#Richard C Schwartz
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unofficialchronicle · 1 month ago
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Obsessed with this cover of
No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma & Restoring Wholeness with the Internal Family Systems Model (Chinese Edition) Paperback – March 1, 2022
by Richard C Schwartz Richard C Schwartz (Author)
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gatheringbones · 1 year ago
[“Intimacy is often defined as the ability to reveal all aspects of oneself to another and feel accepted. Because you aren’t ashamed or afraid of your vulnerable parts, you can expose them to your partner and experience the joy of being fully known and witnessed by another. When your partner is similarly vulnerable, you can be lovingly present with them but not feel as though you have to fix anything. You can have a relationship in which all parts are truly welcome. Even when your partner distances or is angry, your sensitive parts don’t panic because they trust that whatever happens with your partner, they still have your love. When all that is the case, you will be able to bask in the radiance of your partner’s love because you won’t fear losing it or being engulfed by it. When life hurts or scares your parts, they have two sources of solace: your Self and your partner. When your partner acts like someone from your past—your parents, for example—and this activates unhealed wounds that make you feel horrible, you are able to speak for, rather than from, those wounded parts because they trust you to represent them well. Consequently, you communicate your hurt with clarity and respect, without the blaming or pouting that commonly typifies such interactions. In turn, your partner is able to act in a compassionate manner, which helps your parts revise their beliefs about intimate relationships and unload the pain they carry from the past. In this way, your partner can help you heal without carrying the heavy load of being your healer.”]
richard c. shwartz, from you are the one you’ve been waiting for: bringing courageous love to intimate relationships, 2008
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garadinervi · 5 months ago
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Affinities, (1972, 4'30"), Film by Lillian F. Schwartz, with Kenneth C. Knowlton [Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA. © Lillian F. Schwartz]
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whattraintracks · 2 years ago
I may or may not have found this one on my fridge?? No Bad Parts by Richard C. Schwartz, Ph.D. quite literally rewrote my brain. I'll admit I went into it pretty skeptical, but I'm glad I pushed through my hesitancy because it was incredible. My mindset has shifted a lot, thanks to this book. Love it when I come out of a book different. Highly recommend.
Just finished my first random library read of the season! Clean Air by Sarah Blake. Super quick and interesting read. It was a mix of dystopia and mystery with some spiritual/supernatural elements. I enjoyed it and the more I turn it over in my head the more I appreciate its thoughtful reflection on living in a post-disaster world.
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janedroid · 10 months ago
The narrative of psycho-social trauma therapy
Bit of light reading… For a few days I’ve been chewing over issues with psychiatry, namely, why are we still diagnosing and medicating individuals rather than dealing with the systemic causes of stress and imbalance? A person goes to their doctor and asks for help, the doctor may then refer them or prescribe something like sertraline. That’s on PBS in Australia so it costs about $6 for a month.…
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neoyorzapoteca · 3 days ago
Intimacy is often defined as the ability to reveal all aspects of oneself to another and feel accepted. Because you aren’t ashamed or afraid of your vulnerable parts, you can expose them to your partner and experience the joy of being fully known and witnessed by another. When your partner is similarly vulnerable, you can be lovingly present with her but not feel as though you have to fix anything. You can have a relationship in which all parts are truly welcome. Even when your partner distances or is angry, your sensitive parts don’t panic because they trust that whatever happens with her, they still have your love.
You Are the One You've Been Waiting For (Richard C. Schwartz)
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covid-safer-hotties · 4 months ago
Also preserved in our archive (Daily updates!)
As part of the COVID-19 International Research Team, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, the University of Pittsburgh and Weill Cornell Medicine discovered a novel cause of cytokine storm -; the extreme inflammatory response associated with increased risk of death in COVID-19 infection.
Their findings were reported Nov. 27 in the online issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
In an intensive genomic search for causes of cytokine storm, the research team used autopsy samples obtained from 40 patients who died from COVID-19. They performed genome analysis on samples taken from multiple sites, including the lung, heart, liver, kidney, lymph nodes in the chest that initially filter the virus, and the nasal cavity where the virus enters the body.
They zeroed in on some 50 upregulated immune genes in the samples obtained from nasal swabs and followed through in the genomics for the autopsy tissues.
Stephen Baylin, M.D., Virginia and D.K. Ludwig Professor for Cancer Research and co-senior author, and first author Michael Topper, Ph.D., Evelyn Grollman Glick Scholar and instructor in oncology, were
familiar with many of the genes as part of the inflammasome, a protein signaling network they helped define that is activated to rid the body of virus or bacteria-infected cells.
"Some of the same genes involved in overactivation of the inflammasome appear to be key immune gene regulators of the hyperinflammatory process that leads to a new view of how these subsequently activate the "cytokine storm syndrome" and severely damage multiple tissues, says Topper.
The genes should turn on and off, Baylin explains, but when they stay on, it results in cytokine storm, the very severe inflammation that can be lethal to patients with COVID.
Essentially, immune genes in the nasal cavity, where the virus enters, send signals downstream through a system called renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) to initiate cytokine storm.
RAAS, a hormone system that normally turns on and off to help regulate blood pressure, body fluids and electrolytes, is the spark that pushes the immune response into overdrive, the researchers found, compromising the infection-fighting function of lymph nodes and causing severe damage to the lungs, kidneys, heart, liver and other organs.
The researchers also believe their findings may have implications for long COVID, a chronic condition following COVID-19 infection that is characterized by a wide range of symptoms, including fever, fatigue, coughing, chest pain, heart palpitations, headaches, joint and muscle pain, gastrointestinal issues and more. This is a focus of ongoing research, Topper and Baylin say.
In addition to Baylin and Topper, other researchers participating in the investigation are co-first author Joseph W. Guarnieri and co-corresponding authors with Baylin: Afshin Behesti (leader of COVIRT) and Douglas C. Wallace, Simon Pollett, Deanne Taylor, Eve Syrkin Wurtele, Robert E. Schwartz, Christopher E. Mason, Jeffrey A. Haltom, Amy Chadburn, Henry Cope, Justin Frere, Julia An, Alain Borczuk, Saloni Sinha, JangKeun Kim, Jiwoon Park, Daniel Butler, Cem Meydan, Jonathan Foox, Yaron Bram, Stephanie A. Richard, Nusrat J. Epsi, Brian Agan, Josh G. Chenoweth, Mark P. Simons, David Tribble, Timothy Burgess, Clifton Dalgard, Mark T. Heise, Nathaniel J. Moorman, Victoria K. Baxter, Emily A. Madden, Sharon A. Taft-Benz, Elizabeth J. Anderson, Wes A. Sanders, Rebekah J. Dickmander, Katherine Beigel, Gabrielle A. Widjaja, Kevin A. Janssen, Timothy Lie, Deborah G. Murdock, Alessia Angelin, Yentli E. Soto Albrecht, Arnold Z. Olali, Zimu Cen, Joseph Dybas, Waldemar Priebe, Mark R. Emmett, Sonja M. Best, Maya Kelsey Johnson, Nidia S. Trovao, Kevin B. Clark, Victoria Zaksas, Robert Meller, Peter Grabham, Jonathan C. Schisler, and Pedro M. Moraes-Vieira.
This researach was supported by the Division of Intramural Research, NIAID, NIH grant to Sonja Best, and DOD W81XWH-21-1-0128 grant awarded to Douglas Wallace, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grant INV-046722 awarded to Douglas Wallace, Adelson Medical Research Foundation, Hodson Scholar Foundation, Glick scholar awards and Samuel Waxman Research Foundation awarded to Stephen Baylin from the Defense Health Program (HU00012020067 and HU00012120103), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (HU00011920111), and the USU RESPONSE award (HU00012020070).
Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine
Journal reference: Topper, M. J., et al. (2024). Lethal COVID-19 associates with RAAS-induced inflammation for multiple organ damage including mediastinal lymph nodes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2401968121.
Study link: www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2401968121
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mstepenwolf · 9 months ago
i went to this introductory session about internal family systems therapy combined with polyvagal theory and it sounds like something that could solve a lot of my problems with emotional regulation. one hour wasn't enough to delve into all of the aspects of these methods so i need to find motivation to study it on my own : c
i've heard that no bad parts by richard schwartz would be a good start.
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soojinaaa · 1 year ago
2024 Jan - Feb
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본것 :
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읽은 것 :
Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls (Mary Pipher)
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic (Alison Bechdel)
No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with the Internal Family Systems Model (Richard C. Schwartz)
계절은 짧고 기억은 영영 (이주혜)
작은 마음 동호회 (윤이형)
Inseparable (Simone de Beauvoir)
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북클럽 친구들과 함께 읽은 Reviving Ophelia. 나의 두번째 Mary Pipher -- 역시 유익하고 글도 좋았다.
Simone de Beauvoir가 quote 된 모든 부분들을 밑줄치며 읽었는데, going from "being" to "seeming" 에 대한 내용이 특히 와닿았다. 나의 모든 말과 행동 중 얼만큼이 나 자신이기 위함이고 또 얼만큼이 누군가에게 보여지기 위함일까? 청소년��를 거치며 나는 나의 어떤 모습들을 포기하고 어떤 모습들을 새로 취한걸까. 그 시절에 두고 온 나의 모습 중 다시 access 하고 싶은 것은?
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마침 Simone de Beauvoir 가 쓴 짧은 소설이 집에 있길래 이어서 읽어보았는데, Reviving Ophelia에서 이론적으로 말하고 있는 것들이 네러티브로 풀어져있어 즐거운 독서가 되었다. 두 여자 아이가 청소년기를 거치며 being 에서 seeming 으로 삶의 태도가 전환되는 과정, 그 과정이 우정과 사랑 그리고 삶과 죽음에 미치는 영향에 대한 이야기.
나는 우정에 대한 이야기가 좋다. 우정과 사랑은 이토록 비슷하고 가까운, 때론 분리할 수 없는 감정인데, 왜 사람들은 사랑 이야기만큼 우정 이야기를 하지 않는걸까?
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나의 우정에 대해서도 생각해본다. 나를 깊이 이해해주고, 또 내가 깊이 이해할 수 있도록 마음의 문을 ��어주는 친구들, 비슷한 것을 좋아하고, 그것에 대해 함께 신나게 이야기 나눌 수 있는 친구들이 나에겐 소중한 것을 넘어 필수적이라 느낀다.
1월엔 학교 친구들과 monthly peer supervision group 을 형성해 첫 모임을 가졌고, 2월엔 일터의 동료들과 시작한 film club 의 첫 세션이 있었다. Rashomon (Akira Kurosawa) 을 함께 보고, 진실이란 무엇인가 - 에 대해 또 그 질문이 우리가 하는 일에 어떻게 적용되는지에 대해 이야기 나누었다.
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Film club을 함께 만든 J와 좋은 친구가 될 수 있을 것 같은 예감. 재미있는 영화와 공부에 도움이 될 책을 많이 소개받았다. 나에게 중요한 두 세상 (상담, 창작)을 나만큼 혹은 나보다 더 중요시 여기는 친구를 만나 기쁘다 생각했는데, 그 친구가 먼저 그렇게 말해주어 행복했다. 두 세상을 나보다 더 깊이 이해하고 있는 친구라 대화를 나누면 자꾸 필기가 하고싶어진다.
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New :
SIMS 4 (시간을 얼마나 투자했는지.. 3월부턴 현생을 살자), Mitski 콘서트, 김치콩나물국, Crochet, 눈독 들이던 티팟 세트와 포스터 구매, 새로운 레코드샵 발굴 (일본 LP가 많아 좋았다. 나는 마츠다 세이코, 주원은 Brian Eno 하나씩 구매), 동네에 훌륭한 이탈리안 식당 발굴, 드디어 New York Public Library 카드 발급, St. Agnes Library, 은영(홍콩)의 뉴욕 방문, 분리 불안 (주원 출장)
Repeat :
필라테스 다시 시작, 일기를 (거의) 하루도 빼먹지 않고 썼다.
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하루종일 집에서 일 한 날에는 밖에 나가 저녁을 먹는 것이 기분 전환에 큰 도움이 되고 (Lum Lum, BCD...) 몸이 무겁게 느껴지는 날엔 채소 위주의 간단한 식사가 좋다. 친구들에게 요리를 해주는 것은 아직도 어렵지만 그 기쁨을 조금씩 알아가고 있다 (SJ, 주원과 삼계탕 night).
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음악은 뭘 많이 들었나. 여행중인 수향을 위해 플레이리스트를 하나 만들어주었고, 위전과 두개의 공동 플레이리스트를 만들었고.. Mitski 공연에 다녀오고나서는 mitski 2024 tour setlist 플레이리스트 무한 반복중.
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주원과 오랜만에 모마 데이트 한 날 제일 좋았던 그림 :
Three Musicians (Picasso)
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일적으로는 안정된 1-2월을 보낸줄 알았는데 일기장을 뒤적여보니 1월말까지 이래저래 복잡한 일들이 꽤 있었네. ���을 땐 끝이 없을 것같이 느껴지는 스트레스가 지나고보면 언제 그랬냐는 듯 까마득하다.
1월 말엔 풀타임 계약서에 사인을 했고, 이 포스팅을 작성하고 있는 지금은 케이스로드를 꽉 채워 25명의 내담자들과 함께하고있다. 1/29일자 일기엔 "잘 나아가고 있는 것 같아 - 적어도 그런 마음이 드는 날들이 자주 있다" 라고 적혀있다. 오래동안 이 일을 사랑할 수 있으면 좋겠다. 좋은 벗, 동료들과 함께.
"We're very lucky to have this job where you get to spend all this time with a person - trying to understand that person."
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freakoutgirl · 1 year ago
Has anyone ever betrayed you? How did you move past it? I’m struggling…
Oh yeah I got cheated on by my girlfriend of about four years who I lived with. Fucking sucked and I got a lot of trust issues from it!!! But now we're still close friends and hang out and even got matching tattoos lmao.
I'm not going to lie, it took me years for it to stop hurting, and honestly there's still moments once in awhile where it hurts again and I go down a shame spiral. And it did permanently alter the way I view relationships and trust, so in a way I never "moved past it," it's just the new reality became familiar and I don't struggle against it anymore.
For about a year or two after the breakup, I worked a lot on this stuff in therapy and I read and watched stuff to help me through it. I tended towards codependency resources but idk your specific situation so that might not be relevant. I also tried to focus on self-improvement and self-forgiveness since I learned all you can control is yourself and your actions, so that's where you should put your focus at rather than whoever it was that betrayed you. Brené Brown is great imo. She talks a lot about shame in a way that's accessible. The Gifts of Imperfection was the first book I read at that time that made me feel hopeful. She also has some specials on I believe Netflix and Max, and also a couple TED talks. If you're open to a more academic book, No Bad Parts by Richard C. Schwartz is also very good to help yourself not hate the parts of yourself that are hurting right now.
If I could also give you advice I myself did not take, if at all possible I would also take space away from whoever betrayed you, at least temporarily. You need some time to heal and being around the person like that will just re-trigger you. Take the time to love and care for yourself and learn about your own needs and values from this!
Tldr: yes and I don't think I "moved past it" I've just learned from it and learned more about myself and gave myself time and space to be hurt until it hurt less
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avoidantrecovery · 1 year ago
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bibliotheraphy part 1.
Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving by Pete Walker
Ostracism, Exclusion, and Rejection by Kipling D. Williams and Steve A. Nida
Treating Adult Survivors of Childhood Emotional Abuse and Neglect by Elizabeth K. Hopper et al
Trauma And Recovery by Judith L. Herman
No Bad Parts by Richard C. Schwartz
The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk
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gatheringbones · 1 year ago
[“Another kind of happiness exists that you can feel steadily whether you are in a relationship or not. It comes from the sense of connectedness that happens when all your parts love one another and trust and feel accepted by your Self. When you have that kind of love swirling around inside you, it spills out to people around you, and those people become part of your circle of love and support. You don’t need intimate others to keep you out of the inner dark sea because that sea has been drained of its pain, shame, and fear. In your inner world, your parts are on dry, solid land and are well housed and nourished. They trust you to be their primary caretaker, which allows your partner the freedom and delight that come with being their secondary caretaker. When you don’t fear drowning because there’s no longer a dark body of water threatening to swallow you up, and when your inner world is one of abiding love, you don’t grasp for the life preservers our culture constantly throws at you. Your material needs are simple, and you value relaxed human connection over nonhuman escape. You have time and energy to nurture an intimate network that extends well beyond your partner, so they aren’t the only target of your parts’ desires.”]
richard c. shwartz, from you are the one you’ve been waiting for: bringing courageous love to intimate relationships, 2008
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xoxoemynn · 7 months ago
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
I was tagged by @douwatahima, @gentlebeard, and @edsbacktattoo to do this! (And I feel like somebody else but I can't find it so if it's you I am sorry that tumblr hates our special connection.)
Last song: I Don't Feel Like Dancin' - Scissor Sisters
Favourite colour: purple girlie
Currently reading: No Bad Parts by Richard C. Schwartz (my therapist told me to read it but naturally I'm applying it to fic)
Currently watching: nothing currently but my mind is still wrapped up with Kevin Can F**k Himself, which I finished last night
Last movie: I watched Chicago last week! Before that....genuinely couldn't tell you, I so rarely watch movies
Sweet, spicy or savoury: savory
Relationship status: single
Current obsession: lol take one guess
Tea or coffee: coffee (don't tell that to the entire shelf of teas in my kitchen)
Last thing I googled: dog beds (does Daphne need a new dog bed? no. am I in the mood to spoil her silly and am always stuck because she doesn't like toys and is on a diet? yes.)
I'm so late I'm pretty sure everyone has already done this or has already been tagged but if you're bored and in need of a distraction, consider yourself tagged. 💕
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noisytenant · 1 year ago
started reading richard c schwartz (founder of IFS)'s book and in the first like 5 pages he indicts neoliberalism for peddling a pessimistic, anti-compassion view of the world, integrates DID on the parts continuum in a non-pathologizing manner, and quotes one of the queer eye stars. So that's interesting
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What I read in 2023
2023 Either/Or- Elif Batuman Arcadia- Lauren Groff The Buddha in the Attic- Julie Otsuka Monsters- Claire Dederer Also a Poet: My father, Frank O’Hara and me- Ada Calhoun Bodywork- Melissa Febos Vanishing Fleece- Clara Parkes The Idiot- Elif Batuman Syllabus- Lynda Barry The Women’s House of Detention- Hugh Ryan Saving Time- Jenny Odell Sag Harbor- Colson Whitehead (re-read, very happily) All Night Pharmacy- Ruth Madievsky Moby Dick- Herman Melville Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow- Gabrielle Zevin Mare’s Nest- Holly Mitchell Lima :: Limón- Natalie Scenters-Zapico Heliopause- Heather Christle The Changeling- Victor LaValle The Secret History- Donna Tartt Punks: New and Selected Poems- John Keene Eyes Bottle Dark with a Mouthful of Flowers- Jake Skeets Togetherness- Wo Chan Soundmachine- Rachel Zucker Superdoom- Melissa Broder Philomath- Devon Walker-Figueroa Exiles of Eden- Ladan Osman NSFW- Isabel Kaplan Junk- Tommy Pico Draw Me After- Peter Cole O- Zeina Hashem Beck The Interestings- Meg Wolitzer Civil Service- Claire Schwartz My Education- Susan Choi Without Protection- Gala Mukomolova Mothman Apologia- Robert Wood Lynn A Nail the Evening Hangs On- Monica Sok The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On- Franny Choi Space Struck- Paige Lewis The Underground Railroad- Colson Whitehead Bliss Montage- Ling Ma Our Spoons Came from Woolworths- Barbara Comyns Garments Against Women- Anne Boyer Don’t Let Me Be Lonely- Claudia Rankine (reread) Present Tense Machine- Gunnhild Øyehaung, tr. Sophie Hughes Celestia- Manuele Fior, tr. Jamie Richards Night Bus- Zuo Ma, tr. Orion Martin Nightbitch- Rachel Yoder Boundless- Jillian Tamaki Your black friend and other strangers- Ben Passmore Library of Small Catastrophes- Alison C. Rollins Nerd: Adventures in fandom from this universe to the multiverse- Maya Phillips Desperate Characters- Paula Fox The Bird King- G. Willow Wilson Alienation- Inés Estrada The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop- Felicia Rose Chavez The Year of Blue Water- Yanyi Pale Colors in a Dark Field- Carl Phillips I Remember- Joe Brainard Manywhere- Morgan Thomas Obit- Victoria Chang Memorial- Brian Washington Girlhood- Melissa Febos Hot and Bothered: what no one tells you about menopause- Jancee Dunn
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prodigyfangirl89 · 2 years ago
knuckles spin-off series cast
Vector the Crocodile - Bruce Campbell, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Micheal B. Jordan, Seth rogen
Espio the Chameleon - Daisuke Tsuji, l.j. benet
Charmy Bee - Colleen o'Shaughnessey, Jacob Tremblay
Mighty The Armadillo - Micheal Mando, Micheal B. Jordan, Brady noon
Ray The flying squirrel - Tara Strong, Hudson Meek
Fang The Sniper - John Patrick Lowrie, Hugh Jackman, Karl Urban,
Bean The Dynamite - Aziz Ansari, Steven Ogg
Chief Pachacamac - Danny Trejo Sofía
Tikal the Echidna - Díana Bermudez, Ana de la Reguera, Selene Luna, Sofía Espinosa, Isabela Merced, Salma Hayek, Nisa Gunduz
E-102 Gamma - Corey Burton
Wendy Witchcart - Mia Goth, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Harriet Samson Harris
Battle Kukku XV - Nolan North
Speedy XVI - Maria Bakalova
Dr. Fukurokov - Mark Ivanar
Breezie The Hedgehog - Regina King, Janelle Monáe, Jena Malone, Pollyanna McIntosh
Vanilla The Rabbit - Maggie Robertson
Amy Rose - Kimiko Glenn, Anna kendrick
Big The Cat - Dave Fennoy, Patrick Warburton, Micheal B Jordan, Kevin Chamberlin
Cream the Rabbit - Melissa Hutchison, sabrina glow
Sticks the Badger - Margot Robbie, Paola Lázaro
Gerald Kintobor - Ron Perlman
Maria Kintobor - Mkeena Grace
Commander Abraham Tower - Frank Anthony Grillo
Subject Shadow The Hedgehog (Terios Kintobor) - (Paramount stated they want an A-list celebrity to voice Shadow) Keanu Reeves, Robert Pattinson, Pedro Pascal, Oscar Isaac, Micheal B Jordan
Rouge The Bat - Chloé Hollings, Marion Cotillard, Mélanie Laurent, Camille Cottin, Jordana Lajoie, Scarlett johansson
Tom Wachowski’s father - Bob Odinkirk, Dustin Hoffman, Bill Murray, Micheal Keaton, Kurt Russell, John Goodman
Metal Sonic - Ben Schwartz(robotic filter)
E-123 Omega - Micheal B Jordan, Terry Crews, Jon Bernthal
Hazard The Bio-Lizard (Marzanna Kintobor) - Ivana Miličević
Void TrapDark - Jude Law, Dane DeHaan, Gerald Way, Scott Williams, Freddie Highmore,
Lumina Flowlight - Tabitha St. Germain
Blaze’s Mother - Janina Gavankar, Sakina Jaffrey
Blaze The Cat (Indian/British accent) - Priyanka Chopra, Devika Bhise, Varada Sethu, Simone Ashley, Ulka Simone Mohanty, Natasha Chandel
Marine the Raccoon - Sia, Katie Bergin, Bella Heathcote, Isla Lang Fisher, Rylee Alazraqui, Kendal Rae
Blaze’s Rival: Frost The Axotol(example)- Michelle Yeoh, Fala Chen, Antony Starr
Jet’s Father - Matt Ryan, Iwan Rheon
Jet The Hawk - Tony Hawk, Aaron Paul, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Dante Basco, Ken Jeong, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jimmy O. Yang
Wave The Swallow - Sarah Margaret Qualley
Storm the Albatross (pacific, Oceania) - Dave Batista, Taylor Wily
Emerl The Gizoid - Augus Imrie, Kendal Rae,
Clutch The Possum - Micheal Rooker, Benjamin Byron Davis, Robert Allen Wiethoff
Tangle The Lemur - Lauren Keke Palmer, Brenda Song
Whisper The Wolf - Stefanie Joosten, Ana de Armas
Mimic The Octopus - Richard Colin Brake
Doctor Starline - Troy Baker, Hugh Grant,
Starline’s Love interest and partner -
Rough and Tumble the Skunks - Will Ferrell and John C. Reily, Jordan Peele and Keegan-Michael Key
Surge The Tenrec - Rachel Bloom, AJ Michalka
Kitsunami The Fennec Fox - Michael Cera, Kyle McCarley
Zavok - Christopher Judge, John Cena, Jon Bernthal
Master Zik - Frank Oz, Randall Duk Kim, Dustin Hoffman
Zeena -Mindy Kaling
Zor - Jaeden Martell, Dane DeHaan, Gerald Way
Zazz - Danny Brown,
Zomom - T.J. Miller
Black Doom -
,Keith David https://youtu.be/9LmOwEfPHUo
, Jackie Earle Haley - https://youtu.be/sF8zxctevXc
, Jon Bernthal - https://youtu.be/sDp4AuNen0Y
, Sean Schemmel -
, Ray Porter - https://youtu.be/aR8p4DIpxxE
,Karl Urban - https://youtu.be/ccF3uvpJ96I
Eclipse The Darkling - Norman Reedus
Callisto The Darkling - Carrie-Anne Moss
Dark Oak - Jeremy Irons
Black Narcissus - Angelina Jolie
Pala Bayleaf - John Leguizamo
Yellow Zelkova - Terry Crews
Red Pine - Pat Casey or Josh Miller
Cosmo The Seedrian - Carol Anne Day, Liliana Mumy
Lyric The Ancient(Owl like Longclaw) - Jackie Earle Haley
Johnny Lightfoot - Taron Egerton
Tekno The Canary - Paula Burrows
Porker Lewis - John Boyega, Daniel Radcliffe
Shorty “Shortfuse” The Cybernik - Cillian Murphy, Barry Sloane
Ebony The Cat - Gratiela Brancusi
Sonia The Hedgehog - Kiernan Shipka, Evan Rachel Wood, Isabella Merced, Jena Malone
Manic The Hedgehog - Joe Keery
Sally Acorn - Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman
Antoine D’Coolette - Tomer Capone, Bradley Cooper(hes fluent in French)
Bunnie Rabbot - Alex McKenna
Rotor The “Boomer” Walrus - John Cena
Nicole The Holo-Lynx - Ashly Burch
Lupe The Wolf - Amber Midthunder
Dulcy The Dragon - America Ferrera
Chip - Tom Holland, Freddie Highmore
Professor Dillion Pickle - Ian McKellen
Imperator Ix - Gary Oldman
Shade The Echidna - Lady Gaga
Infinite The Jackal - Kit Harington, Jon Bernthal
Silver The Hedgehog - Steven Yeun
Gold The Tenrec - Simone Ashley
Professor Von Schlemmer - Matthias Schweighöfer
Dr. Negan Robotnik a.k.a Eggman Neo - J.K. Simmons, Jeffery Dean Morgan, Giancarlo Esposito, Bryan Cranston, Pedro Pascal
Dr. Grimer Wormtongue - Ian McShane, Jackie Earle Haley
Chris thorndyke - Graham Verchere
Frost the hobidon - Dakota lotus
Juliet suter - Sydney Scotia
Antia/tania - Cassie glow
Perci - Stephanie lemelin
Preteen bokkun - Brett Gray
Park ranger - Patrick Warburton
Ashe - peyton r. perrine iii
Burst wisp - cherami Leigh
Uncle Charles - David Lengel
Bernadette - Melanie Zanetti
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