#Rosie's picks
akookminsupporter · 11 months
Perfect Man Jimin or MOTS concert Filter Jimin? ☃️
Anon, what did I do to you? why are you being so cruel? I know I am persona non grata to many but to resort to this seems cruel to me.
Look, I love Orange hair Jimin but MOTS concert Filter Jimin - the second day has my heart. He was... perfection.
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onesidedradiostatic · 4 months
best part about alastor and rosie's relationship is how rosie enables him
I think their evil aspect should be talked about more. she's like "oh you have nefarious intentions? #SLAY gurl"
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ladyhavilliard · 3 months
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death: transformation, endings, change, transition, letting go, release
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myspacepoet · 10 months
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hi rosy ronkey fandom
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justanotherhh · 20 days
I was doing some screenshots for a bit of Alastor meta and I hadn't realised that when Rosie does the "come now Alastor, she's much too young for you - oh, I'm just kidding, I know you're an ace in the hole" Charlie's expression goes from:
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2. Big eyeroll
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3. Suspicion/dislike/negativity
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4. Surprise/confusion at where this went
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it's quite big shift in emotion, where Charlie perhaps feels like this joke is kind of old-fashioned and sexist and who even is this woman in cannibal town of all places, to... wait, what did she say?
whether she understands the joke or not, she seems to be somewhat aware that Rosie has revealed something about Alastor
just a small moment, but I wonder if that's a tiny "let's park this one for now, but Charlie definitely noticed/was paying attention."
(also Alastor squinting the whole way through and then eyes widening right as she says it...)
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onelungmcclung · 3 months
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- Wasn't my idea. Huglin recommended you. - Then you're both sons of bitches.
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rcbertleckie · 3 months
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the roberts™ + blue shirts
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dragons-and-cake123 · 4 months
Pride Flags Colorpicked from Hazbin Hotel
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From left to right:
Vaggie - lesbian
Charlie - bisexual
Alastor - aroace (old design)
Alastor and Rosie - queerplatonic relationship
Angel Dust - turian/veldian
Husk - pansexual
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14dayswithyou · 5 months
my birthday is coming up 🩵🩵🩵 I think it’d be really cute if Teo and I got like matching rings and had a cute little date at like a little altar, and maybe he wears a suit and I wear a white gown 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵
ANSWERED: Hehe I know exactly what you mean 😻
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Adjusting the black tie around his neck; Teo stands in front of the altar, pulls out a folded piece of paper from his back pocket, and begins to read. "Rosie was... the best lay I ever had. It's a real shame she died in that ugly Victorian nightgown, but I guess even It Girls need a break from serving cunt all the time."
"It's true..." Saint says with tears in her eyes — except not really because I'm livin MY LIFE WITH EDDIE BABYYYY LETS GOOOOOOO!!!!! Ok, actual fic below now, I promise teehee <3
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"Thought I'd find you up here." your voice comes out soft, so as to not startle the man smoking near the ledge. The faint glow of his cigarette stands out even amongst the stars and cityscape backdrop he'd been staring at moments prior. But even after hearing your words, Teo doesn't seem to move.
"Guess I need to switch things up then." He doesn't turn around, though he does makes room for you to stand beside him. "I'm becoming predictable."
Silence blankets the two of you as you both idly stare off into the distance. It'd never been like this at the start of your relationship... And while you wouldn't admit it out loud... It was a nice change of pace. No longer did Teo seek you out for late-night rendezvous, and in turn, you no longer had to fall prey to his hedonistic escapades.
But the silence could only last for so long. And what's more, you were certain Teo would grow bored of the lack of stimulation and do something more... worthy of his attention.
So, with a slight cough, you casually strike up a conversation. "What did you get up to today?"
"Heh, you'll probably see it on the news soon." A sly smirk pulls at his side profile, before Teo finally acknowledges your presence by his side with an intrigued look in his eyes. "And you?"
...And you?
Since when did the Teo Alvarado talk about something other than himself?
"I, uhh..." Clearly not expecting that response, you stumble over your words and avert your gaze towards the illuminated backdrop once more. "I got my nails done?"
"Hmph. You don't sound too sure 'bout it, doll." The taller male extinguishes the butt of his cigarette on the cement railing before leaning against it. A beat passes before he extends a hand out towards you. "Lemme see."
He takes your palms into his larger ones and spares a casual glance over each nail individually. And had you known any better, you would've assumed he was bored. But you did know better. That was a look of genuine intrigue.
"...Green, huh?"
"I-I just felt like it!"
No way were you going to let him in on your suppressed feelings. You were well ware of the fact that once Teo sensed any semblance of attachment, he would run and never look back. You'd seen it happen one too many times, and you weren't going to let the same thing happen to you.
Besides... What you had with Teo; it felt different. It was nothing like the casual hookups he used to have with all those men and women from the city -- now long forgotten the moment he started getting cozy with you.
"...Do you like them?" Hesitantly, you gaze upwards to read his expression. "I thought you might, considering you paid for it and all."
"They're not bad. Could be better." Okay, rude. But before you can say anything, Teo continues, "Here. Try this."
Not allowing you a moment to respond, Teo quickly reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a small box. Upon opening it, an almost gaudy ring captures your attention (was that Tiffany's?) -- before his large hand hides it from view as he pulls it out.
Was that...
Reaching for your own hand now, Teo slips the ring onto your finger. Too overwhelmed with what was happening, your mind barely registers the fact that the ring seemed to be your exact size.
"Much better." Teo's voice pulls you from your thoughts. "More my taste."
"T-Teo... You do realize that's my ring fin—"
The sharp look he sends you sends a shiver down your spine. "One more word, and I'll lock you up here and drive off."
"...What about two words?"
Immediately, he drops your hand, turns towards the fire escape door, and waves you off. "Hope you brought a sleeping bag. 'M not coming back till morning."
"Okay, okay! I'm sorry!" Without thinking, you reach for his arm and tug him back into the spot beside you. "I'll be quiet."
Another wave of silence washes over the both of you. Though this time, it felt forced. It seemed far too awkward to suddenly address such an... unexpected and intimate gesture from someone like Teo, but you didn't know what else to say either. Changing the subject would only bring more awkwardness, and it wasn't like you could continue the current conversation either.
Damn this man and his inability to be on the receiving end of basic human emotions.
Completely lost in your own mind, you barely notice how Teo lets out a forced huff beside you and pulls you closer by your hips. He rests his chin against the crown of your head this time -- no doubt to stop you from looking up at him -- before he finally breaks the silence.
"It's my nanny's ring." When you don't respond, Teo continues, "Some... sentimental heirloom shit, I guess. She never had any children 'cause she was busy taking care of me."
Why was he holding you so tightly? Like he was afraid you'd run away at the barest hint of vulnerability?
"And before you ask, yes, she parted with it willingly. I..." You feel him lull his head to the side to pop a joint in his neck, "I asked her for it. Didn't ask for her blessing though, so I don't know why she gave it."
"Teo. This is seriously sounding like a proposal."
"...It's whatever."
"Fine. A birthday gift."
"...You remembered my birthday?"
"Ouch. Do I look like someone who'd forget?" Just as you open your mouth, his hand predicts your actions and squishes your cheeks together. "Wipe that smug look off your face. I can't see it, but I know you're gonna do it."
"...Thank you, Teo." It all suddenly felt far too sentimental in that moment, and you knew all too well that Teo would be responding negatively to it soon. So, deciding to fall back on old ways -- lest he starts to gets mean -- you settle for an all-too-familiar way to thank your lover.
Unashamedly, you turn in his grasp before trailing your hands down the warm expanse of his chest. They rest just above the latch of his belt -- but almost uncharacteristically, Teo pulls them away and wraps your arms around his neck instead.
"...Do I look like someone you could marry?"
"Like I said. I'm getting predictable." He uses your hands to cup his face before leaning closer. "'M switching things up again. Marry me."
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hazbinhappy · 3 months
Updated: 4/19/2024
without link = WIP
hcs – w a seraphim reader [here]
hcs – w/ powerful child reader [here]
mini – curls [here]
Angel Dust
hcs – in drag w a masc reader [here]
hcs – w a transmasc reader [here]
hcs – human! modern! high school! [here]
hcs – w childhood reader (human + hell) [here]
Charlie Morningstar
hcs – w a masc reader
hcs – w a depressed reader
hcs – having feelings [here]
hcs – w visiting wife reader [here]
mini – girl dad [here]
Overlord! Husk
hcs – having feelings [here]
hcs – comforting sweet reader w an outburst [here]
hcs – overlord reader with luck powers [here]
Lucifer Morningstar
hcs – nighttime routine w wife reader [here]
Saint Peter
hcs – w a flirty reader [here]
Sir Pentious
hcs – w a caring reader [here]
hcs – w a speraphim reader (platonic) [here]
hcs – w a talkative reader [here]
hcs – w affectionate reader [here]
hcs – w a dense (male) crush [here]
hcs – being in a relationship [here]
hcs – w a reader who is wary of men [here]
mini – w backdoor dealer [here]
Multiple Characters
hcs – hotel cast w a reader who has borderline personality disorder (bpd) [here]
hcs – Alastor, Carmilla, Rosie w a tough reader [here]
hcs – Alastor, Angel Dust, Carmilla, Husl, Lute, Rosie, Vaggie w/ shirtless reader [here]
mini – who watches bachelor(ette) [here]
– Coming?
– Sunnie
Matchups Tag
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videogamepolls · 1 month
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Requested by anon
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akookminsupporter · 11 months
Of all the songs in this second chapter, which are your favourites so far? You can only choose 3
Set me free pt2
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unexpectedstormy · 10 months
New picrew time! Check out this picrew I found called Toon Me.
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No pressure tags @celestialjerma, @dowawitch, @uniquevoidflowers, @twilitprincess, @mushroom-soup-is-my-religion, @cricketflour, @cal-the-imp @three-bunnies-in-a-trenchcoat And anyone else who wants to!
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zootopiathingz · 2 months
rapid fire: what would charlastor name their 15 kids
1. Beatrice
2. Arwen
3. Belle
4. Florence
5. Simon
6. Emily
7. Alastor Jr.
8. Charlotte Jr.
9. Olivia
10. Roseanne
11. Sabrina
12, Harrison
13. Bernadette
14. Madilyn
15. Timothy
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popponn · 4 months
manifesting you to become a nagi kisser
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for me pls :3
you got like several other people and the magic 8ball backing u up. good luck in that manifesting my love. like OKAY HE IS CUTE BUT BUT BUT 😭
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nocontextonepiece · 1 year
“people will say hes my comfort character and then post doflamingo” buddy i dont know what else to tell you but that theres nothing more comforting than knowing no matter how cringe you get, youll never reach “doflamingo begging for his ex to come back in front of a crowd at marineford” levels.
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