#Roger Berruezo
daisy-spot · 6 months
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Iván Torrent (ft. Roger Berruezo) - Remember Me
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sporadic-og-loki · 6 months
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captainhancock727 · 8 months
Ivan Torrent - Remember Me (feat. Roger Berruezo)
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hoodup · 10 months
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cristinabcn · 1 year
Pretty Woman, el musical
Pretty Woman, the musical TERESA FERNANDEZ HERRERA. Periodista – Prensa Especializada Hacer una crónica o crítica de esta Pretty Woman que se exhibe en el teatro EDP Gran Vía de Madrid, es tanto como reseñar una de las grandes noticias de este otoño como algo fácil y de lo más placentero. Making a chronicle or criticism of this Pretty Woman, which is being shown at the EDP Gran Vía theater in…
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emmanuellececchi · 7 months
Top 5 songs
Thank you @hippodameia for the tag (always difficult to choose)
(I know it's not the original. I love this one too)
Those are the one I listen the most at the moment, for writing. I have specific lists for different moods and need like working or drawing so.... There are a lot of songs missing XD
@quillofspirit @konartiste @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras @sotwk and all who would wish to share their inner music?
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no-passaran · 5 years
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“Tinc un nou projecte en el qual encaixaries de conya. És per una cadena de tele de Miami, un rotllo llatí. Molt canyero.”
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perqueheplorat · 5 years
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ramascreen · 3 years
Official Trailer For SOUNDS LIKE LOVE
Official Trailer For SOUNDS LIKE LOVE
Netflix has released this official trailer for Sounds Like Love (Fuimos Canciones). Fashion assistant Maca has just about got her life together after a devastating breakup, when Leo, the man who broke her heart returns. Seeking support from best friends, Adriana and Jime, all three will learn love can be complicated. Release Date: September 29, 2021 Directed by: Juana Macías Screenplay by: Laura…
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theblueraven5 · 3 years
Hello friends!! Here is an a capella cover for MekaMechanic Week 2022! I’m not entirely sure if the lyrics fit with the theme but I wanted to contribute to the week in any way I could. This is a beautiful song that I tried my best to make the lyrics match for a mythical/magic storyline. 
So this might not be the best cover but I tried. (I’m also sorry if any background noise is heard. I recorded this in my garage.) 
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy! Thank you for listening! Also, I’m sorry this is late. 
“Remember Me” MekaMechanic Ver. Lyrics
Original by Ivan Torrent ft. Roger Berruezo
Once upon a time, there was a charming knight
Warm soul and arms of steel, but luckless on her love
Once upon a time, a Spirit called for her
They had a destiny, remember it
Oh, please, remember it
Though the shadows tried to keep their hearts away forever, it never came true
Their love was evermore
Brig’s verse
Once upon a time there was an evil hag
Was known as Amélie
Who made me wonder, and before I knew it
She shot me through my heart and drowned yours with this sorrow
(And) you stayed, but I left you
Please forgive me, don’t forget me
I’ll always love you
Hana’s verse
I'll keep remembrances of you
Until heavens bring you, to me
I'll need it to survive without your love
Please remember me, oh
I can’t forget you
Just come back to me
'Cause I love you too
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tangledfate · 3 years
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soulboundrot · 4 years
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“I am Angor “Amun” Rot,” He takes a bow, “I am here to please and be of assistance.” 
((Second image by @geckoodles ))
((Personal Angor representation of myself. He may be asked any questions or Canon Angor Rot can as well.))
Name: Angor “Amun” Rot
Title: Amun the Amicable
Nickname(s): Amun, ‘Angy’
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Race: Old World
Species: Troll
Hair/fur: None
Eyes: Left eye, cyan; right eye closed.
Skin: Ashen gray w/ leopard print
Horns: Darker Ashen Gray
Markings: Rosette spots and speckles
Piercings: Ring (right jaw), two rings (Below lower lip), and many more...
Occupation: The Trollhunter; Guardian to the weak
Connor Genevieve Ainsworth (Adopted sister)
Penelope "Penny" poppy (Adopted step-sister)
Elain the Moonlit (Adopted Sibling)
Bhaltair the Conqueror (Father)
Cahal the Courageous (Mother) 
Favorite Food: Any raw meats
Hobbies: Hunting, stalking his friends playfully, Trollhunting (given), Whittling totems or artistic pieces, Sleeping, 
Skills: Hunting, Camouflage/Stealth,  
Tools/Weapons: Creeper’s Sun Blade, Daylight, Compound Bow
Accessories:frivolous items such as: snacks, charms, totems, 
Theme Song: Ryo Ishido - Stay (Epic Rock)(Feat Toniet Gallego & Roger Berruezo)
Quote: No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. (Aesop)
Love Interest: ???
As a child, Angor knew life to be simple and pure: his parents were there to guide him, teaching him to hunt and survive in the wilds, learning to read the signs--anything and everything he would ever need to know in life. True, he had learned a harsh lesson here and there, but for a long time he believed that his life was perfect and he was content to continue down the path he believed to be his own.
One day, however, tragedy struck when the war erupted between humans and trolls and came to his home village. With his family struggling to defend themselves from the chaos, Angor began searching for a way to help save his home and keep his family safe--the answer coming to him in the form of the Daylight Amulet. Donning the armor, he was able to push back the threat--for a short time. Believing he couldn’t truly protect his loved ones, Angor began searching for a way to obtain more power from a being whose name chilled him to the core: Morgana.
Traveling farther than he’d ever gone before, he found Morgana’s cave and begged her for the power to protect his village in exchange for his flesh. She granted his wish--at the cost of his soul. But before his soul could be sealed away in the Inferna Copula, the amulet reacted and pulled it into itself. Horrified by what had transpired, he’d barely managed to escape Morgana’s fury at having lost her chance to destroy the amulet and made the slow trek back to his home village. He now had the power he sought, but it was a hollow victory as he lamented the loss of his soul within the amulet--so close, and yet out of reach.
The amulet had reacted to protect its bearer’s soul, though it is uncertain just how this can be or how he might get it back. He can feel its presence, but he feels...empty, seeking answers to try and free it as he fought to survive and protect the trolls he was now bound by duty to protect.
Due to the presence of his soul within the amulet, he is able to feel some emotions to an extent. These emotions are rare and treasured, and he finds himself feeling less empty when it comes to being surrounded by those he shares a bond with.
Sometimes he will find himself getting overwhelmed, unable to comprehend how he’s feeling and oftentimes shutting down and becoming a recluse. In recent years it’s been easier to deal with, where he finds solace in embracing the closest person he shares a bond with.
There is no set pattern to who he will seek consolation from, his footsteps taking him where he can get to the closest person from where he stands. For example, if he’s in Trollmarket, he might seek out one of his troll friends, while the next if he’s patrolling the surface world he might seek out one of the few human allies he considers friends. If he’s on the surface and Trollmarket happens to be closer, however, he will travel to Trollmarket versus his human ally.
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emmanuellececchi · 1 year
Music that stick with me
the first time I heard this music, I had just finished FFXVI. I don't know why but all I could think of was Terence and Dion.
I have no idea why but, each time I hear it now, I can't stop thinking about those two. It's my song for them.
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magnusbae · 4 years
Song rec: Remember Me by Ivan Torrent ft, Roger Berruezo
Ever since I heard it, I couldn't stop thinking it describes Magnus so well 🥺🥺
All I can think of is the fact that Asmodeus is the evil hag in this comparison 😂✨
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re-writing-h · 5 years
Tag game
I was tagged by@eluari (Thank you!!)
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
Top 3 Ships: Rizzles (Rizzoli & Isles. This series is reason when I find Fanfic world and then this world), Cassandra and Varric (Dragon Age Inquisition), Sly Cooper and Carmelita Fox (Sly Cooper)
Lipstick or Chapstick: Vaseline
Last Song: Remember me by Iván Torrent feat. Roger Berruezo
Last Movie: Black Swan (dir. Darren Aronofskyn, 2010)
Currently Reading: History of humankind - Yuval Noah Harari, The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
@kentwrites @dreadwvlfscript @dustylovelyrun @raven-n-tha-moonlight @faerytold @ofinscriptions @cabaretofwords @vviciously
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perqueheplorat · 5 years
Musicals catalans sencers ben filmats a internet
He intentat fer una llista de tots els musicals catalans que he trobat penjats sencers a YouTube o TV3 a la carta. Estan filmats professionalment per ser emesos per televisió i estan penjats amb força bona qualitat.
Intentaré tenir aquesta llista actualitzada, és a dir que si en trobo més els afegiré.
Antaviana (1978): YouTube, YouTube 2
Glups!! (1983): YouTube
Mar i Cel
Producció del 1988 (amb Àngels Gonyalons): YouTube
Revival del 2004 (amb Elena Gadel): YouTube, YouTube 2
Revival del 2014 (amb Ana San Martín i Roger Berruezo): YouTube
Flor de Nit (1992): YouTube, YouTube 2.
Flor de Nit en concert (2011): YouTube.
Els Pirates (1997): YouTube
Memory (1998): YouTube, YouTube 2. (Espectacle de l'Àngels Gonyalons amb altres cantants i ballarins a partir de cançons de diferents musicals famosos).
Poe (2002): YouTube, YouTube 2
Nit de Sant Joan
Revival del 2010: TV3 a la carta, YouTube, YouTube 2
A Cop de Rock (2011): YouTube
La Família Irreal (2012): TV3 a la carta, YouTube
Polònia, el musical: la independència tenia un preu (2015): TV3 a la carta 
Gente Bien de La Cubana (2016): YouTube
Scaramouche (2016): YouTube, YouTube 2
Verdaguer, ombres i maduixes (2016): YouTube
Maremar (2019): YouTube
L’emperadriu del Paral·lel (2022): TV3 a la carta.
For Evita. Una astracanada musical (2023): YouTube.
Altres produccions en català de musicals estrangers:
El Mikado (1986): YouTube, (2017): YouTube.
Estan tocant la nostra cançó (1991): YouTube
Germans de sang (1994): YouTube, YouTube 2
T’odio amor meu (1995): YouTube, YouTube 2
Sweeney Todd: el barber diabòlic del carrer Fleet (1995 Centre Dramàtic de la Generalitat de Catalunya): YouTube. Nota: aquesta és la producció original catalana que Stephen Sondheim en persona va dir que era una de les millors versions que havia vist mai!
The Rocky Horror Show (1996): YouTube.
La Perritxola (2003): YouTube
Una rossa legal (2011 Sabadell): YouTube, (2022 Sant Andreu): YouTube.
13 (2011 Sabadell): YouTube.
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