#Roofing boards and accessories
runa-falls · 1 year
cat and mouse - 3
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Supervillain(?)!Reader
Warnings: mention of alcohol and being inebriated, Miguel in normal clothes (yes this is a warning), friends vs. lovers type beat
a/n: this one might be a little frustrating fyi. also it might be a while for the next part to come out bc i'm having trouble figure out where i want this story to go.
Summary: Every time you try to convince people it was an accident, you immediately get ratted out to the Spider. But really, it was! You don't know why you're being hunted, you didn't even do anything wrong. Yet.
w/c: 2.4k
part 1 part 2 part 4
The villain's life isn’t too bad. Especially when you have friends. Well, a friend.
Really, it’s just like being unemployed, but you’re not living off of your life savings, you’re living off of someone else’s.
Maybe someone else’s else’s savings.
Ok fine, you’ll admit it. You haven’t actually done much crime at all. You’ve just been mooching off of Felicia like a girl with a sugar mama.
So what? It’s not your fault she’s the most generous criminal you’ve ever met. And technically, the money comes directly from other people’s accounts, so you are still acting as an accessory to a crime and that’s good enough for you.
So far, you’ve been treating these past few weeks like an extended vacation. 
You’re still not used to your powers. It’s not as easy as thinking about something and it happens. It’s more like a feeling, something you have to pull from within. After the first few times of accidentally exploding someone’s Kia Soul and a breakfast sandwich that cost $12 (which is a crime in itself), you’ve been a little apprehensive about using your powers unless you really need them.  
Thankfully, you have Felicia to teach you a few non-power-related moves just in case. You actually thought you’d never see her again after she left you on that roof. Even though she did say, “I’ll see you later,” you thought she was just being polite. But then you got a text for brunch a few days later.
Feli is not a villain, but she’s certainly not a hero either. She kinda just does what she wants when she feels like it. It’s inspiring, really. 
You never told her about what happened that other night, not wanting to mention how Spider-Man mistook you for her. Or the fact that your shared a heated kiss with the hero. You’re supposed to be a bad-ass criminal, not some girl who fraternizes with superheroes like some sort of groupie. You do, however, tell her about how full-black suits aren’t your style and that you’re thinking about finally embracing your fiery locks.
She agrees adding, “We can’t show up in the same fit every time we’re committing a crime. We need to keep it fresh, give ‘em something to talk about.” 
You were ready to go down to a fabric shop and stitch something quick together, but Feli adamantly convinced you that she would take care of it. Feli has this awesome AI assistant named Zee that does everything from ordering groceries to building her a new ultra-sleek motorcycle. You were told to tell Zee what you were looking for in your new suit since she’s also conveniently connected to an advanced fabricator. 
“Hello, Ms. Hardy and Ms. Blaze.” You grumble at the AI’s use of your long-hated nickname, “How can I be of service?”
“Make her a new suit,” Feli commanded, “and make it quick, we have things to do today.” She sits at a desk, clicking idly through her large desktop. You peek over her shoulder, curious about what she’s working on. It’s a Pinterest board full of outfits and modern interior design ideas. 
“Certainly. What are you looking for?” A holographic menu streams from the fabricating machine, showing you options for the size, fit, and design of the suit. 
“Orange, maybe? And make it a little more breathable, I was sweating bullets in that other one.” 
The menu scrolls around as you speak, showing you favorable color combinations and breathable fabrics and designs. 
You tap on a fiery orange and black palette. It’s simple and makes sense. A few designs with your chosen colors pop up and you see the perfect one. It’s asymmetrical, leaving enough skin uncovered to ensure there’s a fair amount of ventilation for your extra-warm radioactive body heat. You click the ‘process’ button, and the machine starts right away. Estimated Time: 14 hrs and 27 minutes.
Feli stands up when she hears the rev of the machine working its magic. “Alright, darling, let’s get you up to my closet. We’re going to the club.” 
Apparently, one of Feli’s associates owns the club we’re going to. 
“He’s been asking about you, hearing about the power plant and all.” The limo he sent to her house is exquisite, offering expensive champagne and snacks. The windows are super tinted for privacy and the partition has been rolled up since you got in, so you can’t really tell where you’re headed. “I told him I’d bring you around the club sometime. That is if he lets us have some fun afterward.” 
The club itself is quite packed. The building throbs with the heavy bass of electronic music that you can hear even through the heavy metal doors. There’s already a line that wraps around the block and it’s only 8 pm. 
You carefully step out of the limo after Feli, trying not to trip in your borrowed heels. The bouncer instantly recognizes her and lets you pass, velvet rope pulled aside. 
The sea of dancing bodies moves like a stop-motion film under the strobing lights as you walk right past the general area. You pass through a curtained entrance, walk up some stairs, and stop in front of the balcony area that overlooks the dance floor. VIP only, it says. 
In the middle of the sitting area is a large bald man dressed in a proper suit, making him look like a frightening businessman. A large smile appears on his pale face when he spots your friend and he stands up to greet the two of you.
You can barely hear his voice over the loud music. “Felicia Hardy, wonderful to see you.” She offers her hand which he politely pecks. 
She merely acknowledges him, “Fisk.”
He turns to you. “And you must be the famous, Blaze.” You don’t offer a hand and he doesn’t seem to mind.
“Nice to meet you, sir.”
“Please, call me Wilson.”
You don’t spend too much time with him, both because he seemed pretty busy and Feli wanted to go downstairs as soon as possible. He asks you normal things like where you’re from and how you met Feli, but he was mostly curious about your powers and how you got them. 
“A vat, hm? I’ve heard that one before.” It’s true. Vats of shit almost ensure the creation of new villains. “S’a miracle you didn’t die from that.” 
Feli is a lot more talkative once you leave Fisk. Despite working for him, she doesn’t seem all that fond of him. “He’ll probably call you up if he ever needs your skillset. I’d recommend taking whatever job he offers, he usually compensates generously.”
“But how? I didn’t give him my number.”
“Doesn’t matter. He’ll be in touch.” 
She tells you to find a table while she gets some drinks. Apparently, the bar is open for her, another perk of working with Fisk. You feel like a wallflower as you wait for her, watching as people come and go to the dancefloor or bar. You sit at the high-top table, legs swinging idly to the beat of the music.
You’re almost shoved off your seat when someone bumps into you and you have to hold onto the table to keep your balance. “Oh, sorry,” You hear a familiar voice say over the pounding music.
“It’s ok.”
 “Lava Girl,” You look over at the man, head having to tilt up to see his face. “Didn’t expect to see you here.” You barely recognize him as you’ve never seen him out of the suit before. He’s wearing a tight black short-sleeve that stretches nicely over his broad chest and dark wash jeans. Looking like any other civilian. 
“Miguel!” His eyes wander over the short black dress you were borrowing from Felicia, briefly stopping over the length of your bare legs that are visible through the glass table.
“Always seem to be wearing something new when I see you.”
“Well, my friend has expensive taste.”
His brows furrow, “Friend? You’re here with someone?” 
“Mhm.” Your eye catches on a head of silver hair, wandering through the crowds of loud and rowdy people. “Oh, just a sec. There she is.” You stand up to catch her attention and miraculously she spots you, flashing a smile as you wave your arms around like a lunatic. 
Then she sees him and her soft smile stops. One of her perfectly tailored eyebrows raises as she joins the two of you, drinks in hand. “You.” 
He seems surprised to see her. “Fel…” There’s a long bout of silence between the three of you. Whatever light energy was there quickly grows tense and you start to feel uncomfortable. 
What’s with these two?
You try to salvage whatever you can from this weird conversation. “So, how do you guys know each other?” Felicia’s gaze releases its hold on Miguel and they both look at you, almost like forgot you were even there. 
Miguel starts. “Uh, we’re old friends.” She gives him a look that you can’t decipher. “Older enemies.”
Then she writes it out, “Ex’s.” 
You can tell he’s trying to hide a wince, but he’s not very good at it. So he was looking for her that night. Does that mean he would’ve kissed her instead of you then? Wait, that also means you kissed your best friend's ex! Shit.
“Oh.” You pick up a coaster just to have something to do with your hands. “Well, that’s cool– I mean it’s not cool, but– like, oh, so that’s how you know each other. Wow, what a small–”
“Why are you here Mig?” Suspicion drips off each word as she steps forward, almost like she’s trying to protect you. 
“You’re asking why I’m at a club owned by one of the notorious crime lords in Nueva York?” 
And all of a sudden you’re not there again. It’s just them. 
“No, I’m asking why you’re here. With her.” 
“Can’t a guy just say hi to a friend?”
It dawns on her. “She knows?” She says through gritted teeth. 
He run a hand through his dark brown waves, “Look, it just happened.”
“Miguel, leave her alone, she hasn’t done anything.” You feel like you’re a kid watching her parents bicker about things unknown to you. You nervously fiddle with the hem of your skirt.
“She’s a good girl.”
“It’s not like that, Fel.” She rolls her emerald green eyes.
“Sure, it isn’t. I know you, Miguel.” 
He scoffs, “Yeah, whatever.” He brushes her off, clearly done with the conversation. “Ok, well, I’d love to stay longer, but I did actually come here for a reason.” He pulls away from the table, “It was nice seeing you, Blaze.” You could tell that he means it just by the way he looks at you. 
You nod at him, not really up to say much of anything after tonight. You can tell you’re dismissive send-off stings, but you don’t really care. 
“Hardy.” She doesn’t even look at him and he walks away without another word.
“Ugh, that guy.” Feli takes a deep sip of her vodka cran and you watch as a napkin sticks to the sweating glass as she tilts it back. She pushes yours closer to you, letting the perspiration drag against the glass table.
At this point, you’re not really feeling the whole club scene anymore.
“Promise you’ll stay away from him.” Your eyes lift from your untouched glass to meet her stare. “I know he’s Nueva York’s sweetheart Spider-Man or whatever, but he’s bad news, trust me.” 
“You really don’t wanna get caught up in the superhero drama. I’m just, trying to look out for you, Blaze.” 
You nod, forcing yourself to smile. “I know.”
And you do. She probably has a good reason for it, but it doesn’t make you feel any better.
All the events of the evening sit in the air for a second. Felicia, Fisk, and Miguel. Your brain is having a hard time organizing everything and the noises around you aren’t helping.
You decidedly pick up your glass without thinking and quickly drain it, barely even tasting it before feeling its cool contents bloom throughout your body. You set it down a bit harsher than you intended, but the coaster does a good job of absorbing the sound. 
You hop off your seat. “Let’s dance.”
Feli is surprised by your sudden changed mood, “Oh, right now?” You need to let loose. You can’t let some stupid kiss ruin your new life. You can’t let anything distract you. You can’t let him distract you. As of now, you’re a new woman and you’re ready to embrace exactly who everyone thinks you are. 
You offer your hand, “Right now.” She takes it, letting you lead her straight to the middle of the dancefloor. 
This time you run before you even see him. Well ‘run’ may be an exaggeration. You were too drunk to even walk in a straight line so let’s just say you ‘left.’
So the night went off the rails a little bit. One fruity mixed drink turned into a few rounds of shots, which turned into a very ambitious plan to revisit that bank that shut down on you a few weeks ago. Since it hasn’t been hit since that night, you assumed everything would’ve simmered down around it. Less security, less fuss, and less Spider-Man. And you were right. 
You were also careless. 
Drunk girls and endless power create an interesting scene for the police to discover. First, you skipped the doors altogether. Why use the front entrance, when you can walk straight into the vault? By the time the cops would get there, they’d be greeted by a huge hole that rips through several layers of (theoretically) indestructible materials.
Then there are the two blood-red lipstick kisses right next to it. That was Feli’s idea.
“Oh my god, you know what would be so cute? If we signed off on this with little kisses!”
“Why would we do that?” Your words slur slightly as you step into the vault. It’s stacked high with bills placed in perfectly rectangular towers. A soft breeze could easily ruin the whole room. 
“A girl’s gotta leave her mark.”
“Mm…ok, why not.”
You stuff your small handbags to the brim, not worried when a few bills fall out. This job isn’t really about the money, it’s about sending a message. 
You both casually stagger away from the crime scene, catch a cab (paying with handfuls of cash because you can’t be bothered to count it out), and get back to her place. 
“You staying over?”
“Can I?”
“Of course, darling.”
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see-arcane · 10 months
See if Mary didn't quit after being told by the new married employers "going to an asylum brb here's money and the key until we return" and then days later being telegrammed "back in a few or never xo" and then she sees them back home like two months later, irrevocably changed, then it'll be fine... Alternatively, she took the payment and moved to Switzerland
If the Harkers' track record holds steady, their sheer magnetic 'these are my Harkers now' vibes will keep Mary and anyone else on board.
They are sweethearts and at worst she has to stop them from trying to do her duties right under her nose, the little workaholics. It's like shooing cats out of the pantry, but with the added trouble of somehow convincing your former-lower/middle class employers that no, honest, you can let the people hired to take care of the house take care of the house. Don't you touch those linens. No, put the broom back. Out with you! Shoo! Go write something somewhere!
Worse (better), they are scrupulously tidy and organized. Hawkins was no slob, but he was careless and a bit slower as age and the gout went to work on him, poor fellow. The Harkers leave scarcely a mote of dust to sweep or a book askew.
(There are scads of books now, Mary notes. Walls have been eaten whole by bookcases. They welcome everyone to their thickening library--their biggest vice with money in their pockets is an ongoing mutual affair with the booksellers.)
Other times, she and the cook will turn their backs for one moment and discover the Harkers have gone and made dinner before anyone else can set foot in the kitchen. Mrs. Harker is a talent by way of practice, while Mr. Harker is one by way of sheer love of cuisine. Mina sees to English favorites while Jonathan replicates dishes harvested from the Continent, always in generous helpings. The Harkers eat with the staff with the same ease as if they ate with family.
(Hawkins was a cordial old fellow, but he always did dine alone while the help had their own meal at another hour. And, Mary and the rest are stunned to discover, the Harkers regularly have an actual lord, his friend the asylum-running doctor, and a renowned international polymath of a mentor over for supper. Casual as anything. Mary had to get smelling salts for one of the younger girls the first time she realized, yes, that was in fact Lord Arthur Godalming at the door.)
The Harkers have their strange features, of course. Traits and habits and, don't laugh, a few superstitions they've ingrained in the edges of things...but it really is leagues away from the worst of what other households must suffer from their owners. The Harkers love their home and the people it came with as dearly as kin. Ardently so.
(Mary once saw Mrs. Harker throw a Look like knives into the head of a man who tried to accost one of the girls weeding the garlic and rosebushes in the garden. While the man was trying to puff himself up and not sweat under her scrutiny, Mr. Harker manifested at the top floor's window, opened it, and then scaled down the wall like a spider. This he did with his kukri knife ready, that accessory forever at his hip just as the revolver lived in Mrs. Harker's reticule. The man had fled. The Harkers had stared after him with lambent eyes before seeing if the girl was well, would she like to head in for a rest..?)
The Harkers are strange.
The Harkers are uncanny.
And the Harkers are not about to lose Mary or anyone else under that roof any time soon.
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Rachel M. Cohen at Vox:
For years, the easiest thing to do about building new housing was nothing. The federal government largely deferred to state and local governments on matters of land use, and states mostly deferred to local governments, which typically defer to their home-owning constituents who back restrictive zoning laws that bar new construction. That’s slowly changing as the housing supply crisis ripples across the country. Experts say the US is short somewhere between 3.8 million and 6.8 million homes, and most renters feel priced out of the idea of homeownership altogether. The lack of affordable housing is causing homelessness to rise.
In Washington, DC, Congress has held more hearings on housing affordability recently than it has in decades, and President Joe Biden has been ramping up attention on the housing crisis, promising to “build, build, build” to “bring housing costs down for good.” But it’s at the state level where some of the most consequential change is taking place. Over the last five years, Republican and Democratic legislators and governors in a slew of states have looked to update zoning codes, transform residential planning processes, and improve home-building and design requirements. Some states that have stepped up include Oregon, Florida, Montana, and California, as well as states like Utah and Washington. This year, Maryland, New York, and New Jersey passed state-level housing legislation, and Colorado may soon follow suit.
Not all state-level bills have been equally ambitious in addressing the supply crisis, and not all states have been successful at passing new laws, especially on their first few tries. And some states have succeeded in passing housing reform one year, only to strike out with additional bills the next. Real housing reform requires iterative and sustained legislative attention; it almost never succeeds with just one bill signing. Trying to determine why exactly a housing reform bill passes or fails on the state level can be difficult, though advocates say it certainly helps when a governor or other powerful state lawmaker invests time and political capital in mobilizing stakeholders together. Given that housing challenges are not spread equally across a state, sometimes it can be hard to decide whether to pass statewide laws that apply equally to all communities or to pass more targeted legislation aimed only at certain areas. Partly due to pressure from voters and from more organized pro-housing activists, legislative trends are starting to emerge. More states and housing experts are thinking not only about passing laws to boost housing production, but also about how best to enforce those laws, close loopholes, and demand compliance.
States can make it easier to build more housing in a wider variety of places
While states typically grant local communities a lot of discretion in land use policy, more lawmakers are realizing that balance may have tilted too far. As researchers with the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis outlined last fall, some states are now looking to increase housing production by enabling more multifamily housing and accessory dwelling units (ADUs) to be built without having developers first seek approval from local planning agencies or elected boards. This accelerated construction process is known as building “by right.”
For example, Oregon passed a law in 2019 allowing fourplexes (a multifamily home that typically houses four families under one roof) to be built anywhere in large cities and for duplexes to be built anywhere in mid-size cities. Before, a developer would have needed to seek special permission to build such housing. States like Utah and Massachusetts are incentivizing the construction of new multifamily housing near public transit, while states like California and Florida are making it easier to build residential housing in places zoned for retail. Other states, like Maine and Vermont, are making it easier to build ADUs, which are second (and smaller) residential units on the same plot of land as one’s primary residence, like apartments or converted garages.
Vox reports on how states are finally beginning to step on solving the housing crisis.
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sirenjose · 10 months
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Victor Analysis + Analysis of the 2022 Autumn Letter Event
(Reposting another older analysis I did back when the Autumn Letter Event 2022 was still going on. This originally started as just an analysis of the event, but turned into an analysis of Victor and his backstory as well.)
When Victor was 5, his mother took Victor and they traveled a long distance. On an autumn day, Victor's mother left him to be instead raised by his uncle. This may have been the last time he ever saw her, as Victor can’t even recall what she looked like.
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Victor's mom taught Victor what good and bad lies were. Since when Victor explains what a broken promise by using the example "telling you they'll be back soon, this place is your home, or they'll contact you again", it's possible this is what Victor's mother did to Victor.
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She promised they'd return home soon before traveling far away, then when handing him to his uncle she says this is his new home and promises to contact him again, but likely never does from how little Victor says about her and how he emphasizes he’s never received letters from anyone.
Victor's mother taught him what good and bad lies were, and then does exactly that to him. That's probably why she did it. She probably knew what she was about to do, but did it anyways, though we don't know why.
It's confirmed that she never comes back for him as Victor says he was "raised by my uncle" on day 6. As Victor is sent off to boarding school, it could imply his uncle didn't want to raise Victor either.
Considering Victor's belief "nothing is yours when you live under someone's roof", Victor likely learned this as a result of whatever his uncle's personality was, implying he may not have been the best (he was potentially quite strict).
While at boarding school, Victor is once again left alone, just like how his mother and uncle did.
It seems he didn't really have any friends. Instead, he listened to his schoolmates talking to each other at night while looking out an open window at the different seasons.
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The lamp's description is "'Victor, it's lights out! Stop reading meaningless fairy tales!' They kept saying that in school".
Seems Victor tried to escape reality by diving into the worlds written in stories (and into other people's stories via letters), especially fantasy ones.
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He likely did this because of how different (and potentially better) those worlds seemed than his current one. It also fits with how well Victor is at reading between the lines and reading other people's emotions (as day 2 describes).
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Victor left boarding school when he was 15. His schoolmates promised they'd keep in touch, but they never did, which may parallel what happened with his mother.
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Considering the mention he was 15 when he left boarding school, this may connect to Victor's harmonica, which in the event has the title "Gift for a 15-Year-Old" + the description "this was the only gift she ever gave me".
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We know that this harmonica came from a female, meaning it couldn't have come from the policeman who owned Wick, especially as Victor hasn't even met him yet (Victor only just met Wick).
The in-game description for Victor's harmonica as the S-tier accessory is "Victor didn't think that this present from his poet friend would be the last testament of their last meeting."
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The only female Victor's mentioned so far has been his mother. It's possible she still occasionally visited or contacted him somehow, and maybe she gave this as a gift for him finishing school, but the earlier example when explaining a broken promise makes me not sure.
Victor also did say he’s never received letters from anyone. Then there's Victor describing the person as a "poet friend" and I'm not sure he'd refer to his "mother" as a "friend", though it could be because of the lack of intimacy due to his mother leaving and not raising him.
It could've come from someone Victor knew at school, but as Victor talks about not having anyone to send letters to + how alone he describes himself as at school, I'm not sure about this option either.
The only other option is it's from someone we haven't been introduced to yet.
What we do know about the harmonica is it's incredibly important to him, to the point it's the only item he wishes to be buried with when he dies (on Day 6).
There's also how the harmonica in the event starts with "Have you tried playing the harmonica by a river in autumn?"
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This should tie to Victor describing the day his mother left him. Regarding this, he says "We crossed the bridge over the river, and then she let go of my hand and just waited by the bridge. Then my uncle took me... And she left."
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Finally, Victor on Day 6 says he likes playing Greensleeves on his harmonica. Some claim this song was written by King Henry VIII for Anne Boleyn, who rejected Henry's advances, or Lady Greensleeves (who the song is about) may have been a prostitute, though both are likely false.
In the song, the author says Greensleeves "was all my joy" but "alas, my love, ye do me wrong / to cast me off discourteously", adding "I have been ready at your hand / to grant whatever you would crave".
The next parts of the song describe what the singer tried to do to gain the lady's affections, but "thou couldst desire no earthly thing" and "yet thou wouldst not love me". He comments on how much he spent/did for her yet she still won't love him.
He prays that she'll see his "constancy" and "yet that once before I die / thou wilt vouchsafe to love me", before saying "farewell".
This song first appeared in 1580 (after Henry had died in 1547). The mention of "lady" may imply she could've been nobility (so not a prostitute)
The writer gives the lady multiple gifts, potentially trying to show how rich he is, but fails to get her to love him though she does keep the gifts.
During the renaissance, besides meanings that imply prostitution, green could also symbolize love and joy, youth, and chastity.
Greensleeves may have originally been a poem that was set to music, which could tie to Victor getting his harmonica from a "poet friend". If he was told to play the song while by a river in autumn, it's possible this friend was trying to help cheer Victor up when he was depressed thinking about his mother leaving him.
Considering the lyrics of the song, it's possible Victor felt similarly in the song. Doing everything he could to gain someone's love, but continuing to fail no matter what he did, but he still refuses to stop loving the person.
Though if it was the mother who sent it, it's possible it was her way of apologizing? Maybe that could also fit with, if his mother left when he was 5, he remembers her enough to talk about but not remember her face, why this could be the "only gift" he got from her.
It's possible, rather than abandoning Victor, Victor's mom had to leave Victor so he could attend boarding school. There was a law in 1870 (which fits the time period of the game) that made it mandatory for all kids between ages 5-10 to attend school.
Considering Victor was 5 when he left his mom and 15 when he left school, he would've been at boarding school for 10 years, which apparently is a possible amount of time for kids to stay at boarding school for. Maybe the harmonica was a gift, and maybe she sent Victor poems while he was going to school, but maybe she died soon after he left school and not long after giving him the harmonica. Maybe she gave it the harmonica to him so he wouldn't miss her. Maybe the last time her saw his mother was the day he got the harmonica from her.
Or again, maybe someone else gave it to him.
I'm not quite sure either way. I feel like I'm missing a little bit of info to really put all the pieces together to be completely sure. So for now, I can only throw out all the potential theories.
In any case, after school Victor began working for a post office, which is where the event takes place. It also matches with Victor's 1st deduction that talks about Victor becoming a postman.
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Victor met Wick for the 1st time on day 1, where Wick says his "master just lost a letter! That's what I'm here for".
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It seems to be while Victor is talking to Wick he gets the idea to write letters to himself. He comments during day 1, after Wick asks if he has anyone to write to, Victor says he doesnt have anyone to send them to, and he doesn't have anyone who's ever sent him letters either.
On Day 6, Wick tells Victor he should “keep these letters for yourself”, which likely refers to the letters Victor is looking at right now, which are letters Victor is unable to send due to smudged addresses, incorrect sender info, and so on.
Maybe it’s soon after this Victor gets the idea to do something similar by writing to himself. This could connect with Victor’s 1st letter, which is by Victor written for Wick (as well as some of victor’s deductions which are described as letters he wrote to himself).
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Victor talking to Wick (like Wick can actually converse with him) also fits really nicely with Victor’s 1st letter, considering Victor is sending a letter to Wick and at the end of the letter, there is a reply from Wick to Victor (in morse code).
It's not until day 7 that we see this letter Wick was looking for. It is a letter from someone asking Wick's owner, the policeman (as it mentions a "measly salary" at a "police station" + we know Wick's owner was a policeman), to help them by passing goods and obeying "Big Daddy".
At the end of the letter, the author of the letter mentions also needing a "mute to pass a message". This should match with Victor's 2nd deduction, which has a very similar line: "Find a mute who can speak. That's someone who can keep a secret".
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Based on the title of this deduction and line right after it "Nickname: 'Big Daddy' never called me by my name. He only calls me 'Postman', just like how everyone calls him 'Big Daddy'", seems it's soon after this event that Victor begins working for Big Daddy by sending messages and helping the policeman ship the "goods" the policeman was asked to send by Big Daddy's group. This is likely the "list of supplies for the transaction" and "addresses" referenced in Victor's deduction 3.
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As Luchino's 1st letter references a "crime syndicate" linked to Lakeside Village, this may be Big Daddy's group ("Big Daddy" may be Miles' father, Mr. Donnelly, who Eugene Hayward, Margaretha's uncle, works for and was talking to when ordered to move Michiko's body).
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The title of Victor's deduction 3 is "Curiosity", with the line right after it being "He said if something happens, he will ask Wick to give this letter to me for delivery." Considering the policeman was told to "find a mute" and Victor helped Wick, the policeman's dog, who probably showed the policeman he liked Victor, this would explain why the policeman would likely trust Victor enough with his dog and tell him he'd send him a letter with Wick if something happened to him (the policeman).
The money the policeman and Victor received in exchange for helping Big Daddy should be the same money referenced in Victor's deduction 4, which also states Wick would receive letters for the policeman when the policeman wasn't there to receive them himself.
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The reason Big Daddy wanted a mute is hinted at in Victor's deduction 5, as people were "asking about the identity of 'Big Daddy'". Those who delivered messages before Victor likely died due to talkin, which explains why Big Daddy wanted a "mute" to deliver messages this time.
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Then there’s Victor’s deduction 6, where he witnessed the policeman “beating up a hooligan”.
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This seems to be a turning point for Victor.
It’s not explained why the policeman was beating them up, but considering deduction 8 is a note likely from the policeman who is starting to go against Big Daddy, as he doesn’t want to do “more” and wants them to stop using Victor, and considering back in deduction 3 the policeman thought something might happen to him and promises to send Wick with a letter to Victor if something does happen, I wonder if the “hooligan” was 1 of Big Daddy’s “gang”. This fits with the summary for Victor’s deduction 2 in his character relations page stating he “became the witness in a fight between a police officer and a gangster, and thus lost the trust of ‘Big Daddy’”.
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Victor’s deduction 7 is him realizing he’s a just a "tool" and wants his own secret. I wonder if the policeman had been trying to protect Victor . Maybe he wanted Victor to get out, and that's why he wanted Big Daddy to send someone else instead of Victor.
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It’s after this fight Big Daddy stops trusting Victor and “won’t let me deliver letters for him anymore”. It’s possible this was because the policeman stopped working for Big Daddy and so the Victor didn't have to do the same things he did before with the policeman as a result.
The policeman going against Big Daddy is reflected in the title and line for Victor’s deduction 8 “Business: the envelopes delivered here are getting thicker, yet the parcels being sent back are getting smaller”. Big Daddy wanted the policeman to do more, but the policeman decided he didn’t like what he was doing anymore. Big Daddy wants the policeman to ship more goods, but the policeman is refusing. He likely tried to speak out or do something potentially to get Big Daddy arrested.
As a result for going against Big Daddy, the policeman is killed. The fire was likely purposefully set to hide any evidence. Victor tried to save the policeman, but failed, only succeeding in rescuing Wick.
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We know the policeman promised to send Wick with a letter if something happened to him, which likely contained everything about Big Daddy and other important secrets of the gang.
These were likely the evidence the police probably wanted to use to get Big Daddy caught, but failed to use before he was killed. This could also explain why the title for deduction 9 is “Possession: I hold my own secret now”.
In deduction 10, the title is “Hesitation: Should I remind him? Will he question me? Is there a chance to get that letter still?”.
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I’m not sure what Victor means by “remind him”.
It’s possible Victor tried to ask something of Big Daddy, possibly to be let go or something. Or maybe he asked to keep Wick (especially if Wick had the letter from the policeman). The “letter” he still wants should be the letter the policeman wanted to send Victor.
As the rest of the deduction is labeled “monitoring record” and describes the gang watching him + willing to kill him if he talks, he either had to be careful to retrieve the letter, or maybe he wanted to use that letter against Big Daddy but had to be careful how he did it.
As Victor has skins like Paperboy (COA 5) where he’s using the newspaper to oppose Metropolis/Eternal Aurora, the idea Victor wanted to use the secrets from the policeman against Big Daddy makes sense. It'd also explain why the gang were worried and felt the need to watch Victor.
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The last deduction should tie with the summary for the 3rd deduction in Victor’s character relations page, which states he was “involved in a police corruption case. His life was even threatened”.
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As the title for deduction 11 is “lost letter” + “I’m still the Postman, but I’ve lost the Bronze Bell”, and how Victor during the event still describes having the “bronze bell” rung, I wonder if this deduction implies he was forced to leave working for the post office (bronze bell like that on a door to the post office to signify when someone entered to have a letter sent?).
If Victor did try to release the truth about Big Daddy like his skins (ex: Paperboy from COA 5) imply, that could explain why there was a “case” about “police corruption”, as in the kind you’d find in a judicial court.
Deduction 11 is a note “Don't say anything. You stick out like a sore thumb. We won't mind burning that dog again”. The meaning could be the gang/Big Daddy didn’t want Victor to say anything in court about them, and that would explain why they'd threaten “burning that dog again”, as the gang went from threatening to burn the dog to threatening his life was because he did talk out about the gang. It’s also possible he didn’t say anything, and that’s why Victor’s last deduction still uses the “nickname” Big Daddy and the gang call him, aka “Postman”.
Whatever happens, it’s around then that Victor receives the invitation from the manor. Victor is happy to finally receive a letter from someone else, and is more than happy to go.
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comforttears · 1 month
Hi! On anonymous because I'm shy.
I like to think Mach regresses too (8-10.) Her creator said she didn't really get to have a childhood back at her home planet.
I feel like she'd collect cat toys (like the zoomer kitty) and watch shows on PBSkids. May I request for this?
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— Mach agere headcanons —
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🍼 Age dreamer (lil age 8-10)
🪻— By Pilby, that's what she discovered was age regression; Mach was curious about what it was like to have a childhood.
🎩 — Relaxing is often very difficult! So she tries to be in a secluded room, the silence helps her relax.
🪻— She knows that Pilby is usually curious, sometimes they spend Little Space together.
🎩 — Quiet games are her favorite!: tea parties, puzzles, yard games, her favorites are board games.
🪻— Another of her favorite activities is stargazing, every night she goes out to the roof with her book and her telescope.
🎩 — Enjoy Dr. Seuss' stories a lot! Her favorite is the cat in the hat.
🪻— Meow! Speaking of cats! Mach has articles related to these animals, from toys, plushies, a blanket.
🎩 — She has a zoomer kitty, but also a furreal friend! They are her favorite toys.
🪻— Mach watches cartoons like Rainbow Brite, She-Ra, Jem and the Holograms (80s cartoons)
🎩 — "Okay, enough for today, I need cartoons."
🪻— Even outside of her Little Space, she enjoys adding accessories to her hair.
🎩 — She is very discreet, she is definitely a secret regressor, although Pilby keeps her secret.
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Writing about Mach brought back memories of my childhood! It was so nice to remember all that (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)
If you need anything else don't hesitate to tell me!
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starredforlife · 1 year
describe the place where lupa sleeps?
ooh okay so i've kind of. put off answering this bc it's actually one i haven't super thought about! but it depends on her stage of life:
kid-teenage lupa sleeps on a twin sized mattress with very thin sheets bc she gets hot when she sleeps. typically, the window is open, and this really acclimates her to the sound of cars and bugs at night. she never sleeps well during these years anyways, but the after-school naps hit the sweet spot (the sun is just right and everything is sticky from fruit juice n sweat. you know how it is). she is also the only one of her siblings that gets her own room; her older brothers shared one, and then her two younger siblings share a room. she has the smallest room in the house, but it has a window right next to the roof. it's how she sneaks out at night to smoke and hang out with friends. when she moves into cyrus's big haunted house, she picks a room with access to the roof for this same reason.
her room looks secretive. idk how else to put it. things are hidden in corners. there's writing on the walls but only where she can see it, on the edges on the walls. she has a journal under her pillow. her clothes tend to be folded but in baskets, and the baskets crowded against her bed. she has a walkman and tapes and books but they're always put up in drawers or the covers are turned away. and she has a rickety desk that's kept mostly neat. her school uniform is always thrown over her bedpost.
up until age 17 on nights of the full moon, she was chained and locked in the garage. i won't elaborate bc spoilers. but she never got sleep those nights.
ages 17-18 she slept wherever she could. there's too much to go over bc she was traveling and without a home so that meant ditches and under bridges and on construction sites and in kind stranger's houses on occasion. she had a backpack with some essentials, but that was it.
then when she's a cyrus's house her room quickly becomes very personalized to her tastes. fuckton of band posters. posters of women also <3 geometry and engineering textbooks she steals from cyrus's library. a beanbag, a radio with stacks of cd's next to it, magazines. she smokes outside but keeps an ashtray by the bed. she starts sticking photos and notes of her friends over her bed. and she writes letters, so she has a stack of envelopes and papers and markers on her nightstand. her bed is full-sized and is still just some thin sheets, but later she gets a gingham throw blanket. the walls are an inoffensively pale blue that get plastered with all her things anyways. clothes stay hung up this time, and her closet doors are always open. her window also stays open. this time around her desk is actually cluttered with accessories and note paper and clothes. there's a punching bag in there somewhere. eventually cyrus also gets her a drafting board and blueprint paper. when she and al get together, the place immediately gets messier with al's stuff (clothes and comics and sports equipment etc), but lupa doesn't mind.
the unkemptness is a sign that she loves it there <3 it means she feels safe enough to be open abt who she is
thorough 'get to know my character' questions!
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saintvampe · 2 years
 —   from:   @lesziye​ ...   the leshy brings with them the scent of rot. it sticks to the back of his neck, attracting flies and crows too. the latter linger on the roof, awaiting promise and awaiting food. the leshy waits for the same. and when they drudge into sera’s shop with the gloom which keeps them shivering and the hunger which keeps them sick, it is with these companions that she finds her guest. stiles sinks into a chair at her kitchen table without waiting for invitation and slumps so sharply, it is difficult to not imagine the snap of their spine with the motion. they do not speak, but rather hold out a palm even in their prone position. and in it, a handful of teeth still bloody with spit. his fingernails are stained in similar fashion. a gift for the host.
IT IS ALMOST SOMETHING SHE CANNOT STAND:     THE EXISTENCE OF THEM.          his rot and its familiarity,     the way it infects the corners of this little back room quicker than her meat can even think about molding before it’s time.     she hears the murder outside before she smells them,    the rustling of wings a few stories up,    perching themselves on telephone wire and concrete.    She is working in - shop today:    a second kitchen in the very back of her store,    slabs of meat fresh and hanging by hooks,    blood fresh on the floor.     her nostrils fill with copper,     the tongue flickers towards cheek,    towards a droplet of red red and red.        when the rustling began,    she had changed her task and begun to prepare Them   (   rotten and filthy and enough to feed Her for a decent while,   )   something to eat   ––––    he would be hungry,    she is sure.
when he arrives,    all puppet - bones and hollow skin,    skin that refuses to sit right on a body that is more corpse   –––   she lifts her gaze.
❝   TELL YOUR CROWS TO STOP SHITTING ON MY AWNING.   ❞      she says,    tongue in cheek.      she hears the slump of a body against furniture,    the small scraping of chair against wood floor,    the violence of bone  [  tense and worn as a coat  ]  confined in poor flesh.     at the counter,    Her counter,    she chops at the dismembered shoulder of a hearty lamb,    makes cubes of the red flesh,    leaves the bones and the blood.      for a moment:   she imagines they are across her cutting board.      ❝   i do not enjoy having to clean up the messes of pests.    if you’re going to drop by without notice,    the least you could do is be polite.   ❞     chop,  ᶜᴴᴼᴾ,  chop.
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SHE TURNS AROUND FROM HER COUNTER,   WALKS TOWARDS HER GUEST WITH A PLATE OF FLESH.       the gaze flickers downwards to their open hand,       and the stench of saliva   (  strong and distant,   both at once  )  rises and intermixes with metal - red.       her stomach threatens to turn.     her hunger threatens to consume her whole.      ❝   what is that ?    what the hell am i supposed t’do with some teeth,    huh ?   (   ...  )   here,   give them to me  ––  i’ll embed them into your skin,    give your puppet costume a new accessory to show off.  ❞
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timelinesofhistory · 1 month
Elevate Your Ride: Must-Have Accessories for Your Range Rover Sport
The Range Rover Sport is a blend of luxury performance and versatility offering a perfect driving experience to make the most of your Range Rover Sport exercising it with the right additions can improve both functionality and style. In this guide you can learn everything about the must have Range Rover sport 2014 - 2017 accessories.
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Roof rack and crossbars
One of the most important Range Rover L461 accessories that you should know about is roof racks and crossbars they're perfect for expanding your range Rovers storage capacity. They allow you to carry extra luggage, bicycles or even a rooftop tent. The accessories are useful for outdoor enthusiasts like you who need additional space for their gear. They are strong, easy to install and also designed to handle heavy loads.
Seat covers
They protect your Range Rover sports seats from wear and tear and stains they also offer an opportunity to improve the look and feel of your interior. They are available in different materials like luxurious leather durable neoprene. The seat covers can be customized to match your style and requirements.
Sunshades are simple yet effective accessory for keeping your car cool especially during hot weather. They block harmful UV rays which can cause the interior materials to fade and crack with time. The sunshades are really easy to install and store making them a convenient addition to your vehicle
Running boards
Running boards can improve the look of your Range Rover Sport and also provide practical benefits. They make it very easy for you to enter and exit your vehicle, especially for your kids. The running boards also offer added approach towards the size of your car from debris and road hazards.
The dashcams
Dashcam is valuable accessory for your vehicle including the Range Rover Sport. It records your journeys providing evidence in case of accidents or disputes. Some dashcams come with advanced features including night vision or parking mode improving your vehicle security.
Mobile device holders
They keep your smartphone within easy reach allowing you to ease the navigation apps, make free calls or control your music safely. There are different types of holders like magnetic mounts, vent mounts and dashboard mounts each offering secure and adjustable positioning for your device.
So above all you need to know that accessorizing your Range Rover Sport with these must have additions as it can improve its functionality, comfort and style.
For more details visit our website http://www.victorious.shop.
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lorenswift52 · 3 months
Accessorize for Adventure: Gear Up Your Vehicle for Off-Road Trips
Embarking on off-road adventures requires more than just a sturdy vehicle—it demands strategic preparation and the right accessories. This comprehensive guide explores essential gear and accessories to enhance your vehicle's performance and comfort, ensuring a safe and enjoyable off-road experience. From specialized off-road tires to lift kits and beyond, each component plays a crucial role in equipping your vehicle for rugged terrain and unexpected challenges.
Off-Road Tires:
Off-road tires are specifically designed to withstand rugged terrain, offering superior traction and durability compared to standard tires. When selecting off-road tires, opt for those with aggressive tread patterns and sidewall reinforcements to effectively handle rocks, mud, sand, and uneven surfaces. The right tire choice enhances grip and stability, essential for navigating challenging landscapes during off-road expeditions. Investing in quality off-road tires ensures your vehicle maintains traction and control, promoting a safer and more confident off-road driving experience.
Lift Kits:
Lift kits are instrumental in elevating your vehicle's ground clearance, allowing it to overcome obstacles such as rocks, logs, and deep ruts without scraping the undercarriage. Available in various heights and configurations, lift kits can be customized to suit your vehicle model and specific off-road requirements. By increasing ground clearance, lift kits enhance your vehicle's off-road capability while preserving stability and handling. Whether you're tackling rocky trails or venturing into deep mud, installing a lift kit optimizes your vehicle's performance and ensures you can navigate challenging terrain with ease.
Skid Plates:
Skid plates are crucial for protecting essential components such as the engine, transmission, and fuel tank from impacts and debris encountered off-road. Constructed from durable materials like steel or aluminum, skid plates provide a robust shield against damage, ensuring uninterrupted performance during rugged terrain challenges. Installing skid plates fortifies your vehicle's underbody, significantly reducing the risk of costly repairs and maintaining optimal functionality in harsh off-road conditions.
Recovery Gear:
Off-road adventures often present unforeseen challenges that may require vehicle recovery. Essential recovery gear includes a high-quality tow strap, sturdy shackles, a reliable shovel, and traction aids such as sand tracks or recovery boards. These tools are indispensable for safely extracting your vehicle from mud, snow, or sand, enabling you to overcome obstacles and continue your journey with confidence. Investing in comprehensive recovery gear ensures you're prepared for emergencies and enhances the safety of your off-road expeditions.
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Roof Racks and Cargo Carriers:
Maximize storage capacity and versatility with roof racks and cargo carriers, essential for transporting gear such as tents, spare fuel, or outdoor equipment during off-road adventures. Select racks that are compatible with your vehicle's roof design and weight capacity, ensuring secure attachment and balanced load distribution. Roof-mounted accessories optimize interior space, providing convenient access to essentials and enhancing the comfort of your off-road excursions. Whether you're embarking on a camping trip or a rugged exploration, roof racks and cargo carriers offer practical solutions for organizing and transporting gear while preserving interior comfort.
Auxiliary Lighting:
Enhance visibility during nighttime or low-light conditions with auxiliary lighting options such as LED light bars, fog lights, or spotlights. Strategically mounted lights illuminate the trail ahead, enhancing safety and allowing you to spot obstacles or wildlife in advance. Opt for weather-resistant lighting solutions with adjustable brightness and beam patterns for versatile off-road usage. Explore a range of Porsche accessories Dubai offers to customize your vehicle for off-road adventures.
Communication Devices:
Stay connected and informed during off-road adventures with reliable communication devices like two-way radios or satellite phones. These tools enable communication with fellow travelers or emergency services in remote locations where cellular coverage may be limited. Prioritize devices with long battery life, durable construction, and intuitive operation for seamless communication off the beaten path. Discover exclusive Porsche accessories Dubai retailers offer, ensuring you're equipped with the best gear for your off-road explorations.
Interior Accessories Enhance comfort and convenience inside your vehicle with interior accessories tailored for off-road adventures. Consider seat covers for protection against dirt and moisture, all-weather floor mats for easy cleanup, and portable refrigerators or coolers to keep food and beverages fresh. Organizational solutions such as storage bins or cargo organizers optimize interior space, ensuring a comfortable journey on rugged terrain.
Preparing your vehicle with the right accessories is essential for a successful off-road adventure. From specialized tires and lift kits to recovery gear and communication devices, each accessory plays a crucial role in enhancing safety, performance, and comfort during off-road expeditions. It's important to invest in high-quality accessories that align with your specific off-road needs and vehicle specifications to ensure a reliable and enjoyable journey. For those seeking unparalleled luxury and performance, consider exploring Porsche car rental options. Porsche car rental allows you to experience off-road exploration in style and comfort, ensuring a memorable journey through diverse terrain while enjoying the sophistication and reliability that Porsche vehicles are renowned for. Whether you're navigating rocky trails or cruising through sandy dunes, having the right accessories and the luxury of a Porsche can elevate your off-road experience to new heights.
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doggyville · 3 months
Hyderabad's Top 10 Dog Care Services You Need to Know
Pet parents have an abundance of options when it comes to caring for their furry friends, with a wide range of first-rate services catered to their needs. Hyderabad has a wide range of excellent alternatives for training, grooming, daycare, and veterinary care to guarantee your dog gets the finest care possible. 
There are plenty of alternatives for dog care in Hyderabad to suit different needs and interests, be it regular check-ups, emergency care, or just a safe place for your dog to play and socialize. This is a list of the top 10 dog care services in Hyderabad that all dog owners should be aware of.
Doggyville India: 
Doggyville India, which is well-known for its all-inclusive approach to dog care, is one of the best services in Hyderabad. Doggyville India, which has a convenient location in the city, provides a number of services, such as boarding, training, grooming, and childcare. Their emphasis on providing dogs with a secure and stimulating environment makes them a popular choice among Hyderabad's pet owners.
Woof Woof Pet Spa & Boutique: 
Woof Woof Pet Spa & Boutique, which is located centrally, is well-liked by pet owners in Hyderabad for its luxurious grooming services and superior pet supplies. In order to provide each pet with customized care, they provide specialist spa treatments, grooming packages, and even daycare centers.
Pawsitive Tales: 
In addition to being a daycare, Pawsitive Tales offers a safe haven for learning and socializing. They provide daycare services, behavioral consultations, and customized training programs to keep your dog content and well-mannered.
Pet's Empire: 
Pet's Empire, which is located in Jubilee Hills, is well-known for its selection of grooming services and pet supplies. They provide customized grooming services that take into account the unique requirements of every dog, guaranteeing both comfort and style.
Bark n Bond: 
Bark n Bond, which has several sites throughout Hyderabad, is committed to provide comprehensive pet care. For pet owners with hectic schedules, they provide grooming, boarding, daycare, and training services all under one roof.
Heads Up For Tails: 
A Heads-Up for Tails Within the pet community of Hyderabad, Heads Up For Tails has a dedicated following because of its high-quality pet supplies and customized grooming services. Using natural and pet-friendly products is their main focus, and they make sure that every dog in their care is healthy.
Petboro Pet Resort & Kennels: 
It is a large boarding facility with a variety of dog-friendly leisure activities situated on the outskirts of Hyderabad. They're a popular option for dog owners wishing to board their pets because of their focus on comfort and safety.
Vet N Pet: 
In Hyderabad, Vet N Pet offers full-service veterinarian care as well as grooming services. Your pet's health is in good hands since they provide emergency services, preventive care, immunizations, and dental care.
Located in Banjara Hills, Petitude is well-known for its upscale pet accessories and grooming services. Grooming sessions are stress-free and joyful because they prioritize making every dog's experience pleasant and soothing.
Pet Palace: 
Renowned for its spotless facilities and dedicated personnel, Pet Palace provides a variety of services ranging from grooming to boarding. To make every dog feel comfortable and at home throughout their visit, they create individualized care plans for each one.
These top 10 dog care services in Hyderabad provide all you need to keep your furry buddy happy, healthy, and well-cared for, whether you're a first-time pet parent or an experienced dog owner. Every service on the above list—from daycare and grooming to medical care and training—is committed to giving your dog the best care possible. In Hyderabad, a bustling metropolis, investigate these choices and show your dog the love and care they deserve.
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kaivalya38 · 4 months
Roofing Accessories in Karnataka
In the realm of construction and architecture, the importance of roofing accessories in karnataka cannot be overstated. These often-overlooked elements play a crucial role in ensuring the durability, functionality, and aesthetics of roofs. 
In Karnataka, a state known for its diverse landscapes and climatic variations, the choice of roofing accessories is of paramount importance. From protecting against heavy rains to withstanding scorching summers, the right accessories can make all the difference. 
Join us as we explore the essential roofing accessories in Karnataka and how RoofMyWorld, your trusted partner in roofing solutions, can elevate your construction projects to new heights. 
Roof Ventilation Systems: 
Proper ventilation is key to maintaining a healthy and comfortable indoor environment, especially in a state like Karnataka, where temperatures can soar during the summer months. Roof ventilation systems play a crucial role in regulating temperature, reducing moisture buildup, and preventing the formation of mold and mildew. 
Ridge vents, soffit vents, and attic fans are popular roofing accessories in Karnataka that promote airflow and improve energy efficiency. RoofMyWorld roofing accessories in karnataka specializes in designing and installing efficient ventilation systems tailored to the specific requirements of buildings in Karnataka, ensuring optimal indoor air quality and comfort year-round. 
Roof Skylights: 
Natural light not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of interior spaces but also has numerous health and productivity benefits. Roof skylights are versatile roofing accessories that allow ample natural light to enter the building, reducing the need for artificial lighting and creating a bright, inviting ambiance. 
In Karnataka, where sunlight is abundant for most of the year, skylights are an excellent addition to residential and commercial properties. From fixed skylights
to operable ones with remote-controlled blinds, RoofMyWorld offers a wide range of skylight options to suit every need and budget, enhancing the beauty and functionality of roofs across Karnataka. 
Roof Insulation: 
With its diverse climate ranging from tropical to semi-arid, Karnataka experiences significant temperature fluctuations throughout the year. Adequate roof insulation is essential to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures, reduce energy consumption, and lower heating and cooling costs. 
Reflective foil insulation, foam insulation boards, and fiberglass batts are popular roofing accessories in Karnataka that provide thermal resistance and prevent heat transfer. Roofing accessories in karnataka, RoofMyWorld specializes in installing high-performance insulation systems that meet the stringent energy efficiency standards of Karnataka, ensuring year-round comfort and savings for homeowners and businesses alike. 
Roof Safety Systems: 
Safety should always be a top priority in construction projects, especially when it comes to working at heights. Roof safety systems such as guardrails, anchor points, and safety harnesses are essential accessories that protect workers from falls and accidents during roof installation, maintenance, and repair. In Karnataka, where stringent safety regulations are enforced, investing in quality safety systems is not just a legal requirement but also a moral imperative. 
RoofMyWorld is committed to promoting safety in the construction industry by offering a comprehensive range of roofing accessories in karnataka  and providing expert installation services that comply with all relevant safety standards and guidelines in Karnataka. 
In the dynamic world of construction and architecture, the choice of roofing accessories plays a crucial role in determining the longevity, performance, and aesthetic appeal of roofs. In Karnataka, a state known for its rich cultural heritage
and diverse climatic conditions, the selection of the right accessories is of utmost importance. From gutters and downspouts to skylights and safety systems, RoofMyWorld offers a comprehensive range of roofing accessories in karnataka tailored to the unique needs and challenges of construction projects in Karnataka. With a commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, RoofMyWorld is your trusted partner in building roofs that stand the test of time and weather, ensuring peace of mind for homeowners, builders, and architects across Karnataka.
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kodiaksheds · 4 months
How to Build The Best Wooden Garden Shed: Top Five Design Tips to Follow
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Are you looking to upgrade your backyard to increase its functionality? Are you hoping for extra storage space? Or are you interested in creating an outdoor retreat? Building a wooden garden shed is the perfect solution, regardless of your goal.
Outdoor sheds provide numerous functional benefits and add unique personality to any outdoor decor and space. From traditional designs to modern styles, there are endless possibilities for building wooden garden sheds.
What are the best designs and ideas for use at home?
This blog explores a few creative ideas and designs to inspire your next backyard project.
Whether you are a DIY enthusiast, prefer to hire a professional, or will purchase a new shed from a storage shed company, every option is covered here.
Top 5 Woodshed Building Ideas and Designs
Here are five building ideas and designs to inspire your next woodshed project:
1. Build a Classic Woodshed
The signature of a classic woodshed is its timeless, practical design. It is a simple rectangular structure and typically has a sloped asphalt shingle roof, double doors, and vertical wooden board siding. A classic wood shed provides ample storage capacity and fulfills most storage needs. Add shelves, hooks, and cubbies for storing garden tools, pots, hoses, and equipment. Consider painting or staining the exterior in an earthy tone like sage or brown.
2. Rustic Potting Shed
Create a rustic, charming potting shed with old barn wood or distressed wood siding. This shed will have a weathered, aged look, and its rustic design will add lots of character to an outdoor space. To make the shed more functional, add window boxes and shuttered windows. Add shelves for potting supplies and sinks for cleaning.
3. Cottage Garden Shed
A cottage garden shed is a cute miniature shed with wood shingle roofing and scalloped trim. Choose to paint it a cheery colour like red or yellow. One of the best uses of a cottage garden shed is to store gardening accessories and decor. Add a window box and benches for a cozy feel to create a sweet garden retreat. Store all types of decor, gardening supplies, and DIY tools. The cottage shed will add personality and charm to your outdoor decor.
4. DIY Backyard Workshop
Convert a garden shed into a functional backyard workshop by quickly installing pegboards, shelves, cabinets, and workbenches for storage and projects. Add lighting and electrical outlets for tools and projects. Once built, use the shed for DIY projects or professional work. For additional storage, add a loft to make it even more convenient to store tools.
5. Garden Tea House
A Garden tea house is a favourite relaxing retreat. Turn any ordinary shed into a delightful garden tea house by adding a few curtains, a small table, comfy chairs, soft lighting, etc. Paint the inside a calming colour and add a few personal items. Lanterns, twinkling lights, and fresh flowers can make the space even more unique.
Tips to Consider When Building a Wood Shed
Designing and building a wooden garden shed is a rewarding undertaking. However, several important factors must be considered to create the ideal shed.
Consider the following when deciding on a new build:
1. Create a Building Plan
The first step is to create a plan for the outdoor shed. Start by jotting down all ideas and composing some sketches. If you are inexperienced at building, consult with an architect to help with the plan. The extra work at the beginning stages will help to avoid costly and timely mistakes during the build.  There are several other ways to create a plan. Watch videos online and read blogs.
2. Set a Budget
A budget is essential to any project to give a clear overview of the overall cost. Always estimate the expenses thoroughly, including the materials, labour, licenses, etc. Set aside additional funding to rely on if an issue arises while completing the project.
3. Keep the Shed Purpose in Mind
Any design elements implemented should be related to the purpose of the building. Great designs make buildings more appealing. From the beginning, develop the layout concepts, including the size of each room and other vital details. Keep the overall purpose of the building in focus so that the plan can be carried out accordingly.
4. Choose a Setting
The shed should complement the surrounding outdoor environment. Its design should enhance the area in which it is situated. Ensure that the shed’s aesthetic look and feel, in terms of size, materials, paint colours, etc., match the outdoor space’s environment.
5. Consider Future Needs
Think about any future requirements and lifestyle changes when designing a shed. Will you need more storage space in the future? Will you need a space for relaxation or entertainment? Consider these factors when choosing building ideas and designs.
Wooden garden sheds are a great option for creating a functional storage facility at home. However, the design must be unique if you want the shed to stand apart from other garden wood sheds. Take the shed to the next level with thoughtful details, sustainable materials, and personal flair.
Building a garden shed on your own is only for some, as it requires much effort, time, and money. Another option is purchasing a custom-made wooden garden shed from an established storage shed company.
Kodiak Sheds is an excellent provider of different types of sheds to meet various requirements. Kodiak Sheds has excellent sheds made from top wood by experienced engineers and carpenters. Check out their website for all the best outdoor sheds options.
Reference URL: https://fyberly.com/how-to-build-the-best-wooden-garden-sheds-top-five-design-tips-to-follow/
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studioaluminums · 5 months
Elevate Your Home's Protection: A Guide to Fascia and Soffit Installation
Fascia and soffit may not be the most glamorous components of your home's exterior, but they play a crucial role in protecting your property from water damage and enhancing its overall appearance. Properly installed fascia and soffit not only provide structural support but also help prevent moisture-related issues like rot, mold, and insect infestations. In this article, we'll explore the importance of fascia and soffit, the installation process, and key considerations for homeowners.
Understanding Fascia and Soffit
Fascia is the horizontal band that runs along the edge of the roofline, typically connecting the ends of the rafters or trusses. It serves as a finishing trim, covering the ends of the roof rafters and providing a smooth, cohesive look to the roofline. Soffit, on the other hand, is the underside of the eaves, bridging the gap between the exterior wall and the edge of the roofline. Soffit panels are ventilated to allow air circulation in the attic, helping regulate temperature and moisture levels.
Importance of Fascia and Soffit
Fascia and soffit play several essential roles in protecting your home:
Water Management: Fascia and soffit help direct rainwater away from the roof and exterior walls, preventing water damage and erosion.
Ventilation: Soffit vents allow air to flow into the attic, reducing moisture buildup and preventing heat from accumulating, which can lead to premature roof deterioration and energy inefficiency.
Aesthetic Appeal: Well-designed fascia and soffit enhance the curb appeal of your home, providing a clean, finished look to the roofline and eaves.
Structural Support: Fascia provides support for the bottom row of roof tiles or shingles and helps protect the roof edge from wind uplift and other elements.
The Installation Process
Fascia and soffit installation involves several key steps:
Assessment and Preparation: Begin by inspecting the existing fascia and soffit for damage or deterioration. Replace any rotten or damaged wood and ensure that the underlying structure is sound. Clean the area to remove dirt, debris, and old paint or caulking.
Measurement and Cutting: Measure the length of the fascia boards and soffit panels, taking into account any corners or angles. Cut the boards and panels to the appropriate size using a saw or specialized cutting tool.
Installation of Fascia Boards: Start by installing the fascia boards along the edge of the roofline, ensuring they are level and properly aligned with the rafters or trusses. Secure the boards in place using nails or screws, making sure to leave space for expansion and contraction.
Installation of Soffit Panels: Once the fascia is installed, attach the soffit panels to the underside of the eaves, leaving a small gap between the panels and the wall to allow for ventilation. Use nails or screws to secure the panels in place, making sure they are level and evenly spaced.
Finishing Touches: Add any necessary trim pieces or accessories to complete the look of the fascia and soffit installation. Seal all joints and seams with caulk to prevent water infiltration and ensure a tight, weatherproof seal.
Key Considerations
When installing fascia and soffit, consider the following:
Material Selection: Choose high-quality materials that are durable, weather-resistant, and low-maintenance. Options include wood, vinyl, aluminum, and composite materials, each offering different benefits in terms of cost, appearance, and longevity.
Ventilation Requirements: Ensure proper ventilation in the attic by installing soffit vents and ridge vents to promote airflow and prevent moisture buildup.
Professional Installation: While fascia and soffit installation can be a DIY project for experienced homeowners, hiring a professional ensures proper alignment, sealing, and ventilation for optimal performance and longevity.
Fascia and soffit Installation may not be the most visible components of your home's exterior, but their importance cannot be overstated. By understanding their roles, following the correct installation process, and considering key factors, you can enhance the protection, appearance, and longevity of your home for years to come.
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bashaaustralia · 6 months
8 Must-Have 4WD Accessories for Your Next Adventure
Hitting the trails on an off-road adventure is an exhilarating experience, but it's important to be prepared for anything. The right 4WD accessories can make a world of difference in your enjoyment and safety. Here are 10 must-have 4WD accessories for your next off-road adventure:
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Battery Trays: Securely mount your battery in place with battery trays 4WD, protecting it from bumps and vibrations encountered during off-road driving.
Winch: It can help you extricate yourself from tricky situations, like mud bogs or steep inclines. When choosing a winch, consider the weight of your vehicle and the types of terrain you'll be tackling.
Recovery Gear: Having a recovery kit that includes snatch straps, tow ropes, and shackles is essential for safe winching operations or helping out fellow adventurers who may get stuck.
Traction Boards: Getting stuck is a common off-road occurrence. Traction boards can help you gain traction on loose surfaces to get your vehicle back on solid ground.
First-Aid Kit: A properly stocked first-aid kit is a must-have for any adventure, especially remote off-road trips. Be sure to include bandages, pain relievers, antiseptic wipes, and any medications you or your companions may require.
Portable Fridge/Freezer: A fridge or freezer will keep your food and drinks fresh on extended off-road adventures. Choose a model that is the right size for your needs and powered by a source compatible with your vehicle's electrical system.
Roof Rack: A roof rack expands your storage capacity, allowing you to carry essential gear like spare tyres, recovery tracks, and even a roof-top tent for comfortable accommodation.
LED Light Bar: Off-road adventures often take place in low-light conditions. A powerful LED light bar will illuminate the trail ahead, ensuring safe night-time navigation.
By equipping your 4WD with these essential accessories, you'll be well-prepared to conquer any challenge the trails throw your way, turning your off-road adventure into an unforgettable experience.
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sleepcenterbd24 · 6 months
Quality Products, Quality Care: Inside Sleep Center
Welcome to Sleep Center, where quality products and quality care come together to provide the best possible sleep solutions for our patients. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond our expert medical staff to include the products and services we offer. Step inside Sleep Center and discover how our dedication to quality enhances every aspect of your sleep care experience.
A Commitment to Excellence
At Sleep Center, we understand the importance of quality in every aspect of sleep care. From the moment you step through our doors, you can expect:
Expert Staff: Our team consists of board-certified sleep specialists, physicians, and healthcare professionals who are dedicated to providing exceptional care.
State-of-the-Art Facility: Our modern facility is equipped with the latest technology and diagnostic equipment to ensure accurate assessments and effective treatments.
Comprehensive Services: We offer a wide range of services, including diagnostic sleep studies, treatment options, and ongoing support, all under one roof.
Quality Products for Better Sleep
We believe that the right products can make a significant difference in your sleep experience. That's why we offer a carefully curated selection of quality sleep products, including:
1. CPAP Devices and Accessories
For individuals with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is often the primary treatment. We offer a variety of CPAP devices from leading manufacturers, along with accessories such as masks, tubing, and filters, to ensure optimal comfort and effectiveness.
2. Sleep Masks and Comfort Aids
We understand that comfort is essential for a good night's sleep. That's why we offer a range of sleep masks and comfort aids designed to enhance relaxation and promote restful sleep. Our selection includes ergonomic pillows, cooling mattress pads, and noise-canceling earplugs, among other products.
3. Home Sleep Testing Kits
For individuals who prefer the convenience of testing at home, we provide home sleep testing kits that allow for the assessment of sleep apnea and other sleep disorders in the comfort of your own bed. Our kits include comprehensive instructions and support to ensure accurate results and proper interpretation.
4. Sleep Trackers and Monitoring Devices
For those interested in monitoring their sleep patterns and optimizing their sleep habits, we offer a variety of sleep trackers and monitoring devices. These devices provide insights into sleep quality, duration, and disturbances, allowing for personalized adjustments to improve overall sleep health.
Personalized Recommendations and Support
At Sleep Center, our expert staff is here to help you find the products and solutions that best meet your needs. Whether you're new to CPAP therapy or looking to enhance your sleep environment, we provide personalized recommendations and ongoing support to ensure your comfort and satisfaction.
Experience the Sleep Center Difference
Discover the difference that quality products and quality care can make in your sleep health journey. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at Sleep Center and explore our range of products and services. With our commitment to excellence, we're here to help you achieve better sleep and improve your overall quality of life.
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cashfor4x4sydney · 7 months
Essential Gear for Off-Roading: 6 Must-Have 4×4 Accessories
Off-roading is an adventure that tests both driver and vehicle, taking them through the unbeaten paths of nature’s rugged terrains. To ensure safety, enhance performance, and maximize enjoyment, equipping cash for your 4×4 with the right gear is crucial. The right accessories turn these potential hazards into manageable, even enjoyable parts of your adventure. They not only improve your vehicle’s capability to tackle difficult terrains but also provide peace of mind, knowing you are prepared for various situations. With the essential gear on board, off-roaders can focus on the thrill of exploration and the beauty of the great outdoors, secure in the knowledge that their 4×4 is equipped to handle the demands of the wild. Here’s a list of six essential accessories that every off-road enthusiast should consider.
All-Terrain Tires
The foundation of a successful off-road journey lies in its tires. All-terrain tires are designed to provide superior traction on various surfaces, including mud, sand, rocks, and gravel. Their aggressive tread patterns and durable construction help navigate challenging terrains while offering a comfortable ride on paved roads. Investing in high-quality all-terrain tires ensures that your 4×4 can handle whatever the trail throws its way.
A winch is a lifesaver in many off-roading scenarios. Whether you’re stuck in the mud, wedged between rocks, or need to assist a fellow adventurer, a winch provides the pulling power necessary for recovery. Opt for a winch with a capacity of at least 1.5 times the gross vehicle weight of your 4×4 to ensure it can handle the most demanding situations. Additionally, familiarize yourself with safe winching practices to avoid injuries and vehicle damage.
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Skid Plates
The undercarriage of your vehicle is vulnerable to damage from rocks, tree stumps, and uneven terrains encountered during off-roading. Skid plates are protective shields that cover critical components such as the engine, transmission, and fuel tank. They are made from durable materials like steel or aluminum and are designed to absorb impacts, preventing costly damage to your vehicle’s underbelly.
Recovery Kit
A comprehensive recovery kit is an off-roader’s best friend. It should include items such as a tow strap, D-rings, gloves, and a shovel. These tools can assist in various recovery situations, helping you or a fellow off-roader out of tricky spots. Consider adding a snatch block to your kit, which can double the pulling power of your winch and allow for more versatile recovery setups.
Off-Road Lights
Visibility is crucial when navigating through trails, especially under low light conditions. Off-road lights provide enhanced illumination, allowing you to see obstacles and the path ahead clearly. LED light bars and spotlights can be mounted on the front bumper, roof, or rear of your vehicle, offering a range of lighting options to suit different needs and preferences. These lights are designed to withstand harsh conditions, ensuring reliability when you need them most.
Air Compressor
Adjusting tire pressure is a common practice in off-roading, as lower pressures can provide better traction on certain terrains. An air compressor allows you to inflate or deflate your tires according to the needs of the trail, ensuring optimal performance. Portable air compressors are compact, easy to use, and can be a lifesaver, enabling you to adjust tire pressure on the go and re-inflate tires for the drive home.
Equipping your 4×4 with these essential accessories will prepare you for the challenges of off-roading, ensuring a safer, more enjoyable adventure. Remember, the right gear not only protects your vehicle but also enhances your ability to explore the great outdoors with confidence. Whether you are a seasoned off-roader or new to the hobby, investing in quality accessories is key to tackling the trails with assurance. 
Reference URL - https://cashfor4x4sydney.com.au/blog/essential-gear-for-off-roading-6-must-have-4x4-accessories/
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