#Rex loves the twins he really does
varpusvaras · 8 months
Rex: One of my brothers also has two kids, eight and four, so like, similar enough ages to mine. And every time they come over, I get this wildly different experience. They come in and say "hello, uncle Rex", and I go, hello to you too. They ask, "where should we sit?", and I go, try one of the chairs. They say "we would like to color", and I go please. And then they sit down. And kriffing. Color. An HOUR later, I can go into that room, and they just be coloring like hum-hum-di-hum-hum. And I go like that's nice. Where are my twins? Are they in the house? Are they on the house? Are they under the hou- oh they're on the street, fantastic. I go out like what the kriff are you guys doing? And they're like "we broke all of the crayons and put them in the mailbox"
Rex: I've tried to ask Fox if he wants to exchange the kids but he said he doesn't want that Skywalker nonsense into his household and I'm like. Yeah.
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jillianallen14 · 1 year
Dear Baby Bats - Goth Band Recommendations
As a middle sibling goth (I’ve been in the subculture for 10 years now, so not a baby bat but not an elder goth either), let me turn you on to some bands because we do not gatekeep in this house!! Also, if you want consistently good lesser-known & brand new goth band recs, go follow Awfully Sinister on TikTok and Instagram. He’s a DJ & has great recs. I've found so much music through him because it's really hard to keep up with all the new bands cropping up every year. You want to avoid the goth subreddit because they are extremely gatekeeper-y and argue over labels constantly. It’ll just confuse you, and they are not nice over there.
If you’re very new to the subculture, and you haven’t yet listened to all of Bauhaus, Siouxsie and the Banshees, The Cure, Sisters of Mercy, Christian Death, Cocteau Twins, Clan of Xymox, Joy Division, and Depeche Mode, go do so now. You'll want to know which of them you really enjoy the most because it will help you know which sub-subgenre(s) of goth you want to watch out for, and it'll tell you what to look for to find it. For example, Sisters of Mercy is the gothic rock subgenre, Christian Death is deathrock, Cocteau Twins is ethereal wave, Clan of Xymox is like the original darkwave, Joy Division is classic post-punk, etc. I haven’t included industrial, despite its proximity to the goth subculture, just because I actually don’t really know that many industrial bands beyond Skippy Puppy, Ministry, and Throbbing Gristle. Some other goth/goth-adjacent staple bands (that are very popular and very influential) that you should listen to if you haven’t already are The Damned, Killing Joke, The Cult, and Adam and the Ants/Adam Ant). I didn't know where to put She Wants Revenge or London After Midnight either, but they're also great.
I’ve bolded some of my absolute must-listen to goth bands, and I've put monthly Spotify listeners for each band so you know which ones deserve WAY more love. And in my pre-list ramblings for each OG band, I've given you some key terms to look up so you can more easily find music that's similar to what you enjoy. Okay, here we go:
If you like Bauhaus:
Bauhaus is a hard one because honestly, nobody really sounds like them, and they aren't really that closely associated with a specific sub-subgenre of goth. They were post-punk, they were art rock, they were experimental, they were sometimes very punk and at other times very gothic rock. They liked to call themselves “dark glam rock” (all four members are massive Bowie, T-Rex, and Iggy Pop fans), but you’re gonna have a hard time finding bands that sound like them if you look that term up. They probably have one of the most unique sounds of all-time. They’re my favorite band (I even have a tattoo for them, like I am devoted lol), but even I have a difficult time finding other bands that scratch their particular itch for me. These bands I’ve listed are as close as you’re gonna get to Bauhaus’ general vibe imo.
Virgin Prunes (80’s band that is technically deathrock but has the same absolutely unhinged, danceable sound that Bauhaus has, so they’re going here; one of my favorites; no one else does it like them and no one else ever will; I would actually give my left foot to see them live); 13.2k monthly listeners (this is actually physically painful to me, how is it this low!!! don't walk, RUN to go listen to them)
Alien Sex Fiend (80’s classic unhinged goth); 77k monthly listeners
Sextile (modern band that has some very Bauhaus-sounding guitar work at times but with heavy industrial influences); 147k listeners
The Danse Society (80’s unhinged goth; has similar experimental vibes to Bauhaus imo; one of my fave goth groups); 36k listeners
Sex Beat (80’s); not even really on Spotify
Ritual Howls (modern band; I don’t know why it gives Bauhaus, but it does; one of the few modern bands that scratches that particular itch for me); 45k listeners
The Agnes Circle (modern band; one of my favorites; they have the right Bauhaus-like atmosphere for me); 52k listeners
Traitrs (I can’t explain why they remind me of Bauhaus, but they do; another one of my fave modern bands; they make me want to start levitating and doing the Ian Curtis dance in the same way Bauhaus does lol); 239k listeners
Paralisis Permanente (underrated 80’s; they have a lot in common with Bauhaus’s sound actually, def give them a try!); 54k monthly listeners
The Birthday Party (80s band, totally unhinged; they’re less dark and atmospheric than Bauhaus, but if you take one listen to their album Junkyard, you’ll know exactly why I put them under this category haha; Nick Cave is the vocalist, which is amazing); 54k listeners
Tones on Tail (80s; Daniel Ash & Kevin Haskins of Bauhaus formed this group; I’d put Love and Rockets as well, which is all of Bauhaus’s members except Peter Murphy, but Love and Rockets weirdly bears little resemblance to Bauhaus’s music; but if you just generally want more of Bauhaus members' work, Love and Rockets is great, too); 81k listeners
Dalis Car (80s; collaboration between Peter Murphy and Japan's bassist; their music is extremely weird, so only listen if you really love the batshit insane Bauhaus songs or if you really live and breathe Peter Murphy like I do lol; their description on Spotify is so fucking funny); 7k listeners
I'd also recommend listening to Daniel Ash, David J, and Peter Murphy's solo work. They're all great!! Peter also did some amazing collaborations with Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails); the version of Reptile that they did together is better than Nine Inch Nail's original version imo, and you can find that entire session on Youtube!
If you like Siouxsie and the Banshees:
Siouxsie is another one that's hard to pin down sound-wise because again, they don't really fit into one specific sub-subgenre, so all of these recs are just goth bands with female vocalists who have the same kind of powerful vocals that Siouxsie does.
Second Still (modern band, one of my faves; singer sounds a lot like Siouxsie to me at times); 69k listeners
Skeletal Family (80’s band; has the same “women in punk” vibes that Siouxsie has); 55k listeners
Xmal Deutschland (80’s band; has the same powerful vocals that Siouxsie has; makes you wanna go stupid go crazy the way the Banshees do); 73k listeners
Secret Shame (modern band w/ woman singer; has the same rage that Siouxsie songs have to me, especially early Siouxsie); 6k listeners (let's get those numbers up, folks!!!)
Rosegarden Funeral Party (modern band w/ a woman vocalist); 57k listeners
Mephisto Walz (90s & 2000s; sounds so much like the Banshees at times); 56k listeners
The Creatures (80s; a Siouxsie Sioux & Budgie side project); 34k listeners
Madhouse (listen to Repulsion! 80s group that’s technically deathrock, but I put them under this category because the singer has Siouxsie-like qualities); not really on Spotify
Strange Boutique (90s; vocalist is Monica Richards of Faith and the Muse & Madhouse; this is probably my favorite project of hers); 112k listeners
If you like Depeche Mode:
For Depeche Mode enjoyers (which DM is kind of on the fringes of what’s considered “goth,” but they’re so entrenched in the subculture that I included them anyway), you’re gonna want to delve into goth playlists that have a lot of EBM (electronic body music) and modern goth that leans towards synthpop/synthwave. So those are the kinds of playlists you’ll want to search up for similar sounds to DM.
Nuovo Testamento (modern band; combines post-punk and pop elements in a way that’s very similar to Depeche Mode; lots of fun live, and they have a good sound); 25k listeners
Boy Harsher (modern band; relies heavily on synth; feels like it should be playing at every goth club); 558k listeners
ULTRA SUNN (modern band; singer sounds like Dave Gahan); 217k listeners (they just blew up on tiktok recently, which explains why this just skyrocketed since the last time I was on their Spotify page lol; good for them, good for them, they deserve it)
Ministry's first album (called With Sympathy), which was synthwave/synthpop before they went industrial (this is one of my all-time favorite albums)
French Police (modern band); 252k listeners
Closed Tear (modern band); 152k listeners
Night Sins (modern band); 33k listeners
Panic Priest (modern band; vocals sound decently similar to Dave Gahan & there is a lot of reliance on synth; In All Severity is a gorgeous song); 5k listeners
Fad Gadget (underrated 80’s; I just feel like if you like DM, you’re also gonna like Fad Gadget); 58k listeners
Martin Dupont (underrated 80s cold wave/synth pop; Inside Out is one of my favorite 80s songs); 26k listeners
If you like The Cure:
You'll be hard-pressed to find a goth band that wasn't influenced by The Cure, so I really can't give you any key terms for what to look up lol. They also changed their sound so frequently that it entirely depends on what era of The Cure's music you're looking to find similar music for.
Vision Video (modern band; combines post-punk and pop elements like The Cure does; one of my fave modern goth bands; they are INCREDIBLE live); 52k listeners (I'm gonna need y'all to get a song or two of theirs to blow up on tiktok expeditiously lol)
Urban Heat (modern band; great live); 36k listeners
The Chameleons (80’s band; very underrated; they are also very good live); 167k listeners
House of Harm (modern band, very new; also very good live; has pop elements); 44k listeners
Deceits (modern band, another very new one); 28k listeners (it's crazy how much this number has grown the past two months because it was in the single thousands not that long ago; everyone say thank you, tiktok)
Drab Majesty (modern band; their instrumentals remind me of The Cure); 172k listeners
Double Echo (modern band, one of my faves; their instrumentals also remind me of The Cure); 15k listeners (let's get these numbers up!!!)
The Bolshoi (underrated 80’s band that combines new wave and goth elements in a similar way to The Cure); 114k listeners
The Essence (underrated 80s band that sounds so much like The Cure it’s actually insane, but they’ve got their own sound too; they’re like a perfect blend of all of The Cure’s different sounds); 25k monthly listeners
The Glove (80s; a Robert Smith side project with Steven Severin from Siouxsie and the Banshees); 25k listeners
Crimson Ivy (80s band; singer sounds so a lot like a more yelly version of Robert Smith sometimes); not on Spotify
Miss Teen America (brand new band from NYC! They only have one single out right now, and it’s well worth listening to); 940 monthly listeners (y’all know what to do!!! Let’s get those numbers up, up, up!) link to their single: https://open.spotify.com/album/4nvdZeUVLLrMv3tEziCqm7?si=2WVS7-eYQLGR7Id3wLiKhg
If you like Clan of Xymox:
Most of these bands will be modern ones because Clan of Xymox was honestly way ahead of their time. (They are also amazing live, so go see them before they eventually call it quits!) For playlists that are full of their vibe, you’re gonna want to look up “darkwave” playlists and also some EBM. Clan of Xymox pioneered darkwave, so any darkwave band you listen to is gonna be influenced by their sound in some way or another.
Harsh Symmetry (modern, very new; very heavily relies on synth); 29k listeners
Ssleeping Desiress (modern band; instrumentals similar to Xymox); 55k listeners
Twin Tribes (probably my favorite modern goth band; they are fucking incredible and so good live!); 276k listeners
ACTORS (modern band; heavily relies on synth); 86k listeners
Mareux (modern; heavily relies on synth); 4.8 million listeners (this is wild!!!! everyone say thank you, tiktok)
Sixth June (modern); 23k listeners
Plastique Noir (modern); 40k listeners
Rendez Vous (modern); 160k listeners
Minuit Machine (modern); 97k listeners
The Frozen Autumn (90s & 2000s); 31k listeners
If you like Christian Death:
All of these recs will be deathrock recs or goth bands that heavily leaned on punk sounds. So if CD is the OG goth band you’re most fond of, you’re gonna want to delve into deathrock playlists for similar sounds.
Asylum Party (80’s band); not on spotify
45 Grave (80’s band); 47k listeners
Voodoo Church (80’s band; probably my favorite out of this bunch; I actually like them more than Christian Death); 7k listeners (let's get these numbers up immediately!!!!)
Ausgang (80’s band); 2k listeners (WHAT; they deserve so much more, damn)
Corpus Delicti (90’s band; they are very good; they sound the least like Christian Death on this list imo); 26k listeners
13th Chime (80’s band; very underrated); 6k listeners
UK Decay (you know, I actually don’t know what era they’re from; unhinged sound); 1k listeners (omg)
Super Heroines (underrated 80’s band; Eva O formed it); 2k listeners (you see what I meant about underrated?)
Specimen (80s band; this one could have just as easily gone under Bauhaus tbh, but the vocals are generally higher pitched than Peter Murphy’s, so I put them under this category); 102k listeners
Sex Gang Children (80’s band; just so unhinged & I love them for it); 27k listeners
Suspiria (90s, I think? I don’t actually know); barely on Spotify but 27k listeners
Theatre of Hate (80s); 7k listeners
Bloody Dead and Sexy (2000s, I think); 44k listeners
Mescaline Babies (2000s); 3k listeners
Acid Bats (2000s; Mexican band with Spanish lyrics); 2k listeners
Altar de Fey (80s band; formed in San Francisco!!); 23k listeners
Twisted Nerve (80s band; classified as “gothic punk,” so I felt this was the best category for them; they’re great; their sound also reminds me of early Siouxsie and the Banshees and Killing Joke); 2.5k listeners
Play Dead (80s); 8k listeners
Limbo (underrated 80s; if you like Bauhaus & Virgin Prunes as well, you’re gonna like this band); 413 listeners
If you like Cocteau Twins:
Cocteau Twins’ early sound is usually categorized as “ethereal wave” goth, so those are the playlists you’ll want to look up if you enjoy their early sound. If you like their later sound, you’re gonna want to lean more towards shoegaze for similar vibes. Admittedly, ethereal wave is one of the goth subgenres that I know the least about, so I’m not gonna be much help here.
Dead Can Dance (80’s band; NO one, and I mean NO ONE, was doing it like Dead Can Dance; so fun to dance to in the goth club); 332k listeners
Lycia (90’s band; their music is very transcendent); 20k listeners
Linea Aspera (modern band; gorgeous woman vocals; honestly, their music is just very beautiful); 67k listeners
This Mortal Coil (formed in the 80s; some songs feature Elizabeth Fraser & Robin Guthrie from Cocteau Twins, but even the ones that don’t still have an ethereal vibe similar to CT; Sixteen Days/Gathering Dust is just like the best song ever); 310k listeners
Autumn's Grey Solace (2000s); 62k listeners
Faith and the Muse; (90s); 22k listeners
This Ascension (90s); 4k listeners
Strawberry Switchblade (80s); 400k listeners
If you like Joy Division:
All of these bands will be ones that sound very classically post-punk, so those are the playlists to search out; emphasis on "classic" because post-punk is a very broad term that gets applied to a lot of music. I would argue that Joy Division has had the most influence out of all the OG goth bands on the current goth sound/goth renaissance we're going through right now, so there are a LOT of bands out there for you if you’re a JD fan.
Molchat Doma (modern band); 2.5 million listeners (wow lol, they've grown so much over the past two years, it's actually insane; good for them)
Soviet Soviet (modern band); 152k listeners
Fearing (modern band; very good live); 30k listeners
Ploho (modern band); 146k listeners
Pink Turns Blue (criminally underrated 80’s band; they are SO good live); 98k listeners (this is an actual travesty, this band is way too good to not even be in the hundred thousands)
The Sound (another incredibly underrated 80’s band); 119k listeners
This Cold Night (modern; has the deep vocals of Joy Division and the driving bass but more stripped back than JD); 150k listeners
Bleib Modern (modern; has very similar vocals to Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, which is a band listed under the Sisters of Mercy section of this post, so if you end up liking this band, you should also listen to Red Lorry Yellow Lorry & vice versa); 36k listeners
Lebanon Hanover (modern; has the existential angst that Joy Division always ignites in me but more stripped back); 936k listeners (this is crazy, holy shit!!!!!! go, Lebanon Hanover, go!!)
She Past Away (modern; deep vocals); 226k listeners
Belgrado (modern; woman vocals!); 18k listeners (they deserve better than this!!)
Leonora Post Punk (modern; Mexican goth band w/ Spanish vocals! They’re amazing! They have those deep vocals you want when you’re looking for a similar sound to Joy Division); 56k listeners
O. Children (modern; has the deep vocals & interesting bass lines that Joy Division was known for; great band); 29k listeners
If you like Sisters of Mercy:
This is one of my least favorite goth subcategories, which is odd because I actually love Sisters. But if you’re looking for a lot of music that sounds like SoM, I’d suggest delving into the 90’s and early 2000’s goth music scene. Search out those playlists. A lot of the 90s and 2000s goth bands were very derivative of Sisters of Mercy.
Rosetta Stone (90’s band); 54k listeners
Miazma (modern); 10k listeners
Red Lorry Yellow Lorry (another criminally underrated 80’s band; one of my fave goth bands); 40k listeners (THEY!! DESERVE!! BETTER!!)
Dreamtime (modern); 65 listeners (ouch lol, please go show them some love)
Fields of the Nephilim (80’s, I think; if you’re a metalhead, you’ll probably appreciate this band); 95k listeners
The Merry Thoughts (80s); 19k listeners
The March Violets (underrated 80s; might be a controversial opinion to put them under SoM, but I’m standing by it); 69k listeners
Horror Vacui (modern; it’s kind of a stretch putting them here tbh, but I couldn’t figure out what other category to put them under); 44k listeners
The Sisterhood (spin-off Sisters of Mercy group that was formed by goth king Andrew Eldritch himself); 3k listeners
The Mission (formed by former Sisters of Mercy members; Wasteland by them was actually one of the first songs to get me into goth music); 180k listeners
Eyes of the Nightmare Jungle (late 80s & 90s; every time a song by them comes on, I’m convinced it’s a Sisters song until the singer starts singing lol); 13k listeners
Ex-Voto (formed in 1982, but most of their albums on Spotify came out in the 2000s; this band is like if Fields of Nephilim had a baby with Clan of Xymox & then sprinkled some industrial techniques in); 6k listeners
Also, if you want a 1500-song, 105-hour goth playlist that’s constantly growing, here you go. The name of it is a dig at my ex lol: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6jCV530pMmOEmDHj4CLNka?si=cEVKiyAwQpaieGiV2pMyqw
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Clone Wars headcanons that have been rotting in my google docs
I like to believe that Padme teaches Ahsoka how to make friendship bracelets and she treats it as something sacred and spends an unholy amount of time making some for the people she cares about 
Master Plo gets the first one, Obi-Wan gets the second, Rex Cody and a couple of their boys get some more, Padme of course gets one, and Anakin gets one last 
The reason he was the last to get one is something Ahsoka will never admit out loud but she honestly wanted to take her time with his
And because of that Anakin permanently has a work of art on his wrist like everyone’s is gorgeous but his is something else entirely  
He thanks her truly and honestly thanks her and promises to keep it forever 
When Ahsoka jokingly calls him for breaking the orders rules he comments back “When have we ever listened to those rules” 
He keeps his promise too that bracelet never leaves his person 
He’s lost clothes lightsabers and even a couple of prosthetics but he always makes sure to go back for that bracelet
He eventually repays the gift in kind with a bracelet of his own 
It’s not the best made or pretties thing but Ahsoka can feel the love that was put into it so she makes the same promise he did years ago and keeps it too 
When the twins are born Ahsoka makes them both friendship bracelets 
At first they are small enough for their tiny wrists but she adds onto them as they grow older 
Ahsoka tears up when she finds that they all kept the bracelets she never thought they’d toss them or anything but seeing them decades later does hit her hard because they’re all in perfect condition 
Padme loves to “kidnap” Ahsoka whenever they have the time 
She’ll just request her protection on a diplomatic mission 
Sometimes it is an actual mission but Padme will still make time to take them to her favorite restaurants or cafes so they can have a little bit of downtime
When the war ends the tradition continues even tho everyone knows Ahsoka’s not really there as a security escort 
I find the visual of Anakin and Padme telling Ahsoka, Obi-wan, and Rex they’re married fucking hilarious 
Both Obi-Wan and Rex would try to act like they’ve been fooled truly they do but it all kinda breaks when Ahsoka asks “Wait we weren’t supposed to know?” 
Anakin is just as confused when he asks “What do you mean Soka? How could you have known?” 
And that’s when Ahsoka just starts laughing hysterically and it doesn’t take long for Obi-Wan and Rex to join in when he asks again all Ahsoka says is “Really? Kriffing look at you two” and doesn’t add much else 
Both Luke and Leia try to replicate Ahsoka’s face markings with various levels of success 
They often ask their mom for help and she’s always happy to do so Ahsoka gets filled with unimaginable amounts of joy when she sees her niece and nephew trying to look just like her 
Anakin often jokes that of course he’s not the favorite even in his own home like she’s not the first name that comes up whenever babysitting is on the table 
It’s also not a surprise that both Ahsoka and Obi-Wan become the twin's space equivalent of godparents 
It seems like a necessary precaution all things considered 
Neither of them takes the role lightly but they also vow that it won’t be needed and they do everything in their power to make it so 
After most missions it is very rare for Anakin to let Ahsoka and Obi-Wan out of his sight 
Ahsoka never fights him on this and is perfectly happy to stay by his side and sleep in the living room like they often do 
Sometimes Obi-Wan is called away for a meeting with the council and can’t stay with the two but that doesn’t stop him from joining them later on in the night even if they’re asleep 
Anything beats sleeping in his cold desolate room after some of the more dangerous missions 
Sometimes they’ll go a step further and call Padme just to check in with her and have her on the line as they watch some stupid rom-com
After some of the rougher missions it wasn’t uncommon for Ahsoka to pass out due to the physical and mental strain 
It also wasn’t uncommon for Anakin to give her a piggyback ride back to the ship 
He finds that people shoot him less looks when he’s carrying his padawan instead of holding her in a death grip and not letting go until it’s time to leave 
A lot of people thought they’d grow out of this habit but no it’s a trend that stays throughout their lives 
It just so happens that Ahsoka grows tall enough to return the ongoing favor  
It also didn’t stop at the battlefield either 
Sometimes Anakin would find her passed out in the archives or he would get a message that she was asleep in a friend's room 
And he’d always go to get her because what’s he gonna do leave her there? 
Sometimes when Ahsokas babysitting the kids Anakin will find her in a position that Obi-Wan often told him about 
Sitting in front of the TV with the twins curled up at her side 
And while Padme deems it her job to carry the twins off to their room Anakin takes his long-time role of carrying Ahsoka to hers 
(Because if you think she wouldn’t have a room in their house you’re crazy) 
Anakin always knew Ahsoka would grow up that’s just a part of life and how the universe works 
But nothing can describe the feeling of her growing taller than him 
Envy isn’t what he feels no matter how much people suggest he does sadness isn’t either it’s something deeper than that 
Bittersweet is the closest word he could find because after all there’s nothing quite like watching your younger sibling grow up
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 month
Clone Beans Masterpost
Was about time I set up one of these for the Clone Beans AU! It's gonna get longer as time goes by and more information is added.
--General Information--
Info Guide
How do the Clone Beans eat?
How do the Clone Beans earn their markings?
How to tell Coh and Echo Bean apart model-wise?
If you care to go into this, how did Echo Bean act while Echo was a prisoner? And would he change either in mannerisms or appearance when Echo joined CF99?
How does Fives survive in the Beanverse?
Is there anything that you should avoid doing with the clone beans? Also, are there things that beans universally love?
How are the corrie beans doing anyways? And how does Anakin feel when he finds out about the whole experimentation thing and the fact that it was his fault?
What was Fives Bean's and Echo Bean's reunion like?
How has the Coruscant Guard losing their beans affected them?
What is it about Cody’s Bean that Anakin finds off putting?
What Fives Bean loves most!
How do the Coruscant Guard react to getting their beans back?
Coh's Free Pass to fuck with Anakin
What did Fives get up to while on the run?
Who are the three brothers Fives is rescuing?
What happened to Tup and Dogma?
How did becoming a Vestige affect Dogma Bean? And what is up with Tup Bean?
How does Coh act around other Vestige Beans?
Clone Force 99 Beans
Who made CF99 Beans's accessories? Why does Echo Bean not have a prosthetic? Do they accept pets?
Why did Omega remain a secret? And which Bean is the most meticulous about their appearance?
--3D Base Models (Markings not Included)--
212th, 501st, 104th & Coruscant Guard Beans
Clone Force 99 Beans (and Bula)
Rex introduces his Bean to Ahsoka
Everyone loves Kix
Silly Bean Memes
Breakfast with Hardcase
Obi-wan meets the 212th Beans
Mouse Droid Council
Bean Daycare
The Fuzziest Bean
Just like old times...
Of Frogs and Beans
Vestige Naptime
Long Bean
Fleeting Memory
Is it Really Self-Hatred When You’re No Longer You?
Achilles, Come Down
--OC Related Stuff--
Olly Bean and Rhythmn Bean banging out the tunes!
Beans are friends, not food!
The 105th Beans
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fanfic-obsessed · 8 months
Responding to the Talk Shop Tuesdays post!
Leverage x Star Wars. Thoughts?
(I've had vague wonderings of leverage-style clone wars shenanigans but can't really get past "someone talks them into wrecking Palpatine's shit and they do" so I'm just throwing this into the air).
Alternatively, if you also have no thoughts there, favorite way you've written Palpatine accidentally shooting himself in the foot?
Oooh, Leverage and Start wars. I had not had that thought before…now I do. It’s legally required. 
I know you said during the clone wars but post Order 66 immediately came to mind. Let's start with our cast.
Mastermind: Cody (initially this was going to be Obi Wan with Cody being the hitter, but bear with me I think this will be even better). Cody deserts the empire, a broken man, lost everything. He thinks everyone he ever loved is dead.  A few years after his desertion, he gets his chip removed through a series of unfortunate events (though he never actually finds out what it is or what it does). He is drifting through life, doing just enough work to get the money to keep drinking. An honest man. And a smart one. 
Grifter: Obi Wan. After the Order goes out. After Anakin. After the birth of the twins, Obi Wan does spend a year or two on Tatooine. But Owen Lars makes a very specific good point, even a single slip up (and there are always slip ups), will bring the Empires attention to Tatooine (They believe Anakin is dead, so it is the Emperor’s attention that Obi Wan fears) and with that to Luke. It is better if Obi Wan is anywhere else. Owen is gracious in victory and agrees to updates up to four times a year.  So Obi Wan, Ben, loses himself. A new name every night, a new planet, a new voice.  The galaxy is a large place and Ben knows how to slip through and around the cracks.  Though no one has made the connection yet, a number Ben’s alias’s are wanted by the Empire, the Hutts, and the remaining Mandalorians (current total bounty’s, in credits, for all of his other aliases almost reaches the Empire’s bounty for Obi Wan Kenobi).
Hitter:  Boba Fett. Bounty Hunter. The only clone who wasn’t (who was a son). Often underestimated because of his youth. Alone by both circumstances and choice (even with Pond's death, Boba would be welcomed by most clones had he been willing to see them as sentient).  He is a teen when our team comes together and is still one of the most dangerous people in the galaxy. At first he barely considers any of these people sentient and is not sure why he is sticking around, but this is also the safest he has felt since his father had died. 
Hacker: Echo. After Tech’s death Echo found that he could not stay with the Bad Batch.  The ghosts of everybody he had lost draped around him, weighing him down, leaving Echo feeling he could not go back to the Rebels or Rex either.  He skimmed enough credits from various Empire accounts that he was able to buy himself a ship, which he then modified. He decided he would find, no matter the firewalls, every scrap of video or information regarding his lost brothers (all of them). That they would not be forgotten. When he found information that was pertinent to the Rebels, or the Bad Batch  he would send it along, but he now worked alone.
Thief: Reva. After the purge Reva hid for hours under the bodies of her friends. Before it was dark enough that her movement would not immediately give her away. Then weeks creeping through the lower levels of the temple before she could find a way to escape (All the while the giggles of her friend echoed in her head- This part of the temple had always been off limits and they had all talked about being big and strong and facing what was waiting in the dark-Reva did not feel big and strong now, but there was nothing more in the dark she feared). She taught herself to step soundlessly, barely touching the ground. She taught herself how to make herself small, or just big enough (just enough to wedge herself into a small, high, space).  It is amazing what one can learn if survival is on the line. Those hours coveted in the blood of her friends, the Force echoing with the horror her family was experiencing, then the weeks in the dark tunnels changed Reva irrevocably. Before she can be found by the Empire, she is found by a Master thief who sees in her his chance to pass on his legacy (Reva is just the right kind of broken).
Now that we have our cast, let’s look at how they come together. 
I love the Leverage Pilot, so let’s use that as a Framework.
Cody is drinking on Ord Mantell, approximately 14 BBY or 985 AAR,  when he is approached a Falleen Noble, who wants to hire him to run a job (though I do not know what the Falleen noble would say, I do imagine Cody saying Nate’s line “You know that part of the conversation where I punch you in the neck nine or ten times? We’re coming up on that pretty quick”). The Noble has hired Boba, Echo, and Reva as the rest of the crew.  The job is to steal back some plans (let's be honest this job does not matter much).  
The Job goes well, but when Echo mentions how well it went, he gets the brush off. Due to the fact that Cody still does not know about the chips, every other member of the crew has issues with clones. We speed run through the Falleen noble gathering them together for one last betrayal and an explosion. 
They wake up in a med ward. All of their DNA is being run. This is bad news. Standard panel would show that Reva is Force Sensitive (though no one else in the room knows that). It would also mark the other three as clones (Even Boba). Though the Empire does not particularly care about employing Clones, they would still pay handsomely for escaped clones.
This is where we veer slightly.  
Reva’s panic in the Force draws the attention of Obi Wan, calling himself Ben right now.  Enough time has passed (and enough has happened that all of their Force signatures had changed) that Ben only just recognizes Echo, and no one else.   For a single moment Ben hesitates, they are not his business (Ben also does not know why he was shot at) and are possibly his enemies.  But there was Echo, familiar if only just, and with him someone who was Force sensitive. A young force sensitive (in Ben’s mind anyone who is the right age that they could have been in the council room that day was someone to protect, because he failed those initiates). 
Ben is very good at grifting, so is easily able to get the four out of there (They also do not recognize him) and get them to a safe house.  There are several moments of uncomfortable silence before Ben greets Echo with a teasing, “Hello There Echo” in his real accent and voice. 
Cody is the one who frowns and peers at Ben (clean shaven), because it couldn’t be…
Echo asks who Ben is, Ben smiles sadly and says “I suppose it has been many years since Skako”
This told Echo next to nothing (he’s been back to Skako Minor a couple of times since the war) but Cody just straight up sits on the floor in shock (Trying to say general and Obi Wan and you’re alive all at once-it is a little unintelligible). When Ben looks directly at Cody for the first time (Ben can’t quite let himself focus on any of the clones, for fear of what he would see)  he realizes exactly who it is.
Ben, by sheer happenstance, manages to sit in a chair. This is followed by Echo needing to explain about the chips and order 66 (“There was what in my head!?!”/”You all had what in your heads?!?”).
I picture them absentmindedly destroying Falleen Noble, in a similar way to the show. They do it because he tried to kill them/did not pay them (Ben took that personally for all of them- Cody: He tried to kill us, that is a bit more important than not paying up Ben<waving a hand>:Trying to kill you is nothing, but not paying you is just rude.) 
I picture that they decide they might as well stay together, and grow into a found family (with Codywan being the exhausted parents) traveling around to help people ala leverage. They cannot and do not start going after the empire immediately. None of them want to draw the attention of the Empire, but if some of their jobs do include liberating people and occasionally planets, well they just have to be careful to not bite off more than they can chew and not to leave any tracks. They also do stop at Tatooine every so often (It turns out Owen likes Ben an awful lot more when he is not camped out in their backyard) so Luke knows them.  
I imagine that when Leia is kidnapped, a few years later, Bail is still able to reach Ben. The Leverage crew immediately go to save her. It is during this that it becomes known that Reva had been in the Temple, had been in the council room. This is very swiftly followed by the realization that Anakin Skywalker was Darth Vader (which none of the crew had known).
This…This is what circles them back around to take on the Empire (a cross between Leverage Season 3 and Leverage Season 4). They still work to help people, but it becomes more pointed. Throughout their new self appointed mission, Ben starts to train Reva, to help her overcome the trauma of the Purge.  
As they are now acting more deliberately against the Empire they begin to come across more familiar faces. Rebels (including Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor). Bail reintroduces them to Fulcrum (Ahsoka has mixed feelings about Obi Wan in particular. He challenges the way she remembers Anakin with rosy glasses). 
It certainly ends with Palpatine staring in abject shock as his empire burns around him.  Vader is being escorted to get correctly fitting prosthetics, from which he will go to prison. Bail ends up taking the Emperor position to start working on turning the Empire back to a Republic. 
Our team keeps going on finding people who need…Leverage
My favorite way that Palpatine shot himself in the foot is in Read the Fine Print  where Palptines first domino was his last, because he did not pay attention to a sub clause in the treaty. 
That was fun. Thank you @somestorythoughts
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
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**Chapter 1**
Summary: When Commander Wolffe is forced into early retirement after losing an eye in a terrorist attack, he thinks his life is over. However, when his twin brother volunteers him to help a younger cousin adjust to life outside the military, he doesn’t fight as much as he normally would have. Still when his younger cousins, Rex and Gregor, told him that they signed up to play security for Doctors Without Borders, he genuinely thought that it was going to be the easiest job he’s ever had. Right up until the plane falls out of the sky and they end up stranded on an island that doesn’t follow any of the rules as he knows them.
Characters: Commander Wolffe, Captain Rex, Captain Gregor, F!Reader character called Bumblebee or Bee in story
Genre: Adventure, Supernatural, some romance (because I'm me)
Word Count: 2394
Warnings: None, so far
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So I wasn't going to start this story until I finished my event stuff, but apparently I had an idea and needed to get it down.
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This is the worst.
The absolute worst.
He should be home, in the barracks, looking after his brothers in the 104th. He should be standing next to his general as they prepare for the next push against the Seppies.
But no. He’s here, miles away from where he should be, waiting for the tiny plane to finish getting loaded for the last stretch of his, and his cousins, journey.
Wolffe can’t even bring himself to enjoy the scenery, why bother, it’s not like he’s going to be here long anyway. He leans against the back of the bench that he’s sitting on, his gaze flickering around the airstrip until he spies Rex and Gregor, talking with a pair of women near the building. 
Good. So long as they’re not getting in trouble.
Not that he really expected them to. But as the oldest, he can’t help but look out for them.
Especially Gregor.
His cousin had healed very nicely from the injury that nearly killed him. He’s still himself, the TBI doing very little to change his personality, but his memory is still spotty.
It’s one of the biggest reasons that he didn’t fight quite as hard as he normally would have when Fox volunteered him for the position. Besides, Doctors Without Borders is a respectable organization.
He could do worse.
Sure that his cousins are safe and aren’t wandering off to get mugged by someone who hates tourists, Wolffe casts his gaze back to the plane. And slowly his eyebrows raise when one of the doors open and a young woman hops out of the cockpit.
She looks familiar.
She looks very familiar.
He knows that jacket. He damn well better, he was the one who bought it in the first place.
He pushes to his feet and approaches the plane, and…there, on the side of her neck, a bumblebee tattoo with a honeycomb behind it.
A grin crosses his face without his permission, “Well now, look who it is. Lieutenant Bumblebee, in the flesh.”
She turns, and a wide grin crosses her face, “Wolffe? What brings you to my corner of paradise?” She walks over to him and bumps her fist against his, “I thought ‘vacations are beneath you’.” She mocks.
“Yeah, yeah. They are. I got a job with Doctors Without Borders, with some of my cousins.” He jabs his thumb over his shoulder, “I heard that you were living in the lap of luxury, though. White sandy beaches and fruity little drinks with umbrellas-”
She laughs, “Does this look like retirement to you, Wolfy-boy?”
“Dunno, you always loved to fly more than anything else.” He folds his arms over his chest, “Seeing you with a plane doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.” Wolffe pauses, “You know, I did hear a rumor-”
Her smile becomes slightly strained, “That I was Dishonorably Discharged and slapped with a court martial? Cause that’s not a rumor.”
“Shit, really?” She doesn’t respond and Wolffe rolls his eyes, “Come on, Bee. It’s me. What happened?”
“Gross Insubordination.” She says with a sigh, “Look, after I was transferred from Koon, I was given to Krell.”
Wolffe inhales sharply.
“Yeah.” Her laugh is slightly bitter, understandably bitter, “Well, I took issue with how he treated the men under his command and I didn’t hesitate to tell him so. So I was grounded and slapped with a court martial. And by the time Krell was removed and arrested for abusing the men under his command, everything had taken a life of its own, so I just took the Dishonorable Discharge.”
“You could have fought it.”
“Could have.” Bee agrees, “Just…the way that some of the people I’ve known for years looked at me.” She sighs and pushes her hand through her hair, “There was no point. Luckily, Plo put in a good word for me here.”
“Good thing the General likes you.”
“Tell me about it. I could do far, far worse than being a pilot for an organization as well respected as this one.” She shrugs and glances at her clipboard, “Not to mention, they’re pretty good about making sure that my prosthetics are up to par-”
“Prosthetics? What prosthetics?” Wolffe asks, his gaze snapping down her body, “Since when do you need prosthetics?”
Bee arches a delicate brow and lifts the leg of her long pants, revealing a matte gray prosthetic leg. “Parting gift from Krell.” She pauses, “Or, well, that’s my guess. I was officially injured in combat. But I’m almost positive that there weren’t any seppies on that planet-”
She pauses and takes a deep breath, dropping the leg of her pants and gestures vaguely with her clipboard, as if to say well, what can you do.
As if Wolffe needed another reason to hate Krell. Life in prison is too good for him.
“Sorry, I didn’t know. No one told me.”
“Yeah, well. It’s not as if I had very many friends left behind after the Court Martial.” She shrugs, “Anyway, what happened to your eye?”
“That blunt, huh?”
“That blunt.”
“Isn’t it always?”
Wolffe releases a humorless laugh, “Seems like it.” He leans against a crate, “Officially, I was medically discharged. Technically, I’m on medical leave for the next six months.”
“General Koon favors you.”
“Don’t I know it.” Wolffe’s gaze drags across the crates of medical supplies and other supplies, “So, who all are you transporting.”
“Well, according to my manifest-” Bee flips to a back page, “You, Rex and Gregor-” She pauses, “Is blondie over there, Rex? Shit, last time I saw him he was still in high school.”
Wolffe grins, “He’s a Captain now.”
“Ugh, I feel old.”
“You feel old? How do you think I feel?”
Bee laughs, “That’s what you get for being one of the oldest.” She glances back at her manifest, “Anyway, I’m also transporting a new nurse, her name is Raya Valencia. And a mechanic on loan from the GAR, Maty Wilson. Also, someone from the local government forced his way onto the manifest.”
“Mm, politics.”
“There’s no escaping it, I’m afraid.” Bee sets her manifest aside, “Anyway, someone will have to sit in the cockpit with me with the new addition.”
“Is that an offer, Bee?”
“What, you want a handwritten invitation?”
Wolffe laughs, “Hardly. I’ll be more than happy to sit up front with you. Maker knows we clearly have some catching up to do, LT.”
Bee grins at him, “Hardly my fault you went and got promoted to Commander and stopped associating with us minions.”
“Hey, I’ve always had a soft spot for you minion-y types.”
“Yeah, yeah,” There’s a laugh in her voice, “Beat it, Wolfy-boy. I have work to do. We’ll be lifting off in thirty.”
“I’m going, I’m going.” He tosses his bag over his shoulder and meanders on over to his cousins, as Bee turns to shout at a worker in a language he kind of recognizes.
It’s damned good to see her. Though it is a shame to hear about what happened to her.
“Making friends, Wolffe?” Rex asks with an arched brow.
“Chatting with an old friend,” Wolffe replies, “One that you know. You’ve met Bee before.”
Rex blinks, twice, and then his head snaps towards the plane, “Wait Bee? That Bee? The one we met at your graduation?”
“The one and the same.”
Rex stares in her direction, “Small world-”
“Tell me about it.”
“What happened between you two anyway?” Gregor asks, “If I remember correctly, you two were a thing-”
“Drop it.” Wolffe frowns at them, and then he sighs, “We were never a thing. I chickened out before I could ask her. And then I was promoted and it wouldn’t have worked anyway.”
“Well, she’s not in the military anymore-” Rex prods with a grin.
“Drop. It.”
“Okay, okay.” Rex holds his hands up, “Sorry. There’s no need to get snippy.”
Wolffe opens his mouth to say something, only to pause when Bee jogs over, “Alright Boys, and Girls and both and neither,” She says as she claps her hands, “The Airstrip is needed for an emergency medevac so we’re hauling out of here early. Get your stuff on board and make sure everything is secured.”
“Copy that, LT.” Rex says with a cheerful salute.
“Don’t you sass me, Rexy. I remember you as a pimply high schooler.”
“Yes, but I outgrew that. See, pimple free.” His grin widens, “You, however, are still short.”
“Get!” Bee shouts as she points at the plane, and Rex, laughing, hurries past her. And then she turns her glare on Wolffe, “How is he just as obnoxious now as he was when he was a kid?”
“It’s just his personality. Sorry, Bee.”
Bee scowls at him and then hurries off to go and find the politician, probably.
Wolffe shakes his head and joins his cousins at the plane, where he promptly smacks Rex across the back of the head, “You piss her off and I’m the one who pays for it, how’s that fair?”
Rex, for his part, doesn’t look the least bit apologetic. Which only serves to make Wolffe more annoyed with him. Still, he’s mature enough to let the situation settle as everyone climbs on the plane.
Wolffe stows his bag under some netting, and then climbs into the co-pilot’s seat, while making sure that everyone else is strapped in properly. He’s not so worried about Rex or Gregor, but the two civvies might need some help.
And then Bee is back, with an older man in tow. He’s wearing a nice suit, nicer than anything Wolffe has seen anyone wearing since he arrived here, and he’s holding a cloth over his mouth and nose.
“My dear,” The old man says in a raspy smoker’s voice, and Wolffe doesn’t even have to look at Bee to know that she rolled her eyes at the diminutive pet name, “Surely there’s someplace…private for me to sit?”
“Nope.” Bee replies, “Small transport vessel. No private rooms.” She points to an empty seat across from Gregor, next to the door, “Sit there.”
“Well, I suppose the door is the best seat.” He muses as he sits down and only fastens the belt around his waist.
“You need to fasten the-” Gregor starts.
“Young man, I know what I’m doing.” The older man interrupts with a sniff.
Bee rolls her eyes again and lightly claps Gregor on the shoulder, “Don’t worry about it.” She moves through the aisle, taking a moment to make sure that everything is secured, and then she moves into the cockpit and pulls the door shut behind her.
She tosses Wolffe a lopsided grin, and offers him the spare headset, “I know you don’t fly much anymore, Commander, but surely you can co-pilot for one flight?”
Wolffe chuckles and takes the headset, pulling it on, “Well, I suppose I’d better.” He leans back in his seat and he watches as she effortlessly goes through the pre-flight check.
Less than fifteen minutes later, the plane is in the air, and pulling away from the airfield. And Bee activates her radio, “Alright everyone, as of now, our flight will take three hours, we’re taking a circuitous route to avoid a storm-”
She’s interrupted when the radio from the back crackles to life, “Absolutely not! I refuse to spend more time in this tin can than I have to. Take a shorter route or I’ll have your job!”
Bee glances at Wolffe, and then sighs, “As you wish. Then our flight will take an hour.” She cuts the radio, and glances at Wolffe, “This is going to go horribly.”
“Maybe we’ll get lucky?” Wolffe offers.
Bee just sighs, and turns her gaze out the front window, “We won’t.”
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Wolffe wakes with a pained groan. His head is throbbing.
Actually, his everything is throbbing. Including his eyelashes.
His eyes crack open and the sun, high overhead, nearly blinds him.
Wait. Sun?
Wolffe opens his eyes properly. The top of the plane is gone. He’s still strapped to his seat, luckily, and he still seems to be in the cockpit, but the roof is gone.
“Bee?” He, painfully, turns his head to the side, looking towards the pilot’s seat. Bee is still strapped in her seat, her head lolled to her chest, blood dripping from a wound on her temple. “Bee!”
She groans at his voice, “Stop yelling,” Bee’s eyes crack open and she groans, “Ow…”
“What happened?” Wolffe asks, “Do you remember?”
“I was ordered to take a shortcut, and then-”
The storm.
The clouds came from nowhere. One moment there were clear skies, and then it was like flying through a hurricane. Wolffe had been forced to actually co-pilot to help Bee keep the plane under control.
“-the door ripped off,” Wolffe remembers, vague memories of the various consoles flaring to life in front of him as the side door opened.
“Which would have caused a pressure imbalance,” Bee agrees, as she unfastens her harness and falls out of her seat, “Which would lead to-” She gestures to where the roof used to be. “You okay?”
“I think my everything is bruised.” Wolffe says as he pulls his own harness off and reaches for the door separating the cockpit from the rest of the plane.
“Better bruised than dead,” Bee replies logically as she adds her weight to the door. Together, they push the door open.
Rex and Gregor are unconscious, but clearly alive. As are the two civvies, Raya and Maty. The politician is missing.
“We’re missing one,” Wolffe notes as he checks over his cousins.
“Yeah, I don’t think we’ll find him.” Bee says, “he wasn’t wearing his harness.”
Wolffe glances at the ripped seat belt and silently concedes that she’s probably right. “We need to get them off the plane.”
“Yeah. Let’s make a path first, make sure we’re not bringing them into something more dangerous.” Bee says. “We have plenty of equipment, at least.” She adds with a wry smile.
“Small blessings.” Wolffe agrees, “Come on, Bee. Let’s see what we’re working with.”
He walks over to where the door used to be, and he hops out, with Bee hot on his heels. With luck, they’ll find someplace safe nearby. 
With luck, they’ll only be here for a couple of days.
Wolffe isn’t going to hold his breath, though. He’s never been very lucky.
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your-nanas-house · 2 years
Can you write something with really any gotham characters, with a s/o that has memory loss where they forget things like when to eat, chores, even their own name or loved ones. it only takes maybe a picture to remind them or loved ones or someone calling their name but for others it takes a lot. I just described myself but still, i’d love this and i love your work sm💕
Thank you very much and OF COURSE! 🩷
Remember me
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(Not my pictures, credit to the owners)
◇ Pairing: Jeremiah Valeska X fem!Reader, Jerome Valeska X fem!Reader
◇ Warnings: mention of kidnapping? Kind of love? Memory problems, angst, Post spray Jeremiah, Jerome's diary
◇ Summary: in the request
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English.
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Jeremiah's eyes followed the writings in Jerome's diary, taking notes and lingering on precise days he had bookmarked.
p.3 I met my future dolly today, I took her away with me
p.7 My dolly doesn't seem to remember many things, she seems like a fish but is very cute
p.12 I found a way to make my dolly remember things
p.14 PHOTOS, photos are the KEY! HA!HA!HA!
p.17 Memory is getting worse now she forgets not only chores but also basic things
p.25 Today I helped my dolly to eat, she looked exactly like Ariel the little mermaid, my dolly princess
p.32 My princess, my princess, MY princess
p.40 I think I'm...
The piercing green eyes of the Valeska twin rose, from the wrecked page of the diary, to stop on the young woman locked in a room, sitting at a table completely lost and bewildered, big doe eyes looking around for something, someone, perhaps an answer that would come as soon as Jeremiah finished his organized plan to approach her without scaring her too much.
First, however, the genius wanted to better study how her mind worked and what had really been between Jerome and her when he was still alive.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher
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thegreymarveljedi · 13 days
Live to Fight Another Day
OC! Jedi x OC! Clone Commander
This is a story that I initially wrote for a creative writing class in my University last year and it’s something that I’m quite proud of. I tweaked it a little to better fit the Star Wars genre and here it is!
A few notes:
Kenzo is my OC! Clone commander. He works along side Asher as his second in command. He is strong, compassionate, kind hearted and smart. He has a heart of gold and a winning personality. (Think a combo of Rex and Fives. Rex’s professionalism but Fives’ sense of humour and wit.
Lily and Asher are my OC! Jedi. They are force sensitive twins from Naboo, both age 23. They’re good friends with Anakin and Padme as well as Obi-wan and Ahsoka. They both have brown eyes both with brown, kind of curly hair. Lily is a very kind, hardworking independent woman who doesn’t take shit from anyone but has a very soft personality. Asher in the playful one of the two and likes to get into mischief with Anakin and Ahoksa. Though he can be serious when needed.
Finally, Spike, my OC! Clone Captain. He is Lily’s Captain and is a very by the book type captain but with Lily, he is more relaxed and less tense. He knows how to have fun but would rather stick to the books.
Lily and Kenzo have a 10 month old daughter named Amara who, like her mother, is force sensitive. She loves her uncles very much and loves to spontaneously throw objects around the room.
Warnings: FLUFF, lots of soft touches, mentions of a baby, canon-typical violence, mentions of blood, gunshot wounds, the force and visions working how I need them too, happy ending
Words: 3.7k
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Kenzo wished a good morning to the beautiful woman beside him as his arms wrapped around her middle. Lily smiled and returned the good morning wish, holding her husbands face gently in her hands. She cuddled into his chest, bringing her hand to his heart and feeling the strong beat below her fingertips. Kenzo smiled and brought her impossibly closer, kissing her forehead, then her cheeks, then every inch of her face that he could reach.
Lily giggled at the action, playfully smacking her husband’s chest as he laughed at her, finding her side and running his fingers over it. She jumped and yelped, squirming away from Kenzo as he began to tickle her. Lily’s protests for mercy went unnoticed until there were tears running down her cheeks from how hard she laughed. Kenzo finally relented, lifting his hand and wiping away Lily’s tears.
“That was cruel,” Lily said as she curled back into Kenzo, taking in his warmth. Kenzo chuckled at her finding her as cute and beautiful as the day they met.
“I’m sorry my dear but you look so cute when you laugh,” Kenzo replied and Lily just gave him a look that said ‘Really?’ He laughed at his wife before they both settled down again, laying in each other embrace for another few minutes before Lily broke the silence.
“I have a bad feeling about this mission Kenzo. It seems to good to be true that someone just happened to find the ship and send out a distress signal after it had been presumed lost after 6 years,” Lily said, voicing her displeasure about the mission Kenzo was being deployed on this afternoon.
“I know Lily. But you know what protocol says and we are required to check it out. Even if we don’t have a good feeling about, it has to get done,” Kenzo said, taking hold of her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“Does it have to be you though? Couldn’t they send my brother with someone else? Why does it have to be you?” She pleaded, looking up at him with the doe eyes he fell in love with.
“Because it does my dear. Believe me I would love nothing more than to stay here, curled up in our bed, watching cheesy movies with you while we wait for our daughter to wake up but I can’t. I have a job to do and a very important one at that,” he said and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Lily sighed as she leaned into his touch.
“I understand my love. That doesn’t make it any easier to watch you go.”
“I know. But you know more about responsibility than anyone. You have a responsibility to take care of yourself, you have a responsibility to your job in this fight and you have a responsibility to our daughter. She needs her mother.”
“She needs her father too. She needs us both,” Lily said sternly, not like the way Kenzo was unintentionally putting himself down.
“I’m not saying she doesn’t Cyar’ika, but my responsibility to her is also based on making sure that she has a safe world to live in. That’s why I have to check this out. It could be nothing or it could be something important,” Kenzo said, trying his best to reassure Lily that everything would be okay.
“I just don’t want you to miss out on too much,” Lily said. Their daughter was 10 months old at this point in the war and she was beginning to show signs of wanting to walk as well as small indications that she was force sensitive like her mother.
“I won’t my love. I will be back home within a month,” Kenzo chuckled, finding it very endearing that his wife was concerned about him missing some of their daughter’s milestones.
 “That still seems like a long time.”
“It does. But it will fly by and before you know it, I’ll have you and our little Amara back in my arms and we can watch all the cheesy romance shows you want,” he said and nuzzled Lily’s nose with his own making her giggle.
“That will be a lot of fun. That does make me feel a little more at ease but I still feel a little hesitant to let you go.”
“I know but you’ll have too eventually.”
“That’s unfortunate.”
“It is but I have a job to do. And so do you.”
“No need to keep reminding me,” Lily said with an eyes roll. “This bed is too comfy and I don’t want to get up.”
“Neither do I cyare but soon I will have to.” 
“Five more minutes?”
“Five more minutes. Then we should both get up and get dressed. You still have to do your meditation before Amara wakes up.”
“She can join me. She usually does anyway because it’s fun for her. And other times if she not sitting still, she’s crawling over me while I meditate. It’s quite cute actually.”
“I can imagine it is. Has she shown any more signs yet?”
“She has. She can throw things across the room and she thinks it’s hilarious,” Lily
“She takes after her mother.”
“You cheeky little shit!”
“You love me.”
“That I do my love. I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
“I will see you again soon my love. I promise I will return to you.”
“Please be safe. I still have a really bad feeling about this and I don’t want anything happening to you.”
“I will be alright My Lily. I have a very good group of men behind me and you know that your brother wouldn’t let anything happen to me either.”
“I know. I trust you and my brother but that doesn’t mean that I don’t worry about both of you when you’re gone.”
“If I could stay here with you I would do so in a heart beat. I would love nothing more than to spend my days with you and our daughter but I have to go.”
“I know. Good luck my dear. We will be here when you come home.”
“I am looking forward to that.”
Kenzo stood from the bed, moving around the room to collect his discarded armour as his beloved wife watched, wishing that he didn’t have to leave her again. The thought was overwhelming and there were so many things that could go wrong.
Kenzo and Lily had met unexpectedly, being thrown into the battlefield together without any prior knowledge that the other would be there. It was a tough situation, the enemy advancing on Lily’s position and reinforcements had yet to arrive. The men were losing energy and no matter how many droids they put down, more and more seemed to come around. Lily was feeling the fatigue and the pain from where she had been shot in the shoulder hadn’t subsided either.
It seemed almost impossible for them to come back from this loss, that was until ships could be heard from above.
There dozens of them. Reinforcements had arrived!
What happened next was a blur of gun fire, the droid army being pushed back as the new battalion of soldiers came to the battlefield. Lily smiled as she fell back against a crate, watching as the soldiers new to the battle took over for her and her fatigued squad. Kenzo had found Lily against that crate, holding her wounded shoulder, fighting to stay awake. He caught her as she fell, holding her close as he looked over her tattered, battle worn body.
He picked her up and called for a med-vac, carrying her away from the battle and allowing his men to take care of what Lily and her men could not.
Lily’s brother, Asher, was there, fighting in his sister’s place as his commander carried her to safety. There was a hint of distress in Asher’s voice as he called to his commander, asking about his sister’s condition. Kenzo informed his general that she was stable, and that he would take her to safety as the med-vac landed a few feet away.
Kenzo slowly lowered Lily onto the cot inside, stepping back and allowing the medics to take over and do their job. As the medics began the process of making Lily comfortable, her eyes slowly opened. She made eye contact with Kenzo who’s lips were moving but she could hear no words. As he turned to leave the ship so that it could retreat to the cruiser in the sky, Lily reached for Kenzo’s hand, holding it and giving it a squeeze. He turned to look at the women he had saved, seeing her gentle smile and feeling a warmth he had never felt before coursing through him.
Soon a breathing mask was placed over Lily’s mouth and nose, her hand falling from Kenzo’s as the Medic gentle pushed Kenzo out, the door to the Med-vac closing and lifting into the air. Kenzo watched as the ship left, looking at his hand that held the warmth of a women for only a few seconds but he could feel a connection form even from that short time. He closed his fist and turned back to the battle field, feeling a surge of power and energy like never before.
That was the first time Kenzo had laid eyes on Lily and from that moment he was smitten for her.
~End Flashback~
These memories swirled in Kenzo’s mind as he and his brothers waited to be dropped in the thick of the field, Asher standing off to the side of the ship and quietly meditating. Kenzo made his way over to his general, clearing his throat a little to get Asher’s attention.
Asher looked up at his commander, pulling off the hood of his cloak to give Kenzo his full attention.
“How are you Kenzo? Lily treating you with respect?” Asher said, giving his friend and brother-in-law a smile. Kenzo returned the sentiment and shook his head, chuckling slightly at Asher’s questions.
“I’m doing well sir. Lily is doing good, though she had a bad feeling about this operation,” Kenzo replied to Asher, watching as his smile disappeared slowly.
“Oh?” He inquired.
“Yeah. She said that she feels like there is something more going on and that she’s worried for how this op will go,” Kenzo explained. Asher’s face contorted into one of worry before he sighed.
“Her visions and feeling are usually never wrong,” Asher mumbled to himself, making Kenzo feel a little on edge. Before he could inquire to his general what was going to happen, Asher grabbed the men’s attention, radioing the other ships in their company.
“Alright. Listen up everyone. This mission is going to be a lot more difficult than we initially thought. General Volous had a vision and she has a bad feeling about what is going to happen so I want everyone on high alert. I will call back to the cruiser to send reinforcements pre-emptively but I want everyone ready. Is that understood?” Asher explained, his voice dripping with a commanding presence. 
There was a chorus of “Yes sir’s!” from all of Asher’s men both on his ship and the others, each soldier taking some extra time to get themselves ready for anything.
~Time Skip~
What was supposed to be a simple recon, stealth infiltration mission turned out to be a full-fledged battle, the droid army ambushing Asher and his men. Lily was right, there was something to good to be true about the operation and it had led them right into a trap. There was gun fire everywhere, soldiers dropping left and right as Asher and Kenzo tried their best to hold the line.
Asher slashed down a few droids as Kenzo shot a few others, both of them working together to defined their other troops as they fell back to their temporary checkpoint. The smell of plasma and metal was thick in the air, smoke coming from the downed droids as well as some of the damaged tanks lined up behind Asher and Kenzo. Asher pushed ahead a little, clearing a path as best he could for his men that were still standing. Kenzo was right behind him, looking down the barrel of his blaster and firing as many shots as he could, trying to keep the droids off of himself and his general.
The fight raged on for what felt like hours, neither side backing down but Asher and his men were slowly beginning to tire. Kenzo had taken a shot to the arm, the shot from one of the droids just grazing his nondominated arm. Asher watched in mild horror as his captain went down to a knee, holding his wounded arm.
“Kenzo!” Asher yelled and made his way back towards his commander, deflecting shots from more droids as he backed up. Kenzo grunted as he pulled his hand away from the wound, staring at the blood that coated his hand.
“I’m alright Asher, just can’t wait for those reinforcements to arrive,” Kenzo tried to joke, addressing is brother-in-law informally, needing a distraction from the pain in his arm. Asher gave him a stern stare, trying to covey that this was no joking matter. Kenzo just returned the look, knowing that his general was just worried about him.
“Reinforcements should be here soon. They’re jamming our comms but last I heard we’ll have backup shortly,” Asher said and Kenzo nodded, standing back up and returning to his battle-ready position, blaster raised even thought his arm was on fire. Asher looked concerned but didn’t say much, knowing that Kenzo wouldn’t back down from a fight. He threw himself back into the fray, Asher right behind him as shots continued to go off, Asher slashing through the enemy lines and they tried to push ahead. It wasn’t until 20 minutes later that the sound of ships in the air caught the attention of Asher and his remaining men, all of them cheering as their reinforcements arrived.
Ships entered the battle field, dropping troops off as they went, firing on the droid army with heavy artillery, breaking open their lines and clearing a path for Asher and the other soldiers present on the field. Asher let out a loud battle cry as he charged towards the now broken front line of the enemy, encouraging his men to follow. They did so without question, the reinforcements that arrived giving the tired men a new found determination. They all charged into battle, gun fire and grenade explosions being heard and seen across the field.
Kenzo was fighting his own group of enemies as his men followed Asher to the front lines. He was staring to get tired though, the blood loss starting to get to him a little as he tried his best to fight off the group that was beginning to surround him. Just when he thought he was going to lose, there was a loud battle cry as the droids that surrounded him were forcefully pushed away. A slashing sound could be heard as Kenzo took a minute to compose himself before looking up and making eye contact with his beloved wife.
Kenzo let out a sigh of relief as Lily gave him a cheeky smile before rushing over to him and giving him a short hug. Kenzo returned it with his good arm, holding Lily tightly before letting go as more droids cornered them. Lily briefly looked down at Kenzo’s injured arm, her eyes going wide before looking back up at her husband. Kenzo gave her a half-hearted shrug as he turned his back to her and took a shot at another droid that was getting too close to them. Lily did the same stepping up a little and slashing at more as they came towards her and Kenzo.
“Just like the first time we meant huh?!” Kenzo said as he backed up towards Lily, his back against hers as they fought against their foes together. They worked in tandem with each other, moving as a unit, a beautiful symphony.
Memories of their first battle together flashed in both their minds, working together like they had many times after their first battle together
The blood, sweat and gunshots had never bothered them. As long as the other was alive. They moved through the battle field together, taking on enemies and saving the other more than once or twice in one battle. At the end of every fight they fought together, they always found the other and hugged, expressing their gratitude to whatever great being was watching over them and keeping them safe.
“Yes it is! Except this time, I’m saving your ass!” Lily said over the sound of gun fire, deflecting shots left and right.
“How’s our little girl?” Kenzo asked as he fired off another shot, hitting his target square in the head, turning and firing a few more shots at more droids who were advancing. Lily sliced through another, kicking her leg out as more continued come.
“She’s doing beautifully, I left her with Padme when I got the call that we were being deployed as your reinforcements!” Lily said and slashed at another droids that was getting too close to Kenzo.
“Good! I can’t wait to go back home to our little girl,” Kenzo replied, hitting another enemy in the head with the tail end of his gun. Lily smiled at Kenzo before turning towards where the main battle was taking place. She could see her troops pushing on the enemy front lines with her brother leading the charge.
“Let’s join up with the others!” Lily called to Kenzo as he took out another few enemies with the ease of a trained soldier. Kenzo turned towards Lily and was about to nod when he noticed a rouge droid attempting to fire at her.
“Ner sarad, Drop!” Kenzo screamed and fired shots in Lily’s direction, hitting his target square in the head. Lily had dropped the second Kenzo told her to, turning to watch as his shots completely exploded the commando’s head. Lily then turned to see Kenzo with a hard look on his face, concentrated yet concerned. Lily breathed a short sigh of relief before standing up, Kenzo coming over to help his wife.
“Never turn your back in a fight my love,” Kenzo said and pulled Lily close to him, connecting his forehead to hers and closing his eyes as they breathed heavily together. Lily smiled cheekily at her husband before thrusting her blade towards his left side, slicing down another concealed enemy that had advanced on their position.
Kenzo quickly turned to watch as the droid fell to the ground, sparks flying from where Lily stabbed it and pulled her blade out. Kenzo turned to look at his wife again, a smile of adoration making its way onto his face as she shook her head.
“You need to learn to take your own advice my dear. That could have been fatal for you,” Lily said and Kenzo laughed, taking his wife’s hand in his.
“Good thing I have a beautiful fighter for a wife to always watch my back,” Kenzo said and Lily smiled some more before they nodded to one another, their combat instincts kicking back in as they joined the rest of their forces on the front lines of the fight.
Blaster fire rang out over the battle field, soldiers fighting against the enemies who wished nothing more than to gain the upper hand. Kenzo and Lily joined the fray, helping their comrades to push the enemy line back. As they continued to fight, harder than most battles before, they final broke through the enemy lines, finding Asher and Lily’s captain, Spike, emersed in the thick of it.
“Asher!” Lily called out as she slashed her way towards her brother. Asher smiled at his sister and gave a salute, deflecting shots as he went.
“Hey sis! Welcome to the party!” Asher yelled over the sound of gun fire. Lily returned it as she herself continued to fight. Lily, Asher, Kenzo and Spike pushed forward, until the enemy line was broken completely, the remaining droids retreating away like cowards.
Slowly but surely the blaster fire ceased, leaving behind the smell of plasma and burnt metal in its wake. Asher, Kenzo, Lily and Spike made their way back to the check point, Helping as many men as they could along their way back. They all smiled at one another as the battle came to the end. Kenzo and Lily linked hands as discreetly as possible, not wanting to put their relationship on full display but still wanting to be close to each other.
“That was something else for sure,” Spike spoke as he helped one of his men up, making sure he could stand before moving on to the next.
“You’re damn right about that Spike,” Lily chuckled as wiped her forehead, looking over to Kenzo whose eyes were bright and a small smile was present on his face.
“Thanks for coming sis, you saved us. Again,” Asher said and Lily smiled giving her brother a light punch to the shoulder.
“Anytime bro. It’s my job after all. And plus, I knew something was going to go wrong so I had the council ready my battalion even before you guys were deployed,” Lily revealed, making Asher laugh out loud.
“Of course you did.”
“I’m always prepared.”
“That you are sis. And I’m grateful for that.”
Asher and Lily gave each other a smile before Lily felt the weight of Kenzo on her left side. She looked over to him to see his face paling a little and his body sagging. Lily panicked for a moment, remembering how he had been shot. The adrenaline of the battle had finally worn off and the blood loss and fatigue had begun to sink in.
“Cyar’ika..” Kenzo said quietly, looking to his wife calmly but tired. She steadied him again herself, holding him up as the evac ships descended to retrieve them.
“We’ll get you patch up and home soon my love. Just stay strong for me okay?”
The battle was over and they made it out alive. Even if Kenzo was injured, he was happy to have survived this fight. They were excited to go home and see their daughter, happy to have lived to fight another day.
I hope you enjoyed this! I can always do more stories with these characters if you did!
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intermundia · 8 months
@ anon with the lovely hospital AU, apologies for the delay i was chewing on this for a couple days haha there's a whole season of grey's anatomy primetime soap worthy material. i love how fully you've filled out the AU with characters and unspooled all the drama. i can see why it would be difficult to write, it does have a big scope of imagination there. thank you for sharing it with meeeeeee
for everyone 700 words of lovely obikin hospital AU worldbuilding, continued beneath the cut!!
Shmi is a renowned heart surgeon. Best there is in the country (not just the state thank you very much) and she did it all while her son was young. Her grandmother (Grandma Mira) and her two cousins (Peli Moto and Beru Whitesun ) both helped her out a ton. She is admired and Skywalker is a name very well known in medical circles.
She decided to became a heart surgeon when her own mother (insert name here) died from a heart issue that no one wanted to touch surgically. Anakin was 9 years old. Anakin has his mom up on a pedestal - she is perfect and smart, the best surgeon, the best mom, she’s done it all. Anakin feels the pressure to be just as good as his mom. People expect him to be just as brilliant and successful as his mother. He expects it from himself. Shmi just wants him to be happy. Anakin is ready to start his residency at 25. His mother is in line to be chief of surgery at the hospital she works at (Twin Suns Medical Center). Its considered the hospital to intern at if you want your specialty to be heart surgery. Anakin isn’t really sure what he wants to specialize in, and he doesn’t want people to say that he got it easy during his internship. So he goes to the next best thing (it’s actually the number one hospital overall in the country but to Anakin is second to the hospital where shmi works because Shmi works there). He goes to Jedi Coruscant General Hospital. Chief Executive officer (in charge of whole hospital) : Breha Organa Chief of Surgery : Bail Organa (general surgeon) Brain Surgeon (top brain guy in the country) : Obi-Wan Kenobi 4th year resident: Padme Amidala (Anakin’s assigned resident) Heart Surgeon: Mace Windu Trauma Surgeon: Shaak Ti Pediatric Surgeon: Plo Koon Neonatal Surgeon: Siri Tachi Plastic Surgeon: Quinlan Vos Orthopedic Surgeon: Qui-Gon Jinn Head of the hospital board: Mon Mothma Cancer surgeon: Jocosta Nu Eye Surgeon: Dooku Vascular Surgeon: Wolffe Yoda - retired chief of surgery and general surgeon Anakin’s cohort: Aayla, Ferus Olin, Rex, Jesse, Echo, Fives 4th Year Residents: Sabe, Clovis, Bly 5th year residents: Depa Billaba, Bultar Swan, Cody Anakin’s running late on his first day, in the parking lot he’s too distracted trying to make sure he has everything in his bag that he bumps into a red head and spills the red head’s hot tea all of his shirt. “shit. Fuck. Sorry. Sorry.” Keeps walking but turns around to walk backwards to meet the really pretty blue eyes of the definitely pissed off red head “I owe you. I’ll bring you a … a coffee? Was it coffee during lunch. Sorry!” Ferus Olin, a childhood nemesis makes his appearance. He’s assigned to be Padme’s intern (the woman who gave him back his engagement ring when he was 22 and 27. He hadn’t realized she was back in town and that maybe it was purposeful that he didn’t know). Its turning out to be a truly shit day and then the pretty red head from the parking lot makes his appearance and anakin wants to sink into the ground. But. The red head picks him to help him with a surgery. … Its pretty much a grey’s anatomy AU. Obi-Wan and anakin start hooking up pretty much immediately. Ferus Olin and Anakin make nice and turn out to be pretty decent friends. Then. Anakin realizes that Padme had kids, with him. The twins. And never told him. 🤯. That’s smoothed over. He’s a dad now. He loves it. Obi-Wan’a supportive. Their secret relationship is starting to not be so secret anymore. Then. obi-wan’s ex wife (Satine Kryze) pop in with a kid. obi-wan’s kid. Obi-Wan never told him that he’d been married or that he had a kid. They break up. Anakin thinks about quitting. Then about transferring. Then gets side tracked because Aunt Beru (his mom’s cousin) got married and her husband’s dad was in a bad car crash. Its all hands on deck to save his life. Shmi makes an appearance at the hospital and Obi-Wan realizes that Anakin is Shmi’s son 🤯 Owen’s dad makes it. Anakin and Obi-Wan make up. Their relationship is outted but everything works out. There’s other small and big dramas but thats pretty much it lol
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suck-a-egg · 2 years
Domino Headcanon Time, Hoes
I am working on a fic for this post but it wont be out for a while because I have a dumb dumb idiot baby brain and will focus on it way more than anything else.
so in the meantime, here are alot of headcanons about the Domino Squad some of these are sad
Domino age order from oldest to youngest: Hevy, Fives, Echo, Cutup, Droidbait
Domino squad is an actual defect squad where as the bad batch was made to have their 'defects'
because they were defects none of their chips worked the way the were supposed to
Hevy isnt good at spelling. He's not allowed to send out any reports without someone proof reading them for him.
Fives is the motherhen of the group. Hes the only one who can safely get inbetween Hevy and Echo when their arguements go a little too far.
Echo was considered the runt of the batch, and was often watched for decommisioning. It was constantly held over his head, which is why he became obsessed with the rules. If he could follow their rules and hit all the bench marks then they would have no reason to decommission him.
Cutup loves music but has absolutely no musical talent. This does not stop him from screeching lyrics to the galaxies most popular songs across the base.
Droidbait is often left behind on accident, he has been left in the mess hall more times than he can count.
Hevy and Echos relationship wasnt always rocky. At one point they were pretty close but after the multiple decomming scares, Echo pulled away to make it easier for Hevy if anything happened.
Echo didnt choose his name, he didnt like it at all but the rest of the squad made sure that he never had the chance to introduce himself so he was stuck with what they had named him. In the end, he kept it because he saw it as the one and only gift he had left from his batchmates.
Outside of missions, Fives went silent for months after the citadel and the only person who could get him to talk was Rex.
Droidbait insists on going by db because its 'less embarassing'
Cutup was the only one to embrace their squads differences. He would would practically hold an open mic night on any other cadets who would pick at them.
the cadets around Kamino will often tell one another about the "Fall of the Dominos" about how three died heros but were never spoken of again and how the two survivors went insane from grief and one lost his mind while the other lost his body.
Hevy use to steal pudding cups for Droidbait when they were cadets. he never had a reason to do it he just would.
theres a dent in one of the walls in their pod room and no one really knows how it got dented (Hevy Kyled the wall)
Echo has spiral curls that he purposefully keeps buzzed down because otherwise Cutup would start playing with them
This is a pretty common headcanon for Fives but theres too much evidence behind it, Fives shows affection through boardline violence, he gave Cutup a concussion once after an overly affectionate headbutt. Droidbait has multiple bruises on his arms from loving punches. Hevy got shoved into Sergeant O'Niner once and was given cleaning duty for a week that he forced Fives to do with him. During their 501st days he got a little too touchy with Echo and he started fighting back and ended up chasing Fives to Rex's office on multiple occassions.
and yes i do think Fives and Echo are pod twins, its another reason why Echo was watched for decommisioning.
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clownery-and-fuckery · 4 months
For the wip ask game, Tech and 501st babysitters and the really long modern au title lol
Tech and the 501st babysitters is a little fic I'm writing heavily based on this fantastic fic by KellyBelly!!!
In this fic, during a mission with the 501st (no one is dead, Echo still joined the Bad Batch) Tech is separated and placed with a group of regs, they fuck around, find out. The usual.
Tech is cursed, the only real explanation I have is Jedi magic, but its great!!!! So, the 501st have to watch him while Anakin and Ahsoka try figure out WHAT the hell happened and how to fix it.
Chaos ensues, they try to keep it a secret, Tech is absolutely adorable. They're all horrible babysitters(lovingly) and they have a great time!!! Here's a snippet!!!!:
"What are you doing?" Fives can't help but laugh as he watched.
"Rex said holding him would calm him down!" Tup all but whined, holding the sniffling baby to his chest as he rocked them.
Fives snorted into his hands as his poor little brother struggled to hold the kid properly.
"Maybe if you hold 'im right," Jesse chimed in unhelpfully, standing up and stretching his arms. "Alright, give 'im here—"
Jesse wrestled the baby from Tup's hands, and nestled him calmly in the crook of his arm. "You have to support the head," He explained. "And make sure he's comfy- see? Isn't that better?"
The baby finally calmed, sniffling and yawning as he settled. "There we go," Jesse cooed, nodding to Tup. "Take the goggles, before he gets too comfortable –"
Fives watched them take the goggles off, and Jesse smiled wide. "I'm a natural at this," He gloated, smug. "You losers dont know the first thing about—"
Something dropped, and Jesse jumped, losing his hold for a brief moment. The whole barracks sighed as the kid began to shriek again, completely startled.
Jesse winced. "Whoops?"
Babysitter 501st has my heart and soul. So does little baby Tech (he's only a tubie here)!!!!!!
And the long title is: "Distraction- It Wasn't Meant To Be a Full-time Job" which is QUITE the mouthful 😭 it's a three-chapter fic that focuses on Tup, Hardcase and Dogma!!!! And, coincidentally, Fives and Jesse, too!! They're cuties <3
The description is:
"In which Fives made a life changing decision while he mourned his twin, finding life in three kids he swore he wouldn't get attached to during shore leave.
Jesse called bullshit, and ended up dragged along for the ride."
And that'll be coming.... eventually. I'm in the process of it rn. I just love Tup, and I wanted to give him a little spot in the Modern!AU 😭
WOW this got so long. I'm so sorry!!!! But I hope this answered your question >:]
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the-three-pure-souls · 7 months
Do you have any headcanons for J.D/Vandal? If so, what are they?
Thank you so much for asking about him! :D He's one of my favorites! I have a bunch of little hcs for him so I had to pick which ones I wanted to put here ^^' Sorry it took me so long to actually write them ^^' I love this silly little guy and I, uh, made them much longer than the previous ones for Stumbler and Wulf, and accidently made them depressing and also mini shortish stories for some reason ;w; Maybe I'll turn the second one into an actual fanfic one shot! ^^ Tw for the second and third one, as the second one is related to Connor. The third one, albeit the shortest is about his trauma from his time in the Studiogrounds lab. ;w; I'm still figuring out the colors I'm gonna use for Vandal and Husk, but for now I think I'll use blue for both J.D and Stumbler and I'll use orange for Husk!
Feel free to ask about my other hcs too!!! :D I don't really have very many for characters like Husk atm but I do have quite a few for some of the other characters like Rex! ^^ Now onto the boy:
J.D doesn't actually have a name for himself, simply going by whatever people start calling him next. People start calling him 'the Studiogrounds Vandal' when he starts writing stuff on the walls around Studiogrounds to try to get the truth out there? That's his name then. Sounds pretty ominous so he's sure they won't mind him just simply shortening it to 'Vandal'! He's on the loose and people start calling him 'John Doe'? Well, he might as well have some fun with this one! It probably stems from his strange relationship with his own identity, who he is. For all his life he's been dehumanized, treated like an object, an animal.  It felt so weird to him, the first time someone used both He and It to refer to him. It may have felt weird to it..but it also felt right somehow. This got him to start thinking about things.. For so long he was simply a scientific mishap..a mistake. Some thing Broadside used to experiment on before he and his twin, Husk, split. Something which still haunts him to this day.. Maybe, though..he can almost be..a..person? He might not be a human per say, but he can act like one! Right..?  This was how he discovered he enjoys painting. Art. Both that and recording videos, editing them! Despite this though, he still has a lot of issues involving around who he is. Maybe that can change one day.
He only showed up on the island some while ago, and when I mean show up, he just..appeared. No boat. Nothing for him to have come from the water. He also acted like the island was his home. To say this freaked out the wolves is an understatement. This random..creature just showed up one day who very much acted not similar at all to any being any of the wolves had ever seen before. He walks just like the characters from the various Broadside cartoons that they have in the theater. It was uncanny. Wulf and Stumbler who had learned of Layer 3 before this had their suspicions of what he was. Though, as long as he didn't harm anyone, the wolves were alright with him staying there. That being said, they didn't really warm up to him either. J.D should be used to this! It's been alone it's whole life! ..Well..no..no, that isn't true. There once was a time..he did have someone else..and before that he had Husk, his twin! But still..even despite the pain he already is in..why does it hurt so much that Chief Wulf in particular is avoiding him too..? Why did he remind it so much..of..him..? It hurts to think of back then. It hurts. It hurts. He doesn’t want that, it doesn’t want to hurt. Back then he finally had a friend..why did Husk..? What did Husk say to him that day..? He tries not to think. Think about the body on the ground. Think about him standing on the balcony. Think about how he didn't say goodbye.. The world is a blur now, everything a blend of colors..black tar going down his face. Ha..ha..he really is the worse half, isn’t he..? No matter how much he wants too..and no matter how much he meant to it..He couldn’t save Connor..
Medical and lab supplies along with closed dark spaces that aren't the Stitchcaves bring back memories he’d rather forget. If he’s trapped in a room he can’t get out of, suddenly the room feels too tight he suddenly can't breathe and the next thing knows, he's huddled in a corner whimpering uncontrollably. He isn’t able to stop shaking when that happens. In that place they felt so much desperation and helplessness, terror and pain. He doesn't want to go there again. He would rather die than go back to that hell again.
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ashes-2-ashes57cba · 5 months
The Clone Wars: A Distant Echo
Part 2 of the Clone Wars Bad Batch arc with my OC: Specter! this has been edited *adla'vod: roughly translates to "twin", directly translates to "same brother/sister"
Specter felt surprised and almost betrayed when Crosshair let General Anakin Skywalker inspect his beloved rifle. Usually, he would get fussy if even she touched it. He wouldn’t even let her put her stuff next to his. 
The Bad Batch, Captain Rex, and the Jedi were on board the Batch’s ship—the Marauder—on their way to Skako Minor, following the live signal “Echo” supposedly sent out. Rex watched as Wrecker lifted a gonk droid with one hand and ate with the other. Crosshair observed as the General looked at his gun, and Hunter monitored any planetside activity at the console while Tech flew them to their destination. The female clone sat back, resting and mentally preparing herself for their next mission. 
“So, how many missions has your team been on, Sergeant?” Anakin asked Hunter.
“Honestly, sir, I’ve lost count. All the action sort of blurs together,” he admitted with a shrug.
“I know you work with Cody sometimes, but who exactly do you guys report to?” Rex asked. Hunter hummed in thought.
“Good question. Can’t say I’ve got an answer.”
“Yeah, I’d feel really bad for the one who would have to try and make sense of our reports,” Specter piped up. Wrecker laughed in agreement. “Oh, adla’vod?” The sniper turned to his twin as Anakin handed him his rifle back. “Your taste in music is weird and the songs you suggested are weird, and I love it. I’m adding them to the playlist.”
“I told you,” he said with a smirk. 
“So you’re the first female clone. How does that affect your… dynamic?” Skywalker asked, turning his attention to Specter. She raised an eyebrow.
“If you’re implying what I think you are, don’t worry about it. I’ve heard enough of the whispers. I’ve saved these boys more times than they’d like to admit, so I’m not just a pretty face.”
“What?” Anakin blushed, “N-no, like— gosh how do I say it without sounding crass?” Specter surprised him by laughing. 
“I’m teasing, General, I know what you mean. They’re my brothers and best friends. They respect me and know when to give me my space when I need it. In return, I don’t break their knees. Isn’t that right boys?” she asked aloud to her team.
“Yes, ma’am,” they replied; some enthusiastically, some with disdain. 
“However they don’t always pick up after themselves. Take Tech, for example,” she said loudly, hoping to get his attention.
“What now?” he sighed.
“Just because my bunk was empty and clean, does not mean you get to use it for storage for your projects.”
“You weren’t using it.”
“Because your stuff was on it!” Rex and Anakin snickered at their argument while Crosshair and Hunter rolled their eyes. A thud and the sound of alarms ended their argument.
“We are approaching Skako Minor,” Tech reported. “It looks to be a difficult landing.” The Marauder broke through the thunderous clouds, turbulence rocked the ship. Wrecker went to help Tech man the controls while the others strapped themselves in. 
Once they landed and everything settled, the rest of the team gathered in the cockpit.
“Rex, what do we know about this place?” Anakin asked his captain.
“On this part of Skako, there’s a race of locals, the Poletecs. All we know is that they’re very primitive.”
“‘Primitive’ is being kind. My intel says the Poletecs worship flying reptiles,” Tech chimed in. A thud and screech were heard outside the ship, almost in reply to the Batcher’s remark. A shadow of a creature scurried over the viewport.
“Oh! What the heck was that?” Wrecker exclaimed as the ship rocked and jolted.
“It’s one of those reptiles,” Tech simply answered.
“I want that thing off my ship,” Hunter growled, putting on his helmet. The Batchers followed his lead and prepared to go outside to investigate. 
“Hold on! Hold on! Don’t just run out there,” Rex warned. 
The Bad Batch ignored him, running out to the blowing winds. A creature was on top of the ship, its rider a mere silhouette against the dim golden light peeking through the dust and clouds.
“Hey! Get off of there!” Wrecker yelled, pointing his blaster at them. Anakin ignited his saber but held his arm out to the brute.
“Hey, calm down. We need to talk to them,” he said.
“Why?” Hunter gowled. The Bad Batch wasn’t used to handling confrontations with diplomacy.
“The General’s right,” Rex supported. Two more flying creatures screeched and approached fast, intently flying toward the group. 
“Heads up!” Specter yelled, crouching low. Anakin pushed Rex out of the way as one of them reached out with its claws to grab at the captain. The two flew by, but the one atop the ship jumped down and grabbed Anakin before flying away with the rest of its group. The Jedi’s lightsaber fell from his belt, Rex grabbed it before firing a few potshots at the reptile, hoping to have some sort of effect. Tech looked through his visor, tracking him.
“I have a thermal reading. Point-two-five east, elevation 175,” he reported. 
“Relax,” Crosshair said, readying his rifle and using Tech’s shoulder as a mount, “I’ll handle this.” He fired a grappling line, latching onto the leg of the reptile holding Anakin.
“What are you doing?” Rex asked as Crosshair handed Hunter the base of the line. 
“Going for a ride,” Hunter said, clipping the line to his belt before being yanked away. “Keep the boys out of trouble, Spec.” Specter crossed her arms, and yelled after him.
“Like they listen to me anyway, but sure thing.” 
The group watched as Hunter and the General disappeared into the thick clouds. Silence surrounded the group until Wrecker turned to Specter and asked-
“Should we follow them?”
“Not yet,” she replied. “We can’t be sure of any more of those reptiles hiding among the clouds. Best to trust Hunter to assess the situation before we rush in.” Her fist tightened with anxiety by her side; Hunter often trusted her judgment enough for her to lead the group when he couldn’t, but this time the life of a Jedi General was on the line.
“Tech, I’m with the General. Hone in on my signal,” Hunter’s voice eventually came through the comm. Specter relaxed her shoulders before turning to the others.
“Alright, now we can regroup. Everyone back to the Marauder,” she said, taking charge and gesturing back to the ship, following the others inside just as Tech launched the shuttle and flew to Hunter’s signal. 
They eventually touched down a ways back from the edge of a ridge leading down into the Poletec’s village. Hunter was kneeling down, out of sight, observing the scene. 
“That creature still has a hold of the General,” he reported to Rex, who went to take position beside him. Rex flipped down the antennae on his helmet, looking through the scope to assess Skywalker, Specter mirrored him, tracking each of the villagers.
“We’re going in,” he said, standing up, “but remember what the General said. ‘No casualties, disarm only’.” The reminder was emphasized towards the Batch with a few pointed glances. Wrecker shook his head and slumped in dejection. 
“We’re on it, Captain,” Hunter stood up before giving orders. “Wrecker, Crosshair, rockslide!” The two went to push the large boulder nearby down the ridge and into the village. As it rolled, Wrecker shadowed behind it, using it as cover, while Crosshair stayed behind to take a sniper position. The rest of the team followed suit, shooting to disarm the natives as they scrambled away. Crosshair shot an electric probe at the leg of the creature holding Anakin; it flew off from the shock, allowing the Jedi to roll out of the way of the boulder. Hunter pointed his pistol at the leader of the Poletecs; it spoke its language at him, waving his arms about. “Tech, translate what he said?” 
“He says he does not want our war on his planet. That is why he took our leader,” he relayed, reading the translation off his visor.
“We didn’t bring the war here,” Anakin said, “it was Wat Tambor and the Separatists.” Tech went to translate, doing his best to mimic the Poltec dialect. The chieftain looked between him and Skywalker.
“Tell him we apologize for what’s happened,” Rex stepped forward. “But tell him the enemy is holding one of our men prisoner in Purkoll. As soon as we rescue him, we’ll leave this planet, for good.” Tech nodded, turning to the chieftain and relaying the information. 
Specter couldn’t help but giggle; Rex noticed her shaking shoulders and nudged her side. 
“Hey, what’s so funny?”
“He just sounds so robotic. He’s not even attempting to follow through with the accent,” she explained. 
“Could you do any better?” Rex asked. She scoffed.
“Give me a day and I could even learn the local dialect, Captain. If it helps put things in perspective, I learned Galactic Sign Language in a week.” 
“Wow, Specter, is there anything you can’t do?” Rex wondered.
“Yeah. She can’t reach the high shelves,” Crosshair sneered. His twin stomped on his foot. 
The Poltec leader and Tech continued to speak back and forth in what looked like apologies and negotiations. 
“The chief says he’ll provide us with scouts and lead us to Tambor’s city. From there, we’re on our own,” he reported to Anakin. 
“Any help is better than no help.”
The two scouts led the team to a rocky outlook with a clear view of the city, or at least the spires hanging down from the clouds. One pointed towards the city and said something in his language; Tech thanked them before they went to return to their village. 
“Hope nobody’s scared of heights,” Anakin said with a smirk. Crosshair, Hunter, and Specter turned to look at Wrecker, who perked up at the attention.
“Well, I’m not scared of nothing!” he assured, unconvincingly. He glanced down the cliff rock, however, noting the height. “I just… when I’m up real high, I got a problem with gravity,” the brute admitted.
“Speaking of problems,” Tech spoke up, “I am no longer picking up Echo’s signal.”
“I don’t understand,” Rex said, surprised, “you said it was coming from this city.”
“I can only speculate, but it is possible there’s a latency issue with the frequency caused by all these atmospheric disturbances,” Tech said, holding up his datapad.
“Or… maybe they sent the signal to lure us into a trap,” Hunter speculated. “And maybe your friend’s actually dead. Well I can’t be the only one thinking of that.”
“But if a clone can come back from the dead, then nothing could stop me from being completely unhinged,” Specter fantasized.
“Look, every mission could be a trap. This one is no different,” Rex argued against Hunter. “I’m telling you that signal is being sent by Echo himself! He’s alive!”
“I think you’re letting your personal feelings get in the way because you left him for dead at the Citadel,” Crosshair sneered, turning his back on the captain. Specter tilted her head back in exasperation. 
“I had no choice. You hear me?” Rex said, his tone dark and on the verge of anger.
“Oh, I don’t blame you. I would’ve left him for dead too. Besides, he’s just another reg.” 
Specter didn’t blame Rex, nor did she try to stop him when he punched Crosshair to the ground. 
“Hey!” Wrecker grabbed the captain by the back of his armor. “Why don’t you pick on someone not your size?” The brute threw him off, but Rex turned right back around and marched up to him.
“You’ll be a whole lot smaller when I’m through with you,” he growled.
“That’s enough!” Anakin ordered, pushing the two men apart. “Sergeant, take your men and scout the area for a tower entrance. I want to talk to my Captain alone.” Hunter motioned for the Bad Batch to follow him, Specter helped Crosshair stand up before smacking the back of his helmet, scolding her twin for his insensitive comment.
The wind howled, blowing golden dust. Specter shifted her stance again, trying to ignore the itch of sand up in her armor. The Batch did their best to peer through the sand and guard the entrance of one of the towers leading up to the city while Tech worked on the door panel. Hunter sensed someone coming, holding up his gun in defense. But it was Skywalker and Rex running to meet them.
“We’re in business, General. Tech regained Echo’s signal,” Hunter reported, shouting over the wind and walking him towards the entrance. “It’s coming from this tower. How’s it going, Tech?” The clone had his datapad hooked up to a console, quietly working through algorithms and firewalls to get past the door. After pushing a few buttons, he was able to gain access.
“Sorry it took so long,” he replied with a shrug. 
“Hey, twins, check it out,” Hunter nodded inside. 
“Ah yes, the noble sacrifices,” Specter slumped before holding up her blaster and following Crosshair, sweeping the inner room for any traps or cameras. They found nothing and turned back to the door. 
“Yeah, it’s a lift,” Crosshair deadpanned.
“How magical,” Specter feigned wonder.
“Well, we already knew that,” Rex said, unamused, walking inside with the others. Wrecker nervously looked up at the tower, most of it disappeared behind heavy clouds. 
“Wait, wait, wait. A lift? How far up are we going?” he growled.
“Don’t worry, Wrecker. I’ll hold your hand,” Hunter teased. 
“Hey! Cut it out, Sarge,” Wrecker said, bumping past Hunter’s shoulder, “Just give me some droids to crush.”
“Remember, this is a stealth mission,” the General said as the lift neared the top, “no blasting, no blowing things up. Nobody knows we’re here.”
“Pff, don’t count on it,” Specter muttered, collapsing her blaster’s stalk and preparing her pistol. The door opened to a group of droids who abandoned their tasks, turned to the intruders, and readied their weapons. Wrecker dashed out, crashing into the ones closest, throwing one at another group near the back and swinging another at a few near the opening. They fell with robotic screams.
“I told you!” Specter said before running out to the fight with her squadmates. Anakin could only shake his head with a smirk. She fired alongside Tech, covering the corridor that led inside the facility. A pair of droids snuck up behind them, separating her and Tech. Specter let them corner her against some crates; once they were right where she wanted, she jumped up and pushed off against the crates—over the droids’ line of fire—knocking them down with a split kick. A shot flew past her shoulder, striking a lone droid attempting to charge at her; Specter looked up to find Crosshair fired the shot, she returned the favor by blasting a droid approaching behind him.
 Wrecker charged at the remaining droids, firing relentlessly and cheering from the adrenaline once they were victorious. Everyone simply looked at him.
“Uh… sorry. I just got excited.” Specter came around and patted his shoulder while Tech checked his scanner.
“I’ve still got a lock on Echo’s signal.” 
“All right, men.” Hunter readied his blaster and led the way to the corridor. “Let’s hunt some droids.”
Droids on patrol marched through the hall, though they didn’t detect the door opening and Hunter peeking out. He motioned Specter forward and nodded; they stepped out, he shot the droids entering the area while she destroyed the ones that passed, clearing the way for Skywalker to step into the hallway. 
“Where exactly is Echo’s signal coming from?” he asked Tech. The clone adjusted his goggles as he looked at his datapad.
“Strange. I just lost the signal.”
“What? How can that be?” Rex asked, removing his helmet. “There’s no ‘atmospheric disturbances’ up here.”
“Well, I have a new theory. I’m surprised I did not consider it earlier,” Tech shook his head. “The signal is only traceable during data transmissions. So until Echo dispenses more intel, I cannot pick up the signal.”
“Okay, we’re splitting up. Search every door,” the General began to order, “If someone finds Echo, contact the others. We go in together, just in case there’s trouble.” Specter and Crosshair split with the General while the others went down the other way. She found nothing in the doors she checked, only storage containers and maintenance supplies. 
Specter had a very hard time believing a clone like Echo could have survived the attack on the citadel, but she knew if it was one of her squadmates, she would be just as adamant to rescue them as Rex was. But like Tech, she was logical enough to know that the chances of Echo actually being alive were low. But not zero. 
A commotion caught her attention: muffled blaster fire and a lightsaber. The clone ran towards Anakin, configuring her blaster into a sniper rifle; she got there just in time, shooting down the droids before they could attack again. The Jedi stood up, calmly walking towards her.
“Thanks for the backup.”
“No problem, General,” she said, giving a two-fingered salute.
“Hey, where did you get that weapon? I don’t think I’ve seen anything like it,” he asked as they walked down the hall.
“I doubt you would’ve. Tech and Crosshair designed and built it after I saved them on a mission from Corellia… and took care of them when they caught Corellian fever,” she snickered.
“You didn’t have to mention that,” Crosshair hissed, coming up beside them.
“Too late, Cross,” she teased, patting the side of his helmet. He swatted her hand away. “But I was the one who helped engineer the reconfiguring mechanism.”
“Clever,” the Jedi complimented. 
“Don’t let it get to her head,” Crosshair warned.
“Hey, how about when you— did you guys hear something?” Specter stopped herself, suddenly perking up. The others heard it too; sounds of droids and blasters being fired. 
“Sounds like trouble. Let’s move,” the General ordered.
It seemed the three had arrived just in time to even the odds against the droids attacking the rest of the team. Anakin used the Force to push a group out of his way, swinging his lightsaber to cut them and deflect their shots. Hunter took the opportunity to go on the offensive, Wrecker, Tech, and Rex joined in. The Sergeant held up a droid by the neck, ready to punch its head off, but Crosshair came in and shot it off for him. A whistle sounded, Specter came running in, taking a position by Wrecker.
“Hey, swing me around,” she said.
“Like on Mon Cala?” he asked, shooting a few droids.
“What? No, like on Ryloth.” They hooked their arms around each other and he spun, swinging Specter around to shoot and kick at the rest of the droids near them. The Jedi stabbed the last one. “Mon Cala… you didn’t swing me, you threw me. Underwater,” Specter mumbled. More blaster fire filled the hallway, even more droids were coming. The team took defensive positions in the side of the room. 
“Tech, open that door for Rex!” Anakin ordered over the noise. 
“Yes, sir!” Tech nodded and ran to take care of the door.
“I hope you find what you’re looking for, Captain,” Hunter said, turning to acknowledge him. “Specter, you’re with them.” Rex and Specter ran to meet Tech who was able to get the door open and enter the room. It was filled with dimly lit panels and other controls. 
“I don’t like the look of this,” Specter heard Rex say— her back was turned, keeping an eye on the door and their other surroundings. 
“I’m definitely picking up a life-form in there,” Tech said, his scanner beeping in rapid succession. He investigated the controls, “It seems to be a stasis chamber. I think I can get it open.” Specter looked over her shoulder, Tech worked at the control panel and got the chamber open. 
The door hissed open and a form fell forward, only caught by the wires attached to—him. It was a body. Malnourished, disfigured, but a clone’s body nonetheless. Specter stifled a gasp at the sight. 
“Echo,” Rex breathed. “Tech, we’ve got to get him out of here. Figure out how to…  unplug him from… from this mess.” Rex frantically undid the line around his torso, laying the body down onto the floor, cables were still attached to Echo’s head. “What have they done to you?” Specter abandoned watching the door and turned to go help Rex, who had taken off his helmet.
“We… we have to get to the shuttle to escape the Citadel,” the soldier muttered. His eyes were open but unseeing, skin sickly and pale, body emaciated and drawn. Both his legs and his right arm were replaced by cybernetic parts.
“He’s stable, but blood sugar is low,” Specter reported, removing her helmet and taking out a small flashlight. She shined it in his eyes, they were dilated and unfocused. “He’s in there but barely. Hallucinating. Oxygen in his brain must be low too, his heartbeat is irregular.” She felt his pulse on his wrist and by his neck.
“No! I’ll go first,” Echo continued in his hallucination, reaching out. Rex gently shook him.
“Echo,” he pleaded. “Echo, it’s Rex. I’m here.” The pale clone calmed down, his eyes came into focus.
“Rex? You, you came back for me,” he breathed, reaching to touch Rex.
“Yes. Yes, I did,” Rex assured. 
“What? What happened? Where am I?” Echo looked around.
“Yeah, he’s coming around alright. It’s okay, soldier. You’re safe now,” she assured.
“Just sit tight, Echo,” Rex said, “You’re going home.”
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
Several months into the Imperial Era, during a routine job for either Cid or Rex (you can pick which it's not really important), Clone Force 99 end up on a busy Trade HUB city planet similar to either Coruscant or Daiyo.
The streets are bustling with movement and all kinds of legal (and ilegal) activity, and it's somewhat easy to get lost in the crowd and blend in. The group splits up to get affairs done, with Wrecker and Hunter going to talk with an informant, while Tech goes off to shop for parts for the Marauder, and Echo and Omega go shop for other more basic supplies.
Omega ends up wandering off accidentally and gets lost, which almost immediately catches the attention of some less than agreeable folks. She gets cornered in an alleyway and, just when everything seems like it's going to end badly, she gets rescued by two cloaked strangers.
The two ask her if she's ok and if she needs help getting back from wherever it is she came from, which she's apprehensive about at first until she catches a glimpse of their hooded faces. Two clones, both with hairline scars where their chips used to be.
Echo tracks Omega down and is initially alarmed seeing the two strangers talking to her, before Omega notices him and says that she's ok and that the two are friends. That they don't have their chips in anymore. Naturally, Echo demands they identify themselves, which one of them does almost immediately. The one that hesitated when Omega called out Echo's name.
Lo and behold the hoods come off... And it's Fives and Tup under there. Looking just as shocked and bewildered about Echo being alive, as Echo is shocked that **they** are standing before him looking as right as rain.
The reunion is a hesitant frail yet exhilarating thing. With Echo and Fives both not trusting this too good to be true situation, and actively questioning each other on things only the Domino Twins would know, before it fully hits them. This is real. They're both there. They're both alive. They made it.
They hold on to each other for dear life while very openly crying, foreheads pressed together and just letting all of the emotions, the survivor's guilt, the denial, the hope and sibling love flow. Tup and Omega watch on quietly. Let them work it out.
There's going to be a lot of explaining to be done. And Hunter resolves that they call Rex once they can set up a more secure connection because this is great news. The trip back is a bonding experience and a lot of catching up on what they've all gotten up to since the Order went out. They decide to talk about the more extensive details of Fives and Tup's survival once they can talk to Rex.
The mission having gone off without a hitch boosts everyone's mood. And while Tech sets up a call with Rex with Tup's help, the rest of the batch goes off on a small errand to make a quick credit while they wait.
This errand ends... Rather poorly.
They catch the attention of some upstart street gang that ends up trying to rob them, and during a struggle one of them throws an explosive charge at Echo. Fives reacts almost immediately and grabs the charge to toss it away from the twin he'd thought he'd lost to another explosion. It goes off in his grip... Revealing circuity and hydrolics beneath...
Everyone stops.
It's like time itself has frozen as they all stare at the mangled machinery that used to be Fives's arm. Echo is mortified, but not more so than Fives himself who's staring at the mess like it's completely foreign to him. He looks at the others, sees their horror, the fear, the sudden distrust in their eyes, and he backs away. He doesn't know what to say, he doesn't know what this is.
When he looks at Echo specifically, he sees the absolute betrayal in his eyes.
"You're... You're not..." Not Fives, but Echo doesn't finish that inquiry. He doesn't need to. The others are reaching for their holsters, Omega looks at a loss for what to do.
"̴I̷'̸m̸.̸.̷.̴ ̴I̸ ̸a̵m̶ ̵I̷.̴.̵.̷ ̴I̸ ̵h̸a̶v̸e̶ ̶t̸o̵ ̷b̷e̶!̵ ̴I̴ ̴a̴m̵ ̷F̷i̸v̴e̵s̵!̸"̶ The cybernetic imposter calls out, but he doesn't sound like Fives. The blast must have broken something internal, because his voice is a glitchy mess, and that just distresses him further. "̸I̶'̸m̶ ̸r̶e̷a̶l̶.̷.̵.̷ ̶I̶.̶.̷.̵"̶
The machine steps back, clutching the ruined arm with tears in his frightened eyes.
"̸I̵ ̶h̸a̸v̵e̸ ̴t̸o̶ ̵b̴e̸.̵.̵.̷"̷
And then he runs away. Leaving them completely behind.
Echo is a mess. He really thought he had his brother back, but it was some kind of twisted joke. A sick trick of some kind. It's like losing Fives all over again, but there's no time to dwell on it. Tech is alone with Tup who is very likely also an imposter as well. They need to hurry back.
When they return to the Marauder they find Tup strapped to a table and connected to several machines. He looks absolutely distressed, much like Fives had, while Tech is both disturbed and highly fascinated by this entire situation.
While the others were off on their own, Tech had offered to give Tup a medical check-up (since they hadn't had the time to do it before, and it's better to be safe with one's health than to be sorry), only for both of them to get some rather odd readings when Tech did a preliminary scan.
Readings that indicated Tup was not a human, but rather a machine of some kind, which alarmed Tech and put him on the defensive. Tup immediately swears that this can't be possible, that he remembers training as a cadet on Kamino, remembers graduating and joining the 501st, remembers the shitshow that was Umbara, and so on and so forth... That there's no way he's a fake!
Hearing all this, Tech ponders for a while before agreeing to believe him (or at least believing that Tup really didn't know because the other is absolutely terrified). And, so long as they could run a few tests, he'll trust that Tup isn't up to anything insidious.
The tests reveal something very alarming indeed: That Tup is a very soffisticated kind of android designed to perfectly mimic people, and that who's AI was created using a brain scan.
It's also revealed that, upon trying to look back on his very last memory before he and Fives ended up on the run, Tup cannot remember what happened on Ringo Vida. Has no memory of what lead up to the real Tup's death. The scan must have been done right before Tup died, so he'd have nothing to go on other than Fives's word...
Realizing that this is a lot more complex than they immediately assumed (and seeing how freaked out Tup is at discovering he's "not real"), Echo runs off to go find Fives while everyone else is busy with the implications of perfect android imposters.
He's still shaken up about all this. But, seeing how genuinely afraid Tup is, he can't live with the idea of having any version of Fives (not even an AI copy) dealing with this on his own.
Echo knows what it's like to wake up altered in a now barely recognizable galaxy, after all...
He manages to track the damaged (wounded?) android to a very dingy looking public bathroom. Fives is curled up under a sink and, when Echo kneels down in front of him to see if he's ok, he's horrified to find that Fives has ripped off the left side of his face to expose the machinery beneath. He looks heartbroken and so terribly afraid.
"̴I̴'̸m̸ ̷r̴e̷a̷l̵.̷.̵.̷ ̸I̷.̵.̸.̴ ̴I̸'̴m̸ ̴r̵e̸a̵l̷ ̸I̷ ̶p̷r̷o̴m̶i̶s̶e̸.̷.̷.̷"̴ The left side of his face is a horrifying abomination made up of various servos and circuits, the right side a hauntingly lifelike mockery of life.
"̴E̷y̵'̴i̵k̷a̵ ̴I̷ ̶p̷r̵o̷m̴i̸s̵e̸ ̸i̷t̴'̸s̵ ̶m̷e̶.̷.̷.̴ ̷I̶.̸.̸.̷ ̵I̸'̸m̴ ̴F̴i̵v̴e̸s̸!̴ ̷I̵.̴.̶.̷ ̸I̸.̵.̴.̴ ̸I̷'̴m̵ ̸s̴c̵a̸r̷e̵d̸.̷.̶.̴"̵
And Echo believes him.
Because, even if this is a copy, a cheap knockoff, those are still his brother's memories in there. And he's terrified and hurting. He's only ever heard Fives so terribly afraid once, and it still haunts his nightmares to this day.
Echo scoops up his twin into his arms and just holds him while Fives cries his heart out. They'll figure this out. Somehow.
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Hi, hello there~ Are you still accepting unhinged asks? If so, in the nudity comfort scale – ranging from “occasionally engages in streaking, as enrichment” to “s/o won't see his ankle until at least three years into the marriage” – how would you sort the 501st (or your favorite squad!)?
Abso-fuckin-lutely I’m still accepting unhinged asks!! Gimme! (I’ve been feeling pretty grimy these last couple days, so writing anything series is fighting me a bit. This was a perfect little escape! Thanks!)
I know you said “or” my favorite squad… but why not both? (well, ish. This was already pretty much answered for CF99 in the fresher question, so we’ll ignore them)
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Rex – Oh this man is very hesitant to take the next step. Courteous to a fault, when things get steamy for the first time, he’s constantly pulling back until you gently guide his hands to your shirt, and you’ll likely need to be the one to start tugging at his clothes, too. He’ll just worry he’s overstepping unspoken boundaries or moving too fast. After the first time that tension gradually eases, though. He isn’t likely to stroll naked and proud through your home anytime soon, but he may join you in the shower, and, if you ask nicely, he might start leaving his shirt off at night.
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Echo – Okay, he’s not a prude. Really. He just makes sure to let you take the first step. Once your intentions are clear, however, he’ll readily pull his shirt off knowingly watching your face for the coming flush of appreciation. He’s not nearly as cocky as his twin, but he knows he looks good. While he isn’t likely to surprise you with a wealth of exposed skin throughout the day, he quickly figures out what seeing him walking around topless does to you and uses it to tease you on occasion.
Post Citadel – Much less confident. The first several times you get him undressed, you’ll need to shower him with constant reassurances that he’s still gorgeous, and even after, he’ll still have moments of doubt. His body is different. There’s no dismissing that. Just be patient with him. He deserves it, and he’ll eventually start to believe just how much you still love him.
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Fives – He’s naked when you meet him. So’s Heavy. Don’t ask. Once you two get serious and if you’re receptive, he has no qualms in shedding the layers of armor and cloth, shameless of the body he’s proudly developed into stunning perfection. And for the life of you, there’s not a single argument to be made against it.
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Hardcase – In his defense, he really thought Fives had taken his blacks, so ripping them off the arc seemed justified at the time. Of course, it wasn’t until later he realized he’d forgotten them on his bed… Aside from that initial mishap, however, he’s quite pleased with his physique, so he’s very eager to flaunt it. Constantly. So much so that you’ve taken to shouting a warning when you get home if you’ve brought anyone with you just in case he needs to cover up…
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Jesse – He lounges in shorts and nothing else. It’s not even a sexual thing, he just likes relaxing like that. Give him the slightest encouragement, however, and that little garment goes flying across the room and he’ll have you in his arms before it hits the floor.
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Kix – Medics are born without a care in the world about nudity. His. Yours. That drunk gungan at 79s. That being said, he’s not going to just strip the instant the door closes behind him. Undressing in itself is an act of intimacy, and he’s eager to savor that with you when you’re both ready for it. This man eases the clothes from the both of you like he’s unwrapping a precious gift, fingers slow and full of patient intent, lips smirking at your every gasp. He treasures the closeness of those moments, so isn’t likely to lessen them with casual nudity.
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Tup – He really doesn’t even think about there being anything promiscuous to not wearing a shirt. I mean, he was practically raised by Fives and Hardcase, so that’s just a part of life. When he sees you noticing him the first time he casually goes about bare chested though, he’s simultaneously embarrassed and pleased. He’ll apologize and offer to cover up. Don’t say yes. Don’t you dare. You worship that sweet man like the treasure he is. He’ll be a bit more aware of being dressed around you afterwards but is happy to change that by your request.
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Dogma – You don’t even get to see his arms until after marriage. Is it worth it? Yes. Does he damn near have a meltdown when you take off your shirt? Also yes. It’s almost concerning. After two or three nights, however, he actually calms down pretty quickly. But only with you.
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Wolffe – He doesn’t really flaunt like, say, Fives and Hardcase. Flaunting implies there still being a need to attract you. He knows you want him. There’s no shame or really even thought given to underdressing – it’s just a step he needs to get through in order to take you like you’ve been begging him to all night. You undressing, however, is something else entirely. He goes perfectly still, watching you utterly enraptured. Seeing you bare is something he’ll never get used to. While he doesn’t feel the need to try to lure you to bed by showing skin, if you wander about in, say, shorts and a tanktop, he’ll forget whatever he was doing and just stair at you with that hunger in his eyes until you notice him. Then it’s only a question of if he takes the time to get you to the bedroom first when there’s a perfectly good countertop right there…
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Sinker – It depends on his mood, honestly. If he’s feeling good, he’ll go about shirtless feigning ignorance to what it does to you. If he’s not in a great headspace though, he’ll barely let you ease him out of his armor to snuggle up next to him even though he knows it’ll make him feel better. This man has a lot going on in that head of his, so being adaptive and patient is a must.
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Boost – He’s a goofball through and through. He’ll go about in his skivvies like he forgot to put on pants just to see you blush. “Oh noooo, oops; how long has that been like that? I’m so embarrassed.” And then proceeds to not put pants on.
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Warthog – Similar to Jesse, he likes to lounge about in shorts when he’s relaxing. It’s not meant to mean anything – he’s just comfy. But if he notices you looking at him? Yeah, he’ll flex and flash you that little smirk, then laughs when you blush which only makes you want him even more. He’ll tease you about being caught staring at him like a piece of meat, but he loves it.
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Comet – This sweet man is very much like Echo in this regards. He knows you love to look at him, but he doesn’t use that to try to get your pants off as quickly as he can. He’s far more eager to make sure the lead up has you both desperate for each other before even taking his shirt off. He’s in no rush and wants to savor every second with you. He’ll absolutely snuggle naked with you afterwards, though. He’ll even fall asleep like that, which is just such a shame come morning…
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hi! i saw your intro post about your favorite characters and wanted to ask; what do you like most about dupli-kate? i found her hard to like after she had sex with rex when he was dating eve, but maybe i didn’t see the more likable or even redeemable traits after that scene. just curious!! :)
[gasps excitedly] oh my goodness i love this questionnn, uhhmm i think purple characters are all really cool. they're easily an instant fave of mines tbh (claire from trollhunters, daphne from scooby-doo, starfire from teen titans, entrapta from spop, amethyst from steven universe, miko from transformers prime, eulalie from nevermore)
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i can't focus on one specific thing that i like about her the most cause she wasn't as exposed to us audience as other side characters were like eve and cecil 😭😭 so uhhhh,,,, i hope you don't mind me dumping all these thoughts on her ahadhsahajshaha
i really liked her in the flaxxans episode!! when robot gave instructions to everyone in the team, he told kate to keep doing what she's doing. i love how it implied she's a competent hero. you'd often see teen heroes be portrayed as too eager and/or too reckless at that age (which isn't a problem, more of an observation), but she's a very focused and efficient in what she does.
also i'm on her side, she didn't do anything wrong on purpose. she seemed genuine when she saw eve look hurt and told her that rex told her that eve was "seeing invincible now" 😭😭 this one was on rex. i firmly believe she wouldn't have had sex with rex if she knew he was still involved with someone, she would have done that wayyy earlier in the show if that wasn't the case (and you see him screw it up too with saying that kate's copy is not even "the real kate" 💀)
and in the battle beast scene, she didn't have moments to really shine there like rex and black samson. but it does show, that along with shrink rae, that when it comes to team fights she acts as a good support :3
spoiler time!! this is about her in the comics, i haven't read it but i got some info about her from my moots <33 this is a pretty mild thing tho, nothing concerning the plot: she's one of the best dressed there hehe. i really like her style so i hope she gets to wear casual outfits in season 2
okay now this is pretty spoiler-y so you can skip this part just in case. if you go back to the episode that showed the mauler twins in their cells, you'll see a guy that has copies of himself in one of the cells. that's multi-paul - and he's kate's twin brother!! she got the trope of "hero character with a villain sibling". even when paul is a villain, they both care a lot about each other. special mention to our local paul ceo: @spellbook-gayboy btw!! kate and paul wrote letters to each other even when they on different teams.
UPDATE: i rewatched s1 and that scene where samson reviewed where they went wrong on their last fight with the lizard league, kate was the one that was openly humble about it. rex complained how overbearing samson is with the ordeal but she didn't turn down samson's points. she's open to criticism and is not afraid to let rex know that he could do better too.
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