#Robert Haas
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 3 days ago
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Flooded London by Squint/Opera 2
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“So lasting they are, the rivers!” Only think. Sources somewhere in the mountains pulsate and springs seep from a rock, join in a stream, in the current of a river, and the river flows through centuries, millennia. Tribes, nations pass, and the river is still there, and yet it is not, for water does not stay the same, only the place and the name persist, as a metaphor for a permanent form and changing matter. The same rivers flowed in Europe when none of today’s countries existed and no languages known to us were spoken. It is in the names of rivers that traces of lost tribes survive. They lived, though, so long ago that nothing is certain and scholars make guesses which to other scholars seem unfounded. It is not even known how many of these names come from before the Indo-European invasion, which is estimated to have taken place two thousand to three thousand years B. C. Our civilization poisoned river waters, and their contamination acquires a powerful emotional meaning. As the course of a river is a symbol of time, we are inclined to think of a poisoned time. And yet the sources continue to gush and we believe time will be purified one day. I am a worshipper of flowing and would like to entrust my sins to the waters, let them be carried to the sea.
—Czeslaw Milosz, “Rivers” (translated from the Polish by the author and Robert Hass)  [theparisreview]
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quakeandquiver · 2 months ago
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"Three Dawn Songs in Summer," written by Robert Haas
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vivien nude in dripping wet
vivien desnuda en mojado
Babysitter: Ready for another sexy bath?
Babysitter: Well, good morning, handsome. Care to join me?
Boy: For real?
Babysitter: Heck, yeah.
The boy gets in the tub with the woman, and they have sex.
Babysitter: Wanna play with my tits, handsome?
Babysitter: You sure fondled my breasts real good, little man. Now, I want you to grope and kiss my butt.
Babysitter: Are you just going to gawk at me, little man, or are you going to get in this tub and make love to me?
Niñera: ¿Lista para otro baño sexy?
Niñera: Bueno, buenos días, guapo. ¿Quieres unirte a mí?
Chico: ¿De verdad?
Niñera: Diablos, sí.
El niño se mete en la bañera con la mujer y tienen relaciones sexuales.
Niñera: ¿Quieres jugar con mis tetas, guapo?
Niñera: Seguro que me acariciaste muy bien los pechos, hombrecito. Ahora quiero que toques y beses mi trasero.
Niñera: ¿Me vas a quedar boquiabierto, hombrecito, o te meterás en esta bañera y me harás el amor?
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kuunibal · 2 years ago
"Longing, we say, because desire is is full of endless distances."
Robert Haas, "Meditation at Lagunitas"
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vespertinatriangle · 2 years ago
All the new thinking is about loss. In this it resembles all the old thinking. The idea, for example, that each particular erases the luminous clarity of a general idea. That the clown- faced woodpecker probing the dead sculpted trunk of that black birch is, by his presence, some tragic falling off from a first world of undivided light. Or the other notion that, because there is in this world no one thing to which the bramble of blackberry corresponds, a word is elegy to what it signifies. We talked about it late last night and in the voice of my friend, there was a thin wire of grief, a tone almost querulous. After a while I understood that, talking this way, everything dissolves: justice, pine, hair, woman, you and I. There was a woman I made love to and I remembered how, holding her small shoulders in my hands sometimes, I felt a violent wonder at her presence like a thirst for salt, for my childhood river with its island willows, silly music from the pleasure boat, muddy places where we caught the little orange-silver fish called pumpkinseed. It hardly had to do with her. Longing, we say, because desire is full of endless distances. I must have been the same to her. But I remember so much, the way her hands dismantled bread, the thing her father said that hurt her, what she dreamed. There are moments when the body is as numinous as words, days that are the good flesh continuing. Such tenderness, those afternoons and evenings, saying blackberry, blackberry, blackberry. —Robert Haas, "Meditation at Lagunitas"
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fluttering-slips · 2 years ago
A Story About the Body
Robert Hass
The young composer, working that summer at an artist's colony, had watched her for a week. She was Japanese, a painter, almost sixty, and he thought he was in love with her. He loved her work, and her work was like the way she moved her body, used her hands, looked at him directly when she made amused and considered answers to his questions. One night, walking back from a concert, they came to her door and she turned to him and said, "I think you would like to have me. I would like that too, but I must tell you that I have had a double mastectomy," and when he didn't understand, "I've lost both my breasts." The radiance that he had carried around in his belly and chest cavity—like music—withered very quickly, and he made himself look at her when he said, "I'm sorry. I don't think I could." He walked back to his own cabin through the pines, and in the morning he found a small blue bowl on the porch outside his door. It looked to be full of rose petals, but he found when he picked it up that the rose petals were on top; the rest of the bowl—she must have swept them from the corners of her studio—was full of dead bees.
Robert Haas
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las-microfisuras · 2 years ago
Boceto primaveral 2
Un hombre dice: lilas frente a las casas blancas, dos gorriones, uno rayado, en un abedul mermante, y no encuentra manera de expresarlo.
Para ser anhelada, dijo Thorstein Veblen* -desesperado en Palo Alto- una cosa debe ser inservible, es decir, surgir de “una adaptación selectiva de formas a propósito de un desperdicio ostensible “.
Así que intentamos no tirar nada, como Keith, quien preparándonos la cena, tal como lo hacía su abuela en Jamaica -sin dejar nada; la cocina estaba tan limpia al final como cuando empezaba- aprovechó hasta los caparazones de gambas y las hojas de zanahoria,
y cuando tratamos de expresar nuestra admiración dijo: “Escuchad, debería enviaros al corral a por un clavo oxidado para enriquecer la sopa en hierro”.
La primera tentación de Sakyamuni** fue el deseo, pero se dio cuenta de que conducía a la realización y luego, otra vez al deseo, así que la superó fácilmente.
Por haberla podado mal en años sucesivos, la rosa trepadora ha echado, entre los grandes capullos rosa pálido, unas blancas rosas silvestres.
Supongamos que, antes de decir plateado, luz de luna o hierba mojada, cada poeta tuvo que aceptar la responsabilidad por la inocencia de todo el sufrimiento en la tierra,
porque aprendió en aritmética, durante las largas jornadas escolares, que si quedaba algo,
tenías que llevarlo. La rosa silvestre parece ingrávida, mientras a los capullos grandes les pesan la riqueza y la tristeza de Europa
porque imitan la agonía, p��talo a pétalo, de las personas que los cultivaron.
Puedes oír cómo canta el dolor en los nervios de las cosas -no es un cántico-.
La cabeza de la gacela se tornó -tres chacales están devorando sus entrañas y ella está mirando-.
-  ROBERT HASS (EE.UU., SAN FRANCISCO, 1941.  Traducido al español por Ada Trzeciakowska
*Sociólogo y economista estadounidense. En “Teoría de la clase ociosa” explica que el producto no necesita tener un valor por sí mismo. Le basta con un valor atribuido por su novedad, escasez, rareza o cualquier otra circunstancia. De esta forma cumple la premisa de que cuanto más elevado es su precio, más demandado es.
** Uno de los nombres de Buda
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amaised44 · 1 month ago
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The Creek in Shirley Canyon
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igotboredbutherescars · 4 months ago
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So, I got bored and decided to do this. I have no idea what will come of it but oh well.
This season of F1 has been eventful to say the least, two drivers dropped, some new ones brought in, Hamilton to Ferrari next year and Sainz to Williams. Ollie Bearman stepping in for Sainz and K.Mag. It's been bonkers.
Then next season we have four rookies, i think, Antonelli with merc, Bortoleto with kick, Bearman and hass, Doohan alongside Gasly at Alpine, all of which who are good drivers. I do feel bad that Ollie will be dealing with Ocon as a teammate in his first season. But Pierre and Jack are already a good duo, from what I've seen at least.
And Prema to Indy is cool, I'm honestly thrilled to have Robert and Callum driving for them, they're both absolutely incredible and really deserve this opportunity. Logan did well in the testing recently as well, I'm happy that he's getting another chance in racing. David Malukas has a seat and that's just brilliant after McLaren, and although I'm a McLaren fan in pretty much all racing divisions they compete in, what they did to him was pretty brutal.
Anyways, I shall see where this goes.
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joeinct · 1 year ago
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Robert Capa in the Magnum Photo Office, Paris, Photo by Ernst Haas, 1949
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httpiastri · 2 years ago
the only thing that could make this weekend even funnier is if lance turns up to the paddock tomorrow and says “im quitting f1 to play tennis, effective immediately” so felipe gets his seat
(pls don’t interpret this as me thinking daniel crashing is funny, it’s awful and super sad but god im excited for liam)
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year ago
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Mondo will release Back to the Future Part II poster - which doubles as Jaws 19 artwork! - by Danny Haas on tomorrow, October 20, at 1pm EST. Priced at $80, the 24x36 screen print is an edition of 215. It's expected to ship in February.
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64sue · 1 year ago
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keefechambers · 2 years ago
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We would rather be homeless livin' under a bridge than go with you.
We would?
Yes Karl, we would.
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laserpinksteam · 2 years ago
Film after film: Widows (dir. Steve McQueen, 2018)
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Plot-wise, it's just okay, but actorly it's a great pleasure. I love Davis when she plays roles that are not so in-your-face showy, with the proverbial "snot out of nose" crying (see this year's Air too). Here she's more steely but also vulnerable, as the wife of a (seemingly) dead criminal, who is coerced into paying his debts and aims to complete a job that originally he planned. There are some plot twists and turns, sometimes impressive and well staged, but it's predominantly an actor's film. Kaluuya stands out as the most evil person alive.
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schumi-nadal · 2 years ago
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I’m playing F1 2022 for the first time since a looong time and I just realised what a mess the teams are, in my career 👀😂
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