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geologyin-blog · 4 months ago
Earth’s history is marked by the periodic assembly and breakup of vast supercontinents—massive landmasses that once united nearly all the continents into singular entities. Major supercontinents that have existed on Earth: Vaalbara, Ur, Kenorland, Columbia, Rodinia, Pannotia, Gondwana, Laurasia, and Pangaea.
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themagothyriverdragon · 1 year ago
And Rodinia was just wasted. No dinosaurs, no railway networks, nothing.
Pangaea was wasted on the dinosaurs. Imagine the railway network.
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0-everythingelse-0 · 3 months ago
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In 900 million years these rocks won’t be part of the same land mass. They will move around the planet and will form many different worlds. They will host an infinite number of environments, with life forms so strange, that trying to imagine them now, through the consciousness of a microscopic life form, is impossible. Oxygen is just appearing, and as its amount in the atmosphere increases, life will most likely thrive, and will find new ways to produce it, expanding the diversity of beings, intelligences and of perceptions on the planet. Feelings will also develop, they will evolve and change, and one day, there will be a word to describe the impossibility of being away from someone, and one to describe the disappearance of life. I will long for the next time that separated continents will come together again. I want to trust the endless cycle of leaving.
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archaeologyinbulgaria · 8 months ago
‘The Mudbrick Swamp,’ First Book in ‘Rodiniya’s Reason’ Fantasy Series Published by Writer Ivan Dikov
“The Mudbrick Swamp,” the first book in the “Rodiniya’s Reason” fantasy series, has been published by Bulgarian English-language writer and journalist Ivan Dikov on Amazon.com. “pThe Mudbrick Swam” is actually Volume 1 of what is conceived as a vast epic set in a medieval fantasy world with alternative history elements. The new release, which is 370 pages its e-book Kindle edition and 354 pages…
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mr-nauseam · 1 year ago
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The ages of Saturno
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ihnmaim-screaming · 2 years ago
Mourning supercontinent rodinia rn
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spectrumspace · 2 years ago
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antediluviansteel · 7 months ago
Plugging my story again!
If you like what I post here give it a shot! I’m hard at work on chapter 2 in my free time and I’ll share the updates here.
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spnfanficpond · 9 months ago
June 2024 Angel Fish Awards
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Nominated by @autisticandroids
The Horror of No Detrimental Redaction by sp8ce (AO3)
Really top tier whump that is also a super attentive cas character study which is also willing to sit with him in a really uncomfortable space
The Trapdoor by hal_incandenza (AO3)
it's an epic rewrite of dabb era with a level of attention to detail that i've rarely seen in any fiction. the metatextual elements are carefully woven in and the character beats feel real. plus, it's an almost episode by episode rewrite and the new monster of the week casefic elements are fresh and fun. also it answers the question what if apocalypse world was good.
finer things by @explainslowly
i think it's maybe the ultimate pinnacle of the deancas triangulation of desire genre. when dean and cas have weird sex via a woman... one of my favorite things. and this is my favorite iteration.
By Your Hand by @restlesshush
this is my favorite relitigation of moriah that i've ever encountered. cas is so crazy in it. you can kind of feel that things will eventually work out without that coming off as cheap. it's perfect
Nominated by @candygrammes
LIMBO by entselene (AO3)
It's the creepiest. angstiest, scariest story I've read this year. Sam wakes up in Sioux Falls Hospital horribly injured, with no idea what happened. Not only that, but Dean is nowhere to be seen. Why? Has Dean abandoned him?
Nominated by @charliethealpaccaso
Strange Encounters by deanandsam (Ao3)
I loved the idea that there are dog versions of dean and sam along side the main sam and dean that I found it cute but also opened up a whole side story I wish there was more of.
Dogs Don't Pay Taxes by Zetal (Rodinia) (AO3)
There oddly is a huge lack of dog!sam fics on A03 that I love to try and spread the word of the ones that are out there. This one was cute both prompt wise and just made my day when I came across it
Faithful Companion by brokenlittleboy (AO3)
What if during season two Sam developed a whole new issue with his psychic powers and turned himself into a dog then this is the fic for you. Dean does mess around with him in this fic but I think it was a fun and interesting read for the concept
Nominated by @glygriffe
Why’s every song is about love (or drinking too much) by @quietwings-fics
They didn't give us enough Sam and Castiel scenes in the show. Here's a bitter-sweet one between the two of them, talking about Dean and the whole 'unrequited love' thing. A ficlet the gives a Destiel fan just the right amount of heavy heart.
It’s the Stars that Lie by @seperis
Ok, this fic doesn't need recommandations, but it's still needs public praises. To fully appreciate it, you need to read the fever dream that is Map of the World first, but I love how the author builds on the glimpses that the episode The End gave of the apocalypse!world. The OCs are interesting (and many of them are POC), and the lovely slow burn between Dean and Castiel is spiced up with the fake boyfriends trope.
Since I've Been Loving You - Remaster by tgel210 (AO3)
I like Castiel's first-person POV, Dean being a musician without being a rock star: it feels close to home like my next-door neighbor is talking to me about the love of his life.
Closer than they appear by sunkenfox (AO3)
Dean and Castiel figuring out what their life could be together by looking at Misha and Jensen is interesting. Even more interesting is the concept that like it or not, the Supernatural characters would not exist in their world without the writers and the actors in an other world. That Dean and Jenses share more than a face; same for Misha and Castiel (even if the difference are more obvious between the last two). A story of discorvery on a meta level, hiding inside a cute Destiel and RPF romance.
he feels no control of his body by withthekeyisking (AO3)
A wonderful but sad exploration of Sam Winchester throughout his life; from his lack of bodily autonomy to his dying faith in god(s) and humanity. With just enough brotherly love to leave the reader aching from loss and something like betrayal. (I love Dean, but he his a royal dick to his brother sometimes)
Nominated by @handsliketruth
evergreen endless by @whiskeyjuniper
A glimpse of endverse!Dean and Castiel during the earliest days of The End, via Chuck (prophet? god? something in-between?) as he continues to chart their story...and struggles to keep them from their inevitable collision despite their wildly infuriating pattern of falling into it... (full disclosure, this one was a gift for me, but I would rec this anyway 💛 dark, spicy, funny, clever meta fun)
But I Ain't Dead Yet by @bloodydeanwinchester
I cannot wait to see how this one plays out! Clever and charming with a fun hook: what if s4 Dean and Cas time-traveled back to 1x12 Faith to save Layla? (I would read a million words of Dean watching faith!Dean and Castiel get along 😂)
Nominated by @heavenssexiestangel
Bad Day Love by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
it's a cute pick-me-up story with one of my favorite ships. I really like how Arthur is so soft with Dean here.
Bedtime Routine by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
It's another rareship of mine andI love how they care for each other here and take care of Emma.
The Fool's Journey by @ladyknightskye
I know I was the artist for this story but - what Meg wrote for my art is awesome and it features one of my favorite characters - Gadreel. The journey he has in this fic is extremely important
Nominated by @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis
Presence by @ani-coolgirl
This story broke my heart in the absolute most beautiful way. It's sad and sweet and doomed and it haunts me still.
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661
Stitches by @kittenofdoomage
Its cute! I like it!
Sweet Little Lies by @impala-dreamer
I like how funny it was despite all the angst!!
Nominated by @masoena
Nothing Ever Really Ends by @nyxocity
Beautiful heaven fic with Sam and Dean, bring tissues, post S15E20
In Silence Sealed by @fiercelynormal
Dean loses his hearing but starts talking his thoughts out loud beautifully written Smitty short
Love, Your Brother by @eninkahootz
Sam and Dean communicating by letters btw heaven and earth post-series. Work in progress and so well written
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
Cretaceous by tiamatv (AO3)
This is a cute, fluffy romp through Jurassic Park as a Destiel fic! You don't have to love dinos to love this fic, but I imagine it would make it even better. If you're looking for something sweet and light to read before bed, this is the bedtime story for you!
Nominated by @rainythursdaynight
Clean Air by @anactorya
I read this story when I was maybe 16 and re-read it twice or three times in the year after. That being said, I can remember it almost excruciatingly well. I'm a post-apocalypse gal and I crave anything in that genre, so it was doubtless that I'd love this story. But the world-building done in this story? The characterization? The tension it manages to build? It's so gripping and exciting and I remember reading it worried out of my mind for the characters and exhaling the deepest breath as the story drew to a close. It's a not too dense read and an enveloping one, you'll forget you're above ground by the end of it!
Empty Spaces by @schmerzerling
This story made me fall in love with writing again. It's so heavy with how it distributes emotion in its words, but also so soothing too. This reads like watching a glass vase get tipped over the edge of a table and, maybe distantly, wondering if someone will catch it in time. But it doesn't quite matter because the flowers are beautiful and if you're crying then it's about the flowers and not the vase. I highly recommend this story to everyone, heavy as its contents may be. I felt safe reading this, I ached, I adore this story beyond words can capture.
Phantasma! by @thisisapaige
I very rarely read things that are horror inclined (funny as that is given the nature of Spn), and maybe this story is not considered horror either, but it left me just on that edge of eerie and it was exhilarating. Most of the story is sweet, and cathartic, as Dean rebuilds his life outside of his family and finds that in Castiel. But the mystery of it all, the unknown, it left me waiting for the other shoe to drop and this writer was excellent at making that payoff worth it.
The Art of Falling by @zipegs
This story was gritty and ugly and didn't pull back punches when it came to its emotional weight. Recovery is a nightmarish process of relapse and pain and relief and this story embodied this with its characters beautifully. This story was lonely, in the sense that its only two characters yes but it also felt a lot like reading about two characters pitted against the backdrop of everything. The world, the universe, existence. It made me feel small but so vast at the same time, and it was so utterly human (funny given the context of the story). It's a short and beautiful read that left me aching but in a way that was comforting as opposed to alienating.
With The End Came You by @lotrspnfangirl
I adore zombie apoclaypse AUs but so few of them focus on the characters' growth alongside the events of the series. And so few of them do side characters justice. This story was THE exception. Not only does the progression of the characters not sideline the plot and vice versa, but the story handles people so so well. You have those that stick around for long, and those that don't, and it treats both parties so faithfully that I'm left emotional over side characters I've only had a page worth of content with as much as the main characters I'm with the entire time. This is a zombie apocalypse AU that puts people first and foremost, and its so human and such a rewarding story to those that have even the smallest interest in these types of AUs. And the progression of the plot is so smooth and natural, TWD could never (and I love that show so take with that as you will).
Nominated by @samanddean76
Dark As Midnight (And You Don’t Look The Same) by @kassyscarlett
This is a story that follows a young Dean (17 years-old) out looking for a good time and running into an older man that gives what he wants. Not realizing he knows him, that he is in fact his Sammy. This story is so good! Time-travel, the follies of youth, needing to be protected from yourself, and realizing years later what that random encounter really was. It is part of a series, but works as a stand alone. But the entire series is worth checking out.
Coming Out Of The Dark by firesign10 (AO3)
It's a story about others helping one they know is broken, giving him what he needs so he can move on and live the rest of his life. The Richesters visit Sam in the bunker after Dean's death, and give him one final night together, so that he might carry on. It tragic and beautiful and has all the feels. Highly recommend.
Nominated by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
Interspecies Romance and Its Associated Perils by suspiciousflashlight (AO3)
I have read this story many, many times. It’s adorable and hilarious. It’s cute and awkward in a way that someone who isn’t sure how to tell about a weird scar or birthmark is. The ending is the best part of the entire thing.
A Helping Hand and Thrilling Touches by mydestielbabies_67 (AO3)
I don’t normally nominate smut but this was just amazing. It was beautiful, and what and intense.
The Cherry Pie Club by zation (AO3)
This is a work in progress. It’s great! Zariah is such a great writer in so many genres. This one is about Dean exploring bdsm for the first time and ends up also realizing things about himself too. Poor Dean learns the hard way that it is Cas he loves about bdsm but still. Their connection and energy with each other is felt as you read. Highly recommend reading!
Absolute Beginners by @ahurston
Chapter 5 made me scream then go feral and foam at the mouth.
Dancing moves by faithlesshunter (AO3)
I am not normally one to read infidelity fics; however, this is destiel. It’s the holidays and Cas and Dean get left alone to reconnect. They tried to be a couple at the beginning once Cas came back from the Empty but they weren’t ready for it. Now, years later and they are! The confessions and the hot smut is just so exacting for them. It’s gorgeous! Dean has always loved Cas and Cas still loves Dean. Oh, I’d love to see how it works out but this reconnection is just purely intense and the dopamine is addictive. Good luck. MUST READ!
The Case of Dean and Castiel's Extremely Resolvable Tension by CanonFodder (Tartan_Temptation) (AO3)
This is hilarious and hot AF! It starts out explaining the premise and drives right into it where Dean finally gives in. He is so happy he does too. He gets a wonderfully deserving reward. Poor Sam and his need for eye bleach. Lol!
Objects May Appear Smaller by @valandrawrites
The instant connection of Cas and Dean, and the science of this story makes this a one-of-a-kind a/b/o. Despite it being incomplete, it’s such a fluffy and fascinating read. It keeps you wanting more with every one of the six chapters. I hope one day they get inspired to write more.
Sentinel by Followsthebees (AO3)
I love this story. I love that it’s a different take on Castiel—he’s a gargoyle. It’s such a fascinating story and their connect is seen by the readers but not Dean. It’s interesting how Dean starts to notice and how intense and romantic it gets. Sex and flying are fascinating, man. This is written oh so well!
Three's Company by @luci-in-trenchcoats
Cas x f!Reader that becomes Cas x f!reader x Dean. It shows a very healthy ethical non-monogamy relationship. I love how the Reader initially freaks, I think, and when Cas and them come to talk to Dean, he freaks too. Everyone is patient with each other though. It’s as it should be when introducing polyamory to non-poly experience people. It’s so sweet and wonderful to read. It’s adorable. This is how poly fics should be.
Ketch and Release by NichePastiche (AO3)
Oh, the fluff and growth! I love this series so so so so much! I always get excited when I see they wrote more. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nominated by @spnbabe67
Finish What You Started by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
I love the tension that melts into silly goofiness.
Spin Cycle by @winchester-girl67
I usually don't do a lot of fluff but I loved the way the writer did this one.
Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Take A Shot by @rizlowwritessortof
It's just so sexy and Dean. Guh.
Rest by @zepskies
It's swoony and cozy and melancholy, and I love that for us.
The Iceman Cometh by @talltalesandbedtimestories
Ice play is one of my favorite things. Pair that with Dean Winchester, written by Sandra, and, well, you've got a winner.
Damned If I Do by @zepskies
I liked Lisa and Ben, and this is a very satisfying way to show that!
Nominated by @whiskeyjuniper
Truth & Despair by @shallowseeker
It's so compelling, every time a new chapter is posted I'm so excited to see what happens next. Also it's Shal's first fic and they're almost done with it so I wanted to celebrate it :)
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(Divider by @glygriffe)
- From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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baldurs-writers-3 · 8 months ago
Time Skips & Future Fics: A Baldur's Gate 3 Fanfic Rec list
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This week, we have Time Skips & Future Fics!  Check under the cut for a whopping nineteen fics that show all our favorite companions and what they’re doing years after the Absolute Crisis. And as always, comment and kudos if you like them!
One Last Crooked Night by Scaryanne (34342, Explicit) Warnings: None Pairings: Gale/Tav, Astarion/Tav
Tav is engaged to marry Gale. Astarion is in love with Tav. Tav is in love with... Astarion. UH-OH
Reccer says: I'm a sucker for reading about idiots in love who could solve so many problems with some simple communication but instead choose to do anything but that. Also it is a nice exploration of what somebody "Should do" verses what they WANT to do.
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A Gift, A Curse by El_emit (195161, Explicit) Warnings: Graphic violence, non-con/rape, mind control Pairings: Astarion/Tav
A story in which we discover just how damned an ascended vampire can be, and just how far you will go to save the elf you loved.
Reccer says: A post canon "what happened after we let him ascend" fic. The author does a phenomenal job of world building, tugging on your emotions, making you feel shocked and afraid and excited for what's coming next all at once. Most chapters have left me on the edge of my chair waiting for more of the story to unfold. (Still ongoing!)
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Coming Home by MoisopolonOikia (roughlytwentytwofrogs) (15962, Mature) Warnings: PTSD/Anxiety, descriptions of panic attacks and hypervigilance, amputated MC Pairings: Shadowheart/Lae'zel
Lae'zel comes back to Faerûn after the war on Vlaakith is won, a decade after the illithid invasion. She meets Halsin at the grove and travels with him towards Last Light Inn to find her lover Shadowheart and all her old friends there, but she has to deal with the toll the years of fighting have taken on her body and mind on the way.
Reccer says: Very sweet and emotional slowburn with a focus on exploring a post-Vlaakith Lae'zel that came back changed after 10 years of warring. Made me cry more than once (it's a good thing i promise)
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The stars in between. by ElleKhen (17795, Explicit) Warnings: Pairings: Astarion/Tav
Years after the events of the game, Withers invites Church, Astarion, and their former companions back for yet another party — a cozy, festive celebration of Simril! Thrilled at the prospect of seeing his friends together again, Church takes the opportunity to indulge in a nostalgic tradition of his old village. But once Astarion realizes that this tradition involves giving gifts, he desperately tries to come up with a last-minute gift worthy enough for his partner with help from their friends and a certain (former) god of death.
Reccer says: I love how cozy and lighthearted and fun it is
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Exile (Or: How You Learned to Stay) by Astarionfreak (51877, Explicit) Warnings: Non-con, mind control, graphic violence Pairings: Astarion/The Dark Urge, Shadowheart/The Dark Urge
When you have nothing, and the only one who offers you anything is the vampire you've spurned, what else can you say to him but yes?
Reccer says: A post canon story that explores the cost of seven thousand souls and how far Astarion will go to keep what he wants. This fic is exceptional. It perfectly captures every element of a gothic horror, it weaves together foreshadowing and layers to the story that you don't realize until you're reading the reveal. I have cried and laughed and fell in love with the heroine; it has made me loath a character I love. This isn't a feel good story, and if you're looking for a dark way to take things, this is where you should go.
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I'm Feeling For Her What She's Feeling For Me by Zetal (Rodinia) (757, General) Warnings: None Pairings: Karlach/Tav
A cute short fluff fic that takes place two years after the end of the game.
Reccer says: It's short and sweet and I just want to give Karlach a giant hug 💕
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turn the lights back on by weatheredlaw (16 104, Explicit) Warnings: None Pairings: Gale/Shadowheart
four years after they parted in baldur's gate, shadowheart arrives in waterdeep with a wish scroll in hand and asks gale for his help casting it. it winds up being more than either of them expects.
Reccer says: There's such a cozy feel to this! All the interactions between all the different characters, the excellent characterization and the musings they have. It's a very interesting little introspection.
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As we were by LycheeShark (9363, Explicit) Warnings: None Pairings: Astarion/Durge
Former lovers Astarion and Minx end up back in their old bodies--back when he was Cazador's spawn, not the vampire ascendant, and back when she was still trapped in Bhaal's clutches with all the urges that entail. Together, they must figure out a way back to the future they came from.
Reccer says: It's so engaging!! This fic just hooks you straight off the bat. Great character voices, especially for Gortash and Sceleritas, fantastic premise and things are always happening!
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Appetites by SpaceMonkeySalsa (72213, Explicit) Warnings: Suicide, depression, smut Pairings: Astarion/OFC
It's been five years since the Vampire Ascendant Astarion helped save Baldur's Gate. He has everything he ever wanted, and he's miserable. Isolde is nobody, and has nothing. When given the option to become a vampire spawn, her response gives Astarion a moment of pause; “No. Thank you. I think I’ll just die.”
Reccer says: I'm not normally into Ascended Astarion but I love this fic. It's very well written, and shows that Astarion has a bit of remorse about his actions. He has a complicated relationship with the primary character, Isolde; but it's not the only conflict brewing in the story. Features cameos from several other evil-ending!members of the rest of Team Tadpole as well.
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she will come back by sevensistersofsussex (14297, Explicit) Warnings: angst with a happy ending, smut Pairings: Wyll/Tav
A decade after a rejected proposal, tiefling Tav sees Wyll once again. Old feelings come back.
Reccer says: I like the emotion and longing between the two characters.
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Harper Files: A - Team by Tynithia (17552, Mature) Warnings: None Pairings: Emperor/Tav, Tav & OCs
Four years after the Netherbrain, Ellandra is now a Harper, under Jaheira's cell. She and her Harper Squad are tasked to find the source of some magical occurrences around Baldur's Gate
Reccer says: Fun action/adventure comedy with original characters along with cameos and a plot!
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Midwinter in Waterdeep by woodsnweaves (4229, Mature) Warnings: None Pairings: Gale/Tav
After the events of the game, the main character of this fic realizes she's not one for a routine, scheduled life in Waterdeep. She and Gale fell in love quickly and didn't realize how difficult it would be to adjust to a new life together.
Reccer says: This is easily my favorite Gale fic I've read. It's such a great blend of angst and happiness. The way the author conveys their emotions is absolutely tear-jerking and I LOVE IT. I've read this multiple times and still adore it.
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Weeping Dawn by Hadesgirl015 (1483, Teen) Warnings: Major character death Pairings: Tav/Karlach, Tav&Wyll
A shortly after the end of the game fic, exploring the deep grief felt when the love of your life is gone.
Reccer says: The grief in this is so well written and explored, and it's such beautiful work for how short and sweet it is. I cried while reading this.
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Closing the Fist by aqeldroma (78366, Explicit) Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Pairings: Gortash/The Dark Urge
A month past her victory over the netherbrain at Gortash's side, the Dark Urge, newly devoted to Bane, returns to Baldur's Gate with an urgent mission. But complications are afoot, and tyranny is never quite straightforward.
Reccer says: 75k+ words of post-canon evil intrigue; the Netherbrain as an actual character; the Zhentarim featuring in a big way.
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What you made me by Denesmera (11452, Mature) Warnings: None Pairings: Astarion/Tav, Halsin/Tav
It's been almost 6 months since they defeated the Elderbrain. Everybody seems to have found a purpose in life, expect Maeva.
Reccer says: Denesmera crafts a beautiful tale with elegant prose. I love the dynamics of her struggle with her purpose.
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the cure for the world is saltwater by Raayide (16871, Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: astarion/karlach
Can Astarion really have a 'happily ever after' waiting for him considering the past 200 years?
Reccer says: Heart-wrenching and heartwarming all at once
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Servitude by krapka (10 137, Explicit) Warnings: Dubious Consent, Stockholm Syndrome, Power Imbalance, Master/Servant, Sex Slave Pairings: Astarion/Original Character
It's been 7 centuries since the defeat of the Absolute, and the city of Baldur’s Gate, ruled by a legendary Eternal Duke Ancunin and forsaken by all gods, has descended into perpetual darkness. Aveline is one of the 'faded' - a group of people who this cruel world changed the most. Yet she possesses a unique talent.
Reccer says: Nobody writes porn like krapka. The characters don't even have to fuck before the fucking starts. The tension is always on point, and a lot is done with the world building with few words here and there. I'm so stoked to see where this is going!
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Tidal Memories by Irken (4900 atm, it's a freshly-posted wip, Mature) Warnings: Canon-typical violence Pairings: The Emperor/Illithid Tav
It's an adventure/boat trip story 5 years post-game about the Emperor, illithid Tav, and some of the other companions (Wyll, Karlach, Gale, Astarion) going to the royal court of Tethyr to retrieve the Shield of Silvam. They explore both cities along the coast and their relationships with each other.
Reccer says: Irken's prose about being illithid and mind melding specifically is really sweet and thoughtful...
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And then we have two recs for:
The Legends of Nexus Vermis by Masterangst12 (84260, Mature) Warnings: Canon-typical violence, torture, past abuse Pairings: Tav/Astarion
A post-game adventure taking place a few months after the reunion party following Astarion and Axel (Tav) meeting up with their former traveling companions.
Reccer #1 says:  The author describes things beautifully, and their OCs are engaging and fun to read about. I love their Tav (Axel) so much, and his relationship with Astarion. Reccer #2 says:  This is one of my favorite post game fics that I'm reading. I've been keeping up with it for a while now and I've just fallen in love with the original characters created for it. The author does such a great job of describing the scenes around them, I always have a very clear picture of what's going on!
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The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week, we’ll be back with a heartbreaking and bloody theme, Revenge Fics!
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cosmic-tuna · 6 months ago
i occasionally remember you talking about supercontinents on here a long time ago and it always gets me pumped about supercontinents again & geology in general. this earth is so cool man, and people with your kind of enthusiasm for it are so cool too 💕
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o-craven-canto · 5 months ago
Four scenarios for the formation of the next Pangea-like supercontinent, between 200 and 250 million years after our time. (Sources: "The next supercontinent", Stephen Battersby, 2017; "Back to the future: Testing different scenarios for the next supercontinent gathering", Davies et al., 2018)
In all these scenarios, for the next 50 million years or so Africa keeps crawling north, pushing against the southern edge of Eurasia until the Mediterranean disappears, replaced by a colossal mountain range.
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1. Novopangea. The current trends continue: the Atlantic keeps growing from the mid-Atlantic ridge, and the Pacific keeps shrinking, its crust consumed by the subduction zones of the Ring of Fire and fueling the volcanoes of Japan and Peru. Africa breaks along the Great Rift, sending an eastern continent out into the Indian Ocean until it collides with Australasia. As the Pacific disappears around its one-billionth birthday, North America merges back-to-back with East Asia, trapping Australia and Antarctica in the middle.
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2. Pangea Ultima or Proxima. As Atlantic crust grows older, it finally gives way, and the small subduction zones on the eastern coast of the Americas join into a massive trench. The Atlantic starts closing once again. The new subduction also splits Antarctica in two pieces, with the eastern half entering the Indian Ocean. The continents rejoin in a configuration similar to the original Pangea, although the Old World -- with which Africa and Australia are solidly fused -- rotates so that Africa wedges between the Americas. The remains of the Atlantic and Indian ocean form a Mediterranean-like inland sea.
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3. Amasia. The eastern subduction zone of the Americas only opens partially, causing them to rotate. Both the Atlantic and the Pacific remain open, except for the far north of the Pacific. What closes is the Arctic Ocean, as all continents converge northward, without much changing their shape. Australia pushes hard against Northeast Asia, merging fully with it. The exception is Antarctica which remains at the South Pole, surrounded by a massive circumplanetary ridge from which all new crust is produced and by a narrower subduction ring that will raise volcanoes all around its coast.
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4. Aurica. This time, both the Atlantic and the Pacific close up. The dominant ocean is a completely new one: Eurasia tears in two along the Indus valley and the rift of Lake Baikal, with the western half travelling west, and the eastern half (with Australia) east, until they both collide with North America on its opposite sides. For a while, the Ring of Fire is an Atlantic phenomenon. South America is similarly crushed between Antarctica and Africa.
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In any case, eventually new rifts will form, and the new supercontinent will also shatter like Pangea once did (and before that, Rodinia), producing new continents of unrecognizable shape.
Video: Novopangea
Video: Pangea Ultima
Video: Amasia
Video: Aurica
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batfossil-fr · 1 year ago
Which of your dragons would you say is your most favorite, and why?
this is a very tough decision...
I think most favorite has to be Cup, he's just my silly guy. I adore his colors and his eye matching and even though I really don't have much planned for him, I feel like he's just my FR icon at this point (literally and figuratively). my FR-sona. my guy
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but I have so many honorable mentions after him, putting together a strict top 5 list of favs would kill me. so consider these guys all tied for #2
Cozan/Chaxu, Molossus, Aixide, Dyhemo, Rodinia, Pajiha... etc etc etc
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tributary · 1 year ago
my three supercontinent girlfriends Pangea, Gondwana, and Pannotia
and their three supercontinent cousins Nuna (or Columbia), Rodinia, and Ur
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mr-nauseam · 1 year ago
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Venus as a boy
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ao3wincest · 5 months ago
If the Love that You Stole Wasn't Still the Best I've Known
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/pdivWtU by Zetal (Rodinia) Dean and Sam have a lot to work out, but they're both determined to make it work. After introducing each other to their parents, they face a very difficult question of whether they should work it out. Words: 2704, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Swesson Sugar Daddy Con Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Relationships: Dean Smith/Sam Wesson, Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Meeting the Parents, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, accidental sibling incest, Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester are Raised Separately, Bobby Singer and John Winchester's Horrible Friendship Ending, Disabled John Winchester, Disabled Bobby Singer read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/pdivWtU
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