#River writes
theriu · 2 years
I'm curious what the actual consensus is on this, please feel free to share your reasons in the tags! This series I've been slowly working on for years has a large-ish main cast ranging from ages 6 to 20, and aside from one possible one-sided crush, I currently have no plans for any of them to date each other, now or in the future. And I've often wondered how much of an effect that knowledge would have on reader interest.
I guess the question for the shippers out there comes down to, "Is romantic shipping the only kind of shipping the majority will accept, or are people willing to see how characters interact simply as really close friends?" (Or, as in some cases, people who don't get along but are stuck together XD)
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armandyke · 12 days
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Pulitzer prize winning Daniel Molloy
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quietblueriver · 6 months
15 questions for 15 friends
Tagged by @gingerniiiija. Thanks, friend! This was super fun.
Were you named after anyone? I was. In good Southern (US) fashion, I have a double name that incorporates my grandmother's maiden name, which was also my mom's middle name and is now one of my niece's names.
When was the last time you cried? Today. I took one of my dogs to board at the same time that a pup was coming for their last vet visit and watching him surrounded by his crying family while an instrumental version of a Brandi Carlile song played over the vet speakers broke me. Managed to keep it together until I got to the car. Before that, Thursday during Critical Role.
Do you have kids? I do not. I do have wonderful nieces, and being their aunt is one of the best things in my life.
What sports have you played/do you play? I played church basketball and soccer when I was little. As an adult, I've played rugby but I tend toward activities like running, yoga, swimming, and hiking/wandering with my dogs.
Do you use sarcasm? Yes, in a dry humor way. My entire family is dry as hell, so it's a big part of my sense of humor, although I rein it in with strangers so as not to be a tool. I'm typically called a golden retriever gay, but one of the highest compliments I have ever received was one of my oldest friends telling me that Sister Michael from Derry Girls reminded her of me.
First thing you notice about people? I genuinely don't think I have a pattern here. Voice, maybe? Or smile? I do often appreciate and take note of people's style as well, especially shoes.
What is your eye color? Green
Scary movies or happy endings? Whichever has the better queer storyline
Any talents? I come in clutch in the following trivia categories: pop culture (non-reality tv); 90s country music/modern women of country; name that song; US history and politics and/or law; and queer things. Per my nieces, I am very good at the "funny faces" feature on FaceTime, a solid water slide escort, and an acceptable makeshift jungle gym. I have been told that I'm an excellent driver; I enjoy driving and have driven both a passenger van and a U-Haul up most of the East Coast of the US.
Where were you born? A military base in the United States.
What are your hobbies? I love writing, feeding/spending easy time with friends, reading (preference for fiction, poetry, and comics, although I do love some philosophy and theory as well), exploring good food and new places (solo or with friends, my own city or others), live music and theater, playing board games and Switch, watching tv and movies (my oldest niece and I see a movie every time I visit them in person and it brings me great joy), and being silly with my nieces. I'm a lawyer and a law nerd, so I also spend time following SCOTUS and listening to legal/political podcasts.
Do you have any pets? Two dogs, Annie and Buffy, a big doofy retriever mix and a tiny poodle-ish terror respectively.
How tall are you? 5' 8"
Favorite subject in school? Growing up, English/Lit, closely followed by History. At university, I majored in History and Gender & Sexuality Studies.
Dream Job? Obligatory note that I do not dream of labor. But I'm actually currently working on a career shift, so I'm giving this a lot of thought. I'd love to be a writer, journalist, professor, or preacher (last one is more complicated, for probably obvious reasons).
Would love to see answers from anyone who wants to do this! Tagging @korralone, @kasadilla11, @antlereed, and @overnighttosunflowers. Pls forgive me/disregard if you hate this, ha.
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karmirage · 11 months
fic masterpost
yeah i do have other marvel fics on my ao3 but some of them i wrote in high school also some of them i don't vibe with anymore
note that some of these are from a while ago! my perceptions and takes on characters change and grow, so if i wrote something, sometimes i won't agree with the characterization later. keep that in mind.
on that note: many of the old fics name Xuân as Xuyen, bc that was the fanmade actually-Vietnamese alternative to Xi'an before her name was changed in canon.
Family Colors (2018): 1,679 words. Standalone (there used to be a second chapter but I didn't like it so I got rid of it). Gen, Kamala-centric, Civil War II era. To whom do the Captain Marvel colors belong?
cloudburst (2019): 423 words. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. ever wake up to a thunderstorm?
Retail Therapy (2020): 1,209 words. Standalone. James Proudstar/Terry Cassidy. Early-krakoa era -- I wrote this just a bit after krakoa became A Thing, when we didn't know what had recently happened with more minor characters like terry. also i think they're very cute.
Morning Song (2020): 955 words. Standalone. James Proudstar/Terry Cassidy. idk I think Jimmy would like cooking.
if you don't mind me saying so (i love you) (2020): 25,423 words. Part 1 of "love like fools." Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. my funny little fake dating indulgence. the epitome of "I wrote it for me but you can read it if you want" (as so many of my works are). i haven't actually reread this one i have no idea if it's good or not. but it sure exists.
Days Off (2020): 1,523 words. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Sam wakes up sick and Roberto tries to help.
sunlight (2020): 2,090 words. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Seasonal affective disorder strikes Roberto.
the whole 'not being dead' thing (2020): 1,094 words. Standalone. Gen. Early-krakoa era. Jay is resurrected and catches up with his new nephew.
Winner Takes All (2020): 2,006 words. Two chapters (so far. might fuck around and add another chapter idk). Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Utopia-era. sparring and unsaid feelings and also Doug's new ability to read body language.
i don't want to spend my life (without your kiss goodnight) (2020): 1,702 words. Rated M for non-explicit making out. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. the world has not ended so obviously let's party
my home in you (2020): 2,122 words. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. patching up the other's wounds.
The Meaning of Family (2021): 10,926 words. Standalone. Gen. Ruth-centric. Ruth bonds with her family -- because she does have family, and no x man is truly ever alone. Also, possibly, she might kill someone in the future.
live our life like we know we could (ONGOING/HIATUS): 22,300 words. Part 2 of "love like fools." Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Post mission, post reveal, navigating uncharted relationship waters.
in the name of the moon! (2022): 4,382 words. Standalone. Gen (though it's tagged as Sam/Roberto, and you can certainly read it like that if you want, but that's not the focus). Sam textile artist real To Me. also: halloween and sailor moon.
i mean every word i say (2023): 1,559 words. Rated T for mention of sex. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Sam's been keeping secrets, and that makes Roberto nervous.
we will never be forgotten (2023): 2,689 words. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Roberto gets mindwiped, knocked out, and a visitor in the infirmary (in that order).
you're never gonna get a second take (2023): 2,166 words. Standalone. Dani Moonstar/Xuân Cao Mạnh. don't you just love those undercover missions where they have to dress in fancy clothes? yeah so does xuân
nothing holds me back at all (2023): 1,461 words. Part 1 of "the memories that make us." Gen. Dani-centric. Dani rides a horse for the first time (with her father's help).
you can never take this part of me (2023): 1,691 words. Part 2 of "the memories that make us." Gen. Sam-centric. Sam goes fishing with his dad and his gaggle of younger siblings.
works in progress (that I'm posting to hold myself accountable so I actually finish them someday):
- the rest of "the memories that make us" (i.e. the other 13 parts, one for each of the original nine and the six academy x era students. all of it is me practicing writing kids)
- king/lionheart Sam/Roberto medieval au. even tho I hate royalty the aesthetics kind of slam
- megafic (62 chapters planned! six tie ins! almost fully canon compliant all the way up to war of realms!) the ties that bind & related works wrt the better endings au
- rewriting document of high school fics (mostly samberto. I'm more or less a one trick pony)
- several shorter smaller things that I just have to work up the courage to post (including practice with NSFW writing)
- not a fanfiction: but my long ass academic paper (fully cited) that talks about the mutant metaphor and the actual minorities within the x men and my huge large spreadsheet that goes with it.
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riverthebooknerd · 5 months
just so y’all know, this won’t impact my current/ongoing fic (“smeared with oil like david’s boy”)! i’m still gonna be writing that one :)
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heatherra · 1 year
wip for the alesierra one shot btw since i keep thinking about it. for anon who was cool <3
Alejandro never expected Sierra to keep in contact with him. But now, he stares at his phone, a text from an unknown number on his notifications. 
Hey!!! It’s Sierra!!!! I got your number from Heather but I was hoping that we’d be able to keep in touch :) <3
The words stare at him, almost floating off the screen to circle him, but he closes his phone before they can mock him. Alejandro sighs, placing his phone on his chest as he stares up at the ceiling of his room. The sun shines through his window, just missing his face, but he still shifts around in his bed to get in a comfortable position. 
“Sierra…” Alejandro finds himself saying, and his memory is flooded with their time together on Total Drama. A little over a year and half ago, with Total Drama World Tour. Just a few months ago, with Total Drama All Stars. The feelings he felt during those times, the private moments they shared, the way he would find himself staring at her, reaching out towards her, calling her name when she was in trouble. 
Alejandro sighs, picking up his phone again. The text still sits in his notifications, and the words continue to stare at him. Alejandro unlocks his phone, presses the text, and debates on what to respond. He sits up, and begins to type out a response.
Sierra! It is nice to hear from you after quite a while.
Alejandro hits send, then immediately places his phone down on his bed. He pierces his lips together, nervousness running throughout his entire body. He stares at his phone, holding his breath, holding his hands together, unmoving as he waits for a response. Alejandro blinks. He blinks again. He blinks for a third time. Then, his phone vibrates. 
Alejandro picks it up, unlocking his phone, reading the message from the notification bar instead. 
OMG I’ve missed you so much! We totally have to meet up, like soon
Alejandro smiles at the text, a familiar feeling in his chest as he taps on his screen. His message app opens again, and Alejandro goes to save her number. As he scrolls through his camera roll, Alejandro realizes that he doesn’t have any photos of Sierra to use for her contact picture. Alejandro frowns for a moment, but he settles for a picture of a cat. Going back to her text, Alejandro reads it once more, a smile on his face as he rereads it.  Then, he types out his response. 
I’m sure I can arrange something to happen soon.
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heritageposts · 5 months
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Translation: What a shitshow. This years Eurovision has gone to hell. And it's first and foremost the EBU's fault.
Also, excerpt from the same article:
Throughout the course of the Eurovision Song Contest, the EBU has acted as if they live in a parallel universe. Eurovision is one thing, the world outside something else. The EBU has stuck its head in the sand. Shoved the problem under the rug. Held their hands over their ears and shouted LALALALALA. They appear to have done everything they can to pretend it's possible to hold an apolitical event in a world that's on fire. We have come together to be "united by music", they say, but the sharpshooters on Malmö's rooftops have nothing to do with us! In its struggle to remain apolitical, the EBU has become like a small fascist state in itself, where the artists' space for expression and action has been reduced as much as the undergarments of the Spanish dancers. It is reprehensible.
Reminder again to BOYCOTT EUROVISION 🇵🇸
Don't watch, don't vote.
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crispycreambacon · 7 months
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Cut Through The Noise
Even as the strike ends, the Palestinian genocide has not.
Now more than ever, there are so many conflicting voices. People with their own self-serving, hateful motivations speak over us, and sometimes our own voices can turn against us. We may feel like our voice isn't enough or we aren't doing enough.
This is why it's so important to learn to shut down that noise. No matter how much people scream that what we're doing is useless or a waste of time, keep talking. Keep talking about Palestine. Keep talking about Palestine for as long as this goes on, both online and in real life. If Israel won't end their genocide, we won't end our protest.
Below is a list of what you can do and the poem transcript.
Check and spread this post which contains a comprehensive list on how to help Palestine.
Learn about the history of Palestine and how the displacement and eventual genocide of Palestinians started in 1948.
Learn more about Palestine, the myths surrounding it and the arguments debunking it.
Boycott companies who are either directly or indirectly supporting and finding Palestine's genocide.
Click a button to raise funds for UNRWA – an organisation aiding Palestinian refugees.
Attend a protest.
Help Gazans stay connected by purchasing eSims for them.
Donate to the following organizations – any amount, no matter how small, goes a long way:
Care for Gaza
Medical Aid for Palestinians
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
Islamic Relief
Here's another post detailing more charities you can donate to
And most importantly of all: Don't Stop Talking About Palestine! However you interpret it as – creating art, talking to the people in your life, emailing and calling your representatives, even reblogging and making posts – make your voice loud and clear!
— Poem Transcript —
There's a lot of noise right now
Screams dehumanizing poor souls
Groans from those in willful ignorance
People digging deeper and deeper holes
And it's overwhelming, it really is
I do not blame you
Sometimes you feel that your voice is too small
I feel that way too
But despite that, I urge you to keep going
And demand for what's right
Even it sounds like a whimper
You're still joining in the fight
And soon the rest of us will join
We can stand together here
We can cut through the white noise
And make our message clear
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ejsuperstar · 6 months
Imagine you live in pelican town. The new farmer has been here a couple weeks now and seems to be settling in, except... He's picking the weirdest friend choices. Like sure it's not weird to befriend the local fisherman, especially when he has an interest in fishing himself, but you're pretty sure you've seen him rooting through the Saloon's garbage with the local homeless man. As well, he keeps harassing the poor guy who works at Joja even though you KNOW he doesn't want to be friends with him.
And since you're on the topic of weirdness, isn't it odd he seemingly runs everywhere at a full sprint? Or just... Eats entire raw fish while fishing for "energy reasons"...
Despite all that, it's too early to call him off putting or anything... He has been engaging in town traditions, and he's started helping out with the old community centre. He's probably like the rest of you. Someone with a few quirks, that will fit in with the valley great!
Surely he can't get any weirder... Right?
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derangedrhythms · 6 months
Do you believe in ghosts? The creak on the stair, the chill in the room, a strange scent, a wavering light in the window. The ancient house, the walled-up wing, drifting fog, broken battlements, deep darkness, silent desolation, the empty tomb and its rotting shroud, the damp bed too soft to the touch. The sudden presence of a presence.
Jeanette Winterson, from ‘Night Side of the River’
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theriu · 2 years
Helping Humans Is Complicated
"I don't understand. We showed the new planet our wellness machines and offered to modify them for humans, but their governments don't seem interested. They keep insisting their technology is better despite the data and demanding weapons technology we don't have."
"Oh yeah, I've heard about this. It's like a mix of species pride and a weird distrust of freely offered new things."
"Well, what do we do? Just leave the technology with them and hope for the best?"
"Nope. Take it away."
"...I'm sorry?"
"Take it away from them. Say they can't have it. Tell them it's too valuable to share."
"But surely if they don't care now, they won't care then."
"Oh, they definitely will. This species has invented entire agencies dedicated to stealing information other human groups try to keep secret. They can't stand not being ALLOWED to have something."
"Even if they didn't want it in the first place? How does that make sense?"
"Look, I don't know, but I found an example of it in the Earth History and Legends archive. Supposedly, peasants didn't like the taste of a healthy tuber this human king wanted to introduce, so he just told everyone they couldn't have the tubers, planted them, and posted really lax guards around the garden. Peasants 'stole' the tubers, and boom: nutritious potatoes introduced. "
"That's...nonsensical. I'm not sure we should give them anything if they're going to be that way about it."
"All I'm saying is that whether you take away the tech to trick them or take it away because you don't think they deserve it, humans are determined little plurski, and they WILL steal it. Should be interesting to see how they get past our firewalls."
"Do we even want relations with this kind of group?"
"Oh yeah, they can be super tough and resourceful, on the whole. Plus their coffee is FANTASTIC."
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armandyke · 16 days
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The final time you called me baby
The interview is done, Louis is gone, and Daniel can finally get the fuck out of Dubai and go home to his significantly less comfortable couch. But there's something lingering in that penthouse. Memories that don't make sense. And try as he might, Daniel can't resist the pull, and the answers Armand might finally give him. or What really happened between Daniel and Armand in that penthouse after Louis left? And what in the goddamn hell went down in San Francisco?
Read Chapter 1 here
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quietblueriver · 4 months
Making slow and steady progress on some Avatrice stuff for the first time in a long time and I’m so excited. Really do love them so much.
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karmirage · 1 year
practice writing kids part 1/15: Dani
as always, thanks to @inflashback for proofreading <3
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riverthebooknerd · 2 months
sometimes it’s just you, your favorite coffee mug, and the haiku bot against the world
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littl3sp4rkly4ngel · 6 months
─── ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ 𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞
content warning ; ellie x fem!reader ellie being her chaotic self .ᐟ little bit of nsfw (talk about pussy and nudes), tiny talks about pregnancy and marriage, a little bit of cursing if u squint, mentions of reader’s sister, petnames.
author’s note ; i may be doing more parts if i feel inspired!!
part 2
palestine & tlou click to support palestine
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