#bob hilliard
guessimdumb · 1 year
The Drifters - Please Stay (1961)
This was in my queue already but I moved it up. The Drifters deliver a fantastic version on one of Burt Bacharach’s best early songs, written with Bob Hilliard. I could do with out the doo wop bass “Don’t Go” but it’s still a great tune.  R.I.P. Burt Bacharach.
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filosofablogger · 1 month
♫ Our Day Will Come ♫ (Redux)
Well yeah, I played this one once already, but it was more than three years ago, so it’s time for a redux, and frankly it’s just what I’m in the mood for tonight.  Rather like some days when nothing hits the spot quite like that peanut-butter and banana sandwich, y’know?  (Sorry, Clive … I know, too schmaltzy for you) If a song’s staying power can be judged by the number of covers, then this one…
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mitjalovse · 2 years
Massive Attack could form a soundtrack for something set in the 90's. Look, they capture the era so well they became the signifier of the latter. However, they differ from most of their peers in the fact their defining album occured in the later part of the period, where their colleagues had their early signs of the consequent struggle. Thus, Mezzanine remains a pillar of their discography thanks to them achieving the ultimate version of what the outfit was at that point. While the disc does seem dark, there are some moments of levity, such as the tune that concludes the LP. That one turned into a swan song, because the member to whom the composition refer and who did make the 90's Massive Attack great abandoned them soon afterwards.
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wutbju · 6 months
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Peggy Hilliard Nabors, 88, died peacefully in her sleep on July 10, 2023.
Peggy was born to Price and Annie Lou Hilliard in Raleigh, North Carolina. Upon graduating from Bob Jones University, she began teaching high school in Portsmouth, Virginia. One Sunday morning a tall, handsome visitor walked into church carrying a Bible. Peggy and her roommate invited this young Tennessean to their apartment for a home cooked meal. That lunch must have been good, because Peggy cooked for David for the next 49 years.
After moving to Chattanooga as a newlywed, Peggy taught at Lakeside Elementary until she retired from teaching to be a stay-at-home mother. When David retired, together they traveled and lived in Eastern Europe to share the good news of Jesus with teachers through the International School Project. Following David's death, Peggy stayed active spending time with family, friends and neighbors. She was involved at her church, North Shore Fellowship, mentoring young moms. Her Thursday morning Ladies' Bible Study was the highlight of her week…studying God's word with precious friends.
Peggy was preceded in death by her parents, her husband David Nabors, and sister Virginia Sue Jones. She is survived by her children: Robbin Henon (Kirk), Stephen Nabors (Billenda), and Joseph Nabors (Marti). Grandchildren: Teal Nabors Gibson (Zane), Dr. Macall Nabors Wirz (Jacob), Kai Nabors, Blake Sparks, Patrick Sparks (Mariana), Amber Barnes (Josh), Audra Guerrero (Keith Franzen), and Andrew Guerrero. Great grandchildren: Hutch Gibson, Ivan Sparks, Patrick Sparks, Addie Sparks, Emma Sparks, Jensen Barnes, Hazel Barnes and Lotus Guerrero. Sisters-in-law Aprille Quinn, Jo Pelham, and a bevy of nieces and nephews.
A memorial service will be at 11:00 am on Saturday, July 22, 2023 in the funeral home chapel of Hamilton Funeral Home. The family will receive friends from 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm on Friday, July 21, 2023 and from 9:30 am until time of service Saturday at the funeral home.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to The Mary Ellen Locher Foundation (melfoundation.org) or North Shore Fellowship (nsfellowship.org)
The family thanks Everlan of Hixson, Dominion Senior Living, and Hearth Hospice for the excellent, loving care you gave to Peggy.
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victoriansecret · 5 months
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Evander Berry Wall was a famous sociality and fashionista in the late 19th and early 20th century, dubbed The King of the Dudes. Via wikipedia:
"Wall was a clotheshorse. He generally wore a "very extraordinary costume" such as the one pictured on the right: "a dust coat of a reddish havana brown, a suit made of a large grey shepherd plaid check; extremely wide trousers tapered at the ankle, and turned up several inches to display white spats and highly varnished shoes; a 'startling' striped shirt in red and sky blue, with very high false collar of a pattern different from the shirts, a striped vest and a widely spread stock-cravat." He was popularly credited with the possession of over 500 trousers and 5,000 neckties." ...
Wall was first proclaimed "King of the Dudes" at the resort town of Long Branch, New Jersey in the summer of 1883.
Wall was again proclaimed "King of the Dudes" in 1888 by the New York American newspaper. A journalist named Blakely Hall judged that Wall had won the "Battle of the Dudes" against Robert "Bob" Hilliard, another sartorial dude when, during the March Blizzard of 1888, he strode into a bar clad in gleaming boots of patent leather that went to his hips. Nevertheless, some historians still consider it was Hilliard who won that dude battle.
Wall won another fashion contest in August 1888, in Saratoga Springs, New York. To win a bet against John "Bet a Million" Gates, Wall changed clothes 40 times between breakfast and dinner. He appeared on the race track "in one flashy ensemble after the other until, exhausted but victorious he at last entered the ballroom of the United States Hotel in faultless evening attire."
Ever the fashion-leader, Wall is credited for having been the first person in the United States to wear a dinner jacket (tuxedo) to a ball. The white ensemble had been sent to him by the London Savile Row tailor Henry Poole & Co "to be worn for a quiet dinner at home or at an evening's entertainment at a summer resort." This was a time when tailcoat was still the rule, and Wall was immediately ordered off the floor.
Wall's financial life was not as successful as his fashion life. An ill-conceived stock-broking career and additional failures as a stable owner ended in an 1899 bankruptcy. Wall finally declared that "New York had become fit only for businessmen" and left for Paris in 1912. ... They lived in a suite in the Hotel Meurice, with a consecutive string of chow dogs named Chi-Chi or Toi-Toi. This was located conveniently near the bespoke shirtmaker Charvet, where Wall had his signature "spread eagle" collar shirts and cravats custom-made for himself and his dog. Wall always dined at the Ritz with his dog, whose collars and ties were made by Charvet in the same style and fabric as his master's.
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
WE POUR LIBATION for our parents (if they have made their transition) and grandparents, who walked this Earth with pride and dignity. It is they who made a way when there seemed to be no way.
WE POUR LIBATION for the Twa, Ethiopians, Egyptians/Kemetians, Ashanti, Dagon, Ibo, Yoruba, Swazi, and, the Zulu, to name a few. We pour libation for those Ancestors who were lost and killed during the voyage of the Middle Passage. We pour libation for those who suffered the cruelty of the horrible institution of slavery, racism, segregation, and oppression in North America, South America, The Caribbean Island, the Middle East, and throughout the World.
WE POUR LIBATION for our great African Revolutionary Leaders like Patrice Lumumba, Amilcar Cabral, and Kwame Nkrumah. We pour libation for our giant visionaries like Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Nat Turner, W.E.B. DuBois, and Sojourner Truth. We pour libation for our leader Marcus Garvey, who worked for African Liberation.
WE POUR. LIBATION for our strong Sisters like Ella Baker and Fannie Lou Hamer, who taught us that we who believe in FREEDOM cannot REST.
WE POUR LIBATION for our intellectual giants like Drs. Cheikh Anta Diop, Frances Cress Welsing, Ben Jochannan, John Henrik Clarke, Asa G. Hilliard III, Ivan Van Sertima, Jacob H. Carruthers, Amos Wilson, others.
WE POUR LIBATION for our warrior, and brilliant intellect of brother, Malcolm X, who told us never to place any restrictions on what we will do to achieve full LIBERATION. We pour libation for our courageous brother Martin Luther King Jr., who taught us his noble values of selflessness and love.
WE POUR LIBATION to those Sentient Beings who touched the soul of our people through the vibration of their sounds/music. Just to name a few, Illuminating giants like John Coltrane, Bob Marley, Fela Kuti, Gil Scott Heron, Tupac Shakur, and others.
Ancestors, we praise and honor you, and may your spirits be filled with LIGHT and PROGRESS; and may that LIGHT eternally guide us through the FEAR and IGNORANCE of our time, for it is you who we pour LIBATION.
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AOASexyman Masterpost
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Welcome to the official unnofficial Arc of a Scythe sexyman tournament! First: disclaimers. I got all my characters off the AOAS Wiki so if you don't think a character counts take it up with the mods I guess (please do not they're very nice). I used a random numer generator to assign these as randomly as I could (my AP stats teacher should be very proud) and i had to get it to 32 so some of these guys are kind of a stretch. No Gleanings characters, haven't read it yet.
ALSO i messed up my numbering at first and forgot to add some of the characters but I don't wanna remake the bracket in your head with Astrid instead of Sykora. Sorry Bob.
polls up every day (hopefully) with 24hr voting window
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
Brooklyn state Sen. Kevin Parker has been accused of raping a woman in 2004, early in his tenure as a state legislator, according to a new lawsuit filed against him last week.
The lawsuit was filed in Brooklyn Supreme Court on Friday by Olga Jean-Baptiste, who says Parker raped her at her apartment after discussing relief efforts for Haiti following devastating flooding in the Caribbean nation in 2004.
In her suit, Jean-Baptiste — who was 31 years old at the time of the alleged incident — says she coordinated with Parker’s office to deliver aid to Haiti following the floods, which killed some 3,000 people in the country that year. Parker, a Democrat, was in the middle of his first term in the state Senate representing the Flatbush area, which has a considerable population hailing from Haiti and other parts of the Caribbean.
After she returned from a trip to Haiti to deliver supplies, Parker suggested meeting Jean-Baptiste at her apartment to pick up photos and discuss the work she undertook, according to the lawsuit. They reviewed the trip for a few minutes in her living room and exchanged photos — but when Jean-Baptiste says she rose to say goodbye, she found herself paralyzed with fear when Parker allegedly grabbed hold of both of her wrists.
Jean-Baptiste then alleges Parker took her down the hallway of her apartment to her bedroom, where he made a sexual remark and laid her face-down on her bed. At that point, Jean-Baptiste claims Parker raped her.
The plaintiff says she never consented to any of the sexual acts which she alleges Parker forced upon her.
“Ms. Jean-Baptiste survived unspeakable sexual abuse perpetrated by Sen. Parker — and continues to suffer from the trauma that only survivors of unwanted sexual assaults can fully understand,” said Jean-Baptiste’s attorney, Bob Hilliard, in a statement. “The allegations are set out within Ms. Jean-Baptiste’s lawsuit. A jury will hear firsthand the full details and horribleness of what happened.”
A spokesperson for Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins called the allegations “extremely disturbing.”
“These allegations are extremely disturbing and we take them very seriously,” said the spokesperson, Mike Murphy. “And we will continue to monitor this situation and we will take appropriate action as more information is learned.”
Jean-Baptiste filed her suit against Parker under the state’s Adult Survivors Act, which lifted the statute of limitations for one year to allow adult victims of sexual abuse to sue their abusers in civil court, for actions committed at any point in the past. The one-year window is set to expire this week, and state courts are seeing a flood of new suits to beat the deadline.
The Adult Survivors Act was modeled after the Child Victims Act, which opened a similar “look-back window” for victims of child sexual abuse and resulted in a flood of suits. The most notable defendant in those suits was the Roman Catholic Church: six of the state’s eight Catholic dioceses have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy since the law’s onset.
In contrast, suits have been filed under the Adult Survivors Act against numerous high-profile individuals. Former President Donald Trump, rap mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs, and comedians Bill Cosby and Russell Brand are defendants in some of the more than 2,500 cases that have been filed under the statute over the past year.
Adult Survivors Act cases have also targeted institutions like universities, hospitals, and the state prison system alleging they facilitated systematic abuse by bad actors.
Hundreds of patients have claimed they were sexually abused by Robert Hadden, an OB-GYN at Columbia University, while under his care, while a similarly massive number of survivors say they were sexually abused by Darius Paduch, a urologist at New York Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Medical Center.
Hadden was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment in July, while Paduch is currently under a federal indictment for sexual abuse.
Parker voted in favor of the Adult Survivors Act last year, along with every other member of Albany’s upper chamber.
A checkered history
Parker is no stranger to legal troubles, finding himself embattled with the law at various points in his twenty-year career in Albany. In 2005, Parker was arrested and charged with assault for punching a traffic agent attempting to ticket him for double parking. The charges were dropped after he agreed to take anger management classes.
In 2009, Parker again was hit with assault charges for attacking a New York Post photographer taking pictures of him outside his house in Flatbush. The pol would be found guilty by a jury of misdemeanor criminal mischief, and was sentenced to three years probation plus further anger management classes.
After that flap, Parker was stripped of his committee assignments, and chamber leaders attempted to claw back a $22,000 stipend he pocketed as Majority Whip and chair of the Energy Committee. “I don’t think I have an anger issue,” Parker told reporters at the time.
Having been reelected to his seat multiple times in the aftermath, Parker has gained back his committee seats and currently chairs the Energy and Telecommunications Committee.
Parker’s spats have not always resulted in legal trouble. In 2009, while facing his assault charge, Parker referred to then-Governor David Paterson as a “coke-snorting, staff-banging governor,” remarks for which he apologized. The following year, he reportedly called fellow Sen. Diane Savino a “b-tch” during heated sessions over whether to expel another member accused of assault, Hiram Monserrate of Queens, and nearly came to fisticuffs with her boyfriend, Bronx Sen. Jeff Klein — who himself was later accused of sexual assault by a staffer.
In 2018, when a Senate GOP staffer tweeted about a car blocking a bike lane with a Parker-issued parking placard on the dash, Parker responded by telling the staffer, Candice Giove, to “kill yourself!” He later apologized.
Parker ran for city comptroller in 2021 but finished sixth in the Democratic primary.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (Sam Raimi, 2022). Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Benedict Wong, Xochitl Gomez, Rachel McAdams, Jett Klyne, Julian Hilliard, Michael Stuhlbarg, Hayley Atwell, Anson Mount, Lashana Lynch, John  Krasinski, Patrick Stewart, Bruce Campbell. Screenplay: Michael Waldron. Cinematography: John Mathieson. Production design: Charles Wood. Film editing: Bob Murawski, Tia Nolan. Music: Danny Elfman. 
gifs from marveldaily
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garudabluffs · 1 year
Our Day Will Come · Fontella Bass
The New Look ℗ A Geffen Records Release; ℗ 1984 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Released on: 1966-01-01
Producer: Billy Davis Composer Lyricist:
Mort Garson Composer Lyricist: Bob Hilliard
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jcmarchi · 4 months
Unicorn Overlord Impressions, Show Update | All Things Nintendo
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/unicorn-overlord-impressions-show-update-all-things-nintendo/
Unicorn Overlord Impressions, Show Update | All Things Nintendo
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This week on All Things Nintendo, Brian starts the show by giving an update about the podcast’s future. Then, he’s joined by Marcus Stewart to run down the news, including paying tribute to the late Akira Toriyama. Finally, Matt Miller joins the episode to give his impressions of Unicorn Overlord, the latest game from Vanillaware.
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If you’d like to follow Brian on social media, you can do so on his Instagram/Threads @BrianPShea or Twitter @BrianPShea. You can follow Marcus on Twitter: @MarcusStewart7. You can follow Matt on Twitter: @MatthewRMiller.
The All Things Nintendo podcast is a weekly show where we celebrate, discuss, and break down all the latest games, news, and announcements from the industry’s most recognizable name. Each week, Brian is joined by different guests to talk about what’s happening in the world of Nintendo. Along the way, they’ll share personal stories, uncover hidden gems in the eShop, and even look back on the classics we all grew up with. A new episode hits every Friday!
Be sure to subscribe to All Things Nintendo on your favorite podcast platform. The show is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and YouTube.
00:00:00 – Introduction 00:00:33 – Update on All Things Nintendo 00:08:52 – News Intro 00:12:56 – Akira Toriyama Passes Away 00:26:15 – TMNT: Mutants Unleashed Announced 00:32:46 – Mario Day Predictions/Rumors 00:40:32 – Princess Peach: Showtime Demo Available 00:48:32 – Warner Bros. Executive Doubles Down on Live-Service 00:59:25 – Tropic Haze Settles with Nintendo Over Emulators 01:06:00 – Temtem’s Final Updates 01:10:37 – Toys for Bob Going Independent 01:14:50 – Unicorn Overlord Impressions  
If you’d like to get in touch with the All Things Nintendo podcast, you can email [email protected], message Brian on Instagram (@BrianPShea), or join the official Game Informer Discord server. You can do that by linking your Discord account to your Twitch account and subscribing to the Game Informer Twitch channel. From there, find the All Things Nintendo channel under “Community Spaces.”
For Game Informer’s other podcast, be sure to check out The Game Informer Show with hosts Alex Van Aken, Marcus Stewart, and Kyle Hilliard, which covers the weekly happenings of the video game industry!
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stephanieinge · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Dearie 1950 Vintage Sheet Music by Bob Hilliard & Dave Mann Copacabana Show.
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filosofablogger · 1 year
♫ R.I.P. Burt Bacharach ♫
Wednesday was a sad day for the music world, when legendary composer, arranger, conductor, record producer and occasional singer Burt Bacharach died at the age of 94.  Mr. Bacharach collaborated with many lyricists over the years, and even wrote some of his own words. But his primary collaborator was Hal David, seven years his senior, whom he met in a music publisher’s office in 1957. Bacharach…
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"The Coffee Song" (occasionally subtitled "They've Got an Awful Lot of Coffee in Brazil") is a novelty song written by Bob Hilliard and Dick Miles, first recorded by Frank Sinatra in 1946.[1] Later that year it was recorded by The Smart Set, and by others in later years.
Original post: @whereifindsanity
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labelleperfumery · 11 months
Travis Scott's Team is 'Tone Deaf,' says Astroworld Victim's Family Attorney
The lawyer for the family of the 10-year-old boy who died at Travis Scott’s Astroworld concert is blasting the rapper’s team for accusing cops of trying to sabotage his new album with the release of their investigation. Bob Hilliard, the lawyer… from TMZ.com https://www.tmz.com/2023/07/31/travis-scott-team-ripped-by-astroworld-victim-family-attorney/
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papermoonloveslucy · 1 year
Lucy On Stage ~ Act 3
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Lucille Ball’s dream was to appear on Broadway. That dream become a reality in 1960, but ended prematurely. if Lucy couldn’t be on Broadway, Broadway would come to Hollywood – on Lucy’s new TV show “Here’s Lucy.”
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“Lucy and Carol Burnett” (1969) ~ Lucy convinces Carol Burnett to star in a benefit to raise money to build a gymanasium at Kim and Craig’s high school. The show is divided into three parts:
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PART I - WE GOT NO GYM (Introduction)
“Yes! We Have No Gymnasium” (aka “Yes! We Have No Bananas”) was written by Frank Silver and Irving Cohn from the 1922 Broadway revue Make It Snappy.
Carol does a brief time step to the melody of “There’s No Business Like Show Business,” a song written by Irving Berlin for the musical Annie Get Your Gun.
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PART II - WE GOT THE MONEY (a visual lesson in geography)
NEW YORK, NY ~ “The Lullaby of Broadway” was written by Harry Warren and Al Dubin. It was introduced musical film Gold Diggers of 1935 and won the Academy Award for Best Original Song. The song is now part of the Broadway musical 42nd Street.
ST. LOUIS, MO ~ “You Came a Long Way From St. Louis” by John Benson Brooks and Bob Russell. 
SHEBOYGAN, WI - “Mention My Name in Sheboygan” was written by Bob Hilliard, Dick Sanford and Sammy Mysels in 1947. The second verse mentions NEW ORLEANS and the third TEXAS. 
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PART III - WE GOT OUR GYM (a celebration of physical education)
A marching band plays “Buckle Down, Winsocki” from the 1943 film Best Foot Forward in which Lucille Ball played herself. 
Craig sings “You Gotta be a Football Hero (To Get Along with the Beautiful Girls)” by Al Sherman, Buddy Fields and Al Lewis in 1933.
Kim sings “All American Girl” written by Al Lewis in 1932.  
A display of gymnastics in which Harry (Gale Gordon) does a cartwheel. 
The finale is “Fit as a Fiddle” written by Arthur Freed, Al Hoffman, and Al Goodhart in 1932. In 1952 it achieved fame after being featured in the classic film Singin’ in the Rain.
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“Lucy and the Generation Gap” (1969) ~ Kim and Craig are in charge of producing the school play. At a loss for ideas, they recruit Lucy and Harry to be in a musical about the generation gap. The show is divided into three parts:
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The Roman Era
Lucy and Harry play parents Calpurnia and Caesar. Kim is their daughter Kimea and Craig is their son Craigius. They sing “Kids Are Bugged About Parents” to the tune of “I’m Just Wild About Harry,” a song written in 1921 by Eubie Blake for the Broadway show Shuffle Along.
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In The Gay Nineties 
Harry plays Ambrose, the father. Lucy and the kids don’t get different names in this segment. The foursome sing “We’ll Just Cut the Old House in Two” which is sung to the tune of “Bicycle Built for Two” aka “Daisy Bell” written in 1892 by Harry Dacre.
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In The Space Age
Kim wants to go to Jupiter with Spencer. When Lucy refuses because it is an overnight trip, Lucie reasons that Helen’s mother lets her go. Harry points out that Helen’s mother is a robot – and always “well-oiled.” They sing “Kids” a song written by Lee Adams and Charles Strouse for the 1960 Broadway musical Bye Bye Birdie, filmed in 1963. 
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“Lucy the Co-Ed” (1970) ~ Harry's old flame Gloria (Marilyn Maxwell) is in town to help produce a musical for their college alumni. They resurrect a show Harry wrote in 1928 and cast Lucy, Kim, and Craig in supporting roles.
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The musical comedy is set at Bullwinkle University. The cast includes Lucy as Ginger the head cheerleader, Harry as Crazy Hips the football star, Kim (Lucie Arnaz) as Honey, Craig (Desi Arnaz Jr.) as Dead End, Gloria (Marilyn Maxwell) as the Nurse, and Robert Alda as the Dean. 
As the curtain goes up, the orchestra plays “You Gotta be a Football Hero (To Get Along with the Beautiful Girls)” written by Al Sherman, Buddy Fields and Al Lewis in 1933.
As Ginger (Lucy) enters, the boys sing “Ain't She Sweet” written in 1927 by Milton Ager and Jack Yellin.
When Crazy Hips (Harry) enters in his football uniform the girls sing “Baby Face” written in 1926 by Harry Akst and Benny Davis.  
The students all sing “Buckle Down Bullwinkle” to the tune of “Buckle Down Winsockie” a song written for the film Best Foot Forward (1943) in which Lucille Ball did a cameo as herself.
Ginger, Honey, Dead End, Crazy Hips, and the Dean (Robert Alda) sing “Collegiate” written in 1925 by Nat Bonx and Moe Jaffe.
The musical ends with “Varsity Drag,” a song written by Lew Brown and B.G. DeSylva for Good News, which was seen on Broadway in 1927 and on screen in 1947 when it was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Song.
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“Lucy and Carol Burnett Salute Hollywood” (1971) ~ Harry has fired Lucy again, so she visits the unemployment office where she reunites with secretary turned actress Carol Krausmeyer (Carol Burnett) and meets other out of work show biz folk.  They decide to put on a show in order to make some dough!  
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The ensemble sings “Hooray for Hollywood” a song by Johnny Mercer and Richard A. Whiting that was first sung in the 1937 movie Hollywood Hotel. 
After a backstage tour of Hollywood memorobilia, Lucy and Carol sing “Chicago (That Toddlin’ Town”) a song written by Fred Fisher and published in 1922.
After a quick costume change, they sing “Alexander’s Ragtime Band” which was composer Irving Berlin’s first hit in 1911.
Kim introduces (through song) Bill ‘Bojangles’ Robinson doing a tap routine which she joins in.
Four Canadian Mounties sing “Stout-hearted Men,” a song by Sigmund Romberg and Oscar Hammerstein II written for the operetta New Moon in 1927, with film versions in 1930 and 1940. Richard Deacon (also dressed as a Mountie) and Carol Burnett sing “Indian Love Call” by Rudolf Friml, Herbert Stothart, Otto Harbach, and Oscar Hammerstein II written for the 1924 operetta Rose-Marie.
Dressed as Marlene Dietrich, Lucy sings “Falling in Love Again (Never Wanted To)” from the 1930 German film The Blue Angel. Harry plays a World War I German soldier.
The Highhatters introduce Carol as Miss Ruby Keeler and they sing “Shuffle Off To Buffalo” by Al Dubin and Hugh Warren, originally written for the 1933 film 42nd Street. 
As the finale, the entire ensemble is dressed in rain slickers and performs “Singin’ in the Rain” written by Arthur Freed and Nacio Herb Brown in 1931. It was most famously featured in the film Singin’ in the Rain in 1952. Jack Benny makes a cameo appearance selling umbrellas! 
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“Lucy Goes Hawaiian: Part 2″ (1971) ~ Lucy and Harry have to put a ‘Farewell Show’ for the final night of their cruise. Viv, Kim and Craig are along to help her to produce a Hawaiian extravaganza.
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Dressed as a canary, Vivian sings "Yellow Bird” (aka “Choucoune”) a 19th-century Haitian song composed by Michel Mauleart Monton with lyrics from a poem by Oswald Durand. It was rewritten with English lyrics in the 20th century as “Yellow Bird.”
Kim and Lucy sing “Ukulele Talk” by Ervin Drake, written in the 1920s. 
Craig does an impression of Don Ho (inset), singing “Tiny Bubbles” by Martin Denny and Leon Pober. It was released in 1966 by Ho and became his signature song.
Lucy and Viv sing the 1957 novelty song “Mama’s Mumu” by Gene Burdette. Harry makes a special appearances as 'Mama’.
The Captain (Robert Alda) sings “Just Keep Your Eyes on the Hands” while Kim dances a seductive hula. The song was written by Tony Todaro and Liko Johnston and was interpolated into the 1956 film The Revolt of Mamie Stover.
The Carters perform “A Hawaiian War Chant,” written by Johnny Noble, a composer who was a native Hawaiian.
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“Lucy and Candid Camera” (1972) ~Thinking they are pulling off a Candid Camera stunt, Lucy, Harry and Kim rob the City Bank. The crime is done while performing a Broadway Musical song and dance medley especially written for this episode:
“Stealin' the Jack” aka “Ballin' the Jack” was written in 1913 by Jim Burris and Chris Smith.
“Hello, Dollar!” aka “Hello, Dolly!” is the title song of the 1964 musical of the same name written by Jerry Herman.
“Whatever Lucy Wants” aka “Whatever Lola Wants” is by Richard Adler and Jerry Ross from the 1954 musical Damn Yankees.
“We Got the Money” aka “We're in the Money or The Gold Diggers Song” was written by Al Dubin and Harry Warren for the film The Gold Diggers of 1933. It is now part of the stage musical 42nd Street.
“The Impossible Dream or The Quest” was written by Joe Darien and Mitch Leigh for the 1964 musical Man of La Mancha.
“Please Don't Talk About Us When We Go” aka “Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone” was written by Sidney Clare and Sam H. Stept in 1930.  
“Hey Look Me Over” written in 1960 by Cy Coleman for the Broadway musical Wildcat and introduced by Lucille Ball. 
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“My Fair Buzzi” (1972) ~ Kim’s shy and awkward friend Annie Whipple (Ruth Buzzi) comes out of her shell in order to audition for a 1920s revue. The episode title and story of transformation were inspired by the 1956 Broadway musical and 1964 film My Fair Lady, which, in turn, was inspired by George Bernard Shaw’s 1912 play Pygmalion. Both plays are mentioned in the dialogue of the episode.
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In a rehearsal hall sequence, Kim performs “El Cubanchero,” one of Desi Arnaz’s biggest hits. It was written in 1947 by Rafael Hernández. When the director tells her that they are only working on the “Speakeasy” sketch, she offers a tap routine while singing “Anchor’s Aweigh,” the march of the United States Navy composed in 1906 by Charles A. Zimmermann.
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Kim and Annie are members of the Community Drama Club. Lucy plays Dallas Noonan, a reference to real-life Texas Guinan, one of the first female emcees and speak easy owners. Annie plays Penelope, Harry plays gangster Big Jake, and Kim plays dancer Buttercup. 
Buttercup and two flappers appear as ‘The Misstep Sisters’ and tap and sing to “Nagasaki,” a song written in 1928 by Harren Warren and Mort Dixon.
For the curtain call, the band plays “Tiger Rag,” a song that dates back to 1917.  
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“Lucy Gives Eddie Albert the Old Song and Dance” (1973) ~ When producing a charity show, Lucy asks Eddie Albert to star in it. At the same time, a woman meeting Lucy’s description has been stalking Albert. 
The show a show (which raises money to send underprivileged kids to camp) opens with Mary Jane and Vanda taking their final bows as the team of ‘Crime and Punishment’. Harry plays the Emcee. 
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For the finale, Lucy and Eddie Albert perform “Makin’ Whoopee” written by Gus Kahn and Walter Donaldson. The song was first popularized by Eddie Cantor in the 1928 musical Whoopee!  
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