen it.
"The fucking video Myla," her muffled voice said through her hands.
"What fucking video Ghost?!"
The other woman began to respond, but was interrupted by a sudden, new question that arose in her mind.
"What'd you just call me?" she asked, her natural frown deepening.
Myla's lips parted in utter shock at her own words, her face reflecting her surprise. She had never before referred to the woman as 'Ghost'; it had always been Natalie. She shrugged nonchalantly, as if the slip were an everyday occurrence.
"Ghost," she repeated quietly, "why?"
Natalie shook her head briefly, as if trying to clear her own thoughts which were racing just as fast as the girl's in front of her.
"You just...you've never called me that before, you told me you didn't like it," she explained.
"Yeah well..." Myla's voice trailed off and she looked toward the sea of cars as if the remainder of her answer lied there, "a lot can change in two years."
She nodded her head in response, crossing her...big, tatted arms over her chest as she sighed. "Look Myla, there's something you need to see..."
"What is it?"
With visible reluctance, Natalie reached into her pocket to retrieve her phone. After tapping away silently for a few moments, her expression twisted in distaste before she extended her arm to hand the phone to Myla.
As the video played, her anxiety mounted with every passing second. Her heart raced, each frame revealing more of herself than she was prepared to confront. The familiar pangs of self-doubt and discomfort surged as she scrutinized her own image, magnifying every perceived flaw and imperfection. Her palms grew clammy, and she found it difficult to breathe, overwhelmed by a visceral sense of vulnerability. The reality of her appearance and actions, laid bare before her, felt like an invasive intrusion into her private world, leaving her with a profound sense of unease that she struggled to shake off.
Myla shut the phone off, a waterfall of tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
"What the fuck is this?" she tried to remain collected, but the unsteadiness of her voice betrayed her.
"What the fuck Natalie!" she yelled, roughly tossing the phone at the other girl not caring if she caught it or not. She did, just before it could fall to the ground. "What did you do?!"
"I didn't do anything!"
"So then what the fuck is this?! Are you fucking insane?! Do you know what this shit could do to me?!"
Natalie was now fuming, acting as a mirror as the two seething girls stared at each other.
"You think I did this?! When I promised you it wouldn't get out I fuckin' meant it!"
"Fuck you, Myla! This is just as bad for me as it is for you," the older woman pointed out.
"Except it isn't! You're famous in a world full of criminals who do illegal shit to get out of other illegal shit! I'm a model, Natalie, a fucking model, and my image is my career. If this shit gets out..." Myla took a step back and shook her head, "it's gonna ruin me."
The totality of Myla’s career was at stake. Everything she had built, everything she had been working toward, had it all been for nothing? For some obscene video of her that she had allowed someone, against her better judgement, to take? Someone she loved, someone she trusted, Natalie.
As expected, the other woman stood silently. She knew Myla was right, this was significantly worse for her. She watched as Myla pulled out a crate from the corner and sat on it, running her hands through her tangled hair.
“Where is the video now?” she questioned.
“It hasn’t been released to the public yet, but I know who has it,” Natalie sighed.
“Other than you, you mean?” Myla spat nastily. When she was met with nothing but silence and the obnoxious honking from the cars on the street, Myla continued with a sigh. "Who?"
"Listen Myla, I can take care of this shit...but i'm gonna need your help," Natalie explained quietly. "The chick i'm supposed to fight next, she goes by the name King Ruby, and she's got the video." Myla listened carefully. "She's threatening to release it to the public if I don't back down from the fight with her."
In Myla's eyes, the answer was quite simple.
"So back down from the fight then," she threw her arms up.
"I can't Myla..."
"Why the hell not?"
"This was the last win I needed to get out, and I was gonna win. I've been prepping to fight her for weeks now, and then this shit comes up and fucking ruins everything," she gently rubbed her temples. "And money is tight right now, I can't afford to not fight."
Tears pricked Myla's eyes and she shook her head with a whine, "Natalie...fuck!" abruptly she stood up, "Fuck this is all your fault."
She paced back and forth.
"I can't afford to not fight unless you help me," the short haired girl finished.
"Help you how?"
Natalie stood cautiously, knowing how risky the question was but also knowing that the both of them were desperate for solutions. Natalie stared at her with a mix of anxiety and hesitation. She knew she had to ask Myla for money, but the thought made her uneasy. Myla had always been willing to help her, but Natalie couldn't shake the feeling that this time might be different.
"If you give me some money -- just to get by for the next few weeks -- then I can back out of the fight."
Myla stared at her, a familiar knot forming in her stomach. If she didn't help, Natalie would finally be able to get herself out of anything that had to do with underground fighting, the only downside was that her entire career would go up in flames and there wouldn't be anything she could do to stop it. But if she did help, perhaps it could buy the two some time to figure out how to get rid of that fucking video.
She couldn't help but think about Paige and what the video would do to them. She was a completely different person now than she was when she and Paige had been in school together, and she had made enough mistakes in her life to never make another again. The two had already been out in public together, and while they hadn't been caught on any cameras, it was bound to happen eventually.
What would people think about her if this video was released? What would Paige think of her? Surely whatever little relationship they had established would burn, it would ruin Paige's image to be seen with someone who had allowed a sex tape of themself to be filmed. Myla would be judged by everyone in every corner of her life. She would lose money, friends, and respect within the industry.
The answer was painfully obvious, she had to give Natalie the money.
"How much do you need?" she muttered.
"Well I need rent, food, and maybe a little for emergencies," Natalie shrugged shamefully.
Myla threw her head back and looked to the sky, the stars looked beautiful as they surrounded the moon.
'I wonder if Paige is looking at these same stars right now...'
"Tell King Ruby you're backing out, text me your address and i'll drop a check off sometime this week..."
"Fuck Myla!" Natalie breathed out as she stood up, "You're fucking amazing."
"Well I don't really have a choice, do I?"
Natalie's shoulders slumped slightly, and she tilted her head as she looked down at the woman she once loved.
"We're gonna get through this...I promise."
had no idea where this chapter was goin at first and then the brilliant sex tape idea popped into my mind so hope u enjoyed
love ya!
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sundropsbestie · 6 months
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peachie-bumblebee · 1 year
you so need to rewrite those fics you mentioned in the 3some head cannons. They sound so good omg.
you know what? here you go.
You wanted them, and by god, they wanted you.
You were Monty’s. That much was a guarantee.
You had been Monty’s from the moment he first laid his eyes on you. You had been at one of the shows with your college friends who had come back to town to reminisce about the good old days. They had gotten entirely wasted and left you there alone; alone and beautiful, and he knew from the moment he saw you in that crowd that he had to have you.
Of course, Roxanne was watching too- but Roxanne has always been far more patient than Montgomery.
Montgomery had approached you after the show late at night- you were hanging against the wall, and when you turned he stood there, hovering over you by several feet. He was breaking the rules by seeing you- and fuck, you loved a rule breaker.
That was over 8 months ago, and you’d never been happier- or more satisfied in all the meanings of the word. Monty wasn’t always the best with softness or with remembering details- minor things to you, really. But if there was one thing that Monty always delivered on, it was sex. You’d fucked on the vanity, against the window, in the Monty Gator Golf pool. He even ate you out on the middle of the stage late at night. You two had probably had every kind of sex you ever thought of having.
Except for one thing. The wildcard. The Roxanne Wolf. You weren’t stupid. You knew how she looked at you, and you knew that she and Monty were close- extremely so. It’s not like you minded it. Not at all; and you knew that your overprotective boyfriend knew too. It was an unspoken oddity of your relationship. If it had been anyone else, he probably would have flown off the handle. But Roxanne and you shared stolen glances, and her nails traced your hipbones as you passed down a tight corridor, and you were sure that was all it was ever gonna be.
So when they sat you down and proposed this- you had been taken aback. Your first thought had been that Roxy was just bored and wanted to hang out with you and Monty. After Monty patted his lap and told you to sit, you figured it was going another direction.
But not this.
Never this.
And god the adrenaline was racing through you.
They had explained it casually, toothy grins on their faces as they took you in.
Tomorrow night.
Chica’s Maze.
A game.
The rules would be simple.
You would start in the middle of the maze. You would find your way to the start or to the exit. That technicality didn’t bother either of them.
You would have a 5 minute head start. The time would be displayed on the wall for you.
It would be dark- but not pitch black.
You would be naked.
If you found your way out before they found you- you could have anything you wanted. And that meant anything at all. From either of them.
Roxanne had looked at you very pointedly when that part was discussed.
If you were caught- then they would do anything they wanted with you.
The offer had sent heat pooling down your spine. You’d done so much with Monty, and so little with Roxy.
So why not play?
“Of course”, he had reassured you, “we’ll level the playing field for you.”
The maze was always a rotating map. Neither of them would have the chance to memorize any path to find you on. And they wouldn’t camp out at the start or end- you had their word. Monty and Roxy would be wearing heavy bracelets around their ankles and hands- something to weigh them down a little. There would be forgiveness as well. If you were caught once, then you could continue on with a handicap. Something non-specified. A slap on the wrist before the real loss. They wouldn’t elaborate when you asked.
“What about your eyes?” you had asked Roxanne.
She got a certain look on her face then, one you couldn’t quite put a finger on.“That’s why you get the five minutes.”
So here you were now- the middle of Chica’s Mazercize. Monty had led you to the spot in the middle with strict instructions to close your eyes the whole way; tempting not to follow of course, but it’s far too exciting of an experience to waste it over breaking a rule as small as that.
Monty slides a cold claw down your front, wrapping the pads of his fingers around your nipple and giving it a small tug. At your slight moan, he chuckles and gets close to your ear.
“Count to 30 seconds before you open your eyes, m’kay?”
The cold air on your bare skin makes you bristle- along with something else.
A ghost of a cold kiss is pressed against your cheek. “Good luck, baby.”
And with that, he leaves, the whirring of his gears fading into the distance.
As you count down, your worry your teeth between your lips, shifting your weight from side to side. This whole thing is crazy. You’d done a lot of crazy shit, but this- this is fucking crazy. But you were gonna play this game. You wanted to. You wanted them, and by god, they wanted you.
The only thing you weren’t sure you wanted was to win.
Time’s up.
Slowly, as if expecting something to jump out at you, you peel open your eyes at the maze before you. One by one, the lights shut off, creating a rapidly approaching darkness as the walls change and shift around you. Your breath catches in your throat as new pathways emerge and change before your eyes before settiling in four directions. The ground your standing on shifts as well- spinning you slowly for couple of rotations so you can no longer keep track of where the start and the end could possibly be.
You are hopelessly, helplessly lost as the final light flicks off, submerging the maze in a faint pink glow.
You have no idea where to go.
The thought makes you throb.
Above you, a giant red clock turns on to exactly 5:00. 5 minutes. 5 minutes to decide what to do- where to go.
North couldn’t hurt. North always seems to be the right answer in the stories; and really, how complicated could the maze be? It wasn’t designed to contain anything more than some casual paying guests. Maybe, you smile to yourself, you’d get out before your head start was even over. The two animatronics would be at your beck and call.
You step as quickly as you can without running down the pathway, pondering what you’d have them do to you when it hits you. Quite literally. Before you is a wall.
Left or right.
That small bubble of confidence within you begins to deflate- but the feeling between your thighs only gets worse.
4 minutes left.
You go right.
Within what feels like seconds, you hit a dead end.
A sweat starts to build on the back of your neck.
You go back down the way you came from, heading left this time. Your speed is picking up pace as you keep your eyes trained on the clock, watching valuable seconds of time circle down the drain.
Left. Right. Left. Straight.
You should have a strategy. If you pick straight enough times, will it lead you to the edge? Or was this map designed with that idea in mind?
Strategy. Strategy.
The seconds continue ticking away.
1:40 left.
Pick left, then left again. Then pick right twice. It should lead you in the pattern of a square-like zigzag, and even if you hit the wall, you could use that as a guiding path. Right?
“One minute left!” The prerecorded voice of Chica spills over the maze from speakers, telling you that yes, you do indeed have 60 seconds to come up with a real plan on how to win this.
If you still want to win this.
Maybe that’s why you didn’t plan.
Your heart is hammering in your chest as the final seconds begin to tick away, the sound of a clock matching the beats of your feet into the ground. Strategy can no longer just be about how to get out. It now has to include how to stay hidden.
You’re trapped in a maze with two predator creatures- one built for speed, one for strength. They’re both taller than you. You know for a fact that Monty could easily toss you in the air if he wanted. You’ve heard rumors about the exact bite force of Roxy’s jaws. They’re smarter, equipped with the most modern technology in the world.
And Roxy can see you.
You just don’t know from how far away.
Fuck, what are they gonna do with you if you win?
“Uh oh!” Chica’s voice fills the maze once again, and you look towards the ceiling right as the clock his zero and a loud buzz echos through your bones. “Looks like you’re outta time!”
You’re still- deathly still as a beat of silence fills the massive maze. The only sound is your blood rushing through your ears.
And then a feminine laugh filled with absolute anticipation echos down the metal walls.
She’s here. They both are.
You don’t know what makes your body ache in anticipation more- her laugh, or the lack of your boyfriend’s.
They are two animalistic creatures made to hunt, and tonight, you are their prey.
It’s not about pure speed anymore as you go down your preplanned pathway. You’re trying to be as silent and as quick as you can be at the same time, which proves difficult.
You take a left.
The turn around the corner makes your stomach drop in fear and arousal as your eyes try to desperately find some hint of either of their presences. There’s nothing- and it’s relief and dread and ache that floods through you at the same time.
Keep going straight until you find another left.
Every sound in the maze makes your heart seize- but you’ve never felt more alive. Every pin drop, every settling noise of the pizzaplex has you stifling your own gasp of trepidation.
You find another left.
And someone is there.
It’s just a split second of danger recognition- their back is turned to you, and there’s so much adrenaline flooding through you that you don’t even know who it was. You just run.
As fast as you can, you turn back from where you can, your strides stretching as far as they can. You make the decision to dive behind another corner before you even register that there is one- it’s nearly an inperceptible slit in the walls- and as you hit the ground, you realize you’ve found the jackpot.
It’s a false wall. Made to confuse the customers- maybe scare actors stay there during the halloween season- you don’t know and quite frankly, you don’t give a shit. You crawl backwards on the floor until you’re flush with the farthest corner of the hiding place. You slap your hands over your mouth to try to quiet your breathing, eyes squeaking shut as the telltale footsteps inch closer.
It’s your boyfriend.
And he’s looking for you.
His heavy footsteps thunk into the metal floor and you squeeze your hands even tighter over your mouth.
“Baby?” His voice travels straight to your clit and you barely hold back a noise that’s pure animal-like need. You’re not thinking straight. The walls are spinning. Your pussy is throbbing.
He whistles low and slow as he walks right by.
And then he stops.
How much can he hear?
You stop breathing.
“Come on out for me, baby.” His voice is tensed with electric adrenaline, breath hissing through his mouth. “I can hear you.”
And you know he could. Monty has incredible hearing- better than you, certainly. And he doesn’t have bad eyesight- but certainly not Roxy’s.
Don’t find me. Don’t find me.
You manage to stay completely quiet, the need for oxygen burning in your lungs.
He keeps moving as your chest shakes, rounding some far off corner. You continue holding your breath as long as you can before you allow yourself to breathe as slowly and silently as you can.
Monty was going to be pissed.
The thought almost made your eyes roll back in your head.
After a few more moments you shakily stand and make your way to the exit of your hiding room. Your elbows are slightly bruised and scraped from your dive- but the ache is nothing compared to the building one between your legs. With one last glance around, you tiptoe out back onto the main path. That was close. Too close.
A part of you wonders what would have happened if he caught you just then.
Would he have pinned you down? Called Roxanne over? Given you whatever handicap you deserved? Or would he have simply picked you up right then and fucked you against the wall?
Turning in the opposite direction from where Montgomery went, you continue your strategy from before the close encounter. But as you continue walking, you lose more and more track of where you had first bumped into him. In the thrill of the chase, you had completely lost your bearings.
You continue going straight.
And then take a right. This pathway of the maze curves- perhaps this is the entrance to the maze, some kind of a lead-in.
You wall down the looming halls as it spirals into a circle. Your speed picks up along with the curves, getting tighter and tighter until a wall comes into sight in front of you.
There’s a sign there- a cartoon Chica with a frown on her face.
“Dead End!”
You only realize your mistake too late. Without notice, one second to the next- there she is. Her eyes are gleaming in the darkness, shining with hunger- shining at you. You gasp, the sound catching in your throat as you freeze. Roxanne is on you in seconds- no chance for you to even think about escaping. With a single hand she pushes you into the wall, squeezing your throat in her grasp. You can still breathe- but the intended effect is strong. She’s inches away from your face and smiling as you squirm under her, your hands grasping where hers lies on your throat, yet making no attempt to pull it away.
“Found you.”
Roxannes voice is husky with victory and lust.
Just as you get your bearings under her palm, she flips you so that your cheek is flush with the wall. You gasp as she moves up behind you, tracing your skin with a single pointy claw.
“You’ve been proving much more slippery then we initially thought. It’s almost impressive- is it a skill of yours, or just luck?”
To punctuate her words she softly curls her spare hand around your hipbone, her pinky finger drifting low enough to almost graze at your pussy slit. You let out a shuddered heave of a gasp when the very tip of her claw just barely touches your clit.
She cocks her head a little, making a false click of sympathy at your desperation. “Looks like it’s more like beginners luck.”
Roxy finally releases the back of your head from it’s pinned place. Instead, she smoothly- yet quickly- presses your chin up so that your head is arched back into her chest. Her thumb grazes your lip and presses just barely before a single drop of blood wells up.
Her hand moves down to fully cup you, and something inside of you breaks. You rut up into Roxy’s hand hard before you can even realize you’re doing anything. She stops it before it even starts, harshly hiking her hand up and away and grabbing the hilt of your chin in her hand.
“Ah ah- nope. Not yet. The rules say you get your handicap now.”
A whine from somewhere deep in you finds it way out your throat. Roxy chokes on her little laugh just slightly.
“Don’t push it. I’d use your mouth right now if I knew your boyfriend wouldn’t throw a tantrum- oh fuck, he’s gonna be so pissed when he finds out I got to you before he did.” The wolf laughs a little again before taking something out from behind her.
She wraps something long, black, and silky into her fist.
It’s a blindfold.
You were never meant to win this game at all.
With a swift hand, Roxanne ties the dark fabric around your eyes. It’s not even see through enough to see 5 inches in front of you, nevertheless 5 feet. The pitch blackness rule is clearly out the window. There’s no chance of your eyes even adjusting.
If before you were a rat in a trap, you are now the cheese.
Roxanne hums as she ever so slightly presses your body into the wall with hers. “Let’s hope that good luck of yours doesn’t run out.” She rocks against your ass once- just a tease of a grind, really, but the act makes you clutch her arm in desperation anyway.
“You have another five minutes to get going again- but I suppose you won’t be able to tell how much time had passed until our friend’s voice comes over the intercom, isn’t that right?”
Your voice breaks as she rocks again, even less so this time. “Please. Just take me now.”
“Are you saying you want to stop?”
“No i’m- i’m ready.”
“We’re not.”
Clearly, they want to play with their food.
“See you soon. Listen for your one and only’s reaction for me, won’t you baby?”
With one last cup of your ass, Roxy slips off into the unknown void that surrounds you.
A part of you just wants to slide down the wall and wait for them to realize that you haven’t moved an inch- but god, where’s the fun in that? You’re a player in a game you were doomed to fail- but you know just as well as they do that what comes in your failure is benefit. And part of the fun is the chase.
You’ll play your part.
You know they’ll play theirs.
Blindly, your trail your hand down the wall as you walk, quickly navigating yourself back down the spiral dead end. You’re just about to exit what you think is the beginning of the spiral when you hear it.
A growl, dark and deep and deliciously pissed off rumbles throughout the maze.
Roxanne was right- he really isn’t happy that she found you first.
You wonder what that means for you.
The thought only makes you move faster, adrenaline coursing deeper through your veins. You don’t know how much time you have left, but you’re gonna use it to the best of your abilities. You just have to hope you’re moving further away, not closer.
Will they hunt together now? No- Montgomery will be much too furious for that. Unless Roxanne makes him. Clearly, she has some kind of control over him that you’ve never known about; their own personal cat and mouse where both are the cat. Contrary to the animals they’re based off of, Monty’s blood runs hot in a hunt. He’s all force, all blind desire to take what is his. Roxanne appears to run cold- a deadly stalker in the night. She’s speed and strength and skill.
No matter their hunting plan, you’re royally fucked.
You race as fast as you dare down the pathways, taking lefts and rights like you know nothing- a part of you doesn’t. You know nothing about where you’re going or where you’re headed from.
Before you know it, you have one minute left. You must once again take up stealth over fast travel- so it’s best to get as far as possible first. Your hands are your only guide as you take another trip down another curve, praying you somehow haven’t moved in a big circle.
Time runs out as it always does.
Either by some miracle you blindly stumble your way across your finish line, or they find you freakishly fast. You’ll take either option- but you’re not going down without at least trying.
Another left.
You jump as a creak squeaks off in the distance, slamming your feet into the ground as your heart hammers in your chest.
You move on.
After 300 some paces you take a sharp right at the end of the corridor. That right ends in a sharp corner that your finger skips slightly over, and your heart skips a beat at the possibility that you’ve defied all the odds. You take one step, then two- and then there it is.
A thunk.
There he is.
You turn on your heel and run from the sound like a wild animal, knowing it’s entirely a fruitless endeavor. Monty makes a noise- deep, guttural, angry, and it only spurs you on further. You smile with your teeth bared, sure that at any moment you will feel his hands scrape you up and off the ground.
But it doesn’t come.
Instead, a familiar hand grabs your throat from the front.
You hadn’t even heard her coming.
Monty comes up from the behind.
“I fuckin’ had it, you know.” He presses himself pulley behind you, roughly grabbing your hips as you gasp. You can feel his dick pressed against your back, painfully hard. You hear the sound of his teeth grating. “I had them.”
“It’s a shame I got to them first then.”
You realize now that they’ve been playing a game of their own.
“Just cuz you wrap your fuckin’ claws around their throat doesn’t mean shit, wolf.”
She clicks her tongue. “That’s not all I’ve done. Look closer.”
You tremble between them in the silence.
Slowly, Roxanne pushes your chin up to show your face to your boyfriend. The air is electric, tense. Your breaths are coming in in slight heaves as Roxanne tugs your bottom lip down with her claw.
She flicks the small bloody scab with the point of her talon.
“You fuckin’ marked them?”
You don’t need to see Roxanne’s expression to know its a smug one.
“Before me?”
“Oh well.”
Montgomery trembles behind you as Roxanne gets closer, still pressing your face to the sky. Her tits brush against your bare skin and you shudder even more.
“Maybe you should ask them what’s wrong, Montgomery. If you wanna have the honors.”
Your boyfriend isn’t used to being bossed around, not in any capacity. You’ve never done it before, never even seen it happen.
You feel his face lower towards yours. “I don’t need to ask. I already know.”
He pulls you away slightly from Roxy and presses a finger against your clit hard. Your entire body jumps as you let out a moan. “Fuck, Monty.”
“See how it’s my name they’re saying? How their body responds to me at a single fuckin’ touch?”
“Funny. Their body was doing something similar when I started dry humping them in the maze.”
And that’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
Everyone has a breaking point. The rules of the game state that you are theirs to do what they please with- and it seems that part of what they want to do is to out perform each other. You’re just along for the ride. Monty’s breaking point is knowing she got to you first.
You’re dragged away several feet by your boyfriends hands, the air around you moving to tell you that the wolf is in quick pursuit.
“Cmon, Monty. Don’t be jealous.”
“Shut up. Shut the fuck up.”
Roxy reaches out beyond you and places a hand on your boyfriend. “Take their pussy first. It’ll make you feel better.”
You gasp as Monty growls, putting you on something soft. You can’t understand what it is- it feels like a mattress, which makes no fucking sense because you’re in a maze- but before you can begin thinking about that, Monty starts crawling on top of you.
Your breathing catches in your throat as you feel his dick slap against your stomach, leaving a warm sticky smear on your skin. “Can I take the blindfold off?”
A pause.
“No. Not yet.” Monty’s hands are rough as he runs them down your sides. “You’ll get to see us when you’ve earned it.”
“But I-”
Montgomery cuts you off by squeezing your jaw shut in the palm of his hand. “I didn’t ask you, slut.” With that, he uses his free hand to push up your right leg over his shoulder. His cock now rests on your thigh, heavy and weeping. “I am not fuckin’ happy with you.”
His dick tells a different story, but you aren’t able to open your mouth to tell him that.
Like before, he presses a single finger on your clit hard- this time, his thumb. He’s tense with his jealousy and lust, breath coming out heavy. You keen as he starts moving his thumb in a circle, the coolness of his skin making you jolt.
“You are such-”
Roxanne cuts Monty off. “Stop arguing with them and start prepping them to take you already.”
“And why should I fuckin’-
“Cuz I get their mouth.”
Roxy walks over. “Can’t sit on their fucking face if you keep talking.”
You tremble even more as you feel her kneel behind your head. As she takes your chin as leans you back, Montgomery pinches your clit between two fingers.
“Fuck- mm- Christ, Monty-
He tugs a little and your hips buck up.
“Can I please, please see you both now?”
Roxanne hums, and her body whirs as she positions herself over your face. “Hm. I don’t know. Why don’t you ask him?”
You’re moaning, the feeling of him slightly kneading your clit between his fingers making you ache.
“Use your words. Ask him.”
You moan again, unable to help yourself. “Monty, Monty-
He lets go of your clit and the sheer ache of it makes you cut yourself off again.
“Can’t even fuckin’ ask me, huh?”
“What are you even askin’ for?”
You’re suddenly not sure.
Roxanne laughs. “That’s what we thought. Open your mouth. Tap a couple times on my thigh if you can’t handle it, okay?”
She squeezes your mouth open a little. “I wanna hear you say it.”
“That’s good.”
And with that, she lowers herself onto your face. You know she’s restraining herself- if she really sat, she’d kill you, but the sheer thought of that sends even more arousal through you. Though she’s not using her full weight, she is certainly still on you.
She’s warm.
“Stick your tongue out for me.”
You do, and she groans, starting to rock herself against your tongue. You can only just breathe, and the feeling is making you pleasantly fuzzy as your senses are overwhelmed.
“Told you they’re good, aren’t they Rox?”
You stick your tongue out further.
“Jesus, fucking slut-” Roxy grabs your chest in her hand and tugs on your nipple. Your moan must send some kind of vibration to her clit, because she hisses through her teeth as you do it.
“You’re crazy for letting us do this to you, baby.” Montgomery pushes two fingers inside of you. “I’ve got such a whore on my hands, don’t I? Letting us do whatever we want to you. Slippery little tease.” Your hips involuntarily buck, but he’s far too strong for you to get much of anywhere. Your cry of pleasure can’t even by silenced by Roxy’s cunt.
And Monty is huge. His fingers are already thick enough to deliciously scrape against your g-spot without doing much of anything, and his fingers are nothing compared to how his dick feels inside of you. As he slides another finger inside of you, you can hear the wet squelch of your pussy.
Of course, you can hardly hear it over the muffling that Roxanne’s thighs provide- her legs are only just squeezing your head as she grinds deeper and harder on your tongue. You’re not in pain- no, you’re in ecstasy as you wrap your lips around her clit and suck.
As you use more pressure, Monty pumps his fingers in and out of your pussy. The intense moaning makes Roxanne toss her head back. “Whatever you’re doing to them, keep fucking doing it.”
It’s Monty’s turn to chuckle as he maintains his speed. Your moan hits a higher note as your involuntarily squeeze around him, and Roxanne cums all over your face.
Fucking christ.
After a few more rocks of her hips, the wolf climbs off your face and you gasp. Roxanne cups your face and wipes her fluids off of your chin before placing them in your mouth.
“Clean me off.”
You obediently lick her fingers clean with a whine, and she groans. “I think they deserve their sight back now, don’t you, Montgomery?”
He gives a sigh of false contemplation. “Did they do a good job?”
His grin is evident in his voice. “That’s my bitch. Go on.”
Roxy peels off your blindfold, damp with sweat and her juices. You blink as your eyes adjust to your surroundings, and you discover that your are indeed on a mattress in a corridor of the maze.
They must have set up spots to fuck you across it.
You groan as Monty and Roxy help flip you onto your hands and knees. Monty slips his fingers, now warm from your pussy, out of you and you whine at the feeling.
“Don’t complain. I’m gonna stuff you full of somethin’ in just a second.”
You don’t have words anymore- you’re exhausted from the chase, and it’s like your brain has totally lost all knowledge on what your vocabulary is. You just know that the ache between your thighs is unbearable, and that you’re drooling over your bottom lip, and that you just want them to fuck you.
Roxanne sits in front of you and takes your chest into her hands, rubbing and pulling on your nipples. You lurch forwards at her touch- which is when Monty starts rubbing his cockhead against your pussy hole.
“Oh, fuck.”
“Getting all excited over just me doing this? You really must have gotten all wet n fuckin’ ready for us, didn’t you?” Monty slaps your clit with his dick, smearing his precum all over you.
“Yes.” You don’t have it in you to be embarrassed anymore. “Need you. Need you both.”
They both groan at your pitiful response.
“What do you need us to do?” Roxanne stops pinching one of your nipples to cup your whole chest on that side.
Your boyfriend keeps gliding his dick across your clit, and you’re going goddamn insane because of it. “Touch me.”
“We are touching you.”
You’re gonna fucking cry if they keep on doing this game of verbal back and forth with you. You don’t have the strength.
You groan, cringing in on yourself slightly. “Want Monty to fuck me while you rub my clit and touch me- touch me all over.”
“That’s better.” Roxanne makes eye contact with your boyfriend. “Well? Whenever you’re ready.”
And with that, Monty bottoms out in you with one thrust.
No matter how many times you’ve taken him, you just can’t seem to get used to how fucking big his dick is. It’s long and thick and he’s always super fucking messy, and even though its by far not your first time doing it, it burns so fucking good as he pushes all the way in. You cry out, shaking as he gives you a moment to adjust.
Roxy slides her hands down and presses on your pelvis, causing your eyes to roll back in your head. “I can feel him all the way up there.”
You don’t have it in you to respond. You’re blabbering now as she catches your head from meeting the mattress. “Can’t- mm- fuck- can’t fucking take it-
“I know you can.” Monty shifts forwards a bit, somehow hitting impossibly deeper. “We know you can.”
You just cry in pleasure as he continues. “Tell us you want this. Tell us how bad you want this, or we’ll stop.”
“I want- fuck, please, please, please I want this, I want you Monty, please, please-
He wraps his hands around your hipbones and starts thrusting, and the rest of the world snaps away. Roxanne picks your limp upper body up and readjusts you so that you’re kneeling at an angle and draped over her shoulders. You weakly grasp as her back, nails finding no purchase in her metal skin as your boyfriend fucks up into you. Nothing exists besides how good his cock feels grinding and pumping up into your hole- there’s just pure pleasure.
Roxanne slips a hand under your body and starts rubbing your clit while Monty continues to fuck you with a brutal pace. You can’t even moan, it feels that good- all that comes out of you is a squeak of a cry. You’re mouth open, panting out huffs of breaths as you cling to Roxanne like a lifeline.
“You didn’t tell me how pretty their face was when they got all fucked out.”
Monty has his head down, eyebrows screwed up and moaning as he fucks you. “Well, that’s your own damn fault for not realizing. Fuckin’ look at ‘em.”
You can see Roxanne looking at you through your lidded eyes, too drunk on pleasure to register her own expression of lust. “It is.”
You just lay there and take both of their actions, too overwhelmed with pleasure to do anything but moan. You’re sure the maze is echoing with the sounds of you and your pussy- fuck, there’s probably a little wet spot under you from his actions- and you just can’t seem to care.
Monty growls under his breath, taking his frustration out on your pussy. “Fuckin’ snuck past me, What the hell is that?- and tried to run from me?”
“m’- m‘sorry Monty-” is all you can reply with.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I fuckin’ know.”
Before you even fully realize it, your orgasm is building in your lower stomach. They must notice some change in you that you can’t, because all of a sudden, Montgomery starts pounding into you faster. The change of pace would normally slow your climax down a little, but the swirl of Roxanne’s fingers feel so good that it picks right back up again.
The wolf laces her free hand through your hair, grounding you with slightly stinging pressure. “Just hold it for a little bit longer. We both know he’s close, don’t we?”
It’s true. He’s sliding in and out of you at a near extreme pace, his grip on your hips slightly too tight. If you could hear him over your own moans, you’d know he was nearly as loud as you.
“I can’t, I can’t, I can’t- please let me come, please-
Roxanne hushes you. “We know you can. Just be patient and hold it.”
You sob, clutching onto to her tighter than you thought possible.
Monty’s hips begin to stutter and he grabs the mattress, claws piercing the soft material. “Fuck, fuck, that’s it baby, keep squeezing me just like that. That’s right, that’s my good fuckin’ slut-”
You gasp, the last of your reasoning hanging on for those telltale words of permission from your boyfriend.
“You can cum now, cum for me, that’s it, let go-
Roxy firmly roots her claws in your hair, and with that, you cum.
You can’t even tell how long it really goes on for. It feels like eternities. Some part of you can hear your cry of ecstasy as you finally cum on his dick and her hand, but the rest of you is too caught up in the white hot pleasure coursing through your veins. Monty comes inside of you, his warmth flooding your lower stomach, and continues to hump his dick up into you well after he’s done so that you can ride it all out. You bounce on him too, unable to help yourself as your orgasm fades away.
When you come back to your senses, you’re in Monty’s arms as he holds you, Roxanne seating right beside. You’re covered in sweat, aching, exhausted- and extremely happy.
“You know. You were pretty damn close to winnin’, baby.” Montgomery tells you as you look around.
Roxanne smiles. “Couple more turns and you would have walked through the exit.”
You sigh, looking up at the ceiling, and then between the two animalistic creatures above you.
And you know to ask just one thing.
“So when are you gonna let me try again?”
ahh! I hope y’all enjoyed!!! please reblog with comments, comment, and send request in as always! I love you all. <3
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
So like what I'm see, could you do glamrock chica Roxy Monty bonny marinette and baby with a animatronic reader built for security and has access to the cameras,
this idea has been inside my head for awhile now and i know my x reader viewers are starving so yes.
also may i say your taste in fnaf animatronics is just 🤌
also i didnt know which bonnie you wanted so i just did glamrock bonnie
hows everyone feeling abt ruin???👁️👁️
there will be spelling errors
{not proof read}
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glamerock chica
the pizzaplex had many security messures in place,including security bots
not that they made the most difference
its not until after a break-in incedint that they decide they need to up their security a tad bit more,however they were already paying enough fees and did'nt want to pay another security officer so instead they went for the next best option!
a new security animatronic that was sentient like the main four+sun and moon
chica was quite surprised once she saw you lurking around,that was until she remembered that the staff had said there was a new bot for extra security
she decided to approach you abit before opening since you both had'nt needed to survey the pizzaplex
you both got along very well actually
she found it very interesting and was slightly jealous that you had the ability to access the cctv cameras around the plex
she was quite happy that there was another animatronic though,you made for good company
if she every saw a security camera she would wave at it,regardless of if you were watching or not
she has offerd you trash before,though wether or not you accept it though is up to you
its the thought that counts atleast
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monty/montgomary gator
similar situation to chicas
he was surprised to see another bot wondering round the plex
though hes not one to dweel on something that isnt his buisness,so he was mainly just curious and let you be
your first real interaction is when a customer gets particulary aggitated with the gator when you stepped in
you had told the woman the whatever had happpened she could bring it to customer service,you also warned her that if she did not comply she would be escorted out of the pizzzaplex
he hadnt seen anyone stand up for him before like that
you also presented yourself very professionaly,being an animatronic you stood fairly tall but the way your presented yourself almost made yyou seem taller,you were assertive in our words and spoke without stuttering
it was a very nice manner
although hes thankful that you stepped in he dosnt show it
he just huffs and leaves to his green room to blow off steam
after making some more meetings though an unlikely friendship manages to form
he trys to perform even better now that he knows your potentially watching
speaking of that
he finds it cool how they trust you enough to allow you access to the cameras,though hes not jeoalous because he has gator golf
he loves compliments whether your giving them to him or vice versa
hes very possessive and will cuddle you in his greenroom
he will either give you his glasses to wear temporarily or will get a copy made and then give you the copy
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roxanne wolf
she would be one of the first ones to learn of your existance due to her excellent eye sight
she gets a little aggressive until she learns that your not an intruder and also not one of the "main" bots
it turns out mangament just thought it'd be a good idea to through you into the pizza plex with no for warning
she does get nervous that youll take her spot light a tad bit since animatronics do tend to draw more attraction then old ones
she needs quite a bit of confirmation that your not threatening her stance and thats shes still the best
after adjusting to you though shes very friendly
the chances are very high that she'll introduce cassie to you
she lets you into her green room preety much whenever
having a shitty day? go straight to her! she'll cheer you right up!
ashes constantley giving you makeovers,with your consent of course and other things
she loves racing you and she gives you many praises if you win
shes very soft with yopu,surprisingly even in public,although its not to the same extent as when your both alone she'll still be very sweet to you.
if people have a problem with it they can leave
your very quick to come to her aid if someone is being rude to her,also having the security cameras to back you up is a bonus
she gives you many of her merchandise on a whim,your talking and she has to leave,oh wait.before she goes she gives you a limited addition rare roxanne wolf plushie.how sweet ;)
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glamrock bonnie
he wouldnt be to surprised to find out tghat managment added another animatronic that was strictly for security,wouldnt be to surprised that managment had'nt told anyone either
he'd probally be one of the first ones to come up to you,having a smug smirk on his face will dramatically spinning a bowling ball with one of his fingers
very flirty,however alot of the time it usually ends up with something funny happening,so flirting but failing at the same time.
he'll lean on a wall,about to recite a very cheezy monologue of randome romantic words when he suddenly just,falls.he slips off the wall and onto the floor,whatever words he was about to say,yea unless hes feeling particularly confident he will just get up,apologize and walk off
he tries to impress you tones,and i mean TONS
if your ever nearby he tries to get the most amount of attention possible,hoping that in the crowd he would have hooked your interest
he has honed his skills of bowling and hes going to show it
if you ask him to teach you a trick in bowling he will drop EVERYTHING just to show you how to do it
he absolutely loves when you give him attention and if you ever tease or flirt back,hes like putty in your hands,oh so sweet and tripping over his words like a highschool crush
he will unironically do the finger thing where he just 👉👈
will give you all sorts of gifts
if your not a pro bowling player by the time you actually get together(if you do) than you might just need alittle more help from him,but hes not complaining
fyi,you probally figured out he had feelings way before he told you,you most likely saw him rehearsing(and failing) through the cameras
speaking of wich,if he thinks/knows your looking at the security cameras and there one near him,hell wink and do a finger gun or some other flirty action towards it,and then most likely trip afterwards
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shes quite surprised when you get added as additional securty measurements
dont the toy's already have saftey measurements like face recognitional scanning features and stuff
shes abit confused as to why they would do that instead of just upgrading the already made animatronics,like you already have tons of animatronics and instead of saving money you decide to waste it?
the only reason she can think that your here is maybe for increased popularity aswell?
shes confused but also curious,the toys can get a tad bit annoying and its nice to see a fresh face around,well animatronic technically speaking.
shes intreguded by the fact that you have access to the camera systems,theyve always been so adiment about only letting the night guard have it so why do you?
more questions than ones being answered,though maybe you could answer them
she can be a tad bit harsh and brash,with a pinch of shyness when she approacesh you,well actually the likely hood is,that she'll probally lure you to her box where she can stay safe instead of being in the outside world
once she gets to know you shes much more calm
she allows you to be in her box with her if you wish,with others she dismmises them with a harsh swipe of her black and white striped arm
she likes listening to her music box with you,just sitting in almost complete silence as the soft lullaby fills the air with calm music
she loves giving you gifts or leaving them around for you
she makes the pressents that belog to you blatently obvious as to who its for,one of the toys took one of your pressents once and it wasnt a very happy ending
she likes to just wrap her long lanky arms around you,seeking comfort in your presense and just you being there
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circus baby
shes rather annoyed apon your arrival
circus baby is a mastermind and also likes things to be in place,specifically in places where she wants them
you put a very large and prominent thorn in her side
im not very sure on the lore but there's a high likely hood that you were made by henry and given as a gift after some concerning reports were leaked
shes an extreme mix between being friendly and being harsh
she annoyed because now shes going to have to re-arrange her plans and make accomadations for you,who can see into the security feed
but she needs to play nice if she wants her plan to go smoothly
shes a toxic mix between the two emotions,however as time goes on her feelings start to subside and change
she distances herself as much as your circumstances allow as she tries to configure her conflicting feelings
shes a robot made to kill,and your.well ,not
she eventually decides to see how her feelings lpay out and then plan around that
safe to say,she was very wrong,she thought that letting things happen,her feeling would subdue.nope,they just became stronger and she feel for you harder
she eventual;ly comes to a grueling conclusion that she likes you and after a short confrontation about feeling and such.her plans will have to change,again
shes very sweet with you,aswell as openly affecttionate
she uses alot of her mechanisms to wow you
like making heart shaped ballons randomly and giving them to you
she uses her high status in the funtimes frequently
she refuses to let the biddy babs anywhere near you
she likes keeping you by her side,you keep her calm and collected
she vents to you about the troubles she faces and asks your opinions and what she should do.
shes very caring towards you and sweet
to you:(//ó//w//ò//)
to the funtimes:(ò~ó)
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Climb inside of me.
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Nell Jackson x reader
Summary: Nell left you, will you give her a chance to make explain herself.
Notes: it only took me an hour, it's based off of a poem.
Inspired by the song Again - Noah Cyrus and XXXTENTACION
It hurt in a way you’d never felt before when she left, like grieving a missing limb. And then she’d died that pain was multiplied to the point of suffocation.
Then one night at the Talbot you saw her swan in the same way she left and your head started to spin.
She was back. And real, not something you’d made up to ease the grief.
You jump up and head for the front door heart pounding in your ears. Disappearing without so much as a back glance.
It killed her. So she’d asked Roxy to talk to you being too much of a coward to do it herself.
Roxy raced down the next day practically begging you to go see her. No doubt Nell had asked her to but you’d refused to let yourself even be entertained by the idea.
“she wants to see you ya know”  your head was already shaking side to side before she’d finished.
“She made her choice, she can just deal with it Roxy.” You had a very that was that tone as you fixed your hair, hands smoothing over your dress.
So Roxy didn’t waste her breath asking twice.
Fingers twist the material at your side, something you only did when nervous.
She’d frozen a second, hesitated like she wanted to say more but didn’t.
Knowing you were putting on a front deep down you wanted to see her, she relayed the message anyway.
The deflated look in Nell’s eyes when you refused to see her, broke her heart.
Muttering a sorry as she patted Nell in passing.
Nell couldn’t sleep that night. No matter how much she tossed and turned, fingers twisting in the sheets the gnawing, absence never settled.
Your face wouldn’t leave her mind.
You were best friends why couldn’t you forgive her?
Or at least you used to be before she ruined everything. There was no expectation of easiness but time had made her forgetful of your stubborn nature.
She’d get you back even if it killed her.
 You’d grown up together, she wasn’t going to be stupid enough to let you go twice.
You the educated daughter of a wealthy doctor and Nell the uneducated daughter of a tavern owner.
She had no idea what you even saw in her sometimes but my god did she want to be seen by you.
You’d even slept in the same bed growing up, all snuggled up close under fading candle light fingers tight around your waist and Nell tried to pretend that it didn’t mean anything.
The delicate way you brushed your fingers over her features, faces just inches apart leaning close as you whispered to avoid waking anyone.
You consumed her. Lit the spark in her chest, she burned for you.  
That burn bled into your everyday lives, she could barely contain herself when the local men tried their luck. It was met with a polite decline from yourself or Nell threatening to beat the infatuation out of any boy who mustered up the courage to try.
Nell sometimes caught herself wishing she was a boy it would make everything so easy.
She’d make a good husband. Nobody would ever hurt you, make you cry or take advantage of your kindness again.
She’d always known she wasn’t like most girls and you only made it more obvious.
The thoughts started to scare her becoming more intense as you aged. So she’d done the only thing she could and married Jackson leaving as soon as possible. He was a good man, had understood her situation. Understood he was her way out.
Understood she would never be a normal wife.
You’d been heartbroken, friends your whole lives and not even a goodbye.
One day she was there and the next gone like a ghost.
Nell Jackson had broken your heart.
Eyes darting back and forth between your notes ignoring the burn in your eyes,
Thumbs rub them blurry but Nell’s face doesn’t leave your mind.
Your stomach twists with excitement as you finish writing a possible cure for a disease you’d been working on.
She seemed to be a lot of places you were lately.
You grown suspicious, suspecting Roxy of foul play sometimes but lacked the proper evidence to accuse.
You always found an excuse to leave. She didn’t need us, didn’t need you.
You’d avoided Nell for weeks, Roxy thought it was silly you opting to drink at home throwing yourself into your work.
Couldn’t you see that they needed you? Nell needed you?
You’d see the girls in passing but not as before, it was hard and you missed them but you all needed the space you’d convince yourself to ease the guilt.
You leaned back in your office chair stretching tired limbs throwing the book to the growing pile as you enjoy the silence.
It would be dark in a few hours so you wanted to enjoy the last few hours of sunlight in peace.
You’d earned a rest. Earned a break from your inner torment even if just for a moment.
Being the towns doctors daughter, people came to you all hours for help.
 You didn’t mind of course.
You were a sweetheart and the town loved you for it, beautiful, clever and exceptionally wealthy you had it all.
Well except a husband. But who wanted one of those?
Men were loud, rough and selfish. None of which appealed to you, women were soft, warm and smelled good.
Life would be so much easier if you could marry each other.
You often caught yourself wondering what it would be like curling up next to someone soft and warm..
A shake of your head puts a stop to that train of thought.
Those thoughts were for later, when it was dark and you could pretend your hand  was possessed, working of it’s own volition under your night gown. The thoughts that clouded your mind were put there by the devil himself to torment you.
You caved every time.
Especially these last few weeks you’d find Nell’s face creeping in more.
Which only made it harder to look at her.
You’d had proposals from all sorts of men looking to marry into your family, the ones looking for love. The ones who wanted money, the ones who wanted to use your brilliance for their own selfish reasons.
You turned them all down.
 One of the few lucky enough to have parents that didn’t care much about marriage marrying for love themselves.
The knock on your door startles, bringing you back to reality. You aren’t expecting anybody but then again you suppose you never were.
You look though the peephole, squinting till Nell’s features came into focus.
You swing the door open with more force than needed, Nell blinks in surprise.
“what do you want?” you know you sound rude, you try not to care.
 Hurt flashes over her features but it’s so fleeting you could have imagined it.
“well a hello wouldn’t go a miss”  irritation brews in your chest but it’s overshadowed with the ache of missing her.
You wanted to cry, bury your head in her neck and never let go.
“if I wanted to say hello I’d have called.” You quip cheeks hot.
You turn before she can see heading back the way you came with Nell at your heels.
You think you hear her close the door behind you.
You hope she has, it was hardly the safest village.
It doesn’t take long before your back in your office sitting back at your work station.
“figured I’d save you the trouble”  she stops awkwardly in the middle of the room taking it all in.
The overwhelming rows of books, ingredients. Scribbled notes scattering the table, Nell doesn’t think she’s ever seen so many books in her life.
“that why you’re here, to say hello?” your words come out thin and pinched, you find yourself silently cringing at your own voice.
If Nell notices she doesn’t say anything.
“Yeah well, I missed ya”  her fingers tap against a jar as she stares at the contents.
Your eyes watch Nell’s frame, she moves slow eyes scanning the various bottles and jars filled with all sorts.
“your the one who left” you huff.
“didn’t feel I ‘ad a choice” she’s looking at you now eyes gazing into your own.
“a goodbye would have been nice” you mutter.
“m sorry”
 Nell continues to study your shelves and the silence stretches on.
Too long.
“don’t touch that” your across the room in seconds hand gripping her wrist tightly, alarm in your tone.
Nell jars slightly, looking at your grip on her wrist.
“It’s a paralytic.” You offer, her blank stare let’s you know she doesn’t understand so you carry on.
“you’ll be unable to move, paralysing your body and lungs eventually until you suffocate and die.”
“Cheery” Nell lowers her eyes and you realise with great embarrassment you still haven’t let go of her wrist.
Dropping her wrist you put away the deadly concoctions in sight as a precaution.
“Sorry, I just didn’t want you to die.” You offer lamely.
Nell’s heart sores at your words, you still cared. “I wouldn’t worry about that, I’m magic.” her joke confuses you tone awkward.
Nell knows she sounds lame but she doesn’t know what else to offer.
You meet her gaze properly, her eyes are so pretty.
“did I do something wrong?” Nell’s mind goes blank, how could you ever do anything wrong?
“Course not, why would you think that?” you grip your skirt fingers tightening and untightening. Twisting and pulling until you can’t anymore.
Nell’s grip tightens around your hand gently pulling the offending hand from your already creased skirt.
“because you never said goodbye.” and it sounds like the most childish thing in the world to be upset about.
But you are.
She pulls you in, slowly guiding you until your eye level with her chin.
You daren’t let your eyes stray further. Her hand moves to hold your own squeezing gently.
 “I didn’t want to hurt ya, I had to leave. Had to leave before I did something stupid,” and of course it makes no sense.
“Stupid? I don’t understand” you pull gently, Nell doesn’t let go.
Pushing your wrists down until she’s forced to let go you take a step back.
“Stop talking in riddles and just be honest with me.”
Her brain freezes and she finds her mouth opening and closing without a sound coming out.
And so she does the only thing that she can, she kisses you.
Her lips are soft, warm. Unskilled they work against yours urgently.
Heat shoots down your spine coiling tight in your lower belly as she pushes you gently into the bookshelf behind.
You think you hear something fall but you don’t care. She’s so soft, eager and my god does she smell good.
Gasping for air you reluctantly pull back, releasing a shaky breath foreheads pressed together.  
You think you hear here apologising but it doesn’t register.
How on earth could she be sorry for that?
“I shouldn’t have done that” it’s not an apology but close enough.
“why not?” Nell doesn’t have an answer, you didn’t seem upset which was a win. 
She steps back and you panic.
Nell doesn’t miss it, moving closer to soothe you. “hey I ain’t goin nowhere” relaxing, you nod and step closer.
“it’s going to be dark soon, you should stay.”
Nodding wordlessly, Nell finds herself hypnotised as you lead her upstairs.
Finding herself in your bedroom watching you undress for bed, Nell can’t help but feel like the luckiest person in the world perching on the end of your bed.
You blush turning to find her gaze already on you.
“you sleeping like that?” you gesture towards her outfit. Trousers, boots, hat and a gentleman’s coat.
Pulling off her boots and coat, she hangs her hat over your bedpost, you blow out the candle.
Pushing herself up the bed as you crawled to meet her.
Snuggling up you press your head against her chest as you both get comfortable.
Whatever happened, you had each other. You were home.
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