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wherever-i-look-blog · 1 year ago
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Elsbeth: Character Guide and Noteworthy Information https://tinyurl.com/2aw49t2z
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inkymoon16 · 1 year ago
Love At First Sight
Bobby Skeetz x Reader
tags: first person narrative, inhaler imagine
Today was the day. The Inhaler concert. My friend and I had been planning this day for months. When we bought the concert tickets I felt an unmatched happiness and anticipation for the date. I had been a fan of Inhaler since 2020 and I was confident of my lyric knowledge.
I had introduced my friend to the band a couple months ago and she immediately loved them. We planned to get to the city early so that we could wait on line and get barricade. I really wanted to be as close to the music as possible and I didn't care how long I waited. We had packed lunch and dinner in disposable baggies in order to not leave the line. Even though the band is not that well known, we didn't want to take any chances.
I checked my phone and it was around 5:00. Doors open soon. Waiting in the line all day made those final 2 hours feel like nothing. We had managed to be some of the first people on line so barricade was almost a guarantee. My stomach danced in the anticipation of seeing the boys on stage. I had dreamed of this day for so long. All those hours of watching interviews and concert footage and I was finally going to see them in person. I smiled thinking about it.
We had picked our outfits months ago - our anticipation getting the best of us. I had on Levi's jeans, a black tank top, and since it was a little chilly out, a jean jacket. The outfit was very 70s inspired. My hair was down around my shoulders and we had both done our makeup. My friend had on leather pants, Vans, and a purple bralette. As the time got closer to doors opening, we could hear their soundchecks. I could hear "My Honest Face" and "Cheer Up Baby" faintly through the doors. My heart raced, anticipating hearing those up close to my face.
The doors finally opened and we raced inside. The cool inside felt nice against my skin and the open floor made my feet pick up speed. Next thing I know, we got barricade. I looked at my friend and we both broke into massive grins.
"Thank God. We did it." She said. We were so close to the stage. Like so close. If one of the band members kneeled down, they would be right in my face. My heart rate once again picked up. All of them were so fine. I know my friend fancied Eli, but I personally fancied Bobby. God, he was so hot. I literally felt myself blushing just thinking about him. And the fact that in just a couple hours he would be right in front of me made me blush harder.
The time seemed to drag by so slowly. The opening act was good, but nothing crazy. 30 minutes left until they came on. The tension in the pit was palpable. Everyone was nervous but beyond excited.
The lights went out. I felt my heart drop to the floor and my face broke out into a massive grin. This was the moment. Finally. As the lights came back on, shining upon their bodies I blushed for no reason. There they were. Bobby looked so fucking good. I could see my friend practically drooling over Eli.
Bobby's microphone was at the perfect angle where we kept making eye contact. I didn't want to seem delusional but after a couple repeated times, it felt as though he was seeking me out. So I acted it up a little. Dancing in a sexy way and sending him flirtatious smirks. He reciprocated one of the smirks and I felt my heart flutter.
At one point during "My King Will Be Kind" Bobby came close to barricade and bent down in front of me. He started strumming his guitar directly at me and I could see every detail in his beautiful face. I gazed right into his eyes and saw they were glazed with adrenaline and lust. My stomach was filled with butterflies. He grabbed my chin and whispered "Meet me outside later" close to my face before backing away. He winked and stood back up.
Holy shit. I looked to my friend for confirmation that this did actually happen and I wasn't hallucinating. Her face was flooded with shock. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled at her. The girls near me kept shooting daggers with their eyes, but I couldn't care less. 
For the rest of the concert, Bobby and I kept making eye contact. I had no idea where on Earth I was supposed to meet him, but I would find it. I just had to make sure no other fans followed us.
As soon as the concert finished, my friend and I tried to get out of the venue as quickly as we could. Outside on the street we went around the corner to see if there was an exit that we could find. Down a side alley there was an unmarked door and we both shrugged before entering the dark alley.
"Honestly if we die while waiting for this band it was so worth it." She said.
I nodded. "Oh, absolutely."
Fortunately, we did not have to wait long. Josh came through the door first, followed by Ryan. They waved to us, clearly unphased by our presence. They waited at the end of the alley with their hands in their pockets. Eli and Robert came out and he immediately smiled at me.
"Hello gorgeous." Bobby said to me. I gave him a seductive smile and he put his arm around my back.
"Where are we going?" I ask, as I could hear my friend strike up a conversation with Eli.
"The bar next door - there's cheap drinks and dancing."
We entered the bar, the bouncer barely checking us. The music was loud and pounded against my heart. It was dark and dimly lit, with a makeshift dance floor on the side. We approached the bar and he came close to my face. "Let me buy you a drink. I didn't get your name either."
"Rum and coke. It's Sienna."
"Sienna. What a lovely name. Well I guess you know I'm Bobby."
I laughed. "Really? Didn't know." I said sarcastically, which made him crack a smile at this. We got our drinks and he put his arm around me again.
"Come on, let's dance." He led me towards the dance floor and I felt my heart swoon at the sight of him, sweaty in dim bar lightning. He had combat boots, jeans, and a faded band t-shirt on. I wanted to consume him at that moment. His eyes roamed over me in the same way.
The music danced around us as we screamed the well known lyrics at each other. Each moment was getting more lustful as he leaned towards me. His lips caught mine and the world was suddenly on fire. It was like nothing else mattered. His hands grabbed my hips as mine grabbed his hair. We made out like that for a while. We kept dancing and making out. In between small talk conversation of course. 
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sirenlulls · 2 years ago
you're losing me → e. hewson
pairing —elijah hewson x singer!fem!reader
summary —where you release a new single that sends your friends into a heartbroken panic
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sarahskeetz guys, before you go crazy about the eli and y/n rumours, please use some common sense and reevaluate. y/n's wrote countless songs about how elijah is her soulmate AND how media is often so wrong and invasive in regards to their lives and that people shouldn't believe things unless either of them say it directly. plus, these pictures of them were literally posted last month. she'd hardly have prepped you're losing mebto be released in that amount of time
username no fr, even if they did split, they don't deserve the harassment they're both getting online for it
joshjenkily litch. they should be allowed to deal with it in their own time
ynbridgerss okay but the clear parallels between these songs and ylm....
pheebrodrighoe no I get you but y/n hasn't interacted with any of the inhaler guys in a month despite being active online for her tour and even camilla (the number one eliyn stan) hasn't mentioned them since those photos
ynkissmeee lowk hope the rumours are true, he's been leeching off her for years 😭
judebellinghams omg shut up what are you even talking about 💀
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yourusername thank u for all the love tonight, la! it's been a hectic week at best so it was lovely to just enjoy the night with you all 💞 but onto the elephant in the room.... i'm still very happily in a relationship with my little babygirl. "you're losing me" is written about my former relationships (mostly platonic) with others that i finally realised were TOTALLY MESSED UP after being with someone who loves me wholeheartedly for so long xx thank you all for the people who did send kind messages my way but please stop listening to gossip sites 😭
sahraskeetz THANK YJE LORD
camillamorrone guys my tweet was bcs y/n ditched me to get food w 🤢eli🤢
yourusername i brought u back a tiramisu shut up
gracieabrams mother!!
ynhq thank god, we didn't want to leave elijah completely alone in the divorce 💔
robertkeating ❤️❤️
phoebebridgers so in love with you
devonleecarlson stop girl i was giggling over the articles 😭
bellahadid ok stunner
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angelicalfilms · 5 months ago
the brain rot on this cutie is actually insane of me🤭🤭
scp / YouTube
ac / @drveraudios
🏷️ / #bobbyskeetz #bobbyskeetzedit #robertkeating #robertkeatingedit #inhaler #inhalerdublin #inhaleredit #angelicalfilms #angelicalfilmedits
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met-european-sculpture · 3 years ago
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Spoon, Robert King, 1671–72, Metropolitan Museum of Art: European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
Rogers Fund, 1913 Size: 8 1/8 x 2 1/4 in. (20.6 x 5.7 cm) Medium: Silver
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designnurd · 3 years ago
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Albert Woodfox who served the longest time in solitary confinement of any prisoner in the United States has died at 75 from complications from Covid-19. He was held in isolation in a 6-by-9 foot cell for nearly 44 years at the Louisiana State Penitentiary, known as Angola. 🐈‍⬛ Known as one of the Angola Three, along with Robert King and Herman Wallace, Woodfox was convicted of killing a guard in jail, but always maintained his innocence. He says he was targeted for co-founding the first Black Panther chapter in Angola. He was released in 2016. His memoir is “Solitary: Unbroken by Four Decades in Solitary Confinement. My Story of Transformation and Hope.” Woodfox says that while speaking to people around the country, he is often asked to describe what solitary confinement is like. “We never had a reference other than our own experience,” he says, “but this coronavirus pandemic, now people have a small window into what it is like.” @democracynow @smithsoniannpg @smithsonian @nationalportraitgallery @decolonizethisplace @innocenceproject 🙏🏽 #AlbertWoodfox #angola #NationalBookAwardFinalist #PoliticalPrisoner #freetheangola3 #angola3 #angolathree #SolitaryConfinement #RobertKing #HermanWallace #BlackPanther #BlackPanthers #BlackPatherParty #LouisianaStatePenitentiary #HungerStrike #antiRapeSquad #powertothepeople #allthepowertothepeople #arethaFranklin #aintNoWay ✊🏽 (at National Portrait Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg6Dp43uRb1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years ago
Speechless (1994)
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Speechless would’ve been better if it was worse. While it offers a few laughs, there aren't enough for you to call the movie good. There’s nothing memorable about this film because it takes no chances.
Julia (Geena Davis) and Kevin (Michael Keaton) are speechwriters that meet at a hotel and quickly fall for each other. When they realize she is working for the Democratic candidate and him for the Republican, a rivalry develops. They may be attracted to each other but their careers, politics, and Julia’s ex-fiancé “Bagdad Bob” Freed (Christopher Reeve) get in the way.
None of the performances are bad and I'll admit to laughing more than once. There's a recurring joke about this bear trapped in a hole that the media is paying so much attention to while something as important as politics gets no time in the spotlight. I thought it was funny. The premise is solid. Can these two set aside their political views and fall in love? We all know someone who is way too attached to their votes. Love triumphing above the madness of politics is intriguing. If only the film were actually interested in its own premise. Julia and Kevin could’ve been employed by rival flower shops and you wouldn’t have had to change the story at all. That’s why I say Speechless would’ve been better if it was worse. I wish it was poorly acted or ridiculous. Instead, it’s bland.
For the person out there who's working on the remake of Speechless (it could happen), here's my advice:
Have some bite. What this film needed was a voice. The picture’s not interested in politics. You can’t tell the Republican candidate from the Democrat. Even at the very end when we learn something nefarious about the candidates, it doesn’t matter because they are indistinguishable. While it might’ve alienated certain audiences, picking a side would've been bold. If you’re afraid of losing ticket sales, go with a Clue-like, alternate ending depending on the showtime.
Go for satire. Consider a scenario in which Kevin manages to rewrite the Democratic candidates speech and inserts a whole bunch of vitriol about how he’s going to build a wall to prevent Mexicans from entering the country or how black youths are superpredators… and then have the crowd roar in applause. Make the writers try to one-up each other by sabotaging their opponents. Instead of a light-as-air romantic comedy, make it dark. If you want romance, have them get turned on by the depravity they manage to come up with. That's twisted and memorable.
Really dive into your premise. If you don’t want to explores how nuts people can get when you have an “It’s us or them” mentality, how about exploring the ideas behind the politics? Real-life friendships and relationships can fall apart because of the way people vote. What if Julia and Kevin were already in love until realizing that they feel very differently about a serious issue? It could be quite romantic, even inspiring, and moving to see two people separated by a real-life issue - instead of a stupid misunderstanding - make their relationship work.
I’m no writer, but I know you'd much rather stand out than fade away. It’s a good thing I’m writing a review for Speechless now. Ask me about it in a few weeks and I won’t remember anything about it. (On VHS, September 23, 2016)
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mj-hard-autorin · 4 years ago
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Freunde und Familie
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ocdreaminconfessions · 5 years ago
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wherever-i-look-blog · 1 year ago
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Elsbeth (S01E01) – A New Quirky Lead Surrounded By Crime https://tinyurl.com/yqj9pypw
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lets-cdintheoc · 5 years ago
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“If your goals don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.” 
 Living under the sun in LAGUNA BEACH, Robert King is currently 27 years old and is a GENERAL MANAGER AT ROADHOUSE RESTAURANT. In the land of hopes and dreams, Robert aspires to help expand Roadhouse Restaurant locations throughout the west coast while discovering new hobbies. The juicy scoop? Wanting to live up to his dad’s expectations of succeeding Robert started abusing Adderall in high school to help him with studying for long periods of time. He ended up getting caught by a classmate he worked with, so he planted the pills on her and got her kicked out of the private school his dad paid a lot of money to get him in. Here is a little more about him: 
Positives: Compassionate, trustworthy, and ambitious
Negatives: Short-tempered, impulsive, and stubborn
 His story:
Robert was born and raised in Boston Massachusetts, growing up an avid Boston Bruins fan. Hockey is one of his favorite sports as he attended games with his brother and father. Robert played hockey growing up, when he wasn’t with his nose in a book with his parents expecting good grades. Attending college after high school Robert got his bachelor’s as well as a master’s degree, wanting to go into the family business. Robert’s parents owned Roadhouse Restaurant and wanting to expand to the west coast, southern California, Robert jumped at the chance to manage the new restaurant, wanting a fresh start. He always wanted to go to California and knew this was his chance as he wanted to show his worth, especially to himself as he felt things came easily to him and he hoped moving and being on his own with this kind of responsibility would sharpen his wits. He was ready to start this new chapter in his life and see what the new year had to bring.
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inhalerstuff · 4 years ago
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popgirlnyc · 5 years ago
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I meant to post this with my other @eviloncbs @newyorkcomiccon #nycc19 pictures. #mikecolter #lukecage received a loud and enthusiastic greeting from the audience. #robertking #michelleking #katjaherbers https://www.instagram.com/p/B310hG8BGYU/?igshid=l7kxnlc2xi7w
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jorginho1g · 6 years ago
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Pa kenha ki ka conxi Robert King👏 (Black Panthers) ✊✊✊ Este Homem, Senhor Robert King cumpriu 29 anos de cadeia isolado numa solitária, inocentemente pagando por um crime que não cometeu. Apenas porque pertencia a um movimento conhecido como Black Panthers que, reivindicavam os direitos dos Negros na América. Foi acusado de assalto à mão armada a uma loja, o que era mentira. Esteve preso num dos piores estabelecimentos prisionais da América do Norte no Estado de Louisiana (Angola - nome da prisão), juntamente com Herman Wallace (41 anos na solitária, saíu em 2013 e faleceu uma semana depois) e Albert Woodfox (44 anos numa solitária, saíu em 2016). Robert King foi privado da liberdade desde 1970 até 2001. Após a sua libertação começou de imediato a lutar para a libertação dos dois amigos, também injustamente presos. Um ano após a saída da prisão, a 22 de Abril de 2002 foi declarado o "Dia de Robert Hilary King" na cidade de S. Francisco, pelo Major Willie Brown. Andou por vários países da Europa promovendo palestras sobre as precárias condições dos presos naquela prisão(Angola). O que mais me fascinou neste Homem é que além do sorriso que não perdeu, o seu coração permaneceu livre de ódio. Que a Luz o acompanhe a ele e a todos os injustiçados.(texto di nha manu José Cabral ) Info: www.angola3.org #primerog #twa #miraflor #rigo23 #zdb #robertking #blackpanthers #freeangola3 #angola3 #blacklivematter #amnestiainternacional #seixal #arrentela #louisiana #saofrancisco #ruizink #bairroalto #lisboa #lisbon #portugal (em Bairro Alto, Lisboa, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/primero_g_twa/p/BvkVrPbB_HA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y2dtka2n945m
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larisxxxx · 5 years ago
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rodem · 5 years ago
i dont know how tall douji actually is but in my headcannon hes four inches
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