#Rick and Morty The holy family
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lavalave · 2 years ago
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The Holy Family
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scoliosisgoblin · 1 year ago
in my humble opinion, I think Summer is actually really good in school but just doesn't put the effort in to it. like she just doesn't care enough to study or anything, and still gets good marks (she'd get 80% without studying).
she also wouldn't help Morty because he probably falls asleep during tutor sessions, gets pulled away by Rick, or she just gets frustrated with him maybe
and the main reason she doesn't study or anything is because her friends don't think it's cool, and she wants more free time to sniff glue or something idk
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elancholia · 8 months ago
In Early Modern China's nearest attempt at writing a Rick and Morty episode, the lads visit an all-female kingdom and get boypreggers by guzzling from the wrong stream. Luckily,
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I see we're leaving nothing to chance here.
Pilgrim Sun suggests that the births, if unaverted, will take place via a painful tearing-open of the armpit, of all places. Journey to the West Research compares the chapter to an episode from the Mahabharata (in which a king mistakenly drinks holy water intended to give his wife a son) and the choice of birth canal to stories of the legendary sages tearing open their mothers on the way out. Compare and contrast.
Oddly, it's sort of unclear why Western Liang is like this. It doesn't seem like a matter of policy, they're not Amazons and they're practically exhilarated to lay eyes upon our boys. Yes, it's a "male-undoing mountain", but there's no other indication that either the stream itself or the women are sex-selective.
As far as I can tell, this place exists so that Tripitaka can refuse to have sex with the most desperate queen alive — certainly a betrayal of his cicada namesake, but a chance to demonstrate his extreme commitment to virtuous celibacy and family-renunciation while playing his general meekness for laughs.
All that notwithstanding, I think the kingdom and its inhabitants are treated with remarkable respect. Yes, yes, they're desperate for the yang, clearly, but it's also a normal, functioning kingdom of impressive wealth. It has women officials who fulfill all the usual functions of a Sinosphere state, and their capacity to do so is not really commented upon or made ridiculous, at least not in any way that's legible to me. It's just that their entire society temporarily reorganizes itself around getting their superlatively beautiful queen into bed with a shy, celibate monk who needs and wants nothing more than to have his passport* stamped. They want him to stay, marry, and be king. He is defined by compulsive journeying and rejection of his role as paterfamilias. Classic comedy. Compared to the Amazon mythos or Lysistrata, the whole thing actually comes across as less pathological.
*Really, it's a travel rescript — a letter presented to the local government and signed to guarantee safe passage. Securing the travel rescript is a convenient device to force the characters to interact with the weird politics of the kingdoms they pass through.
Note also that abortion is presented as an uncomplicated and uncontroversial good, but that's probably the non-Abrahamic default.
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Obvious commentary on the ongoing FDA abortifacient controversy.
Fruit baskets!
Always the bloody Daoists
Fruit baskets
After their plan to get the passport signed and leave the bride at the altar flubs, Tripitaka is promptly and perhaps serendipitous kidnapped by an unrelated scorpion, but his commitment to semen retention is, once again, simply too powerful, though she tempts him with remarkable persistence and buns filled with human meat. (She ties him up at one point; I'm sure there's fanfic of these two.) Ms. Scorpion does, however, accomplish the nigh-unprecedented feat of landing blows on both Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie in a fair fight, #feminism, before being destroyed by the Chinese equivalent of the constellation Orion (here appearing as a very large chicken).
I'm not sure what we learned from this one and I certainly don't have anything intelligent to add, but damned if it isn't funny.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 10 months ago
Wrote a fanfic based off of a headcanon I have that Rick can't say no to Morty when Morty calls him "Grandpa"
Rick was taking Morty to an alien grocery store, not sure why he needed to drag Morty out of school for something so small, but Morty basically gave up on trying to understand Rick, he probably just needed his human camouflage, someone, to do the shit Rick didn't want to do. Morty scoffed and rolled his eyes. Of course, that's all he was to Rick. Just someone to be his butler, his slave, his human shield, his human cloaking device. How could he forget? Rick was such an amazing grandpa. Morty thought sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
Then he caught sight of something, and he ran towards it, awkwardly squeezing past slimy aliens while saying "Excuse me!" He heard Rick saying "Morty! Stay cl-*burp*-ose by me, you little shit!" Morty ignored Rick and kept running when he finally got to see it clearly then he gasped "Holy crap! A new space hyper-realistic gaming console!" Rick went over to Morty and rolled his eyes "We're in space, you can just say gaming console." Morty ran up to it eagerly checking the pricetag, fuck yes! It was the newest version! Morty was wondering when this would come out! He's been waiting so long! But it was really expensive...
Morty bit his lip then quickly glanced over to Rick and put on his best, most innocent-sounding voice "Rickkk uhm..." He fidgeted and gulped, rubbing the back of his neck "Say you wouldn't mind...buying that for me, would you?" Morty asked, pointing over to the gaming console." Rick let out a sigh "How mu-*burp*-ch is it?" Morty mumbled the price "3....ahem...3000 glorpglams..." Rick said "What? Spit it o-*burp*-ut kid, Rick got your tongue?" Morty said it a litte louder now "3000 glorpglams..." Rick blinked "Seriousl-*burp*-y Morty? That's stupi-*burp*-dly expensive. Do you think Grandpa is made of money? You already have o-*burp*-ne of these." Morty whined "B-b-but this is the newest version! It comes with all kinds of new games! A-and they added better graphics, smoother gameplay, and everything! C'mon Rick please?" Rick shook his head "Nope. Morty if I b-*burp*-uy that for your dumb little ass, I'll have to remove some thi-*burp*-ngs from my shopping list. Do you know how much that's going to impede my work?" Morty kept whining "Pleaseeee?" Rick sighed "Morty. I said n-*burp*-o. End of discussion."
Morty sighed, he was thinking for a minute, then had a quick smirk as he got an idea. He lightly tugged on Rick's labcoat, looked up at him with the biggest puppy eyes he could muster and put on his cutest voice, put on his best pout then begged "Please, Grandpa?" He saw Rick visibly twitch at the familial term, his posture suddenly straightening, his eyes widen and his grip on the cart tightening. Rick quickly took a glance at Morty, big mistake, he saw Morty's pout and puppy eyes. Morty then clasped his hands together in a classic begging gesture. Rick let out a long sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. Mumbling something insulting himself for being weak and calling Morty something along the lines of "Manipulative little shit." then he gestured over, and Morty blinked "Wh-" Then Rick interrupted "Just put it in the c-*burp*-art. Hurry up before I change my mind." Morty held back a smirk, got him! He let out a small "Yes!" and then ran over to the gaming console and put it in the cart. "Thanks, Rick!" Rick rolled his eyes "Yeah, what-*burp*-ever."
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zeep-xanflorp · 1 year ago
ok i'm just gonna ramble ab unmortricken bc i have exactly ZERO COHERENT THOUGHTS AB IT
evil morty backstory - i rlly like that they just made him some random morty who rose above everything after getting sick of rick's abuse. it makes what he did feel even more earned and weighty. i think his motivation is a bit extreme still but i can't rlly blame him.
it's cool seeing infinity beyond the central finite curve. the jetsons inspired bit was v amusing bc i forgot about them lmao. but otherwise it seems absolutely wild west beyond the curve and i LIVE for that.
i also didnt imagine that we'd be seeing him again. i thought the way he left the show was perfect and if they brought him back it would just feel cheap but it DOESNT in this episode i love his appearance.
i rlly like seeing our morty be supportive of rick. he's literally trying everything to cheer him up and it's very important to me.
the prime decoys confuse me. like do they all share a consciousness? is prime just very very good at fucking with ppl that he's made all the decoys communicate w each other?
evil morty outsmarting rick is a great recurring theme in the episode. "filter for probability stasis" YEAH U TELL HIM LITTLE DUDE. we've never seen a morty like that EXCEPT for him and i think it's wonderful.
the exchange between rick and evil morty. "you're such a narcissist" / "literal glass house" / "you think you're better than me?" / "jesus i HOPE SO" SHITTING
i didnt initially like the decoy trap thing being full of loads of other ricks. it made me feel like our rick wasn't very important to this dude and rick just made an enemy of a guy who didn't know he existed. BUT i don't stand by that anymore. the rest of the episode made me change my mind very quickly with.
the omega device. holy fuck this is the worst reveal to come out of this episode. she wasn't just killed, she was ERASED by prime in every reality. like she is GONE gone. that's why we've never seen her, save in flashbacks and memories. she's gone.
and i'm pretty sure it's our rick's fault that he did that. we see his beth and his diane be killed by a bomb, not wiped from reality like slo mobius is later in the episode. so his family was killed BEFORE all the shit with the omega device. ik correlation ≠ causation, but it rlly explains why our rick in particular is so hungry for revenge. if he was the one that made prime kill diane everywhere then he had to be the one to make prime pay for it.
i like how the multiple monitors seems to be prime's signature move. it happens here and in the s6 premiere.
and oh fuck the parallels. "when i invent something it works, it's called being talented" in story train vs "when i make a weapon in works."
oh man the diane head weapon thing. it's interesting that it was programmed to mock rick sexually, but even on our rick who knows it's a trap, it still affects him seeing her face again. "god i missed that face." and then the blank stare when she asks for a kiss. pretty sweet and fucked up.
rick and evil morty having to work together to get their portals working. the contrast between our morty freaking out and evil morty blank staring.
the bit with the portal closing too soon. i know it happened earlier this season and i think it's so funny lmao.
prime calling rick the Wife Guy. hilarious. raises questions. makes me gnaw on my cell bars.
AND THEN the second incredible reveal of the episode: "Honestly, Wife Guy, I do miss when it was just us. The only two Ricks who actually invented portal travel." WHAT bestie prime bby girl u need to say that again. you guys were the ONLY ones who invented interdimensional travel, every rick's claim to fame. but no they just got the technology from prime who started a boys club of ricks who wanted to leave their lives behind that our rick refused.
but the reference to a time when they were closer, when it was only them - HELLO?? maybe i'm grasping at straws bc i want them to bang but holy shit.
the confirmation of the fan theory that rick based his AI voice on his wife. 10/10.
and then the fight scene. oh gods the fight scene. rick just screaming that he'll kill prime. prime regenerating constantly, looking unscathed as our rick becomes more and more dishevelled. it's too perfect i CANT. but otherwise they both seem pretty evenly matched w all the implants and stuff so without the regeneration i think rick would've had him. oh well.
rick like literally died during the fight.
the cool grandson/shitty grandpa exchange gives me breath. i LOVE how it's a morty that outsmarts prime. it's what he deserves.
prime still trying to be a smartass to evil morty, growing more and more panicked as it goes on bc he doesn't know what to do with the situation and control for once is not in his hands.
"what are u gonna 'aw geez' me to death?"
evil morty not even explaining his plan, just silently dragging in our rick and reviving him. saying "knock yourself out" with the intended double meaning. prime's almost scared expression as rick gets dragged in.
and then our rick has a choice. he can stop evil morty from keeping the weapon plans or he can kill prime. but that's a choice he made already. it's not even a decision. so his other enemy gets away.
the brutal brutal scene at the end when rick is just hitting prime. no tech, no implants, no gadgets. just fists. and rick beats him literally to a pulp as prime screams and laughs at him and taunts him further. it's meant to be sickening. it's meant to be personal. and it accomplishes that perfectly.
they don't even show prime's body in great detail. it's RIGHT in the background but we heard the sounds of the punches, we saw his nose break and his bloody teeth and haemorrhaging eyes and his brains coming out the side of it head and all we can make out is his fucked up swollen and broken face in the background as he sits still attached to the chair, a river of his blood pouring from the room.
but its not triumphant. they made rick's revenge hollow and bittersweet. its over but it destroyed rick in the process. who is he now that he isn't hunting prime? fucking no one.
then "look on down from the bridge" starts playing. we heard this in season 1 in rick potion #9 after morty had to bury a version of himself. he was struggling with the purpose of his life after switching universes. but he deals with it and overcomes it.
i think that scene is rick, for the first time in the entire show, struggling with his nihilistic philosophy. bc yes, he's shown to be an existentialist in the show (the difference being existentialists are "nothing matters but this matters to me" instead of "nothing matters so i don't have to do anything"). he had a drive. he had ppl he cared about. but now he's reached his goal he just feels empty and hollow. everything's meaningless and he's NOT okay with that. he never has been, but he has to grapple with that finally now he doesn't have a distraction. i don't think he can just bounce back and move past what happened.
ppl are saying this episode felt overstuffed and maybe it was but i'm very pleased with it and want to know where it's going.
i feel we still don't know the full story with prime. i'm predicting a flash back episode in the future explaining what the nature of their relationship was like before the bomb incident.
we also know that evil morty has this weapon that could destroy all ricks. so that is just a ticking bomb.
anyway i can't wait for angsty rick.
i actually watched unforgiven for this episode bc i'm a big fan of westerns anyway. the only real parallels i can see is they both have a group of three (two are already partners and the other one is the call to adventure) and an unsatisfying ending. bc that's the nature of westerns. they should NEVER end happily, and if u think so then ur wrong (/nsrs enjoy media how u want).
some things i haven't mentioned but enjoyed nonetheless
the schematics for the omega device is titled <SCHEMATICS BOOGER-AIDS-V2>
the arm/leg swap best in the fight
the comparison between the song at the end playing here and in season one shows with just visuals how the dynamic of beth and jerry's (and beth's) marriage has evolved since then.
everyone freaking out when indiana jones rick shoots and it ricochets off the wall and evil morty just stands expressionless until it hits his forcefield.
morty going to hug rick covered in blood, realising, hesitating, and then doing it later anyway to try and make rick feel better.
evil morty making a point to say that he doesn't want vengeful summers coming after him for omega devicing rick. not vengeful mortys, vengeful SUMMERS.
just evil morty in this whole episode was an absolute delight i need to see him more.
slo mobius' wife almost going down the same path our rick did only to find someone she loves and focus on that, saving her. makes me wonder if they're gonna try putting rick in a relationship.
this ended up being way longer than it should have. anyway. very pleased. this season is hitting all the marks for me overall.
also don't be too hard on me i didnt edit this 😭
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fear-no-mort · 1 year ago
who else up losing your mind bc you remembered our morty is the only one who came into existence naturally without being specifically made by/for rick and he also just so happens to have the strongest and most genuine bond with rick. tfw rick loves morty so much he tries to recreate him over and over . rick went throughout his whole hunting prime thing seeing mortys every now and then and never really seeing the appeal but then he meets morty prime and hes like Holy Fuck it’s like getting hit by a truck everything he’s known gets flipped upside down bc this kid is the first real thing he’s seen in lifetimes but like also he’d still love morty more than anything in the world no matter what even if nothing ever happened and they were just a normal family
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citrusrick · 1 year ago
s7e5 Unmortricken (HUGE SPOILERS)
HOLY. SHIT. i did not expect this at all and was so fucking excited!! we've all been waiting for this for a looong time, both the rick prime and the evil morty returns! and they gave it to us in one episode!
there is soooo much to unpack in this episode, but i'm dumping all my initial thoughts into this post. i feel like every scene during this episode my mind was turning so fast. this episode broke me and healed me, idek. i just need to take a minute and stare at the wall in silence for a while. my brain is just a mantra of god i fucking love this show so fucking much.
evil morty not only being smarter than c137, but prime is so fucking cool. definitely hoping we see more of him in the future, especially with how he downloaded the schematics of prime's brain. his plotline is definitely not completely finished. (especially 'the rick project'? very interested in that tbh)
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needless to say, c137 and prime's (and evil morty's) fight was fucking awesome and well-done. especially the very last when rick gets to just beat him to death, thanks to evil morty. also, we see a rick’s ego get him once again with the mindset of ‘a morty could never outsmart/get me’, and boom.
i loved how it ended simply like that, no gadgets, just punching the shit out of him until he dies while prime keeps saying things he thinks will cut deep. prime telling c137 that nothing he has now actually belongs to him, AGH! no words. just thinking about how hard that must've been for rick to assimilate into the family, so fucking painful.
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learning that prime not only killed rick c137's diane, but ALL dianes across all the infinite realities makes a lot of things come together and make sense. basically, prime threw a massive fit over some rick's not wanting to drop everything to join him in his universe-hopping. also prime giving rick shit for his car sounding like diane when he literally modeled his kill bots after her is so fucking ironic lmao
rick prime saying he missed when he was just him and rick, the only two to actually invent portal travel, really interested me. so this means that both prime and c137 are the 'rickest rick'. also c137's diane was not killed with the omega machine, as we saw her and little beth killed with a bomb.
when i first saw that poster with rick and morty covered in 'spaghetti sauce' while morty hugs rick, i knew it was gonna end up being in an episode with blood all over them and i was half-right, since rick's the only one covered in blood when morty hugs him in this episode lol
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another little thing i noticed, they very prominently showed us prime and c137's cybernetic wiring tangling together in a shot during the fight. is this something that'll be relevant later or just like a random shot?
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i think it's possible rick prime isn't dead, maybe left alive by c137 for some reason we don't know yet. we don't necessarily see prime die only c137 come out covered in blood and imply that prime's gone. (i noticed tear tracks on in the blood on rick's face and thought i was tripping at first but he was crying, shattering my heart over here).
if it was truly that simple and rick prime is truly gone forever, rick now has to move on with the rest of his life and figure out who he is without this need for revenge driving him. i'm so nervous to see what happens after this. it'll either free him or destroy him.
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p.s. that post credit scene, which was (in my opinion) showing us what would've happened with rick and birdperson if things were different between them. just a little thing i thought of, and i'm not even a huge birdperson/rick shipper.
p.s.s. and even if it's not about rick/birdperson specifically, it still means rick could've chosen a different path if he'd been able to let go of his need to kill rick prime and get revenge.
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zanukavat · 1 year ago
so, I made these cute ref sheets in the shows style yesterday (and today), apologies if you cant decipher my scribbly handwriting, ill summarize below:
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Rick (nicknamed on the citadel "Seven")
Rick's home dimension is M-121.5 but you could hardly call it a home. He left his Diane and Beth behind shortly after acquiring portal technology from Prime or one of his subordinate Ricks, wandering off to absorb himself in the vastness of infinity.
His original dimension never ended up birthing a Morty, since his Beth and Jerry had trouble supporting themselves and had Summer as their only child.
Rick, eventually growing lonely but refusing to admit it, joins the citadel in an effort to be useful and climb the ranks there with the hopes of living a fulfilling life in a safe, Rick-made bubble. He gets assigned a Morty as standard, but said Morty dies in combat on a riot not too shortly after.
Rick gets a (small) punishment, one you'd get for breaking a doorknob or forgetting to turn off the lights in the building before you leave; getting a Morty killed. He probably just has to scrub toilets for a week or something.
He gets his new Morty and resumes work on the teleportation deck as normal and lives with his Morty in a small apartment, until S301 where they manage to flee the citadel together.
Morty ("unlucky charm" / other similar insults behind his back)
Has forgotten his original dimensional code due to constant changes of ownership. Only the Morty databanks know it now. He took M-121.5's dimension as his and carries a small wristband with the code written on it.
This Morty has gone through a LOT of Ricks. Six in fact, which is why his new Rick is mockingly called "Seven" by others on the citadel, making fun of him for ending up with such a shitty excuse of a Morty. Asking him if he'd lost a bet.
Morty's left arm has been surgically altered to fit a tracker interface that'll show Rick's current position and vitals to Morty. Though he only gets this later, after they flee the citadel.
The jacket he is wearing was originally merchandise stolen from a small shop he worked in while living on the citadel. They later add patches to it in an effort to cover up the citadel logo, since Morty doesn't want to give up the jacket, and Rick is paranoid about association with the citadel after they've fled. Pretty rich coming from the guy still wearing his uniform under a stinky coat, but what can you do when those are the only clothes you've got.
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They go through an intense period of struggling for survival, with the Federation collapse and chaos left behind, the two of them retreat to more desolate spots of the universe to wait for the dust to settle. After a bit of "holy shit we lived" euphoria, they fight a lot, with Rick slowly noticing the many flaws in this Morty he is now -- in his assumption -- forever stuck with. He also pushes Morty too far numerous times but reels him back in again anytime because what other option is there? Being stranded alone in an asteroid gas station restaurant?
Eventually Morty suggests returning to "their" home dimension. Rick's home dimension. He's reluctant but eventually (after a really long while and lots of convincing) does give in since their circumstances are dire and they could use a little civilization, even if it means returning to the family he abandoned.
I don't have much worked out for this Smith family, but I'd assume Summer is a good deal different from the Summer we know, due to being an only child. Beth's daddy issues are just as intense as Beth Prime.
This Beth and Jerry probably also never end up divorced and stay together for Summer's sake, honestly probably unhealthier than just splitting up for the time being and working out their issues separately.
Once they crash (probably literally) into their new "home" and everybody gets over the initial insanity of the situation, Rick struggles to confront the reasons he left and kind of just drowns himself in unhealthy habits. Besides the known drinking issues which is kind of the baseline, he makes sure to never let Morty out of his sight and pretty much makes a normal life for the kid impossible despite desperately promising it to him when they turned to move to Earth.
He builds a new portal gun out of scrap they've harvested while surviving and old things Beth never threw away because they reminded her of her father, and he's gone again. Gone with Morty. Gone God knows where. Except he returns at night to sleep in a shitty little cot and fuck he probably drags Morty's air mattress into his room with him without any explanation. Blames it on Morty not being able to sleep alone since they left the citadel. Blames it on anything but himself.
They go into what I'd describe as a narcissism-fuelled grace period, or honeymoon period, the more time they spend together off-planet after crashing at the Smith's house.
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They go from Rick being very controlling and making Morty feel like an inferior sidekick, to Rick actually opening up and helping him become better. Very slowly and gradually, he realizes that, well, he's stuck with this Morty now. This is *his* Morty by all intents and purposes, and he doesnt have a fuckin replacement Morty ticket and after constructing and unregistered portal gun he'd not be let back into the citadel anyway even after reconstruction - so might as well invest his time and effort into this one Morty as much as he (claims to) hate it.
The kid is so broken already, having witnessed so many versions of his grandpa die, which Rick realizes after a while would just make it easier for him to reassemble him anew and mold him how he wants it. He's a sick bastard but if it aint broke dont fix it and especially dont fix it if it promises to always stay by your side and begs you not to leave
The whole "unlucky charm" curse only serves to fuel Rick's ego too because, unlike all these previous Ricks he only knows about on paper, *he* hasn't died yet with this shitty excuse of a Morty around him. which makes him better than all those before him. He's cocky, priding himself on living where those Ricks failed.
He gets too confident, as all Ricks do, and after a few too-close brushes with death he does decide to invest into various failsafes and "upgrading" Morty to a standard he sees fit. This is when Morty gets the tracker arm enhancement and various other augmentations that'll essentially turn him into a lifeline for Rick. He's driven by anxiety of his past mistakes, past deaths of Ricks, repeating. This time there'd be no scolding by teachers and new Rick two weeks later. There'd only be grief, and nothing.
Morty's trained not only in combat and survival skills but also shown how to reboot and even replace certain cybernetic parts of Rick's body.
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surgery, baby!
Not on a clone, not a simulation, the real him. Train for the real deal.
They spend weeks in the newly constructed underground labs, Morty cutting him open and putting him back together; surgeries upon surgeries without any anesthetic so that Rick is fully aware and awake to guide Morty through it.
Eventually Morty does have to put those skills to the test when shit goes wrong on an adventure, but this is already so long so I'll spare you!! I'd be surprised if you read to here, if you did, thank you and I'm glad you're interested in my little guys !!
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sadiecoocoo · 1 year ago
Sooo I’ve heard some ppl say that fear no mort is gonna be abt them facing their greatest fears or something, and I’ve seen some ppl theorize on what said fears will be. And id like to give my two cents on the matter :)
Rick’s fears
I think that Rick would honestly be terrified of seeing Diane or prime again. Like imagine if Diane’s ghost just showed up and was rlly nice to him and jsut not like herself at all (cuz we know her personality is the same as the ship and garage AI, so she isn’t the nicest person in the world, which like slay). I think her just being nice to Rick and saying how it wasn’t his fault would freak him tf out, cuz let’s remember that he made a ghost AI of her that was programmed to berate him and be mean to him, so he didn’t want comfort or to be told that it wasn’t his fault.
Now, if Rick saw Prime again, one of two things would happen; he would either break down fully, or just be rlly fucking mad and try to kill prime again (personally this is what I want to see the most, but I’ll explain that in a bit)
Another fear could be that the rest of the family (mainly Morty) dies or is fatally injured to the point of no return. Because we’ve seen Rick bring Morty bad from fatal injuries, and death from the last episode multiple times, but how would Rick react if he couldn’t do anything?
Another fear for Rick (this guy is gonna be going thru it) would be that he sees more of prime in Morty. I’ve read multiple fics where Rick is scared of Morty turning out like prime, so what would happen to Rick if that rlly started happening?
Now, another fear, this one I think would be the most intense for Rick, would be pirates. No more to add to that, we all know why :)
Morty’s fears
I think Morty would have more basic fears, things more that a teenager would be afraid of (along with all the other crazy shit that Rick has exposed him to). For starters, he may just be terrified of rejection, which would be an interesting thing to see. Like imagine if Rick was having a full on break down, and then Morty’s just dealing with minor stuff like being told no in a mean way.
A more in depth fear could be abandonment issues. He was definitely rlly upset with the two crows, and very worried abt the Jerrick stuff. Imagine Morty’s stuck in a dark room, completely alone, and then when he does see “Rick” again, he’s just being rude to Morty and telling him how worthless he is (but in a harsher way than he used to, in a way that makes it seem serious). What if Morty got a vision of Rick replacing him with another Morty, like holy shit that would mentally scar him so badly! Or what if a fake Rick started taunting Morty with the free Morty coupon?
I also think that Morty has a buried fear of ending up like prime. Like he’s already sort of on his way to becoming like any Rick, what with him being desensitized to violence and being seen as a national threat. I think that both him and Rick would be absolutely terrified if that happening to Morty, if he someday snaps and Rick can’t do anything abt it.
Edit: just thought abt this but, uh- king jellybean
 not much needs to be said for that one

In conclusion,
I’m seriously excited abt the next episode, I wanna see what theories (from anybody) were correct and I wanna see if the finale is gonna be as mentally scarring as the others have been!
Back to what I said abt Rick seeing prime, you all know abt the theory of prime downloading a bit of himself into Rick’s head right? What if Rick sees Prime’s “ghost” in whatever haunted house they go to, and he fully thinks that it’s just fake and stuff after the initial shock. But when they get back home, what if Rick sees prime again? What if he continues to see prime on a daily basis? What if that escalates to prime always being there, always tormenting him, always telling him how worthless he is, until Rick can’t take it anymore?
Ig all I have left to say abt all this is, what if?
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summersmithlatinxgyatt · 1 year ago
Summancing The Stone (Part 3 Summer Analysis)
My second Summer analysis blog EXPLODED, so first of all, thank you so so so much for nearly 60 notes as of writing this. Moving to Tumblr, I love that people are listening to what I have to say about Summer, it even seems that I'm one of the few people that TALK about Sum-Sum. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Moving on to the main topic with a recap to start us off. In my first blog, I talked about how 'Wedding Squanchers' features the single most impactful Summer scene, despite no dialog from her and how it lasts a few seconds
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Going off this scene, I then talked about how Summer felt the need to address her insecurities and 'avenge' Rick, as she blamed herself for befriending Tammy for feeling alone and then causing a chain reaction that tied in Rick, The Galactic Federation, Earth, and the whole family
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I forgot to mention that there's a seeming consistency that before this, Summer goes with the norm to survive and if it will make her popular and/or loved
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When she turns to Headism, she strives to be the best version of herself and for her parents, stressed when a single flaw slips through the cracks.
In 'Big Trouble In Little Sanchez', although she rides the wave of Tiny Rick for popularity, she at least addresses that Rick is endangered
In 'Meeseeks and Destroy', she uses a Meeseeks to become popular
In 'Rick Potion #9', we see the inverse with Morty trying to be popular and Summer surviving despite the apocalypse happening around her. We also see a theme of Summer loving apocalypse scenarios (which is the basis of Rickmancing the Stone), which I imagine is because she can show her survival instincts skyrocket alongside popularity when the world is crumbling
In 'Something Ricked This Way Comes', she handles working with the devil/Mr. Needful in order to be accepted for her hard work
The point is that Summer wants to be accepted and fights to survive. This culminates in the aforementioned 'Wedding Squanchers' scene, which is also the pinnacle of wishing to be accepted and having to survive being tracked by the Galactic Federation. And on a final note before we actually talk about Rickmancing the Stone, Summer also has a parallel to Morty's narrative (this being a condensed way to put it). Although Morty dealt with the horrifying reality around him from Rick showing it to him, Summer deals with thinking every action results in horrifying consequences and that she is inherently a product of said horrifying reality Today I rewatched 'Rickmancing the Stone'. And holy shit, talk about a Summer episode. It rounds off this trilogy. 'Wedding Squanchers' marks the end of Summer trying to be outright popular and dealing with all her actions and insecurities in one flash. 'The Rickshank Rickdemption' shows how she's done with going with the norm to survive and goes against the Federation, trying to undo all of her actions and saving Rick. Now we have 'Rickmancing the Stone', an episode that highlights how she's lacking empathy and being blunt. It's time to break this beast down and analyze Summer
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First off, we see her ignore her dad in the cold open and already want to go with Rick. I know she doesn't ALWAYS address him as 'grandpa Rick', but just calling him Rick also emphasizes this. Considering the previous two episodes, she wants to be close to Rick after almost losing him for something she blamed herself for. I think it also makes sense because Rick is not only someone she admires, but he's family. She doesn't have to 'befriend' Rick, in a way. He already holds her to a regard, so it works. This logic works in the other way too. She already had a rocky relationship with her father, seen in 'Look Who's Purging Now' because she doesn't hold any respect for her father or in any high regard - just like how Rick views Summer. She ignores Jerry and doesn't care about saying goodbye. It's likely because it's pointless - she'll already be seeing him, it's not some final goodbye, and even if it is, she already didn't have him as involved in her life. It's not like when Rick was ripped out of her life, someone who loved Summer and understood her
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Of course, Summer is a killing machine in this episode. As I mentioned, she's fighting to survive and reigning supreme, except it isn't entirely for love and her self image. Although everyone knows this scene, the line 'Okay, but not because you told me to' is not just an angered teen saying. It shows she's still against being told what to do and is now showing she won't take orders, but do what SHE wants - such as killing someone because SHE wants to, not because someone else wants it
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A core part of Summer and this episode is strength. She joins Hemmorhage and his group when he literally says the group is stronger now. Summer is obviously showing her physical strength, but also her mental strength by choosing to push through (as we saw with all three of these episodes). Because after facing all her weaknesses from no love, she tries to overcome it by being strong and somewhat 'selfish' (not in a negative way)
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Again, part of that strength is family strength. She parades Morty and proudly displays HIS strength (and yes Morty and Rick have awesome arcs but I'm focusing on Summer, you see the theme of strength). That's because again, she's focusing on the family and the bond with her brother and grandfather. No friends to be made here, just going with her brother and grandfather
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The scene with Hemmorhage is pretty good. I think the foundation of her attraction is that Hemorrhage is flawed. Rather than going for someone who's seemingly flawless and makes her swoon (although this kinda goes against her going after Ethan in 'The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy'), the moment Hemorrhage goes on about his insecurities, it's like she finds it relatable and predictable because SHE went through it, just going in for a kiss. This also comes after when he takes off his helmet and she goes on a lil' nerdy rant about mustaches and helmets, which seems to me that it's rooted in trying to show off her intellegence like Rick, but it just shows her passion and trying to comfort Hemorrhage
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Side note, I think this robot Summer managed to help Beth call Jerry because of a mix of her old ideologies and new ones, coming together to AGAIN, have her family bond together. Don't forget that Summer was the one who wanted to bring Rick back, people forget how she brings the family together
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Let's talk about Hemorrhage.
Summer does not deny that she's still the same and says she's as crazy as when they first met. Instead, Hemorrhage is the one who softens up. She regrets marrying him and can't continue with it, which is going to culminate in an ultimate breakdown of Summer, the past episodes and blogs, and consistencies/incosistencies
Summer has wanted to focus on herself or closer bonds. Rather than trying to make a friend, she focuses on the strength of her nearest family and being aware of how weak family CAN be. Realizing how fragile it is, is why she doesn't care for Jerry and doesn't take the divorce too close. At the same time, this is why she cherishes Rick and Morty for knowing how one wrong move can break this all apart. In fact, this is probably why Night Summer...was the HEAD OF THE NIGHT FAMILY?? Just a thought...
Back on topic. We do see her insecurities pop up in Season 3, but they also focus on family, such as Jerry's girlfriend and how she appreciates her mother trying to connect and help her cope with her body alongside rejection. She's not perfect, but she works so hard to fix these things. Rickmancing the Stone shows that from now on, we'll see a Summer who is at the top of her game to simply BE at the top of her game. It's rooted in keeping in mind that everything is fragile, but she shouldn't mess up and blame herself. She should be cautious, even if this happens as a lesson AFTER she falls to her insecurities and negative thoughts. She's almost THE glue that keeps the family together this time. She doesn't try to listen to authority but herself, which explains why she still listens to her insecurities that linger. Rickmancing The Stone perfectly rounded off this trilogy I'm studying We go from Summer blaming herself for her insecurities and loneliness, realizing she's put everyone in danger even if she is the ONLY one that thinks this
She then tries to make up for it feverishly by bringing Rick back and trying to make her family reject the Federation
Finally, with Rick back, she doesn't let go of him and excitedly shows him how she's changed not just for him but for herself. She holds his respect high and we've come a long way from Rick saying she and Morty are both whiny pieces of shit he can't tell apart. She focuses on being strong, not on weaknesses. I think Rickmancing The Stone is not only fucking amazing in showing this, but the third part in this sequence of Summer's arc that forever changes her character from a mostly insecure teen to basically being a girlboss who just says and does what's on her mind
tldr summer is so cool and people should talk about how they made her cool it's not an accident or thing they randomly put in episodes #respectsummer
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scoliosisrick · 9 months ago
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theodorearsene · 3 months ago
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Jeremy Strong, 45, cisgender male, he/him ; ] 
 the photo on the missing poster is of THEODORE ARSÈNE. they are FORTY, and have been missing for ONE MONTH. when the sun rises, they work as a PSYCHIATRIST/HUNTER. rumors in town say they can be WOUNDED and RESILIENT. they chose to live in THE CHURCH, and have an uncanny resemblance to Ivan Fyodorovich Karamazov (The Brothers Karamazov), The Narrator (Fight Club) and Silas (Da Vinci Code). Can they survive another night ? ➻ a worn out Holy Bible in the bedside of a seedy motel, a bouquet of throned roses, a pack of Lucky Strikes, crisp linens, fresh bergamot, and a well loved stuffed rabbit.
threads - visage - playlist - moodboards - guidelines
Name: Theodore S. ArsĂšne
Alias: Theo, Teddy
Gender/Pronouns: male, he/him
Age: 40
Birthdate: 02/25
Big Three: Pisces, Sagittarius, Sagittarius
Occupation: Psychiatrist/Hunter
Height: 5'10"
Hometown: REDACTED, WI → Chicago, IL
Family: Samuel Grace (biological father), Asa Walker (father Asa), David Havemeyer (father David), Hester Grace (mother), Ruth Grace (mother), Ophelia ArsĂšne (sister), Zipporah Grace (sister), Esther Grace (sister), Miriam Grace (sister), Eden Grace (sister), Michael Grace (brother), Aaron Grace (brother), Elijah Grace (brother), Barnabas Grace (brother), Jethro Grace (brother), Seth Grace (brother), Eresh Lenore ArsĂšne (niece).
Friends: Ophelia ArsĂšne
Relationship Status: single
Sexuality: heterosexual (glass closeted bisexual)
Other Relationships:
Character Inspiration: Schmidt - New Girl, Ivan Fyodorovich Karamazov (The Brothers Karamazov), The Narrator (Fight Club) and Silas (Da Vinci Code), Morty Smith (Rick & Morty), Kenneth the Page - 30Rock.
Personality Type: ISFJ
The Family's Five Truth's (for Men)
Sacred Duty - Accept your castration willingly as a symbol of the ultimate sacrifice for your divine purpose.
Trust in Father - Father Samuel’s word is the Truth and you must never question his teachings lest you fall victim to the wretchedness of the World.
Defend Family Honor - Protect the Family at any and all costs from any evil influences, ensuring the legacy is upheld
Provide and Serve - Work tirelessly to sustain the family physically and spiritually.
Sacrifice your Desires - Renounce any personal pleasure, desire or ambition for the greater good of the Family.
The Family's Five Truth's (for women)
Obey Authority- Follow the Leaders without question.
Purity Above All - Guard your body and mind from worldly possessions.
Silent Submission - Speak only when spoken to; silence is a virtue.
Family is God's Will - Marry young, bear children, and serve your family's role.
Faith over Doubt - Never question the teachings; unwavering belief ensures salvation.
TW: physical & mental abuse, castration, religious cult and all that entails, homophobia, kidnapping
Protect and Serve. A familiar term for people in the armed services, and for everyone born into the Family. Especially the boys, as it was their duty. And poor Theodore, he had to be a Grace boy. Born at around one in the morning; screaming. Perhaps he was brought into the world with an innate knowing of what his fate was, where his bloodline lay. Theo was born into, what they called, the Family. A group of like-minded individuals who lived together in a communal setting. They had for centuries. It wasn’t easy growing up on the compound. Children were taught to be quiet, to keep their heads down and their hands busy. Everything the way it should be; for the Greater Good. Step too far out of line and be punished. These punishments varied in severity and manner but cruel all the same. 
"She keeps beating the children and they are all crying. She is teaching Lida to sing 'My Village,' the boy to dance, Polenka the same. She is tearing up all the clothes, and making them little caps like actors; she means to carry a tin basin and make it tinkle, instead of music.... She won't listen to anything.... Imagine the state of things! It's beyond anything!" - Marmeladov (Crime and Punishment).
Theo was good at this. Keeping his head down and working. Never questioning the rules laid out before him. In his youngest, most tender years – he was nearly forgotten. You wouldn’t hear a peep from little Theo. He had a keen eye already and quickly took notice of what to do to be favored in the eyes of Father. Brown Noser, Suck Up. It didn’t matter; he did what he had to in order to survive. These brown nosing activities did nothing to spare him from the extreme pathologies of the Elders. It was already set in stone. They had already reached their capacity for men, and even being Samuel’s son couldn’t save him from that. 
The day it happened, it changed something inside of him. Something as visceral, as painful, as wretched as that – you could never make it out and be the same person as before. He was twelve. It was the single worst act of betrayal he has experienced, even to this day. Suddenly, Theo was doing everything he wasn’t supposed to do. He was thinking for himself, asking himself; Why? Why would God want this to happen to me? My parents? The people who are supposed to love me?’. He felt like a well run dry, and he was starting to see where it was planted – the sky was barren and it would be some time before the rain came. He started plotting how he was going to leave but for two years he allowed himself to be brow beat into questioning his own thoughts. The Hallmark of the Grace Fathers. By the time he was 15, he could hardly take it. The way he saw his sister’s used as cattle, ones branded and beat. His brothers, indoctrinated into submission. At night, he tossed and turned; haunted by the cries of his brothers and sisters. The only people in the world who understood, only people who actually loved. Oh god, it was unbearable! He was fevered, sweaty palms and sweaty sheets. 
By 16, he found refuge in a boy who lived in the nearest town. Needy and begging for some hope to cling to, he falls in love. Hopeless and messy. Sloppy, even - which is why one of his other brother’s spotted him kissing the other. Of course, he immediately ran to tell all the Mothers and Fathers. The thing’s Theo suffered from in retaliation of this ‘act of defiance to God’ are purely put, unspeakable. A ‘Purification Ritual’. So unspeakable that he gathered all of the things he could that night and fled. As far as his tired legs could take him. To a county road. His thumb pointed upwards, bloody and weak. A hotel general manager passing through took pity on him and agreed to take him wherever she was going. Perhaps the largest act of kindness he had experienced so far, besides the siblings that helped him with his escape. Theo didn’t know where he was going to go and it didn’t really matter to him. 
Chicago, that’s where she was headed. Some kind of conference. She couldn’t help him out besides that. She had dropped him off at the hospital, figuring he needed some kind of assistance. Outside this looming building is where he met Dr. Lemoine, an old curmudgeon who also took pity on this poor thing. 
You see, this Dr. Lemoine had also suffered a similar fate as a young boy. A result of illness rather than evil but the sting feels the same. A man fated to have no sons, and a son fated to have no father. Like Sherlock and Watson, they were quite the pair. Dr. Lemoine taught him everything he knew about psychiatry. He groomed him into an excellent Psychiatrist, enrolling him into advanced classes (once he had caught up of course), private tutors and everything he needed to thrive. Theo took to this very quickly, eager to soak up all of the knowledge he could. Ignorance tasting too bitter on his tongue after being forced into it his entire life. He thrived here, able to empathize with other people. Their pains, their fears. He could psychoanalyze someone in give minutes flat. 
He was still in his residency when Ophelia came to live with him. Theo rented an okay for Chicago one bedroom. Usually just enough for him, but he would take the couch for her. Anything to give his sister the best, she didn’t need to suffer anymore than she had. He got by working odd jobs; usually wait staff. He could always lean on his interim father for monetary help but he didn’t like to do this. Theo strove to not put any more burden onto the kind man he affectionately calls Dad.
Everything was looking up. He was about to receive his license to practice, his sister was by his side and doing better than ever, not a single penny out of place. Until the wretched night that she was ripped away from their new life, undoubtedly ratted out by another sibling. All the way in Chicago, their gangstalking had no limits. 
For the first time in his life, he felt pure hatred. He wanted to kill his father, everyone who had lead to this. Theo fixated on this for years, trying to figure out how to get her back without being drug back there by his fingernails too. So naturally, when he got word that Ophelia was once more escaped, safe in Arcadia; his feet moved before he did and he ran to her. The only time in his life he ran and knew where he was going. Theo fled with conviction, not even sleeping until he reached the Theatre. 
Headcannons/Additional Information
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Theodore tends to play 'psychiatric detective’ any time he meets someone new. He knows it’s a bit uncouth but sometimes he really can’t help himself. 
He loves to paint; relishing in being able to express himself fully and in any way that gives him respite. He doesn’t really show these to anyone. 
Theo is a hunter but he’s new to the game and kind of terrible at it. He hates guns, violence and anything of that sort but he feels a moral obligation to do this in order to take care of his sister. He’s trying his best and getting better every day.
He has a dry, almost dark sense of humor. Sardonically witty. It might not be humorous to all, but to those that get him and his absurdities – he’ll view them as kindred spirits. 
He’s very sentimental and keeps with him at all time’s a book of poetry and a keychain that was given to him by Doctor Lemoine. 
Theodore is prone to isolating himself as a coping mechanism. He believes it’s safer to be alone than having to open up to anyone. 
Oddly, he has a very competitive spirit and loves intellectual pursuit. Chess? Yes, please. Debate? Yes. He hates to lose but doesn’t care once it’s all said and done. Perhaps it’s more the barbs and the game than winning – but while the games on, it’s game on for Theo. 
He’s secretly a hopeless romantic, the last person you would expect. Behind his closed-off exterior, he yearns for someone to understand him. He’s highly unlikely to react to this or do anything about it – fearing that he’ll never be accepted. His favorite thing to read is Franz Kafka’s Letters to Milena.
He has a weird relationship with religion and faith. I don't really know how to properly articulate it - simply put, it's complicated. He tries to practice an assortment of religions, hoping to find himself or perhaps find answers.
Theo also has a weird relationship with physical intimacy, his castration has created a lot of mental barriers for him.
He’s a bit compulsive in more ways than one, always meticulous and perfectly organized. He’s recognized he does this as a means for control over his life.
Despite his hardships, he's still a very kind man who's a bit goofy, trying to make light of every bad situation.
Wanted Connections
Wild card friends - someone who brings him out of his shell and teaches him how to embrace life.
Friends - despite being quite destitute he does crave friends and companionship.
Exes or casual relationships - can be male or female, but keep in mind this repressed boy is still in the closet, in denial of his feelings, traumatised by his confusing upbringing.
Ex love from when he was 16 - this would have to be a boy and someone who lived near the religious group.
Patients or colleagues - he’s empathetic and rational, the best listener he knows. He can help lend a hand without shame or judgement.
Other members of the queer community to help him embrace who he is - he has a lot of trouble with his sexuality, being raised to believe that he was wrong for his attractions to other males. Being around others who are authentically themselves might help him out of his shell too.
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cherryfairytwist · 1 year ago
RickFic Ch1. Falling In
(Tags: Alcohol / harassment / substance use / 18+ Minors DNI)
—- HELLO —-
 Astrid walked down the sidewalk listening to “Every Day Is Exactly The Same” by Nine Inch Nails in their earbuds while nearing the entrance of the school. Waking up with a hangover was something no one at school could tell that Astrid was dealing with most mornings. They’d simply shape shift to look completely rejuvenated even if they felt dead inside. You’d never be able to physically tell, but for some reason Summer and Morty could always tell when something was off those days. They seemed to be nicer, as if they knew and were worried. She figured it was because they were familiar with what alcoholics were like in the Smith family. Their mother and grand dad being pretty hard core raging alcoholics themselves. She had heard all about it from the kids throughout the time she had known them. She had been there for them on the occasional times both the siblings were having some kind of mental breakdown during the school day due to alcoholic family issues. That morning Morty had picked up some books she had dropped during a lesson. He smiled kind of worried at her and whispered as he picked them up handing them away to a fellow classmate, 
“H-hey Astrid are you doing o-okay?” 
Astrid smiled back and tried to play it cool, 
“Yeah Morty I’m okay. Just a little tired this morning.” 
He didn’t seem convinced but tried to take a different approach,
“You-you know.. Su-Summer and I sometimes meet up before lunch a-at her locker if you’d like to come h-hang out..I-I mean like Rick will probably show up and pull us out of s-school around then so like no pressure.. haha.” he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. 
“Okay Morty. Tell Summer I’ll give her back that eyeshadow she let me borrow a few days ago when I see you two.” Astrid replied casually knowing Morty’s nerves were getting the better of him. 
“Ha! O-okay cool!” He happily but awkwardly laughed and went to sit back down. 
The rest of class went on like normal, typical boring high school history class. On the way to the next class she popped an earbud in again and “Restless” by Unkle played. Suddenly they got stopped in the hall by one of the Seniors that was known for being quite the delinquent around school. His name was Harris Hailer. He wore black ripped skinny jeans with chains hanging from the belt and a black hoodie with random spray painted words on it. Harris was known for causing problems around school but never actually showed any signs of being a real threat, well
 at least that’s how Astrid felt about him. He often would come around to bother her after class. 
“Well hey hey Astrid.” He looked down his nose at her from under his long black messy bangs. 
He looked to her side and spotted Morty slightly following behind her. 
“God this little kid is always following you around school like usual hu?” He grabbed Morty by the collar and held him slightly suspended an inch or two from the ground. 
“O-oh h-hey wait!” Morty squirmed and tried to pull away from him. 
“Weird to be talking about yourself in the third person today Harris, but whatever.” Astrid replied annoyed while snatching Morty effortlessly from Harris’s grip and setting him down. 
Morty awkwardly laughed at Astrid’s comment and quickly walked on ahead a few feet towards his class as to keep away from Harris but close enough to keep an eye on Astrid. 
“Wow holy shit- you’re strong Astrid
 do you work out or something?” Harris replied trying to still lay it on thick while attempting to reach his hand out and play with her hair. 
 “I don’t have time for this Harris, go to class.” She quickly replied and brushed him away while walking towards Morty. 
“Oh come onnnnnnn Astrid! Don’t be like that, you’re so FINE though..” he mockingly moaned and quickly flipped up her skirt as he passed. 
 “H-hey quit it! L-leave her alone!” Morty whined from the other end of the hall. 
“Haha whatever loser. I’ll see YOU later.” Harris smirked and continued on to whatever class he had next. 
 Astrid and Morty continued on walking towards their classes. 
“I-I don’t know why y-you put up with him every day.” Morty said angrily. 
“I won’t let him get to me, he’s just an idiot anyway.” Astrid said through gritted teeth with a fake laugh. 
She knew she could have demolished Harris with the flick of her pinky if she wanted to but she needed to keep her cover on Earth. So she let it slide knowing he was just a meaningless pest in the grand scheme of things. 
 They parted ways as Astrid came to the classroom she needed to be in for that next class, 
“See ya later Morty. Have a good class.” she said as she entered through the room. 
 Morty thanked her and waved as he turned to go to a classroom a couple of doors down. 
 This history class was Summer’s. Every morning Summer would come up to the front of the room and make short talk with Astrid before class began. Summer always seemed happy to be around Astrid. She’d always updated her on the high school drama of the senior girls, their crushes and things they were up to that week during and after school. Astrid always found the info completely useless yet entertaining. She was just happy to humor Summer as she got ready for class and waited on the teacher. 
 “Heyyyy! Did Morty ask you to come hang out with us at my locker later?” She leaned on the front desk and arched her eyebrow. 
“ I mean, like it’s not just going to be me and Morty obviously. Like some of my other friends will be there too
 if Morty is getting on your nerves lately or anything.” Summer quickly insisted before Astrid responded. 
“Oh no he’s sweet.” Astrid replied “I’ll definitely come hang out with you two later. Oh and here is your eyeshadow I borrowed.” She pulled the makeup out of her coat pocket and handed it to Summer. 
“Oh thanks! How’d you like it? Did you use it for a hot date?” She produced a cheeky grin while awaiting a response. 
“It’s pretty! But
 I think it’s too warm a tone on me.” Astrid replied avoiding the subject of dating entirely. 
The main teacher walked into the classroom and announced class had started. 
 “Okay we’ll talk later!” Summer winked and returned to her desk. 
Astrid would never say it but she never really needed the makeup Summer lended her in the past. Being a shape shifter made those things unnecessary. But Summer was always so excited to share things with her or invite her to places. Astrid was starting to feel guilty for blowing her off so many times previously. Recalling all the times she spent at home alone trying on some kind of lipstick or eyeshadow Summer had lent her just to kill time. But who knows maybe it wouldn’t hurt to hang out with the Smith’s for real this time. Moping around until she got a new mission was getting old. She could try her hand at having normal healthy friendships
Ever since the incident it had become painfully obvious how different her life was compared to others around her. It was an isolating feeling. She didn’t know why she kept pushing them away but never having relationships outside of her working as an agent started to weigh on her mind. There had to be more to life than what she had been trained to do. But every passing day she could feel the ache of the co-dependency she developed for her Handler and the adrenaline rushes she had gotten from her many dangerous missions. 
Maybe this is why she gravitated towards the Smith siblings. They seemed to be more relatable than most the other humans on the planet. They had seen things. They had been THROUGH it. Hearing them talk about their grandpa reminded her of previous handlers she had in the past. This always caught her curiosity. Wondering if Rick Sanchez was anything like the rumors or what her Handler had said about him. But hearing about him from the kids gave her a new insight to the said grandiose reputation that followed their grandfather around. 
  Most of the school morning came and went in a blur. After the two classes with the Smith siblings she mostly went on auto pilot listening to one earbud hidden under her hair as the other classes dragged on. Soon the school bell rang out indicating it was time for lunch period. Astrid contemplated what she should do. Technically she had already returned the makeup to Summer
 she could use that as an excuse to justify not meeting up with them. Like do they actually want to hang out with a teacher’s assistant? She didn’t even know what her real age was but she definitely looked and acted older than both of them. Still they actually seemed to still want to hang. Does that mean Summer saw her as like an older sister or something? She didn’t know but paced around the empty classroom now that everyone had left for Lunch. “Faceshopping” by SOPHIE blared through her ear bud. She wondered,
“What if we all end up getting close and then the Agency gives me a mission and I have to leave?” 
She paced.
“What if I end up getting the order to go after and assassinate Rick Sanchez? Their Grandfather
She paced more. 
“What if the friendships end up getting weird or toxic like the ones I made at Cognito Inc.” 
She paced even more.
“What if something like the incident happens again
.?” She shook her head and pressed her back against the wall and breathed. 
“Would they hate me if they found out who I really was? Would Rick try to eliminate me once he knew the proximity his grandkids had to me?”
She looked up at the ceiling. 
“They seem like tough kids though
. They’ve definitely been trained in some ways by their Grandfather right
?” She sighed.
“I mean I’m not actually hunting them
 So I’m not technically hiding anything
 if they ask I’ll tell them stuff
 just not everything maybe.” 
She got up.
“I can at least try to be fucking normal.” 
She left the classroom and walked briskly down the hall towards the direction of Summer’s locker. 
 She had waisted a few minutes pacing so she picked up the pace. Turning the corner Astrid could see the siblings chatting at the locker as some of Summer’s friends turned and left towards the lunch room. 
“Hey guys, sorry I got caught up after class.” 
She called to them as the two turned to look at her with big smiles on their face. 
“H-hey Astrid-“ Morty cheerfully got cut off by his sister “Omg heeeeeeyyyyyy Astrid you actually showed!” 
“Sorry you guys I’m going to be better about that.” Astrid awkwardly laughed.
“No! I mean I’m joking like you don’t have to hang with us girl, I’m just glad you want to.” Summer said nonchalantly. “Let’s go grab lunch together.” 
“Haha- yeah! I’m starving” Morty said with a smile. 
Right as “Highway to Hell” by AC/DC played in Astrid’s ear, both the siblings turned and Summer grabbed Astrid’s arm to pull her along with them. Astrid looked down and noticed her shoe had come untied. 
“Hold on guys let me tie my shoe” she said as she crouched down. 
As she laced up, she heard a noise that she was able to identify as a type of portal. 
A voice loudly announced, “SUMMER. M-MORTY. N-NO *burp* TIME!! COME WITH ME!”
Astrid heard another portal noise and suddenly fell backwards through the floor. She looked up and saw her and the siblings were falling through a pastel purple sky of an unfamiliar planet onto hard dry orange soil. Seeing a portal hole close up above their heads made Astrid realize Summer’s hand was still on her arm. Astrid brushed herself off and looked up to see Rick Sanchez now on the ground standing with them. 
“Grandpa Rick you need to start waiting until after lunch before you try to pull us on one of your adventures!” Summer yelled back at him. 
While also brushing herself off, she looked down to see Astrid next to her on the ground. 
“Oh shit-“ she started to say before Morty also yelled out “Y-YEAH! RICK! I’m tired of this!! I’m Starving right now m-man!” 
“S-stop you’re bitching you fucking pansies! T-this is important- yuuuhhrrrgg*burp* you guys need to trust Grandpa! Y-you-your Grandpa will give you something better than lunch! I have countless inventions that can make you feel like you had WHOLE MEAL!! S-shrunk down FULL COURSE MEALS M-Morty!!” He raged on at them as the siblings stood up. 
 Astrid had only ever caught glimpses of Rick when he picked up the kids from school. She mostly ever just heard him yelling something of urgency before suddenly the Smith siblings were gone out of thin air. Or the occasional moment where she would happen to see him running through the school frantically with or looking for the kids while something insane chased after him. 
 “Fuck I’m so sorry Astrid!” Summer quickly said while Astrid helped her up. 
“I didn’t mean to actually drag you into this! This is so wack right..?” Her nervous rambling went on, “Are you going to freak out now and like hate us
.? I know we are like on an alien planet and everything
 we can take you back to school I promise-“ 
“W-who the FUCK is that?” Rick demandingly asked. 
Astrid looked Rick in the face as Morty asked if she was okay. She suddenly realized this was the first time she was meeting THE Rick Sanchez. Probably one of the most wanted men in the universe. Considered a terrorist amongst countless planets. Yet he stood here arguing with his two grandchildren in the dirt. 
 “I’m terribly sorry sir.” Astrid spoke and extended her hand towards Rick. “Nice to meet you. My name is Astrid I’m-“ 
Morty cut her off with “she-she’s our teacher’s assistant at school!” 
“Oh yes the-*uhrp* little fucking assistant friend you two never shut up about that keeps g-ghosting you.” He scoffed and rolled his eyes, 
“God will y-you two take a hint? She obviously doesn’t want to waist her time on you.” He said annoyed as he shot his portal gun off to the side in Astrid’s direction. 
His eyebrow raised as he noted she didn’t flinch the slightest bit in surprise of her surroundings.
“S-shut up Rick!” Morty yelled, “Astrid came to h-hang out with us! Maybe we wanted to bring her with us!” 
 “Wait yeah!” Summer agreed now also noticing Astrid wasn’t freaking out about the situation and seemed fine with it. 
“She’s really cool Grandpa. Give her a chance! We could all have fun on a mission together or something!” She said practically exploding with excitement to have a friend to share adventures with.
“Fuck no.” he barked abruptly. “I’m not d-dragging around another dumb fu-fucking little friend of yours. Think about the last couple of classmates you two g-*aahhhh*-gained the privilege of losing once they realized they couldn’t fucking HANDLE IT!”  He quickly took a swig from his flask and stomped over to Astrid. 
“N-nice meeting you but I’ll t-take it from here.” He shoved her backwards through the portal and back into the school hall. 
“See you later!!” Summer quickly said to Astrid as Morty whined in protest behind her. 
“Yeah see you later.” Rick sarcastically echoed as the portal snapped shut leaving her alone in the hallway. 
—- GOODBYE —- 
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nekobami · 1 year ago
HUGE SPOILERS. (Screenshots I took w some comments & thoughts - not too hight quality however)
Oh wow. Long text.
I mean, finding out that everything was a plot fanficed by the demon and Morty's mind alone couldn't have been a better plot, I mean, It's really funny how Morty sees the random and insane things that happen to them.
Even though it's always something really out of the ordinary, I don't know how to explain it, but... Like, I can't help but feel like everything is too convenient. Because the focus is on fear, I mean at the end, it's an unconscious fear-focused narrative built using Morty's worldview as bricks. So that he didn't even know that this was really his fear at the end of the day.
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But I'm surprised he doesn't even suspect how convenient and quick everything is. Like, "HOLY SH#T, A YOUNG RICK JUST ENTERED THE LIVING ROOM BURNING TO DEATH HOLDING A DIANE." JUST LIKE THAT. IN THE SAME SPEED YOU RED IT
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But in parallel, I love how Morty sees the partnership between him and Rick. In the end, despite all the lore, all the narrative burden that should separate Rick from this family, Morty still sees them as the two weird friends who isolate themselves to talk to each other when something sinister happens. I also felt something in Rick's expression during this episode, but I talk about that in the screenshot
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(( Marriage working out sounds ))
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I also loved the "anti-aging thing" and the "Dad, stop! you're traumatizing her." I mean, For Morty, everything is so convenient for Rick that he can simply inject a blue liquid into his vein and become young again. CASUALLY. Not that it doesn't exist. It's probably something exactly like this.
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By the way. I agree with other opinions I've seen recently. All of this is completely set up from the beginning, and it certainly wouldn't be so easy for Diane to simply ignore her grandchildren and her thirty-year-old daughter just to casually hang out with Rick. I mean, it's part of it. But bro. I'm sorry, I know Rick is a silly and romantic guy when it comes to it, even more so with HIS WIFE, the woman of his life, BUT, a breakfast bot? It still sounds too much like Morty's vision of Rick's flirting skills to me. Anyway. BREAKFAST BOT.
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OHHH yeah, look at them. They're not real, but will make you feel good.
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Oh, also. About this... this... thing. Like, I have to agree that it was a very wise choice to have only Morty go into the hole. Like. That demon devours your fears clearly means he enters your mind, he knows you by what you fear. He will use everything you know to taste your fear and suck everything out of you. He won't kill you, I guess. He was probably just making fun of Morty about his fear thing being able to actually kill someone. But he is a demon. Supposedly that's what he does. Unless maybe he has adapted to feed himself without actually needing to kill someone, or if he casually lets people live just for the sake of it. I don't know... I can't help but feel like this guy never needed them to go into the hole to build the narrative.
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He's already managed to find out about everything Morty knows about Rick. Now imagine what we would have seen if he knew everything Rick knows about himself and others? I'm sorry, but it would obviously be too heavy. I know, it hurts. And you cannot compare the extent of people's fear, after all it is completely individual. But, my friend, imagine what this guy would discover about the multiverse as it is, just by getting into Rick's mind? The recourse he would have in this here is above tolerable. HOW DAMN POWERFUL CAN THIS GUY ACTUALLY BE? Hihi. Fear hole demon. I'm totally not attracted by him.
Also. Holy sh#t.
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Cursed as f#ck, damn, ew, it wasn't even necessary, please don't do nothing similar to this, I'm begging you. I can't see this again in any context.
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About Rick's expressions. (Yes. Yeah, yeah, the whole narrative load of this interaction between them, and Rick coming back after hearing that Diane was there, Morty afraid of Rick hugging him still being a hole thing, Morty afraid of being replaced, Rick coming back to put up Morty's photo, photo of Morty in the wallet, yes yes, extremely nice, lots of cool stuff, of course. But I would like to point out something.)
I could be wrong, after all I didn't watch the episode again. Like, I know Rick being with his wife must have exacerbated that factor, but throughout Morty's fear-centric narrative, Rick's features are softened, I don't know how to explain it. But in that moment, when Morty comes out of the hole, what really is Rick as an individual comes in, and not just the Rick built with Morty's vision of him and their interactions. Like, he just got that totally tired annoyed-like expression, since, after all, he's still affected by the recent events, and his face... Uh, I can't explain it perfectly, but around him is still heavy, while in Mortys narrative, things seems... lighter, since they've SUDDENLY, VERY CONVENIENTLY got another worries. And even if he was romantic with her in the narrative... I can't explain, but he was still very... cold and insensitive at times. Something that I find very difficult for Rick to do, as an individual and being extremely affected by all his experiences.
Anyway. Nice episode. Definitely. Merry Christmas too. HAHA. Christmas.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 11 months ago
Now just to make myself clear, by "redemption" I mean him being a better person, don't get me wrong he's still an abusive, toxic, manipulative, asshole but he's trying you guyssssssss. Like he started going to therapy when he says he doesn't respect therapy in season 3 you guyssssssssss. He's spoiling Morty you guyssssssssssssss. He's treating Morty like an actual human being you guysssssssssss.
Ok onto the actual post- His redemption arc is actually so good omfg- Now to be fair, he's still in the process, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little optimistic about where it's headed, I mean so far it's going really well, he started changing after season 4, which makes sense considering in the finale he said "Holy shit I'm a terrible father." and sat alone in the garage, which is what he deserves but I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry at that scene even though it's exactly what he deserves considering what an asshole he's been in that season. Now after this realization, seeing what a terrible father he truly was, he started changing, for most of season 5 he was still mostly the same ol' Rick. He was still an asshole, was still insulting Morty, y'know much of the same, he wasn't as bad as he was in season 4, but he wasn't exactly good, then then we get to the finale, he actually feels guilt for coming back to Morty after the crows left him, when Morty asked, he couldn't even give Morty a straight answer, he just looked to the ground and sighed. He couldn't even look Morty in the eye. Season 4 Rick would probably just say yes and brush it off with some sarcastic comment, but season 5 Rick couldn't even bring himself to do that.
In season 6 we can see that he stopped his hunt for Rick Prime, even if it was just temporary because Morty sees him as his grandfather and not Rick Prime, you can tell that meant a lot to Rick since his angry expression melted away as soon as Morty said that. (Also yes, this scene makes me cry shut up)
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He's also a lot gentler to Morty here, is he perfect? No but a lot of his actions seem more like him being a goofy grandpa then him actually being mean, he gets closer to Jerry, lays off of Morty a bit, and actually puts in effort to spend time with the kid, and he actually goes to therapy on his own accord, sure he didn't want to call it therapy at the beginning but he still kept going even after Dr. Wong said it was therapy and is now going every week, I mean could you imagine season 3 or season 4 Rick going to therapy? Actually scheduling his appointments and paying for therapy? Need I remind you that this is the man who turned himself into a pickle so he doesn't have to go to family therapy? Who pretending he was disintegrating so he wouldn't have to go? Who literally programmed his garage to have a "family therapy mode"? Who programmed the therapist's office with voice activated commands in case he needed to leave? This man, the same man, is going to therapy.
At the end of the season when Morty called him "boring" he regressed and continued his self-destructive hunt for Rick Prime again. Now I may have poked fun at him for this in some of my other posts, but it was more than that, that was the moment where he thought Morty just stopped caring about him. He thought the most important person to him, the only thing holding him back from a mental breakdown *cough* codependency *cough* didn't care about him at all. When we know that's not true, sure Morty lashed out, but he earned the right to after everything Rick put him through. So he left and built a perfect copy of him to take his place. He could've programmed it to be just as mean as him, or even more mean than him. But he literally programmed it to be a good grandpa to, love, and make Morty happy. That was it. He did this for someone who he thought didn't care about, someone he though, in his own words, had become "dogshit" to. Yet he still put in the time and effort to make a robot designed to make Morty happy, when it would've just been easier to just make the robot the same as him. And here's the kicker, when Rickbot reveals it, sure Rick is frustrated and sends Rickbot an angry glare, but he doesn't deny it. Could you imagine season 1-5 Rick doing this? I couldn't. Also in this scene, he manhandles Morty significantly less, I honestly think this may have been the season where he stopped manhandling Morty, correct me if I'm wrong.
Now in season 7, in all the episodes he never treat Morty all too bad. Let's analyze how he treats Morty in each episode shall we?
Episode 1 ~ How Poopy got his poop back
They don't really interact in this episode, Rick just gave Morty a sarcastic response when Morty said "Hey buddy, got you a coffee" and when Morty asked "Have you found him (Rick Prime) yet?" which while it isn't nice, it's better than how he treated Morty in season 4, since he never insults Morty directly.
Episode 2 ~ The Jerrick Trap
Another episode where they don't interact a lot, and when they do it's not really Rick it's like half Jerry half Rick. Buttttt he does have a new "Touch my grandson and die policy" and it's confirmed in that episode that both Rick and Jerry love their family, even if they are horrible at showing it. He does snap at Morty for literally no reason at the end, but still. Comparing it to say, Mortynight Run, the second episode of season 2 where he constantly insults Morty, it shows progress.
Episode 3 ~ Air Force Wong
Again, they don't really interact a lot, man they really ignored Morty in season 7, but he does stand up for Morty when the president insults him, when the president said "Tell Morty to shut up!" Morty says "Tell him he can't talk to me like that!" And season 1-4 Rick would probably just ignore Morty, he actually listens and tells the president "You can't talk to Morty like that." This episode also reveals that he's still going to therapy every week, which is a huge thing!
Episode 4 ~ That's Amorte
He's pretty rude to Morty in this episode, even straight up telling him "The only reason why you're still alive right now, is because you don't turn delicious when you die." Which we all know is a lie, but that doesn't make it better. But I'm pretty sure this was supposed to mirror Mortynight run, which is why I at least found Rick to be pretty out of character in this episode, but he's still physically gentle with Morty, with putting his hand on Morty's back instead of manhandling him like how he would in earlier seasons, and even if it's wrong that he was feeding the family people, he didn't do it out of malicious intent like how most would expect, he just genuinely thought it was good and wanted the family to try it, does that make it right? No, but still. He also (Like everyone else) lost the taste for it when he saw exactly what they were eating.
Episode 5 ~ Unmortricken
Honestly besides his sarcastic comment at the beginning of the episode "Thanks buddy, means a lot that your bar for mental health has gotten lower than mine." and "You should count chickens professionally, Morty." He's pretty sweet to Morty, he was worried for Morty and didn't move until he made sure Morty was ok when they were all in the box, and when he finished making the portal, he made sure Morty got in by pulling him in by his shirt to be sure that Morty was safe, these are all very small details but they say a lot, he also doesn't let Morty come with him because he was worried about him and wanted to keep him away from a very dangerous adventures, which considering that he took Morty on a traumatizing adventure in "Rest and Ricklaxation" It's nice to see that he's actually starting to worry about taking him on dangerous adventures and wants to keep him out of them, this was confirmed when Evil Morty replied "I'm not worried about him, I'm evil!" when Rick angrily said "You brought Morty with you!?" and he even lets Morty hug him without pushing him away
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which is a step up from him softly pushing Morty away when Morty attempted to hug him in "Solaricks"
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We can also see that he fakes a smile in the end, which is, again leagues above what he would've done in seasons 1-4
Episode 6 ~ Rickfending your Mort
Ahhhh he's so sweet to Morty in this episodeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. We see in this episode that his inner grandpa comes out with Morty and that he spoils Morty, he gives Morty basically whatever he asks for with no resistance or complaining. They do argue, but Rick really mellowed down and didn't insult Morty like at all during the argument, really the only insulting things he did was when he called Morty a little gremlin and accused Morty of lying about the punch cards. Even when Morty fessed up, he didn't rub his nose in it or brag about it like usual. He just said one thing "Hah! Can we playback that confession?" but that was it, and he still accepted the punch cards anyway and is extremely excited when him and Morty are going on adventures again, and smiles when he sees Morty excited about another gun, don't give guns to kids. But when Rick does it, it's his way of spoiling Morty, he just doesn't really know how, but he's tryinggggggggg. He also genuinely thanks Morty for keeping him on track with the punch cards instead of giving some back-handed thank you like how he did in season 1 episode 10. which is nice to see. He also is genuinely bonding with Morty with the pet cemetery scene.
Episode 7 ~ Wet Kaut Summer
Another one without many Rick and Morty interactions...man Morty gets pushed away a lot, butttt we do see more of him spoiling Morty, which is always welcome, and he does try to get Morty back which is sweet, I also thought him bragging to Summer about how he saves Morty a lot was kinda cute in a pathetic way "I save Morty 8 times per season!" We also see him be nice to Summer and open up to her about Diane "I treat you like an equal because I respect you! You remind me of your grandmother."
Episode 8 ~ Rise of the Numericons the Movie
Eh this one was just a weird fever dream, Rick wasn't in this episode like...at all. He wasn't even mentioned once.
Episode 9 ~ 90s fad toys
Rick is just really sweet to Morty here, when Morty messed up by releasing Bigfoot, he seems more worried about how him and Morty will get home rather than mad, and listens to Morty explain without interrupting, unlike other seasons the only mean thing he says was "I could probably teach these idiots how to hit a red button!" which is really pretty mild considering some of the other stuff he said during his arguments with Morty in seasons 1-4 including but not limited to: "You're a piece of shit Morty!" "I'll let you know when I have a point, and the world will know when I try to hurt you!" "Morty, you little lying world-ending pervert!" "I'm really glad you insisted on getting that Fart home, at least all the death and destruction wasn't for nothing y'know?" "I'm going to take a biggg fat Morty, that's my new word for shit due to today's events." "Okay Morty, you big party-pooper buzzkill! Boo!" and is pretty sweet to Morty during his fight with Bigfoot, even encouraging Morty not to help him due to a fear of Morty getting hurt, even when he was getting brutally beaten "Don't worry Morty, I got this under control" and he even cried in front of Morty instead of pretending like he has no emotions, which is a lot more significant when you consider that Morty was the only person (In the smith family at the very least) to see Rick cry
Episode 10 ~ Fear No Mort
Rick isn't in this episode for the majority of it, since this is a Morty centric episode! Finally! Buttt we do see that he brought Morty to a carnival just to spend time with and see a haunted house with Morty, that was literally it.
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He also eats with Morty at Dennys (Well was about to before they hear about the fear hole) and really only said two mean things to Morty "You little turd!" when Morty actively didn't listen to Rick, which is a step up from season 6 considering he didn't just ditch Morty and replace himself with a robot. "I mean...define 'irreplaceable'" when Morty asked if he was irreplaceable. But he did sounds genuinely happy and excitied when Morty was back, happily calling out his name as soon as he moved, and he doesn't immediately backtrack on sounding happy or smiling which is a step up from season 1 episode 9 Something Ricked this Way Comes where he was happy, but immediately backpedaled and tried his best to sound like an annoyed grandpa. and he did attempt to awkwardly hug Morty back after Morty hugged him, it was half assed but he still tried. He didn't even seem mad when Morty pushed away, he looked more worried that he messed up more than anything. Also yes, this does still bring me pain.
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Uh so yeah Rick's redemption arc is amazing, and no I do not regret that I spent an embarrassing amount of time gushing over an abusive old man's redemption arc.
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