#Ricardo Gamboa
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violottie · 11 months ago
alt text included. from Ricardo Gamboa, 10/Mar/2024:
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yo-sostenible · 1 month ago
El buque oceanográfico Sarmiento de Gamboa, donde se realizará el proyecto ICEFLAME. CSIC Un equipo liderado por IGME-CSIC e ICM-CSIC investigará cómo responden los depósitos de este gas en el Océano Austral ante el retroceso de los glaciares Un equipo científico español, liderado por el Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME-CSIC) y el Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (ICM-CSIC) viajan el 8 de enero a la Antártida para buscar y caracterizar fugas de gas metano en el Océano Austral, un resultado del cambio climático global que, además, pueden influir en su aceleración. Estas fugas están vinculadas a cómo responden los depósitos de gas metano en estado sólido al retroceso de los glaciares, fenómeno que será investigado en la Península Antártica durante la expedición que comienza en unos días. El proyecto Iceflame, que contará con la participación de 26 personas a bordo del buque oceanográfico Sarmiento de Gamboa, recogerá datos del fondo oceánico utilizando sondas sísmicas y muestras de sedimento, a profundidades que van desde los 500 hasta los 4.000 metros. El objetivo es localizar posibles fugas de metano. Es un gas de efecto invernadero que genera entre 20 y 40 veces más calentamiento global que el dióxido de carbono (CO2). Se acumuló por última vez de forma masiva en el fondo marino antártico, en forma de metano helado (hidratos de metano) durante el último periodo glaciar, hace 20.000 años. La existencia de estos depósitos se conoce desde la década de 1990, cuando las potencias internacionales exploraron posibles yacimientos de hidrocarburos en la Antártida. Sin embargo, hasta ahora nadie ha estudiado con detalle cómo están reaccionando al retroceso glaciar causado por el calentamiento global. Se sabe que la pérdida de masa de hielo en el continente provoca un levantamiento del suelo. En la zona marina, una disminución de la profundidad, y por tanto una reducción de la presión efectiva sobre el fondo, facilita las fugas de gas. Esto podría afectar la estabilidad del fondo (riesgos geológicos) y tener repercusiones en el clima global. Los hidratos de metano son sólidos cristalinos de aspecto similar al hielo (metano helado). Se forman a altas presiones y a bajas temperaturas, unas condiciones comunes a más de 300 metros bajo el nivel del mar en zonas polares. Sin embargo, señalan desde Iceflame, estas condiciones los hacen muy vulnerables a los cambios asociados al calentamiento global, que eleva la temperatura del océano y provoca el levantamiento del fondo marino, reduciendo así la presión. Estos hidratos, además de impactar en el calentamiento global, afectan la estabilidad de los sedimentos marinos, hasta el punto de que puede causar explosiones y grandes deslizamientos del fondo, un riesgo geológico con potencial de generar tsunamis. Roger Urgeles (ICM-CSIC) y Ricardo León (IGME-CSIC) ambos geólogos e investigadores principales del proyecto Iceflame, destacan la importancia de su proyecto: “Sabemos de los problemas que los hidratos de metano generan en el Ártico, pero nadie los ha investigado en la Antártida como queremos hacerlo ahora. Solo en la zona de la Península Antártica estimamos que hay unas 24 gigatoneladas de carbono acumuladas en los hidratos de metano, lo que equivale a las emisiones de CO₂ de origen humano durante dos años en todo el planeta. Y se desconoce su estado, no sabemos si el metano helado, sólido, se está transformando en gas metano. Esto es lo que queremos averiguar en esta campaña antártica”. Trabajos de la campaña oceanográfica En concreto, durante 24 días a bordo, y durante las 24 horas del día, para lo que se organizarán en tres turnos, recogerán datos y muestras con unas sondas que permitirán conocer la estructura de los sedimentos del océano antártico hasta a un kilómetro de profundidad. Se va a investigar cómo estos fluidos migran a través del subsuelo al fondo marino y se cuantificar las emisiones a la columna de agua. Otro de los objetivos será el análisis de los microor...
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sinrupe · 5 months ago
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O evento The Contenders Muay Thai Fusion, resultado da parceria entre Canoas Boxing Stadium e The Contenders, atraiu uma grande audiência ao Clube Esportivo Pattino, em Cachoeirinha, no último sábado. Novos talentos se destacaram, como Nathalia Pannebecker, da Imperium Muaythai de Esteio, e Isabelle Feijó, da Du Fight de Porto Alegre, mostrando que o futuro do esporte no Rio Grande do Sul está garantido.
O evento foi repleto de nocautes variados. O destaque da noite foi a vitória de Helielton Trindade, da Dk1 Academy, que conquistou o cinturão da categoria até 91 kg do The Contenders com uma joelhada decisiva, além de receber um prêmio de R$500 da MKS, empresa representada no Sul do Brasil.
Na categoria amadora, Alessandro Leko (CT Kombat Martial Arts, Caxias do Sul) sofreu um knock down no primeiro round, mas conseguiu reverter a situação ao nocautear Ezequiel Nogueira (The Black Sheep, São Sebastião do Caí) com uma joelhada no segundo round.
A luta mais empolgante do evento foi o confronto semi-profissional entre Felipe Ricardo (Kings Muaythai, Canoas) e Miguel Gamboa (Dk1 Academy, Porto Alegre). Ambos foram premiados, mas Gamboa saiu vitorioso e levou para casa um par de luvas e caneleiras MKS, enquanto o vice-campeão ganhou um protetor bucal e bandagens MKS.
Na categoria profissional, Fernanda Peppa (Greco Fight Canoas) e Laura Foguete (Scorpion Muaythai, Porto Alegre) protagonizaram uma disputa acirrada. Laura Foguete, ao cometer menos erros, garantiu o cinturão da categoria até 54 kg após uma luta intensa de cinco rounds.
Aquilis Silva (Fidelis Muaythai), de Gravataí, venceu por pontos Gabriel Baraka (KSPF), de Novo Hamburgo. Nicolas Valenga (Jaraguá Thai Boxing), de Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina, venceu por pontos Yago Correia (Garra Team), de Veranópolis. Amilton Coelho (Scorpion Muaythai), de Porto Alegre, venceu por nocaute técnico Rafael Straccioni (Skull Muaythai), de Charqueadas, após Straccioni deslocar o ombro aos 50 segundos de luta. Amilton conquistou o cinturão até 81 kg do The Contenders Muaythai. Evandro Salgado (Sombra Team), de Porto Alegre, venceu por nocaute técnico Robson Canário (Greco Fight Canoas). Kim Maciel (Martens Academy) manteve o cinturão até 67 kg do Canoas Boxing Stadium ao vencer Danielly Lesseux (Jaraguá Thai Boxing), de Santa Catarina, por pontos. Nicoly Pirralha (Gean Thai), de Erechim, venceu por pontos Maria Paula (Dk1 Academy), de Porto Alegre. Diandra Colombo (Costa Team), de Criciúma, Santa Catarina, manteve o cinturão até 51 kg do Canoas Boxing Stadium ao vencer Ketlin Toniolo (L.P. Muaythai), de Erechim. Gilmar Silva (Wolfs Muaythai), de Porto Alegre, venceu por nocaute Ricardo Dias (Teles Team), também de Porto Alegre. Helielton Trindade (Dk1 Academy), de Porto Alegre, conquistou o cinturão até 91 kg do The Contenders Muaythai ao nocautear Lucas Souza (Studio Fidelis), de Gravataí. Laura Foguete (Scorpion Muaythai), de Porto Alegre, venceu por pontos Fernanda Peppa (Greco Fight Canoas), conquistando o cinturão até 54 kg do The Contenders. Wilson Marreta (J.R. Pride), de Gravataí, venceu por nocaute Leo Capoeira (KSPF), de Novo Hamburgo.
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sandrazayres · 6 months ago
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Rivadávia Correa, 60, Gamboa
Igor Ricardo
Assessoria de imprensa
Créditos e Fotos Divulgação
Proibido a reprodução das imagens sem autorização expressa do autor Lei 9610 de Direito Autoria
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maquilanews · 8 months ago
54 Parejas Celebran Matrimonios Colectivos en Nuevo Laredo
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NUEVO LAREDO, TAM.- Tomados de la mano y felices de consolidar su vida juntos, más de 50 parejas celebraron su unión matrimonial en un evento especial que realizó el Sistema DIF Nuevo Laredo para celebrar a las y los beneficiados de la Campaña de Matrimonios Colectivos 2024. En un salón de recepciones de la ciudad, la Oficial Segundo del Registro Civil,Mariana Soledad Escamilla Valle los declaró formalmente unidos en legítimo matrimonio ante la sociedad y la ley, para posteriormente disfrutar de una gran fiesta en su honor. "Esta unión es el reflejo del amor que se tienen y del compromiso mutuo, donde el respeto, la fidelidad e igualdad de derechos son los cimientos para esta nueva etapa en sus vidas. ¡Felicidades!", declaró. Por su parte Claudette Canturosas Villarreal, presidenta del Sistema DIF Nuevo Laredo, felicitó a las parejas y agradeció al Gobernador Américo Villarreal, a la Dra Maria de Villarreal, presidenta del DIF Tamaulipas y a la alcaldesa Carmen Lilia Canturosas Villarreal por el apoyo para realizar este evento. “El matrimonio es uno de los compromisos más sagrados que dos personas pueden hacer, es una promesa de amor, respeto y apoyo mutuo que se fortalecerá con el paso del tiempo. Queridos nuevos esposos estamos felices de seguir tocando corazones y de ser testigos de este hermoso momento” dijo Las 54 parejas que se casaron de manera gratuita en esta Campaña, también disfrutaron de una bonita recepción con cena, baile y rifa de regalos como una sala, comedor, recamara, estufa entre otros artículos. Esta campaña representa un compromiso en conjunto de sociedad y gobierno en el que se brinda certeza jurídica a las familias. En el evento también estuvieron presentes Teodoro Fructuoso González, Oficial Primero del Registro Civil; Raúl Navarro Solís,Encargado del Despacho de la Oficialía Tercera del Registro Civil y Ricardo Pérez Torres,Oficial Cuarto del Registro Civil. Además,José Luis Pintado Gamboa, director general del Sistema DIF Nuevo Laredo, José Raúl Rodríguez Ornelas, procurador del DIF y personal del área jurídica del DIF Nuevo Laredo. Read the full article
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agendaculturaldelima · 11 months ago
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🗯 El Centro Cultural de San Marcos (CCSM) te invita a disfrutar de una jornada teatral única junto al talentoso elenco del Teatro Universitario de San Marcos [TUSM]. ¡No te pierdas estas emocionantes obras para toda la familia!👪🤩
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🕔 5:00pm. “La Zorra Vanidosa” de Bárbara Lindsay (Estados Unidos), a cargo de Antonio Ramírez García, Liyber Félix Galindo Potocino, Rocío Lizbeth Guizado Mena, Ariana Alarcón Ancajima, César Fermín Romaní, José Santaria Jota y Ginger Medalith Huerta Aguilar, Dirección: Cristina Lozano.
🕕 6:30pm. Ese infierno llamado amor (tres obras cortas): “Pequeños peces” de Bárbara Lindsay (Estados Unidos), a cargo de José Santaria Jota y Ginger Medalith Huerta Aguilar / “A la Luna por favor” de Diana Son, a cargo de Walter Junior Porras Díaz y Patricia Rosa Emilia Chávez Ortiz / “Interrogatorio” de Ismael Contreras, a cargo de José Santaria Jota y Ginger Medalith Huerta Aguilar.
🕖 7:30pm. Campeonato de improvisación teatral: “Copa San Marcos” a cargo del Elenco Impro de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
🕗 8:00pm. “Don Dimas de La Tijereta” 🎩👿
✍️ Autor: Ricardo Palma
🔎 Género: Comedia
📝 Adaptación Teatral: Áureo Sotelo Huerta
🗯 Argumento: Un escribano de la Real Audiencia, anhela ser joven para casarse con su adorada visitación, una jovencita de tan solo veinte años, y para lograrlo realiza un pacto con Satanás, quien después de tres años, regresa cobrar, lo establecido en dicho acuerdo. Esta historia es una advertencia sobre los peligros de la ambición y la traición, además de reflexionar sobre la importancia del amor y la fe.
👥 Elenco: Arturo Villaverde Ríos (Dimas de la Tijereta) / Antuané Chacón Mucha (Petronila) / Deysy Ramírez Soto y Anais Sivipaucar Peceros (Visitación) / Elizabet Gamboa Vargas y Milagros Huamán Mota (Tía de Visitación) / Antonio Ramírez Vergara (Satanás) / Erika Ochoa Ccalla (Lilit) / José Santaria Jota (Lucifer) / Jhulyo Guevara Varela (Pretendiente I) / César Flores Romaní (Pretendiente II).
📢 Dirección: Cristina Lozano Cuba
© Producción: TUSM.
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📅 Miércoles 27 de Marzo
🕕 6:00pm. a 8:00pm.
🏛 Teatro Universitario San Marcos (jr. Lampa 833 - Cercado de Lima)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre
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acapulcopress · 11 months ago
141 aspirantes a legisladores federales renuncian a sus apoyos económicos
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CIUDAD DE MÉXICO * 5 de marzo, 2024. ) Apro Diputadas y diputados que participarán en la elección consecutiva manifestaron su renuncia voluntaria a apoyos económicos, informó la Cámara Baja en un comunicado. La Mesa Directiva informó que 141 legisladores federales que participarán en la elección consecutiva en el proceso electoral 2023-2024 manifestaron su renuncia voluntaria a los apoyos económicos a que tienen derecho. Estos apoyos consisten en asistencia legislativa, atención ciudadana, casa enlace, transporte y hospedaje y tarjeta Viapass para peaje, y dejarán de contar por ellos por el periodo que comprende del 1 de marzo al 2 de junio. De la cifra total, 45 son de Morena, 47 del PAN, 29 del PRI, 19 del PT y uno del PRD. Estos son los legisladores que expresaron su deseo de renunciar a los apoyos: Morena César Agustín Hernández Pérez, Carol Antonio Altamirano, Reyna Celeste Ascencio Ortega, Ana Elizabeth Ayala Leyva, Manuel de Jesús Baldenebro Arredondo, Rocío Natalí Barrera Puc, Juan Ángel Bautista Bravo, María del Carmen Bautista Pelaéz, Bruno Blancas Mercado, Francisco Javier Borrego Adame, Héctor Armando Cabada Alvidrez, Óscar Cantón Zetina, Olegaria Carrazco Macías, Mario Miguel Carrillo Cubillas, Alejandro Carvajal Hidalgo, Favio Castellanos Polanco, Olga Leticia Chávez Rojas, Armando Contreras Castillo, Armando Corona Arvizu, Roberto Ángel Domínguez Rodríguez, Olga Juliana Elizondo Guerra, Leonel Godoy Rangel, Juanita Guerra Mena, Rosa Hernández Espejo, Arturo Roberto Hernández Tapia, Mónica Herrera Villavicencio, Irma Juan Carlos, Mayra Alicia Mendoza Álvarez, Moisés Ignacio Mier Velazco, Evangelina Moreno Guerra, Julio Cesar Moreno Rivera, Blanca Araceli Narro Panameño, Araceli Ocampo Manzanares, Pedro David Ortega Fonseca, Jaime Humberto Pérez Bernabe, Sonia Rincon Chanona, Carlos Sánchez Barrios, Azael Santiago Chepi, Paola Tenorio Adame, Teresita de Jesús Vargas Meraz, Manuel Vázquez Arellano, Julieta Kristal Vences Valencia, Dulce María Corina Villegas Guarneros, Merary Villegas Sánchez y Joaquín Zebadúa Alva. PAN Marco Humberto Aguilar Coronado, Laura Patricia Ahedo Bárcenas, Salvador Alcántar Ortega, Marco Antonio Almendariz Puppo, Daniela Soraya Álvarez Hernández, Ana Teresa Aranda Orozco, Itzel Josefina Balderas Hernández, Ana María Balderas Trejo, Carolina Beauregard Martínez, María Teresa Castell de Oro Palacios, Román Cifuentes Negrete, Erika de los Ángeles Díaz Villalón, Yesenia Galarza Castro, María Josefina Gamboa Torales, Pedro Garza Treviño, Mariana Gómez del Campo Gurza, Carmen Rocío González Alonso, Karla Verónica González Cruz, Diana Estefanía Gutiérrez Valtierra, Genoveva Huerta Villegas, Jorge Ernesto Inzunza Armas, Julia Licet Jiménez Angulo, Berenice Juárez Navarrete, Diana María Teresa Lara Carreón, José Elías Lixa Abimerhi, Noemí Berenice Luna Ayala, Gustavo Macías Zambrano, Esther Mandujano Tinajero, Noel Mata Atilano, Miguel Ángel Monraz Ibarra, Sarai Núñez Cerón, Ali Sayuri Núñez Meneses, María Elena Pérez-Jaén Zermeño, Gabriel Ricardo Quadri de la Torre, Éctor Jaime Ramírez Barba, Sonia Rocha Acosta, Juan Carlos Romero Hicks, Martha Estela Romo Cuéllar, Paulina Rubio Fernández, Ana Laura Sánchez Velázquez, Rodrigo Sánchez Zepeda, Luis Gerardo Serrato Castell, Armando Tejeda Cid, Héctor Saúl Téllez Hernández, Fernando Torres Graciano, Roberto Valenzuela Corral y Margarita Ester Zavala Gómez del Campo. PRI Norma Angélica Aceves García, Yeimi Yazmín Aguilar Cifuentes, María de Jesús Aguirre Maldonado, Pablo Guillermo Angulo Briceño, Karla Ayala Villalobos, Frinné Azuara Yarzábal, Sue Ellen Bernal Bolnik, Jaime Bueno Zertuche, María del Refugio Camarena Jáuregui, Adriana Campos Huirache, Alma Patricia Cardona Ortiz, Eufrosina Cruz Mendoza, Carolina Dávila Ramírez, Juan Francisco Espinoza Eguia, Xavier González Zirión, Marcela Guerra Castillo, Fuensanta Guadalupe Guerrero Esquivel, Johana Montcerrat Hernández Pérez, Ana Lilia Herrera Anzaldo, Jazmín Jaimes Albarrán, Roberto Carlos López García, Tereso Medina Ramírez, Rubén Ignacio Moreira Valdez, Rafael Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, Mariana Erandi Nassar Piñeyro, Lorena Piñón Rivera, María Elena Serrano Maldonado, Maribel Guadalupe Villaseñor Dávila y Cynthia Iliana López Castro. PT Lilia Aguilar Gil, José Alejandro Aguilar López, Mary Carmen Bernal Martínez, Francisco Amadeo Espinosa Ramos, Alfredo Femat Bañuelos, José Gerardo Rodolfo Fernández Noroña, Irma Yordana Garay Loredo, Margarita García García, Jesús Fernando García Hernández, Maribel Martínez Ruiz, Luis Enrique Martínez Ventura, Brígido Ramiro Moreno Hernández, Magdalena del Socorro Núñez Monreal, Jorge Armando Ortiz Rodríguez, Ángel Benjamín Robles Montoya, Ana Karina Rojo Pimentel, María de Jesús Rosete Sánchez, Reginaldo Sandoval Flores y Dionicia Vázquez García. PRD Francisco Javier Huacus Esquivel. ] Síguenos en facebook.com/acapulcopress.news ) Síguenos en facebook.com/angelblanco.press ] Síguenos en ) acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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aptitudpe · 2 years ago
Región Tumbes reporta el primer fallecido por dengue en lo que va de 2023
Tumbes reportó hoy el primer fallecido por dengue en la región y confirmó que los casos, confirmados y probables, siguen en aumento y alcanzaron un total de 1,978 infectados. De este total, 583 son confirmados y 1,395 probables. Ricardo Gamboa, director de Epidemiología de la Dirección Regional de Salud (Diresa) de Tumbes, informó que son un promedio de 90 casos de dengue por semana y hay un…
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wregionalpe · 2 years ago
Tumbes registra 1,515 casos de dengue entre confirmados y probables
Un total de 1,515 casos de dengue, entre confirmados y probable, reporta hasta la semana epidemiológica 21 la región Tumbes, informó Ricardo Gamboa, director de Epidemiología de la Dirección Regional de Salud (Diresa) de Tumbes. Precisó que de este total 508 son confirmados y 1,007 probables. Sostuvo que desde la semana 10 a la 21, se ha incrementado significativamente el número de casos de…
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realidadpe · 2 years ago
Tumbes registra 1,515 casos de dengue entre confirmados y probables
Un total de 1,515 casos de dengue, entre confirmados y probable, reporta hasta la semana epidemiológica 21 la región Tumbes, informó Ricardo Gamboa, director de Epidemiología de la Dirección Regional de Salud (Diresa) de Tumbes. Precisó que de este total 508 son confirmados y 1,007 probables. Sostuvo que desde la semana 10 a la 21, se ha incrementado significativamente el número de casos de…
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cooltivarte · 2 years ago
Protagonizado por Esteban Bigliardi con la participación especial de Pilar Gamboa. Compositores: Diego Arnedo - Ricardo Mollo - Catriel Ciavarella
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weareotv · 8 years ago
Now Presenting: Brujos
Installment 1: The Devil
Episode 1: Aries
Episode 2: Taurus
Episode 3: Gemini 
Episode 4: Cancer
TV can be art. TV can be revolutionary. TV can be popular entertainment AND incite critical dialogue. Audiences are hungry and intelligent enough for challenging work. This describes the philosophy behind BRUJOS, a counter-hegehmonic web series. Produced by Open TV (beta), conceived, written and directed by Ricardo Gamboa and to be shot by cinematographer Ben Kolak, BRUJOS is a queer-of-color web series.
BRUJOS blends the Latin American soap opera, American sitcom, and critical theory as it follows a coven of four queer Latino doctoral candidates as they learn magic, indulge in nightlife, navigate intimate relationships, and write seminar papers all while trying to survive a witch-hunt. These young protagonists confront histories and realities of racial and gendered inequality as they battle the secret society of white, heteronormative male descendants of the first New World colonizers behind the witch-hunt. Twelve, seven-minute episodes corresponding to signs of the zodiac cycle have been developed through queer men of color testimony; interviews with actual practitioners of divination and magic, i.e. psychics, santeras, tarot readers, etc.; and with academics of cultural studies, performance studies, and queer theory.
BRUJOS addresses the current the landscape of television: Gay men and people of color are more apparent than ever in mainstream television. Sitcoms like “Blackish” and “Fresh Off The Boat” depict families of color attaining the American dream. Programs such as “Looking” and “Modern Family” feature middle and upper class white gay men searching for love or functioning as an all-American family. While these shows are representational achievements, they are not revolutionary ones.
In these cases, ethnic, racial and sexual minorities are portrayed in ways that support dominant culture, narratives, values and relationality. Commercial television studios and networks preoccupied with “scale” and “big data” seldom produce aesthetically or politically challenging work to secure mass viewership. This only further marginalizes non-normative people who’s lives, realities, and stories do not fit within their depictions and who devise new ways of being under the pressures of inequality that are never affirmed.
Moreover, Chicago has become a hotbed for television production. However, series such as Chicago P.D. reiterate stereotypes of people of color as criminals. Mega-hit EMPIRE provides more complex portrayals but it’s get-rich-or-die-trying messaging is consistent with popular culture. Too often work that offers alternative images, narratives, and values is not seen as viable by mainstream producers.
For such reasons, Stephanie Jeter moved from big budget television producing to assume a critical and creative approach to television production. Jeter’s commitment to working with independent artists led her to BRUJOS. BRUJOS was conceived by Ricardo Gamboa, an award-winning “artivist” committed to creating work outside institutional frameworks. Gamboa began development for BRUJOS in 2014 through informal interviews with queer Latino men and healers and psychics.
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thatawkwardbookthing · 3 years ago
I’m reading “The Real Life Adventures of Jimmy de Las Rosas” by Ricardo Gamboa and it’s great so far
It’s so fucking weird but like great! There’s super powered kids and evil werewolf chihuahuas and just the design possibilities for this show are endless like I’m already thinking about how I’d do the lights and sound to get this play as comic book-y is possible but like
There’s this scene that’s purely in Spanish and most of the play’s a mix of both English and Spanish but there’s no English in this scene at all and Gamboa added a footnote that basically says Spanish-speaking audiences will know that this is happening *summarizes scene* but English-speaking audiences will just have to use context clues I guess and y’all
This is probably the best footnote I’ve ever read. Gamboa really said fuck monoglots
Anyway it’s great play and I love it so much and it’s funny and emotional and just it’s so good guys
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anniekoh · 5 years ago
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Syllabus revision/creating time is an excuse to read all the things. But how else can I teach my social context class without cultural 
A Burning Desire: Los Angeles as Femme Fatale by Tatiana Reinoza (2012) in Hemisphere: Visual Cultures of the Americas 
In BURNBABYBURN, Vincent Valdez opens up the Pandora's box and asks viewers to question why Chavez Ravine is on fire, and what really happened there. His is a seductive form of visual rhetoric -- the city is a muse, the muse a femme fatale -- that causes pleasure, anxiety, and hopefully awareness, "off the record on the QT, and very hush-hush."
The Tide Was Always High: The Music of Latin America in Los Angeles edited by Josh Kun (2017)
In 1980, the celebrated new wave band Blondie headed to Los Angeles to record a new album and along with it, the cover song “The Tide Is High,” originally written by Jamaican legend John Holt. Featuring percussion by Peruvian drummer and veteran LA session musician “Alex” Acuña, and with horns and violins that were pure LA mariachi by way of Mexico, “The Tide Is High” demonstrates just one of the ways in which Los Angeles and the music of Latin America have been intertwined since the birth of the city in the eighteenth century. The Tide Was Always High gathers together essays, interviews, and analysis from leading academics, artists, journalists, and iconic Latin American musicians to explore the vibrant connections between Los Angeles and Latin America. Published in conjunction with the Getty's Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA, the book shows how Latin American musicians and music have helped shape the city’s culture—from Hollywood film sets to recording studios, from vaudeville theaters to Sunset Strip nightclubs, and from Carmen Miranda to Pérez Prado and Juan García Esquivel.
Josh Kun also curated some playlists for the book.
Mexican-American Mojo: Popular Music, Dance, and Urban Culture in Los Angeles, 1935–1968 by Anthony Macias (2008)
Stretching from the years during the Second World War when young couples jitterbugged across the dance floor at the Zenda Ballroom, through the early 1950s when honking tenor saxophones could be heard at the Angelus Hall, to the Spanish-language cosmopolitanism of the late 1950s and 1960s, Mexican American Mojo is a lively account of Mexican American urban culture in wartime and postwar Los Angeles as seen through the evolution of dance styles, nightlife, and, above all, popular music. Revealing the links between a vibrant Chicano music culture and postwar social and geographic mobility, Anthony Macías shows how by participating in jazz, the zoot suit phenomenon, car culture, rhythm and blues, rock and roll, and Latin music, Mexican Americans not only rejected second-class citizenship and demeaning stereotypes, but also transformed Los Angeles.
Macías conducted numerous interviews for Mexican American Mojo, and the voices of little-known artists and fans fill its pages. In addition, more famous musicians such as Ritchie Valens and Lalo Guerrero are considered anew in relation to their contemporaries and the city. Macías examines language, fashion, and subcultures to trace the history of hip and cool in Los Angeles as well as the Chicano influence on urban culture. He argues that a grass-roots “multicultural urban civility” that challenged the attempted containment of Mexican Americans and African Americans emerged in the neighborhoods, schools, nightclubs, dance halls, and auditoriums of mid-twentieth-century Los Angeles. So take a little trip with Macías, via streetcar or freeway, to a time when Los Angeles had advanced public high school music programs, segregated musicians’ union locals, a highbrow municipal Bureau of Music, independent R & B labels, and robust rock and roll and Latin music scenes.
Mex/L.A.: “Mexican” Modernism(s) in Los Angeles, 1930-1985 by Mariana Botey, Harry Gamboa Jr, Ana Elena Mallet (2011)
The years from 1945 to 1985 are often identified as the moment in which Los Angeles established itself as a leading cultural center in America. However, this conception of its history entirely excludes the very controversial presence of the Mexican muralists, as well as the work of other artists who were influenced by them and responded to their ideas. It is likewise often thought that Los Angeles' Mexican culture arrived full formed from outside it, when in fact that culture originated within the city--it was in Los Angeles and Southern California that Jose Vasconcelos, Ricardo Flores Magon, Octavio Paz and other intellectuals developed the iconography of modern Mexico, while Anglos and Chicanos were developing their own. David Alfaro Siqueiros, Clemente Orozco, Alfredo Ramos Martinez and Jean Charlot made some of their earliest murals in Los Angeles, influencing the Mexican, Mexican-American and Chicano artists of the 1970s and 80s. "MEX/LA: Mexican Modernism(s) in Los Angeles 1930-1985" focuses on the construction of different notions of "Mexicanidad" within modernist and contemporary art created in Los Angeles. From the Olvera Street mural by Siqueiros, to the Golden Age of Mexican cinema and the Disney silver-screen productions, to the revitalization of the street mural, up to the performance art of Guillermo Gomez-Pena, "MEX/LA" explores the bi-national and hybrid forms of artistic practices, popular culture and mass-media arts that have so uniquely shaped Los Angeles' cultural panorama.
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theliterateape · 7 years ago
They Didn’t Vote For Trump. They Voted Against Us
by Don Hall
Growing up I went to a variety of elementary schools. We moved around and so I was cursed with being that new kid almost every year. The effects of this were plentiful and included a tendency to find the edges of acceptable behavior, the boundaries of what was considered appropriate, and poking through the natural hypocrisies of any institution to find the cracks in which to climb.
By the time I entered eighth grade in Benton, KS I was primed to be a complete pain in the ass. What I didn’t know was that I wasn’t going anywhere from that point until I graduated high school so those impulses to bend and break the rules of decorum and establish my own sense of autonomy within what I had grown accustomed to being fugacious would create impressions that I would no longer escape.
Being a bit of a book hound and more of a smart ass than a smart kid, I almost always encountered the bullies early in the school year. Benton Grade School was no different. When, in early September, after refusing to bow down to the rule of three of the Eight Grade Ruling Class and subsequently getting the crap beat out of me in a field just within sight of the school, I found myself in the principle’s office, trying to explain that, while I certainly mouthed off to these thugs, I never threw a punch.
He looked over his desk, his meaty hands clasped together over his colossal gut, and grilled me. I was the new kid and he felt it was his duty to explain things to me the way one who keeps the peace by ignoring the realities of brigandage under his nose feels entitled to do. Because I was a cocky little fucker, I pointed out his role in the beating I had taken. I casually explained that these prison rapists in training existed because he upheld the system in which they thrived. And, as was my tendency when being yelled at, I was smirking a bit as I said it.
“Christ, Hall.” he intoned. “You are one smug piece of shit, aren’t you?”
That interaction started the year of him seeking me out for punishments as often as he could and, given my DNA as a rule-challenging little smarmy jackass, it was never hard to bust me for something. Often as not, I was deserving of some sort of sanction but it was the many times when I did not deserve the lumps that burned. The ember of unearned injustice grew hot and the result was an increase in my pretentious arrogance which, in turn, made things worse rather than better.
By the time I arrived at Circle High School in neighboring Towanda, Tom Restivo, the hulking, muscle-bound Italian Vice Principle already knew me from reputation alone. And he was going to have none of it. I decided to see how far I could go and, that fall at lunch, I grabbed a semi-clear plastic glass from the cafeteria, went into the boy’s restroom and fished out an unflushed turd from one of the toilets. I waited until class was changing and slipped into his office and left it on his desk and, like an early Jason Bourne, disappeared unseen.
Twenty minutes later, I heard his voice over the intercom in the Freshman English class I had just barely made it to. “Mr. Warren? Is a student named Don Hall in your class? If so, please give him a pass and send him to my office immediately.”
I shuffled into his office and he sat there, reading something, the glass with the butt nugget still sitting exactly where I left it.
“Sit down, Hall.”
I sat.
“Hall, what’s that on my desk?”
I couldn’t help the huge grin that split my face. “Looks like shit to me, sir.”
“You know I’m going to suspend you for this, right?”
I didn’t know how he caught me but caught I was so I just nodded as I giggled.
When I came back to school a few days later after my suspension, he called me back into his office.
“Hall, I’m going to give you some advice. You can take it or leave it, it doesn’t matter to me. I’m giving it to you because you didn’t do what every other kid would’ve done when I nailed you for the glass of shit. You didn’t try to weasel out of it. You knew you were beaten and accepted your punishment without question or excuse. I like that in a young man so I’m here to suggest something that may help you in your four years here.”
“So you’re giving me guidance because I was a conformist and accepted my suspension without complaint? Jeesh, I feel so privileged.”
He smiled a joyless smile. “Yeah, that’s your problem. That was your problem at Benton. You’re a smug little fucker. You’re smart and you know it and a lot of teachers around here are going to learn to hate your guts because of it. Four years is a long time, kid. I think you’ll be the kind of student who always challenges the rules but you will lose those fights a lot, even when you’re right, because no one wants a smart ass to win. I’ve seen it happen every year. Dial it down and you might survive high school. Or don’t, and we’ll see if high school survives you.”
Liberals dominate the entertainment industry, many of the most influential news sources and America’s universities. This means that people with progressive leanings are everywhere in the public eye — and are also on the college campuses attended by many people’s children or grandkids. These platforms come with a lot of power to express values, confer credibility and celebrity and start national conversations that others really can’t ignore.
But this makes liberals feel more powerful than they are. Or, more accurately, this kind of power is double-edged. Liberals often don’t realize how provocative or inflammatory they can be. In exercising their power, they regularly not only persuade and attract but also annoy and repel.
In fact, liberals may be more effective at causing resentment than in getting people to come their way. I’m not talking about the possibility that jokes at the 2011 correspondents’ association dinner may have pushed Mr. Trump to run for president to begin with. I mean that the “army of comedy” that Michael Moore thought would bring Mr. Trump down will instead be what builds him up in the minds of millions of voters.
Just the other day I bet my nephew $50.00 that Trump will not only not be impeached but will be our president past 2020. Not because anyone on the entire planet thinks realistically that he is anything but a political moron and overwhelming dickcheese but because there are more people who despise the smugness of the Holier Than Thou Army of Identity Fetishists who think nothing of branding anyone and everyone not in lockstep with their political ideology as racists, nazis, or monsters and self righteously adopting the Faux Moral Authority of the Republicans who impeached Bill Clinton for getting his knob polished in the Oval.
There is an argument to be made that few voted FOR Trump but many voted AGAINST us. How could 53% of white women voters vote for the pussy grabber? The easy answer is that they are racist. With the fifty or so recent examples of white women calling the police on black people doing nothing more than existing, that makes sense except for the fact that those viral videos of Starbucks racists are not statistically significant enough to brand millions of people so reductively. It is just as likely to suggest that an unreasoning hatred of the strident self-satisfied intellectual class of liberal, constantly lecturing from a claimed moral high ground, was their unspoken rationale.
Identity Fetishist Ricardo Gamboa wrote in May on his Faceborg:
“As radical activists we imagine ourselves as delegates, or representatives or a voice of our people. But the reality is we’re anomalies or minorities amongst our people. Most brown people aspire to wealth and institutional wealth, are pro-police and prison, think gentrification improves the neighborhood, etc. I think it’s probably more accurate for those of us that identity ourselves as radical activists to maybe consider that our biggest problem throughout time is that we don’t have a people. We’re always in the work of forging radical people.”
I think that sentiment an be expanded to the totality of the self proclaimed Progressive Wing of American politics. “Forging radical people” by throwing out labels and minimizing whole groups of people by skin color or complex choices is what got us here with the most accurate representation of the social media name calling reductionist eighth grader we could find sitting on a hemorrhoid ring with a fat finger poised over a Twitter account behind the Resolute desk. He sits there, in no small measure, because the rest of the country hates us more than they despise him.
I say “us” as if I am part of the extreme left, the hardcore faction of self righteous idiots who believe that identity politics is anything but the Politics of Narcissism. When I say “us” I mean to say that I didn’t take Restivo’s advice in high school.
I stayed smug. More so, I doubled down on it.
I occasionally go back and read my strident name calling rhetoric during the Bush Jr. years and can hear the voice of a Lydia Lucio, a Ricardo Gamboa, or a younger Donald Trump within the arrogant, pompous asshattery of self righteous rage. I then observe in hindsight the unreasoning obstacles forced in front of Obama and wonder how much of that Mitch McConnell driven resistance had to do with a simple disgust with us.
Like me in high school, we aren’t learning that that smugness doesn’t win elections it merely makes us feel warm and fuzzy as if our ineffectual resistance will be noted by future historians as somehow significant when figuring out how to persuade those out in the world of real, flesh and bone humans separate from the avatars of the digital world that perhaps we might be able to work together for the better of everyone.
I really hope I lose that $50.00 to my nephew but I’m not counting on it.
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policiaco · 2 years ago
Miles de becas en Sonora son posibles gracias al recorte presupuestal al Congreso del Estado: Sebastián Orduño
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Guaymas, Sonora; 11 de octubre de 2022.- el día de ayer en el Auditorio Cívico municipal Fray Ivo Toneck se dieron cita miles de jóvenes estudiantes de Guaymas y Empalme así como padres de familia para recibir la beca oportunidades otorgada por el Gobierno del Estado.
El Director General del Instituto de Becas y Crédito Educativo del Estado de Sonora (Ibcees), Froylán Gámez Gamboa, el subsecretario de Educación Básica de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura (SEC) Ricardo Aragón Pérez, el Diputado Local Sebastián Orduño Fragoza entre otras autoridades atestiguaron el inicio de la entrega de más de tres mil becas a alumnos de Guaymas y Empalme, con una inversión estimada de siete millones de pesos.
El Diputado Local Sebastián Orduño mencionó que el programa de becas más grande en la historia de Sonora en parte ha sido posible gracias a un recorte presupuestal de más de 400 millones de pesos que los diputados integrantes de la 63 Legislatura aprobaron al inicio de la misma.
Mientras tanto el Director General del Instituto de Becas y Crédito Educativo del Estado de Sonora (Ibcees), Froylán Gámez Gamboa, añadió que el recurso destinado a través de las becas ayudará a las familias de la región, especialmente a quienes se vieron afectadas por las lluvias del mes de agosto
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