#Robert A. Hilliard
readerviews · 9 months
"Bloodlines... Pedigree & Progeny" by Robert A. Hilliard
Complex and Epic Tale #books #bookreview #reading #readerviews
Bloodlines … Pedigree & Progeny Robert A. HilliardOutskirts Press, Inc. (2023)ISBN: 978-1977261397Reviewed by Kenneth Onyenwe for Reader Views (12/2023) “Bloodlines” is a work of fiction by Robert Hilliard. The story in this book traverses happenings in North America, Great Britain, Germany, and Israel. In America, Bentley Wellington is a two-time governor of Kentucky and an alcoholic. One day…
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noxaeternaetc · 10 months
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Nicholas Hilliard (1547-1619) Queen Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester by the renowned miniature painter, ca. 1575. Watercolour on vellum laid down on card, gilt-metal frame and gold bracelet slide frame respectively, 19mm (3/4in) high.
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mitjalovse · 2 years
Massive Attack could form a soundtrack for something set in the 90's. Look, they capture the era so well they became the signifier of the latter. However, they differ from most of their peers in the fact their defining album occured in the later part of the period, where their colleagues had their early signs of the consequent struggle. Thus, Mezzanine remains a pillar of their discography thanks to them achieving the ultimate version of what the outfit was at that point. While the disc does seem dark, there are some moments of levity, such as the tune that concludes the LP. That one turned into a swan song, because the member to whom the composition refer and who did make the 90's Massive Attack great abandoned them soon afterwards.
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victoriansecret · 8 months
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Evander Berry Wall was a famous sociality and fashionista in the late 19th and early 20th century, dubbed The King of the Dudes. Via wikipedia:
"Wall was a clotheshorse. He generally wore a "very extraordinary costume" such as the one pictured on the right: "a dust coat of a reddish havana brown, a suit made of a large grey shepherd plaid check; extremely wide trousers tapered at the ankle, and turned up several inches to display white spats and highly varnished shoes; a 'startling' striped shirt in red and sky blue, with very high false collar of a pattern different from the shirts, a striped vest and a widely spread stock-cravat." He was popularly credited with the possession of over 500 trousers and 5,000 neckties." ...
Wall was first proclaimed "King of the Dudes" at the resort town of Long Branch, New Jersey in the summer of 1883.
Wall was again proclaimed "King of the Dudes" in 1888 by the New York American newspaper. A journalist named Blakely Hall judged that Wall had won the "Battle of the Dudes" against Robert "Bob" Hilliard, another sartorial dude when, during the March Blizzard of 1888, he strode into a bar clad in gleaming boots of patent leather that went to his hips. Nevertheless, some historians still consider it was Hilliard who won that dude battle.
Wall won another fashion contest in August 1888, in Saratoga Springs, New York. To win a bet against John "Bet a Million" Gates, Wall changed clothes 40 times between breakfast and dinner. He appeared on the race track "in one flashy ensemble after the other until, exhausted but victorious he at last entered the ballroom of the United States Hotel in faultless evening attire."
Ever the fashion-leader, Wall is credited for having been the first person in the United States to wear a dinner jacket (tuxedo) to a ball. The white ensemble had been sent to him by the London Savile Row tailor Henry Poole & Co "to be worn for a quiet dinner at home or at an evening's entertainment at a summer resort." This was a time when tailcoat was still the rule, and Wall was immediately ordered off the floor.
Wall's financial life was not as successful as his fashion life. An ill-conceived stock-broking career and additional failures as a stable owner ended in an 1899 bankruptcy. Wall finally declared that "New York had become fit only for businessmen" and left for Paris in 1912. ... They lived in a suite in the Hotel Meurice, with a consecutive string of chow dogs named Chi-Chi or Toi-Toi. This was located conveniently near the bespoke shirtmaker Charvet, where Wall had his signature "spread eagle" collar shirts and cravats custom-made for himself and his dog. Wall always dined at the Ritz with his dog, whose collars and ties were made by Charvet in the same style and fabric as his master's.
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thesorrowoflizards · 5 months
shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people
thanks for tagging me @bytedykes :)
also i did 13 bc 13 is a lucky number and i felt like it. badda bing and so on.
Skin and Bone - The Mechanisms
Down Boy - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Firebrand & Angel - Elbow
Messe de Notre Dame: 1. Kyrie - Hilliard Ensemble
Alarm Call - The Correspondents
Debilitate - Palaye Royale ft. Pussy Riot
Devils Don't Fly - Natalia Kills
Suspicion - Sherwood Roberts
C'est la vie - Weathers
Possibility - Autoheart
In the Reptile Room - The Gothic Archies
Maria - Aliceband
tagging: uhhhh @normal-thoughts-official @poisonousquinzel @mvshortcut @oflightningandstars @casismybestfriend @eryaforsthye @lotsofsq @sophieswundergarten @calix-amini @fade-in-the-dark @lassostark @politelymenacing @bookqueen101 and anyone else who wants to :) no pressure to do this though just . if you enjoy tag games lgfjh
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kmancollection · 1 month
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Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester;by Nicholas Hilliard, 1576
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madamlaydebug · 2 years
Please Share.
Row 1 Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., Nat Turner, Martin Delany, Amos Wilson, Ida B. Wells
Row 2 Walter Rodney, Eusi Kwayana, Cuffy, Bussa, Sam Sharpe, Marcus Garvey, Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba
Row 3 Patrice Lumumba, Thomas Sankara, Steve Biko, Robert Sobukwe, Tavio Amorin, Cetshwayo
Row 4 Joseph Casely Hayford, Nzinga, Yaa Asantewaa, Taitu, Menelik II, Nehanda, Zumbi, Louis Delgrès
Row 5 Jose Correia Leite, Nanny, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Elijah Muhammad, Queen Mother Moore, Harriet Tubman, Toussaint L’Ouverture, Makandal Daaga
Row 6 La Mulâtresse Solitude, Carter G. Woodson, William Leo Hansberry, Joseph Cinqué, Chancellor Williams, Jean Price-Mars, Samory Touré
Row 7 Asa G. Hilliard III, Joshua Nkomo, Julius Nyerere, Nana Olomu, W.E.B. Du Bois, Madison, Funmilayo Kuti, Paul Bogle
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lionofchaeronea · 2 years
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Portrait of a Young Man, Probably Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, Nicholas Hilliard, 1588
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dreamerofasgard · 11 months
Hopes for The Thunderbird & The Dragon
Chapter 1 - House of Ambition
Year 1 Part 1/4 I will try to keep each year to 3-5 parts. Once again if you wish to be tagged leave me a comment or DM me.🐍
Warnings: First-year prick attitude Draco. (self-explanatory) First-year Pansy Parkison (I know some people don't like her) Blood status.
Word count: 1.8k
After the grand tour of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall, and Headmaster Dumbledore took your family and the four students to his office for a private sorting hat ceremony. You remembered that the first years normally got sorted on the first night in front of the entire school but due to you being a transfer, you got a private one.
“Now if Ms. Whitlock, if you would kindly take a seat we can get you sorted into your house,” Dumbledore said as he pulled up a chair for you to sit down. As you sit on the dark brown chair you see your mother take hold of your father's hand in excitement which makes you smile a bit as Professor McGonagall puts the Sorting Hat on your head.
" Ah, a transfer from our friends at Ilvermorny eh?" the sorting hat said as it took a moment to think, "You could be like your mother and make Ravenclaw proud you surely have the thirst for knowledge," it said as your mother smiled brightly at you along with Robert Hilliard the prefect for Ravenclaw "Or perhaps you would do best in Slytherin. Their cunning ambition to achieve great things knows no bounds." As the Sorting hat said this you thought it over, you were always an ambitious child and did help your cousins make a band despite their reluctance.
"Ah, I see. Slytherin!" the hat said as Professor McGonagall took the hat offer waving her wand to have your plain Hogwarts uniform transfigured into Slytherin robes. "Congratulations Ms. Whitlock," she said as Gemma Farley and your parents approached you as you stood up.
"I shall show you to our common room and help you get settled, that is if you'll allow Professors," she said looking at Dumbledore and McGonagall.
"I think that's a good idea, Ms. Farley. I believe we will have Ms. Whitlock rooming with Ms. Parkison and Ms. Greengrass" Dumbledore said as he dismissed the three boys from the other houses.
"I'm so proud of you sweetie," your parents said as they brought you in for a group hug before handing back your wand to you before following Gemma to the Slytherin Common room.
Your wand, thirteen inches, maple wood, phoenix feather core, slightly springy. Despite living most of your life in America your mother insisted on getting your wand from Ollivander's in Diagon Alley. When you first picked your wand from the box it made the room almost shake. Mr. Ollivander said that it was a sign of great potential and one's power that goes beyond the wand, whatever that meant you had no idea.
As you made your way to your common room Lux walked next to you careful not to bump into other students who were staring at you, the new kid. You weren't bothered that much by their stares after all you had just arrived during the second week of classes. As you continued onward on the Grand Staircase, Gemma came to a stop allowing other students to make their way to different classes when a girl your age wearing Slytherin robes walked up to her.
"Gemma, I was told by the Bloody Barron that Daph and I would be getting our third roommate today, do you know what time that will happen?" said the girl with a short brown haircut.
"Word does travel fast when you have ghosts in Hogwarts," said Gemma as she motioned for you to step forward, "This Is Y/n Whitlock a transfer student from Ivermorny. She just arrived a few hours ago and got sorted into our house. Please show her to your room while I fill in her parents on a few matters," she said before walking over to your parents.
"So you are the new girl," Pansy said as her eyes lit up, "my name is Pansy Parkison one of your roommates, a pleasure to meet you," she said as she reached out her hand to shake. After shaking hands Pansy led you down the last set of many stairs to the dungeons just outside the Slytherin common room.
"Has McGonagall or Gemma told you the password to get in?" Pansy asked curiously. "I don't think they did," you said trying to remember if McGonagall, Dumbledore, or Gemma said anything about a password.
"I thought so," said a disappointed Pansy as she before walking up to the wall and said "Thestral" Once the word was spoken a snake for the floor curved up and made an archway that revealed a door. "Welcome to your new home," Pansy said as she took your hand and walked carefully down the spiral staircase that oddly enough had a small water fountain at the bottom of it.
"Oh wow" was all you could manage to say as you looked at the Slytherin common room. The stonework was incredible and the windows looking out into the bottom of the Black Lake were gorgeous. The rugs all over the stone floor gave the cool interior a home feel as the fireplace and couches looked so welcoming. You walked further in and saw the skylights of stained glass on the ceiling before looking around more and seeing all the display cases, tapestries, and living portraits. The common room was full of greens and grays giving it a cold look but you didn't mind much. You were under the Black Lake so the structural integrity was more important than if the common room was extremely homie.
Pansy chuckled as she walked up beside you. "It's quite amazing isn't it?" she looks around the room with you as your eyes land on the statue of Salazar Slytherin. "That's one of the founders Sal-"
"Salazar Slytherin, known for his determination and ambitious nature. Valued keeping magic to pureblooded families and left Hogwarts after a disagreement with the other founders about muggle-borns" you said as you looked up at the statue as you recount the history McGonagall told you during the tour. "Sorry that I cut you off Pansy."
"No no, it's fine. I'm just surprised you know some of the history" she said as she took your hand again and started walking towards one of the dorms on the girls' side. "Well, Professor McGonagall did give a detailed history of the castle during the tour with my parents. This place is full of so much history and stories of past adventures, it would be a shame not to explore and learn its secrets" you said as you picked up Lux as Pansy opened the dorm to your dorm room.
"You do have a point, " Pansy says as she walks into the dorm room "Welcome to our room!" she says happily as a girl with Blonde hair looks up from her desk surprised. "Daphne say hello to our new roommate."
"You must be Y/n Whitlock. The Bloody Baron told us that you were most likely going to be rooming with us." Daphne said as she walked over to you. "I'm Daphne Greengrass, we will be in most of the same classes along with Pansy," she says as she shakes your free hand. "And who is this sweet one?"
"This is Lux, my mom gave me her before we left," you say as Lux mews cutely as all three of you smile at the kneazle.
"I believe we should help get you unpacked," said Gemma from the doorway with your trunks and owl as she smiled at the sight of the three girls getting along.
*about 15-30 minutes later*
"I believe that's all of it," you say as you take your owl Ripley out of her cage to let her walk around the room a bit before dinner.
"So what is all this muggle stuff, I thought you were a pureblood," Pansy asked as she went through your stack of records both confused and curious.
"Well, my family has a deep love of music and that extends to the no-mugis aka muggles' music. We are a pureblood family though in America we try to see the no-magis or muggles as just people. My family does know the inherent "value" of blood purity but when it comes to certain things like music" you say as you get up and start flipping through your vinyls.
"I guess when you come from America the stance on muggles is different. My parents, however," Pansy says as she picks up an album by The Rolling Stones, "Don't care for anything Muggle-related, Can we put this one on?" she says holding the record out to you.
"Oh this is a good one and one of my father's favorites," you say putting the record on and adjusting the volume so it's not too loud. Daphne smiled softly as the room was filled with music she never heard before.
After an hour or two of sharing your favorite albums with the girls, it was just about time for dinner. As the three of you made your way to the Great Hall you let Ripley find her way to the Owlery by following the other owls flying overhead. As you made your way into the Great Hall you followed Pansy and Daphne and sat down with four other boys.
“And who are you I don’t remember you from the sorting ceremony,” said the blonde boy with grey eyes as he looked at you confused why you were sitting with his friends.
“I’m Y/n Whitlock, I just transferred from Ilvermorny and got sorted this morning. And you are,” you say as you look at the blonde as well as the three other boys.
“Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. These two are Crabbe and Goyle,” the two boys boys across from him nodded as Draco continued, “The quite one is Blaise Zabini” as Blaise looked up and smiled softly at you. “So Whitlock are you by chance related to Frederick Whitlock the new Chief Auror?” He said as he sounded a little excited. Everyone looked at you waiting for your response as being a pureblood meant that your family had wealth and some sway in the ministry but having your parents in important positions meant if anyone messed with you there would be consequences.
“That’s my dad yeah, he just got the promotion last week as well as my mum becoming the Head of the Department for the Control of Magical Creatures,” you said as you started to put some food on your plate as you smiled proudly at your parents’ achievements.
“My father was telling me about you folks, apparently your father is one of the best Aurors since Aesop Sharp and Theseus Scamander. Your father will be giving Mad Eye Moody some competition,” Draco said as the tone shifted from slightly uncomfortable to welcoming, “And your mum is practically set up to be the next Newt Scamander my father heard.”
“That’s my parents for ya. Always dreaming big and aiming for the stars,” you smiled before you started eating as the rest of dinner the group filled you in on what you missed the first week of classes as well as telling you about the Gryffindor trio that was the bane of Draco’s existence.
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joachimnapoleon · 2 years
Hi there! I've been very interested with Napoleon & his marshals as of late, and when I saw your blog I thought it was a good place to ask about it :) Do you have any Napoleon biographies with reliable source? Oh, and also any good biographies on the marshals? Many thanks! 💛
Hello! I'll try to help as much as I can.
The only Napoleon biographies I've read (so far) are:
-Napoleon: A Life, by Andrew Roberts -Napoleon: A Life, by Adam Zamoyski -Napoleon Bonaparte: An Intimiate Biography, by Vincent Cronin -Napoleon: Soldier of Destiny//Spirit of the Age 1805-1810//Decline and Fall of an Empire: 1811-1821; a three-volume biography by Michael Broers
So there are still quite a few prominent ones I need to read--and I haven't even attempted to read any of the French ones. But out of the ones I've read, I'd most recommend Cronin and Roberts. Cronin gives a great, humanizing portrait of Napoleon, and Andrew Roberts' book is very nicely balanced and well researched in my opinion. Both are pretty thorough with their sourcing. Cronin's also has a great appendix regarding the reliability of various Napoleonic memoirs. As much as I like Broers' political analyses in his books, he isn't as careful with his fact-checking and I admit I kind of soured on him a bit with the last book.
As far as biographies on the marshals, I have not read many. My primary focus for the past few years has been on Murat. In English, I would not say that there is currently a "definitive" biography on him, though a new English one is currently in the works for which I have very high hopes. But currently the only English biographies on Murat are A. Hilliard Atteridge's Joachim Murat: Marshal of France and King of Naples (1911), and The Betrayers by Hubert Cole, which is a dual biography of both Joachim and Caroline Murat, published in 1972. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. Atteridge's book goes into much more detail about Murat's early military career, and about the military campaigns in general. Cole kind of just breezes through Murat's early years and keeps the campaign descriptions fairly brief (which I'm honestly okay with; I find deep analyses of military tactics extremely boring if I'm being honest). Cole's strength, though, is in the number of primary sources he utilizes, and his excellent bibliography has been a goldmine for me in my own research. He also fleshes out Murat's reign in Naples in much better detail than Atteridge. Cole had far more access to Murat's correspondence than Atteridge did--as well as to many memoirs and archives--so Murat's story just feels far more fleshed out in Cole's book. I will add though that Cole, despite the title of the book, is actually very sympathetic to the Murats, and clearly not a fan of Napoleon.
For Marshal Lannes, I'd be remiss if I didn't recommend our own @maggiec70's marvelous work, The Emperor's Friend: Marshal Jean Lannes.
For the other marshals, I have all of these but the one on Davout, but I have not yet gotten around to reading them:
-Ney: Marshal Ney, The Bravest of the Brave, also by A. Hilliard Atteridge (1914), Marshal Ney: The Romance and the Real, by Raymond Horricks (1982), alternately titled for the newer edition Military Politics; From Bonaparte to the Bourbons: The Life and Death of Michel Ney 1769-1825 (1995)
-Berthier: By Command of the Emperor: A Life of Marshal Berthier, by S.J. Watson (1988)
-Davout: The Iron Marshal: A Biography of Louis N. Davout, by John G. Gallaher (2018)
-Soult: Napoleon's Maligned Marshal, by Sir Peter Hayman, (1990)
I hope that helps! Thanks for the ask :)
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
Brooklyn state Sen. Kevin Parker has been accused of raping a woman in 2004, early in his tenure as a state legislator, according to a new lawsuit filed against him last week.
The lawsuit was filed in Brooklyn Supreme Court on Friday by Olga Jean-Baptiste, who says Parker raped her at her apartment after discussing relief efforts for Haiti following devastating flooding in the Caribbean nation in 2004.
In her suit, Jean-Baptiste — who was 31 years old at the time of the alleged incident — says she coordinated with Parker’s office to deliver aid to Haiti following the floods, which killed some 3,000 people in the country that year. Parker, a Democrat, was in the middle of his first term in the state Senate representing the Flatbush area, which has a considerable population hailing from Haiti and other parts of the Caribbean.
After she returned from a trip to Haiti to deliver supplies, Parker suggested meeting Jean-Baptiste at her apartment to pick up photos and discuss the work she undertook, according to the lawsuit. They reviewed the trip for a few minutes in her living room and exchanged photos — but when Jean-Baptiste says she rose to say goodbye, she found herself paralyzed with fear when Parker allegedly grabbed hold of both of her wrists.
Jean-Baptiste then alleges Parker took her down the hallway of her apartment to her bedroom, where he made a sexual remark and laid her face-down on her bed. At that point, Jean-Baptiste claims Parker raped her.
The plaintiff says she never consented to any of the sexual acts which she alleges Parker forced upon her.
“Ms. Jean-Baptiste survived unspeakable sexual abuse perpetrated by Sen. Parker — and continues to suffer from the trauma that only survivors of unwanted sexual assaults can fully understand,” said Jean-Baptiste’s attorney, Bob Hilliard, in a statement. “The allegations are set out within Ms. Jean-Baptiste’s lawsuit. A jury will hear firsthand the full details and horribleness of what happened.”
A spokesperson for Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins called the allegations “extremely disturbing.”
“These allegations are extremely disturbing and we take them very seriously,” said the spokesperson, Mike Murphy. “And we will continue to monitor this situation and we will take appropriate action as more information is learned.”
Jean-Baptiste filed her suit against Parker under the state’s Adult Survivors Act, which lifted the statute of limitations for one year to allow adult victims of sexual abuse to sue their abusers in civil court, for actions committed at any point in the past. The one-year window is set to expire this week, and state courts are seeing a flood of new suits to beat the deadline.
The Adult Survivors Act was modeled after the Child Victims Act, which opened a similar “look-back window” for victims of child sexual abuse and resulted in a flood of suits. The most notable defendant in those suits was the Roman Catholic Church: six of the state’s eight Catholic dioceses have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy since the law’s onset.
In contrast, suits have been filed under the Adult Survivors Act against numerous high-profile individuals. Former President Donald Trump, rap mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs, and comedians Bill Cosby and Russell Brand are defendants in some of the more than 2,500 cases that have been filed under the statute over the past year.
Adult Survivors Act cases have also targeted institutions like universities, hospitals, and the state prison system alleging they facilitated systematic abuse by bad actors.
Hundreds of patients have claimed they were sexually abused by Robert Hadden, an OB-GYN at Columbia University, while under his care, while a similarly massive number of survivors say they were sexually abused by Darius Paduch, a urologist at New York Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Medical Center.
Hadden was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment in July, while Paduch is currently under a federal indictment for sexual abuse.
Parker voted in favor of the Adult Survivors Act last year, along with every other member of Albany’s upper chamber.
A checkered history
Parker is no stranger to legal troubles, finding himself embattled with the law at various points in his twenty-year career in Albany. In 2005, Parker was arrested and charged with assault for punching a traffic agent attempting to ticket him for double parking. The charges were dropped after he agreed to take anger management classes.
In 2009, Parker again was hit with assault charges for attacking a New York Post photographer taking pictures of him outside his house in Flatbush. The pol would be found guilty by a jury of misdemeanor criminal mischief, and was sentenced to three years probation plus further anger management classes.
After that flap, Parker was stripped of his committee assignments, and chamber leaders attempted to claw back a $22,000 stipend he pocketed as Majority Whip and chair of the Energy Committee. “I don’t think I have an anger issue,” Parker told reporters at the time.
Having been reelected to his seat multiple times in the aftermath, Parker has gained back his committee seats and currently chairs the Energy and Telecommunications Committee.
Parker’s spats have not always resulted in legal trouble. In 2009, while facing his assault charge, Parker referred to then-Governor David Paterson as a “coke-snorting, staff-banging governor,” remarks for which he apologized. The following year, he reportedly called fellow Sen. Diane Savino a “b-tch” during heated sessions over whether to expel another member accused of assault, Hiram Monserrate of Queens, and nearly came to fisticuffs with her boyfriend, Bronx Sen. Jeff Klein — who himself was later accused of sexual assault by a staffer.
In 2018, when a Senate GOP staffer tweeted about a car blocking a bike lane with a Parker-issued parking placard on the dash, Parker responded by telling the staffer, Candice Giove, to “kill yourself!” He later apologized.
Parker ran for city comptroller in 2021 but finished sixth in the Democratic primary.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On December 12th 1574, Anne of Denmark, the wife of King James VI, was born.
Anne was the second child, and second girl, of Frederik the Second and his queen, Sophie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. The couple were initially married by proxy, which means on paper without them being present, and Anne was finding it difficult to make the journey across stormy seas, so James set about fetching her himself and upon reaching and presenting himself to her “in boots and all” and kissed her, in the Scottish fashion!
They were formally married the 23rd of November 1859 in Oslo before returning to Scotland. On the 17th of May she was crowned queen of Scotland. The ceremony lasted seven hours and , Anne’s dress was opened during it and “s “a bonny quantity of oil” was poured upon her breast and arm. James was at first infatuated by his bride, but later the couple often disagreed, though in the early years of their marriage, James seems always to have treated Anne with patience and affection.
Although Anne had been brought up in the Lutheran religion, she converted Roman Catholicism during the 1590s. In Basilikon Doron, written 1597-1598, James described marriage as “the greatest earthly felicitie or miserie, that can come to a man! Nothing changes with marriage through the centuries eh! lol Despite James’ alleged homosexual tendencies, for which there is no definitive proof, Anne gave birth to their first child, Henry Frederick Stuart on 19 February 1594. She was given no say in the care and upbringing of her son who on James insistence, was placed in the custody of John Erskine, Earl of Mar at Stirling Castle.
Distressed at this situation she mounted a campaign for custody of her son, which James resisted, leading to further friction between the couple. Prince Henry was followed by a daughter, Elizabeth Stuart in 1596, then Margaret in 1598, who died at fourteen months old, a second son, Charles, later Duke of York (and Charles I), was born at Dunfermline in 1600, Charles was at first a sickly child and it was not thought likely that he would survive. Then came Robert, Duke of Kyntyre, born in 1601, who died at the age of four months. She didn’t have it easy in childbiirth, after eventualy gaining custody of Henry she gave birth to a daughter, Mary in 1605 and later her last child, Sophia in 1607, both these children failed to survive to adulthood, Mary died at two years and Sophia at a day old. Mary and Sophia are buried at Westminster Abbey.
The infant mortality rate was high in the seventeenth century, a fact of life that not even royalty could elude. After narrowly surviving the birth and death of her last child, Sophia, in 1607, Anne’s decision to have no more children resulted in widening the gulf between the couple. Queen Anne died aged 44 on 2 March 1619, of a dangerous form of dropsy. An inquest discovered Anne to be "much wasted within, specially her liver”.
James did not attend his wife’s funeral, claiming illness, his symptoms, according to Sir Theodore de Mayerne, included “fainting, sighing, dread, incredible sadness…” Anne was buried in the south aisle of the Henry VII Chapel, Westminster Abbey, on 13th May 1619.
Of the images, the second is The Eglinton Jewel a  a rare surviving example of a piece by the Edinburgh based royal jeweller George Heriot. The enamelled case features the Queen’s interlinked letters ‘AR’ for Anna Regina (Queen), in table diamonds, set beneath a closed imperial crown. It is believed that the jewel was given as a wedding gift from the queen to Lady Anna Livingstone in 1612. Inside the case is a portrait of her painted by a member of Nicholas Hilliard’s studio.  
Below this on the right is a portrait that was apparently sold in  October 1651 for the princely, or should that be princessly, sum of £15, and the statue is at Temple Bar Gate, Paternoster Square, City of London by  Sir Christopher Wren.
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cotehardie · 2 years
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hands in tudor and elizabethan portraiture
jane seymour (1536) - hans holbein the younger elizabeth i (1572) - nicholas hilliard mary i (1558) - hans eworth mary rogers, lady harington (1592) - marcus gheeraerts the younger lady margaret beaufort - unknown painter robert cecil (1602) - john de critz mary tudor, queen of england (1554) - antonis mor elizabeth i when a princess (1546) - william scots mary, queen of scots (1558) - françois clouet
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pizzaposse614 · 2 years
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Flyers Pizza (5466 Roberts Rd, Hilliard, OH 43026) 08/28/2021
15” - $15.25
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Beverly is the perfect happy homemaker, along with her doting husband and two children, but this nuclear family just might explode when her fascination with serial killers collides with her ever-so-proper code of ethics. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Beverly Sutphin: Kathleen Turner Eugene Sutphin: Sam Waterston Misty Sutphin: Ricki Lake Chip Sutphin: Matthew Lillard Detective Pike: Scott Morgan Detective Gracey: Walt MacPherson Scotty: Justin Whalin Birdie: Patricia Dunnock Carl: Lonnie Horsey Dottie Hinkle: Mink Stole Rosemary Ackerman: Mary Jo Catlett Mr. Stubbins: John Badila Betty Sterner: Kathy Fannon Ralph Sterner: Doug Roberts Carl’s Date: Traci Lords Marvin Pickles: Tim Caggiano Howell Hawkins: Jeff Mandon Father Boyce: Colgate Salsbury Mrs. Jenson: Patsy Grady Abrams Herbie Hebden: Richard Pilcher Timothy Nazlerod: Beau James Judge: Stan Brandorff Luann Hodges: Kim Swann Suzanne Somers: Suzanne Somers Gus: Bus Howard Sloppy: Alan J. Wendl Juror #8: Patricia Hearst Jury Forewoman: Nancy Robinette Rookie Cop: Peter Bucossi Policewoman: Loretto McNally Press A: Wilfred E. Williams Court TV Reporter: Joshua L. Shoemaker Court Groupie A: Rosemary Knower Court Groupie B: Susan Lowe Carl’s Brother: John Calvin Doyle Book Buyer: Mary Vivian Pearce Mean Lady: Brigid Berlin Police Officer: Jordan Brown Vendor: Anthony ‘Chip’ Brienza Flea Market Boy: Jeffrey Pratt Gordon Flea Market Girl: Shelbi Clarke Macho Man: Nat Benchley Dealer: Kyf Brewer Baby’s Mother: Teresa R. Pete Church Baby: Zachary S. Pete Doorman: Richard Pelzman Kid A: Chad Bankerd Kid B: Johnny Alonso Kid C: Robert Roser Joe Flowers: Mike Offenheiser Girl: Lee Hunsaker Burglar A: Michael S. Walter Burglar B: Mojo Gentry Mrs. Taplotter: Gwendolyn Briley-Strand Reporter: Jennifer Mendenhall Joan Rivers: Joan Rivers TV Serial Hag: Catherine Anne Hayes Lady C: Susan Duvall Press: Valerie Yarborough Kid: Jordan Young Camel Lips: Jennifer Finch Camel Lips: Suzi Gardner Camel Lips: Demetra Plakas Camel Lips: Donita Sparks Husband A: John A. Schneider Court Clerk: Lyrica Montague Eugene Sutphin’s Nurse (uncredited): Bess Armstrong Birdie’s Father (uncredited): Greg Coale Video Store Customer (uncredited): David L. Marston Stage Diver (uncredited): Kim McGuire Cop (uncredited): John Poague Club Kid (uncredited): Al Sotto Ted Bundy (voice) (uncredited): John Waters Film Crew: Art Direction: David J. Bomba Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Mark Berger Executive Producer: Joseph M. Caracciolo Jr. Thanks: Paul Reubens Original Music Composer: Basil Poledouris Writer: John Waters Production Design: Vincent Peranio Editor: Janice Hampton Producer: Mark Tarlov Supervising Sound Editor: John Nutt Thanks: Don Knotts Editor: Erica Huggins Director of Photography: Robert M. Stevens Associate Producer: Pat Moran Costume Design: Van Smith First Assistant Director: Robert Rooy Property Master: Brook Yeaton Art Department Production Assistant: Jeffrey Pratt Gordon Carpenter: Thomas Turnbull Thanks: Harry H. Novak Set Decoration: Susan Kessel On Set Dresser: Lianne Williamson Sound Editor: Ernie Fosselius Thanks: Arthur Machen Utility Stunts: G. A. Aguilar Sound Mixer: Rick Angelella First Assistant Director: Mary Ellen Woods Sound Editor: Frank E. Eulner Casting: Paula Herold Set Dresser: Michael Sabo Second Unit Director: Steve M. Davison Sound Editor: Robert Shoup Hairstylist: Kathryn Blondell Sound Re-Recording Mixer: David Parker Stunt Double: Cheryl Wheeler Duncan Assistant Makeup Artist: Janice Kinigopoulos Makeup Artist: Debi Young Makeup Artist: E. Thomas Case Post Production Supervisor: John Currin Assistant Property Master: R. Vincent Smith Music Supervisor: Bones Howe Draughtsman: Rob Simons Additional Hairstylist: Howard ‘Hep’ Preston Assistant Makeup Artist: Barbara Lacy Art Department Coordinator: Sarah Stollman Utility Stunts: Michael Runyard Unit Production Manager: Margaret Hilliard Hairstylist: Ardis Cohen Assistant Production Design: John Lindsey McCormick Makeup Artist: Betty Beebe Sound Recordist: Philip Rogers Producer: John Fiedler Secon...
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goalhofer · 3 months
Top 10 MiLB triple leaders: week 12
10: Sam Hilliard, Albuquerque (5) 9: Myles Straw, Columbus (5) 8: Bryce Johnson, El Paso (5) 7: Matt Gorski, Indianapolis (5) 6: Óscar Mercado; Jr., El Paso (5) 5: Sean Bouchard, Albuquerque (5) 4: Robert Montes, Albuquerque (6) 3: Nate Mondou, El Paso (6) 2: Drew Avans, Oklahoma City (7) 1: Bryce Teodosio, Salt Lake (7)
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