#Rise! Mikey is terrified
misscalming · 2 years
Rise! Mikey: Okie dokie, now measure 20 grams of butter
2k12 Mikey: whatever that means *scoops 5 spoonfuls of butter into bowl without weighing it*
Rise! Mikey: excuse me?
2k12 Mikey: *dips finger in mixture*
Rise! Mikey: NO, if you don't get the measurements exact how do you expect to ever UNLEASH THE FLAVOUR!
2k12 Mikey: *blinks* y'know what this needs? *licks mixture off of finger* hot sauce.
Both 2k12 and Rise! mikey are good cooks. They just have different strong points. Rise! Mikey is a perfectionist "5 grams of this, 10ml of that" while 2k12 Mikey just goes "flour yes" *scoops it into his hand and throws it in a bowl* "that seems right!" and calls it a day. so rise! mikey's food is ALWAYS good, while 2k12's food is a hit or miss it's either the strangest food combination you've ever heard that somehow works REALLY REALLY well or an abomination. Also 2k12 mikey does stupid shit, like try and melt chocolate while it's still in the packet in the microwave. (i have done this it sparked within 2 seconds and obliterated half of the packaging) they both have ADHD but rise! mikey can hyper-fixate on cooking better. 2k12 Mikey would froth at the mouth while shaking if he tried to follow a recipe strictly. They would NOT get along in the kitchen.
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turtleblogatlast · 10 months
Big Mama must have lost some serious standing in the yokai underworld because it’s gotten apparent that she keeps being beaten by a small group of teenagers and the occasional rat man, and when it’s not them then she’s taking L’s from her own schemes working against her.
And in the ensuing power vacuum, the Hamatos accidentally become the most feared crime family known to all the big bads of the Hidden City.
After all, they’ve publicly outplayed Big Mama multiple times, a couple of them have taken out the heads of two of the most well known criminal organizations, one took out Heinous Green, two are responsible for the destruction of Witch Town, they have ties to both the infamous Baron Draxum and Captain Piel, they won the Doom Dome death race, they’re Battle Nexus Champions, they’ve displayed insane feats of power and defeated impossibly strong enemies, most of them have been to jail, and they regularly mingle with humans.
You can just imagine the notoriety they’d accumulate from word of mouth alone.
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Biblically accurate Michelangelo! Love this guy. What a round little fella. Box turtles are so circle shape.
Box turtles can do this cool thing where they can go all the way into their shell and close the door! Their plastron is hinged in two, so when they retract they can hide their extremities and completely block out predators from getting in at all. They’re also mostly terrestrial, although they do need water to keep themselves well hydrated and partake in the occasional swim. Male box turtles also have bright red eyes, which is pretty neat.
Mikey probably could retract more than the others, but I don’t know if his humanoid limbs would quite fit completely inside his shell post mutation. Even so, good luck landing a hit on this hard scaled and agile little guy!
I added a little color too for some painting practice! Ornate box shells have some really impressive patterns to help them blend into the grasses and leaf litter they call home.
[Raphael] [Leonardo] [Donatello] [Extended Family]
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skcirthinq · 3 months
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It's Parry time! Purple Squared and Purple Rectangle by @amevello-blue and @alicat54cwriting
Hoo boy, so, these stories are an AU of the same authors' other works in the DEB series (an au of the TEB series, an au of Rise) where an au version of TMNT 03's Donatello (from the Same As It Never Was episode) from amevello-blue's Ghost in the Shell Au ends up taking care of the DEB kids as characters instead of getting back home.
Yes, that does make this an au combination of an au from 03 and an au of an au of an au of Rise. Lots of fun! I recommend reading everything I've linked here!
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franciumart · 2 years
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RotTMNTober day 16+17: turtle tots + oldest and youngest siblings! Decided to smush these two together 'cause I thought it'd be cute
As the brother with the most surface area, Raph makes a great canvas!
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risewriter · 8 months
Writing prompt the boys see furbees for the first time
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Splinter: *Walks in on his turtle tots sons playing* Good news, my sons! I found this weird bird toy in the trash. Have fun with it! *Places down the Furbie*
Tot Donnie: *Inspects it* Huh, it has no batteries in it.
Tot Leo: Is it just me, or are his eyes following me?
Tot Donnie: Must be some other mechanism causing that.
Tot Mikey: Well, I like him! *Lifts the Furbie up* Are you hungry? I'll name you Smikle~!
Tot Leo: What kind of name is Smi-
Furbie: *In low and slow voice* Hi.. Would you like to play a game..?
Tot Mikey: AAAAH! *Drops the toy*
Tot Leo: I know why it was in the trash now..
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ghostlykidplaidbanana · 8 months
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That moment when u get separated from the rest of the group in a haunted house/location with only a flashlight, a ghost, and each other for company
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eateth-thy-words · 2 years
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rottmnt doodles!!! i just KNOW donnie has a fnaf conspiracy board. i know it in my BONES
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 months
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 42: Artificial Intelligence
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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"Raph, I'm fine!" Mikey argues as he looks up at his older brother. "Really! You don't need to hold my hand..."
Raph nods, but doesn't look down at him -- instead opting to keep lookout, glancing back and forth as they walk down the halls.
Raph's usual pace has always kept Mikey struggling to keep up, his longer legs causing his steps to be wider than the average ninja mutant turtle teen. But even now, he's speed-walking. Mikey's forced to jog in order to keep up and not be forcefully dragged by his older brother, who is keeping a deathgrip on his wrist. They turn a corner and Raph raises his hand to signal him to stall -- though he raises the one he's holding Mikey with at first, causing the little brother to dangle in midair for a moment before Raph hears him clear his throat and frantically sets him back down and silently apologizes.
Mikey glances down at Raph's ginormous hand enveloping his own. It's enormous, strong, and covered in calluses and rough skin -- and yet it still manages to be gentle and sweet, the kindest hands Mikey has ever known.
He glances back up at Raph -- the eldest brother's face is stone and serious, a grim expression of sternness hiding the obvious fear and anxiety underneath. His Raph-chasm is deep-set, his eye twitches, his teeth grit and grind as he stares down the hall for incoming dangers. Mikey glances back down at their fingers interlocked and gently squeezes Raph's hand twice.
For a moment, Mikey's chest fills with a familiar anxiety as he feels the difference between his fingernails and Raphael's. As rough as Raph's hands are, they're nothing compared to Mikey's palms now. His crooked claws threaten to pierce Raph's skin, the sharp talons scraping against his knuckles.
But Raphael's face lightens once he feels Mikey's squeeze, a signal that was made between all four brothers when they were little. A signal to show that they were present, that they cared. A tiny gesture that represented a specific phrase to help when all other words seemed to fail.
I love you.
Raph stares down at the two hands. He squeezes back twice.
The anxiety in Mikey's chest drifts away immediately. But he can still sense the lingering fear in his brother...
"Are you okay, Raph?" Mikey whispers softly, looking up at him. "We're gonna be alright, y'know... Now that Chaplin's gone, no one's going to be coming after us once we get out!"
Raph gives a weak and pathetic attempt at a smile. He wears his heart on his sleeve, he has no poker face whatsoever. Mikey can tell he's scared.
He slips his hand out from Raph's and reaches up, cupping his face gently. Raphael's hands reach up and wrap over Mikey's. He breathes in deeply, exhales slowly, closes his eyes. His fingers shake as he tries to form the words.
"...I'm just scared, Mike," he whimpers, tears pooling under his eyelids. "I can't help it. I'm... I'm scared a lot more than I let on. I don't want to lose you again..."
"You're afraid you'll lose me?"
"Why do you think I wanted to stay with you when we split up?" Raph whispers. "I... I know you forgave me. I know it wasn't my fault. But it was my responsibility, you were my responsibility, and I -- I --" Raph chokes down a sob before opening his teary, blurry eyes. "I can't lose you again. I'm not.... strong enough."
Mikey pulls Raph close and holds him tight.
"You're not Mr. Incredible, you know. You don't have to be the strongest one all the time. And you won't lose me!"
Raph whines softly, hands trembling against Mikey's as his tears drip down his cheeks.
"...Raph, I swear on my life that you'll never lose me again."
"Don't say stuff like that," Raph cries, squeezing Mikey against his quaking chest. "Don't say that, it makes it sound like you might --"
"I need you to know, though --" Mikey says, stroking his older brother's spiky shell in slow reassurances. "You'll never lose me again. I promise. Nothing in this world or any other could take me away from you. Or you from me." He pulls away to make sure Raph can see his face. "Not even death."
Raph's eyes glisten, his lip quivers.
"...But I don't want it to come to that, Mikey," he sniffles. "I know that... I know we have that Hamato ghosty-thing, and all the anatawa hitorijinai stuff, but... I don't want that. I want you to be safe and stay with me in this world. I want to make up for my mistakes and flaws, I want to make up for lost time. I want you to come home."
"Then I promise that I'll come home," Mikey smiles. "Easy. So why are you still scared?"
Raph shrugs before pulling Mikey back in again.
"I dunno. Just... just a feeling. I hate this place. I hate what it does. And I hate feeling scared for no reason. I know we'll get out, I know we'll be okay, and I know I'll never let anything bad ever happen to you ever again. But... that doesn't stop the scared thoughts from creeping in."
Mikey nods and sighs.
"Well... I can only tell you advice that someone told me once," he says with a smile. "Trust me. And remember that those thoughts are just lies. Right?"
Raphael smiles softly, squeezing Mikey in a hug one last time before letting him go.
"You're right. C'mon, let's find Bishop and Honeycutt and get outta here..."
The two meander down the hall carefully, even though it's mostly deserted. They check every room, though Raph elects to have Mikey be lookout in the hall to avoid getting triggered by anything unexpected. The floor they're on has a lot of medical equipment and rooms for surgery...
They're about to go searching on the next floor when they receive a text message from Leo, stating that he's found the professor.
"That means we can head out now, right?" Mikey asks, climbing up onto Raph's shell and perching on his shoulder.
"I think so..." Raph says, though the tone in his voice is unconvincing. "Casey just messaged us and said he found Bishop and April, and that they're going to look for something to use against the EPF and the TCRI."
"Use against? Like a weapon?" Mikey asks nervously.
"No, I think they meant like proof of illegal activity."
"Oh," Mikey sighs. "...Should we go help them?"
Raph takes a moment to think it over. Mikey knows that he wants to get out as quickly as possible, and he doesn't blame him. But not even the fear of this creepy lab could null Raph's loyal heart, nor his hero mentality.
"...Yeah, I guess we should," he mumbles, rubbing Mikey's head.
Mikey's pretty sure Raph did that just to be certain he was still with him. But Mikey doesn't mind. He's secretly pleased that just being a physical presence for Raph is enough of a way for him to help ground his older brother... and besides, Mikey's love language is touch, after all. Despite how much the TCRI tried to beat and sculpt and scrape that out of him, he still adores it when his brothers hug, or pet, or snuggle, or cuddle.
Raph messages the group chat and gets a few texts back in response.
"Okay, so -- we're all gonna meet up in the records room, where we'll come up with a plan on getting the stuff we need, and Dee will give us back our weapons. But we're not gonna stay for long; April and Casey will stick with Bishop and Honeycutt long enough to recover the files they copied. While they're up to that, Leo will portal us home."
"What about the others?" Mikey asks nervously. "How're they getting home?"
"Leo or Draxum will portal back for 'em," Raph explains. "But Leo wants to get you home quick. Plus, he took a lot of voltage. I think he needs to lie down for a bit..."
Mikey hums sadly, crouching against Raph's shoulder. The older brother feels his baby bro's vocal cords vibrate against his skin as he whines, and he instinctively reaches up to stroke the back of Mikey's shell.
"That wasn't your fault, and you know it, big man."
"...Yeah, I know," Mikey whimpers. "But I still feel guilty about --"
Mikey pauses.
He stiffens, his nostrils burning from a specific scent. His muscles tense, his lifts himself up slightly from Raphael's shoulders to sniffs the air once more, searching for something.
"Mikey? Mike, what's wrong?" Raph asks, noticing the obvious shift in his brother's attitude and stance.
"Something smells... wrong," Mikey answers, brow creasing as his head moves from side to side, still trying to locate the smell. "I smell something bad."
"Bad? Like what? A gas leak, or maybe a scientist??"
"No, nothing like that," Mikey murmurs, forehead wrinkling exponentially. "It smells... like a machine..."
"Yeah, they all have a distinct smell here. They smell like oil and tar. And burning rubber. A-and a weird metallic scent, like nickel or... I dunno. Maybe even obsidian?"
"But I don't smell anything," Raph whispers, peeking back and forth down the hall as Mikey crawls all over him while he seeks to locate the source.
"I know I smelled something," Mikey whispers. "Something dangerous... and... familiar..."
"Familiar?" Raph asks, "Familiar how --"
Out of the wall, a hand suddenly thrusts itself in front of the two, almost punching Raphael straight in the face before he ducks and deflects, scrambling away while Mikey exclaims in shock.
Raph reels, Mikey clinging onto him desperately as his older brother struggles to regain his balance. The wall crumbles, dust and debris tumbling as a figure bursts their way through the drywall.
"WHAT THE HOT SOUP?!" Raph shouts, fists going up as he readies himself for a fight. "WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE MADE OUT OF?!"
"Interesting query," the figure responds, voice soft and silky smooth. "While most of the people here are made up of flesh and bone..."
The figure smiles as she dusts herself off and straightens out her skirt.
"...I am made of more interesting materials."
Mikey growls from atop his perch, claws going rigid and trying very hard not to clench Raph's shoulders. His tail sharpens, the barbs and spikes sticking out.
He feels Raph's hand rest against his arm, gently reminding him to stay present and not let Instinct take control. Mikey forces his breathing to slow down and regulate, he grits his teeth to keep the fangs from forming, and curls his hands into fists to try and force the energy inside from coming out.
"Who... what ARE you?" Raph asks nervously, though he does a good job of hiding his nerves.
"I am Ms. Campbell," she replies with a sly smile. "Mikey and I have already met..."
Raph glances back at Mikey, who is having a difficult time keeping his seething fury in check.
"She's the one who captured me..." he growls. "She's not human, she's some kind of robot-thing..."
"She is?" Raph questions, his own face getting getting hot with anger as he turns and glares at the woman. "Oh. Then I guess it's clobberin' time, eh?"
Ms. Campbell tuts at them, clicking her synthetic tongue in disappointment.
"I know how skilled you are in combat. I've downloaded Mikey's training sessions, and pulled security footage of you and the others during the invasion and the two years prior. The four of you are quite impressive..."
"Thank you," Raph growls. "But we'll be heading out now."
"You ki̶l̶l̶e̵d Dr. Chaplin. I saw from the security footage," she says, practically spitting venom as she speaks. "You will pay for that. His work will be continued if it's th̷e̴ la̵st̶ thing I do̵̼̞͛."
Ms. Campbell dives at them, her fists ready. Raph jumps back and dodges the blows before returning fire and swinging his own fists at her. As he leaps forward, Mikey jumps off his shoulder and pounces on hers instead, clawing at her face and wrapping his barbed tail around her neck. Raph and Mikey simultaneously attack her, But even still she is a force to be reckoned with. Mikey's spiky tail cuts through her forged skin, as it tightens more and more. She screams in anger and grips his tail taut, trying to rip it from her neck. She pulls in two directions, the barbs and spikes cutting her palms. Mikey shouts in pain as she attempts to tear his tail in two. He releases his grip, and instead opts to bite his fangs deep into her neck. His teeth hit something hard, a metal tube or rod, and he nearly chips a tooth. Ms. Campbell screeches in pain, grabs him from under one of his scutes, and tosses him across the hallway. Raph catches him as easily as if they were playing a game of brother-ball. This gives the two an idea... Mikey nods and Raph instantly throws him back into the fray. As Mikey is flung through the air, he spins to gain momentum. Mikey slashes his tail and sending several projectile barbs flying ahead of him, stabbing the android woman in the chest and shoulders. As soon as he lands on top of her again, he pulls two out and stabs her in the temples, dragging the barbs down and slicing her face in the process. Sparks fly and oil spurts out as she gives a gutteral screech of agony. Mikey jumps off of her and lands on Raph as he barrels towards her, tackles her, and then swings her body like an oversized ragdoll all the way down the hall and into the farthest wall.
Mikey and Raph cheer and high five excitedly, celebrating their victory.
Their premature victory.
"Yo̸u̸ t̷h̵i̶n̵k̷ t̶h̴a̶t w̷i̵l̵l̵ s̴t̸op m̷e̵?̴"̵ she growls, her voice garbled and strained. Mikey must've bit through her synthesized vocal cords. "̴I̵ am̵ n̷o̷t̵hi̵n̸g̷ l̴i̴k̷e̷ wh̵at̸ yo̵u̸ ̵h̷a̴v̵e̴ e̶v̷e̸r̶ ̷k̴n̵o̴w̵n̷.̸ I ̶am ̶n̷o̸t̶ ̷h̷u̴m̴a̵n.̴ ̷I ̷am̵ no̴t̴ ̴ma̵c̵h̵i̷n̷e.̴ I̴ am part of the KR̶A̴N̷G̶.̸ I ̴will̶ d̴e̵s̴t̴r̷o̷y̴ ̴y̶ou.̸"
She pulls herself from the crater in the wall, slowly cracking her neck and rolling her shoulders, dusting off the debris from the drywall. Her face is covered in oil splatters and ripped fake skin. She reaches up and begins to peel the faux flesh from her face, revealing the metal that is molded to resemble human muscles underneath.
Raph and Mikey retch at the sight, unaware of how much worse it is about to get.
Ms. Chaplin's joints disconnect, causing her arms to separate into pieces and elongate. Her face unbuckles and reveals a hidden metal skeleton with serrated teeth. She begins to grow, her dress rips around the stomach and reveals her chest stretching like a coil. She towers over the two terrified teens, becoming a horrific amalgamation of nightmare of machinery.
"Okay, so this is new," Mikey mumbles in a hushed tone.
"Albearto, eat your heart out..." Raph gulps.
Ms. Campbell roars at them, her shrieks nothing more than the grinding of gears and scraping of metal. Mikey and Raphael scream as they run away.
"Why didn't you tell me there was a killer lady robot on the loose?!" Raph yells as he slides down a turn and slams into the wall, regaining his footing and booking it as fast as he can.
"Well, because I wanted us to fail!" Mikey mouths back, his tail balancing him out as he bounces off the same walls, his enhanced agility allowing him to make the turn much more elegantly and with greater speed. "...OBVIOUSLY I DIDN'T KNOW!"
The two run as fast as they can, the horrible screeching sounds of deadly mechanics following fast behind them. Mikey glimpses back and sees a giant spider-like monster giving chase, arms and legs twice the size of her body and made of uncoiled cables that bend with utter flexibility. Mikey feels like he's living in a nightmare or one of those spooky video games Leo and Donnie would play late at night when they thought Splinter wouldn't catch them.
He rounds another hall before realizing he's no longer accompanied by Raph. He skids to a halt, scanning the hall behind him. Raphael is several yards behind, trying his best to keep up. Raph's walking pace may have been quicker than Mikey's, but Mikey blows him out of the water when it comes to running for your life.
"Raph!!" Mikey screams, lunging towards him as the mechanical monster catches up and nearly grabs him. "WATCH OUT!!"
Mikey pounces atop him, acting as a shield as Ms. Campbells hands claw into his arms, digging through his flesh and spilling blood as her coiled arms wrap around him, imprisoning him in her hold. Mikey screams in pain as she lifts him up and stares at him, her eyes burning and her twisted mouth grinning at him.
"̶Y̶o̷u̵r̴ ̶t̸i̴m̷e̷ ̶i̵s̷ ̶u̴p̴,̵ ̷l̷i̴t̵t̴l̴e̵ ̵m̷o̴n̵s̵t̴e̸r̷,̶"̵ she drones.
"HEY!" Raph shouts, leaping up and swinging his fist at her. "NO ONE DOES THAT TO MY BROTHER!!"
Raph's unprotected knuckles collide with Ms. Campbell's steel face, knocking her back and momentarily stunning her. Raph falls to the floor hissing as he grips his wrist, his knuckles scraped and already starting to bleed from the impact.
"What is she MADE OF?" he growls before going back in the fray, attacking her relentlessly.
Raph tackles her and manages to shove her through a wall, landing the trio in an examination room filled with strange exercise equipment that look more like medieval torture devices to MIkey...
The impact causes her grip on Mikey to loosen just enough for him to wriggle out. Despite the blood running down his forearms, Mikey forces himself to crawl all across the terrifying automaton. Ms. Campbell shrieks in irritation and sends one of her arms after Mikey. This gives him an idea...
Mikey jumps from one side of her body to the other, pretending it's Dee's jungle gym. Ms. Campbell's arms swerve back and forth, chasing after him as the the rest of her limbs wriggle around like frantic worms. With her limbs tangled, Mikey seizes his oppurtunity.
"Raph!" he shouts. "Get her legs!"
Raphael, who had been slightly dazed and trapped under her flailing legs, comes to and grabs what he can, tying them all up into knots. Ms. Campbell shrieks, and her limbs start spinning out of control as she fights to regain stabilization.
"Whoah!" Raph manages to yell just before one of the tangled limbs throws him into a table.
Mikey dodges the limbs and grabs the first thing he can from a nearby desk.
It's a cattle prod.
He jerks as sparks fly once he presses the button, surprised by the power this thing has. He smiles as he realizes the karma he's about to pull, and slams the staff of electrocution into Ms. Campbells chest. Her tuned-up pitched screams fill the air and make Mikey's ears ring. Her eyes burst like bulbs after a power surge, and her body goes limp. Mikey pulls back, shaking as he looks her over.
"Is... is she, like... dead? O-or, deactivated?" Raph pants as he steps forward.
"I...I'm not s-sure," Mikey stammers, his arms going weak and wobbly as he recalls his injuries. The cattle prod falls to the floor with a loud clatter, and Raph rushes to Mikey's side.
"Here, let's get those taken care of," he whispers softly, removing his own wrappings from his arms and tightly bandaging Mikey's wounds.
Mikey hisses as the cloths touch the open wounds in his arms.
"We should look for a room with medical supplies, I'm sure they'll have some anti-bacterial spray or actual bandages."
"That sounds like --"
Mikey's words are knocked out of him as a coily limb once again slams into his stomach and throws him into a wall. Raph is also thrown as the opposite limb collides into his chest and sends him sliding several feet away.
"Mikey!" he shouts, getting up quickly and running over to him.
Ms. Campbell gives another robotic shriek before she manages to untangle her arms and grabs at Raphael, who momentarily wishes he was as small and agile as his little brother was.
But then he realizes that he's a tank, and smiles.
Raphael headbutts the metallic monster, shoving her into an observation room of glass walls and extreme exercise equipment. While she struggles to get back up, Raph grabs two heavy weights in each hand and activates his ninpo, turning the equipment into temporary sai and creating armor over his hands.
"̴W̴h̵a̷t̸ ̷d̵o̷ ̶y̵o̴u̶ ̸t̸h̴i̸n̸k̴ ̷y̸o̷u̴ ̷w̷i̷l̵l̸ ̵a̶c̵c̷o̵m̵p̸l̴i̵s̴h̴ ̵h̶e̴r̶e̷?̶!̶"̴ Ms. Campbell shrills, her voice distorted and glitching. "̴Y̶o̵u̵ ̷c̷a̶n̵n̵o̸t̸ ̴d̷e̶f̶e̸a̵t̶ ̴m̶e̴!̶ ̴Y̵o̷u̷ ̴s̶h̸a̷l̶l̷ ̶n̶o̸t̵ ̵d̴e̸f̵e̵a̶t̵ ̴t̵h̴e̶ ̶T̷C̶R̸I̵!!̵!"̷
"We'll see about that," Raph smiles smugly, creating two replicas -- so two of him can fight Ms. Campbell, and one can check on Mikey.
Two of the Raph clones begin to pelt the robot woman with dumbells and weights and other random equipment, doing their best to break her metal body into pieces. The third Raph slides up to Mikey, scoops him up, and carries him out.
"W-wait, what about the oth-thers?" Mikey stutters, the bloodloss starting to make his head spin and arms quiver.
"They'll be fine, they can handle her."
"But... which one is the real Raph?" Mikey asks, looking back frantically at the two clones that are still attacking her.
"You think I'd let a clone take care of you?" Raph winks. "Even if it was a perfect clone of myself -- I'm not letting you out of my sights ever again."
"So... y-you're the real Raph?" Mikey mumbles, clinging to his brother's plastron.
"Real as rain, bud," Raphael chuckles. "Now, let's find you some actual medical supplies while Springtrap back there is distracted..."
"H-her name is Ms. Campbell...?"
"Nevermind," Raph sighs. "Maybe someone else will get the joke..."
The two Raphs tag-team the fight, one smashing his fists into her alloyed countenance while the other tries to wrangle her weird limbs. Every time he gets one pinned, another comes loose and he has to wrangle the 'spaghetti noodles from hell' once again.
As the first clone swings his fist once more, Ms. Campbell's face opens up to the skeletal structure and serrated teeth, and closes around the mystic armor, chomping down hard and nearly piercing the hologram. Raph yelps and tries to pull his hand out, struggling to do so as she continues to rip him apart. The second Raph jumps behind her and puts her in a hibernator move, lifting her up off the floor and throwing her backwards towards a very terrifying-looking treadmill machine. One of her limbs gets caught in what seems to be a harness connected to the device. Raph clone #2 gets an idea...
Raph clone #1 gets the same idea and lunges outside of the glass room, rushing to a control panel and begins pressing buttons. The treadmill starts to whir. Ms. Campbell notices the movement, despite her eyes having been burst. Raph clone #2 takes advantage of her moment of distraction and begins grabbing the other limbs, wrapping them into several of the harnesses and tangling her up. She quickly catches on to what he's up to and begins to fight back, desperately trying to untangle herself. One arm clicks, the hand retreats into the cable and is swiftly replaced with razor blades. Raph clone #2 bends backwards as he dodges, the edges of his mask tails getting shredded as Ms. Campbell swipes at him. She manages to rip one of the harnesses and feels around for the rest, almost sawing her other limb in half as she does. Raph clone #2 ducks and dives at her feet, grabbing the tentacle limbs and shoving them towards the conveyor belt rotors.
Ms. Campbell swings her arm at him again, stabbing one of the scutes on his shell. The clone isn't bothered, he barely even registers the knife in his back as he smiles and watches the rotors and gears swallow her legs and begin to eat her up. Ms. Campbell pauses in shock as she realizes her imminent defeat and shrieks again, swinging her trapped arms as her body is pulled apart, half of it trapped in the harnesses and the other getting pulled into the gears and shredded in the process. Her pins and points pop, coils snap and springs fly. Her shouts are pointless as she's ripped apart, the circuits fry and her body falls limp as the robotics are flattened inside the mechanisms of the strangely deadly treadmill.
The two Raph clones smile at each other and give an exhale of relief before disintegrating into holographic pixels. The sai drop to the floor and almost shatter the tiles as they transform back into heavy weights.
Raph exhales softly as he covers Mikey's arms with salves before stitches. He might not be the official team medic, but Leo taught him a few things, and with as many unintentional injuries as he gave himself and the many years where he had to pick up the slack for his ailing father, Raph learned a few things about taking care of others and treating some serious injuries.
"Okay... we're safe now," he sighs with relief. "She's completely destroyed."
"You can tell that from way over here?" Mikey asks, forcing himself to look away from his arms. He still can't handle the blood, and even though it's Raph... he still hates the feeling of being inspected or operated on.
"Yep," Raph nods, being as gentle as he can while he stitches up the wounds. "My ninpo told me."
"Do you... c-can you see everything they see?" Mikey asks. "Or... how does your ninpo work? Are all of the Raphs connected?"
"Sorta," Raph chuckles, noticing the way Mikey is trying to distract himself from the situation. "My ninpo is kinda weird. I can sorta... tap into them whenever, but usually I don't know what's going on unless I purposefully connect with them. We mind-meld sometimes, but it ain't real necessary since we all have the same thoughts and junk in battle."
He ties the thread, snips it, then moves on to the second arm. Mikey holds his breath for a moment as he waits for the needle to sew him closed...
"...Sometimes I can see what they see. It's a weird out-of-body experience, but also... not at all? It feels kinda more like teleportation. Which freaks me out sometimes."
"How? Why" Mikey asks, glancing back momentarily before looking away again.
"I used to wonder if I'd ever get confused which me was the real me, and which one was a clone. Poking into their minds felt almost like... transferring my consciousness, if that sounds right. It probably doesn't. But I always wondered what would happen if a clone got wrecked by a villain while my mind was still connected. I spent a good few weeks trying to figure out if I had been replaced by a clone and the real me died while fighting the Shredder... it was a weird couple of weeks, and I couldn't focus on anything."
"I had no idea," Mikey sighs sadly. "...Do my powers do that? Or is it just... mystic chains?"
"It's a little more complicated than that," Raph sighs back. "Casey said your powers evolve and grow, but before he showed up we just thought it was only mystic chains. But during the invasion you learned how to open portals, which was cool. Dangerous, but cool. All done, by the way!"
Mikey finally gives a real and deep exhale as Raph snips the tied-off medical thread. He quickly bandages the injuries as well, so Mikey won't have to look at them and get squeamish.
"Thanks, Raph," Mikey sighs. "For everything."
"That's what big brothers are for," he smiles. "To make sure their little bros get back home in one piece, like they promised."
Mikey nods with a grin, slowly climbing back up onto Raph's shoulders as they make their way to their rendezvous with the others.
"Do you think... we could practice cool mystic powers once this is over?" Mikey asks.
Raphael desperately tries to hide the sheer excitement from the inquiry. For years, Mikey always loved following Raph and wanting to hang out and learn from him. But somewhere along the line, Mikey grew up and they grew apart. Raph could never stop seeing him as the baby, and Mikey had gotten sick of it. But now, here he was again, asking for his big brother to teach him things like he used to do oh-so-long-ago.
"Sure, Mike," Raph smiles, patting him on the back, and feeling his baby brother's tail swing back and forth in a highly pleased manner. "I can't wait to..."
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misteria247 · 2 years
12 Raph annoyed: Tch, my brothers are such dweebs. Get on my last nerve, those three. Always annoying me, can't stand them sometimes.
Some random person: Haha yeah, your brothers really are awful aren't they? Simply the absolute worst of the worst.
12 Raph:.......
12 Raph pulling out his sais and twirling them in his hands as a menacing JJBA aura surrounds him: You've got a five second head start before I go for your fucking kneecaps and beat you to death with your spine.
12 Mikey pouting: Gah-!! My brothers never take me seriously!! I can kick shell and take names too!!! Just cuz I'm the youngest-!! Ughh-!!!!
Same random person from earlier but beaten up: Hahaha your brothers really are the absolute worst huh? They're awful at being big brothers.
12 Mikey:........
12 Mikey getting his nunchakus out and activating the blades in them the JJBA pillarmen theme playing in the background: The fuck did you just say about my brothers?
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I recently got caught up on @somerandomdudelmao 's Apocalypse series and hooboy, I'm obsessed. So I colored in one of my favorite panels from the more recent comics.
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Leo and Mikey sans ninpo under the cut. Both of these characters belong to the Cass Apocalypse AU, go check it out if you haven't!
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They're my faves
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angelkitty54 · 2 years
Having thoughts on that AU where the 12 turtle bros meets the rise turtles tots...
The 12 boys noticing Splinter calling the Rise boys by their colours instead of their names (unless he's being serious, or they're in trouble) and 12 Mikey trying to talk to little Mikey, calling him Orange to differentiate but...
Rise Mikey, tiny face screwed up in the biggest, deadliest scowl: "How dare you."
Rise Raph: Gasps dramatically with a hand over his heart
Rise Leo: "Donnie did he just call him 'Orange'!?"
Rise Donnie: "Yup."
Rise Leo: "Did he call our brother 'Orange'!?"
Rise Donnie: "He did."
Rise Leo: "Okay! Raph gimme a boost." Climbs on top of Raph so he can get all up in 12 Mikey's face.
12 Mikey, sweating profusely: "Uh...?"
Rise Leo: Jabbing him in the chest. "How dare you call him by that name! Those are dad's names for us! You don't get to use them! Only dad can use them!"
Rise Raph: "Who do you think you are?" Also jabbing him
Rise Mikey: "Disgwaceful! Dish-on-er-table! Dish-on-er on you! Dish-on-er on your cows! And your chickens! And your unicorns! Dish-on-er on all your aminals!
Rise Donnie: "Yeah. What they said."
Rise Leo: "We don't wanna play with you anymore. Come on guys."
Rise Raph: "I'm watching you bucko." Does the pointy eye thing
All of them glare at him as they walk away.
12 Mikey runs back crying to his Leo after being bullied by tiny children. The rest of the 12 boys are left somewhat intimidated. Splinter is touched, albeit a little bit conflicted by his kids attitudes...
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sunnflowyyr · 2 years
heyo! first of all i LOVE your writing, I aspire to write as well as you one day <3 I wanted to request some headcanons with the rise boys w/ a gn reader who’s mute!! please don’t feel like you have to answer this, feel free to ignore/delete!!
aaa, hey there !! first of all, thank you so much for your kind words !! i'm sorry for taking so long to get to your request, but i've thought about your idea since it popped into my inbox so i'm excited to finally put it all into this post. i am my own critic and i bully myself until i like my content; so i took a while with this one.
quick disclaimer: i do not have a lot of knowledge about mute individuals, but i did some research during the writing of this fic to try to be as respectful as possible and to also educate myself; however, my comprehension skills aren't the greatest. if i have inaccurately represented this community with misleading information (or if i have misunderstood mutism as a whole), please let me know and i'll correct my work to reflect accurate information. it is never my intention to hurt or offend anyone. - much love, sun
i hope you enjoy !! <3
rise!turtles with a mute reader
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i imagine april introduces you to the turtles and that he doesn't really clue into you are being mute at first
mainly because he didn't read the group chat message where april tells the turtles you're mute (he never reads the gc, smfh)
so he always feels bad when he talks to you and you just kind of smile or blink
since he doesn't realize, he just overthinks about why you don't answer back
maybe you don't like him? is he annoying? too loud?
can you smell his "I'm Nervous About Meeting New People" stink?
so when he tells his brothers and they clue him in, it just clicks for him
it makes him feel closer to you because he grew up mute
(i saw a hc once that raph was mute as a kid and no, i will not be convinced otherwise)
you might notice a slight behavior change
he'd normally be a little awkward or stiff in conversation before, but now he finds a way to communicate with you!
even if you don't talk, he'll find a way to keep you in conversation
especially because he can talk a lot if he thinks no one is annoyed by his rambling
the longer he knows you, the longer he picks up on your nonverbal cues and you both find an easy way to communicate with each other
he can't sign very well (just because of the lack of fingers) but he knows how to interpret ASL so you can communicate with him !!
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honestly doesn't notice it from the first time he meets you
also doesn't read the group chat
mainly because he talks so much that he doesn't pay attention to how quiet you are
though when he does notice, he might ask about it?
not to embarrass you, though; he might tease people about a lot of things, but even he knows his limits on that
we love a respectful king
he's just curious about the details, but definitely doesn't push you into telling him about it
he's a nosey mf he can't help himself
all of the brothers (him included) will speak up for you
if you're comfortable with that, of course
"hey, they said no pickles."
he might be sassier about it though, just because he's leo
but he'll do it a million times over
he's also pretty good at picking up on nonverbal cues and body language (because of raph being mute and donnie having nonverbal moments)
if you're uncomfortable? tired? excited? overwhelmed?
leo is here for you
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knows immediately because he actually reads the group chat
like the others, he knows how to communicate with you
especially with sign language, because he actually knows it and can sign really well?
he actually finds it nice to communicate with you this way as well, especially during some nonverbal moments
and sometimes he can really ramble on; even more so if it's about his interests and superior tech
so signing helps him slow down (because he wants to make sure you can interpret his signing; having three fingers can make it difficult) and watch for your replies
there might be days where you both sit in a comfortable silence (or he just watches you if you want to communicate), or he's really verbal
he can either ramble or keep it short and simple; it really just depends on his mood
but he quietly appreciates the understanding between the both of you
he can see how excited you are about everyone talking about something you're interested in; you wanna join, but it's hard to keep up with their voices and it can be overwhelming
what's wrong, (name)? - donnie asks in ASL
when you tell him he immediately finds a way to stop the conversation
"(name) has something to say about that."
ALL of the brothers look out for you, but he would the most
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"knows immediately because he actually reads the group chat": the sequel
this boy will do all of the verbal talking for the both of you
he's not necessarily over-talkative, but enjoys having conversations
i'm projecting in the next headcanon but hear it out okay
when mikey was a kid, he grew up with a speech delay
it wasn't until his he was between age 8-9 that he began to improve in his speech
because of it however, he relied heavily on gestures and used very little words unless he was unsure of how to express himself
it was a frustrating for him as a kid; not being able to communicate as well with his brothers
excluding donnie from that cause he taught himself ASL, then taught mikey some words to help him
he wants to make sure you feel heard and that you're comfortable
be prepared because if he knows you're fine with it, he'll rope you into group conversations like donnie does
he understands ASL pretty well, but he won't sign back most of the time; he just has a hard time with it
like leo, he's also pretty good at noticing your body language
i mention reader knowing ASL a lot (aligning it with the fact that i hc the turtles knowing it), but if you don't use it to communicate?
the turtles value your friendship and will adapt any form of communication so you can talk with them!!
you just write on a small whiteboard? mikey's got plenty of supplies for you in his room
if you use a text to speech program? they wait patiently for your reply
as i said, they value you as an individual and welcome you into their little family with opens arms <3
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tmnthyperfixation · 2 years
slightly more realistic rise designs to better fit my style, plus 12 boys as yellow-bellied sliders and a bad height chart
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i do not envy either enemy or alternate universe tmnt iterations who learn rise raph is essentially the Nice One thru dire circumstances, truly
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error707-thatdude · 2 years
Digitized one of my Mikey drawings! the guy ever🧡
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