Random shit said while playing Skyrim Sentence Starters
“This is not a good time to be questioning my sexuality.”
“I wanna go drag racing on a dragon.”
“Who the fuck carries baked potatoes in their pockets?”
“I like the sounds they make when they die.”
“I accidentally stole a cabbage and ended up murdering the entire village.”
“Hold still so I can strip you.”
“I just came here to sell stuff and ended up as a demon worshipper.”
“It’s not murder if no one liked him.”
“I can carry as many fucking brooms as I want.”
“Why the fuck would I buy it when I could kill you and get it for free?“
“Good lord you’re old.”
“I’m a professional douchebag.”
“I didn’t kill that many people, calm down.“
“Nothing a few hundred cheese wheels can’t fix.”
“Drinking that seemed like a good idea at first.”
“Since when does a wolf need jewelry?”
“All aboard the carnage express.”
“I paid you 500 gold that I could’ve spent on drugs. Now shut up and start carrying all my shit.”
“Nah, it’s okay. I’ll just wait here for eighteen hours.”
“I don’t know what happened, I just came home and everyone was dead.”
“I brought your dumb necklace, can I marry you now?”
“I made a body bonfire.”
“I have an entire barrel where I keep all my drugs.”
“I think that spider just spit LSD at me.”
“Hey you I like your- OH GOD IT’S A CAT MAN”
“Your voice is so pretty. Like a cat in labor.”
“Don’t worry, I have a plan; you go in and take the fireballs for me, and I’ll hit him with arrows from behind this rock.”
“I wouldn’t have died if you were a better meatshield.”
“How the fuck does a saber cat get into your house!?”
“I found it on your desk and it’s mine now.”
“No, it’s not stealing. You didn’t see me take it.”
“Is there a spell that can turn people into chickens?”
“He moved in front of my shot. He had to learn his lesson.”
“Who says violence doesn’t solve problems?”
“I’d like to sleep in a bed that isn’t made of fucking cow fur and straw for once, please.”
“Don’t ask questions, but I need you to buy two hundred bottles of mead from me now.”
“I wonder what getting poisoned feels like. I hear you vomit, then your insides start burning, and then you, like, die.”
“He’s busy skewering people and I’m over here slowly roasting people to death.”
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Send “#b” and I’ll shuffle my music player, and use my favorite line from the next song as a starter!
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the interloper will find themself on their back, kushimaru’s foot at their throat;
“i was not alerted of a visitor to the mist. who are you and what are your intentions?”
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tag dump
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me crying: they turned him into a soldier and then told him that war is bad also like for a starter or im me to plot
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kushimaru’s part of the mist, a hunter-nin, a swordsman.
certified badass.
he’s probably flexible as shit. that’d be terrifying. some poor enemy shinobi is just trying to stealth his way through those foggy kiri forests and all of a sudden some jackass drops out of a tree into middle splits and stabs him through the gut.
strings him up as a warning and leaves him to die, of course, but let’s focus on the dropping into middle splits part.
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Stanley park, BC
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*points at romance* what the FUCK is that
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Send me ⊗ for 3+ headcanons about your muse and mine.
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srashtheronin :
@captain-chompers @zabuza-momochi @kvriarare
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sometimes i think about all the shit kushimaru went through as a kid to get the prestige and renown he has now. like pretty much every other mist kid, kushimaru was told from toddling age that he better learn how to fight and how to win or else he’d end up at the bottom of a river, sooner rather than later.
and i think that this is a reason as to why the mist shinobi are few in number, but feared all over; if you can’t cut it, you get cut. literally. kushimaru was lucky enough (or, rather, bad enough at genjutsu) to be put under the tutelage of one of the swordsmen. was this a blessing? in ways. in other ways, it was a curse. someone like kushimaru is admittedly better off dead. he’s held in check only by loyalty to the mizukage and the mist, and if he wasn’t i have no doubts he’d go around slaughtering anyone he vaguely thought was disloyal.
#(out of thread)#...coughs anyways#i return???#and i leave again#;;WHO AM I? A MAN OR A BEAST? BOTH. (HEADCANON)
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if you claim to have gone through the naruto phase without having a crush on at least one akatsuki member than you are a fucking liar
#points @ itachi#points @ kisame#honestly that pair was all i wanted from life#what i would've given for a deidara + itachi forced teamup#like that one coulsart comic where sans repeatedly threatens chara w a bad time#n chara's like HEY NO WAY IM NOT SCARED until sans FLASHES THE BLUE EYE and then chara screams#but w deidara and itachi#(out of thread)
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A rather girlish scream came from the man when Kushimaru actually launched that giant ass needle in his direction, seeing as the shirt was skin tight it caught on more than just the fabric. Thankfully he just sort of, spurted out water. “ Hey! Kushimaru sensei what the hell!”
“i said run, you foolish little fish.”
the next senbon flew directly towards his navel. really, did mangetsu expect him to fail in fulfilling a threat?
he took a few slow steps closer, a handful of senbon lightly clasped in his hand.
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art credit!! | click to enlarge!
ooc. tfw winter’s just started but i’m using this summer-esque art anyways, but it’s like 70-80 degrees out anyways SO WHY NOT. BUT ANYWAYS! HAPPY HOLIDAYS, EVERYONE! i’m looking forward to the new year and i wish you all the best! thank you for helping me reach the 1.7K follower milestone! thank you all so much for following me, expressing interest in my blog, my portrayal, and even me as a person! 2015 has been the best rp year yet, especially because i became even more multi-fandom and began putting hinata into far more different scenarios than i could’ve ever imagined! i made so many new and wonderful friends this year, and i’m so glad to have been even acquainted with so many fantastic people! my three year anniversary is coming up in february, and i’m so excited! thank you all for sticking with me for so long and helping pave the road for my blog to have come where it’s at now, and thank you to everyone new who’s shown their support! i adore all of you so much???? RIP…… just? ?? thank you for everything!!
i’m really sorry if i’ve forgotten anyone!! tumblr mobile kept glitching every time i tried to refresh the thing and the app quit so??? it MAY not have loaded everyone r IP. and also also if you had multiple blogs i tried to have only one on here bc i’m?? lazy. ANYWAYS!! THANKS GUYS I LOVE YOU
FAM. special shout out to all of you, many of you being old friends, and many of you have?? quickly become squad??? honestly my tumblr experience wouldn’t be the same without you and honestly it’s just great being able to shitpost, rp with, casually and sarcastically have conversations with, and be both beautiful and ugly together :’) I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH SO THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!
@arraneous ⁝ @azymus ⁝ @c-h-i-t-a-n ⁝ @daiyokaied ⁝ @dstrys ⁝ @hyouton ⁝ @iatrical ⁝ @ichikaras ⁝ @illustrioxs ⁝ @inxzuma ⁝ @medeisa ⁝ @oddhealer ⁝ @rednosedrenji ⁝ @rewing ⁝ @seiurano ⁝ @thousandbirds ⁝ @wakadattebayo ⁝ @winterace
BABES. gosh i adore each and every single one of you so, so, so much. having you all on my dash is a delight, and i’m glad to be following you! whether we’ve chatted ooc or rped together yet or not, it’s been a blast! some of y’all are terrific friends already, or growing friends, and i SO hope to talk to you more and more in the future! thank you for making rping on this blog so much fun!! i love you all wtf
@achromatic-colress ⁝ @acxgedbird ⁝ @ahealingheart ⁝ @anassax ⁝ @anxthermask ⁝ @arcanaaa ⁝ @artiificem ⁝ @astrcll ⁝ @astriferouus ⁝ @atrxmentum ⁝ @aurastella ⁝ @awakyning ⁝ @bletsiel ⁝ @bloodgrain ⁝ @chalceum ⁝ @chyrsals ⁝ @coerulux ⁝ @coralslayer ⁝ @croweyed ⁝ @damminsadiq ⁝ @derivatur ⁝ @deuxscythetango ⁝ @diformitas ⁝ @digital-missiles ⁝ @dogtricks ⁝ @draicon ⁝ @edhelhernil ⁝ @erkiengill ⁝ @evaasto ⁝ @exacuo ⁝ @falsequerade ⁝ @feignedsmiles ⁝ @firebred ⁝ @flammabellum ⁝ @fleetiing ⁝ @floretherus ⁝ @flornocturnaa ⁝ @fractumnexus ⁝ @fragrantfall ⁝ @frigoribus ⁝ @fyrgebrxec ⁝ @ghxttosamurai ⁝ @gin-ichimaru ⁝ @glaieulux ⁝ @hanseii ⁝ @hasuheishi ⁝ @healingbrute ⁝ @hikaarin ⁝ @hirugae ⁝ @holidami ⁝ @honourability ⁝ @houndfour ⁝ @houndwoof ⁝ @hubrrs ⁝ @indivaras ⁝ @indrary ⁝ @itomaii ⁝ @kahixo ⁝ @kazenoheishi ⁝ @keigaii ⁝ @khaoser ⁝ @kiraahachi ⁝ @kizuya ⁝ @klauetic ⁝ @konawn ⁝ @kushimaki ⁝ @kvriarare ⁝ @ladysuna ⁝ @lambencies ⁝ @lamentid ⁝ @lastlivingpotter ⁝ @latentcrim ⁝ @levibells ⁝ @lifesparks ⁝ @lionsung ⁝ @masochisticsadist ⁝ @mcsmirky ⁝ @nihillmancer ⁝ @oni-analyst ⁝ @patereius ⁝ @permablue ⁝ @platinumcosmos ⁝ @raidounamiashi ⁝ @raijinrozu ⁝ @reluctantheroics ⁝ @reyvicioso ⁝ @rytherns ⁝ @sangxfroid ⁝ @santatobisms ⁝ @santaton ⁝ @scaringan ⁝ @seriouspunch ⁝ @shadedelite ⁝ @shiielded ⁝ @shouyos ⁝ @skullds ⁝ @somniare–aeternum ⁝ @sonofwhitefang ⁝ @suehiro ⁝ @suishoi ⁝ @surutakai ⁝ @temperedinferno ⁝ @tensasai ⁝ @tombchild ⁝ @umbrathea ⁝ @unchainably ⁝ @uuuso ⁝ @velloa ⁝ @willprevail ⁝ @winterbred ⁝ @xaoli ⁝ @xmirages ⁝ @yangnog ⁝ @yxksha ⁝ @zaoyu
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“Sensei no….” Damn it Kushimaru, Mangetsu could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as he straightened his posture a little more. He was clearly ready to run if he needed to. Sure he could handle his sensei’s sword on his own but that didn’t make him any less intimidating.
clearly, mangetsu wasn’t going to back off unless kushimaru gave him good reason to. kushimaru aimed (both figuratively and literally) to do so, pulling a senbon from his hip pouch. he twirled the slender metal between his fingers; and threw, close enough to pierce mangetsu’s shirt.
#thedevilofthemist#[ he's playing. rifp mangetsu. ]#[ old man kushi voice: 'UR LUCKY UR SKILLED; PUNK'
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“Sensei, shut up.” He had high respect for Kushimaru but the fact that he was being counted at was- weird. It gave the old man a ‘dad’ vibe that Mangetsu didn’t know how to take.
clearly, the way mangetsu should have been taking it was badly. kushimaru knew that mangetsu could deal with most anything he threw at him, so there were no worries if he didn’t leave.
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