#Richy Ahmed
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bluemoonperegrine · 7 months ago
I can't decide if I like this remix or not. Either way, I'm nodding along with it.
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jessegoatedboys · 6 months ago
Ecstasy at Copa America
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zindabad · 1 year ago
Ok so here’s my day very hunter Biden Timmy c went to the bank made appointments then it rained really hard so I had to run home and then I went to a tattoo place and got my Richie rich finished I’ll post pics later then I went to another one bc I wanted to get my ears pierced but they didn’t do piercings so I kept walking until I hit downtown I went to the Eaton centre I got kinton ramen it sucks compared to Toronto Indiana Jones is playing but I’ll just download it a mall cop gave me shit for charging my phone walking home a native guy was selling jewellery I got a quarts necklace and a turqoise ring and I fucked this girl w snake tattoos from the apps love her she fixed a knot in my back I wanted to dye my hair blonde or silver like riz Ahmed but the lady said it’s bad for men and my hairs not gonna grow back so I didn’t dye it I still have to buy a new iPhone , get a haircut , get my ears pierced and find some sort of lsd mushroom delivery service I also want drip but like I’m in my peaceful era and not attention seeky but like I should wear nice clothes to feel good not as a conversation starter same way I get my tattoos hidden like don’t look at me it’s all just for me
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moviesessionwithmyhubby · 2 years ago
Guy Ritchie's The Covenant -Explained
It has been a while since my husband and I have had a night in to watch a movie together, so I decided to pick out the film for us to watch today; the title of the film is "Guy Ritchie's The Covenant."
The Covenant tells a story that unravels an incredible tale of survival, sacrifice, and redemption. It is a story about the strong bonds and deals made through blood, which can be described as a male melodrama.
The setting of the movie takes place in Afghanistan, where the United States is stationed, amidst the conflict with the Taliban. Rather than exploring the distinctions between who is right and who is wrong, military and political tactics, the director, Richie, emphasized the human morality during times of war. The film speaks to the immense sacrifice and the enduring pain that result from the war. The initial hour of this movie was an excellent war-action film, giving an immersive view of the dangers hanging over all involved. During the opening scene, John Kinley (played by Jake Gyllenhaal) and his team, who specialize in recovering explosives or weapons of mass destruction, are conducting roadside checks. During an attempt to get an Afghan truck driver to open his payload, the translator and two other soldiers were killed when a bomb was detonated. At this point, Ahmed (played by Dar Salim) makes his entrance and takes the vacant role. At first, it crossed my mind that Ahmed's motivation for accepting this job was purely financial gain and the opportunity to obtain a visa to the United States. But then, I came to realization that Ahmed shared the same goal as John Kinley in destroying the Taliban, as his son had been murdered by the group. The most crucial part of the movie is the last hour, which showcases two rescue missions carried out by Ahmed and John. This section of the film showcases superb cinematography, a spot-on score, and an exceptional music (I humbly pay respect to Christopher Benstead for his creation of Score - a magnificent and exquisite musical composition). The casting is also stellar, with outstanding performances by everyone, especially Jake Gyllenhaal and Dar Salim. John's team was attacked by the Taliban, resulting in the deaths of almost all members except for John and Ahmed. John was severely injured and unable to walk or remain conscious. Despite the fact that it would have been easier for Ahmed to flee alone, he chose to stay with John. Ahmed made the decision to remain and carried John all the way back to the US troop. He had to avoid taking the trail or a car since it would be too conspicuous, and the Taliban could easily trace their whereabouts. Ahmed had no other option but to place John on a wooden trailer and pull it along a rough road, with only the bare essentials of food and drink. Ahmed did not abandon John even though they were in a dangerous situation and were being threatened by the Taliban. He made a commitment to John, saying "We are going home." My initial impression of The Covenant was that it was just a film about American exceptionalism; yet, with further inspection, I realized that it was much more than that. In spite of the chaos of war, Ahmed stood by John's side, refusing to abandon him in his time of need. However, despite his contributions and heroic actions in saving John's life, Ahmed found himself without any assistance from the U.S Army, he has become the top of the Taliban's list of targets, causing his family to run away in order to avoid danger. Upon Kinley's return to the US, he is unable to recall anyone or anything from his in Afghanistan except for a few fleeting memories and the recollection of Ahmed reassuring him, "We are going home." He began to experience feverish dreams that were chaotic and disorienting. The images were captured from unusual angles and the frames were alternately sped up and slowed down, creating a chaotic and overwhelming sensory experience.   “You think he blessed you. Well, he cursed me. I am the man who gets no rest.” - John Kinley This is the moment when John conversed with his wife. He does not believe that his survival is a result of God's blessings. He believes that he is under God's curse for abandoning the person who rescued him. Kinley gradually had a vague recollection of his experiences while suffering an injury. He can now recall how Ahmed put his own life in danger to rescue his. Then, in an effort to return his debt of gratitude, Kinley then started to make numerous attempts to obtain visas for Ahmed and his family in order to repay his debt of gratitude. But despite many phone calls from Kinley, the document and procedure were like pain in the ass. This shows how apathetic the system is toward Afghan translators. “I'm lying in this bed. I kiss my children before they go to school. And he's hiding in a hole somewhere. A hole he can never get out. The hole we put him in. And that wasn't the deal. The deal that we offered his family sanctuary. Then we tied a noose around his neck, and kicked the stool out from under him. I should be in this hole.” - John Kinley This situation is unjust and morally wrong. I have been thinking about the title of the movie, "The Covenant". What is the reason for the covenant? "The Covenant", which may also be translated as "the commitment" or "the promise." This commitment might be considered the unspoken connection that exists between Ahmed and Kinley. And for me, the word "commitment" holds great weight. It signifies more than just a written agreement signed with ink on paper; it represents a promise and an agreement that is sealed with blood. Ahmed fulfilled his obligation to this commitment; he made all effort possible and put his life in danger to save Kinley. But once he was saved, Kinley took a plane back to his house in the middle of the war, and Ahmed was left to face the consequences of the heroic deed he had performed by saving Kinley's life.  “That is not how this debt works. It demands a result, not an appeasement.” - John Kinley So, it is now Kinley's responsibility to save Ahmed and the rest of his family. Kinley makes his way back to Afghanistan with his wife providing moral support. He must fulfill his obligation under the covenant he signed with Ahmed, not through appeasement, but by returning and fulfilling his part of the covenant. “30 August 2021, the U.S Armed Force completed their departure from Afghanistan, marking the end of the 20-year long campaign. One month later, the Taliban seized back complete control. More than 300 interpreters and their families have been murdered for collaborating with the U.S military. Thousands more are still in hiding.” - Guy Ritchie’s The Covenant Through the narrative of Ahmed and Kinley, Ritchie describes a world in which the United States of America promises one thing, only to use up its ally and then cast them aside when they are no longer of any use to the United States. It's a tale that began unfolding around two years ago, when the United States withdrew its forces from Afghanistan, leaving behind a large number of collaborators who were at the mercy of the Taliban. In the bigger picture of director Ritchie, Kinley symbolizes the United States, Ahmed represents Afghanistan. Afghanistan fulfilled its obligations under the covenant, but in exchange it has gotten nothing but desertion from the United States. Did the war in Afghanistan come to an end when Kinley returned to the United States from Afghanistan? No, it has never stopped. Have people in Afghanistan like Ahmed, who collaborated with the U.S. army, been able to return to a peaceful and normal life? No, they have never had the opportunity.  “That is not how this debt works. It demands a result, not an appeasement.” - John Kinley For me, the movie serves as an emotional tribute to the selfless acts of Afghan interpreters and their family, emphasizing the significance of fulfilling the commitments made to them by the United States government. The film also effectively portrays the harsh reality of war, highlighting the brutality that both sides endure. There are no clear winners in such conflicts. And I personally believe that there is a hidden message conveyed throughout the film. If you noticed well, Afghans and even Taliban soldiers use an Arabic saying to greet each other. "As-Salaam-Alaikum". This is a common Islamic greeting that translates to “Peace be with you brother”. Peace. Peace. Peace. Throughout a movie about war, this greeting is frequently repeated that conveys the collective hope for peace and happiness among individuals of diverse races, countries, and religions.
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tarditardi · 4 months ago
MOLO - Brescia, agosto 2024 si chiude con Frio! (29/8), VidaLoca (30/8) e Reunion College (31/8)
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Agosto 2024 si chiude con tre party ad alto tasso di ritmo al MOLO - Brescia. Tre appuntamenti tutti da ballare, che iniziano come sempre di giovedì (nella fattispecie il 29/08) con Frio! Frio è forse l'appuntamento più hot (gli opposti, si sa, si attraggono) dell'intera stagione della disco gestita da chi ha portato al successo anche River a Soncino (CR) e prima di tutto Circus beatclub da oltre vent'anni. Stile, bella musica, sorrisi. E il gioco del giovedì sera è fatto, dalle 22 e 30 alle 2 e 30, così non si fa troppo tardi e il venerdì si può continuare a studiare & lavorare... oppure, almeno a metà agosto, a rilassarsi.
Venerdì 30 agosto ecco un party decisamente hot, ovvero VidaLoca (vedi foto), uno dei format più ballati del Mediterraneo. I dj in console un mix vincente di pop, urban, & house. E non solo: coreografie interpretate da ballerini professionisti, video proiezioni, effetti speciali che sanno stupire…  Perché VidaLoca è prima di tutto una crew di artisti (dj, artisti, ballerini) che sanno lavorare insieme con l'unico scopo di creare show ed entertainment di livello assoluto.  A dare maggiore risalto agli artisti e al loro talento c'è una squadra di tecnici di valore assoluto e tecnologie che di notte di solito non vengono utilizzate: il risultato è che chi balla o beve qualcosa con gli amici, in certo momento, non può che alzare gli occhi e lasciarsi coinvolgere… 
L'ultimo weekend di MOLO - Brescia si chiude sabato 31 agosto, con College Reunion, un appuntamento decisamente molto atteso, perfetto per tornare a ballare in città dopo le vacanze.
MOLO - Brescia, che si balla ad agosto 2024
Gio 1/8  Frìo!
Ven 2/8 90 Wonderland
Sab 3/8 Samuele Brignoccolo
Gio 8/8  Frìo!
Ven 9/8 Hype as F**h RB by Rehab
Sab 10/8 100&% Saturday
Gio 15/8 Frìo!
Ven 16/8 Off Beat
Sab 17/8 Giordano Mazzocchi 
Gio 22/8 Frìo!
Ven 23/8 Panorama with Richy Ahmed
Sab 24/8 Il Pagante
29/8 Frìo!
30/8 VidaLoca
31/8 Reunion College
Riassumendo, dopo un luglio pieno di ritmo, sorrisi e grande ospiti, anche il mese di agosto si preannuncia incandescente, sotto ogni punto di vista, per il MOLO - Brescia. Sono previsti, infatti, ben 15 party, 3 ogni settimana, dal giovedì al sabato, ogni weekend. Attesi, tra gli altri, guest come il dj e content creator Samuele Brignoccolo, sabato 3/8. Ecco poi il celebrity dj Giordano Mazzocchi, sabato 17/8. Molto atteso anche il concerto tutto da ballare de Il Pagante, band elettronica simbolo del divertimento scatenato, il 24 agosto. E la sera prima, tutt'altro sound. Quello sofisticato Richy Ahmed, perfetto al MOLO - Brescia per un party decisamente internazionale come Panorama, venerdì 23/8. Infine, ecco venerdì un top party urban come VidaLoca, che per Ferragosto arriva niente meno che al Papeete Beach di Milano Marittima, riferimento assoluto del divertimento in Romagna, così come MOLO lo è a Brescia.
Tante le novità per l'estate '24 al MOLO - Brescia. E una certezza. Da tempo MOLO - Brescia  gestito da chi ha portato al successo nel tempo sia Circus beatclub a Brescia (che ha appena compiuto 25 anni di successi), sia River a Soncino (CR)... Ovvero, dal team coordinato da Antonio Gregori. E' un riferimento per chi vuol ballare con stile, tra gli addetti ai lavori e tra chi ha voglia di ballare. 
MOLO - Brescia, Summer on my mind
Via Sorbanella n. 3, Brescia
Infoline, WhatsApp: +39 333 210 5400
A4: Brescia Ovest, zona Multisala OZ
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djs-party-edm-italia · 4 months ago
MOLO - Brescia, agosto 2024 si chiude con Frio! (29/8), VidaLoca (30/8) e Reunion College (31/8)
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Agosto 2024 si chiude con tre party ad alto tasso di ritmo al MOLO - Brescia. Tre appuntamenti tutti da ballare, che iniziano come sempre di giovedì (nella fattispecie il 29/08) con Frio! Frio è forse l'appuntamento più hot (gli opposti, si sa, si attraggono) dell'intera stagione della disco gestita da chi ha portato al successo anche River a Soncino (CR) e prima di tutto Circus beatclub da oltre vent'anni. Stile, bella musica, sorrisi. E il gioco del giovedì sera è fatto, dalle 22 e 30 alle 2 e 30, così non si fa troppo tardi e il venerdì si può continuare a studiare & lavorare... oppure, almeno a metà agosto, a rilassarsi.
Venerdì 30 agosto ecco un party decisamente hot, ovvero VidaLoca (vedi foto), uno dei format più ballati del Mediterraneo. I dj in console un mix vincente di pop, urban, & house. E non solo: coreografie interpretate da ballerini professionisti, video proiezioni, effetti speciali che sanno stupire…  Perché VidaLoca è prima di tutto una crew di artisti (dj, artisti, ballerini) che sanno lavorare insieme con l'unico scopo di creare show ed entertainment di livello assoluto.  A dare maggiore risalto agli artisti e al loro talento c'è una squadra di tecnici di valore assoluto e tecnologie che di notte di solito non vengono utilizzate: il risultato è che chi balla o beve qualcosa con gli amici, in certo momento, non può che alzare gli occhi e lasciarsi coinvolgere… 
L'ultimo weekend di MOLO - Brescia si chiude sabato 31 agosto, con College Reunion, un appuntamento decisamente molto atteso, perfetto per tornare a ballare in città dopo le vacanze.
MOLO - Brescia, che si balla ad agosto 2024
Gio 1/8  Frìo!
Ven 2/8 90 Wonderland
Sab 3/8 Samuele Brignoccolo
Gio 8/8  Frìo!
Ven 9/8 Hype as F**h RB by Rehab
Sab 10/8 100&% Saturday
Gio 15/8 Frìo!
Ven 16/8 Off Beat
Sab 17/8 Giordano Mazzocchi 
Gio 22/8 Frìo!
Ven 23/8 Panorama with Richy Ahmed
Sab 24/8 Il Pagante
29/8 Frìo!
30/8 VidaLoca
31/8 Reunion College
Riassumendo, dopo un luglio pieno di ritmo, sorrisi e grande ospiti, anche il mese di agosto si preannuncia incandescente, sotto ogni punto di vista, per il MOLO - Brescia. Sono previsti, infatti, ben 15 party, 3 ogni settimana, dal giovedì al sabato, ogni weekend. Attesi, tra gli altri, guest come il dj e content creator Samuele Brignoccolo, sabato 3/8. Ecco poi il celebrity dj Giordano Mazzocchi, sabato 17/8. Molto atteso anche il concerto tutto da ballare de Il Pagante, band elettronica simbolo del divertimento scatenato, il 24 agosto. E la sera prima, tutt'altro sound. Quello sofisticato Richy Ahmed, perfetto al MOLO - Brescia per un party decisamente internazionale come Panorama, venerdì 23/8. Infine, ecco venerdì un top party urban come VidaLoca, che per Ferragosto arriva niente meno che al Papeete Beach di Milano Marittima, riferimento assoluto del divertimento in Romagna, così come MOLO lo è a Brescia.
Tante le novità per l'estate '24 al MOLO - Brescia. E una certezza. Da tempo MOLO - Brescia  gestito da chi ha portato al successo nel tempo sia Circus beatclub a Brescia (che ha appena compiuto 25 anni di successi), sia River a Soncino (CR)... Ovvero, dal team coordinato da Antonio Gregori. E' un riferimento per chi vuol ballare con stile, tra gli addetti ai lavori e tra chi ha voglia di ballare. 
MOLO - Brescia, Summer on my mind
Via Sorbanella n. 3, Brescia
Infoline, WhatsApp: +39 333 210 5400
A4: Brescia Ovest, zona Multisala OZ
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sounds-right · 4 months ago
MOLO - Brescia, agosto 2024 si chiude con Frio! (29/8), VidaLoca (30/8) e Reunion College (31/8)
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Agosto 2024 si chiude con tre party ad alto tasso di ritmo al MOLO - Brescia. Tre appuntamenti tutti da ballare, che iniziano come sempre di giovedì (nella fattispecie il 29/08) con Frio! Frio è forse l'appuntamento più hot (gli opposti, si sa, si attraggono) dell'intera stagione della disco gestita da chi ha portato al successo anche River a Soncino (CR) e prima di tutto Circus beatclub da oltre vent'anni. Stile, bella musica, sorrisi. E il gioco del giovedì sera è fatto, dalle 22 e 30 alle 2 e 30, così non si fa troppo tardi e il venerdì si può continuare a studiare & lavorare... oppure, almeno a metà agosto, a rilassarsi.
Venerdì 30 agosto ecco un party decisamente hot, ovvero VidaLoca (vedi foto), uno dei format più ballati del Mediterraneo. I dj in console un mix vincente di pop, urban, & house. E non solo: coreografie interpretate da ballerini professionisti, video proiezioni, effetti speciali che sanno stupire…  Perché VidaLoca è prima di tutto una crew di artisti (dj, artisti, ballerini) che sanno lavorare insieme con l'unico scopo di creare show ed entertainment di livello assoluto.  A dare maggiore risalto agli artisti e al loro talento c'è una squadra di tecnici di valore assoluto e tecnologie che di notte di solito non vengono utilizzate: il risultato è che chi balla o beve qualcosa con gli amici, in certo momento, non può che alzare gli occhi e lasciarsi coinvolgere… 
L'ultimo weekend di MOLO - Brescia si chiude sabato 31 agosto, con College Reunion, un appuntamento decisamente molto atteso, perfetto per tornare a ballare in città dopo le vacanze.
MOLO - Brescia, che si balla ad agosto 2024
Gio 1/8  Frìo!
Ven 2/8 90 Wonderland
Sab 3/8 Samuele Brignoccolo
Gio 8/8  Frìo!
Ven 9/8 Hype as F**h RB by Rehab
Sab 10/8 100&% Saturday
Gio 15/8 Frìo!
Ven 16/8 Off Beat
Sab 17/8 Giordano Mazzocchi 
Gio 22/8 Frìo!
Ven 23/8 Panorama with Richy Ahmed
Sab 24/8 Il Pagante
29/8 Frìo!
30/8 VidaLoca
31/8 Reunion College
Riassumendo, dopo un luglio pieno di ritmo, sorrisi e grande ospiti, anche il mese di agosto si preannuncia incandescente, sotto ogni punto di vista, per il MOLO - Brescia. Sono previsti, infatti, ben 15 party, 3 ogni settimana, dal giovedì al sabato, ogni weekend. Attesi, tra gli altri, guest come il dj e content creator Samuele Brignoccolo, sabato 3/8. Ecco poi il celebrity dj Giordano Mazzocchi, sabato 17/8. Molto atteso anche il concerto tutto da ballare de Il Pagante, band elettronica simbolo del divertimento scatenato, il 24 agosto. E la sera prima, tutt'altro sound. Quello sofisticato Richy Ahmed, perfetto al MOLO - Brescia per un party decisamente internazionale come Panorama, venerdì 23/8. Infine, ecco venerdì un top party urban come VidaLoca, che per Ferragosto arriva niente meno che al Papeete Beach di Milano Marittima, riferimento assoluto del divertimento in Romagna, così come MOLO lo è a Brescia.
Tante le novità per l'estate '24 al MOLO - Brescia. E una certezza. Da tempo MOLO - Brescia  gestito da chi ha portato al successo nel tempo sia Circus beatclub a Brescia (che ha appena compiuto 25 anni di successi), sia River a Soncino (CR)... Ovvero, dal team coordinato da Antonio Gregori. E' un riferimento per chi vuol ballare con stile, tra gli addetti ai lavori e tra chi ha voglia di ballare. 
MOLO - Brescia, Summer on my mind
Via Sorbanella n. 3, Brescia
Infoline, WhatsApp: +39 333 210 5400
A4: Brescia Ovest, zona Multisala OZ
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emilianobertelli · 5 months ago
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duxonocrotalus · 11 months ago
RICHY AHMED live set @Magic Paradise, Cafe Del Mar Phuket 10/12/2022
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42frankee · 4 years ago
Premiere: Sam Holland 'Supersonic' by djmag https://ift.tt/3jyUIsz
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bloggiuliostrocchi · 6 years ago
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beepbeepmotherf · 4 years ago
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Solidarity if ever I saw it 😢❤️
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deephouseamsterdam · 8 years ago
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Snowbombing Announces Full 2017 Arctic Disco Events By: Deep House Amsterdam - Deep House Amsterdam Set atop Mayrehofen’s Ahorn mountain, the Smirnoff Arctic Disco at Snowbombing is truly a venue that needs to be seen to be believed. 6,000 feet above sea level, with the stars as your canvas and the world’s greatest DJs in tow, the Arctic Disco gives 300 of Snowbombing’s lucky... http://www.deephouseamsterdam.com/snowbombing-complete-2017-arctic-disco/ #Ahorn, #ArcticDisco, #Austria, #CarlCox, #ClaudeVonstroke, #Disciples, #Dixon, #DJKoze, #DJSuperHans, #DJYoda, #GorgonCity, #HotSince82, #Jackmaster, #JamesZabiela, #Mayrehofen, #MK, #NinaKraviz, #PatrickTopping, #RichyAhmed, #Skream, #Snowbombing, #Snowbombing2017
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steveyockey · 3 years ago
anon's teacher sounds like they suck. but also if teacher is stuck on "bi means two," why can't the "two" just be homo- and hetero-... as in, attracted to your own gender *and* not your gender. we don't say ppl are mansexual and womansexual so why assume bi means "attracted to men and women" rather than "attracted to same and different genders" which is literally what those other prefixes mean. but yeah regardless that teacher needs to rethink her career.
the problem with being someone who “does gender studies” professionally is you can be a dynamic thinker producing life changing work (jasbir puar, beth richie, sara ahmed, eric stanley) or you can rehash discourse you saw on tumblr three years ago about femmephobia in lesbian nail memes
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farihanishat-zone · 3 years ago
Your Love Is My Destiny
Part 04
Emma screams, "Jake..." and wake up. She is on her bed. Her whole body is sweating. She wipes some sweat from her forehead and grab the glass of water. It’s 3'O clock. Emma knows that she will not be able to sleep for rest of the night. She takes a deep breath and get out of her bed. She comes to the balcony to refresh her mind.
It's already 5 years. But the memory of that horrible night still haunts her.
That night police found Hannah and Richy alive. Ulric got arrested . And every news channel was hit up with a news, " A wanted hacker is killed by Duskwood police in an encounter. " She could hardly believe that Jake left her for ever. " How can he do it? Didn’t he promise Emma? ". Emma went to the police station but police didn’t want to talk at all.Neither they let her see Jake for one last time.
She takes a deep breath. Her phone buzzes up. " Who is calling her this late?". It’s Jessy.
Emma : Hey Jessy.Why are you still up?
Jessy : Oh god Emma.Did you forget about today??
Emma : Mhm..What are you talking about?
Jessy : Today is Pine Glade . And we all are busy in last moment preparation.
Emma gets silent for a moment. This is the night...
Jessy : Emma..I know it's a lot to ask but we all want you here. It has been 5 years and you never came Duskwood again. You really needs to move on.
Emma isn’t even focusing now.Those memories are getting back.
Jessy : Emma?? Are you even listening?
Emma : Ahm..Yes Jessy?
Jessy : So will you come?
Emma : Jessy, can I not? I am really busy nowadays.
Jessy : Hold on for a minute.
Jessy starts a conference call with Richy,Dan,Cleo,Lily and Thomas..
Richy : Hey Emma!
Cleo : After a long time we are having a conference call.
Dan : Hi Emma..
Lily : Finally we are talking again...
Thomas : It’s really good to talk to you again.
Jessy : Guys, I already told her that we want her to be here.But she isn’t listening to me. Now it's all in your hand.
Richy : I hope you know how important you are to us Emma. It feels bad to see you in this condition.
Cleo : We are trying to convince you for 5 years but you aren’t even listening. Please Emma at least try it for once.
Emma : You know it hurts.It badly hurts...Jessy? You know this feeling right? Didn’t you feel the same when we were almost sure that Richy is dead?
Jessy : I know Emma...
Lily : Emma, Jake was also important for me and you know why. But we can't pause our life for him...
Dan : Even still we don't know why suddenly that hackerboy became this important to Lily.
Jessy : Shut up Dan!! We are discussing some serious. Emma please..At least once....
Richy : At least for us?
Emma is trying to hold back her emotions.
Emma : Alright guys.I will go to Duskwood.
Jessy : Thanks Emma. We will be waiting for you...
Lily : See you then.
Richy : Adios Emma and thank you once again.
Dan : See you honey.
Cleo : See you at the festival.
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reignfms · 2 years ago
mwm poc?
our most wanted men of color would be !
tolga mendi, charles michael davis, diego luna, luke pasqualino, sean teale, manny jacinto, miguel gomez, jacob anderson, john boyega, jose ramon barreto, ranveer singh, devon terrell, daniel kaluuya, kiowa gordon, jonathan daviss, richie allen, andrew koji, nick sagar, archie renaux, daniel henney, howard charles, kit young, mahesh jadu, reece ritchie, santiago cabrera, sacha dhawan, varun dhawan, alberto rosende, alex landi, avan jogia, berk cankat, charles melton, david castaneda, harry shum jr, henry golding, isaiah mustafa, jesse williams, kendrick sampson, lucien laviscount, kerem bursin, mason gooding, michael evans behling, michael trevino, rahul kholi, raymond ablack, reece king, riz ahmed, sidharth malhotra, winston duke, ismael cruz cordova, oktay cubuk, sendhil ramamurthy, keith powers !
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