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soulinfire-official · 26 days ago
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Daily sketch Practice - 17-Jan-2025
I think that sometimes only comedians can reach the peaks of tragedy. -Roberto Benigni
Daily sketch practice 15 mins sketches.
@soulinfire_official www.soulinfire.com [email protected]
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movietitlescollection · 1 year ago
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snapshotofthesloth · 7 months ago
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intellectures · 11 months ago
Die lässig-weirde Poesie des Jim Jarmusch
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Jim Jarmusch gilt als Erfinder des amerikanischen Autorenkinos, Filme wie »Stranger Than Paradise«, »Down By Law« und »Dead Man« sind längst Kult. Seit seinem 70. Geburtstag liegt eine vollständige Sammlung seines filmischen Schaffens vor. Read the full article
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marcos123socram · 2 years ago
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Ivano Marescotti 💐 @ivanomarescotti #ivanomarescotti #ciaoivano #attore #checcozalone #robertobenigni #cadodallenubi #johnnystecchino #teatro #cinema #marcofiorenzaart #lartedimarcofiorenza #rip #miglioriattori https://www.instagram.com/p/CqREPlZohXt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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miguelangelddl · 2 years ago
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#Frasedeldia #frases #frasesparareflexionar #frasesparacompartir #frasesbonitas #frasesinspiradoras #coach #coaching #lavidaesbella #robertobenigni https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpcez6yqsRj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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agrpress-blog · 1 year ago
Roberto Benigni Roberto Remigio Benigni, nato a Castigli... #ArchivioRiccardi #attore #attori #cinema #Lavitaèbella #leonedoro #oscar #premiooscar #regista #registi #robertobenigni https://agrpress.it/roberto-benigni/?feed_id=3373&_unique_id=65debcb9495ae
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coccobellos-blog · 2 years ago
La felicità, sì, la felicità.
A proposito di felicità, cercatela! Tutti i giorni, continuamente, anzi, chiunque mi ascolti ora, si metta in cerca della felicità, ora, perché è lì, ce l’avete, ce l’abbiamo, perché l’hanno data a tutti noi. Ce l’hanno data in dono quando eravamo piccoli ce l’hanno data in regalo, in dote ed era un regalo così bello che l’abbiamo nascosto, come fanno i cani con l’osso quando lo nascondono. E molti di noi l’hanno nascosto così bene che non si ricordano dove l’hanno messo ma ce l’abbiamo, ce l’avete. Guardate in tutti i ripostigli, gli scaffali, gli scomparti della vostra anima, buttate tutto all’aria. I cassetti, i comodini che ci avete dentro, vedrete che esce fuori, c’è la felicità, provate a voltarvi di scatto, magari la pigliate di sorpresa, ma è lì.
Dobbiamo pensarci sempre alla felicità e anche se a volte lei si dimentica di noi, noi non ci dobbiamo mai dimenticare di lei. Fino all’ultimo giorno della nostra vita. Buongiorno
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otello67 · 1 year ago
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tumbloggingmovie · 2 years ago
#amarcord #federicofellini #ilmostro #robertobenigni #lafuga #polifonica
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alessioviscardi · 4 years ago
"Abbiamo fatto tutto insieme per 40 anni, io conosco solo un modo per misurare il tempo: con te o senza di te. Ce lo dividiamo questo Leone, io mi prendo la coda e a te lascio le ali. Se qualcosa di buono ho fatto è grazie alla tua luce" Immenso #RobertoBenigni https://www.instagram.com/p/CTUlyT4q9G5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years ago
Pinocchio (2002)
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Ill-conceived from beginning to end, 2002's Pinocchio unleashes a storm of questions while lying on the ground, whimpering and struggling to survive. Who thought this was a good idea, and what kind of sales pitch did they have? It should've been as obvious as the sun in the sky that this adaptation of Carlo Collodi's novel was not going to work.
Out of a wooden log, Old Gepetto (Carlo Giuffrè) carves a puppet that springs to life thanks to the magic of the Blue Fairy (Nicoletta Braschi). Wandering around town, "Pinocchio" (Roberto Benigni) means well but can’t help but be led astray. Only by learning to be good can Pinocchio become a real boy.
Going in, all I knew about Roberto Benigni's Pinocchio was that it was reviled and that the director played the puppet. Who thought this was a good idea? I don’t know. A 50-year old playing a wooden puppet that wants to become a real boy? It sounds like a gag-within-a-gag on a TV show that can only afford 4 cast members. Here’s something to blow your mind even further. Pinocchio’s not even a puppet. The film insists he is. Over and over his wooden construction is brought to our attention, but you couldn’t tell. They couldn’t even be bothered to put makeup on Benigni!
Forget Pinocchio’s Revenge. If you want a creepy film about a puppet coming to life, you watch this. Everyone knows that Pinocchio’s nose grows when lies. Can you imagine a 50-year-old with an elongated flesh wand protruding from his face? This sickening thought is a trivial detail compared to the innumerable sins this picture commits. Not only is Pinocchio played by a full-grown man; every child is. It’s like a trip to a mental asylum, a glimpse into a world where adults purposefully stunt their growth or a re-enactment of a crime that includes innocent souls trapped into a basement dungeon.
I don’t want to give this film zero stars. You could argue that it looks good, that it offers a couple of funny moments but giving Pinocchio a drop from the bottle of compliments makes me want to throw up. There’s a giant that comes out of nowhere, the special effects are bad, the voice acting (originally the film was in Italian so I saw the dub) is wooden, and it can’t even wrap its mind around its central concept properly. Pinocchio encounters a puppet show, and the other marionettes can speak too! If he looks human and talking isn’t a skill that’s unique to magical puppets, what in the inferno is going on?
This is Benigni's ultimate vanity project. That’s why he chose himself as Pinocchio even though no casting director in the world would've given him an audition. That’s why there are so many strange would-be whimsical decisions throughout. This man decided he was the one that would do this fairytale right - something no one else, not even the author - had previously managed. It's why the iconic whale has been changed into a shark and the message about lying being wrong has been omitted.
I'm embarrassed to admit I saw Pinocchio. Even if you’re morbidly curious, it’s agonizing to watch.  It's like witnessing your kid make a college graduation speech about the Earth being flat. You'd rather spontaneously combust than see it all the way through. It feels like an eternity, an increasingly unbearable experience that will have you begging for death. It’s the worst film I’ve seen in a long time. (English Dub on DVD, February 5, 2016)
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movietitlescollection · 1 year ago
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impermanent-art · 5 years ago
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New collab by Life A fter Death and MegZany in Los Angeles. The image is a hundred-year-old photo taken during the height of the Spanish flu pandemic: 50 million dead, humanity still managed to bounce back.
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simonedomenico · 5 years ago
Il cantico dei cantici
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kacic1 · 5 years ago
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The poster for the new italian version of PINOCCHIO. #pinocchio #movieposter #fantasy #magic #puppet #children #kids #funny #remake #italy #italiancinema #robertobenigni #matteogarrone #fairytail #pop #popculture #geek #nerd #movies #filmes #films #cine #cinema #cult #culture #art #Entertainment #OsFilmesdoKacic https://www.instagram.com/p/B5A9jmrFCdV/?igshid=4v2pphukzr8r
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