#Rie rambles
thelunarbar · 6 months
One of my biggest issues with this show is how much they push this idea that you HAVE to go to college. Dean went out and got a really respectable and good paying job and Rory bashes on him for it so much. I don’t like Dean but I hate Rory’s perspective on college and the work force. For one thing not everyone has the luxury of going to college and for another not everyone wants to and you can be plenty successful without a college degree.
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stories-by-rie · 1 year
me, writing short stories in english: look at this magic and the slightly weird creatures and sparkly stuff aah shiny :3
me, writing short stories in german: everything is grey and dirty and oh look it's commentary on the mundane
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wingsofbadass · 18 days
Okay so I'm reading tgcf right and I wasn't seeing the big deal about the ship with the uuhhmm name that rhymes (i don't want to tag it), but then all these plot twists happened and now I'm all 👀👀👀 because oh, that's juicy. But now the plot has moved to something else and I wanna know what's going on with them and I can't look up anything because spoilers and aaaagggghhhh
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hurmaes · 2 years
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Ladies, there are days when life and people will test your patience. You will be tempted to raise your voice, see every mistake, and think that life is terrible. Deliver your message in the best way you think you should, but after that, rest your case. Release the bad vibes and center yourself--simmering in anger, frustration, tension, and stress will only deplete your energy.
Don't allow others to have control over you.
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a-whispering-echo · 3 days
Mhhh ideas...
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appetxncy · 2 years
how do you choose a pile/photo/card for pick-a-card readings?
I was sharing a post to a friend who's new to this, and she asked me how to choose one. I shared with her that I personally don't have a specific way of choosing--sometimes it's the photo that stands out the most, sometimes I just close my eyes and there's just a magnetic pull towards a direction, sometimes I hear my name being called by a pile, or a random animal in my head chooses a direction, or even just a drop of water falling in that area. And she called it so mystical lol
so that got me curious, how do you guys choose a pile?
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okthatsgreat · 9 months
had a great conversation today about danganronpa ultimates and the idea that so many of those ultimate talents come with a massive time limit, but this ESPECIALLY applies to sayaka maizono. her entire life is dedicated to being a pop idol to the point she considers her band her family and will go to extreme lengths for them. being a pop idol has quite literally defined her persona and personality for years as a means to survive in that industry. but as a pop idol she only has years left of relevancy because as much as she might fight against it she will eventually grow up and out of the typical age range for idols. best case scenario she becomes a mildly relevant independent singer who still struggles against the pressure of the industry but with far less reward, worst case scenario she is removed from the public eye entirely. and THEN what? hopes peak academy as a replacement for a typical high school experience can be quite terrifying at times just because it focuses in on ONE talent. YOUR talent. but what if your talent comes with an expiration date? what do you do then?? it's not as if you've been prepared for any other career path. you're stuck there
anyways, i just think the idea of a time limit on ultimate talents is both fascinating and pretty devastating. it really emphasises sayakas personal fears as well, considering how little time she has in the spotlight and her desperation to maintain her idol personality, but it also provides a pretty awesome look into a few other ultimate talents as well. athletes (swimmer, gymnast, baseball star, dancer etc) have got time limits ESPECIALLY if they injure themselves, ultimate fashionistas will eventually age. just interesting to think on
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anzuhan · 1 year
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blood-mocha-latte · 8 months
one of my favorite things about sledgefu is how they're so incredibly in sync and yet always, always torn apart by miscommunication. they know exactly who the other is, who they are, what they're like. they've knocked down every single barrier between them as a survival instinct. they're attached at the hip. but when it comes down to it, that's not enough. because they're so attached that they both know that what they want is to be together, and they're so in sync that they think that the last thing that either of them deserves is to be happy. hence. i'll leave you on the train because it's best for you. i'll go back to alabama because it's best for you. we won't seek each other out. you'll be alone, and i'll be alone, and we're so in sync it tears us apart because we both think we deserve better, but you're all i ever want anymore
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calibabii21 · 7 months
mans has tew strong a hold on me???
so many thoughts. so many scenarios. fantasies.
the way he executes every choreography- I shudder every. time.
I'm sorry- did you see how he dusted his shoulder??? the intention?? his expression??????
down. bad.
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thelunarbar · 3 months
Teen Wolf ep two let’s talk about it;
I lowkey love the music in this show
Scott freaking bc Allison’s dad shot him with a cross bow 😂
Derek acts like such a creep just standing on the edge of the lacrosse field like dude stop being weird and wait till Scott’s not in school if you must talk to him, don’t be stalking him where people can see you jeez
The kissing in this show is so cringey and disgustingly loud wtf
Ok ngl you do have to feel bad for Derek that after he finally managed to bury Laura Scott and stiles dig her up. Have some respect for the dead guys damn
I love stiles interacting with his dad.
“That depends on how you define lying.”
“I define it as not telling the truth, how do you define it?”
“Reclining your body in a horizontal position. . .?” 😭😂
More stalking, what is up with these guys???
And then Chris hits Scott with his car love it 👏
What teenager gets that flirty with their bf in front of their dad talk about awkward damn
Stiles cares so much.
And Scott disregards him allllllllllll the time
I think normal went out the window when you got bit by a werewolf there Scotty boy
Why lacrosse??? I would love this show ten times more if it was baseball. I am soooooooooo glad it’s not football tho that’d be worse fs
Jackson’s hair is so bad but very realistic. Scott’s is bad too, and stiles. All poor choices on somebody’s part.
We love a supportive father 🙌 love sheriff stilinski
I love that they stay convinced that Derek murdered Laura for so long. Like what possible motive would he have for that??? Cmon stiles you’re a better detective than that
And then we have Derek being creepy again as the ep ends love it
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stories-by-rie · 9 months
there are false friends that make you go "eh okay" and there are false friends that haunt you every time you open your mouth to speak
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wingsofbadass · 21 days
Last night I suddenly realized I hate having nipples. Like wtf they're good for absolutely nothing, I'm not gonna have kids and they're not very sensitive, so even in a sexy context, they're useless. It's sort of fine when they're soft and barely different from the rest of my skin but when they're hard? Like yikes, get that sensory irregularity off of me? They're weird. I don't want them.
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hurmaes · 2 years
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For all my creative ladies that enjoy spontaneity with a sprinkle of chaos, but are always drawn to organization and hierarchy:
Honor your chaotic inclinations.
If you're naturally chaotic and you thrive off of the energy spikes, mess, and randomness, then honor that.
Acknowledge that part of you, praise that part of you, and most importantly, utilize it.
Make it work for your favor.
If you've found that organizing everything makes you more anxious, then cater your systems to encourage the blossom of an organized chaos that encourages productive spontaneity and creative links.
You don't have to force yourself to create complex systems of organization only to abandon it halfway through because it was getting too overwhelming or boring. You don't have to force yourself to fit in a mold that was not created for you.
What matters at the end of the day is that you're productive, you're successful, and you can do what you need to get done. Bonus points if you're enjoying it while you're doing it. Even more bonus points if you look good while doing it.
But trust me, forcing yourself to be someone you're not will only make you miserable and counterproductive. So listen to your body, your intuition, and natural inclinations. And then turn these inclinations into something that serves you.
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prezaki · 1 year
Rie Tanaka talking about her performance as Lacus is so funny, she's really just like "Lacus is a fucking freak of nature and I had an incredibly difficult time, please help me"
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appetxncy · 2 years
it's both a fucking blessing and a curse to have words of affirmation as your love language because on the one hand it's so easy to please you and make you feel more motivated but also on the other hand it's so easy to dismay you and make you NOT feel motivated.
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