#Roland actually loves his daughters
murfpersonalblog · 3 months
IWTV S2 Ep7 Musings - Loustat: The Trial (Spoilers)
Imma split my Loustat musings into 3 parts, cuz there's A LOT to unpack. So I'll do the Ep3/4 & Ep5 revisits in the next posts; this is just general/initial Louis & Lestat stuff I wanted to respond to.
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They beat the dog snot outta Louis, omg. They nearly snapped his neck! Louis was barely conscious, ofc his memory's spotty.
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I LOVE how they're emphasizing the physicality of the Maker-Fledgling bond, first w/ Lou & Madz, now w/ Les. It's ofc all wrapped up in how much Loustat loves e/o, but its also their blood connection thru Amel. (I wonder how Louis Merrick'ing himself in Ep5 affects his connection to Amel if his heart didn't stop, cuz Armand stopped him from burning too much?)
And I love what Jacob said in the Insider, afterwards.
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Fear that Lestat's come to exact revenge; excitement (a frisson of both negative & positive emotions, excited to see Les just cuz of the tension of having not seen him in so long, but also having all his nerves & senses tingling cuz of the tense anticipation & not knowing what to expect--hence: fear); fury cuz this whole mess could've been avoided if Les had told them WHY European vampires should be avoided at all costs; and relief cuz Les's' alive, his husband's ok.
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But this time Lou KNOWS he's the real deal, cuz he can FEEL it--"it wasn't NOT his hand." And Dream!Stat jumpscare in Dubai, well well well; I thought Lou'd stopped seeing him on that Parisian bench? 👀
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Here we effing go, whatever this French bish has to say better be good 🍿🍿🍿
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I HATE HIM YOUR HONOR 🤣 Omfg take ONE thing seriously! Not the Roland-Garros, STFU! XD Lestat going off script got the coven like WTF?!
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OML 🍿🍿🍿
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Well that's not helpful at all--WHICH ONE!?
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Les was asleep for the whole 100 years b4 he went to NOLA--but we KNOW this can't be true, cuz Les met Marius after he left Paris❗ SAM (the vamp) has been mouthing the words to this whole script, so I wonder if that's just what Les was TOLD to say, OR! It's what HE told THE COVEN, so they wouldn't know about TWMBK❗❗
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Awoke in 1908 & disembarked in humidified daughter of Paris, NOLA--but Les told Lou he was headed for Saint Louis, Missouri. 👀
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"And who did you meet there?" DANG this is TENSE--Loustat finally making eye contact for the first time, Les having to see his husband all beat up & sad; as Claudia languishes in the background, as usual.
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Not Louis with the cigar 😭
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"The ACCUSED," LOL, Santiago had to catch himself--stay dehumanizing the violent evil Black man whydontcha; we see you. And Lestat had to feed him his own lines after derailing everyone with that homophobic soldier's evisceration.
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Omg this sounds like every court case b4 they throw the book at a Black man. And the bored unaffected way the white audience just rolls their eyes & shakes their heads & smokes--they DGAF about Lou; they've already decided he ain't ish--A STONING.
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LOUIS FACE. This is EXACTLY how folk in the fandom talk about Lou--and it came back with a vengeance during all that Loumand Maitre/Arun crap, as y'all were QUICK to jump on Lou being an evil pimp, even though your fave Daniel literally said that was just kinky roleplay Armand didn't take seriously when ish got REAL.
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I thought y'all were just bartering for the "last bouquet of lilies"!?
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Oh great, the coven's making Louis look like a perv predator. 🤦‍♀️ And the visual centering of Lou's dastardly mind-control waves like a halo over sweet innocent victim Lestat's blonde head, I CANNOT.
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Omfg Louis face, SAME! If this crocodile-crying liar don't take his To Kill A Mockingbird, Central Park Five lookin arse off that stage! 🤬
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Omfg Lestat I'm finna kill you myself. Omg this nonsense is too much; I know Lou, speak up, YES! But also, STFU, Les is actually tryna save your life by tearing your reputation to shreds. 😬🤦‍♀️
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I loooove this effect when the coven uses the Mind Gift on them. They effed him up so bad his left eye started hemorrhaging. 😭
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Armand don't you look away for an INSTANT, don't you even BLINK! You could've prevented this, EFF ALL Y'ALL in this nasty AF Theatre!
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This gaslighting is hitting way too close to the way IRL court cases go when the innocent get the book thrown at them for crimes they didn't commit.
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This is so painful to watch, but Sam Reid you better werk; the way he was yelling those lines had me shook, oml.
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Les knows he's effed up, but what can he do? His eyes are going red; he's gonna cry. (His contacts look different, I thought they said they were gonna stick with purple eyed Les?) "I offered it to him in the church on the altar: My companionship." And Lou nodding along, cuz that was their wedding! 😭💔
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I was wondering how these frames would be used. It's about the Ep3 race riots and vampire loneliness, the night Louis left & Claudia was made. But I love the implications, cuz how could humans know ANYTHING about hows vampires feel--which is SO important when they start lying about everything else that went down with how Claudia was made and how it would affect her as a "defective" vamp.
Even the VAMPIRES don't know how other vampires feel, and the capacity they have for enduring--Armand said it over & over to Louis in Ep3 and Madeleine in Ep6. Lestat came closest in S1 when he commented on Claudia's eternally 14-yr old metabolism & needing to eat more than an normal vamp, but beyond that none of them had a effing clue what Claudia was going through. They don't know REAL loneliness, even with her diaries telling them what she thought, not HOW SHE FELT.
(And I'm reminded of what I said here about Gabrielle telling Lestat what her loneliness felt like. I think "vampire loneliness" is different for every vampire; which is precisely why Gab (and Claudia) was able to walk away from her Maker/son & live alone; while Nicky & Louis went crazy.)
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Lestat crying blood tears, daaaaang 😥
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Kill this dude (but I stan a Loustat ally, LOLOL).
Imma stop here, cuz I've run out of Tumblr's stupid 30-pics per post, and the Ep3/4 revisit that "took all the pieces of Louis life, defiled them, bent them into a Lestat-shaped effigy" is IMO the JUICIEST part, with the most new meat to chew on.
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no-phrogs-in-hats · 10 months
I didn’t mean for this to be so long, there’s enough for like a prologue too 😅😂 Can I please request a Regina Mills x Daughter!Reader (who’s 7ish yrs older than Henry, and has magic) set during 4x08 (when Marian is frozen and Robin sleeps with Regina)?
Her mom hadn’t come home that night, and Reader’s worried cause she rarely does that, so in morning she uses her mirror to check the vault to see if Regina is there. She sees the whole scene that morning from Robin getting up to when he starts kissing Regina again (she has the sense to stop watching). She uses the mirror again to check what happened last night and she sees how Regina asked him to stay away so she can start to emotionally heal but he came onto her anyway - knowing she needed space but giving her a taste of something she can’t have instead. Reader’s absolutely furious at Robin for messing with Regina’s head yet again. Her anger is simmering all morning, then Henry comes to her and says he thinks something happened with Robin cause mom’s sad, and she can’t tell him what actually happened, so she just says yeah something did but don’t worry cause she’ll handle it.
Later when Reader, Regina, Henry and Emma are in the library, Robin comes in w Roland. She and Henry see Robin show her mom the alternative page and are absolutely fuming. Henry says unsubtly for Roland to come look at the kids books with him, giving reader a ‘handle this’ look, and she magic’s herself and Robin outside. Emma and Regina run outside in time to see her punch him hard in the face, and are in total shock. They watch as she rips into him about how their ‘mom deserves far better than a man who pretends to have honour when it suits him and then fucks her in an underground crypt with his frozen wife 10ft away’. How they’ve watched for weeks as he says one thing then does another; how her mom asked him to stay away so she could begin to heal and instead he poured salt in the wound for his own selfish gratification; how when you pick and choose a code it’s not a code; how even in a weird situation like this with a frozen-undead-wife, he could choose to not repeatedly mess with her mom’s head but he hasn’t. And finally that they’ll help Marian and they’ll always love Roland, but to stay away from her family or he’ll find out what the daughter of an evil queen is truly capable of.
Robin looks shocked and embarrassed at being called out; Emma looks proud of how protective she is and especially proud of the punch she taught reader; and Regina is mostly confused how she knew and bc she thought her kids liked Hood. Emma gets Henry and Roland, and after Robin/Roland leave, tells Regina and Reader she and Henry will meet them at granny’s after they’ve talked. Henry subtly (but Regina still sees) high-fives reader on the way out when he finds out she punched Hood.
Regina finds out why reader knew about the vault, that Henry worries she’s sad after Hood is around, that both kids are genuinely upset at Robin for saying one thing then doing another (and that thankfully Henry didn’t know the details about what happened this time). She’s worried what her daughter thinks of her after the vault. But reader explains that she isn’t judging her, they’re all adults here and sometimes sex is just sex, but what’s upset her is this time it wasn’t, it was him giving her a small glimpse of what she can’t have. And that Regina deserves to be genuinely happy, not just fighting for scraps of happiness decided by an asshole, and Regina is sorry she didn’t see how this was hurting her kids and reader tells her she’s not allowed to apologise bc it’s not her fault. They agree from then on they’ll always make their own fate and hold each other to the promise to believe they deserve to be happy.
They join Emma and Henry at Granny’s and get take out for a family night, and reader and Regina cuddle up together on the sofa the entire evening.
(And for how her being Regina’s child yet still magic could all work, the reader could have been adopted by Regina 7 years before Henry - she was also pre-written in rumples curse like Henry was, bc rumple set in motion for an orphan baby from the EF to arrive 11 years into the curse (his purpose was to make Regina love being a mom so she’d definitely take Henry and his curse would break). The Pan curse she only had to give up one child and since Henry is Emma’s biologically but Reader’s an orphan and from the EF, they decided between the four of them that Emma and Henry would stay together in Boston and Regina and reader would go back to the EF together, but they (sounding horrifyingly like the charmings) promised they’d find each other again one day, since the siblings were distraught at being separated) ❤️✨
How to Throw a Proper Punch
Regina Mills x Daughter!Reader
A/N: Hi! Don't apologize at all! I love getting as much detail as possible! I don't usually write anything other than a romantic relationship so I was really excited to do this request! I really hope you enjoy it. I think it's the longest oneshot I've written.
Warnings: Very light violence, some major angst, and really bad mommy issues
Word count: 2207
Time of the Dark Curse
“Henry told me you got in trouble for punching a kid at school today.”
You were sitting in a booth at the diner when Emma sat down in front of you, eyeing the bruises on your knuckles. You sighed, closing your book and looking guilty. “Yeah…what about it? Are you gonna lecture me like my mom did?”
Emma scoffed. “No. I’m gonna teach you how to throw a punch properly. Come on.”
You sat in the passenger seat of her car, watching the town go by quietly. Halfway to Henry’s castle, you heard Emma speak up.
“So, why’d you do it?”
“He grabbed my ass,” you mumbled.
You huffed. “He grabbed my ass! And that’s not just it. He’s been harassing me since freshman year. Mom lectured me about it…but in the end she said she was proud of me.”
“Well, I think that’s the first time Regina and I have ever agreed on something,” Emma said.
“I broke his nose,” you grinned. “In front of the whole class.”
Emma glanced at you. “That’s badass, kid. Good job.”
“Alright, if you’re gonna have to punch someone again, it’ll probably be a straight punch,” Emma said. “You’ll wanna lift your back heel, but not the ball of your foot, okay? When you do this, at the same time, you’re gonna turn your back foot and knee in the direction of the target.”
You stood beside her and mimicked her actions. “Like this?”
“Yeah, good! After you twist your legs toward them,” she continued, “rotate your torso to face them directly. By now, you should already have a fist made. Remember, keep your thumb over your four fingers. Otherwise, you’ll break it.” She brought her curled fist up. “When you bring the fist up, make sure you punch with your palm facing down. Then–this is the important part–you wanna follow through with the punch. You want your arm to be completely extended after you’ve finished.”
You nodded, paying attention to everything she said. You prayed this wouldn’t come in handy, but still, you’d rather be prepared than helpless.
Four years later
While throwing a proper punch is a good thing to know, the second you showed signs of magic three years later, just days after your twentieth birthday, you knew that would be your first instinct to defend yourself. Your mother couldn’t have been happier, rushing to her vault with you to get her beginner spell books and every piece of knowledge you could ever need.
She demonstrated the first spells she learned, adding on, “If Gold asks you if you want to train with him, don’t.”
“I figured,” you said.
And that was that. She took you to her vault every evening after work. You progressed quickly with a full fireball in your hand within a week.You had never seen her happier than in that moment, that was, until him, yet at the same time, she had never seen such sorrow.
You opened the door to Henry’s bedroom, finding him reading a Wolverine comic book. “Do you know where Mom is?” “No clue,” he responded, not looking up from the pages.
This wasn’t like her. She’d be home for dinner at six o’clock sharp every night. Why was tonight any different?
“Oh, um…okay,” you said. “I’m going to Granny’s to pick up some dinner, do you want me to bring anything home for you?”
It was then that he finally looked up. “Oh, I’m going to Grandma and Grandpa’s tonight.”
After Henry left for the night, you continued to sit in the living room, putting on a random show for background noise as you made yourself a cup of tea. 
How many enemies does this woman have? Every possible scenario ran through your head. She could be dead–two children left behind in a cruel world, one of them left to help raise her brother.
Nine o’clock turned into ten, and ten turned into eleven before you decided to go to bed. You constantly checked your phone for any messages from your mother, finally falling asleep around one. 
You were up at nine, trying to call your mother and making breakfast for yourself when you had an idea. Her mirror. The mirror that she kept in the foyer by the front door. Rushing over, you stand before it and lift your arms, closing your eyes and thinking of what you want to see.
You were in shock. There they were–Robin in his white undershirt and your mother on the steps inside her vault putting her heels back on. But what hurt more was seeing her get a call on her phone, looking at it, and declining it immediately.
The healing. What happened to the healing? The emotional grief she suffered for decades, and was so desperate to heal from. 
You watch her pull away, here her distorted voice saying it wasn’t right. Just a shred of hope you had for her came back–until he pursued her again.
“Are you really that much of a pessimist?” he asked.
It continued. Him backing her into a corner before kissing her once again. You were sick to stomach and quickly backed away from the mirror before giving into the impulse of seeing the night before. 
She told him to stay away. She told him to leave her alone, to let her heal. He didn’t listen. 
You were furious–more than furious. Rage, white hot rage, coursed through your veins, taking over every bit of your sanity. You hated him. You hated him for everything he had done. He messed with her head, messed with her emotions, he messed with her. Everything that she worked for, every bit of herself that she wanted to heal was going down the drain because of him. 
You sat with David and Mary Margaret at the table, flipping through a magazine when Elsa came down from the loft. The second you heard from David about Henry, you rushed over, not even stopping for your morning conversation with Archie.
“How is he?” Mary Margaret asked.
“Well,” Elsa said, “I gave him enough ice for the whole week.”
Mary Margaret looked at her seriously now. “No, I mean, how is he?”
“Upset,” Elsa responded. “I just wanted him to understand that Emma’s magic is tied to her emotions like mine. The reason she hurt him is because she was trying so hard not to hurt him. It sounds very convoluted when I try to explain it, bu–”
You looked up from the magazine. “No,” you said, interrupting her. “It makes perfect sense. I was really angry once before I had control of my powers and I ended up breaking a window by accident.”
Before anyone got a chance to respond, the door flew open. 
“Where’s Henry? Is he okay?” 
Your mood dampened when you saw your mother barge in.
“He’s fine. He’s upstairs,” David said. “We;ve been trying to call you all night.”
“Well I’m sorry if I don’t respond to your every summons!” Regina snapped. “Though I did bring that locator potion you wanted.” She slammed it down on the table. “Maybe next time, try leading with, “thank you”. Now, may I see my son please?”
“You might wanna finish buttoning your shirt first,” you chided as you continued skimming through the magazine and earning yourself a shocked look from your mother.
She opened her mouth before closing it again and buttoning up her blouse.
The library was dead silent as you, Emma, Regina, and Henry walked around, searching for a book that could give you any clues as to how to stop Ingrid. The door opened suddenly, hearing the plastic blinds hitting the glass.
You heard your mother and left the section you were in, seeing Emma and Henry do the same. Beside Robin, Roland held onto his pant leg.
“Robin, what are you doing here?” Regina asked, glancing around at the three of you.
Robin ignored you, Henry, and Emma, taking a familiar piece of paper out from his back pocket. He unfolded it and handed it to Regina.
“What is this?” she gawked
He paused before thinking of the right words to say. “I…borrowed the book. I was looking for anything that could hint to the author, and I found this. It’s an alternative page.”
You, Henry, and Emma saw the page and Henry looked at Roland, saying, “How about we go check out some books in the kids section?” before giving you a look as to say, ‘Handle this’.
The anger you felt in the previous days bubbled up to the surface once again. You could hardly contain yourself before giving into the rage and twisting your hand, teleporting you and Robin to the middle of the Main Street intersection outside the library.
Without a second thought, you remembered all those years ago when Emma taught you how to punch properly. You curled your fist, turned your leg, and socked him right in his nose, putting your entire weight behind the punch.
Emma, Regina, and Henry all made it out just in time to see the entire thing go down.
Robin doubled over, clutching his nose and smearing blood over the lower half of his face. All the while, you were berating him. 
“She deserves so much better than you!” you shouted. “You claim to have honor when it suits you, but then you turn around and fuck her in her crypt where your own wife is ten feet away, frozen!” You took a deep breath, trying to keep tears of anger and frustration at bay, but ultimately failing. “I have watched you say one thing and then do the complete opposite! She told you to stay away! She told you to leave her alone so she could heal! But you still pursued her! You rubbed salt into her wounds! You can’t just pick and choose when to have a code of honor!”
You moved closer to him. “Now, we will continue to help Marian, and continue to love Roland, but–” you pulled him in by the collar of his shirt and lowered your voice “–if you don’t leave her alone, you will find out what the daughter of the once Evil Queen is truly capable of.”
Among your heavy breathing, everyone stood quiet. Robin’s face was red with embarrassment as Emma stood behind you, clearly hiding the fact that she was proud of you, whereas Regina looked confused with Henry trying to hold back a smile.
“Right,” Emma finally said amidst the awkward silence. “Um…Henry, get Roland and I’ll drop him and Robin off at the hospital, and then we can head to Granny’s. I think your sister and Regina need to talk.” She turned to the pair of you. “We’ll meet you there.”
As Henry walks past you, you grin, receiving a subtle high five from him before turning to follow your mother–who quite obviously saw the high five happen judging by the shocked look on her face–home. 
“What was that?” Regina asked as she shut the front door.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said.
Your mother rolls her eyes. “Oh, please. You’ve been in a terrible mood for the past few days, and now you had this outburst? There’s something clearly wrong!”
“It’s him!” you snap, turning around with your lip trembling. “Robin! He–Ugh! You’re always home at six o’clock sharp! For as long as I can remember, you’ve always been home on time! Until the other night! I asked Henry and he had no clue where you were! I barely slept and your phone kept going to voicemail! I thought you were dead! In the morning I decided to look at the mirror and you were with him. You were with Robin! Even after all the times he’s caused you pain! I get it, we’re adults, we all have that need, and I'm not judging you. But Robin?? Sex can be ‘just sex’, but this wasn’t! He was giving you a small glimpse of what you can’t have. Of what you can’t have until you’ve learned to love yourself despite all of your mistakes! And he’s preventing that from happening.”
You felt relieved to get it off your chest, only slightly guilty, but knowing that your mother needed to hear it.
She sighed. “Does Henry know?”
“That you were with him the other night?” you asked. “No. He was at the Charmings’ the morning I saw. But he’s noticed you’ve been acting differently. Mom, after all that’s happened to you, you deserve genuine happiness and love. But if you don’t heal, and you don’t learn to love yourself, that won’t happen. And because you won’t let that happen, it’s not just hurting you, but also me and Henry.”
“Oh.” She was quiet, almost meek in this moment. “I’m–I am so sorry. I had no idea that this was affecting you both so much.”
You wiped tears from your eyes. “Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault, Mom.”
“Thank you for telling me.” She reached out, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear before pulling you into an embrace. Kissing you on your head, she said, “Come on, let’s go to Granny’s.”
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𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙊𝘾𝙨
Cherry Hearts ✸ Ben Beast ship.
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-Is the daughter of the Queen of Hearts, but their relationship with each other is very stained.
-Is in contact with her aunt, Mirana of Marmoreal/The White Queen who she considers more of a mother figure than her own.
-A member of the VKs, she wants desperately to be good and break away from her mother’s reputation, and dedicates herself to being better once the VKs choose good at the coronation.
-Smart and sarcastic by nature but not mean.
-Loves strawberries, red lipstick and graffiti.
-Her fashion style is a leather jacket, and her hair dyed red and black which she wears either down or in a ponytail.
Sofía Madrigal ✸ Evie Grimhilde ship.
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-Is the daughter of Mirabel Madrigal.
-Like her mother, Sofía is a very optimistic and enthusiastic girl who loves her family above everything, and would do absolutely anything to make them proud of her.
-Many years after Casita was rebuilt, Alma passed away, and it was revealed to Mirabel that she had the most important role in the Madrigal family all along, as she was always destined to be the next holder of the family’s miracle casa.
-Is very skilled at sewing and playing the accordion.
-The day before she was sent off to auradon, Mirabel gifted her with a hand-sewn butterfly plush. She said that she would always be with her if she kept the butterfly close, so Sofía keeps the plush in her mochila bag, as she is extremely homesick & misses her mamá, familia & casa very much.
-Unlike her mother, Sofía was blessed on her fifth birthday with a magical gift, joining the rest of the Madrigal family. Sofía has the gift of light, meaning she can create, cease & manipulate it, making her the family’s real life miracle candle. However her power is defective due to Mirabel being giftless, so her gift is uncontrollable.
Wanda Darling ✸ Harry Hook ship.
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-Is the daughter of Wendy Darling.
-Enemies-to-lovers trope!! She has the purest of hearts, is kind and sees only inner beauty, which causes some tension between her and Harry when they meet for the first time in the second movie.
-Wanda negates Harry’s narcissism and teaches him humility. (She basically baked him a big, humble pie.)
-Super shy and doesn’t talk a whole lot, but incredibly smart and loving. Has a huge interest in astronomy.
Roland Hood ✸ Jay ship.
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-Son of Robin Hood and Maid Marian
-Rivals to Lovers Trope
-Is a good and generous person at heart, but can be known for getting into and out of tricky situations.
-Is able to attend Auradon Prep thanks to a spell from the Fairy Godmother that allows the entire clan from Sherwood Forest to shift between their animal and human forms.
-Like his father, he is very skilled at archery.
-He and Jay have some unresolved sexual tension, and everyone can see the chemistry between the two of them, but Roland and Jay don’t seem to realize that.
Dorothea Crowley ✸ Lonnie ship.
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-Daughter of Diaval.
-Was actually born in a forest and was forced to grow up on the Isle of the Lost.
-Sunshine (Lonnie) x Grumpy (Dorothea) Trope.
-Since VKs dye their hair, she has black hair with blonde, red, and purple streaks.
-Childhood friends with Mal (obviously!!).
-Very skilled at the class “Villainy Through the Ages”.
-Is awful at being a villain.
-Collects crow feathers (as a reminder of her father).
-Lonnie accidentally touches her arm and spills her drink on Dorothea, causing her to develop a crush on Lonnie.
Millie Poppins ✸ Jane Godmother ship.
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-Daughter of Mary Poppins and Bert.
-Is without a doubt, reckless.
-Is always playing pranks on those who piss her off, especially on Audrey, the daughter of Sleeping Beauty.
-Very skilled artist (especially with chalk!!)
-Brotp with Wanda Darling (they become besties due to both their mothers being British icons!!)
-Doesn’t mind getting covered in dirt.
-Has a plush toy penguin.
-Adopts a pet Yorkshire terrier, which she names Gidget.
-Ben Beast sees an opportunity to pair her up with the shy daughter of the fairy godmother, to help her build up her confidence. Millie thinks this might’ve been meant to be—after all, her godmother is Jane Banks. Something that never even crossed her mind was falling in love with her new friend in the meantime.
Kimberley Bjorgman ✸ Mal Bertha ship.
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Daughter of Anna x Kristoff (Frozen).
-Autumn Aesthetic; her fashion embraces the cozy and warm elements of the season.
-Loves hot chocolate!! (basically anything chocolate flavoured really!!)
-Clumsy and Reckless; like her mother!!
-Occasionally smokes.
-Enjoys going to art galleries.
-Very skilled at ice skating and ice hockey, and really loves a snowball fight!!
-Has a pet husky named Oakley.
💖 Tagging: @ginger-grimm @daughter-of-melpomene @ginevrastilinski-ocs and @manyfandomocs 💖
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moonypears-blog · 10 months
DUUUDE I LLOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOUR BLOG !!! FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE WHO LOVES FATHER CEDRIC AND DAUGHTER SOFIA AS MUCH AS I DO, AND ISNT' A NASTY C.EDFI.A SHIPPER!!!!!!!! YAHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! honestly your hcs are inspiring me to revive a fic idea I had for these two and their dynamic developing!!! roland is not a great father to sofia at all, btw. it sucks how much he prioritizes amber and james but often leaves sofia out, and we only ever see him interact with her maybe TWICE like a real father should. and what was with him not even bothering to teach her all the things she needed to know for that first daddy daughter ep?! it was so fucked up that she was just left to flounder like that!!!! my personal hc is that she tried to call him dad at first to get used to it / feel like she actually WAS bonding with him, but it simply didn't turn out, and it felt forced. a more slightly distant term i could see her using would be "father", picking up on it from cedric when he talks about his dad, and how he talks to him. then, one day, sofia accidentally slips and calls cedric dad without realizing it, when she's studying in his castle tower with him for sorcery purposes. and that's the day using the word "dad" finally felt natural for him. and also if cedric felt E M O T I O N A L about it, then that's nobody's business but his own. ( he was so touched and happy he was over the MOON!! )
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
I completely agree with Roland and Cedric. I think at some point after the show Sofia asked Cedric to be her dad on Father's Day by giving him a handmade card that says "Will you be my dad?" with a little drawing of them. He completely sobbed, because he'd already recognized his feelings for her as being paternal, but didn't want to say anything in case he ruined what he had with her or made it awkward. Then after that Sofia called him dad whenever they were alone, and Cedric treated her even more as a daughter and essentially took on the role as her main parental figure. He started to finally express his parental instincts, asking Sofia if she'd eaten breakfast and asking more about her well-being. I think it would stay their little secret for awhile, but eventually it might be exposed.
I also could see Sofia starting to call Roland something other than Dad, especially if she starts calling Cedric Dad too, it would hold a special place in her heart that Roland just isn't worthy of. I feel like the moments that Sofia does have with Roland he doesn't feel very fatherly at all, more like her mom's boyfriend or something. It just doesn't feel like a dad talking to his child.
Seriously, thank you so much! Words can't describe how much I love getting asks like this and knowing there's other people who share my feelings/opinions so strongly!
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jjnonken · 11 months
Been a while since I've posted. I've decided I hate Facebook again and for now I'm letting off steam here.
I said before that I'd deleted my long rant and just stuck to a mini-rant. Well, today I'm posting a long rant. Fair warning: This is a rant.
As far as I can tell, there's no good news about the Borderlands movie. They've changed Commander Knoxx's character to be Atlas's daughter instead of General Knoxx, so I guess she'll be Commander Atlas now. That... doesn't matter. Of all the issues I have with this movie, whose daughter she is is probably the least important. Actually, it's not an issue. Her EXISTENCE is an issue, but not which NPC is her parent. Atlas isn't even an NPC, it's just a gun manufacturer, presumably named after its founder. We never see the founder(s) nor, as far as I can remember, hear any backstory. I'm not sure which problem they were trying to solve by the rename.
First problem: We do have to rescue Lilith, Athena, and one other who I won't mention due to spoilers. I can only think of those three. Lilith tells you to kill her if you can't save her... "Better dead than a damsel." Athena engineers her own rescue; you're just the muscle. So there's kind of a dearth of damsels in this franchise. The movie's premise is that Commander uh... Atlas?... needs to be rescued. So, right. Damsel in distress. Kind of immediately contradicts the lore of Borderlands, who has strong women who generally don't need rescuing.
Second is: why General Knoxx's er, I mean, Atlas's daughter? She's a new character. It's like BORDERLANDS ISN'T CHARACTER-RICH ENOUGH, we have to add more just to get the plot started.
Edit: She still shows credited as Commander Knoxx in my web search, including on IMDB. I saw Atlas in the last article I saw on the movie. It's possible it was simply mistaken. I note parenthetically that Knoxx works for Atlas Corporation, and the DLC he's in is Atlas-heavy. Could just be a mistake. Edit to the edit: The Wikipedia article premise mentions her as Atlas's daughter. But she's named Knoxx. I'm fucking confused; which is she?
Next: They have Kevin Hart playing Roland. Kevin Hart is a comedian. Roland is a serious, somber, straightforward guy who never jokes and never laughs, or even smiles. Any humor that happens in relation to him works because it plays off his sober sincerity.
Roland: Oh good, you're not dead. Lilith: That's his way of saying "Hi". Roland: Sorry. Hi.
Why do they need a stand-up comedian to play Roland? Either Hart is trying to branch out and do some serious acting, or... they're making a comedy.
OK, Cate Blanchett is doing Lilith. I don't know if she's the best choice, but I don't know who else I'd recommend. I guess I'm OK with that.
As for Tannis... I love Jamie Lee Curtis, but she's a scream queen that also does comedies. Tannis isn't FUNNY, she's TRAGIC. Again, there's humor, but it plays off her personality, which is informed by her severe social awkwardness. (She's pretty much coded autistic. I don't know if it's canon.) No doubt the trauma she's suffered has exacerbated any existing personality deficits. Or caused new ones. Can Curtis do a sober Tannis? I mean, play her seriously, not deadpan. I don't know. Again, I don't think she's meant to -- this movie is looking more like a comedy every day. Could be worse, but I'm not sure I'd pick her.
Next, we have Claptrap, who is introduced as "The wise-cracking robot" and played by... Jack Black, a comedic voice actor. Thing is, Claptrap does not crack wise. He's hilarious, but that's because, similarly to Roland and Tannis, the game plays off his naive sincerity. He's funny because he's so serious, but clueless. I haven't memorized every line in the entire franchise enough to instantly recall everything that every claptrap robot has said, but as far as I can remember, Claptrap has told MAYBE three jokes on purpose. One is self-referential, spoken by a claptrap who is supposed to be programming the game: "Borderlands? More like Memelands, am I right?" One is spoken right after a hatch is automatically locked, trapping you in the first map: "I hear that getting eaten by bullymongs isn't such a bad way to go." Was that one a deliberate joke? Don't know, so that's my "maybe." And the third is from a side mission called The Iceman Cometh. It's a moderately silly pun that any 10-year-old would be proud of. When you (as a character) don't react, he then EXPLAINS THE JOKE. When you still don't react, he LECTURES YOU on the nature of humor. TWICE. Naive sincerity, not cracking wise. So again, this suggests the movie being a comedy.
So, we have two of the four vault hunters from the first game, Lilith and Roland. The roles of Mordecai and Brick are interesting, in that THEY AREN'T THERE. Why?
Tiny Tina is. She's a psychotic young teen with a penchant for explosives. She's got a connection to Brick, who -- for some reason -- isn't in the movie. She's not the kind of person who needs a bodyguard -- she's the kind of person against whom YOU need a bodyguard. I only bring this up because... ... Krieg is her bodyguard in the movie. Why? I already mentioned her connection to Brick. Krieg doesn't have a connection to Tina, he has a connection to Maya. I don't know when this movie is supposed to take place in the Borderlands timeline, but if Lilith is retired, it'll be between the first and second. Possibly around the time of the Pre-Sequel. We don't see Krieg until BL2, where he's added as the last playable character after the original four plus Gaige. So the timeline doesn't make sense and Krieg's connection to Tina doesn't make sense and Krieg being Tina's bodyguard doesn't make sense. I don't know anything about the actors, I may look them up and try to watch some of their stuff.
Tina doesn't show in the game until BL2, but there's no reason to think she hasn't been around since Borderlands, we just haven't seen her. (But only after the events of BL:PS, since it's Jack's slag experiments on Tina's parents that kill them and drive her into being a vengeful little psychopath.) But Krieg doesn't show up until he becomes a vault hunter? OTOH until then he was living as a psycho... probably on Pandora. So I suppose the timeline might be OK, technically. I'll give them that one. But I still object to the Tina/Krieg connection.
Gina Gershon as Mad Moxxi: Gina is an attractive woman, doesn't have Moxxi's curves, and she's 61. She's pretty hot-looking but I'm not sure she really fits the character, physically. Can she do Moxxi's va-va-voom? Don't know.
Charles Babalola: I don't know him. I try not to get upset at race lifts; I'm used to Sir Hammerlock being the "great white hunter" stereotype, but I suppose it doesn't hurt anything if he's black. At least he's British. This is a weak protestation at most. EDIT: Several people have pointed out that he's canonically black, which I never noticed. Well, OK then, that one's on me.
Bobby Lee plays Larry. He's another stand-up comedian. There sure are a lot of those for a serious film, eh? Also, who the fuck is Larry?
Ryann Redmond as Ellie: nobody's going to match Ellie's unrealistic proportions, but Ryann seems like a reasonable choice physically; basically, you just need a plus-sized woman who can act. I don't know anything about her acting but I presume she's competent, at least. Ellie is a smartass, so wise-cracking from her is welcome. So how come they cast a stand-up comedian as Roland but a serious actress as Ellie? The cognitive dissonance is making my brain cramp.
And Eli Roth has left the project and declared that he does not want credit for his writing. THAT bodes well.
This is supposed to be canon. Canon my ass. This is a TRAVESTY. EDIT: Somebody said it's not supposed to be canon. I read that it is. I'll try to dig up the reference when I get a minute. EDIT 2: Sorry it took me so long, I was busy procrastinating. Now, in my memory, when the first announced the movie they claimed it would be "true to Borderlands", but of course that's changed. I must have skimmed over the more recent "canon" phrasing, sorry. Apparently it's changed to "canon for the Borderlands Cinematic Universe", which is not the same as canon to the games. To me that's seems a bit disingenuous, considering that as far as I can tell, the Borderlands Cinematic Universe consists of one unfinished movie. (And calling it a "Borderlands Cinematic Universe" also seems a bit conceited since their first -- and so far only -- entry has been in Production Hell for 9 years and hasn't even finished.) So my apologies for getting the "canon" claims wrong, but I'm still unhappy and I think they're making excuses. They've taken an Action Movie script, grabbed some names from the Borderlands franchise, and pretended that the result is a Borderlands movie. They did that with Sly Stallone and the first Judge Dredd movie, remember? (Maybe you don't, but I was a fan of the comics. Fortunately the second movie was much, much better.) This makes me think of Stallone's Judge Dredd. (Also the anime version of the Lensman, but that one's pretty obscure.)
Anyway, I have more, but I think I've said what I need to. I may watch the movie out of morbid curiosity. I'm not going to dislike it out of spite, I'm not that hateful. I'll try to give it a chance. I just don't like the odds.
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ahmedmootaz · 7 months
For AIP, have you considered any alternative father-children distribution? What basis did you use to divide the kids (aside from Ayin's explanation and the 4th wall funny for X's kids)?
Ayin with Binah or Chesed
X with Angela or Netzach
Roland with Gebura or Tiphereth
Surely you have more than one possible shuffle of kids? Like maybe by the layers of the Sephirah [Asiyah = X, Briah = Roland, Atziluth = Ayin] or maybe by the paths of the Sephirah [Path of Mercy = X, Path of Severity = Roland, Path of Mildness = Ayin].
Dear Anonymous,
Well...that's actually a good question, although to be fully honest, I never really considered it before. I was simply really satisfied with the distribution I had going to far, so I never gave it much though, but now that you mentioned it...
I could've probably considered giving Roland most of the boys; Gabriel, Giovanni, and Daniel considering he knew them best in LoR and as such he'd have likely gotten along with them even better than he did with his kids in AiP, I could've likely given X Michelle, Elijah and Kali, while leaving Ayin with his usual kids plus Garion.
The biggest change in the above scenario, of course, would be the copious amounts of fluff we'd see with X and his daughters without Garion in the mix, but we'd see Garion eventually, somehow, warming up to Ayin as her father and growing to love her siblings to some degree. We could've also had a bit of angst where she has nightmares about harming Lisa, Ayin and even Angela without knowing the source of these nightmares. It would also be quite the experience to see her and Ayin defrosting their relationship a little and even seeing Ayin begin to accept her as a daughter...that would be quite the experience!
I think there's plenty of different variations that depend on these changes. I simply never had the idea to change the kids around, but seeing how much hinges on the idea...I'm curious to see what would've happened with some more children being shifted around...hmmm...
Thank you for the thought-provoking question, Anon! Until next time, be well, take care, and see ya'!
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intensityupiqdown · 9 months
Before I say anything, I want to stress that I love the fuck out of the Borderlands franchise. It just has this charm to it that I always come back to. And I love Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel the most.
And now, it is time to delve into the realm of the However. The But. The nitpicks. Or should I say nitpick, as I only have the one?
Character deaths.
If you have not played BL2, play it now, or at least listen to a story breakdown on YouTube, because hell if I'm explaining it.
Firstly, some basics. Hyperion New-U stations are the in-lore respawn mechanic. you die, Hyperion takes your life savings, the station spits you back out. Some stations also function as fast travel. Characters actually use this function in the Pre-Sequel, thus cementing the New-U stations as an in-lore presence.
All of that shatters in Control Core Angel.
Roland gets shot in the back by Jack and dies. Permanently.
Now, this is a game where pretty much EVERYTHING comes back to life with but a save-quit. Even most bosses, as illogical as it is, resurrect by this process.
Roland's just fucking dead, though, and this makes no sense from a gameplay perspective. From a lore perspective, it's fine. Jack is letting you know he's not fucking around anymore. You JUST killed his daughter.
But in terms of gameplay? We played as Roland in BL1. He had to have interacted with at least ONE New-U Station. And if Jack somehow blocked him from accessing them, why the hell can we still use them, even AFTER this point?
Even still, Borderlands has a system in place where you cannot get killed in one shot when you're above half health. Roland shouldn't have died in the first place.
But let's just say that he was under that threshold and that Jack DID stop him from respawning. Jack himself dies at the end, and while one of the problems is no longer, the OTHER has become a wall.
We see Jack interact with New-U stations in the Pre-Sequel, and no self-respecting megalomaniac takes down the only thing barring him from a permanent death.
IN CONCLUSION, neither of the deaths in BL2 should have been possible.
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kingcedricthegay · 8 months
So I read the first chapter of your Cedric x Reader fanfic and came to share my thoughts.
I will say, I'm not too fond of x Reader, I'm more about reading about characters instead of being one. That being said, I liked that there was an effort to include other characters from stf, and I actually got invested from how the fic was formatted as a genuine stf episode.
I don't want to be too critical of the portrayal of some of the characters, but as a Roland enjoyer, I felt your portrayal of him was quite decent until it came to Cedric. I'm not sure at what point the story is supposed to take place in besides being between Great Auntventure and Day of the Sorcerers, but I feel that Roland being unhappy about Cedric coming along doesn't feel in character. At most points in the show, Roland is shown to not mind Cedric, let alone with Sofia. Cedric's Apprentice was an episode where Sofia literally became Cedric's apprentice so he could help her for a test, and Roland never once objects to her being with Cedric. I think Roland doesn't have as big of a gripe as people think because he's more disappointed at Cedric not being able to do magic than him as a person overall.
That being said, I love how you wrote him as someone who respected Sofia's wishes and let her bring Cedric along to the carnival. That is very much like Roland to see that Sofia likes something and sets aside his biases for his daughter. I can understand headcanoning Roland not liking Cedric as a person, and It's not something I'd agree with, but I absolutely agree with him respecting his children and their wishes.
As for the royal family as a whole, I didn't expect them to take as much of a focus as they did, and it was a pleasant surprise to have the children interact with Y/N. In fact, the format of the fic was so creative, with the royal family being so involved, I found myself being invested more in that than the x Reader parts. That's just me liking things not involving Cedric more because of how focused he is in the fandom. I wanted to talk more about the other aspects of the fic because I think people would find these elements such a treat.
While the royal family isn't THE main focus, I found Amber and Miranda to be a bit weird as characters. The fact I preferred the writing for James over them says something. With Miranda, I felt she wasn't a character like everyone else. The only role she seemed to have was as a mother and nothing else. The way she didn't have as much of a prominence as the others bummed me out. And it's not that she had to have a bigger role, but I felt myself questioning where she was.
My thoughts about Amber are based on my opinion, but the way she was written felt mixed to me. There were parts where she felt like Amber, like her excitement at getting her fortune told, but her being interested in whether she has a spouse?? I don't know, I personally don't think she would be too interested in that, or at least would be more interested in other aspects of her future. Plus the "I AM EASY" part caught me off guard. That part with the part before of Amber eating fast but elegantly did not pair well. It felt like Hildegard core.
These are just my thoughts though. I really enjoyed reading this fanfic despite some parts I didn't jive with. I would recommend it for anyone who likes a storyline with their smoochies with Cedric rjdbhdidjdjdjrj
Thanks for recommending me this fic /g /vpos
I ain’t reading all that I’m happy for you tho or sorry that happened /ref
No but seriously thank you so much for writing all this 😭😭
First of all I always try to make my one shots feel like they could more or less happen in the StF canon, so I’m glad it works!!
Regarding Roland, I know that you love him but I don’t necessarily like him that much. I think he’s okay most of the time, I just hate him for fun lmao (that’s probably why I wrote him as less likable than he actually is)
About the characters overall, this was my first piece of StF fan fiction and when I was writing this I hadn’t finished the show yet (I was maybe at the beginning of season 2) so the characters hadn’t gone through all the development they had to go through yet, and I guess I didn’t have that good of a grasp on their personalities. Now that you point it out, looking back Amber was never boy crazy so I agree that that bit doesn’t make any sense (😭), and yeah I guess Miranda ended up being just… mom.
All in all thanks for the feedback! ❤️❤️
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ambriel-angstwitch · 1 year
So weird AU idea I got that literally came to me in a Dream.
Sofia the first My Hero Academia AU. Though after I continued to come up with ideas it began to turn into a Tangled the series MHA AU as well
So the premise is Sofia is in a way the Midoriya of this story she is born quirkless. Before the series starts her mother marries Roland the Second who is the Owner of the most successful support item industry, and as well as a pro hero (quirk- steel like TetsuTetsu) though he’s mostly retired from hero work to focus on his kids. Her two step siblings are James whose quirk is steel which he inherited from his father and Amber whose quirk is jewel shields (like Rarity in EQG). Amber inherited her quirk from their mother who died in a fight against a villain when they were very young. James is pretty nice to Sofia off of the bat but Amber is a bit quirkest and is mean to Sofia (similar to her being mean to Sofia when they first meet in the original series, and her reasons for being mean to her in the original series still stand, she doesn’t like what seems like an intrusion on their family.)
She is a big Fan of the Pro-Hero Cinder, who is actually in a way this stories version of All Might. Cinder (Cinderella) was born with a simple spark quirk which was relatively useless but combined with another vestiges power of energy she was able to make flames. (I know with recent reveals about OFA her having a quirk would be slightly problematic but this is an au and it makes sense for the backstory I have in my head)
The other Vestiges with their quirks are (in no particular order):
Belle - Energy - (Used it for healing)
Tiana - animal shapeshifter
Snow White - Snow powers
Aurora- Anivoice
Jasmine - Size changing
Mulan - Super Strength
Ariel - Mermaid transformation and water control (like Cleo from H20 just add water)
Elena is the original vestige
Obviously with the different powers the plot will take some different turns. But I wanted to give Sofia powers that she uses in the show instead of just making her a gender bent Deku of sorts.
Now for our UA staff. I kind of want Cedric to be our Version of Aizawa, first of all because I adore him but also because he has that disgruntled vibe where he pretends he hates kids but is willing to die for them. The quirk I’m going to give for him is called the Wild Card. I came up with the idea for it based off of the fact that his spells often don’t go to as planned. It means that he has a wide variety of powers which are activated through card tricks. When he was younger he struggled with control and things blew up his face (often literally) he had to learn what certain combinations and types of cards meant and would produce.
Merida is a pro hero and her quirk is Predator Vision (a real MHA quirk that) because I wanted her to have a cool quirk that would assist her but I still wanted her bow skills to be her own (though I did for a bit consider making her like Lady Nagant). I love Merida so I had to include her and she just didn’t fit as a vestige so a pro hero it was. Sofia interns under her.
Princess Ivy is our version of Shiggy. Her black and white dragonflies which she produces are able to consume anything (instead of erasing memory like they did in STF) similar to how Shiggy can decay stuff.
Vor is All for One. She has the same powers and everything. I’m tempted to make her related to Elena somehow because I kind of like that aspect of the AFO/OFA struggle. It’s my au I could do whatever I wanted I could make them sisters if I desired and I am kind of tempted to.
Rapunzel’s backstory is that she has been held by Mother Gothel who is part of a mafia (Zhan Tiri). She has the similar powers to what she has in the show/movie her hair glows and reverses damage. She is sort of this story’s Eri. Mother Gothel can produce black or blue rocks that are unbreakable, as can her daughter Cassandra.
Cassandra was adopted by a policeman after a raid on a quirk trafficking ring by some hero’s. She resents her mother because she abandoned her. When her quirk came in her father was surprised to realize that she was Mother Gothel’s daughter but loved her nonetheless. The same could not be said for the others around her most people her age started ignoring her or antagonizing her from that point on. She decided she wanted to follow in her fathers footsteps and help people so she enrolls in the hero course. Eventually her and Sofia are part of the mission later to save Rapunzel
(This has been in my drafts since my Sofia the First hyperfixation. I wanted to make it more fleshed out and I kind of have but I’ve decided just to post it as is. If anyone is interested I can elaborate on parts of it but right now this is it. Also though I doubt anyone would anyone can use any concepts I present here as long as I get credit.)
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kayssweetdreams · 1 year
A "Perfect" Vacation Ch 37
"Wait, she's one of you guys too?" Leo asked "Yeah. She took out most of the guards tech when we first infiltrated the island." Jett explained, still fiddling with the collar but to no avail. "That Collar giving you a hard time huh." Maxie said, raising an eyebrow. Jett gave her a look as he said "Ya Think?" In a deadpan voice.
"At least I found this on one of the guards." Skarlett said, showing the device she got. "Oh good! Here, give it here." Maxie said. Skarlett gave her the device as she walked over to Jett, and plugged it into a port in the collar. "Mrs Bruno? What is your most famous song?" She asked "O-Oh. That would be the song that my husband wrote for our wedding day "Love is Like a Shotgun."" She said.
Maxie nodded "OK, I need you to sing the bridge please." She explained. The kids were confused, as was Thea, but she did as she was told "Love runs through me like Bullets to skin, no matter the challenges, we will always win. Our bodies will be tarnished, but it's never in vain, Because you know what they say: No Pain, No Gain!" A satisfying chirp came from the collar as a robotic voice chirped "Access Granted. Collar Status: UNLOCKED." And the collar popped off of Jett's neck.
Jett smiled as the collar had FINALLY come off, streaks of lightening filling his eyes as bolts of electricity struck around him "FINALLY! It's about TIME that that stupid collar got off me, and my powers could be used again." He said, the bolts of lightning practically destroying the bright florescent lights in the halls. Once the lightning stopped, the group blinked as they were now in pitch black darkness.
"Um...Well, That's definitely gonna get Prim's attention now." Mei says, the bolts of electricity being the only light in the room. "Well, we got the collar off, and we got the flowers. Now all we have to do is find Yuri, Kaylo, Dolly, Roland and Misère, and stop Prim." Rebecca said. "But now the guards are everywhere. I don't even know if we can get CLOEE enough to our friends, OR Prim." Trisha Jane points out.
"Well, I actually DO have a plan for this. It'll be risky, but if all goes right, it might just work." Jett said, a smile growing on his face.
Meanwhile, With Prim...
Prim was starting to loose her patience. Those incompetent guards of her 'Ally' STILL didn't find the escapees yet! Even after the equipment got scrambled, she still knew that Thea and those delinquents were hiding SOMEWHERE. Sooner or later, they'd slip up, and then her guards could find them.
She looked back in on her "Perfect" daughters. Soon, she'd make the effects permanent, and nothing. Not even those strange things that appeared during the revolution would get in the way this time. Suddenly, a beep was heard from a nearby walkie talkie. Agitated, Prim picked it up. "This had better he good." She growled, already angry at the various problems.
"Prim, we found the Escapees. We're bringing them back now."
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehypercutstudios/@thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
Jett, Skarlett and Maxie belong to @jettthespeeddemon
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ouatnextgen · 3 months
Who in the next gen do you think are dating and who are best friends?
Groups of Two (not including siblings, niblings, or friendships that become romantic later on):
Alex and Roland: The two aromantic/asexuals. They're also the two oldest, so they've spent more time together than anyone else.
Roland and Leo: The Sane Ones TM. They're the ones who constantly complain about everyone else's bullshit. Leo's the mom friend, Roland's the older brother friend. They understand each other.
Roland and Alice: (future siblings-in-law don't count) They get along weirdly well, despite the age and personality difference. Roland also spent most of his childhood in the Enchanted Forest like Alice did, so they bond over that.
Alex and PJ: The wild children. They drink and go to parties together, much to Roland and Leo's annoyance.
Hope and Alex: They keep getting mistaken for siblings, even after Alice is rescued. They both just love getting into trouble.
Robyn and Hope: For somewhat complicated reasons, they're frenemies. They argue the most out of all the friends, because they are incredibly similar.
Gideon and Robyn: They're apart of the exclusive "I hate one of my parents" club, the "I hate my powers" club, and of course the "I get bullied at school for who my parent(s) are" club.
Alice and Gideon: When Robyn and Hope squable, Gideon and Alice are tasked with making sure it doesn't go to far. They've found out that they're pretty similar this way
Groups of Three or more:
Roland, Alex, Leo, PJ: The older kids. They tend to group together, having known each other longer.
Robyn, Gideon, Alice, Hope: The younger kids. By virtue of the older kids hanging out, so do the youngests.
Alex, Leo, PJ: The "our mothers were apart of the same mommy classes and know we can't escape each other" group.
Dating (former, current, and future):
Alex and Robyn: Alex was still coming to terms with their asexuality, and trying to figure out the difference between friendship and romance and all that other fun stuff. Robyn developed a crush on them, so they dated for a week or so, during the summer before Alex's senior year, and Robyn's sophomore year. Alex eventually figured herself out, and tried to let Robyn down as gently as possible. They didn't talk for the rest of the summer, but Robyn eventually cooled down enough, and they came to an understanding. Robyn still teases them about That One Time they dated.
PJ and Conrad: Conrad is Alex's step-cousin, the son of Clorinda. PJ had just come out, and was experimenting. They dated for the summer before freshman year, then called things off mutually. They still talk, and PJ helped Conrad get together with Orville, Kathryn and Frederick's son.
PJ and Jack (otherwise known as 'He Who Shall Not Be Named'): Jack is a football player, who PJ dated for a few months sophomore year. Things got toxic pretty fast, with Jack acting entitled and controlling, so PJ cut him lose before it could get really bad. Leo, in retaliation, made Jack's life a living hell on the football team, so much so that he finally had to quit.
PJ and Leo: Aka, Prince Squared, aka, Sleeping Princes. They're the ones that stick. They get together their senior year. Full headcanons here
Alice and Penny: Penny is Anastasia and Will Scarlet's daughter, who Alice met in Wonderland after escaping her tower. They had mutual crushes on each other, but it never got much farther than quiet flirting. Alice must have a thing for daughters of outlaws? Penny, Alice, and Amani (Alice Liddell and Cyrus's daughter) end up all starting a Wonderland club at Storybrooke High together.
Robyn and Alice: Aka, Curious Archer, aka, Mad Archer. They stick, and they are also each other's true love. They get together when Robyn's a junior, and Alice is a sophomore. Full headcanons here
Gideon and Lorena: Lorena is the daughter of some random townsperson. She asked Gideon out to humiliate him sophomore year, but actually started to fall for him. But by that point, Gideon had figured out her intentions and broke things off, her having already burnt that bridge. Lorena stops hanging out with the friends who convinced her to do that, and she and Gideon have an amicable relationship. After, of course, Robyn and Hope wrecked her car in retaliation, "Before He Cheats" style.
Hope and Robyn: Hope developed a crush on Robyn in middle school, and confessed to her one night. Robyn had always saw Hope as a little sister, and so rejected her...badly. (It's not Robyn's fault, she was raised by Zelena.) And Hope took it...badly. This fucked up their previous rivaling friends dynamic and brought them into full on frenemy territory. Alice's arrival and Robyn's utter being smitten with her did not help matters at first, but eventually, they get Robyn and Hope to be inseparable friends again (by locking them in a room together and throwing away the key, obviously.)
Hope and Ross: Ross is the son of some Duke from the Enchanted Forest who's an entitled ass. Hope met him in her middle school ballet class, but they didn't start dating until freshman year. He's a douche, who just wanted to date the Savior's daughter, not Hope. They broke it off (very dramatically) a few months in. They are still very antagonistic to each other,
Hope and Gideon: Aka, Cygnet Scholar. They stick. They get together while Hope is a sophomore and Gideon is a junior. Full headcanons here
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
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Since you guys have seen Madame Prim as an eighteen-year-old teenager with a sinister motive, I have redesigned Madame Prim as an adult.
Here is all of her information below:
Full Name: Primrose Gaillot
Gender: Female
Species: Human
40 (currently)
18 (Prim And Proper Origins only)
Status: Alive (incarcerated)
Family Relatives:
Antoine Gaillot (father)
Célise Gaillot (mother)
Vladimir Gaillot (older brother)
Roland Carmichael (ex-husband)
Dolly Carmichael (daughter)
Chloé Gaillot (sister-in-law)
Physical Appearance: Madame Prim is a middle aged woman with greying, platinum blonde hair that is tied up in a tight bun with a fuschia ribbon, fair skin, and violet eyes. She wears a long-sleeved black dress with a white collar that touches the floor, white hip-lengthed socks, and black Mary Janes.
As a teenager, Prim wore her hair in a low ponytail. She also wore the standard schoolgirl uniform of Edinburgh High.
Personality: Since early childhood, Prim was originally emotionless, indifferent, and apathetic about everything. This was because she suffered from an inexplicable psychological condition that prevented her from expressing emotions until she were to meet "the right one". Prim still is well aware of what's right and wrong, but she just doesn't care as she is incapable of feeling remorse.
When Prim met Roy, she began to experience emotions for once which led her to show an obsessive side, becoming determined to have Roy to herself. Prim had even displayed vanity as well as a delusional side, believing that she is the only girl that Roy should fall in love with. She holds animosity towards any girl that she believes is in the way of her chance of getting Roy, which resulted to her becoming manipulative, cunning, and intimidating. Her animosity grew worse when she met Esme and learned that Roy was in a committed relationship with her.
As an adult, Prim had become a bitter, cruel, and perfection-obsessed individual who does not hesitate to use harsh punishments on any student that shows at least one sign of imperfection, her own daughter not being spared. She despises flaws and anything that she deems imperfect or improper. Prim is also shown to hold grudges as she had written the words "Imperfect Prostitute" on a picture of Esme with Roy and their daughter, Aria, in Prim And Proper Problems, symbolizing that she remembers Esme.
Antoine Gaillot
Prim was indifferent toward both of her parents. She was well aware that her father wanted her to be a normal girl. So she spent the majority of her life pretending to be normal by doing stuff such as playing dress-up, collecting dolls, watching cartoons, and reading gossip magazines despite not actually enjoying any of that stuff. But she only did this so as to avoid any suspicion from her father. Prim never felt any love towards her father, rather only pitied him. She strangely showed a "vibrant" side of her after her father vanished.
Célise Gaillot
Like her father, Prim was indifferent toward her mother. She believed her mother to be a kind-hearted and wise woman who could truly do no wrong. It was her mother that taught her how to be perfect in every way; such as how to dress accordingly, how to have a perfect answer for every question, and so on. Célise was the one that also taught Prim how to win a man's heart. Despite this, when Célise disappeared, along with her husband, Primrose showed a "vibrant" side to her.
Vladimir Gaillot
Prim and her older brother barely interacted with each other, growing up. This was because Vladimir did everything in his power to avoid interacting with his sister. But not out of fear. Rather, out of contempt. Vladimir simply sees Prim as "a person who needs to figure herself out" while Prim just sees her older brother as "just a person". Vladmir's suspicions of Prim grew worse when he saw how she reacted to their parents' disappearances.
Roy Montgomery (nèe Campbell)
Prim started to grow an infatuation towards Roy from the moment she met him. She even daydreamt about her ideal future with him such as the two of them getting married, starting a family, and living in a nice mansion together. She becamed infatuated to the point where any food that Roy likes is a food that she appreciates or that any color that Roy likes is a color that she loves.
After Roy and Esme married, Prim would send countless love letters in a vain attempt to get Roy to change his mind. Roy sees Prim as a "vile woman" due to what she put him and Esme through. He had even become reluctant to tell his daughter about Prim until she was fully grown.
Esme Montgomery
Prim despises Esme intensely because she believes that Esme "robbed" her chances of being with Roy. She is also incredibly jealous of Esme due to her natural looks, intelligence, and kindness; traits that won Roy's heart. Even after two decades had passed, Prim still holds a nasty grudge against Esme.
After Esme married Roy, Prim would start sending threats toward her in hopes of getting Esme to leave Roy. Esme still suffers from the trauma that Prim had put her and her husband through and wants nothing to do with her.
Aria Montgomery
Prim's personal opinions toward Aria are rather complicated ever since she met her when Aria was a child. On the one hand, she knows that Aria is the daughter of the one man that she "loves" (Roy). But on the other hand, Aria is also the daughter of her worst enemy, Esme.
Despite this, Prim believed that Aria would fit in PPP and had since tried to convince her parents to send Aria to her school, but to no avail. It was soon revealed by Aria to Iben that Prim was the reason why she and her parents had to move.
Roland Carmichael
Prim did not genuinely care about her ex-husband, rather only seeing him as a tool to make Roy jealous. Roland had grown to fall in love with Prim, but upon seeing her true nature toward their daughter, Dolly, his feelings drastically changed, causing him to file for a divorce. Roland rarely speaks to his ex-wife as of right now.
Dolly Carmichael
The two do not share a mother-daughter bond together. Throughout Dolly's childhood, Prim had been a strict and hypercritical parent, governing all of Dolly's choices. The final straw was when Prim even went so far as to brainwash Dolly into being a perfect individual. After Prim's arrest, there's likely a good chance that Dolly would cut off all contact from her evil mother.
Chloe Gaillot (nèe Willems)
Not much is known about Prim's relationship with her sister-in-law. It is likely that they had met at some point before the events of Prim And Proper Problems. Considering her personality, there is a high possibility that those two never get along.
Madame Prim, Vladimir, Chloè, Roland, and Dolly belong to: @kayssweetdreams
Roy, Esme, Aria, Antoine, and Célise belong to me.
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kaitcreates · 2 years
The Cursed Weapons, Charcter Intros Part 2
Recurring Side Charcters
Alexander Lightwood: Catherine's older cousin. Lives in Idris with his wife Lavinia and 2 month year old son Isidore. Childhood friends with Agatha and Emily, he often visited London with them to see his older sister Anna.
Joseph Lightwood: Youngest child of Cecily and Gabriel. He's lived in Idris his entire life and isn't very close to his older sister Anna. He grew up sheltered by his parents after what happened to Christopher and it didn't help that very few parents actually let their kids play with him. Very socialy anxious, with only two frineds outside of his family, Agatha, and Emily.
Roland Loss: A young mundane with a love for magic, Roland travels around the states doing magic shows at difrent shadow markets to make a living. Recently he's arrived in Los Angeles and decided to prolong his stay to help a young faerie woman he found.
Auraline: The First Heir, Daughter of both the Unseelie King and teh Seelie Queen. Auraline ran away from her fathers captivity when she was 15 to the mortal world. For the past 7 years she's been traveling between shadowmarkets keeping her lineage a secret. Recently she's found herself drawn into the company of a Mundane magician with the sight.
Ray Ashdown: Maria and Norman's younger brother. Ray has only been training for a few years but already has the wish to fight demons. Even though he's only 12 with the limited number of shadowhunters still alive after the great war he might well get his wish.
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Hi there!
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My name’s Barnie* and this is my oc depository and aesthetic blog. I’ll mostly be talking about my DnD/TTRPG characters but I may also include stuff for my novel characters. Neely Osbarrow has his own blog as I had a 8 month special interest in him. I don’t currently have those same buzzy feelings but maybe I will again some day so be sure to check out @neely-osbarrow​ if you enjoy him as a character.
My DnD characters in order of creation:
Sindri Ironeye (he/him)- A dwarven druid who left his mountain home young as no one there understood his affinity for all green and verdant
‘Duckie’ true name unknown (they/them)- An artificer/wizard (considering converting to an artificer/druid) gnome who maybe likes mushrooms a bit too much. They were a resident at a university until other people there got fed up with their unconventional ways of ‘study’ and they were thrown from the university. Though Duckie seems carefree and frankly high most of the time, they're actually looking for a way to resurrect their dead lover.
Neely Osbarrow (he/him)- An ex-cultist halfling ranger looking avenge his mother’s death and make sense of the world after finding out how much the cult he was brought up in twisted things beyond recognition. The cult all gone in an act of ascension without him, Neely is looking for a feeling of belonging once again and hopes to multiclass into bard, storytelling being a big passion of his.
Charis Floros (she/they)- A barbarian pirate satyr who is looking for revenge after their boyfriend betrayed them and left her for dead. Charis loves finding new friends, but romance? No thanks. Been there, done that. Never again.
Aster Lockwood (he/him)- A fairy fighter with an intense inferiority complex. He’s hoping to study fighting techniques throughout all cultures in his work as an anthropologist and take those learned skills to best his bully of a sister who tormented him all throughout his childhood and then maybe take over the world for a bit of fun afterwards.
Deryn Rivers (they/them)- A young aarakocra bard who is prone to exaggeration of their exploits and adventures. Deryn hopes to become a famous storyteller and be famed throughout the land.
Roland ‘Rolly’ Merle (he/him)- A halfling messenger who fell into roguish ways when trying to deliver some very important messages for the noble family he serves. Rolly will deliver those messages at some point, he’s sure. But what’s wrong about taking the scenic route, filled with lots of gold?
Lachlan ‘Lockie’ Beaumont (he/him)- A very flamboyant, fat, fun and flirtatious Wild Magic sorcerer halfling with an on-and-off ex(?) boyfriend who actually is the one who cursed him with the powers he now wields. Lockie is now searching for someone who will accept his need for an open relationship rather than zap him with magic for even suggesting the idea.
Arthur ‘Artie’ Garrick (any pronouns but defaults to he/him)- A reborn gnome celestial warlock whose boyfriend is their patron. Artie was a cleric but was killed and a solar working for the god Artie once served was in love with him and so got him reawoken. They rely on their angelic boyfriend for everything, most of their memories gone.
Ailbhe Keyes (they/them)- Ailbhe was a dedicated and wise coastal ranger when their young daughter was attacked by orca. Ailbhe instantly fought the orca to save their daughter but died in the process. However, the gods saw Ailbhe’s dedication to their craft and family and so granted them a place in one of the heavenly planes. But... Ailbhe’s dedication to family was a lot stronger than the gods had bargined for. Now Ailbhe wanders the planes, a ghost in every plane but the heaven Ailbhe was granted, posing some serious problems on trying to get back how to their little girl.
Jani Spurrey (he/him)- No one knew how evil Jani could be, everyone just thought him the grumpy but a loving half-elf husband to Xavier. And the loving part was no lie. But after Xavier died in an accident, Jani either snapped or the mask was dropped because he carefully warped Xander, Xavier’s twin brother, creating a mockery of his husband. Now Jani has struck a warlock deal to place the soul of his deceased husband in Xander’s body, for a price of course.
Enara Silverale (she/her)- Enara, dwarven cleric of Ilmater, is haunted by the curse that runs through her family. Never being able to stay long in one place, Enara just wants to feel love without that creeping feeling that the wolf is at her door.
Nima Charmchi (he/him)- Nima is a half elf-half dwarf and was raised by druids and rangers, meaning he feels all aspects of the earth run through him. Despite some bad luck with his boyfriends, Nima is a positive happy guy with no trauma, especially in comparison to my other characters.
Peren ‘Payr’ Liadon (he/him)- Peren comes from a long line of draconic sorcerers, and he always tries his best. However, he has no aptitude for magic, fighting or socialising, unlike the rest of his prestigious family. Despite this, he is well loved by his family for his good heart and determination. But even pitiful love takes it toll after a while, can Peren carry on being his cheery, there’s-always-next-time self for much longer?
Slypperie Gaq (no pronouns, uses name instead)- Gaq is a brave and selfless little sporekin, hailing from the Slypperie village. Gaq was part of the village guard but was recruited by the Hunters Guild after some members witnessed Gaq protect some sporekin and take down a ferocious beast. Gaq loves to just go where help is needed, and will even happily work for no gold. Gaq is also a mushroom of few words, only talking when Gaq feels it important and Gaq cannot stand nor understand lies, much to Gaq's party-mate's bemusement
Organisational tags I’ll use:
[character name] aesthetic
[character name] answers
[character name] info
[character name] story
barnie speaks
blood tw
cults tw
nudity tw
[topic] tw
dnd, d&d, dnd oc, d&d oc, dnd character, d&d character, dndcore, rangercore, bardcore, cottagecore, adventurecore, fairycore, fantasy character, character blog, oc blog
[campaign name] session [no.]
Photo by me
*Barnie is the collective name for an OSDD system so you might see different writing style on this blog.
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moonypears-blog · 11 months
Do you remember that episode where Sofia went with Roland and Amber on that daddy/daughter thing (that episode makes me so mad btw)
Imagine if the next year it happens she asks to go with Cedric this time
If Sofia asked, I think Cedric would hesitate at first because of Roland, but he'd put Sofia first and go with her. He might even snap at Roland if he tries to get in, going on a tangent about how he's never there for Sofia and only wants to spend time with her when it's a special event. I think Cedric has a lot of pent up rage about this topic, as he himself comes from a rough childhood in terms of fathers, and he wants to be able to give Sofia the experience of having a loving father, but can't flesh it out because "Roland's already her dad." He has to stuff his paternal feelings for her down for the sake of an emotionally unavailable stepfather.
I've actually imagined Sofia going with them the next time, not because she wants to but because she's a serious people-pleaser and just wants to make everyone happy. I have an entire thing in my mind where after the show, Sofia asked Cedric to be her dad, when it's just them she calls him dad and he considers her his daughter, but they keep it a secret as not to cause drama, and Sofia doesn't want to upset her mother by saying she doesn't want Roland to be her dad anymore, or to potentially change her relationship with Amber and James. So the entire time she's there she has this almost dysphoric feeling, because it doesn't feel right. She knows in her heart that Cedric is her dad, and she just wants to be there with him instead of faking a father/daughter bond with Roland.
She feels like she's disrespecting Cedric somehow, she knows he'd never get upset at her, but it feels wrong to be on a father/daughter occasion with another man as her father. She just wants her actual dad, she doesn't want her stepdad or her bio dad. She just wants dad. I think Cedric would take her out for a day afterwards, just the two of them, maybe see some magic exhibits, like a Father/daughter date.
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naivesilver · 2 years
Aww. Sorry about that my friend. But you know what? Sometimes is just good to get stuff on paper if you feel you’ve got too many ideas rolling around your head. Just saying ;) *evil cackle in the background* Hope your Christmas gift buying madness is going all right😘♥️ Jojo
Well then, prepare for your best paper impression because since you're at fault I'm about to use YOU to unload all these ideas 😠😠😠
Because listen, okay, I was pondering on what it would take to make an EAH/OUAT crossover, you know? Like, where to wedge in all those extra kids. And most of them are pretty easy, or at least the main ones don't require too much of an effort - Maddie Hatter? Jefferson can easily have two daughters instead of one. Raven Queen? Remove the infertility spell Cora inflicted (which was a pretty stupid idea to begin with) and she can have a kiddo with her true love - the name even fits well with Robin, Roland and Regina, at least initial-wise. Apple White? Baby Neal doesn't do anything useful anyway, might as well make him into a little girl, so the jealousy factor for Emma can go STONKS. Etc etc
But you know who DOESN'T fit well in this grand scheme of things? That's right! Our very best girl Cedar Wood 😒😒😒😒😒😒
Because no way in hell August is making himself ANOTHER wooden kid, okay? He's been there, he's done that. Never again. So what crossed my mind instead was that blasted idea we were throwing around last year in the comments under one of my canon compliant August fics, that he got one of his flings pregnant and subsequently got the child basically dropped onto his doorstep.
All this to say - what if this small girl he had with, I don't know, an Afro-American woman vacationing in Phuket, ends up without carers so he gets designated as next of kin? And then once she gets to Storybrooke, where magic actually works, it turns out that daddy's genes are stronger than they'd all expected?
Idk, it could be as cracky or as angsty as you want to make it, but my point is that you're a threat to my mind peace and you should be ashamed 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
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