#shes picking flowers for her mommy. dont look at me.
myspacepoet · 10 months
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hi rosy ronkey fandom
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luvyeni · 9 months
❛DONT GO INTO THE WOODS❜ ( l. felix )
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p. fairy!felix x human!reader w. 1.9k+
warnings? yandere themes, oral ( f. receiving ), unprotected sex, mind control
— 𖦹 ( your mom always told you never to go into the woods) !
freaktober masterlist
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the first time you were told to never go into the woods you were 5 – that was the first time you saw him. he was the same age as you , but you could tell he was different from you , you didn’t have pointy ears and iridescent wings.
he was playing around and you being the curious little kid you were , you approached him. “hi.” he stopped what he was doing standing up. “you can’t be in these woods.” you frowned. “you’re a human.” he said handing you a flower. “people get lost when they come in here.” now that should’ve scared you , but as a kid you had no fears.
he took you by the hand , guiding you out of the woods safely. “keep this flower , i’ll see you when we’re older , my name is felix.” you didn’t know what that mean , but before you could ask him , he just disappeared. you couldn’t even process what was going on because soon enough you had been pulled into a tight hug by your mother who was crying.
“listen to me , never go into those woods okay , don’t go into those woods.” she said through tears. “why are you crying mommy?” your little self was confused. “i’m just happy you’re home.” you didn’t know what that meant at the time , but when you got older your mother told something that shocked you. you weren’t in the woods for a few minutes like you thought – you had been missing in those woods for 3 days.
that was years ago , you’re now an adult , you moved away from your home , graduated school , got a good paying job , and a lovely boyfriend – life was good , but you for some reason you always felt tied back to your childhood home – to those woods , to felix.
“hi mom.” you walked into the house , your mom wrapped her arms around you , she never really got over those horrible 3 days , never really letting you out her sight , she was devastated when you moved away for college , so you tried to come and visit her whenever you could. “ah! my daughter , you’re home.” you smiled. “and you bought your wonderful boyfriend , come in and get settled , i’m gonna start cooking.”
“your mother loves you so much.” you nodded unpacking your bags. “she’s a little overprotective , but that’s just because of what happened when i was 5.” you said. “what happened?” your boyfriend asked. “see those woods outside my bedroom? i was lost for three days in those woods.” you said. “oh my god , how can you be so calm.” you shrugged. “because to me it only felt like a couple minutes.” your boyfriend look bewildered. “what?”
“yeah , people say that the woods are magic , as a kid i believed it , i even imagined a fairy boy around my age , he even gave me a flower , his name was felix.” you laughed. “you have a wild imagination.” he wrapped arms around your waist. ‘you will be mine’ you furrowed your eyebrows. “you okay baby?” you shook the thought away , smiling. “yup , i’m fine , let’s go help mom.”
the night went on , and soon it was nightfall and everyone said their good nights , going to their respective rooms. you one the other hand – you sat up in bed , you couldn’t sleep , your mind still on the woods , and that fairy boy from all those years ago. ‘come to me’
there was that voice again , you looked around and saw nothing. ‘come to me my love’ you got up , slipping on your slippers , covering yourself with your robe. “baby?” you heard your boyfriends sleepy voice. “just gonna get some water baby , go back to bed.” you smiled , he nodded muttering a i love you before opening up the bedroom door – something catching your attention on the floor , a flower , a bunch of flowers , the same one that imagined the fairy giving you. ‘follow the flowers my love.’ you picked up the flowers , that made their way all the way to the front door. ‘open the door my love.’
you don’t know why you were listening to this voice , it was like you couldn’t stop yourself – you kept walking and walking until you reached that forbidden place , the place where you first saw him. ‘let me lead you’ it was like you had no control over your body , like your feet were moving on its own , deeper into the woods – your house slowly getting smaller until you could no longer see it.
Your feet carried you further and further until you reached a house , but not just any house , a tree house , the door was slightly open , you pushed it open , walking in. “hello?” you finally felt like you had control over your body and your voice. “is anybody there?” you heard something coming from a room , following the noise , you found yourself outside a bedroom. “come in my love.” you heard a deep voice. “i’ve been waiting for you.”
“who are you?” he turned around , and you were stunned. his angel like face , freckles scattered all over his face , his blue hair adding on to his magical look. but what tied his magical look together was the iridescent wings – you remember those wings from anywhere , those wings had never left your mind. “you’re him , you’re the little fairy boy , felix!”
he smiled , making his was over to you. “i knew you’d remember me , i knew my angel would find me.” he said , his hand coming up to caress your face , you should’ve stopped him , but you couldn’t , his touch just felt normal. “did you like your gift?” you held the flowers. “they’re really beautiful , i kept the one you gave me when were kids until it died , i was so sad when it died.” you said. “i know i saw and felt how sad you were.” he said. “y-you felt it.” you stuttered , he nodded taking the flowers from you , sitting them in a empty vase , like he’s been waiting. “i’ve been tied to you since that day , no matter how far you went , i could always feel everything you were feeling , see everything you were doing.”
“e-everything?” he slowly turned to you. “yes angel , everything – i could feel when you were sad , i saw when you cried.” he slowly walked over to you , backing you into a wall. “i felt when you were angry.” his hand coming up to your robe tie , pulling at it. “i could feel when you were horny , and when you would fuck your little fingers into your dripping hole.” his deep voice soaking your panties. “i could see it all.”
your breathing was so heaving , his fingers tracing your body. “m-my boyfriend.” his eyes turned dark. “he doesn’t matter anymore , none of them do , you’ll never see them again.” he pushed the robe off your shoulders , letting it hit the floor , leaving you in your short night gown. “you even dressed so pretty for me.”
he pushed you down on his bed , hovering over your body. “the day you came into my woods i knew i had to make you mine.” he kissed the inside of your thighs. “y-your woods?” you were so confused , you couldn’t understand a thing he was saying. “these woods baby , they’re mine.” he pulled your panties down your legs. “the creatures and other beings in these woods , they’re under me , and soon you too.” he kissed your pussy. “my queen.”
“felix!” you shrieked feeling his tongue dragging up and down your folds. “taste so fucking sweet baby.” he groaned against your cunt , the vibrations making you moan. “such a tasty pussy.” the fairy ate you like a starved man , his wings flapping behind him , grinding against the bed as he shoved his tongue deeper into your hole. “fuck , fuck felix i’m gonna cum.” you screamed.
he pulled away , shoving two of his fingers into your hole. “wanna stretch you out before you take my cock.” he thrusted his fingers in and out of your hole. “gonna take it like a good girl right , let me fuck your pussy open?” you nodded , moaning. “then cum for me.” he kissed your clit , taking in your all your juices as you came. “shit!”
he lifted your night gown over your body , taking his pants off , he looked ethereal his naked body hovering over yours. “gonna fuck you now.” He rubbed his cock on your folds. “you feel so warm.” you moaned , as he grabbed the base of his cock , sliding into your dripping hole. “fuck you feel like heaven angel.” he groaned , his cock stretching you out as he seethed himself inside you. “just perfect.”
he moved his hips , grabbing your jaw. “look at me princess , keep your eyes on me.” he moaned , his eyes pulling you deeper into his trance. “as of tonight , you’re mine.” he grunted. “forget about your old life , spend the rest of your days as my queen right? you nodded , basically signing your life away , but you could care less with the way he was fucking you. “y-yes.”
upon hearing the small yes they fell from your lips , he sped his movements up , rutting into much faster. “f-felix.” you felt your orgasm bubbling up. “gonna cum angel , let me feel you cum all over my cock.” he rubbed your clit , you , your cunt squeezing tightly as you came.
“fu-fuck , i wanted to wait until we were wed to fuck you full of my kids , but you’re squeezing me so tight.” he cursed. “gonna cum inside you -fuck- tonight.” he groaned. “give me a heir to the throne.” he thrust faltering , thrusting one , two , three times before cumming inside your cunt. “fuck!”
you laid in his bed while he heated up the bath , getting inside with you , washing your skin. “so pretty.” he whispered , kissing your delicate skin , he finally got you , after years of waiting for your return , he finally got you. “you can’t escape me baby , these woods they’re different , they listen to me.” he kissed your temple.
“you’re all mines and all mines , forever.”
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dollyhao · 8 months
abby helping her sweet neighbor
cw: milf!reader x abby anderson; cunnilingus, fingering, desperate abby, very small mommy kink
“thank you again abby for helping me. are you thirsty?” you ask as you walk back into the house taking your gardening gloves off. abby follows you taking her gloves off too, “yes please.” abby was super fucking thirsty and its not just from working in the sun helping you fix up your garden.
you had asked abby to bring some big bags of fertilizer to your backyard and she ended up staying for a couple hours helping you plant the new flowers and vegetables you recently bought. she had to watch you in that sweet sundress, thats short enough that when you bend over she sees your lacy thong, and barely holds your tits in them and you just had to top it off with this cute lil apron.
you pull the lemonade out your fridge pouring her some handing it to her, "where are the kidos at?" she asks before thanking you, gulping it down. you watch her as she drinks, you watch her throat bob and the way the sweat drips down her biceps and neck. ""um they're with their father for the week," you say trying to shake your thoughts. you’ve been trying to keep your thoughts about your young neighbor innocent but she just loves to come around you and your kids, playing with them, taking them to the park, and buying them toys.
no matter how many times you try to tell her she doesnt have to do this, she waves you off telling you how much she enjoys spending time with you guys. and you never complain because she is just too sweet and pretty to tell to go away. you take your apron off leaning against the sink, she looks at you as you stare at her walking over to you. she presses herself against you reaching behind you to put her cup in the sink.
she watches as you shudder and grabs your waist, gently squeezing. you grab her shoulders rubbing up and down giving her a sultry look. “do you want me abby?” abby gives you a desperate look, “badly..” she whispers. you pull abby down to kiss you which she reciprocates with needy groans. she picks you up sitting you on the counter. you tug on that cute braid she has in her hair when she lets out a groan, kissing down your neck.
you pull her shirt over her head trailing your hands over her abs. abbys kisses and bites on your neck as she works on getting your underwear off. “abby- augh- please fuck me” you whimper out lifting your hips off the counter so she can get them off. abby rushes to kneel in front of you kissing the inside of your thighs as she stares up into your eyes. you watch her press a kiss to your mound as her hand trails up to your breast.
abby takes her time licking and sucking on your clit. pushing two fingers into you watching you shudder and feeling your hands in her hair. you lock your ankles together pulling her closer to your warmth, making her nearly choke on your juices.
“abby omg dont stop.” you throw your head back arching your back. abby pulls away from you humming, curling her fingers and fucking you faster, “i cant get enough of you right now.” abby says kissing your thighs. your face heats up “how… long have you been waiting to fuck me?” you say pulling her to stand kissing her deeply again. “so long,” she whispers softly against your lips. you pull away holding her close to you, “im so close abs..”
abby pulls your dress down under your breast, “please cum mama,” she says before sucking and nipping at your nipples. your vision goes white as you cum, pushed over the edge by abby’s words, clutching abby’s head to your chest. abby pulls away popping her fingers in her mouth sucking and licking, giving you a smirk. abby reaches for her shirt so she could put it back on. you make a disapproving noise snatching the shirt from her, pulling her against you.
“i want more, sweet girl” you smile seductively leading her to your bedroom.
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vvanderlinde · 2 years
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Mother!Mitsuri headcanons
warnings: none
gender neutral reader
picture credits: rose header: @bunnikins1 mitsuri header: @kedysama (both on pinterest)
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♡• This woman would dote on you so much, you cant convince me otherwise.
"Awwh, [name]! That drawing is so good, I'm gonna show all of my friends this!"
♡• Her doting on you plays into her showing you/your things off
"Look at my baby's drawing, isn't is so cute? My baby is so adorable!!"
♡• She feeds you alot, seems to always be in the kitchen with you when shes not on a mission
♡• Obanai was weary of you at first, not feeling like he lived up to your standards or something
"Obanai, would you watch [name] while I go and grab something to cook?"
Now theres 2 outcomes to this,
1. You end up babbling to him about how cool your mother is and how he seems cool OR
2. You end up staring him down the entire time, making sure he knows you dont like him as of now.
♡• Speaking of having Obanai over, he'd be surprised when he sees you follow your mother into her kitchen, given how protective she seems
"Okay now [name] let me handle [whatever] while you [do the easiest task]"
"Okay mommy!"
♡• You'd hang around the hashira alot and learn to not be intimidated by all of them, especially Gyomei! (whod let you swing on his arm for fun)
♡• You and Mitsuri often go picking for flowers when shes home, as well as hang out by creeks and stuff to find some cool rocks or crystals
♡• You often make her gifts. These gifts ranging from starting dinner without her to those cutesy drawings she loves so dearly
♡• Mitsuri will always make sure you feel safe, and she'll always make sure you feel good in your own skin too, buying you any accessories or clothes youd like!
♡• She doesn't send you to school, she feels that it is too dangerous for her baby! She does however let you be friends with kids your age like Senjuro Rengoku!
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inaramisview · 2 years
so sorry i've been forgetting to send you my asks bbg
could you do eddie munson or billy hargrove as a dad?
eddie as a dad coming right up tbh
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the recital :: e. munson
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mother!reader x eddie munson
summary :: who knew the freak was so good with kids?
warnings :: children, school, crowds, use of y/n, use of mom, mommy, momma, daddy and dad, school theatre, mentions of babies, vulgar language, loud crowds, she/her y/n
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everyone filed into the auditorium loudly. parents, babies, friends and teachers were jammed into their seats. y/n and eddie were sat in one of the middle rows, more off to the edge.
“when did it say it started?” eddie looks at the pamphlet for what seemed like the 100th time that evening. “about five minutes to, honey, dont worry.”
the couple sat in silence for a second, looking around the room as more people filled into their row. “i hope you’re excited. i’m excited. y/n, are you excited?” she flipped her head over to her left to see a steve harrington, still in his button-up from work. did he fucking speed to get over here?
“d’you think he’s excited?” another head popped out. robin. gosh, she looks good. her hair is slightly curled and put in a ponytail, a ribbon to hold it in place. vicky must’ve forced her. or nancy.
“hey, robi, how’s it goin?” eddie leans forward to see her. “pretty good, pretty good. excited to see some kids as per usual.” she joked sarcaatically, but obviously the couple in the row ahead didn’t appreciate it, because they grimaced at her. “m- no- i’m a babysitt-“
the lights dimmed as everyone settled down, robin huffing because her point wasn’t clear yet.
the red curtains opened, revealing a small set, probably made by the children (LMFOA). there was a tower to the left and a tree just below, a well in the centre and an apple tree to the far right.
a small girl dressed as a farmer ran out to the well. “is that love? love’s in this?” steve questioned to the couple. “steve, why do you think we’re here?”
love, more affectionately known as lovely, was eddie and y/n’s daughter. infact, she’d just turned six a week ago!
“well well well, what do we have here? what’re you doin on this side of the green, gerald? thought you were banned from this side.”
another farmer, dressed in blue, came onto the stage, smirking. “yeah, donny, but you’ve stolen something from me. and i want it back.”
both the children were speaking in thick, country accents, making the whole ordeal funnier than it really was.
“is that so, gerald?” gerald nods. “well, you’re gonna have to leave. or you’ll be leavin’ this side o’ town with something different from what you want.”
gerald’s eyes widened. “you dare threaten me? my pappy will haunt you, how dare you threaten me?!”
this’ll be a long play.
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after the play was finished, the friends waited in the lobby for love. steve had a bouquet of flowers he didn’t have at the start of the show and robin had a look on her face she didn’t have at the start of the show, either.
“-oh, and the cow? i didn’t think they’d be fighting over a cow!” steve exclaimed, robins frown reaching furthermore into the ground.
the four heard little footsteps behind them, robin’s face contorting into a neutral, smiley face as they turn to look at the kid.
“daddy!” love exclaimed at eddie, running to her dad as she jumped into his arms, eddie picking her off the ground and kissing all over her face. “hey, bug! you did so good! oh, we’re so proud of you, lovely.” he smiled at his daughter, the carbon copy of eddie.
she had eddie’s dark curls and his brown eyes. when she was born, everyone said she looked like him, but eddie grimaced. of course, he loves his daughter and would die for her, but in that moment in time, she “looked like a piece of chewed-up wood,” according to eddie.
“did’ja see me, daddy? di’ja?!” she squirmed around in his arms. “yes, bug! you were amazing!”
y/n walks over to her family, cupping her daughters face and kissing it all around. “awesome job, my love, you were amazing!” she looked up at her husband, who was still holding the child, and smiled at him with a small glimmer in her eyes. eddie’s heart skipped a beat.
see, its hard for eddie to find someone who treats him normally, but luckily he scored y/n, who treats him like a human, and hes so glad he did.
so yeah, she may treat her husband like a normal human being, bare minimum. but the way she looks at him?
like he’s the only human on earth.
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masterlist :: inaramisview
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@gyubby99 so here's this. Beware mommy issues.
This is my OC Aponi when she was alive.
Slight Alastor x OC fic
Warnings: mentions if addiction, assault, abusive mothers
Mother Knows Best
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Lilly took a deep breath as she walked to her car after graduation.
She hadn't told her family yet but she was planning to move in with her boyfriend, Jason in a few weeks.
When lilly got home, her mother was waiting.
"Mom! What are you-"
"Jason's father called me. You're moving out?" Deborah asked.
"Mom its.... I was gonna tell you dad and Gabriel today I swear," Lilly muttered as she hung her head A bit, not making eye contact.
"Dont mumble. Look me in the eyes, girl. Are you stupid?" Deborah asked.
"No ma'am," Lilly answered.
"Moving in with that boy? He is a no good peice of shit, Lillian," Deborah scolded.
"Mother he loves me!" Lilly argued.
"'Loves' you?! Please Lilly thats demented!" Deborah shouted.
"But mother I-"
"This is why you should never leave!" Deborah interrupted. "Dear God, this whole romance that you've invented just proves you're too naive to be here!" Debirah stated as she walked up to her daughter.
Lilly stood there, tears so close to spilling even though she knew if she began to cry she'd get into more trouble.
"Why would he like you? Come on now - really!" Deborah taunted. "Look at you - you think that he's impressed?" She asked as she held up her daughters hair to make a point about how messy Lilly was. "Don't be a dummy," Deborah stated, Lilly's eyes widened. "stay with mommy.... Mother-"
"No!" Lilly interrupted. She was finally done with her mother's abuse.
"No? Oh..... I see how it is." Debirah smirked as she walked toward her daughter menacingly.
Rapunzel knows best Rapunzel's so mature now Such a clever grown-up miss Rapunzel knows best Fine, if you're so sure now Go ahead, then give him this
"You think you know best?! You think you're so mature now. Such a clever little grown up miss," Deborah scolded.
"Mother I-"
"So Lilly knows best! Okay you're so sure now. wanna move out then go ahead. All he wants is to sleep with you!" Deborah shouted.
This is why he's here! Don't let him deceive you! Give it to him, watch, you'll see!
"That is the only reason he wants you Lillian! And if you give it to him you are a whore. Don't let him deceive you!" She continued.
"He loves me!" Lilly shouted.
Trust me, my dear That's how fast he'll leave you I won't say I told you so - no Rapunzel knows best! So if he's such a dreamboat Go and put him to the test
"Oh Lillian you are so stupid! The second you give him an inch he will leave you so quickly you won't won't have time to blink!" She snapped as she said that to illustrate her point. "Fine. Since you know best now, go and put him to the test and be a little slut!" Deborah shouted before she began to stomp out of the room.
"Mother wait!" Aponi called.
If he's lying Don't come crying Mother knows best...
"If you move out, you will no longer have a family here. You are no longer my daughter, and I never want to see you again!" Deborah shouted as she slammed her bedroom door leaving Lilly alone in the living room.
Lilly's phone started to ring.
"Hey babe! Didja tell your parents yet?" Jason asked from the other line.
"She knows..... she.. told me she never wanted to see me again," Lilly answered.
"Oh god.... oh my flower I am so sorry," Jason stated.
"Can I stay at your house until we leave?" Lilly asked.
"Of course baby. I just picked up some picture frames for us so we could hang up some pictures right away when we move in!" Jason replied.
Lilly smiled. "Thanks J.... I'll pack my stuff and I'll see you in like an hour okay?" Lilly asked as she walked to her room.
"Okay! See you soon! Love you!" Jason exclaimed before hanging up.
"... love you too..." lilly muttered to no one.
Aponi woke up in the middle of the night.... she groaned as she stood up and walked to her bathroom to splash some water on her face from the memory..
Lilly sighed as she looked in the mirror.
She caught a glimpse of the rope mark on her neck and touched it gently with her hand.
Lilly walked down the hotel stairs in only a baggy t shirt and underwear.
She walked to the fridge in Husk's bar and spotted some juice.
The light flipped on, startling the butterfly demon.
"Shit!" She shouted as she jumped up.
"Ah sorry darling!" Alastor exclaimed. "Could you not sleep?" He asked as he grabbed some raw food out of the fridge.
"Uh no.. i.. I couldn't.. too many memories. You?" Aponi asked in return as she poured herself some juice.
"Oh I don't sleep, my dear!" Alastor answered.
"Pft. I wish I didn't need sleep," Aponi stated as she leaned against the counter and took a sip of her drink.
"My dear, I've been meaning to ask; why don't you drink alcohol?" Alastor asked.
"Oh uh.... when I was alive I.... I was a druggee and a drunk. I was working on being sober. I was successful for a while until I died. Haven't had any alcohol since," Aponi explained.
"Ah. Very interesting. Tell me what drinks you like, I'd be happy to send nifty out to get some!" Alastor stated.
"Thanks. I might take you up on that.... anyways. I should probably go re-brush my teeth and get to bed. It was nice talking to you. See you tomorrow!" Aponi stated as she walked backbup the stairs and to her room.
She slept the rest of the night, peacefully after that.
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weebnotheree · 10 months
ɴᴇᴡ ʙᴇɢɪɴɪɴɢs | 🦇𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑍𝑖𝑛𝑔🦇|𝑀𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑠 𝑥 𝑀!𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 PT.1
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i can only post or upd them in the mornings on school days----and write them during school cause if ykyk TYSM FOR READING!!
A bat flew its way to a castle's balcony with two double doors. The figure's shadow illuminated into the door's window in the room. The figure opened the door with its power. Its shadow cast onto the floor as it crept to the baby's crib, ready to attack with its long, sharp cla- "Peek-a-boo!" the baby started to cry. "No, no, no, no.. I didn't mean to startle you, my little baby. Sh, sh, sh (x2)" the baby calmed and looked up at her father. He began singing. "Hush little vampire dont say a word. Papa's gonna bit the head off a bird." She giggled. "[gibberish]Vapitybooba!"
"I want to kiss your tush![kisses her belly]I want to kiss your tush!" he happily said as he lifted her in the air. He then placed her on a baby-sized mattress and changed her diaper with magic. He placed the filled diaper in a small coffin along with the others that were on the ground.
Drac was with a zombie that was preparing a blueprint sketch that was being constructed for the hotel. "Nice, but maybe a little more square footage. I want a lot of monsters here," he ordered. The zombie began erasing but was interrupted by a droplet on his paper. They both looked up to see a toddler Mavis and a small little boy on the ceiling looking down at them. They were smiling, and giggling before they crawled down the wall to Drac and the zombie's eye level. They still were on the wall, just sitting.
Mavis and the boy rode their little toy (stick)horses as they ran(rode their horses)away from Drac. "I'm gonna get you little babies! I'm gonna get youu- ugh." He was tired from the chasing. Mavis abruptly stopped dropping her toy horse and pointed before looking at the boy. "What out there?" then she grabbed his hand and started heading towards the open door. "Oh, we never go out there. *picks them up*Ever," he told them walking away,(they looked over his shoulders at the door) and the door shut by itself.
Drac was reading a bedtime story to the two kids called Tales of Humans.
"And then the monsters ran away and were forced into hiding, but Harry the human, found them and jumped out from under their beds!" Mavis had the blanket covering half of her face. The boy was intrigued by the story. "I'm scared!" "And burned their clothes, and beat their toes! And took their candy! He flipped over the blanket but she wasn't there. He then proceeded to look for her. As he did the boy looked underneath "Dont be scared, Rose. I'll protect you. I always will." Drac looked under as well seeing her. "Dont take my candy," she said protecting her skull-shaped (or flower)sucker.
"Baby claws, you dont need to be frightened. I promised your mommy i would protect you forever. And M/n is always there for you," he reassured.
Drac sat back up as well as M/n. she crawled halfway from under the seat turning over and smiling cutely because M/n was smiling back at her. "My beautiful Mavy, let me wipe all your poop away. Those humans are nasty," he let the guitar float to help m/n who was trying to help Mavis up on the stool with them. "So with daddy, you will stay, and if a human tries to harm you, ill simply say- [rawrs!!]Because you're daddy's girl, daddy's girl[cuts off to next scene]"
Drac was now teaching them how to fly.
"Just bent the legs and push off. Trust me mice(children)" he says holding out his arms just in case. They did so and transformed into bats, flying. "We're flying, we're flying!" Mavis exclaimed as M/n giggled. "Faster babies faster!!" then he turned into a bat and flew along with them around the room. A zombie came into the room, removing his hard hat from his head. "Excuse me dir?" Drac stopped to look at him, annoyed by the interruption. "What? What?!" he asked, being interrupted again by an 'ow'. Drac immediately looked back at them. The two kids had bumped helmets. "We're okay!" they both announced.
"It's ready," the zombie told him before both went out to a balcony. Drac put on a serious face. 
Drac held his head up high as he inspected all the improvements. ¨Looks good. Only monsters can get in?¨ ¨Oh, absolutely! It's hidden real nicely. You got 400 acres of haunted forest in front of you. You got the Land of the Undead on the perimeters. Any humans darin' to even look over there will run away real quick,¨the zombie started explaining as Drac finished using his enhanced vision to see everything. ¨But, of course, be smart. No bonfires, no firework shows.¨ he told Drac really close to his face. ¨Yeah, yeah, no, no. No fire, I get it, I get it.¨
Drac looked toward a picture in the room with his wife, him, Mavis and M/n in it(as babies). ¨It's time, my darlin' Martha. The place we always talked about for Mavis and M/n. No one will ever harm them here.¨
So ya boy ended up moving out. To see the world and he hasn't been back since. Obviously, because he was old enough and Drac let him. But he and Drac, mostly M/n was going to wait to come back until Mavis turned 118 (i think)to live in the hotel again. And since then Mavis couldn't wait to see him again. 
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hellogoodbye14 · 3 years
*Night Court Ball*
Gwyn couldn’t help but laugh at little Nyx. The mama’s boy was running around the hall, carefully picking flowers and bringing them to his mother with a “mommy for you”. Feyre would bend down, give him a kiss and let him place one in her hair everytime.
As fae, he was growing up quickly compared to human children but within the short span since his birth, he had everyone wrapped around his little finger. The little munchkin had cheered her up from her gloomy day earlier.
The cause of her gloomy day? Oh just a certain handsome Shadowsinger dressed in his finery who was watching her with a pleading look from the corner of the hall. She threw him a withering glare and proceeded to go find something to eat but instead ran smack into a hard chest.
Rhys balanced her and muttered his apologies immediately.
“Woah there… sorry Gwyn”
She laughed, “oh no its all good, I’m the clumsy one here.”
Rhys who had a tiny flower plucked behind his ear (courtesy of Nyx of course) peeked over her shoulder, “running from something?”
“More like a someone.”
Rhys winced, “yeap heard about that.”
“I don’t want to hear you plead his case with me Rhys.”
Rhys shook his head and offered her his arm, “No, not at all. I was going to ask you to dance actually. Care to join me? My son stole my dancing partner.”
Gwyn let out a laugh and took Rhys’s arm. The man could dance alright, he lead her into the dance with absolute grace, at a point they switched gears and she took the lead of the dance.
She was having a grand time, lost track as they gossiped about courtesans from the Winter Court and colluded about how to beat Nesta and Cassian on a certain bet.
It was all going great until Rhys stumbled a bit. Her worry grew as he stopped and winced in pain.
“Rhys are you okay?”
“I should be fine. Its just my right knee, its been bothering me since the first war.”
“Let me get Feyre or Majda”
“No I dont want her to worry, could you just help me to the balcony. A bit of fresh air would do.”
“Of course”.
Gwyn took as much of his weight as he was willing to let her. Which wasn’t much… probably wanted to be subtle about needing help to inquisitive eyes.
They got on the balcony and he continued to have a pained expression as he leaned against the railing.
“Gwyn, I actually do need some help. I hate to ask this but could you get Azriel.”
“But Rhys - “
“He keeps some pain relief tonic with him.”
“Yeah of course, just give me a minute.”
Gwyn rushed inside only to run smack bam into another hard chest. God these men and her clumsiness were going to give her a concussion.
It was Azriel this time balancing her.
“Are you okay? Where were you?”
Gwyn just took his hand and pulled him towards the balcony, “Rhys needs your help, he’s not well Az. Its his knee, he needs your pain relief tonic.”
“Rhys needs pain relief tonic for his knee?”, Azriel sounded a bit dumbfounded.
“Yes. Do you have it or not?!”, she demanded as they entered the empty balcony.
“Wait… where’d he go?”
Thought you could use this time to talk and apologise to her. You’re welcome. And oh,if she cries or is in anyway more upset Azriel, I will kick your ass all the way to Illyria and give you Cass’s duty to deal with them for a month.
Azriel tried to control his facial expression as his highlord sent down that threat through mentally.
Gwyn turned towards him with crystal teal eyes, eyes that were confused but were now narrowing in suspicion.
“Oh I’m going to kick his ass… that little actor!”
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gloriafc · 3 years
Welcome Home
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Y/N Barnes is the name you went by. You wore the name proudly, especially the day you married Bucky. He was your soulmate and you couldn't imagine living without him until the day Steve told you he disappeared with the many others in the blip. Steve stayed by your side, the two of you only having each other as you grieved your husband. A month after the blip you found out you were pregnant. "How am I supposed to do this Steve? How am I going to raise his baby without him here?" "I'll be here. It's not the same thing. But I'll try my best."
Eight and a half months later you had given birth to a beautiful babygirl. Rosalina Marie Barnes. Steve stared at the newborn in his arms, "She has his eyes." "I know. I stared at them for an hour wanting to cry." "Why Rosalina?" "Bucky always brought home roses. Didn't matter the occasion. Sometimes just because he hadn't brought me flowers in a while, but they were always roses. Even if it was just a single rose that he picked off a random bush. I had to work that in someway in his honor."
Pepper and Tony helped you as much as you'd let them, Morgan being born around the same time as Rosalina. The two girls became best friends, as they slowly got bigger. Soon they were able to walk and run causing chaos wherever they went.
As five years passed you learned how to live without Bucky. You always told Rosalina about her dad, to keep his memory, and to answer any question she may have had about him. She understood why she didn't have her dad, and as much as it hurt her to know she may never meet him she still loved him with her entire heart.
When Steve told you the Avengers were trying to reverse the blip you didn't know what to feel, thankful Morgan and Rosie were off playing unable to hear the conversation. "This is a good thing y/n." "I know." "You don't sound like its good." "Steve. I spent the last five years without my husband, grieving him. I spent the last five years as a single mother. Spending everyday looking into his blue eyes without him there next to me raising that beautiful girl. And you're telling me you think you guys found a way to bring him and the rest of the world back? Steve what happens when he comes back and he decides a kid is too much for him, or he thinks that I'm not the same person I was when the blip happened? Because I'm not. I spent five years trying to get over him just to fail everyday. I climb into bed everyday just wanting to be held in his arms and to get a whiff of his cologne but cant." You stop yourself unable to finish your train of thought, "Steve. As much as I missed him and as much as I wished he was there for Rosie growing up this is a big change."
When you go home and tell Rosie that Uncle Steve was trying to bring her daddy home she climbed into your bed with your giant photo album asking you to tell the stories of all the pictures in the book. "What's this one mommy?" "That's the day mommy married daddy." "You look like a princess." "I felt like one. Your daddy always made me feel like one." "Do you still love daddy?" "I'll always love him baby. Just like I'll always love you." "Do you think he'll love me?" "I think so. How could he not?" "He's never met me." "Doesn't mean he can't love you. I'm sure your Uncle Steve will tell him all about you."
And he did, as they were being transported back Bucky asked about you. "What happened to Y/N?" "She survived the blip Buck." Bucky could see the look on Steve's face, "What happened?" "Nothing bad. Depending on how you take it. Uh. Y/N found out she was pregnant a month after the blip happened." Bucky stayed silent as the information processed in his head making Steve continue with a proud smile on his face, "You have a daughter Buck. Shes every bit as crazy as Y/N, but shes stubborn like you. Besides your eyes shes her mini me." Steve pulls out his phone and shows him a picture of the three of you on Rosie's last birthday, "She named her Rosalina. Rosie for short. Rosalina Marie Barnes." "She kept my name?" "She couldn't bring herself to go by anything else. She loves you Buck even while you were gone. There hasn't been a day she didn't miss you, even Rosie knows who you are."
When they land Steve calls you to tell you that Tony died. "How's Pepper doing?" "You know Pepper." "Working through everything. How is he?" "Why don't you ask him yourself?" Steve hands the phone to Bucky, the sound of his voice immediately making you cry, "Hey doll." "Buck." The sound of your sniffles makes him want to tear up, "You dont know how much I missed you." "I can imagine it doll. Steve told me we have a daughter." "She's beautiful Buck. Wait until you see her."
The day of Tony's funeral you're helping Rosie get ready trying to avoid being late, but it seems she has other plans. Bucky waits nervously, for him it's only been a week since the last time he saw you, but he knows that it's been five years and you'll be with your daughter. Steve nudges him when your car pulls in and the pair watch as you climb out and go around before you're helping Rosie out as she carrys a gift bag. Pepper followed by Happy and Morgan reach you first, you quickly pull Pepper in with a sad smile "Sorry we're late Rosie had other plans." You watch as Rosie hands Morgan the bag, before she grins as she pulls out a rabbit stuffed animal dressed like iron man, "Squeeze it Morgan." You watch as her and Pepper get teary eyed when the rabbit speaks in Tony's voice, from a recording from one of Tony's voice files, "I love you 3000." Pepper looks at you, "How did you get that?" "I have my ways, theres one more thing." You reach into the bag and pull out a small stuffed cheeseburger that attaches to the bunnies hand, Pepper looks at you, "That's perfect. Thank you." Morgan hugs your legs as she looks at you unable to say anything. Happy looks at you with a sad smile, "I think theres someone waiting to see you. I can watch Rosie." "Thank you Happy."
You make your way towards Bucky and Steve, stopping in front of them as your eyes take Bucky in before you start tearing up. "Doll. You look beautiful." You can't even say anything before he takes you into his arms and you hold onto him tightly, afraid to lose him again. You both sway as you quietly cry doing the one thing you wanted to do for five years.
The three of you move to sit on the steps of the back porch, watching as Happy keeps the two girls entertained. "What's she like?" Steve chuckles as you say, "Sometimes she's a giant pain in my ass." "She's only saying that because she has her mother's attitude." You smile and shake your head, "Theres too much personality in one little body. You're going to have to find out for yourself. But she definitely takes after her dad." Bucky looks at you and Steve confused, "I've lost count of how many times I was asked to pick her up early from school because she got in a fight. A fight in preschool." You nudge Bucky, "Guess what she did?" He just shakes his head as Steve continues, "Every time I asked her she said the bigger kids were picking on the small kid so she fought the bullys." You chuckle, "Sound familiar?"
Ten minutes later she runs up to you, cuddling into your side as she peeks at the man shes called her dad in photos. "Mommy." Bucky can feel his heart thump as the word leaves her mouth, he's always wanted to experience having a child with you he just never imagined you'd do it without him. "Come here." You pull her onto your lap facing Bucky and Steve as she tries to hide in your hair. Not even a second later she's pulling something out of her jacket pocket. "These are yours." She hands Bucky his dog tags, you've told her they were something he never took off, but they fell during the blip and Steve brought them to you. She loved to play dress up with them, always being careful and returning them to their spot when she was done. Bucky looks at the spot where her hand touched his before slowly handing them back to her, "I believe you've kept them safe for this long." She smiles as she holds them to her chest and you kiss the top of her head.
When it is time to go Rosie grabs your hand before stopping and looking at Bucky and reaching for his hand, "Come on Daddy." You couldn't hide your smile, hearing her call him that and him actually being there and not just a picture. Steve nudges his best friend, "Go with your girls." Bucky smiles, "My girls. I like the sound of that." He grabs onto Rosie's hand with his giant hand compared to hers, the three of you walking back to your car. He watches as you help her into her seat before shutting her door, "I'll drive. We had to find a bigger home once she started walking. It's not too far from here."
As you drive Bucky finds himself smiling as you hum along to the music, something you've always done, what makes him stop and look in the backseat is the voice of his daughter singing along to the music as she kicks her feet and stares out the window at the passing trees. He can't hide his smile when he sees your smirk, "Like mother like daughter huh?"
When you park in the driveway Bucky stares at the house as Rosie runs inside, "Tony built it. This is his land, well Peppers now. I couldn't stay in that small apartment anymore. I needed a fresh start but couldn't bring myself to leave completely. After Morgan was born Pepper took over everything Tony did and gave me her old job as assistant. It let's me afford more than we needed without making me work all the time." Bucky still looks at the place you call home, you grab his metal hand, the cold metal having a familiar homey feeling to you, "Come on. There's so much she's dreamed about showing you." As soon as you step foot into the house and lock the door you smile hearing Rosie rummage around in her room, "You got this Buck. Trust me." You lead him to where her room is. When she grabs his hand to pull him further into the room and makes his seemingly giant frame sit on her little bed, handing him her favorite stuffed animals and telling him about each one you cant help but start to tear up, the life you always imagined for her happening right before your eyes.
Your phone buzzes and pulls you out of thought as you read the message from Pepper smiling at the picture attached. She managed to capture a picture of the three of you as you were leaving, Rosie in the middle as you held hands. Your backs were to the camera but its quickly become one of your favorite pictures. You quietly leave the room knowing Rosie is easy to entertain and good at playing host. You quickly open up your computer and after a few short minutes the picture Pepper sent you is printed out and you're sticking it in your photo album. As you close the book you stop remembering the bins you've kept in the garage all these years. You find the one you'd continuously dig through when you were pregnant and couldn't fit any of your clothes, and carry it inside. You stop when you see Rosie and Bucky standing in the hall, "There you are Mommy. I want to show daddy the pictures." You smile and nod, "How about we let daddy get into some more comfortable clothes while I make dinner?" She quickly let's go of his hand, "Can I help?" "Always Love."
Rosie becomes preoccupied with going through the pantry trying to find what she wants for dinner as you lead Bucky to what would now be your shared room. "You'll find everything easy. These are all your clothes. The rest of your stuff is in the garage, but that can wait until tomorrow." Bucky takes the box from you his hand finding the side of your face and you cant help but lean into his touch your eyes quickly finding his. "You kept everything?" With a nod you answer, "I couldn't bring myself to throw anything away. Or donate it. The thought of someone else wearing your clothes, making the smell of you go away was too much for me. And it helped that when I was pregnant and to big to fit in my own clothes that I had backups." For the first time in five years Buckys lips meet yours as you both get lost in the moment. It isn't until you hear a tiny "Eww" that makes you break apart. You both chuckle at the disgusted look on your daughters face as she stands in the doorway holding onto a box of macaroni and cheese, Bucky can't help himself, "What? You don't like this?" He gently turns your face so he can kiss you again, making you laugh into the kiss when Rosie pretends to gag. He let's you go and is quick to grab Rosie making her drop the box and let out happy giggles as he spins around. You immediately know what hes going to do as he stops in front of you, "How about this?" Before she can question anything you both press multiple kisses to her cheeks making her giggle even harder as she tries to push you both away, "That tickles!"
Just hearing the sounds of his daughter's giggles makes him immediately become protective. Even though he just met her he already knows how much he loves her and how he'd do anything to keep a smile on her face. The fact that you gave him a child makes him fall even more in love with you. When you both head to the kitchen to make dinner he can't shower fast enough, not wanting to miss a single moment with you both. As he walks down the hall he finally takes notice of the different pictures that line the walls. There's some of the two of you, some with Steve, with Tony, Pepper, and Morgan. He can see that you continued to live your life but stops at the ones with him in them. He sees your wedding picture and cant stop himself from touching the frame, next to it a picture of you pregnant, then one of you holding Rosie as a newborn. He gets taken out of thought when he can hear two giggles coming from the kitchen, he smiles thinking how much his daughter is exactly like her mother, and wouldn't change a thing.
Bucky slowly eases into your nighttime routine, and being around Rosie. Anytime he needs reassurance about what to do he'd look at you and you'd simply nod or shake your head. He watched as you tucked Rosie in for bed, her refusing to be tucked in unless he helped making you laugh. After you turned off her light he followed you to your room climbing into bed alongside you. "This side feels unslept in." "It should. I can't sleep on that side, when Rosie would climb into bed with me she always managed to sleep on top of me."
As soon as you feel yourself start to fall asleep you feel an all too familiar weight on top of you, "Rosie what are you doing out of bed?" Bucky reaches over to turn on the light in his half-asleep state shocked to find Rosie on top of you and under the blanket, "There's a monster under my bed." "And there's a gremlin under my blanket." Bucky can't fight the smile on his lips as he watches the mother-daughter duo. "Mommy, I need daddy to fight the monster." "Liar." "You don't know that." "Mmm i think I know my own child Rosie. You just want to sleep in here." She looks between you and Bucky with a smile he knows he'll end up giving into everytime, "Can I?" You look at Bucky, "It's up to you Sergant." He can only shrug, "She's already under the blanket." Rosie grins before snuggling in-between you both.
After Rosie's fast asleep Bucky feels her weight shift until he feels her weight on top of him, not even a second later he hears you quietly say, "I told you. Welcome home Buck."
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
imagine kai and angel carves a pumpkin with kids🥺 maybe kurono and haru joins them too??🥺🥺 then mimic comes and smashes pumpkin aCCıDEntALly,,,,,,and kai uses him as a pumpkin lmaoo
"Oof-!" Kin cooed at the last huge pumpkins Pops let down on a made up table, bunch of pumpkins on it already, smilling and brushing his sweat as Kaito poke the pumpkin.
"What's that for Grandpop?" Kaito asked in curiosity as Pops chuckled before going inside, his two grandchilds following him eargly.
"Well, soon it will be the time you kids wear costumes and your dad is almost freacking out due to getting you two on a dentist." Pops chuckled as Kaito smiled evislish and rubbed his hands together as Kin only let out a curious sound.
"Halloween!" Kaito cheered as Pops took out two knifes "The most cool holiday of all year!"
"I like new year." Kin added with a smile as Kaito only scoffed at her opinion.
"So, with those pumpkins that we brought. We're making-"
"Am I interrupting something?" Everyone in the room went quiet before looking at the door frame. Chisaki had his arms crossed as you giggled at your children cheering that you two were back home.
"I was just about to teach them how to carve a pumpkin." The old man chuckled as Kai's eye twitched.
"With all respect Pops, but who in the hell gives a two and eight years old a knife?"
"Uncle Rappa." Kaito muttered as you shouted what as one of Kai's veins almost popped at the new information.
"Anyway." Pops sighed, handing Kai the two knifes "I sadly cant participate now. But give yourself some time with the kids, after all is almost your son's favorite holiday after all." Pops carresed the boy's head whose chuckled as he gave Kin the same treatment.
"So!" You clapped your hands together "You two want to carve pumpkins to make lanterns?" The kids cheered as Kai stared at you all with a blank poker face expression.
"You know that both me and Kaito can just... overhaul it? Besides, no. Carving a pumpkin must be something so messy and I am not cleaning this house a fourth time." He growled the last words while looking Kaito dead in the eye who just slglared back.
"Oh cmon honey!" You whined, grabbing Kin along to both of you to start the puppy eye look "Pleasee?"
"Pwetty pwease papa???" Kin clapped he thanks together while her golden eyes shined at him.
He felt a tug on his jacket, looking at Kaito with a frown. The boy had a pleading look instead of his same stoic one.
"Grandpop took them outside so is not going to be messy daddy... we will clean after, please?"
He sighed, two knifes in one of his hands as he simply gave up. Pride? The fearful Overhaul? It doesn't fucking existed when he was around wife and two brats.
"Be it. I swear the three of you will be cleaning the yard with toothbrushes." He growled as you cheered along with your kids and went to the yard as Kai trailed behind with a not so excited look before he saw his son stopping and turning back.
"Where are you going brat?" He asked as Kaito smirked at him.
"I will be back!"
"Such a pest..." he muttered as you giggled.
You were cooing at the silly drawing Kin did it on the paper, one that she insisted on craving into the pumpkin before you furrowed your eyebrows at seing Kaito was not back yet.
"Kaito? Baby?" You called out as Kai finished rubbing and cleaning the table and also the pumpkins.
Kai deadpanned at sieng Kaito calling out foe you as blockhead's daughter, Haru, followed after him and gretted you happily.
"I invited uncle Kurono and Haru as well!" Kaito exclaimed as you giggled.
"I thought this was suppose to be a family kinda of thing?" Kai asked in sarcasm as Kurono came out, hand on the back of his neck as he entered the yard.
"Well, I am Kaito's grandfather. So get dunked." He smirked at Kai before waving his hands in false defense as Kai overhauled his glove in warning.
"So what we doing?" Haru asked in esxcatacy as you holded Kin's drawing and showed to the two kids.
"We're going to make faces on the pumpkins to make lanterns out of it!"
"Woah!" Kaito shoved his hand inside one of the opaque pumpkin as Kai called him out for it "Grandpop already took the inside out!"
"I'm going to have a chat with that old man later..." Kai sighed as Hari snickered at his friend's comment.
Haru picke done of the pumpkins almost dropping if it wast for her papa reflexes as he helped her.
"What face flower?" He kneeled in one knee as Haru thought for a second before giving him an idea "Right then-"
You and Chisaki widened your eyes at how skifull Kurono had took one knife out of one of his pocket and quickly cut the face for his daughter to see, causing her to let out a squeal and clap her hands for him.
"Now your turn. Carefull now." Kurono smirled at how tense his daughter was befor ehe hold her wrist and picked another pumpkin to start to crave.
"Ma! Ma!" Kin slappe sheriff little and chubby hands on teh table as you giggled and hold the knife careful along with her.
"Alright alright!"
"Aw!" Kaito whined "I wanted to do one with mommy too!"
Kai only rolled his eyes and picked one and called the boy.
"See?" He standed beside his son, grabbing his two hands on his "Use your quirk now, concentrate."
Kaito looked at his father aprehensively before breathing and out... accidentally destroying the pumpkin.
"Dammit." The boy mumble embarrassed at hearing the other's laugh. Yet his father didn't, he only sighed and took a pumpkin and miraculously took his gloves off.
"Watch it." He started, carefull poking the punking, the cells and atoms falling apart and according to how Chisaki furrowed his eyebrows, the pumpkin was gradually recovering but with certain parts missing, gradually showing the face of the soon lantern.
"Woah daddy that's so cool!" Kaito picked the pumpkin to look in astonishement.
"Try again. This time, focused on how to break the parts of this, and mold in to what you want."
Kaito nodded and after a few exploded pumpkins he finally made in to one that Chisaki felt a bit of pride growing at sieng his son getting the control of his quirk.
"I did it mommy! I did it!" Kaito lifted the pumpkin with his two arms as you clapped your hands along with Kin.
Soon, Kin was slapping one of the pumpkins as you and Kai found it weird at first.
"What is she doing mom?" Kaito asked on worry before you catched and laughed about it.
"I guess she is trying to do the same thing as you and daddy!" You lifted her up to give your daughter a esquimo kiss "Dont worry lil princess! Maybe when you grow up you will have daddy's quirk too!"
"No. God forbid that. Absolutely not." Kai grimace at the thought and flipped your forehead for laughing at him.
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kaimelia · 4 years
Happily Ever After
Amelia smiled widely as she looked at the scene in front of her; her husband chasing their 4-year-old son around the grass in the park as their 2-year-old daughter lay draped across her lap, picking at the grass and flowers scattered around her. It all felt unreal, she often wondered what she did to truly deserve this type of joy. She knew that this happiness wouldn’t last forever, between the dramatic and exhausting birth of their daughter Charlotte and Scout’s broken arm last year, they’d had some hardships but every time, they got through it. Together.
“Mommy!” She glanced up to see her son running towards her while giggling. “Daddy’s gonna catch me!” Amelia held out her other arm to catch him as he bolted towards her, shielding him as Link approached them.
“And what are you doing to him?” She questioned, watching as he sat down across from her on their small blanket. He matched the grin on her face and held his hands out to take Charlotte, who was mumbling ‘Dada’ while attempting to break out of her mother’s grasp.
“Daddy was gonna catch me so I came to you to protect me.” Amelia looked down at her son’s wide eyes and pulled him to sit on her leg. “Quick, we have to help Char! Mommy! Daddy’s gonna get her!” Scout frowned as his sister climbed onto her father’s lap and settled into his embrace.
“I think Char just wants to spend some time with Daddy.” Link grinned at his son, raising his eyebrows as the little girl laughed in his arms. “So,” Amelia began, looking into her husband’s eyes while smiling, “Mommy and Daddy have a surprise for you.” Scout shifted in her lap to look up at her.
“Surprise?” He questioned, his eyes wide with curiosity. She brushed his blonde hair out of his face, laughing softly at his expression.
“Yup, a surprise,” Link spoke. Both of the children turned to their father. “We decided that for Scout’s birthday, we could go to New York to see Grandma and your Aunties.” Scout quickly stood up, clapping his hands in excitement. They’d only spent a short amount of time with Amelia’s side of the family, but the kids had quickly come to especially love their Aunt Nancy and Grandma Carolyn, allowing Amelia to bond more with them, too. Scout had been asking for months to go and visit them in New York, along with going to the Museum of National History to see the dinosaurs.
“Really?” Link nodded as his son quickly ran to him, throwing his small arms around his father. “We’re gonna go to New York!” Charlotte matched her brother’s excitement and clapped her hands together while smiling widely. Their excitement calmed after a few moments as Scout turned back to his mother. “Thank you!” Amelia grinned and embraced him tightly. Link noticed a tear rolling down her face, confusion spreading across his expression.
“You okay?” He whispered, placing a hand on her arm. She nodded.
“I’m good.” Scout pulled away, drawing his father’s attention as he ran around on the grass.
“I have to go catch your son, but you’re not avoiding this,” he muttered, standing up to chase the little boy, with Charlotte on his back. Amelia laughed and shook her head, her smile wide as she watched her family.
She softly closed Charlotte’s bedroom door, tiptoeing down the hallway towards the light coming from her and Link’s bedroom. She found him laying on the bed with his iPad in hand while watching a baseball game. Amelia crawled into bed next to him, throwing an arm over his body and sighing, nuzzling her face into his chest. He set the tablet down on the table after shutting it off and pulled her closer to his body. “I love you,” she whispered, relaxing as his hand ran through his hair. “I feel like I don’t tell you that enough, but I do.” He kissed the top of her head, shifting so he was laying down with her head on his chest.
“Are you okay?” She lifted up her head, seeing his confused expression. “You’ve been weird today.” She laid her head back down and wrapped her arm around him tighter.
“I was just thinking while we were at the park. About how lucky we are, and how happy I am. I mean, a few years ago if you had told me this is what my life would be like, I would’ve told you that you’re insane.”
“Yeah, after you rejected me.” She lightly slapped his chest, emitting a laugh from him.
“You didn’t even like me. You just did it because Maggie told you to.”
“Maybe I didn’t like you at the time, but I thought you were hot.” Amelia giggled, shaking her head slowly.
“You’re absolutely ridiculous.” She placed her arm back around his body and closed her eyes. “I still love you, though.” Link turned off the lamp beside him, pulling the covers up over their bodies.
“I kind of love you too.” He laughed softly.
“What?” She asked, turning her head to look up at him.
“Just how you were saying how a few years ago, this all would’ve sounded insane to us. Our lives sound like a fairytale, I don’t think I would’ve believed this was possible.” She leaned up, placing a quick kiss on his lips.
“That’s because you’re my happily ever after.”
A/N: hi everyone, im really sorry for the delay in posting. this is the last one shot I'll be writing for a little bit. over these past few weeks, one of my family members got a really big and frankly a scary diagnosis, and we’re trying to figure that out and I honestly dont know what's going to happen. grey’s didn't prepare me for this one. I'm also applying to schools, and its a lot of work for me right now. so, I’ll be taking a break for I dont know how long. but that you to everyone who has supported and liked my writing, I never thought id have so many people who enjoyed my writing. thank you for understanding
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derekmorganscrocs · 3 years
Nancy Drew 2x9
Thoughts While Watching
Spoiler Alert!!
Aw no poor bess. AW PLATANCHOR ACE! Oh besties so cute. Poor bess oh no
Odette coming through with the pessimistic vibes about the day. Me. Always. “Nickolas” HAHAH Odette please. She’s so sassy. “No I’m not au-revoiring, you are.” Nick pls. GEORGES TATTOOS- George is gonna die omfg. Pls Nick is the only logical one here. OF COURSE IT WAS GONNA GET STOLEN YOU PUT IT IN YOUR DAMN LOCKER.
oh it’s probably Gil, not Grant. Sorry I thought you were a murderer grant. NOT THE PIE. why’d ace sound so sad about the pie. TELL ME STONER BOY DIDNT SNITCH.
AW ACE THE LIL FLOWER. “Aw Ace I’m so happy for you :) now I’m gonna die :)”. I think that Grant is an informant or something.
Sassy thief bad boy, I like. But I also don’t bc he’s tryna kill george. PROTECTIVE NICK! Detective Nick 😏. OH ACEMANDA, okay. Ohh
Okay wait I kinda feel bad for Gil. But mans is still going to end george. Oh Nick is v hot okay. Protective Nick. I love him. And Gil is kinda noble despite the whole killing george and theft thing ngl.
Carson coming thru. Of course, king Carson thanks babe. “Ok can GEORGE weigh in?” Pls george you’re funny.
BESS OMG WHAT R THOSE? TONGS? Carson and Bess moment funny. “Are you alright?” He sounds so fine with it but also so concerned. AW CARSON FATHERING BESS TOO PLS I LOVE HIM. The Drew Crew is now Carson’s Crew Of Baby Ducks.
Okay I mean at least Amanda didn’t spill. She’s so pretty too!!! Okay but I kinda like the bobseys ngl. Sorry guys. Gil is also very hot. I bet their mom either isn’t dead or is gonna show up as a ghost?? Okay but I feel bad for them no. Oh do I smell an Acemanda scavenger hunt?
Oh is that b dead? No nvm they’re still breathing. OH GIL JUST DIPPED. Patience impaired- MOOD. OH THAT WAS HOT “wasn’t this more fun than picking a lock” WOAH THERE BUCKO. YEAH BUT WOAH.
“Am I crying too loud” BESS IS A MOOD. Aww Carson is trying to distract her, please omg. Dad Carson is so cute. LAWYER BESS, LAWYER BESS.
HE STASHES THINGS BESIDE THE POLICE STATION- WHAT?! I love that. Acemanda could be cute though? Maybe? Idk I need to decide if I can share.
ODETTE IS BACK. Nick is so over it. WHY IS SHE SO SALTY ABT BEING STUCK IN GEORGE LMFAO. PLS “granite, limestone. Be done with it” ODETTE I CANT. She’s outta pocket. “Oh, well. Odette called me an idiot.” PLS NICK AND ODETTE ARE SO FUNNY.
Oh it’s just drawings, I thought it was a body. Poor Gil :( wait I actually feel bad. Ok I’m here for Gil but he’s pissing me off with this whole shroud thing. DONT KILL GEORGE, U HOE. Mommy’s ghost is boutta show up. NO WAIT WHAT IF SHE WAS KILLED BY A GHOST. she totally was. HAHA nancy got caught. I laugh but that was awkward.
KILLED BY GHOST, OBVIOUSLY. “We’ve heard great things about your restrooms.” PLS. Ace knowing nothing about art. NANCY ITS UNKOWN THEYRE OBVS NOT GONNA HAVE THE NAME.
Dad Carson aw. Pls besties Bess and Carson. AWWW THERE WASNT EVEN A HEARING. Carson should just adopt the entire Drew Crew. LAWYER BESS! LAWYER BESS! I WANT LAWYER BESS! Dad Carson please adopt me too. REASSURANCE. I LOVE.
“Technically they sold it to nick” “What?” PLS NICK/ACE IS SO FUNNY TO ME. besties are so funny. SHES NOT DEAD I TOLD YALL SHES NOT DEAD. IF GEORGE DIES I WILL RIOT.
GIL YOU NEED TO CHILL. SIR. PLEASE DO NOT DO IT. DONT DO IT. Oop Nancy is already there. SHES STILL ALIVE I TOLD YOU GUYS. please poor Gil. Aw, I feel so bad. She was definitely actually being haunted, but I digress. No please poor Amanda. “Why would she tell you but not me?” HIS VOICE GOT SO SMALL. TWIN MOMENT. okay but Amanda coming thru for the Drew Crew. WOOHOO GIL REDEMPTION!
“Cheer up Boss.” IF BESS DOESNT KEEP CALLING NICK BOSS ILL BE UPSET. “There’s still an old timey French lady living in my girlfriend.” AW OMG. ODETTE NO-
GEORGE NO. NONONO. oh thank god nick and Bess got there. Bess coming through with the lawyering. Nice. Bess crashing and burning here. “If you do this to george I wont have to imagine it. George deserves to live.” NICK- FANSON- CRYING. CRYING. OMFG HE LOVES HER. NICK I LOVE YOU. FANSON. HUG HUG HUG SWEET CUTE WOW. tag yourself, I’m bess crying in the background.
Nancy and Ace- “says the guy dating his twin sister” HE GAVE HER HIS HOODIE. I AM JEALOUS NGL. I’m very immersed in this, don’t Judge me. NOT THE BANANA CREAM PIE, NANCY PLS. oh they’re holding hands???
Acemanda on the boardwalk, the writers are stealing my ideas, smh. See: The Dumpster Fire I Call Life (linked below) OMG “I only need one” THAT WAS VERY CUTE AND I HATE IT. PLS STOP. JEALOUSY. CUE MR. BRIGHTSIDE- TPAIN SANS LE T- WAIT A DAMN MINUTE. ITS HIS BROTHER?! DO I SMELL FRANK HARDY?
Sister’s Thoughts:
“Why is Ace dressed like a fifth grader?” (It was the blue jacket with the green zipper that made her think that lmao)
“I’m just me, without any secrets,” Carson said.
“Except for your secret boyfriend.” My sister is the number one Caryan shipper.
“Aw Nick is the ghost possessing your girlfriend bullying you? Poor muffin.”
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cloneslugs · 3 years
Wolf + Yayoi + Akiyama :)
this is seriously ill im sorry
First Impression: well he seems neat <3
Impression Now: he's very soft and kind.. <3 and very cool very nice man i love you wolf
Favorite Moment: the whole rice thing b/t the divine child and him and kuro, this isnt a moment but i enjoy how he speaks to people he makes me (: 
Idea for a Story: I'd like to see him first meeting Kuro ^__^ that would be cute.. or how he grew up w Owl bc it seems so … … … well anyway he has a lot of cool background that would be fun to explore 
Unpopular Opinion: i think people draw him smiling too much in some interactions i dont want him to even remotely have a sense of humor or even emote well tbqh, not that i think hes unhappy or anything but like well … + also people are freaks w him but that's another story.. i dont think he would date grandpas
Favorite Relationship: kuro <3 it's cute how he actually engages in conversation w Kuro i like how he talks w him and how Kuro talks w him it's nice.. i think his relationship w Owl is interesting but not . good. Emma + Isshin + Sculptor & every other friend he meets i enjoy esp Kotaro ^^
Headcanon: *gives him transgenderism + autism + homosexuality*, selectively mute (:, he also just has a general issue w socializing & when he doesnt know what to say he defaults to repeating people or just ignoring people, he likes being called Wolf by like Kuro and whoever but Isshin deciding to call him Sekiro makes him feel a little something (:, he can "cook" + knows lots of misc skills like sewing and stuff, doesnt like loud noises, doesn't like being in water -_-, i think he has trouble differentiating b/t what he likes v what he dislikes bc hes used to just putting up w things and never really got to acquire preferences ever hes accustomed solely to survival, he's done kuro's hair for him before <3 but he does it very quick and messy but he tries 
First Impression: ig this is her k1 substory idk i just kind of like . wow this lady seems cool ig goodbye 
Impression Now: … hi <3 she holds a very very special place in my heart now i miss her everyday please babygirl come back to me i need you back ive written out how you can come back please 
Favorite Moment: her k1 substory always makes me sad um.. everything in k2 when shes taking charge.. i love watching her interact w kiryu they have a really interesting relationship.. i like when she got on ryuji for his bullshit and i really really like her introduction in k2 i love watching her handle shitty lieutenants <3 i love you.. oh also whenever she looks sad + worries over daigo thank you for being a mom ma'am <3
Idea for a Story: um i have a lot of stuff already written for her bc im a sicko .. um ig most interesting to me is how her relationship w dojima developed & also what she was up to when dojima died and daigo went to prison right after bc i think about that period (+k1 substory) a lot.. </3 seeing what she was doing in 3 when daigo was shot would be nice iwant her to be homophobic to mine i think <3 ik a rggo event covered it but id like to see more of her when she stepped up to he acting chairman & how that went ig more in depth.. or just her general role w the dojima family back when it was relevant and uh yeah <3 
Unpopular Opinion: um i personally would never call her a milf that feels so :x idek to me gross almost not even bc im a homo or anything i just never would it feels too disrespectful aieeeeeee 🙈 also i wish people didn't care for her just as daigos mom or her being more compotent than daigo or whatever idk people are weird about them in a stupid way and i </3 ik shes just a side character but whatever.. also i hate everyone who writes her like "yes i married dojima for power and i crave violence" fuck you im the only right person ever 
Favorite Relationship: um daigo.. i have lots of thoughts they are so nice together ilove them very much <3 kiryu and kashiwagi are very cute w her too they respect her very much its sweet <3 i think nishiki and kiryu helping out w daigo as dojima members when daigo is little has very sweet potential b/t lady dojima and them not saying they outright would be seeking for a maternal figure but um.. also well kashiwagi uhh well i want her to move past her [k2] baggage and um.. um.. 🙈 boyfriend 
Headcanon: she's so bisexual shes very very bisexual and she knows it and no part of it even concerns her shes just bi + also her first major crush was on a girl that went nowhere and it embarrasses her to death <3, her dad is who introduced her to wielding a sword it was a very unorthodox introduction and came about by kind of bittersweet means but she very much enjoys it (he didnt teach her anything more than the very very shoddy basics he really just helped introduce), she comes from a very non-traditional [japanese] family, really bad vanity issues i wont publicly elaborate on, um something about dealing w loneliness, she was like daigo and was top of her class in school, she comes off as prett7 different outside of professional settings + acts a lot colder and meaner than she actually is around work people bc that's the only way she thinks she'll be taken seriously, she was a very excited first time mommy <3 she still loves daigo more than anything, she used to sporadically grow her hair out and chop it all off and grow her hair out and chop it all off growing up mostly as a teen -_-, she doesnt socialize well but shes good at parroting and imitating proper social etiquette,  she has an "older sister", she loved kiryu and then she hated him more than anything and now she likes him again, perfectionist but a lot of things come naturally to her, not very expressive but her eyes give away a lot, she used to really like kazama very fondly until she didnt, shes not much of a hand-to-hand combat fighter but she can handle self defense, cooking does not come naturally to her ):, shes kept every gift + prize daigo has gotten for her, shes not much for gifts (from people not daigo) but she likes flowers 
First Impression: he's funny (: 
Impression Now: he's still just funny <3 but also bisexual i love him he's very endearing and easy to like 
Favorite Moment: hanging out w haruka in rgg5 or any time he is having fun w hana <3 his one substory in rgg5 where you get more of his background is nice or when he first gets together with shinada + tanimura is funny.. anything that's not rgg6 um
Idea for a Story: i want him to hang out w haruka more <3 or just some of his day to day life.. what he splurges on when he does ummm.. background on when he and hana first met + his ex fiance, hin hanging out w the rest of the group .. anything fun i think ^_^
Unpopular Opinion: he has annoying/questionable moments but so does everyone in the series um.. akiyama/hana is superior when he crushes on her hard vs her to him idk if that's even unpopular ummm idk idek any freak stuff w him nobody talks about akiyama much 
Favorite Relationship: hana (: trans bisexuality <3 him + kiryu & haruka are sweet together, him and tanimura are fun.. i think hes a nice central point for both 4+5 protags i just enjoy him <3 hes good w people 
Headcanon: hes the least athletic i think that's canon though, tried to keep a fish tank in the office but hana ended up taking over + then getting rid of it but by then he wanted an office cat or bird or something "more interesting" so that hed feel like taking care if it but by that point she put her foot down on animals, tries out lots of misc hobbies that he eventually drops (golf, tennis(very embarrassing), gardening, etc (mostly sports bc he feels like a lazy piece of shit sometimes + gets splurges of Yeah Fitness!!!)), all kinds of math teams and etc growing up he actually really likes math, has a lot of gifts he chickened out on giving hana just kind of buried in the office, bad at video games, can't cook, he buys lots of cheap things bc he doesnt really see the point of splurging on fancy unnecessary stuff, magazine hoarder bc he just picks up whatever for a mindless read when at the store and forgets if he's gotten it before 
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mizufae · 3 years
4, 9, 21, 30, 48, 68
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
ugh. I was the super smart but smelly kid, basically. I got placed in a GT core program in 4th grade (gifted and talented) and even there I was immediately shuffled to the second to last rung on the social ladder, I was the most normal one of the kids who ate erasers and were obviously autistic. Like also, I guess I was described as “an old soul” and “rude” because I used bad words. Before the GT program I was a bookworm and before that I was “extremely shy” but in 2nd grade I woke up one morning and was suddenly obnoxious. I suspect that my teachers didn’t know what the hell to do with me most of the time, but I always got really good grades despite refusing to do a lot of homework so it was kind of hard to crack my nut, I guess. One time in fifth grade I was called “tactless”.
9. favorite smell in the summer?
Honeysuckle on a warm clear night.
The town I moved to when I was seven years old has a big festival every year with craft booths and outdoor concerts and lots of food and carnival stuff and they have fireworks! It was within walking distance of our house, so every summer we’d walk there in the afternoon and spend a couple evenings there. This was how I saw Carbonleaf for free about a month before they made it really big! Anyway, here is the memory:
Walking home at night, sticky leather sandals on my feet. My friend met up with me while at the festival and she peels off to get to her neighborhood a few blocks along. My mom and dad are meandering about half a block ahead of me. I have a cracked glowstick around my neck, it’s a soft green and pink. The firework smoke has mostly cleared and the nearly full moon washes the dark streets with enough light to navigate without the flashlight my mom had tucked in her purse. The streets on this block don’t have sidewalks so we have to be careful, but everyone is walking home around this time so it’s not too dangerous. The breeze passes through and any lingering smoke is blown away, replaced with a floral waft. I don’t understand what it is until I bump into my parents who have stopped. My dad is picking at a bush that’s grown over a chainlink fence. “What are you doing?”
“Eating honeysuckle,” my dad responds. I make an incredulous noise. “You can eat it, see? You pick a flower, like this, without any leaves on the bottom, and then pinch off the bottom. The stamen will come through and pull the nectar down... Then you suck it like the bottom of an ice cream cone. It’s sweet. Here, try it.”
After I try one and mangle it, my dad prepares one for me. I’m surprised. I’d only eaten pansies before, and those tasted like mint and parsley had a baby, not sweet at all. “Can you eat the petals?”
“Yeah, but they don’t taste like anything. Here, you want more?”
“I can do it this time.”
“Okay, be careful though, don’t pick any too low down, dogs can pee on it.”
“Ew, Dad!”
At this point my mother chides us on back home, but I pulled off a big tendril to pick at the rest of the way.
21. obsession from childhood?
When I was little I was terrified of most things, but a big thing that really freaked me out was clowns and also people in mascot costumes. As an adult I have made some uh... progress on this (am I a furry? am I a clownfucker? I not NOT those things...) but anyway in an attempt to get me to maintain my chill if I accidentally found a clown or mascot at one of a million children friendly places where such characters appear without warning (the zoo, a baseball game, the mommy and daughter beauty pageant my mom idiotically signed us up for when I was like, three... every halloween ever... the library...) they rented this movie that was like, a behind the scenes clown circus documentary.
I have spent a solid 20 minutes trying to look it up just now and it is ungoogleable because of all the trendy murderous clown bullshit these days, thanks a lot stephen king, but anyway. My older brother had to watch it with me the first time but it was like... the clown showed how he went from just a guy through every step of putting on the makeup and costume, and some juggling stuff and some other tricks, and what makes a funny physical joke, and some other circus things... And then he took off the clown outfit and became a regular guy again. I WAS OBSESSED. Apparently, I requested we rent this movie from blockbuster EVERY TIME for MONTHS to the point where blockbuster offered to sell us the VHS. I still remained scared of clowns for years after this but it helped me out a lot and also it’s connected to my whole thing about practical effects. I also watched the jim hensons secrets of the muppets thing about twenty bajillion times, it all exists in the same space in my brain.
30. places that you find sacred?
Gazebos and thresholds, mostly. Also I once had a religious experience staring at a Van Gogh in the National Gallery of London. It was Wheatfield with Crows. I don’t think I saw god, because I dont particularly believe in god much, but I do feel like... some part of me cracked open and was able to connect with some part of a person who had painted it a hundred years ago. I only learned that it was possibly the last thing he ever painted like, a year later. I was in London visiting a friend who had moved there a year before, we were in our senior year of high school, I was 17 and applying to art schools at the time, so maybe it was just a thing about, like, the right time and mental space for it, but also... me and Vincent are like... yeah. This is what I hope I see when I die, etc.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
I hope that I would be an apricot but that’s just cuz I really like them. Maybe I am a coconut, hairy on the outside and a hard nut to crack.
When I started to grow boobs, my mom told me a funny story about how in college she walked in on her roommate standing in front of the mirror in just her underwear, cupping her breasts. And when my mom was like “uh... what are you... doing?” her roommate was like “sigh... do you think I have oranges? Or are they more like tangerines... I wish I had grapefruits like you!” and from then on the citrus system of breast classification was set. Hippies, amirite?
Anyway my boobs kept growing and growing and growing. I am currently a K cup??? But anyway one day as a teenager I was in the grocery store and they had these fruits that were EVEN BIGGER than a grapefruit. They were pale green and smelled really nice! And when we sliced it open it had SO MUCH PITH, but the fruit inside was a pretty pink... It’s a pomelo! The precursor to grapefruits. My breasts are now bigger than even pomelos, but whenever I see them in the market I’m like “my boob fruit!”
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
I try my best to taste foods I’ve disliked over and over again throughout the years to get myself to become okay with them because I find the enjoyment of food to be vitally important to my willingness to continue existing. But one thing I will NEVER force myself to eat again is natto. I tried it about four different times, once the cheap conbini kind, once at an extremely swanky japanese hotel breakfast, one in a really nice sustainable sushi restaurant with my favorite fish mackerel, once from a friend’s fridge, and UGH, every time, I just wanna spit it back out immediately. Sorry, fam.
In terms of things that come in different flavors I think the grossest soda is the grapefuit favorito which is like drinking bubbly soap.
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degeneratekitten · 4 years
Breeding Woes (edited)
EDIT: I just wanted to make sure I gave credit to bitesized-degeneracy for posting this originally, I was hesitant to post at first because I’m not a big fan of tumblr, but it didnt take much for me to be convinced to make a blog.
This is a whump story, read the tags and don’t read if you don’t like it.  There is an alternate ending to this that I wanted to post, I only gave this one an ending so I could end it if I didn't have the inspiration to continue. Turns out I did have the inspiration and wrote the other ending.
“Through a stroke of luck you’ve come into possession of pregnant pygmy bitty. Now all you have to do is put up with his misbehavior until he gives birth.”
“Thank you for taking him in, I just couldn’t handle him anymore.” The guilty face of the middle aged woman gave you pause. You felt slightly bad for her, after all, the snivelling pygmy in your arms, simply would not stop crying out to her.
“Mommy please, I’m sorry, I know I’m a bad bitty but I love you so much!” It cried, its swollen pregnant belly adding an extra layer of tragedy to this. The woman gave the bitty an exasperated, helpless look.
“Don’t cry Bud. This woman right here will take good care of you. She’s agreed to be your new mommy.” She started holding out a finger to wipe away “Bud’s” tears.
The bitty violently shook his head crying out. “No mommy please I’ll be a good bitty I promise!!!” The response was typical, a common phrase that the woman had no doubt heard a million times. Bitties tended to have a very limited amount of phrases that they shot out at times like this, “Bud’s” being the most common.
An exasperated sigh escaped from the woman's lips. She couldn't help but to turn her back away from the bitty her shoulders slumping into defeat. Instead of letting this charade continue on, you placed the  pregnant bitty into a small house.. “Don't worry Bud, I’ll take good care of you.” You assured the bitty, giving it a charming smile as you closed and locked the door, effectively sealing him in.
Turning back to the woman you continued your conversation. “It’s not a problem, I know how expensive pregnant bitties are. Let alone ones who misbehave as much as Bud. But I can guarantee that he’ll be taken care of while here.” You smiled, placing a hand on the poor woman’s shoulder as you led her to the door.
The woman let out a relieved sigh as soon as the lamia bitty was safely locked away. A few hours before the lamia had managed to slither its way into her purse before she left, causing her to come back an extra time. “Really I can’t thank you enough. My son just couldn’t handle him, with his pranks, his escapes, and whenever he would have his heats he would just say and do the worst things to my son.” She shuddered at the mention of the pygmy’s heat before continuing. “I just couldn’t let him be around my son for any longer. Then when he got pregnant.. Really it was just the last straw.” Shaking her head she smiled one last time at you before finishing. “But anyways I need to get to work, his little escape has already made me late. Goodbye.” She waved allowing you to say a quick goodbye before hurrying out the door. Leaving you alone with the cries of a pregnant pygmy.
As soon as the middle aged woman left you closed the door behind you, and glanced back at the bitty house the sounds of cries were coming from. From what the woman had been telling you earlier, this bitty was in serious need of training. Especially for during its heats.
The bitty in question was a stray, found by the woman's son during a storm. He was trapped inside of a plastic Tupperware container slowly filling with water. It had been holding on for dear life before being found. Apparently it had been abandoned, with useless, and slut scratched onto the container. Showing just how much it had angered the previous owner.
However despite having had a previous owner, the bitty in question was also quite disloyal. Quickly latching onto the son as his new “daddy”, while also having quite the proclivity to switch its love between the mother and son.
The most troubling part however was how it projected its sexual attention onto the son, constantly saying wildly inappropriate things to the son before, during, and after its heats. Humping, pleas for sex, and even attempting to wiggle its way towards the sons pants during these times not at all uncommon. During its last heat the mother had been so disgusted with “Bud’s” behavior that she had thrown him out the window during the night. Which had resulted in the bitty’s pregnant status.
Sighing to yourself you approached the bitty house, unlatching the door and giving the lamia a calculating look.
The clothes the bitty wore were stained with various things, mostly makeup that he’d apparently gotten into while inside the woman’s purse. The woman had commented on how expensive her makeup was, and just how much she would have to replace because of him, she also lamented on the loss of her bag, which had previously been white, but was now stained from the inside out with various hues of red and black. She hadn't been happy after reaching work to discover Bud had not only stowed away in her bag, but also tried to make himself “pretty” in an attempt to change mommy’s mind. His so called attempt to make himself pretty involved drawing flowers on his skull and tail in rouge, scribbling eyeliner onto the rims of his eye sockets, and staining his teeth and clothes in lipstick. The clothes in question that he’d ruined were actually rather nice, having previously been a nice white button up shirt with a cute blue bow tie in place of his signature blue handkerchief.
In addition there was also a rather disproportionate puddle of blue tears staining the floor of the bitty house. The floor was made out of smooth stone specifically for this type of situation. Many bitties found their way into your home, always in some state of distress, but you were nothing if not prepared. Reaching in with your gloved hand you gently picked up the pygmy, noting wryly to yourself the strange look it sent your way.
“You’re my new mommy?” It asked, showing its rather disloyal nature once again. You knew that you’d have to fix that little problem, and honestly it was something that would have to be done towards the end of your training.
You were a professional bitty trainer, your methods were “unique,” but also extremely effective. You took full advantage of the manufactured origin of bitties with your training. That didn't mean however that you were happy with just how much work Bud was going to be.
The history of bitties was actually rather unique, they had started out as a manufactured products, ones that had ended up as little more than a fad, and quickly fizzled out. The manufacturers of bitties had very quickly discontinued the product as liabilities of many bitties classified as more of a “protection” variety had been advertised very poorly, resulting in many unsuspecting families adopting dangerous bitties like pure bites, edgies, errors, and even poisonous varieties of lamia’s. There were very few disclaimers, and the company had been under the mistaken assumption that families would understand that the “protection” bitties were simply not meant to be family pets. 
After a disastrous wave of accidents, maulings, and even deaths at the hands of the protection variety bitty, the company found itself drowned in lawsuits. It very quickly was forced to declare bankruptcy before simply imploding from within and going out of business.
The bitties themselves were expected to completely disappear outside of niche communities who had managed to get a hold of the manufacturing process of the bitties, but as is the nature of products created by magic, the bitties surprisingly after about 5 years developed the ability to reproduce.
At first it was more of an asexual reproduction, but soon later generations of bitties developed the ability to reproduce sexually, developing heats, ectoplasmic genitals, and creating larger amounts of offspring than asexual reproduction could yield. Many studies dedicated to this anomaly were launched only to yield the same unsatisfying result. Magic is weird.
Despite the evolution of bitties however they still retained their “manufactured” traits. Their fierce dependency on caretakers had remained, their infantile and limited cognitive abilities, along with their seeming inability to stray from specific personalities that the original bitties were programmed with. Their newly formed ability to reproduce had caused quite the stir, and their numbers climbed to staggering rates, flooding the streets, and overrunning animal shelters. Soon they became one of the most common household pets with many stores from the original fad reopening to sell dedicated bitty products. Their quick evolution sparked a fierce debate as to whether or not they had basic human rights, however their childish nature and dependency remained the biggest obstacle for such rights.
Either way you made your money from breeding and training bitties for more specialized positions, seeing eye bitties were sorely needed, and you very specifically offered special deals for disabled children of struggling families. You yourself previously had a beloved Chain bitty that went with you everywhere. Bitties were some of the easiest to train simply taking advantage of the “programmable” nature of bitties to made the process easiest.
As for your interest in Bud, despite the fact that bitties could reproduce now, it was still rather difficult to find one that could reproduce in captivity. Which was why this new bitty was so interesting to you. It looked as if his clutch would be one of the biggest you’d ever seen, furthermore this was his first.
Grinning down at the pregnant lamia you brought him closer to you. “Yes, I’m your new mommy.” You stated a genuine loving smile gracing your lips, watching as the lamia’s eyes widened in wonder. Quickly the sniveling pygmy erupted into chatter, tears no longer streaming down its face. You listened to his mindless chatter, stunned by how quickly it had gotten over his previous “mommy.” You’d been prepared to spend a long time bonding with him in an attempt to form at least some trust. 
“You’re not upset anymore?” You asked carefully, taking your hand and moving the lamia’s skull in your hand and moving it side to side to examine the flowers on his skull. 
A sad look crossed the baby blues face “I’m still sad, but I know you’ll take care of me. After all, I am the greatest. Mwehehe.” He laughed, looking at you confidently. 
Shaking your head in disbelief at the pygmy’s answer you started walking towards the bathroom, making a decision to get the pregnant lamia cleaned up before continuing. You continued asking the pygmy simple questions, such as what his favorite food was, his favorite music, what he liked to read. Unsurprisingly many of the questions were the standard pygmy responses, the same answers you’d heard from countless pygmies.
His excited chatter didn't stop at all, and you really weren't the talking type so you let him speak, while you cleaned him up. Although your annoyance at the repeated phrase of “Mwehehe” grew as the bath went on.
After the little guys bath you didn't immediately give him clothes, you had to search for clothes that would fit his pregnant frame, the size of this lamia’s clutch was decidedly incredibly huge simply due to the fact that it was even distending his belly and not just limiting itself to his tail. You really couldn't wait for him to give birth to his clutch, after all properly trained lamia bitties were worth quite a pretty penny. Furthermore it was clear that you would have to wait to start the baby blue’s training after he gave birth.
However many problems arose after the first greeting, ones that you’d never had with previous pygmies. 
You thought that you could let him roam for a bit to get used to his new surroundings, but quickly it became apparent “just” how misbehaved this bitty was.
He did not stop talking, not an entirely unusual trait for pygmies, but he always spoke over you, interrupting your sentences when you did decide to speak, and getting upset if you talked for even a little bit longer than normal. You corrected him a lot, scolding him for interrupting you, and giving him time outs when he refused to stop. However none of it seemed to help, and unfortunately corporal punishment was simply off the table as long as he was pregnant.
He peed everywhere, really it was quite astonishing how resolute he was in “not” using the bitty toilet. You tried asking him why he didn't like using the toilet only to be given what the bitty thought was a “cute” laugh.
“Mwehehe. Awww, I didn't mean to mommy it was an accident!” Or “The bathrooms just so far away, carry me mommy!” And even. “But then I would have to stop having fun!”
Despite your best attempts at trying to convince Bud to use the bathroom in the bitty house, it became apparent that he simply enjoyed “marking” a trait typical of stray bitties.After about 5 days you ended up having to discard the bitty house you had for him, and instead moved him to an easily cleanable enclosure you usually kept baby bitties in. Which led to your next problems. 
He threw tantrums. Phrases such as  “MOMMY IS THE WORST!!!” or “I HATE YOU MOMMY!” and even “GIVE IT TO ME!” Were common. 
He would throw himself onto the floor wailing and crying, and when you tried to approach to calm him down he would often bite, scratch, and hit you in his tantrums. He seemed to know just how much you were holding back on punishing him because of his pregnant status and seemed to take pleasure in pushing the boundaries of your tolerance.
Furthermore, he was an escape artist. If you had to leave for even a moment you would typically leave him with plenty of activities that he would enjoy, puzzles, coloring books, mini i-pads, and lots of books. In spite of this he seemed to find escaping to be the best puzzle and short of duct taping a lid over his enclosure would result in him finding a way to escape, usually to try and cause trouble in what he thought was a “cute” or “helpful” way. He would try and do your dishes, usually as an apology for throwing a tantrum, breaking most of them or using dangerous chemicals in cleaning. He would try and cook, usually setting something on fire as a result. He would draw all over books, using markers, and pens on books and ripping out pages to make hats and swords. Usually ones he would proudly give to you saying “Mommy I made this for you.” You found yourself having to hold back your anger in attempting to explain just how bad the things he was doing were, but he was incredibly petulant, refusing to admit mistakes and seeming to get stuck in a loop of typical responses.
He was a horrible prankster, or rather, his pranks were dangerous and destructive. He liked to set “traps” up that would oftentimes lead to nasty falls and deep cuts. He blubbered whenever he saw you get hurt, but would usually follow up with blaming you in childish petulant tones, rather than being sorry for setting up dangerous “pranks.”
There was even one instance in which he left you crying for a solid hour. He had somehow gotten a hold of your previous Chain bitties dust, and dumped it out the window, exclaiming proudly to himself. “Mwehehe! I’ve given him a proper funeral! You can rest easy Sir Clementine!”
Perhaps that instant is when you’d truly gotten fed up with him, as while you were crying into the empty urn he simply couldn't understand your grief and in response tried to be what he thought was “comforting.” 
“Mwe, Mommy don’t be sad! It was bad to keep him in a jar! He had to be free!”
You’d managed to hold your anger and grief at that moment, but your resistance to him couldn't last for long, as after weeks of torment he finally did something that caused you to snap.
“Mommy! Drugs are bad, I got rid of them for you! Mwehehe” He exclaimed, grinning at your stunned look. Proudly leaning over the toilet as he flushed your medication. At least five bottles of medication with birth control packet littering the floor. Four of which bottles contained your medicine for a deadly congenital condition.
Your face paled as you saw the pills going down the drain, dread at how you might not make it through the week and anger at his incredibly thoughtless action. Your mind stalled and the proud grin of the pygmy seared itself into your mind. It was as if all the torment he’d subjected you to in the past 4 weeks came flooding back to you, the forefront of which was your beloved Chain bitties dust. You nearly bashed him into the door, before an icy calm feeling flooded your mind and suddenly a chilling plan flew into your mind.
“Bud… Do you know what you just did?” You asked calmly, staring at the gigantic form of the pregnant bitty. He was undoubtedly ready to give birth any day now.
Bud grinned at you placing a fist proudly on his chest. “I, the great Bud! Have saved you from the evils of drugs! You don’t have to worry I will help you through this terrible time!” He stated, causing your eyebrow to twitch involuntary. Slowly inching forwards you shook your head.
“No Bud, what you did was very bad. Mommy needed those “drugs” you got rid of.” You said quietly, causing Bud to falter, but ultimately double down on his actions, completely sure that he could do no wrong.
“No! They were drugs, and all drugs are bad! That's what daddy used to say! But you don't have to worry momma! I’ll make sure they can’t hurt you anymore!” He exclaimed looking at you with stars in his eyes.
Rubbing your eyes you felt a headache coming on, as you walked forward to pick up the bottles and trash that Bud had dropped to the floor. Luckily it seemed like he was careless and had dropped enough pills that you could last for a few days while you sorted out getting more.
“My doctor gave me these Bud.” You said, watching a look of uncertainty cross Bud’s face. “Drugs given by a doctor aren’t bad. They’re actually very good. They’re medicine.” You explained, picking up the remaining pills on the floor and putting them in their corresponding bottle. “In fact four of these bottles had medicine that keep mommy healthy.”
“Mweh?” Bud said, looking very confused. “But daddy sai-”
“ENOUGH!” You shouted, slamming the bottles onto the bathroom counter with a resounding bang. Bud flinched at this, looking at you with fright.
“I can’t believe how selfish you are!” You bellowed, quickly grabbing Bud by the tail and whipping him in front of your face. He tried to talk over you but you were simply too overbearing.
“I’ve tolerated your behavior up until now! Mostly because of your clutch! BUT THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!” You shouted, shaking Bud violently in your hands, causing him to cry out in pain.
“MOMMY YOU’RE HURTING ME!!!” He shouted, tears starting to form in his eyes, and a putrid stench emanating from him as a blue liquid dribbled down his tail running over your hand and his face on its journey to the floor.
“UGH!” You shouted, thoroughly disgusted that he would piss on you. Quickly flinging him into the toilet and shoving the lid shut. You planted your foot firmly on the toilet as you contorted yourself to wash your hands. Splashing, crying, and weak pushes came from under your foot as you ran the water. You sat glowering at the toilet once you were done.
You had so many calls to make and certainty weren't in the mood to deal with him so you quickly ran out of the bathroom and grabbed a roll of duct tape. Returning to the toilet only to see Bud gasping as he attempted to climb over the toilet seat onto the floor. 
Sneering you grabbed Bud’s skull pushing him right back into the toilet, holding the lid shut as you taped it closed. Preventing him from escaping. You heavily sat down on the seat afterwards, putting your face in your hands and screaming into them, pointedly ignoring the plea’s that came from the toilet.
It took awhile for you to calm down enough to think about what needed to be done. You couldn't let Bud’s, misbehavior continue for any longer. Hell you could barely look at him anymore. You had wanted to wait for a natural birth but it didn't look like that was possible anymore. Taking a deep breath you grabbed your phone, and the nearly empty bottles of medicine, first thing was first, you needed refills. Bud was one thing, but this, this was a matter of life and death for you.
A few phone calls, and a trip to the doctors brought you home with a week's supply of three of your pills. You would have to sort out the details of the fourth with your insurance company, and most likely would have to visit the pharmacy every day at noon to get your dosage for the day of the fourth in the meantime.
It took quite a while of mental preparation but eventually, you made your way back into the bathroom to finally let Bud out of the toilet. Taking a deep breath, you ripped the duct tape off the toilet, slowly opening the lid, to see and smell a sorry sight. 
Bud looked absolutely despondent, as he sat in the water of the toilet, a deep blue colour swirling all around him, as a few glops of feces floated around him too. He looked up at you with fear, and hope in his eyes, reaching out his hands to be picked up.
“Mommy why did you leave me!” He asked, causing you to roll your eyes, anger and disgust flashing in your eyes.
“Save it!” You stated, pulling out a box of floss from your medicine cabinet and holding a long thread over the toilet. “Hold on to this, we’re going to clean you up.” You sneered, watching Bud all but ignore the string as he struggled to leave the toilet, tears starting to run down his face. “Mommy up!” He demanded, holding his filthy digits out to you, he looked on the verge of a tantrum, one you wouldnt be tolerating.
“Where do you think you’re going?” You asked, glaring at the now confused bitty.
“We’re going to the bathtub right?” He said, looking even more confused, but even more insistently pushing his arms up in a gesture of “up.”
You laughed at him coldly. “HA! You think a bitty as awful as you get to have a nice hot bath? Fat chance!” You stated, wiggling the string to get his attention. “Hold onto the string.” You started again, before closing the lid of the toilet again, and pushing the flush valve.
“MOMMY!” Bud cried out alarmed and frightened by the sudden action. The string suddenly pulled tight against your hand. “MOMMY HELP ME!” You heard again, as he strained against the lid.
“We’re cleaning up a piece of shit” You said coldly, all love and tolerance for this bitty having dissolved the moment he dumped your Chains ashes. “Maybe if we’re lucky it’ll be better once we’re done?”
“NO MOMMY! MO*Gasp* MMY! MO *gasp gurgle* MMY! MOOOO*gasp, gurgle*OOOOMMMY!*gurgle*” Bud cried desperately, frequently getting a mouthful of water as he strained to escape. He did manage to lift the lid and poke his head out desperately during the process, only to have his head shoved back in and you sit on the lid. His cries continued, even after about 5 flushes, before you finally let him out.
He wasn't much cleaner after the process, only shivering, and waterlogged, but a large portion of piss was washed away. He looked at you with a betrayed look. 
“Mommy why?” He asked pitifully as you reached down with a gloved hand to pick him up.
“You know why.” You clipped out, grimacing as he started to snivel and desperately cling to your hand. 
“Mommy please I promise I’ll be good, I prooooomise! Don’t flush meeeeeeeee.” He wailed, causing you to fling him into the sink with a wet thud. He wailed harder, really you were more surprised that he hadn't given birth yet, you were trying so hard after all. It looked like you’d need more stimulus to force his labour.
“You’ve promised me that so many times, I don't believe you.” Really it wasn’t a lie, after every tantrum, mistake, and pissing he would always promise the same thing. You had never really believed him, he would never change on his own, but his pregnant state had prevented you from stressing him too much. Now it just didn't matter, the clutch was coming today whether he was ready or not, and after that, well if you just trained him instead of dusting him he would be incredibly lucky.
Bud looked shocked at your response, as if he’d never considered that you wouldn't forgive him. He didn't have a lot of responses though so he continued to snivel, sprinkling in pretty words to try and sway you.
“But I love you mommy! And I know you love me too! Please mommy forgive me!” He blubbered, not seeming to notice when you turned on the sink.
Ignoring his attempts, you got out a pair of scissors, cutting his clothes off, making extra sure to destroy his favorite blue neckerchief. Of course he wailed and flailed trying to get you to stop, but in the long run he only managed to get you to accidentally cut a piece of his tail off. 
“AHHHHHHH!!!!!” He screamed, much to your annoyance.
“Well it's your own damn fault for struggling so much!” You screamed, violently ripping the remains of his shredded clothes off his body. His wails didn't stop.
“MOMMY IT HURTS!!!!” You were getting so sick of his screams, so much so that instead of responding, you balled his remaining clothes up and stuck them in his wailing mouth. Earning a muffled scream.
His tears came back in full force, as he clutched at the dusting flesh of his tail, what looked like blood congealed over the cut, the bits that dripped off turning to dust. Grimacing at the sight you reached for a bottle of soap on the counter, generously lathering the baby blue’s engorged form. Then none to gently rubbed the soap into his wound, earning a long muffled scream from Bud. Really the relative silence was a blessing for you, furthermore you didn't even have to worry about him destroying something again because he was right in front of you.
He tried to push your hands away, but it wasn't good enough, so instead he tried to remove the cloth from his mouth. Clawing desperately at the piss soaked clothes, gagging noises coming from his form. Just as he was about to wrench the cloth free however, you savagely shoved him under the ice cold water that had finally reached a high enough point in the sink. You held him there for a good while watching as he flailed desperately against your hand. Bringing him back up you were amused at his attempts to cough, watching him choke against the cloth instead. You waited for the moment just before he caught his breath to shove him back under. Making sure that all of the soap was off of him before bringing him back up again.
His heaves and cries, gave way to more shudders, as you finally saw your desired effect. His clutch was coming.
Grinning wildly to yourself you gripped him around his torso, holding him up to your face.
“It's about damn time, I can't believe you made me wait so long for this.” You stated, quickly wrapping him up in a towel and shuffling him out to the pre-prepared birthing room you’d made just for him. The change in demeanor was quite shocking, and Bud was thrown for a loop when you suddenly started cradling him and cooing about how good he was.
“Awww let me take that out for you.” You stated in the kindest voice you could choke out, restraining yourself from torturing the little shit more. You might have needed to stress him out to get him to go into labor, but now, now you needed him less stressed. You gently removed the cloth from his mouth, throwing the bundle into the trash and gently stroking the pygmies back as shudders wracked through his body.
“Mommy? Mommy it hurts? Did you do this?” He asked, warily looking at you, as you set him down in a soft nest of blankets he himself had prepared during his nesting phase.
“Sweety you’re giving birth! You’re gonna be a mother.” You said, mustering as much enthusiasm as you could. You sounded incredibly forced, but the stupid pygmy didnt notice, because instead of being angry, he grew excited eyes beginning to sparkle, the stupid thing had already forgotten the torture he’d suffered. You were astonished how quickly his demeanor changed, but pushed that thought aside when his body was wracked with more shudders. YOu let him slither deeper into the nest of blankets, letting out coo’s and praises as he slowly started pushing out the first of many eggs.
It took nearly a whole night for Bud to finish his birth, many times you needed to feed him monster candy to help heal some damage the larger eggs did on his body. The first clutch a bitty produced was never usually viable, so you were pleasantly surprised to find that most of his eggs were intact. Bud was fast asleep, curled around his staggering clutch of 36 eggs. You were even more surprised just how many eggs he’d yielded. Your previous brood mother’s record was 15, Bud’s clutch was nearly the maximum most Lamia’s were known for producing.
Alas your surprise could only stay for so long, and the searing hatred you felt for the lamia came back in full force. Staring disdainfully at Bud,  you started really debating the pro’s and cons of keeping such a troublesome bitty. You knew how profitable he was, but was he really worth it, could you really stand to look at him after what he’d done? What he’d done was similar to what edgies were known to do, but with edgies, you’d at least had the ability to “prepare.”
The answer eventually came out to no, and with that revelation you very quickly, very quietly moved all the viable eggs to an incubator, leaving about 6 deformed and cracked eggs in front of the bitty.
Eventually the pygmy stirred, looking in front of him, quickly becoming distressed as the sight of only 6 eggs, he started wailing again much to your annoyance, shouting out. “Mommy my eggs! My eggs are gone!”
Rolling your eyes you grabbed him by the tail, picking him up, then picking up one of the deformed eggs and making sure to wave it in front of his face. “You want your eggs so bad. Here.” You said, before shoving the deformed egg into his mouth. 
Shock and panic flashed across his face, as he tried to stop your hands, but you were too strong for him, and despite his resistance you eventually made him swallow it.
He choked and sobbed, trying to reach into his own mouth for the egg, but you didn't give him that long, as you grabbed another and repeated the process. He flailed harder, trying to bite you, and he even drew blood, but you really didn't care. Standing you held onto him in a crushing grip, breaking a rib or two in the process, searching around for a roll of duct tape, you eventually found one and sat back down next to the remaining eggs.
“You know I really should just feed them all to you.” You stated, watching the pygmy as he cried and begged. “NO MOMMY PLEASE! PLEASE DON’T KILL THEM!!! I LOVE YOU!!!” You narrowed your eyes at his pleas, before a cold smirk graced your lips. “But you said you wanted your eggs… Could it be that you want to give birth again?” You chuckled not letting him respond, before you taped him down, making sure to have his limbs spread out and tail held firmly still. 
He wailed more. “Mommy I don’t like this, please let me go! I have to find my eggs!”
“Don’t worry Bud I’m giving you your eggs.” You stated, before picking up one of the remaining 4 deformed eggs and shoving it slowly, painfulling, back into Bud’s cloaca.
His screams were incredibly loud, louder than any he’d done before, he tried very hard to struggle, but with the duct tape holding him in place he couldn't resist. The egg ended up breaking and leaving a goopy mess all over the place, causing you to frown and chide Bud. “That's no good sweetie, your struggling broke it. We’ll have to try again.”
“NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” He screamed, as you started to push another egg up his cloaca, this one did manage to go in, but the shivers wracking the bitties body didn't spell anything good, the edges of his cloaca were beginning to dust, goop and shell bits leaked from the orifice. Bud had stopped communicating, only sobbing uncontrollable. You didn’t stop though, you grabbed another egg and repeated the process, becoming a little satisfied with yourself when it didn't break once inside.
There was one more egg left and you planned to do the same thing with it, but first.
“Do you know why this is happening?” You asked, watching as Bud shivered and stared at you with tear filled sockets. He shook his head. “N-n-n-n-nnnooooooooo!” He shouted.
“I don't know why you would do this to me mommy! I love you! You love me too!” He stammered, asserting the last bit with such certainty that it made your stomach roll. 
“Idiot, I don’t love you, I just wanted your clutch.” You stated, before carefully shoving the last egg into his cloaca. You managed to firmly fit it in there, before grabbing more duct tape and covering his cloaca. After a moment of just watching him squirm and struggle to push the eggs out again, you firmly grabbed his torso, and violently ripped him up from the floor.
The duct tape was firm enough on the ground that it kept his arms and tail on the ground as you ripped upwards, detaching his torso and head from his arms and tail. Immediately he burst into dust, a few bits of egg shell remaining in the mess.
Staring down at the mess you made, you wrly thought to yourself. 
“I suppose I’ll just have to tell your old family you died giving birth.”
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(Hey! Let's shoot on over to my Kaishi Au and explore something I've always wanted to explore: Eri. In my Au, Kai never met her and never hurt her because he's been set on the right pathway by you and the birth [or adoption] of his son. So what happens when Pop's daughter comes to visit for the first time with Eri?)
*DISCLAIMER: This is in no way making up for what overhaul has done. This is not an apologist post and I mean no offense when I create this. Please do not take offense to this post*
Au: Kaishi
Part: eight
Theme: General
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"Senator Moo, I'm afraid to tell you this but you are sick. There is no cure....Senator, you have Cow disease. I'm sorry..." Kaishi stood over the stuffed animal on his bed. He held a folder with some paper he had scribbled on as his prescription pad. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a bandage. Once he removed it from its paper, he placed it across the stuffed cow's tummy. Then he placed the cow in a basket with other stuffed animal that reached the same fate. "Alright then. Next up is..." Kaishi flipped the paper over like he was reading from a clipboard. "Mrs. Wags-a-lot. Come sit here on the operation table and I'll give you an inspection.
"Kaishi sweety, could you come to the front please?" He heard your voice call out to him. He immediately dropped what he was doing and rushed to the front of the house before stopping suddenly in his tracks and hiding behind your leg.
There was a stranger in his house.
"Mommy/dad, who is that lady?" Kaishi whispered to you. You smiled and reached to gently rub his head. This is Eishiki (I made this name up btw), and that's Eri." You pointed at the woman. Kaishi was about to ask who until he saw the little girl peek from behind her mother's leg. Her scarlet eyes locked onto his golden ones before she went to hide again. Kaishi was curious and realized there was no threat by now. He came out from hiding to stand next to you and Kai. That's when he noticed his grandpa was standing here too.
"Ah my daughter! It's rare to see or hear from you again since the incident happened all those years ago. I want to thank you for allowing me to see my granddaughter again after so long. She's grown so much from when she was a baby. Kai! What do you say?" Pops turned to him and smiled widely. "Its lovely to meet you for the first time. This is my wife/husband/partner, and our son Kaishi. Hey brat, introduce yourself. I taught you better." Kai semi scolded him. Kaishi walked forward and reached his tiny hand out for a handshake. "My name is Kaishi Chisaki. It's nice to meet you." The boy didnt want to shake hands but he figured he could just go wash then off later on. The woman above him immediately beamed with excitement. "Oh!!! He's so precious father! He's so well trained too! Eri, why dont you go play with Kaishi while the adults catch up. Go on! Kai is practically like a son to my father, so that makes you and Eri cousins." Eishiki stepped aside and gently pushed Eri forward to come out of hiding. She peered up at the adults as they already began walking off down the hallways of the large house. She turned her attention back to the boy and tilted her head. He looked like a perfect mix between you and Kai! He also had such striking golden eyes that seemed to beam right into her soul. Was he trusting? Was he kind? Would he be mean to her later one? Would he be scared of her because of her quirk? While Eri was searching for something to say, Kaishi had already grabbed her hand and was pulling her to his room. Once inside he uttered a stern 'wait here' before he went off to wash his hands. Upon return, he was sporting semi oversized latex gloves and a medical mask. "I'm playing doctor. Want to be my nurse?" He asked as he set up his area to play again.
"...yes?" Eri answered in a quiet voice. "Here." Kaishi handed her a mask and his folder with paper he had scribbled on. "Alright then, nurse Eri. Who is the next patient? Mrs. Wags-a-lot doesnt have insurance." Kaishi explained as he tossed the stuffed dog aside. (The things he learned from listening to his dad lol). "Ummm...that one there?" Eri pointed at a stuffed horse that sported a red baseball cap and a tiny plush bat in it's right hoof. "Ah, Ace the pony? Fine, we'll check on him then. Be careful nurse Eri, he could be contagious. Stay back for a second. I'll check his heartbeat." Kaishi picked the horse plush up and placed it against his little ear as he pretended to listen for a pulse. Kaishi gasped and looked at Eri with wide eyes. "He doesnt have a heart beat. Nurse...he's dying!" Kaishi shouted and started running around the room and frantically searching for something in his toy box. "Oh no!" Eri started to play along. She quickly went to the horse and started pressing on its chest with her little fingers. "What are you doing?" Kaishi asked as he came next to her with something in his hands. "Its called CPR. I learned it watching tv one day." She explained to him. He nodded in understanding and looked at her. "Nurse, have you brought him back to life then?"
Kaishi was leaving this next part of the game up to Eri. She thought for a second before frowning and shaking her head slowly. "He's gone." She said in a bleak voice. "Alright, step back." Kaishi cleared her gently and put the horse in a box he pulled out of his collection. "We gotta go to his funeral now, nurse Eri. Let's go gather flowers for his grave." Eri smiled at him and nodded.
By the time you and the others were finished catching up over tea and coffee, you gasped when you exited the room. There were scattered flower petals all over the place, more than likely dropped by the theives that stole your flowers from the vase in the living room. "Oh dear." Eishiki said as you all followed the trail of flower petals the kids must've accidentally dropped. You were the first to enter the bathroom where Eri and Kaishi stood over the half full tub. Inside was one VERY soaked horse, 7 white crayons, all of the flowers that were missing, and unlit tea-light candles. Kaishi was wearing his black suit he only wore once for a school event...and he was only wearing the top half of the suit! The rest were his regular clothes from waist down. Eri had a black bath towel wrapped around her like a dress while her regular dress was peaking out from underneath. She also sported a black pearl necklace, no doubt taken by Kaishi from your room. You sighed and Kai spoke up. "What on earth is this?'
Kaishi and Eri simply looked up at him and uttered simultaneously "Funeral."
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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