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The Dad Alliance
This is a fanfic idea I have had for a while and finally decided to work on.
Based on the Sun and Moon Show, and Eclipse and Puppet Show, canon is fast and loose cos I want to let these dads and their broods be happy goddammit!!!
The Dad Alliance
Was it possible for a ghost kid to die of boredom? Andrew was starting to think it was, it had been over a month since Eclipse finally built his body and figure out a way for him to possess it. When Eclipse started to work on Jake and Andy’s body it came with a few issues; mainly it was because Andrew and Andy wanted the same body. After all it was their old body before the whole Stitch Wraith saga so naturally, they would want to reclaim some normalcy by having that, but they did not want to share the same appearances because hey how creepy would it be to suddenly have a clone of yourself living with you?
Eclipse had suggested that each boy gave him a list of desired features that they could add to give each other some individuality empathising on it being toned down stuff like skin blemishes like freckles and moles, different hair and eye colour, or hair styles “Not a Mohawk!” he had declared to which the boys groaned in annoyance.
However, Eclipse had forgotten that Andrew and Andy were parallel versions of each other so even though the two had written their lists at different times in different locations they had somehow written the exact same list of features they wanted. Now both boys wanted these features and not their ‘plain’ bodies and Eclipse found himself back at square one with keeping the peace with these two squabbling dimensional twins.
It was Roxy that found a middle ground by suggesting that they compete for it through a racing game tournament, they would number the features on the list and play that number of races. So, for example whoever won race 1 would get to have the feature listed as number 1 in this instance it was having lighter brown hair. The result was two boys who could be mistaken for siblings but not clones of each other and because the boys were on equal playing levels they got an equal number of features.
That was a month ago and it had been a week since Jake and Andy finally got their bodies, Eclipse put their old body in storage and then an insane number of locks on it. Andy wanted to put it in the trash compactor and watch their prison be reduced to a trash cube, but Eclipse explained that the power source would probably level the pizza-plex and everything within five miles of it if they did that.
So, off to gather dust bunnies in storage it went.
Roxy helped the boys and Charlie to order stuff online to help make their rooms more homely and with Eclipse’s help with building furniture their rooms now looked less like a storage for lab equipment and more like a futuristic bedroom. Ballora naturally took them shopping for clothes which resulted in Eclipse dragging Ballora out of the mall after nearly maxing out the credit care and giving the kids more clothes than they knew what to do with most of which were too ‘high fashion’ to be used by anything other than super models.
But that was last week…now Andrew was bored and he knew the others were too, Eclipse had them doing stuff like Simon Says and bean bag toss to measure how well their bodies were doing but after a while those games get dull.
“Right get your shoes on we’re heading out” Eclipse declared gruffly which all four perked up to.
“Outside? You mean outside, outside or outside as in out of the lab?” Andy asked.
“Outside, outside” Eclipse stated “We’ve done as much as we can in here for now I need to get some readings on how your bodies do outside of lab conditions”
There was a soft groan from them as they realised this was just another check-up; they understood that they had basically completed a whole-body transplant and Eclipse explained that he had added a lot of features to help them feel ‘human’ so it was understandable that they would need to take things slow.
However, what kid enjoys check-ups?
Eclipse opened a portal and ushered all four through, fully expecting them to be in an empty field or garden lot to see how they deal with dirt or something boring like that the kids were surprised when they saw that it was in fact a car park in a forest. What got their attention was they big gates that stated “Tumble wood Adventure Play” all of them stared at the sign as it slowly dawned on them where they were.
“I think this should be sufficient for seeing how your bodies handle more demanding tasks for your motor functions and balance. Maybe later we can look at other functions as well…” Eclipse muttered checking his readings to make sure they were synced to his computer in his head than in the lab, he glanced down to see Jake hugging his leg happily.
“Thank you thank you thank you!” he beamed, the solar model made an uncomfortable noise and patted Jake’s head with barely disguised affection.
“Right now, before we go in there’s one last thing I need to go over with you three in particular” he declared “While in this dimension animatronics are less uncommon so hopefully we won’t get as much flack as we do back home…”
Charlie looked at her feet sadly she still remembered being called a freak that time she went to the park nor anyone else’s confused stares when she left the Pizza Plex.
“However, what is Taboo in both worlds in human animatronics, there is a reason why Faz bear never just made themselves robot pop idol and called it a day and why even us Day Care Models look like we do. People get very upset when we approach Uncanny Valley levels of human appearance.” He explained “So if anyone asks you where your parents are just tell them that I am your au pair”
“You want us to tell them you’re a pear?”
“Au Pair” Eclipse corrected “It’s another word for nanny, but if anyone doesn’t buy it then give them my number and I’ll talk to them like that”
“Won’t they find it suspicious that our au pair and dad have the same voice?” Andrew demanded.
“Not Necessarily” Eclipse stated using his old Solar Flare Voice.
“You sound like a robot” Charlie giggled.
“I think that’s the point” Andrew exclaimed.
“With that out of the way” Eclipse stated “I think the usual rules apply out here, don’t get hurt, don’t get in fights, don’t break the rules or laws and NO MAGIC Charlie!”
With that said they went in and once past the entry gate the kids could see that this place was huge! There were wooden climbing frames of all sorts, some of them smaller for the little kids, others were big multi levelled climbing frames with zip lines, ladders, bridges that connect to several tree houses, several slides each looking more fun that the last. Heck it even had a wooden castle complete with a play moat which connected to a water play area. All of it made from wood and given a natural forest feel to it.
The boys were practically vibrating with excitement as they finally got to a gate to enter, as soon as they were in, they shot off. Charlie watched them go and glanced at Eclipse who had found a bench to sit at.
“What about me?” she asked.
“What about you?”
“Didn’t you say that this was to see how their bodies deal outside?”
“I can multitask” he stated “I can get my readings and take you guys somewhere fun to burn off some energy”
“You big softy” she chuckled.
“Shut up and go play!”
She did not need telling twice and was already making a beeline for the forest castle.
The Boys had run up to a rope bridge that went up into the nearest climbing frame, Jake and Andrew clambering up with the simple mission of getting as high up as they could. Andy stopped at the top of the rope bridge to look around merely taking in the view and fresh air after being trapped inside a box for months he was more than ready to enjoy every experience he got.
As he looked around, he saw other kids playing on the swings and parents racing after toddlers but he stopped when he saw…a faun?
No, it was a deer animatronic with purple ribbons in her hair and big green eyes who was skipping about looking at everything probably trying to think of where to start first, she then saw Andy and they locked eyes. She tilted her head in confusion.
Eclipse did say Animatronics were more common here and that she could very well be the mascot for this place she certainly fit the whole forest theme but it was what he heard her say next that made his skin go cold.
“You’re like me?” she asked.
Eclipse’s warning was still fresh in his mind, He remembered that most of the Pizza Plex Animatronics had a scanning feature so they can get people’s guest files, but Sunshine and Moonshine could use that feature to scan for injuries too.
Could this deer tell that he was not human? What would it do if they found out he is technically deceased? Kick him out? Give him to the authorities? Lock him away in a lab while they would poke and prod him to figure out how a human soul was in a robot body? He could feel his whole-body tense up at that idea, no never again. Eclipse may have them in a lab but he respected Andy’s need for space and did whatever tests Eclipse needed at his pace he understood that Andy did not like feeling trapped.
He then saw an animatronic that looked like it belonged in a pumpkin patch come up to her and they began to talk, Andy decided to use that as a chance to get away from the situation and clambered further into the tree house. He was going to get as far away from those two as possible and then find Jake and Andrew to warn them to stay away as well.
He had found a wooden tunnel that took him to the next tree house and was crawling through it when the entire thing juddered violently causing him to fall flat on his face. He looked down between the gaps of the planks only to be meet eye to eye with something glowing orange, it pulled back to reveal it was that same pumpkin moon model that had been with the Deer clinging to the bottom of the tunnel like a creepy spider. That would be alarming on its own if you did not also know that the tunnel was high up from the ground and no normal person should be able to reach it.
“Found you!” it beamed “We have questions!”
Andy bolted and he could hear the robot scrabbling behind him as he ran through the tree house, he saw flashes as the thing crawled past the small windows trying to beat him to the door, he froze for a second as it loomed in the door way, arms out to catch him.
���Why are you running?” it asked “We want to ask you something”
Remembering a move he saw in a video game he ran forward and then at last minute dropped to the floor and slipped right past under the robot. His legs and arms stung from the grazes he got from the dry wood but right now he was focused on getting away from that thing.
“Is this a game?” he heard it ask, “Okay I can play! I will give you a head start”
Now the pounding of his feet was tempered with the sounds of the pumpkin model cheerfully counting down from twenty as it watched him run, maybe it’s security feature and play programming had a glitch but he was not going to question his luck.
He bolted past other children who carried on unaware of his plight, he crawled through tunnels and clambered over climbing frames and anything else to just try and get some distance.
“Nineteen…twenty!” he heard it yell “Ready or not here I come!”
He had come to a platform with rope fence that was like a crow’s nest in the trees, he looked back and nearly threw up in anxiety when he saw the robot was heading his way with such unnatural speed crawling over play equipment like a hellish spider on a caffeine high. In his panic he glanced around before seeing the Zip Line that take them back down to the ground, he grabbed it and launched himself off as he zipped down, he swore he could feel that thing’s fingers graze the back of his neck.
But he made it to the bottom with a thud and looked up to see the robot staring down at him. He took off running again and saw Jake and Andrew come down a slide.
“Hey there you are!” Andrew shouted “Where the hell did you go?”
“We need to…” Andy started when he felt two large hands grab his waist and lift him in the air.
“FoUnD Yooooooou!” the moon model declared “now come with me”
Jake and Andrew stared in horror as this Pumpkin themed robot put Andy over their shoulder like a sack of potatoes and began to walk away. The boys found themselves frozen in terror as Andy was taken.
This was it; he thought as his mind began to race in sheer panic, he was only free for two weeks and now he was going to trapped again, locked away again this time he will not have someone else to talk to he will put in another box alone, trapped, blind, unable to feel, touch or hear anything. Trapped, unable to die unable to leave unable to breathe. Trapped, trapped, trapped, TRAPPED.
Andy was on the verge hyperventilating but as tears began to streak down his face he found the strength to scream.
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I have the itch... the itch to write Fanfic!!!
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During another nightshift:
Me: dear brain why the hell are you playing the Rubert Bear Frog song on repeat? i haven't heard that song in literal decades [which shows my fucking age right there]
My brain: oh my bad dude, i can change the channel. what did you have in mind? i have cosmic end of the world scenarios, environmental end of the world scenarios, society collapse scenarios and the classic your grisly demise situations...
me: ...
Me: crank that frog song shit up!!
My brain: Okay....Bom, bom, bom booom lala laa
#if you don't know what i'm taking about and you want a postive ear worm to get rid of the christmas ones i recommend#Rupert bear frog song#by Paul Mccartney of all people!!!
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My Brain: hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey
Me: Yes i know i'm tired but i'm on a night shift i can't exactly do anything about it, we'll just have to power through ok?
My Brain: nah mate not that
Me: then what is it?
Me: da fuck dude?!!???
#anxitey#anxietysucks#i realised later after i got it under control that the main reason might have been the fact i had drunk nothing but tea throughout the day#in a bid to get ready for the night shift#sleep deprivation sucks kids! but
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As an artist currently working on a project i am hoping to get published i always carry a notepad and pen in case inspiration hits me. [case in point most of my best designs i have done while on night shifts, nothing like sleep deprivation to get the creative juices going]
i was at my sister's baby shower and just pulled it out to doodle an idea when my BIL came over and asked if i could draw him something i said sure and ask what he had in mind. he said he wanted a monster with horns and wings. not really pushing the envelope but whatever, i also added highland cow features cos i know he likes them.
30 minutes of doodling later and i showed him it.
"Oh wow that's brilliant!" he said "Its just like AI art"
Nearly bitch slapped my Brother in law in front of my pregnant sister...
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the security blanket of having cats
the one upside that people don't think about often with having cats is that how safe they make you feel in your own home. I mean yes if there was an actual break in the cat is as good as a chocolate fire guard but i mean the more common mental shit.
its late at night, i hear tapping at the window and the skittering of claws?
oh that's just Smokey remembering that windows and glass are not a theoretical construct and is now on his way to see if the windows at the front of the house hold true to this as well.
loud bumps in the middle of the night?
yes that my lard ass ragdoll cat jumping down from the desk whoever said cats are stealthy have never heard my cats stomping around.
footsteps in the dark followed by heavy movement on the bed coming towards me?
that's just Smokey wanted his midnight love bumps and cuddles.
waking in the middle of the night to the undeniable presence of the something that has a unquenchable hunger and desire for flesh?
Yup Smokey who likes to sit on my bedside cabin and stare me down in the mornings till i feed him.
what i am saying it would take a ghost nothing short of writing its own fucking name in blood on my walls for me to finally realise that my house is haunted and even then i'd be checking my cats to make sure they didn't cut themselves and by sheer random chance manage to get blood splatter on the wall that spells out Teddy Ghost Boy.
and you don't realise how much of a security blanket that is to be able to chalk any unknown noise to the cats until you're away from a hotel...and you hear a random noise. it took me a second to remember and then that cold dread filled my heart...
That. wasn't. Smokey
#love my cat#cats of tumblr#ragdoll cat#pmseymourva#please if you see this it would make my husbands life if you voiced it
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Omg fucking god this is beautiful!
theres too many pokemon games where you play as a kid whos full of life and full of potential. there needs to be a pokemon game where you play as a college dropout who lives in a shitty apartment
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thank you for this!!
You know what? I believe that you can finish your writing project. I believe you can update your fic. I believe you can work on your WIP. I don't care if you think it's cringy or bad. I don't care if we've never met or interacted in our whole lives. I believe in you. Keep going - you've got this.
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that is just a bloody mood
*canonballs into 2024 bc i've grown inured to the horrors and am overdue to be bedazzed by the wonders* giddyeup bitch
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i know i'm mostly [and only known for] fanfics and fandoms but what would you guys think if i put some original stuff on here? I loved an Youtubers like Oceaniz and Curious Archive, that explore games like Subnauctia, Monster Hunter, and Rain world as it allows players to look at the world with an explorer's eye.
so i got bored this year and made up my own world and threw an explorer into it with a pokemon snap mentality to it. I'm gonna start posting it on here in the new year anyone interested?
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EEEK they replied!!!
i'm not sure if anyone has told you this but in the latest book of Tales from the Pizzaplex volume 6 Nixie, there is a store in the pizzaplex where you can buy a Buddytronic [basically robotic build a bear] wherein you can buy a chibi version of the characters there. technically your Dolldrops AU could be canon...
Dolldrops canon?!!
...Or the Helper Bot AU, perhaps?

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Chapter Eight: Repair job for a broken heart
Life went on as it does in the Pizza Plex, naturally the PR department had a field day for having an actual good story to tell ‘Baby saved from storm by the Mega Pizza Plex!’ but it was tucked away in the side columns so only the most dedicated news readers saw it. Vanessa almost had a heart attack when Gregory told her what happened when she came to pick him up not even telling the bright side that despite it all he had managed to do all of his homework.
Weeks passed the story became old news and everything returned to its routine, except for Sun.
It was subtle at first, so much so that only the regulars noticed it at first. Sun would do what they normally did every day they would still play with the children, entertain them with games and puppet shows, and do arts and crafts projects but it would seems be missing something. It felt Sun was following a script and no matter how much they acted to be funny and jovial there was still a feeling of something off. They would watch them do activities but not join in unless asked by children, Sun would often stare off into space but quickly snap out of it.
“Sunny sad” one of the younger ones declared loudly. “Why are you sad?”
“I’m not sad!” Sun explained gesturing to their static grin “See? I’m smiling!”
“You feel sad” the little boy confirmed and tried to give him a hug, “It’s okay, don’t be sad”
“I’m not though.”
However now that someone had said what a lot of the children were thinking the word soon spread across the Day Care and to them telling their parents which lead to the staff finding out. The parents were concerned that their children were coming away with stories of a depressed robot.
So, this led to trips to Parts and Services which meant they had to sit through hours of diagnosis checks, however when they couldn’t see a problem as there was nothing wrong or amiss with their code, they were sent them back but the complaints would continue.
“They’re not going to find the problem you know” Chica mused as they watch Sun get marched out of Parts and Service for a second time that week.
“Huh?” Monty asked as he tuned his base. “Why not?”
“Cos silly, there isn’t a diagnosis programme designed to pick up on a broken heart” she answered.
“Didn’t they have the doll to help them with all that junk?” Roxy demanded “Why not just have that?”
“I had asked Moon that myself” Freddy explained sadly “He said the best way to describe it was that they had been upgraded to be able to see colour for the first time in high definition only to go back to low quality black and white after a few days.”
“I get it…a doll doesn’t compare to Dewdrop” Chica sighed, the Glamrocks became quiet as they mulled over the problems in their heads but they couldn’t think of any solutions that didn’t require stealing a baby.
“We better get to Rock Star Row” Freddy said softly, they all grabbed their gear and headed to their rooms. Freddy was about to head off and check to see if Gregory was in yet but stopped when he heard a voice.
“Excuse me? may I talk to you for a second?”
Sun was back in the Day Care, they made they way around the playground picking up fallen toys and out of place blocks. Sun was nearly finished putting them away when they fell still, Sun just stood there staring at the final toy in their hand. A baby doll.
<Sun?> Moon asked gently <Sun if it’s too much I can take over>
<I’ve been thinking Moon…> Sun said after a silent minute. <Maybe it would be best if I…if I deleted my memories of Stella>
<What? Sun you can’t be serious!?>
<What else can I do?> Sun shouted abruptly holding the doll tightly to their chest. <Three strikes and you’re done! That’s the rule! They can’t fix me so I need to fix myself before they deem me a lost cause. It’s not fair that you have to suffer being decommissioned because of me!>
<I get that Sun> Moon soothed <But its not as simple as reaching in and deleting a file, we’re branching A.I you delete a memory there’s no telling what else we might lose in the process. We’ll forget Stella but we might also forget Gregory or how to care for babies or worse!>
Sun didn’t respond they just stood there hugging the doll.
<I don’t want to die…but it hurts knowing that I’ll never see her again. I don’t know why it’s affecting me this badly; I’ve must have seen off hundreds of little ones.>
<But Stella was special, for a few days you got to experience real parenthood. You got to live your dream of having a child>
<Exactly it was a ‘dream’ I need to wake up before we’re both scrapped and in order to do that, I need to forget that dream!>
Moon sighed from inside the mindscape, Sun had made their mind up and nothing was going to deter them. But what they were suggesting was a tedious fix at best; just because they had forgotten Stella doesn’t mean the others won’t remember, what if they bring her up in casual conversation by accident? Or they find photos and newspaper clippings? How would Sun react to being told that they had a baby but can’t remember them? Sun and Moon would by nature hunt down the truth till they found it and will wind up back in this emotional quagmire.
<Look I’m not saying that we’re going ahead with this but we are going to talk it out with Vanessa and the others, at least then we aren’t playing brain surgeon on ourselves!>
Sun silently put the doll back in its cubby hole when they got a ping in the security, they turned to see a man poking their head through the gates of the Day Care. Sun put on their customer service persona and skipped on happily to him.
“Ho h oho!” they laughed “Welcome to the Super Star Day Care! Unfortunately, we will be closing soon so please come again!”
“Sorry I was hoping to talk to the Day Care Attendant?” the man asked, he seemed well presented with a suit that screamed ‘office jockey’.
“That’s me!”
“Oh?” the man looked confused and then a bit embarrassed.
<Oh, great here we go again> Moon moaned, it wasn’t the first time and sadly won’t be the last that some people become very uncomfortable when talking to them or leaving their kids with a robot.
<If he starts crap just let me hit the lights>
“Is there a problem? I can get a human staff if we are not to your liking” Sun offered but internally gave Moon a nod.
“No, oh no I wanted to talk to you its just…this makes things a little harder…”
Sun just tilts their head at them in confusion.
“Never mind, I came here to enrol my daughter”
“Oh fantastic, you’re in luck we have a few spaces left!” Sun exclaimed breathing a metaphoric sigh of relief that this man wasn’t going to start a hateful tirade at them. They grabbed the tablet from the top of the desk and returned to the man, they were going to document it all in their heads but people liked being able to see actual work being done when getting their details, looks less like that they are ignoring them.
“Can I ask a question first?”
“Sure” Sun chirped.
“I read in the news paper that a baby had been left here and the Day Care Attendant found them and kept them safe till police arrived, is that true?”
Sun felt a programme pop up in their skull which spoke for them.
“This Unit is unable to answer these questions, if you have concerns regarding any media reporting of the FazBear entertainment company please call our PR department on this number…”
“Ok I get it!” the man interrupted before Sun could blurt out anymore. “How about this, nod your head for yes and shake for no okay?”
Sun nodded their head.
“What I asked before…is it true?”
Sun nodded their head.
“You found her in a store cupboard?”
Sun nodded their head.
“But you took care of her even though she wasn’t on your system in anyway?”
Sun nodded their head.
“Why? By all logical reasons she wasn’t your concern, you should have left her there.”
“As if I would leave a child alone in those conditions!” Sun cried outraged by the sheer suggestion, “I may not be a human but I am not heartless mindless bucket of bolts! I would never let a child go cold and hungry if I can help it!”
Sun realised that they were shouting at a potential customer and took a step back.
“I’m sorry for raising my voice…”
“It’s okay…its why I came to thank you”
“Stella’s my daughter, I came to thank the person who kept her safe so here I am thanking you” he said, “the lady who dumped her here was my sister-in-law, we had offered her a place at ours because she was in a rough spot and just got dumped by her partner. We didn’t know she was on drugs or that she was in such a rough place in her mind.”
“I hope she is getting the help she needs” Sun said quietly, they were pretty sure humans had a Parts and Service but was unsure how they would debug a human.
“Hopefully she is, this does mean however we no longer have a baby sitter but we did get a free year pass from here and well…we can’t fault the care, can we?”
Before Sun could respond the Day Care doors opened again and a woman walked through with a baby in tow, Sun felt their circuits soar when they noticed the Sun and Moon plushies that were held in the chubby little grip.
“Stella!” They cried happily, Stella looked around at being called and it took her a moment before she began to wiggle and laugh.
“Samooo!” she babbled and Sun had already bounded over to her and was about to swoop her into their arms when they finally registered the human female, Stella’s mother holding her. They froze and shrunk back, fidgeting with their bells and ribbons.
“My apologises, I didn’t mean to scare you…”
“You’re the Day Care Attendant? I’m guessing you don’t go by Samoo?” she laughed lightly.
“Samoo!” Stella confirmed.
“No, I go by Sun mostly we were trying to teach her to say Sun and Moon and well…”
“Samoo!” Stella declared and was reaching out for the lanky robot, her mother chuckled and finally gave in to her demands handing her over to Sun, who gave her a gentle but firm squeeze.
<Oh, Stella, I missed you so much!>
“So, about that Day Care slot?” her father asked.
“Oh yes consider her booked in!” Sun exclaimed “Just gives us the dates you need!”
<You know this is only delaying this problem, right?> Moon asked sadly as Sun bounced Stella on their knee while going over the parent’s schedules for pick up and drop off. <It’s only a matter of time before she gets too big for the Day Care or they might be just using that coupon we gave them.>
<I know Moon, I know> Sun replied sadly. <But at least this way I have time to make my peace with it>
Closing time came about as Vanessa was coming onto her shift, Gregory was rummaging in his backpack to see if he had brought the books some of the Glamrocks had requested. He looked up when he heard Stella’s voice and saw the three now heading out, he walked over to her and when she saw him, she waved her Sun plush at him.
“Hey Stella!” he chuckled.
“You know her?” the man asked, Gregory balked slightly and he could feel Vanessa’s tense up.
“Err…only in name! My sister works here and she lets me hang around backstage during her shifts sometimes and I heard Sun talk about her” Gregory said using the tried and true ‘sister excuse’ Vanessa waved as if to confirm her existence.
“So, you know Sun?”
“Yeah, sweet guy, he loved Stella”
“We did get that impression; you know when the police told us that Stella had been looked after by the Day Care Attendant, we had assumed it was some poor smuck so down on his luck they had to resort to sleeping at their work place. Our idea was to give them some money to help them onto their feet, you know get a down payment on an apartment or something but with them being a robot…makes it kind of harder to pay back their kindness.”
“We really want to make it up to them somehow” Stella’s mother said.
Gregory looked thoughtful for a second but Vanessa surprised him by stepping forward.
“I may have a suggestion…”
Sun was seeing off the last of his charges as Stella’s mother came to pick her up. Stella was at the arts and crafts table playing with some art clay when she saw her mother. She toddled over as quick as her little feet could carry her and was scooped up into her mother’s arms.
“Hello my little sunbeam, did you have a nice day”
“Mama!” she chanted.
“My goodness she been very energetic today, she certainly gave Moon the run around at nap time” Sun explained wiping off the smudges of clay off her hands.
“Yes, my life is never boring since she figured out how to walk!” her mother laughed, “Hope you wore her out at least”
“Oh, we can only hope”
Moon was watching this but got an alert from the video feed, he brought it up to show Vanessa dumping a large box in their room. He shrugged it off as something for Gregory or the Day Care and resumed listening in.
“Dada?” Stella asked.
“Daddy will be along in a minute; he’s bringing something for Samoo”
“Oh ho? Well coloured us intrigued!” Sun laughed and soon enough Stella’s father walked in gingerly holding a cardboard box, Sun tilted their head in confusion as he placed it on top of the security desk. Stella also craned her neck to see the box and made grabby hands for it.
Vanessa and Gregory barged in as if they were in a rush but Gregory hushed himself as they noticed they were not too late for the gift. Sun looked at the box, it was plain white with small holes in it.
“My, my isn’t this a mystery? What could be in this box hmmm?” Sun chuckled seeing Gregory was looking very excited. “Perhaps some new clothes and ribbons?”
“Or new puppets?” smirking to themselves as they see Gregory getting more impatient, Sun could have fun too.
“Or perhaps a whole box of glitter glue!”
“With googly eyes…my goodness Moon what is it?” Sun blurted out loud.
<Sun the box has a heartbeat!>
“It has a … what?”
Gregory was now giggling to himself and Vanessa had gotten out her phone as Sun gingerly opened the box, with the flaps undone a fluffy little head popped out and mewled loudly.
“That’s a kitten” Sun stated as they stared at the silver-grey little critter.
“Yup” Vanessa confirmed. “What do you want to name her?”
“Oh…I see you got Stella a pet!” Sun exclaimed but stopped and turned to Vanessa. “Why am I naming her?”
“Because we got you a kitten!” Gregory blurted out happily! Sun looked back down at the kitten who was now nosing around the edge of the box as she was too small to climb out, it stumbled back when Sun held out a hand and then extended one finger towards her. The kitten approached the finger gave it a little sniff before trying to nibble it. Once Sun was sure it was settled with being near them, they scooped her up in one hand and cradled her with the other.
“She’s mine? B…but how? I can’t be allowed a pet! It’s against the rules!”
“I spoke with management; I explained how since you’re programmed to care for little things going long times without doing so may be bad for your software. So, I suggested we get a pet for you that you can take care of during closing time and unforeseen stuff like storm days” Vanessa said.
“Don’t worry she’s had all her shots, she hypoallergenic so there shouldn’t be any problems with kids and I think Vanessa and her brother already put all the stuff you’ll need like food, toys, litter, information books and such in your storage room.” Stella’s dad said as Sun looked down at the little kitten who was looking around from such high place.
“She has her own baby jail so you don’t have to worry about her running around during the day!” Gregory declared.
“A pen, we got her a pen” Vanessa explained.
“So, what are you gonna call her?” Gregory demanded.
Sun raised the kitten up to their face and the kitten bopped him with a tiny paw.
“I’m thinking Star drop” they said after a minute.
<Good name> Moon agreed <Her fur is silver like a star.>
“Why do you name things with ‘drop’ in it?” Gregory asked as Sun lowered themselves so Gregory and Stella could see the kitten. “You called Stella ‘Dewdrop’ before we knew her real name too…”
“Well…my full name is Sun drop; Moon’s is Moon drop so it’s like letting them be a part of the family”
<Ooh in that case I’m going to make her a little collar like ours!> Moon’s already itching to get their sewing kit out. Stella and Gregory were cooing over the kitty who in return gave them an investigating sniff before mewling. Stella giggled as the kitten curled up in Sun’s hands.
“The staff will be informed of her in case we need to make any vet calls, or if they find her wandering around during the day” Vanessa explained “But Sun you’ll be her primary care giver, she’s yours to look after, ok?”
Sun looked down at this little life that was now for them to love and care for, cats don’t need to go to school, won’t grow up and leave them. Star drop was theirs now and Sun was going to give them the best life they could manage.
“Thank you so much!” Sun said quietly so not to startled the dozing kitten. “Welcome to the family my little Star drop”
Star drop yawned and started to purr loudly.
Note: Gah I never know how to end these!! I’m tempted to do one or two one shots of the shenanigans Star drop will no doubt get into but I think this is it.
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In case anyone gave a flying flip about ‘Birthday Wish’ there is going to be an ending chapter, i’m not such a git i’d leave my fav sunny blorbo depressed like that. its just taking me a while cos of real life stuff
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Dear The Sun and Moon Show...
you have no right being this freaking addictive and good!! you have no idea how getting home to see your antics is the only thing that keeps me going!!
love you guys
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Birthday Wish part 7
Not gonna lie, I am really tempted to have a ‘Bad ending AU’
Chapter seven: Waking from the dream
DayCareAttendant.Sun.A.I starting up… 10% 35%...65%...100%
Sun and Moon booted back into the waking world, hands clenched and uncurled, face plate turning as their body recalibrated and checked to see if all motor functions were available. As they were starting up and check listed their programmes, they came to their vocals which had been stopped mid-way through something so like most computers when it restarted after a cold stop it resumed where it had left off.
Which is why Sun suddenly bolted up from the chair in Parts and Surfaces and shouted.
“Don’t you fucking dare hurt my kids!”
It was at this point Sun finished starting up and quickly covered their mouth as they saw Freddy sitting next to them with the control panel in paw and the others standing outside watching.
“Oh, my goodness, pardon my potty mouth!” they whispered.
<Got to hand it to you Sun, those would have made pretty good last words> Moon mumbled as he joined Sun in the functioning world.
“Everything is okay Sun, we brought you here so we could repair you” Freddy started to explain. Moon took note of their new foot and noticed their pant leg had been moved up to show their knee where the Freddy not doubt had just disconnected to replace with a functioning leg. Sun however didn’t notice or care they had something more urgent on their mind.
“Where are the children? Are they okay? Are they safe? They’re not hurt, are they? Did they get shot?” Sun rambled in panic as horror scenario after horror scenario played in their head each one worst than the last before Moon had to mentally grab them and ground them, but Sun was already overheating with anxiety.
“Sunny?” Gregory piped up, Sun looked up to see the door open and Gregory walk in with a sleepy Dewdrop in his arms. “You, okay?”
“As you can see, they are unharmed” Freddy said, Sun got out of the chair and knelt down in front of the boy. Before he could say anything, Sun swept the two of them into a tight hug.
“Oh, thank the stars!” Sun would have wept if they could “When I saw that awful man hurt you like that I thought our system was going to crash! You were both SO brave! I’m so so so SO sorry I couldn’t protect you”
“Hey it’s okay…” Gregory “It all worked out.”
“What happened? I mean after we…were shut off?” Sun asked not yet willing to relinquish the hug.
“While we were chasing the alerts one of the Minis came to us saying there was a strange lady in the security room near the kitchen, sure enough there she was. Turns out she had hacked the system to keep us busy while they tried to steal you” Chica explained “she managed to lock herself in but she quickly changed her tune when the Minis got in” she chuckled.
“Where are they now?” Sun asked finally letting go of Gregory who offered Dewdrop up to them, Sun gratefully took her who snuggled up to them and began to grip at his ruffled collar.
“They are in Lost and Found, Roxy and Monty are guarding the doors and I think the Minis are having fun stalking them from the vents” Chica giggled.
<Sun, check the time…> Moon said.
“Oh goodness its nearly 7pm already?!” Sun squeaked, “We’ve been out for almost three hours!”
“We wanted to make sure you were fixed before bringing you back online” Gregory explained “Cos you know it might hurt having your leg amputated and stuff and finding a spare leg was hard, why is all your stuff down in the basement with all those creepy endos?!” Sun shrugged.
“I think it is best if we resumed to our posts now, with the storm now passing by it will only be a matter of time before human staff and security come by” Freddy stated, Sun got up tested their new leg as they did before doing a little twirl.
“Indeed, and I bet some brave little ones are hungry!”
“Nah I made sure Dewdrop got her tea! I fed her and everything!” he announced proudly “though you may have a mess to clean up in the party room… she started a bit of a food fight.” Gregory mumbled.
The Officer Terry and Officer James strode up quickly through the empty parking lot, the concrete gleamed with rain water that had yet to evaporate or drain away, clumps of debris like leaves and trash piled high in corners where the wind had shoved them in. The air felt fresh and cool after the storm had finally passed by and luckily there was no major structure damage except for odd roof tile missing, collapsed shed, and flooded road.
They came to the door and looked around for an emergency switch or lock, they were so busy looking for a place for a key they didn’t notice a robotic bear loom in from the shadowy building and open the door.
“Good morning!” The bear announced causing both to jolt and look at it, at another time and place this might have been funny but they were on a ticking clock and didn’t have a second to spare.
“Hello we with are with the local police…” Officer Terry started.
“Oh, good are you here for the intruders?” The bear asked politely, the police stared at him for a second.
“What? What intruders?”
“We had a break in yesterday afternoon, but worry not we apprehended them and they are currently under house arrest…or is that Plex arrest?” it wondered.
“No…no we’ll look into that later but right now we are on an urgent mission, perhaps you can help?” Officer James pulled out a photo and showed it to the bear. “We have been informed that this child had been left here just before closing two days ago and we need to find her as soon as we can!”
The policemen already had emergency supplies on hand, from what they understood as they were rushed out was that the baby had been left in a storeroom. Dehydration was going to be a big issue so they had the hospital on standby too in case of worst-case situation.
“Oh yes come this way” the bear said and lead them through the main entrance, hold up was this Freddy Fazbear that was escorting them in? Looking around they went in they realised how impossible this job was going to be. The woman had said she had left him in a store room, how many storerooms could a place like this have?!
“Okay we need to fan out and search, big guy is there any staff we can get to help us look? We can’t waste any time!” James asked.
“There is no need, Dewdrop is in the Day Care”
“Dewdrop?” Terry demanded.
“Yes, I’m afraid she didn’t have a guest profile so we kind of made a name up for her.” The bear laughed nervously, they continued to follow the bear into the Super Star Day Care past the sign in desk and to the big wooden doors. Freddy looked apprehensive and reluctantly opened the gate and gestured them inside.
The two went in blinking away the sudden loud and bright colours, they noted the dirty boot prints on the floor as well as the scuff on the wall. Was that the intruders doing? They paused when they heard a voice humming gently. They ventured in slowly not sure if they needed to get their guns out but as they came round the side of the play structure, they found the source of the humming. It took them a second to recognise the tune of ‘You are my sunshine’.
A tall lanky golden robot was sitting on the floor resting their back against a huge teddy bear, resting on their chest was a baby which they were rocking side to side gently. The baby was playing with a textile toy and would look up at the robot smiling before resuming their chewing on the toy.
“How may I help you this morning?” The robot asked without looking up.
“I uhh…” Officer Terry stammered, this was going so far into uncanny valley it was the other side.
“We have reports of an abandoned baby and came to pick them up” the Officer James claimed clearly made of sterner stuff, the robot looked at them and with one fluid motion stood up with the baby still in their arms. They couldn’t help but notice that standing as they were the baby was easily out of their reach.
“I see, well I will need to see some identification first” it said, the two policemen showed the bot their badges and it knelt down to stare at them for a second, their eyes glowing bright blue for a second before standing back up.
“Please wait…ah yes those do indeed match up with known data banks. I’m sorry about that but you know how it is with protocol!” The Day Care Attendant beamed suddenly changing their tone from quiet to cheerful. “Need to make sure people are who they say these days especially when caring for little ones!”
“We get that” Officer James said more relaxed now that the robot was giving less of a ‘I will murder you if you take a step out of line’ atmosphere. “May we now take Stella home?”
“Stella? Oh, is that your name? what a beautiful name for a beautiful baby!” the robot cooed tickling the baby before returning their attention to the officers. “May I ask what of the parents? The woman who ‘dropped’ her off did not seem sound of mind at the time.”
“Rest assured that lady was not Stella’s mother but a babysitter who was going through some things and made some pretty bad choices, Stella’s parents are waiting to hear from us as they are quite worried”
“Well to be honest we were expecting the worst” the Officer Terry said finally getting the nerve to talk again “We were told the baby had been locked in a storage room for two days or more!”
“Why didn’t you come sooner?”
“Because the lady didn’t decide to tell us until yesterday evening! She was brought in raving drunk and high as a kite and decided to sleep it out in one of our cells. By the time she was sober enough to know what the heck was going on she started raving about all sorts of weird stuff including needing to go back and get her baby. We didn’t understand at first because according to all her records she didn’t have one. It wasn’t until her sister showed up reporting her and her daughter missing did we find out that it was more than just ramblings!”
“I understand…oh Stella what a relief!”
Stella gurgled happily, the robot seemed to tighten their grip for a moment and glanced at the balcony above the ball pit as if considering something before turning back around to face the policemen and hunched over so they could take the child. Stella reached out for the robot whining and fretting but stopped when the robot booped her nose gently.
“Thank you for your help” the Officer James said and they turned to leave, they made it past the play structures when...
“Wait!” the Day Care Attendant shouted suddenly, they spun around to see it covering their mouth, it took in a simulated breath [can they do that?] and walked over to the security bench and produced two party bags.
“I…I took the liberty of cleaning the clothes she had come in, and packed some snacks and diapers just in case…” Handing the first bag to them. “I also put in a year free pass to the Day Care in there in case…in case she wanted to come back, she doesn’t have to but it would be nice…oh and also!” the robot rummaged in the second bag and gave Stella a Moon and a Sun plushie which made the baby squeal happily and make grabby hands at. The robot looked like it wanted to say something else and hovered there for a moment before gentling stroking her cheek.
“Good bye my little sunbeam I hope you had fun during your time at the Super Star Day Care”
“Okay thanks we’ll be sure to pass them on!” Officer Terry exclaimed and with that they left the Day Care, Freddy escorted them to a place called Lost and Found which was being guarded by a robot wolf and gator, they both regarded the officers coldly but the wolf wiggled a finger at Stella who laughed and waved her Sun plush at it.
Sure, enough there were three humans huddled in the corner of room. The two men looked as if they had been a bar brawl and lost horribly but the woman’s face looked scratched and blotched as if someone had attacked her with suction cups. All three were staring at the computer desk that had some weird robot music thing on it like a mix of those old cymbal monkeys and a spider. Officer Terry peered into the window and his jaw dropped.
“Umm…correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t that the group of thieves wanted in like three other states?” he asked, Officer James looked in as well with Stella in tow who just cooed.
“Yup, that’s them!” turning away and grabbing his radio “We are gonna need back-up for this!”
Unbeknownst to them as they turned around, the robot spider jerked to life and waved at Stella before glaring at the three menacingly tilting its head in a jarring and glitching manner that just made the three scoots away even more. Their eyes darting to the vent where they saw two more pairs of beady soulless eyes watch them knowing that as soon as those policemen were gone their torment would continue.
Gregory had to wait in the backstage of Freddy’s green room, taking turns between pacing his small enclosure and checking his Faz watch watching all the policemen come and go in the camera. He had to stay put, he couldn’t be discovered as well. They had taken the three intruders out of the plex and they seemed more than eager to get out of the place too. Taking evidence of photos of Sun’s injuries and the shot off foot, bullet from the stage and whatever footage that could be given. There wasn’t much due to Ballora’s tampering but luckily what there was showing the two men running around Moon had altered to show no evidence of Gregory.
By the time noon had rolled around staff had started to turn up which meant that Gregory had to make a move, he crawled into the vents giving a nod as the Minis trotted by giggling with glee to each other. Sneaking through Kids Cove he got to the Day Care and as he approached, he felt his heart sink, he had watched Dewdrop leave with the police.
He knew that Dewdrop might get picked up its why he had told Sun that the birthday wish was temporary but he had planned on being able to find the Dewdrop ‘doll’ and swapping them out so Sun would think she had changed back. But Sun must have been forced to give her up and now that small kindness he had made for them had been taken away.
He looked around expecting to see having a mental breakdown but was shocked to find Sun hard at work cleaning the Day Care. They were already scrubbing the floor to remove the muddy footprints that the two men had tracked through.
“Sun?” the boy asked “You, okay?”
“Yup I am fine” they declared brightly, wringing out the wash cloth and resumed cleaning “Though I will need to crack on, those awful men left such a mess and I was already behind on my cleaning schedule as it was!”
“You sure? What about Dewdrop?”
“Her name is Stella and you’ll be pleased to hear her parents are eagerly awaiting her return”
“I’m sorry…”
“For what?”
“For Dewdrop…ya know…not being Dewdrop.”
The bot looked at him for a second before returning to cleaning.
“Oh, right the birthday wish, well you never know Gregory maybe the birthday wish fairy is real. It just didn’t come for me”
“Wait you knew that wasn’t Dewdrop?!” he cried but paused when he looked back on it and realised that neither Sun nor Moon only ever called her by that name twice and even then it was either at the start or in the heat of the moment, everyone else had regularly called the baby Dewdrop but not them.
“Oh, Moon examined the security feed as soon as Monty suggested it” Sun claimed getting up and moving on to washing down the scuff marks from the wall.
“Aren’t you upset?”
“Why would I be upset? Stella is going home to her family that was the best outcome when you think about it, from what you told us foster care sounded unpleasant”
“No, I mean…didn’t you want to keep her?” Sun paused for a moment putting down the wash cloth and Gregory could hear the cooling fans going into overdrive as Sun tried to keep their emotions in check. Sun then turned to look at him and gave him that familiar cheerful grin.
“Come now Gregory I couldn’t keep a baby!” they laughed “I mean I could care for her and look after her here but it’s not like I could actually give her a life here!” Sun started to fidget with their hands and when they noticed what they were doing gripped them tightly. “I’m just an animatronic, property of Fazbear Entertainment!” they declared loud and painfully happy, Gregory heard a small crack and saw that Sun was digging their fingers into their hands so much it was cracking the plating. Sun continued to manically clean but slowed down, dropped the wash rag and leant against the wall sliding down to sit curled up on the floor.
“Gregory I’m such a horrible person! I wanted to keep her…for a terrifying brief moment I wanted to hide her in our room and chase the police away, and the only thing that stopped me from doing so was that wouldn’t be fair on her… I can’t give her what she really needs, I can never leave this place so I can’t take her to the park or beach…I can’t take her to the doctors if she got sick…I’d never be able to see her off to her first day of school or show her snow or…” they curled up tighter, their whole body shaking and steam was leaving their vents as they gripped their rays in such a way Gregory was worried that they’d rip them off. “I’m just an animatronic, nothing more! Just a dumb robot that has a stupid glitch that makes them want something they’ll never have!” Sun wailed.
<Sun please calm down we’re going to over-heat!>
Gregory knelt down in front of Sun and pulled them into a hug, Sun hung there limply.
“You have me”
Sun returned the hug with trembling arms and even though robots are supposed to be soulless machines that cannot feel emotions or be hurt by them, robots are incapable of feeling loss or shedding tears
Sun cried.
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Thank you noodilliac you have no idea how much i needed to read this
A comic to try and sort through some difficult feelings about being an artist and a reminder to not forget who you are.
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I can confirm this is a viable lifestyle.

Ha ha seriously tho.
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