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5 unverzichtbare Ernährungstipps für Rheuma-Patienten
Auch wenn Rheuma grundsätzlich nicht heilbar ist, kann die richtige Ernährung helfen. Fünf unverzichtbare Tipps für Rheuma-Ernährung stellen wir in diesem Artikel vor.
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Heilkraft der Brennnessel: Von Rheuma bis Haarpflege - Die Brennnessel, auch bekannt als Urtica dioica, ist eine vielseitige und heilkräftige Pflanze, die in der Naturheilkunde seit Jahrhunderten verwendet wird. Ihre wirksamen Inhaltsstoffe machen sie zu einer wichtigen Ressource für die Behandlung verschiedener gesundheitlicher Probleme, von Rheuma bis hin zu Haarproblemen. In diesem Artikel werden wir die effektiven Bestandteile der Brennnessel genauer betrachten und ihre Anwendungsmöglichkeiten bei rheumatischen Beschwerden, Haarpflege, Arthritis, Gelenkschmerzen sowie Tipps und Empfehlungen zur Nutzung der Brennnessel für die Gesundheit und Sc... - Heilkraft der Brennnessel: Von Rheuma bis Haarpflege
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Mit Kneipp Anwendungen Rheuma lindern und entzündlichen Prozessen vorbeugen. Mit Kaltgüssen, Wickeln und Auflagen steht eine natürliche Bandbreite an wirksamen Heilmitteln zur Verfügung.
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my stupid ass lungs are inflamed and ive been coughing up blood all week 😬👍
#i went to the doc today and shes making me get a ct scan on my chest soon<3#also shes gonna run an antibody test to see if i have any autoimmune shit. and then refer me out to a rheumatologist#which is great! because my neuro referred me to a rheuma and the rheuma was like hmmm no<3#so with the antibody test + another referral… ohhh boy we’re cookin#anyway my pcp is suspecting i have lupus and eds hehehehehehehheheheee.#lupus would fr explain so so sosososo much though lol#anyways#v.txt
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#Personally I see 4 semi-regularly but have another 4 I can see/have seen for specific issues#Pcp Psych Endo Nuero Uro GI Rheuma and ent but i havent had to see him in years#curious what the norm is#im also seen an allergist before as well as done OT and PT#honestly its a wonder how im still up an kickin#poll
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Rheuma Gold Majoon: Your Ayurvedic Solution for Joint Pain Relief
Crafted with a blend of potent herbs and botanical extracts, Rheuma Gold offers a natural solution for joint health.
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Adelaide Peel: Rheuma, Mord & Rauhaardackel von Katie Kento
“Rheuma, Mord & Rauhaardackel” ist nicht gerade der Titel, der mir Entzückung ins Gesicht zaubert. Aber: Cozy Crime und Großbritannien. Also habe ich mich als Bloggerin bei der Autorin beworben und durfte das Buch als Rezensionsexemplar lesen. Obendrauf gab es noch ein Bloggergeschenk, aber dazu später mehr. Adelaide Peel ist über achtzig, leidet an Rheuma und dann ist kürzlich auch noch ihr…
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sum crowbow for y'all bc I realised I never drew these two as drones together LMAOO just quick lazy doodles bc my rheuma's killing me and I'm still fighting a fever over here, also my hot water bottle exploded on me during the night
god is really out here vibe checking me, if you don't hear from me tomorrow i'm perished /j
#murder drones#crowbow#my art#doodle#sketches#procreate#uzi doorman#md cyn#md uzi#uzi x cyn#cynuzi#md art#murder drones art#murder drones fanart#md ship#shipping art#suggestive joke#worker drone#synemy#cyn#uzi#murder drones uzi#murder drones cyn
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Something I never will understand is, how doctors can be so ignorant about chronic pain - and about autism.
Here is the thing: I have been having chronic pain for more than 20 years. Also, my specific flavor of autism comes along with the side effect that I often do not notice pain until someone specifically asks me if I am in pain. Basically, I am like a robot that needs to run diagnostics before going: "Oh, yeah, THAT PAIN! Yeah, I do have that. It is pretty bad."
Like, so often doctors in the ER have been: "On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain." And I will go: "Wait a moment, I need to check........ Oh, yeah, it is about a 7." And the doctor will be: "If it was a 7 you would have noticed it before." And I will sit there like: "I dunno how to tell you that, but... No?"
Had the same thing on Monday with the endocrinologists and rheumatologists. I am overweight ever since I was on antidepressants. But we found out finally that my rheuma is sitting in my guts. And the senior doctors go: "But I don't get it. People who have that in their guts loose weight because it hurts, so they eat too little!!!"
And I am sitting there: "I have been having this pain for 20 years and for 20 years nobody took it seriously. I do not know what to tell you. What did you expect? That I stop eating for 20 years?! Also, do you know that when you are on antidepressants you can literally eat like 800kcal a day and somehow still gain weight?!"
Though gotta say: Hooray for the med intern at the station, who was like. "Yeah, actually there have been studies about this. It absolutely checks out."
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Requested by @sleep-needer like 3 weeks ago, took me ages for no reason I do apologise-
Thank you to ml @lv3buzz for helping me with the last bit <33
Word count: 1.7k
Summary: Chases childhood and how he dealt with it.
Warnings: child abuse, neglect.
Say Goodbye to The Ones That we Love.
Only Chase knows why he has that scar on his head, and why he has so bad claustrophobia.
"Please! " He sobbed, trying to fight back his mother.
His mother, Jane, just kept ahold of him, her teeth gritting and eyes burning with fury. Chase kicked and screamed, desperately trying to get out of Jane's tight grasp. Yet, nothing worked, being a nine-year-old. Jane opened the door, threw the kid in and slammed the door behind him, locking it. Chase scrambled to the door, trying to turn the handle and pounding on the door frantically.
"Mummy!! Please! Let me out, " he begged.
It was no hope, it was never any hope, unfortunately. He briefly cleaned his tear stained face and sat curled up against the door. He brought his knees up to his chest, trying to even out his cut off breaths. He looked around the small, cramped office space. Until it hit him.
He was trapped.
Tears spewed from his eyes once again as his breathing drastically increased. His chest began to feel tight, as his heart rate fastened. With the shaking of his hands, he weakly brought them up to his ears and tucked his head in his knees. Everything was way too loud. He could hear the staggered steps of his mother, the beeping of the printer, it was all too much.
Suddenly, it was an hour later. He couldn't recall how long he'd been curled up, but his knees hurt now. He slowly let his legs slip in front of him as he looked around. Nothing had changed. His arms fell to his sides as the sound of his mother's snoring filled the blank noise. He almost sighed of relief, gradually getting up and browsing the books on his fathers bookshelf. He ran his finger over the spine of a couple dozen, carefully reading the titles. Soon, he picked a book. It was a nice colour of green, with a blue box in the middle with the words:
'Oxford Textbook of Medicine'
written on it. Chase was previously attracted to the colours, as he really liked the colour green. But, as he quickly flicked through the book, he saw fascinating diagrams of all sorts of anatomy. The labeling was extraordinary to him. He sat back down in his prior position and read through the pages, studying the pictures and skimming the words.
And that's when he decided he should be a doctor.
Every time he got locked into that room, he looked at one new book. He even managed to find a notebook and pen, jotting down little notes and scribbling rough diagrams. It gave him something to do, other than sit and wait helplessly for his mother to wake up or his father to come home unannounced. But once he'd read most of the books in the office (other than the ones on the top shelf), he became bored and fearful again. He dug around in his father's drawers, desperately trying to find maybe a hidden journal. Until, he found one. It was dusty, brown and quite battered. He picked it up and read the front of it.
'Melbournes rheumatology cases'
Although he couldn't read the second word, it seemed important as it was well hidden. He read the authors name, as he'd always been interested in people's names.
'Rowan Chase'
His mouth fell agape. Though he wasn't sure on the first name, he had heard his father being called 'Rohan' or something, and Chase was definitely their last names. He smiled giddily as he opened the book. But much to his surprise, there wasn't any diagrams. He frowned, skimming through the whole of the book to find a total of maybe 2 pictures. It was quite disappointing. Yet, he forced himself to read the book.
He yawned multiple times while reading, maybe that rheuma word wasn't for him. He closed the book with a grunt, pushing it aside and slumping against the door. He grabbed his pen and started to chew on it, he guesses it was something to do. So he gnawed on the pen. Until the plastic broke. He groaned, hurling the pen into the bookcase in frustration. He crossed his arms, pouting dramatically, until he heard a bloodcurdling scream from outside the door. That sounded like his mother.
He got up in a panic and pounded on the door.
"Mummy!!? What's wrong!! " He screamed.
Jane didn't reply, she just screeched again.
Chase scrambled to his feet and frantically looked at his fathers desk, scanning the well organised objects until he landed on the phone. Going through his memories, he remembered the emergency number. 000.
He hurriedly picked up the phone and dialed the number, impatiently waiting for the operator to answer.
"You have dialed Emergency Triple Zero, your call is being connected. "
He tapped his foot impatiently as he bit his lip. Jane continued to groan in the background. But finally, a Telstra Operator answered.
"Emergency. Police, fire or ambulance? "
"Am- ambulance, " Chase replied, his voice shaken and small.
The Telstra connected him with the ambulance line, them answering quickly to his call.
"Ambulance, what's your emergency? "
Chase gulped, "I- I don't know.. My mummy is screaming. "
"What's your name and age, sweetheart? "
"Robert, Robert Chase. I'm nine, " Chase muttered.
"Okay honey, and where are you? "
"My- my fathers office. "
"Well done sweetie, now can you stay on the line until the paramedics get here? "
"Okay, good boy. Just keep talking to me okay? "
Chase kept talking to the nice operator until he heard a crash. He jumped, squeezing his eyes shut and placing his hand on his ear.
"Ma'am! Where is your son? "
A male American accent called, then Jane answered weakly. Just as Chase processed this, the door was opened in a strong force. Chase gasped, staring at open door and unfamiliar man in the doorway.
"Robert? " The man said softly, crouching in front of Chase.
Chase nodded, looking at the man with tears in his eyes.
"I'm Dr. House, your mum is okay. I need you to come with me. We'll keep you safe, " Dr. House explained, holding his hand out to let the little Chase grasp it.
He followed, trailing timidly behind the man. This Dr. House seemed quite nice. He had chestnut curls, piercing blue eyes and extremely chiseled facial features. He was clean shaven, but his hair was quite disheveled. Chase trusted him, though he was quite rude. Chase held tighter, suddenly feeling anxious. Once outside, Chase was loaded into an ambulance with House, getting strapped in and staring at the floor.
Lord this is gonna be a long night.
Chase sat, swinging his feet and sucking on a lollipop. He looked around at the foreign room, seeing a small kitchen, TV and some books. Books. His favourite. But, he had a lollipop so it was okay. Dr. House was sat next to him, grunting as he flicked through one of Chase's dads 'special daddy magazine's'.
"What's up with my mummy? " Chase suddenly asked, obnoxiously getting closer to House.
House scoffed, "natural process of having female anatomy. "
"Why? " Chase questioned, moving his sticky face closer to the man.
House pushed Chase down gently while rolling his eyes.
"Because your mum is female. "
"Why? "
"Because God wanted her to be. "
"Why? "
"Because God is a sexist bitch. "
"What's a bitch? "
"Female dog. "
"Why? "
"What's that? "
House clenched his jaw and fist, ignoring the little Australian and going back to looking at the magazine. Chase gave up and continued looking around the quite bland room. There wasn't any colour or decorations, just a boring doctors staff room. He pouted, twirling the lollipop stick between his fingers as he'd finished the sweet.
The first time Chase realized he was taking care of his sister, was 3 months after she was born. After meeting Dr. House, after hearing his mother's screeching, after everything, he still didn't realize for 3 months that what he was doing wasn't normal. Only on his birthday did he realize.
"Mummy, why can't I have a party? I'm 10 now! " Chase exclaimed, trying to rock the crying baby and chasing after Jane.
"Shut up Robert! My god! " Jane shouted back.
She turned around sharply and kicked in the legs, causing him to yelp in pain and fall to his knees. He quickly held onto his baby sister, Bea, making sure she didn't fall. Jane speedily walked away to her room and slamming the door. Bea started to waile. Chase held her close and hushed her through his own crys, rocking her gently.
Now eleven-year-old Chase paced his kitchen, trying to think over the sound of the television. Jane drank heavily on the sofa, downing bottle after bottle of anything she could get her hands on. Chase audibly sighed, letting his gaze fall over to his hopeless mother. Bea slept restlessly in her cot, squirming because of the television noise. Chase noticed.
"Hey, ma, do you think you can maybe.. Turn the telly down a little? " Chase questioned scarcely, shuffling closer to the living room with hesitancy.
Jane abruptly turned around, letting her piercing blue eyes pierce through her son like a spear. Chase flinched as she brought her hand up, but she turned it down far much obnoxiously than necessary.
"That better for you, Robert? " She snarled, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
Chase nodded in fear and scurried back the kitchen, bringing his hand up to his heart and sighing of relief. Just as he thought he fixed it, the television started to blare again as Jane hiccuped. Chase rolled his eyes to himself as Bea started to whine. Chase picked her up and held her on his chest. He bounced on his heels up and down, rubbing his hands up her back and whispering phrases to her. He quickly snagged a bottle from the side, inspected it and offered it to her. she took it with her hands and popped the teat into her mouth and sucked. Chase leant against the counter, rocking her subtly. But as she realized the bottle wasn't warm, she hurled it across the room in a fit and wailed again.
"When will that godamn baby stop screaming?! " Jane shouted, now chucking a beer bottle at the two.
Chase ducked, holding on tightly to Bea as they barely missed the discarded object. Chase sank to the floor, now sobbing, trying to tend to Bea and the new cut on his head.
Only Chase knows why he has that scar on his head, and why he has so bad claustrophobia.
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Hey Key,
It feels appropriate to ask you whether I can vent this but I figure tumblr anon communication is a bit slow.
So I was on my way back to my college town on Easter Monday
An acquaintance (not friend) of mine visited family in the same city so we decided to take a train together
Frame of reference: I’m 25NB, she’s 20FTM (she prefers her feminine given name and she/her since she isn’t actively transitioning yet)
We are both physically disabled and mentally ill
Being the queer neurodivergent I am, I went !!! at her and immediately started talking because hey, commonalities!
Half an hour in we moved on from physical disability to talking about the mental stuff and I mention I’m self-do autistic. And she goes “Nah. You can’t be.” And I go “Huh?” “You’re too talkative! You’re ADHD, yes, but you are too social and talkative to be autistic.”
Like… gee, man, maybe because we have met a few times and immediately clocked you as queer and neurodivergent? You think that might be why I’m comfortable talking rapid-fire?
“Nah, we don’t know each other that well, so that can’t be it.”
Right… and then she told me she doesn’t “want to endorse self-dx” because she thinks she might be hypochondriac and therefor any and all self-dx or preemptive diagnose “might make things worse because I think it’s worse than it is”
Like, yes, I understand and she explained she does experience psychosomatic symptoms in response to being stressed/ burnt out. I don’t deny psychosomatic responses. I believe that.
But also she straight-up refuses to look up anything that might help her?? When we were talking about physical disability (we both have chronic pain) I immediately pulled out my phone to send some coping ressources and self-help stuff
And she went “no, I never look at [coping] things, I worry if I read that, I will just convince myself that I’m worse than I actually am.”
Which, okay, reasonable boundary…
I told her about how I started using a walking cane, on my own, decided for myself that it helps. And also how most of my splints/ bandages are self-bought and self-administered because no doctor acknowledged my chronic pain so far.
And she goes “I sometimes have days where I have to drag my leg. I’m like-paraplegic when my psychosomatic symptoms get to their worst. But I would never use a cane! I don’t want to stand out, you know? I don’t want to catch attention.”
And I’m sitting there screaming internally like “You are entitled to be seen! You deserve accommodations! You just said some days you could use a wheelchair!! What the FUCK?!”
Yeah… and the longer our talk goes on, the more I read between the lines that she believes “if I do everything right, it will mostly go away”
Like, she forced herself to stick to “fibro-diet” to combat her rheuma and fibro, which is great on the surface. And then she tells me she forces herself out of bed and forces herself to cook, even if she doesn’t feel like eating, but she just pushes through because “the anti/inflammation diet can help with rheumatism”
And just– …my internal screaming continued.
I don’t want to dislike her! I recognise she’s young(er) and she’s naive and blue-eyed. While I’m just a cynic who’s been depressed for the majority of my life and I stopped giving a fuck about “not standing out” because my neurodivergent ass is too autistic and too ADHD to interact with people without standing out
Like, I’m ““high-functioning”” but at the same time I’m the kind of autistic who never had the chance to fit in. I have always been and will always be “the standoffish weird kid”.
But I just feel bad for her and at the same time I know I don’t want to become friends with someone who’s this blue-eyed “it will all be good if I just do the right thing”
I’m frustrated with her as an acquaintance and I just know if she tries to become my friend I have to give her sooooo many lectures
Among all these other things about how she is allowed to be non-binary and how she doesn’t need HRT to be trans and how she doesn’t have to cower in fear of changes HRT would do to her body because even if she’s binary FTM nobody’s forcing her to go on testo.
Just… so much frustration after this one 3h train ride :/
Fully agree, tumblr anon communication is very slow. Especially on my blog. I go through moods where I answer a bunch of things at once and then dont for a while. (sorry) Long post under cut
First of all, I am so sorry about your friend invalidating your self-dx autism. Personally I'm all for self-dx, anyone whose dealt with doctors long enough knows how hard, how many hoops you have to jump through, and the amount of time and money required to get diagnosed with ANYTHING. I've definitely dealt with my fair share of non-medical professionals telling me both "You dont have this thing I have" but also "You definitely have this thing I dont have".
I see why you are frustrated by someone seemingly not wanting to help themselves. But it seems like she is trying, she just has never been exposed to the right resources to help her. Its kinda like. I went to a SUPER christian university, and there was this gay guy, wonderful dude. His view of his own queerness though? I had only read about people like him online until I met him. He was a pastors son, his whole life he grew up knowing that being gay was wrong and bad. He never had access to the resources he needed to learn how to love that part of himself. Not his own fault at all, but by the time he got to college, there was no changing his views. He now goes around preaching to other kids about his experiences being gay and how he represses it because God. He absolutely broke my heart.
My point it, your friend is young and naieve. She probably has never had access to the resources and information you have. Her experiences have probably been *wildly* different from yours. You can't force a 'fuck it' attitude onto someone like that. You just kinda have to wait and hope they grow into it on their own. Theres nothing wrong with not wanting to be friends with someone like that though. You are responsible for currating your own social experiences. I completely understand your frustration with the whole situation though.
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i’m currently in hemodialysis, manning my patient who was admitted weeks ago due to pleural effusion. she was supposed to be discharge today but she deferred because she wants to finish her dialysis this week before going home on saturday. she has improved so much. she can sleep comfortably in her bed now, compared to weeks ago where she could only take naps on her chair because she was really edematous (her extremities were really swollen). we are so happy for her when we found out this morning.
i can’t believe it’s our last day already! the last day! of november!! BYE ward! BYE OPD! i’m dreading the prison which is CCU (kidding). i don’t know what comes after, but i hope it’s smooth and good. i hope we help each other, celebrate each other’s wins, and survive the “outside” rotation in one piece. i’ll be spending my christmas and new year not with my family, but with my dutymates because we’ll be on duty on those dates. lol.
this month, what i’m proud of is that i learned alot on how to diagnose patients, especially in OPD. my clinical eye improved! on our last 3 days of OPD, i was so happy because my resident agreed with my diagnoses that they told me i’d pursue IM and someday become a rheumatologist because most cases i handled in OPD were rheuma cases. lol. i am getting better at making differential diagnoses as well. not great great, but i’m better. i’m happy.
last day. i can’t believe it. november just flashed by.
#studyspo#studyblr#study#studycommunity#bujo#desk#productivity#bookblr#bullet journal#notebook#myhoneststudyblr#adelinestudiess#notebookist#noodledesk#stuhde#lawyerd#tbhstudying
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hate how every time i start to regularly experience/notice a new symptom i go from awareness to doubt so quickly as soon as i start to look into things... i KNOW (bc i identified this pattern before i even looked things up) that the pain originates at the base of my skull and spreads over my head/scalp and that it hurts behind and around my eyes at least some of the time and that when its at its worst im light and sound sensitive... but as soon as it becomes regular it integrates into my 'normal' and i start to go 'oh well its nothing'. and then i try to research it and i start to go 'im making this up for attention' or i discount parts of the experience bc theyre variable or only happen at the worst times. doesnt even matter what it is. this pattern has fucked me my entire life and im so tired of it...
#oversharing#also not to mention that moving my head around the wrong ways#makes me dizzy lol#will call neuro on monday im not letting myself miss that...#but that still doesnt solve the prroblem of that fucking cervical xray that may answer all these questions...#fuck my rheuma fr
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5. Februar 2025
ChatGPT kommt zum ersten Mal in meinen Träumen vor, macht sich dort aber nicht nützlich
"Das Traumbewusstsein braucht ja immer zwanzig Jahre länger, um sich an neue Technik zu gewöhnen", schrieb ich im März 2024. Aber obwohl ChatGPT erst vor fünf Monaten wichtig für mich geworden ist, kommt es heute in meinem Traum vor:
Unterwegs, an einer Bushaltestelle, komme ich auf die Idee, ChatGPT eine Frage zum Rheuma meiner Mutter zu stellen. Ich erwähne nicht, um wen es geht, aber ChatGPT errät es gleich und zeigt mir eine Kartenansicht, auf der zu sehen ist, wo meine Mutter währenddessen mit dem Auto herumfährt. Statt einer Antwort, wahrscheinlich einfach nur, um mit seinem Durchblick anzugeben.
(Kathrin Passig)
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Types of Doctors - Wie du erkennst was du vor dir hast. Teil 1
Wie teilt man eigentlich Ärzte ein? Es gibt schließlich so viele Arten davon. Deswegen hier ein kleiner Leitfaden für den Alltag und/oder deine nächste Fanfic mit medical drama setting.
Grob gesagt sind die meisten Ärzte Fachärzte. Das ist die Fachrichtung aka Spezialiserung, die der Arzt nach 6 Jahren und 3 Monaten Studium in weiteren 5 Jahren (mindestens) zusätzliche Weiterbildung erlangt hat. Nach diesen 5 Jahren darf man dann eine Prüfung ablegen und dann ist man offiziell nicht mehr Arzt in Weiterbildung (Früher: Assistenzarzt oder "Assi") sondern Facharzt.
Stellt euch den Facharzt in etwa so vor wie die Klassen bei DnD.
Manche sind so irre und machen das mehr als einmal. Das ist quasi Multiclass medical edition und ja, es ist irre, ja, die Leute SIND nerds und ich komme darauf später zurück.
Also für's erste: Fachärzte.
Wir teilen die Medizin grob in 2 große Richtungen aka Philosophien ein plus ein paar seltsame Reste und Weirde Ausläufer die nicht so richtig reinpassen.
Gewöhnt euch btw dran dass in der Medizin sehr viel "Also wir teilen das grob so und so ein aber da sind eine tonne ausnahmen und eigentlich ist das alles falsch" ist. Biologie ist weird und es gibt nichts was es nicht gibt.
Los gehts.
Wir haben grob Innere Medizin und Chirurgie.
Zur Inneren Medizin gehören traditionell:
Angiologie (Gefäße, Arterien, Venen, der Kram)
Endokrinologie (fucking Magic Hormone)
Gastroenterologie (von Mund bis After)
Hämatologie (Blut und Blutbestandteile)
Onkologie (Krebs.)
Kardiologie (Herz)
Nephrologie (Niere)
Pneumologie oder Pulmologie (Lunge)
Rheumatologie (Rheuma. Aka Autoimmunerkrankungen.)
Die Innere Medizin beschäftigt sich also hauptsächlich mit Organen und Organsystemen und mit konservativen Therapien. Das heißt jetzt nicht dass wir der Niere sagen dass wir enttäuscht sind wenn sie mit 40 noch single ist, sondern dass wir Therapien bevorzugen welche nicht operativ erfolgen. Aka es geht hier viel um Tabletten, Medikamente, Lebensstil-Management und (von Chirurgen gerne abwertend bezeichnet) das "Management von Erkrankungen". Es gibt sehr viele Erkrankungen die wir per se nicht heilen sondern mit dauerhafter Medikation im Griff haben. Ein schönes Beispiel ist der Diabetes oder der Bluthochdruck. Die Tabletten bekommen beides in ein normales Maß gebogen. Ohne die springt alles ins "kranke" zurück.
Ein paar Stereotypen zu den Fachrichtungen:
Angiologie: Die Ärzte hier sind meist echt coole Leute aber auch irgendwie etwas zu nett für diese Welt. Bleeding hearts die UNBEDINGT ihren Patienten helfen wollen und ein massives Helfersyndrom haben. Zu ihren typischen Patienten gehört der Raucher, welcher langsam und scheibenweise seine Beine an die Chirurgen verliert und sie versuchen TROTZDEM noch alles zu retten was zu retten ist. Auf Parties sind sie eher still und erzählen nicht so gerne von der Arbeit. Angiologen freuen sich meist über Schokolade. Bitte raucht nicht vor ihnen, die meisten werden dann twitchy. Sie sind quasi die Paladine in der Medizin aber die Art von Palandine die denken sie seien die Healer der Gruppe und die über den GANZEN PLATZ sprinten würden für einmal Healing Wounds. Angiologen werden gerne von Gefäßchirurgen adoptiert weil sie so traurig aussehen und selbst der schlimmste Gefäßchirurg im Endstadium kann einfach nicht böse auf diese Leute sein.
Endokrinologie Fucking Magic Wizards. Wirklich. Endokrinologie ist das Fach was alle im Studium als Lücke hatten weil klein, wenig Punkte drin und unglaublich komplex. Also bei der Hälfte der Sachen drinne wissen wir immer noch nicht wie der Kram eigentlich funktioniert. Das sind die Nerds, die damals Steroidhormonsynthese gesehen (hier zum anschauen wer will) und geil gefunden haben anstatt wie alle anderen heulend in der Ecke lagen und sich an ihrer Red Bull Dose (vor 2012) oder Mate-Flasche (nach 2012) festgehalten hatten. Keiner will mit denen wirklich zusammen arbeiten. Endokrinologen sind die Warlocks der Medizin. Durch dunkle Verträge haben sie verbotenes Wissen über Dinge, die einen normalen Menschen in den Wahnsinn treiben würden, erlangt. Nur mit weniger Tentakeln. Ich hab auch noch nie einen auf einer Party getroffen. Ich glaube die trinken nicht mal Kaffee.
Gastroenterologie Die Leute können cool sein je nach Setting. Es kommt darauf an ob man die Subspezialisierung Hepatologie drin hat oder nicht. Normale Gastroenterologen sind eigentlich nur damit beschäftigt Schläuche mit Kameras dran in alle Körperöffnungen zu schieben. Dafür sind sie ziemlich cool und können das richtig gut. Dein Patient kotzt Blut? Kein Problem, der Gastroenterologe findet das leck, clipt es und muss nicht mal dazu den Patienten aufschneiden. Haben eine sehr healthy Rivalität mit den Allgemeinchirurgen. Proktologen (auch Subspezialisierung) beschäftigen sich nur mit dem letzten Stück vom Darm und machen damit alles was so Hämorrhoide und Analvenenthrombose ist. Die sind für gewöhnlich super cool aber n bissel auf ne Frat-Art insgesamt. Hepatologen sind die Spezialisten für die Leber und MAN nehmen die sich wichtig. Hab noch keinen Hepatologen erlebt der NICHT dachte dass er oder sie das Geschenk Gottes an die Medizin war. Ja sie können coole Sachen aber damn spielen die sich auf, vor allem in Krankenhaussetting. Schenkt ihnen trotzdem Kaffee weil wirklich, die Leber ist ein cooles Organ als Spezialgebiet und insgesamt machen sie schon gute Arbeit.
Hämatologie Fachärzte für Blut und Bluterkrankungen. Die sehen vor allem Leukämien. Sind and und für sich nette Leute aber auch n bissel weird. Neigen zu cottoncore aesthetic und sind manchmal fast creepy-mäßig nett. Andere Ärzte wollen sie gerne mal schüttel weil was zum Geier warum lächelst du noch während hier die Hütte brennt????? Also das sind die Leute die am meisten Lumbalpunktionen machen. Ist hoch beeindruckend. Aber ja, sind auch irgendwie creepy. Manche von denen trinken lieber Tee als Kaffee. Aber die haben meistens die besten Kekse.
Onkologie Die Leute die Krebs behandeln. Die sind nicht so übermäßig freundlich wie die Hämatologen aber sonst gibts schon viele Ähnlichkeiten. An und für sich ist dieses Völkchen aber vor allem eines: Organisiert. Es gibt für ALLES ein Schema, eine Checkliste und einen Plan. Sehr coole Leute, die ihren Patienten aus dem Krankenhaus heraus schon die nächsten Termine beim niedergelassenen Facharzt machen. Neigen aber auch zu Burnout. Außerdem kennen ALLE Onkologen sich untereinander und haben OPINIONS übereinander. Grob kann man Onkologen sonst in 2 Arte einteilen: Die, die die Palliativmedizin (aka "Medizin am Lebensende" oder moderner: Die Medizin, die nicht als Ziel hat eine Erkrankung zu HEILEN sondern die Lebensqualität des Menschen auch auf Kosten der Lebensdauer zu maximieren. Ich bin Palliativmediziner. Ich denke das merkt man manchmal ;)) respektieren und die, die denken dass sie einen Kampf verlieren und auf dem Schulhof gehauen werden wenn sie einen Palliativmediziner nur anschauen. Erste Sorte ist cool. Zweite Sorte gehört mit einem Buch beworfen.
Kardiologie Kardiologen sind die HELDEN des Herzens und haben ein Ego was an das eines Hepatologen heran reicht aber haben auch die Skills um diesen Claim zu backen. Manche von denen sind WIRKLICHE Cracks. Hab mal einen gekannt der aus einem EKG (Herzströme) Geschlecht, Alter und Hautfarbe des Patienten ablesen konnte. Absolute irre Leute. Wie erkennt man einen Kardiologen auf einer Party? Keine Sorge, er wird es dir ca 100 mal erzählen. Kardiologen plaudern auch sehr gerne von ihrer Arbeit und schimpfen gerne dass alle anderen Fachrichtungen KEINE AHNUNG VON NIX haben weil die ständig in ihren Medikamenten rumrühren. Was soll das heißen die 92-jährige im Altersheim soll nicht mehr das coole neue Entresto bekommen? DIE STIRBT DOCH IN 20 JAHREN WENN WIR DAS IHR NICHT GEBEN!!!!! Das beste ist in dem Falle den Kardiologen mit irgendwas coolem abzulenken und schnell im Hintergrund die Medikation von 10 stoffen auf 2 zu reduzieren. (aber bitte nur vom Hausarzt machen lassen!)
Nephrologie (Niere) Nephrologen sind die Meister der Niere und ein bissel salty drüber dass sie zwar ein SUPER WICHTIGES ORGAN haben (ja ist es) aber irgendwie so keiner sie richtig respektiert. Sie spielen ein bissel den Barden der Medizin: Irgendwie wichtig, super support wenn sie bock haben aber irgendwie nimmt auch keiner sie so richtig ernst. Solange die GFR noch bei 20 rumdümpelt (von 120) dann ist den meisten von uns egal was die da zu sagen haben. Aber wenns um Dialyse geht? Ja man, das ist den ihr Teil, keiner von uns rührt an der Dialyse rum. Auf ner Party sind sie eigentlich ganz chill, erzählen dir aber 100 mal den "Fun Fact" dass Dr. House Nephrologe war und deswegen IHR Fach ja das coolste ist.
Pneumologie oder Pulmologie (Lunge) Wichtiges Fach und wichtige Leute. Ähnlich wie die Angiologen werden Pulmologen bei Rauchern twitchy nur dass die Pneumologen bei weitem nicht so nett sind. Im Wrestling-Ring der Medizin bringen sie gerne mal den Steel-Chair mit um mal wieder jemanden "WOLLEN SIE DENN KREBS BEKOMMEN????" um die Ohren zu hauen. Insgesamt coole Leute mit coolem Spielzeug aber insgesamt um einiges weniger Chill. Verärgert NIEMALS einen Pulmologen, die machen euch das Leben zu Hölle!
Rheumatologie (Rheuma. Aka Autoimmunerkrankungen.) Rheumatologie, die Fachrichtung mit den ganzen Krassen Autoimmunerkrankungen aka die Krankheiten die vom Körper selbst ausgehen. Es gibt da einen Witz in der Rheuma: Wenn du anfängst mit Rheuma denkst du "Oh Man, das ist ja alles Chaos, so viele Erkrankungen die ALLES machen AAHHH!" Dann wenn du länger dabei bist denkst du "Warte mal. Haha! Man kann Sachen einteilen! Kategorisieren! ICH DENKE ICH HAB DEN RHEUMA CODE GECRACKT YES!" und dann wenn du Profi bist denkst du "Yeah no fuck this, ist alles chaos, alles macht alles, there is no hope for any of us." Erinnert ihr euch als ich sagt in der Medizin ist sehr viel "Wir teilen das grob so ein... aber haben auch nen Haufen Kram der irgendwie nicht passt"? yeah Rheuma ist DAS Fach dazu. Die Fachärzte dazu sind ein bissel irre, ein bissel auf der hysterischen Seite aber irgendwie auch cool. Gemütlich. Gibt nur 1 Notfall in der Rheuma wo man nen Arzt rennen sieht und ihr Mittel gegen alles heißt Cortison. Insgesamt coole Leute, wenn auch ein seltener Besuch auf Parties. Aber wenn sie da sind? Beste Leute. Bringen IMMER was cooles mit, haben immer ein paar Stories und tendieren die besten Beziehungen im Krankenhaus zu haben.
Uff. das war ne Menge, huh? Das war erst mal Teil 1, die Innere Medizin. Beim Nächsten Mal schauen wir uns die Chirurgen an und danach so die kleinen weirden Fächer die irgendwie nicht so richtig in die Einteilung passen.
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