#Road Safety Education
carmenroadsafety · 10 months
The road is a dangerous place. Every day, thousands of people are injured or killed by cars on our roads. Even more are injured or killed crossing the street without looking both ways for traffic. These accidents can be avoided by following road safety precautions.
Road safety education is very important in ensuring that accidents can be prevented.
It’s important to stay safe in this world of danger by following road safety campaigns in Australia. As part of Carmen Legacy’s road safety advocacy, we’ve gathered important things you need to know and keep in mind about road safety:
Always cross the road when it is safe to do so
When you are crossing a road, consider the speed of traffic and look for gaps in traffic. Do not cross where there are gaps in both directions. It is also important not to take risks by crossing at an unsafe time or place; this could lead to injury or death if you get hit by a vehicle while crossing.
You should wait for the stoplights to signal it is safe for pedestrians to cross. Otherwise, do not attempt to cross the streets on a green light.
Walk on footpaths, where there are footpaths
When it comes to road safety, walking on footpaths is the safest thing to do. If there is no footpath, walk off the side of the road facing oncoming traffic. This will give you more space to move around in case of an emergency and also protect you from being hit by vehicles coming toward you.
If there are no safe places for walking on either side of a road and there’s no other option available (like crossing through busy intersections), then walk in the centre of your lane and make sure that drivers know where they should stop before passing over so as not to hit pedestrians accidentally, making sure everyone stays out of harm’s way.
Never cross between parked cars
As a rule of thumb, never cross between parked cars. There are many things you should know about crossing safely, but the most important thing is that you should never cross between parked cars. This can happen at any time, including when there are no cars around or if there are just a few cars in front of you.
Cross only where there is space and visibility for both sides of your vehicle to be seen by drivers on either side. If you’re walking on footpaths or other public spaces (such as parks), then make sure they have enough room so that pedestrians can walk comfortably without being hit by an oncoming vehicle’s wheels.
Stop, look and listen for traffic and give way to pedestrians if you are driving a vehicle
As a driver, you are responsible for the safety of all road users. You must look out for pedestrians who may be crossing your path or walking along the side of the road. You should give way to people on foot at intersections, when there is no traffic signal, and where pedestrians are waiting to cross so that they can make it safely across without being hit by another vehicle.
Part of road safety advocacy is to remind motorists to also stop at pedestrian crossings and school crossings when children or older people are crossing in front of them. Cyclists also have rights under the law that allow them to use any part of a road except where signs say otherwise (such as cycle tracks). Motorcyclists should follow rules just like cars but they often take up more room on roads than cars do so don’t forget about them when sharing space with other vehicles.
Safe driving means keeping your eyes on the road, not your phone!
Driving is a dangerous activity, and you need to be safe.
One of the biggest ways that drivers can become distracted is by using their phones while they are behind the wheel. This can lead to accidents and other kinds of accidents like pedestrian injuries.
In most countries, it is illegal to be on your phone while driving. There have been many cases of texting while driving that lead to untimely disasters. When you’re driving, put all your focus on the road and anything around you and be alert to anything that could potentially be dangerous.
Road Safety Education with Carmen’s Legacy
Road safety education is an important aspect in the novel “Carmen’s Legacy”. It chronicles the devasting accident that happened to John Maher and the succeeding accident that took her daughter Carmen away from their lives. The book teaches the importance of road safety and the consequences that come with being reckless on the road.
Road safety education is important. Get your copy of “Carmen’s Legacy” today and take part of our road safety advocacy.
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science70 · 2 years
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Restricted View public information film (UK, c. 1975).
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arconinternet · 2 months
Dinosaur (Video, ~1967)
You can watch this British PSA here.
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townpostin · 2 days
Jugsalai Traffic Police Honored For Road Safety Efforts
Community Recognizes Officers’ Work In Enforcing Rules And Raising Awareness Local social workers present bouquets and shawls to traffic police team. JAMSHEDPUR – Jugsalai Traffic Police Station In-charge Rajan Kumar and his team were honored on Wednesday for their dedication to enforcing traffic rules and promoting road safety. "We appreciate the police’s efforts in making our roads safer,"…
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lionheartlr · 1 month
Exploring Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Comprehensive Travel Guide
A Brief History of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, nestled in the heart of the Balkans, has a rich and tumultuous history. The region was part of the Roman Empire and later the Byzantine Empire before becoming the medieval Bosnian Kingdom in the 12th century. The Ottoman Empire took control in the 15th century, influencing the culture and religion of the region significantly. In…
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#A Brief History of Bosnia and Herzegovina#A Brief History of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina#a visa is not required for stays of up to 90 days within a 180-day period. However#adventure#africa#aiming to improve standards and align with European norms. Visa Information For many nationalities#along with the Brčko District. The country continues to navigate its post-war recovery and development#and after World War II#and architectural influences that are still visible today in cities like Sarajevo and Mostar. Political Situation Today#and baklava (sweet pastry). The culture is warm and hospitable#and Banja Luka International Airport. The country has a growing infrastructure with well-maintained roads and an expanding public transporta#and Central European influences. Must-try dishes include cevapi (grilled sausages)#and cultural tours are popular activities. Q: How affordable is accommodation in Bosnia and Herzegovina? A: Accommodation is affordable#and entertainment are reasonably priced#and higher education. The country boasts several universities#and historical landmarks to learn about the rich history and culture. Safety Bosnia and Herzegovina is generally safe for tourists. However#and Jajce are top destinations. Q: What activities can tourists enjoy in Bosnia and Herzegovina? A: Hiking#and Roman Catholicism being the major religions. This diversity is reflected in the numerous mosques#and Roman Catholicism. Q: What are some traditional foods to try in Bosnia and Herzegovina? A: Cevapi#and synagogues. Food and Culture Bosnian cuisine is a delightful blend of Ottoman#and University of Mostar. Education reforms are ongoing#Blagaj#Bosnia and Herzegovina came under Austro-Hungarian rule. Following World War I#Bosnia and Herzegovina is a democratic republic with a complex political structure divided into two main entities: the Federation of Bosnia#burek#burek (filled pastry)#but it&039;s advisable to carry some cash for use in smaller towns and rural areas. Top Places to Visit Sarajevo: The capital city#but it’s good to carry some cash for rural areas. Q: What are some must-visit places in Bosnia and Herzegovina? A: Sarajevo#churches#credit and debit cards are widely accepted in cities and tourist areas
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techdriveplay · 4 months
The Psychology of Road Rage: Understanding Driving Behavior
In the fast-paced world we live in, the road becomes a stage for a wide array of human emotions, among which anger often takes the spotlight. The psychology of road rage is a complex phenomenon that intertwines with our daily lives, sometimes with dire consequences. This article delves into the intricacies of road rage, shedding light on its psychological underpinnings, societal impacts, and…
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vikasdrivingschool1 · 6 months
How Reaction Time and Stopping Distance Impact Road Safety
Embark on a journey to safer roads with Vikas Driving School! Our latest blog delves deep into the critical aspects of reaction time and stopping distance. Learn how human factors, vehicle conditions, and tire health influence these elements. Discover practical tips to enhance your driving skills and navigate the roads with confidence. Read more - https://www.vikasdrivingschool.com.au/how-reaction-time-and-stopping-distance-impact-road-safety/
#RoadSafety #DrivingSkill #education #drivinglessons
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caspiandrivingschool · 8 months
Master the Drive: Elite Training at Caspian Driving School in Caroline Springs
Rev up your driving skills with Caspian Driving School, Caroline Springs' answer to reliable and professional driver education. Our seasoned instructors deliver personalized lessons tailored to your unique learning style, ensuring you're road-ready and confident. From the basics to advanced maneuvers, our comprehensive courses are designed to help you ace your driving test and enjoy the freedom of the open road. Choose Caspian Driving School in Caroline Springs for a first-class learning experience that puts you in the driver's seat.
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beingjellybeans · 9 months
Child motorcycle safety tips for back-to-school season
As the back-to-school season sweeps across the Philippines, the bustling streets witness a surge of students gearing up for a fresh academic year. Commuting to and from schools becomes a daily routine, and motorcycles, a prevalent mode of transportation, play a significant role. To ensure a safe journey for both riders and their young passengers, education about motorcycle safety is paramount. In…
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worldyouthskillday · 10 months
Unlocking the Next Generation of Changemakers (SDG Action Weekend, Side Event).
Unlocking the Next Generation of Changemakers is a high-level event designed to accelerate SDG delivery and lay the groundwork for the Summit of the Future through intergenerational collaboration.
Side Event at the SDG Action Weekend organized by The United Nations Foundation, Fiji Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Denmark Permanent Mission to the United Nations, International Labour Organization (ILO), UNICEF, World Organization of the Scout Movement, Save the Children, Global Partnership for Education, Plan International, Youth for Road Safety, Teach for All.  
To maximize the SDG Summit's impact, the Secretary General is convening an SDG Action Weekend, which will generate opportunities for stakeholders, UN entities, and Member States to convene inside the United Nations Headquarters and set out specific commitments and contributions to drive SDG transformation between now and 2030.
The SDG Action Weekend will consist of the SDG Mobilization Day on Saturday, 16 September, and the SDG Acceleration Day on Sunday, 17 September at UNHQ in New York.
The SDG Action Weekend includes a select number of high-level side-events identified through an open call that concluded in August. They are jointly organized by coalitions of Member States, UN agencies and other international organizations, and global stakeholder networks.
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carmenroadsafety · 1 year
According to Road Trauma Australia’s 2022 statistics, there were approximately 1,194 deaths by road crash. That’s a lot of people and families that have been torn apart. These statistics prove how important it is to stay safe when on the road. Road Safety Campaigns in Australia focus on providing awareness and education when it comes to road safety management.
Road safety campaigns are purposeful attempts to inform, persuade, and motivate a population (or sub-group) to shift its attitudes and behaviours towards road safety. In order to improve road safety, road safety campaigns in Australia organised communications involving specific media channels within a given period. Road safety campaigns can target different aspects of road safety, such as speed management, seat belt use, pedestrian safety, drunk driving, distracted driving, etc.
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arconinternet · 6 months
Betcher! (Video, 1971)
British bicycle safety film starring Peter Noone ("Herman" of Herman's Hermits) and Keith Chegwin. You can watch it here.
You can digitally borrow the book in the third screenshot here.
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townpostin · 3 days
Jamshedpur Admn Launches Road Safety Campaign Targeting Youth
Officials Educate Young Drivers On Traffic Rules And Responsible Behavior Initiative aims to reduce accidents and promote safe driving practices among Jamshedpur’s youth. JAMSHEDPUR – The district administration has launched a comprehensive road safety awareness campaign in urban areas, following directives from District Magistrate Ananya Mittal. "Our goal is to instill a sense of responsibility…
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tgh2023 · 1 year
Here’s What You Need To Know About The Motorcycle Accident Claim Process
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You shouldn’t attempt to take on the at-fault driver’s insurance company on your own if you’ve been hurt in a motorbike accident. Having an experienced attorney on your side can make a huge impact on your motorcycle accident claim process. Getting in touch with a lawyer as soon as possible is a great way to protect yourself from insurance companies. 
Step 1: Gather Evidence and Seek Medical Attention
Usually, the immediate aftermath of an accident is hectic and unpleasant. They are crucial for developing evidence and establishing some fundamental truths about what transpired. The claims procedure actually starts at the scene of the accident. Take pictures of the accident scene and damage to your motorcycle, get as much information as you can from other drivers and witnesses, call the police, and stay at the scene until they come and make an accident report, assuming you’re not gravely hurt or in immediate danger. If you require medical assistance, do so without delay. Regardless, you should probably get checked out by a doctor because not all injuries are instantly apparent. It’s never too early to speak with a lawyer to be sure you’re following the rules.
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lionheartlr · 1 month
Discovering Bhutan: The Last Shangri-La
Nestled in the Eastern Himalayas, Bhutan, known as the “Land of the Thunder Dragon,” is a country that beckons travelers with its pristine landscapes, vibrant culture, and profound spirituality. As one of the world’s last remaining Buddhist kingdoms, Bhutan offers a unique blend of ancient traditions and modern sensibilities. In this travel guide, we’ll explore Bhutan’s history, political…
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#" is a country that beckons travelers with its pristine landscapes#adventure#africa#all international tourists (excluding Indian#all international tourists need a visa arranged through a licensed tour operator#and a guide#and a guide. This policy helps manage tourism sustainably and preserves the country&039;s unique culture. Currency and Bank Cards The offic#and archery. Safety Bhutan is one of the safest countries for travelers. Violent crime is rare#and Buddha Dordenma statue. Punakha: Known for the majestic Punakha Dzong#and cultural insights to help you plan an unforgettable journey. Brief History of Bhutan Bhutan&039;s history is deeply intertwined with Bu#and Culture Religion: Buddhism is the predominant religion#and experiencing a traditional Bhutanese meal are top cultural activities. Is it safe to travel alone in Bhutan? Bhutan is very safe for sol#and Kathmandu. Infrastructure and Roads Bhutan&039;s infrastructure is developing#and Maldivian passport holders) must obtain a visa through a licensed Bhutanese tour operator. A daily tariff is imposed#and red rice. Meals are typically spicy and incorporate locally sourced ingredients. Culture: Bhutanese culture is characterized by its emph#and respectful clothing for visiting religious sites. Bhutan remains a land of mystery and magic#and stupas are common sights. Food: Bhutanese cuisine features dishes like Ema Datshi (chili cheese)#and the locals are known for their hospitality. However#and vibrant festivals. Handicrafts#Bangladeshi#Bhutan#Bhutan offers a unique blend of ancient traditions and modern sensibilities. In this travel guide#Bhutan promises an experience unlike any other. Plan your journey carefully#Bhutan was never colonized. The country signed the Treaty of Sinchula with British India in 1865#but English is widely spoken and used in education and government. What should I pack for a trip to Bhutan? Pack layers for varying temperat#but it covers most expenses#but it&039;s advisable to carry cash when traveling to remote regions. Top Places to Visit in Bhutan Paro Valley: Home to the iconic Paro T#but it&039;s advisable to carry cash when traveling to rural regions. What are the top cultural experiences in Bhutan? Attending a Tshechu#but they offer stunning views. Religion#comfortable walking shoes
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he-india · 1 year
Road Safety Drivers Training and Traffic Management Training Course in India - HE India by HE India Via Flickr: In today's time road safety is the main major factor for every road safety users as well as any transport sector because if these road accidents issue is not solved in future it will be tough task in coming future so their safety is very important for all users.If you want to learn defensive drivers training in India then you can contact our organisation. Wants to know about more details about our services just visit our given link URL :- infogram.com/road-safety-drivers-training-and-traffic-man...?
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