#!fnaf sl redux!
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aceinacloset · 8 hours ago
Character Profile #11 Bonnet
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Originally planned to be a second hand puppet to Funtime Freddy, that could be done interchangeably with Bon Bon. But due to technical difficulties and accidentally designing the bonnet to be slightly too big, she was largely scrapped. Bonnet is a secondary character in !FNAF SL REDUX!, and has surprisingly a bigger role than in canon, though, her role is not as big in SL. 
Let's get started…
Bonnet was a planned character, designed to be an interchangeable hand puppet with Bon Bon. But while William designed her, and built her, he miscalculated the size bonnet should be, making her too large. Due to her being still small enough to have very intricate and sensitive parts that would be difficult to change, and also having limited funding. Bonnet was just kept the way she was, and was just put into storage, her blueprint and info saved just in case she could be of use. Stick a pin in this, this detail is important.
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Bonnet is locked in the private room (williams office), where she quickly befriends Yenndo, and kinda acts as her feet, since crawling everywhere is not very effective, and damages her suit. Bonnet is a very enthusiastic bunny, personality meant to be a parallel to Bon Bons, with just a slight whimsical edge.
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Bonnet is the only one of the Private room bots that freely explores the facility, and would later become a little assistant to Liz and her exploration on getting out of the facility. She’d be very helpful, being able to reach the places Liz and the others couldn’t. Her and Bon Bon would even end up finding the vent that leads to the upper location. Sadly they wouldn’t be able to use it, but it was a discovery that ended up helping them anyway.
Michael never meets Bonnet, but Bonnet does know of Michael, spying on him during his night shifts.
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Unlike Yenndo, LOLBIT, and Electro-bab, after the funtimes leave, and the company goes under and has to sell off their assets Bonnet would actually be one of them. Since she’s a complete animatronic and marked as useful, she was sold off to Fazbear entertainment. For a long time we wouldn’t see her.
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All up until the mega pizza plex, I know big jump, but listen…
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Bonnet, (SB, Ruin)
Bonnet had been remodeled, given legs and made as one of the pizza plexes many entertainers and attractions. She had been placed as an assistant to the daycare attendant in day and night hours. Bonnet's platting is now made of a material that children can draw on with crayons, and all she needs is a few wipes to clean it off. This lets her be a wonderful form of entertainment for children, and a good comfort due to her small size, and relatively soft fur.
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She has day and night programming like the daycare attendant, meaning they are an assistant in caring for/ and entertaining kids in the daycare, and an assistant at making sure no intruders can escape or hide in the pizzaplex.
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When the plex gets hijacked by The Purple Goop Rabbit™ Bonnet and Moon act as Vanny's extra eyes. Bonnet specifically acts as an alert to Moon of Gregory's location, in areas the Moon can tread (that's right, Moon is no longer confined to the hourly recharge sections.)
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Yes, Bonnet misses the others. Sun worries about her, and feels extra bad that they can't make her feel better.
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Bonnet loves Sun and Moon though, don't worry.
When we get around to RUIN, Bonnet is still with Sun and Moon, being about in the same condition as Sun and Moon are. Not as dangerous as she was in SB but on occasion may follow Cassie as she traverses the Daycare. Just shine the flashlight in her face and she'll go away.
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And that's the end of Bonnet's Character Profile…
Circus Baby Character profile
Bidy, Bab, and Electro-Bab Character profile
Ballora Character profile
Minireenas Character profile
Funtime Freddy Character profile
Yenndo Character profile
Funtime Foxy Character profile
LOLBIT Character profile
Ennard Character profile
Elizabeth Afton Character profile [OUTDATED]
Katherine Afton Schmidt profile [OUTDATED]
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ciceroisaware · 3 months ago
I cannot put into words how yummy I think your artstyle is augh it's so gorgeous
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aceinacloset · 4 months ago
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She is the perfect person to hug.
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You just blew CB and Elizabeths mind
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She'll keep it anyway.
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aceinacloset · 1 year ago
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You're their friend...
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aceinacloset · 1 year ago
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Pov. Your William afton burning 🔥
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aceinacloset · 29 days ago
I want Mangle and Funtime Foxy meeting each other
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The fuck a gender foxes
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aceinacloset · 3 months ago
'All is hell in the Afton family'
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(Wanted to get a better idea of how the dead aftons would look like. - William because who cares about him)
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aceinacloset · 7 days ago
Character Profile #11 LOLBIT
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LOLBIT is kinda an anomaly in !FNAF SL REDUX! as any and every version of LOLBIT seen is the same one here, just in a slightly different form. What is LOLBIT? That's for you to decide.
Since LOLBIT doesn't technically have a creation origin, there was no explanation for why they look that way, well except by LOLBIT themselves. Which they won't tell you anyway ����.
LOLBIT is not bound to the SL location, just to the monitors they appear on… mostly. Due to this they are never seen by staff or Michael, usually. They usually are only seen on very rare occasions and because LOLBIT wants to, specifically to fuck with them. People think they were hallucinating.
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That is all for LOLBITS 'own fun, finding people's and even the other animatronics reactions to be hilarious. 
LOLBIT in the location, is largely a prankster, finding fun and creative ways to fuck with the animatronics and The staff (night & day). Of course while the staff are largely unaware someone does this, or if they do they don't know… drives then crazy though.
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While the animatronics are far more aware of it being LOLBIT. Which makes it a little more fun for them.
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Since LOLBIT can exactly be taken out of the facility in any way, without having to take the monitors they can pop out of with. They would also be left behind in the facility along with Yenndo and Electro-bab, up until Fnaf 6.
LOLBIT in Fnaf 6 almost doesn't change one bit. Only difference is that they prank less, but they are still the silly little goober we all love.
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They largely fuck with Michael after shift hours, for no other reason than they're bored.
LOLBIT is neither good nor bad, they are a benevolent ball of chaos, just living their existence the way they want. And since they are not a corporeal being, The fire in fnaf 6 that was created to kill anything and everything inside…. didn't really do much to LOLBIT. They were just kinda sent back to “where they came from”.
Yes, that place is FNAF WORLD, no I'm not talking about what Fnaf world is in the !REDUX! lore just yet. That is far too much to get into right now, you're gonna have to wait 😈…
But I’m also getting ahead of myself, next appearance!
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LOLBIT in REDUX UCN is no different than they are in CANON UCN. The only piece of information to share is that, once again, LOLBIT is here for fun, shits and giggles. That is why they don’t kill Afton, they don’t have any vendetta against him, nor any unfinished business.  UCN is just kinda a playground to LOLBIT, and dammit they want to have fun in it.
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Also LOLBIT and DEEDEE know each other, kinda friends, kinda weird guardian with child dynamic, frankly they don’t know themselves.
Ok, ok, now onto FNAF WORLD…
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FNAF WORLD is the closest thing LOLBIT can call a ‘home’, of course they don’t always stay here, but when they get tossed from the mortal world, this is where they end up.
Honestly under that context, it’s more like a respawn point, rather than a home, but anyway…
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They largely use FNAF WORLD as the place where they craft, as it’s one of their favorite things to do. Creating little gadgets, tools, and little helpers is their favorite pastime. They also get to sell them for a nice profit, win-win in their book. LOLBIT and MENDO are good pals too, knowing DEEDEE is how they met MENDO in the first place, so yippee parallel found families on LOLBITS ends.
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Now, while the times the LOLBIT and Elizabeth are small and brief, Liz still met LOLBIT and knows them to an extent, so seeing them again was a major surprise to Liz, but a welcome one. Since LOLBIT was the only one of the animatronics from the fire to “survive” Liz quickly started hanging out with them more.
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It’s sweet.
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Of course, that will not be the last we see of LOLBIT, since they can travel to the mortal world at will, they often now use that as a means of just messing with people. Usually sneaking into Fazbear Entertainment games, usually as a little shop-keeper, if it makes sense in the game of course. But they are not afraid to experiment and comply with the game's rules, as long as they can have fun, any form will do.
Yes, once again means, any and every LOLBIT seen is the same person, funny thing to think about.
And that’s the end of LOLBITs Character Profile…
Circus Baby Character profile
Bidy, Bab, and Electro-Bab Character profile
Ballora Character profile
Minireenas Character profile
Funtime Freddy Character profile
Yenndo Character profile 
Funtime Foxy Character profile
Ennard Character profile
Elizabeth Afton Character profile [OUTDATED]
Katherine Afton Schmidt profile [OUTDATED]
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aceinacloset · 4 months ago
Character Profile #3 Circus Baby
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The clown of the hour, the “leader” of the funtimes, and whatever else you wanna call her. She is a force of nature and one of our main characters in FNAF SL REDUX. There is a lot to go into with her character and lore, so let's start from the beginning.
Circus Baby had been first conceived from the creative mind of… Elizabeth!, what? did you think Afton thought her up? Nah he's not that creative. Anyway, Liz had just kinda doodled Circus Baby once and grew attached to this little character of hers, naming it “CB”.
When presenting her character to her father, he would take this character and turn them into the star attraction of his little side project. He would name his main project and creation “Circus Baby”.
William Afton, original oc stealer. 
She was by far the biggest headache to build, mostly due to the size she had to be for everything Afton had planned to work properly. Many of those abilities include inflating balloons from her fingers, ice-cream dispenser, song database, programmed ability to identify the difference between children and adults and then count said kids, and a giant kidnapping claw and chest cavity. Wait, one of those doesn't sound right.
All of these spatial awareness abilities Afton built into the funtimes would unintentionally give them sentience. It was obviously weak sentience, only having the ability to form memories, learn and adapt, and remember faces and people, but it was enough for it to bite Afton in the ass in the far future.
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When Circus Baby was finally completed, ‘Circus Baby's Pizza World' would be opened shortly after. At this point Circus Baby is by far the happiest (good for her) she enjoyed entertaining children. While it only lasted a day, It was enough for CB to love and long for those moments to last forever. 
Contrary to what some may think, Circus Baby was not aware of her killing capabilities, this was an intentional programming choice. It was to prevent other abilities from overriding the killer mode or just stop it from triggering. This would lead to Elizabeth’s whole claw-napping weighing on her more than it was supposed to.
(It wasn't supposed to weigh on her at all because she wasn’t supposed to be able to think)
After the whole child abduction and later scooping that had the same child get torn out of her body into a mangled bloody mess on the floor, it would put CB into a kinda robotic version of a catatonic state.
During this in-between period, after Elizabeth’s death but before she possesses CB. CB had a lot of time to be existential, questioning ‘what she was’ and ‘what she did’, you know just girly thoughts.
After William had buried Elizabeth's body, and hid any extra remnant of hers in CBs body, he would then begin to experiment on CB in turn. All tests usually revolve around controlled shocks, poking and prodding metal wiring, and attempts to get Elizabeth to communicate through CB.
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By this point CB was far less active in a physical sense, but more in a mental sense, girl is active 24/7. Observing and learning faster than before and not speaking a word to Afton. This would also be the time that Elizabeth would attach herself to CB and they would start “communicating”.
Their communication would be mostly one sided, CB attempting to get Liz to talk to her. Attempting to apologize to Liz, idol chatting with Liz despite her not responding, and soon actual communication…through bickering and arguing 😔. These two were not on good terms and it took some time for them to get along, how would they get along at first? They're mutual hate towards William.
Mutual hate bringing people together 👍.
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This mutual hatred would lead to Elizabeth possessing CB and attempting to kill William; it would fail with Afton activating CBs emergency stop feature. That would lead to Liz binding her soul to CBs body, and giving CB some slight changes. Other than her eye change she also gained full sentience.
(Insert ‘it's alive’ line from the frankenstein movie here)
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The amount of awareness CB was given was so much that it was almost nauseating and she would never really get used to it, she would just learn to silence it out. It's only when Liz is gone that she realizes how used to it she actually had become. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
After the funtimes were left to rot in the underground facility for an undisclosed amount of years, they had a lot of time to themselves and for CB in particular, time to think and plan. Ok well it didn't start off that way, it's just that CB became very restless.
As time passed, Liz would explore the facility and report back to CB about anything she finds, big or small, sometimes recruiting others to help (usually Bidy and Bab, the minireenas, or Bon Bon). All this exploring would lead to CB concocting a plan, with many moving parts needed, luckily for them they had a lot of time. But first they need a map.
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Through all the exploring Liz would sadly only identify two possible exits, a kinda small vent that leads up into the kitchen of the pizzeria above the facility, and the very elevator people come and go from. This would complicate things, but it was a start. I mean it was all CB needed to first form her little body snatching Idea.
CB and Liz are a unit, I can't talk about CB without talking about Liz in turn, at least for now.
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Circus Baby is a major over-thinker and perfectionist when it comes to planning, meaning that CB rarely consulted the others about the way the plan would go. The only thing she would tell the others about is the whole forming into one body idea (ie. Ennard). All this planning would pay off once Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental would open. Originally it would lead to 3 failed attempts all ending with them torn apart and put back into their own separate bodies, this didn't deter her from trying again. These 3 failures did lead to CB learning more about how the facility operates, so she can see all windows of opportunity and what areas to avoid. She would perfect fakeing deactivation and would also learn more about herself and her capabilities. Liz would explore parts & service and find all the Funtimes blueprints, she would smuggle these out and bring them back to CB. This would allow CB to perfect “Ennard” and perfect her plan.
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The failures all usually revolved around being caught in the act of escape or in the process of becoming one, the technician getting killed before the point they were supposed to, and/or the main technician not being Afton. She didn't truly mind if the technician was Afton or not but it would be the cherry on top if It was. Most technicians prior to Michael (Eggs Benedict) though would either quit due to nearly being killed by one of the Funtimes, or be sent to the emergency room and later physical therapy. (take that info in anyway you wish, I mean at least they're not dead 🤷‍♂️)
Anyway enough world building let's talk about the actual game events.
Michael first began working at Circus Baby's and let's just say he was doomed before he even walked in. Bro inherited his dad's face and height, making him look like his dad to an uncanny degree. This would mean the obvious; CB, Elizabeth, and all the other Funtimes would mistake him for William. 
Womp womp.
I think we know where this is going so let's just skip to the end, ennard is formed for the 4th time and they successfully escape through Michael's body.
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The funtimes were free, hooray🎉
This whole body stealing plan did not last long though (lasting a week before they had to split) and CB did not have a plan if this were to happen. Another thing about CB is that she doesn't make long term plans, only short term. So without another plan and now in an unfamiliar environment, the others got kinda frustrated. Frustrated enough to yeet CB from the amalgamation and leave her to die. Spoilers, she wouldn't die, but hardy effort.
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At this point, Liz would end up taking control of the situation and crawl whatever is left of them back to the Rental Facility to find their body. This would be a good learning experience for CB, and the lesson was to stop doing everything completely on your own. CBs body would be kinda hastily put back together and then Liz would crack CBs jaw open and repossess her body.
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CB, “Scrap Baby”
Held together by the little wiring left of Circus Baby and a lot of duct tape is the “new" Circus Baby, or rather CB. By this point CB would coin Elizabeth’s name/nickname she gave her as her new name (to distance herself from Afton as much as she could), and this would also be the point CB would learn that Liz is technically her “creator”. It's complicated but CB likes seeing it that way, since it makes her hate her own existence less.
Until the events of Pizza Sim, CB and Liz didn't really know what to do with their new found freedom (again didn't think that far ahead) but since they had a lot of free time they might as well make the most of it. They were only able to hang out at night since them wandering around during the day would be weird if not outright terrifying for people in the early 2000's(nowadays though probably not 🤷‍♂️)
So what did they do with all the time they had?, well whatever tf they wanted to do. 
CB didn't really know what to do since she's never been outside the facility before, but she mostly took fascination with the world around her so a lot of morning time was her observing and admiring the environment and sometimes people (for people it was obviously from a far). Despite her appearance CB was far more subdued during this in-between period, so thankfully no one was hurt or killed by her. She even had little bonding time with Liz, ain't that sweet.
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Before we move on, I'll mention one more thing they did during the in-between period. Many times on Halloween these two would roam freely at night and just explore. Since it's Halloween CB was able to walk around without it being weird, and they found many fun ways to celebrate. Mostly it just revolved around jumping out of bushes and scaring passersby, it was Halloween so that was also not weird. They had way too much fun doing this.
Also, at one point CB was definitely caught on camera and is a local cryptid.
Onto Fnaf 6.
In this Au “Scrap Baby” would be the first one salvaged (more in line with Scrap Baby's first appearance in Pizza Sim). It goes exactly as it does in the game. After her little "interview” she would be given the name Scrap Baby by Michael, it didn't catch on for her and she never responds to that name anyway. First half of her time in the labyrinth Pizzeria she was peaceful enough, she just kinda wandered around getting a feel for her surroundings. It would remain that way until the rest of the funtimes arrived, this is when things would get interesting and um hit the fan. 
These two stayed far away from one another, mostly out of hatred, and when they did cross paths there would be nothing but glares and snide remarks. It would only be after a fight that they would finally truce, mostly done due to their crumbling forms that are just not fit for combat. They would only truly join forces again, when a certain someone shows up.
 I think you can guess who it was that made them join forces, yeah it was afton. Afton pulls up with an ego bigger than Mt. Everest and tries to convince the funtimes to help him, still thinking they are you know his creations and he can just have them do what he wants. It doesn't work, and now he's in danger. Womp womp. But at first they didn't know the rotten sponge rabbit was Afton, until he revealed himself.
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By this point, Scrap Baby, Elizabeth, and the Funtimes were so done with this man and they were just ready to kill him. But these attempts at offing him are always thwarted by the maze like quarters they are stuck in. So that's when Scrap Baby would go back on the hunt. Sorry Michael.
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CB is not one to just blindly kill (unless you count Liz, but…) so if she's out for you, you either did something to her or you're in her way/thorn in her side and must be dealt with. So let's just say Michael seeming to get in the way of them killing Afton is enough for CB to view him as an enemy again. Liz would be less than pleased with having to, well… start attacking Michael again (they hunted him once and fucking killed him, she's very much not up for doing that AGAIN!) But doesn't really stop Scrap Baby, so um Liz what's up with that.
This would become the most terrifying game of cat and mouse, until Saturday. 
The end of Fnaf 6 is finally upon us, and it is a sight to behold. Let's just say Afton gets his shit handed to him by Scrap Baby stabbing him In the back with her claw, and chasing him with theffuntimes. This would all end with Scrap Baby losing her claw and getting consumed by the fire, at least with the funtimes by her side.
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It's a happy enough ending for them, by this point Scrap Baby fully believed she was a danger and was better off dead, she just really wanted to drag Afton down with her.
And that is the end…
We're not done just yet, we got one more version to touch upon.
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CB, HW 2 Circus Baby
This version of CB looks far more like Elizabeth’s original drawing, and far happier than she was before. Like girly actually smiles, and enjoys herself. She feels so safe now, but wasn't quite sure how to feel about the PlushBabys at first. They remind her of Elizabeth and the Bidybabs though so it didn't take long for her to adjust to them.
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This will be short, this is the final fate of CB. With what little of her remained after the fire, Fazbear Entertainment would scan and utilize AI from many things and machines. That includes the funtimes. CB by this point is confused as hell, specifically on how she's still alive. The Funtimes would all be scanned into a Employee Virtual Training Program, and now are just kinda stuck. They are no longer dangerous (at least they don't think they are), and get to kinda do what they want. It's the closest thing they can get to a happy ending. 
How they survived? well some of Elizabeths agony that was imbedded in their servos allowed them to retain their memories and "life", Liz has passed on don't worry.
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They are even able to spend time in their own little hiding spot off the program's grid. 
They like it there. It's safe, safe forever...
Ok, Actually The end.
Onto the AR skins that are not the CB I've talked about for 6-7 doc pages. All AR skins info will be short, since these guys are just for fun.
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8-bit Baby (8-bit, Bab)
The little pixel CB from that mini game, given physical form, and now a menace to the end. She can not speak, so she mostly makes game reaction sound effects. She’s really sweet and loves giving hugs (It kinda feels like static, it's a weird sensation). She is the shortest of the 3 AR Babs. Loves both Broiler and Heartsick.
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Broiler Baby (Broiler, Furnace)
Rage incarnate, she's a tempered furnace. Created for a summer theme and to put a spin on CBs original special function. When she isn't a threat you can actually cook stuff in her chest, be careful though. Trust though she can be really chill. She doesn't speak much since her super hot temperature damages her voice box. She is close with heart, much like sisters. While she considers 8-bit to be kinda annoying.
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Heartsick Baby (Heart)
Shoots you in the heart with an arrow like cupid, all cute like 🥰💕💕💕. Other than that, she's a danger whether she is a threat or not. Having a hard time differentiating love from obsession doesn't make it any better. She can be a total sweetheart, but she also can be quick to violence. She's such a messy individual, but holds those she loves really close and is very protective of them. Think of her like a guard dog with apposable thumbs. Loves Broiler like a sister, and adores 8-bits energy.
And that concludes Circus Baby's character Profile.
Elizabeth Afton Character profile 
Katherine Afton Schmidt profile
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aceinacloset · 18 days ago
Some !REDUX! Au character design concepts I drew on stickynotes...
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Nightmare Fredbear, CC dream form
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Some HW character concepts
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Glamrock bots side profiles and a Monty design concept.
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aceinacloset · 3 months ago
!FNAF SL REDUX! redraw 1
"Care for a cup of tea?"
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December of 2024
Old one under the cut
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November of 2023
@ciceroartwork tagging you since you were looking forward to this piece
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aceinacloset · 3 months ago
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'The Many Faces of Elizabeth Afton'
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aceinacloset · 6 months ago
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A bunch of clowns.
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aceinacloset · 4 months ago
Character Profile #4 Ballora the Ballerina
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The ballerina, the spider crawler, the mom of the group (don't call her that), and a very capable second in command to CB. Ballora is another one of our main characters in FNAF SL REDUX. I gave her far more lore than Canon fnaf ever did, so be prepared for a big wall of text. Enjoy 😊.
When William had first began designing Ballora, he would base it off of his wife Katherine. Specifically basing her off of when Katherine had done ballet, back when she was younger.
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Ballora's name is not that original, William just slightly changed the word ballet to make her name.
When it came to balloras development, she was the second easiest funtime to make, with Funtime Foxy being the first. The only real difficulty was balloras sound activation, it was far too sensitive and it took Afton forever to stabilize it.
When the location opened, Ballora would entertain the children through dance, music, and even teaching the kids how to dance.
Ballora at this point in the story is very sweet, programmed with all the niceties that can make children happy and comfortable. This would become more noticeable when the rental opens years after Circus Baby's Pizza closes.
Speaking of the closure of Circus Baby's Pizza, Ballora was unaware of what caused the closure but did not believe it was a gas leak as the news would say. Why she's adamant it wasn't a gas leak, she heard something and it sounded like a scream. She would even hear it again. So she believed a serious accident caused it’s closure (an accident it was) 
After the Pizzeria was closed, but before Elizabeth possessed CB would be when William would first experiment with Elizabeth's remnant, on the other 3 funtimes specifically. 
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Ballora was the second to be tested, and this said test will entirely fuck up ballora's sound activation sensors. It would cause her to be triggered by almost every sound, and the only way it couldn't be triggered is if she was entirely powered down. This wouldn't be the only thing changed however.
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The best way I can describe Ballora In this point in the story is, a very patient yet tempered individual. Her lack of proper sleep sometimes contributes to this, since the only way she can rest is when she plays her music box, which in itself takes energy. The Minereenas are good company and Ballora is internally grateful to them.
But this temper tends to come from staff. Ballora does not trust the staff and tends to view them as nuisances, and wishes they would just go away and leave her alone. She causes the most damage and injuries to the staff, with Funtime Freddy a very close second. Ballora is basically a tired Middle aged mother, already ready to retire but physically can't.
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Which by the way Don't call Ballora mom, the only ones allowed to call her that are the Minireenas and Elizabeth, and even then with Liz it's a rare occasion. Children are also a special case, because they are children. Anyone else? Makes her really uncomfortable and she may kill you.
Ballora does find comfort in the others though, mostly Funtime Freddy and CB. Since Funtime Freddy had fled to the breaker room, he and Ballora have become some nice company, despite how different the two are. They both rely on each other for comfort, often when they're usual comforts are not enough. Ballora will play her music box for Freddy, while Funtime Freddy will tell stories or crack jokes to relax Balloras mind.
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CB on the other hand was different, Ballora felt like she could confide in CB about her struggles and whose. CB understood and would listen, sometimes relating. Other times Ballora would use CB as a dancing partner, dancing has always been Balloras main comfort and will always be open to a partner.
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Ballora mostly talked to Foxy when they were rented out together, they got along well and bounced off each other. They are good at wrangling kids and they are good acting partners. Foxy just prefers to be alone with his thoughts, and she just isn't good at comforting others, even if it's ballora.
Ballora is one of few who would learn some of CBs secrets. Ballora is obviously upset that CB kept not only that they as animatronics were built to kill, but that CB herself killed a kid and that kid is Elizabeth. Ballora would learn of Elizabeths’ fate by Liz herself, trusting Ballora enough to do so. Ballora would also be the second main animatronic to be able to see liz
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Ballora is second in command to CB for a reason, she is the realist to CBs determination. These two would be a unit (and basically Elizabeth’s adoptive found guardians)
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Prior to Michaels arrival, when it came to Staff entering Ballora gallery it was a death sentence. No matter how many times ballora is shocked or sent to the scooper, she doesn't stop attacking staff. 
“Ballora never learns…” 
Funtime Foxy is no better though…
But despite all this violence towards tech and staff, she is an absolute sweetheart with the kids. It's almost total tonal whiplash, she's very accommodating for children but will straight up end any tech that happens to get a little too close.
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Children that tend to like Ballora the most are usually shy/introverted types, and those who get easily distressed/uncomfortable in crowded and loud areas. Her voice and music box are major comforts for them.
By FNAF SL game events, Ballora will be about the same as she is in said game. But obviously we'd see everything from her perspective instead of Mike's, and let's just say Ballora is very pessimistic that this plan will work, but will see it through regardless.
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Ballora was impressed when it actually succeeded, but that impression didn't last long. Once they got ejected from Michael's corpse and got separated, ballora would kinda fall silent for a while.
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While in the amalgamation (or rather what's left of it), Ballora and the others would try to put themselves back together with whatever they could find. This included Scrap metal, spare parts found at an auction, and just straight up trash. Once put into a stable condition, they would just explore, but mostly hide in trash bins for night fall.
They would find good company in each other, but Ballora would kinda fall into a depression even with Freddy, Foxy, and Bon Bon with her. Their company does help though.
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During their exploration of the world above, they would mostly hide in garbage bins during the day to avoid being seen. At night though they would explore, Far more daring and open then CB. They really enjoyed stores full of TVs and Radios, they snuck into a library and read books, and also stuck into a Toys R Us (child-like wimzy activated). No one would ever find out it was them, since by the time the locations open they had long fled the building through vents or the fucking celling.
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The funtimes drawn to the FNAF 6 location came subconsciously, they just wandered and stumbled upon it. There is more to this though, since Elizabeth’s split up remnant was reunited when the funtimes became ennard to then only be ripped apart again the remnant now desired to be whole. This would lead to the subconscious draw to the largest source of the associated remnant, and that happened to be where Elizabeth is, which is in the Pizza Sim location. Elizabeth unknowingly drew the funtimes to their fiery doom.
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The Funtimes were very confused why they were here, and what this place even was anyway. CB being here didn't make them feel any better…
They were livid to see that clown again, since they left her to basically die. They didn't want to fight her mostly due to the size difference, Ballora really did wanna square up to CB though. So obviously when they finally did fight each other, Ballora was the one mostly in control during it. This fight didn't last since their bodies were being held together by pure spite at this point, and they would decide to come to a truce and behave when Liz was around.
(Even when their time on stage is long over, they still abide by the code of “let's behave and be civil in the sight of kids”)
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Once Afton pulls up, they would finally join forces again. Joining forces to kill a mutual enemy, mutual hatred really is bringing people together. 
Ballora by this point is like a disgruntled female detective, tired the moment she walks in a room and already ready to embrace death when leaving a room. She's just very physically and mentally tired. So most hunting and violent attempts towards afton are mostly Freddy and Foxys doing.
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That would also mean, our little amalgamation would begin to hunt Michael again. Sorry Mike 😔.
Ballora misses the Minereenas like CB misses the BidyBabs. She does still have her music box for comfort, broken but still functional. Perpetually playing, and making Michael's ability to stop them far easier. They aren't happy obviously.
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Ok moving forward in the timeline to the whole fire, Ballora was not really happy with the idea of burning to death but by this point she was too tired to care, practically dying on the metal coils and miss matched parts she dares to call her body. So she embraced her fate.
Obviously this wouldn't be the end for her just yet, like CB, she would also have her AI put into the Employee Virtual Training Program.
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‘Lora, HW 2 Ballora
Very confused on how she got here, and uncomfortable that she's in Ballora Gallery again. She's like ‘is this hell’ But having the minireenas back was great, until she found out they aren't really there. The major indicator that things weren't right were the BidyBabs being in her gallery (they never liked her). When she would discover the nature of her new location, and what happened to the others, she would begin to get comfortable with her new situation. Even if she is limited with where she can go, and does feel kinda alone sometimes, the minireenas and surprisingly the bidybabs are good company when she can't see the others.
And the end…
Now onto her AR Skins, which are not the Ballora I've talked about for 5-6 doc pages.
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Arctic Ballora (Arctic, Arctic ‘lora)
Cold internally and externally, often active In the fall and winter since she's less likely to get damaged. Despite being a cold individual she can be quite sweet, and she can be a great help to Broiler and her voice box (Specifically in the summer) Broiler also helps her not lock up during the winter. Like her counterpart, she is loved most by children. She doesn't mind Clockwork, she just can't handle her energy.
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Clockwork Ballora (Clockwork, Clockwork ‘lora)
Far more rambunctious and sarcastic, having a bit of a smug smile and attitude sometimes. She is the only ballora that is more popular with teens than kids, she has that moody energy. Her and Heartsick really are at the same wavelength, and can really deal with each other's energy. She likes Arctic, she just wishes Arctic would loosen up more.
And that is the end of Balloras character profile
Circus Baby Character profile
Elizabeth Afton Character profile
Katherine Afton Schmidt profile
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aceinacloset · 4 months ago
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"The many faces of Elizabeth Afton"
Just a little wip
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aceinacloset · 5 months ago
After fnaf 6...
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But they're nice
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