#Rise of Change
cryptidclaw · 3 months
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Here’s all 6 of the Tigerspawn sketches from my ask requests together <3
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cryptidclaw · 3 months
How about Goldenflower and Mapleshade? The dead wives 😔
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(old ghost woman yuri my beloved)
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cryptidclaw · 3 months
Can u draw Dovewing? I really wanna see how you do her
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I drew my RoC design and a more canon accurate design <3
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cryptidclaw · 3 months
if you're still doing these, can we get some mothwing? I love your art!!
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I drew the siblings together <333
These are based on my face designs I did for my RoC Tiger family tree :3
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cryptidclaw · 4 months
Cloudtail & Brightheart!
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Ive had these guys in the drafts for a while so I am freeing them during ROC's hiatus!
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cryptidclaw · 3 months
blackstar, my favorite boyfailure. he’s a horrible stinky man but I love him so and have ever since I first read the books
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Using this as an excuse to draw my Lynx hybrid Blackstar idea :3
The (Vulturemask) is bec that’s his name in RoC
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cryptidclaw · 4 months
If u are up to drawing chars that you've drawn before then hollyleaf or what holly used to be? 👀 Still sooo not normal about the idea of holly being the fourth kit (as far as I remember at least)
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Oh I jumped at the chance to draw a Mocking Bird concept sketch!
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The forgotten daughter.
Hollyleaf is the only one of the 4 who doesn’t look near exactly like their reincarnation, she’s like Mocking in dark mode (but with red freckles <3). This is due to the differing circumstances of her reincarnation (reincarnated thru the Dark Forest rather than The Stars)
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cryptidclaw · 6 months
Star Firesight!
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Bonus! Healer/Second Firesight:
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And Outsider/Apprentice Rusty/Fire:
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Design Notes:
I redesigned him again despite saying I would stop doing that... Prev design and old bio here.
He still has a lot of the same features as my previous design, i mostly just changed his pattern and coloring! I wanted him to be a rustier color!
I also changed his cheek fluff to be round, mostly just for an interesting face shape! his cheek fluff hangs a little more flat when he's older just to give him a more matured look (hes been thru some shit, his cheeks hath deflated)
Character Bio:
Star Firesight
Bisexual & Polyamorous; Trans Tom; he/him
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 7 moons; 11 Hyrs
Age as of 1st arc's end: 2 cycles, 5 moons; ~26 Hyrs
Title meaning: -sight = this cat can spot things that others cannot; a cat with a close connection to the Stars; this healer receives many signs from the Stars; the healer may also be very good at spotting illnesses or injuries.
Outsider -> Healer -> Second -> Leader of Thunder Order
Mentor: Redtail (died) -> Spottedleaf
Mother: Nutmeg
Father: Jake
Sibling: Sapheart (Princess)
Half Siblings: Socks; Ruby: Tinyclaw
Mates: Sandstorm; Shriketail
Kits: Squirrelflight (sire: Sand); Leafpool (sire: Shrike); Foxleap (sire: Sand); Icecloud (sire: Shrike)
Grandkits: Star Hollyleaf; Falconstrike; Jaywing; Alderheart; Sparkfire
Other notable kin: Cloudtail (nephew); Snowshoe (nephew); Mistletoe (niece); Spiderleg (nephew); Shrew (nephew)
Firesight has chronic pain (and mobility issues later in life):
Fire has the Scottish Fold breed's mutation which effects cartilage in the body, this causes his ears to fold, but it also causes chronic joint pain and can progress into swollen and inflexible joints.
For Fire, he is has the heterozygous version of this mutation, which means that his disability progresses more slowly, as a young cat he does experience some joint pain, with some days being worse than others. He is able to medicate with his own chronic pain herbal mix he created as a Healer. However as Fire grows older his joints will worsen, and by the time of his old age he will be unable to jump and some days is unable to walk.
He is able to still use his medication to aid him and is able to lead a happy life, but he is disabled and I didnt want to leave that out of his character! It's important to have disability rep (and spread awareness of the issues with the Scottish Fold breed) and I hope I serve him justice!
Character Summary:
In Progress (to be added later)
[Image 1 ID: a digital drawing of Star Firesight, an AU version of Firestar from Warrior Cats. He is standing with his left side showing and has a proud and happy expression with a smile. He is a short, chubby and round shaped rusty orange and red tabby tom with small folded ears and green eyes. his chest, underbelly and paws are all a lighter shade of orange, and he has a red stripe down his back as well as a single red swoop shaped stripe on his side. He has red to orange striping on his face and red freckles on his cheeks. His right ear is brownish-black, he also has a small black spot above his nose and a black stripe on his back. He has a white flame shaped spot on his chest, a white muzzle, white paws and a white tail tip. He wears yellow flowers and green leaves in his pelt and a simple crown rests on his forehead made up of a diamond shaped red stone and a small teardrop shaped white stone below it./End ID]
[Image 2 ID: a digital drawing of Firesight, an AU version of Fireheart from Warrior Cats. this drawing is almost the exact same as the first image, but in this he has no crown./End ID]
[Image 3 ID: a digital drawing of Fire, an AU version of Firepaw from Warrior Cats. this drawing is almost the exact same as the first image, but in this he has no crown, or flowers and leaves adorning his pelt. his face also seems younger and he has a brighter happy expression on his face with his mouth open in a smile like he is talking./End ID]
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cryptidclaw · 6 months
Happy New Years here’s some Fire concepts I drew instead of paying attention to the NY ball drop…
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I decided to draw him apprentice age this time. Bonus: older fire and rusted black fire in sunlight coloring!
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Notes: I gave him fat chipmunk cheeks bec I thought it was cute :3 .
I wanted to make my red fire design at least a bit more rusty in color, he is still prett bright tho lol.
I also wanted to try a rusted black fire design! I gave him a fire red tail tho hehe, also he has orange eyes bec I thought it fit the pallets better! Plus if I use it for RoC orange eyes work well for his name (Firesight)! Nightheart can’t throw a fit about his name now LOL
Feel free to share what u think/ which u like better!
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cryptidclaw · 8 months
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I wanted to do one of those TPB design challenges bec I finished most of my designs for the first arc!
I used my Rise of Change au designs ofc so not all of them are canon accurate (Tigerstar lol)
I love how I drew Ravenpaw , baby boy <3
Original template here!
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cryptidclaw · 10 months
Star Ravenscourge!
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Apprentice version v
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Design Notes:
New Raven designnnn
I have completely changed his build, he is no longer tall and lanky, he is simply dinky <3 Im obssessed with this design, one of the faves I have done yet!
Character Bio:
fun fact: he looks a lot like his outsider sire, which makes him stand out a lot bec of how small and not average Thunder looking he is.
Alsoo I'm adding the leader crowns i designed!!
Star Ravenscourge
Gay; demi-boy; he/him
Age as of 1st arc's end: 2 cycles, 6 moons; ~26 Hyrs
Title meaning: -scourge = a terrifying and powerful cat, a cat who is a "scourge" upon their enemies. This tile is unique to Raven, as he earned it from the tales that began to spread about him once he became leader of Blood Order.
First Leader of Blood Order; he alongside several city cats founded Blood Order, and Raven was appointed their leader, much to his honor and surprise.
Seconds: Bonehunter (appointed before they followed succession laws) -> (Star) Paintdapple (mentored by Raven)
Mentor: Star Tigerclaw -> Bonehunter (unofficial mentor)
Mother: Dappledew
Siblings: Dustpelt
Half Siblings: Downnose; Cricketstep
Mate: Barleycloud
Kits (donor: Violetdream): Cowstep, Lambcry, Ryewhisper
Other notable kin: Thrushcloud (uncle); Shriketail (nephew); Cloudtail (adoptive nephew); Snowshoe (nephew); Mistletoe (niece); Spiderleg (nephew); Shrew (nephew)
Bonus facts: He came up with the idea of reinforcing his claws with sharpened dogs teeth, bec of Tigerclaw's extra big claws. Tiger always told Raven he was extra weak because his claws were rather small, so raven thought, maybe he could find a new, better way to protect himself, and make his claws even stronger than Tigerclaw's ever were. They were in fact stronger than Tiger bec they disemboweled him.
Character Summary:
In Progress (to be added later)
[Image 1 ID: a digital drawing of Ravenscourge an au version of Ravenpaw from Warrior Cats. He is standing with his right side showing, his right paw raised with claws (reinforced with dog's teeth) unsheathed. He has a proud and determined expression on his face. He is a small, slender, black tom with a white tail tip, above his nose and on his chin, two spots on his cheek, and a white sock on his right leg. He is mostly short furred with longer cheek and tail fur, as well as a tuft on longer fur on his chest and on his head, acting as bangs. He has extremely large ears and purple eyes, he wears a crown on his forehead with a teardrop shaped bloodstone and a smaller teardrop shaped moonstone hanging below it. He also has a tooth pieced through one ear and wears a purple dog's collar adorned with sharp teeth and claws. he has claw scars running along his shoulder and flank as well as a scar over his right eye and on his left upper lip./End ID]
[Image 2 ID: a digital drawing of Raven (apprentice Ravenscourge) an au version of Ravenpaw from Warrior Cats. This image is the same as the previous one, but Raven has no scars, wears no collar, teeth, or crown and has wide scarred eyes and a general fearful expression on his face./End ID]
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cryptidclaw · 9 months
Star Tigerclaw
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Design Notes:
Here he is!!! Tigerclaw based on a white tiger!!! love this design so much ??? omggg
he has his mother Snowstorm's blue colorpoint gene , but he has dark black stripes like his dad Thistleclaw!
Character Bio:
Star Tigerclaw
Straight; Cis Tom; he/him
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 4 cycles, 4 moons; ~33 Hyrs
Title meaning: -claw =  a cat who is very skilled in battle; they fight ferociously with their claws; may have distinctive claws, most likely extra large or sharp.
Warrior -> Guard Charge -> Second of Thunder Order; he was in line due to being Star Bluefrost's nephew. He was banished for murder and an attempted takeover of the Order.
Leader of Shadow Order; was in no way in line for Shadow leadership, he convinced the Order that he would be their best choice for leadership, as he came from a long line of powerful leaders and he would keep the Order strong after their many recent losses.
Second: Vulturemask; was in line and should have been leader due to being the previous Shadow Leader (Star Brokentail)'s Second and mate.
Mentor: Star Sunfall
Mother: Snowstorm
Father: Thistleclaw
Siblings: Sky; Shine; Shimmer; Lynxstorm
Ex-Mates: Goldenflower; Star Leopardpelt (Political marriage, ended when Tiger died)
Kits: Swift; Brambleflower; Star Tawnyclaw; Mothwing; Tadpolefrog; Star Hawkfrost
Grandkits: Falconclaw; Jaywing; Dove; Dawnpelt; Goldenheart; Flamespirit; Dovesong; Ivythorn; Junipersnow; Dandeliondust
Other notable kin: Star Pineheart (grandfather); Leopardfoot (Grandmother); Sootfur (nephew); Sorreltail (niece); Rainwhisker (nephew)
Character notes: Tigerclaw actually did truly love Goldenflower, and he was actually a pretty good mate and father before this betrayal was revealed. Golden cat divorced him during his banishment and Tiger chose to become mates with Star Leopardpelt soon after as a political marriage, this relationship was loveless and only for political gain and a continuation of their bloodline through their kits.
Character Backstory:
Tigerclaw and Lynxstorm were Thistleclaw and Snowstorm's second litter, their first was one of three kits which all tragically passed due to a premature birth (their names, Sky, Shine and Shimmer were given in reference to the Stars, as they joined them almost as soon as they were born).
Thistleclaw took great interest in Tigerclaw, as he was the strongest, and most alike him out of the pair of brothers. Due to this Tiger was greatly influenced by Thistle, with his father trying to pass on as much of his ideals and attitude as possible. The tom often gave Tiger extra training sessions in the dark forest, or during the night, sometimes White would be included as well though he never went to the Dark Forest (Thistle knew that White would tell on them).
Snowstorm died early on into her sons' apprenticeships and as a result Thistle became even more rash and cruel which only increased the extreme extra training Thistle put Tiger, and sometimes Lynx under. Thistleclaw's cruelty and actions made his sons hate him (they had also noticed how cruel he could be to their mother before her death as well, and hated him even more for it), White stayed away from his father all together, however Tiger wanted to continue training with him to increase his power and skill.
Despite hating his father and denying that he would ever become a cat like him, Tiger took on much of Thistle's teachings, the tom is adamantly anti-outsider and codebreaking and is very bloodthirsty just like his father. Though maybe Tigerclaw never fully believed the anti mixed blood, outsider and adamant code following ideals, maybe deep down he just liked them because it gave him power over other cats, and a seemingly "devout" and "loyal" exterior.
The first cat Tiger ever killed was Thistleclaw, after Thistle's grooming of Spotted was revealed Tiger joined Bluefrost, Lynxstorm and Redtail in assassinating Thistleclaw. Tiger hated his father and despite him agreeing with many of his views, he was horrified by his actions towards Spotted. He had other motives as well, Thistle was a high ranking warrior who used his power to control Tiger for his own gain, Tiger did not want to be anyone's pawn, he wanted the power for himself. After killing his father Tiger realized how much he liked the power in killing a cat, which wasn't all to surprising, but it was all the more reason he was so willing to kill later in his life.
Despite being an obviously bloodthirsty and increasingly cruel cat, Bluefrost refused to believe that her nephew was anything like his father. She desperately wanted to trust her sister's kits, and Tigerclaw was apprenticed to Blue's pseudo father Star Sunfall who Blue was certain would counteract any of Thistle's impact on Tiger. Of course Blue didn't know about Tiger's extra training, nor did she know about his secret lust for power.
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cryptidclaw · 3 months
Bramble and Tawny!! (so the Four Tigerclones of the Apocalypse will be complete 😈)
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I drew my roc designs so they aren’t too canon accurate hehe
Should I draw the bonus Tigerspawn (Swift and Tadpole) too?
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cryptidclaw · 10 months
The RoC Fire Family Tree!
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I get a lot of questions about the Fire family tree in RoC so I made a full tree of the family! Hopefully this is easier to understand than the FamilyEcho tree that I have!
A small explanation of a few things in the tree:
when lines are lighter that means the cats had kits together but were never mates (ex: Jake having kits with Nutmeg and Quince); a red X means that the cats were mates but they broke up; and I tried to color code the four main branches of the tree, so Tiny's is blue, Fire's is green, Dustpelt's is purple, and Cloudtail’s is light blue.
Bonus close ups of each branch:
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Many of my designs for these guys are old or i just haven't designed them yet soooo I used this as a chance to draw a lot of them new face designs! This actually helped me with their designs, it was nice seeing all of a cat's relatives while i designed their faces, helped me keep them looking related but different!
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cryptidclaw · 9 months
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Design Notes:
An Adjusted + improved version of my previous design!
She is a dilute tortie bec she has big tortie vibes and also it explains her name!
Character Bio:
Molly; she/her
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 10 cycles, 7 moons; ~53 Hyrs
Title meaning: -fang = a cat who is very skilled in battle; they have powerful teeth and jaws and have a biting centric fighting style; this cat is out spoken and have a bite to their words; may have distinctive teeth, most likely extra large or sharp
Warrior -> Healer of Shadow Order -> Healer of Thunder Order
Mentors: Deerleap (Warrior); Sagewhisker (Healer)
Mother: Brightflower
Father: Brackenfoot
Siblings: Nutwhisker; Redberry; Mint; Marigold
Adoptive Sibling: Tallpoppy
Ex-Mate: Star Raggedpelt
Kits: Star Brokenheart; Hope; Wish
Grandkits: Littlecloud; Wetfoot; Brown
Other notable kin: Swampfur (nephew); Blossom (niece); Oak (nephew); Ciderfur (nephew); Stumpytail (nephew); Turtleshell (adoptive niece); Toadfoot (adoptive nephew); Apple (adoptive niece; Marshpatch (adoptive nephew)
Character Summary:
In Progress (to be added later)
[Image ID: a digital drawing of Yellowfang from Warrior Cats. She is standing with her left side showing, her right paw is raised, and she had a displeased, grumpy scowl on her face. She is a large, stout, long furred molly with a squashed Persian-like face and mustache like long fur on her muzzle. She is a gray and yellow tortoiseshell with yellow patches mostly o her flank and the left side of her face and fluffy mane. She has large yellow fangs front her lower jaw, and pink claw scars running across her face and on her side. she has several green leaves and yellow flowers adorning her pelt as well./End ID]
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cryptidclaw · 9 months
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Guess who redrew their redraw of the Into the Wild Cover!
IDK if im going to go back to redrawing all the covers or not... but I really wanted to redraw this one!
its the same as the last redraw, it has Redtail and the shadowy form of Tigerclaw at the bottom and my round Rusty design (though this time he has his updated version of the design)!
Previous Redraw
[Image ID: A digital illustration, which is a redraw of the original Warriors: Into the Wild cover.  At the top of the cover is the "Warriors" title written in navy blue, and below it is written Into the Wild which is white and lined in the same navy blue. Below the title is a portrait style frame centered in the middle of the cover, this frame depicts Fire(paw) sitting perfectly centered and looking up in awe, he is a small chubby long furred bright orange tabby with folded ears one being black, at his feet his his kittypet collar which is blue and has a tag with the letter R on it. The background behind Fire is bushes in differing shades of green leading up to a blue sky. Behind this frame, filling up the rest of the cover, is a illustration of green bushes and trees leading down to grass, with a cloudy sky overhead. At the bottom of this illustration are two cats, one cat, Redtail, a sleek black and red tortoiseshell tom with amber eyes, is crouched on the left side of the cover, looking at the second cat on the right side. The other cat is a silhouette of a large long furred tom. At the bottom of the cover where the author is usually listed, is written “Rise of Change” in yellow text, in the same font as the book title./End ID]
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