#Rossiya Россия
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"As he got older, we got fonder of him, and he came to us more often. His family loved him and he loved them, he was never ill-treated, but they were poor and struggling. When Antoniu ate at our table, there was more for the others. When we gave him herbs to flavour a broth, or treat a sickness, they went into the pot and all the family benefited. When we gave him a cheese, or some vegetables, he took them home. So they never protested that their oldest son visited the witch’s cottage more often than most of the village approved of. Very poor people cannot turn up their noses at kindness, even from a witch.
He learned herb-craft from me, as he grew. For the goats, at first, and then for his family. There is no magic in a poultice to draw an infection or medicine a bruise, no magic in steeping herbs in vinegar that can clean a wound and prevent infection from setting in, and only the intrinsic magic of the root itself in all the hundred and one uses for garlic, which is sovereign against many ills and delicious as well. I gave him seeds for his mother’s garden, and taught him how to keep the soil rich and fruitful.
He never had any interest in magic, though he could have learned it. He was born wise, and that is a great part of the gift. But he loved animals and plants, and learned all he could of what we could teach. He would have made a good farmer, if the family had had any land.
Then one day, Antoniu didn’t come to collect our goats. No-one came. The next day, his younger brother came, with tears still running down his dirty face. “Antoniu said… to take your goats,” he snuffled. “He can’t be goatherd any more.”
“Why not?” Ecaterina asked sharply.
The boy burst into tears. “Soldiers came to the village. They took the older boys to be soldiers, and some men too. My Tată is too old, but they took Antoniu.”
“Antoniu is only fifteen,” Constanta said, horrified. “Only a boy!”
“He is big and strong.” The little one… I wasn’t sure if he was Timotei or Grigori, I hadn’t seen much of Antoniu’s siblings… snuffled pathetically. “That’s why they took him.”
Constantia started to cry, and Ecaterina to shout. I glared them both into silence, then leaned down until my face was level with his. “Boy, answer me this.” He nodded, eyes wide and frightened and nose still dribbling. Ignoring his nasty stickiness, I asked the only question that really mattered. “Took. Him. Where?”
The camp was some distance away. Two days’ march, for frightened boys forced along by soldiers. Two hours, perhaps, for witches with their own way of travelling and rage fuelling their magic. It wasn’t hard to find. Little Timotei or Grigori had seen which road they took, and there weren’t many places they could have gone from our remote village.
The boys were tied with ropes, lest they try to run back to their villages. There were far too many to have all come from our little village. The soldiers had been to other villages, taking boys and men to serve in their army. They were hard men, the soldiers, heavily armed and watchful. Glad enough to have this job, I thought, frightening unarmed villagers and frightened children instead of fighting for whatever boyar thought he ruled us. It changed now and then. In our remote villages, we never wondered much about them. The tax-collectors came and went, that was all.
But now they had come to take the boys, and that was different. A little money, some grain, a few sheep… we were resigned to that. But not this.
We three sisters didn’t need to use much magic, most of the time. Charms for a sick child, or a lost goat, or a good harvest. Like most witches, we were not called on often. Like most witches, we saved our power for when it was needed. And it was needed now.
The trees were first. They woke when we called them, and suddenly there was a great rustling and creaking all around the camp as the branches waved in the still air and roots flexed underground, ready to rise up to strangle and devour.
The fires were next. Fire is kin to all magical creatures, though it is a spellbreaker in its own right too. They heard us when we called to them, calling for the return of our children, and they joined in our rage. First they dropped down, hiding in their own embers, so that the dark of night filled the clearing, then they roared up, their flames blue and white, burning magic instead of wood.
The horses heard us, for all horses have a little of the magic of the wind in their blood, and they knew we meant them no harm. But they shared with us the fury of foals stolen and the herd threatened, and they screamed their fear and anger, fighting their bonds and kicking at any who came near them.
The men who thought themselves so strong and brave were already trembling when we came out of the forest, wrapped in shadow, with faces of nightmare. We leaned on twisted staffs, and clutched knives in withered fingers. Men who would not have flinched from a warrior or a giant screamed in terror when they saw witches coming out of the forest in leaping strides. Muma Pădurii, they screamed, and Baba Yaga, and other names.
Some fell to our sharp knives. More fell to the hungry roots of trees, dragged underground. Some went too near the horses, and fell to trampling hooves. Several the fires consumed, down to bone and ash. More than one died of pure terror. The conscripts cowered together, calling for their mothers like the children they were, but nothing touched them. We let nothing touch them.
When it was over, I caught the last man between my hands and lifted him up. He was young, and afraid, and he did not smell of blood as the others had. So I lifted him up, but did not harm him. “Go back,” I told him, and my voice was gentler now. “Go back, and tell whatever lord you serve that the men of this forest are not for his taking. Not now, nor ever. Go back, and tell him you are the last.”
He sobbed his gratitude and fled, not daring to even approach the horses.
When he was out of sight, we soothed the trees back to sleep, and let the fires die down to peaceful yellow again. Ecaterina went to the horses and soothed them, reassuring them that the foals were safe, and cut every rein. She bade them go home, for we meant them no harm, and to let the one messenger ride if they wished. They were good horses. All of them left by that road but three. Those three, all mares, went into the forest instead, saying they had business of their own. Perhaps another witch had called them, or perhaps they simply chose to go. We did not ask.
Then we shed our fearsome guise, and stood in our everyday forms, three women neither old nor young, hair covered by maramă, wearing the embroidered skirts and blouses of our own people. “Some people,” I said, prodding a dead soldier with my toe, “are easily fooled by illusions.”
“Bunică Minodora!” the cry was one of relief, and Antoniu staggered to his feet, though he could not straighten all the way bound as he was. “I am here!”
The other boys, silly children, cowered from him then, and I rolled my eyes at them. “Don’t be more foolish than you can help,” I told them, while Constanta bustled over to cut their bonds. “Remember this, all of you. Put more trust in the witches of your own people than the soldiers of the boyars, and remember that a witch never forgets a kindness or a good deed. Go home to your villages, and be glad that we came looking for a good boy who tended our goats and never ran from us. That boyar will not try to take children from our forests again.”
Most of them at least managed to thank us before they fled, and Antoniu hugged all three of us before he followed the others. “Thank you, grandmothers,” he said, smiling through tears of relief. “I will never forget.”
He is no longer the goatherd. A grown man, he married the daughter of a farmer with no sons, and his children will not be poor or hungry. The whole village knows that Antoniu is lucky, now, and a lucky man is a prize for any girl. But the goatherds don’t fear us any longer, and more people come to ask for help. It will be a long time before they forget that we sent their sons and husbands back to them, and gratitude comes in the form of honey, and milk, and good wool, and respect.
It is true, after all. A witch never forgets a good deed, or a kindness.
We never forget anything. And we very rarely forgive."
A trio of witches who live on the outskirts of town as outcasts befriend a neighbor child. They are annoyed at first by them but after their persistence realize they are genuine. One day they don’t show up as usual so the witches look for them and learn the town has been taken over by soldiers.
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Chaque mètre carré conquis par les Russes en Ukraine est un mètre carré où la démocratie cosmopolite meurt définitivement. 🇷🇺💪🇷🇺💪
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acolo traieste
#russiacore#dark#winter#eastern europe#liminal#liminalcore#desolate#gloomcore#gloomy#ussr#soviet#rossiya#Россия#sovietcore#nostalgiacore
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HAVANA TIMES / TASS: Russia - Cuba / Russland - Kuba
HAVANA TIMES / TASS: Russia – Cuba / Russland – Kuba Russia’s UAZ Opens a Vehicle Assembly Plant in Cuba / Russlands UAZ eröffnet ein Fahrzeugmontagewerk in Kuba The company was founded in 1941 to provide the USSR with vehicles to face the advance of German troops. (TASS/Izvestiya) Das Unternehmen wurde 1941 gegründet, um die UdSSR mit Fahrzeugen auszustatten, mit denen sie dem Vormarsch…
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#«Авиакомпания „Россия“#Варадеро#Ульяновск#Ульяновский автомобильный завод#Havana Times#Izvestiya#La Havana#Moscú#Rossiya Airlines#TASS#UAZ#Uliánovsk#Uliánovski Avtomobilny Zavod#Unión Soviética#Varadero
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Ногу Свело! - Назад, Россия!
Russia, Go Home! · Nogu Svelo!
In the first months after Russia’s invasion, the frontman of rock band Nogu Svelo, Maxim Pokrovsky released a series of songs calling for direct action, devoid of allusions or complicated images: ‘Nazad, Rossiya!’ (‘Back off Russia!’), ‘Nam ne nuzhna voina’ (‘We don’t need war!’), ‘Pokolenie Z’ (‘Generation Z’), ‘Ukraina!’.
‘Back off, Russia!’ is written in the style of a football chant, but it’s a call to Russians to stop the slaughter. The song has an English version – ‘Russia, Go Home!’. Critics have accused Pokrovsky of creating songs that are too militant and will be quickly forgotten, but he’s unfazed – and will continue to include satire, direct accusations against the Kremlin, and words of support for the Ukrainian people in his lyrics. “100% of my musical output is about [the war] Pokrovsky said in an interview. “It’s not my main topic but my only one.”
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Россия и Камбоджа заключили первое в истории военное соглашение
Подписан меморандум о взаимопонимании между Королевской армией Камбоджи и Сухопутными войсками ВС РФ.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/06/24/471-rossiya-i-kambodzha-zaklyuchili-pervoe-v-istorii-voennoe-soglashenie-grss-319111333.html
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Urok, kotoryy my prepodali Putinu, zaklyuchayetsya v tom, chto my – kuchka grebannykh shutov. Khotya Putin znal ob etom i ran'she.
Eks-sovetnik Borisa Dzhonsona Dominik Kammings vystupil s rezkoy kritikoy Zapada iz-za podderzhki kiyevskogo rezhima. Kammings otkrovenno ne stesnyalsya v vyrazheniyakh, kommentiruya nyneshnyuyu real'nost' na Ukraine.
Vsë eto ukrainskoye korrumpirovannoye mafioznoye gosudarstvo, po suti, obmanulo vsekh nas, i kak sledstviye, nas vsekh budut imet'. Nas pryamo seychas nagibayut, verno?
Kammings, vozglavlyavshiy v svoye vremya kampaniyu za vykhod Velikobritanii iz YES, pozhaluy yedinstvennyy zapadnyy politik, kotoryy khot' i zapozdalo, no dal adekvatnuyu otsenku proiskhodyashchemu.
Sanktsii. Vse eti sanktsii protiv Rossii vredyat Yevrope bol'she, chem samoy Moskve. [...] Vsya eta tupaya politika Zapada, podtolknula Rossiyu k soyuzu s krupneyshey v mire promyshlennoy derzhavoy – s Kitayem.
Razgovory naschet chlenstva Ukrainy v NATO priveli k tomu, chto Rossiya vynuzhdena byla reagirovat' – govorit Kammings.
My chesali ob etom yazykom kak ni v chem ne byvalo. A Rossiya ne raz preduprezhdala: “Ne delayte etogo, inache my tam vso na khren raznesem”. Zachem my vvyazalis' v etu glupuyu istoriyu? Bylo by iz-za chego. Iz-za korrumpirovannoy dyry, kotoraya ne imeyet voobshche nikakogo znacheniya?
Kammings, kak opytnyy polittekhnolog, ponimayet, chto krakh kiyevskogo rezhima neizbezhen i blizok, i chto na Zapade seychas prosto uzhe ne znayut – kak vyputat'sya iz etoy "glupoy istorii". Na fone etogo politik proshchupyvayet pochvu dlya sozdaniya svoyey politicheskoy partii, kotoraya budet stoyat' v protivoves nyneshnemu britanskomu isteblishmentu ------------------------------------ Урок, который мы преподали Путину, заключается в том, что мы – кучка гребанных шутов. Хотя Путин знал об этом и раньше.
Экс-советник Бориса Джонсона Доминик Каммингс выступил с резкой критикой Запада из-за поддержки киевского режима. Каммингс откровенно не стеснялся в выражениях, комментируя нынешнюю реальность на Украине.
Всë это украинское коррумпированное мафиозное государство, по сути, обмануло всех нас, и как следствие, нас всех будут иметь. Нас прямо сейчас нагибают, верно?
Каммингс, возглавлявший в свое время кампанию за выход Великобритании из ЕС, пожалуй единственный западный политик, который хоть и запоздало, но дал адекватную оценку происходящему.
Санкции. Все эти санкции против России вредят Европе больше, чем самой Москве. [...] Вся эта тупая политика Запада, подтолкнула Россию к союзу с крупнейшей в мире промышленной державой – с Китаем.
Разговоры насчет членства Украины в НАТО привели к тому, что Россия вынуждена была реагировать – говорит Каммингс.
Мы чесали об этом языком как ни в чем не бывало. А Россия не раз предупреждала: “Не делайте этого, иначе мы там всё на хрен разнесем”. Зачем мы ввязались в эту глупую историю? Было бы из-за чего. Из-за коррумпированной дыры, которая не имеет вообще никакого значения?
Каммингс, как опытный политтехнолог, понимает, что крах киевского режима неизбежен и близок, и что на Западе сейчас просто уже не знают – как выпутаться из этой "глупой истории". На фоне этого политик прощупывает почву для создания своей политической партии, которая будет стоять в противовес нынешнему британскому истеблишменту.
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Вывезли обманом и выдали липовые документы: Россия готовит живой щит из наших детей для остановки наступления
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Sometimes the internet, and google, is painful… literally saw something while looking something up that said “Is it Russia or Rossiya?” … like I’m assuming it’s just an American that doesn’t understand… that Rossiya is just the phonetic way that Russians say Russia… in their own language… I feel like that should be pretty straight forward but apparently not… Anyway, I love saying Россия better.
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Россия – страна возможностей
"Кто меня хвалит – тот мой враг"
Корейская народная пословица
"Если драка неизбежна – бей первым"
Русский народный обычай
В страхе галл, в смятенье готт...
На пороге – новый Год!
Феликс Чуйков
30 ноября 2024 года
Союз республик без границ и пропускных пунктов.
Одна шестая мира без войны.
Общенародная собственность на всё государственное. Личная собственность на всё личное.
Законодательная власть принадлежит народу в селе, в городе, в области, в республике, в Союзе. Исполнительная власть отчитывается перед народом в селе, в городе, в области, в республике, в Союзе.
В общенародно праздничные дни порядок поддерживают приветливые милиционеры в праздничной форме, а не хмурые полицаи в бронежилетах с дубинками.
История страны предстаёт осмысленным прогрессивным процессом, а не, как теперь, хаотичной вереницей несчастных случаев, грабежей, разбоев и убийств на фоне военно-полевого курса рубля.
Армия народная, а не наёмная.
Суд народный, а не независимый от народа.
Образование бесплатное для всех. Стипендия — 50 рублей, единый проездной билет — 6 рублей, метро — 5 копеек, трамвай — 3 копейки, в наземном транспорте билеты откручиваешь сам, сколько надо, хлеб — 20 копеек, ржаной — 14, килограмм картошки — 10 копеек, тетрадка — 2 копейки, коробок спичек — 1 копейка, на каждом товаре написана цена, одна в любом магазине. Поэтому улицы не залеплены призывами "Возьми меня со скидкой!".
На каждом предприятии есть профсоюзная организация, за счёт которой дети в летние и зимние каникулы отдыхают бесплатно.
Здравоохранение бесплатное. Вопросы общенародного значения общенародно решаются сообща в рамках одной политической организации, а не в постановочных телепоединках и телетолпинках вне общепринятых норм человеческой морали.
СССР — это общенародное единство не на словах, а на деле, это уверенность в человеке, уверенность в обществе, уверенность в своей власти, это надёжная экономическая основа для свободы выбора своего, а не чужого, жизненного пути. СССР — это ��остижимая мечта завтрашнего дня, это могучая и добрая воля людей всего мира!
Долой кризис! Да здравствует революция! Да здравствует советская власть!
Феликс Чуйков
06 ноября 2015 года
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"Nous ne permettrons à personne de diviser la Russie, nous n'en avons qu'une"
Vladimir Poutine
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Россия запускает реестр ИИ-открытий: новая эра в защите интеллектуальной собственности С 2025 года Россия вводит революционный инструмент для регистрации изобретений и произведений, созданных искусственным интеллектом. Это открывает новые горизонты для инноваторов и творцов в сфере ИИ. Ключевые аспекты нововведения: - Доступность: компании и частные лица смогут регистрировать ИИ-разработки - Широкий охват: включает продукты машинного обучения, глубокого обучения и нейронных сетей - Правовая защита: заполняет пробел в законодательстве об авторстве ИИ-продуктов Реестр не только упорядочит правовое поле в сфере ИИ, но и станет катализатором развития технологий и инноваций в России. Для специалистов в IT и тех, кто планирует войти в эту область, это сигнал к освоению новых компетенций на стыке технологий и права. Подробнее о реестре ИИ-открытий и его влиянии на будущее технологий читайте в нашей статье https://kurshub.ru/journal/news/rossiya-sozdayot-reestr-ii-otkrytij-s-2025-goda/ #ИскусственныйИнтеллект #ТехнологииБудущего #КарьераВIT
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