#Rocketman takeaway
foulladybasement · 2 years
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
On the surface All of Us Strangers is about Adam (Andrew Scott — Fleabag, Sherlock, His Dark Materials), a London-based screenwriter suffering from writer’s block and his attempts to push on with the screenplay he’s trying to write about his parents, but it quickly develops into so much more than that. It’s about family ties. About love lost and found. It’s a story about belonging and being on the outside.
It’s also a story about the UK. Its humor, regional accents and most of all its culture. This is a movie that’s steeped in 1980s pop culture references — Adam constantly watches Frankie Goes to Hollywood or Pet Shop Boys on Top of the Pops reruns or sifts through old vinyl records of Erasure and Wham! As he continues his research for his screenplay — or so he says. The more the film goes on, the more it appears Adam’s research is purely personal.
All of Us Strangers is also a story about gay lives and the monumental shifts that have taken place in government policy and social attitudes since the 1980s. These are big themes, but this film takes each weighty topic lightly, making them familiar and weaving them into daily life.
From the moment we see Adam, in his London flat, scratching around for something to eat from the half-eaten takeaway collection in his fridge, struggling to finish the opening sentence on his latest screenplay and reluctantly trudging out to the front of his building when the practice fire alarm goes off, we can understand he’s a lonely soul. Just how lonely and repressed he is, is only made clear when Harry (Paul Mescal — Normal People, Aftersun) appears — knocking at his door, completely drunk, offering Japanese whisky and desperate for company. Adam clearly would like to let Harry in and say yes — to whisky, to his company and more. Much more. But he’s too tightly wound, says no and spends a restless night overthinking his decision.
From there the movie does a sudden pivot, as it does from time to time, disorientating the viewers, and we’re in rural South London (not a contradiction in terms), Sanderstead, to be precise and Adam’s lurking in fields outside his childhood home. Eventually, he’s approached by a handsome, mustachioed stranger. But instead of this being another sexual come-on, it turns out to be his father (Jamie Bell — Billy Elliot, Rocketman) who asks him to come home and meet his mother (Claire Foy — The Crown, A Very British Scandal). But everything is strangely frozen in time — their clothes, car, home decor, and talking points are all from the late 80s.
As Adam shuttles to and fro on the train between London and Croydon, we woosh back and forth between storylines. Croydon, where Adam and his parents slowly get to know each other again exploring key moments from Adam’s childhood that have obviously proved traumatic for him. Switch to London and, in their modern (yet strangely empty) apartment block, Adam and Harry start to develop a romantic relationship that is forthright and yet tender.
The performances in this movie are outstanding. Andrew Scott shows tremendous emotional range as the man stuck in a rut, trapped by events from his childhood, yet heart-wrenchingly willing to open himself up to love and be loved. That performance has already been recognized with a Golden Globes nomination for Best Actor and there’s every chance he’ll get Oscar and BAFTA nominations too. Paul Mescal has a smaller but critical role as Harry — sensitive, yet earthy and with an energy that starts to unlock Adam’s carefully constructed barricades. Mescal creates layers of character and meaning with tiny changes of expression and tone of voice, a small glance away — when talking about his difficult home life — it’s another performance to match his Oscar-nominated turn on 2022’s father-daughter film, Aftersun. Jamie Bell and Claire Foy, as Adam’s parents, take parts that could be sentimental and mawkish and make them warm and believable.
And yet, despite the superb cinematography, soundtrack and those sterling performances, this movie doesn’t quite hang together. While Adam’s blossoming relationship with his parents feels warm, and loving and is lovely to witness, its warm suburban feel (with cups of tea and flapjacks) is totally at odds with the gritty, queer love story (with oral sex, ketamine and leather bars) in London. In another movie, the fact that Adam has these two different sides of his life might be the point of the story — a conflict to explore and, maybe, to resolve. Here, however, there’s a third (mystery) element in Adam’s life that overshadows the other two. It’s not really explained how or in what form Adam is spending time with his parents who, he explains early on, died in a car crash, when he was 12. Is it part of his screenwriting method (pure imagination), is he ill/dreaming/dead, or is this a supernatural narrative? Does Adam see dead people? Trying to unpick that conundrum understandably undercuts the other storylines and left me slightly unsatisfied. The final coda, though, was so powerful it almost pulled it back to the full five stars…'
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s-k-y-w-a-l-k-e-r · 5 years
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intyalote · 3 years
team event day 2:
- so happy gubanova and maddie went clean!! though gubanova was robbed as usual... let her break 70...
- WAKABA!!! taking out the 3A was a good choice to get her some confidence before the individual event
- feel bad for karen but team usa gold chances being significantly lower is great. now we just need the same energy for russia. no jason and no misha = no support from me
- despite the inside edge landing and toe hammer kamila does have some amount of SS and great spins so with better programs I might be able to be more than indifferent to her and hateful towards her scores, but danny g choreo.... no.
- honestly one of boyang’s better skates these last years. sometimes I wonder how he would have developed if the fleeting boyang-borser teamup had panned out
- relatively clean jesus mark superchrist? idk how the fuck he jumps (and what is it with russians and fake eulers?) but good for him. high camp. I was thinking of misha the whole time but you know what mark’s also a kolyadabot so he has some rights.
- HOLY SHIT YUMA a 4Lo?? clean jumps besides that?? good SS and the SPEED. he has all the technique he just needs to emote out a bit more, since he lacks the natural musicality of shoma and detailed interpretation/charisma of yuzuru that allow them to draw the audience inwards. still a 208 well earned.
- actually I’m not over it, that 3F-3Lo combo was gorgeous... no idea HOW he gets so much height on the loop but jun has a challenger for king of loop combo title. wait a couple years and maybe yuma will be doing loop combo on quads... quadg0d better watch out.
- honestly good job for Vincent. a lot of qs if not URs and the pop is a shame, but he didn’t melt down and I hope put out a performance he’s happy with. also come at me but I connect way more with this free than nathan’s rocketman.
- main takeaway is that the men’s individual event is going to be v e r y interesting...
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jamboreeofsurprises · 3 years
is the takeaway of rocketman supposed to be that youll ship elton with bernie taupin
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dreamingabouttaron · 4 years
The Assistant Part 25
It had now been a couple of weeks since you had returned back to London after your trip to Aber. Both yours and Taron’s work schedules were starting to pick up again. Taron had a couple of day reshoots for Robin Hood, and you had been working with another client from the agency. You couldn’t be happier when you returned home in the evenings to find Taron cooking away in the kitchen or sprawled out on the sofa reading scripts.
One evening you turned the key in the door after a long and strenuous day to find the flat quiet. You called out to Taron but received nothing back. You placed your keys on the table next to the door and walked through to the kitchen. He was nowhere to be seen. You frowned to yourself. You were pretty sure he didn’t have anything planned for that evening. Where could he be? The flat felt so strange and empty without him. The energy of the flat felt different when he wasn’t around. You didn’t realise how much you would actually miss him when he was gone. You’d only been together for a short amount of time, but when you were with someone every day you could really feel their absence. Everything felt so natural when Taron was around. As if it was meant to be.
You looked at the time on the oven. 6:45. You picked up your phone and sent Taron a text alerting him that you were home. You walked over to the fridge and examined what was inside. It was getting sparse. A few random bits and pieces. You scanned through the rest of your cupboards and decided to put something random together for dinner. You took out all of the ingredient, put your hair up and then washed your hands. You placed your phone on the counter and then put on Spotify. You were half way through cooking when you heard the front door open and close. You looked up from your cooking when Taron entered the room.
“Good evening.” He beamed as he walked over to you and placed a kiss on your lips.
“Hello to you too. Where’ve you been?” You asked, slightly agitated that he hadn’t replied to your message.
He placed some booklets on the kitchen counter in front of you. “So, you know I mentioned finding our own place. Well I decided to start looking this afternoon. I’ve been looking online and I went to a few estate agents and I’ve found us some options.”
You pulled yourself away from your cooking and picked up the brochures. Your eyes widened when you saw the pictures and the price tag attached. “Taron! Are you serious? I can’t afford this!” You looked up at him with shock written across your face.
“No, hear me out! The money doesn’t matter. What matters is that we find somewhere that’s perfect for us. Somewhere we can call our own.” He took you in his arms and held you. “I want this to be perfect.”
You groaned at his words, you felt guilty. You didn’t want him to buy your love. You didn’t want to feel as though he was a financial support. You were used to looking after yourself and that wasn’t going to change.
“I’ve arranged some viewing for us this weekend. Then we can get a better idea of what we like and what we don’t like.”
Over dinner you flicked through the brochures with Taron. You agreed to view some of the options that Taron had suggested, even if some of them were ridiculously priced. You could tell Taron was excited by the idea and you didn’t feel like you could shut him down. It wasn’t fair.
The weekend quickly arrived. You and Taron had woken and left your flat early. You had viewed a number of different properties but nothing was standing out to you. But, as soon as you pulled into the gates of the last property your heart quickened. It was a sweet modern two story building. The windows were large and covered most of the building which meant you could see how open and spacious it was inside. It had a number of flowers hanging in baskets along the outside wall. They brought the property to life. You got out to the car and looked at the house with wide eyes. It was perfect. Taron walked over to you and took your hand. You walked over to the estate agent who was waiting for you. You politely introduced yourself and followed them inside.
It was just as beautiful inside as it was out. As soon as you stepped inside, it brought you into the main living space, through the living room you could see into the kitchen which then led out to the large garden. The stairs were to the right of the front door, they took you up to the main bedroom, a spare bedroom and a bathroom. You and Taron could both see yourselves moving in. It was just perfect.
“I think we’ve found the one.” Taron muttered to you once you finished viewing the house.
You thanked the estate agent and got back in the car. The whole journey back to your apartment you and Taron discussed the logistics of moving in. You thought of every ‘worst case’ scenarios in your heads but you both came to the conclusion that it was the right place for you. Taron called the estate agent as soon as you arrived home. A few days later you found out that the landlord had accepted your offer and was willing for you to move in as soon as the current tenants moved out.
You couldn’t believe you were taking this next step with Taron, your gut was telling you in was the best thing. You couldn’t think of a better way for things to go. This was it. The next stage in your relationship. Sure, maybe some would argue it was too soon, but you trusted your instincts and you had never felt this way about anyone before. You knew Taron was going to be in your life long term.
You spent the next few weeks packing up yours and Taron’s places. It was tough because your work schedules were both all over the place. Taron was currently preparing for Rocketman and you were working with a number of different clients at the agency. A number of times you had stayed away overnight with clients, which left Taron to pack on his own. Time was getting on and you were soon going to be moving in to the new house. Time hadn’t been on your side, everything was getting incredibly rushed which caused a few disagreements along the way. Moving house was stressful, but moving in with someone new also had added complications.
When the moving day finally arrived, you helped Taron with all his boxes and belongings first. You had hired a moving company to help you move some of the heavier items. Once you had finished with Taron’s apartment, you moved across town to yours. You were feeling incredibly emotional about leaving your apartment. It had been your space for a while. You had a number of special memories with it. You were going to miss it. You couldn’t help but get emotional when you walked around your empty apartment for the last time. You felt a heavy pressure on your chest as you tried to hold back your tears. In that moment you had to reassure yourself that you were making the right decision. It hadn’t really crossed your mind until you saw all your belongings packed. Had you rushed into this?
“Ready?” Taron asked as he held the last box in his arms.
You smiled bleakly at him and scanned the room once more. “Yeah, I’m ready.” You slowly walked towards Taron and took your keys out of your back pocket. Taron put the last box in the back of his car as you locked up for the last time. You couldn’t stop the tears that built in your eyes. You took a step back and took a mental screenshot of the outside of the building. You walked over to the car and climbed into the passengers seat.
You and Taron sat in silence for most of the journey to your new place. Listening to the radio that hummed in the background. You sat alone in your thoughts. You tried to imagine all the new and exciting memories you would make with Taron in this new place, but they kept being disrupted with anxious thoughts.
When you finally pulled up outside your new house; the moving van had already arrived and had started to unload some of the heavier items. You got out of the car and looked up at your new home and smiled. You helped unload the car and slowly began to find a home for all of your belongings. You spent the rest of the day unpacking the most important items that you would need for the next 24 hours. You had bickered with Taron as you both tried to reassemble furniture and placed items in unnecessary places. The stress was high. But you knew you would both look back in the future and laugh.
You were glad when you finally finished unpacking. You still had a few boxes left but they contained items that didn’t need immediate attention. You and Taron were sat on the sofa in your new living room eating a takeaway. You were exhausted and couldn’t wait to sleep. Once you finished eating, you turned to Taron who had a smirk across his face. His eyes were lit up with lust as he watched your every move.
You looked up at him and smiled. He leaned his head down and kissed you. You deepened the kiss, as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He enveloped you in his. You felt his tongue against your lips and you opened your mouth letting it slide in. He pulled you closer causing you to straddle his lap and wrap your arms around his neck to stabilise yourself. You could sense how eager he was from his kiss. He wanted you.
Your fingers got tangled in his hair, his hands running up and down your back. He slid them up under your shirt, and you sighed at the warmth of them. He placed his hands on your hips and encouraged you to rock against his lap. A deep groans emits from his chest as you began the sinful movements of your hips. His cock rubbing against your inner thigh, but that’s not quite where you needed him. A yelp falls from your lips when he slaps his hand against your ass. He kneads the aching skin with his fingers and leans forward to run his tongue along your parted lips.
You moved your lips from his, kissing along his jaw, til you reached his neck. You placed small kisses here and there until you got to the spot right below his ear, you knew it was a sensitive area, and you began to nibble at it. He groaned louder, and with a smirk, you started sucking on that spot. You felt him getting harder as you did that. He manoeuvred his head so he could capture your lips in another kiss. Soon he pulled away, and looked hard at you.
“What?” you whisper with rapid breath.
“How about we christen our new bedroom.” His eyes glistening.
He held onto your legs as he stood up from the sofa. You clung tightly onto him as he took you upstairs. When you entered the bedroom, he gently placed you on the bed. He proceeded to kiss your neck as he hovered over the top of you. You felt your body awaken at his touch. You reached down and found the hem of his shirt, once you had it, you started to raise it up and pulled it over his head, tossing it to the floor. You ran your fingers up and down his chest, to his torso, the hairs on his body tickling your fingers. You placed a few kisses on his exposed body. Then he did the same to you, pulling your top off. His hands went to your bra, cupping your breasts through the fabric. He lowered his head to your neck, kissing you there and then on your bare shoulder and on down til he got to the tops of your breasts, he tugged the cups of your bra down, exposing your nipples, which he licked and sucked on, inducing a moan from you.
Taron reached behind your back and unclasped your bra, letting it slide down your arms to the floor. Then you reached for his pants, undoing them and pushing them down. You pulled him in for another kiss as you slid your pants off, and he did the same. He slowly made his way down your body, kissing from your neck, to the valley between your breasts, down your stomach, until he got to the top of your panties. He hooked his fingers in the elastic and tugged them down your legs and off. He kissed back up your thighs until he got to your core. He could feel the heat emanating from you. You squirmed a bit, wanting him to hurry up and do something, instead of just laying there. You got your wish soon, you felt him slide a finger inside you, then another, causing you to gasp.
“You’re so wet,” he said as he slid his fingers in and out of you. “Mmm-hmmm,” was all you could get out, you were thoroughly enjoying the feel of his thick fingers inside you. He chuckled and then lowered his head, taking his fingers out and replacing them with his tongue. He licked up your slit and then slid his tongue inside you. You bucked your hips at that, your hand going to his head, your fingers tangling in his hair, pushing him deeper as you spread your legs wider. He then wrapped his lips around your clit and began sucking on it, causing you to push your head back into the mattress. You moaned loudly enjoying the feel, then you yelped as you felt him stop.
He sat up and slid off his boxers and then positioned himself back on top of you. He guided himself inside you slowly, stretching you slowly. Once he was fully inside you, he rested his forehead against yours. He opened his eyes and looked down at you with a smile. Then he started to move inside you. Your arms went around his back holding onto him as he moved in and out of you slowly. You moaned as you felt the drag of him inside you. He began to speed up and you dug your nails into his back, wrapping your legs around his waist.
He then rolled to his side, still inside you. Your leg resting on his hip. He put his arms around you, pulling you in closer as he started to move again. You put your hand on the back of his neck and pulled him in for another kiss. You moved with him, you tongue tangling with his, your fingers in his hair and his on your back. You moved your hand to his chest and pushed him back, letting him slip from inside you. You then raised yourself up and straddled him again. You gripped his dick and positioned it so you could slide down on top of him. He sighed when he felt you around him and when you began to move, he grabbed your hips. You rode him slowly at first, relishing the feel of him as the head of his dick hit that sweet spot inside of you.
He watched you as you began to move faster on top of him, his hands on your hips keeping you steady. He then reached down and began rubbing at your clit. Feeling his thumb on that sensitive bundle of nerves sent you over the edge. You came with a loud moan of his name, your head thrown back in ecstasy. He held onto you, guiding you through your orgasm. Once you came down from your high, he rolled you off of him and back onto the bed. He then slipped back inside you, and moved again, chasing his own orgasm. His moans were non-coherent word fragments, the sound was beautiful.
You could tell he was close, and you wrapped your arms and legs around him, whispering in his urging him to let go, to cum for you. With a loud groan he emptied himself and then collapsed on top of you. You held him close, stroking his back, while he caught his breath. You stayed tangled in each others arms for a while. He peppered kisses on your face, making you both laugh. He moved off you and held you close. You grabbed his hand and interlaced your fingers with his, while intertwining your legs. You both laid on the bed like that together, whispering and laughing with each other.
Soon you both drifted off to sleep. You woke him up a few hours later by climbing on top of him and kissing him, causing you to go at it again. Then once more in the shower. Then another time in the kitchen. You both ended up spending the weekend wrapped around each other. You savoured every moment you got to spend with each other before your work schedules made you part for a while.
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taronunwin · 4 years
To revive the needles question, I think Taron might be afraid of needles. I developed this theory because whenever Taron brought up getting his ear pierced he was quite dramatic about. He’d always be like “I got my pierced for the part”, making it sound like it was this great sacrifice. My takeaway is that he’s basically like ‘I had to endure a shot so I could look like Elton John. Give me some credit.’
Of all the (same old, boring) questions interviewers asked him over the months of press for Rocketman, did anyone ask him if he was afraid of the piercing? I don’t think so. They FAILED.
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Just watched Rocketman
One of my takeaways from this movie is that I want to hunt down and find Elton John. I don’t have any burning questions or anything, I just need to give him and young Elton a really big hug. This has been my Ted Talk.
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the-breath-in-air · 5 years
My big takeaway after finishing Me is that Rocketman could've and should've been gayer.
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kristenswig · 5 years
DON’T read this
Best Picture (going with 9 nominees)
The Irishman
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Jojo Rabbit
Marriage Story
Little Women
Ford v Ferrari If 10: The Farewell Blue Checkmark: Knives Out Netflix is not getting 3 Best Picture Nominations: The Two Popes lol: Rocketman
Best Director 
Martin Scorsese - The Irishman
Bong Joon-ho - Parasite
Quentin Tarantino - Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Sam Mendes - 1917
Todd Phillips - Joker god that hurt to type: Pedro Almodovar - Pain and Glory ????????: Taika Waititi - Jojo Rabbit Name a woman: Greta Gerwig - Little Women FLOP: Noah Baumbach - Marriage Story Name a woman who deserves this: Celine Sciamma - Portrait of a Lady on Fire Bloody murder: The Safdies - Uncut Gems
Renee Zellweger - Judy
Charlize Theron - Bombshell
Scarlett Johansson - Marriage Story
Saoirse Ronan - Little Women
Lupita Nyong’o - Us not sure the Golden Globe was enough: Awkwafina - The Farewell This Had Oscar Buzz: Cynthia Erivo - Harriet If by some miracle this happens Neon gets to take zero credit for it: Alfre Woodard - Clemency
Joaquin Phoenix - Joker
Adam Driver - Marriage Story
Leonardo DiCaprio - Once Upon a Time In Hollywood
Taron Egerton - Rocketman
Antonio Banderas - Pain and Glory was fully prepared to predict this until the Taron Egerton train pulled into the station: Robert DeNiro - The Irishman not every year!: Christian Bale - Ford v Ferrari NO POPES - Jonathan Pryce - The Two Popes
Supporting Actress
Laura Dern - Marriage Story
Margot Robbie - Bombshell
Jennifer Lopez - Hustlers
Zhao Shuzhen - The Farewell
Scarlett Johansson - Jojo Rabbit (I don’t buy this) or this: Florence Pugh - Little Women or this: Cho Yeo-jeong - Parasite or this: Nicole Kidman - Bombshell or this: Margot Robbie - Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Supporting Actor
Brad Pitt - Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Al Pacino - The Irishman
Joe Pesci - The Irishman
Tom Hanks - A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
Song Kang-ho - Parasite (I love how everyone just decided this is happening based on no evidence) NOT A POPE IN SIGHT - Anthony Hopkins - The Two Popes thank you for your participation: Jamie Foxx - Just Mercy A24′s category fraud attempts failing again: Willem Dafoe - The Lighthouse
Adapted Screenplay
The Irishman
Jojo Rabbit
Little Women
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood POPES SHUTOUT - The Two Popes Possible? - Dark Waters if the writers are bored by their options: Hustlers
Original Screenplay
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Marriage Story
Knives Out
The Farewell gonna get more Pain than Glory: Pain and Glory I will be living and you can all die mad: Booksmart because apparently the main takeaway is the writing: 1917
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
The Irishman
The Lighthouse Alt - Ford v Ferrari If you asked me like 2 months ago I would’ve said this was a lock: Little Women Is it cinematography or production design: Parasite WE TRIED: Portrait of a Lady on Fire
Costume Design
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Little women
Dolemite Is My Name
Jojo Rabbit Alt: The Irishman Let’s not: Downton Abbey
Film Editing
The Irishman
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Ford v Ferrari
Parasite was there editing? you’d think the film editors would know: 1917 Green Book was nominated last year: Jojo Rabbit Green Book was nominated last year: Marriage Story
Makeup & Hairstyling
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Dolemite Is My Name not buying it: Joker possible: Little Women
Production Design
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
The Irishman
Jojo Rabbit Alt: Little Women I still have not seen this movie: Joker Cars!!: Ford v Ferrari What happened....: Ad Astra
Frozen 2
The Lion King
Wild Rose THIN ICE: Breakthrough THINNER ICE: Aladdin
Little Women
Marriage Story
Star Wars If they’re finally sick of Star Wars: Jojo Rabbit ugGHHHHGHGHHHHh: Avengers deserves: The King  
Sound Editing
Ford v Ferrari
Star Wars
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Joker Alt: Rocketman Presumably loud: Avengers
Sound Mixing
Ford v Ferrari
Star Wars
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Joker Alt: Rocketman It’s a Best Picture frontrunner: The Irishman
Visual Effects
The Lion King
Star Wars
Big Eyes Alita: Battle Angel
Terminator Dark Fate They still prefer MOST: The Irishman See above: 1917
Animated Feature
Toy Story 4
Missing Link
Frozen 2
I Lost My Body
Weathering with You they are not nominating all three sequels: How To Train Your Dragon..13? a movie allegedly: Abominable
Documentary Feature
American Factory
Apollo 11
For Sama
One Child Nation how much Syria can one category handle: The Cave feels timely: The Edge of Democracy
The Artist Formerly Known as Best Foreign Language Film
Pain and Glory
Les Miserables
Truth and Justice (my one major wildcard and I WILL be taking a gratuitous victory lap if it happens) Alt: Corpus Christi or: Beanpole will be taken care of in Documentary: Honeyland the other Post-WWII movie: Those Who Remained do they DARE?: The Painted Bird
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letterboxd · 5 years
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“I’m a straight actor playing a gay icon. We had an obligation to honor that side of his story.”
Taron Egerton, star of the new musical biopic Rocketman, tells Letterboxd about having a takeaway curry with Sir Elton John and portraying the absolute pop icon on the big screen.
They say in showbiz, timing is everything. And Rocketman is very well-timed.
Bohemian Rhapsody proved emphatically that there is a huge cinematic appetite for rock-and-pop star biopics, which have long been the domain of the small screen. That film earned more than $900 million at the global box office and garnered an Academy Award for lead actor Rami Malek.
Working in Rocketman’s favor is the fact that Bo Rhap (as Rocketman star Taron Egerton refers to it) was a widely embraced, award-winning film that everybody agreed could’ve been a little better. And quite a lot gayer.
Rocketman steps up on both fronts, and it’s also directed by Dexter Fletcher, the man credited with salvaging Bohemian Rhapsody after he stepped in to finish the film when original director Bryan Singer was fired during production (Singer retained sole director credit per DGA rules).
Also working for Rocketman: the songs of Elton John and lyricist Bernie Taupin (played in the film by Jamie Bell), which are incorporated into the narrative with welcome creative flair. Egerton—as the film’s marketing campaign has made very clear—does all his own singing in the film, and he’s pretty darn decent.
Letterboxd recently sat down with Egerton at an exclusive press event in West Hollywood where he talked about his experience making Rocketman, and what it was like getting to know the man who inspired it.
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Egerton began by talking about the film’s fantastical approach and how it uses John’s rehab journey as a framing device: Taron Egerton: The mandate for the production was always that it wouldn't be an out-and-out biopic, that it would lean into these elements of fantasy. The movie begins with Elton entering rehab and those scenes are what I’m most excited for people to see, because to see someone who’s so universally known in such an intimate, vulnerable situation, I think is quite unusual. And it says something about Elton and how candid and resilient he is. Elton recounts his life through rehab, we learn his story from being a young child and going to the Royal Academy of Music. And it essentially goes right the way up to the point where he goes to rehab.
On how he felt going into the role: It was terrifying. Because it’s a musical and because it’s a fantasy, it was always a prerequisite that the actors sing. So there’s a tricky thing, particularly following in the wake of something like Bo Rhap, it’s so unmistakably Freddie, the sound of it. So for me it was about singing the songs as well as I possibly could. But we were lucky in the sense that Elton and [husband] David [Furnish] are very close to the project. It started with them, and Elton has been fantastic in letting me be a part of his life for the past couple of years. And befriending me, frankly. Which has made the whole thing feel very personal and very real.
On how he went about embodying Elton John: Weirdly, I found the stuff where I played him older, easier, and I think that’s because all the time I’ve spent with Elton has been older Elton. I haven’t spent any time with 21-year-old Elton. There is footage, but it’s interesting, because people portray such a version of themselves on camera. I don’t know. For me, it all kind of came from the first time I sat down with him and we had curry together. I went over and I had a takeaway curry at his house. And we just talked for about two and a half hours. It’s such a hard thing to describe. When you are given the honor of playing one of the most adored and famous people in the world, there’s such a weight of responsibility that comes with it. And then when you meet them and connect with them generally, I don’t know, it just feels like one of the most important things I’ve ever done. I can’t really describe the feeling of having gone through the whole thing.
There’s an element of getting to look as much like him as you can, which is very helpful. There’s four rough stages of Elton. The first one being his kind of teenage bowl-cut, chunky Buddy Holly glasses. Then into the longer hair, early 20s stuff where we’re in LA. And then the hair starts to go. For the third look I shaved my hair line up higher than it already is by a couple of inches. And for the fourth and final look, I have a bald cap. There’s something about changing yourself completely and the way you look that really conditions how you feel.
One thing about Elton is that at some point in his mid-late 20s, things started to get a little bit out of control and unraveled a little bit for him I think, and there’s something to do with putting a slight gap in my teeth and changing my hair, it just didn’t make me feel very much like me. And so I created this hybrid of me and him.
That’s another thing as well, through getting to know him, I feel like there are some parallels between me and him. I mean, I’m not a genius, but in the sense that some of the neuroses and insecurities, I just recognize some things. So there’s a lot of me in there and my emotional volatility and I’m someone who has very extreme and acute reactions to things. I’m potentially a little emotionally volatile at times. And that is, I think, certainly who Elton was. So it’s just about dialing up those things in yourself, and dialing other things down.
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On the film celebrating Elton John’s sexuality: I’m a straight actor playing a gay icon, so I again felt very, very keenly that if I was going to do this and do this properly that we had an obligation to honor that side of his story. So early on the film there is a love scene, it’s between myself and Richard [Madden, who plays John’s manager and lover John Reid]. It’s the first love scene I’ve ever done and it’s two young guys falling in love in a time where it possibly wasn’t that socially acceptable and I think it is a scene I’m really, really proud of.
There is a community that feels a certain sense of ownership over icons that are a member of that community, so we have that responsibility to honor that part of their story. And it’s been fantastic, especially working with Paramount on this, who have always felt very strongly that this was a part of the story that we needed to push and honor and see reflected in our film. And I’m really pleased with it, I think it’s lovely actually.
On the film not shying away from Elton John’s substance abuse: This is not a movie that glamorizes drug use. Elton’s relationship with certain substances was extremely corrosive and bad for his health and nearly cost him everything. And that was an important part of the story for me. The balance is also in making it something that is joyous, celebratory and fun to watch. And that has been the knife edge that we’ve had to walk along. And I hope people will feel we’ve done a good job of that.
On leaning into the truth of Elton John’s volatile personality: A documentary was made by David about Elton 25 years ago called Tantrums and Tiaras. It is no secret that Elton has his ups and downs. We were true to that—it’s who he is. And frankly I think it’s why we love him. So I felt very much when we were on set that I wanted to push it. Because the one person I knew wouldn’t mind me doing that, was Elton. Because he’s not precious. He knows where his strengths and weaknesses lie, and he’s very at peace with who he is.
He’s been through a hell of a lot and he’s been through recovery and he is settled and solid and knows who he is and he’s quite candid about it. So for me I always wanted there to be that duality between this sweet, incredibly caring, generous person, who just has this intense artistic sensibility and volatility, and I believe that is hand in hand with his creative genius.
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On how younger audiences less familiar with Elton John might respond to the film: Elton’s music is still so played on the radio but I hope that there’s a world in which we bring music to some young ears that haven’t heard it before. Well, young-ish ears; it’s not the most child-friendly film. But young ears nonetheless. I think there’s a universality to Elton’s music. I don’t think the success of Elton’s music is entirely conditional on the context in terms of time. It was brilliant music in 1971, and it’s brilliant music now. Everyone loves Elton John, but for relatively young people like me to go back and then listen to all the stuff that made his name in the early 70s, things like Amoreena, Take Me To the Pilot, Hercules, Border Song… and you just go, fucking hell, it’s just, it’s mind-blowing, the output. In an ideal world—you can’t plan for it—I would hope that people rediscover Elton through the film.
On what playing the role has meant to Egerton: As with most people, I can pinpoint times in my life as early as five where I was aware of Elton John. I remember that video of him doing The Circle of Life when I fell in love with The Lion King when I was five or six. I remember being twelve and the Greatest Hits coming out, and me and my stepdad, who my mum had just met, who became a huge part of my life, him and I sitting listening to that Greatest Hits album, singing I Guess That’s Why They Call It the Blues together as he drove me to school.
Then when I was 17 and I auditioned for drama school and sang Your Song. I didn’t get in. Then I sang it again the following year and I did [get in]! I knew it was a winner. And so he’s always been there, Elton John as this kind of, idea. And then in 2016, when I’m still barely able to process the fact that I’ve been in a hit movie, for someone to say “Do you want to play Elton John?” And to go “Well how does Elton feel about it?” and hear “He really loves the idea”. It’s just fucking mental innit?
It’s just insane. Creating the film, without wishing to get too earnest, has felt like a hugely important thing for me. And a hugely important thing for posterity in some sense, because hopefully in the future it will be so many people’s introduction to Elton John. I feel like I’ve poured more of myself into it than I have anything else and so for me I feel very satisfied by the whole experience.
It’s been hard work. And essentially has been my life for the past year, 18 months, with creating all the songs and recording them and re-recording them and changing things and going back after we filmed. But I wouldn’t have changed a second of it. And I would do it all again. There’s not many things I would say that about.
And then, just getting to know him and to genuinely feel a connection with the great man. I sang with him recently, I still can’t believe that that happened. I genuinely get a bit emotional thinking about it.
Sir Elton John has appeared in more than 60 films as various versions of himself, and composed for several soundtracks, including a handful of beloved songs for Disney’s ‘The Lion King’ (Jon Favreau’s new photorealistic version comes out this July). Welsh actor-singer Taron Egerton is, until now, best-known for his leading role in the ‘Kingsman’ film franchise. ‘Rocketman’ is in theaters now. Comments have been edited for clarity and length.
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themonkeespaw · 5 years
So my takeaway from rocketman is I should buy a bunch of bathrobes to lounge around and look slutty in
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Finally got around to watching Rocketman
Elton’s jacket is AMAZING and I have been completely inspired, and that look is exactly what I’m going to aim for with my own denim jacket, and I hope I can even come close to his
This movie might have ligitemently gotten me into Elton John music, which I didn’t expect at all, but here we are
Bernie is the only good thing left in this world
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doomonfilm · 5 years
Results : Golden Globe Awards (2020)
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Here we are, less than a week into the year 2020, and awards season is already off to a rousing start.  Many members of the old guard found themselves taking a step back as a number of non-traditional winners and members of the new guard stepped into the spotlight for the evening.  From what I’ve been able to attain, the night strayed mostly away from controversy, and the stars of the screen were allowed to be the stars of the show.
The 2020 edition of the Golden Globes aired on the evening of Sunday, January 5.  Previously on the blog (December 16 of 2019 to be exact), we put in our predictions for the awards we care about around these parts, and although we mostly struck out, I am happy all around with the results, especially the ones we got correct.  Here are the winners of the nights, as well as our predictions.
BEST MOTION PICTURE (Musical or Comedy) prediction : Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (directed by Quentin Tarantino)
winner : Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (directed by Quentin Tarantino)
BEST MOTION PICTURE (Drama) prediction : The Irishman (directed by Martin Scorsese)
winner : 1917 (directed by Sam Mendes)
BEST MOTION PICTURE (Foreign Language) prediction : Parasite (directed by Bong Joon-ho)
winner : Parasite (directed by Bong Joon-ho)
BEST SCREENPLAY prediction : Bong Joon-ho and Han Jin-won (Parasite)
winner : Quentin Tarantino (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood)
winner : Brad Pitt (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood)
winner : Laura Dern (Marriage Story)
BEST ACTOR IN A MOTION PICTURE (Musical or Comedy) prediction : Leonardo DiCaprio (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood)
winner : Taron Egerton (Rocketman)
BEST ACTOR IN A MOTION PICTURE (Drama) prediction : Joaquin Phoenix (Joker)
winner : Joaquin Phoenix (Joker)
BEST ACTRESS IN A MOTION PICTURE (Musical or Comedy) prediction : Ana da Armas (Knives Out)
winner : Awkwafina (The Farewell)
BEST ACTRESS IN A MOTION PICTURE (Drama) prediction : Scarlett Johansson (Marriage Story)
winner : Renée Zellweger (Judy)
BEST DIRECTOR prediction : Bong Joon-ho (Parasite)
winner : Sam Mendes (1917) 
Here are my takeaways from the night : 
- I need to see 1917 sooner than later.  - Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was every bit the quality movie I assessed it was from day one.  - Parasite received props, but not on the level that I thought it would.  - Akwafina has quietly been making a name for herself over the past few years, Laura Dern still has it, and Joaquin Phoenix is making a case as the defining actor of our generation.
That being said, we have a handful of other awards show before the big daddy of them all, the Academy Awards, takes place on Sunday, February 9 of 2020.  Stay tuned next week for a new set of predictions after the Academy Award nominations are announced on Monday, January 13. 
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Learning about what happened to Judy Garland is probably the most depressing Hollywood horror story I’ve ever heard. Judy is a film that tells the story of Garland’s last big set of performances, a sold-out residency in London in 1968 that took place just six months before her death. Renee Zellweger is doing her “tragic music biopic = guaranteed Oscar nom” best work here in the titular role, and all the normal beats are here - flashbacks to her troubled adolescence living under the thumb of Metro-Goldwyn Mayer and her draconian contract with the studio, then scenes of the present concerning her troubled relationships and complicated attitudes towards fame and her own talent. So is this all pretty well-worn territory or is there something special - something particularly JUDY - about the whole thing? Well...
Other biopics do it better, but in terms of sheer charisma onscreen, there are few who could do it like Judy Garland. Renee Zellweger gives a powerhouse performance in a film that doesn’t quite live up to Garland’s talent, but it certainly paints a picture that’s worth seeing if only to honor the talent - and pain - that were the hallmarks of Garland’s life.
Some thoughts:
I’ll tell you what, they really hammered home the fact that Louis B. Mayer was just like, the literal worst person. There aren’t many good horror films coming out this October, so I recommend just watching the two scenes he has where he’s talking to young Judy Garland is the MOST creeped out I’ve been all year.
So the reason for the season here is obviously Renee Zellweger and her performance - if you’re not bought into that, there’s not a ton going on in the movie for you. I’m pleased to report that she really does embody the essence of Judy Garland in a pretty remarkable way. I think it’s her best performance in years, maybe ever. She’s got the voice down perfectly, and she does all her own singing in the musical numbers. It reminded me a lot of Taron Egerton’s performance in Rocketman. I never forgot it was her, exactly, but I also really felt like I was watching Judy Garland at the same time. 
This Liza Minnelli though (Gemma-Leah Devereux) is kinda terrible tbh. I’ve seen drag queens playing to the cheap seats that make a more convincing Liza than her. She didn’t even ATTEMPT the voice? Confusing choices all around.
Same with Young Judy (Darci Shaw). She gives a commanding performance, but it’s hard to see what she’s doing as having any connection to Judy Garland. Basically, everyone in the film who’s not Renee Zellweger just feels a little dimmed, a little smaller than the larger-than-life presence she brings to the role.
Surprise Dumbledore! It’s so weird to see Michael Gambon as like...just a dude in a suit.
Speaking of, the costume design is utterly fabulous for everyone. I hope this earns an Oscar nom because Judy’s onstage ensembles, her casual daytime furs, all of the gorgeous wool evening wear of her assistant in London - the textures and patterns are all sumptuous and rich and gorgeous and really brought 1968 London to life.
Did I Cry? YES, during the scene where Judy hangs out with the gay couple in their tiny flat. This is the only scene in the movie that feels like it contains the same amount of LIFE that Judy herself did, and the honest, emotional connection shared in the middle of the night between these two lonely, discarded people is so poignant and beautiful that it will be burned into my memory for a long long time. 
That being said, is the movie trying to imply that everything that happens from that scene with the gay couple to the very end takes place in one week? Because they specifically said they had tickets to see her the following week. Was this movie meant to be just like, Eight Crazy Nights Judy Garland style?
My main takeaway? Judy Garland’s life was just so damn SAD.
I would probably have a more nuanced review to give if this hadn’t been, by far, the most distracting moviegoing experience I’ve had this year. I don’t know if it was the couple behind me who had bronchitis and also purchased a Costco pack of 36 individual bags of chips made of cellophane that they felt the need to open at every important moment of the film. First time Judy sings? CRINKLES. Difficult emotional long-distance phone call with Judy’s daughter? CRINKLES. Last time Judy performs in London as she’s begging not to be forgotten by her fans? C R I N K L E S. Maybe it was the 74-year-old man who stopped Wife and I from leaving the theater by telling us how much he’s always loved Judy Garland and how he visited the Judy Garland museum in Minnesota or was it Wisconsin, well it was somewhere up in the Great Lakes region because he was visiting some friends up there last fall and oh it was really something and this book he brought to the movies was about Doris Day and boy, was she a great talent, he had the chance to see her and didn’t and he’s still pinching himself to this day and...
Like listen. I’m not opposed to talking to strangers, and clearly he was looking for some human connection which is fine! I’m sure he was just lonely. But don’t block the exit for two women you don’t know. Not cool no matter how harmless you are, my dude.
So anyway, you probably won’t have that experience while watching this movie, and you may respond to this on an even more profound level than I did, but whether you’re distracted or not, it’s worth seeing a tribute to one of the most talented artists of all time even in spite of the personal tragedies that plagued her. 
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sailorsanghelios · 5 years
Not to Rocketman on main again, but I find it kind of interesting how many people interpreted the Tiny Dancer scene as Elton having romantic feelings for Bernie. When my takeaway from it was that it was Elton lamenting about Bernie getting to publically experience love and affection with a cute person, and that’s something Elton could never do without risking backlash. Especially when right after the song was done we meet John Reid for the first time.
It gave me the same emotion I feel sometimes when I scroll through Facebook and see my straight friends happily married and open about their romantic lives with no worry of people getting upset about it.
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